Methodical development of educational activities "visiting the carnival" methodical development on the topic. And also other works that may interest you

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Date held "02" breast 2012 p.

Miscellaneous cab. 32


Croc at bezodnyu


  • knowledge of the understanding of "traffic";
  • advancing the level of information about the problems of human trafficking;
  • the formation of moral attitudes, behavior culture;
  • vikhovannya negative shrine to wad people;
  • sponcati to moral self-elaboration.


  • to identify the level of information about the problems of human trafficking;
  • formulate a statement about the essence of human trafficking;
  • for reasons of human trafficking;
  • to understand the knowledge of the educational forms of human trafficking;
  • to get rid of the unfailing stereotypes of human trafficking.

Method i priyomi:

demonstration of presentation, іgroviy method, active debate, discussion / explanation, method of "prototyping" or "mirroring", brainstorming, method of "ruining myths", method of video effect, method of "frightening", video gallery.


board, laptop, sound speakers, video projector.



Presentation vicladac, scholarly presentations, video fragments "Spovid a slave", "Jahliv sensations", "Trafficking in people in Ukraine", knowledge cards, "Dumok tree", cards "Zgoden" and "Nezhoden"


Life is a deception with a charming tight .

Sergiy Asenin

The structure of the post-hour call

І. Organizatsiyna chastina


II. The moment of actualization of respect for the project

2.1. Introduce the word of the leader

2.2. Stunned by those wicked approach

2.3. Setting the key power supply "Trade in people - is it business?"

ІІІ. Culturological poshuk

Uchnivska Dopovid "Historical Way of Slavery".

IV ... Fortunately slavery

4.4. Etapi trade in people.

4.5. Brain storm "Who can become a victim of human trafficking?"

4.8. Yaksho Vi virovili pratsyuvati outside the cordon ...

V ... Pidsumkiv in the Victory Year

5.1. Revision of the video fragment "Spovid the Slave"

5.2. Debriefing

5.3. Ty maєsh human rights

5.4. Pidsumok "Trade in people in Ukraine" ( scientific project)


І. Organizational part.

Privitannya vicladac. Reconstruction of the manifestation of scientists for the next year.

II. Motivation of educational activity.

Information about the occasion vicladac “The current situation of human trafficking”.

It’s good to be awesome, well, today, in the 21st century, we talk about human trafficking not in a historical context, but in real time. It is a great pity, і at once, millions of people are out of slavery. It is obvious that "new rabbis" do not wear kaidans, they don’t smelt on the markets, as it was in the old days, they have no legal rights, and slavery is barred in all countries. Tim is not the man, people are being re-created for a "product", which can be sold and sold, vicaristovuvati yak for good, but then wikidati yak unused. To that human trafficking is involved in a bitter form of slavery, and to look at the international level of evil, which is punishable by law.

Svitov spilnosti reluctantly fight against the cymbal appearances, albeit not tantalizing the respect of international organizations to the designated problem, trafficking in people by the rest of the rocks nabula supervised expansion.

The official statistics do not give a clear statement about the scale of the phenomenon, but the exact number of victims, the number of victims, the amount of trafficking in people, which can be done easily because of the fact that the evil forms and methods; Moreover, most of the sufferers do not commit themselves to persecution through fear of punishment, condemnation, or simply do not conceal the possibility of death. To that, before the official buildings have taken one of hundreds of such vipadks.

So, for example, for the tribute to the US State Department, a little bit of slavery will eat 600-800 yew. OSIB. According to the assessments of the Center, people are safe, the indicator is significantly higher and is expensive 4 million. According to the reports of the International Organization of Pratsi, close to 12.3 million people are engaged in primus practice, incl. 2.4 million - as a result of human trafficking.

They trade in women, in choloviks, in children, and in the redevelopment of large quantities of goods in the quality of "goods" in the form of women. In approximately one drop, there are five victims of labor workers. For UNICEF donations, victims of human trafficking will grow up to 1.2 million children. Oh, take in the іnshі land, for the region with the name of obedience, vying of mercy, vikorstannya at important illegal pratsi, for robots in the sphere of sex services, porno-business is too thin. The spectrum of robots is getting bigger. People are exploited by the home government and business, the merchants move until the recruiting from the Silskoy labor, the internal trade is expanded and the way of life changes.

Trade in people is developing at a superbly rapid pace. Arrivals from all of them take place in astronomical changes and bring miliardi dolariv to the criminal groups. The third behind the scale of criminal business in the trade of illegal drugs and drugs.

Trafficking in people is not a matter of holding cordons, nor is it to spoil the difference between large and small powers. For UN donations, people are sold from slavery in 127 lands of the world. Eleven powers have a "very high" level of activity for the victims of people, among them - Russia, Ukraine, Bilorus, Moldova and Lithuania.

Shoroku in Ukraine, Bylorus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Rumunia to the snare of workers of the trade is close to 225 thousand. of people. At the same time, Ukraine is the leader of Skhidnoy Europe for a number of victims.

Ukraine starts immediately and is recognized as a land (mainly from the land of the National Social Security and Asia), and as a land of transit and transit (to Western Europe, Japan, USA, Australia, Israel and Asia).

ІІІ. Culturological poshuk

Scientific research "Historical path of slavery" (based on the results of scientific research).

І V ... Schasha is not slavery.

4.1. Mozkovy assault "Traffic - tse ...."

Scientists will be encouraged to continue the speech: "Traffic -ce ...". Write down your judgment on the stickers and stick them on the "Tree of Dumoks". Bazhayuchі hang on your thought.

Vikladach to bring a bag.

Traffic - human trafficking - it is against the law to trade in human beings for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation or primus practice: there is a very simple form of slavery.

4.2. Gra "Card of knowledge"

Vikladach is one of the members of the small group (5-6 individuals). The skin group otrimu arkush paper with the title "Reasons to trade in people." After 5-7 hours, the participants will present the napratsyuvannya groups.

Vikladach uzagalnyuє vistupi participants:

Ø information:

  • filthy rationality of the Ukrainian hulks as well as the possibilities of pravlashtuvannya behind the cordon and their inheritance;
  • publikatsii bugatoob_tsyayuchoy advertisements in the press and "agitation";
  • low awareness of one hundred percent of one's rights;

Ø right:

  • the visibility of the proper system and to the victim;
  • lack of punishment for malignancies;

Ø reasons linked to the "human factor":

  • folding staples in the family (there is a lack of father’s support for children, alcohol, drugs; financial help from one member of the motherland);
  • weak professional wigs;
  • hang or understate self-rating;
  • bazhannya zrobiti messy kar'er;
  • shvidko without zuivyh zusil earn great pennies;
  • zhaga to "beautiful life";
  • overwhelming mental strength to risky behavior;
  • loves the power ...

Power supply for discussion:

Did they know new things, did they get the right?

Yak vvazhate, what information is needed for the skin? What?

4.3. Information about "Forms of human trafficking".

The presentation of the presentation, the presentation is the result of the viperdzhalny zavdannya, trimmed 2 days before the call.

Visnovok. Trafficking in people can be found in other forms, among them:

Ø slavery abo zvicha, podibnі to slavery;

Ø pidnevilny mill;

Ø zauluchennya Borg bondage;

Ø trafficking in people for sexual exploitation;

Ø trafficking in people from porn business;

Ø trade in people for labor exploitation (primusova pratsya);

Ø trade in people with a vicarious at the marriage;

Ø trade in people with the help of organs;

Ø trafficking in people with victorious victories in violent conflicts;

Ø trade in people with the aim of being drawn into evil activity;

Ø holding of slings over people without її zgoda;

Ø primusova vagіtnіst;

Ø usinovlennya / adopting for profit.

4.4. Etapi trade in people.

Vikladach. How can you name the stages of human trafficking, involved in the meaning of "human trafficking"?

Scientists to listen to their thoughts.

Vikladach uzagalnyu information.

