Pronunciation of the word service. English-Russian dictionary

Service.Translation and examples of use - offers
30. Recognizes The Strong Efforts of the Mission, The United Nations Civilian Police and The Kosovo Police Service. In Developing and Training The Core of a Multi-Ethnic Local Police Force Throughout Kosovo;30. Reliable the active efforts of the Mission, the United Nations Civilian Police and the Kosovo Police Service for the creation and training of the nucleus of multi-ethnic local police forces throughout Kosovo;
Concerned About the Critical Financial Situation of the Mine Action Service. Of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat,being concerned about the critical financial situation of the United Nations service on the activities related to demining, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat,
9. Emphasizes Again The Important Role of the United Nations In The Effective Coordination of Mine-Activities, Including Those by Regional Organizations, And Especially The Role of the Mine Action Service. Of The DePartment of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat On The Basis of The Policy On Mine Action and Effective Coordination Developed by The Secretary-General, See A / 53/496, Annex II, and A / 55/542. And Stresses The Need for the General Assessment by The General Assembly of the United Nations in this Regard;9. reiterates the important role of the United Nations in the effective coordination of activities related to demining, including the activities of regional organizations, and especially the role of service on the activities related to demining, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat, based on policies regarding such activities and efficient coordination developed Secretary GeneralSee A / 53/496, Annex II, and A / 55/542., In connection with this, it particularly notes the need for its continued assessment of the United Nations General Assembly;
10. Emphasizes in this Regard The Role of the Mine Action Service. AS THE FOCAL POINT FOR MINE ACTION WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM AND ITS ONGOING COLLABORATION WITH AND COORDINATION OF THE MINE-RELATED ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES, FUNDS AND PROGRAMMES;10. Stresses in this regard, the role of service on issues related to demining, as a coordinator of such activities within the United Nations system, implemented by it cooperation with institutions, funds and programs of the United Nations and the coordination of all activities carried out by them related to demining;
12. Emphasizes In This Respect The Importance of Developing A Comprehensive Information Management System for Mine Action, UNDER THE OVERALL COORDINATION OF THE MINE ACTION Service. And The Support of The Geneva Demining, in Order to Facilitate The Setting of Priorities and the Coordination of Priorities and the Coordination of Field Activities;12. Stresses in this regard, the importance of creating - under the overall coordination of service on the activities related to demining, and with the support of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining - a comprehensive information support system related to demining, which will contribute to the placement of priorities and coordinating activities on places;
13. Welcomes recent approaches with regard to the establishment of mine-action coordination centres, encourages the further establishment of such centres, especially in emergency situations, and also encourages States to support the activities of mine-action coordination centres and trust funds established to coordinate Assistance In Mine Action Under the Auspices of the Mine Action Service. ; 13. Welcomes the approaches developed recently concerning the creation of centers for coordinating activities related to demining recommends creating such centers and in the future, especially in emergency situations, and also recommends that States support the work of centers for coordinating activities related to demining, and targeted Funds established to coordinate assistance in demining activities under the auspices of service activities related to demining;
21. INVITES THE SECRETARY-General To Study How to Secure A More Sound Financial Basis for the Mine Action Service. And To Present Options to this Effect to the General Assembly;21. Invites the Secretary-General to explore how to provide a solid financial framework for service activities related to demining, and to submit possible options for solving this issue to the General Assembly;
Information in the service. Of HumanityInformation in the service of mankind
21. Welcomes The Development of The United Nations News Service. By The Department of Public Information, and Requests The Secretary-General to Continue to Exert All Efforts to Ensure That Publications and Other Information service. S OCRETARIAT, INCLUDING THE UNITED NATIONS WEB SITE AND THE UNITED NATIONS NATIONS NATIONS Service. , CONTAIN COMPREHENSIVE, OBJECTIVE AND EQUITABLE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ISSUES BEFOREIN EDITORIAL INDEPENDENCE, IMPARTIALITY, ACCURACY AND FULL CONSISTENCY WITH RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY;21. Welcomes the establishment of the United Nations News Service Department and encourages the Secretary-General to take all efforts to ensure that the publications and other information services of the Secretariat, including the United Nations website and service, contained a comprehensive, objective and balanced information about issues in which the organization is engaged and provided editorial independence, impartiality, lighting accuracy and complete compliance with the resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly;
8. Notes The Changes Being Made in Arrangements for the Delivery of Public service. S, Within An Environment In Which The Institution of the Village IS Truly Recognized As The Foundation of the Nation, And the expectation of the New Zealand State Service. S COMMISSIONER MAY BE ABLE TOHDRAW FROM OF THE TOKELAU PUBLIC FROM HIS ROLE AS EMPLOYER OF THE TOKELAU Service. at a time to be set by Mutual Agreement WHEN TOKELAU HAS ESTABLISHED A SUITABLE LOCAL EMPLOYMENT FRAMEWORK;8. Notes the changes that are made to the mechanisms for the provision of public services in the situation in which the Village Institute receives genuine recognition as the basis of the state, and the hope that the Commissioner for the Affairs of the State Service of New Zealand may be able to compose the functions of the Governor State Tokelau service on time to be determined on the basis of mutual consent, when appropriate conditions for hiring employees will be formed in Tokelau;
8. Welcomes The Advisory service. Activities of The International COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS IN Supporting Efforts Undertaken by Member States to Take Legislative and Administrative Action to Implement International Humanitarian Law and In ProMoting The Exchange Of Information on Those Efforts Between Governments;8. Welcomes the activities of the Advisory Service of the International Committee of the Red Cross to support the efforts of Member States, taking legislative and administrative measures for the implementation of the norms of international humanitarian law, and to facilitate the exchange between the governments of information on these efforts;
(C) To continue its work on the question of the peaceful settlement of disputes between States and, in this context, to continue its consideration of proposals relating to the peaceful settlement of disputes between States, including the proposal on the establishment of a dispute settlement service. Offering or Responding with its service. S Early in Disputes and Those Proposals Relating to the Enhancement of the Role of the International Court of Justice;(c) Continue its work on the peaceful resolution of disputes between states and in this regard, to continue consideration of proposals for peaceful dispute resolution between states, including the proposal to create a dispute resolution service offering or providing its services at the initial stage of disputes, and those proposals, which relate to strengthen the role of the International Court;
5. NO Member of the Tribunal Can Be Dismissed by The General Members Are of The Unwehr Opinion That He Or She Is Unsuited for Further service. . 5. No member of the Tribunal can be removed from the position of the General Assembly, if the remaining members do not solve unanimously, that it is not able to further fulfill his duties.
4. The Competence Of The Tribunal May Also Be Extended, with the approval of the general Assembly, to any other intemental Organization or Entity Established by A Treaty and Participating in the Common System of Conditions of service. , Upon The Terms Set Out in a Special Agreement Between The Organization or Entity Concerned and The Secretary-General of the United Nations. Each such special agreement shall provide that the organization or entity concerned shall be bound by the judgements of the Tribunal and be responsible for the payment of any compensation awarded by the Tribunal in respect of a staff member of that organization or entity and shall include, inter Alia, Provisions Concerning Its Participation in the Administrative Arrangements for the Functioning of the Tribunal and Concerning Its Sharing The Expenses of the Tribunal.4. The competence of the Tribunal may also be distributed, with the approval of the General Assembly, to any other international organization or body established on the basis of the contract and participating in the general system of service conditions, on the conditions determined by the Special Agreement between the relevant organization or the relevant authority and the Secretary General of the Organization United Nations. Each such a special agreement provides that the interested organization or interested body is obliged to fulfill the decisions of the Tribunal and be responsible for the payment of any compensation, awarded the employee of this organization or this body, and includes, in particular, the provisions regarding the participation of this organization or this authority in administrative events. necessary for the functioning of the Tribunal, and relative to their participation in the costs of the Tribunal.
10. Expresses its appreciation for the contribution by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo in implementing Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999, including the establishment, pursuant to that resolution, of The ORGANIZATION FOR SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE MISSION IN KOSOVO AS AN ESSENTIAL PARTER OF THE BROADER UNITED NATIONS INTERIM Administration Mission In Kosovo, Responsible for Institution-Building, Including The Training Of A New Kosovo Police service. , Judicial personnel and civil administrators, the development of free media, democratization and governance, the organization and supervision of elections and the monitoring, protection and promotion of human rights, in cooperation with, inter alia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, And Stresses The Organization for Security and Cooperation In Europe to the Full Implementation of Resolution 1244 (1999); and COOPERATION IN EUROPE TO THE FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION 1244 (1999);10. Expresses the gratitude of the Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe for its contribution to the activities of the United Nations Mission for the Interim Administration in Kosovo on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of June 10, 1999, including the establishment on this resolution of the organization's mission Security and cooperation in Europe in Kosovo as the most important component as part of the United Nations Mission for Temporary Administration in Kosovo, which is responsible for organizational construction, including training for the new Police Service of Kosovo, judicial officers and the Civil Administration, the creation of free funds mass media, democratization and management, election organization and monitoring them, monitoring compliance with human rights and their encouraging and protection, in collaboration, in particular, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and emphasizes United Nations and Safety and Cooperation Organization In Europe, the full implementation of resolution 1244 (1999);


1. ('Sɜ: Vıs) n.

