The mode of operation of the speech therapy group in the kindergarten. Regulations on speech therapy group at mdo


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 20


622911, p. Nikolo-Pavlovskoe, Prigorodny district,

Sverdlovsk region, per. Pionersky-1A, tel. Fax 915-439

I approve

head of MBDOU


combined type No. 20

___________ N.V. Semenova

"____" ______________ 2013

Regulation on speech therapy group

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision regulates the activities of the speech therapy group in the MBDOU combined kindergarten No. 20 in accordance with the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation"Dated 07.24.98. No. 124-FZ, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 No. 2075 "On the duration of working hours of teachers", Resolution of the Chief State Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On approval SanPin "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Maintenance and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Organizations"

1.2. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing the activities of the speech therapy group MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. (hereinafter referred to as DOU) in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, on the basis of the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2000 No. 2 " On the organization of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution ", the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the provisions of the preschool educational institution" On the regulatory and legal organization of speech therapy support "

1.3. A speech therapy group is created in a preschool educational institution - kindergarten compensating or combined type in the presence of conditions for functioning in order to

1.4 The purpose of organizing a speech therapy group in a preschool educational institution is to create an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for correcting violations in the development of children's speech (of a primary nature), in their mastering preschool educational programs and preparing children for successful education in a comprehensive school.

1.5 The main tasks of the speech therapy station MBDOU kindergarten of combined type №:

Correction of violations of the oral speech of children: the formation of correct pronunciation, the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language, skills of coherent speech;

Timely prevention of the occurrence of violations of reading and writing;

Correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development;

Enhancing the cognitive activity of children;

Promotion of speech therapy knowledge among teachers, parents (legal representatives).

1.6. The activities of the speech therapy group can be terminated by liquidation by the decision of the Founder of the preschool educational institution.

2. Organization of speech therapy work

2.1. Speech therapy groups in a preschool educational institution are opened on the basis of the order of the Education Department of the Administration of the Gornouralsky urban district and are completed in accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution

2.2. Pupils who have the following disorders in the development of speech are enrolled in a speech therapy group:

General underdevelopment of speech at different levels (OHP) with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia;

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN);

Phonetic underdevelopment (FN);


2.3. Enrollment in a speech therapy group is carried out with the consent of parents (legal representatives) on the basis of an application and is carried out on the basis of a speech examination of pupils, which is carried out from 15 to 30 May and from 1 to 15 September annually. The examined pupils with speech impairments are registered in the register of children with speech impairments.

2.4. As a rule, children of the same age and level of speech development are enrolled in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution.

2.5. Children from 5 years of age with rhinolalia, dysarthria, dyslalia are admitted to the speech therapy group of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. The term of correctional and developmental work is one to two years. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy group is no more than 15 people.

2.6. Children who have:

Underdevelopment of speech due to mental retardation;

Dementia of organic, schizophrenic and epileptic genesis;

3.1. Direct management of the work of a speech therapist teacher is carried out by the administration of a preschool educational institution.

4.1. The staff of the municipal preschool educational institution introduces the position of a speech therapist at the rate of 1 unit for each group of children with speech disorders.

5.1 Speech therapy room is located in the premises of a preschool educational institution.

Regulations on the speech therapy group

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision regulates the activities of the speech therapy group in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated 07.24.98. No. 124-FZ ;.

1.2. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing the activities of the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution of the city _____ No. _____ (hereinafter DOE) in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, based on the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 02.14.2000 No. 2 "On the organization of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution", the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the provisions of the preschool educational institution "On the regulatory and legal organization of speech therapy support"

1.3. A speech therapy group is created in a preschool educational institution - a kindergarten of a compensatory or combined type in the presence of conditions for functioning in order to

1.4 The purpose of organizing a speech therapy group in a preschool educational institution is to create an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for correcting violations in the development of children's speech (of a primary nature), in their mastering preschool educational programs and preparing children for successful education in a comprehensive school.

1.5 The main tasks of the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution No. ____:

- correction of violations of oral speech of children: the formation of correct pronunciation, the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language, skills of coherent speech;

- timely prevention of the occurrence of violations of reading and writing;

- correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development;

- activation of the cognitive activity of children;

- Promotion of speech therapy knowledge among teachers, parents (legal representatives).

1.6. The activities of the speech therapy group can be terminated by liquidation by the decision of the Founder of the preschool educational institution.

2. Organization of speech therapy work

2.1. Speech therapy groups in a preschool educational institution are opened on the basis of the order of the Department of Education and Science of the city administration ____ and are completed in accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution

2.2. Pupils who have the following disorders in the development of speech are enrolled in a speech therapy group:

General underdevelopment of speech at different levels (OHP) with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia;

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN);

Phonetic underdevelopment (FN);


2.3. Enrollment in a speech therapy group is carried out with the consent of parents (legal representatives) on the basis of an application and is carried out on the basis of a speech examination of pupils, which is carried out from 15 to 30 May and from 1 to 15 September annually. The examined pupils with speech impairments are registered in the register of children with speech impairments.

2.4. As a rule, children of the same age and level of speech development are enrolled in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution.

2.5. Children with alalia, aphasia, speech defects caused by impaired structure and mobility of the speech apparatus (rhinolalia, dysarthria), from three to five years old, are admitted to the speech therapy group of children with general speech underdevelopment. The term of correctional and developmental work is 2-3 years. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy group is no more than 12 people.

2.6. Children from 5 years of age with rhinolalia, dysarthria, dyslalia are admitted to the speech therapy group of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. The term of correctional and developmental work is one to two years. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy group is no more than 15 people.