Etapi human trafficking

Kozhen from tsikh stages supervise next to each other, which put the victim all in a greater depletion in the course of human trafficking and to accept the process.

The first step Trafficking in people є recruiting, guilty of unreasonable tying with the advancing one, and a friendly mind for їkh implementation.

In a broad sense, recruiting is the process of shilling people until the end of the day in the capacity of the viconauts of singing vistas, for example, to provide services.

Tsei stepm can be connected with the way of the general private deception of the victim, as well as the rapist's way.

For the first person, people, for example, find the praise of praise in the singing spheres, and then they start to engage in their own virtue, the other has a special person who wants to know, which one will be engaged in, but the third is to deceive the praise of including vikradennya), if a person cannot manifest his will.

Verbauvannya can be connected with new paths:

  • through publicity about prasevlashtuvannya or navchannya behind the cordon in the Internet;
  • through tourist, shlyubny, model agencies, firms of pravlashtuvannya behind the cordon;
  • through leaflet ("named by item");
  • through special sites;
  • through physical persons-verbuvalnikov (matchmakers, the number of victims of trafficking in people, "vipadkovyh" knowledges);
  • through close otochennya (friends, znayomikh, susidiv).

Verbubalniks give bribes and hopes, imagine to present the robot behind the cordon as one way of earning the necessary pennies. His work is most often motivating "forgive people for help". Smell also can proponuvati finances for additional help on registration of other documents, viz too. In such a rank, the sacrifice may even fall as economically fallen asleep.

Having killed their robot, the verboseurs pass the victim up to the hands of the verbose.

Change of people - the price of change and transfer by way of transportation and transfer of the country through the state cordon of the country, as well as in the borders of the territory of the country.

Vono can be seen as secret, primus as voluntary, legal as illegal. Frequently, the victims are relocated (to relocate in special attitudes, not to let go for the territory, to change the call).

Offensive stage trade in people - the transfer of people, yak about the trade, up to the hands of the buyer or his representatives. Such a rank, the act of buying and selling, as a result of which the victim goes over to the power of the people.

Kintsevym step trade in people є exploitation of people.

To make people feel sorry for people, trade victorious methods: to use documents, to put bondage at the Borg (the victim is guilty of making “vitrazheni” for a penny, to make money for life, to pay great money), to pay freedom oversubstantiation and spіlkuvannya meager.

Power supply for discussion:

Yak vi guess, how did they talk about the stage of human trafficking?

How can I give information by the way?

4.5. Brain storm "Who can become a victim of human trafficking?"

The victim of human trafficking can be a good, independent status, status, social status. One can rely on slavery. So, for example, the statistics for the youngest hidden bulo are 3 rocky, and the oldest - 73 rocky. There can be more than a woman or a man who is poorly cared for in people, so she is quite happy.

4.6. Trafficking in people.

Scientists will learn about feedback on nutrition. Vidpovidi on stickers are glued to the “Tree of dummies.

Revision of the video fragment "Jahlivi sensations".

4.7. Trafficking in people: myths and stereotypes.

Vikladach... Trafficking in people is quite common and stereotyped. Stereotypes are even more pronounced in suspensions. It stinks as a result of the schliness of people to the point of being misled, and they look like clever "shortcuts" to stick on people that are. Through those who stereotypes give hibne manifestation, as they do not call forth action, they are often called myths.

Kozhen ucheny otrimu on two cards: "Good", "Not good" .. On the screen, there is one myth of 100% trade in people, and the participants, as soon as they were put, may take a card and explain their position.

Deyak's expanded myths for human trafficking:

1. This will not happen to me.

So call in to vvazhayut prosperous people, as I want to see the light, to wear the robot, prosperity. It’s a matter of fact to reconnect, which is the risk of consuming the situation of human trafficking, but not insurance. Prior to that, the current work-related activities became significant wines, and they began to show more vitality in recruiting methods.

So beckon to see the podlitki, before which come with the lectures of the fakhivtsi community organizations on the basis of human trafficking. Most of them do not realize that the very young people from 18 to 25 years of age become a group of students, and even the stinks themselves are students of colleges and universities who are not able to face the problem of being able to educate themselves, to be young.

2. Trafficking in people - the aim of trade is only deprived of young women who are viciously involved in the sexual sphere.

I think that the victims of trafficking in people, as a rule, there are girls and young women. A little too much to tell about those who, in the situation of human trafficking, can eat people, children and people who have been kidnapped. Vikoristovuvati їkh can be found in other spheres: in virobnistvі, in the Silskoy state priesthood and t. In.

To increase the number of people to about 24%, from the number of people who are slaved into slavery is to achieve a great exponent, even the people who are less smart can help, not women: they stink of being strong and cleanse themselves, but this point is not the beginning Oh, I have a heart.

3. Only a little educated, new people can become victims of human trafficking.

Most of the sufferers, who turned out to be on help, graduated from technical sciences, colleges, institutes. Tozh talk about the low level of education is not possible. In addition, there are a few people who recognize the proposition of pravovatuvannya from quiet to whom they trust.

4. Friends and relatives cannot be trapped in human trafficking.

Friends, relatives, know - tse ti to whom to entrust the most. In the remaining hour, a new recruiting strategy has been formed, if a person, who has spent a day on the exploiter, is willing to think of it, to bring two or three of them “patriarchs”. Zalyakany victims turn to home and conduct a kind of advertising campaign among their friends and distant relatives. According to statistics, 17% of the victims were sold into slavery by their own friends, partners and colleagues.

5. It is unwise to bring the guilt and punish the traders in people.

Trafficking in people is a criminal evil, which in Ukraine, as in the Bagatyokh countries of the world, is punished with "language from 5 to 15 years from the confiscation of the land. And among the powers that be

In 2008, 322 criminal rights were destroyed and 83 viroki were made due to article 149 "Trafficking in people is illegal to please the transfer of people" to the Crimean Code of Ukraine.

Power supply for discussion:

§ What did the thought change at someone's mind, when the vikonannya to the right?

§ Why are you more aware of such myths and stereotypes?

4.8. Yaksho Vi virovili pratsyuvati outside the cordon ...

In the chatter of the robots behind the cordon, there can be additional help from young business centers, numerical information digests (ZMG, advertising), from the first to mortgage, and very well, please those who know. Yaksho already knew the robot, todi ...

v A handful of things need to be found from the perspective of the future, about how you are. Your decision is obviously robotic beyond the cordon, you need to go back to the advancing positions. In the first place, the stars of V gave information about such a robot: chi є tse dzherelo over; wipe you out and wipe out the robots.

v Get over, scho the company, I’ll propose to the robot, a small license for the protection of the Ukrainian hulks behind the cordon, rejected from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.

v Go to the center of occupation, because the company has a positive message of praise of the Ukrainian community behind the cordon.

v Please use the registration of a special robot visa - a tourist visitor does not give the right to a robot.

v Signing a contract є about "linguistic mentality of the primary education. The contract is signed by 2 principals (for skin and from sides).

v The contract is guilty of writing zrozumiloy for you my (Ukrainian abo rossiykoyu).

v The contract is guilty of avenging most of the information about the mind of the robots:

§ term for the contract;

§ the triviality of a working day;

§Vikhidnі days;

§Payment of pratsi;

§ wash your living;

§ medical insurance;

§ outside, I am the address of the robot manager;

§ talk about the development of the contract.

Unique phrases like: "that іnshі vidi robіt", "all robots to the vimogu of the robot teacher".

v From "їzhzhayuchi, obov", please, ask your homeland, friends and relatives of your friend - the exact coordinates of your maybutny mission (to the exact address and requisites of organizing, you can contact the manager, you can contact the manager through the contact organizing, known, which has pleased the robot). Obov "phone the dodoma in a language.

v When you come to the country, de Vie you will be successful, register at the Ukrainian embassy - information about your transfer to help the diplomatic representatives of Ukraine clean up your interests if you need them.

Power supply for discussion:

Yak vi guess, with what mark did they vikonuvali dana right?

