I will draw a green house under a spruce roof. Why are colored houses dangerous?

Looking through this photo collection, which depicts colorful houses, you won’t immediately understand whether this is a residential house or a Barbie desktop house painted in bright colors. But looking closely, you realize that this is not a toy, but a real residential building. How good they are, like fabulous buildings descended from children's illustrated books where, probably, only wizards and sorcerers should live, or fairy-tale artists with magic brushes, where only the bright, gentle sun shines and warm rains fall.

1. We have already talked about one such original house with the no less original name “House of Pipes” located in Dresden, Germany, which, in addition to its original coloring, also has a no less original gutter drain system that makes musical sounds when rainwater flows.

2. Another original three-story house with snow-white walls and a bright image of flowers in pots is located in Mykonos, Greece. His appearance so unusual. It is all so smooth and unrealistically white, with bright shutters and clay pots that are installed on the roof and around the house, which gives the visual impression that the house has cardboard walls, and you really want to look inside it. Maybe this is the house of a local potter, who decided to attract attention in this way.

3. Another house standing public attention located in Mexico City, Mexico. Its appearance resembles a giant sea shell with multi-colored mosaics, just like a real home for a local mermaid.

4. In American city There is a rainbow house in Brooklyn, which is where the local house painter's fantasy really played out. Probably, he used all the paints that were available to him at the moment to paint this house.

5. Everything for children, everything for them. This is probably the motto that was used to create the colorful design of this Kindergarted house in Paris, France.

6. Country house in Poland, simple and tasteful.

7. Residential building Hundertwasser, Vienna, Austria. It has a "hilly" number of storeys, on the roof of which about 250 trees and shrubs grow. The artist and architect, whose name this building is named, believed that this was one of his peaks of creativity and even wrote a poem about him.

8. Colorful houses in Istanbul, Türkiye. In an oriental way, they are cheerful and attractive with crooked narrow streets and such bright houses.

9. Building "Galera" Vilnius, Lithuania.

10. Building in Madrid "Caradanchel24", Spain.

11. Bright design of the facade of a house in Cologne, Germany. Very reminiscent artistic image house, created by Hundertwasser in Vienna, but with its own shades and monumental design developments.

12. Illuminated in the evening, the Palads cinema in Copenhagen, Denmark. The largest cinema has 17 screens and can accommodate 2300 visitors under its roof.

13. Bright, multi-colored "bloopers" designers Sitngapura. One can only imagine how much fun it must be to live and walk in such a neighborhood.

14. Russian high-rise building in Moscow, with the design style "Let's save nature for posterity."

15. A house that could very well be located in the Land of Oz, Ecuador.

16. Wimere House, France.

Cobbled old streets, the architectural heritage of the Renaissance and the Middle Ages, unique churches and cathedrals - all these are the main reasons for the attractiveness of most tourist cities in Europe. But against the background of the gloomy medieval and Gothic architectural structures of Europe, colorful cities and villages with colorful houses stand out in contrast.

Those who seek not only to get acquainted with the fascinating historical heritage of Europe, but also to admire the most vivid colors of unique urban landscapes, should take note of the eight most colorful European cities and villages. Some of them - for example, Burano and Cinque Terre in Italy - are world famous, and some are not so popular among tourists, but still deserve special attention. So, go ahead for bright colors of impressions across the expanses of Europe!

Sighisoara in Romania

Romania is primarily associated with Dracula's gloomy castle and the creepy legends that surround it. But a visit to Sighisoara is enough to dispel such ideas about Romania once and for all. This colorful Romanian town impresses with its diversity of architectural structures, for the uniqueness of which it even got into the list of UNESCO sites.

Medieval Sighisoara is located in the vastness of Transylvania, a region of Romania that is most associated with dark legends. It is this Romanian city that is considered the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler, better known as Dracula. But the bright buildings serve as a clear refutation of the gloomy glory of this city and all of Transylvania. It is worth walking through the labyrinths of streets and lanes, admiring the ancient churches and just sitting in a cafe, admiring the colorful houses from its windows, which are the main decoration of this Romanian city.

Burano in Italy

When traveling around, you should definitely visit Burano. This island is located in the Venetian Lagoon and is one of the most colorful quarters of Venice. The unique charm is given not only by the narrow canals through which you can move on gondolas, but also by the bright colors of the buildings located along them.

The impressive diversity of Burano houses has turned this corner of Italy into a true paradise for photographers. From Venice, you can get here by water taxi. Travel time takes about 45 minutes.

The colorful appeal of Burano is associated with a very prosaic reason for painting houses in bright colors. So the Venetian families have long tried to draw a clear line between their possessions and the houses of their neighbors. But there is another version of the variegated coloring of houses in this region of Venice. The fact is that Burano has long been considered a fishing village, and the bright color of the buildings turned them into a kind of artificial beacons for fishermen.

But this region is famous not only for colorful houses. It is in Burano that you can buy exquisite Burano lace, the secrets of which are passed on from generation to generation by local craftsmen.

Nyhavn in Denmark

This canal and the administrative district of the same name in the capital of Denmark is a kind of "business card" of the city. Photos of the canal with colorful houses along it are constantly featured on the covers of guidebooks and tourist brochures dedicated to Copenhagen. Once in this part of the city there was a seaport, on the shore of which one could always meet sailors from different parts of the world.

It is now a popular area in Copenhagen, where you can visit luxurious restaurants and enjoy the sounds of jazz. Some houses on the embankment were erected as early as 1681. Some of them have been restored and refurbished modern technologies, but with the preservation of the original appearance of the facades.

Procida island in Italy

Located in the Gulf of Naples in southern Italy, the island of Procida is one of those corners of the world whose panoramas are simply breathtaking. Walking around this small island, you can spot colorful houses everywhere, the bright colors of which contrast with the various pastel shades.

When traveling along the highway to the coast, you can admire from afar the diversity of architectural structures located on the island of the city of Procida. The sight is no less bewitching than the panorama of the island from a height of flight. This corner of Italy is especially attractive due to the special arrangement of houses that literally hang over each other. All this gives a unique charm to the city, walks through the labyrinths of the streets of which leave an indelible impression.

Portobello street in London

Located in the heart of the prestigious Notting Hill district of London, Portobello Street is famous for the world's largest antique market. This long pedestrian street is home to over a thousand vendors selling all sorts of antiques and collectibles. This London market is a real paradise for collectors of unique things.

But Portobello Street is attractive not only because of its unique market. The houses located on it impress with colorful walls, the bright colors of which alternate with each other, turning this area into a real rainbow. This is a great place for exciting walks with the opportunity to find something unique to remember among the goods offered on the market.