2.7. Children who have:

Underdevelopment of speech due to mental retardation;

Dementia of organic, schizophrenic and epileptic genesis;

Gross disorders of vision, hearing, motor sphere;

Communication disorders in the form of early childhood autism;

Delay mental development;

Phonetic disorders that can be corrected at the speech therapy center of preschool educational institutions;

Diseases that are contraindications for enrollment in general preschool institutions.

2.8. For each child enrolled in a speech therapy group, a speech therapist teacher fills out a speech card.

2.9. The main form of organization of correctional and developmental work is group (frontal), subgroup and individual speech therapy classes.

2.10. Group speech therapy classes are conducted in accordance with the curriculum for teaching children with speech disorders.

2.11. Subgroup and individual speech therapy classes, as a rule, are held outside of the classes provided for by the schedule of classes of the municipal preschool educational institution, taking into account the mode of operation of the educational institution and the psychophysical characteristics of the development of preschool children.

2.12. The frequency of subgroup and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech development disorders in children.

2.13. Individual lessons are held at least three times a week:

With children who have general underdevelopment speech;

With children with speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia).

As the pronunciation skills of children are formed, classes with them are held in a subgroup.

2.14. Subgroup lessons are conducted:

With children with general speech underdevelopment - at least three times a week;

With children with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment at least two to three times a week;

2.15. Duration of a group speech therapy lesson:

IN senior group - 20-25 minutes;

In the preparatory group for school - 25-30 minutes.

2.16. The duration of a subgroup lesson is 15-20 minutes, the duration of an individual lesson is 15 minutes with each child.

2.17. Between group lessons, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between individual and subgroup lessons - 5-10 minutes.

2.18. Every day, in the afternoon, group classes of the teacher are held on the instructions of the speech therapist

2.19. The release of children from the speech therapy group is carried out by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution after the end of the term of correctional and speech therapy training.

2.20. In cases where it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or extend the term of speech therapy, children with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), are sent by the teacher-speech therapist to the appropriate treatment and prophylactic institution for examination by specialist doctors (neuropathologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) or to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city ___.

2.21. Parents (legal representatives), a speech therapist, educator and head of a municipal preschool educational institution are responsible for the compulsory attendance of children in classes in a speech therapy group.

3. Management of speech therapy station

3.1. Direct management of the work of a speech therapist teacher is carried out by the administration of a preschool educational institution.

3.2. Head of the preschool educational institution:

Provides the creation of conditions for carrying out correctional and pedagogical work with children;

Selects permanent educators with a higher pedagogical education, the first or the highest qualification category and experience in working with children of senior preschool age for a speech therapy group.

Provides the speech therapy office with special equipment, methodological literature

3.3. Scientific and methodological support, advisory assistance to speech therapists, coordination of the work of the city methodological association teachers-speech therapists are carried out by a methodologist-speech therapist ___________

3.4. Improvement of the level of professional qualifications, exchange of experience in speech therapy work is carried out at the city methodological association of speech therapists, at advanced training courses, etc.

4. The rights and obligations of the speech therapist teacher

4.1. The staff of the municipal preschool educational institution introduces the position of a speech therapist at the rate of 1 unit for each group of children with speech disorders.

4.2. Teachers-speech therapists are appointed persons who have a higher defectological education or higher pedagogical education with the obligatory completion of retraining courses in the specialty "speech therapy".

4.3. A speech therapist teacher is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for the organization and timely identification of children with primary speech pathology, the optimal recruitment of groups for classes in a speech therapy group, the quality of correctional and developmental education for children with speech disorders.

4.5. A speech therapist teacher provides advice to teachers of a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) of children, gives recommendations on strengthening the skills of correct speech in different types activities of the child.

4.6. Teacher speech therapist:

Examines the speech of children of secondary, senior and preparatory for school groups of a preschool educational institution;

Examines the speech of children of the younger group at the suggestion of educators or parents (legal representatives) of the child;

Completes groups of children for classes in a speech therapy center;

Conducts regular classes with children to correct various speech disorders, carries out during speech therapy classes preventive work to prevent reading and writing disorders;

Prepares documents for examining children in a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation in order to be assigned to special groups;

Carries out interaction with teachers on the development of children in the program of a preschool educational institution;

Submits an annual report to the administration of a preschool educational institution and a speech therapist, containing information on the number of children with speech impairments in a municipal preschool educational institution and the results of correctional and developmental work;

Keeps in touch with preschool speech therapists educational institutions, with speech therapists and teachers primary grades educational institutions, with teachers of special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, with speech therapists and specialist doctors of children's polyclinics and psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations;

Informs the teaching staff of the municipal preschool educational institution about the tasks, content, work of the speech therapy center;

Conducts explanatory and educational work among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of children, speaking with messages about the tasks and specifics of speech therapy work to overcome speech disorders;

Participates in the work of the city methodological association of speech therapists and the methodological association of the municipal preschool educational institution;

Improves his professional qualifications and is certified in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

4.7. A teacher-speech therapist at a speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution enjoys all the benefits and advantages (the duration of the next vacation, the procedure for retirement benefits, additional payments) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.8. The duration of the working time (norm of hours of work per wage rate) of a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center of a municipal preschool educational institution is set at 20 astronomical hours of pedagogical work per week (18 hours of work with children with speech impairments and 2 hours for counseling work ).

