Presentation on the theme "Biography: Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov". Class hour "Life and work of N

MBOU Kalinin school

Pervomaisky district of the Republic of Crimea

Class hour in 3rd grade

"First meeting with Nikolai Nekrasov"

Prepared by:

Podkovalenko O.V.,

primary teacher

2016/2017 academic year


    to give elementary school students primary information about the life and work of Nekrasov and to summarize the information they have about the poet.

    contribute to the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of students.

    to promote the education of citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren, and tolerance.

Equipment: slideshow, exhibition of books with the works of N.A. Nekrasov, portrait of the writer.

Invited: ZDUVR, teacher-organizer, 4th grade students, parents.


Teacher: Today we will talk about a wonderful poet, writer, his works, read poems. Who will be discussed, you will find out by listening to an excerpt from the work.


It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - are the blizzards good

Forest paths brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

And is there no bare ground?

Are the pines tops fluffy,

Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?

And are the ice floes tightly shackled

In waters great and small?

He walks - walks through the trees,

Crackling through the frozen water

AND bright sun plays

In his shaggy beard.

The road is everywhere to the sorcerer,

Chu! comes closer, gray-haired.

And suddenly he found himself above her,

Over her very head!

Climbing onto a large pine tree,

He hits the twigs with a club

And I remove myself to myself,

Sings a boastful song.


Some of you learned this poem by heart in a lesson literary readingothers may have heard from adults. Who wrote it? (N.A. Nekrasov)

The great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 22, 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province (now Vinnitsa region)

His father, Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov, an army officer, was not rich, poorly educated, keen on cards and hunting, and was very popular with women.

Mom, Elena Andreevna Zakrevskaya, daughter of a rich man in the Kherson province. Unlike her father, she was a soft, kind, well-educated woman - the complete opposite of a rude and ignorant bully officer.

She was a connoisseur of world poetry, music and Alexei's first teacher. Little Nekrasov was passionately attached to his mother, he spent many hours with her, he entrusted his innermost dreams to her.

She often took part in issues related to the peasants, stood up for them before her husband, and helped. But he often pounced on her with his fists.

Alexey Nekrasov dedicated many lines of poetry to his mother.

Disciple: an excerpt from the poem "Knight for an Hour"

See me, darling!

Appear as a light shadow for a moment!

You have lived your whole life unloved

You have lived your whole life for others.

With a head open to the storms of life,

All his life under an angry thunderstorm

She stood, - with her chest

Protecting beloved children.

Disciple: an excerpt from the poem "Mother"

She was filled with sorrow

And meanwhile, how noisy and frisky

Three youths played around her,

Her lips whispered thoughtfully:

"Unfortunate ones! Why were you born?


Father, Alexey Sergeevich, retired when his son was 3 years old. A huge family (Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters, only three survived - two brothers and a sister) moved to the family estate, the village of Greshnevo, now Nekrasovo.

Father served as a police officer (in those days - the highest police rank)

During his travels, he often took little Nicholas with him, and the arrival of the police officer in the village always marks something sad: a dead body, getting out of debt. Thus, many sad pictures of the people's grief lay in the boy's sensitive soul.

Nekrasov grew up in close proximity to the common people and constantly communicated with peasant children. At the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a blank fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not at home, he invited peasant children to his place. Children burst into the garden and pounced on apples, pears, currants, cherries. But as soon as the nanny shouted: "Master, master is coming!" - how they instantly disappeared. He was not allowed to be friends with the children of serfs, but Nekrasov managed to escape to his friends, with whom he went to the forest, bathed in the river. This period of his childhood, he dedicated the poem "Peasant Children"

... Who catches leeches

On the lava, where the womb beats the linen,

Who is babysitting little sister, two-year-old Glashka,

Who drags a bucket of kvask to reap,

And he, having tied a shirt under his throat,

Mysteriously draws something on the sand;

That one got into a puddle, and this one with a new one:

Weaved myself a glorious wreath,

Everything is white, yellow, lavender

Yes, occasionally a red flower.

Those sleep in the heat, they dance squatting down.

Here is a girl catching a horse with a basket -

I caught it, jumped up and rides it.

And whether she, born in the heat of the sun

And in an apron from the field brought home,

To be afraid of your humble horse? ..

This is how the peasant children were busy in the summer, this is how they played, had fun. In winter, they had other fun.