Huscar in Spain

Located in the Andalusian part of Spain, the village of Huscar is better known as the village of the Smurfs. Initially, it was the most common Spanish settlement with snow-white houses.

But for the presentation of the Smurfs cartoon, all the buildings of the village were repainted blue and blue colors. This coloration was supposed to be temporary, but locals decided to keep the azure charm of Huscar, which has become a very popular tourist attraction in Spain as a result.

Cinque Terre in Italy

Among European countries, Italy impresses most of all with an abundance of colorful towns with colorful houses. But still, the top five settlements can be called the true leader in the number of bright colors. A special charm of the colorful houses of this region is given by their unique location on the rocks above the sea. It seems as if the colored houses hang over each other.

Particularly impressive are the views of these colorful Italian villages from the sea. In the five settlements of the Cinque Terre, it is difficult to single out the most colorful, but still Vernazza should be given the palm. Here you can admire the most impressive landscapes and taste the signature dessert of these places - the best gelato in Italy.

Girona in Spain

The town is located in Catalonia, between Barcelona and the Costa Brava. Many colorful houses along the canals and narrow winding streets of the Jewish quarters give this city a special charm.

This is one of the most colorful places to visit when traveling in Spain. It is easily accessible by train from Barcelona, ​​making it possible for a day trip to Girona to admire the vibrant colors of this medieval city.

Poems for preschool children.

On the green street


I was born on green street
In a wooden quiet town.
And a chicken was walking down the street,
And a goat was grazing nearby.

There, outside the windows, blackened in autumn
From the wheels of cart tracks,
And in winter with creaky runners
My street sang.

I look at the steamed horses,
On a trembling arc -
Mittens in hands, feet in felt boots,
And to the door, to the street I run.

Past the brought front gardens
It's fun to run after the sleigh,
And the driver, the bearded uncle,
Maybe he'll let me hold the reins.

I was small

I was small
Although a long time ago.
I remember how with my mother
Went to the cinema
Like in the yard
We played hide and seek
How to draw horses
In a notebook.
I remember the fire
On the next corner
I remember as a janitor
Was looking for a broom.

But how I cried
Coming to the doctor
I do not remember.
And I don't want to remember.

My brother Misha

Oh, how red is he?
My new brother Misha!

And red hair
And red eyelashes
Wake up - and immediately fun
When I see him.

Over the naughty Misha
The whole family is busy.
But my brother is red
Everything does as I do:

I jump, he jumps
Eat porridge - eat porridge
I ate a plate in an instant -
And he is in one sitting.

I don't hate Misha
And if he pinches, I endure:
He is small, my red,
And I love him.

colorful houses

I will draw a green house
Under a spruce roof
How many cones do you want
It will be a red squirrel.

And then, and then
I'll draw a blue house
Lots of long rooms
Everything for the octopus.

White draw a house
With thick ice glass:
Rejoice, neighbors
Hares and bears!

Black house without windows
Locked doors.
Sleep, owls, during the day
And nocturnal animals.

Finally, the red house
Painted glass.
Let the matryoshka live in it,
Red like a beet.

My dog

- My dog ​​can sing.
Don't believe? The wolf sings!
“Well, you are an inventor, however.
- Sings and learns songs!

- Would like to listen...
- Yes, that's the thing
With outsiders, he does not make a sound,
We only sing with him,
When we are together.

Someone would have heard
How we sing alone!
Let us be recorded on a record
And all the people will believe me.


Pedal broke off
Sela moth
in b-flat,
Disappeared in the dust.
You broke him!
But there was
Beat with hammers
Everything sparkled outside.
Because of you he is gathering dust,
Urgent re-re-re-repair
Need a tool!

my relatives

Mom and dad are my relatives.
I have no relatives.

And sister relatives, and brother,
And a lop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my relatives very much.
Soon I will buy gifts for everyone.

Papa will have a motorboat,
Mom in the kitchen a magic brush,

Hammer real brother
Ball for sister, candy for Tishka.

And I also have a friend
Friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning
Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets
I will give him everything in the world.


Ripe, red, sweet apple
Crispy apple with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend.


Mother! I love you so much,
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
I will give the name "MAMA".

Who will I be

I want to become a doctor. Tooth.
And smile at all the sick.
- Don't move, my dear,
Here is your milk clove!

And I want to be a seller
But behind the counter - do not be rude.
- Go ahead, grandmother, go ahead,
This boy can wait.

I want to be a hairdresser
I'll grab the girls' braids
And I'll give them a haircut
Under the teddy bear!

I also want to be a dog
To get under the bed
And look for slippers in the dark,
And dad to bring in the teeth!

About Vova and the cow

- I'm Burenushka, a cow,
I give milk!
- Well, I'm Kosynkin Vova,
I will milk you cow
I'll go in a moment...

Just no milk
The bucket is not ringing yet.
Barely, drip-drip-drip,
More milk is needed!

- Do not rush, Kosynkin Vova, -
The cow tells him
You better man
Threw off a new jacket:
Milk runs into the sleeve,
Here's the drip-drip-drip!


Who is holding
In the fist
to eat her
secret from everyone
In the corner

Who, going out into the yard,
None of the neighbors
Will not give
take a ride
On the ve-

Who is chalk
rubber band,
Any trifle
In class
With no one
Do not share -

The name of that
Appropriate given,
Not even a name
And the nickname:

I'm about nothing
I don't ask.
I'm visiting
I won't invite you.

Will not come out of the greedy
good friend,
Even a buddy
Don't name him.

That's why -
Honestly, guys, I'll say -
with the greedy
I never
I'm not friends!

What the doors say


Believe me.

My owner
kicked me

He walked again
Apparently, two
Carried from school.
You see
How many
Because of these

"Here I am
I scold the guys -
Another -
Will run -
Where to rush! —
But laziness
Close me.

All chilled
In the wind,
I thought so -
I'll die."

"What about me
Almost turned out
From loops -
In the morning,
Right on horseback
He swept
On me.
For such
He's an artist!"

And decided

"If there are
Let's stop


Soap fragrant, white, soapy,
Soap looks at the dirty girl with a grin:
You would, dirty, remembered the soap -
The soap would finally wash you!


Have you heard?
At the entrance
The postman walked
With unusual

And on it
By ruler
Written clearly:

To the first floor
letter bearer
I went.
I saw how Vova
At the table.

With a fairy tale
The broth was added.
- Letter to Neumeyka! —
The postman said.

per spoon
And my mother replied:
- There is no such thing!

In the apartment
Above them
There lived a boy
All over the room
He scattered

Hearing about the address
- Do not think, uncle,
That I am a nerd!

I am uncle
Not finished yet
I'll line up
House -
And I'll take everything.

To the apartment on the right
Where just woke up

Sister to him
put on
And Slava missed you
And looked
To the ceiling.