1. Service

domestic ~ - homework, responsibilities servants

to be in (SMB. "S) ~ - to be a servant, serve (by someone)

to go inte / to, out to / ~ - go to servants

to take ~ with SMB. - to come to in servants

to Take SMB. INTO ONE "S ~ - hire smb., To take the service

last Week The Cook Left Our ~ - Last week from us a savche

2. 1) work

hard (Disagreeable, Fatiguing) ~ - Heavy (unpleasant, tedious) Work

to be out of ~ - to be without work / without place /

to go out of ~ - get away from work

to Reward SMB. For HIS Good (for His Long) ~ - reward smb. For a good (for a long) service

to be on detached ~ - to be on a business trip

to Send SMB. OFF ON SPECIAL ~ - send smb. with a special task

he Gives Good ~ - He works well, he is an excellent worker

2) working experience, service life


to Have Ten Years ~ - Have a Decade Work

3. Public service

tHE CIVIL SERVICE - State / Civil / Service

to Be In The Civil Service - to be in civil / in public / service

the Diplomatic ~, amer. FOREIGN SERVICE - Diplomatic Service

tHE CONSULAR ~ - Consular Service

on His (On Her) Majesty "S Service - ( sokr.O.H.M.S.) in the service of His (her) Majesty ( formal Correspondence Form)

4. 1) institution ( admission)

information ~ - Information Service

reporting ~ S - Division of Official Reports ( UN)

administrative ~ S - Administrative Department ( uN Secretariat.); Administrative services

typewriting ~ - typewritten bureau

telegraph (Postal, Telephone) ~ - Telegraph (post, telephone) Communication

communication ~ - communication service

railway ~, ~ Of Trains - Railway communication

pASSENGER ~ - Passenger Message

to Restore Normal Train ~ - Restore regular train movement

to Institute A New Air ~ - Enter a new air report line

the Telephone ~ Is Out Of ORDER - Telephone Communication is broken

to operate regular ~ s from a.ow to B. - Set regular flights between A. and B.

3) service, service

good (BAD) ~ at a hotel (at a restaurant) - good (bad) hotel service (in restaurant)

prompt ~ - fast service

to Give Customers Prompt ~ - quickly serve buyers

medical ~ - Medical Services

eLECTRIC-LIGHT ~ - Ensuring electricity

4) service sector; Maintenance of the population; service life, service

~ Workers - employees employed in the service sector ( sellers, hairdressers, waiters, etc.)

5) Library service ( tZH.~ to readers)

~ Catalogue - Service Directory

~ Fee - fee for the subscription

~ Hours - opening hours ( libraries)

5. Military service

National Service. cm.national II 1.

Selective Service - amer.military service for individual citizens ( by selection)

active ~, ~ WITH THE COLORS - Valid Military Service

to Be Called Up for Active ~ - to be designed for valid military service

to do one "s military ~ - undergo military service

to Be In The ~ - serve in the army

lENGTH / PERIOD / OF ~ - Military service life

fit for ~ - suitable for military service

to quit the ~ - dismiss from military service

to be Dismissed / discharged / from the ~ - be dismissed from military service

to Retire from ~ - to resign

~ Ashore - mor.coastal service

sEA ~ - service on floating ships

examination ~ - mor.brandvachny / inspection / service

daily ~ - mor.service of ship dies

6. military.view of the armed forces; type of army

the Three ~ S - The Army, The Navy, The Aviation - Three Roda Troops: Ground Forces, Navy and Air Force

what Branch of the ~ Do You Expect to Enter? - What kind of genus the troops will you enroll?

7. 1) Service, facilities; help

to Be at SMB. "S ~ - to be to whome-l. Services

I am (The House IS) at Your ~ - I (House) at your service / at your disposal /

to Offer One "S ~ S - Offer your services

to Be of ~ to SMB. - to be someone useful, come in handy to sorry service.

glad to be of ~ to you - I am glad to be useful

to do / to render / smb. A (Great) ~ - to have someone. (greater) service

will You Do Me A ~? - Remit me a service

what Good ~ S This Pen Has Done Me! - This handle served me well!

you do yourself no ~ by Such Replies - You yourself only harm such answers

hE DIDN "T Need The ~ S of An Interpreter - He did not need services / in assistance / translator

in Gratitude for Your Valuable ~ S - in gratitude for your invaluable services

an Exchange Of Friendly ~ S - Exchange friendly services

the Dictionary Is of Enormous ~ to Students - This dictionary provides great assistance to students.

2) merit

great (Immense, Important) ~ S - Large (huge, important) merit

prominent ~ s to the State (To the Cause of Teaching and Education) - outstanding (significant) merits before the state (in teaching and education)

to exaggerate one "s Own ~ s - exaggerate your own merit

for SMB. "S Past ~ S - For past merits

8. 1) Service

dinner (Tea, Coffee) ~ - dining (Tea, Coffee) Service

a ~ Of China - Porcelain Service

toilet ~ - toilet device

9. church.worship service, service

morning (Evening, Sunday) ~ - Morning (Evening, Sunday) service

burial ~ - funeral

mARRIAGE ~ - Wedding

baptismal ~ - christening

memorial ~ - Fancy Service, Panhid

to attend a ~ - to be present in the service

to CONDUCT A ~ - keep a service

are you going to ~? - Are you going to church?

10. Feed the ball ( tennis)

your ~! - Your feed!

strong (WEAK) ~ - Strong (weak) Feed

~ Ball - ball entered into the game with filing

11. jUR.execution of the court order; Presentation ( agenda, etc.); judicial notice

personal ~ - Personal Alert

substituted ~ - Post Office

~ of a Writ - a copy of the court order

~ Of attachment - enforcement of a court order to take

12. s.-H.wechka

~ period - service period ( from the seal to the fruitful concern)

13. mor.service

14. those.exploitation


~ LIFE - operational service life

a RADIO SET WITH FREE 12 MONTHS ~ - Radio with a warranty for a year

to have seen ~ - be in debt, wear

my Overcoat Has Seen Long ~ - My coat has already worn / served your age /

hIS FACE HAS SEEN ~ - on his face it is clear that he is not young / that he saw views /

2. ('Sɜ: Vıs) a.

1. Military; related to armed Forces

~ Age (Group) - Craise age

~ Aviation - Military Aviation

~ Call - Statutory / Service / Signal

~ Certificate - a) service certificate; b) Certificate

~ Chevron - Stripe for the six-month service at the front

~ Families - Families of servicemen

~ Number - Personal Number ( serviceman)

~ Record - track record

~ Ribbon - Order Plank

~ Test - Tests in the troops, military tests

~ Troops - service troops; Roll parts and divisions

~ Uniform / Dress / - Casual clothes form

~ Unit - serving part

~ Weapon - Combat Weapon

2. Service

~ Entrance - service entrance

~ Call - service telephone conversation ( perse. long-distance)

~ Stair - Black

~ Benefits - a) Output benefit; b) military.benefits and privileges of military personnel

~ Conditions - those.operating / work conditions /

3. Casual; durable, wearing ( about clothes)

4. Service

~ Trades - Professions related to the service sector

3. ('Sɜ: Vıs) v.

1. Serve

2. Treat inspection and current repairs

to ~ A Car (A Radio-Set, A Ship) - cargo car (radio, ship)

to ~ a car with gasoline - fill the car flammable

II. ('Sɜ: Vıs) n bot.

rowan homemade ( Pyrus Domestica.)

wILD ~ - Shrub or Low Tree with bitter fruits

Translation of words containing Service.from English to Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresian

  1. service (service, service, service, ministry)
  2. work (help)
  3. communication (message)
  4. service
  5. innings
  6. traffic
  7. favor
  8. service

Pl. number: services..


  1. service (service)

Forms verb


service. Room
staff only

various services.
various services

military. service.
military service

excellent service.
impeccable service

free. service.
free service

selfless service.
disinterested ministry

length of. service.
work experience

ambulance service.

communication service.
service link

shuttle. service.
transport connection

silver service.
silver service

service. Company
service company

passenger service.
serve passengers


Their service. HERE IS AWful.
Service here is disgusting.

