Sinkwine on the topic of good. "Do good at the behest of the soul

"ORXE" Good and Evil "" - Objectives. You must always tell the truth. Check yourself. Competencies. Tasks. Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawings. What is good. Game "Collect proverbs" about good and evil. Gratitude is the smallest of the virtues. Lesson plan. Good and evil. The ability to act righteously. Equipment.

"The problem of good and evil" - Synonym. Holy thoughts. Conscience. An evil word. Good and evil. Bulat Okudzhava. The work of conscience. An incident on the road. The definition of a person. Three steps in repentance. Denial of Peter. The most important thing in a person's life. Repentant prayers to God. The prediction of Christ. A person's inner feeling of good and evil. Good. Repentance.

"Good Deeds" - Check yourself! Deeds can be kind. What is a kind word, a kind deed? Poetic word. What is the essence of the golden rule of morality? Man is famous for his good deeds. Prepare a story about a kind person (you can imagine) and speak in front of the class. Who is called good. What kind of people are more in the world: good or bad?

"Prejudice" - Prejudice. What should you do if YOU see that someone has become ill? Remember the story Jesus told about the good Samaritan. What should be done? " “Love your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself,” answered the Jew. Biblical story... Or is someone hurt? Treats with prejudice - it means to harbor bad feelings for someone and to form an opinion about someone even before meeting.

"The concept of good and evil" - Say a word. Complete the sentence. Hurry up to do good deeds. Sinkwine. Hurry to do good. Trusted persons... Good. Gingerbread. Situations. Animal abuse. Legend. Actions. Kindness.

"Always go along the path of good" - Always go along the path of good. Good is a category of moral condition. God is in ourselves. Always walk the path of goodness. Good is something positive, good, useful, the opposite of evil. Both people and animals serve her. Good (in spiritual meaning) is good, what is honest, useful. What is good. In everything, as you want people to do to you, do so.

There are 13 presentations in total

"Do good at the behest of the soul"

The integration of academic subjects at the concept level is interdisciplinary connections. However, integration is also general laws, theories, problems, principles.
In my opinion, integration in the lesson of history and social studies can occur with almost any subject of the school course. But the integration of history, and to a greater extent social studies, with literature has the greatest opportunities. We have many of the same problems, concepts, goals.
An integration lesson can be taught by one teacher, or by two, or several. What should a teacher have in mind?

1. Integration should take place at every stage of the lesson.
2. Teachers need to interact with each other.
3. Solving one problem.

What attracts me to integrated lessons?

  • they are interesting for both the teacher and the students;
  • allow you to look at the problem more deeply, from different sides;
  • unusual, non-standard situations are used;
  • knowledge is updated, competence is formed;
  • these lessons are more emotional, children are more active.

Jan Amos Kamensky said: "Everything that is in a mutual connection should be taught in the same connection." Try it yourself.

Moral choice: good and evil

Objectives... Expand the meaning of the basic moral concepts - good and evil; explain the concept of moral choice; explain the need to be aware of responsibility for your choice, your actions; understand the need to overcome evil in oneself; continue to work on comparing the norms of morality and law (International Humanitarian Law), to study the norms of IHL on the attitude towards the wounded and sick; explain the need for tolerant, humane behavior of people in situations of armed conflict; improving the skills of comparative analysis of scientific and artistic text; evoke a strong emotional response to moral problem (problem of choice).

1. Text of an extract from the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 (on the wounded and sick).
2. Text artwork (V. Zakrutkin "Human Mother" // UMK "Around
you - the world. " 6th grade, p. 63).
3. Sheet with prepared epigraphs for the lesson.
4. Prepared sheet with the definition of "evil".
5. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov.

Preparing children (advance assignment for the lesson)

1. Prepare digital and factual material telling about the manifestations of good and evil.
2. Make up the "Good" cinquain.
3. Read an excerpt from V. Zakrutkin's story "Mother of Man".

Note... Sinkwine is a kind of miniature poem that expresses the emotional outcome of the students' work in the lesson. For a detailed description of this technique, see "September 1" dated January 14, 2003, article by S. Zair-Bek "Haiku in biology, syncwines in physics ...".

Algorithm for writing syncwine


I. Introductory stage

1. Immersion in the topic through the use of the "teletype" technique (students read in turn the facts prepared at home from the media).
2. Working out the concept of "good", using homework - syncwine - and Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary; the concept of "evil" - according to the dictionary and through conversation with students.
3. Formulation of the problematic question: "How to make the world kinder?"

