Acquaintance with the letter y. outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic

Synopsis of speech therapy classes for preschoolers

Subject: SOUND [U]. LETTER "U"

Objectives: to teach to clearly pronounce the sound [y]; to learn to select the sound [y] from a number of vowels, from the beginning of a word, from the middle of a word; acquaintance with the letter "U"; develop phonemic perception, the strength of the voice; develop graphic skills; development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment: picture-symbol of sound [y]; individual mirrors for each child; the profile of the sound being studied; subject pictures to sound [y]; poster of "forest glade"; stencils for drawing a duckling.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

Speech therapist. The one who will name the word in which the first sound is [a] will sit down.

Topic message.

Speech therapist. The dwarf Zvukoznaykin brought a picture - a symbol of sound [y]. The locomotive hums: ooh.

Pronouncing the sound [y].

  1. Children are encouraged to very clearly pronounce the sound [y] softly, loudly, in a high voice, in a low voice. Using mirrors, children control the position of their lips and tongue. Next, consider the position of the lips and tongue on the profile.
  2. The characteristic of the sound [y] is a vowel, it can be sung, pronounced lingering and abruptly.
  3. Pronunciation of reverse and direct syllables: ut, um, un, tu, pu, mu, well, etc.
  4. Game "Who is the most attentive?" - highlighting the sound [y] from the vowels: pick up the card with the sound symbol [y]: a, y, s, a, o, y, e, y, etc.

Consider pictures, practice the pronunciation of words: duck, iron, ducklings, snail, too.

Selecting the sound [y] from the beginning of a word: ear, duckling, pointer, street, ear, ears, smile, dill.

Selecting the sound [y] from the middle of the word, pronunciation of words with the sound [y] in the middle of the word: shoes, fly, spider, fluff.

Conducting physical education "A train".

The train flies in full spirit

Uh - uh - uh!

Circular movements with arms bent at the elbows.

The diesel locomotive hummed at - at - at!

I took the kids home.

Stop, hum.

Tu - tu - tu - tu

I'll take everyone in an instant!

Repeat the same movements.

Acquaintance with the letter "U".

Speech therapist. Guys, listen to the poem "Sound and the letter" U ".

The letter "U" shouts: "Hurray!"

She pulls her hand up.

Speech therapist. Now listen to one more rhyme, and tell me which words have the sound [y]. (The speech therapist reads the poem slowly, and the children call words with the sound [y] after each line.)

The duckling was taught to swim from birth.

He knew how to swim, and he knew how to dive.

He ran to wash every morning,

And during the day I learned to fly while walking.

Speech therapist. What does the letter "U" look like? (Children's answers).

Put big letter "U" in red in the cash register of vowels, the second letter "U" is placed on a forest clearing (there is a poster of "forest clearing" on the wall, the letters are attached with a magnet).

Speech therapist. Look at the picture - a train is going, let's read how it hums.

Exercise for attention.

Speech therapist. Girl Ulya came to the store. She bought toys in the name of which the first sound is [y]. What toys did Ulya buy?

Finger gymnastics.

  1. Lay out the letter "U" from the sticks.
  2. Show with your fingers: a goat (index and little fingers); kids (with two hands); glasses (connect thumb with the rest in turn); hare (index and middle); trees (hands with palms facing you, spread fingers).
  3. Write the letter "U" with your finger in the air, in chalk on a blackboard.

Work in notebooks (on stencils).

  1. Write a line letter "U".
  2. Draw a duckling using stencils.

Technological map of the lesson teaching literacy in grade 1. Topic: Acquaintance with the letter U, y.
Goal: to create conditions for acquaintance with the vowel sound [y] and the way of its designation in writing with the help of letters U, y.Tasks: 1) educational:

    improving the ability to highlight sounds in words; develop reading skills; improving the ability to write sentences for illustration.
2) developing:
    to develop a coherent and educational and scientific speech of students; development of synthesis and analysis processes; memory development.
3) educating:
    education of the culture of speech; education of love and responsibility to the outside world.
Equipment: soft toy duckling, letter from the duckling, cards with the image of printed and written letters U. at; cards for schemes; individual sets of sound cards, task cards; presentation.

Lesson steps

I ... Self-determination for activity. (1-2 minutes) Purpose: inclusion in educational activities.

II ... Activation of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activity. (4-5 minutes) Goal: readiness of thinking and awareness of the need to build a new way of action.

III ... Statement of the educational problem. (2-3 minutes) Purpose: identifying the cause of the difficulty, determining the topic and purpose of the lesson.

IV ... Building a project for getting out of a difficulty. (10 min) Goal: children build a new way of acting and develop the ability to perform.

