Class hour, learn to manage yourself. Outline of the class hour “Conflict behavior? If you have a strong emotion

Goals and objectives

- to teach children to manage their emotions.


Human mood pictograms set.

Class hour

Teacher's introduction

Teacher... Consider the pictograms. What do they mean? (Human mood) What do you think we're going to talk about today? We will learn to manage our emotions. Why do you need to be able to manage your emotions? (Answers of children.)

Psychological studies for the expression of emotions


The teacher reads a poem, and the children portray the emotion of surprise.


Go find out

Go understand

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

He's all in one miserable day

I almost made me cry

His name is - it stands like a tree stump,

As if it had grown into the ground.

- Look, do not drink raw water! -

Neighbor advises.

One glass, then another

Andryusha drinks back.

Go find out

Go understand

What happened to the guy

Eight years old?

- You will come to dinner at three o'clock, -

His mother told him.

He muttered: - I know myself ...

And he showed up at five.

- Well, what about you, Andryushenka?

And the son confessed to her:

- When I disobey you,

I look older!

A. Barto

Issues for discussion:

- Do you agree with Andryusha?

- What reaction did the boy's behavior evoke?

- How can adulthood be manifested?



And you commit

Merry miracle -

The floor sparkled

The dishes shone!

And my mother gasped,

Returning home:

- Yes, it's like in a fairy tale ...

You are my magician!

S. Pogorelovsky

Issues for discussion:

- Who do you think gets pleasure? (Imam, and son.) Why?



Sasha's eyes are big,

But they are very short-sighted.

The doctor prescribed glasses for him

By the rules of science.

But about glasses to all the guys

It became known immediately.

They shout to him: “Why

Do you have four eyes?

Sasha, Sasha is a diver!

You have two pairs of eyes.

Only you, bespectacled,

Don't brag about glasses. "

Sasha cried out of shame,

Buried his nose against the wall.

- No, - he says, - never

I won't wear glasses!

S. Marshak

Issues for discussion:

Why do you think Sasha is hurt and offended?

Are the guys doing the right thing?



If you hit by a crappy brawler

Weak boy

I don't want this

Even insert into a book!

V. Mayakovsky

Issues for discussion:

- In what situations do we feel disgust and contempt?

- Is it always necessary to show these emotions?



Once on the lawn

Two goats fought.

Fought for fun

Not that out of spite.

One of them quietly

I kicked my friend

The other one is lightly

I butted my friend.

One kicked a buddy

A little harder

Another butted a friend

A little more painful.

One got hot

He lied down as best he could!

Another by his horns

I hooked it under my belly!

V. Lifshits

Issues for discussion:

- What emotions do the heroes of this poem experience? (Anger, anger)

- What can anger lead to?

- Why do you need to be able to control this emotion?


I was scared so much by Fear

In the dark at the gate

That I shouted in fright "Ah!"

Quite the opposite.

I shouted "Ha!" - and instantly Fear

Huddled under the fence ...

He chickened out himself! And the word "Ah!"

I've forgotten since then!

G. Semenov

Issues for discussion:

- What emotion does the emotion of fear turn into?

- How do you overcome fears?



Vitya offended the kid,

But before the school in the ranks

Vitya asks:


I admit my mistake. "

The teacher came to the lesson

He put a magazine on the table.

Following Vitya:


I'm a little late. "

The argument has been going on in the class for a long time,

Is Vitya polite or not?

Understand our dispute

And tell us the answer.

A. Antonov

Issues for discussion:

- Do you think Vitya is polite or not?

- How did Vitya express the emotion of guilt?

- Do you think they believed him?


Teacher... Why does a person need to be able to manage their emotions?

Children come to the conclusion that the inability to restrain themselves, exposure to anger and fear prevents a person from establishing relationships with others, achieving success in life, being self-confident, happy.

Class hour “How to learn to manage yourself. Moral qualities. Actions in everyday life. "

Objectives: To acquaint students with the concept of moral action;

to teach to be polite, well-mannered, to be responsible for their actions, to objectively assess their behavior, to manage their actions;

develop the ability to analyze your actions, control your actions, draw conclusions;

to educate a spiritually rich, highly moral person, a citizen, moral qualities of character and behavior, a desire to defend justice and honesty.

Event progress

1. Organization of the class. Greeting.

2.Defining goals and objectives class hour.

Today at classroom hour we will talk about what helps a person feel comfortable in society. Let's remember the golden rule of morality. About what kind of behavior is worthy of respect and how to live, guided by the rules of social community.

