The whole field was covered with snow. Grammar game

    Bedspread - get a valid OBI promo code on Academician or buy a blanket with a discount at the OBI sale

    cover - noun Fast. ex .: common; inanimate .; conc .; Wed R.; 2 sq. Snow blanket2 the whole field was blanketed. LZ A piece of cloth that covers something. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture. ex .: unit. number; ...

    cover - a; Wed 1. A piece of cloth intended to cover something l., Covering something l. Pull the item off the easel. Remove the item from the statue. Hide from the rain under a canvas blanket. // A light blanket, usually used to cover the bed during the day. Sleep, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    cover - a; Wed 1) a) A piece of cloth intended to cover something l., Covering something l. Pull the cover / lo off the easel. Remove the veil / lo from the statue. Hide from the rain under a canvas blanket. b) rep. A light blanket usually used to cover ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Fuji - (Fujisan, Fujiyama) the highest mountain peak (3776 m) in Japan. There are various versions of the origin of the name Fuji. One of them connects it with the Ainu word fire. In any case, Fuji is directly related to the fire ... ... All Japan

    cover - verb. Fast. ex .: I sp .; nesov. in.; crossover; unreported 1) Soil covers2 the entire globe. 2) Snow blanket the whole field blanket 2. LZ Lie on top of something, cover any surface with yourself. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic ... ... Morphemic-word-formation dictionary

Russian grammar game in 4th grade

Tesakova Irina Anatolyevna,

primary school teacher,

4- "A" class

instill a love for the native language;

consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom


On the blackboard - an epigraph

"Learn Russian language -

Years in a row


A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in himself ”

(Sabir Abdullah)

1st command:

We are funny guys

And we do not like to be bored

With pleasure we are with you

We will play in KVN.

2nd command:

We answer amicably

And there is no doubt about it:

There will be friendship today

The mistress of victories.

3rd command:

And let the struggle boil sharper,

Stronger competition

Success is not fate

And only our knowledge.

4th command:

And, competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the fight simmer

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

Each team in turn - it is possible to draw lots - calls the name of its team. For example:

Captain: Our name is

Team: Allies.

Captain: Our motto is

We are friendly allies

We don't sit still,

Behind every offer

We follow closely.

The captain approaches the jury and hands over a large emblem.

Contest "Word-Snake"

A representative from each team is invited to write down words on the board in 1-2 minutes in such an order that the second word begins with the last letter of the first, for example: Address - fireworks - notebook - village - …… The jury sums up the results.

Captains competition

Determine which part of speech the highlighted words are. (Each captain is given a card with sentences)

Mom put the oven in the oven cabbage pies.

A blanket of snow covered the entire field.

The bucket started to leak and water began to flow.

Water from glass, glass.

Verification, the jury announces the results of the competition.

Fan competition

Guess the riddle of where the antonyms are hidden

I am the opposite of the word "heat"

I'm in the river in the thick shadow

And in a bottle of lemonade

And my name is (COOL).

I am the opposite of the word "summer"

Wearing a snow coat,

Although I love frost myself,

Because I am (WINTER).

I am the opposite of laughter

Not for joy, pleasures, -

I am captive

From misery and pain

From resentment, failure.

Guessed it, It's (CRYING).

I am the opposite of noise, knocking

Without me, you will suffer at night,

I am for rest, for sleep

I'm called (SILENCE)

Bracket competition

Each team member is given a task: to open the brackets in the sentence.

Language (to) Kiev (to) leads.

Good word (to) heart (to) goes.

(C) mountains (c) the stream ran agile.

(Before) schools (before) went fast.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded 2 points

Playing with teams. Riddles in verse about synonyms.

I am synonymous with octopus

And without C - there are many of us in the broom (SPRUT)

I am the same as the hurricane

But only a guest of eastern countries.

I'm a schooner at sea

And I am called (TYPHOON)

The simple word for "gap":

A few minutes in the theater

Until another act begins

We call it all (ANTHRACT)

Stopping something for a while

We announce (BREAK)

In the struggle, in labor, they are too tired -

Gives tired (BREATH)

After the lesson, by all means

Need the guys (CHANGE)

Competition "Funny Pictures"

What phraseological units are shown in the figures?

