Mother tongue week in primary school. Development of an extracurricular activity "week of the Russian language in elementary school"

Plan of the week of the Russian language in primary school

Subject week of the Russian language in primary school

• instill a love for the Russian language, arouse interest in it as an academic subject;

• to improve the general language culture;

• deepen and expand the knowledge gained in the lessons.

 to develop an interest in the deep study of the Russian language, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Carrying out plan:

The first day:

1.Announcement of the beginning of the subject week of the Russian language

2.Information about the plan of events within the framework of the week of the Russian language.

3. Competition "Writing beautifully is not easy .." (for an exemplary notebook in Russian) competition in the classroom.

Second day: Exhibitions

1. Competition "Animate the letter" for 1st class

2. Competition of posters about the Russian language. (Grades 2-4)

... Third day:

1. Olympiads in classes "Literacy is always useful"

Day four:

1. Announcement of the completion of the subject week.

2. Photo report on the slide presentation and the school website.

3. Awarding of winners, summing up.

Opening of the week. Introduction to the calendar of the week

Do you love magic and transformation? If you love, we invite you to an extraordinary week of the Russian language

Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take with concern.

Let it be difficult, but without it

It would be bad to live.

II student.

I love you grammar

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I will master a little.

III student.

Gotta be friends

with grammar,

Learn the rules, and if you are not lazy,

Everything is possible

learn everything.

Guys, master your native language -

difficult business. Hope you are not afraid

difficulties on the way to knowledge. Our week will help you to achieve that wonderful and mysterious that is hidden behind the words "Russian". The Russian language is an extraordinary language and we will be convinced of this.

How will our week go?

(Leader explains the work plan)

And let the struggle boil stronger

Sharper the competition

Success is not fate

And only our knowledge.

And competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the struggle boil sharper

Our friendship is growing stronger with her!

Well done! Starting today, the Russian language week will reign at our school. This week you must

show all your knowledge in the field of the Russian language.

Closing of the Russian Language Week in Primary School

Host 1. Good afternoon, dear guys!

Host 2. Hello, dear adults!

Presenter 1. Greetings to everyone who took the time

And we came to school for the holiday!

Host 2. Today we have gathered in this hall for a reason.

Host 1. Today is our holiday! Closing holiday of the Russian Language Week!

Presenter 2. Throughout the week, primary school students took part in interesting contests and quizzes, wrote poems and essays, drew pictures and found out in the Olympiad who knows Russian better.

Host 1. Now we are ready to summarize and name the best of the best!

Presenter 2. Today we can safely say that this week we have jointly managed to achieve excellent results, rise to the next level of knowledge.

Presenter 1. At our holiday we want to celebrate children who have shown creative activity, desire for intellectual growth, desire to act and introduce new things.

Host 2. Everyone is looking forward to who and who will receive the high award ?!

Presenter 1. So ... Let me start presenting the awards!

Fanfare sounds.

The floor is given….

The best works in the "Bring the Letter" competition to life are 1st grade students ... ..

The most better work in the poster competition " Interesting Facts about the Russian language ”was the work of students ... class. Congratulations on your victory!

The results of the competition for an exemplary notebook were also summed up.

The deserved victory was won by the 1st place - ... .., 2nd place ... ..., 3rd place ....

According to the results of the Olympiads, the following results were revealed by class -

1st place -… .., 2nd place ……, 3rd place….

We thank all the winners, prize-winners, participants of the Russian Language Week!

You coped with all the tasks brilliantly! And it helped you with this - the Russian language is an amazing and unique miracle that allows you to express your thoughts, feelings, mood, convey what you see and hear.

We wish you success in your further language learning !!!


Thank you Grammar,

Science is wonderful!

For letters, words, sentences are clear.

Where is the difficult place in words -

You are near

And you will clearly tell the rule as it should

Write, speak, reflect

And work, -

We in life, Grammar, will be useful to everyone!

1 day.

"Mysterious" dictation.

Who loves carrots

And jumps deftly

Spoils the garden beds,

Running away without looking back?

We can do a lot:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us kids:

We can punish painfully!

Icon letters,

Like soldiers on a parade

In strict order

Lined up.

Everyone stands in the appointed place,

And everything is called ...

Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler.

Manage to write on them!

You can draw ...

What am I? ...

Round, mature, tanned,

I got caught

I could not split everything.

I got hit by the hammer

Cracked once - and cracked the side.

If you hone it -

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? ...

Not prickly, light blue,

Hanging in the bushes

1 day.

Word games. "Cryptographers".

Decrypt the secret letter.

Only those who are well familiar with the letters of the Russian alphabet will be able to unravel its secret (each number corresponds to the ordinal number of a letter in the alphabet).

1 9 2 21 12 1 – 12

14 21 5 18 16 19 20 10

19 20 21 17 6 15 30 12 1 .

Now encrypt any phrase yourself.

1 day.

