Sports facilities for gymnastics. The history of the emergence of gymnastics

Design of gyms. Minimum areas of utility rooms in gymnasiums. Typical layout of the gym. The layout of the premises in the gymnasium average size... Minimum space required for gymnastic exercises. Recommended sizes of gyms for different sports.

Dressing rooms: for each athlete - 40 cm bench length. The average dressing area with a bench length of 16 - 20 m is 20 - 30 m2. When placing benches in parallel rows, the distance between them should be ≥ 1.1 m. Double-sided benches with a dividing wall at the height of the clothes hooks are used. The walls are washable. Floors: from roll materials (linoleum, rubber, plastics), tiled or self-leveling. The grates should not be made of wood, but plastic.

Washrooms and showers: 10 showers in one room (if possible with an inclined jet direction, with nets at shoulder level or higher); 10 taps at low heights for washing hands and feet; drain for dirty water through a covered gutter. The walls are tiled to a height of 2 m with ceramic tiles. Corrugated and rough tile floors; laying wooden gratings on the floor is not allowed (to avoid the transmission of fungal infections).

Storage room for sports equipment (shell):

depth 4 - 5 m, the opening into the hall - the entire width of the shell; the floor is wooden. Plaster on the corners of walls and pillars must be protected from damage by corner strips. Individual sports unions or federations may have their own equipment.

Technical equipment. For the competition, there must be seats for spectators with a separate passage to them, if possible. Mobile stands for spectators can be built into wall niches (Fig. 7). It is advisable to provide in the middle of the hall, opposite the stands for spectators, a board with time indication, a microphone and a lighting control panel (Fig. 8).

3. Crossbar.

4. Rings.

5. Gymnastic box.

6. Parallel bars.

8. Large and small sports halls at the Darmstadt Higher Technical School. The project was developed by the Darmstadt Higher Construction Service educational institutions... 1 - slug; 2 - small hall; 3 - men's dressing room; 4 -wachter's room; 5 - lobby; 6 - teachers' room; 7 - dressing room for boys; 8 - timing, 9 - storage of sports suits; 10 - machine room; 11 - storage of balls; 12 - storage of cleaning equipment; 13 - large hall.

7. Retractable stands (section length - up to 6 m).

9. Trolley for transporting mats.

10. Gymnastic bench.

The minimum area of \u200b\u200butility rooms:

Hall view Shell Small equipment Dressing rooms Washrooms and showers Restrooms Instructor's room
area, m2 number area, m2 number area, m2 souls Faucets for washing hands and feet male female number area, m2
uni-pots pis-suars uni-pots
Gymnasium: small 40 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
average 48 2 20 – 30 2 15 – 25 10 – 12 10 – 12 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 1 – 2 9 – 12
large 72 2 20 – 30 2 20 – 25 12 12 – 15 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 2 9 – 12
Gym, games room 84 4 20 – 30 2 25 – 30 12 – 15 15 1 – 2 3 2 – 4 2 9 – 12
Premises for physical education: minimum area 10 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
regular sizes 10 1 25 1 15 – 20 12 12 1 1 2 1 9 – 12

Halls for sports games and gymnastics (DIN 18032) are located at a distance of ≤ 10 minutes walk from the school, away from main streets and industrial enterprises. The direction of the longitudinal axis of the hall is from east to west. The walls of the hall should be smooth, without protrusions and niches; the surface of the walls is durable, light and easy to clean. The wall covering must be acoustically efficient and the reverberation time must not exceed 1.8 s. If possible, the doors of the hall should not be located at the ends; placement of doors along the middle axis, on which the gates of the day of a number of sports games are located, is not allowed. When locked, the doors must be flush with the wall (door fittings are embedded in the door leaf).

For portable gymnastic apparatus, fasteners and storage places should be provided (for crossbars, ropes, rings, wall bars, basketball rings, there should be fastening strips in the floor, beams for suspension, etc.). The axes of the shells must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hall:

a) the axis of the ring stands runs in the middle of the hall;

b) the axis of the crossbar - at a distance of 6 m from the end wall opposite the entrance; rope axes - at a distance of 4 - 5 m from the end of the hall.

The floor in the halls should be resilient, not chipped or puffed up, durable to abrasion, non-slip, and should have sound and heat insulating properties. Resilient floors are now widely used; they do not get banked. Before varnishing and processing with anti-slip agents, markings for various games are applied to the floor surface in the form of multi-colored lines 2 - 5 cm wide.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe windows should be 1/5 of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. Sports halls should have natural light, but not dazzle (sun visors, blinds should be provided); the device of wide inter-window walls, which cause sharp contrasts in the intensity of illumination, is not allowed. Glazing should be made of safety glass up to 3.5 m above floor level. Window sills at a height of ≥ 2.2 m can only be installed on one longitudinal side of the hall.

In physical education rooms, the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows should be ≥ 1/3 of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe walls.

Average illumination during exercises Еср - ≥ 120 lx.

Average illumination during competition Еср - ≥ 200 lux.

Design temperature: in the hall 12 -15 ° С: in the back rooms 18 - 22 ° С

In school gymnasiums, the heating system of the hall and auxiliary rooms is made independent.

The hot water supply should be arranged separately from the heating system so that the supply hot water provided throughout the year. Direct-flow water heaters are installed in the halls of sports clubs.

Gymnastics halls. The dimensions of sports halls specified in DIN 18032, based on a modular size of 3 m, are partly rejected by sports experts; instead, the sizes of the gyms shown in the table are recommended.

X competition is possible.

Only training sessions are possible.


Gymnastics is the technical basis of many sports, and the corresponding exercises are included in the training program for representatives of various sports disciplines. Gymnastics not only provides certain technical skills, but also develops strength, flexibility, endurance, a sense of balance, and coordination of movements.

Gymnastics (from the Greek "gymnasium" - teach, train) - a system of bodily (physical) exercises that developed in Ancient Greece for many centuries BC - served the goals of general comprehensive physical development and improvement. However, there is another, less convincing, version of the origin of this word from the Greek "hymnos" - naked, since the ancients were engaged in bodily exercises naked.

There are many types of gymnastics: sports, artistic, hygienic, wellness and others.

This work describes the very history of the emergence of gymnastics, as an integral part of human life from ancient times to the present.

The history of the emergence of gymnastics

Gymnastics is a system of bodily exercises aimed at gaining physical harmony for a person. This system was created in Ancient Greece long before the new era. In addition to general physical exercises, horseback riding, swimming, dancing, gymnastics also included public competitions in running, jumping, javelin and discus throwing, wrestling, fist fighting, and chariot riding. All of these competitions were part of the competition included in the Olympic Games.

In ancient times, not only the Greeks were familiar with gymnastics. For example, in China and India, gymnastic exercises were also practiced several millennia ago - mainly for medicinal purposes. Even then, special devices were known, similar to some modern gymnastic apparatus. So, in ancient Rome to teach the basics of riding a kind of "horse" we know was used.

The early Christians considered gymnastics a "satanic invention", opposing the carnal, i.e. Its “sinful” beginning - which, first of all, meant the nakedness of athletes - is spiritual, sublime. In 393, gymnastics was officially banned, and only in the XIV century. its revival as a system of physical education began.

