Features of the social and psychological adaptation of young people in a transforming society Abramov, Konstantin Valerievich. Features of the social and psychological adaptation of youth in a transforming society abramov, konstantin valerievich konstantin abramov

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Abramov, Konstantin Valerievich. Features of social and psychological adaptation of youth in a transforming society: dissertation ... candidate of psychological sciences: 19.00.05 / Abramov Konstantin Valerievich; [Place of protection: Ros. state social. un-t] .- Moscow, 2011.- 207 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 11-19 / 130


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological prerequisites for the study of social and psychological adaptation of youth 15

1.1. The main interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation 15

1.2. Socio-psychological characteristics of the adaptive resource of the age category of young people in a transforming society 47

1.3. Features of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the context of socio-economic transformations 68

Conclusions but iiane 1 90

Chapter 2. Empirical study of adaptation strategies and characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation of young people 92

2.2. Revealing the features of socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the conditions of transformation of society 115

2.3. Assessment and optimization of socio-psychological adaptation of various youth social groups 140


Introduction to work

The 90s from the end of the 20th century were marked for Russia by radical political and socio-economic transformations. Economy. based mainly on market relations with a large share of criminal influences, low social security of the population, a radical change in the former system of social values \u200b\u200bcreated a hollow socio-economic reality in our country, Most of the population of Russia was forced to change their way of life, rebuild their value system, behavioral stereotypes, change professions.

Twenty years after the beginning of the transformations of the 90s, a global financial and economic crisis occurred, which significantly affected the political and social life of the country, making the search for new adaptation strategies actual among representatives of various social groups.

The specifics of the current situation in the country, characterized by a significant decrease in the level and quality of life, generates negative social well-being of people, leads to an increase in psychosomatic disorders and many other destructive consequences. The consequences of their socio-economic, cultural and spiritual transformations are reflected in the youth of Russia with particular ambiguity. There is a need for psychological forecasting of such consequences, the development of strategies for constructive socio-psychological adaptation of people to socio-economic changes in the country.

Thus, social, economic, cultural transformations, which have radically changed the face of Russian society, significantly affect all spheres of a person's life. The features of this concept of sociocultural and economic environment determine the forms, levels and strategies of socio-psychological adaptation of representatives of various social groups and. in particular, youth as an innovative resource of our society.

Despite the existing studies of the phenomenon of adaptation and its various types, scientific works devoted to the issue of socio-psychological adaptation in the context of the all-encompassing transformation of modern Russian society are clearly insufficient. According to G.M. Zarakoneky, despite a large number of studies of the processes occurring in Russian society during the period of transformations, there are no works devoted to the analysis of these processes from the perspective of the theory of human adaptation and the concept of situational psychological potential


In this case, it is not only about obtaining new theoretical data regarding the mechanisms, the specifics of socio-psychological adaptation in the indicated conditions. Indisputably important, in our opinion, is also the applied aspect of the given question, since many decisions taken at the state level should be based on real knowledge of the resource potential of the population, which was given by the dragging potential.

Considering socio-psychological adaptation as a process of internal personal changes, external active interrelationship of the personality and the new conditions of its existence, we can once again state the importance of this process in ensuring the constructiveness of the individual's reactions to the surrounding social, psychological and physical conditions of his life.

Youth! as a specific socio-age group, which is in the process of active professional and social deception, due to its age and mental characteristics, according to a number of researchers, it more effectively adapts to the system of market relations, quickly joins it, feels more confident and, thanks to scrap, acquires new economic and social experience. However, the statement about a uniquely more effective psychological adaptation of modern Russian youth would, in our opinion, be incorrect, first of all, due to the internal heterogeneity of this socio-age group, both in the degree of possession of socio-psychological resources and in the presence of social segregation іі in our society, which determines, in general, the possibility of realizing these resources. Therefore, a field study devoted to the study of the characteristics of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in a cardinally large scale with the emerging social and economic conditions will be so relevant,

The state of scientific elaboration of the research problem

In the psychological and philosophical literature, the conceptual provisions of the theory of adaptation were developed in the works of Russian scientists: F.B. Berezina, ALZ. Georgievsky, L., G. Dikoy, A.A. Palchajapa, A.V. Petrovsky and foreign authors: G. Hartmann, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, L. Festipger, V. Fraikl and other researchers,

The problem of psychological and social adaptation was also considered in the theory of a number of fundamental philosophical and methodological studies of personality, lifestyle, social group, carried out by Y.Mr Andreeva, K.A. Agyudkhanova-Slavskoy, L, P, Buyeva, L.S. Vygotsky, A.G. Sane] iic l onym, A.1-I. Leontiev, S.L., Rubinstein, A., A. Rean, AL. Svsitsitsky.

