Mat moro 4 cl homework. EMC of the "School of Russia" program in mathematics for fourth graders

It is no longer a secret for anyone that our site not only entertains schoolchildren and preschoolers, but also helps them in their studies. And this applies not only to educational and developmental games, but also to direct assistance in solving homework. So this page has become another milestone in confirming these words. After all, here all 4th grade students enrolled in the School of Russia program can find answers to their homework in mathematics for the 2nd half of the year, that is, part 2 of the textbook. And again, we will say once again that the GDZ data is placed not at all so that you thoughtlessly and, as they say, stupidly write off, but above all for self-control and verification of your completed homework. So, we can only hope that you will approach your homework with full responsibility and do it right and use ready-made homework only when necessary, which means that you will have only A's for your studies! Click on the buttons with page numbers to view the GDZ for tasks on the page in full screen.

Answers through the pages of the GDZ Moro Mathematics Grade 4 textbook Part 2. Answers to tasks. Reshebnik

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Analysis of the most difficult and extraordinary tasks in the Moro mathematics textbook

Page 4 task 1 Mom prepared 18 liters of juice. She got 5 identical cans of apple juice and 4 such cans of cherry juice. How many liters of juice are there in one can? How many liters of apple and cherry juice did Mom prepare? Solution: 1) 5 + 4 \u003d 9 (b) total juice; 2) 18: 2 \u003d 2 (l) in one can; 3) 2 * 5 \u003d 10 (l) apple juice; 4) 2 * 4 \u003d 8 (l) cherry juice.
Page 4 task 4 Square area 36 cm2. 1) How long in centimeters (whole) can be the sides of rectangles with the same area as a square? Find the perimeter of each one. 2) Find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle, the perimeter of which is equal to the perimeter of one of these rectangles. Solution: Any product of two integers that would result in 36 can be represented as two sides of such possible rectangles. Let's start with 1.1 question 1) 1 * 36 \u003d 36 cm2 36 * 2 + 1 * 2 \u003d 74 cm 2) 2 * 18 \u003d 36 cm2 18 * 2 + 2 * 2 \u003d 40 cm 3) 3 * 12 \u003d 36 cm2 12 * 2 + 3 * 2 \u003d 30 cm 4) 4 * 9 \u003d 36 cm2 9 * 2 + 4 * 2 \u003d 26 cm 5) does not work with whole numbers; Question 2 Let's say we take a triangle with a perimeter of 30. If we take other values \u200b\u200bfrom the possible ones, then the sides will not be in whole centimeters. 30: 3 \u003d 10 cm each side of the triangle
Bird mission in the fields Each row adds 1 bird. In this case, the first row and the last will give the average number, which will be the same for the second and penultimate row, for the third and before the penultimate, etc. Based on this, one can understand that it is necessary to find the average between the extreme rows and multiply it by the number of rows. If the average is not equal to an integer, then you can artificially add another row and subtract it at the end when calculating. As a result, according to this logic, the following is obtained: For 9 rows (9 + 1): 2 * 9 \u003d 45 birds For 15 rows (15 + 1): 2 * 15 \u003d 120 birds For 20 rows (21 + 1): 2 * 21 -21 \u003d 210 birds Page 5 task 8 The stork can fly at a speed of 600 m / min. How far will it fly in 1 second? Record the stork's speed in different units. Solution: If a stork flies 600 meters per minute, then it will fly 60 times less per second, since there are 60 seconds per minute. That is ... 600: 60 \u003d 10 meters per second. If we represent it in km per hour, then it must be divided by 1000, since that is how many meters are in km and multiplied by 3600 since there are so many seconds in an hour. 10 * 3600: 1000 \u003d 36 km / h stork speed That is, 36 km / h \u003d 600 m / min \u003d 10 m / s.
