Public-private partnership as a factor in social development of the khomeriki region, naila borisovna.

No guys, I'm not proud.
Without looking into the distance
So I will say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.

A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin. About the award"

The award has found a hero!

On October 6, Krasnodar hosted a meeting of the Council on Cossack Affairs under the President of the Russian Federation, at which the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, as we learned from the information from the website of the First Cossack University, "thanked Valentina Ivanova for her activities and presented the medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" For merit. "

It should be noted that the rector of the First Cossack University V.N. Ivanova is not an employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Therefore, we became interested in why she could receive such an award. On the basis of the Regulations on the Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Merit" (see Appendix No. 5 to the order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation No. 53 of June 23, 2014) "persons who are not employees of the Investigative Committee ..." can be awarded to her "... for many years of cooperation with the Investigative Committee, assistance and assistance to the Investigative Committee in the disclosure and investigation of grave and especially grave crimes."

What could have been the cooperation between Valentina Nikolaevna and the Investigative Committee? To answer this question, we turned to the history of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management from the moment V. N. Ivanova joined it as a rector. Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova believes that one of her main achievements as rector is that she managed to overcome bribery and extortion from students, which flourished at the university before her arrival.

There is no doubt that this is no small achievement. Indeed, as we managed to find out from the old-timers of the university, all this took place before V.N. Ivanova, and was carried out quite legally. Meeting with the guests of the university and talking about its state in the first days of her reign, Valentina Nikolaevna always enthusiastically tells how she discovered the stamp "paid" with which the university staff "canceled" students' documents before transferring them to the next year or graduating from the university. The papers "canceled" in this way were transferred to the window made in the iron door, from where the students received back the documents they needed, "- VN Ivanova usually sums up her story about the corruption that reigned before her at the university.

Today in the First Cossack University there is neither the notorious stamp, nor an iron door with a window, nor employees from the team of the former rector. Periodically, people who have committed acts related to illegal enrichment are expelled from the university. For example, in 2015, the director of the Institute of Technological Management, Tatyana Shlenskaya, paid with her position for trying to take 45 thousand rubles for the sale of a diploma. In June of this year, while receiving illegal monetary reward, the deputy director of the Center for Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Technologies of the First Cossack University, Alexander Dubovets, was detained. Using his official position, he issued certificates of completion of training under the program of additional professional education without undergoing actual training. Other attempts to use their official position for personal enrichment by university staff were periodically suppressed. Valentina Nikolaevna is just right to give the order for the fight against corruption in her university. But ... she only got a medal. Why?

Ostap Bender is resting ...

But you can't hide anything from the Investigative Committee! Including new, invented in the "Ivanova era" schemes of legal "taking money from the population" (read, students and the state), developed at the First Cossack University. Moreover, the Investigative Committee from the First Cossack University regularly receives complaints from the offended VN Ivanova and her entourage. And there are more and more such offended people!

What has been invented at the university in recent years is not some banal stamps and windows in an iron door for you! We think that the great strategist Ostap Bender, who knew four hundred relatively honest ways of "taking money from the population", is just a naive baby compared to Valentina Nikolaevna and her team.

So, first things first.


Every student of the First Cossack University knows what is hidden behind this abbreviation. These are additional educational programs, of which there are quite a few at the university. You will say that this is great, because Cossack students have the opportunity, in addition to the main higher education get a lot of additional knowledge, master the competencies not provided for by the main program. And you will definitely be right, since the students of the First Cossack University will certainly master one competence well - the competence to deposit money into an ATM for supposedly studied additional education courses.

How is the process of implementing DOPs organized? We asked the teachers and students of the First Cossack University about this.

A.P., former teacher

"On graduation course students are invited to attend an additional course of lectures on preparation for a diploma. Officially, this course is voluntary, but without it, the student is not allowed to defend the diploma. The price of such a course at different institutes ranges from 20 to 60 thousand rubles. In fact, after payment, 2 - 3 classes are held, after which the student is allowed to defend. "

Natalia, fourth-year student

The university introduced a point system. What does it mean? For example, I go to class, do all the assignments, and get 28 points. And admission to the exam is 30 points, which we will learn about closer to the session! What to do? Go and pay for extra. Paid - brought a receipt - missing points appeared! "

Evgeniy, third year student

Honestly, this is very convenient if you are not particularly "confused" with studies and want to get a diploma without "loading" yourself. I don't even try to complete any tasks - you come and say that you don't know anything, they send you to pay for DOPs. You just need to bring a receipt for payment and you will be given the desired grade or credit. You can find out about the prices for DOPs in advance both from the teachers and on social networks. The teachers are not ashamed to talk about it, because they are carrying out the rector's command to attract money to the university, they have a plan. "

Svetlana, second year student

I'm shocked by the DOPs! I studied well at school, but in the first year I was told that I did not know anything about mathematics and that I needed to study additionally. I tried to argue, because at school in algebra and geometry I had a solid "four" - no one listened! They told me to pay for DOPs. I paid, but nobody worked with me. But on the other hand she received a positive assessment. Why do I need such an education? Now I'm transferring to another university!

No comments are needed here. We think that potential applicants to the First Cossack have something to think about before submitting their documents to this university.

Why are they expelled from the First Cossack?

This question has never been an idle one for students. What do the guys from the First Cossack say to him?

Alexander, third year student

“They can be expelled from our university only if they haven't paid for their studies on time. And there is nothing to be afraid of. "

Ekaterina, fourth year student

"Dismissal for missing classes from MGUTU? Don't tell me! If you start skipping classes, take a walk, you still get paid."

At the same time, the quality of education at the university is a disaster! Many employers reasonably believe that graduates of the Moscow University of Technology and Management in recent years are less well prepared than graduates of secondary professional educational institutions... At some enterprises there is an unspoken rule not to hire graduates of the First Cossack, no matter what marks are in their diplomas. Another serious reason to think for both applicants and current students!

"Dead Souls"

Let's move on from students to "adult games" - "games of dead souls". The official website of the First Cossack University informs that a certain Daria Aleksandrovna Biserova is listed there as a vice-rector for educational and methodical work, whom none of the students and university staff we interviewed has ever seen. We tried to find out what this D.A. Biserova does specifically, calling on the already mentioned site for help. Alas ... it is only listed in the university telephone directory. We dialed the specified phone number several times - the answer was long beeps. Perhaps she is carrying out some important and secret state task - there are no photos of her on the site, unlike the photos of the rector and other vice-rectors.

The vice-rector for capital construction Nailya Borisovna Khomeriki is even more classified - there is no information about her on the official website, except for her position. And none of the people we interviewed who are related to the First Cossack University knows it either! Also, how unclear what kind of capital construction is the university doing? It simply does not exist! The vice-rector ex-officio should be a member of the Academic Council of the University, however, according to the official website, both Khomeriki and Biserova are absent.

Out of five vice-rectors - two are "dead souls"! Is not it too much? But it is obvious that both of them receive a considerable salary. According to expert estimates, the salary of the vice-rector of a Moscow university "starts" at 200 thousand rubles.

We analyzed for "dead souls" only top management First Cossack University. And what is going on in the institutes, numerous departments, offices and departments of the university? It's no secret that some of them, such as, for example, the advertising department, are focused exclusively on the personal PR of Rector Ivanova. Just as there are university structures that "cover" her stillborn brainchild - the All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly (abbreviated as UPU), which has lost all respect in the Russian pedagogical community due to its real inaction.

The first Cossack as a "field of miracles"

Probably someone will write a dissertation on economics on this topic someday. Moreover, there is a potential scientific advisor - the rector of the First Cossack University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova.

Judging by the accounting documents posted in open sources, the university regularly carries out expensive cosmetic repairs to its many buildings. However, their quality is depressing. Here's what the students of the First Cossack say about it.

Victoria, third year student

“We study in a building on Oktyabrsky Pole (Moscow area near the metro station of the same name - author's note), which is falling apart before our eyes. The steps and ceiling are collapsing, and there are not enough audiences. The renovation was carried out, but it was done only in the lobby and assembly hall, where no one studies. "

Artem, fourth year student

There is no dining room in the building on Oktyabrsky Pole - it was closed and "forgot" to open it. There are decent classrooms equipped with modern technology only in the main building on Zemlyanoy Val, but we rarely study there. More and more ceremonial events are held there with the Cossacks and guests of the rector. "

One more group of seedlings for the "field of miracles" of the First Cossack - state contracts. As a rule, they relate to the problems of the Cossacks. It should be noted that with the transformation of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management into the First Cossack University in 2014, the amount of funds allocated to support Cossack education by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia increased by an order of magnitude. The same cannot be said about the quality of the events and developments provided by the university. Realizing this, VN Ivanova increasingly began to resort to the services of "laundries", which we have already written about on the site. In general, the topic of the implementation of state contracts by the university requires a comprehensive analysis in a separate publication, which we will certainly do.

"Well, how not to please a dear little man"

The first Cossack university became a haven for numerous relatives and friends of the family of V.N. Ivanova. So one of its key structural divisions - the management of planning and financial activities of the university is headed by E. Vinogradova - the rector's match. Other relatives and friends of Valentina Nikolaevna's family also work at the university.

The daughter of the rector, Nadezhda Sergeevna Vinogradova, who works in the First Cossack Territory, deserves a special mention; she informally manages all the project activities of the university. It is to this activity of the university, first of all, that the interest of law enforcement agencies should be turned: numerous forgeries of reporting documents, low quality of work, non-payment of money to their performers have become the hallmark of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Today, cooperating with the First Cossack is a bad form in the educational and scientific community.

But back to N.S. Vinogradova. On the university website, we could not find any mention of Nadezhda Sergeevna's current position, although everyone working at the university knows that it is with her that all current financial issues need to be coordinated. In this she is the direct opposite of the "phantom" Khomeriki and Biserova. The daughter went to her mother's activity - she was engaged in university affairs both being pregnant and being a nursing mother. From time to time, university workers are agitated by rumors that Valentina Nikolaevna sees her daughter as a successor as rector. Such excitement is quite understandable - the attitude towards Nadezhda Sergeevna in the university staff is rather cool. This is not North Korea, where the descendants of Kim Il Sung, the founder of the state and "the leader of the Korean people," Kim Jong Il and the current head of Kim Jong-un, are considered "beloved leaders" for good reason. NS Vinogradova, who periodically throws tantrums and regularly admits rudeness towards her colleagues, is far from "people's love". I would like to believe that the similar experience of other "monarchy" universities, which collapsed due to the principled position of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, will not work in the case of the long-suffering First Cossack University. However, in fairness, it must be admitted that if Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova is really worthy of the medal "For Merit" for anything, in addition to her services to the Investigative Committee of Russia, it is for her services to her family.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that in the fight against university corruption, the work of the rector of the First Cossack University is an endless land. And the most important achievement that may be waiting for Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova is to overcome herself and her inner circle. Then it will be possible to rank her among the great rectors and give the order. In the meantime, the medal ..., with which we sincerely congratulate Valentina Nikolaevna!

Maria Zayats, Nikolay Zubov

Photo from the site of MGUTU


Kuznetsov Yuri






doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Planning of Socio-Economic Processes faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University (191123, Russia, St. Petersburg, Chaikovskogo str., 62). E-mail: [email protected]

doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor, Moscow State University of Railway Transport of Emperor Nicholas II (MIIT), Moscow University. S.Yu. Vitte (127994, Russia, Moscow, Obraztsova st., 9). E-mail: [email protected]

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,

Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) (115088, Russia, Moscow, street Zemlyanoy Val, 73). E-mail: [email protected]


The article presents the mechanisms for the development of public-private partnership in order to solve the social problems of the region. The problems and opportunities for improving the implementation of the potentials of subjects of public-private partnership in the process of implementing investment programs in the regions of Russia with a social focus are identified.

Key words: development of public-private partnership, investment programs in the region, social orientation, economic security, potential.

At present, the Russian Federation is actively developing cooperation between the state and private business in various fields. Even in those areas of activity where the state has traditionally been a monopolist (education, energy, transport infrastructure, healthcare, utilities, culture, etc.]. A promising instrument of such cooperation can be public-private partnership. This practice has already proved itself quite well in foreign countries. This tool makes it possible to attract private investment in fairly capital-intensive projects that are of very important state and public importance for ensuring economic security, including using the experience of private businessmen for the most effective management of state property and improving the quality of public services.

The study of the implementation of regional investment programs demonstrates that they do not ensure the effective functioning of the social sphere. A favorable background for business development is determined by the balance of advantages and disadvantages, which helps to choose the right strategy for economic development.

The current state of the social sphere in the Russian Federation at the regional level does not always correspond international standards and does not fully provide opportunities for human development in order to ensure social and economic security. The absence of additional incentive measures capable of supporting it can reduce the amount of labor resources and slow down the dynamics of economic growth. A prompt response is needed to changing external threats and conditions, which are now changing more and more rapidly. All this determines the relevance of improving the investment climate of the regions, and among the targets should be identified the tasks of developing the social sphere.

