A decent person which means. Class hour "what it means to be a decent person"

If I am a decent person, it is because decency itself

in itself is good, and not because I will be rewarded for it.

John Galsworthy. Girl waiting

Decency as a personality trait - the ability to follow the moral norms of the Divine commandments, the requirements of the laws of the Universe; inability to do low deeds, to be unethical towards rivals in a difficult situation for them.

A boy of about ten entered a cafe and sat down at a table. The waitress came up to him. - How much does chocolate ice cream with nuts cost? The boy asked. “Thirty rubles,” the woman replied. The boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and counted the coins. - How much is a simple ice cream, without anything? The child asked. “Twenty-five rubles,” the waitress replied. The boy counted the coins again. “I want a simple ice cream,” he decided. The waitress brought ice cream, put the bill on the table and left. The child ate ice cream, paid the bill at the checkout, and left. When the waitress returned to clean the table, a lump in her throat got stuck when she saw that next to the empty vase lay neatly folded coins, three rubles - her tip.

When you doubt what to do in order to avoid dishonor, act according to your conscience, it will always unmistakably show you a noble and decent path.

Decency is mental cleanliness. Decency is the ability not to harm by word, deed, thought, anyone, never, under any circumstances. A decent person will never commit a dishonorable act that could have for anyone, including himself personally, even conditionally hypothetically negative consequences.

Decency is the ability of the soul and mind in each of its actions to be in unison with the Divine commandments and laws of the Universe. For example, a decent person carries the commandment “Do not kill” through life not only as an inability to kill innocent people, but also as a concern for the environment and the well-being of other forms of life. Decency refers to the commandment "Do not steal" in the context: - it is better to give your own than to take someone else's; - it is better to incur a loss yourself than to cause damage to someone; - it is better to live from hand to mouth than to become a thief.

A decent person is one who has learned to be God on Earth. Decency is an algorithm in which the first thought before an act is: “What would God have done in this case?”, And then, having received the approval of the mind and the applause of the soul, the act itself is performed.

According to the "Definitions" of the Platonic school, decency is "sincerity of character combined with the right way of thinking; honesty of character. " In translations ethical writings Aristotle as "decency" is sometimes transmitted the term epieikeya (which is more often translated as kindness). Decent ( epiaques) a person will never do wrong of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator has defined in general terms, but was unable to detail for each individual case.

Decency, contrary to its interests, will act according to conscience. Imbued with a sense of justice, she is on friendly terms with conscience, honor and morality. She never envies anyone. On the contrary, she tries to rejoice in other people's successes, does not seek to get what already belongs to someone, she is honest and truthful. Decency realizes the short duration of life and is in a hurry to do good. She treats other people with understanding and compassion, while showing benevolence and responsiveness.

Decency does not slander, that is, it speaks of an absent person as if he were sitting opposite. Stephen Covey writes: “Lack of decency can undermine almost any effort to create a High Trust Account. If you are two-faced by nature, then you may strive to understand the other person, pay attention to small things, keep promises, clarify and meet expectations - but you will not be able to accumulate the desired reserve of trust. Decency includes honesty, but it is broader than that. Being honest is telling the truth, providing the correspondence of our words to reality.Being decent is about making it fit with reality. our words,that is, keeping promises and meeting expectations. This requires decency and oneness - mainly with oneself, but also with the reality of life. One of the most important manifestations of decency is loyalty to absent.By protecting those who are absent, you gain the trust of those who are present.

Suppose we are talking in private and we both criticize our leader in a manner that we would not dare to do in his presence. What happens if you and I have a falling out? You know perfectly well that I will discuss your shortcomings with someone. This is what we were doing behind the back of our leader. You know my nature. I say nice things to my face, but I slander behind my back. You saw how I can do it. "

A decent person is obligatory and respectful to other people. It would not even enter his head to make promises, knowing in advance that he would not fulfill them. He is sacred to his obligations and agreements. With such a person, you do not need to be surrounded by written agreements, signatures, seals and sanctions. It is enough to shake his hand and you can be completely sure that he will break into a "cake", but will fulfill his obligations. You can rely on decency, it will not let you down in difficult times, will not betray, will not substitute and will not cheat.