Did Chi make wine for you information?

V. Pidsumkiv in the Victory Year

5.1. Review of the video fragment "Spovid the Slave", with the discussions.

5.2. Debriefing.

It is necessary to finish the list:

§ Today I know a lot of new and important things, but I ...

§ For myself, I have broken the visnovok, well ...

5.3. Ti maєsh human rights.

5.4. Pidsumkovy video clip "Trafficking in People in Ukraine".

Methodist of VPU No. 7, vikladach Yuliya Khaichina



Municipal state educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education of children»

Methodical development for educational work:


(for primary and secondary school age)

Prepared by E.V. Sidelnikova

Teacher of MKOU DOD "CDOD"

G. Grateful


TARGET: to revive the interest of children in ritual Russian holidays.

TASKS : - contribute to the awakening of national feelings;

Develop imagination, creativity of children;

Form a positive attitude towards the traditions of your people;

Encourage people to participate in the holidays, to study the customs and traditions of their ancestors.

THE FORM: a journey through Shrovetide week.


A) make tablets with the names of the days of the week;

B) prepare poems, choruses, as well as proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide (appendix) on separate sheets of paper;

D) write on separate cards the letters of the word "Parsley";

E) to use Russian folk songs for musical arrangement, as well as - PI Tchaikovsky "Maslenitsa" (from the album "Seasons");

E) in children's clothes, if possible, use elements of the Russian national costume: scarves, sundresses, long skirts, boots, etc .;

G) treats for the table: pancakes, tea, jam, sweets, etc., as well as a good mood.

Event plan:

1. Introductory remarks.

2. Travel "Visiting Maslenitsa":

Monday. "A meeting".

Tuesday. "Flirting".

Wednesday. "Gourmet".

Thursday. "Revelry".

Friday. "Mother-in-law's evening".

Saturday. "Sister-in-law gatherings".

Sunday. "Forgiveness Sunday"


1. Introduction.

Leading : Today we have gathered together to support the tradition of the Maslenitsa folk celebration. From distant pagan times, the Russian Maslenitsa came to us. Among the ancient Slavs, this holiday was dedicated to seeing off winter. The people loved this holiday, called Shrovetide "honest", "madam", "cheerful".

When Russia adopted Christianity, the people did not abandon their favorite holiday and preserved it to this day. But the meaning of the holiday has changed. Now Shrovetide is not only the farewell to winter, but also preparation for Great Lent.

Lent before Easter is a time of very strict abstinence in food, entertainment and entertainment. The week before Lent is called "meat-eating" or "cheese". Maslenitsa is celebrated this week. Meat was not allowed during this week, but dairy products were allowed. But the main dish this week was pancakes. On Shrovetide, it was necessary not only to eat pancakes, but also to visit, to have fun, because there was a long fast ahead of 7 weeks - a time of strict behavior.

Every day of Maslenitsa had its own name. Look, all the days of Pancake Week are written on our tablets. And now we are going on a festive journey, to visit Maslenitsa.

2. Travel "Visiting Maslenitsa".

Monday. "A meeting".

Ved .: The Monday of Shrovetide week was called Meeting. On this day, the children tried with all their hearts to play enough with the last snowball. They made snowmen, built snow fortresses and played snowballs. So they said goodbye to winter, prepared to meet spring.

On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw and carried with a song on a sleigh around the village. Then Shrovetide was set on a snowy mountain, and sleigh rides began.

We also made Shrovetide. Here it is, how beautiful we have turned out! Let's greet her, magnify her!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

Scarlet ribbon, two-ruble.

Black eyebrows, pointed,

Blue fur coat, red lips

Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,

The blouse is white, unlined.

Guys, you, too, welcome our Maslenitsa. (Children recite poetry and chorus.)

That ended Monday, the first day of Maslenitsa. And our journey continues. The second day of Maslenitsa is coming - Tuesday.

Tuesday. "Flirting".

Veda .: The second day of Shrovetide is called "Flirting". On this day, everyone played and amused themselves from the heart. Mummers rode the streets in sleighs, with men dressing up in women's clothes, and women in men's. Beasts, scarecrows, blacks and pirates - whoever you can meet at the Maslenitsa masquerade! We rode on swings, merry-go-rounds, sledged down the mountains. And if there were no sledges, matting was used. Buffoons performed in the squares, comic puppet shows were held in booths. One of these puppet characters was the most beloved among the people. He ridiculed greed, anger, laziness, and amused the people with his jokes.

I suggest that you compose a word from individual letters - the name of this character. (Children receive cards with letters and from them make up the word "Petrushka").

During Shrovetide festivities, the guys chose their brides. Laughter, music, bells ringing, games, songs and round dances - the fun continued on the streets until late at night! I suggest you play, frolic, amuse the people!(Games are held: "Hit the target with a snowball (cone)", "Running in bags".)

Noise, merry Tuesday-flirting rang out. It's time to eat pancakes. We will do this on the third day of Maslenitsa.

Wednesday. "Gourmet".

Ved. : Now Wednesday has come. She was named "Lakomka" at Pancake Week. In every house, tables were laden with delicious food. The streets were crowded with tents and stalls selling gingerbread, pancakes, and nuts. Samovars were boiling everywhere, you could warm yourself with hot tea. Real gluttony reigned everywhere. Everyone ate as if they were trying to fill up for the whole year! They did not spare money for food. It was believed that if you celebrate Shrovetide well, you will not live in need.

There are also pancakes on the table. Come, buy, drink tea ”! We don't take money for pancakes. But we don’t give it away either. To get a pancake, you have to pay with a word. What is a word of any part of speech that refers to pancakes? (Children are walked around with a tray, treating them with pancakes. Children pronounce words related to pancakes: flour, butter, sugar, salt, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, cream, jam, eggs, honey, filling, frying pan, oven, plate, ruddy, hot, warm, soft, tasty, sweet , crispy, fluffy, stir, bake, etc. Everyone is treated to pancakes. Tea drinking.)

On Wednesday, Shrovetide, the sons-in-law came to visit their mother-in-law. Then the saying was born: "Go to the mother-in-law for pancakes." On this day, do not forget to visit your grandmother, mother's mother with your dad. After all, she is your dad's mother-in-law.

We ate pancakes on Wednesday and gained strength. They will be useful to us on the fourth day of Maslenitsa.

Thursday. "Revelry".

Ved. : A wide Pancake week began on Thursday. This day on the holiday week is called "Revelry" and "Turning Point". In the old days it was the day of the most noisy and desperate fun.

These days you could eat - until hiccups,

Shout - to hoarseness,

Sing - until the hassle,

Dance until you drop.

For those who wanted to show their brave strength, hot fist fights were arranged. But these were fights according to the rules:

  1. Do not put something heavy in your fist.
  2. Do not hit below the belt.
  3. Do not pound on the back of the head.
  4. Do not attack one together.
  5. And don't beat anyone to death.

Whoever defeated everyone with a fist was the most important strongman all year.

Wide Maslenitsa is the height of games and entertainment. What kind of fun did the people come up with. I suggest you support this tradition too.(Games are held: "Tug of War", "Walk along the string" (blindfolded), "Banners" (players stand in twos, backs to each other, clasp their hands and, bending in turn, lift each other on their backs).

Our journey continues. So Friday is rolling quietly!

Friday. "Mother-in-law's evening".

Ved. : If on Wednesday the sons-in-law were visiting their mother-in-law, then on Friday the mother-in-law came to the sons-in-law for pancakes. Remind your dad that on Friday he should invite your grandmother, mom's, to visit for pancakes. And Friday at Maslenitsa week was called "Mother-in-law's evening".

The invited mother-in-law had to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes: a frying pan, a ladle, a plate, a fork, a towel. And the father-in-law (the wife's father) sent a bag of buckwheat and cow's butter. And if the son-in-law did not invite the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, it was considered a great insult.

