The cadet sports corps is in contact. 1st in 1st cadet

A good start for any career is training in institutions with a special focus on military training. The Moscow Sheremetyevsky Cadet Corps can boast of this. The main advantage of this school is that both boys and girls can receive knowledge there on an equal level.

The origin of the movement

Medieval knights are considered the first cadets. In the camps, strong and brave men learned military skills. Along with military affairs, young people studied basic sciences. Such a system subsequently gave a good start to an independent life, so such establishments were extremely popular among young people.

The word "cadet" itself appeared in the 17th century and meant "junior in rank." It was assigned to the sons of aristocrats who attended schools specialized in military affairs.

The first cadet corps in Russia were introduced by order of Peter the Great. The sons of the soldiers received knowledge there. It was during the time of this emperor that women joined the military business. The fair half worked as nurses in hospitals during the fighting.

Ladies in uniform

There have been legends about women warriors in all ages. Many writers were inspired by Athena. She was considered the patroness of all soldiers. But history also knows real figures who amazed the world with their courage and bravery. One of the most famous is the commander, strategist and patriot Jeanne d'Arc.

It is easy for modern girls to practice their favorite martial arts. There are plenty of good boarding schools. Cadet Corps accepts female students of different ages and social backgrounds. But earlier the situation was different. The women lived secretly in the army. One of them is Nadezhda Andreevna Durova, who was known as an excellent cavalryman. She was the daughter of a hussar, so she grew up in a military atmosphere from childhood. When I grew up, I left native home, changed into men's clothes and went to the Cossack regiment to conquer the army craft.

general characteristics

This institution has primary, general and complete (secondary) education. The main emphasis is placed on the military training of students. The Sheremetyevo Moscow Cadet Corps accepts girls from grades 1 to 11.

The main task of the institution is to help the child's intellectual, creative and physical development as much as possible. The system by which schoolgirls study is traditional program "School of Russia". Her goal is to bring up a confident, patriotic, interesting personality. The school week and the schedule of classes vary depending on the age of the group.

Education is free of charge. The school provides three meals a day. All students wear a standard uniform. Parents buy clothes at their own expense. The age from which the enrollment is made is 6 years.

This cadet corps for girls in Moscow cooperates with the best higher educational institutions in the country.

Time for housework

The main profile is military training, civil service and the general culture, parallel parents and female students can choose to their liking.

Classes are from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. The educational process begins on September 1 and is divided into three terms. The grading system is five-point.

The cadet corps for girls in Moscow has another advantage. An added plus for both parents and children is the time to complete homework... This hour is at and is required for all students. For 60 minutes, schoolgirls, under the supervision of teachers, work on their lessons on their own. The advantage of such a system is that pupils, if necessary, can ask for help from a friend or teacher. The atmosphere in the classrooms also contributes: silence, calmness, focused attention.

All uncompleted lessons can be completed at home under the supervision of parents.

Additional profiles

The first window into the world of possibilities has always been the school. The cadet corps brings up not only strong and patriotic personalities out of girls, but also makes them real ladies. In addition to standard disciplines, students attend subjects that develop their creative nature. The institution offers to take a course in home economics, which teaches the elementary rules of future housewives. Sewing classes are held separately.

Much attention is paid to medical training. With the permission of the parents, the girl can attend practical lessons, where they will demonstratively provide first aid.

Not all cadet corps in Russia can offer such a wide range of sciences. Along with the theory of housekeeping, lessons are taught that develop talents. Choreography, vocals, choral chants, art - a small fraction of what your daughter will be taught.

Excellent behavior and pupils are obliged not only to strict discipline, but also to lectures on etiquette.


The desire to develop is supported not only by fair assessments, but also by a successful stimulation system. So, students attend all kinds of contests, festivals and competitions, where they can boast of their skills, receive commendation sheets, certificates and awards.

Sheremetyevo Moscow Cadet Corps cooperates with all city and regional intellectual competitions. Each of the girls can be nominated for the competition by a teacher or independently apply for participation. The task of educators in this case is to contribute as much as possible to ensure that the child receives a prize.

In addition to participating in regular contests (artistic word, visual arts, intellectual competitions), a child can reveal their talent at a beauty festival.

Particular attention is paid to sports Olympiads.

The Sheremetyevo Cadet Corps for Girls in Moscow offers great opportunities for development.

The main bet is sports

Physical culture is the key to health. The issue of well-being is especially relevant today. Bad habits, unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle have led to the need for stress. School leaders are especially careful in choosing the exercise system for girls. The institution provides children with everything they need to be interesting and safe to improve their physical condition.

A lot of versatile and Olympiads are held annually. This cadet corps for girls in Moscow practices fieldwork. Pupils take part in city and all-Russian tournaments. Thanks to the rich school curriculum and excellent qualifications of educators, children become prize winners and take first places. Hikes, quests are often organized. Competitions are also held outside the city.

This is fun, delight and positive emotions every time. In addition to the training nature, such programs aim to convey a certain message. For example, they can be confined to a problem, event, or person that schoolgirls need to pay special attention to.

Preparation of documents as a foundation

The admission procedure is usually complex and painstaking. And if you do not know how to enter the cadet corps, it is better to turn to the secretary for help, who will provide a list of all required documents.

In general, parents will need: a statement based on a sample, a photo (three pieces), a characteristic from the previous educational institution, copy of the birth certificate. You will have to take care of your personal matter. Relatives will be asked to bring the girl's diary certified by the previous institution, a form with grades, mother's or father's passport. It is also worth grabbing information about the social status of the family and registration.

In addition, you must first take care of the medical side of the issue. Before entering the cadet corps, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist must issue a certificate stating that the child is healthy and that the institution's sports program will not harm him.

Psychological attitude

In addition to the paper side, there is also an interview. Teachers and psychologists talk to the future cadet. A girl's emotional state is very important in a disciplinary institution. In addition, schoolgirls in grades 5-11 take an oral exam in mathematics, Russian language and physical education. Credited to competitive basis... Admission to the cadet corps for girls is very simple. A child is accepted if his annual marks are not lower than 5-4 points. In this case, the interview will not take place.

Before processing the documents, it is worth talking to your child. A cadet is not only prestigious, but also responsible. The institution imposes certain duties on the students, which they must fulfill without question. Also, not everyone is ready for sports activities. But if a girl wants to devote her life to military affairs, this school will be the first step for her to make her dreams come true.

The road to a happy future

Parents who want their daughter to have a successful career should send her to the Cadet Corps. Feedback from relatives after such a decision is positive. The system offered by the school contributes to the disclosure of the child as an independent, uncomplexed, Future patriots are taught not only to love their homeland, but also to be ready to defend it.

The Moscow Sheremetyevo Cadet Corps offers a whole scheme of interesting rules that a student must follow. The main principles are responsibility, courage and justice. In addition to general, such a school teaches respect for elders and friendship with peers.

This year I graduated from the Kharovsky school named after Vasily Prokatov, received a basic general education.

But I want to tell you about the time when, from the 4th grade, I went to the Kharovskaya CYSS for the skiing department. Has been engaged in a sports school for 6 years. I was taught to give all my best in training in full force, take good care of the equipment, respect rivals and be proud of the fact that I am a student of the Kharovskaya Youth Sports School and take part in competitions, defending her honor and honor of the Kharovskiy District.

Coach Valery Alekseevich Tarbaev suggested that I try to be selected for admission to the Cadet Sports Corps of the Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg after finishing 9 classes. Since then, I began to prepare for my goal. I collected documents, attended trainings and, at the same time, prepared for passing the Basic State Exam.

With my parents, we sent documents for admission and waited for an invitation to the entrance examinations. At this very time, I was taking school exams and was worried.

But the answer was not long in coming. I was given the go-ahead to pass the entrance examinations. On July 1, he started passing the necessary tests for admission to the KSK "VIFK".

I went through a very tough selection from among highly qualified guys - athletes in different types sports (wrestling, sambo, ARB, judo, cross-country skiing, biathlon, etc.), who came from all over our country. Competition - 4-5 people per seat.

The order of entrance examinations was as follows: checking the psychological readiness of candidates for training (testing), medical examination, determining the level of general physical readiness, passing the theory in the chosen sport (I have skiing), determining the level of physical readiness of candidates in the chosen sport (cross-country skiing), delivery of general education subjects (Russian language, mathematics, biology, english language).

On July 5, I returned home. But he did not stop preparing for the new season, he trained hard under the guidance of my mentors - coach Valery Alekseevich Tarbaev and physical education teacher Alexander Alekseevich Tarbaev. They set me up mentally and physically.

Thanks to the sports school, I achieved great results and entered the Cadet Corps (sports school) of the Military Institute of Physical Culture.

I am proud that I managed to go through a small path in sports, but I am sure that I will manage not to let my mentors down, and I will become an officer.

The purpose of my article is that even from school years it is necessary to instill in children a sense of patriotism, to love sports, because it is much more interesting than abusing alcohol, smoking or drugs. I want to express my deep gratitude to the school teachers for allowing me to achieve such results when passing the exams, who supported me all this time, and special thanks to Valery Alekseevich and Alexander Alekseevich for their help in choosing my future profession. I do not regret that six years ago I came to the Kharovskaya CYSS. And, of course, I am grateful to my family, without their support I would not have passed this life exam.

Personnel metamorphosis of Buryat officials

New Year for the judicial community of the republic was marked by unexpected news. Last week, Sergei Borgolov, a well-known retired judge in Buryatia, was appointed to the post of director of the cadet sports corps of the Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg.

The discussion of the event mainly concerned the question of how Judge Borgolov became the head of the most prestigious military educational institution in Russia, having neither pedagogical nor sports experience.

Timur Buryatsky - in Irkutsk, Zhanna Magomedova - in Ulan-Ude

Labor migration of well-known personalities in Buryatia towards the prosperous west did not start yesterday. Before Sergei Borgolov, this example was followed by the former chief bailiff for Buryatia, Timur Magomedov, who held a post for a whole year with the prefix acting, but for unknown reasons was never approved in this status. In 2014, Timur Buryatsky unexpectedly moved to the Irkutsk region, where he was first appointed acting director. chief bailiff, and just four months later, and a full-fledged head of department. According to informed sources at the time, the former chief bailiff for the Irkutsk region, Alexander Vorobyov, was confronted by the leadership with a fact - either to move to a similar chair in Buryatia, or to leave his post.

They say that Vorobyov, who was born and raised in Irkutsk, did not want to change his place of residence. It is not known where Alexander Vorobyov is working now; his surname is not among Magomedov's deputies. It is known for certain that if he left the system, in the future he will be assigned a pension that is less than if he had completed his full service life. It is also interesting that the wife of Timur Magomedov, Zhanna Gennadievna Magomedova, did not move to a neighboring city with her husband and continues to work in the prosecutor's office of the Soviet district. It turned out almost as in the old song: "An order was given to him to the west, to her in the other direction" with the only difference that in the last century the Komsomol members were ready to leave their native lands and loved ones to defend their homeland, and today only for career reasons.

Sergey Borgolov.

Sergey Borgolov - in St. Petersburg, Borgolov's wife - in Ulan-Ude

Formally, the employment of retired judge Sergei Borgolov in government agency, which is the cadet sports corps of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Institute of Physical Culture", does not contradict the law. Recall that three years ago Sergei Borgolov hastily left the position of Director of the Judicial Department after the facts of savings of 16 million rubles during construction in Ulan-Ude became known. large object called the Railway Court. They said that almost at the same time Sergei Borgolov celebrated a gift to his young wife, by the way, also a judge, - the completion of the construction of a three-storey cottage in an elite Ulan-Ude village. They say that the local judicial community, which had the good fortune to visit the cottage, talked about what they saw for a long time as if they had visited the "Greek" hall.

Although then the judicial community took unprecedented measures and submitted all the available materials on the Railway Court to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Buryatia to conduct an audit and initiate a criminal case, the latter did not happen. Without explaining anything to anyone and without waiting for the results of the audit, Sergei Borgolov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will, and soon his example, that is, resignation, was followed by the deputy head of the judicial department of the Republic of Belarus, Lyudmila Kiseleva. It is known that for some time after that Sergey Borgolov illegally headed the legal department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Buryatia, which, after the questions raised in our newspaper in this regard, also voluntarily left.

Although a judge, who receives life support from the state, is allowed to work in state and scientific institutions, however, the completed employment as director of an educational institution that has not only a military, but also a sports orientation, officially designated with the prefix "for gifted children", questions are still calls. Even though Colonel of Justice Sergei Borgolov at the dawn of his youth was a military man, he bravely served in Afghanistan, has military orders and medals, and as a judge he always wore a mustache and was noticeably distinguished by a military bearing, but any sane person understands that to train even ordinary cadets, let alone gifted, this is not enough. Children, the Unified State Exam, sports standards and much more, which the director of an essentially elite school has to face every day, require a completely different qualification.

Back in September this school year The then director of the cadet corps, Colonel Oleg Stepanchuk, right from the deck of the Aurora cruiser, congratulated all the admitted children who came from 20 regions of the country on their victory, thanks to which they could become the military elite of their homeland. By the way, here in full state support only 80 cadets study. Why, in the middle of the school year, Colonel Stepanchuk left the elite institution, and together with him, they say, several more teachers quit, is unknown. It is only known that, as in the department of bailiffs in the Irkutsk region, another colonel, who arrived straight from Ulan-Ude, was introduced to the team without further ado. Just like Zhanna Magomedova, the young wife of Judge Borgolov remained in Ulan-Ude, where she now works as a federal judge of the Railway Court.

P.S. Last week, the parents of the cadet sports corps of the Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg phoned the editorial office and expressed their fears for the fate of the children, whom a person who has neither pedagogical nor sports education was entrusted with in the very near future. no experience in this area. The parents intend to receive written explanations from the management of the Military Institute of Physical Culture on the topic of what it was guided by when it appointed the former Buryat judge Sergei Borgolov to the post of the director of the educational institution under their jurisdiction.

If you want your child to grow up as a strong and comprehensively developed personality, with a good upbringing and tempered character, without bad habits, take a closer look at the cadet schools. The purpose of cadet education is to educate a patriotic, disciplined person.

Education in cadet corps differs significantly from the usual general education. In addition to compulsory subjects, children learn military history, the basics of military affairs, are undergoing enhanced physical training. The school day here lasts longer, and the teachers do not do any favors to the children. Another significant difference is the strictest discipline. Pupils wear a special uniform, often walk in formation, salute their elders. During the holidays, the guys participate in competitions, cultural and excursion activities.

Varieties of cadet schools

Cadet corps can supervise the Ministry of Emergencies, the FSB and organizations subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense. In such institutions, military discipline: permanent residence, dismissals strictly on weekends and holidays. The daily routine is carefully planned, the pupils practically do not have free time. It is difficult to enter here, and it is not easy to study! Therefore, most often here you can meet children who in the future plan to enter the internal affairs bodies or military service.

There are also cadet schools established by the Moscow Department of Education. Only children with a Moscow residence permit can enter them. Many of these schools also operate as boarding schools, but it is much easier to get fired here.

Reception conditions

Children who are fit for health reasons are admitted to the cadet corps (the list of contraindications is set out in Appendix 3 to Order No. 473 of 16.10.2002 of the Moscow Health Committee) and those wishing to study. For admission, you must submit an application to the Admissions Committee on time and attach a package of necessary documents (indicated on the website educational institution), undergo diagnostics at MCCO in the following subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, and a medical commission. In addition, candidates for admission are tested for the level of physical fitness and an interview with a psychologist. Based on the results of the events Selection committeetaking into account the state of health, motivation, the presence of additional achievements (awards received for participation in creative and sports events), the level of physical fitness and academic performance, makes a decision. At the same time, candidates who are sent to the target recruitment have the priority right to enrollment. Also, upon admission, orphans and children of military personnel enjoy benefits.

There are age restrictions when enrolling in a cadet school. Kids are not taken here, with rare exceptions. It's too late to think about entering high school, as the training program is designed for a certain period, at least 3 years. The ideal time to enter is graduation from primary school.

Preobrazhensky cadet corps

Address: Moscow, m. Rokossovsky Boulevard, st. Losinoostrovskaya, 22a;


Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: a boarding school for boys, a five-day school week, on weekends the children go home.

The Transfiguration Cadet Corps is a state-owned state educational institution, the purpose of which is to provide quality education, moral, physical and social development students.

Talented teachers work here. They are faced with difficult tasks: to interest students, create a favorable emotional and psychological atmosphere in the classroom, teach children to work in a team, and, of course, present the material in an accessible and understandable way. And they succeed. After graduating from school, cadets enter the Academy of the FSB, FSO and others strong structure RF.

KSHI No. 5 implements educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as programs additional education in the following areas:

  • mathematics,
  • physics,
  • biology,
  • social Studies,
  • warfare,
  • bullet shooting,
  • lego construction and modeling,
  • museology,
  • body-building,
  • basketball,
  • handball,
  • athletics,
  • football,
  • motorsport,
  • wind ensemble or orchestra to choose from,
  • choral singing,
  • theatrical and musical creativity.

All the conditions for the healthy development of children have been created in the cadet school: wet cleaning and airing of the premises are carried out daily, the optimal thermal regime is maintained. All pupils of KSHI №5 receive tasty and balanced six meals a day. The daily routine is carefully planned: lessons are replaced by walks, physical training and breaks for meals. Therefore, despite the rich main and additional educational program, children do not experience overwork.

The school is located in a large building, on the territory of which there are:

  • classrooms and classrooms for self-training,
  • assembly hall and dance halls,
  • library,
  • large and small gym,
  • gym,
  • shooting range,
  • ski base.

In addition, the street has a rubber-covered obstacle course, a motor racing field, football, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, a gymnastic town and a jogging track.

At the disposal of the educational institution, all the necessary for the organization educational process equipment: PCs, projectors and plasma panels, interactive whiteboards, MFPs, music centers.

First Moscow Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, Timiryazevskaya, st. Vuchetich, 30, building 1


  1. Fourth Novomikhalkovsky proezd, 14, building 3
  2. st. Zelenogradskaya, 9

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: primary, basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school, training in the morning, additional education in the afternoon; at branch No. 3 - day training... Saturday and Sunday, as well as holidays pupils go home.

The First Moscow Cadet Corps is a state-owned institution. Unlike other cadet schools, not only secondary and high school programs are implemented here, but also primary education (in two branches), there is preparation for school. For the smallest are provided speech therapy classes, course "English for kids", program of social and psychological adaptation "fairy tale of communication". From 8 to 10 years old, children begin to study English in more depth: courses "fascinating English" and "English language. phonetics".

KSHI # 1 can be rightfully proud of the number of sections and circles. Real fighters, well-rounded, are brought up here. The discipline is consistent with a military institution.

Additional education programs:

  • in-depth study of mathematics;
  • history;
  • jurisprudence;
  • design and research activities: museums, parks, estates; secrets of the Russian language;
  • natural and physical and mathematical modeling: chess, the world around us, geographical research, riddles of chemistry, entertaining mathematics, programming;
  • museum business;
  • entertaining English;
  • social Studies;
  • aircraft modeling, computer modeling, rocket modeling;
  • robotics;
  • entertaining physics;
  • fire and aerobatic training;
  • warfare;
  • all-around TRP, gymnastics, swimming, basketball, football;
  • sports shooting;
  • sambo and hand-to-hand combat, judo;
  • fire and rescue work (preparation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom and folk dances;

In the considered boarding school, all conditions for normal living have been created, five meals a day are provided. The building was designed and equipped in accordance with SanPin standards and the requirements of current legislation. The cadet corps includes educational and living quarters, a canteen, and a medical unit. The residential complex has 60 bedrooms for up to 240 students. Each room has a separate bathroom. There are three additional rooms on the floor. Here children play with their peers, relax, do self-training.

Material and technical equipment

The school building houses everything necessary for theoretical and practical classes, self-study and organization of leisure, premises:

  • Study rooms;
  • Auditorium;
  • Workshops;
  • Laboratories for chemistry and physics, biology;
  • Radio-electronic technologies and informatics offices;
  • Library;
  • Large and small gym, gym, swimming pool;
  • An outdoor sports complex has been built on the adjacent territory, which includes a large and small obstacle course, a gymnastic complex, a hockey, volleyball and basketball field, a jogging track.

All of the above premises have the necessary technical equipment.

Sholokhov Moscow Cossack Corps

Address: Moscow, st. March. Chuikova, 28, building 4

Founder: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Education: Basic, secondary in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Mode: boarding school, 5-day school week, classes from 8.30 to 15.00

Moscow Presidential Cadet School. Sholokhova is a state treasury institution created in 2015 on the basis of KSHI No. 7. Here, children study from grades 5-11, preparing for admission to higher civilian and military institutions of the Russian Federation. The preferential right of admission is enjoyed by children whose parents serve in internal troopsah the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Additional education programs:

  • basketball,
  • hand-to-hand combat,
  • folk and ballroom dances,
  • history of the Cossacks, internal troops, Orthodox culture,
  • young museum expert,
  • guide,
  • military and drill training,
  • commander's school,
  • operator-editor.

The cadet school pays great attention to the safety of pupils. The territory of the building is guarded around the clock, it is under the system of external and internal video surveillance. The institution operates as a boarding school. Residential buildings are equipped with spacious rooms for 2-6 people, complete set furniture, inventory, separate bathrooms, utility rooms. Five meals a day.

Material and technical equipment

On the territory of the school there are:

  • assembly and choreographic hall;
  • hall for wrestling;
  • 2 museums;
  • sports town: obstacle course, jogging track, playgrounds, laser shooting range.

Classrooms are equipped with AWPs, didactic materials, ergonomic furniture, meet the SanPin standards.

Moscow Georgievsky Cadet Corps

Address: Moscow, st. Small. Botanicheskaya, 24B

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school

The institution works 5 days a week. On weekends, the children go home. Also, unlike other cadet schools, the guys, if they wish, can go on leave in the middle of the week. Education is conducted from the 7th grade and provides for mastering the Federal State Educational Standard program and obtaining additional education. Most of the pupils of the school are children of military personnel and orphans (privileged category).

During the holidays, the school attracts cadets to numerous activities: excursions and cultural programs, competitions, cadet balls, etc.

Additional education programs:

  • military history,
  • the basics of military service,
  • young shooter,
  • patriots of the Russian Federation,
  • school of commanders,
  • volleyball,
  • academic choir,
  • vocal ensemble.

The residential complex includes 18 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 shower rooms. All children receive free six meals a day, medical care and, if necessary, psychological assistance.

Material and technical equipment

In the educational building and on the adjacent territory of the considered cadet school there are:

  • auditorium;
  • museum;
  • library;
  • 16 classrooms;
  • conference hall,
  • workshop;
  • 2 classes for laboratory work;
  • gym;
  • sports town: volleyball, basketball, gymnastic grounds, jogging track, obstacle course and jumping pit.

Study rooms meet the standards educational standard and the requirements of SanPin and are equipped with modern technology, furniture and teaching materials. Great attention is also paid to the organization of the correct lighting.

School for girls "Moscow boarding school for state pupils"

Address: Moscow, Volzhsky blvd, 52/29, p. 1

Founder: Moscow Department of Education

Education: Basic, secondary

Mode: boarding school

Feature educational process the considered school for girls is the study, along with the compulsory subjects of the Federal State Educational Standard, the cadet component.

Additional education programs:

  • school for a young guide,
  • jurisprudence,
  • the basics of military service,
  • painting, graphics,
  • percussion instruments (drums, xylophone, timpani),
  • ballroom and folk dances,
  • pop vocals,
  • artistic reading.

Great attention is paid to organizing a health-saving environment and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The management monitors the observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime: daily ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning, the use of ergonomic furniture in the residential and educational complex. Pupils adhere to a strict daily routine, which includes mandatory wellness activities.

Material and technical equipment

The classrooms are equipped with ergonomic furniture with height adjustment, computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards and other technical training aids, teaching materials... In addition to classrooms, on the territory of the building are located:

  • Auditorium;
  • Sports and dance hall;
  • Music and literature class;
  • Labor office;
  • 2 computer science rooms;
  • A big library;
  • Museum;
  • Gym.

By the format of training, the closest to cadet schools are you can get acquainted with the range of services and choose a boarding house that suits you on the pages of our catalog.