At the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries, a philanthropist movement arose in Germany, in which much attention was paid to the development of physical education. Gerhard Fit, Johann Guts-Muts, Friedrich Jan took an active part in this. In German gymnastics, exercises on the bar, rings, uneven bars and horse were popular. The original systems of gymnastics were created by the Frenchman Frans Amoros, the Swede Per Ling, the Czech Miroslav Tyrsh. These people have made a great contribution to the history of the development of gymnastics.

Gymnastics as a sport

It is known that in 1817, 80 students of F. Amoros held public competitions in Paris, that in Greece, in Athens, since 1859, attempts were made to revive the ancient Olympic Games more than once, and competitions in many types of physical exercises and gymnastics were held ... It can be assumed that F. Yan's students tried to measure their strength, compete in performing exercises, and M. Tyrsh's students - "falcons" - held rallies at which gymnasts demonstrated their successes and, naturally, these successes were somehow compared.

Gymnastics became a recognized sport in 1896, when it was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games. And since then it remains their true decoration.

From the first Olympic Games, gymnasts' competitions were based on exercises on gymnastic apparatus: horse, rings, uneven bars, crossbar and vault, and since 1932 (Los Angeles, USA) in floor exercises. However, paying tribute to gymnastics - the system of physical education, and depending on the content of gymnastics in the host country of the Olympic Games, the competition program included additional exercises that served as versatile physical training - rope climbing, sprint running, high jump, long jump and pole jumping. , shot put. At the Olympic Games, the team championship, the all-around championship and the championship in certain types of all-around are played.

In the middle of the century, the first closed gymnasiums appeared in Germany (before that, only open areas were functioning). Official artistic gymnastics competitions begin. In the second half of the XIX century. Europe and later America are experiencing a real gymnastic boom.

And the next century can rightfully be called the “age of gymnastics”. Although the modern program of gymnastic competitions was not immediately determined. Moreover, they passed in an unusual way. Competitions of gymnasts were often held in the open air. At first, there were no uniform technical requirements for gymnastic apparatus: often national teams came to international competitions with their own "props".

At first, only men entered the Olympic gymnastic platform, and in 1928 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) women also competed for the first time. True, the next, X Games (1932, Los Angeles, USA), they missed, but since the XI Games (1936, Berlin, Germany), they constantly participated in all games. At first, women competed only in the team championship, and since the 15th Games (1952, Helsinki, Finland) they have also challenged individual championship in the all-around - vault, parallel bars, balance beam, floor exercises - and in certain types.

Since the XI Games, the men's competition program has stabilized and adopted modern look - hexathlon: floor exercises, horse, rings, vaults, parallel bars, crossbar.

Before World War II, gymnasts from Germany, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, USA, Yugoslavia, Hungary performed more successfully than others. In the 50s, athletes from the USSR and Japan entered the world gymnastic elite, later - from Romania, China and Bulgaria, and with the collapse of the USSR - representatives of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In modern artistic gymnastics, a huge number of general developmental and applied exercises for the muscles of the arms, trunk and legs, both on apparatus and without them. It uses a gymnastic stick, stuffed balls, wall bars, rope, pole, rings, crossbar, log, and parallel bars. Gymnastics includes running, walking, jumping over the bar and supporting: over a goat and horse, overcoming obstacles and relay races.

gymnastics sports olympic game


(among the Greeks ίππόδρομος, among the Romans circus) - the place of equestrian competitions on horseback and chariots: see Hippodrome. The most famous hippodrome in Greece was the Olympic one. In Rome there was a Circus Maximus, which, according to legend, existed under Romulus, who in the Murcipian Valley, between the Aventine and Palatine hills, established games in honor of Kons. The long, flat area of \u200b\u200bthe valley served as R., the grassy slopes of the hill were places for spectators, until the architectural construction of the circus was erected. Tarquinius the Proud, according to legend, arranged wooden places (fori) for the public, which were burned and restored more than once. Julius Caesar arranged stone seats in the lower tiers. Augustus built the imperial box (pulvinar) of marble and erected the obelisk that currently stands on the Piazza del Popolo. Since the time of K ...






to the crystal

to the crystals,



a crystalline




(Source: "Complete Accentuated Paradigm by A. A. Zaliznyak")

The stadium - so to the Synod. per. transferred to Greek. the word stadium, a cut, as in Russian. lang., means an arena for sports (1 Cor. 9: 24-26). Ap. Paul in his ministry likens himself to a runner, who must run along the mark. track. He encourages the Corinthians to take an example from such competitors and, like them, to make every effort to receive the reward. see Game (III).

1. Competition area (outdated).
2. Square for equestrian competitions (obsolete).

The area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself. Knight Tournament.


the rst'alische (from the old Russian stalk - to move, run, ride) (1 Cor. 9:24) is a sports facility for running, racing, wrestling and other gymnastic exercises that the ancient Greeks were very fond of. They arranged lists in almost all their cities.

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synoidal translation. Bible Encyclopedia.... arch. Nikifor. 1891.

lists Primordial. Suf. derived from scatter Run, of the same root as to scour, lit. ristas "Fast", "nimble", etc. School etymological dictionary Russian language. The origin of words. - M .: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004


-and , wed outdated.

The area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself.

Those bloody lists involuntarily move before our eyes, at which all Rome was going to look. Gogol, Petersburg Notes 1836

Gardenin horses never appeared on the lists. Ertel, Gardenins.

Small academic dictionary. - Moscow: Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences Evgenieva A.P. 1957-1984

Reference manual to SNiP


Design of gyms, premises for physical training and health improvement classes
and indoor skating rinks with artificial ice

Edited by E. I. Fedotova.

Developed by Ph. The construction and technological issues of designing sports buildings with halls for practicing various sports are stated.

For engineering and technical workers of design and construction organizations and architects.


The reference book outlines progressive construction and technological solutions for the design of sports buildings with halls for acrobatics, badminton, basketball, boxing, wrestling (classical, freestyle, sambo, judo), volleyball, handball, athletics, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, tennis , table tennis, weightlifting, fencing, football, indoor skating rinks with artificial ice, as well as facilities for physical culture and health-improving activities of the population.

The design of sports buildings with halls and (or) indoor skating rinks intended for the USSR national teams and the Olympic reserve is carried out according to special assignments of the USSR State Committee for Sports; however, deviations from the recommendations given in this manual are possible.

Developed by TsNIIEP them. B.S. Mezentseva (engineers A.P. Golubinsky, I.S.Shveitser, candidates of architecture E.M. Los, N.B. Mezentseva, M.R.Savchenko, N.S.Strigaleva, G.I.Bykova , A.V. Egerev, architect V.P. Rumyantseva, engineers A.I. Zuikov, N.A.Smirnova, V.A.Soldatov, V.V. Filippov, V.B. Shtrainbrecht). With the participation of Soyuzsportproekt (Candidate of Engineering Sciences B.L.Belenky, engineer Yu.V. Prokudin) and MISI im. Kuibyshev (Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V.Kholshchevnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.N. Ovsyannikov).