Each housewife had her own recipe for making pancakes. This recipe was passed down from generation to generation. They baked pancakes from wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn flour. There were pancakes with potatoes, cabbage, honey and butter, mushrooms, porridge, pumpkin, apples, jam, fish and caviar, raisins and dried apricots. In the heat of the heat straight to the hot samovar!

Help yourself, dear guests! We spared no effort to bake pancakes for you. Take a pancake, and in addition a fant - a proverb or saying about Maslenitsa. (Children take pancakes and leaflets with written proverbs and sayings, treat themselves to pancakes and take turns reading the text).

And also listen to how the pancakes were called every day of the Pancake Week: 1 day - pancakes;

Day 2 - pancakes;

Day 3 - pancakes;

Day 4 - pancakes;

Day 5 - pancakes;

Day 6 - pancakes;

Day 7 - royal pancakes.

Well, here we ate pancakes on Friday, and on Saturday - prepare the plates again: the "Sister-in-law's gatherings" come.

Saturday. "Sister-in-law gatherings".

Ved. : The sixth day of Maslenitsa - Saturday - is called "Sister-wife's gatherings." The sister-in-law is the husband's sister. Young daughters-in-law received their husband's relatives. And again we were treated to pancakes.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes were baked in Russia all year round, but all the same they became the main treat and symbol of the Maslenitsa holiday. After all, a round ruddy pancake is so similar to the hot sun, which has been awaited throughout the long winter! It was necessary to help the sun to wake up and climb into the sky, therefore they appeased him with pancakes, which in shape resembled a solar circle. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests and healthy children.

We will sing a song about pancakes for the sun, for spring! Don't yawn, sing along louder chorus - "Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes!"

Pancakes (Russian folk song)

Like Shrove Week

We wanted pancakes!

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Our older sister

The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman,

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

She puts on the tray

And she carries it to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

So our journey comes to an end. The last day of Maslenitsa is “Forgiveness Sunday”.

Sunday. "Forgiveness Sunday"

Ved. : This day was called "Seeing Off", "Tselovnik", "Farewell Day". On this day, they arranged the farewell to Maslenitsa. In the morning, the fun began again: they built snow towns, sleigh rides, sang songs to the accordion. They held various competitions: fist fights, cock fights, tug-of-war, climbed a high post to get a prize.

So we will have a competition,

Let's check your physical condition!

Well, who is brave and clever?

Come out - show your skill!

Competition - "Cockfight",

Anyone can participate in it!

Push each other with your right shoulder,

Who will push whom out of the circle!

(On the court, a circle is drawn in which 2 participants stand, with your left hand you need to hold your left leg, and with your right shoulder, without using your hands, push the opponent out of the circle).

So it's time to see off Shrovetide. Madame Maslenitsa was put on a sleigh, a beautiful girl was seated next to it, and three young guys were harnessed to the sleigh, who were taking Maslenitsa outside the outskirts. There they made a big fire and solemnly burned Shrovetide.

Goodbye, goodbye

Our carnival

Goodbye, goodbye

Our Shrovetide is wide.

Butter pancakes,

Smeared with honey.

We rode down the mountain

From dawn to dawn.

And today, Sunday,

Our fun is over.

Bye Bye,

Our carnival!

Goodbye, Maslenitsa, goodbye, dear!

Goodbye, Dunyushka, mockingbird!

And when Shrovetide was burning, they watched the smoke: if it rises in a column, then the harvest will be good, and if it spreads on the ground, then the year will be bad. And they said these words:

“Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn't go out! Sparks fly, bells are ringing! "

But the bell rang, and the carnival fun ended. All went to the evening service. After her, everyone forgave each other offenses, asked for forgiveness from their neighbors.

The last day of Maslenitsa is also called "Forgiveness Sunday". On this day, it is customary to ask everyone for forgiveness. On this day, when meeting, people kiss and say to each other: "Forgive me, please." In response, you need to say: "God will forgive you."

And you guys, this Sunday try to ask everyone for forgiveness: from your neighbors, friends. Then the heart will become easier and more cheerful.

So our journey is over. We will welcome spring, wait for summer. And together with the next winter, a cheerful, wide Maslenitsa will come to visit us again.

3. Summing up (reflection).

Ved .: Did you guys like visiting Maslenitsa? How did you feel traveling on holidays? Did you like the supportholiday traditions of their distant ancestors?


Poems and choruses.

Hello, Maslenitsa annual!

Our dear guest!

Come on black horses

On the sleds painted!

Pancake week, Pancake week, pancake bearer,

Come early, we will meet you well,

Cheese, butter and pancake, and a ruddy pie!

Shrovetide - pancake, fed until dinner,

And she herself - for the fence, for the whole day, for the whole day.

Oh, Maslenitsa is a white-collar, we will meet you well!

Cheese, butter and lard, and a baked egg!

Half a roll, and water from the spring.

And we met Maslenitsa,

Met, soul, met,

And we visited the little mountain,

Have been, soul, have been,

We lined the mountains with pancakes,

Lined, soul, lined,

We filled a hill with cheese,

Stuffed, soul, stuffed,

We watered the mountain with oil,

Watered, shower, watered.

Hello, our dear guest, Maslenitsa,

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

Scarlet two-ruble ribbon,

White shawl, new-fashioned,

Black eyebrows, pointed,

Blue fur coat, red lips,

Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,

White blouse, white!

Wide Shrovetide,

We boast of you

We ride on the mountains

We overeat pancakes!

We meet Shrovetide

We see off the winter

We are calling for spring!

Oh, what juicy pancakes we have,

And gritty and dairy,

Pancakes, pancakes with pickles,

And the guys are all funny!

Goodbye, goodbye, our Shrovetide,

Goodbye, goodbye, our Shrovetide is wide.

Butter pancakes, smeared with honey!

We rode down the mountain from dawn to dawn.

And today, Sunday, our fun is over.

Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa!

Proverbs and sayings.

1. No pancake - not Maslenitsa.

2. Not everything for the cat is Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.

3. Shrovetide - to eat, money pribirukha.

4. Damn not a wedge - the belly will not open.

5. At least with something to lay, and hold Shrovetide.

6. Not living, but Maslenitsa.

7. Maslenitsa walks for 7 days.

8. You are welcome to our Shrovetide with your good, with an honest belly.

9. Maslenitsa was at the yard, but did not go into the hut.

10. Maslen is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.

11. Go to the mother-in-law for pancakes.

12. The first pancake is lumpy, the second is for friends, the third is for distant relatives, and the fourth is for me!

13. Do not knock a wedge under the oatmeal pancake, it will fry and fall off itself.

14. Like a dog a pancake - just one sip.

15. To whom the rank, to whom the pancake, and to whom and the wedge.

16. Where there are pancakes, there we are.

17. Pancake week is coming - damn it and honey.

18. Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

19. Feast and walk, baba, on Shrovetide, but remember about fasting without butter.

20. Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

21. Wide Shrovetide boasts pancakes.


Pedagogy and didactics

Introduce the word of the reader. A mustache of his life, from the very dynasty, the ludin knows, which is so good, but so is it nasty. We are happy with you about kindness. We were ready to go until the last year and gave a letter to the power supply: "What kind of people want something?" All of us wanted to be strong, manly, beautiful, healthy, rich, intelligent, guilty, ala, chomus, without knowing about kindness, about those who want to be in the first place, be kind and merciful


Methodical rozrobok zalikovy vikhovy approach

"Ludina to obey for good"

Klas: 7-B

Hour: 45 hwilin

First meta. Update, publicity and systematization of knowledge about good and evil

Razvivalnaya meta.Development of the field of knowledge to the systematization and systematization of knowledge, integration of information, adaptation from other spheres of scientific knowledge and intuitive-situational awareness.

Vikhovna meta. Formuvati in scholarship morally straightened the life of the community and patriot, the christian garbage.

Possession. Multimedia projector.

Epigraph. Before a clever treasure, shake your head, and before a good article on a knee.