Page 7 task 22 The motor ship covers the same distance in 4 hours as a motor boat in 9 hours. Find out the speed of the motor boat if you know that the speed of the motor ship is 36 km / h. Solution: 36 * 4 \u003d 144 km the motor ship will pass in 4 hours; 144: 9 \u003d 16 km / h motor boat speed.
Page 11 task 4 At the same time, two trains left to meet each other: a freight train from Moscow, and a passenger train from St. Petersburg. The speed of a passenger train was twice that of a freight train. At what distance from Moscow will the trains meet, if we count if the distance between these cities is 660 km? Solution: In one and the same time, a passenger train will travel 2 times longer than a freight train. That is, if we divide the entire distance, then 2/3 will pass the passenger and 1/3 will pass the freight before they meet, that is, they will cover the entire path between the cities. As a result ... 1) 660 * 1/3 \u003d 220 km this distance will be covered by a freight train and trains will meet at this distance from Moscow.
Page 12 task 38 Vegetables were taken from the field in 10 cars. Each of these machines made 8 trips a day and took out 5 tons of vegetables in one trip. How many tons of vegetables did these cars take out in 6 days? Solution: 10 * 8 * 5 * 6 \u003d 2400 (t) were taken out in 6 days.
Page 14 task 49 On Tuesday, the atelier made 11 identical jackets, and on Wednesday - 13 identical jackets. In total, 72 m of fabric were used for them. How many meters of fabric did you use on each of these days? Solution: 1) 11 + 13 \u003d 24 (k) sewn in total; 2) 72: 24 \u003d 3 m for each jacket; 3) 3 * 11 \u003d 33 m of fabric was spent on Tuesday; 4) 3 * 13 \u003d 39 m of fabric was spent on Wednesday.
Page 15 task 56 From the two piers two motor ships set off towards each other. One of them walked to the meeting for 4 hours at a speed of 36 km / h. Another motor ship passed before the meeting the third part of the way covered by the first. Ask a question and solve the problem. Solution: How many kilometers did each of the motor ships go before the meeting? How far have 2 ships traveled? 1) 36: 3 \u003d 12 km / h speed of the second motor ship; 2) 36 * 4 \u003d 144 km passed the first motor ship; 3) 12 * 4 \u003d 48 km passed the second motor ship 4) 48 + 144 \u003d 192 km passed two motor ships.
Page 17 task 68 From two quays, the distance between which is 120 km, two motor ships simultaneously departed towards each other. One of them went at a speed of 22 km / h, the other at a speed of 18 km / h. How many hours later did the ships meet? How far has each motor ship traveled to the meeting? Solution: 1) 22 + 18 \u003d 40 km 2 motor ships passed every hour; 2) 120: 40 \u003d 3 hours it took the motor ships to meet: 3) 22 * \u200b\u200b3 \u003d 66 km passed one motor ship; 4) 18 * 3 \u003d 54 km passed the second motor ship.
Page 21 task 12 Two boys simultaneously ran towards each other on a sports track, the length of which is 100 m. They met after 10 seconds. The first boy ran at a speed of 4 m / s. At what speed did the second boy run? Solution: 1) 100: 10 \u003d 10 m / s both boys ran; 2) 10-4 \u003d 6 m / s the second boy was running.
