You are as simple as all analysis. Analych of Yesenin's poem "You are so simple, like everyone else ..."

You are as simple as everyone else

You know the lonely dawn

You know the cold of autumn is blue.

In a funny way, my heart is in trouble,

I stupidly took up thoughts.

Your iconic and austere face

He hung around the chapels in ryazans.

I didn't care about these icons

I honored rudeness and screaming in a rake,

And now suddenly the words grow

The most gentle and meek songs.

I don't want to fly to the zenith

The body needs too much.

Why is your name ringing

Like an August chill?

I am not a beggar, not pathetic, not small,

And I can hear behind the ardor:

From childhood I understood to like

For males and steppe mares.

Therefore, I did not save myself

For you, for her and for this one.

A pledge of sad happiness -

Crazy heart of a poet.

That's why I'm sad, settling,

Like leaves, slanting eyes ...

You are as simple as everyone else

Like a hundred thousand others in Russia.

Updated: 2011-05-09

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Analysis of the poem "Over the mountains, beyond the yellow valleys ..." (1916.)
Anna Sardanovskaya briefly took a place in the poet's heart, but the memory of this hobby remained for years. Already a mature poet, 4 years after parting, Yesenin dedicated these poems to her. They were printed in 1916. A characteristic feature of this poem, like other poems about love of these years, is the complete absence of realities associated with past meetings and with feelings experienced. The heroine of the poem is a poor wanderer whom the lyric hero calls upon to pray for his lost soul.
These verses are imbued with light sadness about the unfulfilled. Here is a premonition of the poet's tragic fate: Pray before the face of the savior For my lost soul.
The vocabulary of the poem is deeply religious. Here the earthly merges with the heavenly: "above the church heads", "on a high mountain a monastery", "the meek spirit of a monastery inhabitant."
Feeling tender sadness created by the apt epithet: "I fell in love with longing crane", a vivid metaphor "the heavenly sand turns blue."
I really liked this poem. It helps to remain oneself, to preserve the divine that is in every person.
Analysis of the poem "The red wings of the sunset are extinguished ..." This is a poem about love. Yesenin dedicated it to Anna Izryadnova. It reads as a lyrical confession of the hero with whom Sergei Yesenin came to poetry. It contains the pain of the soul, the feeling of the poverty of the surrounding life:
Do not be sad, my white hut
That again we are alone and alone.
The hero worries about the fate of his beloved woman:
I know the years will drown the alarm.
This pain, like the years, will pass.
In the poem, the hope for her return:
And she will come to our land
Warm up your baby. The poem's color is given by polysemantic words: "the wings of the sunset", comparisons: "like a corroded raw material yoke", personifications: "watchers slumber quietly in the fog", metaphors: "cleans a month in a thatched roof with blue horns. Reading poetry, you are sad along with the lyric hero and believe him:
He who asks for joy is not strong
Only the proud live in power.
Analysis of the poem "You are so simple as everyone else ..." It is dedicated to Augusta Miklashevskaya.
This poem is about hard fate lyrical hero.
The unspeakable light of love awakens in his heart:
And now suddenly the words grow
The most gentle and meek songs.
His soul is joyfully warmed up, a Man is reborn in him:
In a funny way, my heart is in trouble,
I stupidly took up thoughts.
Who is the woman who saves the poet's "lost" soul?
One side: .
You're so simple like everyone else
Like a hundred thousand others in Russia.
On the other hand:
- Your iconic and strict face
- He hung around the chapels in ryazans.
The lyrical hero deifies the image of a woman and regrets
I didn't care about these icons
I honored rudeness and screaming in a rake ...
The poet seems to want to say to all of us, and together with his dreams and himself: what a pity,
that we waste the great blessing of love and life so recklessly:
Because I didn't save myself
For you, for her and for this one.
Augusta Leonidovna Miklashevskaya recalled that Sergei
Yesenin liked to repeat: “Why is your name ringing like
august coolness ”.

"Persian motives", Sergei Yesenin dedicated a young
the teacher from Batumi Shagane Talyan, with whom the poet met,
being in the Caucasus, in December 1924.
In "Persian Motives" pure, joyful, silent and incorruptible love is sung. Such was Shahane Talyan, whom Sergei Yesenin often visited in Batumi, gave flowers, recited poetry. The girl was 24 years old at that time, she is an Akhaltsikhe Armenian by birth. Shagane was distinguished by her extraordinary beauty, and the poet wrote his Persian from her. Parting with her, Yesenin presented her with a book of his poems with the inscription: "My dear Shagane, you are pleasant and dear to me." “In“ Persian Motives ”the poet created a poetic image, depicting a poetic love, which, in fact, apparently did not exist.
Analysis of the poem "You are mine, Shagane!" "You are mine, Shagane, Shagane!" is a romantic poem about love for the beautiful Persian woman Shagane. There is so much cordiality and purity in the relationship between the poet and Shagane: There, in the north, the girl too, She looks terribly like you, Maybe she thinks about me ... You are my Shagane, Shagane.
The beauty of eastern nature is captivating, but thoughts about the homeland are here too
do not leave the poet:
- No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, He is no better than Ryazan's expanse. In this poem, the poet praises the unity of nature and man: I took this hair from rye, If you want, knit it on a finger ... There is a romantic beginning in the lyrical hero, although the mood of the author is clear in him, who is tired after hard days and wants to rest :
Honey, joke, smile, Do not wake up only the memory in me About the wavy rye in the moonlight. This poem charges the reader with optimism, faith in the high destiny of a person with a generous and loving soul.
Analysis of the poem "Do not wry a smile, pulling your hands ..." The poet dedicated this poem to Galina Benislavskaya. It is also about love, but different, without reciprocity:
I love another, but not you. The lyric hero is merciless in his confession:
You yourself know, you know well -
I don't see you, I didn't come to you. But in this bitter revelation and respect for the feeling of a loving woman, and the recognition of her willpower. Agree: after all, only strong woman you can say so frankly about your dislike for her. Maybe that's why the hero cannot walk past her windows:
I passed by, my heart doesn't care
I just wanted to look out the window.
This poem captivates with genuine sincerity, soul-pinching honesty of the hero.
Analysis of the poem "Do not look at me with reproach."
This is one of the last poems of Yesenin's love lyrics. It
written in the last month of the poet's life and full of contradictions. Already
in the first stanza of the poem and declaration of love:
But I love your gaze with a drag, And an expression of contempt:
I do not conceal contempt for you. When you read the poet's love lyrics, you understand that the brightest memories lived in his soul about those women whom he loved, but who affectionately told him “No!”. Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya-Sukhotina, even before meeting Yesenin, was already married, and the poet did not completely believe in her sincerity, hence the comparison:
Yes, you seem to me to be open
And, perhaps, I'm glad to see
Like a fox pretending to be dead
Catching ravens and ravens.
And then the lyrical hero admits:
I dream of another in your face,
Whose eyes are dove Blue and blue are not just Yesenin's favorite colors, they are the color of everything pure, divine that he felt in himself and in people.
I really liked and made me think the last lines:
If there were no hell and heaven,
The man himself would have invented them.

