Test 5 Chemical organization. Applications Subject lesson: "Chemical organization Cells

Test Chemical Organization Cells Option 1 Select one correct answer. 1. Live and inanimate nature are similar to a set of 1) proteins 3) nucleic acids 2) Chemical elements 4) Enzymes 2. Magnesium - a mandatory component of molecules 1) DNA 3) hemoglobin 2) chlorophyll 4) RNA 3. Name organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the largest quantity (in% per raw mass) 1) Carbohydrates 3 ) Proteins 2) Lipids 4) Nucleic acids 4) The cell is the water, which is forms the spindle division 3) dissolves fats 2) forms protein globules 4) gives the cell elasticity 5. Support - a good solvent, since 1) its molecules Have a mutual attraction 3) It slowly heats up and cools 2) its polar molecules 4) It is a catalyst 6. The cell is performed in the cell function 1) Catalytic 3) structural 2) solvent 4) information 7. Proteins are classified as a group of biopolymers, as they : 1) differ in large variety 3) consist of repeatedly repeated units 2) play a large role in a cell 4) have a large molecular weight 8. Monomers of protein molecules are 1) nucleotides 3) monosaccharides 2) amino acids 4) Lipids 9. Polypeptides are formed as a result of interaction 1) nitrogenous bases 3) of carbohydrates 2) lipids 4) amino acids 10. From the type of number and order of amino acid arose depends 1) The sequence of RNA triplets 3) hydrophobicity of fat molecules 2) Primary protein structure 11 . Organic substances that accelerate metabolic processes1) amino acid 3) enzymes 2) monosaccharides 4) lipids 12. The fiber molecule in contrast to the lipid molecule 1) organic substance 3) monomer 2) biopolymer 4) inorganic substance 13. The universal energy source in the cell is Molecules 1) fatty acids 3) ATP 2) DNA 4) glucose 14. The spare carbohydrate in the animal cell is 1) chitin 3) starch 2) cellulose 4) glycogen 15. Lipids in the plasma membrane are performed function 1) Structural 3) Energy 2) Flashing 4) Catalytic 16. DNA double helix is \u200b\u200bformed due to bonds between 1) complementary nitrogenous bases 3) amino acids 2) residues of phosphoric acid 4 ) Carbohydrates 17. Fragments of one DNA chain have the next sequence of HCATAATGGG. Determine the appropriate fragment of its second chain 1) HCATAATGG 3) TsGTTATSTS 2) atGGGAA 4) CSGUACS 18. In the DNA molecule, the three nucleotide molecules are called 1) with a triplet 3) genome 2) genome 4) genotype 19. In the DNA molecule, there are 31% of nucleotides in the DNA molecule. adenine. How many nucleotides with a cytosine in this molecule? 1) 45% 3) 25% 2) 43% 4) 19% 20. The principle of complementarity (optional) underlies the interaction 1) of amino acids and the formation of primary 3) glucose and the formation of the polysaccharide molecule structure of the fiber protein 2) nucleotides and formation of double-chain 4 ) glycerin and fatty acids and the formation of the DNA molecule of fat molecule


to prepare for the EEG on biology on the topic

"Chemical Organization of Cells"

Explanatory note

Analysis the results of the EGE It showed that the topic "Chemical Organization of Cells" for graduates is problematic. To solve this problem, you need to develop persistent tasks used on the exam. The proposed tests contain tasks that biology teachers can use to work out these skills, both in lessons and individual consultations for preparing for the exam.

The tests are made on the materials of kimov (they are marked with an asterisk) and from additional literature. Tasks from additional literature are characterized by their informativeness, so they can be used as an additional source of knowledge.

Topic 1: "Inorganic cell substances"

Tasks of part A.

1. * Bodies of living and inanimate nature are similar to the set

2) chemical elements

3) nucleic acids

4) Enzymes

2. * Magnesium - mandatory component of molecules

2) Chlorophyll

3) Hemoglobin

3. * What role do potassium and sodium ions play?

1) are biocatalysts

2) participate in the excitation

3) provide gas transport

4) contribute to the movement of substances through the membrane

4. What is the ratio of sodium and potassium ions in animal cells and in their surrounding medium - intercellular fluid and blood?