What do they mean?

Fan competition. "Proverbs in pictures"

Guess from the pictures what proverbs are in question.

Guess the proverbs

The team is asked one first word at a time, the children must guess what proverb is being discussed.

LOVE …… .. (to ride, love and carry sledges).

MOSCOW ……… (does not believe in tears. Moscow was not built right away).

TO THE GIVEN ……… (they don't look the horse in the mouth).

NOT IN YOUR OWN ………… (do not sit on the sleigh).

LIFE ………… .. (to live - what field to pass).

SHEEP ………. (Not worth the candle).

Competition "Stykhoplet"

The teams are shown cards with supporting rhyme words.

bye puppy,

help - find

Each team has to write a quatrain with these words in 3 minutes. For example:

I have three puppies,

They don't have nicknames yet.

Help me guys,

Find nicknames for puppies.

Contest "Collect the Word"

Guess the words by collecting them in parts.

Its root is in the word “to write”, the prefix in the word to tell, the suffix in the word “book”, the ending in the word “water”. (Receipt)

Its root is in the word "knit", the prefix in the word "shut up", the suffix in the word "fairy tale", the ending in the word "fish". (Outset)

Its root is in the word "snowflake", the prefix in the word "drove up", the suffix in the word "forester", the ending in the word "student". (Snowdrop)

Its root is in the word "young", the suffix in the word "mows", the ending in the word "grass". (Well done)

Fan competition. Word constructor game

The goal of the game is to compose as many other words as possible from the set of letters of the original word. Each letter in any composed word is used only as much as it occurs in the original word.

Given word: Grammar

Competition "Can we write dictation in" 4 "and" 5 ".

The host dictates the text. The teams work at the board at the same time. Each team member writes down 2 words and proposes to the next member.

Sample text of the dictation.

"Russian language.

I love Russian lessons. In these lessons, we learn to understand the power and beauty of our native language.

Warmth emanates from words close to childhood: stream, grove, meadow, path. "

Perhaps it is more convenient for the competition to compose a dictation from words that are not related in meaning and have grammatical difficulties.

For each error, 1 point is deducted from the team's score. 2 points are awarded for each correct answer.

Contest "Hide and Seek"

There are 20 animals hidden in this poem! The name can be inside words, or it can start at the end of one word, and end at the beginning of another. See, for example, how the fox hid. One of the names is repeated twice. Well, let's start looking?

Crackling Sugar at the tap

Three young cockroaches.

We stared at the view from the window ...

Good feeding!

And it suddenly happened like this:

The leftmost Prusak,

Hearing shouts: "Scatter!"

Soared up to the wire.

And easy brother that is in the center, like a demon

Through the glass - just awful! - got through!

Well, the right one is just a guard:

From the crane deftly jumped behind the cabinet!

Answer: Cod, fox, cockroach, macaw (dvazhy), cancer, cat, hedgehog, elk, dachshund, lion, Prusak, hare, lynx, yak, gadfly, cobra, bedbug, goat, whitefish.

Fan competition

Guess the rebus.

Competition " Homework"

A representative of each team reads a linguistic tale about parts of speech written by the team.


The jury calculates the points. A musical pause is announced. At this time, the teams show a performance based on the poem S.Marshak "Punctuation marks".

At the last point

On the last line

Gathered the company

Punctuation marks.

An eccentric came running -

Exclamation mark.

(An exclamation mark runs in).

He is never silent

Screams deafeningly.

Exclamation mark:

Hurrah! Down with!

Guard! Robbery!

(Question mark comes in.)

Dragged bow-legged

Question mark.

(Question mark comes in.)

Question mark:

Who! Whom?

Where from? How?

Commas appeared

The girls are curled.

(Includes semicolon)


If there is no point above you,

The comma is an empty sign.

The colon came up

The ellipsis rolled up ...

(Colon and ellipsis appear)


No, wait!