I "M Sorry To Say, But The service. ISN "T VERY GOOD.
Unfortunately, I have to say that the service is not very good.

"Hey! I" M Going to Sue You, King! "" For What?! "" My Client Wishes to Be Compensated for His Years Of service. to the kingdom of hyrule. Due To the Tasks- "" Oh! What The Flick Is He Saying? "" ... "" Dot, Dot, Dot ..? "
"Hey! King, I'm going to put on you! " - "For what?!" "My client wishes compensation for the years of serving Kingdom Heirul." Due to the dangerous nature of the tasks, "-" Oh! What kind of devil does he say? " - "..." - "point, point, point? .."

"WHEN ARE YOU GONNA CALL ME IN? THESE TYRES ARE FUCKED!" "DON" T Worry There, Lewis, We Need To service. Nico This Lap, You "Re Next Lap."
"When will you call me? Tires killed in trash! " "Do not worry, Lewis, we need to serve in this circle Niko, you are on the following."

During The Stalinist Era, PRISONERS AT Concentration Camps Became Slaves in service. Of the state.
In the Stalinist era, the concentration camps became slaves in the state service.

Tom Was Feeling Peckish, SO He Rang Room service. And Ordered a Hamburger.
Tom slightly grind, so he called room service and ordered a hamburger.

Japan Is A. service. Economy, in Which services. Account for more than 50% of the GNP.
Japan is a service economy in which more than 50% GNP is the service sector.

Their service. IS FAST.
Service fast.

Where Is the Nearest service. Station?
Where is the nearest service center?

I Did My Military service. in ankara.
I passed my military service in Ankara.

After Some Freight Cars Were Derailed services. Were Suspended on the Chuo Line.
Cargo cars have come off the rails, and the movement of trains on the Toyo line was suspended.

Emergency. services. Are Still Looking Through The Rubble for Survivors.
Rescue services are still looking for survivors.

Their services. At The Hotel Are First-Rate.
The hotel has first-class service.

Bank. services. Are Getting More and More Expensive.
Banking services are becoming more expensive and more expensive.

"And this is your gratitude for everything I did for you?" - "Your former merit we will not forget, that, but I will not forgive the current mistakes."

A five percent consumer tax is charged with most of the goods and services in Japan.

account Solicitation Service Bureau of consulting requests for credit advisory service Advisory service (for example, on employment issues, professional orientation, etc.) Aftersales Service After sales service Ambulance Service "Ambulance"; AS A A SERVICE as a service service, favor; at your service at your service; To Be of Service Being Useful Auxiliary Service auxiliary service, additional (side) service Bank Transfer Service Bank transfers Bathing Service Bath service Service service, facilities; at your service at your service; to be of service be useful bus service bus service car hire service Car rental service Care Attendant Services Patient care services Central Care Service Central Service CIVIC SERVICE Public works service; Participation (unemployed) in public works and in public services Civil Alternative Service Alternative military service at the facilities of the public nature of the cleaning service service clean-up and removal of debris client service customer service client service maintenance customers combined service multimodal transport community service public service community service community service community service welfare complimentary limousine service free service road compulsory military service conscription; Mandatory Military Service During the Consumer Service Consumer Service Consumer Service Consumer Service Consumer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service CPU. Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Providing services to the buyer DATEL SERVICE WW. Coded Information Transmission System Dealing Service DELAYED SERVICE CCTP operations. Maintenance with waiting Diffusion Service Distribution service DIRECT DEBITING SERVICE Banking services for the design of non-cash payments Divine Service worship Drop-in Service Assistance service without a preliminary recording (assists alcoholics, addicts, homeless) Educational Service Training Service (upbringing, retraining, retraining) Elapsed Service PCT. Maintenance performed before interrupting Emergency Call Service Telephone Service Employment Service Employment Employment Service Employment service; Employment Service Employment Service Employment Employment Employment Service Employment Environmental Service Ecological service Escort service Sacrifice service; WORKER SERVICE EXTENTE MILITARY SERVICE LEADED FROM MILITARY SERVICE SERVICE WORK SOFTWARE FARM RELIEF SERVICE Farm Service Farm Service Farm Service Ferry Service Ferry Service FINANCIAL SERVICE FINANCIAL SERVICE FIRM FIRM FINANCIAL SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE FRIGHT SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE Providing Travel Services Friendly Visiting Services Free House Services (rendered by charitable organizations or individuals) Goods service Goods Delivery Goods Government Service Gratuitions Service Free HOME-Help Service Service Hourly Service Tom. Hour maintenance 24 hours Social Services 24-hour Social Services Housing Service Housing Service Information Service PC. INTERPRECTER SERVICE INTERPRETER SERVICE INTERMATION SERVICE INFORMATION SERVICE Investment Management Translators Management Service Portfolio Investment Service Portfolio Service Investment Service Investment Maintenance Joint Service Joint service Limousine Service Car Rental with driver Line Service Flight Swimming Mail Service Postal Communication Maximum Debt Service Maximum Discount Minimum Debt Discount Debt Minimum Debt Service Municipal Health Service Municipal Health Service National Health Service State Health Service News Service Night Service Night Service Non-Military Service Nevertheless Service, Alternative Civil Service NON-MILITARY SERVICE Nevertheless NonPreeMptive Service PW. Service without interrupting NonPreferential Service PW. Service without the priority of the Order Booking Service Order Service Order Service of Ordered Service PW. ORDINARY SERVICE MAINTENANCE ORDINARY SERVICE ORDINARY SERVICE WORKING SERVICE OUT-PATIENT SERVICE Outpatient maintenance Outside Service Service forces of an extraneous organization PARCEL BULK SERVICE Transportation of shallow battle of the Personal Service Personal delivery Pharmaceutical Service Pharmaceutical service; Pharmaceutical Phase Service PHT. Multipasic maintenance Phase-Type Service PW. Multipasic Service Placement Service Employment Exchange Placement Service Employment Bureau Placement Service Employment service POLICE SERVICE Police service Postal Service Postal service Postal service PREEMPTIVE SERVICE Postal service. Service with interrupting Premium Service The service provided for an additional PRIORITY SERVICE PHT fee. Service Priority Probationary Service Service that performs the verdict on the "test" Property Service Provide A Service Property Management Services Provide a Service Provide Service Provide A Service Support Public Employment Service State Employment Service PURCHASED SERVICE Paid service PUT INTO SERVICE Entering PUT INTO Service Include in QUANTUM SERVICE WW. Service Portions Referral Service Regular Service Reference Service Regular message Regular Service Regular flights Salvage Service Service for SERVICE SERVICE CERK. service; To Say A Service Send Worse SECURITY SERVICE SELECT SELECTION FOR SERVICE SELECT SELECT SELECT SELF-DRIVE CAR-HIRE SERVICE SERVICE Rent a car without driver Service ATTR. service; SERVICE RECORD WORK LIST SERVICE BY LETTER Court notice by sending a letter by the service by POST. Service In Bulk Group Maintenance Service in Cyclic Order Service in Cyclic Order cyclic order Service In Random Order Service in Random order Service Loss Coefficient Downce Ratio due to Service of Court Notice to Pay Debt Presentation of Court Notifications About Communication Office of Notice Note Service of Process Agenda Service of Process Processive Notice, Service of Process Processional Notice Service Office Of Public Lands Operation of State Land Service of Summons Notice, Agenda for Calling to SERVICE ON LOAN Repayment SERVICE ON LOAN debt payment service ATTR. service; Service Record Watching Service Time Expected Mathematical Waiting Time Service SERVICE WITH Privileged Interruptions PCT. Service with interrupting Service with Waiting PW. Service with the expectation of Service Without Interruption PW. Service without interrupting Service \u003d Service-Tree Service-Tree: Service-Tree Bot. Rowan home service military. type of army; The (Fighting) Services Army, Fleet and Military Aviation Services: Services Services Services SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE MOVEMENT TO AND RETURN (trains, buses, etc.), the pendulum movement Single Service PW. Singing Sitting Service Sitting Service Supervision service for the lack of home parents Social Service Social Service; Social Service Social Service Social Services Social Service Social Services (for example, health services, disease prevention and accident prevention) Services: Social Service Social Service Public institutions Social Service Social Services Substituted Service Substituity Personal Association of the SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE; to take INTO ONE "S Service Hole; to Take Service (with SMB) Commission (to someone) Service; to take INTO One" S Service Hole; to Take Service (with SMB) Commission (to some) Training Service Training Service Transport Service Transport service Transport line Transport service Transport service Unarmed Service Alternative service (instead of military) Useful Service PW. Useful use of Videotex Service Video music communication service Voluntary Service Voluntary service, voluntary provision of services Warranty Service PW. Warranty Welfare Service Social Security Service

Before moving to the fulfillment of the phonetic analysis with examples, we draw your attention that letters and sounds in words are not always the same thing.