The topic of our class hour is encrypted on the chalkboard:

chinausyat acc oyobs avlyauprt - how to learn how to manage yourself.

Now let's play the Microphone game. (Children are encouraged to answer questions)

What is the difference between a team and a group of people?

What achievements can our team be proud of?

I expect from the lesson ...

In the lesson, I want to learn ...

3. Work on the content of the event.


- We all want to live among educated people, and we ourselves want to be educated. Let's try together to clean up the qualities that are inherent in an educated person:

(work in groups)














- Having listed all the qualities that distinguish an educated person, let's remember the golden rule of morality. First, tell me, what is morality? (Answers of children. Dictionary work on the word morality.)

Morality is the most valuable moral truth that humanity has created during its existence. The moral rule is called the norm of norms: we must demand from ourselves what we demand from others. This norm is a model of relations between people, and this model is mandatory. (Children explain the meaning of this rule)

When you do a certain thing, compare yourself to other people. Think about what you would expect from others in a given situation. And do so! I invite us to draw up a "Code of Ethics for the Class" together. (Children explain the meaning of this word)

The rules are written on the cards.

(Children complement them with missing words, working in pairs.)

Work on the table on the board.

Everyone in the class should feel safe, so no one should fight or hurt anyone. Aggressiveness is a sign of weakness.

Everyone in the class is equal regardless of financial situation, nationality, gender, race and beliefs.

Everyone has the right to a name, should address others only by name.

No one should feel humiliated or humiliated. No one should come up with offensive nicknames and nicknames.

Everyone should respect the right to property and not take other people's things without permission, not take away, not break, not hide, spoil or throw them away. School property also deserves respect.

No one should be afraid to express their point of view on any issue and be ridiculed. Knowing is not a crime.

Be a person who is responsible for your actions and words. Don't cheat, always tell the truth. Do not brag, especially that which is not your own merit.

Don't talk about a person behind your back. Tell a classmate everything directly, and not in the ear of a friend or friend.

Cherish the honor of the class, the gymnasium, try to defend and increase it.

Respect the opinion of your elders, be able to listen to and understand them.

(These rules are posted in the classroom corner)

4. Physical education for a minute.

5. Continuing work on the topic of the class hour.


I want to list the qualities of two people. You try to characterize them.

1.Nervous, unrestrained, aggressive, selfish, petty, soulless, grumpy, gloomy, ruthless, angry. (Conflict person)

2. Calm, self-possessed, intelligent, considerate, generous, warm-hearted, sincere, compassionate, polite, humane. (Conflict-free person)

What kind of person do you want to grow up to be?

How not to become conflicted? (Children show by pantomime: do not get excited, do not get excited, keep yourself in control.)

Remember that restraint is the best style of behavior. Guess what helps to untie any difficult knots of relationship problems? (The riddle of kindness)

6. Outcome of the event.


-Let's try to untie the knots of human relations. (There are knots on the ropes with tips)

1. Argue, but don't quarrel.

2. Negotiate, but do not stipulate.

3. Accelerate the phrases "You always ..."

4. Forget what happened yesterday, do not accumulate anger to the last drop.

5. Chill out. Take a breath, count to 10, don't breathe, and then

6. Be able to put yourself in the place of another.

7. Affirm not your own - I, but justice.

8. In unhappiness, seek agreement, not truth.

9. Sort things out less, create more.

10. Be always polite.

We untied all the knots. I hope that the relationship in our class will become even stronger, friendly, respectful. And no difficult situations and problems will tie new knots in our relations.

Remember that a person begins with goodness. And a real person is a kind, wise, sincere, generous, bright person who knows how to love and sympathize, protect and sympathize, respect and advise. This is a person with a kind heart and a bright soul.

Each of us has a lot of good, kind things. Try to continue to protect and increase these good deeds. So that your face is always joyful that you have done good. Let your smile never fade on your face!

There are 365 days in a year.

Every day, 24 hours.

In an hour, 60 minutes.

This means that there are 525600 minutes in a year. How much time we have for good deeds! (Children sing the song "Dear Good")

This class hour was spent in grade 3. Now these children are already in grade 4.

One of the main tasks facing the class teacher is the formation of the classroom as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren and the upbringing of moral qualities of character and behavior in children. Therefore, this class hour was thematic and was part of the system of class hours spent in elementary school.

The form of this classroom hour was chosen by the class team under the guidance of a teacher. Children took an active part in its preparation and implementation. The result was the development of a "Class Moral Code" by all students. Children have adopted the rules of conduct in

Goals and objectives

- teach children to manage their emotions; develop positive emotions.