The study of gender aspects of socio-psychological adaptation was carried out by such researchers as N.E. Ayvazyan, T.V. Bendas, G.I. Efremova, E.K. Zavyalova, I.S. Yuetsip, I.S. Kon, N.P. Kovalenko, G.V. Turetskaya, A.P. Chirikov. E.I. Trofimova, II.M. Zdravomyslova, ALЇ, Temkipa,

An important contribution to the development of issues of mechanisms of social and socio-psychological adaptation was made by the theories of social cognition, which were developed by G. Andreeva, G. Kelly, T, Newcomb, C. Osgood, V.F. Petrenko, S. Moskovichi, A. Teshfelom, L. Fssstish "erom, AG, Shmelev.

On the basis of the LPP from the bed of another, it can be stated that the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the modern conditions of Russian society is undoubtedly one of the strategic research tasks, on the effective solution of which the future benefits and competitiveness of Russia in the world community largely depend.

The relevance, theoretical and practical significance, and insufficiently developed problems of social and psychological adaptation of young people served as the basis for determining the topic of the dissertation.

Tsvdei disssrtatioіinoyu research - the study of the content characteristics of the socio-psychological adaptation of youth in the context of social transformations.

The object of the research is the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the new economic and socio-cultural space.

The subject of the research is the features of social and psychological adaptability and adaptation strategies of modern youth.

The study put forward the following guidelines:

The socio-psychological adaptation of young people to the conditions of a transforming society has both intersocial specificity, due to the social segregation of society, and intrasocial, mediated by the psychological resources of a young person's personality. Such adaptation acts as a process of organizing constructive social interactions of a young person with the social environment on the basis of the fullest realization of his personal resources.

The result of socio-psychological adaptation is the social and psychological adaptation of youth, which is an iptegrative complex that includes such structural components as personal readiness for change; tolerance; satisfaction with their social and personal status; synchronized system of social, professional and personal community; personal activity; logical business and interpersonal education; satisfaction with the quality of one's life and the opportunity to do it myself,

3, Young people with varying degrees of social and psychological adaptation. have different types of adaptation strategies and differently archived systems of social values \u200b\u200bboth at the level of beliefs and at the level of realization of social


The implementation of the stated research involves the solution of a number of research problems:

The specifics of interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of methodological approaches to the issue of socio-psychological adaptation of an individual in the context of profound socio-economic changes.

To systematically reveal the social-penchoyaogic characteristics of the adaptation resource of the age category of young people in a transforming society

To substantiate the criteria, indicators and levels that characterize the features of the social-psychological and dating of youth to transformations in society.

Empirically study the adaptation srategin and the peculiarities of the social-psychological adaptation of young people in the transforming society.

Theoretical and methodological basis our research consisted of: a subjective approach to the study of the human psyche (B, G. Ananiev, AN Vrushlipsky, SL Rubinstein, etc.); systematic approach (GT.K. Anokhin; V.L. Karakovsky; B.F. Lomov; E.G. Yudin); and the interpretive approach (G. +) l \\] * іМр \\ ДІж.Г.МВД P. Л: 1yіїyut; Li .RppgD ".ulzh; ^ xiiiiginapshiSvdivd jf study of the problem of adaptation; theory of socio-psychological adaptation (II. Gargmap, A.A. Palchadzhap, V.A. Rubinstein), the concept of social cognition (f.iVl. Andreeva, L. Teshfel, L. Fesschnger, F. Hajder), concepts life path personality (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavsyush, L.I.Antstfsrova, S-L, Rubinstein), dispositional theories of personality (G, Allport, G. Aizsnk, R. Ketgsll, VA Poison), theory of content and structure values \u200b\u200b(Sh. Schwartz); the theory of socialization (E. Schepe, D. Hall, E. Eriksoi). In our research, we also relied on the theory of age-related development of personality (L.I., Bozhovich, B.C. Mukhina, V.I. Slobodchikov; D.I. Feldstein).