Letters - These are writing, graphic symbols, with which the text content is transmitted or convened a conversation. Letters are used for visual transmission of the meaning, we will perceive their eyes. Letters can be read. When you read letters out loud, form sounds - syllables - words.

List of all letters is just an alphabet

Almost every schoolboy knows how many letters in the Russian alphabet. That's right, all of them are 33. Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are located in a specific sequence:

Russian alphabet:

In total, the Russian alphabet uses:

  • 21 letters to designate consonants;
  • 10 letters - vowels;
  • and two: b (soft sign) and Kommersant (solid sign), which indicate properties, but they themselves do not determine any audio units.

The sounds in the phrases are you often pronounced not as you write on the letter. In addition, the Word can use more letters than sounds. For example, "children's" - the letters "T" and "C" merge into one background [C]. And on the contrary, the number of sounds in the word "black" is greater, since the letter "Yu" is pronounced in this case as [yu].

What is a phonetic analysis?

We sound speech perceive on rumor. Under the phonetic analysis of the word is due to the characteristic sound Makeup. In the school program, such a parse is more often called "sound alphabet" analysis. So, with a phonetic analysis, you simply describe the properties of sounds, their characteristics depending on the environment and the slurry structure of the phrase combined with a common verbal emphasis.

Phonetic transcription

For a sound-letter parsing, a special transcription is used in square brackets. For example, correctly writes:

  • black -\u003e [h "Ory"]
  • apple -\u003e [Jablak]
  • anchor -\u003e [Yakar "]
  • christmas tree -\u003e [Jolka]
  • sun -\u003e [Sonse]

In the phonetic parsing scheme, special characters are used. Due to this, it is possible to correctly designate and distinguish the letter record (spell) and sound definition of letters (phonemes).

  • the phonetically disassembled word is square brackets -;
  • the soft consonant is indicated by the transcription sign ['] - apostrophe;
  • shock ['] - emphasis;
  • in complex flows from several roots, a sign of secondary stress [`] - gravel is applied (in the school program is not practiced);
  • the letters of the alphabet Yu, I, E, E, B and Kommersant transcriptions are never used (in the curriculum);
  • for double consonants, [:] is a sign of the longitude of the pronouncement of sound.

Below are detailed rules for the orthoepic, alphabetic and phonetic and word parsing with examples of online, in accordance with the general regulations of the modern Russian language. Professional linguists have a transcription of phonetic characteristics differ by accents and other symbols with additional acoustic signs of vowels and consonants.

How to make a phonetic word parsing?

The following scheme will help you to conduct an alphabet analysis:

  • Write the necessary word and say it several times out loud.
  • Consider how many vowels and consonant letters in it.
  • Recognize shock syllable. (Emphasis with the help of intensity (energy) allocates in speech a certain background from a number of homogeneous sound units.)
  • Divide the phonetic word by syllables and specify their total number. Remember that the layer is different from the transfer rules. The total number of syllables always coincides with the number of vowels.
  • In transcription, disassemble the word by sounds.
  • Write letters from the phrase into the column.
  • Opposite each letter square brackets, specify its audio definition (as it is heard). Remember that the sounds in words are not always identical to the letters. The letters "b" and "b" do not represent any sounds. The letters "E", "E,", "Yu", "I", "and" may indicate at once 2 sounds.
  • Analyze each background individually and designate its properties through the comma:
    • for vowels, we specify in the characteristic: the sound is vowel; shock or unstressed;
    • in terms of consonants, we indicate: sound consonant; solid or soft, ringing or deaf, sonorous, pair / non-fine hardness and mildness and deafness.
  • At the end of the phonetic parsing of the word, move the line and consider the total number of letters and sounds.

This scheme is practiced in the school program.

An example of a phonetic analysis of the word

Here is a sample of a phonetic analysis of the composition for the word "phenomenon" → [Jiiv'e'n'iyee]. In this example, 4 vowels and 3 consonants. There are only 4 syllables here: I-Villu'-e. Emphasis falls on the second.

Sound characteristics of letters:

i [Y] - Sughdle, unpaired soft, unpaid ringing, sonoro [and] - Glasn., Lady, [B] - Sogl., Steam hard, pair of star [l '] - Sogl., Pair soft., Unparenn . Son., Sonoro [E '] - Glasn., Shockno [N'] - I agree., Parn soft., Unparenn. Son., Sonoro and [and] - Glasn., Unknown [th] - Sughdle., Unparenn. Soft., unpaired. Zon., Sonoro [E] - Glasn., Unstressed ________________________ Total in the word phenomenon - 7 letters, 9 sounds. The first letter "I" and the last "E" indicate two sounds.

Now you know how to make a sound-letter analysis yourself. Next, there is a classification of sound units of the Russian language, their relationships and transcription rules in sound analysis.

Phonetics and sounds in Russian

What are the sounds?

All sound units are divided into vowels and consonants. Public sounds, in turn, are shock and unstable. The consonant sound in Russian words happens: solid - soft, ringing - deaf, hissing, sonornal.

How many sound speech in the Russian live speech?

The correct answer is 42.

Making a phonetic analysis online, you will find that 36 consonant sounds and 6 vowels participate in word formation. Many have a reasonable question, why is there such a strange inconsistency? Why the total number of sounds and letters differ in both vowels and consonants?

All this is easily explained. A number of letters when participating in word formation can be denoted at once 2 sounds. For example, pairs of soft hardness:

  • [b] - cheerful and [b '] - protein;
  • or [d] - [d ']: Home - do.

And some do not possess a pair, for example [h '] will always be soft. Doubt, try to tell him firmly and make sure that it is impossible: the stream, a bundle, a spoon, black, Chegevara, boy, rabbits, cherry, bees. Thanks to this practical decision, our alphabet has not achieved dimensionless scales, and the sound units are optimally complemented, merging with each other.

Vowels in the words of the Russian language

Vowels In contrast to the consonants melodic, they freely, as it were, the Narasphev leak out of the larynx, without barriers and tension of the ligaments. The louder you try to pronounce a vowel, the wider you will have to reveal the mouth. And vice versa, the louder you strive to repulse consonant, the energetic would be torture the oral cavity. This is the most striking articulation difference between these classroom classes.

Emphasis in any wordforms can fall only onto a vowel sound, but there are also unstressed vowels.

How many vowels in Russian phonetics?

In Russian speech, it is used less vowels to the letters than letters. Shock sounds only six: [a], [and], [o], [u], [y], [s]. And letters, remind, ten: a, e, o, and, oh, y, y, uh, y, yu. Public letters E, E, Yu, I am not "clean" sounds and in transcription not used. Often, when the words listed letters fall into the listed letters.

Phonetics: Characteristics of shock vowels

The main phondematic feature of the Russian speech is a clear utterance of vowels in shock syllables. Impact syllables in Russian phonetics are distinguished by the power of exhalation, increased sound duration and are pronounced imprisoned. Since they are pronounced distinctly and expressively, sound analysis of syllables with shock vocabularys is much easier. The position in which the sound is not subject to change and maintain the main type is called strong position. This position can only occupy a shock sound and syllable. Unstressed phonemes and syllables in a weak position.

  • The vowel in the shock syllable is always in a strong position, that is, pronounced more clearly, with the greatest strength and duration.
  • The vowel in an unstressed position is in a weak position, that is, pronounced with a smaller force and not so clearly.

In Russian, unchangeable phonetic properties retains only one phonem "y": ku ku for, a skip, in Chu, in fishing, - in all positions it is pronouncedly pronounced as [y]. This means that the vowel "y" is not exposed to high-quality reduction. ATTENTION: In the letter of the phoneme [y], it can be denoted by another letter "Yu": Muesli [M'U "моль'i], the key [CL'U"] and so on.

Help for the sounds of shock vowels

The vowel family [o] is found only in a strong position (under the stress). In such cases, the "O" is not subjected to reduction: cat [Ko T'ik], the bell [Kalako' L'CH'YK], milk [Malako''y], eight [Wait' S'im '], search [Paisco' Vaia], Speaking [Go' Var], Autumn [O'S'in '].

Exception from the rule of a strong position for "O", when unstressed [o] pronounces it too clearly, only some foreign-language words are present: Cocoa [Kaka "O], Patio [Pa" Tio], Radio [RA "Dio], Boa [Bo A "] And a number of service units, for example, union but. The sound [o] in writing can be reflected by another letter "E" - [o]: Turne [T'O' PN], the fire [Kas't'''' r]. After the sounds of the remaining four vowels in the position under the stress will also not submit difficulties.