Pictograms for the "Show your mood" training.

Class hour

Teacher's introduction

Let's sit back, relax and close our eyes. Let's listen to what is happening around and inside everyone. Let's listen to our feelings ... What are you feeling now?

Training "Show your mood"

There are several pictograms in front of the child. The child chooses a pictogram of his mood.

Issues for discussion:

- Why are you in a good mood? Why bad?

- Is it important to be able to feel your mood and the mood of another person?

- How can you find out the mood of a person? (By facial expressions, gestures, posture.)

Training "Guess my mood"

Children stand in two circles: large and small, which is inside a large one. Children in large circle with the help of gestures, facial expressions and postures, they show their mood, and children in a small circle must guess it. Then the children switch roles.

Psychological studies for the expression of various emotions


A man was walking along the street carrying a large bag. Something was stirring in the bag. The man put down the bag and turned away. The curious boy began to show his curiosity. How? (Curls around: it will run up on one side, then on the other; stretches its neck, looks into the bag.)


The boy sits at the table and solves a problem. The task is difficult, and he thinks with concentration. How is concentration expressed? (Slightly narrowed eyes, bittened lower lip.)


Once I went into the entrance and saw that a rag was running. How is surprise expressed? (Eyes are round, mouth open, eyebrows and upper eyelids raised.)


They bought me a very tasty ice cream. Here it is already in my hand. I bite off a sweet bite - I am very pleased ... How is the pleasure expressed? (Eyes closed, head thrown back a little, exclamation of pleasure.)


My stomach ached. At first the pains were mild, but now the stomach begins to ache more and more. How is suffering expressed? (The eyebrows are raised and pulled together, the eyes are narrowed, the torso is bent, the stomach is pulled in, the hands are pressed to the stomach.)


I'm an angry hyena

I'm a scary hyena.

From the anger on my lips

Foam always boils.

(Drawn together eyebrows, wrinkled nose, protruding lips.)


We came to another city for a tour. And I was suddenly lost. What to do? Fear overwhelmed me ... (The head is tilted forward and pulled into the shoulders, the shoulders are raised, the eyebrows go up and move, the lips are parted so that the upper row of teeth is visible, one hand squeezes the other tightly.)


Vaska the cat stole sausages from the closet. The hostess came and began to scold Vaska. Vaska is ashamed. (Head down, eyes look at the floor.)


Teacher. Why do you need to be able to manage your emotions?

Children come to the conclusion that the ability to manage their emotions helps to resolve conflicts, maintain good relations with others.

