The cadet sports corps is in contact. 1st in 1st cadet

This year I graduated from the Kharovsk school named after Vasily Prokatov, received a basic general education.

But I want to tell you about the time when, from the 4th grade, I went to the Kharovskaya CYSS for the skiing department. Has been engaged in a sports school for 6 years. I was taught to give all my best in training in full force, take good care of the equipment, respect rivals and be proud of the fact that I am a student of the Kharovskaya Youth Sports School and take part in competitions, defending her honor and honor of the Kharovskiy District.

Coach Valery Alekseevich Tarbaev suggested that I try to qualify for admission to the Cadet sports building Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg after the end of 9 classes. Since then, I began to prepare for my goal. I collected documents, attended trainings and, at the same time, prepared for passing the Basic State Exam.

With my parents, we sent documents for admission and waited for an invitation to the entrance examinations. At this very time, I was taking school exams and was worried.

But the answer was not long in coming. I was given the go-ahead to pass the entrance examinations. On July 1, he started passing the necessary tests for admission to the KSK "VIFK".

I went through a very tough selection from among highly qualified guys - athletes in different types sports (wrestling, sambo, ARB, judo, cross-country skiing, biathlon, etc.), who came from all over our country. Competition - 4-5 people per seat.

The schedule of entrance examinations was as follows: checking the psychological readiness of candidates for training (testing), medical examination, determining the level of general physical readiness, passing the theory for the chosen sport (I have skiing), determining the level of physical readiness of candidates for the chosen sport (cross-country skiing), delivery of general education subjects (Russian, mathematics, biology, English).

On July 5, I returned home. But he did not stop preparing for the new season, he trained hard under the guidance of my mentors - coach Valery Alekseevich Tarbaev and physical education teacher Alexander Alekseevich Tarbaev. They set me up mentally and physically.

Thanks to the sports school, I achieved great results and entered the Cadet Corps (sports school) of the Military Institute of Physical Culture.

I am proud that I managed to go through a small path in sports, but I am sure that I will manage not to let my mentors down, and I will become an officer.

The purpose of my article is that even from school years it is necessary to instill in children a sense of patriotism, to love sports, because it is much more interesting than abusing alcohol, smoking or drugs. I want to express my deep gratitude to the school teachers for allowing me to achieve such results when passing the exams, who supported me all this time, and special thanks to Valery Alekseevich and Alexander Alekseevich for their help in choosing my future profession. I do not regret that six years ago I came to the Kharovskaya CYSS. And, of course, I am grateful to my family, without their support I would not have passed this life exam.

A good start for any career is training in institutions with a special focus on military training. The Moscow Sheremetyevsky Cadet Corps can boast of this. The main advantage of this school is that both boys and girls can receive knowledge there on an equal level.

The origin of the movement

Medieval knights are considered the first cadets. In the camps, strong and brave men learned military skills. Along with military affairs, young people studied basic sciences. Such a system subsequently gave a good start to an independent life, so such establishments were extremely popular among young people.

The word "cadet" itself appeared in the 17th century and meant "junior in rank." It was assigned to the sons of aristocrats who attended schools specialized in military affairs.

The first cadet corps in Russia were introduced by order of Peter the Great. The sons of the soldiers received knowledge there. It was during the time of this emperor that women joined the military business. The fair half worked as nurses in hospitals during the fighting.

Ladies in uniform

There have been legends about women warriors in all ages. Many writers were inspired by Athena. She was considered the patroness of all soldiers. But history also knows real figures who amazed the world with their courage and bravery. One of the most famous is the commander, strategist and patriot Jeanne d'Arc.

It is easy for modern girls to practice their favorite martial arts. There are plenty of good boarding schools. The cadet corps accepts female students of different ages and social strata. But earlier the situation was different. The women lived secretly in the army. One of them is Nadezhda Andreevna Durova, who was known as an excellent cavalryman. She was the daughter of a hussar, so she grew up in a military atmosphere from childhood. When I grew up, I left native home, changed into men's clothes and went to the Cossack regiment to conquer the army craft.

general characteristics

This institution has primary, general and complete (secondary) education. The main emphasis is placed on the military training of students. The Sheremetyevo Moscow Cadet Corps accepts girls from grades 1 to 11.

The main task of the institution is to help the child's intellectual, creative and physical development as much as possible. The system by which schoolgirls study is traditional program "School of Russia". Her goal is to bring up a confident, patriotic, interesting personality. The school week and the schedule of classes vary depending on the age of the group.

Education is free of charge. The school provides three meals a day. All students wear a standard uniform. Parents buy clothes at their own expense. The age from which the enrollment is made is 6 years.

This cadet corps for girls in Moscow cooperates with the best higher educational institutions in the country.

Time for housework

The main profile is military training, civil service and the general culture, parallel parents and female students can choose to their liking.

Classes are from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Studying proccess starts September 1st and is divided into three terms. The grading system is five-point.

The cadet corps for girls in Moscow has another advantage. An added plus for both parents and children is the time to complete homework... This hour is at and is required for all students. For 60 minutes, schoolgirls, under the supervision of teachers, work on their lessons on their own. The advantage of such a system is that pupils, if necessary, can ask for help from a friend or teacher. The atmosphere in the classrooms also contributes: silence, calmness, focused attention.

All uncompleted lessons can be completed at home under the supervision of parents.

Additional profiles

The first window into the world of possibilities has always been the school. The cadet corps brings up not only strong and patriotic personalities out of girls, but also makes them real ladies. In addition to standard disciplines, students attend subjects that develop their creative nature. The institution offers to take a course in home economics, which teaches the elementary rules of future housewives. Sewing classes are held separately.

Much attention is paid to medical training. With the permission of the parents, the girl can attend practical lessons, where they will demonstratively provide first aid.

Not all cadet corps in Russia can offer such a wide range of sciences. Along with the theory of housekeeping, lessons are taught that develop talents. Choreography, vocals, choral chants, art - a small fraction of what your daughter will be taught.

Excellent behavior and pupils are obliged not only to strict discipline, but also to lectures on etiquette.


The desire to develop is supported not only by fair assessments, but also by a successful stimulation system. So, students attend all kinds of contests, festivals and competitions, where they can boast of their skills, receive commendation sheets, certificates and awards.

Sheremetyevo Moscow Cadet Corps cooperates with all city and regional intellectual competitions. Each of the girls can be nominated for the competition by a teacher or independently apply for participation. The task of educators in this case is to contribute as much as possible to ensure that the child receives a prize.

In addition to participating in regular contests (artistic word, visual arts, intellectual competitions), a child can reveal their talent at a beauty festival.

Particular attention is paid to sports Olympiads.

The Sheremetyevo Cadet Corps for Girls in Moscow offers great opportunities for development.

The main bet is sports

Physical culture is the key to health. The issue of well-being is especially relevant today. Bad habits, unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle have led to the need for stress. School leaders are especially careful in choosing the exercise system for girls. The institution provides children with everything they need to be interesting and safe to improve their physical condition.

A lot of versatile and Olympiads are held annually. This cadet corps for girls in Moscow practices fieldwork. Pupils take part in city and all-Russian tournaments. Thanks to the rich school curriculum and excellent qualifications of educators, children become prize winners and take first places. Hikes, quests are often organized. Competitions are also held outside the city.

This is fun, delight and positive emotions every time. In addition to the training nature, such programs aim to convey a certain message. For example, they can be confined to a problem, event, or person that schoolgirls need to pay special attention to.

Preparation of documents as a foundation

The admission procedure is usually complex and painstaking. And if you do not know how to enter the cadet corps, it is better to ask the secretary for help, who will provide a list of all the necessary documents.

In general, parents will need: a statement on the sample, a photo (three pieces), a description from a previous educational institution, a copy of a birth certificate. You will have to take care of your personal matter. Relatives will be asked to bring the girl's diary certified by the previous institution, a form with grades, mother's or father's passport. It is also worth grabbing information about the social status of the family and registration.

In addition, you must first take care of the medical side of the issue. Before entering the cadet corps, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist must issue a certificate stating that the child is healthy and that the institution's sports program will not harm him.

Psychological attitude

In addition to the paper side, there is also an interview. Teachers and psychologists talk to the future cadet. A girl's emotional state is very important in a disciplinary institution. In addition, schoolgirls in grades 5-11 take an oral exam in mathematics, Russian language and physical education. Credited to competitive basis... Admission to the cadet corps for girls is very simple. A child is accepted if his annual marks are not lower than 5-4 points. In this case, the interview will not take place.

Before processing the documents, it is worth talking to your child. A cadet is not only prestigious, but also responsible. The institution imposes certain duties on the students, which they must fulfill without question. Also, not everyone is ready for sports activities. But if a girl wants to devote her life to military affairs, this school will be the first step for her to make her dreams come true.

The road to a happy future

Parents who want their daughter to have a successful career should send her to the Cadet Corps. Feedback from relatives after such a decision is positive. The system offered by the school contributes to the disclosure of the child as an independent, uncomplexed, Future patriots are taught not only to love their homeland, but also to be ready to defend it.

The Moscow Sheremetyevo Cadet Corps offers a whole scheme of interesting rules that a student must follow. The main principles are responsibility, courage and justice. In addition to general, such a school teaches respect for elders and friendship with peers.

This educational institution for physically gifted children was created two years ago by decision of the Russian Defense Minister, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu. On June 21, in a solemn atmosphere, the graduation of the first enrollment of 40 cadets took place.
“Two years ago, we accepted these guys who came from 20 regions of Russia,” says the head of the Cadet Corps (sports school), Colonel of Reserves of Justice Sergei Borgolov. - Among 40 pupils of the first enrollment there were 10 candidates for master of sports and 19 had the first category, in total in 14 sports. For two years, cadets have been trained in a secondary education program, integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports, and a number of others. "
The cadets performed well and continued to improve in their chosen sports. The highest results were achieved by cadets Nikita Sopov and Nikita Nesteruk, who became candidates for master of sports in universal combat and won a number of prestigious competitions. Among the awards won are bronze medals of the 2016 World Championship, victories in the championship Armed Forces RF 2016 and 2017. In general, the number of candidates for master of sports has grown by one and a half times - up to 15 people.

Three quarters of the graduates of the VIFK Cadet Corps (Sports School) will enter the universities of the Ministry of Defense

At the solemn ceremony, certificates, badges and golden TRP badges were presented to graduates by the head of the VIFK Major General Alexei Obvintsev, two-time Olympic champion in biathlon Dmitry Vasilyev, chairman of the St. Petersburg Union of Suvorovites, Nakhimovites and cadet captain 1st rank Anton Gryaznov and a number of other famous persons.

Ahead of graduates - admission to higher educational establishments... Three quarters of them chose the universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, including 15 people expressed their desire to become cadets of the legendary Military Institute of Physical Culture, which, like the corps, is located on the same territory on Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Avenue of the Northern Capital.
“In addition to good knowledge, the guys were able to develop a real sports character in two years - this is very important for success in adulthood, - shared the chairman of the parent committee Inna Sopova. “Together we went through a two-year period of formation of the corps and now we can be proud of the created command, teachers and educators, excellent conditions for study, sports and all-round creative development. You can only envy the guys who enter here this summer ”.

St. Petersburg

In the photo: the head of the VIFK, Major General Alexei OBVINTSEV, is presenting certificates of graduation from the Cadet Corps.

In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation On September 1, 2015, the Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute of Physical Culture will open in St. Petersburg.

Education at the school will be organized according to educational programs of secondary general education (grades 10-11) and integrated additional programsaimed at developing creativity and supporting children of outstanding ability.

The educational process will take place according to the university system, which includes two semesters, lectures, scientific seminars, practice, mind games, scientific work, as well as examination sessions, under the guidance of a scientific mentor, appointed from among the leading researchers of the Military Institute of Physical Culture.

School enrollment is carried out in 10 classes from among male candidates who have received basic general education and passed the state final certification at the end of grade 9.

Admission is carried out on the basis of the results of a medical examination, verification of psychological readiness for school, physical fitness, entrance exams in general subjects (mathematics, Russian language and biology), as well as additional tests.

Applicants must have at least a second adult sports grade in one of the following sports cultivated in the school:

... Taekwondo;
... Army hand-to-hand combat;
... Fencing;
... Judo;
... Sambo;
... Freestyle wrestling;
... Greco-Roman wrestling;
... Polyathlon;
... Athletics;
... Ski race;
... Biathlon;
... Orienteering;
... Triathlon;
... Swimming;
... Modern pentathlon;
... Bullet shooting;
... Underwater sports.


1. Admission to the cadet sports school of the federal state treasury military educational institution higher education The "Military Institute of Physical Culture" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the School) is carried out on a competitive basis from among the health-conscious minors of the Russian Federation who have the appropriate level of education and age (hereinafter referred to as candidates).

2. For admission to the School, candidates are selected who have a basic general education (9 classes), an adult sports category of at least 2 in the sports cultivated in the School, and high sports achievements.

3. Admission of candidates to the School is carried out on the basis of the results of a medical examination, verification of psychological readiness to study at the School, physical fitness, entrance examinations in general subjects (mathematics, Russian language and biology), additional entrance examinations.


2.1. The application of the parents (legal representatives) of the candidate addressed to the head of the School for the admission of the candidate and the documents attached to it (Appendix No. 1) are sent to the School address from April 15 to June 1 (194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Avenue, d. .63, Chairman admissions committee Schools).

2.2. In order to confirm compliance with the giftedness criteria (Appendix No. 2) according to the list of sports cultivated in the School (Appendix No. 3), a portfolio is formed (Appendix No. 4).

2.3. The received personal files of candidates are considered by the School's selection committee.

2.4. Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, do not correspond to the level of education and age (class of admission), or whose personal file does not contain the documents specified in the list of submitted documents, are not allowed to the entrance examinations.

2.5. Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to the entrance examinations are sent a notice signed by the chairman of the School's admissions committee indicating the reasons. If they disagree with the decision of the School's admissions committee, the parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to the entrance examinations can appeal to the chairmen of the School's admissions committee and the central admissions committee.

2.6. Parents (legal representatives) of candidates admitted to the entrance tests are sent a notice signed by the chairman of the School's admissions committee by June 25, indicating the date and place of the entrance tests.

2.7. By the date specified in the call, the candidate for admission must arrive at the test site and provide the originals of the documents (Appendix No. 5).

Candidates who have passed a medical examination are admitted to the following admissions tests:

checking psychological readiness for training;
check of physical fitness;
for general education;
confirmation of compliance with the criteria for giftedness and level of sports training.

2.9. At the end of the entrance examinations, candidates leave for their place of residence. The recruitment decision is not communicated to them.

2.10. If the Central Admissions Committee makes a positive decision on the enrollment of candidates to the School, a notice of enrollment signed by the chairman of the School's admissions committee is sent to the parents (legal representatives) indicating the date of arrival of the enrolled candidate to the School.

For travel to the School at the military commissariat at the place of residence, the enrolled candidate is issued with military transport documents on the basis of a notice of enrollment.

Upon arrival at the School, you must submit the original documents to the admissions office