The most important function of the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population through the implementation of social needs, which in turn takes a priority place in the systemic development of human potential. In order to create conditions for comfortable living and improve the quality of life, priority is given to

urban infrastructure. The development of public-private partnerships can solve the problem of social development in large cities.

For this purpose, it is proposed to use the approach of D. Ross and F.M. Scherer to the definition of effective performance. From their perspective, performance is the achievement of four goals.

The first of them - the compliance of the parameters of the manufactured products with the requirements and demands of consumers forms the basis of the proposed methodological approach, which is focused on harmonizing the interests of business and the state to improve the quality and ensure the safety of life of the population.

The next goal is a fair distribution of income for reasonable price stability. Achievement of this goal is achieved by the limitations of the proposed model (limitation on the ratio of investments, limitation on the amount of allocated funds, limitation on the amount of maximum cost of services], and secondly, the proposed position underlying all recommendations.

The third goal - the accumulation of all opportunities for the use of resources by producers - is based on the proposed recommendations to the state on the organization of favorable conditions for the implementation of social programs (development of regional investment infrastructure, preferential tax regimes, etc.]

The last goal - the progressive nature of the activities of manufacturers in order to supply consumers with better quality products - is carried out on the basis of the proposed recommendations to the state to attract the most qualified organizations for the development of the social infrastructure of the region.

Next, we will consider the possibilities for improving the implementation of the potentials of participation of PPP subjects in the process of implementing investment programs in the regions of the Russian Federation with a social orientation. The main potential of the state is state property, the rights to use which can be transferred to participants in PPP projects.

Recommendations for the implementation of the potential for growth in support of local government activities by the population - implementation of charitable and research programs included in the project. Increasing support for the actions of the authorities by the population is one of the most important indicators of the success of a social project. The main recommendations should be considered:

1] implementation of the project strictly in accordance with the demographic characteristics of the area (in the case of predominance of elderly people, the provision of health services is important];

2] implementation of the project in accordance with the wishes of the local population (it is important to regularly conduct a survey, involve representatives of the public in the formation of projects];

3] carrying out charitable events aimed at involving citizens in the formation and operation of facilities (for example, a volunteer clean-up with an entertainment program], and at the sale of specialized services / goods.

Recommendation on the implementation of the potential for creating a tax environment that favorably influences the implementation of social programs - the development of tax incentives for organizations implementing social programs and projects. The solution to this problem on the optimization of social programs and projects largely covers the creation of certain conditions for businessmen, encouraging participation in the implementation of social projects and programs. For this it is proposed:

1] to develop at the legislative level issues of granting a deferral of payment of income tax to the budget;

2] to conclude a contract with a partner on the provision of a tax credit, where the main condition will be the accumulation of funds for the implementation of social projects and programs that meet modern quality standards;

3] to develop a system of normative and legislative acts that reduce the overall tax burden for organizations that ensure the formation of socially oriented objects. Despite the decrease in tax revenues, the budget will be replenished with taxes from additional production of related goods or services. All this will contribute to the prevention of a deficit state, as well as allow counting on a higher level of income due to a greater number of erected objects and interest.

Recommendations for the implementation of the growth potential of the provision of the working-age population with individual services - the implementation of a comprehensive strategy to improve the non-productive infrastructure. Improving the non-production infrastructure directly depends on the specific specifics of the project or program. As measures, for example, developing transport security, it should be proposed:

1) implementation of measures to increase the provision of transport services (for example, the allocation of subsidies in order to pay a partial cost of a parking space];

2) the implementation of state support for certain categories of citizens aimed at improving the parking conditions for personal vehicles (for example, for young families];

3) stimulate businesses public transport in order to meet the needs of those categories of citizens who cannot afford the storage of personal vehicles.

Let us analyze the possibilities for improving the implementation of state potentials in the course of interaction with a private partner. In accordance with this, certain directions for implementing interactions with a private partner should be recommended:

1) implementation of operational management of PPP resources;

2) motivation of private enterprises;

3) control over the implementation of the program or project;

4) coordination of actions of private partners.

The implementation of operational resource management involves the provision of private enterprises with resources within a certain time frame, their redistribution if necessary. Motivating private partners for a project or program consists of developing and implementing a system of benchmarks for the implementation of the project or program. Monitoring the progress of the implementation of a social program or project, as well as coordinating the activities of partners implies coordination with the Committee on Statistics of an Administrative Territorial Unit of certain forms of reporting and accounting; evaluation and analysis of the performance of private companies and the adoption of specific management decisions. All this is important to determine the compliance of a project or program with the priorities of increasing the quality of life of the population in a particular region.

A recommendation for developing the potential to reduce prices for services provided by a contractor is to increase the investment attractiveness of territories in order to encourage contractors to participate in a program or project on a compromise basis. The key potential of the state when interacting with a private partner is to receive its services at a lower price. Therefore, it is important to ensure the growth of the competitiveness of a particular project, to determine the conditions under which the contractor will be ready to provide services at a cheaper rate. In this regard, it is possible to recommend the formation of investment development strategies. Investors are interested in the “menu” of opportunities, defined within the constraints, which are primarily dictated not by the wishes of the authorities, but by the objective prerequisites for the development of a certain region: service area; 2] in the regions of resource development, mainly project development strategies predominate, which are focused on the activation of large investors; 3] relatively industrial medium-developed regions, the best strategies will be to open them to a large circle of investors; 4] in underdeveloped remote regions, strategies should be applied focusing on the development of institutions carried out in close contact with federal centers.

Recommendations for improving the implementation of the growth potential of the share of funds invested in a program or project by a private enterprise - improving the investment territorial infrastructure in order to create a regime that is most conducive to the growth of investments from the private partner. In order to increase regional investment activity, it is proposed: to provide incentives and create conditions that allow making decisions about their investment in a given territory. Offered:

1. Form a structure to promote investment in a specific area. Its main tasks include: 1] the development of provisions for the investment regional policy; 2] the formation of a portfolio of investment proposals; 3] providing assistance in the execution of contracts in the framework of investment projects or programs.

2. Development and support of the regional image as the most favorable territory for doing business. It is recommended: 1] to conduct press research; 2] conduct an information campaign to improve the territorial image; 3] to develop a business map for a specific region.

3. Formation of the infrastructure of the investment market ("banks, leasing organizations, etc.]. All this indirectly makes it possible to ensure the possibility of accumulating financial resources.

The recommendation to reduce the project implementation timeframe by means of technologies used by private enterprises is to develop a strategy for the formation of an innovative territorial infrastructure. All this will provide an opportunity not only to create a favorable climate for innovative companies, but also provide an opportunity to rely on their emergence in a certain territory. It is proposed: 1] to form legislative conditions in order to stimulate effective deviations in the resource innovative provision of reproduction; 2] the formation of the state innovative order; 3] development of conditions for the implementation of joint innovation-active systems with foreign companies with the help of guarantees and preferential taxation.

Let us analyze the possibility of improving the realization of the potential of a private company in relation to a social project or program.

The potential of a private enterprise to implement a PPP program. The implementation of social projects or programs carries both direct material efficiency and has an indirect impact on the development of the enterprise. In order to realize the realization of such potentials, one should take into account the specificity of markets for goods or services of a social nature, which implies a special status in various conditions of development of Russian regions.

An increase in the fixed capital of an enterprise and an increase in its investment attractiveness through obtaining increased profits will make it possible to develop its production equipment, which, as a result, will give a chance to produce goods or services of even higher quality. All this will make it possible to save on individual costs, which will reduce prices and provoke an increase in demand. As a result, the potential of both consumers of specialized services or goods and intermediaries of investors is realized. In order to achieve the established goals, a general recommendation should be drawn up - to reorganize the corporate management system in order to take into account the specifics of investment development of the regional social sphere. For this purpose, first of all, it is recommended to identify centers of responsibility for the implementation of social projects.

A recommendation to improve the implementation of the potential to reduce the level of unmet demand for services implemented within the framework of the program is to allocate centers of responsibility for matching the quality of goods / services to the priorities of increasing quality living conditions of the population and ensuring economic security. The specific significance of the growth in demand for services / goods in order to increase the quality of life of the population determines the importance and requires focusing on the interaction of the centers of responsibility of the organization - the structures responsible for specific areas and types of work.


1. Anichkina O.A., Kapustina N.V. Assortment policy of agribusiness and opportunities for its optimization // Economics and Entrepreneurship. 2014. No. 1-3 (42-3]. S. 479 - 483

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7. Fauser V.V. Labor resources of the economy - a factor of strategic development of the Komi Republic // Region. 2011. No. 6.

8. Khoroshavina NS Public-private partnership as a mechanism for attracting investment in the development of industrial and social infrastructure of the country // Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: Humanities. 2008. No. 5.

9. Chegrintseva N.S. Public-private partnership as an object of corporate governance // Entrepreneurship. 2011. No. 8.

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self-government // Humanitarian of the South of Russia. 2016.Vol. 18.No. 2.P. 273-282. 11. Economic and financial foundations of local government. Tutorial. Rostov n / a:

Publishing house SKAGS, 2003.S. 24-28. 12. V. I. Yakunin Partnership in the mechanism of public administration // Sociological research. 2007. No. 2.

Kuznetsov Yury Viktorovich, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of chair; Saint Petersburg State University (d.62, ul. Tchaikovsky, St. Petersburg, 191123, Russian Federation]. E-mail: [email protected] Kapustina Nadezhda Valerievna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow Witte University (9, ul. Obraztsova, Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation]. E-mail: [email protected]

Khomeriki Naila Borisovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor; Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (First Cossack University] (73, ul. Zemlyanoy Val, Moscow, 115088, Russian Federation]. E-mail: [email protected]


The article presents the mechanisms of development of public-private partnerships to address social problems in the region. Identified challenges and opportunities for improving the implementation of potential participation of actors public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs in the regions of Russia, with a social orientation.

Keywords: development of public-private partnership, investment programs in the region, social focus, economic security, potential.

UDC 332.12 + 338.46


Mashchenko Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Finance

Julia and Environmental Management, South-Russian Institute of Management -

Aleksandrova branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (344002, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Pushkinskaya st., 70/54). E-mail: [email protected]


The article examines modern trends in the formation of the sectoral structure of the economy of the Russian Federation and its regions, associated with an increase in the share of services and social sectors in creating added value. An assessment of the adequacy of the ongoing structural changes to the real state of national and regional economic systems is given.

Key words: territorial organization, sectoral structure of the economy, service sector, social sphere, regional differentiation.

World and national trends in socio-economic development are characterized by the expansion of the scale, the complication of the structure and nature, the increased requirements for the quality of produced intangible goods, aimed at meeting the increasingly complex human needs, improving the quality of the sphere of his life. The results of the functioning of the branches of the service sector, and in particular the branches of the social sphere, embodied in the increment and development of biological, intellectual and educational, cultural and spiritual human capital, become a decisive factor in the development of a modern economy, contribute to the improvement of its state in all indicators (economic, political, demographic and etc.) . Serviceization and socialization of social production will consider

Dissertation abstract on the topic "Public-private partnership as a factor of social development of the region"

Khomeriki Nailya Borisovna


Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economics)

The work was carried out at the Department of Economics and Management of 1 Small and Medium Business Enterprises at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education] Moscow State University of Technology and Management. supervisor: Ivanova Valentina Nikolaev]

doctor of Economics, Professor,

Official opponents: Afanasenko Ivan Dmitriev]

doctor of Economics, Professor

Fomina Valentina Pavlov] Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Lead organization: Russian the University of Economics name]

G.V. Plekhano

The defense will take place on November 18, 2011 at 15:00 o'clock at the meeting: dissertation council D 212.122.01 at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, the Moscow State University of Technology and Management, address: 109004, Moscow, st. Earthen shaft, house 73, dissertation hall. Theses can be found in the library of GOU VPO MGUTU. The abstract was sent and posted on the official website of MGUT October 18, 2011.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

Sapozhnikova S.

I. General Provisions works ^ s "The relevance of the research. The study of the current state of investment activity demonstrates that it does not ensure the effective functioning of the social. sphere :; The President of the Russian Federation demands to solve this problem, who" in the messages of 2010-2011. emphasized that modernization is a tool for solving urgent problems of the social sphere. Dmitry Medvedev highlighted the importance of regional investment programs for solving - ¡set social tasks.

The current state of the social sphere in the regions of the Russian Federation is not. meets international standards, and does not fully develop human potential. The lack of additional measures to support it can lead to a decrease in labor resources, a decrease in the dynamics of economic growth. This determines the relevance of stimulating the investment development of regions, and the tasks of improving the social sphere should be put forward as targets.

The importance of the development of the social sphere is confirmed by the guidelines of V.V. Putin, who puts it forward as the main priority in the framework of projects federal budget and "the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds for 2011-2013: the main department -" guarantee the unconditional fulfillment of social obligations - "" - to the citizens of the country "1. Solving this problem requires significant resources, joint efforts of the authorities and the business community. thus, the mechanism of public-private partnerships becomes especially relevant in the implementation of social investment programs.