4.9. A speech therapist teacher maintains documentation:

Annual plan;

Register of children with speech disabilities;

A long-term plan of work with children with OHP and FFN;

Timetable of classes;

Attendance log;

A register of children enrolled in a speech center;

Speech cards;

Individual notebooks for lessons with children;

Speech therapist's report for the year.

5. Logistics and financial support

5.1 Speech therapy room is located in the premises of a preschool educational institution.

5.2. For a speech therapy office, a room is allocated with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20 square meters, which meets sanitary and hygienic standards.

5.3. Speech therapy room is provided with special equipment.

5.4. Responsibility for the equipment of the speech therapy room, its sanitary maintenance, and repair of the premises rests with the administration of the preschool educational institution.

5.5. For the treatment of the hands of a speech therapist and speech therapy equipment (probes, spatulas), the consumption rate is approved ethyl alcohol at the rate of 20 grams of ethyl alcohol per year for one child with speech impairments.

5.6. Remuneration for the work of speech therapists of municipal preschool educational institutions is carried out in the range of 8-14 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule, in accordance with the tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).

5.7. For teachers-speech therapists of municipal preschool educational institutions, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 20% for working with children with speech disabilities.

5.8. Remuneration for the work of educators working in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution is made at the rate of 25 hours of pedagogical work per week.

5.9. For educators, junior educators (assistant educators) working in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 20% for working with children with speech disabilities.

5.10. For teachers of preschool educational institutions working with children with speech disabilities, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 20% for the hours of classes that they teach in speech therapy groups.

5.11. For doctors, nursing staff working with children with speech disabilities, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 15% for working with children attending speech therapy groups.

5.12. Heads of municipal preschool educational institutions, who have created the necessary conditions for the functioning of speech therapy groups, increase their salaries in the amount depending on the number of groups:

In the presence of 2-4 groups - 10%;

If there are 5 or more groups - 15%

"____" "_________" 20 ____ g of the labor collective of MBDOU No. 175

"___" _____ 20__ Protocol No.


about speech therapy group for children with speech disorders

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type No. 175 "Fidgets"

1 ... General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, and other regulatory documents.

1.2. This Regulation regulates the activities of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution of the Combined Kindergarten No. 175 "Fidgets" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) with speech therapy groups for children with speech disorders.

1.3. A speech therapy group is created in a kindergarten of a combined type in the presence of conditions for the functioning of this group in order to create an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for the correction of disorders in the development of speech of children, in their mastering of general educational programs of preschool education with the priority implementation of qualified correction of severe speech disorders of children and general education programs of preschool education, as well as preparing children for successful schooling.

1.4. The activity of the speech therapy group can be terminated by liquidation by the decision of the Founder of the preschool educational institution

1.5. Equipping speech therapy groups with hard and soft implements, special equipment and manuals is carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations implemented by the programs.

2. The order of recruiting speech therapy groups for children with speech disorders, the organization of their work.

2.1. Pupils with the following diagnoses are enrolled in a speech therapy group;

Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFNR)

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) levels 2 and 3

Phonetic underdevelopment (FN)

2.2. The decision to enroll or refuse to enroll a child in a speech therapy group with speech disorders is made on the basis of the recommendation of the Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPK) in agreement with the parents.

2.3. Such groups accept children with general speech underdevelopment at the age of 5 years and older, with normal hearing and intellect. Pupils are enrolled in one group, taking into account the age and type of speech defect. The size of the groups is also determined by the age and type of speech defect:

Preschool age (from 5 to 7 years old) - up to 12 people.

2.4. Children with general speech underdevelopment, dysarthria, alalia, are enrolled for 2 years (depending on age and level of speech development).

2.5. The child's personal file is a file folder in which the following documents are attached:

    Copy of the child's birth certificate

    Application from the parents (legal representatives) - consent to the examination of the child in the PMPK

    A copy of the passport of the parents (legal representatives);

    Characteristics for a child-pupil of a preschool educational institution

    Conclusion of a teacher-psychologist

    Conclusion of a speech therapist;

2.6 To assign a child to a speech therapy group, the following documents are provided:

    Referral for each child;

    Conclusion PMPK

    Parents' statement.

2.7. Occupancy rate of speech therapy - no more than 12 people

2.8. Children who have:

    Underdevelopment of speech due to mental retardation;

    Dementias of organic, schizophrenic and epileptic genesis:

    Gross disorders of vision, hearing, motor sphere;

    Communication disorders in the form of early childhood autism;

    Delayed mental development.

2.9. The main form of organization of correctional and developmental work is group

    At the end of the established period of study, children who need to continue their studies are re-examined by members of the PMPK. The reason for extending the period of study may be the severity of the defect, somatic weakness, absence from classes due to illness and other objective reasons.

3. Organization of speech therapy work.

3.0 ... Educational and educational work in speech therapy groups is carried out in accordance with the implemented comprehensive and partial educational programs provided for by the Charter of the institution.

To work with children with speech impairments, one rate for a speech therapist and two rates for a teacher for each group is introduced.

3.1. The duration of education for children in a group with speech disorders is 2 years (depending on the severity of the defect). In case of justified need, a child in such a group can be up to the age of 8 years The decision is made by the PMPK in agreement with the parents (legal representatives).

3.2. The main form of organization of correctional and developmental work is group

(frontal), subgroup and individual speech therapy sessions.

3.3. Group speech therapy classes are conducted in accordance with the curriculum for teaching children with speech disorders.

3.4. Subgroup and individual speech therapy classes, as a rule, are held outside the classes provided for by the schedule of classes of the municipal preschool educational institution, taking into account the operating mode of the educational institution, taking into account the operating mode of the educational institution and the psychophysical characteristics of the development of preschool children.