(W. Goethe)

Go vikhovny approach

Introduce the word of the reader.A mustache of his life, from the very dynasty, the ludin knows, which is so good, but so is it nasty. We are happy with you about kindness. Ready until the last year, and gave a letter to the power supply: "What kind of people want to do?" All of us wanted to be strong, masculine, beautiful, healthy, rich, intelligent, wine-long, ale, chomus, without knowing about kindness, about those who want to be in the first place, we are kind and merciful. Why do you spoil your kindness? Aje without kindnessthere is no spiteful kindness of heart, as one person is seen, the soulful beauty is uncomfortable.

In order to be more beautiful, turn to the food: "Good people, good children, tse ..." We decided by the way to grow wisdom: bible, mythological, folk, mystets.Your new class for chotiri groups. Skin group present its own dzherela.

Group I presentations relіgіynі dzherela

1st class. I vvazhayu, so I will paint the vidpovid can be found in the hiring of the book - the Bible. In a handbook for the 5th grade "Fundamentals of Christian ethics" is given the following designation of good: "Good is all that comes from God, good; all that is positively assessed by God, that is important for human life, so that the power of people is morally, rosy, that spiritually living, growth, being happy, reaching harmony and perfection. "

2nd student. "Whoever ask you, give it, but whoever wants to be in you, do not go out." It is said in the Gospel from Matvia, section 5, virsh 42.

3rd student. "Do not stream good to the one who is in the newi will need, if it is in the power of your hand to fix it. " The Book of Confessions of Solomon, part 3, verse 27.

4th class. The parable of Christ about the good neighbor (the merciful Samaritan), which is found in the Gospel from Luke 10, 25-37., Speaks of a stranger, who reminds the wounded cholovikov. The foreigner was a Samaritan.The Samaritans bully at the vorozhnechs with the Jews, and do not marvel at the price, deprive one of the Samaritans to help the unfortunate Jew, who is there from the Rusalim to the Urikhon and fell to the rogues. (demonstration of a little on a slide)

II group present г mythological dzherela

1st class. We want you to read “Myth aboutEpimeteus and Prometheus "by Leo Tolstoy.

2nd student. An hour later, if the gods were fainting, and people were angry. Oh godsstill stuck in pidzamell. I before Tim, like mali, there will be a zviri, Epimetey, the brother of Prometheus, After the rise of good health among them: one giving strength without strength, one giving strength without strength, the third giving strength without strength, the third building up the building of literature.

3rd student. Ale bouv We are not even more wise and not reassuring, but having distributed all the goodness to the dumb branches, and not embellishing the human kind. And if Prometheus marveled at the fruit of his brother, then after he was beaten, the man was not worn out, and he was not taken, without a house, that without a beast, and even that day had come, if the need was for people to go to God. And from, to help people, virishiv Prometheus steal yogi mystery from the farrier-god Hephaestus, and in the goddess of wisdom Afini - її maisterhood. I donated Prometheuspeople clearer pratsyuvati and mislity, as well as giving them stolen goods from the sky.

4th class. So people got sick of the minds to get theirіsnuvannya, the stench of vinaysli life, clothes, swollen. Ale of life, all the same was rotten, and a lot of them disappeared from the struggle with the animals, more than they did not volody the mystery of life in the suspension. If the stench went up at once, then they got onewelds were repaired і non-reasonableness, fortune і hatred, і once again brought home and ginuti.

5th class. Angry todi Zeus the Thunderer, wow, the beggarly human tribe, and virashiv introduce goodness, litter and truth among the people, and the stench served as a coloration of the settlement and as a way to establish friendly links among people.

ІІІ group presentєmittski dzherela

1st class. Even more richly written and written about human kindness, about friendship, mercy. I have remembered that the topic should go through all the literature. Our group sent you a message and talk over cartoons.

2nd student. The first will propose to you the cartoon "Teremok". Wonderrespectfully, please accept our power supply.

(Revisiting the cartoon"Teremok") ("Merrycarousel number 29 ", another cartoon)

3rd student. Chim to create a multi-film from the classic Kazka "Teremok".

(In the whole fіlmі the first one is sobі "teremok" vedmіd)

4th class. Yak enrolled in?

(Not letting in any more.)

5th class. Yak see what?

(To him, having respected, he only has a right to everything, he knows. You can't do it yourself, but here you need to see them.)

1st class. What kind of wisdom is similar to the weddy of the classic Russian national kazka "Teremok"?

(Offended by the stench of hisistic and thinking only to myself.)

2nd student. Why do you know you will be able to proponate friendship to a mosquito.

(The media got bored i winknowing that a mosquito is not a product of yours. I in the first place, thinking about myself).

3rd student. Ale yak mi bachimo, I know another one of him, who is a vicarist of a weddy.

4th class. The moral of the kazka's tsієї: "Yakshto ti to peoplenot kindly, so be concerned about you. "

І V group presentations of folk dzherela

1st class. Shukayuchi people’s orders and admonitions about good, and good people were sighted by the people with the greatest belongings, the mother was kind hearted. It was easy for us to be victorious tse zavdannya, more ordersin the people about mercy, about goodness one to one, about the spiritual wealth of people.

2nd student. We helped to pick up a hundred orders and advices. If you want to read it from you - to be brutalized to our group. And at a time we read to you only 10 of them.

3rd student. To pay for good

4th class. Beware of evil, do good.

5th class. Life was given to people on good terms.

1st class. Robish is good, then sob, robish is evil, also sob.

2nd student. Do not be afraid of someone who is not cute.

3rd student. Do not whisper about beauty, but whisper about kindness.

4th class. People are put one to one pleasantly - in good times.

5th class. Saying the language of the head: “Good day”, and the head said: “If you will lead, then I will have a good day.

1st class. The first croc to goodness - do not be afraid of evil.

2nd student. Good morning, good.

3rd student. People's wisdom is manifested not only in orders, but in kazkas. Mayzhein kozhn_y kaztsі good is rewritten evil. Tse taki, yak "Kirilo Kozhum'yako", "Kotigoroshko", "Ivasik-Telesik", "Krivenka Kachechka","Poppelyushka", "Mitten"that is rich in nsh.

Teacher add a bag:I am uncomfortable with all of you for the presentations. I wanted to be, how did you understand those words, like we’ve got a bishop: "Before the wise one needs to shake his head, and before we do good things to the knees."Remember, how kind little children are ready to turn to you, so how and evil. Let's be introduced one to one, as if people wanted to be familiar to us.Help is demanded by the Lithuanian people, as they do not even try to force the city, out of the state. Kozhen from you is guilty of taking such a living position, as it would bring corny not only to own, but to people. Alive, let’s say, you’re in good order with a fellow’s life - to help you, without any kind of wine, and your goodness to honor the visitor, such as your soul, and you see that the day is not over yet. It’s a pity that I don’t want to visit my hut, but respect is needed by loved ones

Vikladach-methodologist in pedagogical disciplines ______________ / /

Student-intern Bitsman Yu.V. / /

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wicked approach until the day of birth


Methodical development of an open-handed call before the Day of the Mother of God on the topic:“Oh mova! the soul of the voice of Ukraine "

Pidgotuval and Sluzhenko I.V. - vicladach Donbass State College of Technology and Management - 2018

Methodical development on the basis of robotics awareness of the scenarios of the performance of the auditorium, dedicated to the Day of the Young People's Day and the All-Ukrainian Olympics with the Ukrainian Movies.Revenge the entry, the scenario of the violent entry,literature.

For curators of groups, viclades, students.

Reviewer: I. M. Shcherbakova

college methodologist,

vicladach methodologist


Ukraine will be an independent sovereign power forto all teachers who are up-to-date on nourishment for the preservation and application of national culture, statehood, spirituality.

Changing life, changing the priorities of youth, and, as a result, changing the cycle of life and vikhovannya. Abi is unique in formalism, stereotyped, zrobiti vivchennya movi tsikavim, versatile and enthusiastic, demanding new forms and methods in pedagogical robotics. Conducting the competition of the Ukrainian Movies Im. Petro Yatsyk, on the development of creative health of students, the development of the national self-awareness, patriotism.

