How to organize a literary evening. Literary living room: script

Musical and poetic drawing room "It all starts with love"

There is twilight on the stage. The music of E. Dogi “My affectionate and gentle animal” is played. The beam illuminates two angels (dancing). They appear from different directions, perform several dance moves. They descend into the hall, lighting candles on the tables. The "voice" behind the scenes reads:

1st host: How is the world doing?

2nd host:

What will happen to him
History drags his chariot

1st host: How is life going?

2nd host:

Yes, in general, everything is the same
But the heart suffers
And skin wrinkles.

1st host: But what about love?

2nd host:

From frequent rains
The paths to her are blurred
It's over with her.

Blinking light. Dance??. Leading out.

1st host:

How to explain to a blind man
Blind as night from birth,
A riot of spring colors
Rainbow obsession?

2nd host:

How to explain to a deaf person
From birth, like night, deaf,
The tenderness of the cello
Or the threat of thunder?

1st host:

How to explain to the poor man
Born with cold blood
The secret of an earthly miracle
Called love

THOSE: Good afternoon! Hello dear friends! We welcome everyone present to our guest, in our living room.

We dedicate today's meeting to the eternal theme - the Theme of love. We are talking today about great love, natural and long-awaited, like the sun.Many poems have been written about love. Someone likes the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva, someone - Boris Pasternak. Someone loves the poetry of Anna Akhmatova, and someone is delighted with the poetry of Petrarch, someone admires the poetry of Pushkin, and someone likes the poetry of Mayakovsky.
Poets of all times and peoples wrote about love. Read love poems, compose yourself. Love beautifully, purely and enthusiastically. Speak about wonderful moments of love with worthy words. Learn this from the great masters of the word.


It all starts with love ...

They say:
"At the beginning
it was
And I declare again:
it all starts
with love!

It all starts with love:
and insight
and work,
eyes of flowers,
baby eyes -
it all starts with love.

It all starts with love.
With love!
I know that for sure.
even hatred -
and eternal
sister of love.

It all starts in love:
dream and fear,
wine and gunpowder.
and feat -
it all starts with love.

Spring whispers to you:
And you will sway from a whisper.
And straighten up.
And you will begin.
It all starts
with love!

The song _____________ goes to the hall at the table.

1st host: Love…! It is difficult to establish when she appeared on Earth! Obviously, together with the person. This is the oldest and greatest feeling.

2nd host: Still, how did love originate on earth?

1st presenter: And this is how the poet of the Silver Age Konstantin Balmont thinks in his poem "The Birth of Love"

A poem sounds

K. Balmont "The Birth of Love" performed by a student.

To love - the red-breasted woman taught the living.

She was all gray in Paradise.

Sat on the cliff, on the edge.

And the world around was laughter, and a cry, and a joke.

And the winged baby thought:

“What are they about? What am I singing about?

You don't need to love everything. And only mine. "

And at that moment her chest flushed.

And the bird flew through the bushes.

Then for the first time the roses turned red

Carnations, poppies, a whole scarlet temple.

And the blood sprinkled with love to the hearts.

And lightning, a pattern of heavenly dreams,

She told it to be thunderstorm and rain.

2nd host: Love is the most poetic, sublime, pure and beautiful feeling.

1st host: The bright world opens up to a person when this feeling awakens. ... Everything in the soul rejoices because of the people around, the only person, the most dear to you, somehow imperceptibly stood out.

2nd host: As the poetess Anna Akhmatova accurately described the awakening love: “Everything here is expectation, trembling excitement, mystery, and most importantly - the music of a still unknown feeling”.


That snake, curled up in a ball
At the very heart he conjures
That whole days dove
Coos on the white window.
Then it will flash in the bright frost,
Seems in the slumber of the Levkoy,
But faithfully and secretly leads
With joy and peace.
Knows how to sob so sweetly
In the prayer of a yearning violin
And it's scary to guess her
In a still unfamiliar smile.

(“Nocturne” - background music).

1st host: Love is the noblest and most creative feeling. In an outburst of love, people perform noble deeds, create great creations. The theme of love is inexhaustible in literature, music, art.

2nd host: Love gave us great works of art, countless tales, songs, ballads, sonnets, odes, poems, dramas, tragedies, legends and, of course, names: Elena the Beautiful, Beatrice, Tatyana Larina, Juliet, Shagane, Natalia Rostova, Anna Snegina , Assol, And together with them wonderful poems appeared, created in their honor:

These lines sound as if they were spoken today. They express respect for her beloved's feelings. These lines are the embodiment of deep humanity, the highest nobility.

Reader 1:

I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius Pure beauty

(A.S. Pushkin)

Reader 2:

My desires were fulfilled
The Creator sent you to me, you,
My Madonna.
The purest charms are the purest specimen.

(A.S. Pushkin)


I loved you: love still, perhaps

In my soul it has not completely faded away;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I do not want to sadden you with anything.


I loved you wordlessly, hopelessly,

Now we languish with timidity, now with jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant you beloved to be different.

Leading: The theme of love is inexhaustible in literature and art, for this very feeling is eternal and incorruptible, always new and unique for every person.

Staging from the third chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Pushkin.

Leading: Longing of love drives Tatiana,
And she goes to the garden to be sad,
And suddenly his eyes are motionless,
And she is too lazy to step further.
Raised chest, Lanita
Covered in an instant flame,
The breath stopped in my mouth
And there is noise in the ear, and shine in the eyes ...
(Tatiana and a nanny appear on the stage. The scene is decorated in the style of that time: a bench, a table, a candle on the table, an inkwell, paper, a jug of water). Leading: The night will come; moon bypasses
Watch the distant vault of heaven,
And a nightingale in the darkness of wood
Resonant melodies start.
Tatiana does not sleep in the dark
And quietly with the nanny says:

Tatyana: I can't sleep, nanny: it's so stuffy here!
Open the window and sit with me.
Nanny: What, Tanya, what's wrong with you?

Tatyana: I'm bored,
Let's talk about the old days.
Nanny: What is it about, Tanya? I used to
I kept in my memory a lot
Old stories, fables.

About evil spirits and girls;
And now everything is dark for me, Tanya:
I forgot what I knew. Yes,
A thin turn has come!
Lost ...

Tatyana: Tell me nanny
About your old years:
Were you in love then?

Nanny: And, complete, Tanya! These summers
We have not heard of love;
Otherwise I would have driven away from the light
My deceased mother-in-law.

Tatyana: Ah, nanny, nanny, I'm longing
I'm sick, my dear:
I cry, I'm ready to cry! ..
Nanny: My child, you are not well;
Lord have mercy and save!
What do you want, ask ...
Let me sprinkle holy water
You're on fire ...
(The nanny splashes water on Tatyana )

Tatyana: I'm not sick:
I'm ... you know, nanny ... in love.
Nanny: My child, the Lord is with you!
Leading: And babysitting a girl with a prayer
She baptized with a decrepit hand.


Suddenly a thought was born in her mind ...
Tatyana: Go, leave me alone.
Give me a pen, paper, nanny,
Yes, move the table; I'll go to bed soon;

Leading: And now she is alone.
Everything is quiet. The moon shines on her.
Leaning, Tatiana writes
... (Tatiana, sitting at the table, writes a letter to Onegin. Then she gets up, walks around the stage and reads part of the letter)
Tatyana: Why did you visit us?In the wilderness of a forgotten villageI never knew youI would not know the bitter torment.Souls of inexperienced excitementHumbled over time (who knows?),I would find a friend after my heartThere would be a faithful spouseAnd a virtuous mother.