Class hour "A person is reflected in his actions" Purpose:      to develop the ability to “enter into the position of other people”, to better understand their feelings, motives of behavior; learn to predict and correct your behavior (actions) in a variety of life situations; give an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside through situational examples; identify positive and negative qualities behavior; to activate the ability of students to analyze certain traits of their character; Form of holding: workshop. Preparatory work.      Prepare the audience. Divide the class into 3 microgroups. Multiply the tables "My positive and negative qualities". Develop and print task-situations on separate cards for the test survey. Print cards with different emotional states: delight, joy, fear, etc. Decoration, equipment and inventory.     Computer, projector, class hour presentation. On the screen with the help of a projector, write the topic of the class hour, an epigraph to it (or on the blackboard). The desks are shifted and the chairs are arranged in a semicircle so that all participants can clearly see and hear each other in micro-groups. On the tables of microgroups are sheets with tables (task 1) according to the number of students. Course of the event 1. Introductory speech by the teacher. Today our class hour is called "A person is reflected in his actions." Its theme was not chosen by chance. In life, we often have to suffer, take offense at others for the fact that they misunderstood us, wrongly offended. At the same time, we are indignant that in our society there is a lack of mercy, benevolence, a low culture of behavior: people are inattentive and indifferent to each other, often rude, impolite, tactless ... We meet with this every day. Questions for discussion: - And you yourself? Do you think about how you behave in different situations, with different people? Friends, parents or teachers? Do we know how to respect them, sympathize with them, sympathize, tactfully help? Do others understand our behavior correctly? - Is it so important to think about your behavior? We behave like everyone else and okay. Is it okay? "Human behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their true appearance." These are the words of I. Goethe. Behavior shows the peculiarities of our character and temperament, our needs, views, tastes, habits and desires, the degree of confidence or lack of confidence in ourselves. - Do you guys think you know yourself? - Let's check it now. Let's try at today's class hour to highlight the most important thing in knowing oneself, one's personal qualities, we'll give an opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside through situational examples, we'll try to predict and correct our behavior (actions) in a variety of life situations. Therefore, we will spend our class hour in the form of a workshop using situational games. Task number 1. Write down your positive and negative qualities. During the class hour, think about what you need to change in your behavior in order to be respected in the student community, by the people around you, and write in the last column. My Positives My Negatives That I need to change the qualities of the qualities in my behavior ... 2 Optionally, the students read out their recorded qualities from the chart. Task number 2. Test survey Continue the following phrases, based on your usual behavior. When they turn to me in the wrong tone, I ... When they demand obedience from me, I ... When they ask me not to be rude, I ... If I have to perform in front of a large audience, I ... When you make a request, you hear in response: “Leave me alone, I have a bad mood! ”, then you ... 6. A woman entered the room with tear-stained eyes, do you ... 7. In case of failures, more often blame others or yourself? ... 8. You are late for college. You see that someone felt bad. What will you do? 9. You are the office attendant. You found money while sweeping the floor. What will you do? 10. Several people in the group are campaigning to leave the last lesson. What will you do in this case? 11. The teacher gave you an unfair grade (in your opinion). What will you do in this case? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - Now think about your reaction. Have you measured it with the state of another person, the content of the situation? What conclusions can you draw for yourself? Our actions largely depend on how correctly we assess those around us, friends, we know them well, their feelings. Let's try to find out how much we can judge people, understand their state of mind. Task number 3. "Catch the mood of the group." Three students are invited to leave the office, and the remaining students agree on what emotional states they will portray (delight, fear, grief, surprise, resentment, suffering, joy) in subgroups. Returning to the office, the children should catch the mood of the children (for individual subgroups or as a whole in the group). Questions to students: 3   Was it difficult for you to catch the mood of the other students? By what signs (gestures, facial expressions) could you determine this? Task number 4. "We predict the action." Three children are invited to leave the office. In their absence, the situation is read out. Children are invited to make assumptions about how the "subjects" would act in this situation. After listening to the students' suggestions, the "subjects" are invited to enter. They are introduced to the situation and asked to say what they would do in this case. Can be repeated with other "subjects" on the example of a new situation. Task number 5. (Work in subgroups). Each student must fill in the last column from the table of assignment number 1. After that, the subgroups are given blank sheets. Each subgroup needs to develop and write down the rules of behavior between people, which must be followed by every educated and cultured person. Each subgroup reads out its own rules or draws them up on a piece of Whatman paper. Questions for the children:    Do you agree to abide by them? What can prevent our group from not observing these rules Shouldn't you think about the fact that you have already reached the age when a person is able to raise a well-bred person in himself? (Students' answers are heard). - Self-education begins with the ability to evaluate, control, finally correct yourself, take responsibility. Try to think about it yourself. The final word of the teacher: “You live among people. Do not forget that your every action, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Check your actions with a question to yourself: are you doing evil, inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good. " (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) 4

Ministry of Education and Science

Donetsk People's Republic

"Komsomolsk Industrial College"

Educational hour:

"Be able to control yourself"

Classroom teacher gr. TEEE-14

Kulaga T.F.

Class hour "Be able to control yourself"

purpose: Teach students to avoid unnecessary emotions; instill the valuable qualities of a culture of behavior and communication.

Course cl. hours.

(Calm music sounds)

Host: Good afternoon, dear tenth graders. You are all adults, and therefore the focus of our "business meeting", which is called "Be able to control yourself" is the problem of emotional stress and neuroses.

Why are we talking about this today? I want to ask this question to a neurologist.

So, why is it necessary today to talk about issues of prevention of neuroses and emotional stress?

Doctor: The fact is that any life situation is a disease of loved ones, family turmoil, academic failure, inability to organize one's time and the resulting physical overstrain, monotonous monotonous activity, etc. can cause neuroses and emotional stress. This condition is dangerous because neuro-emotional overstrain leads to disruption of activity nervous system, and ultimately, to stomach ulcer, allergic, skin and other diseases.

Host: Is it possible to prevent stress and prevent its dangerous consequences?

Doctor: You can, if you learn to manage your emotions. To test whether you know how to manage your emotions and whether your health is threatened by a nervous breakdown, I propose to conduct a test.

Host: It's interesting! When answering questions, write down the score that corresponds to our answer.

1. Is it difficult for you to ask someone for help?

Yes - 3, very often - 2, sometimes - 0, rarely - 0.

2. Do you think about your problems even in your free time?

Very often - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 2, rarely - 0.