Contest "Tailhead"

What are these strange words?
The head is spinning.
How to read? On the contrary?
Have you guessed? Well done!
First end words
Became the beginning for the second -
Vova told us this
Did you like the game?
Then, buddy, make up the words.

2nd day.

Word games. "Find a word."

You need to find a word in each line of the table.

Words can be written from left to right or from right to left.





































































































2nd day.

Competition of proverbs and sayings.

In two words, restore the entire proverb, explain its meaning, give examples from life when you can apply each of the proverbs.

Business is idleness

Business is fun

Friendship is a service

Labor is laziness

Sparrow - you won't catch

Seven is one

For two - not one

3rd day.

Competition of proverbs and sayings "Typing mistakes".

Proverbs are given, but by mistake the first half belongs to one proverb or proverb, and the second to another. We need to return them to their original form.

Without labor ... but the hands do.

The eyes are afraid ... they think.

Do you like to ride, ... make people laugh.

In a hurry - ... you can't get a fish out of the pond either.

Chickens in the fall ... fun - an hour.

Business is time, ... love to carry sleighs.

It's good to be away ... but a man's work.

Make new friends ... but it's better at home.

The sun paints the earth ... but do not forget the old ones.

3rd day.

We compose poems "Someone started, you continue!"

We suggest continuing the poem at the beginning.

(This activity can be offered for home preparation.)

1. Threw the storm into the garden

Three unseen elephants ...

2. By boat on the river

The dog was rolling - and now ...

3. The animals met New Year,

The animals led a round dance ...

3rd day.

Guessing the charades "Carnival of words ».

The beginning is a note

Then - a deer decoration,

And together - a place

Lively movement.

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can find it without difficulty.

The beginning of the word is forest

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant.

My first syllable is an excuse

The second is a summer house,

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve.

On the first - there is a sentry

The second - it turns green in the forest,

And in general - it will only get dark,

My beginning - letter of the alphabet,

She always hisses angrily

Second, ships are afraid

And they strive to bypass it.

The first syllable is a hint slightly -

The third part of the snowman.

The second syllable is a little more -

This is the name of a lady in Poland.

And in the end, my friends,

Don't forget about me.

3rd day.

"Colored" phraseological units.

If everything in the world were the same color,

Would it make you angry or gladdened by it?

Who would dare from now on, coming home tired,

Sleeping on a green feather bed under a green blanket?

And wash with green water at dawn,

And wipe off with a green towel?

Admire how the birds are hovering over you, turning green,

Over green houses Is the sun turning green brightly?

People are used to seeing the world in white, yellow, blue, red ...

Let everything around us be amazing and different!

(E. Ruzhentsev)

It is proposed to insert missing color names that are appropriate in meaning and obtain phraseological units.

___________ stain,

_____________ dream,

keep in the ____________ body,

as a __________ girl,

a tale about a _____________ bull,

store for _____________ day,

_____________ the youth,

look through ____________ glasses.

The beginning is a note

Then - a deer decoration,

And together - a place

Lively movement.

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can find it without difficulty.

The beginning of the word is forest

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant.

My first syllable is an excuse

The second is a summer house,

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve.

On the first - there is a sentry

The second - it turns green in the forest,

And in general - it will only get dark,

You lie down, and your working day is over.

My beginning is a letter of the alphabet

She always hisses angrily

Second, ships are afraid

And they strive to bypass it.

And in summer and spring it flies and buzzes,

It sits on a flower, then it flies again.

The first syllable is a hint slightly -

The third part of the snowman.

The second syllable is a little more -

This is the name of a lady in Poland.

And in the end, my friends,

Don't forget about me

Then - a deer decoration,

And together - a place

Lively movement.

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can find it without difficulty.

The beginning of the word is forest

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant.

My first syllable is an excuse

The second is a summer house,

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve.

On the first - there is a sentry

The second - it turns green in the forest,

And in general - it will only get dark,

You lie down, and your working day is over.

My beginning is a letter of the alphabet

She always hisses angrily

Second, ships are afraid

And they strive to bypass it.

And in summer and spring it flies and buzzes,

It sits on a flower, then it flies again.

The first syllable is a hint slightly -

The third part of the snowman.

The second syllable is a little more -

This is the name of a lady in Poland.

And in the end, my friends,

Don't forget about me

Then - a deer decoration,

And together - a place

Lively movement.

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can find it without difficulty.

The beginning of the word is forest

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant.

My first syllable is an excuse

The second is a summer house,

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve.

On the first - there is a sentry

The second - it turns green in the forest,

And in general - it will only get dark,

You lie down, and your working day is over.

My beginning is a letter of the alphabet

She always hisses angrily

Second, ships are afraid

And they strive to bypass it.

And in summer and spring it flies and buzzes,

It sits on a flower, then it flies again.

The first syllable is a hint slightly -

The third part of the snowman.

The second syllable is a little more -

This is the name of a lady in Poland.

And in the end, my friends,

Don't forget about me

Then - a deer decoration,

And together - a place

Lively movement.