If you want to be respected, respect others. Respect for people is the hallmark of decency. Therefore, other decent people highly value her. One of the richest people in the world, Warren Buffett, said: “When I hire people, I pay attention to three qualities. The first is integrity, the second is intelligence and the third is high energy... But in the absence of the first - the other two will kill you! " The translator used the word “integrity” to describe what is more commonly called decency in Russia. At the same time, due to the predictability of their behavior, decency becomes an easy prey for manipulators, intriguers, in a word, for the entire long gallery of dishonest people.

A person cannot be spiritual until he becomes decent. The strength to be decent is the minimum requirement for spirituality. You can become a spiritual person through the education of culture and morality. But for this, you first need to become a decent person. Crooked road to spirituality without the possession of decency. If a person cannot behave himself decently, what kind of spirituality will he have? Such a “spiritual” teacher without a twinge of conscience will sleep with his students, take a bribe for passing the exam. A decent person is not capable of this.

Of course, there are different students, but a decent teacher would rather drown himself before succumbing to voluptuousness. One such student tells her friend: - Imagine, he raped me, and I considered him a teacher! - How did it happen? - How, how ... We went with him to the sauna, then he invited me to his place for a drink, I got so lucky, I undressed, climbed into bed, and then he pounced on me ... - You climbed into his bed naked and say that you were raped ?! - Well, after all, I was counting on his decency ...

Decency is a personality trait that can be cultivated in oneself through the gradual cultivation of other virtues in oneself. People, faced with an abundance of virtues, sometimes get scared, not understanding how to grow them at the same time in the "garden" of their soul. There is one trick here: it is worth cultivating in oneself, for example, responsibility, as this virtue will pull out a whole "armful" of other positive personality traits. Together with responsibility, commitment, honesty and decency will become your property.

One young man at the age of 22 has set a goal for himself - to cultivate in himself such dignities that will allow him to become a worthy and decent person. He took it extraordinarily seriously. Knowing that a goal becomes a goal if it is formalized in writing, he started a special notebook in which he formulated the virtues that he decided to develop in himself, and began to follow them every day, develop them - and put himself in the notebook for his successes. Many years passed, but perseverance and perseverance were rewarded - he succeeded: Benjamin Franklin became one of the most decent people of his time.

Petr Kovalev

Dictionaries describe a decent person in a corny, simple way - he is an honest person who meets the accepted rules of behavior.

But life goes on and a lot is changing, people are also not lagging behind, and now it is difficult to give such a simple definition of decency, to understand what kind of a decent person he is in modern world, and in general, what is this decency.

Of course, at all times, decency as a quality of a person remains in value, it is considered a rather rare quality, because education is still not the same, and society does not encourage decency as such.

What is decency as a quality of a person?

Decency is a quality that is characterized by honesty and strict moral principles.

Decent people are reliable, generous, friendly with their conscience, noble, mostly sincere, fair and kind. By and large, we should all strive to be like that and undoubtedly each of us would like to be surrounded by exceptionally decent people.

Decency is also characterized by the inability of a person to commit acts that contradict his moral and moral standards, and if a decent person unintentionally or unintentionally violates these standards, then most likely he will feel shame, remorse and will do everything in order not to repeat them.

What kind of person can be called decent?

In ethics, there is a principle of "presumption of decency", following which every person should be considered decent until he proves otherwise. But, all the same, we will single out several signs that distinguish a decent person from a not decent one.

Qualities of a decent person

In interpersonal communication, a decent person prefers truthful criticism to compromise, flattery, and insincere praise.

A decent person is obligatory and respectful to other people. It would not even enter his head to make promises, knowing in advance that he would not fulfill them. He is sacred to his obligations and agreements.

Responsibility is distinctive feature a decent person. Decent people are extremely responsible and at the same time honest, or they try to be honest, because circumstances are different and people are not ideal.

Decency goes hand in hand with generosity and generosity. Therefore, for a decent person, the needs of other people are higher than their own.

A decent person will always come to the rescue. Seth Meyers, Ph.D. in psychology, says the volunteer movement is where you should look for really decent people. This is because decent people never take the time to help other people. They are always happy to do something for the sake of those who are less fortunate in life than they are. Moreover, it makes them happy.