II. The main stage

1. Consolidation of knowledge of the norms of International Humanitarian Law, acquaintance with new articles (conversation on the text - handout 1).
2. Working with the text of an excerpt from V. Zakrutkin's story "Human Mother". Explain the essence of a person's moral choice, the reasons and consequences of this choice.
3. Reception "Crossroads": compare the articles of the Geneva Convention and the actions of the heroine of the story Maria (work with the text).
4. Working with the epigraph (handout 2), writing down keywords.
5. Individual tasks: compile lesson dictionaries.

III. Lesson summary

The answer to the problematic question.


On the desk. Algorithm filled in during the lesson.

I. Introductory stage

The lesson begins with several students reading prepared factual media quotes that illustrate the concepts of right and wrong.

Sample texts

1. As a result of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters in Russia, an average of 105 thousand people die annually.
2. In the XX century. there were two world wars, in which human losses amounted to 72 million people.
3. Russia in the XX century. participated in 13 armed conflicts, the total losses in which amounted to about 30 million people.
4. On September 27, 2003, a 12-point earthquake occurred in Altai. Material damage amounted to about 1 billion rubles. Aid was urgently sent to the Altai Republic from Abakan, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other cities in Siberia. 50 million rubles were allocated by the government, 30 million rubles were raised for the aid fund.

Teacher... How did you feel when you heard these numbers and facts? What do these facts say?
Every day throughout our lives, we meet with manifestations of good and evil. And every day we have to choose between good and evil. The topic of this lesson is called "Moral Choice: Good and Evil." At home, you thought about the concept of "good" and compiled a syncwine. Introduce us to your creativity.

4-5 students are listened to, the best answer is chosen. It's good if students' syncwines have already been performed on album sheets, then the best one can be hung on the board.
Simultaneously with this work, two pairs of students are given the task to find definitions of the concepts "good" and "evil" in Ozhegov's dictionary.
Under syncwine the definition of good is written.

Recording example

Teacher... Yes, good is beautiful, but there is also evil in the world. How does the dictionary explain this concept?

Writing on the board

Teacher... What can be the source of evil?
pupils... Human and nature.
Teacher... What kind of evil can there be?
pupils... Moral, physical.
Teacher... What evil is more terrible for a person - moral or physical?

Homework: Sinkwine "Evil" (for those who wish).

II. The main stage

Teacher... I will introduce you to an ancient Chinese parable.
“Once a young man turned to a sage with a request to take him to his disciple in order to instruct him on the path of truth.
- Do you know how to lie? the sage asked.
- Of course not! - answered the young man.
- And steal?
- Not.
- And kill?
- Not...
- So go, - exclaimed the teacher, - and know all this. And having learned, do not do! "
Think about the meaning of the parable and comment on it.
pupils... Of course, the teacher did not urge the young man to lie, steal and kill, but to feel that this is present in life.
Good and evil are intertwined in our life, they do not exist without each other.
Without feeling, not understanding evil, a person cannot feel and appreciate good.
Teacher... What do you think is more important - to fight evil or to do good deeds? How to make the world kinder?
IN ordinary life a person can show himself from the advantageous side, be a hypocrite, hide a bad attitude towards a person under the guise of kindness. But there are such critical situations when this is impossible and a person must make his choice.
War is such a critical situation. It does not spare either those who are fighting or those who are on the sidelines of hostilities.
Are there rules of law that govern relations between people during armed conflicts?
What is the name of this branch of law?
pupils... International humanitarian law.
Teacher... Who protects IHL?
pupils... Those who are not directly involved in hostilities: the wounded, sick, children, old people and women ...
Teacher... Who is interested in these chapters?
pupils... The wounded and sick.
Teacher... When are parties required to protect the sick and wounded?
pupils... Under all circumstances ...
Teacher... What kind of treatment of the wounded and sick does IHL prohibit?
What treatment of the dead does IHL prescribe?
How should abuses and violations of IHL be dealt with?
Why should the parties adhere to the rules of IHL?

Students' answers are heard.

Teacher (summarizes the students' answers). The very situation of an armed conflict contributes to the illegal behavior of its participants, war stimulates violence, it becomes habitual: war devalues \u200b\u200bmoral values. Often a person is guided by fear, hatred, the suffering of loved ones, the desire to avenge the dead comrades. And at this moment moral norms come to the fore, i.e. rules recommending a person how to act in a particular case. But there are many rules, and a person must constantly think over and choose this or that decision.
Who controls our choice?
pupils... There is such an invisible, but powerful and strict controller - our conscience.
Teacher... During the Great Patriotic War, the punishers burn down the farm to the ground, and the inhabitants - some are killed, others are driven into captivity. And now only Mary remains in the ashes, her husband and son were hanged.
However, a new test awaited Mary, who returned to the burnt village ...

