Formulas needed for exam in physics. Physics formulas for exam

The session draws near and it's time for us to move from theory to practice. Over the weekend, we sat down and thought that many students would like to have a selection of basic physical formulas on hand. Dry formulas with an explanation: brief, concise, nothing superfluous. A very useful thing when solving problems, you know. Yes, and on the exam, when exactly what was brutally memorized the day before, such a selection will serve an excellent service.

Most of the problems are usually assigned to the three most popular areas of physics. it mechanics, thermodynamics and molecular physics, electricity... Let's take them!

Basic formulas for physics dynamics, kinematics, statics

Let's start with the simplest. A good old-fashioned favorite straight and steady motion.

Kinematic formulas:

Of course, let's not forget about moving in a circle, and then let's move on to dynamics and Newton's laws.

After the dynamics, it's time to consider the conditions of equilibrium of bodies and liquids, i.e. statics and hydrostatics

Now we will give the basic formulas on the topic "Work and Energy". Where are we without them!

Basic formulas of molecular physics and thermodynamics

We finish the section of mechanics with formulas for vibrations and waves and move on to molecular physics and thermodynamics.

Efficiency, Gay-Lussac's law, Clapeyron-Mendeleev's equation - all these lovely formulas are collected below.

By the way! There is a discount for all our readers now 10% on any kind of work.

Basic physics formulas: electricity

It's time to move on to electricity, although thermodynamics love it less. Let's start with electrostatics.

And, with drumming, we finish with formulas for Ohm's law, electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic oscillations.

That's all. Of course, a whole mountain of formulas could be brought up, but this is useless. When there are too many formulas, you can easily get confused, and then completely melt the brain. We hope our Cheat Sheet for Basic Physics Formulas will help you solve your favorite problems faster and more efficiently. And if you want to clarify something or have not found the required formula: ask the experts student service... Our authors have hundreds of formulas in their heads and crack problems like nuts. Contact us, and soon any task will be too tough for you.

Definition 1

Physics is a natural science that studies the general and fundamental laws of the structure and evolution of the material world.

The importance of physics in modern world huge. Her new ideas and achievements lead to the development of other sciences and new scientific discoveries, which, in turn, are used in technology and industry. For example, discoveries in thermodynamics make it possible to build a car, and the development of radio electronics has led to the emergence of computers.

Despite the incredible amount of accumulated knowledge about the world, the human understanding of processes and phenomena is constantly changing and developing, new research leads to the emergence of new and unresolved questions that require new explanations and theories. In this sense, physics is in a continuous process of development and is still far from being able to explain all natural phenomena and processes.

All formulas for $ 7 $ class

Uniform movement speed

All formulas for grade 8

The amount of heat when heating (cooling)

$ Q $ - amount of heat [J], $ m $ - mass [kg], $ t_1 $ - initial temperature, $ t_2 $ - final temperature, $ c $ - specific heat

The amount of heat during fuel combustion

$ Q $ - amount of heat [J], $ m $ - mass [kg], $ q $ - specific heat of combustion of fuel [J / kg]

The amount of heat of fusion (crystallization)

$ Q \u003d \\ lambda \\ cdot m $

$ Q $ - amount of heat [J], $ m $ - mass [kg], $ \\ lambda $ - specific heat of fusion [J / kg]

Heat engine efficiency

$ Efficiency \u003d \\ frac (A_n \\ cdot 100%) (Q_1) $

Efficiency - efficiency [%], $ A_n $ - useful work [J], $ Q_1 $ - amount of heat from the heater [J]

Current strength

$ I $ - current strength [A], $ q $ - electric charge [C], $ t $ - time [s]

Electrical voltage

$ U $ - voltage [V], $ A $ - work [J], $ q $ - electric charge [C]

Ohm's law for a chain section

$ I $ - current strength [A], $ U $ - voltage [V], $ R $ - resistance [Ohm]

Serial connection of conductors

Parallel connection of conductors

$ \\ frac (1) (R) \u003d \\ frac (1) (R_1) + \\ frac (1) (R_2) $

Electric current power

$ P $ - power [W], $ U $ - voltage [V], $ I $ - current strength [A]

As a rule, it is mathematics, not physics, that is considered to be the queen of the exact sciences. We believe that this statement is controversial, because technical progress is impossible without knowledge of physics and its development. Due to its complexity, it is unlikely to ever be included in the must-have list. state exams, but, one way or another, applicants for technical specialties have to take it without fail. The most difficult thing to remember is the numerous laws and formulas in physics for the exam, which we will talk about in this article.