The postman said:
- Nice family!
Doesn't he live here

But Glory
offensive word,
Stocking pulled on
And exclaimed:
- Yes you!

I dress myself
Whenever I want,
And this is
Well just
I'm teaching my sister!

There is a letter carrier
To another
Apartment -
And sees
In the kitchen
Such a picture:

And stacked in a pile
And mother and daughter

The postman said
— Trouble!
me again
Didn't get there.

went down
to the yard
letter bearer
And soon
Almost fell down
For a three year old
Boryu -

He watered
From a small
Watering cans.

And here
Have not found

sat down
And again
Set off on the road
Look for stupidity.

The recipient is looking for
By the world
But what about the letter?
Tell a secret?

Two words
In an envelope
Registered letters:
Offensive two words.

And I ask you
So that this letter
Not found

man in the house

Dad at the airport
He told me: - Four days
Will you be the man in the house
Stay for me.

The plane rolled
Dad took off.

I ran into our apartment
In the kitchen, the light ordered to light,
He sat down at the table at home,
Made such a speech.

“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road.
Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage!

Order to all: there are clouds in the sky,
So watch out for the rain.
For umbrellas, just in case,
I drive two nails.

You smirk inappropriately -
I shook my finger at Katya. —
That's it, big sister
My dishes, be kind.

Mom, well, and you ... not really,
Don't be sad and don't be bored.
And you leave, by the way,
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Who to whom who?

Grandmother, grandmother, whose daughter am I?
- You are Fedin's daughter, my son.
- My dad is big, but not a son at all!
- Son. Brother of my four daughters.
Do you remember we were with the eldest, Avdotya?
- Did we have a daughter? My aunt has!
- I rocked your aunt in the cradle ...
- Grandma, stop, explain first,
Who is Natasha and her two brothers to me?
- Okay, let's try to figure it out:
Their mother, husband's niece sister,
Oh, and she was a little nimble!
And you bring them up ... Tricky business ...
“Grandma, something is on fire!”
- Ugh, while I was thinking,
All the milk has run out of the pot!


I'm sick. Rumbling in the chest.
It's hot, like a fire.
- What's wrong with you?.. What does he want?
- I want a horse! Horse!..

“Horse…” I mutter again. —
Grandma, lead, lead ... -
Suddenly the father came in.
- Ready.
Horse under the windows. Look!

Rawhide, with a notch,
From a smelly belt
He handed me a bridle
Apparently taken from a horse.

I pressed my ear to the bridle,
I forgot everything - chills and fever,
New strap sniffed
And again pressed to the cheek.

By the bank of a cool river
Like riding a horse...
I did not take my eyes off the bridle,
It became easier for me.

He treated everyone!

Vasya was escorted to the zoo in the morning,
Grandmother and mother equipped him:
“An apple with a bun is for you for lunch,
Money for entrance and a tram ticket.

It was in the tram and crowded and hot.
The car was empty at the gates of the zoo.
People are crowding around the cash register
Vasya takes the ticket from the cashier.

From a distance, Vasya saw a monkey,
The little monkey was chasing after her.
- Hello! - Vasya nodded to the monkeys
And he handed them a red apple.

Nearby is a short-haired horse, a pony.
A gray pony in a green blanket.
Vasya visited that horse
And he treated her to her mother's bun.

Elephants scurried around in the spacious paddock.
Elephants were brought from a distant country.
Elephants poured water on each other ...
Well, how can a baby elephant not throw a crust!

The pelican father steps importantly,
Two beaked sons wander along the sides.
Vasya came up to the pond and from the palm of his hand
Blowed bread crumbs off the pelicans.

How I found myself at Vasya's feet
This cheerful shaggy puppy?
“What, puppy, shall I feed you?”
Wait a minute, I'll buy a pie in the stall!

Without money, where will you go on the tram ...
But Vasya is not a bit discouraged:
Animals that Vasya is familiar with
They don't drive, they walk!


Hello, Vaska-goat!
If you came to visit
Eat some weed
Look, don't munch!


A turkey puffed up by everyone is familiar,
But they are hardly friends with him.
Don't worry about being a turkey
You weren't named!

Little T-shirt

Mike came out
On the porch
At the first clear
Spring day.
Looks -
older girl
The ball is played against the wall.

Clap your hands -
And caught.
twirled -
And caught.
Through the leg
And caught.

The ball is bouncing against the wall
Everyone around is surprised.

- You know, -
Mike said,
I will throw
And you catch it.
I can
I am not lying.
Well take me
In Game!

But the older girl
Was bad.
The important girl said:
"Where are you going, baby!"

Little T-shirt
Sobbed once
And, forgetting about the ball,
Went to play in the sand.

Pour into a spoon -
On the palm -
Grab in a fistful -

Well, saiki, well, pancakes!
Everyone around is surprised.

But it fits
To Mike
Girl with a ball
And says:
— Come on
We'll bake a pretzel. —
She is worth
At the box
With a helpful face:
- I will be a customer
You will be a seller.

But little Mike
For nothing that is small -
To the girl-pussy
She gave this answer:

— No, for our sand
You must be great!


The garden was fenced
So that the hares do not go,
To prevent chickens from pecking
What the children have planted.

I am writing you a letter

... And the sheet in the envelope is clean,
There are no letters or lines on it.
The smell of autumn leaves -
A fallen leaf from a tree.

Only your address and name
I'll write on the envelope
I'll find the blue box
I'll drop my sheet.

You will receive my letter
And suddenly you will be delighted:
Living in the world is much better
If a friend remembered a friend.

Send me an answer right now!
And running out of ink
Just put a feather
What the tit dropped.


The friend is far away.
It's hard for me without a friend.

The day has passed
Then a week.
Three weeks
summer rain,
In winter - a blizzard.
I'm very bored
Without a friend.
Soon a year will pass...

I won't sit anymore.
I can't live without a friend.
Put a brush with soap
And I'll run to the station.

On the field
Yes, through the forest
By the morning

Express train:
"Knock Knock,
Where are you, where are you
Friend friend?"

crawling slowly -
To the plane.

I'm flying,
I scream
I sing on the fly
"Fast Tu,
Strong Tu,
Get high!"

Sat down.
(The word is very long!)
I run through the hall
I jump into the car.

Red light.
No patience!
Let me
Green light!

Stop, car.
Here it is, the house
With blue window.
I'll look in the window
I'll take a breather.

Wipe my feet
On the threshold
I knock loudly on the door.
- Open quickly! I scream.

A friend came out.
And I am silent.

I hurried to him on foot,
I ran towards him
Rocked on the train
Rushed by car
Even flew through the sky -
I wanted to tell him
So much I wanted to say...

I forgot everything!