The priority function of the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population by satisfying social needs, which

"Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation VV Pupsh held a meeting" of the Government of the Russian Federation / Website of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Pugin 09/23/2010. abyss

is the basis for the systemic development of human potential. The garage infrastructure is of a certain importance for improving the quality of life and creating conditions for comfortable living. Rapid urban growth is driving the need for mobility, and intensive government support for the auto industry and an increase in the share of the middle class are meeting this need. According to Rosstat, the number of own cars per 1000 people in the Russian Federation has doubled since the beginning of the 21st century. This determines the relevance of the formation of the garage infrastructure. It will increase the savings in personal time of car owners, ensure the safety of their property, and optimize traffic.

In large russian cities, especially in megalopolises such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, the construction of parking lots is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which are: a lack of free land resources and a poorly developed institutional framework for garage construction. At the beginning of 2009, the deficit of parking spaces in the capital was 77%, which leads to an ambiguous attitude of the population towards the social policy of the state. The construction of multi-level parking lots on the basis of public-private partnerships and the involvement of interested citizens in the construction of such facilities is a way to solve the problem.

The degree of study of the selected research problem. A significant contribution to the development of economic aspects of investment development of the social sphere of the regions, including on the basis of methods of public-private partnership, was made by the following scientists: Abalkin L.I., Afanasenko I.D., Burak P.I., Valentin S.D. , Gainutdinov HA, Granberg A.G., Ivanova V.N., Ivanov VS, Kovalev A.P., Melamed I.I.,

The works of the following scientists are devoted to the issues of the influence of transport infrastructure on the development of the territory: A.A. Geidt, V.V. Maksimov, I.M. Mogilevkin, A.Yu. Rodionov, V.V. Stolyarov. and others 3

The practical part of the study is based on the formation of an economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of investment programs with a social orientation. Significant contribution in the study of the theory of ratings contributed: Karminsky A.M., Manakov L.F., Moiseenko V.V., Litvak B.G., Negashev E.V., Peresetskiy A.A., Petrov A.E., Sheremet A.D. and others.4 It is also necessary to note the studies of the World Bank, the World Monetary Fund, the agencies Standard and Poor "s, Moody" s, etc.

In the scientific literature, there is currently no comprehensive approach to the analysis of the effectiveness of public-private partnerships formed with the aim of developing the social sphere of a large city. The choice of the topic of the dissertation is due to the need for relevant research.

Afanasenko I. D. Economy and spiritual program of Russia. Moscow: Third Millennium, 2001; Burak P.I., Rostanets V.G., Kirillova A.N. and others. Reorganization of industrial territories of the city of Moscow: economic, organizational and urban planning aspects. M .: Economics, 2005; Gainutdinov H.A., Melamed I.I., Stolyarov O.I. Development strategies for cities and megalopolises. Problems, goals, mechanisms. Moscow: Modern Economics and Law, 2007; Movement of Russian regions towards an innovative economy / ed. Granberg A.G., Valenteya S.D. - M .: Nauka, 2006; Ivanova V.N., Ivanov B.C. Public-private partnership in the innovative development of the region and enterprises. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2010; Social factors of economic development of Russian regions (collective monograph) / Ed. Smirnova E.B. - SPb .: SPbGIEU, 2006; Contemporary problems economic theory. Resp. for the release of V.P. Tretiak. - M .: Parade, 2004; Khubulava N.M. Strategic planning and forecasting. M .: Publishing complex, 2003; Fomina V.P. Economic regulation of the social sphere. M 1 Publishing house MGOU, 2000, etc.

Actual problems of transport / under. ed.V. Stolyarov. SPb .: Russian Academy of Transport, 2003; Geidt A.A. Mechanism and system of strategic planning for the development of road transport infrastructure. SPb., 2004; V. V. Maximov Public-private partnership in transport infrastructure. Evaluation criteria for concession tenders. M .: Alpia Publisher, 2010; Mogilevkin I.M. Transport and Communications: Past, Present, Future. - M .: Nauka, 2005; Rodionov A.Yu. Guidelines for the organization of transport services for the population of municipalities.-M .: Institute of Urban Economics, 2005, etc.

Karminsky A.M., Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E. Rankings in the economy. Theory and practice. - Moscow. Finance and Statistics, 2004; Litvak B.G. Expert technologies in management. M .: Delo, 2004; Manakov L.F., Moiseenko V.V. Methodology for automated calculation of the rating of enterprises, Novosibirsk: NGASU, 2004; Negashev E.V., Sheremet A.D. Methodology for financial analysis of the activities of commercial organizations. M .: Infra-M, 2006, etc.

Object and subject of research. The object of research is! social investment programs of large] urban center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the research is a set of relations arising in the course of using the mechanism of public-private) partnerships for the implementation of social investment programs (for example, programs for the development of infrastructure personally: passenger transport of residents of a large city).

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach to substantiate technologies, tools and guidelines for the formation of public-private partnerships to implement socially oriented investment programs on the example of] programs for the development of infrastructure for personal passenger transport of residents (large cities.

Research objectives. To achieve the set shop, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

1) develop and theoretically substantiate a methodological approach to the development of a strategy for the social development of the region using the methods of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation;

2) substantiate the classification of risks and potentials of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of social investment programs;

3) to build an economic and mathematical model is defined! ratings of the attractiveness of social investment programs for the subjects of public-private partnership in the regions of the Russian Federation;

4) develop methods for managing the risks of a public-private partnership participant arising during the created!

objects of garage infrastructure for personal cars in large cities of the Russian Federation;

Methodological, theoretical and empirical research base. The general methodological framework research are methods of cognition and methods of scientific knowledge: abstract-logical, analytical, dialectical, systemic, structural-functional and others. The theoretical basis is the provisions of economic theory for the development and implementation of investment programs and the principles, approaches and methods identified on their basis. The empirical base is made up of data from statistics, research centers and researchers of the problem.

Scientific positions submitted for defense:

1. A methodological approach to formulating a strategy for the social development of the region using public-private partnership methods in the implementation of social investment programs, optimizing the implementation of the economic interests of the state and the business community in order to improve the quality of life of the population, expand the volume of social and domestic services necessary for citizens.

2. Classification of risks and potentials of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of social orientation, allowing to take into account the interests of the population, authorities and private companies.

3. An economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of the attractiveness of social investment programs for public-private partnerships in the regions of the Russian Federation,

4. Methods of managing the risks of participants in public-private partnerships arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities for personal light vehicles in large cities of the Russian Federation.

5. Guidelines for improving the implementation of the potentials of public-private partnerships in the implementation of investment programs for the development of garage infrastructure in the city of Moscow: for the authorities - formed! favorable conditions for the development of garage infrastructure, improved business climate; for private companies - reorganization of the corporate governance system, as well as building long-term relationships with government officials and the population of the territory.

The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the development of a methodological approach, substantiation of technologies, a toolkit of methodological recommendations for the formation of public-private partnerships for the implementation of socially oriented investment programs on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for personal passenger transport of residents of a large city. A specific increment in scientific knowledge is contained in the following:

1. A methodological approach has been developed to formulate a strategy for the social development of the region using the methods of state »private partnership in the implementation of socially oriented investment programs. The approach differs from the previous developments in the problem of regional development with an effective rationale! harmonization of the economic interests of private and state: organizations in order to improve the quality of life of the population through the development! non-production infrastructure.

2. The classification of risks and potentials of the subject of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment

social programs. The classification differs from previous developments on the problem by a systematic approach to taking into account the economic interests of subjects of public-private partnership in terms of both potentials and risks related to improving the quality of life of the population of a large city by providing social and domestic services.

3. An economic and mathematical model has been built for determining the ratings of the attractiveness of social investment programs for public-private partnerships in the regions of the Russian Federation. The model differs from previous developments on the problem in that it allows you to adapt social investment programs to the multivariate conditions of regional development, assessing the degree of ensuring the economic interests of the state, the business community and the population. Flexible assessment of the ratio of factors of such interests allows you to make optimal management decisions, depending on the conditions for the development of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. Methods for managing the risks of participants in public-private partnerships arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities for personal light vehicles in large cities of the Russian Federation have been developed. The methods differ from the previous developments on the problem in that they form a systemic toolkit for ensuring the quality performance by the subjects of public-private partnerships of their responsibilities for infrastructure development.

5. The methodological recommendations for improving the implementation of the potentials of participation of public-private partnerships in the implementation of investment programs for the development of garage infrastructure in the city of Moscow have been substantiated. The difference between the recommendations and previous developments on the problem lies in the fact that they form a flexible system of measures that expands the capabilities of government authorities and private companies to improve the security of the population of large

cities with parking and storage services while satisfying their own economic interests.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work. The theoretical significance lies in the development of the foundations for the development and implementation of investment programs of a social orientation in large cities) The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the author's elaboration in the formation of a regional policy of investment development, as well as in the process of teaching specialized disciplines.

Compliance of the dissertation topic with the requirements of the passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences). The content of the thesis corresponds to clause 3.16. “Regional social and economic policy; analysis of the features and assessment of the effectiveness of regional economic policy in the Russian Federation federal districts, constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities "passports of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences) specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economics).

Publications. The main content of the research is set out in published scientific works, which fully reflect: scientific and practical results of the research. The total volume is 1.5 pp, 6 papers were published in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The structure and volume of the thesis. Research compiled from introduction; three chapters: 1. Public-private partnership in developed social projects: structure and priority components! 2. Public-private partnership as a factor in the development of garage infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow); 3. Methods and model for the development of garage infrastructure in a large city based on public-private partnership; contains 39 tables and 25 figures] conclusions; list of references from 187 titles.

II. The main content of the dissertation and defended scientific


2.1. A methodological approach has been developed to formulate a strategy for the social development of the region using the methods of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation.

The essence of the approach is that in order to improve the quality of life of citizens, social programs must be carried out taking into account the relationship between the economic interests of the state and the business community. It can be taken into account on the basis of an assessment of the risks and potentials of their participation in such programs, each of which is directly related to the risks and potentials of the population. This will not only make it possible to develop the social sphere of the region in accordance with the actual needs of the population, but also make participation in such development attractive for both the authorities and the business community.

The main potential of the population in the implementation of such programs is to improve the quality of life. It determines the potential of the state (development of human resources due to improved living conditions) and the business community (increase in profits due to increased sales). The main risk of the population is that the program does not meet the expectations of taxpayers. On the contrary, it is caused by the risks of the state and a private company, which boil down to assessing the reliability of partners and the inconsistency of the course of infrastructure development with the needs of the population.

Public-private partnership allows to improve both the realization of potentials and risk management of its subjects. Within its framework, it is possible to provide benefits to companies and expand the toolkit of authorities, while reducing the risks of poor performance by partners of their duties. This maximizes the incentives and opportunities of the partners in the partnership to meet the needs of the population, and reduce the risks of irrational

budget expenditures due to increased state control. The result! there will be an increase in the attractiveness of the program for the subjects of public private partnership, the expansion of their incentives and opportunities for providing the population with social and domestic services, increasing, as a result, its effectiveness for improving the quality of life of citizens. 2.2. The classification of risks and potentials of the subject has been substantiated: public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of social orientation.

The candidate highlighted the risks and potentials of the population, government authorities and private companies in the implementation of investment programs! social orientation on the basis of public-private partnerships Potentials and risks of the population are allocated for: 1) the entire population; 2) consumers of specific services; 3) intermediary investors! purchasing part of the services for their subsequent sale, or commercial exploitation. The potentials and risks of the authorities and private companies are divided into groups: 1) implementation of programs and 2) interaction with a partner. The author pays special attention to the specifics of the garage infrastructure development programs.

The potential of the population is due to the growing importance of the garage infrastructure as a living condition (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Main potentials of population categories

The whole population Improvement of non-production infrastructure From 1987 to 2007, the time spent on traveling around Moscow increased by an hour. 10 min. up to 2 hours. 31 minutes

Consumers of storage and parking services Increase in the provision of these services The number of passenger transport in Moscow is increasing by 10% annually

Intermediary investors Increase in income from invested funds The price of a parking space in the People's Garage program is on average 60% less than the average price for a parking space in Moscow

5 A detailed list of risks and potentials and their detailed description are given in the dissertation

Population risks are due to insufficient consideration of public opinion of all groups of citizens, which does not allow developing garage infrastructure in the interests of the entire population of a large city (see Table 2). Table 2 - Main risks of population categories

The entire population The contradiction between the development of garage infrastructure and the needs of certain groups of citizens More than 40% of Muscovites believe that the environmental situation in the city is deteriorating, primarily due to the increase in the number of vehicles.

Consumers of storage and parking services Insufficient provision of these services, as well as the possibility of bankruptcy of the developer The deficit of organized parking places in Moscow in 2009 was 77%.

Investors-intermediaries Insufficient provision of consumer rights in the shared construction of garages.

The potentials of the authorities (human development) are due to the increase in the number of passenger transport among the population of large cities of the Russian Federation. Their risks (program results unacceptable for the population) are due to the discrepancy between the development of garage infrastructure and the economic interests of a certain part of the population.