Research methods were chosen based on the tasks set: the method of interdisciplinary theoretical analysis, conversation, the method of expert assessment; methodology for the diagnosis of social and psychological adaptation of K, Rogers and R, Dimopd; method CAI-I; method of integral assessment of the quality of life 1-І.PL Fstikip; modification of the Dembo-Rubii_ptsin self-assessment method; Schwartz Value Survey; Meyudika “Types and components of tolerance-ii-yulerantnosii” (VIKTI) G.L. Bardier; methodology "Personal readiness for change" (PCRS); statistical methods processing the received data.

The empirical study involved 300 young people from different status social groups at the age of 18-30 years old, there were equal numbers of young men and children, as well as 98 respondents and age 35-45 years, who made up the control group.

The research was carried out in three stages.

At the nerve stage (2006-2007) - search-theoretical - an analysis of interdisciplinary literary sources on the issue under study was carried out, a rethinking of the problem of adaptation in the context of social psychology and the construction of working hypotheses regarding the specifics of social and psychological adaptation of young people were

At the end of this stage, the methodological substantiation of the problem under study was finalized; methodological tools for conducting empirical hours and dissertation work were prepared.

The second stage (2008) - empirical - included c. self-diagnostics of the characteristics of social and psychological adaptation of young people from social groups with different levels of group status. The assessment of the integral indicator of the socio-psychological adapted posture of the respondents was carried out and also analyzed its components.

Based on the data obtained, factors and mechanisms were identified that contribute to a more successful course of socio-psychological adaptation of young people and the conditions of a transforming society,

The third stage (2009-2010) - generalizing - involved the final analysis and systematization of the results obtained, on the basis of which the specificity of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people from different social status was revealed. In the conclusion, the results of the empirical part of the work were correlated with the purpose, objectives and hypotheses of the study.

The reliability of the results obtained was ensured by the scientific validity of the initial methodological positions, the use of methods adequate to the subject and objectives of the research, representativeness

The main scientific studies received personally by the applicant, and they were taught novelty.

The specificity of interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of human adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of methodological approaches to the problem of socio-psychological adaptation in the context of a changed social paradigm, are revealed. As a result of this analysis, it was found that the peculiarities of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people are mediated both by the social segregation of society, in particular by the level of the group status of the reference group, and by the psychological resources of the individual.

The socio-psychological characteristics of the adaptation resource of the age category of young people in a transforming society are systematically disclosed, namely; the nature and level of mastering the norms of relations between people in various social groups, the degree of social, economic, psychological independence, the level of social and personal responsibility, social status, etc.

A set of objective and subjective criteria for the social-psychological adolescence of young people has been substantiated, as well as indicators of a given ad or ro is apnoet and (personal readiness for change, tolerance, psychoemotional states, satisfaction with the quality layer of life, etc.) and levels of adagp are clearly partial and unlocked adapt.).

Empirically investigated the features of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people from different status social groups from the conditions of social transformations, which is manifested in the prevalence of complex adapted post in young people from high status social groups, and among respondents from low status social groups, the following is different. ^ and; in the domination of young people and low-status social groups of zacit-reactive adaptive strategies focused on solving current tactical adaptation problems, while respondents from high-status social groups have innovative-reflexive (active) adaptive strategies "focused on solving strategic adaptation problems ,

The conditions have been substantiated and practical recommendations have been developed to optimize the socio-psychological adaptation of various social youth groups,

The theoretical significance of the dissertation work lies in clarifying the substantive characteristics of the process of social and psychological adaptation as a complex dynamic process that determines the level of psychological well-being of the individual and includes an adequate awareness of the essence of the educational and professional tasks being performed, their social significance, constructive use of the accumulated social experience for solving various life tasks; in deepening and expanding scientific ideas about the indicators, levels and strategies of the socio-psychological adaptation of young people in the conditions of a radically transformed society and about the features of the socio-psychological adaptation in different status social groups of young people; in the possibility of using theoretical data of dissertation work in lectures and seminars on social psychology, ethnic psychology, personality psychology,

Practical relevance. The revealed indicators of the level of socio-psychological adaptation of young people of various social groups should be used in order to: solve the main tasks of modernizing our society. The obtained results of empirical research can be used to conduct thematic seminars and trainings on the professional and personal self-development of young people, to develop skills in tactical and strategic planning for their further professional and life path, to form responsible social behavior. Also developed teaching materials but psychological support of young people in the course of their social and psychological adaptation to socio-economic changes in our country, which are used, in particular, by the work of the Center for the Study of Upbringing Problems, Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle, Prevention of Drug Addiction, Social and Pedagogical Support of Children and Youth.