3.5. The frequency of subgroup and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech development disorders in children.

3.6. Individual lessons are held at least three times a week:

    With children with general speech underdevelopment

    With children with speech defects caused by impaired structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia)

As the pronunciation skills of children are formed, classes with them are held in a subgroup.

3.7. Subgroup lessons are conducted:

    With children with general speech underdevelopment - at least three times a week;

    With children with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment at least two to three times a week.

3.8. Duration of a group speech therapy lesson:

    In the older group 20-25 minutes

    In the preparatory group for school, 25-30 minutes.

3.9. The duration of the subgroup lesson is 15-20 minutes, the duration of the individual lesson is 15 minutes with each child.

3.10. Between group classes, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed.

3.11. Every day, in the second half, on the instructions of the speech therapist teacher, group classes are held by teachers of speech therapy groups.

3.12. The release of children from the speech therapy group is carried out by the psychological and pedagogical commission after the end of the term of correction and speech therapy training.

3.13. the length of stay of pupils in a speech therapy group is determined by the city PMPK, depending on the dynamics of correction of speech impairment and can range from 2 to 3 years. In exceptional cases, children are allowed to stay in a group for more than 3 years-duplication of a preparatory group for school with speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia), by decision of the city PMPK and the consent of the parents (legal representatives)

    The protocol and the decision of the psychological and pedagogical commission by the conclusion of specialists and an indication of the required period of stay of the child in the speech therapy group.

3.14 In the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution, as a rule, children of the same age and level of speech development are enrolled. And on the basis of a survey of pupils' speech, which is carried out from April to May annually. The examined pupils with speech impairments are registered in the registration protocol for children with speech impairments.

3.15. For each child enrolled in a speech therapy group, a speech therapist teacher fills out a speech card.

3.16. Remuneration for speech therapists of municipal preschool educational institutions is carried out in the range of 8-14 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule, in accordance with tariff and qualification requirements.

3.17.Teachers-logopedists of municipal preschool educational institutions are increased tariff rates (official salaries) by 20% for working with children with speech deviations.

3.18. Remuneration and the duration of annual vacations for employees of a speech therapy group are established in accordance with the standards provided for personnel of special (correctional) educational institutions (groups) for students, pupils with developmental disabilities (Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Trade Union of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 13.01.2001 P20-53.193 / 20-5 / 7, order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 360 dated 20.08.94).

3.19. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or extend the term of speech therapy work by children with speech impairments, with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), they are sent by the teacher-logopedist to the appropriate treatment and prophylactic institutions for examination by specialist doctors (neurologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc. ) or to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of Vladikavkaz.

3.20 .. Parents (legal representatives), a speech therapist, educator and head of the preschool educational institution are responsible for the compulsory attendance of children in classes in a speech therapy group.

4 Leadership of speech therapy group

4.1. Direct management of the work of a speech therapist aboutexists the administration of the preschool educational institution.

4.2. Head of the preschool educational institution:

    Provides the creation of conditions for carrying out correctional and pedagogical work with children;

    Selects permanent teachers with a higher pedagogical education, the first or the highest qualification category and experience in working with children of senior preschool age for a speech therapy group.

    Provides speech therapy room with special equipment, methodological literature.

4.3. Scientific and methodological support, consultations, exchange of experience for speech therapists, coordination of the work of the city methodological association of speech therapists is carried out by the city psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

4.4.Increasing the level of professional qualifications is carried out at the city methodological association of speech therapists, at advanced training courses, etc.

4.5 teacher speech therapist maintains documentation

    Register of attendance of speech therapy classes with children

    Speech maps of the spoken language survey for each child.

    Work plan of a speech therapist teacher for the academic year

    A notebook for individual lessons on sound pronunciation correction and for developing the graphic skills of the leading hand.

    Individual notebooks for children with homework for the correction of sound pronunciation, the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    Cyclogram of the work of a speech therapist teacher.

    Working hours of the speech therapist.

In matters not provided for by this Regulation, the Charter applies to speech therapy groups for children with speech impairments.

The examination is carried out by each specialist of the PMPK, taking into account the psychophysical load on the child, a collegial conclusion is drawn up. When a child is sent to PMPK, a copy of the collegiate conclusion of the PMPK is issued to the parents (without specifying the diagnosis). The PMPC representative informs the PMPK about the number of children in an educational institution in need of specialized psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance.

3.3. The length of stay of pupils in speech therapy groups is determined by the PMPK, depending on the dynamics of correction of speech impairment and can range from 2 to 3 years. In exceptional cases, children are allowed to stay in a group for more than 3 years - duplication of a preparatory group for school with speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia), by decision of the PMPK and the consent of the parents (legal representatives).

3.5. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy group is 12 children.

3.6. The decision to enroll or refuse to enroll a child in a speech therapy group is made by the PMPK on the basis of the submitted documents, a conversation with parents (legal representatives) and an examination of each child.

To enroll a child in a speech therapy group, the following documents are required:

Application of parents (legal representatives) for admission (if the child enters a preschool educational institution from another institution or from a family) or an application for transfer to a speech therapy group (if the child attends this preschool educational institution);

Protocol and decision of the PMPK with the conclusion of specialists and an indication of the required length of stay of the child in the speech therapy group.

An agreement is concluded with the parents (legal representatives) for the child to visit the speech therapy group.

For each child enrolled in a speech therapy group, a speech therapist teacher fills out a speech card.