Unstressed vowels and sounds in the words of Russian

It is possible to make the right disclaimer and accurately determine the characteristic of the vowel can only after the stress in the word. Do not forget the same about the existence in our language of Omonimia: for the "IOC - Camo" to and about changing phonetic qualities, depending on the context (case, number):

  • I am at home [ya to "ma].
  • New houses [but "Vaiver da Ma"].

IN unpacking position A vowel modifies, that is, pronounced otherwise than:

  • mountains - Mount \u003d [th "ry] - [ha Ra"];
  • he is online \u003d [Oh "n] - [A NLA" WITH
  • svidoy those flax \u003d [Sv'id'e "T'i L'Nita].

Similar changes in vowels in unstressed syllables are called reduction. Quantitative when the duration of sound changes. And high-quality reduction, when the characteristic of the original sound changes.

The same unstressed vowel letter can change the phonetic characteristic depending on the position:

  • first of all, relative to the shock syllable;
  • in the absolute start or end of the word;
  • in unacted syllables (consist only of one vowel);
  • one influence of neighboring signs (b, b) and consonant.

So, differs 1st degree of reduction. She is subject to:

  • vowels in the first estate syllable;
  • unlocked syllable at the very beginning;
  • repeating vowels.

Note: To make a sound accounting analysis, the first estate syllable is determined on the basis of the head of the phonetic word, but in relation to the impact syllable: the first to the left of it. In principle, it may be the only estate: non-provincial [N'IZ'D'E'Sh'y].

(uncomplicated syllable) + (2-3 protective syllable) + 1st Propal syllable ← Impact syllable → Proclaimed syllable (+2/3 Slap syllable)

  • vPE-REAI [FP'I'i d'I'''''''''];
  • e -Te-NNO [Yi Sat't'E'S't'v'in: a];

Any other estate syllables and all impressive syllables with sound analysis refer to the reduction of the 2nd degree. It is also called the "weak position of the second degree."

  • kiss [pa-tsy-la-va't '];
  • simulate [ma-l'and'-ra-wat '];
  • swallow [La'-hundred -Che'ka];
  • kerosene [k'i-ra-s'y'-on-left].

The reduction of vowels in a weak position also differs along the steps: the second, the third (after solid and soft agreement, is outside the curriculum): learn [uch'y'z: a], talk [ATSIP'in'E'T '], Nadezhda [OPE'E]. With an alphabent analysis, the reduction of the vowel in a weak position in the final open syllable (\u003d in the absolute end of the word) will be completely slightly slightly.

  • cup;
  • goddess;
  • with songs;
  • turn.

Sound Announcement: Yoted Sounds

Phonetically letters E - [IE], E - [Yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often designate two sounds at once. Have you noticed that in all the indicated cases, the additional foundation is "y"? That is why the vowels are called yothic. The value of the letters E, E, Yu, I am determined by their positional position.

In the phonetic analysis of vowels E, E, Yu, I form 2 sounds:

Ё - [yo], y - [yu], e - [ye], I - [ya] In cases where are:

  • At the beginning of the word "E" and "Yu" always:
    • - to have [Yo' Rysh: a], Christmas tree [Yo' Lach'yny], Hedgehog [Yo' Zhyk], Capacity [Yo' Mkast '];
    • - Jeweler [Yuv 'Il'i'r], Yula [yu La'], Skirt [yu'd PKA], Jupiter [yu p'I't'ir], Yurdiness [yu "" "];
  • at the beginning of the word "E" and "I" only under the stress *:
    • - spruce [ye' l '], I go [ye' w: y], huntsman [Ye' g'Ir '], eunuch [ye' insanity];
    • - Yacht [Ya' Khta], anchor [ya' kar '], yaki [ya' ki], apple [ya''''l];
    • (* To perform the sound of unstressed vowels "E" and "I", another phonetic transcription is used, see below);
  • in position immediately after the vowel "E" and "Yu" always. But "E" and "I" in the drums and in unstressed syllables, except when the specified letters are located for vowels in the 1st estate syllable or in the 1st, 2nd prideration syllable in the middle of words. Phonetic analysis online and examples by edited cases:
    • - Take a blast [Pr'iyo'Mn'ik], Take [Paiy't], Keete T [CL'UIO'T];
    • - Issue [Ayu R'v'E'Da], I sing T [Paiu'T], melting [T'eh T], cabin [Kayu'T],
  • after the separation solid "b" sign "E" and "YU" - always, and "E" and "I" only under the emphasis or in the absolute end of the word: - Volume [Ab Yo'm], shooting [Syo'mka], Adjutant [Ady "Ta'nt]
  • after the separation soft "b" sign "E" and "Yu" - always, and "E" and "I" under the emphasis or in the absolute end of the word: - Interview [Intyrv'yu'i], trees [D'Iir'E'E'''''''] V'YA], friends [friends], brothers [Bra'y'ya], Monkey [Ab'iz'y'a'i], blizzard [B'yu' g], Family [S'em'ya'i'i ]

As you can see, in the phonematical system of the Russian stress, they are crucial. The greatest reductions are subject to vowels in unstressed syllables. We continue the sound letter of the remaining yoted and see how they can still change the characteristics depending on the environment in words.

Unstressed vowels "E" and "I" denote two sounds and in phonetic transcription and recorded as [Yi]:

  • at the very beginning of the word:
    • - Unity [Yi d'in'an'an'ye], spruce [Jil'y], blackberry [Jizhiv'I'Ka], his [Jiiv'], Hydia [Yigazi], Yenisei [Yin'is 'E'i], Egypt [Yig'y'p'it];
    • - January [Yi NVA'RSKIY], core [Jiidro], to ulce [Jiz'v''t '], label [Jirly'k], Japan [Yip'n'i'i'i], lamb [YIGN'O'NAK ];
    • (Exceptions represent only rare foreign language wordworks and names: European-like [IE Vorne'y'idnaya], Evgeny [JE] VGU'NIY, European [IE Vorne'yitz], Diocese [JE] Pajrhia and TP).
  • immediately after the vowel in the 1st estate syllable or in the 1st, 2nd impressive syllable, except for the location in the absolute end of the word.
    • timely [Svayy Vp'em'mina], trains [Payi Zda'], eat [Payiy d'I'm], to drive [Naia w: А'T '], Belgian [B'il'g'i'i'i yi c], students [uk'y'i'iyi s'a], sentences [pr'idlazhe'n'ii m'i], bustle [Sui Ta'],
    • leaving [La'yi T '], pendulum [Ma'yi tn'ik], hare [Zy'yi C], belt [as well with], declare [Rates V'I'T'], manifest [Praia in 'l'u']
  • after the separation solid "Kommersant" or the soft "b" of the sign: - Drunk [p'yi n'y't], seal [Isy Vl't '], announcement [Abyi Vl'e'n'iye], edible [Syi Da'be].

Note: For the Petersburg phonological school, "Ekanier" is characterized, and for the Moscow Ikan. Previously, Yotanted "ё" pronounced with a more accented "IE". With the change of capitals, performing a sound-letter analysis, adhere to the Moscow norms in Orthoepia.

Some people in fluent speech utter a vowel "I" equally in syllables with a strong and weak position. This pronunciation is considered a dialect and is not literary. Remember, the vowel "I" under the stress is voiced in different ways: the fair [Ya Lamarka], but the egg [yi ytso].


The letter "and" after the soft sign "B" also represents 2 sounds - [yi] when sounded alphabetic analysis. (This rule is relevant for syllables in both strong and weak position). Let's spend a sample of sound online parsing: - Nightingale [Salaw'yi], on Courish legs [on Ku'r'yi 'x "No'shki], rabbit [Cro'l'iyii], no family [S'im 'Yi'], judges [Su'd'yi], drawing [N'Yek'yi], streams [Ruch'yi], fox [Lyj'yi]. But: vowel "Oh" after a soft sign "B" is transcribed as an apostropf softness ['] of the previous consonant and [o], although, if the phonemon is pronouncing, Yothery can be heard: Broth [Bul''n], Pavilo N [Pav'yl''n], similarly: Posto , Champigno N, Shino H, Companio N, Medalo H, Balo H, Guillo Tina, Pocket La, Mino N and others.