1.1. The inclusion of hostels or hotels for nonresident participants in competitions or training camps in sports facilities, their capacity and category are determined by the design assignment.

For those living in the hostel, a dining room with a dining room is provided for 50% of the residents.

The design of hostels or hotels that are part of sports facilities is carried out taking into account the relevant standards; at the same time, it is recommended to set up blocks of two living rooms for 2-3 people in dormitories, each with a common sanitary unit for both rooms with a washbasin, shower and toilet.

1.2. When the administrative premises of the councils of DSO, sports schools, sports museums, clubs of masters of sports and other premises not intended for sports activities are included in the building with sports halls (skating rinks), the composition and area of \u200b\u200bthese premises are determined by the design assignment.

1.3. In adj. 1 shows the terms and their definitions.


2.1. On the construction site, the roadway cover is accepted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85 for road clothes of capital or lightweight type.

Separate paths for the safe movement of disabled people in wheelchairs leading to sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment facilities are provided with a width of at least 1.2 m, and their coverage is taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.02-85 for bicycle surfaces tracks. The type of footpath coverage is arbitrary.

2.2. The width of the paths of movement of spectators on the territory of the structure is taken at the rate of at least 1 m per 500 spectators.

2.3. At the entrances for spectators to the buildings of sports halls and indoor skating rinks, to facilitate the process of entering and exiting spectators, free areas are provided at the rate of 0.3 m 2 per spectator at this entrance. The definition of the shape of the plan of the free area is shown in Fig. one.

Figure: 1. Determination of the shape of the plan of the free area for outdoor
entrances and exits of spectators from sports buildings

h \u003d 1.73d 1; , S \u003d 0.3N is the width of the entrance-exit, N is the number of spectators at the given entrance-exit; S is the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe site at the entrance-exit of spectators from the sports building.


General requirements

3.1. Sports halls and skating rinks, depending on the purpose, can be: specialized or universal; with or without seats for spectators; sports demonstration and sports entertainment. The purpose of the hall (skating rink) is determined in the design assignment. In the buildings of sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment halls and skating rinks, to ensure the use of these facilities by disabled people moving in wheelchairs, measures are envisaged in relation to those given in the Standard Instruction approved by the State Committee for Architecture and Construction by order. No. 187 dated June 30, 1988, and p. 2.1 and 3.48 of this Manual.

3.2. The building dimensions and carrying capacity of skating rinks and specialized sports halls (except for halls for athletics), as well as the dimensions and carrying capacity of arenas for holding competitions in these types in sports demonstration or sports and entertainment halls are taken according to table. one.

The dimensions of the halls (skating rinks) given in the table are based on the dimensions and arrangement of one set of sports equipment and equipment provided for by the current Table of Equipment and Equipment approved by the USSR State Committee for Sports, and for sports games, in addition, on the requirements of the current Rules for these games, approved by the USSR State Committee for Sports ...

Table 1

hall size, m


Arena dimensions
for competition
in a sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment hall, m

height to the bottom of protruding structures

during educational-training-lessons in the hall, people /

at competitions in arenas of sports-demo-setting or sports-entertainment halls, people

mini-small height
(within the area of \u200b\u200bthe arena)

Sport halls

1. Acrobatics

2. Badmin tone. One site

3. Basketball. One site

(4 teams of 12)

4. Boxing. One ring

5. Fight:


skye, vol-naya, sambo

(For one carpet with a diameter
9 m)

judo. One tatami carpet

6. Volleyball. One site

(4 teams of 12)

7. Handball. One site

(4 teams of 12)

8. Sports gymnasium

9. Artistic gymnasium. One site

10. Tennis. One site

11. Tennis

desktop. Three tables

(for each table)

(for each table)

12. Severe

On four platforms

(one per-bridge)

(for one platform)

13. Fekhtova

nie. On
four tracks

(per track)

14. Football. One field

(4 teams of 16)

Indoor ice rink halls

ice skating

Ice working area (61´ 30)

16. Hockey

(4 ko-ma-ndy 25 each)

* When placing two or more courts in the hall, the width of two adjacent (in length) courts can be taken as 15.1 m for badminton and 34 m for tennis.

* 2 With two carpets with a diameter of 9 m, the length is taken as 32 m, with three - 46 m, with four - 60 m, and the capacity is 40, 60 and 80 people, respectively.

* 3 With two "tatami" the length is taken as 36 m, with three - 52 m, with four - 68 m, and the capacity is 40, 60 and 80 people, respectively.

* 4 With three or more sites in one hall, the capacity of each is 6 people. per shift.

Notes: 1. When designing gyms for several playgrounds and (or) for a larger number of equipment, the sizes of the halls and their capacity per shift increase accordingly.

2. For the kinds of sports for which training sessions are also envisaged in sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment halls, the capacity is taken according to the largest of the indicators given in gr. 5 and 6.

3. When the hall is intended for competitions not higher than the regional (regional) scale, the size of the arena area and the height, as a rule, are taken equal to the size of the area and the height of the sports hall (see gr. 2, 3 and 4), and the capacity - according to gr. five.

4. Since the buildings of the sports buildings provide for a room for individual strength training (see clause 3.7) in the halls for boxing and wrestling, the placement of exercise equipment and other auxiliary equipment for physical fitness Not recommended. In these cases, the size of the boxing hall is reduced to 15 '12 m, and the throughput capacity is reduced to 14 people / shift. The wrestling hall shown in the table can accommodate two paired carpets with a diameter of 7 m or one carpet with an optimal diameter of 9 m for training sessions for beginners and junior wrestlers.

When removing the auxiliary equipment from the hall, the size of the hall with a carpet with a diameter of 9 m is reduced to 18´ 15 m with a capacity of 12 people, and with paired carpets with a diameter of 7 m - up to 24´ 12 m with a capacity of 13 people / shift. In the latter case, the walls of the hall near carpets up to a height of 1.8 m should have soft upholstery.

5. When conducting simultaneous exercises for men and women, the place for floor exercises is provided for a common one (in the gymnastics hall).

6. In the halls for table tennis with a larger number of tables, the size of the hall is taken on the basis of an area of \u200b\u200b7.75´ 4.5 m for each table.

7. In fencing halls with a different number of lanes, the width of the hall during training sessions is taken on the basis of 5 m per one lane plus 4 m for each lane in excess of the first, and the capacity is taken at the rate of 5 people. on each track.

8. In accordance with the installation of the USSR Goskomsport, it is allowed to increase the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall (arena) for football, but not more than up to 113 × 72 m, without changing the throughput given in the table.

9. In sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment halls and indoor skating rinks, in accordance with the design height of the stand, the height of the hall (at least above the stand) compared to that given in the table may increase based on the fact that the distance from the floor of the last row of the stand to the protruding structures of the ceiling, at least 2.2 m is taken. The minimum height of the hall required for performances "circus on the stage" (counting from the surface of the stage) is 10 m.