Another! .. No, no one in the worldI would not give my heart!That in the above is destined advice ...That is the will of heaven: I am yours... (Tatyana sits down at the table again, continues to write and says ) I'm finishing! It's scary to reread ...I freeze with shame and fear ...

Leading: Tatiana will sigh, then gasp;The letter trembles in her hand….Here is the morning: everyone got up a long time ago,My Tatiana doesn't care.

She does not notice the dawnSits with a drooping head ...She's already gray-haired FilipyevnaBrings tea on a tray.Nanny: It's time, my child, get up:Yes, you, beauty, are ready!Oh my early bird!Evening how I was afraid!Yes, thank God you're healthy!The yearning is night and there is no traceYour face is like poppies. (The artists bow and leave.)

1st host: The great genius Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin said: "All the best that I have done is in the name of love for a woman!"

2nd host: Inspired by a great feeling of love, Mikhail Glinka composed one of his brightest works "Waltz-Fantasy"

P.I. Tchaikovsky - “Waltz of the Flowers”. Sergei Yesenin's poems about love are very attractive. They capture human suffering, caused either by the thirst for love, then by the consciousness of its inferiority, then by the desire for its triumph.

Poems are read against the background of music.

Yesenin's poem "Do not look at me with reproach"

Don't look at me reproachfully

I do not conceal contempt for you,

But I love your gaze with a drag

And your crafty meekness.

Yes, you seem to me to be open

And, perhaps, I'm glad to see

Like a fox pretending to be dead

Catching ravens and ravens.

Well, and well, catch it, I'm not scaring it.

Just how would your ardor not go out?

To my chilled soul

We came across such more than once.

I do not love you, dear,

You are just an echo, just a shadow.

I dream of another in your face,

Whose eyes are dove

Even if she doesn't look meek

And, perhaps, it looks cold

But she is with a stately gait

She shook my soul to the bottom.

You can hardly mistaken this one,

And you don't want to go, but you go,

Well, and you don't even lie in your heart

A lie filled with caress

But still, despising you,

I am embarrassed to open up forever:

If there were no hell and heaven,

The man himself would have invented them


I asked the money changer today

I asked the money changer today

What gives a ruble for half a fog,

How to tell me for lovely Lala

In Persian, a gentle "love"?

I asked the money changer today

Lighter than the wind, quieter than the Van jets,

How to name me for the beautiful Lala

The sweet word "kiss"?

And I also asked the money changer,

Shyness is deeper in my heart,

How to tell me for beautiful Lala,

How do you tell her that she is "mine"?

And the money changer answered me briefly:

They don't talk about love in words

They sigh about love only furtively,

Yes, the eyes are burning like yachons.

The kiss has no name,

A kiss is not an inscription on coffins.

Kisses glow like a red rose,

Petals melting on the lips.

Love does not require bail,

With her they know joy and misfortune.

"You are mine" only hands can say,

That the black veil was ripped off

2nd host: True love ennobles a person, makes him better, heightens in him a sense of responsibility for his actions and actions. A loving person is capable of the greatestself-sacrifice for the happiness of the one he loves:

Reader: The girl was like a wild rose, black eyes in half a gentle face, the soul of a proud bird. She lived in the last century in Georgia and bore the sonorous surname Chavchavadze, she was the daughter of a poet, educator, public figure of Georgia, Alexander Chavchavadze.
Nina Chavchavadze was 16 when she was named the wife of Griboyedov, at 18 she became the widow of the great poet of Russia, and at 50 a sudden illness interrupted her life. But there was not a single day that she did not think about Alexander Griboyedov, living in Tiflis, she came to the grave every day, separation from which was unbearable. Nina did not perform military feats, did not become famous on the stage, did not write poetry: she remained in the people's memory because she had a great gift - the ability to love.

2nd host: How to keep love, carry it through your whole life, through life's difficulties. There are people who have managed to do this and have preserved this greatest feeling on Earth.

Reader: An example of loyalty to a loved one is the wives of the Decembrists. Young, noble, wealthy women abandoned secular life and went to the distant harsh Siberia to hard labor, where their husbands, the Decembrists, were exiled, to share exile with them, to support their courage and will to fight with their love.

The song "You me at dawn ..." ???.

Reader: Love can be all-conquering, overcome all obstacles and trials. Thanks to the poem "Wait for Me" Konstantin Simonov became known throughout the country. Millions of people in the war repeated his lines as a spell: "Wait for me, and I will return, just wait very much ..." This is how the soldiers of the Second World War who were leaving for the front would like to express their feelings for their beloved, these are the words that those who remained in the rear were expecting from them brides and wives. Simonov found "these words" not because he set himself the task of writing poetry for millions, but because he himself went to war and left the woman he loved. And K. Simonov wrote "Wait for me" not for millions, but for one, the only one. Her name was Valentina Serova, and she was a famous actress.

Pupils in military uniform reads K. Simonov's poem "Wait for me".

Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait really hard.

Wait for the sadness

Yellow rains

Wait for the snow to sweep

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back.

Do not wish good

To everyone who knows by heart

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

That there is no me

Let friends get tired of waiting

Sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

In commemoration of the soul ...

Wait. And with them at the same time

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back

To spite all deaths.

Who did not wait for me, let him

Say - lucky!

Do not understand those who did not wait, they,

As among the fire

By their expectation

You saved me.

How I survived we will know

Only you and me -

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

2nd host: So what is love? Mystery, miracle, tenderness, loyalty, self-sacrifice, responsibility, creativity, compassion, joy ...

Reader : Whatever love is, one must value it as the greatest gift of fate. You, today's students, will meet in the future, and some will part with loved ones, be separated from them forever. And it is very important that in difficult life situations you always stayed decent people... The next poem "The Ballad of a Smoky Car" by Alexander Kochetkov was written in 1932. The appearance of these lines was preceded by an amazing story: having postponed his trip to Moscow for the sake of his beloved, the very next day the poet learns about the crash of the very train in which he was supposed to follow, and the death of all passengers.

The poem "The Ballad of a Smoky Car" by A. Kochetkov is read by a guy and a girl.

He: How painful, honey, how strange

Tying in the ground, intertwining with branches -

How it hurts, honey, how strange

Forking under the saw.

The wound will not heal on the heart,

Will shed pure tears

The wound will not heal on the heart -

Will pour out in flaming tar.

She: As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -

Soul and blood are inseparable, -

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -

Love and death are always together.

You will carry with you, beloved,

You will carry with you everywhere

You will carry with you everywhere

Native land, sweet home.

He: But if I have nothing to hide with

From incurable pity,

But if I have nothing to hide

From cold and dark?

She: After parting there will be a meeting,

Do not forget me love

After parting there will be a meeting

Let's return both - me and you.

He: But if I go unknown -

Short light beam of daylight, -

But if I disappear unknown

For the star belt, milky smoke?

She: I will pray for you,

So that I do not forget the earthly path,

I will pray for you

So that you come back unharmed.

He became homeless and humble

Shaking in a smoky carriage

He half cried, half slept,

When the train is on a slippery slope

Suddenly bent over with a terrible roll,

When the train is on a slippery slope

Tore the wheels off the rail.

Superhuman strength

In one press-shop all cripples,

Superhuman strength

Earthly thrown from the ground.