3.7. Children sent by PMPK to the speech therapy group are admitted to the preschool educational institution annually. The recruitment of groups is carried out before the beginning of the academic year.

3.8. The composition of the group can be constant throughout the year or the admission of children to it can be carried out throughout the year in the direction of the PMPK and subject to availability.

3.9. First of all, pupils who have the most complex disorders in the development of speech, which prevent them from successfully mastering general developmental programs, are enrolled in speech therapy groups.

3.10. Children who have:

Underdevelopment of speech due to mental retardation;

Dementia of organic, schizophrenic and epileptic genesis;

Gross disorders of vision, hearing, motor sphere;

Communication disorders in the form of early childhood autism;

Mental retardation;

Phonetic disorders that can be corrected at the speech therapy center of preschool educational institutions;

Diseases that are contraindications for enrollment in general preschool institutions.

3.11. The release of children from the speech therapy group is carried out by the PMPK after the end of the term of correctional speech therapy training.

3.12. The expulsion of the pupil from the speech therapy group is carried out upon termination of the agreement between the preschool educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil. The agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil may be terminated in the following cases:

Upon reaching school age;

At the request of the parents (legal representatives) of the pupil

4. Organization of the activity of the speech therapy group.

4.1. Speech therapy group for children with OHP operates 5 days a week from 10 - hourly daily stay of children. Study period - from 01.09 to 30.06 current year... A flexible sparing regimen is established for children.

4.2. The speech therapy group is provided with a room, equipment and aids in accordance with the age of the children and the direction of correctional and developmental education.

4.3. The main forms of organizing educational and correctional work are individual, subgroup and frontal classes. Frontal classes are held 3-5 times a week according to the age of the children. The frequency of subgroup and individual lessons is determined by the severity of speech development disorders: subgroup - 4 times, individual - at least 3 times a week.

4.4. The educational process in a speech therapy group includes flexible content and pedagogical technologiesproviding an individual, personality-oriented approach to child development and the implementation of state educational standard.

4.5. The content of the educational process in a group is determined by educational preschool programs and special (correctional) programs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

4.6. The organization of the educational process at the preschool educational institution is regulated by curriculum and the schedule of classes approved by the administration of the preschool educational institution.

4.7. Correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with speech disorders is provided by a speech therapist, teachers of a speech therapy group, an educational psychologist, a music director, and a physical education instructor.

4.8. Medical support in speech therapy groups is carried out by medical workers who are responsible for protecting the health of pupils and strengthening their mental state, medical examination, carrying out preventive measures, monitor compliance sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic regime, the organization of physical education and hardening, nutrition.

4.9. Parents (legal representatives), a speech therapist, educators of the group, and the administration of the preschool educational institution are responsible for the pupils' attendance of classes in a speech therapy group.

5. Participants of the educational process in the speech therapy group.

The participants in the educational process are children with speech impairments, their parents (legal representatives), teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution.

5.1. Parents (legal representatives):

Have the right to protect the legal rights and interests of the child;

Participate in the activities of the institution in accordance with its Charter,

Get acquainted with the nature of the correctional methods of teaching children;

They take an active part in overcoming speech impairments.

5.2. Educators of preschool educational institutions carry out a set of measures for the diagnosis and correction of speech disorders in children in an integrated manner, advise parents (legal representatives) on the development of speech.

5.2.1. The speech therapist teacher is the organizer and coordinator of correctional and developmental work:

Conducts examination of children;

Together with colleagues makes thematic plan and individual plans for working with children;

Carries out the correction of disturbed sounds, practical mastering by children of the skills of word formation and inflection, coherent speech;

Prepares the child for further training at school;

Prepares documents for examining children at the PMPK in order to be assigned to special groups;

Carries out interaction with teachers on the development of the preschool educational program by children;

Submits an annual report of work to the administration of the preschool educational institution;

Conducts explanatory and educational work among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of children;

Participates in the work of the regional methodological association of speech therapists.

5.2.2. The teacher of the speech therapy group:

Strengthens the acquired skills;

Works on the skills to automate sounds, integrating speech therapy goals, content, technology into daily life children;

Plans and organizes general education classes.

5.2.3. Educator-psychologist:

Provides advisory assistance to parents and preschool educational institutions involved in the upbringing and education of the child;

Introduces into practice the methods of psychocorrectional work with children with speech underdevelopment.

5.2.4. Musical director:

Develops the main components of the sound culture of speech, forms singing and speech breathing, musical rhythmic movements;

Participates in the work on the automation of sounds, the development of phonemic hearing;

Stimulates cognitive processes through matinees, leisure.

5.2.5. Physical education instructor:

Promotes healing and hardening of the child's body;

Improves the coordination of the main types of movement;

Develops general and fine motor skills.

6. Management and staff of the speech therapy group.

6.1. The work of the speech therapy group is headed by the head of the preschool educational institution. Head of the preschool educational institution:

Provides the creation of conditions for carrying out correctional and pedagogical work with children;

Provides methodological support, advisory assistance to speech therapists;

Bears personal responsibility for improving the qualifications of teachers.

6.2. Persons with a higher pedagogical education, the first or the highest qualification category are appointed to the positions of a teacher of speech therapy groups.

6.3.The positions of teachers - speech therapists are appointed by persons with a higher defectological education (department of "Speech therapy"), or persons with a higher pedagogical education and completed training courses in the specialty "Speech therapy". The positions of teachers - speech therapists are established in accordance with the states of the preschool educational institution: one speech therapy group is assigned one rate of a speech therapist

6.4. The rights and obligations of the teaching and service personnel of speech therapy groups are determined by the internal labor regulations and job responsibilities.