Listen to the poem "In the winter twilight ..."

In this poem, the world of nature appears before us, merged with the life of children, the poetry of peasant labor, perceived through the eyes of a child.

Pupil: an excerpt from the poem "Peasant Children"

Enough, Vanyusha! you walked a lot,
It's time to get to work, dear! -
But even labor will turn around first
To Vanyusha with his smart side:

... He sees how the father fertilizes the field,

As it throws grain into the loose earth,

As the field then begins to turn green,

As the ear grows, it pours the grain.

The finished harvest will be cut with sickles,

They will tie up in sheaves, they will be taken to the barn,

Dry, pound - pound with flails,

At the mill they will bake and bake bread.

A child will taste fresh bread

And in the field he runs more willingly after his father ...

Children in the countryside began to work early. At first, they performed auxiliary work, but without their help, the parents would have had a hard time. A peasant boy of 5-6 years old learned to ride a horse and drove cattle to a watering place. At the age of 7-8 he helped on arable land - he drove a horse. At the age of 9, the young "owner" of the duties was added: to feed the cattle, take out manure to the field, harrow the arable land plowed by his father and harvest bread with everyone. The father took his son on a hunt, taught him to set snares, shoot, and fish. By the age of 14, the teenager owned a scythe, sickle, flail, ax, and a year later he could replace his father in case of his departure or illness.

Girls in a peasant family also did not sit idle: at the age of 6 they began to master the spinning wheel, at 10 they worked with a sickle and sewed. By the age of 12-13, the girl, in the absence of her parents, completely managed the household: she carried water, washed, fed the poultry, milked the cow, sewed, knitted, cooked, looked after the younger children. At the age of 14, she weaved, sting, mowed hay, and at 15 she worked on a par with adults. Everything that she could do herself, the girls were taught by the mother, the boys by the father.

The school was accessible to peasant children. But the children of the poor could learn only basic literacy: reading, writing, counting. One of these schools was opened by Nekrasov in Abbakumtsevo (4 km. From Greshnev).

The two-story school building has survived to this day. At first, this school was housed in a simple peasant hut, later in 1872, a separate building was built. Nekrasov took an active part in raising funds for the construction of the building, attracting his acquaintances in St. Petersburg to participate. He then became a trustee of the school and, in that capacity, was responsible for heating, lighting, repairs and servants. It is known that he bought books for the library several times. All children from the surrounding villages were allowed to attend the school. Pupils were exempted from all tuition fees. It is to such a peasant boy-student that the poem "Schoolboy" was dedicated.

4th grade student: "Schoolboy"

Bare feet, dirty body,

And the chest is barely covered ...

Don't be ashamed! What's the deal?

This is a glorious path for many.

I see a book in my knapsack.

So, you go to study ...

I know: father to son

spent the last penny.

... Soon you will find out yourself at school,

Like an Arkhangelsk man

By your own and God's will

Became sane and great.

Not without kind souls in the world -

Someone will take you to Moscow

You will be at the university -

The dream will come true in reality! ..

Meeting this hungry and ragged schoolboy on a deserted road reminded Nekrasov of the fate of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great "Arkhangelsk man" who, wanting to study, came on foot to Moscow from a distant northern village, lived half starvation for a long time, lived in poverty and still studied. He studied physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and other sciences and became a famous Russian scientist, academician.

Love for the fields and forests of his homeland, for its snows and frosts, for its spring "Green Noise" originated in his early childhood and was reflected later in poetry:

Disciple: poem "Green Noise"

... Green Noise goes and hums,

Green Noise, spring noise!

Doused with milk

There are cherry orchards

They make a quiet noise ...

Green noise - this is how the people called the awakening of nature in spring:

Pupil: "Grandpa Mazai and the Hares"

... Somehow it suddenly became especially quiet,

In the sky the sun played through the cloud.

There was a small cloud on it,

And it burst into a fierce rain!

Straight and light as steel rods,

Rain streams pierced the ground

With a deadly force ...

It's summer rain. And here is a picture of autumn nature:

Student: an excerpt from the poem " Railway»

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

Air tired strength invigorates;

The ice is not strong on the icy river,

Lies like melting sugar;

... The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

They lie yellow and fresh like a carpet ...

And the song of Frost the voivode draws us a Russian winter:

... Blizzards, snows and fogs

Always obedient to the frost

I will go to the seas-okiyany-

Build palaces out of ice

I think the rivers are big

I will hide under yoke for a long time

I will build ice bridges

Which people will not build ...