And protected no one

The promised meeting in the distance

And protected no one

A hand calling in the distance ...

She: Do not part with your loved ones,

He: Do not part with your loved ones,

Grow in them with all your blood, -

He: And every time say goodbye forever,

She: And every time forever say goodbye,

When you leave for a moment!

Leading: A person who loves and wants to earn reciprocal love lives a rich spiritual life. Love awakens creative energy in him, he becomes more demanding of himself, seeks to free himself from his shortcomings. Love sharpens a sense of responsibility for one's actions and deeds.Every young man should prepare himself for real, great love. Only this kind of love can bring joy and happiness. We must learn to protect love and the ability to love.

A student reads S. Shchipachev's poem "Learn to value love."

Know how to cherish love,
Doubly cherish over the years.

Love is not sighs on the bench

And not walking in the moonlight.

Everything will be: slush and powder.

After all, one must live life together.

Love with a good song is like

And the song is not easy to make

1st host:

Love is so great
Its difference is so unearthly.
That we earthly cannot find the words
So that all her greatness becomes clear.
It cannot be opened, it cannot be accepted
You cannot buy and you cannot drive away.
Love is an unearthly formation.
Love cannot be possessed.
And fleshly urges are repugnant to her.
Its bearer is only a strong spirit.
She cannot stir up with illumination.
Love is not born immediately and not suddenly.

2nd host:

That love is a gift from God
Each of us knows.
So keep it so that the fire does not go out,
From frost and blizzards, from cruel winds,
From vain insults, rash words.

TE: You can talk about love endlessly. It has no boundaries in time and space. The greats said: “To say 'I love you' is to say 'You will not die.' Who knows, maybe they would not have become great if they had not loved, had not experienced the cosmic power of the feeling that moves the sun and luminaries. And God forbid you to experience this feeling.

Song "________". At the end of the song, all the angels dance out and perform dance moves. Against the background of the song playing, the presenters come out and finish the program.

1st host: How is the world doing?

2nd host:

You know, he lives.
He has already met
Two thousand fourteenth year.

1st host: How is life going?

2nd host:

She is fleeting
Sometimes it is strict
And sometimes it is endless.

1st host: But what about love?

2nd host:

She has risen!
Born from the ashes
Alive again
They dream about her again.
They are waiting for her again, she is sung
And they live by it.

25 Mar

Today, environmental issues are spoken about everywhere: in print, on television, on the Internet, at the bus stop. But who said the first, who turned to this topic back in the 19th century, who noticed the beginning of this destructive trend even when the range of environmental problems was limited to the unjustified felling of the landowner's grove? As often happens, the first here were the "voices of the people" - the writers. And on March 23 at our school ecological literary evening: "And the Earth lives in hope ...".

The purpose of the event was to continue work on the formation of students' ideas about the relationship between man and nature, to foster love and respect for nature through literary works.

The head of the ecological literary evening - Safronova Irina Stanislavovna, the teacher - Marinina Nina Vasilievna, the librarian - Kulkova Natalya Nikolaevna, and many participants and contestants of the evening carried out laborious work that did not leave indifferent anyone present. The learned excerpts of prose, poems were sounded, the author's works of artists - designers of the ecological fairy tale “Once upon a time there was a river” were presented, the author of which is a student of 7 "B" grade - Yasheva Ekaterina. Students in grades 5 prepared theatricalization of this fairy tale, students in grades 8-11 decorated tables for literary salon on environmental theme, 9-10 grades prepared poetic images of MUZ (Autumn, Spring, Winter, Summer).

Natalia Aleksandrovna Kudryashova, an employee of the Dubrava library, was invited to the evening; she presented the children with books that also dealt with environmental problems.

Jury: School Director - Olga Dmitrievna Shevchenko;

Deputy Director for OIA - Dimitryuk Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Deputy Chairman of the Kaluga Regional Organization of Professional Writers, writer, ethnographer - Natalya Viktorovna Gushchina

English teacher - Zakharova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Council of high school students - Andrey Klenin

At the end of the evening, winners:

In the nomination "Ideas for decorating tables for a literary salon"

1 place - Semenova Daria (11 "A") on the topic: "Nature is power and strength"

2nd place - Anna Barabanova (9 "A") on the topic: "Nature is a healing power"

3rd place - Anastasia Masterikhina (10 "A") on the topic: "Nature is a fragile beauty"

Dikareva Irina (8 "B") on the topic: "Nature is inspiration"

In the nomination "Poetic Images of MUZ":

1 place - Tsogolova Valeria (10 "A") - Summer - "Just witchcraft" (after F.I. Tyutchev)

2nd place - Romanovich Alexandra (9 "A") - Spring - "Wanderer" (by S.A. Yesenin)

3rd place - Borovkova Elizaveta (10 "A") - Autumn - "A sad time! The charm of the eyes! " (according to A.S. Pushkin)

Frolova Ekaterina (9 "A") - Winter - "Sorceress" (after A. Pushkin)

In the category "Art Reading":

1 place - Anastasia Masterikhina, 10 "A" - an excerpt from the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

2nd place - Ignatieva Daria, 11 "A" - an excerpt from the story of V.P. Astafieva "Tsar-fish"

3rd place - Levin Alexander, 5 "A" - poem by M. Aldonin "Walk"

In the nomination "The work of designers of the ecological fairy tale" Once upon a time there was a river "E. Yasheva:

1 place - Romanova Margarita, 9 "A"

2nd place - Amelin Gleb, 9 "A"

3rd place - Mitrofanova Anna, 7 "A"

In the nomination "Creation of a literary poster" Ecology of Life ":

1 place - Olga Pyshechkina, 7 "B"

2nd place - Chuvilova Victoria, 7 "B"

3rd place - Moiseeva Ekaterina, 7 "A"

In the nomination "Theatricalization of an ecological fairy tale, there was" Once upon a time there was a river " letters of thanks are marked: Olga Zubkova (5 "A"), Kuznetsova Maria (5 "A"), Simonova Svetlana (5 "A"), Makarova Anastasia (5 "B"), Lobova Karina (5 "B").

Thanks to all the participants and guests of the ecological literary evening!

We chop down wood, set up landfills
But who will take everything under protection?
The streams are empty, in the forest there are only sticks.
Think, what awaits us next?
It's time for humanity to understand
Wealth from Nature, taking away,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She is just like us, so alive!

Considered at the meeting Agreed: Approved by:

ShMO social and humanitarian Deputy. VR Director School Director

cycle _____ Petrova L.G. ____ (N.V. Chernysheva)

Head ____ N.A. Gorbunova

Protocol No. _____

Literary evening script

"Favorite books are familiar pages"

(closing of the Year of Literature)

for students in grades 5-10

Developed by the teacher

russian language and literature

MBOU Chuvashskomain secondary school

Gorbunova N.A.

Short description: the evening closes a number of events held at the school during the Year of Literature.

Purpose of the event: the formation and development of a person who has knowledge of literature and is able to understand the beautiful.


    foster a sense of respect for the cultural heritage of their country and other peoples;

    generalize children's knowledge about the main types and genres of literature;

    develop the desire to assimilate universal human norms of morality (kindness, justice, tolerance, truthfulness, faith in the creative potential of man, honor and conscience);

    create a situation of success for children who are deeply engaged in the study of literature, help them to reveal their creative abilities.

Registration: the hall is decorated with portraits of poets and writers of different times and peoples, statements about the benefits of reading, children perform in specially prepared costumes.