In the case of the weekly literature-writers, the task of evangelizing the etiquette of spilkuvannya, pinning love and povagy to the sovereign move, high internal culture.

The cultural line of the social education of the transmission of sounds is not only in the creative form of the art, in the sphere of the human culture, in the development of the associative sound of the language and the formation of the student on the harmony of the basis of the process, imaginative the special features of the development are not deprived of a logical misdirection, but the form of an emotional-sensitive sphere.

In the proponated methodical development of the out-of-the-box approach, assigned to the urochistic display XIV International competition of the Ukrainian language of the name of Petro Yatsykta І V International literary and literary competition named after T.G. Shevchenko vikladachі know the plan of carrying out, scenarios of poetical and musical compositions.

At the plan's call, the vikhovna meta was deciphered, the form of its conduct, material and technical security.

Proposals for materials can be increased by increasing the number of victories from their primary mortgages for 1-2 pounds of accreditation.

Planliterary and musical evening

Date held : 21 .02.18.

Vikladach: Sluzhenko I.V.

Hour spent: 12.50

Miscellaneous: assembly hall

Theme: “Oh mova! The soul of the voice is on Ukraine "


Methodical:advancing the motivation of the students' cognitive performance in the field of educational methods, taking in and taking into account the modern pedagogical technologies in the educational processes.

Vikhovna:vikhovannya povagi and love to his people, to his moral and spiritual health, self-love, pride in his Batkivshchyna; formvatially significant special rice of a citizen of Ukraine: national identity, spirituality, labor activity, moral, ethical, physical, ecological and legal culture.

Razvivalnaya:form a navichok viraznogo reading, actor's gris, mines meysterno viconuvati dances, spivati \u200b\u200bUkrainian folk songs



- national odyag;

  • vishity towels;
  • national approval

Technical features:

  • multimedia projector;
  • audio and video materials.


literary and musical evening

Mova is the sovereign perlin,

Make it dear to her.

Without movi nemaє land -

Movu, yak mother, love.

Veducha.Shanovny guests! Vita наmo you on the holy Ukrainian letters and mov! Virimo, at the whole hall we have taken a lot of Ukrainian, we take the share of the native word, and take us as a sign of hospitality - hlib-sil on the embroidered towel.

(Students bring hlib to the guests, when they are presented, they are prodovzhu)

Syogodnishn is sacred onehiring the youngest sovereign saints, as the bulo was established in 1997 by the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchmoy. The decree states:, Establish the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Moving in Ukraine,which by the way is usually 9 leaves per day vshanuvannya memoryyati of the Monk Nestor Litopist”.

VeduchaMova is one of the many wonders of the world. Wonderful for our valuables, this treasure of important knowledge, which is the sign of our mentality. Our memory is embedded in our Ukrainian character, our memory, history and soulfulness, our achievements and traditions, mind and rich experience of generation, necessary beauty and strength of the human soul.

ChitetsUntil the next word I poke my soul

I'm afraid to blacken the chi to hurt yogo.

Z tsikh sliv our mova, written by her -

Tse music and song to my people.

Without s she didn’t live in the world,

Do not zmig bi to mark the earthly beauty,

Do not feel bi and not bachiv, yak whisper ry,

Dots of dew drip down.

Vona - dzherelo and naychistisha krinitsya,

From what I draw on natchnennya and snag.

Vaughn kryshtalevo tinkle і hide,

I am burning her spiritually.

In the rustle of grasses, in the flowers of potassium
I can smell the qiu mova in reality.
Vaughn in my heart, - the whole Ukraine,
I breathe it, I live it!

PRESENTATIONOur Mova is our heart!

Veducha.Thorny and superstitiously folding buv shlyah of the ukrainian movi. For the rest of the world, the Ukrainian people were drawn to the thought about її, second-hand, "rehearsely prikhovyuchi from the Ukrainian majestic array of Ukrainian letters,іstorії that culture. Ale unvazhayuchi nі in ukrainian the word is alive and nini. Let’s know how the Ukrainian language was developing in the future.

VeduchaViniknennya of writing is an epic step in the history of the skin people. Word makersyanskoy abetki bully gloriously famous educators, transceivers, preachers of Christianity, brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Veducha. It is time to post in the history of development of the Ukrainianletters - tse Nestor Litopist. Win is the father of the Ukrainian history and literature.

(Nestor should enter the stage in the black cassock, unsuccessful litopis)

Nestor.I came to Lavriyunak,

Here you will settle down ...

I didn’t just become a monk,

In the history of Russia I have become a writer.

I wrote twenty rocks,

Will ... " sklav in Litopis rusky

I gave glory to the princes,

They called the land Ruska.

(Nestor leave)

VeduchaAppearing new Ukrainian literary movement symbolized the vision of 1798r. the first three parts, Eneid ”by Ivan Kotlyarevsky. The famous poema became the first drukovany creature, written by a living folk language in spite of the ancient tradition of corystuvatisya in letters of practice with a book Ukrainian language.

(On stage zbe Kotlyarevsky)

Kotlyarevsky.So I z ' appearing at the happy hour,

In Ukrainian wordrosspochav sp_vati

I, Eneida ”giving you,

Zumіvshi in nіy narodnu mov show.

Having overslept Virgilia zrobiv,

Having brought up history and bybut at the turn,

About the sounds of the Ukrainian rozpov,

Usomu svitovi on podiv.

(Go away from the stage)

Veducha.Yaksho Kotlyarevsky to become the founder of the Ukrainian literary movement, then the founder without any need to summonTaras Grigorovich Shevchenko, yaky at 1840r. having seenzbirku virshiv, Kobzar” .

(T. Shevchenko appears on the stage)

Shevchenko.I was born on Ukraine miles

In the homeland of the Silsky kripak,

Ale zvіlnivya, - і, dying krila,

Іm ’ i have lost my way to lita.

Vkrainsky SolovIn a word

I will "Zapovit" with all of you,

I could survive everything with a year,

Zrostala mova to the native people,

The one who attracted us from the dynasty,

Living the wisdom of the day,

І skіlki b mov didn’t let us, -

Won vichnoyu on all vіki.

(leave the stage)

PRESENTATIONOur Mova is our heart!

VeduchaBagato ten years, our mova was dying.

Wanted virvati language,

We wanted polamati legs,

Trampled on a naughty cry,

IN ' sore, thrown over grates.

To make calories from calics

Mothers wanted you!

VeduchaFor the children of science, over the entire history of Ukrainian language, 200 legislative acts have been adopted, as the world overlapped the rights of the Ukrainian language. Let's get the best dates in the history of our movi.


(To sound the melody "Adazhio" T. Albionі)

1720 RUR - Russian tsar Peter I, having barred Drukuvati books with Ukrainian language.

1769 RUR - seen the order of the Russian Church about the use of Ukrainian primers and Ukrainian texts from church books among the population of Ukraine.

1862 RUR - closed the Ukrainian non-poll schools, which were organizing the kind of activities of the Ukrainian culture.

1863 RUR - the decree of the Russian minister of Valuyev about the fence of seeing books in Ukrainian language.

1876 \u200b\u200bRUR - the decree of the Russian tsar Oleksandr II about the fence of the Ukrainian one by means of my original creations and shifting.

1884 RUR - fence of Ukrainian theater whistles.

1908 RUR - a lot of culture and illumination in Ukraine is recognized by the tsarist district of Russia as shkidliv and not safe.

1914 RUR - Russian tsar Mikola II zaboronya Ukrainian press - newspapers and magazines.

1938 RUR - stalin's uryad viday decree about obovyazkove vivchennya russian movi, utiskauchi ukrainian.

1989 r. - I’ve seen that I’ll say that I’ve started Russian language in Ukraine, I’ve got official foreign language, that Ukrainian move was brought into the background.