7. Documentation.

1. Speech cards for each child.

2. List of children of the speech therapy group with the conclusion of the PMPK.

3. Notebook of classes of the teacher's relationship on the instructions of a speech therapist.

4. Long-term work plan.

5. Work plans for subgroup and individual lessons.

6. Individual notebooks for homework and communication with parents.

7. Register of attendance of speech therapy classes by children.

8. Report on the results of the work done for the year.

9. Cyclogram of the work of a speech therapist.

10. Diary of a teacher - speech therapist of correctional work.

11. Schedule of work.

8. Control.

Administration of the preschool educational institution, specialists of the education department:

Carry out systematic control over the correct organization and implementation of the entire complex of corrective measures aimed at correcting deviations in speech development children;

Organize advanced training of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions with speech therapy groups (if possible);

Analyze efficiency the work of the preschool educational institution, speech therapy groups based on annual reports.

"Normative legal documents governing

activity of a speech therapist teacher as a pedagogical worker "

Modern society puts forward a fundamentally different system of values, the basis of which is a position that can be called overall competence... The core of general competencies is formed by adaptation, socialization, integration, personal self-realization and legal competence.

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russia of 14.08.09, No. 593, developed with the participation of specialists of the Central Committee of the Trade Union qualification characteristics of educational staff positions, which are a section of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees.

Order of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees", section "Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers" No. 761n dated August 26, 2010 (as amended on 05/31/2011).

Section "Qualification characteristics of positions in education workers" Unified qualification reference book positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter - EKS) is intended to address issues related to the regulation of labor relations, ensuring an effective system of personnel management of educational institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

RequirementsThe TSA imposed on educators are aimed at increasing the productivity of their work, labor activity, business initiative and competence of educators, the fullest use of their professional and creative potential, rational organization of work and ensuring its efficiency.

Moreover, under competence the quality of the employee's actions is understood, providing an adequate and effective solution to professionally significant subject tasks that are problematic in nature, as well as the willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

When certifying education workers, experts are invited to fill out a specialist assessment sheet, with the help of which the professional activities of a speech therapist are analyzed, assessments are given and comments are written on the following competencies:

    Personality Competence - communicative.

    Competence in the field of setting goals and objectives of pedagogical educationactivities -professional.

    Competence in the field of motivation for learning activities

    Competence in the development of a program of activities andpedagogical decision making

    Competence in providing information basisactivities -informational.

    Competence in the field of organizing educational activities -legal.

The main components of the competence of educators include:





The main components of the competence of teachers

Professional competence - the quality of the employee's actions that provide an effective solution to professional and pedagogical problems and typical professional tasks that arise in real situations teaching activities, using life experience, existing qualifications, generally recognized values; possession of modern educational technologies, technologies of pedagogical diagnostics (surveys, individual and group interviews), psychological and pedagogical correction, stress relief, etc., methodological techniques, pedagogical tools and their constant improvement; use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods for building modern classes with students (pupils, children), the implementation of evaluative and value reflection.

Information competence - the quality of the employee's actions that ensure effective search, structuring of information, its adaptation to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process and didactic requirements, the formulation of the educational problem in various information and communication methods, qualified work with various information resources, professional tools, ready-made software and methodological complexes that allow you to design a solution pedagogical problems and practical tasks, the use of automated teacher workplaces in the educational process; regular independent cognitive activity, willingness to conduct distance educational activities, the use of computer and multimedia technologies, digital educational resources in the educational process, maintaining school records on electronic media.

Communicative competence - the quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective design of direct and feedback with another person; establishing contact with students (pupils, children) of different ages, parents (persons substituting them), work colleagues; the ability to develop a strategy, tactics and technique of interactions with people, to organize their joint activities to achieve certain socially significant goals; the ability to convince, argue your position; proficiency in oratory, oral literacy and written speech, public presentation of the results of their work, selection of adequate forms and methods of presentation.

Legal competence

1. The legal competence of a teacher-speech therapist is his integral professional and personal characteristic, including a system of humanistic value orientations in the economic, political and social directions of public life. Deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills, communication skills and personal qualities.

2. Legal competence is a unity of legal knowledge that reflects legal reality, the attitude of a person to legal phenomena and, on the basis of this, his legal behavior. It manifests itself through a positive, consistent with the laws of society, attitude towards oneself and others, the world around, bringing success and satisfaction from achieved results.

3. The conditions for the formation of a teacher's legal competence are priority values, motivational attitudes, the teacher's communicative culture, and the psychological climate in the team.

4. The influence of the civic qualities of the teacher's personality on the formation of the teacher's legal competence is a factor in their mutual self-development in the process of educational interaction.

5. Legal competence - the quality of the employee's actions, ensuring the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of the authorities for the solution of relevant professional tasks.

Given the relevance of the topic and the requests of speech therapists for regulatory support, a list of current regulatory documents governing the activities of a speech therapist is proposed.

All selected documents can be divided into five sections:

Section 1... International regulations

Section 2... Legislative and legal acts of the Russian Federation

Section 3. Documents regulating the activities of a speech therapist as a pedagogical worker

Section 4. Legislative and legal acts of the Altai Territory

Section 5. Documents regulating the actual professional activity teacher - speech therapist as an employee of a general education institution.