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole in the museum

You can find it without difficulty.

The beginning of the word is forest

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant.

My first syllable is an excuse

The second is a summer house,

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve.

On the first - there is a sentry

The second - it turns green in the forest,

And in general - it will only get dark,

You lie down, and your working day is over.

My beginning is a letter of the alphabet

She always hisses angrily

Second, ships are afraid

And they strive to bypass it.

And in summer and spring it flies and buzzes,

It sits on a flower, then it flies again.

The first syllable is a hint slightly -

The third part of the snowman.

The second syllable is a little more -

This is the name of a lady in Poland.

And in the end, my friends,

Don't forget about me

4th day.

Literary quiz based on fairy tales.

With a primer walks to school

Wooden little boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of the boy himself?

A girl appeared in a flower cup

And there was that girl a little more than a marigold.

The girl slept in a nutshell

What a girl, how small she is!

Who has read such a book knows a girl - a baby?

Hurry up the evening

And the long-awaited hour has come

So that in my gilded carriage

Go to the fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name.

But as soon as midnight comes

I will return to my attic.

Now let's talk about another book -

Here is a blue sea, here is a seashore.

The old man went out to the sea, he will throw the net,

He will catch someone, ask for something.

The story about the greedy old woman will go here.

And greed, guys, does not lead to good.

And the matter will end in the same trough,

But not new, but old, broken.

Someone grabbed hold of someone tightly:

Oh, you can't pull it out! Oh, she sat down tight!

But the assistants will soon come running ...

The united common work will win against the stubborn.

Who sat down so tight? Maybe this …

Someone opened their mouth,

Someone has absorbed something.

Everything around has darkened.

Oh, what a fright everywhere!

But the bear killed the enemy,

With him, the reprisal is short-lived!

The enemy has chickened out and turned

What he swallowed in the sky!

Fruit and vegetable garden,

In one of the books - fairy tales there is it.

And in it the hero is a vegetable boy, -

He is brave, fair, mischievous!

A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her.

He himself, without knowing it, carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle? Then quickly answer

The title of this tale ...

In this book the name day

There were many guests there.

And on these name days

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the mistress

I almost killed her,

But to an insidious villain

Someone cut off his head.

A good girl walks through the forest

But the girl does not know that danger awaits.

A pair of angry eyes shines behind the bushes,

Someone terrible will meet the girl now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle now.

Day 4

Collect a word from syllables

From each word of each line, take one syllable so that

got a new word. Write it down:

plate, picture, peacock - ...

boots, parachute, fantasy - ...

mowing, frost, pilot - ...

snake, frame - ...

button, hammer, lava - ...

reproach, elderberry, mud - ...

4th day.

Quiz of proverbs and sayings "In the Kingdom of Errors".

The sheet contains proverbs and sayings. The words in them are in their places, and the letters are confused.

It is necessary to unravel the proverbs by solving the anagrams.

Zubaka - to rostimud perkast.

Shomubol koblyura - shoebol wanplai.

Kev vizi - evk usich.

Chikoln lode - ylagu meslo.

4th day.

Word games "Miraculous transformations of words."

Find the pattern by which the word in brackets is obtained from the extreme words of the first line. Using this pattern, write the word in brackets on the second line.

Park (crab) spelled sail (soot) twill

Cake (…) broom announce (…) blemish

Wax (plow) freight canvas (grandson) evidence

Cattle (…) front canvas (…) deer

Gamma (anthem) sofa argon (rose) thunderstorm

Pepper (...) clown athlete (...) norm

Day 5

Replace the underlined letter to create a new word. Write this word down.

b and years - ... b e lka - ...

about l yen - ... sal and t - ...

ma w ina - ... p e chka - ...

T olya - ... st about l - ...

M asha - ... from broom - ...

T anya - ... n orc - ...


How to say in one word?

Hang your nose - ... Beyond the distant lands - ...

Beat thugs - ... lead by the nose - ...

On my mind -… Rub glasses -….


Solve the puzzles :

SH1A, 2D, 1UM, ZA1KA, O5, SH3X, 1OCHKA, 1BOR

Day 5.

Crossword "Heroes of Fairy Tales".

1 2 6 11

7. 8 9. 10












    The girl who was molded from the snow by an old man with an old woman

    What was the name of the poodle in the tale of the wooden boy?

    The boy that dad Carlo made of logs

    Little girl, about an inch tall, appeared in a flower cup

    Mischievous, cheerful boy - onion

    The name of the fox from the tale about Buratino

    Fairytale propeller hero living on the roof

    The name of a donkey, a friend of Winnie the Pooh, who lost his tail

    The girl who lost her crystal shoe at the ball

    The most round fairytale herowho left his grandparents

    The Predator Who Ate Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood and Her Grandmother

6th day.

Replace each phrase with one word:

musician playing the trumpet - ... loving to dream - ...

baby eagle - ... participant of the game - ...

brave man - … man of courage - …

rude person -… lazy person -….