("Jack Frost")

- The Volga flowed not far from Greshnev. Together with his village friends, Nekrasov often visited the Volga bank. He spent whole days here, helping fishermen, wandering around the islands with a gun and admiring the free expanses of the great river for hours.

" On the Volga"

Oh Volga! after years

I brought you my regards again.

I'm not the same, but you are bright

And dignified as it was.

All around the same distance and breadth,

The monastery is still visible

On an island among the sands

And even the thrill of the old days

I felt in my soul,

Hearing the ringing of bells.

But one day the boy was shocked by the picture that opened before his eyes: along the bank of the river, almost bending their heads to their feet, a crowd of emaciated barge haulers with their last strength pulled a huge bark (barge). And over her, a melancholy song, like a moan, seemed to hang over her. He dedicated many of his poems to the Volga. (Slide 9)

"Reflections at the front door"

Oh, bitterly, bitterly, I sobbed,

When I stood that morning

On the banks of my native river

And the first time I called her

A river of slavery and longing! ..

Go out to the Volga: whose groan is heard

Over the great Russian river?

We call this groan a song -

Then the barge haulers go by the string! ..

Teacher: Despite the absence of home teachers, by the age of 10 Nekrasov had mastered literacy and entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium together with his older brother Andrei. Four years of study did not give much, Nikolai Nekrasov was not even certified in many subjects. Under the pretext of "upset health", Nekrasov, the father, took his son out of the gymnasium. " At this time, Aleksey Sergeevich served as a police officer, and Nikolai helped him as a clerk. The young man, almost a boy, was present "at various scenes of people's life, at investigations, at autopsies, and sometimes at massacres in the taste of the old times." All this made a deep impression on the child and early in living pictures introduced him to the then, often too difficult, conditions of the people's life.

In 1838, leaving the gymnasium, he left for St. Petersburg with a letter of recommendation for admission to the Noble Regiment - one of the best military educational institutions of that time. On military career my father insisted, but Nekrasov did not want to serve at all. In 1838 Nekrasov decided to enter the St. Petersburg University. This dream was supported by his mother. It was not possible to enter the university - the knowledge gained in the gymnasium turned out to be too meager. I had to think about my daily bread. There were acquaintances who tried to help the young poet and put his poems in print. Several of Nekrasov's works were published in magazines. But aspiring authors were paid little, or even not paid at all, believing that they should be satisfied with the fact that they saw their name in print. A life full of hardships began. Nekrasov wandered through the Petersburg slums, lived in basements and attics, earned money by writing papers, drawing up all kinds of petitions and petitions for poor people. At the beginning of 1875, Nekrasov fell seriously ill (doctors discovered he had intestinal cancer), and soon his life turned into a slow agony. The famous surgeon was discharged from Vienna in vain; the painful operation had led nowhere. The news of the poet's fatal illness brought his popularity to the highest tension. Letters, telegrams, greetings, addresses were poured from all over Russia. They brought great joy to the patient in his terrible torment, and his creativity gushed with a new key. .

Teacher:Let's summarize at the end of the class hour, what new and interesting things did you learn during our class hour today, so that you would like to know more about this great poet?


"Poet Nikolai Nekrasov" - In 1838 Nekrasov left for St. Petersburg to be assigned to a noble regiment. In 1847-1864 Nekrasov was in a civil marriage with A.Ya. Panaeva. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. In 1845-1846, Nekrasov lived in Povarsky Pereulok, 13 and 19 on the Fontanka River embankment. Father - Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov, served as an officer.

"Nekrasov about the people" - Fill in the table. Integration in the study of folk topics. To update and generalize the knowledge gained by students while studying the creativity of N.A. Nekrasov. 1861 "Crying Children". "On the way". Continue the analysis of the artistic and poetic world of Nekrasov. 1865 "Suffering is in full swing ...". 1847 "Three". The image of the people in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov.

"Nekrasov Poet" - Mother Nature! If only you would sometimes not send such people to the world, The field of life would have died out ... But Nekrasov's poetry has its own beauty, its own song. a whole poetic state living by its own laws. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Love in Nekrasov's poems warms a person, helps to survive in a cruel world.

