What to do if you blush when communicating. How to disarm someone who draws everyone's attention when you suddenly blush

Facial redness is a serious cosmetic problem for many women and men. Read about why the face turns red, how to prevent it, and what effective methods exist to combat skin redness, read the article.

Each person has his own characteristics of the structure and work of all organs and systems. And everyone's skin is completely different. Someone brightens up their pallor with cosmetics, while it is difficult for someone to get rid of blush and redness, which is periodic or permanent. Let's figure out why the face turns red and how to deal with it.

Before choosing for yourself a set of tools that you need to use in the fight against redness of the skin of the face, you need to decide what are the reasons that caused it. Sometimes the face turns red only due to a natural reaction of the body, and sometimes this may indicate a disease that requires treatment. All factors that can cause this condition can be divided into two groups.

Physiological causes

Physiological causes of facial redness are most common:

Also, some diseases can cause this phenomenon, including rosacea, damage to the trigeminal nerve, erythrophobia, hypertension and others. Facial skin turns red with hormonal disruptions, disorders and changes in the body, for example, during pregnancy and menopause.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the appearance of a red face and say what to do in these cases after the examination and passing the necessary tests.

Psychological reasons

There are psychological reasons why the face turns red:

  • mental barriers, phobias;
  • great excitement, for example, before an exam or a wedding;
  • overstrain of an emotional nature;
  • stress, overwork, depression;
  • too low self-esteem, self-doubt;
  • fear and shyness.

As a rule, the face turns red in these cases temporarily. This is a natural reaction of the body; you do not need to do anything to eliminate this phenomenon. This kind of cosmetic defect resolves itself after the elimination of the factor that caused it, for example, after the end of the public performance.

Effective ways to fight

The skin of the face turns red in a person of any age, but more often in women than in men. This is due to the work of the hormonal system and other differences. If you do not know what to do so that the face is not red, especially when this condition occurs quite often, then you can seek help from a specialist. Depending on the
the alleged causes of redness, it is better to consult a psychologist, beautician or other doctor.

There are different ways to deal with the fact that the face turns red. If a person suffers from this phenomenon, then you need to heed the recommendations of specialists. First of all, determine what causes redness. If this is low self-esteem, fears and psychological barriers, then you can sign up for special trainings or visit a psychologist.

  1. If the reasons lie in frequent stresses and experiences, an acute reaction to some moments, then you need to reconsider your life and attitude to some moments. Less nervous, worried.
  2. When the face turns red due to heat or cold, you need to try to go outside or, conversely, go into the room.
  3. You need to monitor your diet: it must be balanced.
  4. Refuse spicy and fatty foods, fried foods and fast food.
  5. If necessary, after consulting a specialist, take a vitamin and mineral complex.
  6. Give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking.

For women who often blush, there are special cosmetics designed for delicate and sensitive skin. Be sure to only buy quality skin care products. Before going outside, use a frost and sun protection cream.

When the reasons for the red face have not been clarified, then you need to undergo an examination. After all, it is impossible to accurately diagnose hypertension on your own, identify the source of allergies and solve other problems. This can only be done by a doctor after the examination and receipt of the test results.

Face mask recipes

Experts recommend that when the face of women or men often turns red, you can use homemade masks or buy them in a store. These funds will tidy up the skin and normalize the condition of the vessels in the subcutaneous layers. Here are some of the most effective recipes to get rid of facial redness, including after tanning.

Clay mask

To combat a red face, white or pink clay is suitable. You can buy it at the pharmacy, and at home pour the powder with warm water until the consistency of fatty sour cream. Stir the mixture thoroughly, then apply it to the skin. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes. You can repeat it several times a week. The skin will become soft and velvety, it will stop reddening often, rashes and bumps will disappear.

Honey tea face mask

Brew a bag of good green tea in a third of a glass of boiling water. Allow the liquid to cool to a comfortable temperature. Then add 2 teaspoons of liquid natural honey to it. Mix everything well. Apply the mixture to your face with a cotton pad. The duration of the stay of the mask on the skin is 15-20 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm water. You need to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Curd cucumber mask

Grind fresh cucumber with a grater or blender. Mix a large spoonful of the resulting mass with the same amount of fatty cottage cheese. When it is not there, then you can replace this ingredient with sour cream. The duration of the stay of the mask on the skin is 15-20 minutes. The frequency of repetition is 1-2 times a week.