About the donkey

On Moscow street
Hooves clicked.
Surprised everywhere
Laughing faces:

Donkey! Donkey!
Look, donkey!

But I'm with this donkey
Not the first year familiar
He carries on a cart
Cans with milk.

Donkey? Donkey.
Well, donkey, of course.

Him, to great joy
Moscow children,
Sent for kindergartners
From hot Bukhara.

Donkey! Donkey!
Real donkey!

And here he is at the crossroads,
Regardless of the ban
Stubborn and thoughtful
Runs on a red light.

Donkey! Donkey!
Here is a stubborn donkey!


We're on the fast train
The train rushes at full speed.
I went to visit the neighbors,
I say:
— Hi, Egor!

Yesterday we were with Yegor
They fought over the brand
And then they sang in chorus
And today they hugged.

Yegorka told me
How did he get into the cave?
And about the fact that Fox Hill
In their village is called a forest.

We began along the corridor
Wander from window to window.
But they are already shouting to Yegor:
- Where are you? Gotta get out!

On a worn suitcase
A hand squeezed my hand.
“Well,” I said, “goodbye!”
“Well,” Yegor said, “for now!

Outside the window it will get dark soon,
Trains are flying by.
Am I Egor
Will I never see?


I'm only seven
Or maybe six.
And I have a friend -
We live window to window.
What a friend, he was a friend,
But stuttered - no strength,
And it was funny to me.

I am in the yard
Hundred times a day
I meet him
And I tease.
I started stuttering myself!
And the friend blushes and is silent,
Then, frowning, he grumbles:
“L-listen, s-stop!”

I left the town
Reminisced about a friend
But many years have passed
I found out about him.

He died in battle. Near Moscow.
And I came back alive from the war.

... I look somewhere in the past
And I don't tell anyone
What is there, in the lake side,
Familiar see the yard
And I feel ashamed
Though life has passed since then.

My faithful siskin

The sun comes out from behind the roofs -
And on my bed
Siskin sits down
My faithful siskin:
— Chiv-chiv,
Why are you sleeping?
Chiv-chiv, it's time to get up
Chiv-chiv! —
And I don't sleep anymore
I make a bed,
I feed the siskin -
I put hemp in the feeder.

And he pecks
He sings his
Doesn't let me chill.
— Chiv-chiv,
Drink tea,
Chiv-chiv, it's time
Where is the backpack?
- Behind the back! —
Run up the stairs!
My siskin flies after me.

I'm crossing the street.
"Don't rush," I whisper. —
Well, let's fly
Green light! —
The guys are shouting to us:
- Hello! —
Another minute before the call.
I say read:
- Bye!
Let's fly home.

He makes a farewell circle
My faithful siskin
My glorious friend
My brave friend.

I often think about him
And he, go, sad.
In a big change, in the afternoon,
I know it will arrive.

— Hey, chiv-chiv,
I'm here, I'm alive
I've been looking for you for a long time! —
And I answered him: “Chiv-chiv!” —
I'll whistle a little.

And on the shoulder
Let me sit down
I will ask:
- Why are you silent?

I'm glad,
What are you in the world
My friend,
My faithful siskin!


Do you want to see summer?
They let you into the forest without a ticket.
Mushrooms and berries
So much -
Do not collect even for a year!

And by the river, and by the river
With fishing rods little men.
Look - pike!
I'll drag a pike ashore ...

Well, tired of the heat,
To ride through the dew into the night,
Cook porridge on the fire
Talk till morning...


rainbow arc,
rainbow arc,
Bridge across the sky
Where are the shores?

The word "friend"

When no one else
Didn't know a word
Not "hello"
Neither the "sun"
Not a "cow" -
Ancient man used to
show fist
Or language
And make faces
(Which is the same).

But the word became
throaty sharp sound,
A smarter face
Smarter hands
And man
The word FRIEND
Was waiting for a friend
And grieve in separation.

Thanks to him
For my friends.
How would I live
What would you do without them?

Friends -
The people I love -
I never
I won't offend.
Not for that
Our ancestor walked through the darkness,
So that, having met a friend,
I screamed: "Fool!"
Showed tongue
Or a fist
And made faces
(Which is the same).

And an evil word
I will save -
Let it
Get the enemy!

I have fun!

broom apples,
I have fun
I have fun
I'm riding a horse!

broom apples,
I'm flying with a whirlwind
I'm flying with a whirlwind
Wherever I want!

broom apples,
My horse is tired
My horse is tired
And he stopped jumping.

broom apples,
Where is the waterhole?
Where is the watering hole
With spring water?

my horse yes me
Drink from the stream
Further in a hurry
My song.

broom apples,
broom apples,
Rides cheerful
My song!

colored lights

Holidays on the streets
In the hands of a child
Burning, shimmering

Different, different

Very fond of balls
Guys these days
Everyone for a button
They are tied.

Different, different

Here above our city
They fly light
As if flashed in the sky
Colored lights.

Different, different
Colored lights!

Ivan and the drum

On the streets elegant,
On the May bridge
Chagall in the parade
Brass orchestra.

To meet him - knock-knock-knock! —
Little Ivan was walking.
And in front of Ivan suddenly
The drum hit.

The drum was huge:
Thunder rolled:

He said with courage
Little Ivan:
- I'll knock, and in one piece
There will be a drum.

But the drummer is important:
A word won't say in vain
All trum-boom-boom!

He beats the drum
On the leather chest
And he says to Ivan:
- You're interfering, come on!

- What is your first name? —
Ivan asked him. —
I want to drum
Well, there is simply no strength!

Important turned around
Looked from under the eyelids
He winked at the pipe:
The man is asking!

... Floats in the parade ranks
huge drum,
And next to the drum
Little Ivan.

Hand above the crown -
Barely enough -
soft beater
Beats the drum.

And the drum is huge:
Buzzing cheerful thunder:

The crowd is bubbling around
The drum rumbles
Laughs with joy
Little Ivan.

may Day

Noisy warm winds
Spring has been brought to the fields.
Earrings are fluffed on a willow,
Furry, like bumblebees.

Breaking river dams,
The spring wave is whipping ...
Long live May Day!
Long live Labor and Spring!

Let the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the Earth are friends,
And also in the sun children
They launch ships in the spring!

our planet

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory,

Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!

old elm

First snow

morning cat
Brought on paws
First snow!
First snow!

He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!

He's spinning
The guys over their heads

He managed
Down scarf
spread out
On the pavement

He turns white
Along the fence
On the lantern -

Very soon
Will fly
From the hills.
Can be
build a fortress
In the courtyard!

old elm

I made it for a long time
And equipped in flight -
Sawed plywood with a jigsaw
And special glue was cooked,
So that he soars like a bird,
My fast helicopter.

