The main thing to know in physics. Simple and straightforward physics training

Physics comes to us in grade 7 comprehensive school, although in fact we are familiar with her almost from the cradle, because this is everything that surrounds us. This subject seems to be very difficult to learn, but it needs to be taught.

This article is for people over 18 years old

Have you already turned 18?

You can teach physics in different ways - all methods are good in their own way (but they are not given to everyone equally). The school curriculum does not give a complete concept (and acceptance) of all phenomena and processes. This is due to the lack of practical knowledge, because the learned theory essentially does not give anything (especially for people with a small spatial imagination).

So, before embarking on the study of this most interesting subject, you need to immediately find out two things - why do you study physics and what results you expect.

Do you want to pass the exam and enroll in technical university? Great - you can start distance learning in the Internet. Nowadays, many universities or just professors conduct their online courses, where they present the entire school physics course in a fairly accessible form. But there are also small drawbacks: first - prepare for the fact that it will not be free (and the steeper the scientific title of your virtual teacher, the more expensive), second - you will teach exclusively theory. You will have to use any technology at home and on your own.

If you just problem learning - inconsistency in views with the teacher, missed lessons, laziness or simply incomprehensible language of presentation, here the situation is much simpler. You just need to pull yourself together, and in the hands - books and teach, teach, teach. This is the only way to get clear subject results (and in all subjects at once) and significantly increase the level of your knowledge. Remember - it is unrealistic to learn physics in a dream (although you really want to). And very effective heuristic learning will not bear fruit without a good knowledge of the basics of the theory. That is, positive planned results are possible only if:

  • qualitative study of theory;
  • developmental teaching of the relationship of physics and other sciences;
  • doing exercises in practice;
  • classes with like-minded people (if you really want to do heuristics).

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Starting teaching physics from scratch is the most difficult, but at the same time, the simplest stage. The difficulty lies only in the fact that you have to memorize a lot of rather contradictory and complex information in a hitherto unfamiliar language - you will need to work especially hard on the terms. But in principle - all this is possible and you will not need anything supernatural for this.

How to learn physics from scratch?

Don't expect the beginning of learning to be very difficult - this is a fairly simple science, provided you understand its essence. Do not rush to learn many different terms - first understand each phenomenon and "try" it on your own daily life... This is the only way physics can come to life for you and become as clear as possible - you simply cannot achieve this by cramming. Therefore, the first rule - we teach physics measuredly, without sudden jerks, without going to extremes.

Where to begin? Start with the tutorials, unfortunately they are important and necessary. This is where you will find required formulas and the terms you need to learn in your learning process. You will not be able to quickly learn them, there is a reason to paint them on pieces of paper and hang them in prominent places (no one has canceled visual memory yet). And then, literally in 5 minutes, you will refresh them daily in your memory, until you finally remember them.

You can achieve the highest quality result in about a year - this is a complete and understandable physics course. Of course, it will be possible to see the first shifts in a month - this time will be quite enough to master basic concepts (but not deep knowledge - please do not confuse).

But with all the lightness of the subject, do not expect that you will be able to learn everything in 1 day or in a week - this is impossible. Therefore, there is a reason to sit down at textbooks long before the start of the exam. And to get hung up on the question of how much physics can be memorized is not worth it - this is very unpredictable. This is because different sections of this subject are given completely differently and no one knows how kinematics or optics will "suit you". Therefore, learn sequentially: paragraph by paragraph, formula by formula. It is better to write the definitions several times and refresh your memory from time to time. This is the basis that you must remember, it is important to learn how to operate with definitions (use them). To do this, try to transfer physics to life - use terms in everyday life.

But most importantly, the basis of each method and method of teaching is daily and hard work, without which you will not get results. And this is the second rule easy learning subject - the more you learn new things, the easier it will be for you. Forget recommendations such as science in your sleep, even if it works, it certainly does not work with physics. Tackling tasks instead is not only a way to understand yet another law, but also a great brain training.