Page 23 task 31 The exhibition features 1,370 books. Of these, textbooks for junior schoolchildren - 156, this is 3 times less than textbooks for senior schoolchildren, and there are as many textbooks for students as there are textbooks for junior and senior schoolchildren together. The rest of the books are for teachers. How many books for teachers are on display? Solution: 1) 156 * 3 \u003d 468 textbooks for senior students; 2) 156 + 468 \u003d 624 textbooks for students; 3) 1370-624-468-156 \u003d 122 books for teachers.
Page 25 task 75 From 1 ton of milk, 83 kg of cheese or 45 kg of butter is obtained. How many kilograms more cheese than butter will be obtained from 20 tons of milk? Solve the problem in different ways. Solution: Method 1 1) (83-45) * 20 \u003d 760 (kg) for so many kg more cheese will be obtained from 20 tons of milk; Method 2 1) 20 * 83-20 \u200b\u200b* 45 \u003d 760 (kg) for so many kg more cheese will be obtained from 20 tons of milk;
Page 26 task 82 From two cities, the distance between which is 846 km, two trains left at the same time to meet each other. One went at a speed of 85 km / h, the other at a speed of 60 km / h. What is the distance between trains in 3 hours? Solution: 1) 85 + 60 \u003d 145 km trains passed every hour; 2) 145 * 3 \u003d 435 km passed in 3 hours; 3) 846-435 \u003d 411 km will remain between trains in 3 hours.
Page 27 task 90 In the workshop on the first day, 19 identical backpacks were sewn, on the second - 23 such backpacks. All the backpacks used 84 m of fabric. How many meters of fabric did you use each day? Solution: 1) 19 + 23 \u003d 42 backpacks were sewn in 2 days; 2) 84: 42 \u003d 2 m of fabric was used for each backpack; 3) 19 * 2 \u003d 38 m was spent on the first day; 4) 23 * 2 \u003d 46 m were consumed on the second day.
Page 28 task 95 From 2 m of canvas, 3 pillowcases are obtained. How many of these pillowcases can be obtained from 42 m of linen? Solution: 1) 42: 2 \u003d 21 times 2 meters in 42 meters; 2) 21 * 3 \u003d 63 pillowcases will be obtained from 42 meters.
Page 29 task 107 The length of the Volga River is 3690 km. Tourists went on boats a third of its length. How many days did they sail if they moved at a speed of 6 km / h and were sailing for 5 hours every day. Solution: 1) 5 * 6 \u003d 30 km tourists swam every day; 2) 3690: 3 \u003d 1230 3rd part of the river; 3) 1230: 30 \u003d 41 days sailed.
Page 30 task 112 3,600 tons of coal were sent to the plant in wagons, 60 tons in each, and the same amount of coal in cars, 90 tons in each. What cars did you need more and how much more? Solution: 1) 3600: 60 \u003d 60 cars, 60 tons each; 2) 3600: 90 \u003d 40 wagons of 90 t each. 3) 60-40 \u003d 20 more wagons with a load weight of 60 t were required
Page 33 task 127 The kiosk sold notebooks: school notebooks at a price of a rubles per notebook, common at a price of rubles per notebook. How much do 5 school exercise books and 5 general exercise books cost together? Write down expressions that show how you can solve this problem in two ways. Solution: 1 way 5 * a + 5 * c 2 way 5 * (a + c)
Page 34 task 134 Two horsemen rode out of the two villages at the same time towards each other. The first drove at a speed of 200 m / min, and the second traveled 20 m less per minute. The riders met after 50 minutes. Find the distance between the villages. Solution: 1) 200-20 \u003d 180 m / min the second rider was riding. 2) 200 + 180 \u003d 380 m riders passed every minute; 3) 380 * 50 \u003d 19000 meters distance between villages.
Page 36 Problem 18 During the spill, the width of the river increased by 800 m and reached 1 km. How many times did the width of the river increase during the flood? Solution: 1) 1000-800 \u003d 200 meters was the width of the river; 2) 1000: 200 \u003d 5, the width of the river increased 5 times.