No one knew
Until now,
And that day has come
I took the helicopter out into the yard
Called friends.

Coil squeezed,
And for the string
I pulled with all my strength -
My helicopter
Like a breeze
Soared over their heads.

The yard became not a yard -
- Hooray! Hooray! I scream.
And in a helicopter
Above the yard
It's like I'm healing.

Suddenly a helicopter
rushed down,
Hanging on a tree branch.

And the tree is a centennial elm
In front of my porch
Still my grandfather more than once
In the shadow lay beneath him.

The boys are chirping:
- Wait a minute,
We'll get it
Just get on!

But the old branches creak
They won't survive guys.

- Come on, sit down! Climb up! —
Friends are rushing.
“No,” I think, “they will break the elm.”
“No,” I say, “you can’t.

... And soft snow fell at night
And the helicopter took off.
And now he's like a man
It was under the covers.

I stand at the window in the morning
And I think spring will come
And the warm wave of the wind
The trees will stir -
The old elm will shake off the snowflakes,
He saved my friend and saved me,
He will carefully give me
My fast helicopter.


What an immemorial age it was
What year was it
When, looking at the sky, a man
I saw a star for the first time...

Since then, humanity has been attracted to the stars,
Beckoned their mysterious light,
The engine and wing broke through to him,
Rocket, team of rockets.

A string of earthly ships hurries
To Venus and the lunar mountains,
And the path from your October star
Reach out to the starry worlds.

Will you ever remember, gliding through the sky
Your village, school in the garden
And the snowy field where the hare
Eyes squinting at the star.

In the forest

Blizzards, blizzards on the ground
Soared, swirled.
Snow, snow in February
Blizzards hit!

The cold forest is empty
Slow down a little:
Who is in the hole, and who climbed
To the winter lair.

Dreaming of young bears
Honey, fragrant, fresh.
Weaned without food
The whole bear family!

The beast is bored in the cold.
Viet blizzard until night.
Even a squirrel from the nest
Doesn't want to get out.

But look at that mound!
Just touching the ground
Rushing here at full speed
Fast hare.

Rack made under a bush
And squints at the forest:
Will it wag its tail somewhere
Red fox?

The bunny moved the white mustache,
Sets ears stricter ...
He, guys, is not a coward,
Simply be careful.


Where did the ear grow from?
From one grain.

Where did the boy come from?
He went out the door.

Where did the thumb come from?
From my mittens.

My horse

Me today
As a gift
The horse was brought
curly mane
Down to the ground.

All day long I
From the horse
Didn't leave
Walk on wheels
brought out.

They say it's dark
They say you need to sleep.
Without a horse
I don't go to bed
In bed.

Mother said:
— son,
You forgot in a hurry:
After all, horses
Sleep on your feet!

I become
With my beloved horse.
Maybe both of us
Will we fall asleep?

The horse must be
I guard him
Only myself
doze off
I can not.

I then
For the bridle
Tied the horse
And, climbing into bed,
- Good night,


The wind blows outside the window
tree without leaves,
Sparrow sits on it
I cleaned the feathers.

I look at the sparrow -
Fun swinging!
Understand, he and I
That winter is ending.

Ice drift

flood, ice drift,
The hut floats on the river.

spilled on sunday
Our river is formidable -
Broke and rushed
Kolkhoz mill.

The windmill floats,
The rooster crows on the porch.

Rides the shore in the saddle
Behind the fugitive is a miller.
Caught in another village
Only on Monday!

Song from the window

Dad is tired after work
And so I got the violin.
We love one old song,
Because it's about spring.

And the earth under the grass is warm.

Here comes my mother with a guitar,
Let her play and sing
What a vociferous mother,
I would listen to it all day long!

I take a harmonica
Wipe off the dust with a soft cloth
I play this harmonica a little
And even the motive will not lie.

My younger brother hurried after me,
He laid out the sonorous forks.
I see the black back of the head and the teeth of the forks.
Oh, quiet, completely deafened!

Look, the crowd at the window -
It can be seen that our music is heard,
People stay with her and do not part,
They also need a song:

“Ah, spring, don’t play hide and seek with us!
We know it's all right
That the green grass has already grown
And the earth under the grass is warm.

little squirrel

At the accordionist Vanya
Manual squirrel lived.
He jumped on the couch
He was friends with kittens.

Wandered around the room
shied away from the top
And squinted from the ceiling
On a bowl of milk.

Vanya came from work -
The occupant has disappeared.
I looked in the closet, in the closet -
The squirrel ran away into the forest.

Ivan looks out the window:
Separation is not easy.
Got my harmonica
And stretched out the fur.

But somehow hoarsely breathing
singing accordion,
And suddenly from there red
Fire rises!

Little squirrel! Well, comedian!
In the furs he gnawed a hollow,
Deciding that this is a house,
Where it is quiet and warm.


I came
In a rustic warm house.
The snow is crunching
Frost vigorous
Outside the window.

Just sat down
Drink a cup of tea -
I suddenly hear
A tit is knocking on the glass:

I am a feeder
I make from planks
I sprinkle crumbs
“Dine,” I say.

A titmouse
Not like tits
Doesn't fight
Feeds other birds.

Sparrows and bullfinches -
And the tit eschews:
- Here, take it!

I had a good life!
I got up in the morning
And my girlfriend

Even in winter the birds
Pecks a baby -
And looks out the window at me.

ran out quickly
My short vacation.
said goodbye
With a warm home
And home.

Crowded in the city
Cars, noise...
How do you live there
Without me?

gardener's song

For the seeds to germinate
For the trees to bloom
All space

Do not snooze -
The hour is short!
Hurry up -
The day is short!
The year is short, the age is short -
Hurry up!..

There will be a new spring
Let's put the seeds in the ground.
Seeds in the field.

Do not snooze -
The hour is short!
Hurry up -
The day is short!
The year is short, the age is short -
Hurry up!..


cloud after cloud
Chased across the sky -
Behind the cloud-boat
Moose cloud.

Elk walking fast
Doesn't want to be left behind
But the horns of the boat
Can't get it.

And the wind drives, drives,
Rushing the clouds
That will touch on the fly,
It will move slightly.

The boat became smaller
Elk pulled out.
And from the moose a cloud
It suddenly broke off.

Where is the jumping moose?
Forget about it!
A cloud turned around
A galloping horse.

And behind him is a child
White foal.
What a cavalry
Now he's chasing the boat!

And the wind is stronger, stronger
Got up
And grew up by the boat

Catch up, trotters,
Boat swivel…

I'm lying by the river
I'm looking out of my hand
And run over me
There are clouds in the sky.

boy and gardener

"Where are you going, boy?"
- I'm going to have dinner.
What are you doing, uncle?
— I work in the garden.