1) sodium in a cell larger than outside, potassium, on the contrary, more outside than in a cell

2) sodium outside as much as potassium inside the cell

3) sodium in a cell less than outside, and potassium, on the contrary, more in a cage than outside

5. Name the chemical element, which in the form of ion in large quantities is included in the cytoplasm of cells, where it is significantly larger than in the intercellular fluid and is directly involved in the formation of a constant difference of electrical potentials, along different sides of the outer plasma membrane

1) H 4) with 7) sa 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) MG 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) to 12) p

6. Call the chemical element that is part of the inorganic component of bone tissue and mollusc shells, takes part in muscle contraction and blood coagulation, is an intermediary in the transmission of an information signal from the outer plasma membrane in the cytoplasm of the cell

1) H 4) with 7) sa 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) MG 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) to 12) p

7. Name the chemical element, which is part of chlorophyll and is necessary for assembling a small and large ribosome subunits into a single structure, activates some enzymes

1) H 4) with 7) sa 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) MG 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) to 12) p

8. Name the chemical element, which is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin, where he is involved in the addition of oxygen, and also part of one of the mitochondrial respiratory chain proteins carrying electrons during cellular respiration.

1) H 4) with 7) sa 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) MG 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) to 12) p

9. Tell a group of chemical elements, the content of which in the cell is in the amount of 98%,

10. Name the liquid that is closest to the plasma of ground vertebrates closest to the blood plasma

1) 0.9% NaCl solution

2) sea water

3) Water fresh reservoirs

11. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the largest number (in% for the crude mass)

1) Carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

12. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the lowest quantity (in% on the crude mass)

1) Carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

13. * A significant part of the cell is water, which

1) forms spine divisions

2) forms protein globules

3) dissolves fats

4) gives a cell elasticity

14. Name the main feature of the structure of the water molecule, which determines the specific properties and the biological role of water

1) small size

2) the polarity of the molecule

3) High Mobility

15. * Water is a good solvent, since

1) its molecules have mutual attraction

2) its polar molecules

3) it slowly heats up and cools

4) it is a catalyst

16. * Water in the cell performs the function

1) Catalytic

2) Solvent

3) structural

4) information

1) Communication with adjacent cells

2) growth and development

3) the ability to share

4) volume and elasticity

18. All of the above anions, except for one, are part of the salts and are the most important cells for the vital cell anions. Indicate the "extra" anion among them.

4) H 2 PO 4 -

Right answers





































Tasks of Part B.

1) What are the functions of the water in the cage?

A) performs energy function

B) ensures the elasticity of the cell

C) protects the contents of the cell

D) participates in heat regulation

E) participates in hydrolysis of substances

E) Provides the movement of organoids.

Answer: b, g, d

2) * Water in the cell acts

A) inner media

B) structural

C) regulatory

D) humoral

E) universal energy source

E) universal solvent

Answer: A, B, E.
Topic 2: "Biological polymers - proteins."

Tasks of part A.

Select one correct answer.

one*. Proteins refer to the group of biopolymers, as they:

1) differ in a large variety

2) play a big role in the cage

3) consist of many times repetitive units

4) have a greater molecular weight

2 *. Monomers of protein molecules are

1) nucleotides

2) amino acids

3) Monosaccharida

3 *. Polypeptides are formed as a result of interaction

  1. 1) nitrous bases

  2. 2) Lipid

  3. 3) carbohydrates

  4. 4) amino acids

four*. From the type of number and order of amino acids depends

  1. 1) The sequence of RNA triplets

  2. 2) Primary protein structure

  3. 3) hydrophobicity of fat molecules

  4. 4) hydrophilicity of monosaccharides

five*. In the composition of cells of all living organisms included

  1. 1) hemoglobin

  2. 2) Belok.

  3. 3) Hitin

  4. 4) fiber

6 *. The sequence of amino acids in the protein molecules is determined

  1. 1) The location of the triplets in the DNA molecule

  2. 2) the feature of the ribosome structure

  3. 3) a set of ribosomes in the policy

  4. 4) the feature of the building T-RNA

7 *. With reversible denaturation, protein molecules occurs

  1. 1) violation of its primary structure

  2. 2) Formation of hydrogen ties

  3. 3) violation of its tertiary structure

  4. 4) the formation of peptide ties

eight*. The ability of protein molecules to form connections with other substances determines their function

  1. 1) transport

  2. 2) Energy

  3. 3) contractile

  4. 4) excretory

nine*. What function in the body of animals is carried out contractile proteins?

1) transport

2) signaling

3) Motor

4) Catalytic

10*. Organic substances accelerating metabolic processes -

1) amino acid

2) Monosaccharides

3) Enzymes

eleven*. What function is not performed in the protein cell?

1) Protective

2) enzymatic

3) information

4) contractile
























Jobs part V.

Select three correct answers from six.

one*. What are the features of the structure and properties of protein molecules?

A) has a primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure.