Preparation secrets

Perhaps this is due to the apparent complexity of the subject or the popularity of the humanities and management professions, but in 2016 only 24% of all applicants decided to take physics, in 2017 - only 16%. Such statistics involuntarily make you wonder whether the requirements are too high or just the level of intelligence in the country is falling. For some reason, it's hard to believe that so few 11th grade students want to become:

  • engineers;
  • jewelers;
  • aircraft designers;
  • geologists;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • environmentalists,
  • production technologists, etc.

Knowledge of formulas and laws of physics is equally necessary for developers of intelligent systems, computing technology, equipment and weapons. Moreover, everything is interconnected. For example, specialists producing medical equipment once studied an in-depth course atomic physics, because without isotope separation, we will not have any X-ray equipment or radiation therapy. Therefore, the creators of the exam tried to take into account all the topics of the school course and, it seems, did not miss a single one.

Those students who regularly attended all physics lessons up to last callknow that in the period from 5 to 11 grades, about 450 formulas are studied. It is extremely difficult to single out at least 50 of these four and a half hundred, since they are all important. This opinion is obviously also shared by the developers of the Codifier. Nevertheless, if you are extraordinarily gifted and are not limited in time, 19 formulas will be enough for you, because if you wish, you can derive all the rest from them. We decided to take the main sections as a basis:

  • mechanics;
  • molecular physics;
  • electromagnetism and electricity;
  • optics;
  • atomic physics.

Obviously, preparation for the exam should be daily, but if for some reason you started studying all the material just now, the express course offered by our center can make a real miracle. We hope you find these 19 formulas useful as well:

You have probably noticed that some formulas in physics for passing the exam remained without explanation? We leave them to you to study them and discover the laws by which absolutely everything is done in this world.


Path with uniform movement:

Moving S (the distance in a straight line between the start and end point of movement) is usually found from geometric considerations. The coordinate with uniform rectilinear motion changes according to the law (similar equations are obtained for the remaining coordinate axes):

Average travel speed:

Average travel speed:

Expressing the final speed from the formula above, we obtain a more common form of the previous formula, which now expresses the dependence of speed on time with uniformly accelerated motion:

Average speed at uniformly accelerated movement:

Displacement with uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion can be calculated using several formulas:

Coordinate at uniformly accelerated motion changes according to the law:

Projected speed at uniform acceleration changes according to the following law:

The speed with which a body falling from a height will fall h without initial speed:

Time of body fall from height h without initial speed:

The maximum height to which a body will rise when thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity v 0, the time of the ascent of this body to the maximum height, and the total flight time (before returning to the starting point):

Fall time of the body during a horizontal throw from a height H can be found by the formula:

Flight range of the body with a horizontal throw from a height H:

Full speed at an arbitrary moment in time with a horizontal throw, and the angle of inclination of the speed to the horizon:

Maximum lifting height when throwing at an angle to the horizon (relative to the initial level):

Ascent time to maximum height when throwing at an angle to the horizon:

The flight range and the total flight time of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon (provided that the flight ends at the same height from which it began, i.e. the body was thrown, for example, from the ground to the ground):

Determination of the period of rotation with uniform movement around the circumference:

Determination of the rotational speed with uniform motion around the circumference:

Period and frequency relationship:

Linear velocity with uniform motion along a circle can be found by the formulas:

Angular speed of rotation with uniform movement around the circumference:

Relationship between linear and velocity and angular velocity expressed by the formula:

Relationship between the angle of rotation and the path for uniform motion around a circle with a radius R (in fact, this is just a formula for arc length from geometry):

Centripetal acceleration is found by one of the formulas:


Newton's second law:

Here: F - the resultant force, which is equal to the sum of all forces acting on the body:

Newton's second law in projections on the axis (it is this form of notation that is most often used in practice):

Newton's third law (the force of action is equal to the force of reaction):

Elastic force:

General coefficient of stiffness of springs connected in parallel:

General coefficient of stiffness of series-connected springs:

Sliding friction force (or maximum value of static friction force):