Remember, in order to fix the problem, you need to find out why a person's face turns red and in what situations it manifests itself. Only if you know the causes and can eliminate them will the redness control action be effective. The use of cosmetics, such as powder or foundation, will only hide the flaws for a while, but will not get rid of them.

In addition, in some cases, the use of decorative cosmetics can only aggravate the skin condition. With the right actions and following all the recommendations, after 1-1.5 months you can see the desired result. And homemade masks will help keep it as long as possible.

How to recognize a shy and insecure person? It is enough to ask him a couple of uncomfortable questions and see the reaction. The vast majority of shy people suffer from uncontrollable facial flushing. The cheeks are filled with a blush, which betrays the inner anxiety, confusion and embarrassment of the interlocutor. How to stop blushing for any reason, so as not to feel emotional discomfort while in society? There are special practices and techniques to take under.

Why does a confused person blush

Redness of the skin is a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation. It signals excitement, embarrassment, fear. This problem usually affects people with an insufficient level of socialization, who are afraid of communicating with other members of society. For some individuals, this becomes a real disaster: the cheeks turn red under any circumstances, during ordinary conversation or with minimal excitement. One thought constantly revolves in my head: "I blush when communicating with people, what should I do?"

First of all, you should understand the origins of this reaction. Why do people blush most often? The reasons are divided into physiological and psychological.

  • Why do some people constantly have red cheeks? If the face turns red for no reason, this may be due to a vascular pathology of the skin - rosacea.
  • Blood pressure surges lead to reddening of the skin.
  • A faster heartbeat can also trigger a bright blush.
  • Expansion of blood vessels caused by nervous tension can lead to vasodilation and rush of blood to the head.
  • Why do people blush? The reason may be fear of the public, which lies in the depths of consciousness.
  • People who do not have confidence in their own abilities are constantly walking around with a blush.

How not to blush with excitement? To learn this, you need to deal with your inner fears. Excessive modesty, shyness, isolation, low self-esteem - all this set of qualities requires immediate correction.

Nervous system training

The desire to change the situation and the ability to work on your emotions is the key to success. How not to blush when talking? You need to adjust the body to a different mode. It is necessary to train the nervous system systematically. The set of activities is quite simple.

  1. Hardening. With excitement, your face turns red, and what you don't know to do? Start hardening your body. First, it can be wiping with a cold towel, and then a full morning shower or a short cool shower.
  2. Getting rid of bad habits. Do not abuse alcohol, give up cigarettes, practice proper nutrition.
  3. Yoga or meditation. Learn to relax. With the help of yoga, you can not only train the body, but also improve blood circulation, tune yourself to harmony and the acceptance of positive energy.
  4. Physical exercise. Include sports in your life. From a healthy lifestyle, a permanent beautiful blush will appear on the face. In addition, exercise can strengthen the spirit and make a person more confident.

It will take several months for a harmonious restructuring of the body. However, as a result of self-improvement, you can easily learn how not to blush when talking to people.

5 effective methods of dealing with the problem

What to do to keep your face from blushing? Consider the following tips.

  1. Learn to calm down. The simplest thing is to take a couple of deep breaths. You can also try counting to 10. It helps to relieve tension in moments of excitement by remembering a pleasant moment in life.
  2. More communication. How to stop blushing when talking? Try to communicate more with others. Shyness is characteristic of people who are used to leading a reclusive life. Expand your circle of acquaintances, do not be afraid to ask questions, take the initiative.
  3. Avoid inconvenience. How not to blush with embarrassment? Protect yourself from situations that panic and excite you. For example, if you are intimidated by public speaking, choose an area where you don't need to showcase your talent in public. Embarrassment can not always be overcome, but getting rid of constant discomfort is quite possible.
  4. Don't exaggerate the significance of the problem. In most cases, a person is embarrassed precisely because of their involuntary reaction. You do not need to focus your attention on the redness of the skin. Better think about the benefits that the event will bring, regardless of appearance.
  5. ... How to avoid blushing: Build self-confidence. Don't be afraid that your desires or aspirations will become the object of ridicule - this will not happen. will help to tune in to the positive and overcome the fear of communicating with others.