B) have a kind of single spiral

C) amino acid monomers

D) nucleotide monomers

E) capable of replication

E) capable of denaturation

Answers: A, B, E.

Tasks of the S.

one*. Enzymes lose their activity with raising the level of radiation.

Explain why.

Answer: All enzymes are proteins. Under the action of radiation changes the structure

protein-enzyme, its denaturation occurs.

Tasks from additional literature on the topic "Proteins".

Select one correct answer:

  1. 1. Determine the feature in which all the following compounds except one are combined into one group. Indicate the "extra" chemical compound among them.
1) pepsin 5) catalase

2) Collagen 6) Maltaz

3) keratin 7) hemoglobin

2. Salts of heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead) are poisons for the body. They bind to sulfide groups of proteins. Name the structure of proteins, which is destroyed by the action of heavy metals salts.

1) primary 3) tertiary

2) secondary

3. Name the protein that performs the enzymatic function.

1) Growth Hormone 4) Aktin

2) fibrin 5) trypsin

3) Insulin

4. In what answer all named chemical compounds refer to

amino acids?

1) Tubulin, Collagen, Lizozyme

2) lysine, tryptophan, alanine

3) cholesterol, progesterone, stearic acid

4) Valin, Maltas, Keratin

5) sucrose, lactose, glycine

6) Adenin, Timin, Guanin

5. Proteins as polymers have features that differ significantly from

what polysaccharides like glycogen and starch. Find these features among

and specify a sign that is not such a feature.

1) a very large number of monomers

2) are linear polymers

3) Other structure of monomers

4) protein monomers differ from each other.

6. The primary structures of different proteins differ from each other for a number of signs. Find these signs among the answers and indicate the feature of the structure at which different proteins, on the contrary, are similar to each other.

1) the number of amino acids

2) the quantitative ratio of amino acids of different types

3) the sequence of the compound of amino acids with each other

4) Structure chemical tiesparticipating in the formation

amino acid sequences

7. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the greatest

quantities (in% on the crude mass).

  1. 1) Carbohydrates

  2. 2) Lipids

  3. 3) Proteins

  4. 4) nucleic acids

  5. 5) low molecular weight organic substances

8. Name the functional groups of neighboring amino acids in protein, between

which forms a peptide connection.

  1. 1) Radicals 4) Carboxyl groups

  2. 2) carboxyl group and amino group 5) carboxyl group and radical

  3. 3) radical and hydrogen ion 6) amino group and radical

9. Name the protein that performs the receptor function.

1) lysozyme 3) Protromine

2) Pepsin 4) Rhodopsin

10. Name the protein that performs the receptor function.

1) collagen 3) hemoglobin

3) fibrin 4) insulin

11. Name the protein that performs mainly a structural function.

1) keratin 4) lipase

2) Catalase 5) Growth Hormone

3) Nuclease

12. Name the protein that performs mostly transport function.

1) collagen 4) hemoglobin

2) keratin 5) Mioglobin

13. Name the main function that proteins such, keratin,

collagen, tubulin.

1) Movement 4) Transport

2) Protective 5) Construction

3) enzymatic

14. Name the protein that performs mainly a motor function.

1) Aktin 4) Catalase

2) fibrin 5) lipase

3) thrombin 6) Mioglobin

15. Name the function that the bulk of plants seed proteins performs and

animal eggs.

1) Protective 4) Motor

2) construction 5) enzymatic

3) Possible

16. What reply all named chemical compounds are proteins?

1) Sakharoza, Insulin, Uracil

2) phenylalanine, glucagon, pepsin

3) glucose, fructose, glycogen

4) Catalase, glucagon, keratin 5) Ribose, Timin, Aktin

17. Determine the sign that all the following chemicals

compounds except one are combined into one group. Specify it "too much"

among them is a chemical connection.

1) Alanine 5) Aktin

2) Valin 6) leucine

3) glycine 7) cysteine

4) tryptophan

18. Name the protein that performs the enzymatic function.

1) Catalase 4) glucagon

2) Protromine 5) keratin

3) Tubulin

19. Name the protein, which is part of microtubes of flagella and cilia,

centrioley and the tper movement.