"N.A. Nekrasov" - Followers of Nekrasov. Nekrasov in art. Give your inelegance strength. And when you read "Silence" of the poet, then the work of II Shishkin "Rye" appears before your eyes. LN Trefolev turned to innovative forms of Nekrasov poetry and gave his developments. Died N.A. Nekrasov December 27, 1877. And many poets of the next generation were the successors of the traditions of N.A. Nekrasov.

"Nekrasov N.A." - You served the master a lot, Serve for the last time! ... Barge haulers on the Volga. There are flies walking along the walls. "Schoolboy". Uncompressed stripe. View of the Volga. Matryona Timofeevna. I'm at the door of the coffin! ... Don't cry! Oh Volga! From a painting by V. Perov. "Crying Children". From the drawing by O. Shukhvostov. O Muse! Creative way Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

"Pushkin and Nekrasov" - Onegin. The uprising in the Senate Square. Phraseologisms. Poetic size. Respect for names. Countless crowds. Pushkin's poems. Two geniuses of the same century. About the life and work of A.S. Pushkin and N.A. Nekrasov. The connection between literature and history. The star of captivating happiness. Decembrists. The sea before the storm. Give up.

There are 30 presentations in total

Slide 2

The thorny life path of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (until 1847)

  • Manor in Greshnev
  • Yaroslavl. General view and the Volga river.
  • Karabikha
  • Slide 3

    Slide 4


    • Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province. He was the third child in the family. Mother - Elena Andreevna, a Little Russian noblewoman. Father - Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov, a poor landowner, an army officer. Three years after the birth of his son, he, having retired as a major, permanently moved to his family estate in the Yaroslavl estate Greshneve, which was located near the Volga.
    • Sinner was on the plain, among endless meadows and fields. Here, in the village, the poet spent his childhood.
  • Slide 5


    It is from Greshnev Nekrasov - poet endured an exceptional sensitivity to the suffering of others. In Greshnev, Nekrasov's heartfelt affection for the Russian peasant began, which determined
    subsequently, the exceptional nationality of his work.

    Slide 6

    Slide 7

    Slide 8

    • A corner of the old park in Nemyriv.
  • Slide 9

    Friendship with peasant children

    At the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a blank fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not at home, he invited peasant children to his place. Children burst into the garden and pounced on apples, pears, currants, cherries. But as soon as the nanny shouted: "Master, master is coming!" - how they instantly disappeared. Of course, the lord's son was not allowed to be friends with the children of serfs. But, having improved the convenient moment, the boy ran away through the same loophole to his village friends, went with them into the forest, bathed in the Samarka river. This moment in his life - direct communication with peasant children - influenced his work.

    Slide 10

    Slide 11

    Slide 12

    Samarka River near Greshnev

  • Slide 13

    Yaroslavl-Kostroma road

    • The manor house stood on the very road, and the road was crowded at that time. Nekrasov got acquainted with all the working people who went to the village in search of work. Later, the poet recalled these meetings:

    Under our thick, old elms
    Tired people were drawn to rest.
    The guys will circle: the stories will begin
    About Kiev, about the Turks, about wonderful animals ...
    The worker will place, lay out the shells -
    Planers, files, chisels, knives:
    "Look, you devils?" - and the children are happy,
    How you saw, how you tinker - show them everything.

    • So folk life and folk speech became close to Nekrasov from childhood.
  • Slide 14

    Slide 15

    I have visited Paris, Naples, Nice. But nowhere did I breathe so sweetly as in Greshnevo ...

    His native fields and meadows have also become close to him since childhood. After a trip abroad, he wrote in a draft manuscript.

    Slide 16

    The Volga river in the life of a poet

    • The poet's childhood memories are associated with the Volga, to which he dedicated many poems. Here, for the first time, he saw deep human suffering. He walked along the shore in a hot season and suddenly heard groans and saw the barge haulers who were walking along the river, "almost bending their heads / To the legs, entwined with a cord."
    • They groaned from overwork.
    • The child began to reflect on the cruelty of life. The picture of the people's disaster was revealed to him early.
  • Slide 17

    Slide 18

    Slide 19

    Oh, bitterly, bitterly, I sobbed,
    When I stood that morning
    On the banks of my native river
    And the first time I called her
    A river of slavery and longing! ..