I'm more important than a comma

Or a semicolon,

Because I doubled

More point one-eyed,

I look in both eyes

I keep order.

But the ellipsis said

Barely turning his eyes.


If you want to know

I am more important than others:

Where there's nothing left to say

They put an ellipsis ...

The question mark was surprised.

Question mark:

That is, as?

The exclamation point was outraged.

Exclamation mark:

That is, as!

And the point said

The point is a loner.

The story ends with me

So I am more important than you.

The jury announces how many points each team scored, awards the participants in the game.

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take with concern.

It is difficult, but without it

Life would be bad!

Do not compose a telegram

And you can't send a postcard,

Even my own mother

Happy birthday, do not congratulate!

Sending congratulations,

Remember the declension rule

Gender, number and cases

Keep in mind!

And prefixes and particles -

Like tricky animals!

They want to frolic

Deceive the students!

Love you grammar!

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I will master a little!

Sections: Primary School

I block

3-point assignments

1. Find and underline (highlight) an extra word:

a) squirrel, white, whiten

b) water, water, drive

c) leaf, fox, fox cub

d) elk, flap, calf

e) mountain, hill, town

f) dog, sand, sand

2. For these words, write two words each with the same composition:

3. Underline (highlight) words that cannot be hyphenated:

Needle, beehive, oats, wheat, lesson, class, poplar, birch, dinner, Kremlin, coat, hare, tree, swift, harvest, notebook, spruce, may, anchor.

4. Underline (highlight) the correct use of prepositions:

a) came from school

b) came from the village

c) left the city

d) go to the concert

e) ran out into the street

f) returned from work

5. Determine which part of speech the underlined words belong to.(Put part of speech in brackets)

a) That's why bake () so that there is bread in it bake ().

b) Snowy cover () whole field cover ().

c) I stand on our shore (), peace of mind shore ().

d) Rustic old-timer () collective farm garden guarded ().

e) I my () arms. Vanya carries my () bag.

f) On canopy () the hill was blooming with daisies. The bed was decorated with pink canopy ().

6. Underline (highlight) a question that will help in learning the Russian alphabet:

a) What do you eat?

b) Where are you going?

c) Where is the hedgehog?

d) When do you get up?

e) How so?

f) Where does the trembling come from?

II block

4-point assignments

7. Make up all possible word combinations from these words and write them down in the table.

8. Write antonyms for adjectives:

9.Write Russian synonyms for these borrowed words:

10. Write the name of the inhabitants of these countries:

11. Underline (highlight), as they call a prophetic dream come true in Russian:

a) sleep under the head;

b) sleep in the ears;

c) waking dream;

d) sleep in the hand;

e) sleep is a thing.

f) sleep - predictor

12. Find synonymous phraseological units. Enter the numbers that make up the pair in the table.

  1. Fall off your feet.
  2. Work carelessly.
  3. The darkness is pitch.
  4. Look at both.
  5. Remember what you called.
  6. Be careful.
  7. You can't see anything.
  8. And the trail is gone.
  9. Flapping your ears.
  10. Catching crows.
  11. To do it is very bad.
  12. I can't feel my legs.

III block

5-point assignments

13. Restore Russian proverbs and sayings. For example, the phrase: “First appearance, and then the mind ”can be replaced with the proverb“ They are met by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds ”.

Write your answer.

There is no reward without suffering.
What is written is not afraid of piercing and cutting objects.
One old and two new.
There are five weekdays, and two days off.
Great things await great people.
All go and you catch up.
Russian people love this food very much.
Another's shirt is life-threatening.
The first one is always doomed.
Watch your speech.

14. From the first line cross out the name of the fish, from the second - the bird, from the third - the fruit, from the fourth - the flower. Read and write the proverbs that come out.


L A O S T S O CH T K A b





Y, G K A K R M A A N T A T b


15. Since ancient times, the Maslenitsa holiday has been known in Russia.

Write a short story about this holiday. These figures will help you (Appendix - Figure 1-10).

Evaluated text containing 50 to 80 words.