V. Physical minutes

VI ... Primary anchoring. Goal: mastering a new way of acting.

Vii . Independent work with self-test. (5 minutes) Purpose: creating a situation of success.

VIII ... Knowledge inclusion and repetition. (4 minutes) Purpose: inclusion of "discovery" in the knowledge system, repetition of the previously studied

IX ... Reflection. (2 minutes) Purpose: self-assessment of performance results.

Check the readiness for the lesson.Learn to read! Learn to read! There is no more important science!Anyone who can read himselfDoesn't know boredom at all.
-Guys, before the lesson I received a letter: “Dear friends, I know that you want to learn to read faster. But for this you need to know all the letters of the alphabet. I want to give you the first letter of my word-name. So that it’s not boring to wait for me, guess who I am:Amazing childJust got out of the diaperCan swim and diveLike his own mother. "
-Who is this mysterious guest?- How did you guess it was a duck?-The duckling promised to give us the first letter of his word-name. -Let's listen to what sound this letter stands for.
-Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson. -Right.

1. Isolation of the sound [y] from the word. -Let's once again select the first sound from the word duck and determine which sound it is: a vowel or a consonant. - Remember, in what other words did we meet this vowel sound [y]? 2. Exercise in the ability to hear the sound [y] in words. - Now we will play and learn to hear the sound [y] in words. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [y] in the words. Spider, flower, puddle, sofa, table, chair, pigeons, chicken. 3. Acquaintance with the letters У, у. A duck appears in the classroom (voiced by the teacher) -Hello guys! I just heard you play some interesting game. What was the rule in your game? -And I just brought you the letter that denotes this sound in the letter. Here she is. The letter "U" can be printed large, printed small, written uppercase and written lowercase. -To make it easier for you to remember her image, learn the rhyme:The letter U is quite simple.Pulls ears from the tail. Slide 1. - Look carefully and tell me, what objects does the letter look like?

Working with a word schema.- Guys, I really liked your place, my dad and mom are waiting for me at home. I would like to receive a gift from you as a keepsake. Schedule the word "ducks" for me.Reading a word based on a diagram.-Very beautiful scheme turned out. Is there a place for the letter U in the diagram?- Thanks a lot, guys. All my relatives ducks will love your work.Goodbye.
Game "Who is superfluous?"-Determine who is superfluous: bear, duck, snail, already.Checking.

Make a proposal for the picture.-Who did the duck bring?- Make a proposal outline.- How many words are in a sentence?-Name the first word, second, third.
-What sound did you learn to hear and extract from words?-Sound [y] is a vowel or a consonant?How do they mean the sound [y] in writing?- Was it difficult? -Who was it easy?Thank you, well done!

Listen to the poem.

Estimated answer: duckling. Supposed answer: The duck swims and dives immediately after birth.

Children highlight the sound in the word duckling: [y]

Today we will get acquainted with the new letter and sound U and define the peculiarity of the new letter.

Supposed answer: the sound [y] is a vowel, since it is sung and stretched, the air in the mouth does not encounter obstacles. Children pronounce words, highlighting the sound [y] with their voice.

Children clap their hands if they hear the sound [y].

We should have clapped if we hear the sound [y] in the word.

Estimated answer: tree branch, slingshot, snail horns.

One student draws a diagram on the board, and the rest on desks.

Children substitute the letter U from the box of letters.

Children cross out the extra picture. -bear, because there is no U in the word.

The duck brought the ducklings. Children make a diagram. One on the board, the rest on the desks. -Three. Duck. Has brought. Ducklings.

Elena Sinyakova
Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy "Acquaintance with the sound and the letter U"

Acquaintance with the sound and the letter U(with children 6 years old)

Increasing motivation in older children preschool age to study sound and letters By using gaming and ICT technologies, workbook E. V. Kolesnikova "From A to Z".



Continue meet with vowel symbol sounds - red square.

Learn to determine the place sound in a word and denote it on the diagram using a symbol.

Teach children to guess riddles.

Learn to listen carefully to the text of the poem, name words with sound U.

Learn to highlight intonationally sound u in words.

Introduce the letter Y as a written designation sound u

Learn to write printed letter Uusing a sample.

Learn to understand learning task and do it yourself.


Promote development sound-letter analysis.

Develop attention, logical thinking, memory.

Promote the development of phonemic hearing.


To cultivate the ability to work in a team, patiently listen to the teacher, the answers of comrades and respect their opinion.

Develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

1. Organizational moment (Motivational)

Guys, you’ll go to school soon. Teachers came to visit us to see if you are ready to become students. Let's say hello to everyone.

Emotional attitude:

Guys, what's your mood? (Good, joyful, funny)

Let's join hands and send each other a good mood.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we will smile at each other.

Well done, please take seats at their tables.

2. Main part

Today we have an unusual meeting.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins

Sa-sa-sa - miracles await us.

For miracles to happen, you need to repeat this spell together.

"Hello guys, I'm the Vowel Fairy sounds... I brought an envelope with interesting tasks. I'm sure you can handle them easily. And you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about sounds and letters... The most literate there is a surprise at the end. "

Are you ready for the Fairies' missions? (Yes) To cope with all the tasks, we will do warm-up:

Imagine that we are with you in a forest clearing, where they rustle leaves sh-sh-sh, mosquitoes squeal z-z-z, animals growl rrrrr.

What have we said? (Sounds) .

What are the sounds? (Vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless)

How vowels differ sounds from consonants? (Vowels sounds are sung, and consonants meet an obstacle in the form of teeth and lips)

Well done, we coped with the warm-up. And now I suggest you complete tasks from the Fairy Vowels soundsFor each correctly completed task, the Fairy will give out magic stars, which we will place on the magnetic board.

The speech therapist takes out of the envelope of the assignment from the Fairy Vowels sounds.

1 task.

Children name the symbol which sound you see.

Which one sound? (Vowel) Why? (does not meet obstacles in the form of teeth and lips, is sung).

Demonstration of vowel symbols sounds about, S.

What color are vowels sounds on the diagram? (in red)

On the past lesson we got acquainted with the rule about the sound S... Please remember if there are words in Russian beginning with sound S? (No)

Come up with words that start with sound A. (For every word the child is given a counter)

(Car, aerobics, aquarium, pineapple, bus, quince, artist, orange, watermelon, alphabet, stork, watercolor, album, ampoule, etc.)

Well done, coped with the first task of the Fairy Vowels sounds and she sends the first star.

Today we let's get acquainted with the sound and the letter U.

2 task. A GAME "RIDDLES AND GUIDES" (in the notebook page 6 Lesson number 3)

Solve the riddles and find them in the notebook in the top 1 task

Amazing baby:

Just got out of the diaper -

Can quack and dive

Like his own mother. (Duckling.)

Long neck, red legs,

Pinching your heels - run without looking back. (Goose.)

I wake everyone up on time

I'm not looking for hours. (Cock.)

Circle only those birds that have sound"U". (Children do the task)

Which birds have you circled? Name them. (Duckling, rooster, goose.)

What is the same vowel sound heard in all these words? (Sound U.)

- Sound U vowel, it is pronounced smoothly, drawn out. The air coming out of the mouth is unobstructed. Sounds we hear and speak.

Demonstration of the symbol sound u

Children show with your lips how to pronounce sound u.

Phonetic charging « Sound U... A train"

Image demonstration

We will pull our lips with a straw and will not get tired at all (Uhh).

The train pulls up to the station and hums. (U-U-U-U)

Well done, we have coped with the second task of the Fairy, and she is sending the second star.

3 task. A GAME "WORD, SCHEME" in notebook

Demonstration on a magnetic board methodological manual on sound u.

Determine the location sound in words and find a suitable scheme.

Look at the second assignment in the notebook.

Determine the location sound U in the drawn objects and connect the diagrams with an arrow with the pictures to which they fit

snail - with a rectangle, where the square is at the beginning,

a beetle in the middle, a kangaroo in the middle and end.

(Children complete the task on their own)

Well done, so we coped with the third task, the Fairy is happy to give you a third star.


Children prepare your ears and listen to a passage from the poem. Memorize the words that contain sound u.

Tired duck on the pond

Teach your ducklings:

Ducklings swim in sight

They really don't want to.

What are the words from the poem that contain sound u, intonationally highlighting it (tired, uutka, pond, teach, uutiat, uutiata, mind - 7 words).

Well done, and coped with this task, the Fairy gives you a fourth star.


Children perform movements according to the text of the poem.

Hands to the sides, forward.

We all looked out the window.

The sky, they saw the birds,

And then they sat down, got up

And they ran on the spot. Repeats 2 times

Well done, we also coped with the fifth task, the Fairy gives you one more star.


Have sound U has a written sign - the letter U... Show letters U(with picture). We see the letter and write.

- What sound? (Vowel, sung, does not encounter obstacles in pronunciation, is indicated in the diagram in red)

If sound u vowel sound, which means in which house we will place letter U? (Letter We place u in a house with a red roof, where the vowels live sounds and letters).

Look in the notebook in the right corner at the comic image letters U.

The giraffe was so surprised

When I got drunk in the pond:

He suddenly saw letter U

In this little pond.

Show multimedia presentations: Letter U.

Attention to the screen. Fairy Vowels sounds prepared the next task. What letter depicted? (Ooh) Pictures: snail, ear, dill, already, fishing rod. Song letters U uuuuuu.

6 Task. WE DRAW HOOKS, WRITE LETTER U(task 3 in the notebook)

Trace the dots around the dresses and draw a hook for each of them.

What letter written under the dresses? (Ooh)... Let's write letter Have in the air with your right index finger. Short oblique stick, long with a tail.

Write letter"U" in a notebook, first point by point, and then independently. (Children independently complete the task)

Well done, and coped with the sixth task, Fairy Vowels sounds presents the next star.

7 task. A GAME "CONNECT CORRECTLY" in notebook

Name which letter shown in the square? (Ooh).

Draw lines to letter"U" from items in the name of which there is sound"U". (iron, fishing rod, chair).

(Children do the task on their own)

What are the pictures (items where sound at the beginning of a word(Iron, fishing rod).

Where is the sound U in the word chair? (In the middle of a word)

Well done children, so we have coped with all seven tasks of the Fairy Vowels sounds.

How many stars have we earned? (7) .

Which task did you enjoy doing the most?

What was the most difficult task?

What new we met today by sound and letter? What can you tell about it sound and letter?

(children's answers).

8. Self-control and self-assessment of completed tasks. To be filled in "Chamomile of Success"

Fairy Vowels sounds, wants to know which of the children deserves a chip in our "Chamomile of Success"... (The number of chips earned by children is counted, the answers and activity on GCD are evaluated by the children) (Children's answers)

In conclusion, I propose to look at what task to consolidate sound and letters You will need to perform in the evening or at home.

"Choose a place sound u in the word: start, middle, end and fill in red the desired square. "

Guys, you proved today that you are very smart, literate, erudite. You have completed all my difficult tasks. I wish you a great schooling. You will find the promised surprise in the package. Goodbye, my young friends.

Children are given sweet prizes in the form letters.

Lesson development (lesson notes)

Initial general education

UMK line S. V. Ivanov. Russian language (1-4)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson Objectives

  • Sound Analysis the words "pipe", "chair". Writing a story by series plot pictures... Comparison of the words "duck", "ducklings".
  • Correlation of schemes with words.


    Simulate sound composition words: reflect the qualitative characteristics of sounds in the model, using tokens of different colors. Relate the sound and the corresponding letter. Explain (characterize, explain, formulate) the function of letters denoting vowel sounds in an open syllable: an indicator of the hardness-softness of the preceding consonants and the designation of a vowel sound. Designate vowel sounds with letters, choosing the letter of the vowel depending on the hardness or softness of the preceding consonant. Compare the sound and letter composition of words.
Stage nameMethodical comment
1 1. Updating knowledge Teacher. Put the letters you want in the boxes. Tell us what letters are written after soft consonants. Remember those that are written after hard consonants.
2 2.1. Learning new material The signal sounds, calls for battle! Get up, soldier, she's singing! (Trumpet) Let's make a sound model of the word “trumpet”.
3 2.2. Learning new material Teacher. There is a back, but never lies. There are four legs, not walking. Himself always stands, but orders others to sit. (Chair) Let's make a sound model of the word "chair"
4 2.3. Learning new material Teacher. Let's replace the red vowel squares with the letters in the words trumpet and chair. Look at the word patterns. What consonants are followed by the letter "y"? The letter "y" denotes a vowel sound after a hard consonant.
5 3. The stage of consolidation and initial verification. Working with the tutorial Sound analysis of the words "duck", "ducklings". Comparison of the sound and letter composition of these words. Teacher. Consider pictures and diagrams for them. Guess from the pictures what words are meant. Determine which schemas fit these words. Compare the sound composition of these words. Compare the lettering. Determine in which word the same sound is indicated by different letters (in the word "ducklings" the sound [a] after a soft consonant is indicated by the letter "I", after a hard consonant this sound is indicated by the letter "a"). Now let's play. I will name an animal, and you name it a cub: cat-kitten, dog-puppy, etc.
6 4.1. Consolidation of the studied material. Differentiated work Teacher. Consider the pictures. Name the pictures. Determine which schemas fit these words? Explain why they fit
7 4.2. Consolidation of the studied material. Differentiated work Teacher. Consider the pictures. Name each by emphasizing the sound [y]. Connect the diagrams and pictures with lines.
8 5. Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Textbook work Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures. Teacher. Review the illustrations on p. 43. How can we title a story based on these pictures? Compose and write a story based on these pictures. How can we do this? (Children's responses.) Let's label each sentence with a stripe. Read the sentences.