1) keratin 3) myosin

2) Tubulin 4) Collagen

20. Name the hair protein.

1) Keratin 3) MIOSIN 5) Aktin

2) Tubulin 4) Collagen 6) Fibrin

21. What is the protein monomer?

1) glucose 4) nucleic acid

2) nucleotide 5) nitrogenous base

3) amino acid

22. How many types of amino acids are part of natural proteins?

1) 10 3) 20 5) 46

2) 15 4) 25 6) 64

23. What happens to the tertiary structure of transport and enzymatic proteins

at the time of their functions

1) does not change

2) are destroyed

3) slightly modified

4) Complete

5) acquires a quaternary structure

6) goes into a secondary structure

24. Name the protein from which horns, hoofs, claws, feathers and hair


1) collagen 3) tubulin

2) keratin 4) myosin

25. Name the protein that was the first of the synthesized artificially.

1) Insulin 3) Catalase

2) hemoglobin 4) interferon

26. Give an example of a protein consisting of several polypeptide chains.

1) TRIPSIN 3) Mioglobin

2) pepsin 4) collagen

27. Name all chemical groups that are the same in all amino acids,

included in the natural proteins.

1) only amino group and carboxyl group

2) hydrogen and radical

3) hydrogen, amino group and carboxyl group

4) radical, amino group and carboxyl group

28. How the terminas are called the loss of its natural spatial spatial


1) Spiralization 4) Dispersion

2) condensation 5) Reparation

3) denaturation 6) degeneration

29. Name the protein that makes up the basis of tendons, ligaments and intercellular

bone tissue substances.

1) keratin 4) collagen

2) Tubulin 5) Aktin

3) MIOSIN 6) Fibrin

30. Give an example of a protein consisting of several polypeptide chains.

1) Mioglobin 3) trypsin

2) hemoglobin 4) pepsin

31. What chemical compounds necessarily have the following

chemical groups: amino group and carboxyl group?

3) nucleic acids 6) polysaccharides

32. What kind of chemical ties include peptide communications?

1) ion 3) covalent

2) hydrogen 4) hydrophobic

33. Name the protein that performs mainly a structural (construction) function.

1) pepsin 3) insulin

2) collagen 4) myosin

34. What is the thermal name of the process of forming the primary protein structure?

1) Transcription 4) DISSIMITION

2) broadcast 5) polymerization

3) Redupplication

35. Name the proteins performing mainly structural (construction) function.

1) pepsin, trypsin 4) collagen

3) insulin, glucagon

36. What is the name of the structure of a protein, which is a spiral in which

cutting a chain of amino acids?

1) primary 3) tertiary

2) secondary 4) quaternary

37. What group organic compounds Are you attracting Alanine, Valin, Lizin, tryptophan?

1) Nitrogen base 4) amino acids

2) nucleotides 5) fatty acids

3) nucleic acids

38. Name the hormone proteins performing regulatory functions.

1) pepsin, trypsin 4) collagen, keratin

2) hemoglobin, carboangeerase 5) Aktin, Mozin

3) insulin, glucagon

39. Indicate a chemical group that is not included as a radical

one of the amino acids found in natural proteins.

1) -sh 4) -h 2 PO 4

2) -COOH 5) -h

40. Name in the amino acid molecule, a chemical group that gives

one amino acids hydrophilic, and others - hydrophobic properties.

1) amino group 3) carboxyl group

2) radical 4) hydroxyl group


















































































Topic 3: "Carbohydrates. Lipids".

Setting part A.

Select one correct answer.

1 *. The molecule of fiber in contrast to the lipid molecule

1) organic substance 3) monomer

2) biopolymer 4) inorganic substance

2 *. Carbohydrate is part of the molecule

1) Chlorophyll

2) Hemoglobin

3) Insulin

3 * .Azot is not included in the molecule

1) Hemoglobin

4) Glycogen

four*. The universal source of energy in the cell is molecules

  1. fatty acids
2) DNA

4) glucose

five*. Lipids dissolve on the air, but do not dissolve in water, as they

1) are polymers

2) consist of monomers

3) hydrophobic

4) hydrophilic

6 *. Bears during long winter sleep required water

get at the expense

1) protein splitting

2) Tales snow

3) oxidation of fat

4) amino acid oxidation

7 *. Lipids in the plasma membrane perform the function

1) structural

2) stocking

3) Energy

4) Catalytic

eight*. The spare carbohydrate in the animal cell is

2) Cellulose

3) Stachmal

4) Glycogen


















Jobs part V.

Select three correct answers from six.
one*. What are the properties, structure and functions in the polysaccharide cell?

A) perform structural and stocking functions

B) perform catalytic and transport functions

C) consist of residual monosaccharide molecules

D) consist of residual amino acid molecules

D) dissolve in water
E) do not dissolve in water

Answer: A, B, E.

2 *. What carbohydrates relate to monosaccharides?

A) Ribosu
B) glucose
C) cellulose
D) fructose

D) Stachmal
E) glycogen

Answer: A, B, G.