Pa zgshtu kynosytsn the following provisions:

1. Socio-psychological adaptation of young people is a dynamic process of interactions between the personality and the social environment, the nature of which is mediated both at the intersocial and at the un "fasocial level *

The main socio-psychological characteristics of the adaptation resource of the age category of young people are the level and nature of mastering the norms of relations between people in various social groups, social and personal status, the degree of social, economic, psychological independence, a sense of social and personal responsibility. The leading characteristic of the adaptation resource is the group social status, which provides young people with a degree of admission and the opportunity to acquire intellectual and socio-economic resources (high-quality education, prestigious and highly paid work, the possibility of further personal and professional growth and aphids).

The system of objective and subjective criteria makes it possible to distinguish three levels of social and psychological adaptation of young people: complex, partial and unbalanced adaptation. 1 Iokazatslnmi socio-psychological adapted and young people are personal readiness for change, tolerance, psycho-emotional states "satisfaction with the quality of their lives.

Differences in the socio-psychological adaptation of young people are due to the presence of social segregation in society, the specifics of their implementation of their psychological resources and the hierarchy of the system of social values. Group social status mediates the specificity of adaptation and the dominant adaptive strategies used by young people. The majority of young people from the "high-status" social groups have both complex and partial adapted postures, they are more characterized by innovative-reflexive (active) adaptive strategies. Young people from "low-status" social groups have poorly adapted posts about, they are more characteristic of defensive-reactive adaptive strategies.

Optimization of the process of socio-psychological adaptation of various youth social groups is achieved by fulfilling the following conditions: a) implementation of a system of psychological support based on any identified indicators, mechanisms and strategies of socio-psychological adaptation in the face of an emerging society; b) taking into account the specifics of the adaptive resource of young people from different social status; 3) synchronization of efforts of state structures and the public to ensure a more favorable social and cultural and economic space for professional and enthusiastic self-realization of youth * "*

Testing and implementation of research results.

The main provisions, conclusions and results of the study were reported by the lawsuit and discussed at meetings of the Department of Social Psychology. The materials were tested in publications and reports at the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference "Social Psychology Today: Science and Practice" (2006); round table "Psychology of the XXT century: current problems and development trends" (2006); 6th International Conference " Public administration from XXI lawsuit: tradition and innovation ”(2008); All-Russian scientific conference of university professors, scientists and specialists "Strategy 2020" (2009); 8th International Conference "Public Administration in the XXI Century: Traditions and Innovations" (2010).

The structure of the thesis: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, conclusions, a bibliographic list of used literature (268 titles, including 8 - on foreign language) and applications. The text part of the dissertation is ISO pages,

The main interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation

Since the basis for the formulation of the working concept of socio-psychological adaptation was scientific ideas about the phenomenon of adaptation, we will consider these ideas in more detail,

“In the most general way, adaptation is a process of interaction of two variables - the needs of a living organism and the characteristics of its environment” [185 p. 19. A changing environment requires changes from living organisms. In the layer, a change in organisms leads to a change in the content and subject of needs. In this regard, adaptation is always an individual, relative and endless process.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of adaptation processes was first expressed in the first half of the XVTH and. by the French patchurapist J. Vuffotume, who believed that the main mechanism of adaptation is determined by the direct influence of environmental conditions on organisms changing accordingly. The emergence of the scientific term "adaptation" is associated with the name of the German physiologist H. Dubert, who began to use this term in the second half of the 18th century. to characterize the phenomena of adaptation of the organ of the senses of a person to the effect of the stimulus. The ideas of these scientists became the beginning of a deeper study of the problem of adaptation. Later, this problem went beyond the framework of evolutionary theory and penetrated into the field of scientific interests of biology, medicine, physiology, psychology, sociology, cybernetics, cosmonautics, ecology and other sciences.

At present, the approaches of various researchers indicate a movement from the definition of "adaptation" as a process of adaptation to the environment, to a more generalized understanding of it.

Despite the wide prevalence in various sciences and the frequent use of the concept of adaptation, identifying the commonality of its content is not an easy task, Adaptation in general, without a clarifying concept, is a chest-perceived abstraction, however, this definition is very important, since its possibility testifies to the unity of all designated them of objective realities and the presence of criteria of community. The main problem is not in revealing the content, but in its adequacy to a large number of applications. The extremely small number of definitions presented in the scientific and reference literature testifies to the difficulty of defining the generic term "adaptation".