The law of universal gravitation:

If we consider a body on the surface of the planet and enter the following designation:

Where: g is the acceleration of gravity on the surface of a given planet, then we obtain the following formula for the force of gravity:

Free fall acceleration at a certain height from the surface of the planet is expressed by the formula:

Satellite speed in circular orbit:

First space speed:

Kepler's law for periods of revolution of two bodies revolving around one attracting center:


The moment of force is determined using the following formula:

The condition under which the body will not rotate:

The coordinate of the center of gravity of the system of bodies (similar equations for the other axes):


The definition of pressure is given by the following formula:

The pressure that creates the liquid column is found by the formula:

But often you also need to consider atmosphere pressure, then the formula for the total pressure at some depth is h in liquid takes the form:

The ideal hydraulic press:

Any hydraulic press:

Efficiency for a non-ideal hydraulic press:

Archimedes' strength (buoyancy force, V - the volume of the submerged part of the body):


Body impulse is found by the following formula:

Change in the momentum of a body or a system of bodies (note that the difference between the final and initial momenta is vector):

The total momentum of the system of bodies (it is important that the sum is vector):

Newton's second law in impulse form can be written as the following formula:

Impulse conservation law. As follows from the previous formula, if the system of bodies is not acted upon by external forces, or the action of external forces is compensated (the resultant force is equal to zero), then the change in momentum is equal to zero, which means that the total momentum of the system is conserved:

If external forces do not act only along one of the axes, then the projection of the momentum onto this axis is preserved, for example:

Work, power, energy

Mechanical work calculated using the following formula:

The most general formula for power (if the power is variable, then the average power is calculated using the following formula):

Instant mechanical power:

Coefficient of performance (COP) can be calculated both in terms of power and in terms of work:

Potential energy of a body raised to a height:

Potential energy of a stretched (or compressed) spring:

Total mechanical energy:

Communication complete mechanical energy bodies or systems of bodies and the work of external forces:

The Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy (hereinafter - ZSE). As follows from the previous formula, if external forces do not work on a body (or a system of bodies), then its (their) total total mechanical energy remains constant, while energy can flow from one type to another (from kinetic to potential or vice versa) :

Molecular physics

The chemical amount of a substance is found according to one of the formulas:

The mass of one molecule of a substance can be found by the following formula:

Relationship between mass, density and volume:

The basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory (MKT) of an ideal gas:

The concentration is determined by the following formula:

For medium quadratic speed molecules, there are two formulas:

Average kinetic energy of translational motion of one molecule:

Boltzmann's constant, Avogadro's constant and the universal gas constant are related as follows:

Consequences from the basic equation of the MKT:

Ideal gas equation of state (Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation):

Gas laws. Boyle-Mariotte's law:

Gay Lussac's Law:

Charles's law:

Universal Gas Law (Clapeyrona):

Gas mixture pressure (Dalton's law):

Thermal expansion of bodies. Thermal expansion of gases is described by Gay-Lussac's law. Thermal expansion of liquids obeys the following law:

To expand solids three formulas are applied that describe the change in linear dimensions, area and volume of the body:


The amount of heat (energy) required to heat a certain body (or the amount of heat released when the body cools) is calculated by the formula:

Heat capacity ( FROM - large) of the body can be calculated through the specific heat ( c - small) substances and body weight according to the following formula:

Then the formula for the amount of heat required to heat the body, or released during the cooling of the body can be rewritten as follows:

Phase transformations. During vaporization, it is absorbed, and during condensation, an amount of heat is released equal to:

When melted, it is absorbed, and during crystallization, an amount of heat is released equal to:

When fuel is burned, an amount of heat is released equal to:

Heat balance equation (HSE). For a closed system of bodies, the following is performed (the sum of the given heat is equal to the sum of the received):

If all heats are written taking into account the sign, where "+" corresponds to the receipt of energy by the body, and "-" to release, then this equation can be written in the form:

Ideal gas operation:

If the gas pressure changes, then the work of the gas is considered as the area of \u200b\u200bthe figure under the graph in pV coordinates. Internal energy of an ideal monatomic gas:

The change in internal energy is calculated by the formula:

The first law (first law) of thermodynamics (ZSE):