Psychological help

Why does the face turn red when worried? The brain receives a signal of danger, and the body gives out this reaction. Psychologists recommend that individuals who are constantly embarrassed and fearful of society should develop stress resistance. This skill will allow you to get out of any situation with a normal complexion, and not looking like an overripe tomato.

How to learn not to blush when talking?

  1. Why does a person blush when he is embarrassed? Due to the increase in blood pressure caused by excitement, the blood rushes actively to the head. Try to redirect her stream. If you feel that you will blush now, mentally imagine that you raised your hands to the fire. You will be surprised to notice that the brushes will turn red, not the face.
  2. If your face is constantly blushing with excitement, what to do? Practice calmness. Before a serious public speaking, review all the stages of the event in your head and “write” the most favorable scenario for the development of events. Tune in to the positive and the embarrassment will recede.
  3. Have you started to blush? Pay special attention to this, saying: "Well, she blushed again!" or "Oh, you drove me to paint!". Believe me, those around you are not looking at red cheeks and a crimson neck, but are forming an opinion about the interlocutor by his open character, interesting conversations and a positive mood.

In the old days, the term “red maiden”, popular in the past, implied the beauty and attractiveness of a girl. Now they don't say that, but what to do if you are not allegorically, but literally, often blush and do not consider it charming? Nowadays, the question "How to stop blushing for any reason?" girls are asked more often, but men also sometimes have to suffer from such a feature of the body. If you correctly identify the causes of skin redness and learn how to control the process, you can cope with the problem. Let's get down to it!

Why do people blush

You can “fill up with paint” from shame or embarrassment, from excitement, confusion, fear. We all experience these feelings from time to time, but not all people have a reddening reaction. And not everyone is able to understand how painful such moments are. It's one thing to blush at 16, but when you're in your 40s, the signs of embarrassment on your face aren't always appropriate. There are few reasons for sudden skin redness and they are interrelated.

Physiological reasons:

  • blood rushes to the vessels on the face when blood pressure rises. You can determine this using a tonometer - a device for measuring pressure;
  • rosacea, in which the tone of small vessels is disturbed, and the skin turns red not only from emotions, but also from heat, frost, and often just for no reason. You will not confuse rosacea with anything - these are the branches of thin red vessels on the cheeks, nose, less often on the forehead and chin;
  • also causes redness, impaired circulation in the veins and arteries.

It is necessary to deal with the problems of pressure and blood circulation in the therapist's office. And couperosis can be controlled independently or with the help of a good beautician.

If you have rosacea, do not heat or cool your skin too much. Sauna, steam baths and cold showers are not for you. It is better not to smoke and forget about alcohol, so as not to provoke blood flow to problem areas. Never rub your skin, avoid scrubs and any harsh action. Use professional cosmetics that help control couperosis. Let the beautician select the brand and the product, because with masks from the nearest store you will only harm yourself. To strengthen blood vessels, you can drink Ascorutin tablets: one, three times a day after meals, for two weeks.

Neurological Cause:

  • vessels dilate when the body feels tension.

If your nervous system shaken and malfunctioning - perhaps it's time to see a neurologist. Or try to independently adjust the work of the nervous system, this will be discussed a little further.

The reasons are psychological:

  • these are emotions and experiences: fear, embarrassment, embarrassment,.

Simply put, redness occurs as a reaction to tension. Most often, this process is triggered by a psychological factor: a person got agitated before the performance (fear or embarrassment), the nervous system immediately reacted (palms sweaty, heart often beat), as a result, the pressure rose. This is the close relationship of all the reasons. Therefore, it is much easier to cope with redness if you approach the matter comprehensively, thoroughly and ... creatively.

How to beat emotions

People who are not completely confident in themselves, those who care about someone's opinion about them, blush more often. After all, no one blushes alone, you can blush only in the presence of another person. This is modesty or the fear of communication, the fear of falling into someone's eyes, of doing something wrong. You can understand the reasons for low self-esteem at the reception with a psychotherapist. But start learning to control your emotions now.