Day 5.

One-letter story.

It is proposed to come up with a story, each word of which would begin with the same letter of the Russian alphabet. A prerequisite is that the story should not be meaningless, it should have some kind of plot. Any preposition and conjunction can be used.

Example of a story with the letter C:Today is the seventeenth of September. Forty gophers gathered to build a dining room. The smartest began to collect twigs and straw. First, they made tables and chairs ...

The winner is the one with the longest story.

6th day.

Quiz of proverbs and sayings "Who is more".

Who will name more proverbs and sayings in which there are various numbers and numbers.

For instance: There is safety in numbers.

Seven don't wait for one.

The education of children in primary school is not limited only to the passage of the school curriculum. Educational establishment organizes various exciting events and contests for children. A week of Russian in elementary school must be planned. Events of this kind arouse interest among children in the subject. Children from second to fourth grade compete in knowledge native language, in reading poetry, creative thinking when writing essays.

Preparatory stage

Before the start of the week of the Russian language in elementary school, the teacher must bring the children up to date. Each class teacher conducts explanatory work with his children. It is necessary to explain the order of the week and show with examples what tasks and competitions await young participants. Children must choose a commander who will conditionally accept assignments, help other children and speak for their class. The teacher can help students make choices. It's not bad if parents are also involved in organizing the holiday.

Preparing posters

Together with their parents, the children will have to draw a poster with statements about the Russian language. The assignments will need to be distributed in advance. So the child will feel more confident and will take part in competitions and classes with great desire. The teacher can tell the mums and dads about the upcoming event at the meeting. The correct attitude on the part of the parents is very important for the child. Children should understand that the Russian language week in elementary school is held not for teachers, but for students. the main task this event is an assessment of the knowledge of children. In addition, the joint activities of students, teachers and parents contribute to the unity of the school team.

What should be a week of Russian in primary school? Activities can have a different direction. A whole holiday is organized for children. The week of the Russian language in elementary school begins with the opening. Students bring previously prepared posters that adorn the assembly hall and class. For this day, kids should prepare numbers from each class. This can be a solo or group performance. Children can learn one big poem by breaking it down into parts among themselves, or choose one reader who will speak from the group.

Event planning

The instructor must apply for numbers from their class in advance for the art director to include in the first day scenario. In order to interest the students, the action must take place in a playful way. Each class can come up with a name associated with the Russian language and a motto. The opening of the week of the Russian language in elementary school can begin with a greeting from the teams.

On the first day of the common holiday, children gather in the assembly hall and begin an exciting journey to the country of the Russian language. In order for the children not to get lost in it, the leader hands over a map of movements to the commander of each class. All events and contests that will be held during the week are listed here. Further, in order to return the attention of the children absorbed in the map, the presenter can play a game with the audience. After that, each class will show their numbers, read poems, present thematic songs to the audience, possibly dance numbers will be shown. Further, the school administration can give a parting speech and dismiss the children by classes for passing the first test marked on the map.

First day assignments. Anagrams

In class, the children will begin their first assignment. For example, a teacher might offer children a competition for making an anagram from a long word. It can be "metro", "self-portrait", "disaster", etc. During a certain time, children should make up small words from the proposed option. Then each student begins to read their words. The guys compare their options and cross out repetitive expressions. The student who has uncrossed words wins. After the competition, the teacher and the children develop a plan for the Russian language week in primary school. The previously compiled program can be corrected together with the students.

Task for the second day. Wall newspaper and essay competition

For all participating classes in the format of the action "Week of the Russian language in elementary school" the wall newspaper is a mandatory item. Children must design and design the poster with their own hands. There may be drawings, applications and necessarily informative information about the native language. In the wall newspaper, you can write about the rules of grammar and punctuation. The poster should be bright and memorable. You can draw and describe instructive stories about spelling, curious historical cases related to the Teacher helps to choose a topic for writing the text.

The essay competition takes place in the assembly hall. Children should describe their vision of the Russian language, how they like it and what difficulties they face in learning. It is equally important that the children could describe the prospects that knowledge of the Russian language opens up to them. Among the second graders on this day, you can hold a competition for a young reader for general theme... This will require two representatives from each class. This competition also takes place in the assembly hall. Parents can come to support their little ones and listen to touching poems performed by school talents.

Day 3 assignments. Calligrapher and editor

The Russian language week in elementary school continues. Students are given the task to rewrite a certain text, observing the rules of calligraphy. These can be statements of great writers and poets. The main thing is that the sentences are not long and that the children understand the meaning.

Each child will receive a letter from "Masha to Brother Volodya". This is another option for the assignment for schoolchildren. There were deliberate mistakes in the letter. Pupils must correct any mistakes so that Volodya can read the letter. The text of the letter should not be too long and contain simple phrases. These tasks are pretty simple. Along with this, they arouse great interest among the children. After all, there should be a memorable week of the Russian language in elementary school. The teacher should come up with original and indicative tasks.