Modesty adorns already good decent people. At the same time, decent people generally think well of other people. You will not hear flattering words or non-constructive criticism from a decent person. They are truthful and honest, first of all to themselves.

Decency is a personality trait that can be brought up in oneself through gradual self-development and the development of other virtues in oneself. It is worth cultivating in yourself, for example, responsibility, as together with responsibility, commitment, honesty, and decency will become your property.

A model of behavior of a decent and honest person is available to absolutely each of us, there would be a desire and motivation to become better.

The principles of decency

The foundation of decency is laid in childhood. Parents, giving their children an example of honesty, sincerity in communication, faithfulness to their word, teach children to decency and responsibility.

Reading spiritual, philosophical, classical literature. By increasing the level of education and expanding horizons through acquaintance with high-quality literature, a person creates a basis for the development of decency in himself.

Admitting your mistakes. Recognizing and trying to correct their voluntary or involuntary mistakes - a person fosters decency in himself. Try to apologize and ask for forgiveness if you are at fault.

Benevolence and faith in good. Decent people never jump to conclusions about other people. They always give them a chance to explain themselves and continue the relationship, even if the opinions and views of other people do not coincide with their own.

Responsibility, honesty and reliability are fundamental qualities that every decent person has. Without them, you cannot cultivate decency.

Decency - the moral quality of a person who always strives to fulfill his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person makes sure not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for those around him (that is, those that happened against the will of the one who do it) cannot characterize the person as dishonorable. They also cannot characterize a person as dishonest, actions that have caused harm, if these actions are committed with the aim of preventing even more harm, or committed with the necessary defense (including self-defense).

The history of the development of the concept

decency transferred term κοσμιοτης , akin to the word space. According to the Gorgias dialogue, the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness, just such is the temperate and temperate soul. Socrates says in dialogue:

epieikeya epiaques

Word usage

fair, eg: decent scoundrel, decent bastard.

External links

Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "Decency" Wiktionary has an article "Integrity"

In Russian

  • Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics"
  • Aphorisms about decency
  • MBA: Decency Exam

Sources of

  • Ozhegov S.I.

see also

  • Modesty

Decency is:


Decency - the moral quality of a person who always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person makes sure not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for those around him (that is, those that happened against the will of the one who do it) cannot characterize the person as dishonest.

Decency as a moral quality is a category of ethics and is included in a wider ethical concept Of good.

  • Antonymic concepts are meanness, meanness.
  • Synonymous concepts are decency, decency.

The history of the development of the concept

In Russian translations of Plato as decency transferred term κοσμιοτης , akin to the word space. According to the “Gorgias” dialogue, the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness, just such is the temperate and temperate soul. Socrates says in dialogue:

The sages teach, Callicles, that heaven and earth, gods and people are united by communication, friendship, decency, self-control and supreme justice; for this reason they call our Universe "space" and not "disorder", my friend, and not "outrage"

According to the "Definitions" of the Platonic school, decency is "sincerity of character combined with the right way of thinking; honesty of character. "

In translations of Aristotle's ethical works, the term "decency" is sometimes referred to as epieikeya (which is more often translated as kindness). Decent ( epiaques) a person will never do wrong of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator has defined in general terms, but was unable to detail for each individual case.

Ushakov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, incapacity for low deeds.

Ozhegov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, inability to low, immoral, antisocial acts.

Word usage

Back in the 19th century, the word "decent" was widely used in the sense fair, eg: decent scoundrel, decent bastard.