Section 1. International regulations

1. Declaration of the rights of the child, adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution of 20.11.1959;

2. Convention on the rights of the child, adopted by resolution 44/25 of the General Assembly of 20.11.1989, ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on 13.06.1990

Section 2. Legislative and legal acts of the Russian Federation

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12/25/1993 (as amended on 12/30/2008);

2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

3. Federal law "On the education of persons with disabilities health (special education) ". Adopted The State Duma June 2, 1999 (Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 06/02/1999 No. 4019-II GD).

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 10/17/2013 N 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 11/14/2013 N 30384)

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in the main general education programs - educational programs of preschool education "No. 1014 of 30.08.2013;

6. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation " Social norms and standards "(on the occupancy of special groups, special classes) of 18.07.1996, No. 861

7. Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 02.07.1998, No. 89 / 34-16 "On the implementation of the right of preschool educational institutions to choose programs and pedagogical technologies."

8. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 03/14/2000 No. 65 / 23-16 "On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education."

9. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 16, 2002 No. 03-51-5 in / 23-03 "On the integrated education and training of children with developmental disabilities in preschool educational institutions."

10. Content concept continuing education (preschool and primary care), approved by the Federal Coordination Council for general education Ministry of Education of Russia June 17, 2003

11. Model regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666.

12. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 03-132 "About guidelines on the procedure and content of psychological and pedagogical examination of older preschool children "(order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2007 N DM-P44-3035)".

13. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations. "

14. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “ On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017 ”No. 761 dated 01.06.2012;

15. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the federal target program for the development of education for 2011 - 2015" No. 61 dated 07.02.2011 (as amended on 20.12.2011);

Section 3. Documents regulating the activities of a speech therapist as a pedagogical worker

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ).

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the peculiarities of the working hours and rest hours of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions" No. 69 dated March 27, 2006 (clause 2.2; 2.4; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2; 4.6; 5.1; 5.2 );

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781 "On lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an early retirement pension is assigned.

4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the duration of the main annual extended paid leave provided educators educational institutions "No. 724 dated 01.10.2002 (as amended on 23.06.2014);

5. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 07.12.2000 No. 3570 "On the approval of the regulation on the procedure and conditions for granting teachers of educational institutions long leave for a period of up to one year."

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 No. 209 "On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions."

6. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2011 No. 03-515 / 59 "Clarifications on the application of the procedure for attestation of teachers of state and municipal educational institutions."

7. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation « On approval of the Procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations carrying out educational activities"No. 276 dated 07.04.2014;

8. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of a unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section“ Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers ”No. 761n dated August 26, 2010 (as amended on 05/31/2011);

9. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the duration of working hours (the norm of hours of teaching work at the rate of wages) of teaching staff of educational institutions" No. 191 dated 04/03/2003 (as amended on 02/01/2005).

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations" No. 678 dated 08.08.2013;

11. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-07 in / 20-4 "On speech therapists and pedagogical psychologists of educational institutions."

12. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2006 No. 69 "On the specifics of the working hours and rest hours of pedagogical and other educators."

13. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 25, 1998 No. 05-51-66 / 98 "On the issues of rationing and remuneration of teaching staff."

Section 4. Legislative and legal acts of the Altai Territory

1. Order of the Main Directorate of Education and Youth Policy of the Altai Territory No. 536 of 03/20/2015 "On the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education in the Altai Territory"

2. Decree of the Administration of the city of Biysk dated 21.10.2011 No. 2270 "On the procedure for recruiting, admitting and expelling children in municipal preschool educational institutions";

Section 5. Documents regulating the actual professional activity speech therapist as an employee of a general education institution.

1. Charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten"

2. Labor contracts between the administration and employees;

3. Internal labor regulations;

4. Regulations on the Council of the institution;

5. Regulations on the Pedagogical Council;

6. Regulation "On the procedure for recruiting, admission and expulsion of children to MBDOU, which implements the basic educational program of preschool education";

7. Regulations "On the norms of professional ethics of pedagogical workers of MBDOU" Kindergarten No. 65 - Child Development Center ".

8. Regulations on the work of a compensatory orientation group for children with severe speech impairments.

9. Job description of a speech therapist teacher.

10. Regulations on the PMP council.

Job description of a speech therapist.

Carries out work aimed at maximum correction of developmental disabilities in students, pupils with developmental disabilities, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for the deaf, hard of hearing and late-deaf, blind, visually impaired and late-blind children, children with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, mentally retarded and other children with disabilities). Carries out an examination of students, pupils, determines the structure and severity of their developmental disorders. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deficiencies, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers, educators and other teaching staff, attends classes and lessons. Advises teachers and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and methods of rendering assistance to children with disabilities. Maintains the necessary documentation. Contributes to the formation of a general culture of personality, socialization, informed choice and mastering of professional programs. Implements educational programs. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Studies the individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students, pupils in order to create conditions for ensuring their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence, the formation of competencies, using various forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils, that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies... Respects the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, Ensures the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, and other forms methodical work, in the work on parenting meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Complies with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational,; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; anatomical, physiological and clinical foundations of defectology; methods and techniques for preventing and correcting deviations in the development of students, pupils; regulatory and methodological documents on issues of professional and practical activity; software and methodological literature on working with students, pupils with developmental disabilities; latest achievements defectological and pedagogical sciences; labor protection and fire safety rules; theory and methods of management of educational systems; methods of forming the main components of competence (professional, communicative, informational, legal); modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competence-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues at work; technologies for diagnosing causes conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1. Documents regulating the activities of a speech therapist as a pedagogical worker.

2. Documents regulating the actual professional activities of a speech therapist as an employee of an educational institution.

3. Comments of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation. One of the documents is offered. For information on issues not included in the proposed commentary, we recommend that you regularly visit the official website of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.


Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ) (Extract)

Article 91. Concept of working time

Working time is the time during which an employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, refer to working hours.

The employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

(as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

Article 93. Part-time working hours

By agreement between the employee and the employer, part-time work (shift) or part-time work week can be established both upon hiring and subsequently. The employer is obliged to establish part-time work (shift) or part-time work week at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents (guardian, trustee) who has a child under the age of fourteen (a disabled child under the age of eighteen), as well as a person exercising caring for a sick family member in accordance with a medical certificate issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

When working on a part-time basis, the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked by him or depending on the amount of work performed by him.

Part-time work does not entail for employees any restrictions on the duration of the main annual paid leave, the calculation of seniority and other labor rights.

Article 95. Duration of work on the eve of non-working holidays and days off

The duration of the working day or shift immediately preceding the non-working day holiday, decreases by one hour.

On the eve of the weekend, the duration of work with a six-day working week cannot exceed five hours.

Section 333.Working hours of teaching staff

For teaching staff, a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week is established.

(as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

The teaching load of a teacher, stipulated in the employment contract, may be limited by the upper limit in the cases provided for by the model regulation on an educational institution of the corresponding type and type approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

Depending on the position and (or) specialty of pedagogical workers, taking into account the peculiarities of their work, the duration of working time (norms of hours of pedagogical work per wage rate) is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law of 30.06.2006 N 90-FZ)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 No. 191 "On the duration of working hours (the norm of hours of teaching work at the rate of wages) of pedagogical workers of educational institutions" (as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 49 " and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation ") (Extract)

The duration of working time (the norm of hours of teaching work per wage rate) for teaching staff of educational institutions is established on the basis of a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week.

Clause 3. The rate of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate:

20 hours a week - for teachers-defectologists and teachers-speech therapists;

The rate of hours of teaching and (or) teaching work for the rate of wages of teaching staff is set in astronomical hours.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2006 No. 69 "On the peculiarities of the working hours and rest hours of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions" (Extract)

Clause 2.2. Specific duration training sessions, as well as breaks (changes) between them are provided for by the charter or local act of the educational institution, taking into account the relevant sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (SanPiN), approved in the prescribed manner. The performance of the work is regulated by the schedule of training sessions.

Clause 2.4. Days of the week (periods of time during which an educational institution carries out its activities) free for teaching staff ... from conducting training sessions on a schedule, from performing other duties regulated by schedules and work plans, a teacher can use to improve skills, self-education, training to classes, etc.

Clause 3.2. When scheduling training sessions, the educational institution is obliged to exclude the irrational expenditure of time of teaching staff, so that their continuous sequence is not disrupted and long breaks (so-called "windows") are not formed, which, unlike short breaks (changes) between teaching activities established for students, pupils, teaching staff are not working time.

Clause 4.1.Periods of autumn, winter, spring and summer holidaysestablished for students, pupils of educational institutions and not coinciding with the annual paid basic and additional vacations of employees (hereinafter referred to as the vacation period) are working hours for them.

Clause 4.2. During the vacation period, pedagogical workers carry out pedagogical, methodological, and organizational work ... within the limits ... of the established amount teaching load (pedagogical work) defined by him before the start of the holidays ...

Clause 4.6. The working hours of all employees during the vacation period are regulated by local acts of the educational institution and work schedules indicating their nature.

Clause 5.1. The periods of cancellation of training sessions (educational process) for students, pupils for sanitary-epidemiological, climatic and other reasons are the working time of pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution.

Clause 5.2. During periods of cancellation of training sessions (educational process) in individual classes (groups) or as a whole for an educational institution on sanitary-epidemiological, climatic and other grounds, teachers and other pedagogical workers are involved in educational, methodological, organizational work in the manner and on conditions provided for in Section IV of these Regulations.

RF Law "On Education" (Extract)

Article 55 paragraph 5.

For teachers of educational institutions, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours. Depending on the position of the teaching staff, taking into account the characteristics of their work, the duration of the working time is established by the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, teaching staff of educational institutions enjoy the right to receive a seniority pension until they reach retirement age.

Pedagogical employees of an educational institution, at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, have the right to long leave for a period of up to one year, the procedure and conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.

Article 55 paragraph 8.

In order to facilitate their provision with book publishing products and periodicals, pedagogical workers are paid a monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 100 rubles. "

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 "On lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an early retirement pension is assigned" establishes that work as a speech therapist is counted in the length of service for early assignment of a retirement pension ...

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2002 N 724 "On the duration of the main annual extended paid leave granted to teaching staff of educational institutions" sets the length of the annual leave for the teacher-speech therapist in the amount of 56 days.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2000 N 3570 Regulations “On the approval of the regulation on the procedure and conditions for granting teachers of educational institutions a long leave of up to one year” Regardless of the amount of teaching work, a speech therapist is entitled to a long leave of one year once every ten years.

Regulation "On the procedure for attestation of pedagogical and executive employees of state and municipal educational institutions." Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2000 No. 1908.


Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 12/14/2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center of a general educational institution"

This instructional letter defines the procedure for organizing the activities of a speech therapy center as structural unit state, municipal educational institution: goals and objectives of speech therapy work, conditions of recruitment, maximum occupancy, frequency and duration of speech therapy classes, list and forms of mandatory documentation (formulations are given in accordance with the instructional letter):

A list of students with impairments in the development of oral and written speech (filled in according to the results of the survey of students),

Speech card,

Logopedic classes journal,

Report on the work and learning outcomes in the speech therapy center for the academic year.