    Slide 20

    Family relationships

    Another grief was always with Nikolai Alekseevich - grief in his own family. His mother, Elena Andreevna, a meek woman, suffered greatly in her marriage. She was a person of high culture, and her husband, Nikolai's father, was a rude, cruel, ignorant person. She spent whole days at home alone, and her husband constantly traveled to neighboring landowners. : his favorite pastimes were cards, drinking, hunting for hounds. There were days when she sat at the piano all day, singing and crying about her bitter fate. Nekrasov wrote: "She was a singer with an amazing voice." In some of his poems, he reproduced that sad motive, inspired by his mother's songs:

    You played and sang a sad hymn,
    That song, the cry of a long-suffering soul,
    Your firstborn inherited afterwards.

    Slide 21

    Slide 22

    • She often took part in issues related to the peasants, stood up for them before her husband. But he often pounced on her and beat her. How Nekrasov hated him at such moments!
    • Elena Andreevna was a connoisseur of world poetry and often told her son excerpts from the works of great writers that he could understand. Already an elderly man, Nekrasov recalled in his poem "Mother":

    And I hear your voice in the dark,
    Full of melody and caress
    With which you told me fairy tales
    About knights, monks, kings.
    Then, when I read Dante and Shakespeare,
    I seemed to be meeting familiar features:
    Then images from their living world
    You imprinted on my mind.

    Slide 23

    Slide 24

    • Love for mother is described in many poems of the poet: "Motherland", "Mother", "Bayushki-baiu", "Knight for an hour", etc. These are autobiographical poems, they describe people of that era, their relationships, their customs and customs.
    • Nekrasov said that it was the suffering of his mother that awakened in him a protest against the oppression of women. In his poems, one can see not only pity for a woman, but also hatred for her oppressors.
  • Slide 25

    Yaroslavl gymnasium

    • Despite the absence of home teachers, by the age of 10 Nekrasov had mastered literacy and in 1832 he entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium together with his older brother Andrey. Staying at the gymnasium did not become a significant stage in Nekrasov's life; he never once remembered either the teachers or the comrades.
    • Four years of study did not give much, and in the last, 1837, Nikolai Nekrasov was not even certified in many subjects. Under the pretext of "upset health", Nekrasov, the father, took his son out of the gymnasium. "
    • At this time, Aleksey Sergeevich served as a police officer, and Nikolai helped him as a clerk. The young man, almost a boy, was present "at various scenes of people's life, at investigations, at autopsies, and sometimes at massacres in the taste of the old times." All this made a deep impression on the child and early in living pictures introduced him to the then, often too difficult, conditions of the people's life.
  • Slide 26

    "Petersburg ordeals"

    • In 1838 Nekrasov decided to enter the St. Petersburg University. This dream was supported by his mother, while his father insisted on entering cadet corps... But the young man Nekrasov did not listen to his father, he firmly decided not to go to military service and become a "humanist".
    • Young Nekrasov came to St. Petersburg with a letter of recommendation to the gendarme general D.P. Polozov. The general approved the youth's humanitarian plans and wrote about them to his father. The answer was a rude letter threatening to leave without material support, which was done.
    • It is safe to say that not a single great Russian writer had such a difficult everyday and life experiencethrough which young Nekrasov passed in his first Petersburg years .. He found himself without a single point of support: without a place, sometimes just without a shelter and, of course, without money.
  • Slide 27

    Meeting with V.G. Belinsky

    • V.G.Belinsky
    • I. I. Panaev
    • Editorial board of the journal "Contemporary"
  • Slide 28

    Slide 29

    View all slides

    Childhood. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province. He was the third child in the family. Mother Elena Andreevna, a Little Russian noblewoman. Father Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov, a poor landowner, an army officer. Three years after the birth of his son, he, having retired as a major, permanently moved to his family estate in the Yaroslavsky estate of Greshneve, which was located not far from the Volga. Sinner was on the plain, among endless meadows and fields. Here, in the village, the poet spent his childhood.

    It's sinful. It was from Greshnev that Nekrasov the poet brought out an exceptional sensitivity to the suffering of others. In Greshnev, Nekrasov's heartfelt affection for the Russian peasant began, which subsequently determined the exceptional nationality of his work. House-Museum in Karabikha House-Estate in Greshnevo

    Friendship with peasant children. Along the estate there was an old, neglected garden, surrounded by a blank fence. The boy made a loophole in the fence and in those hours when his father was not at home, he invited peasant children to his place. Children burst into the garden and pounced on apples, pears, currants, cherries. But as soon as the nanny shouted: "Master, master is coming!" how they instantly disappeared. Of course, the lord's son was not allowed to be friends with the children of serfs. But, having improved the convenient moment, the boy ran away through the same loophole to his village friends, went with them into the forest, bathed in the Samarka river. This moment of his life, direct communication with peasant children - influenced his work.