External links

Wiktionary has an article "decency" Wiktionary has an article "Decency" Wiktionary has an article "Integrity"

In Russian

  • Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics"
  • Safyanov V. I. "Ethics of communication".
  • The presumption of decency and the principle of equality in substantiating the materiality of the world
  • Aphorisms about decency
  • MBA: Decency Exam
  • "There must be decency in politics"
  • I. G. Vorontsov "On decency"
  • IG Vorontsov "Why do we need decency?"
  • Haci Ilgar Ibrahimoglu Decency: morality or the public?
  • Heinz Lemmermann LESSONS OF Rhetoric and Debate (Ch. 2) 2002

Sources of

  • Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Russian language, 1986 .-- 798 p.
  1. Plato. Gorgiy 508a, per. S.P. Markish // Sobr. op. In 4 volumes.Moscow, 1990.Vol. 1. P.552
  2. Definitions 412e, trans. S.Ya.Sheinman-Topstein // Plato. Sobr. op. In 4 t.M., 1994.T.4. P.617
  3. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics IV 1128b24; Great Ethics II 1198b24 // Sobr. op. T.4. M., 1983.S. 143, 338
  • Morality
  • Personality traits

What is decency in terms of concepts?

Oleg shishkin

Decency is the moral quality of a person. A decent person always keeps his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person makes sure not to harm, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for those around him (that is, those that happened against the will of the one who do it) cannot characterize the person as dishonorable.
Decency as a moral quality is a category of ethics and is included in the broader ethical concept of Good.
The history of the development of the concept
In Russian translations of Plato, the term κοσμιοτης, akin to the word cosmos, is conveyed as decency. According to the "Gorgias" dialogue, the dignity of every thing, including the soul, is coherence and orderliness, just such is the temperate and temperate soul. Socrates says in dialogue:
The sages teach, Callicles, that heaven and earth, gods and people are united by communication, friendship, decency, self-control and supreme justice; for this reason they call our Universe "space" and not "disorder", my friend, and not "outrage"
According to the "Definitions" of the Platonic school, decency is "sincerity of character combined with the right way of thinking; honesty of character. " A decent person is absolutely honest; one who has his own virtue.
In translations of Aristotle's ethical writings, the term epieikeya (which is more often translated as kindness) is sometimes rendered as "decency". A decent (epieykes) person will never do something bad of his own free will. He chooses in his behavior what the legislator has defined in general terms, but was unable to detail for each individual case.
Ushakov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, incapacity for low deeds.
Ozhegov's dictionary defines decency as honesty, inability to low, immoral, antisocial acts.

The concept of Decency is socially conditioned, and therefore bears the imprint of a social attitude to specific human actions not from abstract humanity, but from the point of view of social morality of specific social groups.

the moral quality of a person who always strives to fulfill his promises and does not intentionally harm others. Thus, if a person makes sure not to harm others, then the consequences of his actions that are unpleasant for those around him (that is, those that happened against the will of the doer) cannot characterize the person as dishonorable. They also cannot characterize a person as dishonest, actions that have caused harm, if these actions are committed with the aim of preventing even more harm, or committed with the necessary defense (including self-defense).

Help write an essay reasoning "what it means to be a decent person

Only another example is needed, not this one
Our neighbor Ivan Gavrilovich, visiting my grandfather to play chess, speaks with condemnation of her children, who have completely forgotten their mother. It's good that there are kind people who go to the market to shop for Ksenia Petrovna, and to the pharmacy, and a doctor, if necessary, will be called. At first glance, he speaks correctly. Only now the sympathy of Ivan Gavrilovich is limited to words. The grandfather does not support the conversation about the callousness of Ksenia Petrovna's children. He believes that it is ugly to discuss the personal life of neighbors. I ask my grandfather: “Why don’t you tell Ivan Gavrilovich that you and your grandmother, and my mother, come to Ksenia’s grandmother and help her around the house?” The grandfather replied: “We help our neighbor from the bottom of our hearts, at the behest of our hearts, and not so that people would say how great we are. Decency is when you do good and do not shout about it. And it is not great work to sympathize and condemn soulless children in words ”.