Page 37 Problem 24 The truck covered 1,500 km. How much fuel was consumed if 16 liters of fuel were required for every 50 km of travel? Solution: 1) 1500: 50 \u003d 30 times 50 km in 1500 km; 2) 30 * 16 \u003d 480 liters have been consumed.
Page 42 Problem 144 To get 3 kg of sunflower oil, you need to take 16 kg of sunflower seeds. How many kilograms of seeds will it take to get 15 kg of sunflower oil? Solution: 1) 15: 3 \u003d 5 times 3 kg in 15 kg; 2) 5 * 16 \u003d 80 kg of seeds will be required.
Page 43 task 150 In the fishery, one pond grew 7 kg per 1 m2 of pond area and received 67,200 kg of fish, and in another pond, 8 kg of carp per 1 m2 of area and received 61600 fish. How much square meters is the area of \u200b\u200bone pond larger than the area of \u200b\u200banother? Solution: 1) 67200: 7 \u003d 9600 m2 area of \u200b\u200bthe first pond; 2) 61600: 8 \u003d 7700 m2 area of \u200b\u200bthe second pond; 3) 9600-7700 \u003d 1900 m2 one spring is larger than the other.
Page 44 Problem 158 The two planes took off at the same time from the airfield in opposite directions. 10 minutes after departure, the distance between them was 270 km. the first plane flew at a speed of 15 km / min. How fast was the second plane flying? Solution: 1) 10 * 15 \u003d 150 km the first plane flew in 10 minutes; 2) 270-150 \u003d 120 km the second plane flew in 10 minutes; 3) 120: 10-12 km / min the second plane flew.
Page 45 Problem 162 When cutting economically, we saved 12 cm of fabric on each coat, and 13 cm of fabric on each suit. How much will fabrics save when cutting 96 coats and 96 suits? How many children's coats can be made from the saved fabric if 2 m of fabric is used for one coat? Solution: 1) 12 * 96 \u003d 1152 cm saved on the coat; 2) 13 * 96 \u003d 1248cm saved on suits; 3) 1152 + 1248 \u003d 2400 cm or 24 meters saved everything; 4) 24: 2 \u003d 12 coats can be sewn from saved fabric.
Page 47 Problem 175 The two planes flew at the same speed. The first plane was in the air for 4 hours, the second - 6 hours. The first flew 1400 km less than the second. How far each plane flew? Solution: 1) 6-4 \u003d 2 hours in the air was more than the second plane for which it flew 1400 km; 2) 4: 2 \u003d 2 times in 4 hours for 2 hours; 3) 2 * 1400 \u003d 2800 km the first plane flew; 4) 6: 2 \u003d 3 times in 6 hours for 2 hours; 5) 3 * 1400 \u003d 4200 km the second plane flew.
It only remains to add that in the fourth grade they can still lower the mark for sloppiness, even in math, so homework try to write in beautiful handwriting. If you have any questions about GDZ Reshebnik, ask in the comments.
Page 48 Problem 184 The length of the rectangular flower garden is 20 m, and the width is 5 m. Its area is one tenth of the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. Find the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. Solution: 1) 20 * 5 \u003d 100 m2 area of \u200b\u200bthe flower garden; 2) 100 * 10 \u003d 1000 m2 garden area.
Page 49 Problem 187 Two classes have been instructed to clear a school ice rink, which is 20 m long and 10 m wide. There are 26 students in one class and 24 in the other. How many square meters should each class clear if the work is divided according to the number of students. Solution: 1) 20 * 10 \u003d 200 m2 ice rink area; 2) 26 + 24 \u003d 50 total students in two classes; 3) 200: 50 \u003d 4 m2 must be cleared by each student; 4) 4 * 26 \u003d 104 m2 must clear a class with 26 students; 5) 4 * 24 \u003d 96 m2 must clear a class with 24 students. P. S. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR EXISTING OR UNCONTINUED TASKS, THEN YOU CAN WRITE TO US WE WILL ANSWER AND MAKE CHANGES INTO THE SITE PAGE, ACCORDING TO YOUR AGREEMENT !!!