3 *. Fats in the body of animals and man
A) split in the intestine
B) participate in the construction of a cell membrane
C) are postponed to the supply in subcutaneous tissue,
in the field of kidneys, heart
D) turn into proteins

E) split in the intestine to glycerin and fatty acids
E) synthesized from amino acids

Answer: B, B, D.

Topic 4.Nucleic acids .

Tasks of part A.

Select one correct answer.

one*. Double DNA spiral is formed due to connections between

  1. 1) complementary nitrogen bases

  2. 2) residues of phosphoric acid

  3. 3) amino acids

  4. 4) carbohydrates

2 *. Fragments of one DNA circuit have the following sequence of HCatman. Determine the appropriate fragment of its second chain




3 *. In the DNA molecule, three nucleotide located nearby

  1. 1) Triplet

  2. 2) Genom

  3. 3) genomom

  4. 4) Genotype

four*. In the DNA molecule, there are 31% nucleotides with adenine. How many nucleotides with a cytosine in this molecule?

  1. 1) 45%

  2. 2) 43%

  3. 3) 25%

  4. 4) 19%

five*. What percentage of cytosine nucleotides contains DNA if the proportion of its adenine nucleotides is 10% of the total number?

  1. 1) 40%

  2. 2) 45%

  3. 3) 80%

  4. 4) 90%

6 *. Polymers include:

2) glucose

3) phospholipids

7 *. In the DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanin is 45% of the total number. What percentage of adenin nucleotides is contained in this molecule?

  1. 1) 5%

  2. 2) 10%

  3. 3) 45%

  4. 4) 90%

eight*. Hereditary information about the signs of the body is concentrated in

  1. 1) chromosomes

  2. 2) cell center

  3. 3) Ribosomes

  4. 4) Golgi Complex

nine*. How many nucleotides are contained in the gene in which the primary protein structure is encoded, consisting of 35 amino acid residues?

  1. 1) 35

  2. 2) 70

  3. 3) 105 4) 140

10*. The formation of signs of the body depends on molecules

  1. 1) Carbohydrates

  2. 2) ATP

  3. 3) DNA

  4. 4) Lipid

eleven*. DNA molecules in contrast to protein molecules have the ability

  1. 1) to form a spiral

  2. 2) to form a tertiary structure

  3. 3) self-esteem

  4. 4) to form a quaternary structure

12*. In the DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanin is 5% of the total number. How many nucleotides with adenine in this molecule?

  1. 1) 90%

  2. 2) 95%

  3. 3) 45%

  4. 4) 40%

13*. The principle of complementation (optional) underlies interaction

  1. 1) amino acids and formation of primary protein structure

  2. 2) nucleotides and formation of double-chain DNA molecule

  3. 3) glucose and formation of molecules of polysaccharide fiber

  4. 4) glycerol and fatty acids and fat molecule

fourteen*. DNA molecules

  1. 1) Store inheritance information about the properties of the body

  2. 2) transfer information about the structure of the protein in the cytoplasm

  3. 3) deliver to the ribosomes of amino acids

  4. 4) transfer information about the structure of protein to ribosum

15*. Genetic code is not Viospecific, since

  1. 1) The same amino acid in the cells of different organisms is encoded by the same triplet

  2. 2) each amino acid encodes one triplet

  3. 3) a few triplets encode the same amino acid

  4. 4) Each amino acid is encoded by one genome

16 *. What is nucleic acids

  1. 1) biopolymers whose monomers are nucleotides

  2. 2) biopolymers consisting of fatty acids and glycerin

  3. 3) polymers whose monomers is glucose

  4. 4) polymers whose monomers are amino acids

17 * In the DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanin is 5% of the total number. How many nucleotides with thimine is contained in this molecule?

  1. 1) 40%

  2. 2) 45%

  3. 3) 90%

  4. 4) 95%

eighteen*. DNA molecules in contrast to protein molecules perform function

  1. 1) storage of genetic information

  2. 2) nutrient stock

  3. 3) acceleration of chemical reactions

  4. 4) transport substances in a cage

nineteen*. Ribosomal RNA

  1. 1) takes part in the transport of amino acids in the cell

  2. 2) transmits information about the structure of protein molecules from the kernel to the ribosome

  3. 3) participates in the synthesis of carbohydrates

  4. 4) is part of the organoid cell involved in protein synthesis

twenty*. In the DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with thymine is 20% of the total number. What is the percentage of nucleotides with a cytosine in this molecule?

  1. 1) 30%

  2. 2) 40%

  3. 3) 60%

  4. 4) 80%










































Jobs part V.

Choose three faithful answers from six.

one*. Molecule and RNA

A) it is a polymer whose monomers are nucleotides

B) it is a polymer whose monomers are amino acids

C) double-seater polymer

D) single-chain polymer

E) carries encoded information about the sequence of amino acids

Answer: A, G, D

2 *. DNA molecule

A) polymer whose monomer is nucleotide

B) polymer whose monomer is an amino acid

C) double-seater polymer

D) single-chain polymer

E) contains hereditary information

E) performs energy function in a cell

Answer: A, B, D

3 *. Which compounds are involved in education and RNA

A) nucleotides

B) amino acids

C) fatty acids

E) glycerin

E) Ribose

Answer: A, G, E

Write in the table the letter of the selected answers

four*. Set the correspondence between the characteristic of organic substances and their species

Characteristic. Organic substances.

  1. 1) has a primary, secondary, tertiary a) RNA
and quaternary structure b) proteins

2) represented by polynucleotide thread

3) performs a structural function,

participates in the formation of membranes

4) participates in the transmission process

5) their monomers- amino acids

6) their monomers- nucleotides














Tasks of part "C"

on the topic "Nucleic acids"

with the standards of answers.

Give a full detailed answer.

1 * The DNA molecule contains 1600 nucleotides with guanin, which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T) adenine (a), cytosine (C) is separate in the DNA molecule, and explain the result obtained.

The content of the right answer

  1. 1) Guanine (D) complementary cytosine (C), the number of such nucleotides is also equal to 1600

  2. 2) The total number of nucleotides with guanin and the cytosine is 40%, which is 3200 nucleotides

  3. 3) the sum of nucleotides with adenine (a) and thime (T) is 60% (4800 nucleotides)

  4. 4) nucleotides with adenine and thime complementary, their amount is separate 2400

2*. ATdNA molecule is 1.100 nucleotides with adenine, which is 10% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thimine (T), guanin (g), cytosine (C) are separate in the DNA molecule, and explain the result obtained.

1) Timin (T) complementary adenine, the number of such nucleotides is also 1100.

2) The total number of adenin and cytosin nucleotides is%, which is 2200 nucleotides.

3) The sum of nucleotides with guanin (g) and the cytosine is 80% (8800 nucleotides).

4) NuCdotides with guanin and cytosine complementary, their amount is separately 440.

3 *. In one DNA molecule, the nucleotide with guanin (d) is 13% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the amount (as a percentage) of nucleotides with adenine (a), cytosine (C), thymine (T) separately in the DNA molecule and explain the results obtained.

1) cytosine (c) complementary guanin (g), therefore their percentage in the DNA molecule is equally and the domesticity is 13%.

2) The total proportion of nucleotides with adenine (A) and thymine (T) is 74%.

3) Since adenin (a) complementary thimin (T), the number of adenyl and thymidyl nucleotides is equal to 37%.

4 *. In one DNA molecule of nucleotides with thymine (T), consists of 24% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the amount (as a percentage) of nucleotides with guanin (g), adenine (a), cytosine (C) separately in the DNA molecule and explain the results obtained.

1) adenine (a) complementary thyme (T), so their percentage in the DNA molecule is equally and separately equal to 24%

2) the total proportion of nucleotides with guanin (g) and cytosine (C) is 52%

3) Since the guanine (g) is complementary cytosine (C), the number of guanilla and cytidyl nucleotides is equal to 26% separately

five*. Conducted chemical analysis and RNA and found that the composition of its molecule includes 28 adenine, 6% guanin, 40% of uracil and 26% cytosine. Determine the composition and percentage composition of nucleotides in DNA, which served as a matrix for the synthesis of this and RNA.

6 *. The DNA molecule is 1400 nucleotides with thimine, which is 5% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with guanin (g), cytosine (C), adenine (A) is separate in the DNA molecule, and explain the results obtained.

The content of the right answer

  1. 1) adenine (a) complementary thyme (T), the number of such nucleotides is equal to 1400

  2. 2) The total number of adenin and thimin nucleotides is 10%, which is 2800 nucleotides.