  1. "Calm, only calm", - as the famous character of the fairy tale Astrid Lindgren said. Tune in to take any circumstance for granted. Life consists of surprises - sometimes pleasant, and more often - not very, and it is not worth reacting to them too violently every time, health is not enough. Allow anything that can happen to happen. Your task is to receive events and people with maximum peace of mind.
  2. Relax. As soon as you feel a treacherous heat on your skin and a rapid heart rate, try to relax and stop the process. There are different ways to relieve stress, it is important to find a way that suits you. You can sit down and breathe deeply while consciously controlling your breathing. If possible, try listening to relaxing music or dancing a little. Or maybe a few light exercise will help. Or self-hypnosis.
  3. Don't dive headfirst into the situation. Look at what is happening, as if from the side. Sometimes, in order to solve a problem, you need to distance yourself from events, wait a little. Do not demand quick reactions and decisions from yourself; in the heat of emotions, people rarely do the right thing.
  4. Try to forget about the problem. If you go in cycles, then you can bring the position to erythrophobia - fear of embarrassment blush. A person who is worried about redness will invariably blush over and over again, because he does not control fear. Inspire yourself that there is no problem. Perhaps comparing your difficulties with the troubles of other people will help: incurable diseases, loss of a home or a loved one, war, in the end. Against the background of such serious things, ruddy cheeks will seem like a trifle.
  5. Conquer fear. Take the particularity of your body for granted. The movement of blood through the vessels is not subject to your will, like the growth of hair or the digestion of dinner by the intestines. Do not be afraid to blush, but, on the contrary, look forward to these moments! Try to induce the redness yourself, so you will get used to it, and then you will stop worrying about it. Less worry means less blush.
  6. Avoid unwanted moments.You will not sit your life at home in isolation, but it is in your power to choose a profession that is far from direct communication with people. Not performing on stage, not going on business trips, not reading lectures, not making loud toasts and not attracting too much attention - all this you can not do. Take care of yourself, bypass any uncomfortable situations, if it makes you feel happy and calm.
  7. Do whatever it takes to feel confident. Dress to please yourself. Keep your hair and shoes clean. Use the best that is available to you: accessories, dishes, jewelry.

These tips will also be useful for teenagers who often blush when embarrassed. They can help direct thoughts in the right direction and increase self-esteem.

How to stop blushing when embarrassed

You know the feeling of awkwardness when talking and meeting people, your face, neck and shoulders blush with excitement. It may not be that bad. It is noticed that people sympathize with those who blush from time to time. They are considered sincere, incapable of lying, conscientious, reliable comrades. In the ancient Roman Empire, it was the red-cheeked fellows who were honored as the most courageous, intelligent, fast warriors. Let these facts comfort you and help fight your embarrassment.

There are several exercises that acting students use to learn not to blush with excitement, not to be ashamed of the audience, to overcome shame, which will probably seem difficult to you. But step over yourself, conquer fear and the result will be obvious.

  1. Begin by walking to the accompaniment of your own singing. Do this every day until you are used to singing as easily as breathing.
  2. Put on extravagant clothes and walk around the city.
  3. Go outside and ask passers-by for directions. How to go to a library or local history museum, how to find a polyclinic number 11, where to buy flowers - ask different questions. If you are very shy, start with one question a day. Your task is to get used to boldly addressing strangers. Train every day and come up with new tasks. When you can offer candy to a stranger, move on to the next exercise.
  4. Come to an open party or city event. Disco on the occasion of initiation into students, opening of an exhibition of needlework or painting, even literary evening in a public library. Choose an event, come and meet someone. Do not bother everyone, of course, but unobtrusively try to make a new acquaintance.

Train the nervous system

To train the psyche and work with emotions is half the battle. To stop blushing when talking, you need to tune your body to work in a different mode. Here is a simple set of measures to train the nervous system:

  • temper... Start by rubbing your body with a damp towel or dousing your feet, then gradually move to a cool and then a cold short shower. Do not take a hot bath or shower, it does not benefit the nervous system;
  • pay attention to yoga... It not only trains the body and makes it more resilient, it calms, improves blood circulation, adjusts to harmony and gives energy;
  • forbid yourself to smoke, drink alcohol, eat hot and spicy;
  • go in for sports... During the session, the body will release heat, you will turn red and it will be more difficult for the body to give out the same skin reaction to emotions. In addition, from a healthy lifestyle, you will have a natural permanent blush;
  • the sensitivity of the nervous system will decrease if you monitor what you eat: Less artificial food from cans and packaging, and more raw vegetables and fruits.

Reorganization of the body is not a matter of one week or even one month. This is a new way of life, control over yourself and your body. But in the end, you will forget about the awkward blush at crucial moments.