Why do you need to study physics? Probably 90% of schoolchildren will answer that for the exam, but this is not at all the case. In life, it will come in handy much more often than geography - the likelihood of getting lost in the forest is somewhat lower than changing a light bulb yourself. Therefore, the question of why physics is needed can be answered unequivocally - for yourself. Of course, not everyone will need it in full, but basic knowledge is simply necessary. Therefore, take a closer look at the basics - this is a way how easy and simple it is to understand (not learn) the basic laws.

c "\u003e Is it possible to learn physics on your own?

Of course you can - learn definitions, terms, laws, formulas, try to apply the knowledge gained in practice. It will also be important to clarify the question - how to teach? Set aside at least an hour a day for physics. Leave half of this time to get new material - read the textbook. Leave a quarter of an hour for cramming or repeating new concepts. The remaining 15 minutes is practice time. That is, observe a physical phenomenon, make an experiment, or simply solve an interesting problem.

Is it possible to quickly learn physics at such a pace? Most likely not - your knowledge will be deep enough, but not extensive. But this is the only way to learn physics correctly.

The easiest way to do this is if you only lost knowledge in the 7th grade (although, in the 9th grade, this is already a problem). You just restore small gaps in knowledge and that's it. But if the 10th grade is on the nose, and your knowledge of physics is zero, this is certainly a difficult situation, but fixable. It is enough to take all the textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9 and properly, gradually study each section. There is also an easier way - to take a publication for applicants. There, the entire school physics course is collected in one book, but do not expect detailed and consistent explanations - auxiliary materials assume an elementary level of knowledge.

Teaching physics is a very long journey that can only be passed with honor with the help of daily hard work.

We begin a series of articles on the problems and outdated concepts in the school curriculum and propose to speculate about why students need physics, and why today it is not taught the way we would like.

Why is a modern student studying physics? Either so that he does not get bored by his parents and teachers, or then, in order to successfully pass the exam by choice, gain the required number of points and enter the good university... There is another option that the student loves physics, but this love usually exists somehow separately from the school curriculum.

In any of these cases, the teaching is carried out according to the same scheme. It adjusts to the system of its own control - knowledge should be presented in such a form that it can be easily tested. For this, there is a system of GIA and USE, and preparation for these exams, as a result, becomes the main goal of training.

How does the USE in physics work in its current version? Exam tasks are compiled according to a special codifier, which includes formulas that, in theory, every student should know. This is about a hundred formulas for all sections of the school curriculum - from kinematics to the physics of the atomic nucleus.

Most of the assignments - about 80% - are aimed specifically at applying these formulas. Moreover, you cannot use other methods of solving: substituted a formula that is not in the list - he did not receive a certain number of points, even if the answer agreed. And only the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare understanding tasks.

As a result, the main goal of teaching work is to ensure that students know this set of formulas and can apply it. And all physics comes down to simple combinatorics: read the conditions of the problem, understand what formula you need, substitute the necessary indicators and just get the result.

In elite and specialized physics and mathematics schools, education, of course, is arranged differently. There, as well as in preparation for all sorts of Olympiads, there is some element of creativity, and the combinatorics of formulas becomes much more complicated. But here we are interested in the basic physics program and its shortcomings.

Standard problems and abstract theoretical constructions, which an ordinary schoolchild should know, very quickly disappear from the head. As a result, after leaving school, no one knows physics anymore - except for that minority who, for some reason, are interested in it or need it in their specialty.

It turns out that science, the main goal of which was the knowledge of nature and the real physical world, in school becomes utterly abstract and remote from everyday human experience. Physics, like other subjects, is taught by cramming, and when in high school the amount of knowledge that must be mastered increases dramatically, it becomes simply impossible to cram everything.

Visually about the "formula" approach to learning.

But this would not be necessary if the goal of teaching was not the application of formulas, but the understanding of the subject. Understanding is ultimately much easier than cramming.

Form a picture of the world

Let's see, for example, how Yakov Perelman's books "Entertaining Physics" and "Entertaining Mathematics" work, which have been read by many generations of schoolchildren and post-schoolchildren. Almost every paragraph of Perelman's "Physics" teaches us to pose questions that every child can ask himself, starting from elementary logic and everyday experience.

The problems that we are asked to solve here are not quantitative, but qualitative: we need not calculate some abstract indicator like a coefficient useful actionbut to ponder why a perpetual motion machine is impossible in reality, is it possible to shoot from a cannon to the moon; it is necessary to conduct an experiment and evaluate what the effect of any physical interaction will be.

Example from “ Entertaining physics»1932: the problem of the Krylov swans, crayfish and pike, solved according to the rules of mechanics. The resultant (OD) must carry the cart into the water.

In a word, it is not necessary to memorize formulas here - the main thing is to understand what physical laws the objects of the surrounding reality obey. The only problem is that knowledge of this kind is much more difficult to objectively verify than the presence in the head of a student of a precisely defined set of formulas and equations.

Therefore, physics for an ordinary student turns into a dull cramming, and at best - a kind of abstract mind game. To form a complete picture of the world in a person is not at all the task that de facto performs modern system education. In this respect, by the way, it is not too different from the Soviet one, which many tend to overestimate (because earlier we, they say, atomic bombs developed and flew into space, but now we only know how to sell oil).

According to the knowledge of physics, students after graduation from school now, as then, are divided into approximately two categories: those who know it very well, and those who do not know at all. The situation with the second category worsened especially when the time for teaching physics in grades 7-11 was reduced from 5 to 2 hours a week.

Most schoolchildren do not really need physical formulas and theories (which they understand very well), and most importantly, they are not interesting in the abstract and dry form in which they are presented now. Eventually mass education does not perform any function - it only takes time and effort. For schoolchildren - no less than for teachers.

Attention: Wrong approach to exact science teaching can be devastating

If the task of the school curriculum was to form a picture of the world, the situation would be completely different.

Of course, there should also be specialized classes, where they teach how to solve complex problems and deeply acquaint with the theory, which no longer intersects with everyday experience. But it would be more interesting and useful for an ordinary, "mass" schoolchild to know by what laws the physical world in which he lives works.

The point, of course, is not limited to students reading Perelman instead of textbooks. The very approach to teaching needs to be changed. Many sections (for example, quantum mechanics) could be removed from the school curriculum, others - reduced or revised, if not for the ubiquitous organizational difficulties, the fundamental conservatism of the subject and the educational system as a whole.

But let us dream a little. After these changes, perhaps, the general social adequacy would have increased: people would have less faith in all kinds of torsion swindlers who speculate on “protecting the biofield” and “normalizing the aura” with the help of simple devices and pieces of unknown minerals.

We have already observed all these consequences of a vicious education system in the 90s, when the most successful fraudsters even used considerable sums from the state budget - we are seeing them now, albeit on a smaller scale.

The famous Grigory Grabovoi not only assured that he could resurrect people, but also took asteroids away from the Earth by the power of thought and "psychologically diagnosed" government planes. He was patronized not by anyone, but by General Georgy Rogozin, deputy head of the Security Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

It is natural and correct to be interested in the surrounding world and the laws of its functioning and development. That is why it is reasonable to pay attention to natural sciences, for example, physics, which explains the very essence of the formation and development of the Universe. Basic physical laws are easy to understand. Already at a very young age, the school introduces children to these principles.

For many, this science begins with the textbook "Physics (Grade 7)". The basic concepts of and and thermodynamics are revealed to schoolchildren, they get acquainted with the core of the main physical laws. But should knowledge be limited to the school bench? What physical laws should every person know? This will be discussed later in the article.

Science physics

Many of the nuances of the described science are familiar to everyone from early childhood. And this is due to the fact that, in essence, physics is one of the areas of natural science. It tells about the laws of nature, the action of which affects the life of everyone, and in many respects even provides it, about the features of matter, its structure and laws of motion.

The term "physics" was first recorded by Aristotle in the fourth century BC. Initially, it was synonymous with the concept of "philosophy". After all, both sciences had a common goal - to correctly explain all the mechanisms of the functioning of the Universe. But already in the sixteenth century, as a result of the scientific revolution, physics became independent.

General law

Some of the basic laws of physics are applied in a variety of branches of science. In addition to them, there are those that are considered to be common to all nature. This is about

It implies that the energy of each closed system is by all means conserved when any phenomena occur in it. Nevertheless, it is capable of transforming into another form and effectively changing its quantitative content in various parts of the named system. At the same time, in an open system, the energy decreases under the condition of an increase in the energy of any bodies and fields that interact with it.

Besides the above general principle, contains physics basic concepts, formulas, laws that are necessary for the interpretation of the processes occurring in the world around. Researching them can be incredibly fun. Therefore, this article will consider the basic laws of physics briefly, and in order to understand them deeper, it is important to pay full attention to them.


Young scientists open many basic laws of physics in grades 7-9 of the school, where such a branch of science as mechanics is more fully studied. Its basic principles are described below.

  1. Galileo's law of relativity (also called the mechanical law of relativity, or the basis classical mechanics). The essence of the principle is that under similar conditions, mechanical processes in any inertial reference frames are completely identical.
  2. Hooke's Law. Its essence is that the greater is the impact on an elastic body (spring, rod, console, beam) from the side, the greater is its deformation.

Newton's laws (represent the basis of classical mechanics):

  1. The principle of inertia says that any body is capable of being at rest or moving evenly and rectilinearly only if no other bodies affect it in any way, or if they somehow compensate for each other's action. To change the speed of movement, it is necessary to act on the body with some kind of force, and, of course, the result of the action of the same force on bodies of different sizes will also differ.
  2. The main regularity of the dynamics states that the greater the resultant of the forces that currently act on a given body, the greater the acceleration it receives. And, accordingly, the more body weight, the less this indicator.
  3. Newton's third law says that any two bodies always interact with each other according to an identical scheme: their forces are of the same nature, are equivalent in magnitude and necessarily have the opposite direction along the straight line that connects these bodies.
  4. The principle of relativity asserts that all phenomena occurring under the same conditions in inertial reference frames are absolutely identical.


The school textbook, which reveals the basic laws to students ("Physics. Grade 7"), introduces them to the basics of thermodynamics. We will briefly discuss its principles below.

The laws of thermodynamics, which are basic in this branch of science, are of a general nature and are not related to the details of the structure of a particular substance at the atomic level. By the way, these principles are important not only for physics, but also for chemistry, biology, aerospace engineering, etc.

For example, in the named industry there is a rule that is not amenable to logical definition, that in a closed system, the external conditions for which are unchanged, over time is established equilibrium state... And the processes going on in it invariably compensate each other.

Another rule of thermodynamics confirms the tendency of a system, which consists of a colossal number of particles characterized by chaotic motion, to an independent transition from states less probable for the system to more probable ones.

And the Gay-Lussac law (also called it states that for a gas of a certain mass under conditions of stable pressure, the result of dividing its volume by the absolute temperature will certainly become a constant value.

Another important rule This branch is the first law of thermodynamics, which is also called the principle of conservation and conversion of energy for a thermodynamic system. According to him, any amount of heat that was imparted to the system will be spent exclusively on the metamorphosis of its internal energy and the performance of work by it in relation to any acting external forces. It is this regularity that became the basis for the formation of a scheme for the operation of heat engines.

Another gas pattern is Charles's law. It states that the greater the pressure of a certain mass of an ideal gas while maintaining a constant volume, the higher its temperature.


Opens for young scientists the interesting basic laws of physics in the 10th grade of the school. At this time, the main principles of nature and laws of action are being studied. electric current, as well as other nuances.

Ampere's law, for example, states that conductors connected in parallel, through which current flows in the same direction, inevitably attract, and in the case of the opposite direction of the current, respectively, repel. Sometimes the same name is used for the physical law, which determines the force acting in the existing magnetic field on a small section of a conductor that is currently conducting current. They call it that - the power of Ampere. This discovery was made by a scientist in the first half of the nineteenth century (namely in 1820).

The law of conservation of charge is one of the basic principles of nature. It states that the algebraic sum of all electric charges arising in any electrically isolated system is always conserved (becomes constant). Despite this, the named principle does not exclude the emergence of new charged particles in such systems as a result of certain processes. Nevertheless, the total electric charge of all newly formed particles must certainly be zero.

Coulomb's law is one of the fundamental in electrostatics. It expresses the principle of the force of interaction between stationary point charges and explains the quantitative calculation of the distance between them. Coulomb's law makes it possible to substantiate the basic principles of electrodynamics in an experimental way. It says that stationary point charges will certainly interact with each other with a force that is higher, the greater the product of their values, and, accordingly, the smaller, the smaller the square of the distance between the charges under consideration and the medium in which the described interaction takes place.

Ohm's Law is one of the basic principles of electricity. It states that the greater the strength of a direct electric current acting on a certain part of the circuit, the greater the voltage at its ends.

They call the principle that allows you to determine the direction in a conductor of a current moving under conditions of exposure magnetic field in a certain way. To do this, it is necessary to position the right hand so that the lines of magnetic induction figuratively touch the open palm, and thumb pull out in the direction of travel of the conductor. In this case, the remaining four straightened fingers will determine the direction of movement of the induction current.

Also, this principle helps to find out the exact location of the lines of magnetic induction of a straight conductor conducting current at a given moment. It works like this: place the thumb of your right hand so that it points and with the other four fingers grasp the wire in a figurative way. The location of these fingers will demonstrate the exact direction of the magnetic induction lines.

The principle of electromagnetic induction is a pattern that explains the process of operation of transformers, generators, and electric motors. This law is as follows: in a closed loop, the generated induction is the greater, the greater the rate of change of the magnetic flux.


The "Optics" branch also reflects part of the school curriculum (basic laws of physics: grades 7-9). Therefore, these principles are not as difficult to understand as they might seem at first glance. Their study brings with it not just additional knowledge, but a better understanding of the surrounding reality. The basic laws of physics that can be attributed to the field of study of optics are as follows:

  1. Guines principle. It is a method that effectively determines the exact position of the wave front at any given fraction of a second. Its essence is as follows: all points that are in the path of the wave front at a certain fraction of a second, in essence, themselves become sources of spherical waves (secondary), while the placement of the wave front at the same fraction of a second is identical to the surface , which bends around all spherical waves (secondary). This principle is used to explain the existing laws related to the refraction of light and its reflection.
  2. The Huygens-Fresnel principle reflects an effective method for resolving wave propagation issues. He help explain elementary tasksassociated with light diffraction.
  3. waves. It is used equally for reflection in a mirror. Its essence lies in the fact that both the falling beam and the one that was reflected, as well as the perpendicular built from the point of incidence of the beam, are located in a single plane. It is also important to remember that the angle at which the beam falls is always absolutely equal to the angle refraction.
  4. The principle of light refraction. This is a change in the trajectory of motion of an electromagnetic wave (light) at the moment of movement from one homogeneous medium to another, which significantly differs from the first in a number of refractive indices. The speed of light propagation in them is different.
  5. The law of rectilinear light propagation. In essence, it is a law relating to the field of geometric optics, and consists in the following: in any homogeneous medium (regardless of its nature), light propagates in a strictly straight line, along the shortest distance. This law simply and easily explains the formation of the shadow.

Atomic and nuclear physics

Basic laws quantum physics, as well as the basics of atomic and nuclear physics are studied in the senior classes of secondary school and higher educational institutions.

So, Bohr's postulates are a series of basic hypotheses that became the basis of the theory. Its essence lies in the fact that any atomic system can remain stable only in stationary states. Any radiation or absorption of energy by an atom necessarily occurs using the principle, the essence of which is as follows: the radiation associated with transport becomes monochromatic.