(Music verse, go to the stage a lad in Ukrainian, in the hands of a svіchka)


My beautiful Ukrainian mov,

Kohane word, our native word,

Yake kolis Shevchenko pokokhav.

Ty knew everything: mockery and anger,

Soulless gruesome false people,

Ty, spun off from waggle and love,

I flew like a bird to the people.

Ty our fire on the dark battlefield,

Innocent shelter, shed in the struggle,

Your contribution is quietly at prayer

І for saving dyakuєm tobi.


Trembitna mov, music, viburnum!

Sound in pink, sound everywhere.

Speak t - speak Ukraine.

About a word, no more moving.

Veducha: "Mova y pisnya - two navazhlivish fore­ tetsi, as the people are guilty of oberіgati pilnіshe and vіdchay­ stuffy nizh his cordon. "

Veducha: Pisnya is the soul of our people. In hvi­ the lines of joy, the chvilini is tight, the Ukrainian song guided our people to dusi, cheered, cheered the soul. Tse of the belongings of the historical memory of our people­ do, itself in nіy nіy wіth nіy wіth nіy wіth nіy wіth wі­ nennya people to a great, happy, beautiful lifecha.

The song "Homeland"

Veducha.Inodі vluchne the word can substitute for itself bаgatoslіvi. Our ancestors "shot" with words, right on the bow, and as if they were in the goal.

  1. Kindly word for a zavdatku.
  2. Word to word - get mad mova.
  3. A good word is more beautiful for a penny.
  4. I kind of licorice slips boom girko.
  5. Gostre word kole heart.
  6. The word didn’t hurt, it hurt.
  7. From a warm word and krieg sresne.
  8. Chablis hurt the head, and the word the soul.
  9. You don’t want to feel bad words, don’t think of them yourself.
  10. The word is not gorobets, viletit is not vpiymaєsh.


Our Mova is poetic and unprecedented, in which the breadth of wealth is unacceptable.

Skilki would not turn to her, but the skin once appeared newer. About the wealth and beauty of the Ukrainianmovies are flooded to see not deprived of її nose, ale and іnozemtsі. The axis of the yak rozmov was seen in the distant 1916 rock in the compartment of the train "Lviv - Viden".

Buto tse a long time, still for the old Austria in the distant 1916 rotsi. At the compartment of the 1st class carriage of the shvidny train "Lviv - Viden" there were chotiri passengers: English, nimets, Italian and Ukrainian, Vidomy Lviv artist Bogdan Kostiv. Balachkiwere conducted near pFrom other problems and topics, they started talking about moving: what kind of language is the most beautiful and which of them are the best ideas.

First speaking English.

  • England is the land of conquerors, mandates and seafarers.

English mova - tsemov of Shakespeare, Byron, Dickens, Newton, Darwin. Crazy, the English move to trace the light of the day.

  • In any case, - proudly promulgated the name. - Nimetska mova is a tsemov of two great empires: the Great Muscovites of Austria, which occupy more than half of Europe. Tsemov of philosophy, technology, army, medicine, mova of Schiller, Hegel, Kant, Wagner, Goethe, Heine. And to that, bezperechno, nimetska mova pretender for a wedding panuvannya.

Іtalієts smirking and quietly promising:

- Panove, vi offense does not make races. Італійська мова - tse mova sonyachnoi Іtalії, mova muzyki and kohannya. With melodic, Italian, my writing, create the era of Renaissance, create Dante, Boccaccio,Petrarch, libretto of the famous operas Verdi, Puchin, Rossin, Donizett. To that, the Italian move is provincial in the world.

The Ukrainian has thought for a while, has made a decision:

  • I also like to say that my native language is the tse of the unconscious laugh-maker of Kotlyarevsky, of the genial Taras Shevchenko. Before the prophetic transmissions of Shevchenko's travels, there was nothing in the light of day. The whole mova is beautifully poets to the light - Lesi Ukrainka, the mova of our philosopher - misler Frank, which is really Volodya 14 movs, including those named here. Our my voice is about 300 thousand folk songs, that is, more, than you will at once recognize. I can name the richly glorious names of my people, I will not go with your way. Well, by the way, they didn't say anything about the wealth and power of their movs. Well, could you have written a message to a small woman in your own words, in which they repaired from the same letter?
  • Ні, Ні, Ні! It’s not a pity, ”they said in one voice, the English, the name and the Italian.
  • Your price is not good, but our price is simple. Name the letter I say, - calling it to nimtsya.
  • Hi bude the letter "P", saying that.
  • Good. The announcement is called "The First Potizilunok".

The popular Peremyshlian poet Pavel Petrovich Podilchak for some reason received the following message: “Come, Pavel Petrovich, having written to Polikarp Paskevich, the most important ruler of Pidgoretsky district, - stay, have fun.”

Pavlo Petrovich hastened up, arriving on the first trip. Pidgorodetskiy Palace Paskevichiv gratefully received the familiar poet. Poti pid’Khali more important and persons - friends of the Paskevichs. Pavel Petrovich was seated in order with a panel - the prize Polina. Polina Polikarpivna sang beautiful Polonaises, preludes. We slept a song, danced a padespan, a polka. The time has come - they asked for a visit.

We put on a few dances: port wine, pliski, wheat, punch punch, beer pilsner. They brought piglet liver, seasoned with peppers pivniks, fragrant dumplings, pechinka paste, fluffy donuts with peppers, pies, fried dances ...

Then Polina asked to take a walk in the Pidgoretsky park, have mercy on nature, listen to the birdies ...

Sprouted ferns from the old park, I will take the cold. Povitrya n’Yanilo owned plowing.

After wandering in the park, a couple ofіla pіd sprout with ivy sycamore. We sat, watered, whispered, hunched over. Having sounded the first kiss.

They cheered at the compartment. All visnaly, she's sweet, she's a lot of things. Ukrainian mova life vichno. That zealous nimets niyak could not reconcile with him, having done it.

  • And if I had named іnshu letter? - viguknuv vin. - for example the letter "C".
  • Garazd, hi bude "S". I can use my own not to lose notification, and navit virsh, in which all words read the letter "C".

Samotniy garden

Siple, lay the garden by yourself

Stretch trouble - middle-sized snig,

Summarily, sleepy strumin 'Heart of hearing sorrowful smіkh

Sered garden fear sіrіє

Licorice garden spokiySleepy snifflesStrumin 'sitschit.

The strings died down, the strings died down,

Срібні spіvi serenades,

It is common for the girls to spread

Sleep self-contained garden.

  • Genial! Unintentionally! - shouted the English and Italian. Then we got into the position. Speak no more.

Vikonu tank


So, Ukrainian language can be conveyed to you,how to describe smith and troubles, one of the most beautiful things, the most beautiful, happy with the most delicious. Everything is at niy є, only the need for easely vivchati, immeasurably love її and write with her.


In truth, it’s okay to listen to it, vitonchen, with relish, with the soul is composed of grooves. Here I am not rich, and with grammar all the garazd. Ale, it’s a pity, don’t wait like that. Dekhto zabuvaє, the cleanliness of movi, її riches - the same is necessary for rіch, as the purity of the dust, the efficiency of clothes. And nedbala put before the vlasny move of Wiklikє is not deprived of anger, ale and ogid.

VeduchaDon't you? We'll try to pick you up. To your respect

scene "At the disco - 1"

  • Welcome, baby. Let's get acquainted.I am Akim of DHT. Do you need a yak? Mona should you ask me to dance? Shchastakiy Mouzon the best bude - fullmortality! So let's shake it off?
  • Vibachte, I don't want to dance. Don't shout at me. I just hear the music.
  • Ty sho gonish, baby ? Yaky hear? Drove, slish?
  • Once again, I ask you for vibachennya, I don’t want to dance. That music is not up to the mark ...
  • Cool Mouzon! And ti scho, mdlyak waiting? Tobi will be enough for you, sho li? Well, ty dayosh!
  • H i, vibachte, ale, I don’t want to dance. Good bye.
  • From, blin , klyova divakha, ale shoto break.What for?