Phonetic wording of words when the vowels "y" "E" "ё" "I" form 1 sound

According to the rules of phonetics of the Russian language at a certain position in words, the indicated letters give one sound when:

  • sound units "E" Yu "E" are in under the stress after the unpaired consonant in hardness: F, W, C. Then they denote the phonemes:
    • ё - [o],
    • e - [u],
    • y - [y].
    Examples of online analysis of sounds: Yellow [Jo' Ltoy], Silk [sho' lk], whole [CE '], recipe [Р'IET' PT], Pearls [Zhe' Mch'uk], Six [She' '], Hercher [Sha' Rshheng'], parachute [parsha't];
  • The letters "I" "Yu" "E" "E" and "and" denote the softness of the previous consonant [']. Exception only for: [F], [Ш], [C]. In such cases in a shock position They form one vowel sound:
    • ё - [o]: Train [Put'o''''''i], light [L'''''''i'i], Oven [Ap'o''''''''''], actor [Akt'' R], child [Р'IB ' O'Na];
    • e - [e]: seal [T'ul'e' n '], mirror [Z'E' Rkala], smarter [Umna'e'e], conveyor [Kanv'E' Yir];
    • i am [A]: Kittens [Cat'a'a'a], gently [m'a''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''], took [T'''' l], the mattress [T'u F'a 'K], Lebiagia [L'Ib'a'y];
    • yu - [U]: Beak [Kl'u' F], people [l'u' d'am], gateway [shl'u' s], Tulle [t'u' l '], suit [Cass't 'Um].
    • Note: In the words borrowed from other languages, the shock vowel "E" does not always signal the softness of the previous consonant. This positional mitigation ceased to be a mandatory norm in Russian phonetics only in the 20th century. In such cases, when you make a phonetic analysis of the composition, such a vowel sound is transcribed as [E] without a preceding apostrophe of softness: Hotel [ATE' L '], strap [Br'id' L'l'u], test [TE' STE] , Tennis [TE'N: IS], cafe [Cafa'], mashed potatoes [p'ure'], amber [Ambre'''], Delta [De' L't], Tender [TE' NDER], masterpiece [Shade' Shade' BP], Tablet [TASHE' T].
  • Attention! After soft consonants in estate syllables The vowels "E" and "I" are subjected to high-quality reduction and transform into sound [and] (slicing for [C], [F], [sh]). Examples of phonetic parsing words with similar phonemes: - ЗЕРНО [s'y ro'm], ze mlya [s'y ml'a''''''''''''i], zven Nit [s'v 'and n'y't], lenya [l'and Shen'i], IT Telitsa [M'I T'''l',], ne Po [p'i ro'], not In'I Sla'n'], Vertys [В'i Zak't '], la go [l'and ha't'], Py Tyrka [P'I T'O''RI]

Phonetic analysis: consonant sounds of the Russian language

The absolute majority in Russian. When neglining the consonant sound, the air flow meets obstacles. Their articulation bodies are formed: teeth, tongue, palate, vocal ligament fluctuations, lips. Due to this, noise, hissing, whistling or bellion occurs in voice.

How many consonant sounds in Russian speech?

In the alphabet for their designation used 21 letters. However, performing soundly alphabetic analysis, you will find that in Russian phonetics consonant sounds More, namely - 36.

Sound-alphabet: What are the consonants?

In our language there are consonants:

  • solid - soft and form appropriate pairs:
    • [B] - [B ']: B Anan - B Tree,
    • [B] - [in ']: in herd - in Ryun,
    • [g] - [g ']: r orode - Yerzog,
    • [D] - [D ']: D Ach - d Elphin,
    • [s] - [s']: zhon - s ether,
    • [K] - [K ']: to the onfeta - to the anguru,
    • [l] - [l ']: l Circuit - L SUK,
    • [M] - [M ']: M Agia - m
    • [n] - [n ']: n-one - n Ektar,
    • [P] - [P ']: n Alma-nsik,
    • [P] - [R ']: Pomochka - P poison,
    • [s] - [s']: With a tightness - with the Yurprise,
    • [T] - [T ']: T Study - t Julip,
    • [F] - [F ']: F Lag - F Evral,
    • [x] - [x ']: X Orek - x Idge.
  • Certain consonants do not possess a pair of hardness-softness. Unparencies include:
    • sounds [W], [C], [sh] - always solid (zon, c ik, mph);
    • [h '], [sh'] and [y '] - always soft (daughter, tackle e, your).
  • Sounds [F], [h '], [sh], [sh "] in our language are called hissing.

Consonant may be ringing - deaf, as well as sonorno and noisy.

Determine the ringing-deafness or sonarity of the consonant possible by the degree of noise-voice. These characteristics will vary depending on the method of education and the participation of the articulation bodies.

  • Sonorny (l, m, n, r, y) - the most ringing phonemes, in them heard a maximum of voice and a little noise: l ev, r ai, n ol b.
  • If, when the word pronunciation, a voice is also formed during the sound, and noise - it means that you are ringing consonant (g, b, s, etc.): Z AD, B LDU Oh, from Ny.
  • When pronouncing deaf consonants (P, C, T and other), voice ligaments are not tightened, only noise is published: STEK A, F ISHK A, K OST YUM, C IRK, ZASH.

Note: In phonetics in consonant sound units, there is also division by the nature of the education: a bow (b, p, d, t) - gap (f, sh, s, c) and method of articulation: lip-lip (b, p, m) , lip-tooth (F, B), front-band (T, d, s, s, c, g, sh, u, h, n, l, p), medium-language (s), posterhable (k, g, x) . Names are given on the basis of the articulation bodies that are involved in sound formation.

Tip: If you just start practicing in phonetic words, try to press the ears of the palm and say the background. If you managed to hear the voice, then the sound studied is a ringing consonant, if noise is heard, then deaf.

Tip: For associative communications, remember phrases: "Oh, we did not forget a friend." - This sentence contains an absolutely whole set of ringing consonants (excluding steam softness-hardness). "Stepka, do you want to eat a gum? - FI! " - Similarly, these replicas contain a set of all deaf consonants.

Positional changes in consonant sounds in Russian

The consonant sound as well as the vowel is subject to change. The same letter phonetically can designate a different sound, depending on the position occupied. In the flow of speech, the sound of one consonant under the articulation of a self-consistent consonant is used. This impact facilitates pronunciation and is called in phonetics as assimilation.

Position Stun / Soviem

In a certain position, the phonetic law of assimilation on deaf-bell is valid for consonants. Calling pair consonant is replaced by deaf:

  • in the absolute end of the phonetic word: but well [But'sh], snow [S'N'E'K], the garden [Agaro't], club [Kl'p];
  • before the deaf consonants: Nozzard A [N'izabyt Ka], overtime [APH Wat'I'T '], W Oterna [FT O'Run'ik], Tube A [Trupk A].
  • making a sound alphabet online, you will notice that the deaf pair consonant, standing before the ringing (except [th '], [in] - [in'], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m'] , [n] - [n '], [p] - [r']) also spinning, that is, it is replaced by his ringing couple: the delivery [Zda'ch'a], Crest [Kaz'b'], throat [Mlad 'Ba'], please [pro'z'b], guess [AdgaDa't'].

In Russian phonetics, the deaf noisy consonant is combined with the subsequent ringing noisy, except for the sounds [in] - [in ']: Bit cream. In this case, the transcription of both the phonemes [s] and [C] is equally admissible.

When writing on the sounds of words: Total, today, today's and TP, the letter "g" is replaced on the background [in].

According to the rules of sound analyzing, in the endings "-", "-go" names of adjectives, communities and pronuches, the consonants "g" is transcribed as a sound [B]: Red [Kra'nava], blue [S'I'N'IV] , White [B'E'Lava], sharp, full, former, of the one, whom. If, after assimilation, two uniform consonants are formed, their merging occurs. In the school program on phonetics, this process is called the consent of the consonants: to separate [Hell: 'Il''''T'] → The letters "T" and "D" are reduced to the sounds [d'D '], Besh smart [B'ISH: I mean]. When parsing in composition, a number of words in sound accounting is observed dissymilation - the process is inverse to approach. In this case, a general feature is changed in two standing accomplishments: the combination of "GK" sounds like [HC] (instead of the standard [QC]): light [L''o'k'y], soft [m''''h ' K'iy].

Soft consonants in Russian

In the phonetic parsing scheme, an apostrophe ['] is used to designate the softness of consonants.