- How many pears and cherries you have! ..
Yes, rich garden.
- May I come to visit you?
- Well, I'll be glad

We invite you both
Me and my Trezor.
Only, chur, go to the gate,
Not over the fence!

Fur coat

Fur coat bought in the summer.
Mom says:
- try on
Will you be dressed for winter
Like a forest furry beast!

I try on a T-shirt
Hot pile of fur -
And it's like I'm diving
Head straight into the oven.

“Yes,” mum sighed sadly, “
Haven't matured yet.
I have a feeling -
The fur coat is great for my son.

“No,” said the saleswoman, “
Long before winter
Let's go to the first class to study,
We can grow up!

And, not believing my eyes,
I go to the mirrors
I see a big animal there
But I can't find myself.

On a skiff

On a tiny boat, on a skiff,
With one broken oar
My friend Borka and I, two little ones,
They went to the lake secretly.

Dream cherished, enviable -
Sail away where the fishermen are
To the village, barely visible from here,
With the wonderful name "Bulls".

And the wind rocked the boat
And the bunny on the water shone
And the nimble skiff turned
Where you want, where you want...

It's been a long day. And only in the evening
In the fog blackened the longboat,
And broad-shouldered fishermen,
Wet, they picked us up.

And Borka squinted from the sun,
Even though it was quiet and dark.
And in the distance, on our street,
Mom's window lit up.

By the log

across the river
Two logs.
And the river
The bottom is not visible.

Well, the bridge
Bad luck!
I'm in a hurry to visit
To the village.

I whisper to myself
"Don't be afraid!"
Just don't care

Okay, I think
On the ground
It lies.

Lies in the grass
Waiting for someone
Will run.

I thought,
And when
caught myself
I found myself on the other side.


What was
Without paints and brushes
Runaway artist
From guests.

Chagall he
Along the forest road.

Looks -
A flower not far away
And a drop on a flower.

The artist sighed.
paint houses,
And the canvas
And two bunches of brushes ...
Really guests
Until morning
Will they leave the yard?

The sun was leaning
Below, below...
He lay down in the grass
The green forest is his bed.
Too bad there are no colors


snail snail,
You do not walk quickly:
From the gate to me
You'll crawl for four days.


Pike will go in autumn
One hundred and fourteenth year.
We will not catch for lunch -
Live for another hundred years.


Night, probably.
The glass in the window blackened.
Soon to school
And I don't sleep
How unfortunate.

I roll from side to side,
Life is not happy.
- Count the elephants -
My brother advises me.

Wait, I know -
For sound sleep

For a rough ear
I take him out.
I am a cart
To the back of an elephant
I'll tie.
Basket bottom
I will lay out
soft grass,
I'll climb
And I'll bury myself in the grass
With head.

The elephant went.
In silence
Footsteps are heard
Elephant foot.

Hiding daylight,
The jungle has become a wall
And a basket
Together with me.

We've gone far.
I'm floating high
I will not return home.
Won't wake up... Won't wake up...
Until morning.


Only the shepherd sang into the horn,
I went out to the coast.
Caught a fish!

Silently sat down by the reeds
And threw it slowly.
Caught a fish!

I sit for an hour, I sit for two.
Where is perch? Where is the roach?
Caught a fish!

Finally! Got it, friend!
Pulls the rod out of hand.
Caught a fish!

Perch flashed in the air,
Slap! He dived ... and slipped away.
Play, fish!


Like a white plane
A fish swims in the blue.

Red float ball
Couldn't catch the fish.

In half-asleep silence
Ice floes are melting on the wave.

Only it's not a river
This is the sky, the clouds.

It's a white plane
Swimming like a fish in the blue.

The scarlet ball soared up,
Hanging with a red float.

It's not ice - clouds
They melt near the float.

... I'm lying in thick grass,
I look into the blue sky.

I turned the sky
Nearly drowned in the sky.


The hedgehog puffs and grimaces:
— What am I, cleaning lady?
I won't sweep the forest,
Keep clean!


Raccoon does not need summer
Baring his teeth in the sun.
Not sweet on a hot day
Who does not take off their coats!

mushroom forest

I call you to the mushroom forest
Quiet autumn morning.
You see, under the feet of foliage
They threw trees at us.

It was summer and gone
Song, sultry.
Now it's light in the forest
Stricter and calmer.

Only a squirrel in sight -
Covered all the corners
vitamin food
Stocking up for the winter.

Under the trunks of two oaks
Let's pray a little.
Let's bring mushrooms home
Full bowl.

Windy day

You see how the wind plays with the foliage,
How does he choose trees in a grove?
The birch on the slope is conspicuous like,
And the wind bypasses her side.

Or maybe it's an obstinate tree
Don't want to play with the annoying wind?
Birch does not trust everyone with secrets,
She chooses her friends and girlfriends.


Yellow leaf spinning
Entangled in branches.
Sky blue patch
Lost in the clouds.

late gray dawn
In the field above the barn
Worried no no
The cry of a crane.


Rain, rain
All day
Drumming on glass.
The whole earth
All earth
Wet from water.

Howling, howling
Outside the window
Disgruntled wind.
He wants to tear down the door
From creaky hinges.

Wind, wind, don't knock
In the locked passage;
Let them burn in our oven
Hot logs.

Hands reach for warmth
The glasses are misted up.
On the wall
And on the floor
Shadows danced.

Gather at my place
listen to a fairy tale
At the fire!

Where do you go, autumn?

rainy autumn
I sleep and see:
On the crisp snow
From the hill, on skis!

And in the fierce winter
In the evening, in the frost,
I remember the spring yard,
Birch leaves.

At the April puddle
I can't wait -
Roll on summer,
I'll splash into the river!

"Where do you go, autumn?" —
In August I will ask
Because to school
I hurry to my friends.

Song in the forest. Fairy tales

Song in the forest

Girl walking in the forest
Nice early morning.
Knocked down dew with a twig
In the berry field

Weaving fragrant wreaths
Yes, eat strawberries ...
Girl walking in the forest
And slowly she sang:

“Shine on us, sun, shine!
It's easy to live with you.
And even a song on the way
Sings by itself.

From us beyond the clouds
Don't go, don't
And the forest, and the field, and the river
Warmth and sun are welcome.

Listen to my song:
Shine from morning to night!
And I'll sing to you
I will sing when you want…”

Aquatic finch from the nest
He immediately hung his head.
Someone who, and finches - where
Song hunters!

Pevun listened to the end,
shaken up troublesome
And flooded, and flooded
High overflow:

- Hey, listen to everyone who is in the forest,
I'm bringing a new song!

"Shine on us, sun, shine,
We get up early with you.
High, song, take off
Over the forest, over the meadow.