Primary school is the main stage in a child's development. During this period, he will have key knowledge in the field of exact sciences, which he will use throughout his life. Mathematics is the most important subject in the education system. Therefore, for the student to be able to master it well, a team of authors: M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova has developed an online solution with correct answers. The collection for grade 4 is fully consistent with the textbook of the publishing house "Education", published in 2015. The methodological complex relevant for 2019. It is used in their practice by many teachers and private tutors, creating their own unique programs and notes based on the manual.

How to improve academic performance with GDZ in mathematics Moro, Bantovoy, Beltyukova?

In the lessons, the child develops the basic skills and abilities of working with numbers. He learns to add, subtract, multiply, distinguish between fractions and whole numbers. The teacher tries to fully explain the whole new information, provide examples for all rules and exceptions. Of course, the child learns most of the material within the walls of the school, but independent activity is also important. It is necessary to correctly complete all homework, teach all topics, work out complex exercises. Not always a child alone can cope with this. Therefore, a collection of mathematics by Moro and Bantovoy comes to the rescue, which can increase academic performance and reduce time costs.

Pros of an electronic source for children:

  • convenient table. Each task has an individual number;
  • quick access to answers from a tablet, computer or phone. You just need to turn on the Internet;
  • several solution options so that the student can choose the appropriate one;
  • helpful tips, detailed explanation of examples.

The site works around the clock, you can view the information you need at any time. It is worth noting that thoughtless cheating "homework" does not lead to anything good. In this way, it is difficult to increase academic performance; it is better to approach work with the GDZ more competently. To begin with, independently deal with the given material, and then check it with ready-made examples.

Topics covered in Moro's Reshebnik for Grade 4

There are times in the life of a student when there is no way to ask for help. Yes, parents want only the best for the child and try to make it easier for him to learn. Someone is trying to study together, someone is hiring expensive tutors. An alternative option would be such an auxiliary resource as an online collection of 2 parts, containing the following topics:

  • numbers from 1 to 1000;
  • numbers that are greater than 1000;
  • reference material;
  • numbers that are greater than 1000;
  • final repetition of everything learned;
  • material for expanding and deepening knowledge.

So, it's time to put the fun aside and get to your math homework. After all, you can't play all the time ... Or rather, you can, but it won't lead to anything good. Sometimes you need to strain your head a little. After all, everyone should write and count in our realities! So in order not to be "left out" of that very ship, which accepts only educated on its deck, and sometimes later rewards them for this knowledge, we suggest you turn to your homework in mathematics. It is here and now that you can find homework on this subject, authors Moro and Volkova, grade 4 and part 1, according to the School of Russia program. That is, it is a kind of electronic solution with ready and correct answers.
Here I immediately want to say that you should not abuse what you have. That is, just take and rewrite. First of all, think about it, decide, and only when you want to check or compare, then see the answers. It is this algorithm for using these answers that will be the most correct and correct. Answers for the tutorial are given by page.
Now you can simply click on the page you need to check the answers. The page will open in a new window, where you can see everything you need!

Answers through the pages of the GDZ Moro Mathematics Grade 4 Textbook Part 1. Answers to tasks. Reshebnik

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The most difficult and interesting tasks in the textbook GDZ Moro Mathematics Grade 4 Textbook Part 1