  • Mitigation of paired solid consonants occurs before "b";
  • the softness of the consonant sound in the syllable on the letter will help determine the subsequent vowel letter (E, E, and, Yu, I);
  • [sh '], [ch'] and [th] by default only soft;
  • the sound of [N] is always softened before the soft consonants "s", "C", "D", "T": claim [PR'Iten'z 'Iya], Review [R'isen'z' Iya], Pension [Peng 'with' ua], ve [n'z '] fir, face [n'z'] yia, ka [n'd '] idat, ba [n'd'] IT, and [N'D '] IVID , Blo [n'd '] in, stipe [n'd'] yia, ba [n't '] IR, VI [n't'] IR, ZO [N'T '] IK, be [n' T '] Il, A [N'T'] Irchny, Ko [N'T '] EKST, Remo [N'T'] or
  • the letters "H", "K", "P" with phonetic disclaimers in composition can be softened before soft sounds [h '], [sh "]: Glass of IR [stak'n'ch'ik], Slimming IR [cm'e 'N'SH'IK], Ponch IR [Pu'n'ch'ick], Kamensen IK [Kam'e'n'Sh'ick], Boulevard Inina [Bul'wa'r'sh'in], Borsch [ borscht'];
  • often the sounds [z], [s], [p], [n] before soft consonants undergo the assimilation of hardness and softness: ST ENKA [SIT'NE'NE], life [zhyz'n '], health [ s'd'es'];
  • to correctly perform a sound letter, consider the words of exception, when the consonant [p] before soft dentals and lumps, as well as before [h '], [sh'] pronounces firmly: Artel, feed, cornet, samovarchik;

Note: The letter "b" after the consistent unpaired hardness / softness in some wordforms, only grammatical function performs and does not impose a phonetic load: learn, night, mouse, rye, and so on. In such words, with alphabetic analysis in square brackets opposite the letter "B" is set [-].

Positional changes in paired ringing-deaf before hissing consonants and their transcription in sound analysis

To determine the number of sounds in the Word, it is necessary to take into account their positional changes. Paired ringing-deaf: [D-T] or [z-s] before hissing (w, sh, sh, h) phonetically replaced with hissing consonants.

  • Literal analysis and examples of the words with hissing sounds: arrogant [Pr'iyi'zhzhi], Esthey [Your E''Si'iiii], "Half Etnya [Jajzh Elta], Szh Alily [LJ Al'itz: but].

The phenomenon when two different letters are pronounced as one, called full assimilation in all signs. Performing a sound-letter parsing of the word, one of the repetitive sounds you must designate in the transcription symbol of longitude [:].

  • Writeness with the hissing "SG" - "ZZH", are pronounced as a double solid consonant [W:], and "SSH" - "ZIS" - as [W:]: Squeezed, sew, without a tire, rushed.
  • The combination of "ZZH", "LJ" inside the root when sounded analysis is recorded in transcription as a long consonant [W:]: I drive, squeal, later, the entrance, yeast, zhizhka.
  • Combines "SC", "ZCH" at the root and suffix / consoles are pronounced as a long soft [SH ':]: account [sh': Ot], copyist, customer.
  • At the junction of the prepress with the next word on the site "Sch", "ZCH" is transcribed as [Shch'ch ']: without a number [B'Sh' h 'Isla'], with something [Shch'ch' E'Mt] .
  • When the combination of "TC", "DCH", on the junction, is determined as a double soft [h ':]: pilot [l'O'ch': IR], youthful IR [Lie'ch ': IR], the report [Ah ': Ot].

Cheat sheet to like the consonant sounds at the place of education

  • sC → [LE ':]: Happiness [Shk': aj't'ye], Sandstone [P'Izis ': A'N'IK], Speaker [Odiv'sh': IR], Lamp, calculations, exhaust, clear;
  • zCh → [LE ':]: Cutter [P'E'Sh': IR], loader [Gru'st ': IR], narrator [Rake'sch': IR];
  • lCD → [Shk ':]: Dead [P'Ir'Ibe'y': IK], Male [Musha ': I'Na];
  • sch → [Shch ':]: Springly [V'Isnu'sh': Out];
  • sThch → [Shk ':]: Had [Jo'Sh': E], Clear, Equipboard;
  • zDCh → [Shch ':]: Trainer [Abye'sh': IR], furor [Baro'st ': Out];
  • sCHC → [LE ':]: split [rations': IP'I'T '], eliminated [rational': E'd'ls'a];
  • tSH → [Ch'Sh ']: Putting [Ach'sh'st' IP'I'T '], reassure [ache "O'lk'Ivat'], in vain [Ch''st 'Etna], carefully [h' u 'at'el'n];
  • pM → [CH ':]: Report [Ah': O'T], depreciation [Ah ': i'value], eyelant [Р'is'n'y'ch': Yes];
  • hades → [h ':]: emphasize [Pach': O'Rrk'Ivat '], Padderitsa [Pach': Ir'ita];
  • sJ → [w:]: Squeeze [F: А'T '];
  • zJ → [w:]: Reliable [Izh:'t '], Razhigig [Ro'Zh: SH], Leaving [Uyzh: a't'];
  • sS → [W:]: Printed [Pr'in'''Sh: B.], embroidered [Rush: O'The];
  • zS → [W:]: Lowest [N'ish: s]
  • thu → [pcs], in wordforms with "that" and its derivatives, making sound alphabetic analysis, we write [pc]: To [PC O'Be], not for that [N'E 'SHAST A], something [ pcs about n'ibut '], something;
  • thu → [Ch't] In other cases of an alphabetic analysis: Dreamer [M'ich't a't'yl '], Mail [POKH'T A], preference [PR'Itpach't' E'N ' EE] and TP;
  • cN → [SN] In the words-exceptions: Of course [Kan'E'Shn A '], boring [Skye A'], bakery, laundry, fried, trivial, nesting house, bachelorette party, mustard, rag, and also in Women's patrimonies ending on "OIC": Ilinichna, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, etc.;
  • cN → [Ch'N] - letter analysis for all other options: fabulous [Sk'zach'ni], Country [yes'ch'n), strawberry [Z'Im'l'in'y'ch'n s), wreck, cloud, sunny, etc.;
  • ! Railway → At the site of the letter combination of "railway" permissible twofold pronunciation and transcription [sh "] or [pc '] in the word rain and in the word formed from it: rainy, rain.

Unprofitable consonant sounds in the words of the Russian language

During the pronunciation of a whole phonetic word with a chain from a variety of different consonant letters, one or other sound may be lost. As a result, in the spells of words, letters, devoid of sound values, the so-called unprofitable consonants are. To properly perform a phonetic analysis of the online, the unreleased consonants are not displayed in transcription. The number of sounds in such phonetic words will be less than letters.

In Russian phonetics, they treat the number of unresponsible consonants:

  • "T" - in combination:
    • sTN → [CH]: local [M'E'Sni], reed [Tras'n 'I'K]. By analogy, it is possible to perform a phonetic sealing of words Lester ICA, honest, known, joyful, sad, domestic, Vestn IK, rampant, fierce and others;
    • stell → [Sl]: Happy Ivy [Ly ': Asl' Ja'y "], happy Ivchchik, conscisistently, whipping Ivy (words - exceptions: the bony and postpone, in them the letter" T "is pronounced);
    • nTSC → [NSC]: Giant School [G'IIG'NSK 'Xi], Agent, Presidentical,
    • silt → [s:]: Sixis from [SCHES: О'T], I [Veshe's: a], Klyastis I [CL'''s: a];
    • sTS → [C:]: Tourists Kiy [Tour'i's: K'ii], Maximalist Kiy [Max'imal'y's: K'i'i], Rasist Hoi [Ras'y's: K'i'y] , bestoss eleler, propaganda cue, expression destroyers, Hindus cue, careerist;
    • nTH → [NG]: X-ray [Р'эng 'e'n];
    • "", "" "→ [C:] in the verb endings: smile [Smil's: a], wash [we'z: a], it looks like, it is good to bow, shave, is suitable;
    • tS → [C] At adjectives in combination at the junction of the root and suffix: Childish [d'E'z K'ii], Brats Kiy [Brazy Kii];
    • tS → [C:] / [CA]: Sports men [Spartz: M'E'N], compress [ACS L'T '];
    • tC → [C:] At the junction of Morpham with a phonetic analysis online, it is recorded as a long "CCC": Bratz and [Bra'z: A], Otz Eat [AC: Ospi't '], to FTS U [to AC: U'];
  • "D" - when analyzing the sounds in the following letters:
    • zDN → [ZN]: Late Xi [Pon''n 'Xi], Star'sh [Z'V'O''ZNA], Celebrating IR [Pra'z'n' IK], Discontinued [B'Zvazm ' E'zni];
    • nDSh → [NSH]: Munds Tuk [Muns Tu'k], Landsh AFT [LANSH A'TE];
    • nDSK → [NSK]: DutchSK Ii [Gala'nsk 'Xi], Thailandsk Ii [Taila'nsk' Xi], Normansk, ion [Narm'nsk ',];
    • healthy → [SC]: under Uzdtsi [Pad SSS];
    • nDC → [NC]: DutchTs [Gala'nz s];
    • rDD → [RC]: Heart E [C'E'RC E], Heart of Evina [C'Irz Yves''''an];
    • rDCH → [RF "]: Heart Ishko [S'Erch 'and''shka];
    • dC → [C:] At the junction of morpheme, less often in the roots, pronounced and when the word analysis is sounded, it is written as double [C]: Pod Cixed [Patz: Ospi't '], twentiest [Dv'ts: v]] ;
    • dS → [C]: Zava Koi [Zavats Ko'i], Rhodes Your [RCC TVO], Mersand Your [SR'E'C TV], Kislovods to [K'islavo'z K];
  • "L" - in combination:
    • lSTs → [NC]: Sun E [SO'NTS E], Suns Estation;
  • "B" - in combination:
    • vEGS → [ST] lettering words: Healthy [Zdrasi Uyt'e], feelings about [Ch'u'i a], feeling [Ch'u''vi 'Inas't'], baltness about [balasms O'], norified [d'Evi's' in: s].