The potential of private companies (profit growth) is due to the high investment attractiveness of garage construction in large cities. Their risks (deterioration of market positions) are due to the low level of development of the garage infrastructure services market in the regions of the Russian Federation. 2.3. An economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of the attractiveness of social investment programs for public-private partnerships has been formed.

The main provisions of the model provide for the determination of ratings based on an assessment of the potentials and risks for the subjects of public-private partnerships. The program ratings for the business community and government authorities determine the possibility of their participation in it. The rating of the program for the population determines the degree of its compliance with the interests of taxpayers. The ratings of individual potentials and risks allow

determine management decisions for the implementation of the program. The model includes five key components.

I. Optimality criterion

The optimality criterion is to maximize the social effectiveness of the program to improve the quality of life of the population:

geG peR / e /

where is C? - the actual number of objects on the basis of which the services are provided, the expansion of the volume of provision of which is planned in the program; х% - implementation / non-implementation of the 1st project (1 е I), р-th industry (р е Р) у-th administrative-territorial unit (у е V); 6 - objects arising from the implementation of the ¡th project in p-th branch of the y-th administrative-territorial unit.

Table 3 - Limitations of the economic and mathematical model

Restriction Restriction factors

1. Restriction on the amount of allocated funds XC ^ X ^ + se: (2) W cf where ^ y, is the normalized cost of the project planned as part of the program in the p-th branch of the y-th administrative-territorial unit; SBC - state funds spent on the implementation of the program in the r-th branch of the y-th administrative-territorial unit; SEC - funds of private investors spent on the implementation of the program in the district branch of the administrative-territorial unit.

2. Limiting the ratio of investments made by the partners of the partnership С ^ СЖ, ". (3)

6 X ^ € [0,1], that is, \u003d 1 if the project is being implemented and x ^ \u003d 0 if the project is not being implemented

Continuation of table 3

3. Limitation on the cost of services due to the social orientation of the program<ср " " , (4) Ср где " - нормативная стоимость услуги, расширение предоставления которых планируется в рамках программы в р-ой отрасли у-й административно-территориальной единицы.

GR, ... LY "+ LE"

from formula (4) is found as C \u003d ---! -, (5)

where ^. yaVI is the number of objects on the basis of which services are provided, the expansion of the volume of provision of which is planned in the y-th administrative-territorial unit after the implementation of the program. If the provision of services was previously absent, the price level is taken for the whole (city instead of district) or larger (region instead of city) administrative-territorial unit.

The general meaning of the restrictions boils down to the implementation of investment programs through preferential financing from a private partner and, possibly, individuals (as in the case of the People's Garage program). For example, such restrictions were observed during the implementation of the "City target program for the construction of parking garages in Moscow for the period 2008-2010." (see Table 4).

Table 4 - Financial support of the Target program by years of implementation (mln.

2008 2009 2010 Total

Moscow budget expenditures 1,000 3,000 3,000 7,000

Expenditures from extra-budgetary sources (funds of the winners of investment competitions) 50,000 60,000 80,000 190,000

Total 51,000 63,000 83,000 197,000

III. Assessment of risks and potentials

The model makes it possible to assess 10 risks and 10 potentials for government authorities and private companies, as well as 7 risks and 4 potentials of the population.7 IV. Ranking risks and potentials

7 The corresponding formulas and scoring scales for their assessment are given in the dissertation

The fourth stage of the model is the determination and ranking of the final rank. It starts out separately for potentials and risks. Then according to its general totality (see the fifth stage). - Determination and ranking of the final ranks of potentials

The final potential rank is calculated as follows

where is the final rank for a group of potentials, is an estimate of the i-th potential of this group; k - the number of estimated potentials.

For ranking, an assessment is made of the deviation of the rank value from the standard level for the region where the project is being implemented (see Table 5).

Table 5 - Ranking of the final rank of potentials

Deviation value Potential group

Significant excess (more than 10%) A

Compliance (plus minus 10%) B

Some lag (from 11 to 25%) С

Backlog from 26 to 50%, B

Significant lag (over 50%) E

Definition and ranking of the final risk ranks

The determination of the final rank for each group of risks is carried out by summing the points obtained as a result of the scoring assessment. Then the risk levels are ranked (see Table 6).

Table 6 - Ranking of risk levels based on the results of the scoring analysis

Range Risk group

90-100 "Not passing" score 8

V. Determination and ranking of integral project ratings

8 In contrast to the "no-pass" points indicated for individual risks, this indicator is consolidated, reflecting an unacceptably high level of several risks at once, which individually do not reach the "no-pass" score

It is proposed to give the found ranks (see Tables 5 and 6) the following values: 1) A-0, B-20, C-40, D-60, E-80 (risks); 2) A-80, B-60, C-40, D-20, E-0 (potentials). General ranks are determined similarly to formula (6). They

are ranked, which makes it possible to evaluate from the criterion of optimality. The next step is to determine the integral indicator based on the found ranks and weights determined taking into account the ranking (0,2,0,4, 0,6,0,8, 1) .11

project, V is the overall rank of project risks, W is the weighting factor.

The indicators are then ranked again, making it possible to estimate the value of X ^ based on the ratio of risks and potentials.12

2.4. Methods have been developed for managing the risks of participants in public-private partnerships arising in the course of investment development of the infrastructure for storage and parking of personal light vehicles in large cities of the Russian Federation.13

Their essence lies in reducing the risks of the population arising from the implementation of socially oriented programs, with the help of risk management by the authorities and private companies (see Table 9). The methods of risk management of the authorities are in the systematic consideration of social and investment priorities for the development of garage infrastructure, as well as in the introduction of compulsory insurance in the implementation of projects for its development. They will provide the necessary level of quality of parking and storage services, reducing the level of citizens' dissatisfaction with the state's social policy.

9 The ranking table is given in the thesis. It is similar to Table 6. The essential difference is that the risk indicator varies from 0 to 100, and the potential indicator - from 100 to 0.

10 In the case of a "no pass" score, it is equal to zero

11 Justification of the values \u200b\u200bof the weighting factors and their detailed description are given in the dissertation

12 The ranking table is given in the thesis. It is similar to Table 6, with the difference that the integral indicator varies from 100 to 0.

13 A detailed list of methods and their detailed description are given in the dissertation

Table 9 - Relationship between risk reduction of the population and risk management of the state and _ private companies

Government risks in the implementation of the program

The main one is the results of the program that are unacceptable for the population

Related: 1) negative assessment of the actions of the authorities by the population; 2) environmental risks.

Reduced risks to the population. For the entire population: 1) the contradiction between the development of garage infrastructure and the interests of certain groups of citizens; 2) the emergence of negative effects of transport concentration. For consumers of storage and parking services and intermediary investors: 1) uncertainty of the status of the consumer of these services as an investor; 2) the level of prices for these services, inadequate to the market.

Government risks when dealing with a private company

The main one is the insufficient level of project implementation

Related: 1) bankruptcy of the contractor;

2) insufficient equipment of the contractor;

3) failure to fulfill obligations under the contract._

Reduced risk of the population - insufficient level of quality of parking and storage services (for consumers of these services and intermediary investors).

Risks of a private company in the implementation of the program.

Main in the market

deterioration of position

Related: 1) bankruptcy as a result of the project; 2) lack of effective demand.

Reduced risk of the population - excessive prices for parking and storage services (for consumers of these services and intermediary investors).

Risks of a private company when interacting with a government authority

The main one is the failure of the state partner to fulfill its obligations within the established timeframe_

Related: 1) the impact of force majeure on partnerships; 2) failure to fulfill obligations under the contract; 3) changing business environment._

Reduced risk of the population - insufficient development of the garage infrastructure services market (for consumers of these services and intermediary investors) ._

Risk management methods of a private partner consist in the formation of a social security strategy for the implementation of projects, as well as in the formation of a strategy to compensate for the insufficient development of the institutional framework for garage construction. They will increase the availability of parking and storage services, solving one of the key problems of large cities - the overpricing of such services. 2.5. The methodological recommendations for improving the implementation of the potentials of participation of public-private partnerships in the implementation of investment programs for the development of garage infrastructure in the city of Moscow have been substantiated.14

Their essence lies in the use of methods that optimize the interaction of such subjects to improve the quality of life of the population.

(see table 10). Recommendations for improving the capacities of government authorities are to create favorable conditions for the development of garage infrastructure and improve the business climate. This will allow attracting qualified developers, increasing the provision of the population with high-quality parking and storage services.

Table 10 - The relationship between increasing the potential of the population and improving the _potentials of the state and private companies_

Potential of the authorities in the implementation of the program

The main one is the development of human resources in the region._

Related: 1) increasing the provision of the population with parking and snoring services; 2) increase in tax revenues; 3) increasing support for the activities of the authorities.

Increased potential of the population - improving the quality of life by expanding the provision of parking and storage services (for all population groups) ._

Government Potentials in Interaction with a Private Company

The main one is budget savings.

Related: 1) reduction in the price of contractor services;

2) an increase in the share of funds invested by a private partner;

3) acceleration of the project due to the technologies of a private partner.

Increased potential of the population - improving the infrastructure around the constructed parking lots (car washes, spare parts shops, etc.) (for the entire population).

The potential of a private company in the implementation of the program.

The main one is to generate increased profits.

Associated: 1) a decrease in the level of unmet demand; 2) an increase in the value of the company's equity capital.

Increased potential of the population - getting access to better quality parking lots (for consumers of storage and parking services and intermediary investors) ._

The potentials of a private company in interaction with a government authority.

The main one is to increase overall stability.

Related: 1) an increase in the share of government orders; 2) the availability of additional services for the maintenance of objects.

Increased potential of the population - improving the cultural and / or ecological situation in the region (for the entire population) ._

Recommendations for a private company are to reorganize the corporate governance system to take into account the specifics of the investment development of the garage infrastructure, as well as to build long-term relationships with government officials and the public. This will increase the social performance of developers.

The results of calculations for the implementation of socially oriented programs on the basis of public-private partnership to increase the provision of the population with parking and storage services

Here are the results of calculations for the companies discussed in the dissertation.15 For a project implemented by NPO Cosmos, the integral rating will be 65 * 0.8 - 25 * 0.4 \u003d 42, in the case of LLC Vasilek-Stroy 40 * 0, 4 - 35 * 0.6 \u003d -5, and in the case of OOO PSF "Stalkon" 70 * 0.8 - 10 * 0.2 \u003d 54. In the first project, most of the indicators are positive, but the state risks are high in the implementation of the program - the construction the facility is facing popular protests. In the second project, the risks of the state in the implementation of the program are low, but the remaining risks are high, especially the reliability of a private company and its public partner. In the third project, all risks are low, except for the performance of the state partner, which does not significantly affect the integral rating. Based on the results of determining the integral indicator for the first project, the integral rating refers to level B, according to the second project - to level C, and according to the project of LLC Vasilek-stroy, we are faced with a “no-pass” score. That is, for the first two projects \u003d 1, and for the third project \u003d 0, which indicates the need to change the private partner and improve the work of authorities in the project area.

Stage 1. Analysis of priorities for improving the quality of life of the population in the region Stage 2. Selection of programs and partners for their implementation

Stage 4. Creation of an information system to provide the population with data on programs - Stage 3. Construction of an economic and mathematical model to assess the prospects of programs

Stage 5. Monitoring the improvement of the quality of life of the population based on the implementation of programs - Stage 6. Assessment of the effectiveness of improving the quality of life of the population

Step 7. Optimize the management of garage infrastructure based on assessment

Figure 1. - Stages of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving the quality of life of the population on the basis of social programs implemented on the basis of public-private partnership

15 A detailed calculation scheme, as well as detailed analytical conclusions and recommendations are given in the dissertation

Based on the results of the application of the developed methods, recommendations and models, it becomes possible to flexibly assess the factors for the development of garage infrastructure in the region and to develop an effective risk management strategy and the development of the potentials of authorities and private companies to improve the quality of life of the population by providing parking and storage services.

The methodological approach, substantiated by the dissertation candidate, is that the development of the social sphere of a large city should be based on the coordination of the economic interests of the population, the state and private companies on the basis of public-private partnerships.

The classification of risks and potentials substantiated by the dissertation student provides an opportunity for a systematic analysis of investment programs with a social orientation to develop management decisions for their improvement.

The economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of the attractiveness of projects provides an opportunity for an integral assessment of the prospects for the implementation of a specific project, taking into account its significance for improving the living standards of the population.

The risk management methods developed by the dissertation candidate allow to reduce the level of key threats to the implementation of projects for the development of garage infrastructure in large cities to reduce the risks of insufficient provision of the population with parking and storage services.

The methodological recommendations developed by the dissertation on improving the implementation of the potentials of public-private partnerships in the implementation of projects for the development of garage infrastructure make it possible to improve the quality of life of the population by harmonizing the economic interests of government authorities and private companies.

1. Khomeriki N.B. Topical directions of improvement of programs of investment development of Russian regions // Economic Sciences... 2011. No. 80.-0.3 pp.