Page 6, task 14
There are 120 seats in 2 identical sleeping cars. How many seats are there in 7 such sleeping cars? in 10 such cars?
(120: 2) * 7 \u003d 420 seats in 7 cars;
(120: 2) * 10 \u003d 600 seats in 10 cars.
Page 7, task 22
Rearrange the cards with numbers so that you get the correct equality.
you must swap 3 and 8. Correct entry
Page 12, task 56
The weight of the box with apples is 12 kg, and the weight of the empty box is 6 times less. How many kilograms of apples are in this box? How many boxes do you need for 100 kg of apples?
12: 6 \u003d 2 kg box weighs
12-2 \u003d 10 kg fits in one box
100: 10 \u003d 10 boxes needed for 100 kg of apples.
Page 14, task 73
Place the parentheses so that the value of the expression becomes equal to the number 2,50,180,474.
Page 15, task 76
For the trip, the tourists bought 96 cans of canned food. They used up 8 cans a day. How many cans of canned food will they have left after 10 days of hiking?
96 - 8 * 10 \u003d 16 cans.
Page 18, task 9
The boy spent 1 hour and 10 minutes on the trip to the store and back. He rode his bike there for 25 minutes, and stayed in the store for 15 minutes. How many minutes did the boy drive back?
70- (25 + 15) \u003d 30 minutes
Page 19, task 15
The student spent 6 minutes on solving the problem, and 3 minutes on solving each of the 8 examples. How much time did the student spend doing this homework?
6+ (3 * 8) \u003d 30 minutes
Page 23, task 93
When asked how old he is, grandfather answered like this: If I live half of what I have lived, and another year, it will be exactly 100. How old is grandfather?
(100-1): 1.5 \u003d 66 years old. But in grade 4 they are not yet familiar with numbers of the form 1.5. Therefore, it would be more correct to find the age relative to a multiple of the smallest value. In our case, it is half of how long the grandfather has already lived. I.e...
1) 100-1 \u003d 99 grandfather will live as long if he lives half of what he lived
2) 99: 3 \u003d 33 half of what grandfather lived
3) 33 * 2 \u003d 66 years old grandfather
Page 81, task 371
What single-digit number must be multiplied by the number 123 456 79 to end up with a new number written in one unit? It must be multiplied by 9.
Page 89, problem 421
Two painters received 9500 rubles together for their work. The first worked for 6 days, the second for 4 days. How much money should each get if the pay for one day was the same for each of them?
1) 6 + 4 \u003d 10 (e) how many workdays the painters worked together;
2) 9500: 10 \u003d 950 (p) payment for one workday;
3) 950 * 6 \u003d 5700 r received the first painter;
4) 950 * 4 \u003d 3800 (p) received the second painter.
Page 90, Problem 430
Workers are to plant 350 bush seedlings. On the first day, they planted one seventh of all seedlings. This is half as much as on the second day. Ask a question and solve the problem.
Question. How many seedlings were planted on the following days (day) after the second?
1) 370: 7 \u003d 50 (s) planted on the first day;
2) 50 * 2 \u003d 100 (s) planted on the second day;
3) 350- (100 + 50) \u003d 200 (s) were planted in the following days or day.
Page 93, task 23
86 schoolchildren took part in the orienteering competitions. 5 people became the winners, and two-thirds of all other guys for good results were awarded with diplomas. How many children received diplomas?
1) 86-5 \u003d 81 (w) of these students, 2/3 received diplomas;
2) 81 * (2/3) \u003d 54 (w) received certificates.
Page 93, task 33
Melons were sold to the buyer at the same price per kilogram: one weighing 5 kg, the other weighing 3 kg. This whole purchase cost a few rubles. Under this condition, write down expressions that show: 1) how much 1 kg of melon cost 2) how much each melon cost.
1) a: (5 + 3) - so much was 1 kg of melon:
2) a: (5 + 3) * 5 cost 5 kg melon, and: (5 + 3) * 3 cost 3 kg melon

Publisher:Enlightenment 2016.

Mathematics is one of the most important sciences. It is closely related to physics and chemistry, without which it is impossible to imagine scientific progress. AT modern world numbers at every step, you cannot live without manipulating them. It is not for nothing that she is called the "Queen of Sciences", because all the achievements of science and technology have become possible thanks to calculations.

We can safely say that mathematics orders life. Schoolchildren begin to study it from the first grade, and continue to deepen their knowledge even after graduation. Homework is often a problem for the student. You can forget or skip a topic at school, and then it becomes unclear how to do exercises from the textbook.

Reshebnik - what is it?

Collection of ready-made homework by M.I. Moreau, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova can make life easier for the student and his parents. In him the correct answers are found to all numbers that are only in the tutorial.

The fourth grade is a difficult time for a child. In a year, you need to get a lot of knowledge that is needed in the future, and this requires discipline and perseverance. Not everyone can boast of this. The children want to walk, and not sit in the classroom and listen to the teachers.

Benefit or harm

There is a stereotype that having the right exercise solutions interferes with education. That students just cheat without thinking with their heads. But this is a delusion, data from the collection finished tasks will help you compare the result, and also demonstrate the solution. You can clearly see how the calculations are going.

Imagine a situation: a student has not mastered the material in class and does not know how to approach the tasks. With help online GDZ M.I. Moreau you can understand the logic based on the solution shown.

Parents can make sure he understands the topic and are not afraid for his progress. What this literature gives:

  • clarification of topics
  • saving time and effort
  • confidence in the right decision
  • self-learning opportunity

You can't just copy examples from the Reshebnik... This will harm academic performance and will be noticeable in tests and assessment papers. You need to try to decide for yourself, and if this causes difficulties, resort to the manual. All information provided is in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

GDZ to workbook in mathematics for grade 4 Volkova S.I. can be downloaded.

GDZ to verification work in mathematics for grade 4 Moro M.I. can be downloaded.

GDZ for the notebook of educational achievements in mathematics for grade 4 Volkova S.I. can download