Form of carrying out: literary evening.

Participants: students in grades 5-10.

Event progress


Hello dear adults and children! We all know that 2015 was declared the Year of Literature in Russia. “In order to attract public attention to literature and reading, I decide to hold Russian Federation The Year of Literature, ”says the text of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 426 dated June 13, 2014.

The purpose of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation is to revive the interest of Russian citizens in the classical and contemporary literature and reading in general.

All over the country, including in our school, there were many interesting, educational events and actions related to the Year of Literature. And today we have gathered with you to solemnly end this wonderful year. We bring to your attention several pages from Russian literature, creatively presented by the students of the school.

Lead 1.We are glad to welcome you, dear guys, dear teachers, to the literary festival dedicated to Russian literature.

Lead 2.Russian literature is distinguished by the living warmth of feelings and the depth of human thought. The world significance of our literature begins with Pushkin - “the sun of Russian poetry”. The traditions of Pushkin were continued by Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Bulgakov and many other great names who glorified Russia.

Lead 1.

Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We roam the country again
Which is not on the globe.
Not on the map
But you and I know
What she is, what she is,
Country of Chitalia.
Lead 2.

You will hear here now
About what excites you so much.
Will give you in your leisure hours,
A unique moment of happiness.
A date with a book is a good friend,
After all, you can't live without books.

(A student comes out dressed as a huge Book)

Book. Oh oh oh! How bad and sad I am. Nobody needs me. Oh!

Lead 1... Who are you? And why are you sighing so sad?
Book... I am the Book, I am the keeper of literature. They dropped me, painted on me, and then completely forgot and left for a long time in the library. (With a sigh) Forgot. That is why I am so sad, no one wants to read, no one wants to be friends with me.

(The book walks with a limp, sits down on a chair, groans and sighs.)

Lead 2... Oh, what a pity! And we wanted to invite you to the holiday.
Book... On which holiday?
Lead 1... We invite you to a school literary evening.
Book. Oh, no, no, no. I'm all exhausted. It's time for me to go on vacation.
Lead 2.We invite you as a guest. The guys will show how they know and how they love Russian literature.
Book. Well, then, I think I'll stay.

Lead 1. We turn over a few pages

A fable and a story will pass before us,

Poems and wonderful songs of the line

Today we will hear many times!

Lead 2. We have a difficult task - to cheer up our guest Books.

Lead 1. I think we can all do it together. After all, every page of tonight will allow us to touch the amazing mystery of the Russian word and revive the pages of our respected Book.

Lead 1.So let's get started!

Lead 2.And the first page of our book is fairy tales. They are familiar to us from childhood.

Lead 1.Fairy tales are different: folk and literary, magic and everyday, serious and crafty. (Question to the audience)

Lead 2... How to distinguish a fairy tale from a story? (Students' answers) (in tales, inanimate beings can speak, a tale has its own attributes - a threefold repetition, a fabulous beginning and end, etc.)

Lead 1. Guys, what tales of A.S. Pushkin do you know? (Answers from the audience)

Lead 2. Pupils of the 5th grade will show a fragment of "Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

Fable page

Lead 1.More than two hundred years have passed since the birth of the great fabulist “grandfather Krylov,” as the people lovingly call him, but his fables are not outdated, they teach us to understand true moral values, folk wisdom, expand life experience.

Lead 2. Krylov wrote 205 fables. From on native language, the writer drew many of his subjects from proverbs and sayings. According to Gogol's definition, Krylov's fables are "a book of the wisdom of the people themselves." Today, Krylov's fables have been translated into 60 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Lead 1:

Who has not heard his living word?
Who in life has not met his own?
Immortal creations of Krylov
We love more and more every year.
The singer's inquisitive mind knew and saw everything,
Desiring one thing the most,
To live a life free and happy
His people and his homeland.

Lead 2. A fable is never boring, intrusive. She teaches imperceptibly, wisely, cunningly, cheerfully.

Lead 1. Do you know what a quartet is? (answers from the audience are possible)

Lead 2.Kthe vartet is a musical ensemble of 4 musicians.

Lead 1.Right . Students of the 6th grade are invited to the stage. They will show a staging of Ivan Andreevich Krylov's fable "The Quartet".

Grade 6 - byshows a staging of the fable "Quartet"

Humorous Stories Page

Lead 2.In his short life, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his works managed to display almost all aspects of Russian reality at the end of the 19th century.

This property of his work is amazing. In terms of the abundance of topics that he touched upon, Chekhov has no equal among the most famous Russian writers.

Lead 1. And “ small form”, That is, a short story, with an outwardly unpretentious plot, but with very deep content. Chekhov was especially successful. He is an acknowledged master of this genre, still unsurpassed in the world.

Lead 2.Chekhov's humor and satire are amazing. They appear both in a separate, “pure” form, and in combination with reflections on the meaning of life. It strikes with a faithful reproduction of everyday life ordinary people.

Lead 1.7th grade - show a dramatization of the story "Horse surname"

Tale of War Page

Lead 1.War - there is no more cruel word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no more sacred word.

Lead 2. In the longing and glory of these years

And on our lips is different

It cannot be and not yet .... (Tvardovsky)

Lead 1.The Great Patriotic War ... Then many poets and writers of the country took up arms instead of a pen. They took part in the army press, were commanders, political workers and ordinary soldiers. The pen was equated with a bayonet, prose put on a front overcoat and stepped into battle.

Lead 2.The subject of captivity (for obvious reasons), few people in our literature raised. Konstantin Vorobyov is one of the few who found the courage to "put in a word" for people undeservedly dropped from the list of war heroes, in conditions much more difficult than living conditions at the front, who demonstrated loyalty to the Motherland.

Lead 1. In the performance of grade 8 students, you will see an excerpt from the story of K.D. Vorobyov "German in felt boots".

Poetic Page

Lead 1: One of the most ancient arts in human history is poetry. Nobody knows when she was born. But people have a desire to express their feelings in a non-ordinary language. So the first poems were born.

Lead 2:Poets were called prophets. They tried to reveal the secret of the future with the help of only their subject language, artistic images. This is how great names were born - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Yesenin ...

Lead 1: As we said that world significance our literature begins with Pushkin - "the sun of Russian poetry." Therefore, in the "Poetic" page, we would like to once again recall Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Lead 2:

Grade 9 - introduces the main motives of A.S. Pushkin's lyrics

Lead 1. So, 2015 is over - the Year of Literature. Our holiday is also coming to an end. Let's ask our book, what is its mood now?

Book:(Rises to the stage)Guys, I am very glad that I visited your wonderful holiday! You are so smart, talented, and you love literature so much. I think I have found loyal and faithful friends here with whom we will be friends for a long, long time!

Lead 1.Guys, look, our Book has recovered and changed. Let's promise her that we'll never hurt her again, okay?

Lead 2.Our literary evening has come to an end. We hope that each of you loves the book and will not get tired of traveling through the amazing country of Literaturia together with wonderful heroes of fairy tales, stories, stories and novels.

To the music "Take a book in your hands, children!" the multimedia presentation "Photo with your favorite book" is being shown

Everybody takes the stage

Lead 1.A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.

Lead 2. The book is a close comrade and friend.

Book:The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

If you let go of the book.

Lead 1: The book is the advisor, the book is the scout,

The book is an active fighter and fighter.

Lead2:The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,

A satellite of planet earth, finally.