Note: In some words of the Russian language when accumulating the consonant sounds of "STK", "NTK", "ZDK", "NDK", the foundation of the phonemes [t] is not allowed: the trip [Paeevka], daughter-in-law, typist, agenda, laboratory, student , Patient, bulky, Ireland, Scotland.

  • Two identical letters immediately after the shock vowel, when alphalled, is transcribed as a single sound and a symbol of longitude [:]: class, bath, mass, group, program.
  • Doubted consonants in the state syllables are designated in transcription and pronounced as one sound: tunnel [Tanke'l '], terrace, apparatus.

If you find it difficult to fulfill the phonetic analysis of the word online according to the indicated rules or you have turned out to be an ambiguous analysis of the test word, take advantage of the help of the directory dictionary. Literary norms of orthoepia are governed by the publication: "Russian literary pronunciation and emphasis. Dictionary - directory. " M. 1959


  • Litnievskaya E.I. Russian language: short theoretical course for schoolchildren. - MSU, M.: 2000
  • Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. - Enlightenment, M.: 1967
  • Beshenkova E.V., Ivanova O.E. Rules of Russian spelling with comments.
  • Tutorial. - "Institute for the advanced training of educators", Tambov: 2012
  • Rosenthal D.E., Dzhanjakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Directory on spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. Russian literary pronunciation. - M.: Chero, 1999

Now you know how to disassemble the word on the sounds, to make a sound alphabet analysis of each syllable and determine their quantity. The rules described explain the laws of phonetics in the format of the school program. They will help you to phonetically characterize any letter.

1. ['Sɜ: Vıs] n (SUB.)

1. Service


domestic Service - homework, responsibilities servants

to Be In (SMB. "S) Service - Being a servant, serve (by someone)

to Go Into / To, Out to / Service - Go to servants

to Take Service with SMB. - to come to in servants

to Take SMB. INTO ONE "S Service - hire smb., To take the service

last Week The Cook Left Our Service - Last week a cook left from us

2. 1) work


hard Service. - severe [unpleasant, tedious] work

to be out of service - to be without work / without place /

to go out of service - leave work

to Reward SMB. for his good service - to reward For good [for a long] service

to Be On Detached Service - to be on a business trip

to Send SMB. OFF ON SECIAL SERVICE - send smb. with a special task

he Gives Good Service - He works well, he is an excellent worker

2) working experience, service life

3. Public service


tHE CIVIL SERVICE - State / Civil / Service

to Be In The Civil Service - to be in civil / in public / service

the Diplomatic Service, amer. FOREIGN SERVICE - Diplomatic Service

tHE CONSULAR SERVICE - Consular Service

oN HIS MAJESTY "S Service - (sokr. O.H.M.S.) in the service of his [her] Majesty ( formal Correspondence Form )

4. 1) institution ( admission )



reporting Services - the official reports department ( UN )

administrative Services - Administrative Department ( uN Secretariat. ); Administrative services

typewriting Service - typewritten bureau


telegraph Service. - Telegraph [Postal, Telephone] Communication

communication Service - Communication Service

railway Service, Service of Trains - Railway communication

pASSENGER SERVICE - passenger message

to Restore Normal Train Service - Restore regular movement of trains

to Institute A New Air Service - Enter a new air report line

tHE TELEPHONE SERVICE IS OUT OF ORDER - Telephone communication is broken

to Operate Regular Services from A. To B. - establish regular flights between A. and B.

3) service, service


good Service At a Hotel - Good [bad] Hotel service [in restaurant]

prompt Service - fast service

to Give Customers Prompt Service - quickly serve buyers

medical Service - Medical Services

eLECTRIC-LIGHT SERVICE - Ensuring electricity

4) service sector; Maintenance of the population; service life, service

5) Library service ( tZH. service to Readers)

5. Military service


National Service. cm. national II 1.

Selective Service - amer. military service for individual citizens ( by selection )

active Service, Service With The Colors - Valid military service

to Be Called Up for Active Service - to be designed for valid military service

to Do One "S Military Service - Pass Military

to be in the service - serve in the army

lENGTH / PERIOD / OF SERVICE - Military Service

fit for Service - Suitable for Military Service

to Quit The Service - dismiss from military service

to Be Dismissed / Discharged / From The Service - be dismissed from military service

to Retire From Service - resign

service Ashore - mor. coastal service

sEA Service - service on floating ships

eXAMINATION SERVICE - mor. brandvachny / inspection / service

dAILY SERVICE - mor. service of ship dies

6. military. view of the armed forces; type of army


the Three Services - The ARMY, THE NAVY, THE AVIATION - Three types of troops: Ground troops, navy and air force

what Branch of the Service Do You Expect to Enter? - What kind of genus the troops will you enroll?

7. 1) Service, facilities; help


to Be at SMB. "S Service - to be to whose services

I am at Your Service - I [home] at your service / at your disposal /

to Offer One "S Services - offer your services

to Be of Service to SMB. - to be someone useful, come in handy to sorry service.

glad to Be of Service To You - I am glad to be useful

to do / to render / smb. A (Great) Service - to give someone (greater) service

will You Do Me A Service? - Remit me a service

what Good Services This Pen Has Done Me! - This handle served me well!

you Do Yourself No Service by Such Replies - You only lose such answers

hE DIDN "T Need The Services of An Interpreter - He did not need services / in assistance / translator

in Gratitude For Your Valuable Services - in gratitude for your invaluable services

an Exchange Of Friendly Services - exchange friendly services

the Dictionary Is of Enormous Service to Students - This dictionary has great assistance to students.

2) merit


great Services. - Large [huge, important] merit

pROMINENT SERVICES TO THE STATE - Outstanding [significant] merits before the state [in training and education]

tO EXAGGERATE ONE "S OWN SERVICES - exaggerate your own merit

for SMB. "S Past Services - for past merits

8. 1) Service

9. church. worship service, service


mORNING SERVICE - Morning [Evening, Sunday] Service

bURIAL SERVICE - Elevation


baptismal Service - Captures

memorial Service - Fancy Service, Panhid

to attend a service - attend worship

to CONDUCT A SERVICE - keep service

are you going to service? - Are you going to church?

10. Feed the ball ( tennis )

11. jUR. execution of the court order; Presentation ( agenda etc. ); judicial notice


personal Service - Personal Alert

substituted Service - Mail Alert

sERVICE OF A WRIT - a copy of the court order

sERVICE OF ATTACHMENT - Bringing a judicial decision on the submission of a person

12. s.-H. wechka

13. mor. service

14. those. exploitation


service Instructions - Operating Rules

sERVICE LIFE - operational service life

a RADIO SET WITH FREE 12 MONTHS SERVICE - radio with a warranty for a year

idiom. vs to Have Seen Service - be in debt, wear

my Overcoat Has Seen Long Service - My coat was already worn out / served his age /

hIS FACE HAS SEEN SERVICE - according to his face it is clear that he is not young / that he saw views /

2. ['Sɜ: Vıs] a (adj.)

1. Military; armed


service AGE (Group) - Care

service Aviation - Military Aviation

service Call - Statutory / Service / Signal

service Certificate - a) service certificate; b) Certificate

service Chevron - Stripe for the six-month service at the front


sERVICE NUMBER - Personal Number ( serviceman )

service Record - Valuation List


sERVICE TEST - Tests in troops, military tests

service Troops - service troops; Roll parts and divisions

service Uniform / Dress / - Casual Clothing Form

service Unit - serving part

service Weapon - Combat Weapon

V (verb.)

1. Serve

2. Treat inspection and current repairs

II. ['Sɜ: Vıs] n (SUB.) bot.

rowan homemade ( Pyrus Domestica. )