Moral man

My wife, covering her face with a veil,
In the evening I went to her lover;
I sneaked into his house with the police
And he caught ... He called out: I didn't fight!
She went to bed and died
Tormented by shame and sorrow ...
Living according to strict morality,
I have done no harm to anyone in my life.
I had a daughter; fell in love with the teacher
And I wanted to run away with him in a temper.
I threatened her with a curse: resigned
And she married a gray-haired rich man.
Their house was as shiny and full as a cup;
But Masha suddenly began to turn pale and fade away
And a year later she died in consumption,
Having struck down the whole house with deep sorrow ...
Living according to strict morality,
I have done no harm to anyone in my life ...
I gave the peasant to the cook:
He succeeded; a good cook is happiness!
But he was often absent from the yard
And the name of an obscene addiction
Had: loved to read and reason.
I'm tired of threatening and scolding,
Fatherly slapped him, with a canal,
He took it and drowned himself: he found the crap!
Living according to strict morality,
I have done no harm to anyone in my life.
My friend did not present the debt to me on time.
I, hinting in a friendly way to him,
The law has given us to judge:
The law sentenced him to prison.
In it he died without paying an altyn,
But I'm not angry, even though there is a reason to be angry!
I forgave him the debt that day,
Honoring him with tears and sorrow ...
Living according to strict morality,
I have done no harm to anyone in my life.

Stas Kuzin

Decency is the moral quality of a person who strives to fulfill what he promises and behaves correctly. Order is the harmonious state or arrangement of something. To treat people well is, I think very good quality person, each should respect the other.
I believe that you need to be friends with your neighbors in any way, otherwise there will be enmity between you, rivalry. I am very familiar with my neighbors, we are friends, and if we need something we can ask for it.
People who are good to other people or animals in need are very compassionate. Seeing such people, I understand that not everyone in this world is so callous and heartless. I myself try to help people and animals.
Many people, mostly teenagers, think that decency and kindness are out of fashion, then now, in our time, you need to behave like a rude brute. My friends and I don't think so. We love helping people and we believe that decency, kindness and mercy will always remain in fashion, and I also hope that after us there will be the same teenagers who will leave the memory of good manners.

Class hour

"What does it mean to be a decent person"

Purpose: the formation of the value attitude of schoolchildren to the moral category "decency"


Clarification of the essence and content of the concept of "decent person".

Correlation of the ideal ideas of schoolchildren about decency with the real actions of the people around them and life events and the identification of contradictions and problems on this basis.

Modeling adolescents' own behavior in accordance with their ideas about decency.

Form of conducting: combined.

Preparation stage.

Questionnaire class students and summarizing the information received. Questionnaire questions: 1) Make a verbal portrait of a person whom, in your opinion, can be called a decent person.

2) Briefly describe a situation you remember that testifies to the decency of this person.

Quote on the board: "The best thing about good deeds is the desire to hide them." (B. Pascal).

Selection of factual information on the topic under discussion.

Material support for group work: paper, felt-tip pen, scotch tape, strips (1/2 sheet A-14).

Classroom teacher : The concept of "decent person" has become somewhat unusual today, and for some - banal, out of fashion. Few people today will give way to an elderly person in transport, come to the aid of the weak, and even more so - sacrifice their interests for the sake of someone. The world is cruel, everyone is in a hurry, and there is no time to stop and think: “Who am I? And why did you come to this world? "

Once I became a witness (and then a participant) of an unusual incident on the street. Old man. Leaning against the wall, he slowly settled to the sidewalk. He was not well dressed, so the people passing by decided: drunk or homeless, and looked away indifferently. An intelligent man of about forty stopped and asked sympathetically: "What's the matter with you?" The old man could not answer: only a suffering glance begged for help. The man, and later two women who came up, began to call the ambulance, someone wiped the patient's sweat, gave him a drink. None of the three left until the doctors arrived.

Then I thought: "What if in the place of this old man there would be someone very close to me, and no one would help?" I felt scared, and I was imbued with great respect for these completely strangers who could not step over someone's life. What a blessing that such decent people still exist on earth! May God send them something good: after all, it is known that good returns.

So, the topic of our today's meeting is "What does it mean to be a decent person?" We will conduct it in an active discussion mode. We are all interested in everyone's opinion. Even if he does not share the position of the majority.

First student: A group of guys and I studied your answers (the questionnaire was anonymous, so no surnames). We were looking for a difficult set of qualities that, in your opinion, are inherent in a decent person, but we studied your description of an event, fact or action, which proves that the person you described is really decent. As you remember, it was allowed to cite a literary hero as an example.