For various isoprocesses, you can write out formulas by which the resulting heat can be calculated Q, change in internal energy Δ U and gas work A... Isochoric process ( V \u003d const):

Isobaric process ( p \u003d const):

Isothermal process ( T \u003d const):

The adiabatic process ( Q = 0):

The efficiency of a heat engine can be calculated using the formula:

Where: Q 1 - the amount of heat received by the working fluid in one cycle from the heater, Q 2 - the amount of heat transferred by the working fluid in one cycle to the refrigerator. Work performed by a heat engine in one cycle:

Highest efficiency at specified heater temperatures T 1 and refrigerator T 2, is achieved if the heat engine operates according to the Carnot cycle. This Carnot cycle efficiency is equal to:

Absolute humidity is calculated as the density of water vapor (the ratio of mass to volume is expressed from the Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation and the following formula is obtained):

Relative humidity can be calculated using the following formulas:

Potential energy of a liquid surface with an area S:

The surface tension force acting on a section of the liquid boundary with a length L:

Height of the liquid column in the capillary:

When fully wetted θ \u003d 0 °, cos θ \u003d 1. In this case, the height of the liquid column in the capillary becomes equal to:

With complete non-wetting θ \u003d 180 °, cos θ \u003d –1 and, therefore, h < 0. Уровень несмачивающей жидкости в капилляре опускается ниже уровня жидкости в сосуде, в которую опущен капилляр.


Electric charge can be found by the formula:

Linear charge density:

Surface charge density:

Bulk charge density:

Coulomb's law (the force of the electrostatic interaction of two electric charges):

Where: k - some constant electrostatic coefficient, which is determined as follows:

Tension electric field is found by the formula (although more often this formula is used to find the force acting on a charge in a given electric field):

Superposition principle for electric fields (the resulting electric field is equal to the vector sum of the electric fields that make it up):

The strength of the electric field that the charge creates Q on distance r from its center:

Electric field strength generated by a charged plane:

Potential energy of interaction of two electric charges expressed by the formula:

An electrical voltage is simply a potential difference, i.e. the definition of electric voltage can be given by the formula:

In a uniform electric field, there is a relationship between field strength and voltage:

The work of the electric field can be calculated as the difference between the initial and final potential energy of the system of charges:

The work of the electric field in the general case can also be calculated using one of the formulas:

In a uniform field when the charge moves along its ley lines field work can also be calculated using the following formula:

The definition of the potential is given by the expression:

The potential that a point charge or a charged sphere creates:

Superposition principle for the electric potential (the resulting potential is equal to the scalar sum of the potentials of the fields that make up the final field):

The following is true for the dielectric constant of a substance:

The definition of electrical capacity is given by the formula:

Flat capacitor capacity:

Capacitor charge:

Electric field strength inside a flat capacitor:

The force of attraction of the plates of a flat capacitor:

Capacitor energy (generally speaking, this is the energy of the electric field inside the capacitor):

Volumetric energy density of the electric field:


Current strength can be found using the formula:

Current density:

Conductor resistance:

The dependence of the resistance of the conductor on temperature is given by the following formula:

Ohm's law (expresses the dependence of current strength on electrical voltage and resistance):

Patterns of serial connection:

Parallel connection patterns:

The electromotive force of the current source (EMF) is determined using the following formula:

Ohm's law for a complete circuit:

The voltage drop in the external circuit is equal (it is also called the voltage at the source terminals):

Short-circuit current:

Work electric current (Joule-Lenz law). Work AND electric current flowing through a conductor with resistance is converted into heat Q prominent on the conductor:

Electric current power:

Closed circuit energy balance

Net power or power dissipated in the external circuit:

The maximum possible useful power of the source is achieved if R = r and is equal to:

If, when connected to the same current source of different resistances R 1 and R 2, equal powers are allocated to them, then the internal resistance of this current source can be found by the formula:

Power loss or power inside the current source:

Apparent power developed by the current source:

Current source efficiency:


Weight m substance released at the electrode is directly proportional to the charge Qpassed through the electrolyte:

The quantity k called the electrochemical equivalent. It can be calculated using the formula:

Where: n - valence of a substance, N A is Avogadro's constant, M - the molar mass of the substance, e - elementary charge. Sometimes the following notation for the Faraday constant is also introduced:


Ampere forceacting on a conductor with current placed in a uniform magnetic field is calculated by the formula:

The moment of forces acting on the frame with current:

Lorentz forceacting on a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field is calculated by the formula:

The radius of the flight path of a charged particle in a magnetic field:

Induction module B magnetic field of a straight conductor with current I on distance R from it is expressed by the ratio:

Field induction in the center of a loop with a current radius R:

Inside the solenoid long l and with the number of turns N a uniform magnetic field with induction is created:

The magnetic permeability of a substance is expressed as follows:

Magnetic flux Φ across the square S contour is called the value given by the formula:

EMF induction calculated by the formula:

When moving the conductor length l in a magnetic field B with speed v EMF of induction also arises (the conductor moves in a direction perpendicular to itself):

The maximum value of the EMF induction in the circuit consisting of N turns, area Srotating with angular velocity ω in a magnetic field with induction IN:

Coil inductance:

Where: n - concentration of turns per unit length of the coil:

The connection between the inductance of the coil, the current flowing through it and its own magnetic flux penetrating it, is given by the formula:

EMF of self-induction arising in the coil:

Coil energy (generally speaking, this is the energy of the magnetic field inside the coil):

Volumetric energy density of the magnetic field:


An equation describing physical systems capable of performing harmonic oscillations with a cyclic frequency ω 0:

The solution to the previous equation is the equation of motion for harmonic oscillations and has the form:

The oscillation period is calculated by the formula:

Oscillation frequency:

Cyclic vibration frequency:

The dependence of speed on time for harmonic mechanical vibrations is expressed by the following formula:

Maximum speed value with harmonic mechanical vibrations:

Acceleration versus time for harmonic mechanical vibrations:

Maximum acceleration value for mechanical harmonic vibrations:

The cyclic frequency of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum is calculated by the formula:

The oscillation period of the mathematical pendulum:

Cyclic frequency of oscillation of a spring pendulum:

The oscillation period of the spring pendulum:

The maximum value of kinetic energy during mechanical harmonic vibrations is given by the formula:

The maximum value of the potential energy during mechanical harmonic vibrations of a spring pendulum:

The relationship between the energy characteristics of the mechanical oscillatory process:

Energy characteristics and their relationship with vibrations in the electrical circuit:

Period of harmonic oscillations in an electric oscillatory circuit determined by the formula:

Cyclic frequency of oscillations in an electric oscillatory circuit:

The dependence of the charge on the capacitor on time during oscillations in the electric circuit is described by the law:

The dependence of the electric current flowing through the inductor on time during oscillations in the electrical circuit:

The dependence of the voltage across the capacitor on time during oscillations in the electrical circuit:

The maximum value of the current strength during harmonic oscillations in the electrical circuit can be calculated using the formula:

The maximum value of the voltage across the capacitor with harmonic oscillations in the electrical circuit:

Alternating current is characterized by rms values \u200b\u200bof current and voltage, which are related to the amplitude values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding quantities as follows. Effective current value:

Voltage rms value:

AC power:


If the voltage at the input to the transformer is U 1, and at the output U 2, while the number of turns in the primary winding is n 1, and in the secondary n 2, then the following relation holds:

The transformation ratio is calculated by the formula:

If the transformer is ideal, then the following relationship is fulfilled (the input and output powers are equal):

In an imperfect transformer, the concept of efficiency is introduced:


The wavelength can be calculated using the formula:

The phase difference of oscillations of two points of the wave, the distance between which l:

The speed of an electromagnetic wave (including light) in a certain medium:

The speed of an electromagnetic wave (including light) in a vacuum is constant and equal to from \u003d 3 ∙ 10 8 m / s, it can also be calculated by the formula:

The speeds of an electromagnetic wave (including light) in a medium and in a vacuum are also related to each other by the formula:

In this case, the refractive index of a certain substance can be calculated using the formula:


The optical path length is determined by the formula:

Optical path difference of two beams:

Interference maximum condition:

Interference minimum condition:

The law of refraction of light at the border of two transparent media:

Constant value n 21 is called the relative refractive index of the second medium relative to the first. If a n 1 > n 2, then the phenomenon of total internal reflection is possible, while:

Linear magnification of the lens Γ the ratio of the linear dimensions of the image and the object is called:

Atomic and nuclear physics

Quantum energy electromagnetic wave (including light) or, in other words, photon energy calculated by the formula:

Photon momentum:

Einstein's formula for external photoelectric effect (ZSE):

The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons during the photoelectric effect can be expressed through the value of the retarding voltage U s and elementary charge e:

There is a cutoff frequency or wavelength of light (called the red border of the photoelectric effect) such that light with a lower frequency or longer wavelength cannot cause the photoeffect. These values \u200b\u200bare related to the value of the work function by the following relationship:

Bohr's second postulate or the rule of frequencies (ZSE):

In the hydrogen atom, the following relations are fulfilled, linking the radius of the trajectory of an electron rotating around the nucleus, its speed and energy in the first orbit with similar characteristics in the other orbits:

In any orbit in the hydrogen atom, the kinetic ( TO) and potential ( P) the electron energies are related to the total energy ( E) by the following formulas:

The total number of nucleons in a nucleus is equal to the sum of the number of protons and neutrons:

Mass defect:

The binding energy of the nucleus expressed in SI units:

The binding energy of the nucleus expressed in MeV (where the mass is taken in atomic units):

The law of radioactive decay:

Nuclear reactions

For an arbitrary nuclear reaction described by a formula of the form:

The following conditions are met:

The energy yield of such a nuclear reaction is equal to:

Fundamentals of the special theory of relativity (SRT)

Relativistic length reduction:

Relativistic lengthening of event time:

The relativistic law of addition of velocities. If two bodies move towards each other, then their speed of approach is:

The relativistic law of addition of velocities. If the bodies are moving in one direction, then their relative speed:

Rest energy of the body:

Any change in body energy means a change in body weight and vice versa:

Total body energy:

Total body energy E is proportional to the relativistic mass and depends on the speed of the moving body, in this sense the following relations are important:

Relativistic mass increase:

Kinetic energy of a body moving at a relativistic speed:

There is a relationship between the total body energy, rest energy and impulse:

Uniform circular motion

As a supplement, in the table below we give all kinds of relationships between the characteristics of a body uniformly rotating around a circle ( T - period, N - the number of revolutions, v - frequency, R - radius of the circle, ω - angular velocity, φ - rotation angle (in radians), υ - the linear speed of the body, a ncentripetal acceleration, L - the length of the circular arc, t - time):

Extended PDF version of the document "All the main formulas in school physics":

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How to successfully prepare for a CT in physics and mathematics?

In order to successfully prepare for the CT in physics and mathematics, among other things, three essential conditions must be met:

  1. To study all topics and complete all tests and tasks given in the training materials on this site. To do this, you need nothing at all, namely: to devote three to four hours every day to preparing for the CT in physics and mathematics, studying theory and solving problems. The fact is that CT is an exam, where it is not enough just to know physics or mathematics, you also need to be able to quickly and smoothly solve a large number of problems on different topics and varying complexity. The latter can only be learned by solving thousands of problems.
  2. Learn all formulas and laws in physics, and formulas and methods in mathematics. In fact, it is also very simple to do this, there are only about 200 necessary formulas in physics, and even a little less in mathematics. Each of these subjects has about a dozen standard problem solving methods. basic level difficulties that can also be easily learned, and thus, completely automatically and without difficulty, at the right time, solve most of the CG. After that, you will only have to think about the most difficult tasks.
  3. Attend all three physics and mathematics rehearsal testing phases. Each RT can be visited twice to solve both options. Again, on the CT, in addition to the ability to quickly and efficiently solve problems, and knowledge of formulas and methods, it is also necessary to be able to properly plan the time, distribute efforts, and most importantly, fill out the answer form correctly, without confusing either the numbers of answers and tasks, or your own surname. Also, during RT, it is important to get used to the style of posing questions in tasks, which on the CT may seem very unusual to an unprepared person.

Successful, diligent and responsible fulfillment of these three points, as well as a responsible study of the final training tests, will allow you to show excellent results on the CT, the maximum of what you are capable of.

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If you, as it seems to you, found an error in the training materials, please write about it by e-mail (). In the letter, indicate the subject (physics or mathematics), the title or number of the topic or test, the number of the problem, or the place in the text (page) where, in your opinion, there is an error. Also describe what the alleged error is. Your letter will not go unnoticed, the error will either be corrected, or they will explain to you why it is not an error.