3. Seeing that a person is not doing something, do you feel like doing it instead of him?

4. How long do you worry about troubles?

Yes - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 2, rarely - 0.

5. How much time do you devote to yourself in the evening?

3 hours - 0.2 hours -0, 1 hour - 0, 0.5 hours -2, minutes - 4.

6. Do you interrupt, not listening, explaining something to you.

Yes - 4, often - 3, depending on the circumstances - 2, rarely - 1.

7. They say about you that you are always in a hurry.

Yes - 5, often - 4, in a hurry - 1, never - 0.

8. Is it difficult for you to give up delicious food?

Yes - 3, often - 2, sometimes - 0, rarely - 0.

9. Do you have to do several things at the same time?

Yes - 5, often - 4, sometimes - 3, rarely - 1.

10. Does it happen that during a conversation your thoughts hover somewhere far away?

11. Do you sometimes think that people are talking about random and unnecessary things?

Very - 5, often - 4, it happens - 3, sometimes - 0.

12. Are you nervous standing in line?

Very often - 4, often - 3, sometimes - 2, rarely - 1.

13. Do you like giving advice?

Yes - 4, often - 3. Sometimes - 1, rarely - 0.

14. How long do you hesitate before making a decision?

Always - 3. often - 2, rarely - 3, never - 0.

15. How do you say?

Haste - 3, fast - 2, calm - 0, slow - 0.

Now let's calculate the points.

From 45 to 63 pts. - a nervous breakdown is a real threat for you. Check your blood pressure. Isn't it time to change your lifestyle?

From 20-44 p. - you need to relate to life more calmly and be able to relax internally.

Up to 19 bp - you manage to stay calm and balanced.

0 b - if you answered honestly and frankly, then the only danger that threatens you is excessive calmness.

Host: We tried to find out if your health is threatened by a nervous breakdown. Who needs to treat life situations more calmly and be able to relax at the right time.

The second stage is "Fizminutka".

Presenter: Physical education and sports help to charge with positive emotions, because educate the culture of movement, maintain the body in a high functional state.

Physical exercise in half an hour

Can do wonders.

Kohl you are tired in earnest,

Let's spend a physical education.

Host: We recharged ourselves with positive emotions and good mood.

The third stage is "Healthy soul - soul of health".

Scientists have found that funny people live longer.

Back in the 16th century, uch. fran. Doctor Ambroise Pare said: "A cheerful person always gets better." You need to train your emotions and remember that there is a great way to release a stressful situation - this is laughter.

The class is divided into 3 groups:

1 row - "bold"

2nd row - "dexterous"

3 row - "resourceful"

Purpose: "Laughter is serious business" - to find out how much you have a sense of humor and how it can help you in a life situation.

Assignment: I call life situation - you find a witty, not devoid of a sense of humor answer.

Task 1 team:

You are traveling in a crowded vehicle, a passenger trying to get to the exit, roughly pushes you and says irritably: "What are you standing like a cow?"

Task 2 for the team:

You are in the auditorium of a cinema, walk to your seat, but it is busy. To your request to release him, you are answered: "Where did this unidentified object come from?"

Task 3 for the team:

You're in class. You are called to respond to the board. You answer, but the teacher is dissatisfied with your answer and remarks with displeasure: "Not the head, but the house of the Soviets."

Backfill question: "Why does the donut have a round hole?"

Your prize is a bunch of bagels.

The fourth stage - "Be able to control yourself"

This will help you learn the 7 commandments.

I ask the teams to get ready.

Attention, crossword puzzle!

1. What situation should be avoided when clarifying relationships with parents, comrades, so as not to lead to stress? (conflict)

2. This feeling often leads to stress. Succumbing to him, a person becomes enraged, at this moment he is able to do the irreparable - to inflict mental pain on another person. (anger)

3. What feeling can damage your health and bring you to a nervous breakdown if you are worried about the fate of a loved one. (anxiety)

4. Try not to be alone with your troubles, with what worries you, share with your well-wisher - this will ease your situation. (fear)

5. If you constantly strive to reach unbearable heights and are afraid to be worse than others, then what will your fear, excitement, anxiety turn into? What makes the conflict worse? (swearing)

6. If you do not listen to the opinion of your comrades, insist on fulfilling your ridiculous, trifling desire, then what can you call your whim? (caprice)

Host: The crossword has been solved! It remains only to name the 7th commandment, it is defined by the word "stress".

This concludes our meeting, all the best to you, good health and good mood! Remember that health is in your hands!

Know how to control yourself!