2. Khomeriki N.B. Public-private partnership in the development of the social sphere of the regions of the Russian Federation // Issues of Economics and Law. 2011. No. 39.-0.2 sq.

3. Khomeriki N.B. Investment development of the region: choice of directions and risk management // Economic sciences. 2010. No. 73. - 0.2 pl.

4. Khomeriki N.B. Domestic and foreign experience in the development of a regional garage infrastructure based on public-private partnership // Issues of Economics and Law. 2011. No. 38. - 0.3 pl.

5. Khomeriki N.B. Development of a strategy for investment development of the regions of the Russian Federation in modern conditions. // Today and tomorrow of the Russian economy. 2011. No. 1. - 0.2 pl.

6. Khomeriki N.B. Improvement of the transport infrastructure of the region on the basis of public-private partnership // Problems of Economics and Law. 2011. No. 37. - 0.3 pl.

Signed for printing Format 60x84. Volume 1.0 pp. Circulation 100 copies. 109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73, Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky.

Dissertation: content author of dissertation research: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Khomeriki, Nailya Borisovna


Chapter 1. Public-private partnership in the development of social projects: structure and priority components

1.1. Public-private partnership in the development of the social sphere: theoretical and methodological aspect:

1.2. Foreign experience in the development of the regional social sphere on the basis of public-private partnership: opportunities for adaptation in the regions of Russia (on the example of the USA, EU, Asia-Pacific region)

1.3. Methodological framework for assessing public-private partnership for the development of the social sphere of the region "

Chapter 2. Public-private partnership as a factor in the development of ^ garage * infrastructure of the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow) "

2.1. Moscow as a territory for implementing social investment programs based on public-private partnerships: problems and priorities 67,

2.21 The "People's Garage" program as a public-private partnership for the development of "garage infrastructure in Moscow

2.3. Opportunities of the "People's Garage" program to improve the quality of life of the population of Moscow on the basis of public-private partnership

Chapter 3 ^ Methods and models of development of the garage infrastructure of a large city on the basis of public-private partnership

Z.G. Economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of social investment programs

Dissertation: introduction in Economics, on the topic "Public-private partnership as a factor in the social development of the region"

The relevance of research. The study of the current state of investment "activity demonstrates that it does not ensure the effective functioning of the social sphere. The President of the Russian Federation demands to solve this problem, who in his 2010-2011 messages emphasized that modernization is a tool for solving urgent problems of the social sphere. DA Medvedev highlighted the importance of regional investment programs for solving the set social problems.

The current state of the social "sphere in the regions of the Russian Federation does not meet international standards, and does not fully ensure the development of human potential. The lack of measures to support it can lead to a decrease in labor resources, a decrease in the dynamics of economic growth. This makes the stimulation of the investment development of the regions urgent." the tasks of improving the social sphere should be put forward as guidelines.

The importance of the development of the social sphere is confirmed by V.V. Putin, who puts it forward as the main priority within the framework of the projects of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds for 2011-2013: the main thing is “to guarantee the unconditional fulfillment of social obligations to the citizens of the country” 1. Solving this "problem requires significant resources, joint efforts of the authorities and the business community. In this regard, the mechanism of public-private partnerships is of particular relevance in the implementation of social investment programs.

The priority function of the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population by meeting social needs, which

1 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation / Website of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin [b7 / pré / eyen18 / ney / 12308 /] 23.09.2010 is the basis for the systemic development of human potential. The garage infrastructure is of a certain importance for improving the quality of life and creating conditions for comfortable living. Rapid urban growth creates a need for mobility, and intensive government support for the automotive industry and an increase in the share of the middle class are able to satisfy it. According to Rosstat, the number of own cars per 1000 people in the Russian Federation has doubled since the beginning of the XXI century. This determines the relevance of the formation of the garage infrastructure. It will increase the savings in personal time of car owners, ensure the safety of their property, and optimize traffic.

In large Russian cities, especially in megalopolises such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, the construction of parking lots is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which are: a lack of free land resources and a poorly developed institutional basis for garage * construction. At the beginning of 2009, the deficit of parking spaces in the capital was 77%, which leads to an ambiguous attitude of the population to the social policy of the state. The construction of multi-level parking lots on the basis of public-private partnerships and the involvement of interested citizens in the construction of such facilities is a way to solve the problem.

Thus, the topic of this dissertation seems to be relevant and focused on the formation of conceptual approaches to improving the toolkit of public-private partnerships to ensure the development of the social sphere of large cities.

The degree of study of the selected research problem.

The following scientists made a significant contribution to the development of economic aspects of investment development of the social sphere of the regions, including on the basis of methods of public-private partnership:

Abalkin L.I., Afanasenko I.D., Burak P.I., Valentey S.D., Gainutdinov

N.A., Granberg A.G., Ivanova V.N., Ivanov V.C., Kovalev A.P., Melamed I.I., 4

Polterovich V.M., Smirnov E.B., Stolyarov O.I., Tretyak V.P., Fomina V.P., Khubulava N.M. and others 2

The works of the following scientists are devoted to the issues of the influence of transport infrastructure on the development of the territory: A.A. Geidt, about

Maksimov V.V., Mogilevkin I.M., Rodionov A.Yu., Stolyarov V.V. and etc.

The practical part of the study is based on the formation of an economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of investment programs with a social orientation. A significant contribution to the study of the theory of ratings was made by: Karminsky A.M., Manakov L.F., Moiseenko V.V., Litvak B.G., Negashev E.V. !, Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E., Sheremet A.D. and others.4 It is also necessary to note the studies of the World Bank, the World Monetary Fund, the agencies Standard and Poor "s, Moody" s, etc.

In the scientific literature, there is currently no comprehensive approach to the analysis of the effectiveness of public-private partnerships formed with the aim of developing: the social sphere of a large city. The choice of the topic of the dissertation is due to the need for relevant research.

2 Afanasenko I.D. Economy and spiritual program of Russia. Moscow: Third Millennium, 2001; Burak P.I., Rostanets V.G., Kirillova A.N. and others. Reorganization of industrial territories of the city of Moscow: economic, organizational and urban planning aspects. M .: Economics, 2005; Gainutdinov H.A., Melamed I.I., Stolyarov O.I. Development strategies for cities and megalopolises. Problems, goals, mechanisms. Moscow: Modern Economics and Law, 2007; Movement of Russian regions towards an innovative economy / ed. Granberg A.G., Valenteya S.D. - M .: Nauka, 2006; Ivanova V.N., Ivanov B.C. Public-private partnership in the innovative development of the region and enterprises. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2010; Social factors of economic development of Russian regions (collective monograph) / Ed. Smirnova E.B. - SPb .: SPbGIEU, 2006; Modern problems of economic theory. Resp. for the release of V.P. Tretiak. - M .: Parade, 2004; Khubulava N.M. Strategic planning and forecasting. M .: Publishing complex, 2003; Fomina V.P. Economic regulation of the social sphere. M .: Publishing house of MGOU, 2000, etc.

3 Actual problems of transport / under. ed by V.V. Stolyarov. SPb .: Russian Academy of Transport, 2003; Geidt A.A. Mechanism and system of strategic planning for the development of road transport infrastructure. SPb., 2004; V. V. Maximov Public-private partnership in transport infrastructure. Evaluation criteria for concession tenders. M .: Alpina Publisher, 2010; Mogilevkin I.M. Transport and Communications: Past, Present, Future. - M .: Nauka, 2005; Rodionov A.Yu. Guidelines for the organization of transport services for the population of municipalities.-M .: Institute of Urban Economics, 2005, etc.

4 Karminsky A.M., Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E. Rankings in the economy. Theory and practice. - Moscow. Finance and Statistics, 2004; Litvak B.G. Expert technologies in management. M .: Delo, 2004; Manakov LF, Moiseenko V.V. Methodology for automated calculation of the rating of enterprises, Novosibirsk: NGASU, 2004; Negashev E.V., Sheremet A.D. Methodology for financial analysis of the activities of commercial organizations. M .: Infra-M, 2006, etc.

Object and subject of research. The object of the research is investment programs of social orientation of a large urban center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the research is a set of relations arising in the course of using the mechanism of public-private-partnership for the implementation of social investment programs ( for example programs for the development of infrastructure for storing personal light vehicles for residents of a large city).

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach, substantiate technologies, tools and guidelines for the formation of public-private partnerships1 for the implementation of investment programs, social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing passenger transport of residents of a large city.

Research objectives. To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

1) develop and theoretically substantiate a methodological approach to formulating a strategy for the social development of a region based on the formation of a public-private partnership c. implementation of social investment programs;

2) substantiate the classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region;

3) develop a system of methods for managing the population's risks arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation;

4) to form an economic and mathematical model for constructing ratings of investment programs of a social orientation;

5) develop an organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation.

Methodological, theoretical * and empirical research base. The general methodological basis of the research is the methods of cognition and methods of scientific knowledge: abstract-logical, analytical, dialectical, systemic, structural-functional and others. The theoretical basis is the provisions of economic theory for the development and implementation of investment programs and the principles, approaches and methods allocated on their basis. The empirical base is made up of data from statistics, scientific centers and researchers of the problem.

Scientific positions submitted for defense

1. A methodological approach to the development of a strategy for the social development of the region based on the formation of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation. The essence of the approach is to balance the economic interests of the population, the state and the business community as subjects, public-private ^ partnership by providing citizens with expanded opportunities to control the development of the social sphere, as well as attracting private companies to participate in social programs and increasing the tools of government bodies for their implementation based on improving the market infrastructure and competitive environment.

2. Classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of social infrastructure development programs according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region, which provides for the specification of key indicators, such as an increase in the provision of social and domestic services, the development of human potential in a particular territory and an increase in economic efficiency. 7

3. The system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation, the essence of which is. comprehensive management of both the risks of citizens and the risks of authorities and private companies.

4. An economic and mathematical model for constructing "ratings of social investment programs, which allows to determine the degree of compliance of a specific program with the priorities of improving the quality of life of the population in the region on the basis of an integral assessment of ensuring the economic interests of public-private partnerships.

5. Organizational and economic management mechanism, public-private partnership in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation, the essence of which! consists in the selection of promising projects for the creation of storage facilities for light vehicles, assessing their effectiveness in terms of meeting the transport needs of citizens, as well as developing the necessary management decisions for optimization.

The scientific "novelty of the research results consists in the development of a methodological * approach, substantiation of technologies, tools and methodological recommendations for the formation of public-private partnerships for the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing light transport of residents of a large city. A specific increment of scientific knowledge is contained in the following :

1. A methodological approach has been developed to formulate a strategy for the social development of the region on the basis of the formation of a public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation, the novelty of which is to find a balance of economic interests of the subjects of public-private partnership: citizens, authorities and entrepreneurs, by means of 8 improving the investment infrastructure , attracting private companies, expanding tools government agenciescarrying out the development of the social sphere, as well as increasing the controlling capabilities of the population * through the formation of a system for assessing public-private partnership.

2. The classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure has been substantiated by the criterion of completeness of creation, comfortable living conditions of the population of the region, the novelty of which is in the systematic accounting * of groups: 1) risks of citizens; 2) risks of state bodies of the region; 3) the risks of private companies, which allows you to develop specific methods to minimize each group of risks.

3. "A system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the application of three complementary groups of methods that ensure the comprehensive development of garage infrastructure based on increasing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships. The first group of methods consists in monitoring the needs of citizens in social and domestic services to reduce the risk of disrupting the balance of interests of certain groups of the population in the process of developing garage infrastructure. These methods are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the authorities * responsible for the development of the social sphere. The second group of methods is a system of incentives, control and accounting of the implementation of programs for the development of garage infrastructure in accordance with the required level of quality. These methods allow attracting the most qualified private companies to the development of infrastructure iya of light transport. The third group of methods is compulsory insurance to protect the interests of citizens who have entered into shared construction contracts.

These methods provide compensation for insufficient public 9 control over the creation of garage facilities in the regions of the Russian Federation. The developed approach to risk management makes it possible to make mutually agreed management decisions that ensure the balance of interests of the subjects of public-private partnership is maintained.

4. An economic and mathematical model has been formed for constructing ratings of investment programs of a social orientation, the novelty of which is that the integral rating assessment of ensuring the economic interests of the subjects of public-private partnership allows to adapt investment programs to the current conditions of development of the social sphere of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to adopt optimal management solutions to improve the quality of life of citizens. In previous developments on this issue, there are no models for the integral assessment of projects and programs of public-private partnership in the social sphere.

5. An organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the use of an integral rating score to control the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in terms of providing citizens with storage services for light vehicles, carried out by independent expert institutes - organizational structures that help identify the risks of deteriorating the quality of life in the region.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work. The theoretical significance lies in the development of the foundations for the development and implementation of social investment programs in large cities. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the author's developments in the formation of a regional investment development policy, as well as in the process of teaching specialized disciplines.