The addressee of the poem is Augusta Miklashevskaya, a bright page in the poet's love life. But the feelings have passed, or rather the author himself could not keep them, which he now bitterly regrets. "The poet's crazy soul" cannot live in peace, although it seems that he can "hear behind the ardor."

The structure of the work is circular, where the repeating first two lines sound hopelessly at the end of the poem, as if it echoes the simplicity, but also the uniqueness of the heroine. Multiple mentions of personal pronouns create the illusion of a personal, frank conversation.

The fact that this conversation is not intended for outsiders is evidenced by the mention of iconic faces in the chapels, which the author "spat" about. Quite different feelings were held in high esteem - rudeness and shouting, but with the appearance of that one, gentle words and "meek songs" were found.

Yesenin's chosen one, a simple girl, like thousands of others, this is clearly stated at the beginning of the poem, at the same time her image is similar to the church face. But even here it is invisibly seen that such faces “in the ryazans” are not so few. Ryazan in the work is written with a small letter, this is not a city, it is a symbol of the hinterland of Russia, where there are hundreds of thousands of such

The same girls who dream of a great feeling, meeting cold sunrises alone.

The poem is unusually rich in a variety of syntactic figures. Line inversion is quite common (especially in the first and second stanzas), which speaks of the poet's feelings, of his desire to attract the attention of his beloved.

The ascending gradation of pronouns, on the one hand, seems to speak of girls who could meet in the life of the author, but this is just a good metaphor - you can save yourself, your feelings, love for the homeland, identity and at the same time remain outwardly far from routine with "The poet's crazy heart."

The verbs are strongly emphasized in the work, both emotionally (spat, understood, saved) and in the construction of lines (in the last place, attracting attention and rhyming in the last verb of the next line).

As in all of Yesenin's love lyrics, this poem clearly shows the connection with the nature of his native land. The author is sad, “settling like leaves”, the name of the heroine rings “like an August coolness”. The coolness of autumn is an ideal canvas for the poet's sadness, where blue is invariably present - cold, bewitching and sad. Even the fact that the hero is “in a ridiculous heart” only emphasizes hopelessness and not at all fun.

You are as simple as everyone else

You know the lonely dawn
4 You know the cold of autumn is blue.

In a funny way, my heart is in trouble,
I stupidly took up thoughts.
Your iconic and austere face
8 He hung around the chapels in ryazans.

I didn't care about these icons
I honored rudeness and screaming in a rake,
And now suddenly the words grow
12 The most gentle and meek songs.

I don't want to fly to the zenith
The body needs too much.
Why is your name ringing
16 Like an August chill?

I am not a beggar, neither pathetic nor small
And I can hear behind the ardor:
From childhood I understood to like
20 For males and steppe mares.

Therefore, I did not save myself
For you, for her and for this one.
A pledge of sad happiness -
24 Crazy heart of a poet.

That's why I'm sad, settling,
Like leaves in slanting eyes ...
You are as simple as everyone else
28 Like a hundred thousand others in Russia.

Znayesh ty odinoky rassvet,
Znayesh kholod oseni siny.

Po-smeshnomu ya serdtsem vlip,
Ya po-glupomu mysli zanyal.
Tvoy ikonny i strogy lik
Po chasovnyam visel v ryazanyakh.

Ya na eti ikony pleval,
Chtil ya grubost i krik v povese,
A teper vdrug rastut slova
Samykh nezhnykh i krotkikh pesen.

Ne khochu ya letet v zenit,
Slishkom mnogoye telu nado.
Chto zh tak imya tvoye zvenit,
Slovno avgustovskaya prokhlada?

Ya ne nishchy, ni zhalok, ni mal
I umeyu rasslyshat za pylom:
S detstva nravitsya ya ponimal
Kobelyam da stepnym kobylam.

Potomu i sebya ne sbereg
Dlya tebya, dlya neye i dlya etoy.
Neveselogo schastya zalog -
Sumasshedsheye serdtse poeta.

Potomu i grushchu, osev,
Slovno v listya v glaza kosye ...
Ty takaya zh prostaya, kak vse,
Kak sto tysyach drugikh v Rossii.

Ns nfrfz; ghjcnfz, rfr dct,

Pyftim ns jlbyjrbq hfccdtn,