Pupils read the text (an excerpt from V. Zakrutkin's story "Mother of Man" in the textbook, p. 63, or from the words: "... Mary looked through the yard through her tears and remembered: the cellar! .." to the words: "She sat a little She wiped her tears, thought that life takes its toll, that she needs to live ... "It is better if the children are asked to read the text at home, then it will not take much time in the lesson).

Questions and assignments on the text:

  • What historical event does the author describe?
  • Find a description of the Germans in the text.
  • Why are the descriptions of the German punishers and Werner Bracht different?
  • How did Maria feel when she saw the wounded German in the cellar? What decision does she make?
  • Why did Maria memorize each of the 9 steps leading to the cellar?
  • What choice did Maria face?
  • What stopped Maria? Why?
  • What does the title of the work tell us?

Teacher... Homework on literature: "Nine steps brought Mary closer to moral decline, but they also raised her." Confirm with lines from the text.
Draw parallels between the text of the Convention and the text of the work of V. Zakrutkin ( text work).

Reading of T. Kuzovleva's poem "Do Good" (handout 2).

Teacher... Why this poem can be called an epigraph to this lesson?
Find keywords, phrases, or sentences that cover the lesson's topic.

The students call and the teacher writes on the board.

Teacher... Homework: there are more sayings on the epigraph sheet. Choose the one that you like best and explain it in the mini-essay.

III. Lesson summary

Teacher... Once upon a time in ancient times, people came up with such a sign

A sign of harmony and struggle of opposites. Explain it in terms of our topic.

The answers of the children are heard.
Correct answer: The more evil in a person, the less good and vice versa.

Teacher... How to make the world kinder?

Pupils give their opinions.

Teacher... If good and evil are generations of the inner, spiritual world of man, then the fight against evil, the overcoming of evil and the affirmation of good can only occur through inner efforts. He will remain “morally dead” until he internally resists evil, tries to overcome it in himself.

As a reflection, students can be asked to fill out the "answer sheet"

Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949
to improve the condition of the wounded and sick
in active armies

Handout 1

Chapter II. The wounded and the sick
Article 12. Personnel of the armed forces (and other participants in hostilities. - Ed.), in the event of their injury or illness, must enjoy protection and protection in all circumstances.
(...) Any encroachment on their lives and persons is strictly prohibited and, in particular, it is prohibited to finish off or exterminate them, subject them to torture, conduct biological experiments on them, deliberately leave them without medical assistance or care, deliberately create conditions for their infection ...
It is only for medical reasons of an urgent nature that priority is allowed in the order of medical care. (...)
Article 15. At any time, and especially after the battle, the parties to the conflict will immediately take all possible measures to find and pick up the wounded and sick and to protect them from robbery and ill-treatment, to provide them with the necessary care, as well as to find the dead and prevent their robbery. (...)
Article 17 (...) In addition, the parties to the conflict must observe that the deceased are buried with honor and, if possible, according to the rites of the religion to which they belong, that the graves are respected, concentrated, where possible, according to the nationality of the deceased, were properly kept and marked in such a way that they could always be found. (...)

Chapter IV. Personnel
Article 24. Medical personnel (...), as well as clergymen who are in the armed forces, will be respected and protected in all circumstances.

Chapter IX. Suppression of abuse and violations
Article 49. The High Contracting Parties undertake to enact the legislation necessary to ensure effective criminal penalties for persons who have committed or ordered to commit certain serious violations of this Convention (...).
Article 50. Serious violations referred to in the previous article are violations related to one of the following acts, if those acts are directed against persons or property enjoying the protection of this Convention: willful murder, torture and inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, deliberate infliction of severe suffering or serious injury, injury to health, unlawful, arbitrary and large-scale destruction and appropriation of property not caused by military necessity.


Handout 2

Do good -
There is no greater joy.
And sacrifice your life
And hurry
Not for fame or sweets
And at the behest of the soul.
When you boil, fate
You are from powerlessness and shame
Don't let the hurt soul
Momentary judgment.
Chill out.
Believe - really
Everything will fall into place.
You are strong.
The strong are not vindictive.
The weapon of the strong is kindness.

T. Kuzovleva

The fabric of our life is woven from entangled threads: good and evil coexist in it.

O. Balzac

Kindness is a language that dumb people can speak and which deaf people can hear.

Have I often thought about what it means to be kind?
It seems to me that a kind person is a person who has imagination and understands what it is like for another, knows how to feel what the other feels.

J. Korczak

social sciences,

Olya Vorobyova
Sinkwine "Word of Kindness"


Educator-psychologist O. N. Vorobieva and speech therapist teacher E. V. Grigorieva


within the District methodological association for teachers

"FGOS DO. Development of children's initiative in different types activities

through spiritual and moral education ”.