First and foremost, why? Wouldn't you guess? I wish I could be buty inakshe.

Scene "At the disco - 2"

  • Hello! I am Akim z DHT. Let me ask you to dance.
  • Please! Yakraz sound my favorite melody.
  • You know, our relish is not full of fun, it’s so nice.
  • I ask again, from you, mabut, also a miracle im’I am a yak and is your kind smile? Yak to call you?
  • Svitlan sounds to meoyu.
  • Miracle i'm і you already have to lich!
  • Svitlano , but do not form. I ask you to dance before the offensive?
  • Vi Akime , such a hell of a lad, it's hard for youidmoviti.
  • Dyakuyu!


Dear friends, our obedience is to scribble, do not think about Russian language, tracing paper, verbal twists.

ChitetsVioletta Dvoretska. "I can clean it up!"

Mova ... a long time ago dzherelo

Spіlkuvannya і natchnennya.

What is our today's day

Brood at MOV skidded?

Yak will smell "I'm trudging" -

Persha dumka: scho comus

It is important to go, sleep in pragne,

Mabut, the legs are more difficult ...

Come on, "trudge" -

That radio, I have fun.

I will also "make fun" of the moon.

Chim? To whom? I dont know…

"Klyovo". Who's the key?

Some good words є:

"Good", "Garneau" and "Wonderful".

Wikin those slang word!

"Blin". Tse scho - a sweet mint,

Who did the hazyayka bake?

Ні, here we taste the finest.

The word tse is a brutal husky.

And it stuck to people!

Welding chi rosemova id -

"Blin". Yak is a guest spice.

Turn yogo to poison!

Well, and what about "grandmothers"? Straight smіh.

All our grandmothers love.

І for scho vi, kind people,

Do you take on the soul?

Don't be old, please!

Hai penny will be penny,

And words - with the primordial serpent,

The schob sounded clear, clean,

Without explanatory dodatkov.

People! Don't spit movi!

Chitets Having shown me one bigot,

But our mova got out of it,

I was more beautiful than a stranger,

Nemov to khlib - a piece of bacon,

All my poetry plan

You can spin back on the way,

I am the last one from the mohikan,

Our move is not in mod.

Gay preacher! Shave!

Your words are an old cassock.

I i will not go to your quiet paradise.

I am sin Great Taras.

Yak Prometheus did not die from wounds,

Not in time and mova - garnished.

I am not left from the Mohikan,

I am the sin of the great people!

Veducha.Incentives for humoresque by P. Glazovoy"N oshi lads"

Іde vuiko Khreschatyk -

Priyzhdzha lyudin.

Supplied by the entertainment:

And what is it?

Transition try,

Cover the bevel.

See with that hand,

That door of the nose.

And then the last trump dvoє negrіv

We went to the grocery store.

One glancing at the year:

Infected the damn thing.

Vuiko bowed deeply.

Dyakuyu, shanovni!

It means that the capital has


Veducha. Syogodnіshn ус once again showed us how it means to people of native language.

Remember, for the Ukrainians, the sites of the Cossack clan, and not Ukrainians without clan and tribe. Yak said to V. Sosyur: “I deserve this leash, but I’m my own shanu”.

Veducha.Spiritual care will command our poets to love their land, to love the word. And why did they take us away from the lights, too, be Ukrainians "dumkoy, myyuyu, dilom". Tozmovyte beautifully, freely, correctly, even Ukrainian mova is one of the most sounding ones in the world:

Oh, do not bite your clan,

Immortal mov, native and tart,

Ti є the soul of the people,

Scho buv i є, i bude u vikakh.

Veducha.Live, our miracle is ours!

Berezhimo is a common word, it’s not just homosexuals in the new, pouring streams, whispering herbs, but the lofty spirit of ancestors, the strength of our day and our actions.

Happiness, kindness, new greetings at the IM Ukraine!

Until then, our dear people of the native word!

Until new events.





Methodical development of the vikhovy directing "To the feat of the people of life in vikakh". - Donetsk: DVNZ "DonPEK", 2015 - 18 p.

Ukladach: A.V. Miroshnichenko - victories of computer disciplines of the sovereign vishchevoy to the mortgage "Donetsk industrial-economic college", qualification category "Specialist of the first category"

A methodical distribution on the theme "The feat of the people of life in the wines" is assigned to the student youth, the formulation of the young patriotic sentiments of pride, the leaders to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the development of the interests of the state.

For viclades of other households pledges 1-2 rubles of accreditation.


Kulikovska L.V., vikladach of computer disciplines, qualification category "Specialist of food category" DVNZ "Donetsk industrial-economic college"

Looked and caught

At the last cyclic comic

mathematical and computer disciplines

Minutes No. ____ від ___________

Head of the Committee _____________ A. V. Libets


on the methodical development of an open vikhovny approach

on the theme "To the feat of the people of life at Vikakh",

put together by the victories of mathematical disciplines

DVNZ "Donetsk industrial-economic college"

Miroshnichenko A.V.

Methodical development of a vikhov approach to the theme "The feat of the people of life in vikah" for its structure, design, change in the way of giving to vimogs before folding and formalizing methodical materials.

Vikoristano actual and tsіkavіy material, like a red line to go through the stages from 1941 to 1945, tied with the poezіy with the help. Rulefully thought out and prepared verses, pictures, decorated and methodically secured, on the other hand, during the call. Qia theme will be relevant. Material vicladeno last, logical, clear. It is linked both with the podіyas in the country, and with the mіtssevіy podіy with the rock of the Great Victory Day. There is also a greater opportunity to open up contributions and the role of the people in Peremoga. Shown is the link of the pits. Vysnovok Rozrobka can be a vicoristan during the best years and lectures with those "Great Vitchiznyana Viyna."

In general, the plan is planned for a high level, the methodical distribution is well-designed.


Vikladach of the Mathematical Committee

that computer disciplines DDETT,

wikladach qualiifikatsiynoi category

"Specialist of food category" L.V. Kulikovska


Theme for the visit: A feat to the people of life at vikakh

Meta call:

    to open up to students the unavailable side of the Great Victory Day, expanding knowledge about the life of the native land from the fascist zagarbniks;

    formulate a patriotic sense of pride among young people, lead to the participants of the Great Victory Day;

    take the development of interest to the history of your state, to take care of the tradition;

    fight for the land of the future;

    vikhovuvati love that Shanu to the native land, pride to the people, who stood for independence and freedom.

Type / form of conduct: Literary and musical composition with elements of video materials from the chronicle of military podias.

Methodically secure entry:

    methodical opening of the call;


    a film about the great Vitchiznyana Viyna.

Technical features:

    multimedia projector;





In the assembly hall, invited guests, teachers and college students gather. The screen shows photos of the war years along with the songs "Katyusha", "In the dugout" and "Dark night".

Fanfare sounds, then music in the background "Moonlight Sonata", their leading words appear on the stage and sound against the background of music.

Host 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Host 2: We have gathered today in this hall on the eve of a great holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany!

В1: Great Patriotic War. Now there is a lot of debate and discussion about her, write and shoot, question many facts and denounce fictions.

B2: Yes, the time has come another, the country has changed, the ideology has changed, but one thing remains unchanged - these are the people who endured all the hardships of the war on their shoulders, who were afraid, but walked, who hated death, but were torn into the arms of death, so that save life.

Q1: These people do not need to explain anything, prove, they were there, they know it firsthand, and only faith in a just cause gave them strength.

B2: You can count how many years, how many years, months and days the war lasted, how many were destroyed and lost, but how to count the amount of grief and tears that this terrible war caused to shed. We are a nation of the living, as long as memory itself is alive, we will remember!

Backstage Reader:

June ... the sunset was approaching the evening.

And the sea poured over the white night.

And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

That night was full of June beauty

For them, she spared no light.













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