In the morning I guard the sun -
I can't sing in the dark."

The prickly hedgehog asked him:
- What song do you sing
So happy and loud?
Perhaps your song
I'll go and sing now

Look, with a friend, like two balls,
Know somersaults with a stump.
Here uncle-hedgehog sniffed
And sang this song:

"Shine on us, sun, shine,
Don't go behind the clouds.
In the bright sun near the hedgehogs
The thorns grow faster."

For uncle, both babies,
Breathing with black noses
We sang the song again.

The song is knocking a little light
In the houses of forest neighbors,
Following the hedgehog's song
There was a roar of a bear:

“Shine on us, sunshine.
I love,
When you shine brightly.
Easy under the sun I catch
A transparent fish in the water.

Wake us up early in the morning -
Let's go for fresh fish
Not that he will oversleep, that look
My family is bearish!

And in the late afternoon - beaver
Beavers with a soft paw
Sleepy eyes rubbed.
“Where so early, dad?”

- I now have a finch by the pond
Sang a song on a branch.
Oh, let me remember ... That's the trouble,
I have become forgetful, children!

"Shine on us, sun, shine on
High above the river.
Pour wood bark
A viscous sweet juice.

Let us not love the heat,
We love the cold
But than in winter without bark
Will the beavers feed? .. "

Indeed, without bark
Beavers won't survive the winter.

And nearby, in the muddy pond,
staring at each other,
The old heron in sight
The frogs croaked:

"In vain the rumor has been spread,
That the sun worries us.
Frog occasionally - kva, kva -
Frog occasionally - kva, kva -
He loves to warm up too!

The dew falls on the grass.
It is quiet in the evening forest.
Chu, my crane
The crane is chirping:

"Shine on us, sun, shine,
Waking up early in the morning.
While you're here, we won't fly away
To the south, to foreign countries.

Cranes yearn in winter
And the summer will not wait -
Rather from a foreign land
IN green Forest return…"

The moon looked over the forest
And floated a little.
Fell asleep to my mother's song
The son is long.

… Night imperceptibly approached.
The fogs are descending.
The dew is cool
To dark fields.

Cranes sleep in the swamp
Ezhat calmed down.
Only loudly hoots in the distance
Night robber - owl.

The flower cups are closed.
The trees sleep and the birds.
But the sun will rise - and ready
Shake off the dew from the bushes throughout the forest,
Revive and unfold.

... A girl was walking in the forest
Nice early morning
Knocked down dew with a twig
In the berry field

Weaving fragrant wreaths
Yes, eat strawberries ...
Girl walking in the forest
And she sang all the way.

Looks, wandered far
Yes, and a bit tired.
It's time. And the girl left.
But the song remains.

Foliage and ringing stream,
What falls on the stone
Sing it in their own way
With forest breezes.

And there are herbs and flowers
They will hear - they will respond ...
Would like a song
And there will be voices.

Happens on a sunny day
You will go deeper into the forest -
Sit down and try on a stump
Do not rush. Listen.

... Foliage rustles. Rustling grass.
The birds don't stop.
The spring in the grass barely gurgles,
Rushing into the light.

As if everything is singing around
About the sun in the sky...
Listen my little friend
Isn't that the song?

fox cub

Born in the spring under an old pine
There is a red lump in the hole between the bumps.
This Fox is born!

Mom Fox and his father, Fox,
They took up the upbringing of their son.
The father addressed him:

“Poke your nose out of the hole - everyone is cunning, oh cunning!
All deceit and self-interest: to bite from someone else.
Cunning is the first thing in the forest.

“But we, foxes, are more cunning than all animals.
Be my fox from the first day
Listen to Mama Lisa!"

... The little fox grew up and stuck out his nose.
Look - in front of a hole of a needle a mountain.
The fox was worried:

"Hey, listen, mountain, you must be cunning,
You are on your mind, looking for a fur coat for the winter ...
And then I would make friends with you!

"Am I a mountain? Am I smart?
Fur coat! Say it too! I - who is it? Pjik!!
Good morning, fox!”

"So you're not a mountain? So you're not smart?
I’ll move away from the hole, that’s where everyone is cunning.
I didn’t understand awake.”

Fox cub - hop-hop! From hot to cold.
“Who is it that is cunning, my fur is winding?” —
“What are you, stupid,” answered Dubok. —

Today is a hot day, I call you into the shade.
Am I cunning? I give the breeze
I'll hide it in the rain so that you don't get wet,

“And you are not cunning, green tent.
I'm looking for the cunning, and I'll visit you." —
"Stop-stop-stop!" shouted high.

“Hey, who is squealing, cracking over the ear?
I don’t miss myself, I won’t give a cunning descent! —
“Don't make noise, it's me, Magpie.

“It can be seen that you are not cunning, since you do not order to go ...
Of course, I'm afraid, I'll only get the truth!
Anyway, I'll go to him."

And again - hop-hop ...
A stream ahead.
“Look, what a cunning one, pretended to be a river,
Don't let me in, look!"

"I'm not deep at all," murmured Brook,
I'll get you drunk, if you want - I'll sing a song,
Rest with me, wait a minute."

"Brook, I'm in a hurry, be a friend, please ...
In order not to go astray, you let me through!
Shallow Brook: "Come in!"

... In the thicket deaf
Dry under the aspen
The wolf sat
I looked with a dull eye,
Greedily opened his mouth,
Howled to himself.

Suddenly the Little Fox appeared in the bushes.

“Yes, no way, there is a fox! ..
Where did you come from?
Himself came, did not sleep,
I got it for breakfast.
But first they drank
Swept tongue -
Dodgy fox
I didn’t meet a sucker! ”

The fox stopped.

Hiccupped with fright
Wrinkled his nose,
Tail fluffed out
Come what may - decided.
And shouted to the whole forest:

"Oh, the Evil Wolf,
Choke on resin!
Here you are at last
A real trickster!
You are not my friend, you are my enemy
I'm not afraid of you, fool!"
Wolf got angry
What a click of teeth!
“I’m teaching you!
R-tear, r-scream!” —
After the Fox, jump into the bushes.

And that and the trace caught a cold.

In the forest glade
Under the old pine
In a hole between bumps
The fox is laughing
He doesn't want to listen to his parents.
"Hedgehog welcomed me,
Oak met with coolness,
Soroka helped on time,
Cheered Brook.
Friendship is the first thing in the forest!
Don't play around with the strong
Do not praise the Evil Wolf
And with a friend - be friends
And without cunning to live.
Without cunning, you can live in the world,
You can live!

girl and lion

What happened in the city?
Where have the children gone?

They don't roar
They don't sing
Glass ball
They don't hit.

Forgotten children
About everything in the world.