Book. The book is not just beautiful furniture,

Not an attachment of oak cabinets,

Lead 1. The book is a magician who knows how to fiction

Turn into reality and into the basis of the foundations.

Teacher: The state, universities, schools, writers' organizations, libraries and the media want to draw public attention to literature and remind them that reading is necessary, useful and fashionable.

Literature is of great importance in the life of every person. After all, a person in the highest sense of the word becomes a person thanks to literature All values \u200b\u200bare a person h ecomes from books. The book is the source of all knowledge. Books make a person think, educate their own opinion, develop imagination.

A large number of events were held in Russia in the Year of Literature. Our school is no exception: book presentations, meetings with writers, quizzes, and reading contests were held. We have taken part in a variety of essay competitions, olympiads, festivals and other events. But our main task is to draw attention to reading. After all, a modern person cannot consider himself educated if he does not read. To keep abreast of all the news, discoveries, to keep up with novelties in literature, a modern student needs to read at least a hundred pages a day. Unfortunately, we cannot boast of this. Many guys are not even registered in the library. You will say that everything can be found on the Internet. But a computer cannot replace a real book, with real binding and real pages.

In my closet he squeezes into the one

And each volume on the shelf is like a house ...

Open the cover-door in a hurry -

And you entered, and you are already a guest.

Like a side street - every book row.

And my whole wardrobe is a wonderful Book City ...

I think, despite the fact that the Year of Literature is over, we will turn to the treasury of world art - literature, learn to read, love the book and understand it. I hope that each of you will have a so-called "golden shelf" with your favorite books by our classics: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.A.Nekrasov, F.M.Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy.

And at the end of our holiday, we want to turn to the statement of K.G. Paustovsky: “Read! May there not be a single day in your life when you have not read at least one page from a new book. "

Appendix 1


“My light, mirror! tell
Yes, report the whole truth:
45 I am the loveliest in the world,
All blush and whiter? "

75 What is the answer in the mirror?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is the nicest of all,
All blush and whiter ”.
How the queen will jump away
80 Yes, how he will swing a handle,
Yes, it will slap on the mirror,
How will he stomp with his heel! ..
“Oh, you disgusting glass!
You're lying to spite me.
85 How can she compete with me?
I’ll calm the foolishness in her.
See how grown up!
And it's no wonder that she is white:
The belly mother sat
90 Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me: how can she
To be dearer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm the most beautiful of all.
Go around our whole kingdom,
95 Though the whole world; I'm not even.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“And the princess is all the nicer,
Everything is blush and whiter. "

Appendix 2

Krylov I.A. "Quartet"

Naughty Monkey,
A donkey,
Yes, clubfoot Bear
We decided to play the Quartet.
We got notes, bass, viola, two violins
And sat down on the meadow under the sticky, -
Captivate the light with your art.
They hit the bows, they fight, but there is no sense.
“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts the Monkey. -
How does the music go? After all, you are not sitting like that.
You with the bass, Mishenka, sit against the viola,
I, prima, will sit opposite the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains! "
We sat down, began the Quartet;
He still does not fit well.
“Wait, have I found a secret? -
Donkey screams, - we surely will get along,
Kohl sit next to. "
They obeyed the Donkey: sat down decorously in a row;
Still, the Quartet is not going well.
Here, more than before, their analyzes went
And disputes
To whom and how to sit.
The Nightingale happened to fly to their noise.
Here with a request all to him in order to resolve their doubt.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,
To bring our Quartet in order:
We have the sheet music and the instruments,
Just tell me how to sit down! " -
“To be a musician, you need skill
And your ears are softer, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;
All are not good musicians. "

Appendix 3

Anton Chekhov

Horse surname

Retired Major General Buldeev got a toothache. He rinsed his mouth with vodka, brandy, applied tobacco soot, opium, turpentine, kerosene to his aching tooth, smeared iodine on his cheek, had cotton wool dipped in alcohol in his ears, but all this either did not help or caused nausea. The doctor came. He dug in his tooth, prescribed quinine, but that did not help either. The general refused the offer to pull out the aching tooth. All the household - the wife, children, servants, even the little cook Petka - each offered their own means. By the way, Ivan Yevseich, Buldeev's clerk, came to him and advised him to undergo treatment with a conspiracy.

Here, in our district, your excellency, ”he said,“ ten years ago excise Yakov Vasilich served. Teeth spoke - first grade. Sometimes, he would turn to the window, whisper, spit - and like a hand! The power is so given to him ...

Where is he now?

And after he was fired from the excise duty, he lives with his mother-in-law in Saratov. Now it feeds only on teeth. If a person has a toothache, then they go to him, he helps ... He uses local, Saratov ones at home, and if they are from other cities, then by telegraph. Send him, your excellency, a dispatch that this is how, they say, this is how ... God's servant Alexy has a toothache, please use it. And you will send the money for the treatment by mail.

Nonsense! Quackery!

Try it, your excellency. He is very keen on vodka, he lives not with his wife, but with a German woman, a scolder, but, one might say, a miraculous gentleman!

Come on, Alyosha! - begged the general. - You don't believe in conspiracies, but I've experienced it myself. Although you do not believe, why not send? Hands will not fall off from this.

Well, okay, - agreed Buldeev. - Here, not only to the excise, but to hell will you send a dispatch ... Oh! No urine! Well, where does your excise man live? How to write to him?

The general sat down at the table and took the quill in his hands.

Every dog \u200b\u200bknows him in Saratov, - said the bailiff. - Please write, your excellency, to the city of Saratov, therefore ... His honor, Mr. Yakov Vasilich ... Vasilich ...

Vasilich ... Yakov Vasilich ... but by his last name ... But he forgot his last name! .. Vasilich ... Damn it ... What about his last name? Just now, as I walked here, I remembered ... Excuse me ...

Ivan Yevseich raised his eyes to the ceiling and moved his lips. Buldeev and the general waited impatiently.

Well, what then? Think quickly!

Now ... Vasilich ... Yakov Vasilich ... I forgot! Such a simple surname ... like a horse name ... Kobylin? No, not Kobylin. Wait ... there are no stallions? No, and not Stallions. I remember the name was horse, and which one - knocked out of my head ...


Not at all. Wait ... Kobylitsyn ... Kobilyatnikov ... Kobelev ...

This is a dog, not a horse. Foals?

No, and not Zherebchikov ... Loshadinin ... Loshakov ... Foal ... It's not that!

Well, how am I going to write to him? Think about it!

Now. Loshadkin ... Kobylkin ... Root ...

Korennikov? the general asked.

Not at all. Pristyazhkin ... No, not that! I forgot!

So why the hell are you trying to get advice if you've forgotten? - the general was angry. - Get out of here!

Ivan Yevseich slowly left, while the general grabbed his cheek and walked through the rooms.

Oh, priests! he yelled. - Oh, mothers! Oh, I don't see the white light!

The bailiff went out into the garden and, raising his eyes to the sky, began to recall the name of the excise officer:

Zherebchikov ... Zherebkovsky ... Zherebenko ... No, not that! Loshadinsky ... Loshadevich ... Zherebkovich ... Kobylyansky ...

A little later he was summoned to the masters.

Remember? the general asked.

No, your Excellency.

Maybe Konyavsky? Horsemen? No?

And in the house, everyone vied with each other, began to invent surnames. We sorted out all ages, sexes and breeds of horses, remembered the mane, hooves, harness ... In the house, in the garden, in the kitchen and in the kitchen, people walked from corner to corner and, scratching their foreheads, looked for their surname ...