Compliance of the thesis topic with the requirements of the passport of the specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences). The content of the thesis corresponds to clause 3.16: “Regional socio-economic policy; analysis of the features and assessment of the effectiveness of regional economic "policy in the Russian Federation, federal districts, constituent entities of the Federation and; municipalities" passports, HAC RF (economic sciences) specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economics).

Approbation scientific positions research; The main materials of the dissertation work were reported during conferences: XIV scientific and methodological? conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary. Moscow State University of Technology and Management - (Moscow; October 13-14; 2008), the International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Moscow State University of Technology and Technology "Development of small and medium" entrepreneurship "in the regions, Russia" (22-23.10.2009., Moscow).

Publications. The main content of the research is set out in 7 published scientific works, which fully reflect scientific: and practical: research results - The total volume is 8.5 pp, 7 works; published in publications / included in. list "peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Structure and\u003e volume of dissertation work. The research consists of an introduction; three chapters: 1. Public-private partnership in the development of social projects: structure and priority components; 2. Public-private partnership5 as a factor in the development of the garage infrastructure of the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow); 3. Methods and models for the development of garage infrastructure; a large city on the basis of a public-private partnership; contains. 49 tables and 31 figures; conclusions; list of references from 187 titles.

Dissertation: conclusion on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economics; logistics; labor economics", Khomeriki, Nailya Borisovna

6 Conclusions and recommendations can be based both on the results of the distribution of places among the set of subjects and the location of the evaluated region, and on the comparison of the values \u200b\u200bof the total ratings. If for the purpose of the study there is no need to form enough large system indicators, it may be sufficient to compare ratings for each indicator.

The first stage (definition of the goal): As a rule, in the implementation of socially oriented programs based on PPP, the purpose of the assessment is to improve the quality of life of the population by increasing the provision of certain goods / services.

The second stage (selection of the analyzed indicators). To assess the risks and potentials, it seems appropriate to use the principles laid down in the methodology of the Expert RA rating agency, the object of analysis in which is the investment climate. It, according to the methodology, consists of two subsystems: investment potential,

88 See eg. In the same place. characterizing factors of production and areas of capital investment in the region, and investment risk, which determines investment risk factors. To assess it, the districts are rated according to the level of investment attractiveness.89

The total investment potential is made up of eight private potentials, each of which, in turn, is characterized by a whole group of indicators (see Table 11).


1. The methodological approach, substantiated by the dissertation candidate, is that the development of the garage infrastructure of a large city should be based on ensuring a balance of the economic interests of the state, private companies and the population. It is proposed to ensure such coordination with the help of public-private partnership mechanisms, within the framework of which it is possible to attract the most qualified companies to the implementation of projects and, at the same time, to strengthen the possibilities of influence of the authorities on the development of the social sphere, which will increase the quality of life of the population.

The essence of the approach is that investment\u003e development of garage infrastructure is necessary "to be carried out taking into account the relationship between the economic interests of the state and the business community. It is necessary * to take into account the risks and potentials, programs for them. The main potential of the state is the development of human potential, a factor of which is access to transport services. The main potential of the business community is to increase profits. Risks come down to the reliability of partners and the inconsistency of infrastructure development with the needs of the population.

The toolkit of public-private partnership allows to increase the possibilities of both realizing the potentials and managing risks. Within its framework, it is possible to attract highly qualified private companies to participate in social programs (for example, in the case of low demand for parking services) and expand the toolkit of authorities for implementing programs (for example, in the case of a low level of development of the institutional framework for garage construction) while reducing the risks of poor performance by partners of their duties. This will maximize the incentives and opportunities of the partners in the partnership to meet the needs of the population in transport services, as well as reduce the risks of irrational spending of taxpayers' funds by strengthening state control.

The result of the coordination of the economic interests of the state and private companies will increase the quality of life of the population, since the business community, pursuing its own interests, will expand the volume of services that citizens need, and the authorities, seeking to develop human potential, optimize the garage infrastructure.

2. The classification of risks of the subjects of public-private partnership in the development of social 1 infrastructure, substantiated by the dissertation candidate, provides an opportunity for a systematic analysis of a specific project to develop the necessary management decisions for its improvement.

The candidate highlighted the risks of the main subjects of public-private partnership: 1) authorities; 2) private companies; 3) population. The potentials and risks of the authorities and private companies are divided into two groups: 1) implementation of the program; 2) interaction with a partner. Population potentials and risks are identified for: 1) the general population of the territory; 2) consumers of social and consumer services; 3) intermediary investors who acquire a part of the objects being created for their subsequent sale.

The risks of the population (the development of garage infrastructure, which does not correspond to current needs) are due to insufficient consideration of public opinion. The risks of the authorities (failure of a private company to fulfill its obligations, the results of the program unacceptable for the population) are due to the low level of development of the institutional framework for improving the social sphere. The risks of private companies (barriers in interaction with the government, deterioration of market positions) are caused by the need to improve the activities of government bodies in a number of Russian cities.

3. Methods of risk management developed by the dissertation candidate allow to reduce the level of key threats to the implementation of development projects

175 garage infrastructure in large cities to reduce the risks of insufficient provision of the population with parking and storage services. Their essence lies in the use of methods that reduce the risks of public-private partnerships to improve the "quality of life of the population. Methods for monitoring the needs of citizens in social and domestic services, as well as incentives, control" and accounting for the implementation of garage infrastructure development programs make it possible to ensure the required level of quality services of storage of cars - transport The method of compulsory insurance allows to ensure »social security - implementation of projects, and - allows to compensate for the insufficient development of the institutional framework of garage construction.

4. The economic and mathematical model for constructing project ratings provides an opportunity for an integrated assessment of the prospects for the implementation of a specific project, taking into account * its significance for improving the living standards of the population.

The ratings of a specific program for the business community and government bodies determine the attractiveness of a particular program, for ^ subjects * of public-private partnership, in other words, 1) the possibility of their participation in it; 2) the amount of resources that can be invested in a specific program. The rating of a specific program for the population determines the degree of its compliance with the interests of taxpayers, in other words, 1) the fundamental possibility of implementing the program; 2) the need to use methods to minimize risks and improve the opportunities for realizing the potentials of participants in public-private partnerships.

5. The organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships for the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation, developed by the dissertation candidate, makes it possible to improve the quality of life of the population by balancing the economic interests of government authorities and private companies. Following the operation of this

As a result of this mechanism, it becomes possible to flexibly assess the factors for the development of garage infrastructure in the region and to develop an effective risk management strategy and the development of the potential of authorities and private companies to improve the quality of life of the population by providing storage services for light vehicles.

Dissertation: bibliography in Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Khomeriki, Nailya Borisovna, Moscow

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Introduction to work

The relevance of research. The study of the current state of investment activity demonstrates that it does not ensure the effective functioning of the social sphere. The President of the Russian Federation demands to solve this problem, who in the messages of 2010-2011. emphasized that modernization is a tool for solving urgent problems of the social sphere. YES. Medvedev highlighted the importance of regional investment programs for solving social problems.

The current state of the social sphere in the regions of the Russian Federation does not meet international standards and does not fully ensure the development of human potential. The lack of additional measures to support it can lead to a decrease in labor resources, a decrease in the dynamics of economic growth. This determines the relevance of stimulating the investment development of regions, and the tasks of improving the social sphere should be put forward as targets.

The importance of the development of the social sphere is confirmed by V.V. Putin, who puts it forward as the main priority within the framework of the projects of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds for 2011-2013: the main thing is "to guarantee the unconditional fulfillment of social obligations to the citizens of the country" 1 ... Solving this problem requires significant resources, joint efforts of the authorities and the business community. In this regard, the mechanism of public-private partnerships acquires special relevance in the implementation of social investment programs.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation / Website of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin[ ... ru / events / news / 123 08 /] 23.09.2010.

The priority function of the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population by meeting social needs, which is the basis for the systemic development of human potential. The garage infrastructure is of certain importance for improving the quality of life and creating conditions for comfortable living. Rapid urban sprawl is driving the need for mobility, and intense government support for the auto industry and an increase in the share of the middle class are meeting this need. According to Rosstat, the number of own cars per 1000 people in the Russian Federation has doubled since the beginning of the XXI century. This determines the relevance of the formation of the garage infrastructure. It will increase the savings in personal time of car owners, ensure the safety of their property, and optimize traffic.

In large Russian cities, especially in megalopolises such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, the construction of parking lots is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which are: a lack of free land resources and a poorly developed institutional framework for garage construction. At the beginning of 2009, the deficit of parking spaces in the capital was 77%, which leads to an ambiguous attitude of the population towards the social policy of the state. The construction of multi-level parking lots on the basis of public-private partnerships and the involvement of interested citizens in the construction of such facilities is a way to solve the problem.

Thus, the topic of this dissertation seems to be relevant.
and focused on the formation of conceptual approaches to
instrumentation public-private

partnerships to ensure the development of the social sphere of large cities.

The degree of study of the selected research problem. A significant contribution to the development of economic aspects of investment development of the social sphere of the regions, including on the basis of public-private partnership methods, was made by the following

5 scientists: Abalkin L.I., Afanasenko I.D., Burak P.I., Valentey S.D., Gainutdinov N.A., Granberg A.G., Ivanova V.I., Ivanov V.I., Kovalev A .P., Melamed I.I., Polterovich V.M., Smirnov E.B., Stolyarov O.I., Tretyak V.P., Fomina V.P., Khubulava N.M. and etc.

The works of the following scientists are devoted to the influence of transport infrastructure on the development of the territory: A.A. Geidt. ,

Maksimov V.V., Mogilevkin I.M., Rodionov A.Yu., Stolyarov V.V. and etc.

The practical part of the study is based on the formation of an economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of investment programs with a social orientation. Significant contributions to the study of the theory of ratings were made by: Karminsky AM, Manakov L.F., Moiseenko V.V., Litvak B.G., Negashev E.V., Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E., Sheremet A.D. ... and etc. 4 It is also necessary to note the studies of the World Bank, World Monetary Fund, Standard and Poor "s, Moody" s and others.

The scientific literature currently lacks a comprehensive
approach to analyzing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships,
formed with the aim of developing the social sphere of a large city. Choice
thesis conditioned by need holding

relevant research.

2 Afanasenko I. D. Economy and spiritual program of Russia. Moscow: Third Millennium, 2001; Burak P.I.,
Rostanets VT., Kirillova A.N. and others. Reorganization of industrial areas of the city of Moscow:
economic, organizational and urban planning aspects. M .: Economics, 2005; Gainutdinov N.A.,
Melamed I.I., Stolyarov O.I. Development strategies for cities and megalopolises. Problems, goals, mechanisms. M .:
Modern Economics and Law, 2007; Movement of Russian regions towards an innovative economy / ed.
Granberg A.G., Valenteya SD. - M .: Nauka, 2006; Ivanova V.N., Ivanov B.C. Public-private
partnership in the innovative development of the region and enterprises. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2010;
Social factors of economic development of Russian regions (collective monograph) / Ed.
Smirnova E.B. - SPb .: SPbGIEU, 2006; Modern problems of economic theory. Resp. per issue
V.P. Tretiak. - M .: Parade, 2004; Khubulava N.M. Strategic planning and forecasting. M .:
Publishing complex, 2003; Fomina V.P. Economic regulation of the social sphere. M .: Publishing house
MGOU, 2000, etc.

3 Actual problems of transport / under. Edited by V.V Stolyarov. SPb .: Russian Academy of Transport,
2003; Geidt A.A. The mechanism and system of strategic planning for the development of road transport
infrastructure. SPb., 2004; V. V. Maksimov Public-private partnership in transport
infrastructure. Evaluation criteria for concession tenders. M .: Alpina Publisher, 2010; Mogilevkin
THEM. Transport and Communications: Past, Present, Future. - M .: Pauka, 2005; Rodionov A.Yu.
Methodological recommendations for the organization of transport services for the population of municipal
formations.-M .: Institute of Urban Economics, 2005, etc.

4 Karminsky A.M., Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E. Rankings in the economy. Theory and practice. - Moscow.
Finance and Statistics, 2004; Litvak KG. Expert technologies in management. M .: Delo, 2004; Manakov
L.F., Moiseenko V.V. Methodology for automated calculation of the rating of enterprises, Novosibirsk:
NGASU, 2004; Negashev E.V., Sheremet A.D. Financial analysis methodology for commercial
organizations. M .: Infra-M, 2006, etc.

Object and subject of research.The object of the research is the investment programs of the social orientation of a large urban center of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the research is a set of relations arising during the use of the mechanism of public-private partnership for the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation (on the example of programs for the development of the infrastructure of personal passenger transport of residents of a large city).

Purpose of the study- development of a methodological approach, substantiation of technologies, tools and methodological recommendations for the formation of public-private partnerships for the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing passenger transport of residents of a large city.

Research objectives.To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

    to develop and theoretically substantiate a methodological approach to formulating a strategy for the social development of a region based on the formation of public-private partnerships in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation;

    substantiate the classification of risks of public-private partnerships in the implementation of social infrastructure development programs based on the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region;

    to develop a system of methods for managing the population's risks arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation;

    to form an economic and mathematical model for constructing ratings of social investment programs;

5) develop an organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation.