Fourth day. "Literate"

The week of the Russian language in elementary school is coming to an end. The fourth day is the most stressful for all students. Dictations are conducted in all classes. Each parallel is assessed separately. After all, the level of knowledge among children of different age categories is significantly different. In the course of checking the work of students, the most literate are identified. Not only the spelling is assessed, but also the cleanliness of the notebooks and calligraphy.

The fifth day. The final

On the fifth day, the week of the Russian language ends in Events, contests and entertainment programs timed to this event are held in the assembly hall. This is a kind of summing up of the past week: testing knowledge, awarding winners. On this day, students will be able to demonstrate their accumulated and multiplied knowledge, show off their intelligence in quizzes and blitz polls. How should a week of Russian in elementary school be finished? The development of the scenario for the final celebration provides for the awarding of distinguished students and winners. On this day, children can invite their parents as guests.

The last day of the thematic week involves not only testing the knowledge of the children. Students must discover something new for themselves. Alternatively, on the fifth day, you can conduct a general vocabulary lesson dedicated to the works of Dahl V. I. The teacher can prepare a presentation in advance. The Russian language week in elementary school should be interesting for the children.

The information provided will help broaden the horizons of students. Perhaps some of the children, already in elementary school, will decide to link their future with learning their native language.

Final contests

As part of the program, among students, you can hold a proverbial competition on a specific topic or offer to pick up a number of associations. You can also ask the children spelling riddles. Competitions of synonyms and antonyms are very interesting and loved by children. Every teacher can check lexicon participants, by asking them to name, for example, ten birds that start with the letter "o", or to arrange a competition for the most palindrome words.

On the final day, you can arrange an exhibition of the works of all students on the theme "Favorite letters of the country." Children will be happy to do this kind of creative work. These can be drawings, handicrafts from scrap materials, embroidery. There will be no winners or losers in this mission. Children will be able to get acquainted with the works of their friends, as well as give each other their products.

The week of the Russian language in primary school ends with a solemn awarding of the winners of the competitions. The guys who have distinguished themselves receive certificates.


The purpose of holding a thematic week is to develop interest and instill a linguistic culture of communication, to encourage students to study the subject. Holding such events, olympiads, contests helps to consolidate the knowledge gained, expand vocabulary and instill a love for the word in every child.

A week of the Russian language in primary school should be carefully planned. The script can be drawn up without much difficulty if you use the help of children and parents.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 9

from. Krasnaya Polyana, Kushchevsky district, Krasnodar region

A week


language "

in primary


Week plan:

Monday.Opening of the week.

KVN for grades 2 and 3.

Tuesday.KVN for grades 3 and 4.

Wednesday.Competition of poems about the Russian language (for all primary grades).



Friday.All classes publish newspapers. Closing of the week.

Summing up, rewarding active participants.

A.M. Gorky wrote: “A child under 10 years of age requires fun, and his demand is biologically legal. He wants to play, plays with everyone and learns the world around him first and foremost and most easily in playing, playing. It is by playing with the word that the child learns the subtleties of the Russian language, learns its music and what philologists call the "spirit of the language."

Given the age and psychological characteristics primary school students, it is necessary to make sure that the material for the Week is bright, emotional, interestingly designed, as well as small in volume and easy to understand.

The program of this extracurricular activities the following types of work are included: a) dictation; b) a reading competition; c) grammatical battle; d) matinee; e) KVNs; f) issue of thematic newspapers.

Plan of the Week.


Opening of the week. KVN for grades 2 and 3.


KVN for grades 3 and 4.


Russian poetry competition (for all primary grades). Dictations.


Celebration of punctuation marks for 1st grade.


Everything primary classes publish newspapers. Closing of the week. Summing up, rewarding active participants.


KVN for grades 2 and 3.


A poster is posted in the class:

There is no power more powerful than knowledge:

A man armed with knowledge is invincible.

A. M. Gorky

2. Introduction.


- The language we speak is beautiful and rich. Not only Russians speak Russian. It is understandable to every person living in Russia. In all schools in our country, boys and girls study in their native language: Ukrainians in Ukrainian, Georgians in Georgian, Yakuts in Yakut, but they all study Russian as well.

The Russian language helps all people of our Motherland understand each other better.

    Team greetings (2 teams participate).

1st team.

We are a fun team

And we do not like to be bored

With pleasure we are with you

We will play in KVN.

2nd team.

We answer amicably

And there is no doubt about it

Today is our friendship

The mistress of victories.

    Jury presentation (presented by the host).

    (reported by the captain of each team).

    Black, curves

Will stand in a row -

They will talk.

Who are they? (letters)

    On the ABC page

33 heroes.

Wise men - heroes

Everyone knows the literate. (alphabet)

- What letters do you know?

- What are the vowels?

    Captains competition.

The task: place stress in words:shop, briefcase, object, diary, quarter, gate, alphabet, put, chauffeur, kilometer, centimeter, sorrel. (words on the board)

    Competition of teams.