    Yaroslavsko-Kostroma road .. The manor house stood at the very road, and the road was crowded at that time. Nekrasov got acquainted with all the working people who went to the village in search of work. Later, the poet recalled these meetings: Under our thick, ancient elms Tired people were drawn to rest. The guys will circle: stories will begin about Kiev, about the Turks, about wonderful animals ... The worker will arrange and spread the shells Planes, files, chisels, knives: "Look, you devils?" So folk life and folk speech became close to Nekrasov from childhood.

    The Volga River in the Life of a Poet. The poet's childhood memories are associated with the Volga, to which he dedicated many poems. Here, for the first time, he saw deep human suffering. He walked along the shore in a hot season and suddenly heard groans and saw the barge haulers who were walking along the river, "almost bent over their heads / Towards the legs, entwined with a cord." They moaned from overwork. The child began to reflect on the cruelty of life. The picture of the people's disaster was revealed to him early.

    Family relationships. Another grief was always with Nikolai Alekseevich - grief in his own family. His mother, Elena Andreevna, a meek woman, suffered greatly in marriage. She was a person of high culture, and her husband, Nikolai's father, was a rude, cruel, ignorant person. All day she sat at home alone, and her husband constantly traveled to the neighboring landowners: his favorite pastimes were cards, drinking, hunting dogs for hares. There were days when she sat at the piano all day, singing and crying about her bitter fate. Nekrasov wrote: "She was a singer with an amazing voice." In some of his poems, he reproduced that sad motive, inspired by his mother's songs: You played and sang a sad hymn, That song, the cry of a long-suffering soul, Your firstborn inherited later.

    She often took part in issues related to the peasants, stood up for them before her husband. But he often pounced on her and beat her. How Nekrasov hated him at such moments! Elena Andreevna was a connoisseur of world poetry and often told her son excerpts from the works of great writers that he could understand. Already an elderly man, Nekrasov recalled in his poem "Mother": And I hear your voice in the dark, Filled with melody and affection, With which you told me fairy tales About knights, monks, kings. Then, when I read Dante and Shakespeare, It seemed that I met familiar features: Those are images from their living world In my mind you imprinted for me.

    Love for mother is described in about many poems of the poet: "Motherland", "Mother", "Bayushki-baiu", "Knight for an hour", etc. These are autobiographical poems, they describe people of that era, their relationships, their customs and customs. Nekrasov said that it was the suffering of his mother that awakened in him a protest against the oppression of women. In his poems, one can see not only pity for a woman, but also hatred for her oppressors.

    Yaroslavl gymnasium. Despite the absence of home teachers, by the age of 10 Nekrasov had mastered literacy and in 1832 he entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium together with his older brother Andrey. Staying at the gymnasium did not become a significant stage in Nekrasov's life; he never once remembered either the teachers or the comrades. Four years of study did not give much, and in the last, 1837, Nikolai Nekrasov was not even certified in many subjects. Under the pretext of "upset health", Nekrasov, the father, took his son out of the gymnasium. " At this time, Aleksey Sergeevich served as a police officer, and Nikolai helped him as a clerk. The young man, almost a boy, was present "at various scenes of people's life, at investigations, at autopsies, and sometimes at massacres in the taste of the old times." All this made a deep impression on the child and early in living pictures introduced him to the then, often too difficult, conditions of the people's life.

    "Petersburg ordeals". In 1838 Nekrasov decided to enter the St. Petersburg University. This dream was supported by his mother, while his father insisted on entering the cadet corps. But the young man Nekrasov did not listen to his father, he firmly decided not to go to military service and become a "humanitarian". Young Nekrasov came to St. Petersburg with a letter of recommendation to the gendarme general D.P. Polozov. The general approved the youth's humanitarian plans and wrote about them to his father. The answer was a rude letter threatening to leave without material support, which was carried out. It is safe to say that no great Russian writer had such a difficult everyday and life experience, through which young Nekrasov went through in his first Petersburg years .. He found himself without a single point of support: without a place, sometimes just without a haven and, of course, without money.