These postulates apply to the standard school curriculum that studies the basic laws of physics (grade 11). Their knowledge is a must for a graduate.

Basic laws of physics that a person should know

Some physical principles, although they belong to one of the branches of this science, are nevertheless general in nature and should be known to everyone. Let's list the basic laws of physics that a person should know:

  • Archimedes' law (applies to the areas of hydro- as well as aerostatics). He implies that any body that has been immersed in a gaseous substance or liquid is subject to a kind of buoyancy force, which is necessarily directed vertically upward. This force is always numerically equal to the weight of the liquid or gas displaced by the body.
  • Another formulation of this law is as follows: a body immersed in a gas or liquid certainly loses in weight as much as the mass of the liquid or gas in which it was immersed. This law became the basic postulate of the theory of floating bodies.
  • Law universal gravitation (discovered by Newton). Its essence lies in the fact that absolutely all bodies are inevitably attracted to each other with a force, which is greater, the greater the product of the masses of these bodies, and, accordingly, the smaller, the smaller the square of the distance between them.

These are the 3 basic laws of physics that everyone should know who wants to understand the mechanism of functioning of the surrounding world and the peculiarities of the processes occurring in it. It is quite simple to understand the principle of their action.

The value of such knowledge

The basic laws of physics must be in the baggage of a person's knowledge, regardless of his age and occupation. They reflect the mechanism of existence of all of today's reality, and, in essence, are the only constant in a continuously changing world.

The basic laws and concepts of physics open up new opportunities for studying the world around us. Their knowledge helps to understand the mechanism of the existence of the Universe and the movement of all cosmic bodies. It turns us into not just spies of daily events and processes, but allows us to be aware of them. When a person clearly understands the basic laws of physics, that is, all the processes occurring around him, he gets the opportunity to manage them in the most effective way, making discoveries and thereby making his life more comfortable.


Some are forced to study in depth the basic laws of physics for the exam, others - by the nature of their activities, and some - out of scientific curiosity. Regardless of the goals of studying this science, the benefits of the knowledge gained can hardly be overestimated. There is nothing more satisfying than understanding the basic mechanisms and laws of the existence of the surrounding world.

Do not remain indifferent - develop!

First of all, you need to assess your current level of knowledge and understand what you want to achieve. If "from scratch" means complete ignorance of the subject, then before rushing to solve a bunch of tests from all FIPI books, you need to try to understand the processes and laws of physics themselves, in my opinion, understanding should be the main point that you need to pay attention to ... Understanding will help you a lot in solving the part where there is a choice of answer (if there is still one, I am not aware). And so, to begin to understand something, you need to take a textbook, open sections of physics in order and read, several times, you do not need to think that after reading once, this will be enough for you, you need to reread, so please be patient. Of the books on theory, I would recommend the textbooks of G.Ya. Myakishev, only profile level, a separate book is devoted to each section. But not for constant reading, but in case to open incomprehensible places and read in more detail, the detail of the presentation often solves the problem of understanding. And for the main study of theory:, everything is moderately short and sensibly described there. I see no reason to read something fundamental like Landsberg, you’ll spend a lot of time, it’s not worth it for the exam. Training videos can be a great option, just not anyhow. I STRONGLY recommend the video by Mikhail Penkin (MIPT teacher), there are a lot of them on the net and I don't think you can find better quality videos. His videos, perhaps, will be able to replace all textbooks, it will be even better if you start with them! Further, at the expense of cramming formulas, etc. You should not cram formulas, try to solve problems where these formulas are applied, over time you will remember them; learn to derive formulas yourself, knowing the basic laws, you can get almost anything. Of course, tell you that it is difficult from scratch, but still worth trying. At the expense of solving problems with calculations and a detailed answer: start with simple ones, as soon as you can solve, complicate the level of problems. To learn how to solve problems, first of all, it is worth analyzing the already solved problems from the sections of interest, because methods, approaches and in general an understanding of what to do will not arise for you on your own, no matter how long you sit on the task. I recommend the book "Physics Tutor" Kasatkina IL, a lot of analyzed problems, read understand, try to solve a similar one. If you are ready to pay money, then I do not advise you to go to a tutor, but I advise the portal, this is not an advertisement. There you can take training courses, the teachers are unique. The most important thing is not to give up, and do not think that everything is complicated, as soon as you start to understand, you will understand that you want to understand further. I will warn you about the heaps of materials from the Internet, there can be mistakes everywhere, and a person who has just started is almost impossible to distinguish good materials to prepare for something incomprehensible, do not take the first thing on faith, try to figure it out, question everything, this is the key to progress. And so, if you draw the line:

1) try to understand

2) start to understand simple

3) do not get hung up on the decision simple tasksif you understand - it will not fly away from my head

4) do not cram

5) use good sources (the ones I have cited have been verified by me personally)

Better you understand and confidently answer the exam than learn it and decide. It is NOT possible to understand everything in a year, you can believe it, physics is not just an algorithm of actions. But you should definitely have topics that you delve into in order to solve with confidence all of them, or almost all of them. So, when you "go over" all the sections, it is worth paying special attention to those that are given better. Good luck!

Physics is an exact and fundamental science that studies general patterns various natural phenomena, as well as the laws of the structure and movement of matter. All laws and concepts of physics form the foundations of the subject of natural science.

IN high school a separate subject appears - physics, the main goal of which is to form students' knowledge of the subject, style of thinking and scientific worldview. From the seventh to the ninth grade, schoolchildren study the basic course of physics, thanks to which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe physical picture of the world is formed, basic physical concepts, terms and laws are studied, as well as basic algorithms for solving problems, and research and experimental skills are developed. At the end of the ninth grade, students take GIA in physics... On request in the search engine "physics for free" on the Internet, you can find various video tutorials, reference books, books and articles , to help you prepare yourself .

Experimental and theoretical physics

It is very difficult to determine the boundary where the theoretical part of the physics course ends and the experimental part begins, since they are very closely interrelated and complement each other. The goal of experimental physics is to conduct various experiments to test hypotheses, laws, and establish new facts. Theoretical physics is focused on explaining various natural phenomena based on physical laws.

Physics subject structure

Structurally, the subject of physics is difficult to divide, since it is closely related to other disciplines. However, all of its sections are based on fundamental theories, laws and principles that describe the essence of physical processes and phenomena.

The main sections of physics:

  • mechanics - the science of motion and the forces causing motion;
  • molecular physics - study section physical properties bodies in terms of their molecular structure;
  • vibrations and waves - a branch of physics that considers periodic changes in the motion of particles;
  • thermal physics - a group of disciplines on the theoretical foundations of power engineering;
  • electrodynamics - a section that studies the properties electromagnetic field, electrical and magnetic phenomena, electric current;
  • electrostatics - a branch of physics that deals with the electrostatic field, as well as electric charges;
  • magnetism - the science of magnetic fields;
  • optics studies the properties and nature of light;
  • atomic physics - a section of physics about the properties of atoms and molecules;
  • quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies quantum mechanical and quantum field systems, the laws of their motion.

How to prepare for the GIA in physics?

It is necessary to repeat and study the material in accordance with the requirements for the GIA in physics. Various reference books, manuals and collections will help with this. test items... It will be useful to physics freeclasses with the analysis of GIA demovariants, which are presented on the site.

Should be interested additional materials and take part in trial testing. During the execution of the test tasks, you get acquainted with the features of the questions. It was noticed that students who took the test classes ended up gaining higher scores. It is necessary to draw up a plan of self-study, indicating the topics that you plan to learn for GIA in physics... You can start with the most difficult and incomprehensible ones. Also, you do not need to try to learn the entire tutorial at once or review all video tutorials. It is important to structure the material studied, draw up plans and tables that will help you better remember and repeat. It does not hurt to alternate between classes and rest, as well as to be confident in your abilities and not think about failure.