The task: highlight the endings in words:riddle, lace, snow, ambush, suburb, garden.

    Fan competition.

The task: pick up 2 words - the names of signs for each of the following words:potatoes, poplar, path, dog.

    Team competition.

The task: find and emphasize the grammatical basis in the following sentences:Masha goes to school. The golden autumn has come. An angry lion sits in a cage. Mom came home from work. Today Petya got a good mark. Gloomy clouds float across the sky.

    Fan competition.

The task: in the poem, find and name the words - the names of objects (read by the presenter):

The table you are sitting at

The bed you will sleep in

Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,

Plate, fork, spoon, knife,

And every nail

And every house

And loaves of bread -

All this is done with hard work

And did not fall from the sky.

    Team competition.

The task: name as many words as possible, where there are more sounds than letters (only words - names of objects).

    Fan competition.

The task: solve crosswords:

(skis, mice, watches, food, pike, stockings, tire)

(tea, watch, cup, kettle, stockings, miracle, fat)

    The jury will announce the score.

    Cheerful music sounds.


KVN for grades 3 and 4.


A poster is posted in the class:

Learn Russian -

years in a row,

With soul,

With diligence,


A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in him.

Sabir Abdullah



- The language we speak is beautiful and rich. The Russian language is called great and mighty. Not only Russians speak Russian. It is understandable to every person living in Russia.

    Team greetings (2 teams participate).

1st team.

We are funny guys

And we do not like to be bored

With pleasure we are with you

We will play in KVN.

2nd team.

We answer amicably

And there is no doubt about it

Today is our friendship

The mistress of victories.

1st team.

And let the struggle boil sharper,

Stronger competition

Success is not fate

And only our knowledge.

2nd team.

And, competing with you

We will remain friends.

Let the fight simmer

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

    The teams greet the jury and present them with their emblems (captains):

Glory and honor to you!

We all love accurate counting.

    Fans welcome the teams:

We "cheer" for the team

And we will be able to help our friends!

    Warm-up "Guess the name of our team" (reported by the captain of each team):

    The name of our team indicates the name of the subject, answers the questions WHO? WHAT ?, in a sentence there is a subject and a secondary member.

    The name of our command denotes the name of the object's actions, answers the question WHAT DOES IT DO ?, in a sentence it can be a predicate.

    The presenter asks the fans with questions:

- What is the name of each team?

- What other parts of speech do you know?

- Which part of speech does not change?

    Captains competition.

The task: determine the part of speech (one sentence at a time).

    Mom put cabbage pies in the OVEN OVEN.

    A SNOW COVER COVERED the entire field.

    Fan competition.

The task: guess the riddle and determine the part of speech.

    There is a house, who enters it, that mind will acquire. (school)

    The white bunny jumps across the black field. Shedding tears. children read and erase them. (a piece of chalk)

    I meet everyone with one hand, I see them off with the other. (a door)

    If you give her a job, the pencil worked in vain. (gum - eraser)

    Contest of teams "Word - snake".

(A representative from each team is invited to write down the words on the board in 2 minutes in such order that the second word begins with the last letter of the first, for example:

adre from , from alu t , t etra d b, d village i …).

    Fan competition.

The task: guess the words.

For the 1st team: its root is in the word WRITE, the prefix is \u200b\u200bin the word REVIEW, the suffix is \u200b\u200bin the word BOOK, the ending is in the word WATER.

For the 2nd team: its root is in the word KNIT, the prefix is \u200b\u200bin the word SILENT, the suffix is \u200b\u200bin the word FAIRY TALE, the ending is in the word FISH.

    Competition for teams "Can we write dictation in" 4 "and" 5 ".

(Each team member writes only 2 words and passes the sheet to another participant. As soon as the whole team finishes writing the dictation, they jointly check it and pass it to the jury.)

Dictation text.

Russian language.

I love Russian lessons. In these lessons, we learn to understand the power and beauty of our native language.

Warmth emanates from words close to childhood: stream, grove, meadow, path.

We solemnly pronounce the words: Motherland, peace, labor, freedom.

The Russian language helps us to be friends.

    Fan competition (while the teams are writing the dictation).

The task: find the words that are hidden.

Crib - (lion), scythe - (wasp), crack, bison, pole, prick, fishing rod, points.

    The jury will announce the score.

    The host sums up the results of the competition.

    Rewarding of participants.

    The presenter thanks the children for participating in the competition.


Grammar, grammar -

Science is very strict!

Grammar textbook

I always take with concern.

It is difficult, but without it

Life would be bad!

Do not compose a telegram

And you can't send a postcard,

Even my own mother

Happy birthday, do not congratulate!

Sending congratulations,

Remember the declension rule.

Gender, number and cases

Keep in mind!

And prefixes and particles -

Like tricky animals!

They want to frolic

Deceive the students!

Love you grammar!

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I will master a little!