Absolutely necessary for a person who decides to study this science, armed with them, to feel like a fish in water in the world of physics. Without knowledge of formulas, the solution of problems in physics is unthinkable. But it is almost impossible to memorize all the formulas and it is important to know, especially for a young mind, where to find this or that formula and when to apply it.

The location of physical formulas in specialized textbooks is usually distributed according to the corresponding sections among the textual information, so their search there can take quite a lot of time, and even more so if you suddenly need them urgently!

The below physics cheat sheets contain all basic formulas from the physics course, which will be useful to students of schools and universities.

All formulas of the school course in physics from the site
I. Kinematics download
1. Basic concepts
2. Laws of addition of speeds and accelerations
3. Normal and tangential acceleration
4. Types of movements
4.1. Uniform movement
4.1.1. Uniform straight motion
4.1.2. Uniform circular motion
4.2. Driving with constant acceleration
4.2.1. Equally accelerated movement
4.2.2. Equal slow motion
4.3. Harmonic movement
II. Dynamics download
1. Newton's second law
2. The theorem on the motion of the center of mass
3. Newton's third law
4. Forces
5. Gravitational force
6. Forces acting through contact
III. Conservation laws. Work and power download
1. The momentum of a material point
2. The momentum of the system of material points
3. Theorem about the change in the momentum of a material point
4. Theorem on the change in the momentum of a system of material points
5. Law of conservation of momentum
6. Work of power
7. Power
8. Mechanical energy
9. Mechanical energy theorem
10. The law of conservation of mechanical energy
11. Dissipative forces
12. Work calculation methods
13. Time-average strength
IV. Download statics and hydrostatics
1. Equilibrium conditions
2. Torque
3. Precarious balance, stable balance, indifferent balance
4. Center of mass, center of gravity
5. Force of hydrostatic pressure
6. Liquid pressure
7. Pressure at any point in the liquid
8, 9. Pressure in a homogeneous liquid at rest
10. Archimedean strength
V. Thermal phenomena download
1. Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation
2. Dalton's law
3. Basic equation of MKT
4. Gas laws
5. The first law of thermodynamics
6. Adiabatic process
7.Efficiency of the cyclic process (heat engine)
8. Saturated steam
Vi. Electrostatics download
1. Coulomb's law
2. Principle of superposition
3. Electric field
3.1. The strength and potential of the electric field created by one point charge Q
3.2. The intensity and potential of the electric field created by the system of point charges Q1, Q2, ...
3.3. Strength and potential of an electric field created by a ball uniformly charged over the surface
3.4. Strength and potential of a uniform electric field (created by a uniformly charged plane or flat capacitor)
4. Potential energy of the system of electric charges
5. Electric capacity
6. Properties of a conductor in an electric field
Vii. Constant current download
1. Ordered speed
2. Current strength
3. Current density
4. Ohm's law for a circuit section that does not contain EMF
5. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit containing an EMF
6. Ohm's law for a complete (closed) circuit
7. Series connection of conductors
8. Parallel connection of conductors
9. Work and power of electric current
10. Efficiency of the electrical circuit
11. Condition for the allocation of maximum power at the load
12. Faraday's law for electrolysis
VIII. Download magnetic phenomena
1. Magnetic field
2. Movement of charges in a magnetic field
3. Frame with current in a magnetic field
4. Magnetic fieldsgenerated by different currents
5. Interaction of currents
6. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction
7. The phenomenon of self-induction
IX. Oscillations and waves download
1. Fluctuations, definitions
2. Harmonic vibrations
3. The simplest oscillatory systems
4. Wave
X. Optics download
1. The law of reflection
2. The law of refraction
3. Lens
4. Image
5. Possible cases of object location
6. Interference
7. Diffraction

Great Physics Cheat Sheet... All formulas are presented in a compact form with small comments. The cheat sheet also contains useful constants and other information. The file contains the following physics sections:

    Mechanics (kinematics, dynamics and statics)

    Molecular physics. Properties of gases and liquids


    Electrical and electromagnetic phenomena

    Electrodynamics. D.C


    Oscillations and waves. Optics. Acoustics

    Quantum physics and the theory of relativity

Small spur in physics... Everything you need for the exam. Cutting basic formulas in physics on one page. Not very aesthetically pleasing, but practical. :-)