  3. 3) The sum of nucleotides with guanin (g) and cytosine (C) is 90% (25200 nucleotides)

  4. 4) Since nucleotides with guanin and cytosine complementary, their number separately is NO12600

7 *. The total mass of all DNA molecules in 46 chromosomes of one somatic human cell is about 6 "10 9 mg. Determine what is equal to the mass of all DNA molecules in a cell formed during anagenesis in anAphase MEIOS 1 and MEIOSA 2. The content of the right answer

The content of the right answer

  1. 1) Before the start of division during replication, the number of DNA doubles and the total weight of DNA is 2 · 6 · 10 -9 \u003d 12 · 10 -9 mg

  2. 2) in Anafase Maiza 1 The mass of DNA does not change and equal to 12 · 10 -9 mg

  3. 3) Before the start of MEIOS 2, the cell contains an already haploid set of chromosomes, therefore, in the anatherapy MEIOS 2, the DNA mass is 12 · 10 -9: 2 \u003d 6 · 10 -9 mg

8*. The total mass of all DNA molecules in 46 chromosomes of one somatic human cell is about 6 "10 9 mg. Determine what is equal to the mass of all DNA molecules in the cell formed during the ovogenesis after MEIOS 1 and MEIOS 2.

The content of the right answer

  1. 1) Before the start of division in the replication process, the number of DNA doubles and the total weight of the dick is 2 · 6 · 10 -9 \u003d 12 · 10 -9 mg

  2. 2) The first division of MEIOS is reduction, the number of chromosomes becomes 2 times less, so after meiosis I, the DNA mass is 12 · 10 -9: 2 \u003d 6 · 10 -9 mg after Maizo 2 each cell contains single chromosomes of the haploid dial, so after meiosis 2 DNA mass equal to 6 · 10 -9: 2 \u003d 3 · 10 -9 m

2. Support - the most common substance in wildlife.

3. Polymer - branched chain consisting of links relatively simple substances - Monomers.

4. Glucose is a biopolymer.

5. The system of protein is determined by the procedure for alternating amino acids in the chain.

6. Stachamal and glycogen - reserve organic substances of living organisms.

7.Next lipids perform hormone function.

8. The composition of proteins includes more than 40 types of monomers.

9.NCleotide RNA contains five-carbon sugar - ribosis.

10. The DNA molecule consists of one polynucleotide thread.

Task 2.

Indicate the components of the DNA nucleotide.


Option number 3.

Exercise 1.

1.Cr. The group of trace elements includes the following chemical elements: I;Cu;Zn;Co;AU;F.

2. Calcium and magnesium ions are activators of many enzymes.

3.Fructose is the main energy substance of the cell.

4. Sigma - hydrophilic substances.

5. Lipids are included in cell membranes.

6.Proteids are polypeptides containing a non-discharge component.

7.Tretic protein structure has a kind of spiral.

8. In cells there is only one type of nucleic acids.

9. DNA contains information on the primary structure of one protein.

10.ATF - Universal Biological Energy Battery.

Task 2.

Indicate the components of the RNA nucleotide.

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Thematic test. Topic: "Chemical Organization of Cells".

Option number 2.

Exercise 1.

1.Elements, what group in a cell more than the others?

2. What compound is not built from amino acids?

a) hemoglobin; b) insulin; c) glycogen.

3. What part of amino acids differ from each other?

a) amino group; b) radical; c) carboxyl group.

4. The protein listed below the protective function performs: a) interferon; b) hemoglobin; c) Aktin and Miosin.

5.K Disaccharides: a) glucose; b) sucrose; c) robose.

6. What is the carbohydrate contain in the cells of mushrooms, animals and humans?

a) chitin; b) starch; c) glycogen.

7. Print full oxidation 1 ghran is released: a) 37.2 kJ; b) 38.9 kJ; c) 17,2 kJ.

8. Myonomers of nucleic acids are: a) amino acids; b) nucleotides; c) monosaccharides.

9. What RNA is a copy of the DNA gene?

a) and-RNA; b) T-RNA; c) r-RNA.

10. When the gap of one macroergic connection in the ATP molecule is released by energy in quantity: a) 40 kJ; b) 20 kJ; c) 4 kJ.

Task 2.

Complete DNA chain, complementary this: - A-Mr. T-T-T-T-Ts-Mr. A-.

Thematic test. Topic: "Chemical Organization of Cells".

Option number 4.

Exercise 1.

1. What share on average in the cell water?

a) 99%; b) 80%; in 20%.

2. Elements, which group in a cell less than the others?

a) bioelements; b) macroelements; c) trace elements.

3. How does the listed sugars refer to polysaccharides?

a) glucose; b) sucrose; c) chitin.

4. With full oxidation of 1 glycosis, it is released: a) 36.2 kJ; b) 38.9 kJ; c) 17.6 kJ.

5. What is the compound of their amino acids built?

a) hemoglobin; b) glycogen; c) cholesterol.

6. What kind of protein structure is characteristic of globule education?

a) primary; b) secondary; c) tertiary.

7. What substances belong to lipids?

a) cholesterol; b) starch; c) insulin.

8. How many RNA types are known?

a) 1; b) 2; at 3.