"Not conditional the child only learns the sounds,

studying native languagebut drinks spiritual life

and strength from the dear breast of the dear the words"

K. D. Ushinsky

The basis of spiritual and moral education is laid in the family and continues in children's educational institution... These are the values \u200b\u200bof love kindness, family warmth, honesty and decency of friends, reliability, strength of a common home - the Motherland. All these values \u200b\u200bof life are common to all people. Moral habits are formed, speech develops.

Possession of wealth literary language, skillful use of it visual media in different situations communication, determine the level of a person's speech competence, are indicators of his general culture. The culture of verbal communication involves not only the ability to speak correctly, expressively and accurately, but also the ability to listen and extract the information that the speaker has put into his speech. High level culture of communication is the main condition successful adaptation of a person in any social environment. In this regard, in modern system education, the problem of developing the culture of verbal communication of children again acquires special relevance preschool age... As you know, it is during this period that the foundation of moral principles, moral culture is laid, the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual develops, and the productive experience of everyday communication is formed. On the present stage the search for new forms, methods and techniques for the implementation of the task of spiritual and moral education is one of the topical issues of pedagogy.

Work on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children ultimately intersects with such a direction as the development of speech, mutually enriching his: knowledge of spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200ballows children to acquire the skills of expressive coherent speech, which in turn encourages them to search for figurative speech means, to word creation.

Speaking is not just “thinking out loud”. It is necessary to be able to select the content that will be conveyed in speech and use the necessary language means, including the selection of the necessary the words to accurately express your thoughts.

An effective pedagogical technique that meets all modern requirements of pedagogy in our work has become « SYNQUEINE» . Sinkwine is a French word, translated means "Poem of five lines"... The form syncwine was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsi, who relied on Japanese poems - hoku (haiku). Sinkwinelike hoku, it carries a certain emotional flavor. Making up syncwine, each of its components implements their skills and abilities. If a syncwine compiled according to the rules, then it will definitely turn out to be emotional.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Compilation rules syncwine:

1. First line syncwine - title, theme, consisting of one the words(usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

2. The second line is two the words... Adjectives. This is a description of the attributes of an item or its properties, revealing the topic syncwine.

3. The third line usually consists of three verbs or participles describing the actions of the subject.

4. The fourth line is phrase or sentenceconsisting of several wordsthat reflect the personal attitude of the author syncwine to thatwhat the text says.

5. The fifth line is the last. One word - a noun to express your feelings, associations associated with the subject referred to in syncwine, that is, this is the author's personal expression to the topic or the repetition of the essence, a synonym.

Syncwines help to quickly and effectively teach children the synthesis, generalization and analysis of various concepts. In order to correctly, fully, competently express his thought, the child must have sufficient vocabulary ... Therefore, we start work with clarification, expansion and improvement. vocabulary(at this stage, the interaction of all participants is important educational process). Sinkwine - a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and essential signs in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, formulate your statements. Drafting syncwine looks like a game, because writing is fun, useful and easy! At the same time, interest in the world around develops, speech, thinking, memory develops, children's initiative: “Even an instantaneous insight can become that first spark, from which sooner or later the flame of creative search will kindle,” V. Shatalov wrote.

What is its effectiveness and significance?

First, its simplicity. Sinkwine can make up everything.

Secondly, in compiling syncwine every child can realize their creative, intellectual potential.

Sinkwine is a game technique.

Drafting syncwine used as the final task for the passed material.

Drafting syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

COMPOSE BY CHILDREN of preparatory groups for school No. 8 and No. 9 TO No. 5

Funny, kind,

Pleases, surprises

She decorates us

it good.

Hamster Homa.

White, cheerful,

Eats, jumps,

He has a cute nose

Favorite pet.

Small, soft,

Gnaws, washes,

Hides stocks by the cheeks.

Percy the cat.

Fluffy, gray,

Scratches, jumps,

Percy the cat loves to play

Anna Maria.

Beautiful, smart,

Runs, plays,

She is very fond of chocolate

My joy is Ulyana.

Hamster Lisa.

Fluffy, soft,

Hides food, runs,

Plays merrily


Who is Richard (Ulyana)

Big, beautiful,

Hunting, playing, scratching,

Richard, I love you.

Big, beautiful,

Protects, wins,

Russia is the best


Polite, caring,

Hugs, pleases

Kindness always, always helps,


Sunny, warm

Friends, helps, wins

A kind word healsand the bad cripples

Soft, oval,

Bakes, breathes,

You can't live without bread

(food) delicious.

Affectionate, beautiful, good,

Cares, hugs,

Mom is a sign of friendship

Mom, honey, little heart.

Beautiful, beloved,

Loves, regrets,

Mom is the most beloved

Mom is the sun for me.


Warm, joyful,

Helps, forgives,

Good triumphs over evil

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