1 Having made a comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of the term “adaptation”, we can conclude that, firstly, the general understanding of this category by researchers of various scientific disciplines is reduced to the process of interaction of two variables - the needs of a living organism and the characteristics of its habitat; secondly, the specificity of interpretations is determined by the logic of research attitudes.

We examined and correlated the content characteristics of the adaptation process and its varieties in various scientific approaches,

Thus, the biological approach (V.V. Vasnetsov; R.S. Karpinskaya; II, Medavar; A.I.Severtsev; J., Simison: L.D.Slopim; L.M. Ugolev; R. Holm; P. Erlich ) was the first to lay the conceptual basis for understanding the term "adaptation". However, many prominent biologists and evolutionists emphasized the plurality of semantic aspects of this concept, which can: denote the relationship (interconnection) of the organism and the environment; characterize the usefulness of individual body structures in specific environmental conditions; indicate the process of creating such useful structures.

In a biological context, adaptation was considered as: 1) "a set of physiological characteristics that determine the balance of the organism with constant or changing environmental conditions" (LD Slonim); 2) the process of keeping “essential variables in physiological limits” (W. Ashby); 3) “the correspondence of the structure or function to the conditions of their normal work, which has arisen in the process of evolution” (A.M. Ugolen).

It should be noted that the concept of equilibrium is universal for various sciences: biology. psychology, sociology. The homeostatic approach was historically formed earlier than the others, became the most widespread and is still relevant. According to the biological approach, the homeostasis of the organism (before it blows, harmonious, balanced work of its constituent organs and systems) is an indispensable condition for its viability,

In recent decades, a new concept has begun to be used in biologic - "adaptivehepes" (the historical process of the emergence of various scales of useful features and qualitative transformation of the biological organization from the whole, expressed in evolutionary development individual and species norm of reaction), reflecting the understanding of adaptation as a kind, and not as a homeostat,

In the philosophical and cultural-logical approach (W. Buckley; J. De-Vos; A.B. Georgievsky; IL "Gerdsr; E. S. Markaria; R. Rapoport; M.V. Romm, M. Harris; G, I. Tsarsgorodtsv) adaptation is defined, as a whole, as the achievement of a certain balance due to the mutual adaptation of the sociocultural 11 rostrum of the psyche and the individual. -adapting systems "(E, S. Markaryan).

The team of authors led by G.I. Tsar gorodtseva will give the following definition of adaptation: "In general, the concept of adaptation reflects the basic laws that ensure the existence and development of various systems with a certain interaction of internal and external conditions of their existence" (222, p. 34).

Socio-psychological characteristics of the adaptive resource of the age category of young people in a transforming society

In our dissertation research, the object of study was the features of social and psychological adaptation of representatives of such a social stratum as "youth." As the well-known Russian sociologist I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada: “The point is. that youth is not only and so much an age concept as it is social and historical. People of different ages were referred to this category at different times and in different strata of society. "

Nevertheless, we consider it methodologically necessary to analyze the existing ideas of leading researchers on this issue in order to more clearly understand the specificity of the adaptive resource in the process of social-psycho-hygienic adaptation of youth in the modern sociocultural space, in the modern transforming socio-economic conditions of our society.

Let us dwell briefly on the concept of “age”. This concept has been adopted with a special concept of it as a special category that has not a reflective, but a regulatory status within the framework of a certain social practice, for example, in the field of education.

The basis for understanding age can serve as a basis for understanding the ratio of genetically given. socially educated and independently achieved (I.S. Kop), which is fundamentally different for different individuals attributed to the same age cohort.

Researchers assume that age categories have not one, but three frames of reference: "individual development" (ie what an individual can and cannot do at a certain age - this corresponds to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe psycho's level of biological maturation and the corresponding restrictions) ; “Age stratification of society” (what should and what should be done within a given age - this corresponds to the non-growing division of generations and the corresponding sociocultural norms); “Age symbolism of culture” (what corresponds and what does not correspond to a given age is understood as a set of social expectations in the sphere of behavioral acts, appearance, forms of relations).

If such an oopajOM approach to the understanding of age (not so much of himself, there are several sources of it), then in such a context it cannot be considered as a great moment of development, And, then, it can be argued that age is “not a given, but a problem”)