Methodological, theoretical and empirical base research.The general methodological basis of the research is the methods of cognition and methods of scientific knowledge: abstract-logical, analytical, dialectical, systemic, structural-functional and others. The theoretical basis is the provisions of economic theory for the development and implementation of investment programs and the principles, approaches and methods allocated on their basis. The empirical base is made up of data from statistics, research centers and researchers of the problem.

    A methodological approach to formulating a strategy for the social development of a region based on the formation of public-private partnerships in the implementation of social investment programs. The essence of the approach is to ensure a balance of economic interests of the population, the state and the business community as subjects of public-private partnership by providing citizens with expanded opportunities to control the development of the social sphere, as well as attracting private companies to participate in social programs and increasing the tools of government bodies for their implementation based on improving market infrastructure and competitive environment.

    Classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region, which provides for the specification of key indicators, such as an increase in the provision of social and domestic services, the development of human potential in a particular territory and an increase in economic efficiency.

    The system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation,

8 the essence of which lies in the integrated management of both the risks of citizens,

so the toffee of the authorities and private companies.

    An economic and mathematical model for constructing ratings of investment programs of a social orientation, which makes it possible to determine the degree of compliance of a specific program with the priorities of improving the quality of life of the population in the region on the basis of an integral assessment of ensuring the economic interests of subjects of public-private partnership.

    Organizational and economic mechanism management of public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation, the essence of which is the selection of promising projects for the creation of storage facilities for light vehicles, assessing their effectiveness in terms of meeting the transport needs of citizens, as well as developing the necessary management decisions for optimization.

Scientific novelty of research results consists in the development of a methodological approach, substantiation of technologies, tools and methodological recommendations for the formation of public-private partnerships for the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing passenger transport of residents of a large city. A specific increment in scientific knowledge is contained in the following:

1. A methodological approach has been developed to formulate a strategy for the social development of the region on the basis of the formation of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation, the novelty of which lies in finding a balance of economic interests of the population, the state and the business community as subjects of public-private partnership, by improving investment infrastructure, attracting private companies, expanding the tools of government bodies involved in the development of the social sphere, as well as increasing

9 opportunities of citizens based on the formation of a public-private partnership assessment system.

    The classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure has been substantiated according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region, the novelty of which lies in the systematic accounting of groups: 1) risks of citizens; 2) risks of state bodies of the region; 3) the risks of private companies, which allows you to develop specific methods to minimize each group of risks.

    A system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the application of three complementary groups of methods that ensure the comprehensive development of garage infrastructure based on increasing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships. The first group of methods consists in monitoring the needs of citizens in social and domestic services to reduce the risk of disrupting the balance of interests of certain groups of the population in the process of developing garage infrastructure. These methods are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the authorities responsible for the development of the social sphere. The second group of methods is a system of incentives, control and accounting for the implementation of programs for the development of garage infrastructure in accordance with the required level of quality. These methods make it possible to attract the most qualified private companies to the development of passenger transport storage infrastructure. The third group of methods is compulsory insurance to protect the interests of citizens who have entered into shared construction contracts. These methods provide compensation for insufficient public control over the creation of garage facilities in the regions of the Russian Federation. The developed approach to risk management allows making mutually agreed management decisions,

10 ensuring the maintenance of the balance of interests of the subjects of public-private partnership.

    An economic and mathematical model has been formed for constructing ratings of socially oriented investment programs, the novelty of which lies in the fact that the integral rating assessment of ensuring the economic interests of public-private partnerships allows you to adapt investment programs to the current conditions of the development of the social sphere of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to make optimal management decisions for improving the quality of life of citizens. In previous developments on this issue, there are no models for the integral assessment of projects and programs of public-private partnership in the social sphere.

    An organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the use of an integral rating assessment to control the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in terms of providing citizens with passenger transport storage services carried out by independent expert institutes - organizational structures contributing to the identification of risks of deterioration in the quality of life in the region.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work. The theoretical significance lies in the development of the foundations for the development and implementation of social investment programs in large cities. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the author's developments in the formation of a regional investment development policy, as well as in the process of teaching specialized disciplines.

Compliance of the topic of the thesis with the requirements of the passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences). The content of the thesis corresponds to clause 3.16. “Regional socio-economic policy; analysis of the features and assessment of the effectiveness of regional economic policy in the Russian Federation,

federal districts, subjects of the Federation and municipalities "passports of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences), specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economy).

Approbation of scientific provisions of the research. The main materials of the dissertation were reported during conferences: the XIV scientific and methodological conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management (Moscow, October 13-14, 2008), the International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Moscow State University of Technology and Technology “Development of Small and Medium entrepreneurship in the regions of Russia ”(22-23.10.2009, Moscow).

Publications.The main content of the study is set out in7 published scientific works that fully reflect the scientific and practical results of the research. The total volume is 8.5 pp, 7 works have been published in publications included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The structure and volume of the thesis. The research consists of an introduction; three chapters: 1. Public-private partnership in the development of social projects: structure and priority components; 2. Public-private partnership as a factor in the development of garage infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow); 3. Methods and models for the development of garage infrastructure in a large city on the basis of public-private partnership; contains 48 tables and 31 figures; conclusions; list of references from 187 titles.

Chapter 1. Public-private partnership in the development of social projects: structure and priority components

1.1. Public-private partnership in the development of the social sphere: theoretical and methodological aspect:

1.2. Foreign experience in the development of the regional social sphere on the basis of public-private partnership: opportunities for adaptation in the regions of Russia (on the example of the USA, EU, Asia-Pacific region)

1.3. Methodological framework for assessing public-private partnership for the development of the social sphere of the region "

Chapter 2. Public-private partnership as a factor in the development of ^ garage * infrastructure of the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow) "

2.1. Moscow as a territory for implementing social investment programs based on public-private partnerships: problems and priorities 67,

2.21 The "People's Garage" program as a public-private partnership for the development of "garage infrastructure in Moscow

2.3. Opportunities of the "People's Garage" program to improve the quality of life of the population of Moscow on the basis of public-private partnership

Chapter 3 ^ Methods and models of development of the garage infrastructure of a large city on the basis of public-private partnership

Z.G. Economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of social investment programs

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Public-private partnership in innovative activities of housing and communal services 2013, candidate of economic sciences Timchuk, Oksana Grigorievna

  • Mechanism of infrastructure development of the region 2010, Candidate of Economic Sciences Borovkova, Anna Valerievna

  • World experience in the application of regional strategies of public-private partnership and Russian prospects 2008, candidate of economic sciences Bondarenko, Evgeny Yurievich

  • Development of the sphere of gas supply services to the population on the basis of public-private partnership: the case of the Kaluga region 2012, candidate of economic sciences Sinyavsky, Roman Evgenievich

  • Socio-economic forms of implementation of public-private partnership in the region 2009, candidate of sociological sciences Lyubalin, Andrey Aleksandrovich

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Public-private partnership as a factor of social development of the region"

The relevance of research. The study of the current state of investment "activity demonstrates that it does not ensure the effective functioning of the social sphere. The President of the Russian Federation demands to solve this problem, who in his 2010-2011 messages emphasized that modernization is a tool for solving urgent problems of the social sphere. DA Medvedev highlighted the importance of regional investment programs for solving the set social problems.

The current state of the social "sphere in the regions of the Russian Federation does not meet international standards, and does not fully ensure the development of human potential. The lack of measures to support it can lead to a decrease in labor resources, a decrease in the dynamics of economic growth. This makes the stimulation of the investment development of the regions urgent." the tasks of improving the social sphere should be put forward as guidelines.

The importance of the development of the social sphere is confirmed by V.V. Putin, who puts it forward as the main priority within the framework of the projects of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds for 2011-2013: the main thing is “to guarantee the unconditional fulfillment of social obligations to the citizens of the country” 1. Solving this "problem requires significant resources, joint efforts of the authorities and the business community. In this regard, the mechanism of public-private partnerships is of particular relevance in the implementation of social investment programs.

The priority function of the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population by meeting social needs, which

1 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation / Website of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin [b7 / pré / eyen18 / ney / 12308 /] 23.09.2010 is the basis for the systemic development of human potential. The garage infrastructure is of a certain importance for improving the quality of life and creating conditions for comfortable living. Rapid urban growth creates a need for mobility, and intensive government support for the automotive industry and an increase in the share of the middle class are able to satisfy it. According to Rosstat, the number of own cars per 1000 people in the Russian Federation has doubled since the beginning of the XXI century. This determines the relevance of the formation of the garage infrastructure. It will increase the savings in personal time of car owners, ensure the safety of their property, and optimize traffic.

In large Russian cities, especially in megalopolises such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, the construction of parking lots is associated with a number of problems, the most important of which are: a lack of free land resources and a poorly developed institutional basis for garage * construction. At the beginning of 2009, the deficit of parking spaces in the capital was 77%, which leads to an ambiguous attitude of the population to the social policy of the state. The construction of multi-level parking lots on the basis of public-private partnerships and the involvement of interested citizens in the construction of such facilities is a way to solve the problem.

Thus, the topic of this dissertation seems to be relevant and focused on the formation of conceptual approaches to improving the toolkit of public-private partnerships to ensure the development of the social sphere of large cities.

The degree of study of the selected research problem.

The following scientists made a significant contribution to the development of economic aspects of investment development of the social sphere of the regions, including on the basis of methods of public-private partnership:

Abalkin L.I., Afanasenko I.D., Burak P.I., Valentey S.D., Gainutdinov

N.A., Granberg A.G., Ivanova V.N., Ivanov V.C., Kovalev A.P., Melamed I.I., 4

Polterovich V.M., Smirnov E.B., Stolyarov O.I., Tretyak V.P., Fomina V.P., Khubulava N.M. and others 2

The works of the following scientists are devoted to the issues of the influence of transport infrastructure on the development of the territory: A.A. Geidt, about

Maksimov V.V., Mogilevkin I.M., Rodionov A.Yu., Stolyarov V.V. and etc.

The practical part of the study is based on the formation of an economic and mathematical model for determining the ratings of investment programs with a social orientation. A significant contribution to the study of the theory of ratings was made by: Karminsky A.M., Manakov L.F., Moiseenko V.V., Litvak B.G., Negashev E.V. !, Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E., Sheremet A.D. and others.4 It is also necessary to note the studies of the World Bank, the World Monetary Fund, the agencies Standard and Poor "s, Moody" s, etc.

In the scientific literature, there is currently no comprehensive approach to the analysis of the effectiveness of public-private partnerships formed with the aim of developing: the social sphere of a large city. The choice of the topic of the dissertation is due to the need for relevant research.

2 Afanasenko I.D. Economy and spiritual program of Russia. Moscow: Third Millennium, 2001; Burak P.I., Rostanets V.G., Kirillova A.N. and others. Reorganization of industrial territories of the city of Moscow: economic, organizational and urban planning aspects. M .: Economics, 2005; Gainutdinov H.A., Melamed I.I., Stolyarov O.I. Development strategies for cities and megalopolises. Problems, goals, mechanisms. Moscow: Modern Economics and Law, 2007; Movement of Russian regions towards an innovative economy / ed. Granberg A.G., Valenteya S.D. - M .: Nauka, 2006; Ivanova V.N., Ivanov B.C. Public-private partnership in the innovative development of the region and enterprises. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2010; Social factors of economic development of Russian regions (collective monograph) / Ed. Smirnova E.B. - SPb .: SPbGIEU, 2006; Modern problems of economic theory. Resp. for the release of V.P. Tretiak. - M .: Parade, 2004; Khubulava N.M. Strategic planning and forecasting. M .: Publishing complex, 2003; Fomina V.P. Economic regulation of the social sphere. M .: Publishing house of MGOU, 2000, etc.

3 Actual problems of transport / under. ed by V.V. Stolyarov. SPb .: Russian Academy of Transport, 2003; Geidt A.A. Mechanism and system of strategic planning for the development of road transport infrastructure. SPb., 2004; V. V. Maximov Public-private partnership in transport infrastructure. Evaluation criteria for concession tenders. M .: Alpina Publisher, 2010; Mogilevkin I.M. Transport and Communications: Past, Present, Future. - M .: Nauka, 2005; Rodionov A.Yu. Guidelines for the organization of transport services for the population of municipalities.-M .: Institute of Urban Economics, 2005, etc.

4 Karminsky A.M., Peresetsky A.A., Petrov A.E. Rankings in the economy. Theory and practice. - Moscow. Finance and Statistics, 2004; Litvak B.G. Expert technologies in management. M .: Delo, 2004; Manakov LF, Moiseenko V.V. Methodology for automated calculation of the rating of enterprises, Novosibirsk: NGASU, 2004; Negashev E.V., Sheremet A.D. Methodology for financial analysis of the activities of commercial organizations. M .: Infra-M, 2006, etc.