9.Nukleinic acids are: a) polynucleotides; b) polysaccharides; c) polypeptides?

10. What is a nitrogen base specifically for DNA?

a) a; b) t; c) u

Task 2..

Complete DNA chain, complementary this: - A-Mr. C-Mr. A-C-G-G-.

Questions of the seminar

1 option

    Water molecule

2) dipole;

3) on oxygen a small positive charge, on hydrogen - negative;

    To organic substances cells relate

    1. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water;

      water, carbon, salt.

    The main chemical elements of the cell include

    1. oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sulfur;

      oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, potassium;

      oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen;

      oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, iodine.

    Those chemical elements that take part in the metabolism process in the cell and have biological activity, called

    1. biochemical elements;

      biogenic elements;

      biochemical substances.

    Covalent communication

    1. weaker ion;

      weaker hydrogen;

      mostsilconnection type.

    Complete Approval:

Hydrophilic substances are substances _________ soluble in water.

Each amino acid consists of three parts: _____________ groups, _____________ groups and free radical.

    Complete Approval:

    Quaternary protein structure is

    1. polypeptide chain;

      twisted spiral;

      spiral twisted into the ball;


    Give the definition of the concept: Loss of a protein molecule structural organization Or the coagulation of the protein is called __________________.

    Set compliance:

1. Monosaccharides A. Sakharoza, Maltosis, Lactose;

2. Disaccharides B. Glycogen, starch, cellulose;

3. Polysaccharides V. Glucose, lactose, sucrose;

Glucose, fructose, galactose.

    With full combustion of 1 G. substance, 38.9 kJ of energy was separated. These substance were



    and carbohydrates and lipids;

    not carbohydrates and not lipids.

    Complete Approval:

Monomers _ NK, which includes carbohydrate robose, are ____________.

    Complete Approval:

In the DNA molecule, there are residues of nitrogenous bases of four nucleotides: A (adenin),



Verification work on the topic "Chemical Organization of Cells"


1. Water molecule

1) does not have charged areas;

2) on oxygen a small positive charge, on hydrogen - negative;

3) dipole;

4) Oxygen is a small negative charge, on hydrogen - positive.

2. K. inorganic substances Cells are related

        water, salts and nucleic acids;

        proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water;

        proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids;

        water, carbon, salt.

    Cell macroelements include

1) copper, fluorine, chrome, iodine;

2) iodine, fluorine, chlorine, iron;

3) sulfur, potassium, copper, zinc;

4) Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sulfur.

    Those chemical elements that take part in the metabolic process in the cell, and have biological activity, called

1) biologically - active substances;

2) biochemical elements;

3) biogenic elements;

4) biochemical substances.

    Hydrogen communications

1) the weakest type of communication;

2) stronger than covalent;

3) Selfsil connection type.

    Complete Approval:

Hydrophobic substances are substances __________ soluble in water.

    Insert the missed concepts in the proposal:

When macromolecules, protein is formed durable covalent communication - ______________ , but

protein molecules call ____________.

    Complete Approval: The protein is a biopolymer, whose monomers are ____________.

    Primary protein structure is

1) polypeptide chain;

2) twisted spiral;

3) spiral twisted into the ball;

4) Globulu.

    Give the definition of the concept:

Restoration of the structure of the protein and its functional activity is called __________________.

    Set compliance:

1. Monosaccharides A .. Glycogen, starch, cellulose;

2. Disaccharides B. Glucose, fructose, galactose;

3. Polysaccharides V. Sakharoza, Malto, Lactose;

Glucose, lactose, sucrose.

    With full combustion of 1 g. The substance has seen 17.6 kJ of energy. These substance were

1) proteins;

    and carbohydrates and lipids;


    and carbohydrates and proteins.

    Complete Approval:

MONOMERAMS _ NK, which includes carbohydrate deoxyribosis, are ____________.

    Complete Approval:

In the RNA molecule, there are residues of nitrogenous bases of four nucleotides: A (adenine),

G (guanine), c (cytosine) and ___ (________).

    Spend Matrix DNA Synthesis:



it is conducted on the principle of _________________.

Answers to the test on the topic

"Chemical Organization of Cells"

I option

II option

7- carboxyl, amino

8- amino acids

10- denaturation

11: 1-g, 2-A, 3-B

13 - RNA, nucleotides

14- t (Timin)

15-CGStacentsTGCG, complimentaryness

6- practically ne.

7- peptide, polypeptides

8- amino acids

10 - Renoraturation

11: 1-b, 2-B, 3-A

13- DNA, nucleotides

14- y (uracil)

15 - Gtzatshagtta,