The bailiff was now and then demanded into the house.

Tabunov? - they asked him. - Kopytin? Zherebovsky?

Not at all, 'answered Ivan Yevseich, and, raising his eyes upward, continued to think aloud. - Konenko ... Konchenko ... Zherebeev ... Kobyleev ...

Dad! - shouted from the nursery. - Troikin! Uzdechkin!

The whole estate was agitated. The impatient, tortured general promised to give five rubles to the one who remembered his real name, and whole crowds began to follow Ivan Yevseich ...

Gnedov! - they told him. - Tawny! Loshaditsky!

But evening came, and the name was still not found. So they went to bed without sending a telegram.

The general did not sleep all night, walked from corner to corner and groaned ... At three o'clock in the morning he left the house and knocked on the window to the clerk.

No, not Merinov, your excellency, 'replied Ivan Yevseich and sighed apologetically.

Maybe the surname is not horse, but some other!

Truly, your excellency, horse ... I remember that very well.

What kind of memory you are, brother ... For me now this surname is dearer, it seems, than anything in the world. I'm worn out!

In the morning the general sent for the doctor again.

Let it tear! he decided. - No more strength to endure ...

The doctor came and pulled out a bad tooth. The pain subsided at once, and the general calmed down. Having done his job and having received what follows, the doctor got into his chaise and went home. Outside the gate in the field, he met Ivan Yevseich ... The bailiff was standing at the edge of the road and, looking intently at his feet, was thinking about something. Judging by the wrinkles that furrowed his forehead, and by the expression in his eyes, his thoughts were tense, painful ...

Bulanov ... Cheresedelnikov ... - he muttered. - Zasuponin ... Loshadskiy ...

Ivan Evseich! the doctor turned to him. - Can't I, my dear, buy from you quarters of five oats? Our peasants sell me oats, but it's too bad ...

Ivan Yevseich looked blankly at the doctor, somehow smiled wildly and, without saying a single word in reply, threw up his hands, ran to the estate as quickly as if a mad dog was chasing him.

Thought it out, your excellency! - he shouted joyfully, not in his own voice, flying into the office to the general. - I thought, God grant the doctor health! Oats! Ovsov is the name of the excise official! Ovsov, your excellency! Send a dispatch to Ovsov!

Na-mow! - said the general with contempt and raised his two figs to his face. - I don't need your horse surname now! Na-mow!

Appendix 4

Prisoners: Alexander; Ivan; Volodya; Fedor.

German - escort - Bauer.

2 - a German escort.

We are against war !! But that's how it was ...

(A prisoner camp in the Baltic, occupied by the Germans, the wounded, emaciated by hunger are sitting, a German is walking around them, carefully examining them ...).

Ivan- Spring, and the German is so warmly shod?

Volodya - And I noticed.

Alexander - It seems that he froze his legs near Moscow, do you see limping?

Volodya- It serves him right! How thirsty I am.

Alexander - And from hunger, my mind grows cloudy, 3rd day without food

(moans in pain, takes and unwinds rags on frostbitten feet ...)

Volodya - (looks at Alexander's legs), I sympathize with you brother (hugs him), severely frostbitten, now you would not be in captivity, but undergo medical treatment in a nursery school! Fingers turn black, you need surgery.

Alexander - Shhhhhhhh! the German guard stamped his feet.

Ivan - Look, is he limping ?!

Alexander - So it looks like he also has frostbite on his feet, which means ...

Volodya - And this means that we fought against each other near Moscow!

German - Steit auf! (in broken Russian) you-s-tat - shnel - ho-di-te!

Fritz, the damned ... speaks faster (helps Alexander to get up).

Alexander - Well, now it will start ...! He will choose who to be shot.

(the German put down a chair, sat down opposite, crossed his legs).

Volodya - Yes, he's obviously up to something, don't look into his eyes, I say, don't look into his eyes!

German - Du!

Volodya - "Du" is "you" in German. I won't let go ...! Let me be shot ...

(rushes forward, covers his friend).

German - Niht! (points to Volodya) Nat! Doo! (points a finger at Alexander, Alexander pushes his friend aside)

Volodya - When he leads you to be shot, try to run, maybe you will be lucky?

Alexander - Many tried, no one escaped.

Volodya - When you run straight, run, the shot catches up after 10 steps, and if you run to the left, and not straight, you will live 10 steps more

Alexander - Thank you friend!

German - Beckoned to Alexander (conspiratorially)

Alexander - (went straight to the German could not resist, buried himself in the German)

German - Plyho, schlecht, ploho! (moved back in his chair, Alexander straightened, the German points to his feet ...). Ba-l-it?

Alexander - No! (the German jumps up)

Volodya - Will he hit him now ?!

German - Are you a liar? (reached into his pocket)

Ivan - Look, he reached into his pocket, right here and will shoot.

Alexander - (closed his eyes, staggers)

Ivan - Well, that's it, now he will pull out the pistol! (tries to get up, gets up, goes to the German) Me, better than me ..!

Alexander - (stood firmly on his feet)

German - What does this madman want?

Alexander - He's thirsty.

German - Wee don't get water?

Alexander - Nine, which means - no!

The German - Schlecht, it's too bad! (to Ivan, waves his hand) - Get out!

German - (to Alexander) Schmerzen? Bo-o-lit?

Alexander - Well, it hurts, it hurts, I can't stand it from the pain, but what are you happy about, damn sadist.

German - Their bin Bauer, forstein? Wee heiss doo?

Alexander - Me? Alexadr. Ah, I'm a chauffeur (shows how the steering wheel turns)

German - Aleš-And

Volodya -Says that he is a peasant and that we should be happy from this?

German - (takes off his shoes)

Volodya - Well, it still seems like he's going to beat him with a boot ?!

German - Moscow, Moscow, good (unwinds footcloths and shows bandaged fingers, points to Alexander's fingers) It hurts! (points to his fingers)

Ivan, as if he fought against us near Moscow and froze his fingers.

Now, he will take revenge on us for this!

German - Bo-l-but, b-l-but! Loise, loise!

Alexander - You say lice are seized? Well, think of it, lice! (shows) And I have lice!

Volodya - Tell him something to get him off the hook.

Alexander - Your black fingers are rotting - they will be chopped off for you!

Kaput, then!

German - Kaput?

Alexander - Yes, yes, and your kaput and my kaput!

German - Huh? Gut! They'll bite both you and me (patted on the shoulder and left)

Alexander - They will cut it off, cut it off, but for now it remains alive.

German - (comes in) A-lech-an-dr ?!

(Alexander gets up and wanders to the German, the German holds out, unfolds the bread in a rag) Eat!

Alexander - (takes bread and begins to pinch off a piece, not in a hurry!)

German - Schnel, Essen! Eat!

Alexander - (While the German turned away, put the bread in his bosom, the German leaves)

Ivan - Sash, give me some bread ?!

Alexander - (divides the bread between everyone, when he serves Fedor, he jumps up abruptly and shouts)

Fedor - You are a traitor, you are all traitors, you need to be brought to court, you feed from the hands of a German! (and jumps out)

Volodya - Now he will turn us over!

Ivan - for sure! Germans!

(Fyodor enters first, sat down, lay down, then a group of Germans: 2nd lead, bauer)

1st German - Who was given bread? (shakes the beaten German), speak! Who did I give bread to?

Alexander - Well, now they will definitely shoot! Goodbye, comrades, hugs Ivan and Volodya.

German - (points to Fedor)

Fedor - (He gets up, the German takes him under the gun and they all go to the door, Fedor looks around ...). Goodbye comrades!

Ivan - What a comrade you are to us, you are a traitor!

Alexander - (jumps off) To me, he gave me bread! (but the German pushes him away, he falls, hits the ground with his hands and cries ..., an automatic fire is heard).

Appendix 5

Poetry, drama, prose, critical articles, notes, letters - all types of literature that A.S. Pushkin touched bear the stamp of his genius. The poet left unfading images of the freedom-loving, philosophical, loving, landscape lyrics.

Kuznetsova Maria. The theme of friendship runs through all the lyrics of AS Pushkin. Not a single Russian poet paid so much attention to this aspect of human relations. Friendship for Pushkin is spiritual generosity, nobility, kindness. According to A.S. Pushkin, friendship unites people into a strong union for life. A sense of camaraderie, devotion to friends - all these qualities were brought up in Pushkin by the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, because it was there that he found loyal, sincere and true friends.

Reads the poem "Feasting Students"

Egorova Angela. One of the most important themes of Pushkin's lyrics is the theme of freedom. Freedom for Pushkin is the highest value in life; without it, almost in his youth he could not imagine his existence. Freedom is the foundation of friendship. Freedom is the foundation of creativity. Life without freedom takes on a dark and sinister tone.

The word “freedom” and similar words “freedom”, “will”, “free” are the key words of Pushkin’s “dictionary”.

Reads the poem "To Chaadaev"

Petrova Maria. Pushkin's love lyrics are sincerity, nobility, delight, admiration, but not frivolity. With each of his poems about love, Pushkin seems to say that love, even unrequited, unrequited, is a great happiness that ennobles a person.

Reads the poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

Skvortsov Vitaly. Pushkin was the first Russian poet who not only knew and fell in love with wonderful world nature, but also revealed its beauty to readers. Nature in Pushkin's poetry comes to life in front of us in all its captivating beauty. Pushkin's all seasons are beautiful, but still his favorite time was autumn. In it, the poet is especially touched by the picture of the wilting of nature, filled with sadness. TO the best works Alexander Sergeevich's poem "Autumn" refers to autumn, in which he most vividly and fully expressed his attitude to all seasons.

Reads an excerpt from the poem "Autumn"

Eromolaeva Augustina.A.S. Pushkin considered poetry to be a “comforting angel”. She saved the poet more than once, gave him strength for life and struggle, reviving his incinerated soul. The theme of poet and poetry runs through all of Pushkin's work.
In his work, Pushkin built a whole concept about the place of the poet in the world, about the interaction of the poet and society, about the creative process. The main milestones of this concept, the main supports of Pushkin's "miraculous monument" are poetic manifestos: poems: "A Conversation of a Bookseller with a Poet" (1824), "Prophet" (1826), "Poet" (1827), "Poet and the Crowd" (1828) , "To the Poet" (1830). "Echo" (1831), "I erected a monument not made by hands ..." (1836).

For the poet, the main thing is to serve eternal values: goodness, freedom, mercy, and not the whims of the "crowd" and "rabble".

This is what he will write in verse. - and "I erected a monument not made by hands ..."

Reads the poem "I erected a monument not made by hands ..."


Evening is one of the most popular and favorite activities of students.

The theme of the evenings is varied. Some of them can be timed to the memorable dates of the calendar (for example, to the Victory Day: "We will be worthy in memory of the fallen", "Sound, memory alarm", "This holiday with tears in our eyes"), others are dedicated interesting facts history of the country, various problems of social and political life, literature, art, nature ("Songs of the Victory Year", "We are bequeathed to protect the world", "Miracle of the native land", "The voice of the motherland - the voice of the best muse", "Pain of mother earth" , "Thank you teacher").

Despite the huge variety of topics for the evenings, the methodology for preparing and conducting them is practically not much different.

At the stage of preparing the evening, a creative group is created, which includes the most initiative, active students. The task of the creative group is to develop a program for the upcoming evening. It should provide for:

Informing students about the evening (preparing the text of the announcement, making invitation cards, organizing special radio broadcasts, placing information in a wall newspaper, etc.);

. development of the script, literary and musical composition of the evening;

Collecting the material necessary for the script;

Decoration of the room where the evening will take place;

Organization of rehearsals.

The success of the evening is largely ensured by the content, brightness and persuasiveness of the information presented there. Therefore, the teacher's main concern is to help students collect interesting material and develop a script based on it. It is important to consider the following points: to provide a bright, emotionally expressive beginning of the evening, skillfully and expediently combine the text of the presenters with performances, fragments of works of art, reading poetry, speaking by guests, watching films, slides, showing illustrations, demonstrating documentary materials, holding all kinds of competitions, quizzes, musical accompaniment. Of the huge number of different forms of spending the evening, it is necessary to help students choose the most optimal one, so that, firstly, not to overload the evening with an abundance of techniques and means, and, secondly, not to impoverish its emotional expressiveness.

Let's look at the example of preparing the evening "Biography of my family in the biography of the country." The organizers of the evening, a month before the event, can conduct a questionnaire "Your pedigree", in which students are asked to answer questions related to youth and participation in the life of the country of their grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers, as well as other relatives. Sample questionnaire questions:

1. What is the participation of your relatives in the Great Patriotic War?

2. Which of your relatives worked on shock construction sites?

3. Are there any participants in the development of virgin lands among your relatives?

4. Where did your parents start their career?

5. What government awards have your family members received for their work?

Answers to the questionnaire require students to refer to the pedigree of their family, family heirlooms, documents, photographs, records of the memories of relatives. When all the questionnaires are collected, the organizers of the evening will be able to see how a significant period of the country's history was reflected in the fate of the relatives and friends of their classmates. The answers to the questionnaire will form the basis of the evening scenario. In addition, the organizers of the evening will select poems by poets of different generations, which will, as it were, introduce the audience to a certain era. At the evening, excerpts from documents, materials from questionnaires, behind which are the real fates of different generations, can also sound. At the evening, invited relatives with the most vivid biographies will speak with their memories. By the evening, a special issue of the newspaper with family photos, descriptions of interesting biographical facts, etc. can be prepared. The evening will end with a competition of staged songs.

Evenings have a high educational effect if they are held not from time to time, but regularly and according to a specific plan. This form of extracurricular work has a positive effect on expanding the horizons of students, creates conditions for the formation of their moral and aesthetic qualities.

Waltz evening

The main purpose of this evening is to show students the musicality of the waltz as one of the most beautiful dances, which is characterized by lyricism of melody, coherence of movements and music.

A few days before the evening, an ad is colorfully drawn up, which says about the day and hour of the event, describes summary evenings. Sample ad text:

On Saturday ... at ... o'clock there will be an evening dedicated to the forever young, everyone's favorite dance "waltz". You can not only dance and listen to music, but also take part in various competitions. In which? You will learn about this at the evening. You will receive prizes for your active participation in them. We are waiting for you, dear friends, at the waltz evening! " The detailed program of the evening can be printed on the invitation card.

The room in which the evening is held must be properly decorated. You can, for example, hang out portraits of composers, lyrics about waltz.

Due to the fact that a competition is held at the evening, a jury of 5 people is selected.

Spending the evening

1. The presenter's introductory speech, which reveals the history of the waltz (its emergence in the second half of the 18th century from folk dances of Austria, Czech Republic, Germany; its dissemination first in democratic social circles of Europe in the 19th century, and then in musical theater, ballet, opera, operetta; waltzes: F. Chopin, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, I. Strauss; waltz motifs in Russian lyric music: from A.A. Alyabyev, A.E. Varlamov, M.I. Glinka, A.K. Glazunov to contemporary composers).

2. Invitation to dance to the sounds of lyrical waltzes of modern composers: "School waltz" (music by I. Dunaevsky, el. M. Matusovsky), "Waltz about waltz" (music by E. Kalmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko), " Soldier's Waltz "(lyrics by B. Tsarin, music by A. Voronov)," May Waltz "(lyrics by M. Ash, music by I. Luchenko)," Sevastopol Waltz "(lyrics by G. Rublev, music by K. Listov).

3. Carrying out a mass game "Waltz Relay". Two teams (girls and boys) of 10 people are selected, which line up in the center of the hall facing each other. Each team is given a name. For example, the team of girls "Figured Waltz", boys - "Waltz". At the end of the hall there are two armchairs: one for girls, the other for boys. To the sound of a waltz, the young man who is the first invites the girl to the waltz. At the signal from the host, the music is interrupted and the girl runs to her chair, runs around it and sits down, calling her favorite waltz. She then takes a seat at the end of her team's line. The young man does this too. Who of them will be the first to reach his team gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

4. Conducting the game "Who knows more waltz songs". Two teams were created with their own name and conductor. Having heard the first sounds of music, the conductors begin to conduct, and the team picks up the song. The team that starts singing first gets a point. Song melodies change.

5. Conducting a music quiz. The order of its holding is reported: melodies of waltz and waltz songs are played, and those present name a piece of music and its composer.

6. Conducting a dance game. In the middle of the hall, an armchair is placed on which a certain object (book, flower, etc.) is placed. The presenter invites one of those present to sit in a chair and take an object, then loudly announces the game. To the sound of music, two girls approach the seated boy (two boys, if there is a girl in the chair). The young man hands over the object to one of them, and she takes his place, and on the other he goes to dance.

7. Demonstration performances of masters of ballroom dancing.

8. Competition for the best amateur waltz performance.

9. Presentation of awards to the winners of competitions and invitation of all those present to dance to the music of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "Swan Lake".

An evening of questions and answers

Evenings of questions and answers contribute to the development of youth interest in socio-political, moral, ethical and other knowledge. It is advisable to conduct them simultaneously for two or three classes (groups) of students once every six months.

A month before the evening, the organizers place a question box in a prominent place. A notice is posted next to it, in which the organizers of the evening invite students to ask questions about topics of interest. The message about the evening is broadcast on the school radio and separately in all classes (groups). Some of the students may be asked by the organizers of the evening with an individual request to ask any interesting question. Not later than a week before the evening, all received questions are systematized, laid out by topic, and then passed on to specialists who could deeply and meaningfully answer questions of interest to young people. Naturally, it is impossible to give comprehensive answers to all questions in one evening. Therefore, it is best to group them by topic. This will allow you to schedule a cycle of evenings, post a colorful announcement about when, where and on what topic the next evening will be held.

The evening usually begins with an introductory speech by the moderator, who announces the topic, talks about the received questions, introduces those who will answer them. Then comes the main part: answers to questions. It is good if the respondents offer students a list of recommended literature on the issues of interest.

At the evening, the pupils may have new questions, so the presenter asks all participants in the evening to submit these questions to the presidium in writing. After the evening, the organizers can issue a newsletter with short answers to all questions asked.

The Q&A evening can be ended with a documentary on the topic under discussion.

Homecoming evening

In schools and others educational institutions There is a good tradition: on a certain day of each year, an evening is held with graduates from different years.

To prepare the evening, an organizing committee is created, which develops the script. Students of all ages participate in the preparation of the evening, but students of graduation classes (groups) are traditionally appointed responsible. One of the classes looks for the addresses of alumni, veteran teachers and sends them an invitation to the evening of the meeting. (There may be another option: each class is looking for graduates, * graduates, respectively, graduated 10 "A" class, etc., collects interesting information about them, records interviews, shoots a video camera.) The second class is responsible for preparing the artistic concert amateur performances; the third prepares a newspaper "Wonderful School Years" or a humorous wall newspaper "And It Happens", which contains stories about various cases from school life; the fourth is responsible for souvenirs for graduates and guests; the fifth for the decoration of the hall, etc.

By the evening of the meeting, the school (school, college) is festively decorated with garlands, balls, flowers. In the lobby and in the hall there are posters "Welcome!", "School is our native home"," Friends, our union is wonderful! " and etc.

Decoration plays a big role in creating a festive atmosphere at the evening. It is important that it reflects the history of the school and the life of its team: photo stands that display photographs of students from different years, excerpts from their school essays, exhibitions of drawings, handicrafts, an exhibition-joke "Exhibits from school life" (cribs, airplanes, slingshots, etc. etc. with humorous inscriptions), photo collages, etc. You can leave space for the creativity of the graduates themselves: in the lobby, set up a stand for announcements, wishes, greetings, remarks - "Emergency Newspaper".

Arrivals for the evening are registered. Each graduate is awarded a photograph of the school, flowers, the text of the song "Our School Country" (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov). A tour of the school (college, college) is organized.

There is a statistical office that organizes the completion of the proposed questionnaire by all graduates:

2) Year of release.

3) What profession have you dreamed of?

4) Your profession.

During the evening, the statistical office processes the questionnaires and posts a newsletter with the results of the questionnaire. Sample newsletter


Today at our evening there are___graduates,

19 __year of release__people, 19__year of release__people etc.

Our guests are people__professions, of which______ etc.

Interesting that___people made your dream come true

and steel_____________.

Since the arrival of guests usually lasts for quite a long time, it is important to think over how and what to occupy the first guests who arrive. For this purpose, you can organize a variety of "salons" ("astrologer", "photo salon", "radio salon", "music salon", "hairdressing salon"), where you can order and listen to your favorite song, make an announcement on the school radio. An exhibition and sale of creative works of students may be opened, where, for a small fee, everyone can buy a souvenir that he loves.

The song “Evening of school friends” (lyrics by M. Ryabinin, music by A. Morozov) is played in the hall. The organizers of the evening invite guests to the tables, each of which has a sign indicating the year of graduation of the pupils.

The evening can be held in the following sequence.

1. Graduates of different years are invited to the stage, to whom, after the presentation, those present are asked questions, for example:

Do you remember your first lesson?

What was your favorite subject and why?

Was your team friendly?

Have you always behaved well in class?

Have your dreams come true?

Who or what influenced the choice of your profession?

2. The ringing bell announces that the next moment of the evening begins - "History Lesson". Its theme is "School history". The director or high school student comes on stage and talks about the school, its teachers, pupils of different years. The story may be accompanied by demonstration of amateur films about the school, its students, teachers in different years.

3. After calling for a break, students interview graduates of different years, on the material of which an express bulletin is issued:

What was the school like when you studied there?

What events of school life do you remember the most?

At this time, a holiday program dedicated to graduates of different years is played on the school radio.

4. The call gathers the participants of the evening for the "Lesson of Memories". Everyone goes to their classes. Here graduates meet with their former teachers.




































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