Object and subject of research. The object of the research is investment programs of social orientation of a large urban center of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the research is a set of relations arising in the course of using the mechanism of public-private-partnership for the implementation of investment programs of social orientation (for example, programs for the development of infrastructure for storing personal light vehicles of residents of a large city).

The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach, substantiate technologies, tools and guidelines for the formation of public-private partnerships1 for the implementation of investment programs, social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing passenger transport of residents of a large city.

Research objectives. To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

1) develop and theoretically substantiate a methodological approach to formulating a strategy for the social development of a region based on the formation of a public-private partnership c. implementation of social investment programs;

2) substantiate the classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region;

3) develop a system of methods for managing the population's risks arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation;

4) to form an economic and mathematical model for constructing ratings of investment programs of a social orientation;

5) develop an organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation.

Methodological, theoretical * and empirical research base. The general methodological basis of the research is the methods of cognition and methods of scientific knowledge: abstract-logical, analytical, dialectical, systemic, structural-functional and others. The theoretical basis is the provisions of economic theory for the development and implementation of investment programs and the principles, approaches and methods allocated on their basis. The empirical base is made up of data from statistics, scientific centers and researchers of the problem.

Scientific positions submitted for defense

1. A methodological approach to the development of a strategy for the social development of the region based on the formation of public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation. The essence of the approach is to balance the economic interests of the population, the state and the business community as subjects, public-private ^ partnership by providing citizens with expanded opportunities to control the development of the social sphere, as well as attracting private companies to participate in social programs and increasing the tools of government bodies for their implementation based on improving the market infrastructure and competitive environment.

2. Classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of social infrastructure development programs according to the criterion of completeness of creating comfortable living conditions for the population of the region, which provides for the specification of key indicators, such as an increase in the provision of social and domestic services, the development of human potential in a particular territory and an increase in economic efficiency. 7

3. The system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation, the essence of which is. comprehensive management of both the risks of citizens and the risks of authorities and private companies.

4. An economic and mathematical model for constructing "ratings of social investment programs, which allows to determine the degree of compliance of a specific program with the priorities of improving the quality of life of the population in the region on the basis of an integral assessment of ensuring the economic interests of public-private partnerships.

5. Organizational and economic management mechanism, public-private partnership in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation, the essence of which! consists in the selection of promising projects for the creation of storage facilities for light vehicles, assessing their effectiveness in terms of meeting the transport needs of citizens, as well as developing the necessary management decisions for optimization.

The scientific "novelty of the research results consists in the development of a methodological * approach, substantiation of technologies, tools and methodological recommendations for the formation of public-private partnerships for the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation on the example of programs for the development of infrastructure for storing light transport of residents of a large city. A specific increment of scientific knowledge is contained in the following :

1. A methodological approach has been developed to formulate a strategy for the social development of the region on the basis of the formation of a public-private partnership in the implementation of investment programs of a social orientation, the novelty of which is to find a balance of economic interests of the subjects of public-private partnership: citizens, authorities and entrepreneurs, by means of 8 improving investment infrastructure , attracting private companies, expanding the toolkit of state bodies involved in the development of the social sphere, as well as increasing the controlling capabilities of the population * through the formation of a public-private partnership assessment system.

2. The classification of risks of subjects of public-private partnership in the implementation of programs for the development of social infrastructure has been substantiated by the criterion of completeness of creation, comfortable living conditions of the population of the region, the novelty of which is in the systematic accounting * of groups: 1) risks of citizens; 2) risks of state bodies of the region; 3) the risks of private companies, which allows you to develop specific methods to minimize each group of risks.

3. "A system of methods for managing the risks of the population arising during the creation of garage infrastructure facilities in large cities of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the application of three complementary groups of methods that ensure the comprehensive development of garage infrastructure based on increasing the effectiveness of public-private partnerships. The first group of methods consists in monitoring the needs of citizens in social and domestic services to reduce the risk of disrupting the balance of interests of certain groups of the population in the process of developing garage infrastructure. These methods are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the authorities * responsible for the development of the social sphere. The second group of methods is a system of incentives, control and accounting of the implementation of programs for the development of garage infrastructure in accordance with the required level of quality. These methods allow attracting the most qualified private companies to the development of infrastructure iya of light transport. The third group of methods is compulsory insurance to protect the interests of citizens who have entered into shared construction contracts.

These methods provide compensation for insufficient public 9 control over the creation of garage facilities in the regions of the Russian Federation. The developed approach to risk management makes it possible to make mutually agreed management decisions that ensure the balance of interests of the subjects of public-private partnership is maintained.

4. An economic and mathematical model has been formed for constructing ratings of investment programs of a social orientation, the novelty of which is that the integral rating assessment of ensuring the economic interests of the subjects of public-private partnership allows to adapt investment programs to the current conditions of development of the social sphere of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to adopt optimal management solutions to improve the quality of life of citizens. In previous developments on this issue, there are no models for the integral assessment of projects and programs of public-private partnership in the social sphere.

5. An organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships in the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation has been developed, the novelty of which lies in the application of an integral rating assessment to control the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in terms of providing citizens with services for storing cars, carried out by independent expert institutes - organizational structures that help to identify risks of deterioration in the quality of life in the region.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work. The theoretical significance lies in the development of the foundations for the development and implementation of social investment programs in large cities. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the author's developments in the formation of a regional investment development policy, as well as in the process of teaching specialized disciplines.

Compliance of the thesis topic with the requirements of the passport of the specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (economic sciences). The content of the thesis corresponds to clause 3.16: “Regional socio-economic policy; analysis of the features and assessment of the effectiveness of regional economic "policy in the Russian Federation, federal districts, constituent entities of the Federation and; municipalities" passports, HAC RF (economic sciences) specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economics).

Approbation of scientific research provisions; The main materials of the dissertation work were reported during conferences: XIV scientific and methodological? conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary. Moscow State University of Technology and Management - (Moscow; October 13-14; 2008), the International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Moscow State University of Technology and Technology "Development of small and medium" entrepreneurship "in the regions, Russia" (22-23.10.2009., Moscow).

Publications. The main content of the research is set out in 7 published scientific works, which fully reflect scientific: and practical: research results - The total volume is 8.5 pp, 7 works; published in publications / included in. list "peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

Structure and\u003e volume of dissertation work. The research consists of an introduction; three chapters: 1. Public-private partnership in the development of social projects: structure and priority components; 2. Public-private partnership5 as a factor in the development of the garage infrastructure of the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow); 3. Methods and models for the development of garage infrastructure; a large city on the basis of a public-private partnership; contains. 49 tables and 31 figures; conclusions; list of references from 187 titles.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics ", 08.00.05 code VAK

  • Public-private partnership in the field of housing and communal services: models and development tools 2012, candidate of economic sciences Zdanevich, Ulyana Aleksandrovna

  • Public-private partnership and its role in the development of social infrastructure 2007, candidate of economic sciences Borodachev, Ivan Mikhailovich

  • Concession mechanism of public-private partnership in the field of social and cultural infrastructure 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Amunts, Dmitry Mikhailovich

  • Management of the development of public-private partnerships in tourism 2009, candidate of economic sciences Barablina, Eleonora Konstantinovna

  • Development of forms and methods of public-private partnership in the economy of the regions of the Russian Federation 2010, Doctor of Economics Kovalev, Alexander Mikhailovich

Thesis conclusion on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics ", Khomeriki, Nailya Borisovna

6 Conclusions and recommendations can be based both on the results of the distribution of places among the set of subjects and the location of the evaluated region, and on the comparison of the values \u200b\u200bof the total ratings. If for the purpose of the study there is no need to form a sufficiently large system of indicators, then it may be sufficient to compare ratings for each of the indicators.

The first stage (definition of the goal): As a rule, in the implementation of socially oriented programs based on PPP, the purpose of the assessment is to improve the quality of life of the population by increasing the provision of certain goods / services.

The second stage (selection of the analyzed indicators). To assess the risks and potentials, it seems appropriate to use the principles laid down in the methodology of the Expert RA rating agency, the object of analysis in which is the investment climate. It, according to the methodology, consists of two subsystems: investment potential,

88 See eg. In the same place. characterizing factors of production and areas of capital investment in the region, and investment risk, which determines investment risk factors. To assess it, the districts are rated according to the level of investment attractiveness.89

The total investment potential is made up of eight private potentials, each of which, in turn, is characterized by a whole group of indicators (see Table 11).


1. The methodological approach, substantiated by the dissertation candidate, is that the development of the garage infrastructure of a large city should be based on ensuring a balance of the economic interests of the state, private companies and the population. It is proposed to ensure such coordination with the help of public-private partnership mechanisms, within the framework of which it is possible to attract the most qualified companies to the implementation of projects and, at the same time, to strengthen the possibilities of influence of the authorities on the development of the social sphere, which will increase the quality of life of the population.

The essence of the approach is that investment\u003e development of garage infrastructure is necessary "to be carried out taking into account the relationship between the economic interests of the state and the business community. It is necessary * to take into account the risks and potentials, programs for them. The main potential of the state is the development of human potential, a factor of which is access to transport services. The main potential of the business community is to increase profits. Risks come down to the reliability of partners and the inconsistency of infrastructure development with the needs of the population.

The toolkit of public-private partnership allows to increase the possibilities of both realizing the potentials and managing risks. Within its framework, it is possible to attract highly qualified private companies to participate in social programs (for example, in the case of low demand for parking services) and expand the toolkit of authorities for implementing programs (for example, in the case of a low level of development of the institutional framework for garage construction) while reducing the risks of poor performance by partners of their duties. This will maximize the incentives and opportunities of the partners in the partnership to meet the needs of the population in transport services, as well as reduce the risks of irrational spending of taxpayers' funds by strengthening state control.

The result of the coordination of the economic interests of the state and private companies will increase the quality of life of the population, since the business community, pursuing its own interests, will expand the volume of services that citizens need, and the authorities, seeking to develop human potential, optimize the garage infrastructure.

2. The classification of risks of the subjects of public-private partnership in the development of social 1 infrastructure, substantiated by the dissertation candidate, provides an opportunity for a systematic analysis of a specific project to develop the necessary management decisions for its improvement.

The candidate highlighted the risks of the main subjects of public-private partnership: 1) authorities; 2) private companies; 3) population. The potentials and risks of the authorities and private companies are divided into two groups: 1) implementation of the program; 2) interaction with a partner. Population potentials and risks are identified for: 1) the general population of the territory; 2) consumers of social and consumer services; 3) intermediary investors who acquire a part of the objects being created for their subsequent sale.

The risks of the population (the development of garage infrastructure, which does not correspond to current needs) are due to insufficient consideration of public opinion. The risks of the authorities (failure of a private company to fulfill its obligations, the results of the program unacceptable for the population) are due to the low level of development of the institutional framework for improving the social sphere. The risks of private companies (barriers in interaction with the government, deterioration of market positions) are caused by the need to improve the activities of government bodies in a number of Russian cities.

3. Methods of risk management developed by the dissertation candidate allow to reduce the level of key threats to the implementation of development projects

175 garage infrastructure in large cities to reduce the risks of insufficient provision of the population with parking and storage services. Their essence lies in the use of methods that reduce the risks of public-private partnerships to improve the "quality of life of the population. Methods for monitoring the needs of citizens in social and domestic services, as well as incentives, control" and accounting for the implementation of garage infrastructure development programs make it possible to ensure the required level of quality services of storage of cars - transport The method of compulsory insurance allows to ensure »social security - implementation of projects, and - allows to compensate for the insufficient development of the institutional framework of garage construction.

4. The economic and mathematical model for constructing project ratings provides an opportunity for an integrated assessment of the prospects for the implementation of a specific project, taking into account * its significance for improving the living standards of the population.

The ratings of a specific program for the business community and government bodies determine the attractiveness of a particular program, for ^ subjects * of public-private partnership, in other words, 1) the possibility of their participation in it; 2) the amount of resources that can be invested in a specific program. The rating of a specific program for the population determines the degree of its compliance with the interests of taxpayers, in other words, 1) the fundamental possibility of implementing the program; 2) the need to use methods to minimize risks and improve the opportunities for realizing the potentials of participants in public-private partnerships.

5. The organizational and economic mechanism for managing public-private partnerships for the development of garage infrastructure in the region of the Russian Federation, developed by the dissertation candidate, makes it possible to improve the quality of life of the population by balancing the economic interests of government authorities and private companies. Following the operation of this

As a result of this mechanism, it becomes possible to flexibly assess the factors for the development of garage infrastructure in the region and to develop an effective risk management strategy and the development of the potential of authorities and private companies to improve the quality of life of the population by providing storage services for light vehicles.

List of dissertation research literature khomeriki, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Nailya Borisovna, 2011

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2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation of 30.11.1994 N 51-FZ

3. Tax Code of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 N 146-FZ

4. Budget Code of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 N 145-FZ (as amended and supplemented).

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8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2010 N 351 "On approval of the Regulation on control and monitoring of the progress of projects"

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