In the circus, above the ticket office,
Hanging ad:

Just one
With your tricks
unthinkable things
conquered the arenas of the world
African lion

So, we must hurry
The queue is crowding at the checkout -
Three hundred
Three hands
squeezed tight

All of a sudden
The door creaked.
Maybe an animal looks out?
I wonder which one?

The door opens -
It's not a beast at all.

On tiptoe
coming out

Children, don't make noise!
Please stop!
The point is that the lion
Head hurt.
Ah, unbearable
The lion swallowed smoke.
How many times have I said
So that the watchman does not smoke ...

I'm worried sorry
Don't call coppers.
Please don't be angry
Slowly disperse.

The show is canceled
The box office is closed.

What to do -
Checkout queue.
Girls and boys
Remember the balls
On the asphalt in the yards
Drawn "classes".

Stayed near the circus
The girl is alone.
Girl recently
She herself was sick.

Worth it, such a redhead,
Jump rope in hand.
Worth it and won't go away
She feels sorry for the lion.

Girl red bangs
She put a crack in the door,
Pulled the heavy door
And slipped inside.

And the circus is empty and dark
And the circus is quiet.
Window under the dome
Turns yellow like the moon.

And suddenly over her head
Such a deafening howl
That the hamstrings are shaking right
And sawdust fly up from the floor.

huge lion
Rushing around the cage
Roaring in pain
And there is no cure.

The lion has a towel
around the head...
Very ferocious
The lions are sick!

The girl plugged her ears
“Couldn’t it be quieter, Kiryusha?”

At the grate
got up,
Got it from my pocket
And the lion
To the forehead
Cool patch.

Palm pressed tighter
And in the furry ear whispers:

- Lion, lion, lefty,
yellow head,
Calm down,
Don't be afraid of me
Let's not go to the doctor
I'll fly myself.

The lion got tired.
Usami led, subdued.

Looks - red head,
But not quite like a lion cub.

a lion
And licked the girl's hand.

…Through the hall
Someone is running
Running, rushing
Paul is trembling.

The lion trembled
And the girl whispers to him:
- Just look.
No one, no one!

Warm penny
in the cam
Clamped -
And she ran away.

The tamer came running
He has two doctors with him.
- Take a closer look
Heal faster!

And the doctors:
- Sorry,
Your lion is very healthy
Almost healthy!

The trainer jumps
Laughing, almost crying
Kissing doctors:

— My lion is healthy!
Cyril is healthy!
Completely, completely healthy!

Post the ad again
What will be the performance!

The circus is roaring. The fires are burning.
There are plenty of kids.
What are the clowns doing?
Damn funny!

But at once everything was quiet, barely
The director announced:

The orchestra thundered its trumpets.
The children jumped up from their seats.
Nobody eats Eskimo.

The lion comes out.
He is not angry
He squints at the light
And looks with pleasure
On display, this is
On heads from the dark
And open mouths.

And in front of him is a paper circle,
The paper circle is tight.
And a little further - also a circle,
Stretched, different.
Still farther - the third circle.

And someone with a torch
Out of hand
One, another and third round
set on fire,
set fire,
set fire to...

The lion tensed up.
And suddenly
The orchestra is silent.

Through three flaming rings!
Childish hearts skipped a beat ...

The lion has landed. Measurement
And the circus

There, behind the pillar, out of sight,
In the far side row
The head flickered
Looks like a lion cub.

Came up to the barrier.
He found a girl
Among other children!

a lion
stretched in a smile,
Green eye winked
And bowed to her.

Good old Vienna is famous for its imperial palaces, wide boulevards, luxurious gardens. The complete opposite of classical luxury is a multi-colored building located in the very center of the capital. Painted in bright colors, of a strange shape, the residential building is more like a haven of fairy-tale heroes.

The author of this amazing structure is the outrageous architect Friedrich Hundertwasser. The cheerful artist traveled a lot around the world. He was inspired by the rich colors of exotic plants. He adored nature and believed that a person should be surrounded by green spaces in an urban environment. Hunderstwasser hated everything gray and monotonous. He was sure that a standard colorless dwelling makes a person unhappy and leads to depression.

Incessant disputes with representatives of the city authorities of Vienna led to the fact that the architect received an order to build a residential building. The view of the new unusual building amazed the residents of the respectable capital. The multi-colored dwelling did not have a single window similar to each other. Small balconies were decorated with flowers. Trees grew through the house. The roof looked like a garden, and flowering ivy descended along the walls. The walls are adorned with glittering mosaic shards. And inside the residents were waiting for new surprises. The house did not have a single straight line or angle. The floors were uneven, and there were prints left by the builders on the walls. Paths were laid out in multi-colored mosaics in the apartments. A fountain was built in the yard, there is a parking lot and a medical office. Everything is sustained in the fantastic style of the resilient Hundertwasser.

The people of Vienna were delighted. The apartments in the building sold out instantly. But not everyone likes the crowds of curious tourists who admire the Hundertwasser house around the clock. The Vienna authorities were also satisfied with the work of the architect. But he refused to pay for the work done. The artist explained that the best reward for him is the absence of dullness on the streets of Vienna. He was commissioned to build shopping mall and showroom. The artist coped with the task. The new buildings were made with his characteristic extravagance. Opposite the legendary house, a whole village of Hundertwasser, created by the architect, has grown.

The Hundertwasser House is one of the most popular places in Vienna. Tourists from all over the world come to look at an unusual residential building, which leaves no one indifferent.

They say that if a person looks at a monotonous and gray architecture, then new ideas and thoughts cease to form in him, his mood drops, and the whole emotional state is more in the negative zone. Maybe that's why, or maybe just to be remembered, and to stand out among the rest of the surrounding landscape, some European streets are more like a fun and colorful fair than the ancient cities of Europe.

Where such a wonderful tradition of painting the facades of houses in all the colors of the rainbow began, no one knows for sure, but one thing is for sure, that this phenomenon has spread very, very widely and not only in Europe. If you walk along the embankment in Copenhagen or Bristol, or maybe look into the Austrian Innsbruck, you will definitely see cheerful buildings that cheer you up regardless of the weather and season.

The most interesting thing is that not only modern buildings are painted, but also ancient buildings related to architectural monuments. They say that such a tradition could have begun when the streets were not yet given names, and each owner wanted to somehow distinguish his house. However, now the streets already have names, but still modern European architecture gravitates towards the historical past, which can already be called fashion, because everything new is a well-forgotten old, or rather, skillfully transformed and applied.

City of Bruges in Belgium

City of Nuremberg in Germany

Aveiro in Portugal

Fischmarkt in Germany

Notthing Hill area in London

City of Bristol in England

Innsbruck city in Austria

City of Venice in Italy

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark