Bogdanov preparation for the exam in biology. Biology

Biology. Handbook for high school students and those entering universities. Bogdanova T.L., Solodova E.A.

M .: 2012 .-- 816 p.

This manual can rightfully be called a book of the XXI century. For many years, according to the textbooks of T.L.Bogdanova, they have been successfully studying and passing entrance exams in biology to universities. The manual contains all sections of the course of biology in the scope of the program requirements and is a complex that includes tasks on topics, exercises, tests, summary tables for all critical sections, tables-characteristics, diagrams, test and training drawings, dictionaries of terms and concepts. In addition, a summary of theories, laws and laws of biology is given. The book uses a systematic approach, shows the techniques of problem and programmed learning, which allows you to more efficiently repeat the training material, intensify its assimilation. This publication was prepared in collaboration with E. A. Solodova, who has extensive experience in preparatory courses in universities. The reference manual is recommended for applicants, schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized educational institutions as for independent work, and for classes with a teacher.

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From the authors 3
TOPIC. Subject General biology 7
Section I. Evolutionary doctrine 9
TOPIC. general characteristics biology in the pre-Darwinian period 9
TOPIC. Charles Darwin's teachings 17
TOPIC. Development of the organic world 34
TOPIC. The emergence of life on Earth 59
Section II. Cell doctrine 70
TOPIC. Cell theory. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes 70
TOPIC. Chemical organization cells 76
TOPIC. Cell structure and function 130
TOPIC. Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell 166
TOPIC. Cell division. Breeding 201
Section III. Fundamentals of Genetics and Breeding 230
TOPIC. Basic patterns of heredity 230
TOPIC. Regularities of variability 261
TOPIC. Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms 288
TOPIC. Kingdom of the Precellular. Viruses 304
TOPIC. Kingdom Pre-nuclear. Bacteria 307
Section IV. Super Kingdom Nuclear Organisms 311
Mushroom Kingdom 311
TOPIC. Mushrooms 311
The Plant Kingdom 321
TOPIC. The subject "Botany" 321
Systematics of lower plants 323
TOPIC. Algae 323
TOPIC. Lichens 331
Systematics of higher plants 335
I. Higher spore plants (archegonial) 335
TOPIC. Mosses and ferns 335
II. Seed plants 343
TOPIC. Gymnosperms 343
The structure of the angiosperm (flowering) plant 361
TOPIC. Plant - whole organism 362
I. Vegetative organs 373
TOPIC. Root 373
TOPIC. Stem 383
TOPIC. Sheet 395
TOPIC. Vegetative propagation of flowering plants 404
II. Reproductive organs 408
TOPIC. Flower. Fruit and Seed 408
TOPIC. Distinctive features of angiosperms 420
III. Classification of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. Systematics of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. Development flora on Earth 441
The animal kingdom 452
TOPIC. Zoology as a subject 452
TOPIC. Individual development organism 454
Systematics of invertebrates 457
TOPIC. Type Protozoa 457
TOPIC. Type Intestinal 465
TOPIC. Type Flatworms 470
TOPIC. Type Roundworms 478
TOPIC. Type Ringworms 484
TOPIC. Shellfish type 489
TOPIC. Type Arthropod 494
Systematics of chordates 515
TOPIC. Type Chordates 515
TOPIC. Subtype Cranial (Vertebrates). Iadclass Fish 520
TOPIC. Class Amphibians 534
TOPIC. Class Reptiles 541
TOPIC. Class Birds 548
TOPIC. Class Mammals 5B0
TOPIC. The development of the animal world on Earth 582
TOPIC. Subject "Anatomy, physiology and human hygiene" 586
Section V. The human body 587
TOPIC. General overview of the human body 587
TOPIC. Nervous system 598
TOPIC. Endocrine glands 610
TOPIC. Musculoskeletal system 615
TOPIC. Blood 630
TOPIC. Blood circulation 638
TOPIC. Breath 642
TOPIC. Digestion 649
TOPIC. Metabolism 656
TOPIC. Selection 663
TOPIC. Leather 667
TOPIC. Analyzers. Senses 670
TOPIC. The highest nervous activity 676
TOPIC. Human development 680
Section VI. Human origins 729
TOPIC. Human origins 729
Section VII. The relationship between the organism and the environment 740
TOPIC. Fundamentals of Ecology 740
TOPIC. Biosphere and man. The relationship between nature and society 760
The main theories, laws and patterns of biology 768
Answers on questions control works 773
Verification signatures for figures 780
Appendix 787
Index 800

This manual can rightfully be called a book of the XXI century. For many years, according to the textbooks of T.L. Bogdanova, they have been successfully studying and passing entrance exams in biology to universities.

The manual contains all sections of the biology course in the scope of the program requirements and is a complex that includes tasks on topics, exercises, tests, summary tables for all the most important sections, characteristic tables, diagrams, test and training drawings, dictionaries of terms and concepts. In addition, the textbook provides a summary of theories, laws and patterns of biology. The book uses a systematic approach, demonstrates the techniques of problem-based and programmed learning, which allows you to more effectively repeat the training material, to intensify its assimilation.

Publisher: AST-Press School, 2013

ISBN 978-5-94776-633-2, 978-5-462-01087-3, 978-5-94776748-3, 5-7805-0622-1, 5-94776-240-4, 5-94776-297 -8

Number of pages: 816.

Contents of the book “Biology. Handbook for high school students and those entering universities. Full course of preparation for final exams ":

  • 3 From the authors
  • 7 Part one. GENERAL BIOLOGY
    • 7 TOPIC. Subject General Biology
  • 9 Section I. Evolutionary doctrine
    • 9 TOPIC. General characteristics of biology in the pre-Darwinian period
    • 17 TOPIC. Charles Darwin's teachings
    • 34 TOPIC. Development of the organic world
    • 59 TOPIC. The emergence of life on Earth
  • 70 Section II. The doctrine of the cell
    • 70 TOPIC. Cell theory. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    • 76 TOPIC. Chemical organization of the cell
    • 130 TOPIC. Cell structure and function
    • 166 TOPIC. Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell
    • 201 TOPIC. Cell division. Reproduction
  • 230 Section III. Fundamentals of Genetics and Breeding
    • 230 TOPIC. Basic laws of heredity
    • 261 TOPIC. Patterns of variability
    • 288 TOPIC. Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms
    • 304 TOPIC. Kingdom of the Precellular. Viruses
    • 307 TOPIC. Kingdom Pre-nuclear. Bacteria
    • 311 Section IV. Super Kingdom Nuclear organisms
  • 311 Kingdom of Mushrooms
    • 311 TOPIC. Mushrooms
  • 321 Plant kingdom
    • 321 TOPIC. The subject "Botany"
  • 323 Systematics of lower plants
    • 323 TOPIC. Seaweed
    • 331 TOPIC. Lichens
  • 335 Systematics of higher plants
    • 335 I. Higher spore plants (archegonial)
    • 335 TOPIC. Mosses and ferns
    • 343 II. Seed plants
    • 343 TOPIC. Gymnosperms
  • 361 The structure of the angiosperm (flowering) plant
    • 362 TOPIC. The plant is a whole organism
    • 373 I. Vegetative organs
    • 373 TOPIC. Root
    • 383 TOPIC. Stem
    • 395 TOPIC. Sheet
    • 404 TOPIC. Vegetative propagation of flowering plants
    • 408 II. Reproductive organs
    • 408 TOPIC. Flower. Fruit and seed
    • 420 TOPIC. Distinctive features of angiosperms
    • 430 III. Classification of flowering plants
    • 430 TOPIC. Systematics of flowering plants
    • 441 TOPIC. The development of the plant world on Earth
  • 452 Animal Kingdom
    • 452 TOPIC. Zoology as a subject
    • 454 TOPIC. Individual development of the body
  • 457 Invertebrate systematics
    • 457 TOPIC. Type Protozoa
    • 465 TOPIC. Type Intestinal
    • 470 TOPIC. Type Flatworms
    • 478 TOPIC. Type Roundworms
    • 484 TOPIC. Type Ringworms
    • 489 TOPIC. Type Shellfish
    • 494 TOPIC. Arthropod type
  • 515 Systematics of chordates
    • 515 TOPIC. Type Chordates
    • 520 TOPIC. Subtype Cranial (Vertebrates). Pisces superclass
    • 534 TOPIC. Class Amphibians
    • 541 TOPIC. Class Reptiles
    • 548 TOPIC. Bird class
    • 580 TOPIC. Class Mammals
    • 582 TOPIC. The development of the animal world on Earth
    • 586 TOPIC. Subject "Human Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene"
  • 587 Section V. Human body
    • 587 TOPIC. General overview of the human body
    • 598 TOPIC. Nervous system
    • 610 TOPIC. Endocrine glands
    • 615 TOPIC. Musculoskeletal system
    • 630 TOPIC. Blood
    • 638 TOPIC. Circulation
    • 642 TOPIC. Breath
    • 649 TOPIC. Digestion
    • 656 TOPIC. Metabolism
    • 663 TOPIC. Highlighting
    • 667 TOPIC. Leather
    • 670 TOPIC. Analyzers. Sense organs
    • 676 TOPIC. Higher nervous activity
    • 680 TOPIC. Development of the human body
  • 729 Section VI. Human Origins
    • 729 TOPIC. Human Origins
  • 740 Part four. ECOLOGY. BIOSPHERE
  • 740 Section VII. The relationship between the organism and the environment
    • 740 TOPIC. Fundamentals of Ecology
    • 760 TOPIC. Biosphere and man. The relationship between nature and society
  • 768 The main theories, laws and patterns of biology
  • 773 Answers to test questions
  • 780 Verification captions for figures
  • 787 application
  • 800 Index

This manual can rightfully be called a book of the XXI century. For many years, according to the textbooks of T.L.Bogdanova, they have been successfully studying and passing entrance exams in biology to universities. The manual contains all sections of the biology course in the scope of the program requirements and is a complex that includes assignments on topics, exercises, tests, summary tables for all the most important sections, characteristic tables, diagrams, test and training drawings, dictionaries of terms and concepts. In addition, a summary of theories, laws and laws of biology is given. The book uses a systematic approach, demonstrates the techniques of problem and programmed learning, which allows you to more effectively repeat the educational material, to intensify its assimilation. The reference manual is recommended for applicants, schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized educational institutions both for independent work and for classes with a teacher.

Subject "General Biology".
General biology is a subject about basic laws life phenomena... The importance of biology for medicine, agriculture and other sectors of the national economy.

Biology includes a cycle of sciences about living nature - botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, cytology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, biocenology, etc. All these sciences are subject to general laws and regularities of the development of living nature, which are studied by general biology.

All living organisms originated from inanimate nature, gradually became more complex in the course of evolution and natural selection and then divided according to the way of feeding into autotrophs and heterotrophs. However, under similar environmental conditions further development plants and animals went in parallel and therefore in the structure of the body of living organisms can be traced homologous series... To the extent required for applicants, a system of levels of organization of the structure of the body of plants and animals on the present stage evolution. It is recommended to refer to the analysis of this system as the individual systematic groups in botany and zoology are repeated (Scheme 1). All organisms are living systems with similar structural and vital features; they have a single genetic code, chemical composition, the structure of molecules, cells, the same type of body structure at the same levels of organization. This unity of living organisms makes it possible to build common system levels of organization of living matter from molecular to biospheric (Scheme 2).

From the authors 3
TOPIC. Subject General Biology 7
Section I. Evolutionary doctrine 9
TOPIC. General characteristics of biology in the pre-Darwinian period 9
TOPIC. Charles Darwin's teachings 17
TOPIC. Development of the organic world 34
TOPIC. The emergence of life on Earth 59
Section II. Cell doctrine 70
TOPIC. Cell theory. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes 70
TOPIC. Chemical organization of the cell 76
TOPIC. Cell structure and function 130
TOPIC. Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell 166
TOPIC. Cell division. Breeding 201
Section III. Fundamentals of Genetics and Breeding 230
TOPIC. Basic patterns of heredity 230
TOPIC. Regularities of variability 261
TOPIC. Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms 288
TOPIC. Kingdom of the Precellular. Viruses 304
TOPIC. Kingdom Pre-nuclear. Bacteria 307
Section IV. Superkings Nuclear Organisms 311
Mushroom Kingdom 311
TOPIC. Mushrooms 311
The Plant Kingdom 321
TOPIC. The subject "Botany" 321
Systematics of lower plants 323
TOPIC. Algae 323
TOPIC. Lichens 331
Systematics of higher plants 335
I. Higher spore plants (archegonial) 335
TOPIC. Mosses and ferns 335
II. Seed plants 343
TOPIC. Gymnosperms 343
The structure of the angiosperm (flowering) plant 361
TOPIC. Plant - whole organism 362
I. Vegetative organs 373
TOPIC. Root 373
TOPIC. Stem 383
TOPIC. Sheet 395
TOPIC. Vegetative propagation of flowering plants 404
II. Reproductive organs 408
TOPIC. Flower. Fruit and Seed 408
TOPIC. Distinctive features of angiosperms 420
III. Classification of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. Systematics of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. The development of the flora on Earth 441
The animal kingdom 452
TOPIC. Zoology as a subject 452
TOPIC. Individual development of the organism 454
Systematics of invertebrates 457
TOPIC. Type Protozoa 457
TOPIC. Type Intestinal 465
TOPIC. Type Flatworms 470
TOPIC. Type Roundworms 478
TOPIC. Type Ringworms 484
TOPIC. Shellfish type 489
TOPIC. Type Arthropod 494
Systematics of chordates 515
TOPIC. Type Chordates 515
TOPIC. Subtype Cranial (Vertebrates). Superclass Pisces 520
TOPIC. Class Amphibians 534
TOPIC. Class Reptiles 541
TOPIC. Class Birds 548
TOPIC. Class Mammals 5B0
TOPIC. The development of the animal world on Earth 582
TOPIC. Subject "Anatomy, physiology and human hygiene" 586
Section V. The human body 587
TOPIC. General overview of the human body 587
TOPIC. Nervous system 598
TOPIC. Endocrine glands 610
TOPIC. Musculoskeletal system 615
TOPIC. Blood 630
TOPIC. Blood circulation 638
TOPIC. Breath 642
TOPIC. Digestion 649
TOPIC. Metabolism 656
TOPIC. Selection 663
TOPIC. Leather 667
TOPIC. Analyzers. Senses 670
TOPIC. Higher nervous activity 676
TOPIC. Human development 680
Section VI. Human origins 729
TOPIC. Human origins 729
Section VII. The relationship between organism and environment 740

TOPIC. Fundamentals of Ecology 740
TOPIC. Biosphere and man. The relationship between nature and society 760
The main theories, laws and patterns of biology 768
Answers to questions of tests 773
Verification signatures for figures 780
Appendix 787
Index 800.

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Biology. Handbook for high school students and those entering universities. Bogdanova T.L., Solodova E.A.

M .: 2012 .-- 816 p.

This manual can rightfully be called a book of the XXI century. For many years, according to the textbooks of T. L. Bogdanova, they successfully study and pass the entrance exams in biology to universities. The manual contains all sections of the biology course in the amount of the program requirements and is a complex that includes tasks on topics, exercises, tests, summary tables for all the most important sections, tables-characteristics, diagrams, test and training drawings, dictionaries of terms and concepts. In addition, a summary of theories, laws and laws of biology is given. The book uses a systematic approach, shows the techniques of problem-based and programmed learning, which allows you to more effectively repeat the educational material, intensify its assimilation. This publication was prepared in collaboration with E. A. Solodova, who has extensive experience in preparatory courses in universities. , schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, both for independent work and for classes with a teacher.

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From the authors 3
TOPIC. Subject General Biology 7
Section I. Evolutionary doctrine 9
TOPIC. General characteristics of biology in the pre-Darwinian period 9
TOPIC. Charles Darwin's teachings 17
TOPIC. Development of the organic world 34
TOPIC. The emergence of life on Earth 59
Section II. Cell doctrine 70
TOPIC. Cell theory. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes 70
TOPIC. Chemical organization of the cell 76
TOPIC. Cell structure and function 130
TOPIC. Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell 166
TOPIC. Cell division. Breeding 201
Section III. Fundamentals of Genetics and Breeding 230
TOPIC. Basic patterns of heredity 230
TOPIC. Regularities of variability 261
TOPIC. Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms 288
TOPIC. Kingdom of the Precellular. Viruses 304
TOPIC. Kingdom Pre-nuclear. Bacteria 307
Section IV. Super Kingdom Nuclear Organisms 311
Mushroom Kingdom 311
TOPIC. Mushrooms 311
The Plant Kingdom 321
TOPIC. The subject "Botany" 321
Systematics of lower plants 323
TOPIC. Algae 323
TOPIC. Lichens 331
Systematics of higher plants 335
I. Higher spore plants (archegonial) 335
TOPIC. Mosses and ferns 335
II. Seed plants 343
TOPIC. Gymnosperms 343
The structure of the angiosperm (flowering) plant 361
TOPIC. Plant - whole organism 362
I. Vegetative organs 373
TOPIC. Root 373
TOPIC. Stem 383
TOPIC. Sheet 395
TOPIC. Vegetative propagation of flowering plants 404
II. Reproductive organs 408
TOPIC. Flower. Fruit and Seed 408
TOPIC. Distinctive features of angiosperms 420
III. Classification of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. Systematics of flowering plants 430
TOPIC. The development of the flora on Earth 441
The animal kingdom 452
TOPIC. Zoology as a subject 452
TOPIC. Individual development of the organism 454
Systematics of invertebrates 457
TOPIC. Type Protozoa 457
TOPIC. Type Intestinal 465
TOPIC. Type Flatworms 470
TOPIC. Type Roundworms 478
TOPIC. Type Ringworms 484
TOPIC. Shellfish type 489
TOPIC. Type Arthropod 494
Systematics of chordates 515
TOPIC. Type Chordates 515
TOPIC. Subtype Cranial (Vertebrates). Iadclass Fish 520
TOPIC. Class Amphibians 534
TOPIC. Class Reptiles 541
TOPIC. Class Birds 548
TOPIC. Class Mammals 5B0
TOPIC. The development of the animal world on Earth 582
TOPIC. Subject "Anatomy, physiology and human hygiene" 586
Section V. The human body 587
TOPIC. General overview of the human body 587
TOPIC. Nervous system 598
TOPIC. Endocrine glands 610
TOPIC. Musculoskeletal system 615
TOPIC. Blood 630
TOPIC. Blood circulation 638
TOPIC. Breath 642
TOPIC. Digestion 649
TOPIC. Metabolism 656
TOPIC. Selection 663
TOPIC. Leather 667
TOPIC. Analyzers. Senses 670
TOPIC. Higher nervous activity 676
TOPIC. Human development 680
Section VI. Human origins 729
TOPIC. Human origins 729
Section VII. The relationship between the organism and the environment 740
TOPIC. Fundamentals of Ecology 740
TOPIC. Biosphere and man. The relationship between nature and society 760
The main theories, laws and patterns of biology 768
Answers to questions of tests 773
Verification signatures for figures 780
Appendix 787
Index 800