Competition of poems about the Russian language.

Russian language.

I read about Artek,

I dreamed about Artek.

This summer, this summer

I was resting in Artek!

What a glorious time!

Gathering around the fire

We are in a friendly conversation

We spent evenings.

Pioneer Despine,

What's in the same link with me

I spoke in Georgian

Very kind to me.

I shake my head

Like I'm deaf and dumb.

I answer in Kazakh -

My dialect is incomprehensible.

But I thought and said

To her in Russian: “I am Kazakh -

And no need to talk

For us in different languages! "

Pioneer Despine

Understood me completely.

All the guys know Russian

In our sunny country.

How beautiful and great

Russian, a language close to us!

I'm on it, like on my own,

Used to talking!

T. Abdrakh


"Why are you crying, friend?" -

Grandfather asked the grandson.

“According to the letter, - replied the grandson, -

I got a three today. "

“You click!

Don't be a crybaby. "

"I pressed ... made a blot! .."

F. Bobylev

My Russian language.

Generous folk heritage -

I love our beautiful language.

I speak Yakut since childhood,

Like a mother, I got used to it.

But sometimes, my friends, it happens

The hour when I sit with a pen in my hand

There are not enough new words for the song

To me in my not poor language.

Life goes on ahead of the dictionary

(how many new deeds, events, feelings!).

Expressing your thought in Russian,

I learn a lot from the Russians.

Forever entered without translation

Russian mighty words

Into the speech and soul of every nation

As a spiritual relationship.

I have the key to all sciences,

I am familiar with the whole Universe -

This is because I own

Russian all-embracing language.

I can speak Russian,

Because I can talk

With his brother - a black man with a French docker,

With a friend on the Cuban coast.

our language is the language of labor and light,

It is wide and clear and great.

S. Danilov

Parts of speech.

Noun - school,

Wakes up is a verb

With the adjective merry

New school day


We got up - a pronoun,

The number seven beats.

For learning, no doubt

All must be accepted.

We adverb excellent

We value the lessons

We observe as usual

Discipline and mode

Not even we have particles,

We need to repeat them.

And do not be lazy,

And not an hour to lose!

After school, as you know,

We ride in a sleigh.

Especially appropriate here

Interjections oh and ah.

And then

By a warm oven

We repeat

Parts of speech!

O. Vysotskaya


Very entertaining -


It will be difficult without him

If it disappears.

Well, imagine this:

Like no sign of the subject

We will argue, talk,

Have fun and joke?

What happens then?

Is it worth it to suffer?

We will not say "beautiful"

Let's not say "ugly"

Let's not tell mom "honey"

"Beautiful", "beloved",

Father and brother and sister

We won't be able to speak anywhere

These wonderful

Attachments - la - ga - tel.

To make everything great

There are many different signs

We will notice everywhere

And to a place in speech

Insert them.


You and I are friends.

Item signs

You call.

Sunny summer,

Festive spruce,

Tasty candy,

Mashenkin's briefcase.

Punctuation marks.

At the last point on the last line

A bunch of punctuation marks got together.

An eccentric came running - an exclamation mark.

- Hooray! Down with! Guard! Robbery!

A crooked-nosed question mark came along.

He asks everyone questions: Who? Whom? Where from? How?

Commas appeared, curled girls.

They live in dictation at every stop.

The colon came up.

The ellipsis rolled up.

And others, and others, and others ...

S. Marshak


Grade 2.


A severe winter has come. A dark lump fell from the branch to the ground. It was a bird. She froze. Vitya took her home. The bird came to life. He released her free.

Words for reference: it came to life, released.

Grade 3.


The Russian forest is beautiful in winter. White lace froze on the birches. Fluffy hats shine on century-old pines. So the sun peeped into the forest. Cones sparkled on the branches of the tree. A lynx is lurking on the forest path. A hazel grouse flew into the clearing. He sat down on a tree. The breeze played merrily with the birches. The white fluff of winter was flying. The forest began to sing a song. What is it about?

Words for reference: lace, looked about what.

4th grade.

In the taiga.

Winter has descended into the taiga. The north wind came. Snow sparkled in the sun. The larch trees stood out brightly on the white tablecloth. A wild goose cried high in the sky at night. He fought off his pack.

The villagers gathered in the street. They peered into the forests on the horizon. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the deer. The deer is a very intelligent and kind animal. He senses an unfrozen key under the deep snow and goes around it. The deer easily jumps over the rubble.

Words for reference: peering, unfrozen.


Celebration of punctuation marks for 1st grade.


- Hello guys!

- Guys! Guests have come to our holiday today. I invite them to the stage, let's applaud them.

(ten people - punctuation marks - in masks and with big white pockets on the chest come out)


- All of them are masked ... let's try to guess what punctuation mark is hidden behind each of them.

1st mask.

- Forever thinking about the meaning,

Bent with a yoke. (question mark)

(1 - I mask takes a question mark out of his pocket, opens his face)

- I ask different questions to everyone:

- How?

- Where from?

- How many?

- Why?

- What for?

- Where?

- Where to?

- Which one?

- From what?

- About whom?

- What?

- Who?

- Which the?

- Whose?

- What?

- About what?

That's what I'm a master

Question mark!


- I ask the second mask to make a riddle.

2nd mask.

- There is no end to stormy feelings:

The ardent disposition of the fellow. (Exclamation point)

(2 - the mask takes out an exclamation mark from his pocket, opens his face)

- That's right, guys!

- Usually in a sentence

I stand in order

To highlight the excitement

Anxiety, admiration,

Victory, triumph ...

I'm born right

The grammar gives:

Where am I, then the offer

With special expression

Must be pronounced!


“Next mask, your riddle.

3rd mask.

- Blocks the way,

Offers a rest. (dot)

(3rd mask opens the face)


- The point came to us in order to tell a funny story.

(point takes out his sign and hat with the image of a ladybug from a paper pocket, puts it on his head)

- Thrown by someone

Notebook paper


Attracted attention.

- What is written here?

Every line

I felt with my paws

Long she.

And finally I discovered ...




- Who contrived

And, most importantly, how

Take it off my back

This sign?


- And now please introduce yourself to the others. After all, these punctuation marks were not encountered so often.

(the rest of the masks call themselves, revealing their face and taking their sign out of a paper pocket)


- I am an ellipsis.

- The following lines are written about me:

There are three gossips



But secretly,

By some


Hazy hints ...


- I'm a colon.

- They say about me like this:

The big-eyed colon walks

Boasting knowledge:

He wants to

Make it clear to us

What is what…


- I am a dash.

- I lie down with a stick on the line:

- Walk along the bridge.

(two pairs of children represent quotes and brackets)


- We are quotes. There are such verses about us:

They always try to overhear

What others are saying ...


- We are brackets.

We open our arms to words:

- We are waiting for you,

Dear brothers!


- That's all our guests. Please sit down.

(with a gesture invites you to sit on chairs at the back of the stage)

Pupil (noisily runs into the stage).

- What is it?! Another punctuation mark was forgotten. Not invited. And he takes offense at us. It's always like this! Many guys forget about him in their compositions.


- Whom have we forgotten?

- Who was not invited?

(Blot - a girl with matted hair in a purple dress with a sign on her chest: "Blot", peeping out from behind the curtains).

- Oh, you didn't invite the one they say:

Will go out on the track

Substitute a leg for everyone.


- No no! So her enemies say. On the contrary, it helps people to read. Where she stands, you need to make a short pause. Guys, can you guess who we are talking about?

(It's about a comma!)


- Yes Yes! It's about the comma. Many polite words like to stand next to her: please, thank you, hello, goodbye.

And how she helped me out once! Listen here.

(The student takes the leader aside and begins to quietly tell something. At this time, the guys are lining up on the stage with cards in their hands:

The student continues loudly):

And then the king said that my life depends on the correct setting of the comma.


Execute, no mercy.


- Yes, it happened, but I was friendly with the comma, and she helped me.

(The student rearranges the children with a comma and continues.)

- And it turned out: you can't execute, pardon.


- There are so many stories in the world!

(Buratino appears in the hall, he makes his way between the rows on the stage.)


Telegram! Telegram! Urgent telegram! Hello guys! Here I brought you a telegram from Dunno. I just can't understand what is written here.


- Indeed, a telegram. But syllables and even punctuation marks are mixed up in it. Who will help us read the text?

Punctuation marks (in chorus):

- We!

(Punctuation marks move aside and whisper. At this time, the presenter invites students from the audience to try their hand at solving an unusual riddle. The confused text of the telegram is given on a large sheet of paper.)









happy Holidays







Leading (after the guys answer).

- Let's ask the punctuation marks, did we decipher the text correctly?

Colon and quotation marks (in chorus).

- The telegram says: "Dear guys ..."


- Comma!

Colon and quotation marks.

- I congratulate you on the holiday of Punctuation marks !!!


- Dot!


Yes Yes. Comma and period, and question marks it has nothing to do with it.

Signs must be respected

Use correctly ...

Punctuation marks (in chorus).

- Never forget!


- I, guys, study too. Listen to what poem I learned at school:

A seamstress sews with a needle into a line.

The grinder took the skates to the point.

I'm finishing the line

I put a small point.


- With this small point we will complete our holiday.

(All the characters join hands and follow the presenter down from the stage into the hall. The recording of the song "What do they teach at school" sounds).


    A teacher's guide "1200 dictations and creative works in the Russian language" / Ed. - comp. L. I. Tikunova, T. V. Ignatieva. - Moscow: Bustard, 1999.

    “Extracurricular activities. Grade 3 "/ Auth. - comp. L. N. Yarovaya, O. E. Zhirenko, L. P. Barylkina, L. A. Obukhova. - Moscow: VAKO, 2004.



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