What to do if you start to blush when embarrassed

Let's say you've already started to apply all the tips outlined above. But there is no result yet, and tomorrow there is an important meeting or conversation. There is a way out - these are quick, but short-acting means:

  • drink half a liter of ice-cold water ten minutes before an event or conversation. This will constrict blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to flow. Take your time to avoid getting sick, drink slowly. This method is heavy artillery, use it as little as possible;
  • stretch your arms forward and imagine a fire underneath. Feel his heat and how the blood rushes to the hands, and from the face - gradually leaves;
  • buy a face mask with a cooling effect. Typically, such masks include essential oils and extracts, the action of which will last from half an hour to two hours;
  • try powder or baby powder if you have very light skin. The foundation will also keep the complexion in a natural shade well:
  • three or four sessions will give your face a pleasant color that will hide your blush;
  • if during a conversation you feel that you have begun to blush, on purpose, pay attention to it yourself and try to laugh it off. You can say something like this:

- Oh, you drove me completely into the paint!

- Well, she blushed again ...

- I always blush when I like someone.

- Wow, I even blushed!

Rest assured, people are not looking at your red cheeks, because more important is how interesting, open and sincere you are. Our tips will help you cope with the problem, but it is more important that you love yourself right now, as you are.

Sweet embarrassment is often associated with the charm of a young age. Young girls and boys with their cheeks filled with paint seem very touching and gentle. However, not all people get rid of embarrassment when they reach adulthood. Red cheeks of an adult business person do not add solidity, especially to a man.

Therefore, many people wonder how to stop blushing for any reason, when talking with people or in ordinary life situations... You can keep your emotions under control with simple tips.

Why do I blush when talking to people

Redness of the cheeks causes emotions such as shame, embarrassment, excitement, confusion, fear. Every person is faced with these feelings, but not everyone instantly turns red.

The lucky ones do not understand how painful it is to feel how their cheeks turn red and burn, because it is one thing when this happens to a teenager at the age of 15, and quite another when a person is already over 40 - at this age, the manifestation of signs of embarrassment is not appropriate.

Sudden redness of the skin has several interrelated causes.

Physiological reasons:

  • an increase in blood pressure causes a rush of blood to the vessels located on the face. It is possible to find out with the help of a tonometer - a device that measures pressure;
  • manifestation of rosacea - a disease associated with a violation of the tone of small vessels. In this case, not only emotions cause redness of the skin, but also heat, frost, even the absence of a special reason does not stop the redness. It is easy to recognize rosacea - thin red vessels branch out in the cheeks and nose, a little less often - on the forehead and chin;
  • redness manifests itself with impaired blood circulation in the veins and arteries.

If redness of the skin is associated with pressure and blood circulation, it is necessary to seek help in treatment from a therapist. You can deal with rosacea by contacting a good beautician.

Neurological cause:

  • in case of tension, vasodilation occurs.

With a shattered nervous system, you need to visit a neurologist or try to strengthen the nervous system yourself. More on this below.

Psychological reasons:

  • redness can be caused by emotions and experiences: fear, oppression, embarrassment, self-doubt.

In other words, redness of the skin appears as a reaction to stress. In most cases, this reaction is caused precisely by the factor of psychology: a person is worried before a performance (afraid or embarrassed), the nervous system reacts to anxiety (expressed by sweaty palms, frequent heartbeats), as a result of this, the pressure rises. Thus, all the reasons are connected.

It is easier to fight redness if you use a complex method that is thorough and creative.

It is possible to defeat the causeless redness of the skin of the face and neck. You just need to follow the recommendations given below.

Keep calm

Calm is not freedom from the storm, but peace in the midst of the storm. (c) Amy Newmark

Any situation, even the most difficult or unforeseen, should be perceived calmly and balanced. No need to dwell on small life failures, perceiving them too tragically. Curiosities and troubles happen to everyone, you should treat them easier and continue to live.


How good it is to do nothing and then rest! (c) Spanish saying

With the next flush of heat, acceleration of the heartbeat, it is important to be able to drive away all thoughts from yourself, relax and try to control your anxiety.

A deep breath and a smooth exhalation, washing with cool water, walking in the fresh air will help.

The nervous system needs training

Calm, only calm. (c) Carlson, who lives on the roof

Your nervous system needs constant training. Teach yourself the correct perception and adequate reaction to certain moments that happen to you.

Do not show aggression, irritability, try to help others to cope with difficult situations, share your opinion.

Don't dwell on the problem

Sometimes people allow one problem to make them unhappy for years when they could just say, "So what?" This is one of my favorite phrases. (c) Andy Warhol

After experiencing any kind of trouble, do not reduce all your thoughts to it only, pushing away thoughts of more positive things.

Making yourself a little easier about your failures, even for a short period, can help you stop blushing.

Don't let your fears go

Fear doesn't have to give advice. (c) Dante Alighieri

Driving into your head that you will definitely blush in public, you will certainly achieve this, as soon as you start a conversation with others. Try to outwit the redness process by distracting yourself from your problem. Perhaps, if you forget about red cheeks, they will forget about you too.

The main thing is self-confidence

Self-confidence is the foundation of our confidence in others. (c) Francois de La Rochefoucauld

To get rid of or reduce skin redness, you have to try to gain self-confidence. Be sure of your every action, desire, deed. For example, choose outfits that suit you, smile more, and radiate positive emotions when interacting with other people.

Physical exercise

As the clothiers clean the cloth, knocking them out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body. (c) Hippocrates

Yoga not only develops endurance and patience, but also teaches calmness, adjusts to a positive mood, gives energy, and improves blood circulation.

Take up a sport that you can handle. When exercising, the body releases enormous amounts of heat and energy, the redness of the skin intensifies, and the face becomes especially red.

Having got used to such physical activity, the body will not give a similar reaction in cases of various emotions. This means that the problem of causeless red cheeks will disappear.

Tempering has a positive effect on the vessels. Take up the gradual hardening of your body: first wipe your body with a towel dipped in cool water, step by step go to the douche procedure cold water... Dousing can be replaced with a contrast shower.

Try to ventilate the room often, be it an apartment or an office. Take every opportunity for walks in the fresh air, visit the parks.

Proper nutrition

Let your food be the medicine. (c) Hippocrates

Fighting redness of the skin will hasten to help you in the fight against many health problems - proper nutrition.

It is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet, eat vegetables and fruits, foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Better to limit starchy foods, sweets and fast food. The amount of water consumed per day should be two liters.

It is necessary to get rid of additional stress in the form of bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.

Psychological exercises

The psychological literature is full of information on getting rid of the problem of red cheeks, which occurs in almost any situation. By listening to the advice of psychologists, you can look at your problem from a new perspective. Pay special attention to the following guidelines:

  • If you feel embarrassed, don't hide it as your face betrays you. When speaking in public or in private, if you feel a rush of blood to your face, admit it: "I'm worried", "I seem to be blushing." With these words, you can get rid of emotional stress and defuse the atmosphere.
  • Forget the inconvenience. It is not your fault that you blush. The redness of the cheeks is caused by a physiological feature. At the same time, the majority of those around her hardly notice her at all. Try to treat the situation in a simpler way, then it will not worry you so much.
  • Imagine that you are redirecting the flow of your blood with the power of thought. Imagine holding your hands over fire. Imagining this will make your palms blush, but not your face. It is worth noting that this technique is unlikely to work for you right away, but a few workouts will allow you to learn.
  • Practice calmness. Before a serious conversation, public speaking or a date, imagine that everything is going according to the most favorable scenario for you. If possible, sketch awkward situations in your thoughts and find a way out of them.

Is this a problem

How to stop being embarrassed and blushing? You just shouldn't give the problem so much importance.

Most often, a person is embarrassed not because he was in an uncomfortable situation, but because of the fear of showing his involuntary reaction. It turns out that a person blushes for fear of blushing. Thus, he himself draws himself into a vicious circle.

Try not to think about how you look at the moment, but about the benefits that you can derive from the situation in which you are. Concentrate only on the positive. This is probably how you get rid of redness, but even if not, red cheeks will not be so important to you.

Also, keep in mind that your reddened cheeks may not attract the attention of others.

In order not to be tormented in vain, check this. If, when talking with loved ones, you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, ask them directly if it is noticeable. Even if the answer is yes, you are unlikely to hear that your reddened cheeks make you ugly or stupid. The ability to blush is natural state human. At the same time, ruddy cheeks look very cute.