3.3. The building dimensions of universal gyms (skating rinks) are taken according to the largest of the indicators for these types, given in table. 1, and the throughput is based on the smallest specific area per worker, which is determined as follows:

a) in halls (skating rinks) specialized in sports, the specific area per person is determined, for which the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall (skating rink) for this type is divided by its throughput;

b) the throughput of the universal hall (skating rink) is determined by dividing its area by the minimum specific area obtained in clause 3.3, a.

So, for example, the calculation of the capacity of a sports hall with a size of 42´ 24 m (1008 m 2), intended for training sessions in badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis and handball, is as follows:

a) we take from table. 1 the sizes and capacity of the halls, specialized for each of these types, and we determine the area per one practicing: badminton - 15´ 9 m - we divide the area by 8 and we get an area of \u200b\u200b17 m 2; volleyball - 24´ 15 m - we divide the area by 24 and we get an area of \u200b\u200b15 m 2; basketball - 30´ 18 m - we divide the area by 24 and we get an area of \u200b\u200b22 m 2; tennis - 36´ 18 m - we divide the area by 12 and we get an area of \u200b\u200b54 m 2; handball - 42´ 24 m - divide by 24 and we get an area of \u200b\u200b42 m 2.

As a result, it turns out that the smallest is the specific area equal to 15 m 2;

b) the throughput of a universal hall is determined by dividing its area (1008 m 2) by the minimum specific area (15 m 2) - 1008: 15 \u003d 67 people / shift.

3.4. Sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment halls and skating rinks are designed, as a rule, universal: with an arena, transformable for alternately holding competitions in several sports or several types of cultural and entertainment or social events.

In adj. 2 shows examples of plans for transforming arenas of a sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment rink for holding competitions in a number of sports. At the same time, competitions in artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling (classical, freestyle, sambo and judo) and boxing are held on platforms, and competitions in volleyball, basketball, handball, tennis and mini-football are held on the flooring. When holding competitions in hand-held sports games in sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment halls with wooden floors, floorings are not used.

3.5. In sports and entertainment halls and skating rinks for cultural entertainment and social events, a stage (usually collapsible) is provided. The size of the stage (including the artists accumulation zone) is recommended to be taken, as a rule, 18´ 14 m in halls with arena less than 65´ 26 m and 24´ 18 m in halls with arena 65´ 36 m and more. In fig. 4 adj. 2 shows the options for placing the stage in the arena of a sports and entertainment rink. The choice of option is determined based on the possibility of maximum use of stationary seats for spectators located within the horizontal angle a \u003d 120 ° and the permissible distance to the stage, taken equal to 40 m.Outside the stage (behind or on the sides), it is advisable to provide a free area with a width of at least 3 m. The stage is equipped with two or six planed curtains.

3.6. In the buildings of sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment halls (except for halls for track and field athletics) and skating rinks, based on their universal use for competitions in many sports, a hall is provided for the warm-up of competitors, located in a convenient connection with the arena. All the time when no competitions are held at the facility, it is recommended to use this hall autonomously for educational and training sessions in sports games, in connection with which dressing rooms with showers and toilets are provided with them. The sizes of the halls are recommended to be taken:

30´ 18 m (for badminton, volleyball, basketball) 8 m high with a capacity of 36 people / shift;

42´ 24 m (for badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis and handball) 8 m high with a capacity of 67 people / shift.

Schemes of plans for the arrangement of equipment in these rooms are accepted, as a rule, according to app. 3.

3.7. In the buildings of sports buildings with one or several halls and in the buildings of indoor skating rinks, one common room for the entire building is provided for individual strength training, including on simulators, placed in a convenient connection with the halls and dressing rooms at them. The size of the room is taken as 12´ 6 m in the plan with a height of 3 m. With a throughput of less than 20 people / shift, the size of the room in the plan can be reduced to 9´ 4.5 m. Sample schemes plans for the placement of sports equipment in these premises are shown in Fig. 7 app. 3.

3.8. Sports halls for weightlifting and athletics, artistic gymnastics and football, as well as halls of indoor ice rinks, rooms for individual strength training and other rooms in which the installation of platforms for exercising with weights is provided, are usually located on the ground floor. and in the halls for athletics, football and indoor skating rinks, in addition, gates with a width of at least 3.5 m are provided for the entry of trucks. At a design temperature of the outside air of minus 15 ° C (parameter B) and below, at the entrances to the hall (skating rink), the device of vestibules or air-thermal curtains is provided.

3.9. Fencing and supporting structures, as well as the floors of sports halls, should allow for the possibility of attaching stationary and portable sports equipment to them and be designed taking into account the loads from it. When calculating the load, in addition to the mass of the equipment, it is also necessary to take into account the mass of the student, taken equal to 100 kg, taking into account its dynamic nature.

The composition of sports equipment and inventory for equipping gyms for certain sports and skating rinks is adopted according to the current Table of equipment, inventory and other sports and technological means for equipping sports facilities for mass use of the USSR State Sports Committee.

3.10. The construction of the floors and foundations underneath them in football and athletics halls, and in the halls of ice rinks also the construction of the cooling plate and the base under it are calculated for the additional temporary load from the passage of a two-axle truck. When the hall is located on the floor, the calculation of the latter is carried out for a temporary evenly distributed design load of at least 5 kPa (at the highest load).

The design of the floor and the calculation of the foundations in the places where the platforms for training with weights are installed are carried out taking into account the shock load from the bar falling onto the platform from a height of 2.4 m; the weight of the barbell in the halls for weightlifting is taken as 250 kg, and in other gyms and in the premises for individual strength training - 180 kg.

Platforms for exercising with weights should not be connected to the floor of the room and should be installed on an independent foundation. It is recommended to place a shock absorbing device under the platform. The following option for installing the platforms can be recommended: an opening is provided in the floor of the hall, at the place where the platform is installed; in the opening on an independent foundation, a base with a flat horizontal surface is arranged, on which a coiled rubber hose with a diameter of 50 mm is laid, on top of which a platform is placed.

The use of weightlifting platforms is envisaged, as a rule, factory-made or made according to the drawings of VISTI - All-Union Scientific Research and Design-Technological Institute for Sports Products (address: 127474, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 62). At the same time, as the operating practice shows, when the barbell falls onto the platform, after a fairly short time, the surface of the platform is damaged, which entails the need to replace the entire expensive platform. Based on this, standard platforms are used, as a rule, only in competitions, where their use is mandatory, and for training sessions, instead of installing platforms, it is recommended to provide a special floor structure. This design provides for the construction of two concrete wells having dimensions (cleanliness) of 2.0´ 0.6 m in plan and a depth of 0.45 m. Two layers of wooden blocks are laid on the bottom of these wells, and five layers of rubber sheets are placed on top of them, or rubber-like materials (50 mm thick each layer). Between the inner walls of the wells (the distance is 0.9 m), a plank or cobbled floor is arranged (along the logs, installed along the concrete underlying layer, laid on the underlying soil). On both sides of the wooden floor, flush with it, sheet rubber is laid, which covers the wells and an area 0.75-1 m wide on both sides outside of them.

3.11. The constructions of window sashes and stained-glass windows of sports halls, indoor ice rink halls, as well as choreographic classes are provided in such a way as to provide the ability to wipe the glass and ventilate through transoms, vents or other devices.

Sport halls

3.12. Sports halls, intended mainly for educational and training sessions, are provided, as a rule, with specialized ones. So, for example, in connection with the laborious transformation (change of equipment), it is extremely undesirable to provide training sessions in sports games in one room alternately with boxing, wrestling or artistic gymnastics classes. The most expedient is the combination of several types of sports games in one room (volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis, handball).

3.13. When designing multipurpose sports halls with a size of 42 × 24 m and more, it is recommended to provide for their division using lifting, sliding, etc. dividing devices into sections, the size of each of which allows the independent conduct of training sessions in them in sports that require a smaller area than the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall as a whole.

In fig. 2, a, b, c shows the options for dividing the halls into sections, and in Fig. 2, d shows a variant of using the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe hall for handball competitions. When using the hall for volleyball, tennis or basketball competitions, each of these courts is located one at a time along the hall.

Figure: 2. Variants of schemes for dividing the halls into sections
(dimensions in meters)

a - a floor plan of a hall measuring 42´ 24 m (or 45´ 24 m) with its division into three sections for volleyball training sessions; b - the plan of the hall with the size of 48´ 30 m when dividing it into three sections for basketball lessons; c - a variant of dividing the hall 48´ 30 m into four sections for volleyball lessons; d - plan of the hall with the size of 48´ 30 m when using its area for handball competitions with spectators seated on the wall bleacher stands

1 - transformable separating devices; 2 - volleyball courts; 3 - basketball courts; 4 - handball court; 5 - area of \u200b\u200bwall bleacher stands for spectators

For more convenient use of the sections, it is possible to provide for each of them locker units with showers and sanitary facilities, as well as inventory.

The capacity of a hall divided into sections is defined as the sum of the maximum capacity of the sections.

With the division of the hall into sections, it is necessary to use protective measures against the glare of lateral natural lighting due to the location of the areas across the hall. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in each section (especially those located in the central part of the hall) the attachment of sports equipment to the separation devices is excluded, in this regard, the composition of the sports equipment in each section is forced to decrease in comparison with a hall with a size equal to the size section.

3.14. Examples of equipment arrangement schemes on the plans of the halls for training sessions in artistic gymnastics, sports games, boxing and weightlifting are given in Appendix. 3.

Note. In connection with periodic changes in the designs of equipment and the timesheet of equipment and inventory, approved by the USSR State Committee for Sports, with a specific design, it is necessary to adjust the materials given in the Manual in accordance with the current drawings and the Timesheet.

3.15. In the sports building with a tennis hall, with two or more courts in it, it is recommended to provide a hall with a size of 18 × 12 m, a height of 6 m with a training wall at least 3 m high. The capacity of the room is 4 people / shift.

3.16. The athletics halls are intended for both competitions and training sessions. Purpose only for training sessions (without seats for spectators) can be provided, as a rule, only if there is an athletics hall with seats for spectators in the given locality.

The height of the halls for athletics (to the bottom of the protruding structures) is taken in halls with stationary stands for spectators not less than 9 m (see also note 2 to Table 1), and in halls intended for training sessions - 9 m Depending on the constructive solution of the hall covering, the height above the treadmills can be reduced to 4 m, and above the places for high jumps, long jumps and for triple jumps - up to 5 m.

The dimensions of the halls for athletics in the plan are determined depending on the parameters of the tracks for running in a circle and in a straight line and the number of places for certain types of athletics, adopted in the design assignment; in this case, at least one place is provided for long jumps (triple jump), high and with a pole, shot put and, if possible, a place for training javelin and disc throwing into a device for delaying flying projectiles.

The sizes of these places and their capacity are given in Appendix. 4.

3.17. The track for running in a circle is a closed loop, consisting of two parallel straight segments of equal length, smoothly connected by two identical turns (Fig. 3).

Figure: 3. Variants of plans for athletics tracks
for running in circles in halls

I - the conjugation of turns with straight sections is carried out using a transition curve; II - the whole turn is made with one radius

a - straight segment; b - part of the bend with a variable slope (in diagram I - includes a section of the transition curve); c - part of the bend with a constant (maximum) slope; f - finish line; a - the central angle of the turn, within which the superelevation has the same slope

The turns can be described by one radius (Fig. 3, b) or the conjugation of turns with straight segments is carried out using a transition curve (Fig. 3, a), which is optimal; multi-center turns are allowed.

The radii of single-center turns are taken at least 11 and no more than 20 m. When mating turns with straight segments using a transition curve or with multi-center turns, the length of straight segments must be at least 35 m; in this case, the length of the sections of the turns, having a curvature described by a radius of 25.6 m and more, refers to the calculated length of the straight segment. It is recommended to design tracks with a length of 166.67 m with one-center turns. Along the entire length of the turns of the track for running in a circle, bends should be arranged, having in the steepest part a slope of at least 10 ° and no more than 18 ° with a decrease in the slope by 53 for each 1 m increase in the turning radius within the central angle a, where the slope is constant ... It is recommended to take the value of angle a 125-135 ° when mating turns with straight segments using a transition curve and 50-60 ° - for single-center turns. It is not recommended to arrange a variable slope throughout the bend.

Stationary turns are usually made of concrete. A stationary or removable edge made of solid material is arranged along the inner perimeter of the track for running in a circle, protruding 5 cm above the surface of the track and having a width of no more than 5 cm.The upper edge of the edge should be rounded and lie in the same horizontal plane. Flags about 0.25´ 0.2 m in size on poles inclined inside the circle at an angle of 60 ° (the pole should protrude 0.3 m above the surface of the track) can be used as a removable edge. at a distance of no more than 4 m from each other, instead of flags, cones with a height of at least 0.3 m can be installed on the line. It is recommended to provide for the replacement of the edge by installing the flags or cones described above.

The estimated length of the track for running in a circle in accordance with the rules of athletics competitions approved by the USSR State Committee for Sports should be no more than 200 m.In halls intended for training sessions and competitions, the optimal length is 200 m, and in halls intended for only for training sessions, the recommended length is 166.67 m. The estimated length is calculated according to the conditional "measurement line" spaced at a distance of 0.3 m from the outer edge of the material edge (or its substitutes), bordering the inner perimeter of the track and included in the size turning radius (but not the width of the track).

The finish line in running is taken, as a rule, common for all distances and is located at the junction of a straight segment with a turn.

On the track for running in a circle during the competition, at least four and no more than six separate tracks with a width of 0.9 to 1.1 m each are placed. For training-only gyms, the number of individual lap lanes may be reduced to two.

A 1.1 m high fence made of plywood, boards or plexiglass is installed along the outer border of the track for running in a circle on bends. The surface of the fence facing the walkway is smooth, without protrusions or crevices.

The capacity of the track for running in a circle is taken at the rate of 8 people / shift for each individual track with a length of 200 and 6 people / shift with a shorter length.

3.18. The length of the straight track consists of the length of the actual running distance, the space before the start line (usually 3 m long, but not less than 1.5 m) and the space after the finish line (at least 15 m long). In the latter case, if it is impossible to provide the required space after the finish, it is recommended to provide for the device of soft stops (for example, upholstery of the wall in this area with mats), guaranteeing safety for those involved.

For running in a straight line, a track is provided, as a rule, based on a distance of 60 m.If possible, a track is provided for running at a distance of 100 and 110 m.

On the track for running in a straight line at competitions there are at least six and no more than eight separate tracks, each 1.25 m wide.

The straight treadmill can be placed on the outside or inside the circle path. However, it is advisable to place it outside the contour of the track for running in a circle, which allows its use both in competitions and in training sessions, regardless of the use and location of places for athletics jumps and shot put.

When the treadmill is located in a straight line inside the contour of the treadmill in a circle, it can only be used during competitions, and its length should provide for running only at a distance of up to 60 m (with a circular track length of 200 m) or 50 m (with a circular length tracks 166.67 m). In order to be able to conduct training sessions in a straight run in these cases, it is recommended to additionally provide a track for running in a straight line, which can be carried out beyond the span of the hall, the number of individual tracks on it can be reduced to two or three, and the ceiling height is reduced to 4 m.

The finish line for running in a straight line in athletics gyms with stationary stands is, as a rule, placed on the continuation of the finish line in running in a circle, which allows all runners to be received from the referee box (see paragraph 3.48 and Fig. 9) without moving from one finish line to the other. When the existing premises are reconstructed and intended for competitions below the national scale or only for educational and training sessions, separate deviations from the above parameters of treadmills are allowed, in agreement with the relevant committees for physical culture and sports.

The capacity of the straight track (regardless of the length of the distance) is determined at the rate of 4 people / shift for each individual track.

The total capacity in a change of halls for athletics is taken as the sum of the capacity of treadmills for running in a straight line, in a circle and places for certain types of athletics that are not combined with each other and can be used simultaneously.

Examples of layouts for athletics halls are given in Appendix. five.

3.19. As a rule, as a part of the buildings of sports and demonstration halls for athletics, for warm-up before the competition, a room with a width of at least 6 m (in building axes), a height of at least 4 m and a length, as a rule, equal to the length of the hall, but not less than 78 m. This room is located in a convenient connection with the dressing rooms for competitors and with the arena.

3.20. The floors in sports halls, depending on the purpose of the latter in the sport, can be wooden or have a synthetic covering.

If the base of the floor is arranged on the ground, then the complete removal of the vegetation layer and measures are provided to exclude deformations in the form of subsidence and bulging, as well as capillary suction of moisture under the coatings.

3.21. It is recommended to arrange wooden floors, as a rule, in all sports halls (except for halls for athletics and football) and provide two types: I - from a plank with a thickness of 37 mm (in stock) and II - from a bar with a section of 60´ 60 mm. Type II floors can be made of two layers with a spacer between layers of paper or glassine.

Type I and II wooden floor structures are shown in fig. 4.

Figure: 4. Schemes of wooden floor structures (dimensions in millimeters) Type I - plank; type II - from a bar

a - on the ground; b - on the floor

1 - wooden covering; 2 - lag; 3 - gasket 200-250 mm long; 4 - two layers of roofing paper; 5 - brick column on a cement-sand mortar; 6 - underlying layer; 7 - foundation soil; 8 - leveling cement-sand screed; 9 - floor slab with an uneven surface; 10 - connections between lags; 11 - floor slab with a thin surface

Note. The span of the log (the distance between the axes of the posts) when constructing floors of type I "a" is taken as 0.8-0.9 m

Type II wooden floors are provided in gymnastics halls due to the fact that:

typical embedded parts for fastening gymnastic apparatus are fixed in the floor with screws 50 mm long, and the reliability of fastening is ensured if the screws are completely in the body of the floor covering;

when exercising on gymnastic apparatus, the floor of the hall (through embedded parts) experiences great efforts at the attachment points of the apparatus, therefore, connections are provided between the lags, installed in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 2.5 m.

When installing wooden floors, keep in mind the following:

a) boards and bars are chosen with the smallest possible number of knots, the removal of which must be carried out by drilling them and laying wooden plugs;

b) boards and bars are laid along the hall, and their joints are arranged in a stagger and supported on logs;

c) fix the boards (bars) to the logs with nails and always with an oblique face.

In cases where the hall is located on the second floor and there are auxiliary rooms under it with the constant presence of people in them, it is recommended to provide sound insulation.

In particular, arrange soundproof tape gaskets under the floor joists (Fig. 5):

mineral wool mats 40-50 mm thick stitched in paper;

mineral wool mats 30-40 mm thick on a synthetic bond;

quilted glass fiber mats 30–40 mm thick;

mineral and fiberglass plates 40-50 mm thick on a synthetic bond;

wood-fiber insulation boards with a thickness of 16-20 mm.

Figure: 5. Diagram of the construction of a plank floor with a sound insulation device (dimensions in millimeters)

1 - wooden covering; 2 - lag; 3 - soundproof pads; 4 - leveling cement-sand screed; 5 - floor slab with an uneven surface

3.22. The synthetic coatings used for the floors of gyms are those recommended by the USSR State Committee for Sports and approved by the USSR Ministry of Health:

factory-made rubber-like materials such as "Rezdor", "Arman", "Olympia" and others, produced in the form of plates or sheets with a thickness of at least 13 mm;

type "Regupol", produced in the form of rolls 1.25 m wide and up to 40-45 m long;

self-curing self-curing "Tartan" type, based on polyurethane and cold curing liquid rubbers.

The construction of a synthetic flooring floor is shown in Fig. 6.

Figure: 6. Scheme of the construction of a synthetic floor
(dimensions in millimeters)

a - on the ground; b - on the floor

1 - synthetic coating; 2 - fine-grained asphalt concrete; 3 - coarse-grained asphalt concrete (binder); 4 - crushed stone base; 5 - foundation soil; 6 - cement-sand mortar screed; 7 - floor slab with a flat surface

Synthetic coatings are made in one or two layers on a concrete or asphalt concrete base.

In the halls for athletics, it is most advisable to use either rubber-like materials, or two-layer coatings with an upper filling layer with a total thickness of 16 mm; at the same time, in places of take-off in high jumps, with a pole and in a triple jump, it is recommended to arrange a self-leveling coating for the entire thickness. In the sector for landing the core, rubber-like materials with a thickness of at least 30 mm are laid. On stationary concrete bends of the track for running in a circle on the concrete surface, a self-curing self-curing poured coating is provided. With removable bends (or parts thereof), the coating is applied to wooden panels laid on a metal frame.

Synthetic flooring can be used in other sports halls. For them, a two-layer Regupol coating with an upper self-leveling layer is recommended.

Rubber-like materials are produced by many factories of industrial rubber goods. Laying them and self-curing self-curing self-curing coatings is carried out centrally by specialized organizations of the USSR Goskomsport system.

3.23. Embedded parts for fixing equipment, cut into the floors of the halls, are installed flush with the floor surface.

3.24. In the halls for athletics, for landing in the long jump and triple jump, a pit (pits) with sand is provided in the floor, the surface of which is provided on the same level with the surface of the runway; In the floor of the gymnastics halls near the gymnastic apparatus, landing pits with soft filler are provided. In universal halls for artistic gymnastics and sports games, as well as in the case of the forced placement of a gymnastics hall not on the ground floor, pits for gymnastic apparatus may not be provided.

The dimensions of the landing holes for the long jump and triple jump are shown in Fig. 1 app. 5. The dimensions of the holes in gymnastic apparatus are as follows: under the crossbar and under the women's uneven bars - 11-12 m in length and 2.5-3 m in width; for vaults - 5 m long and 2.5-3 m wide. The depth of the pits is 1.1-1.5 m. A pit under the trampoline is possible. In this case, the trampoline net is located at the floor level of the hall. The length of the pit under the trampoline is 5.53 m, the width is 3.23 m, the depth is taken equal to the height of the trampoline structure. The pits are covered with shields flush with the floor of the hall, and when open, their edges are lined with removable soft sides. As a soft filler in the pits of gymnastic apparatus, foam rubber trims are usually used.

3.25. It is not recommended to design universal halls for artistic gymnastics training sessions alternating with sports games. If such a combination is necessary (based on the plan shown in Fig. 1 Appendix 3) for free gymnastic exercises, instead of flooring, a carpet is provided, gymnastic walls are installed mainly on the longitudinal walls of the hall, the number of climbing ropes provided for both gymnasts and gamers, it is not added up and they are installed in the same place, the trampoline (portable, folding) is provided for the floor (and not in the pit), and the mirrors are either not provided at all, or reliably protected from the impact of the ball. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe inventory is taken on the basis of the need to completely free the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall from gymnastic equipment during classes in sports games.

3.26. In halls for sports games with a ball, protective devices are provided on the windows and lighting devices.

3.27. In halls for sports games (including universal ones), the inner surface of the walls to a height of at least 1.8 m is provided for vertical without protrusions or niches. If, nevertheless, within this height, the structures protrude from the plane of the walls, then it is recommended to place sports equipment (gymnastic walls, etc.) or heating devices between them so that their surface facing the hall would be flush with the surface of these structures; or between structures protruding from the plane of the walls (pilasters, columns), screens are provided to a height of at least 1.8 m, protecting the trainees from possible injuries.

The design of screens on heating devices is performed so as not to reduce the functional qualities of the heating system.

Platbands of doors for sports games halls are made flush with the wall of the hall.

3.28. The walls and ceilings of sports halls are painted in light colors, and the material of the walls and their coloring are provided so that wet cleaning can be carried out; in halls for sports games, walls and ceilings are also designed to be ball-resistant.

It is allowed to finish the walls with facing bricks with inward facing.

3.29. In gyms for educational and training sessions built into buildings for other purposes or in the space under the stands, or assembled from light metal structures, the presence of columns is allowed if, in accordance with the arrangement of technological equipment and markings, they end up in non-working zones and subject to safety zones.

Artificial ice rinks

3.30. Indoor skating rinks with artificial ice are provided, as a rule, universal - for alternate use in hockey and figure skating.

3.31. The buildings of sports demonstration, sports and entertainment and educational and training rinks to ensure the educational and training process provide for common premises for the building for individual strength and acrobatic training with a size of 12 × 6 m, a height of at least 3 and 6 m, respectively, and one choreographic class size 12 '12 m (in plan), height not less than 4.8 m. For the possibility of its autonomous use, it provides separate dressing rooms (with showers and toilets at them), based on the capacity of the class 30 people / shift. Approximate diagrams of the plan for the arrangement of equipment in the premises for individual, strength and acrobatic training and in the choreographic class are shown in Fig. 7, 8 and 9 adj. 3.

Note. When placing the trampoline at the floor level of the room, the height of the room can be reduced to 5 m.

3.32. If the capacity of a sports-demonstration or sports-entertainment rink is more than 2 thousand spectators (not counting seats in the stalls), it is recommended to additionally provide for an indoor ice rink for figure skating and hockey training sessions with a working ice area of \u200b\u200b61´ 30 m. For autonomous work of this skating rink with it, separate dressing rooms are provided (with showers and restrooms with them) based on the throughput per shift, given in table. one.

If there is a training rink, the location of the premises for individual strength and acrobatic training, as well as a choreographic class, is recommended in convenient connection with the training rink.

3.33. For a ballet performance on ice, the size of the ice area is assumed to be 45´ 24 m. This area can be located both along the ice hockey arena, and across it (symmetrically to the short axis). In the latter case, outside the area of \u200b\u200bthe hockey field, close to it, an additional ice rink is provided with a length of 24 m (12 m on both sides of the arena's short axis) and 15 m wide (see Fig. 3, b, Appendix 2). This option creates the best (frontal) conditions for observing the performance with a one-sided or crescent-shaped tribune. In addition, when there are no ballet performances, an additional platform (24 × 15 m) can be used autonomously for figure skaters to train individual elements with a capacity determined based on 25 m 2 of ice area per student.

3.34. In buildings of indoor skating rinks with artificial ice, intended for figure skating (including universal), it is recommended to additionally provide a training ice rink measuring 30 × 20 m for practicing individual elements of figure skating. In sports and entertainment rinks, in which the ice performance area is located across the ice hockey field, the figure skating training area is not provided.

3.35. A diagram of the design of the cooling plate and the base under it on indoor skating rinks with artificial ice is shown in Fig. 7.

Figure: 7. Diagram of the construction of the cooling plate and base

1 - cooling plate with refrigerating pipes embedded in it; 2 - protective cement screed; 3 - slip layer; 4 - leveling cement screed; 5 - a layer of waterproofing; 6 - thermal insulation layer; 7 - waterproofing layer; 8 - leveling cement screed; 9 - reinforced concrete slab; 10 - underlying soil

The cooling plate is made of frost-resistant concrete, grade F 75 and compressive strength class B 12.5. Plate thickness - no more than 140 mm.

Laying the cooling plate on subsiding or heaving soils is not allowed.

For the circulation of the coolant, seamless pipes are used. The thickness of the concrete protective layer above the pipes to the slab surface is 30 mm. The cross-section of the pipes and the distance between them are determined by calculation.

The sliding layer consists of protective fences (roofing material, aluminum foil, polyvinyl chloride sheets) and a layer placed between them (about 5 mm thick) of materials with a low friction coefficient (powdered graphite, talc, graphite-oil emulsion).

The thermal insulation layer is determined according to the calculation for thermal conductivity and strength.

Crossing the structure of the cooling plate by utilities (except for cooling pipes) is not allowed.

To ensure the same ice thickness, the cooling plate is horizontal and its surface is even (the gap between the 3 m long strip and the plate surface at any point is no more than 5 mm).

Outside the dimensions of the working surface of the hockey field (61´ 30 m), an ice strip may be provided for fixing the boards. The need to provide for a strip and its width are determined depending on the selected type of sides *.

* The Central Institute for Standard Design is distributing a standard design of various types of hockey boards 319-M.

3.36. Outside the cooling plate, covered skating rinks are provided with channels to drain water from melting ice. In sports demonstration and sports and entertainment indoor skating rinks, the channel width is assumed to be at least 0.7 m; and the volume is not less than 45 m 3. In cases where a device for accelerating ice melting is provided in the channel, the volume of the channel can be reduced. The channels are covered with removable shields flush with the floor.

It is recommended to arrange channels for drainage of water from melting ice on the sides of the cooling plate, free from the collectors of the cooling system. In skating rinks intended only for training sessions, the width and volume of the channel are not regulated.

Seats for spectators

3.37. In the structures intended for the competition, there are places for spectators in the form of stands or balconies, and in sports and entertainment halls and skating rinks - and in the form of a stall.

3.38. Spectator stands are usually designed in stationary structures with seating; in some cases, transformable or collapsible tribunes are used. In recent years, in the practice of sports construction, collapsible stands are used extremely rarely, since their assembly and disassembly is laborious and, in addition, require significant storage areas. Based on the foregoing, the use of the following types of transformable stands can be recommended:

bleachers - stands consisting of telescopic sliding sections;

tribunes of the parterre-tribune type.

Both types of such stands have a limited number of rows (usually within 8-10 for seating), and their use in each case is determined by the specific nature of their use.

The bleacher tribune, in the form of retractable sections, has a strictly fixed location (attached to the walls of the hall or to a stationary tribune with the first row raised above the arena) and therefore may have limited application. By extending a different number of individual sections, it is possible to change the capacity of this tribune, which can be of practical importance during the operation of the structure.

The parterre tribune has a great advantage over the blister stands, since it is mounted on a mobile platform, it can easily move in any direction around the arena, providing its transformation required by the project, Due to the changing angle of inclination, the parterre tribune can be used as a regular flat parterre, which is very important when transforming the arena for cultural, entertainment and social events (rally, concert, etc.), when a parterre is required.

3.39. The zoning of the location of the spectator seats in the stands and the construction of the stand profile, as well as the determination of the location of the observed point (focus), depending on the purpose of the hall by type (s) of sport, are given in Appendix. 6.

3.40. To ensure visual perception of what is happening in the arena, when the audience seats are located on the balcony, it is recommended to place on it one row of seats and one for standing at the rate of 9 spectators per 2 m of the balcony. The balcony is usually arranged along the longitudinal walls of the hall and it is desirable that the projection of the balcony is outside the arena; the balcony should also not interfere with the placement of sports equipment under it.

3.41. Seats for spectators are located outside the arena and the evacuation passage along the rows of spectator seats (if evacuation is envisaged along the aisle in front of the first row).

Spectator stands are usually located along the longitudinal sides of sports arenas; the arrangement of the stands at the end sides of the arena is provided for in cases where a given number of spectator seats cannot be placed within the distances allowed by visibility (see Table 2, Appendix 6), at the longitudinal sides of the arena.

In sports-demonstration and sports-entertainment halls and skating rinks for holding events in the arena that do not use the entire arena area, it is allowed to provide for the placement of temporary places (bleachers, stalls and stalls) for spectators directly on the sports arena.

3.42. Dimensions of seats in the stands:

the depth of the row in the stationary stands is 0.8-0.9 m (it is allowed to reduce it to 0.75 m on the blister);

seating width - 0.45 m;

the depth of sitting in the stationary stands is 0.4 m (it is allowed to reduce it to 0.35 m on the blister);

seat height above aisle floor level - 0.43 m.

3.43. The estimated number of seats in universal sports and entertainment halls with stalls is determined as the sum of seats in the stalls and in the stands minus seats. located outside the horizontal angle of 120 ° with the top in the middle of the far side of the stage and at a distance of more than 40 m from it. 2 shows the data on the "loss" of seats in the stands of various configurations for arenas of the most common sizes and for the sizes of the stage, given in paragraph 3.8. In other cases, the definition of "losses" is carried out guided by the above values \u200b\u200bof the offset and the horizontal angle. If the "loss" of seats in the stands during pop concerts and the installation of a stalls exceeds the accepted capacity of the stalls, the calculation of auxiliary rooms for spectators is carried out in the project based on the total capacity of all stands, but without taking into account the capacity of the stalls.

Note. Above the line, data are given for halls with an arena of 65´ 36 m 2, below the line - with an arena of 48´ 26 m. A is the maximum permissible horizontal angle within which the seats should be located ... R is the maximum allowable removal of spectator seats. 1 - stands; 2 - parterre; 3 - stage; 4 - "lost" places.


The area for gymnastic, equestrian and other competitions the lists are the area for gymnastic, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself

Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov. 2012

See more interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is RISTALISCHE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • RISTALISE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (outdated expression) area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as itself ...
  • RISTALISE in Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (among the Greeks ??????????, among the Romans circus) - the place of equestrian competitions on horseback and in chariots: see Hippodrome. The most famous hippodrome in Greece ...
  • RISTALISE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, cf. (old). The area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself. II app. stadium, th, ...
  • RISTALISE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    RISTALISCHE (obsolete), an area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as itself ...
  • RISTALISE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (among the Greeks ??????????, among the Romans circus)? place of equestrian competitions on horseback and in chariots: see Hippodrome. The most famous hippodrome in Greece ...
  • RISTALISE in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rrista Lishche, Rista Lishche, ...
  • RISTALISE in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Equestrian area ...
  • RISTALISE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see arena, ...
  • RISTALISE in the dictionary of Russian Synonyms:
    arena, place, area, ...
  • RISTALISE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    wed outdated. 1) The square, which served as a place for horse, gymnastic and other competitions. 2) ...
  • RISTALISE in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    ridge, ...
  • RISTALISE in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    lists, ...
  • RISTALISE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    ridge, ...
  • RISTALISE in the Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (an outdated expression), an area for gymnastic, equestrian and other competitions, as well as itself ...
  • RISTALISE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    lists, cf. (book market is out of date). A square that serves as a place for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions; competition. The other day I went to the horse list ...
  • RISTALISE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    lists Wed outdated. 1) The square, which served as a place for horse, gymnastic and other competitions. 2) ...
  • RISTALISE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    wed outdated. 1. The square, which served as a place for horse, gymnastic and other competitions. 2. ...
  • RISTALISE in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    wed outdated. 1. The square, which served as a place for horse, gymnastic and other competitions. 2. The very thing ...
  • UZBEK ADDRESSES in the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 11:35:06 * Arkan will immediately notice: the soul of the enemy with cotton wool. * A patient has no time for a conversation, a tired person has no time for ...
  • LACQUER PROVERSES in the Wiki Quote.
  • 'HEROD in the Bible Dictionary:
    - a) (Mat.2: 1,3,7,12,15,16,19; Luke 1: 5) - Herod the Great, the second son of the Edomite leader Antipater, the head of the family of kings and rulers of Herods, who ruled in ...
  • BIBLE (06) in the Bible Dictionary.
  • GAMES in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    In general, very little is said in the Bible about the games of adolescents, youths, and adults; from this, however, it cannot be concluded that the Jewish ...