There were no refusals to complete the task, but, let's say, an unfair attitude was observed (including “joking” answers about grandfather Mazai - 1 person and obvious cheating from each other - 3 people). But on the whole, we are grateful to everyone for their sincerity. judgments. The variants of a decent person, differing in details, turned out to be almost identical in the most important. Honest man:

This is the one who knows how to come to the rescue;

Kind (merciful);

Honest (conscientious).

For some of you, the main features of a decent person are "observance of the rules of etiquette", "politeness", "culture". In total, the list of traits with which you described a decent person is represented by a list of more than 20 qualities, the most used of them we presented on the board in descending order of frequency of mentions:

Who knows how to come to the rescue;

Kind (merciful);

Honest (conscientious);

Respecting others;

Respecting the rules of etiquette;

Yielding place in transport;

Who knows how to keep his word;

Sacrificing his own interests;

Not able to offend.

Second student: Only every third of you could describe a really decent person he knows. They turned out to be grandmothers, grandfathers, a sports coach, a teacher, an uncle, a peer. For example, one of you wrote: “I consider my football coach to be a decent person. He is always honest. When we were going to the regional football competitions among teenagers, he flatly refused to take children over a certain age, although in other teams almost everyone did it. And I think that this is where his decency manifests itself. But in other matters he always acts according to his conscience. "

Classroom teacher: We will not voice the portraits you described: many of the descriptions are very personal. I just want to be glad that there are such wonderful people in your environment, may there be more of them in your life. And we move on to the next stage of our ascent to understanding the concept of "decent person" (he approaches the blackboard and draws or models a diagram from paper fragments):

The group chops from your class (names the names), after analyzing your answers to the questionnaire, conducted a search interesting information for each of the three qualities indicated in the scheme. I am pleased to give them the floor.

Third student: In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, mercy is defined as follows: "Love, sympathy, willingness to do good to everyone, love in practice." Traditionally, mercy was encouraged in Russian families. The duty was to give shelter to the stranger. The crippled and the poor were revered by the people. The blind were transferred from village to village without a guide, and they were accommodated for the night. The gentleness of character was supported, for example, by the ubiquitous tradition of asking forgiveness on the Sunday of Forgiveness from everyone who was offended.

Under Alexander III, who ascended the throne in 1881, 5,000 churches were built with government funds and donations, among them a special place was occupied by the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, built in memory of the deliverance from the Napoleonic invasion. Historically, there has been an understanding of mercy as compassion for orphans, seriously ill, weak people in trouble.

Fourth student: And here are the judgments of some of our graduates, transmitted to us by our teacher of literature: "Mercy is when I can feel someone else's pain as my own, do good without hesitation and not expecting to receive something in return."

“It seems to me that mercy begins with a reverent attitude towards close, dear people. I am suspicious of peers who rarely go to their grandmothers and do not help them. It seems to me that it is easier to perform feats than to “crush” a lazy person every day ”.

Fifth student: In one of the magazines, I came across an interesting reflection of our contemporaries about compassion towards neighbor, which is a vivid proof of decency: “I live in a big house. One evening I heard a rustle outside the door. Deciding to see what was there, I opened the doors. A boy of about five years old, our neighbor, was standing on the landing. Drenched and chilled, he cried softly. I asked him: "They won't let you in?" He nodded and cried even more. I invited him to my place, but he did not go: he remained standing at his door. The kid was not allowed home by his own parents! They came up with such a punishment for their son, if he comes from a walk later than the prescribed time. I decided to call his apartment. His father opened the door. I asked in confusion: "Does your heart hurt for your son?" To which he calmly answered me: "What about him?" Then he slammed the door with such force that plaster fell.

Unmercifulness begins precisely with an attack on a loved one. He was rude - and I will be rude. He was late - and I will be late. We often say: "Everyone has become cruel, indifferent, they have forgotten about mercy." But who are they all? This is us! So let's start with ourselves - be merciful towards everyone, always and everywhere. "

Sixth disciple: We often use the word "conscience", sometimes without deeply delving into the meaning of this concept, which is a component of decency. Conscience. The prefix is \u200b\u200bused in cases indicating community or involvement. We meet it in such words as sympathy, cooperation, co-illness, etc., that is, in those words that tell us about the unity of related people. Behind the prefix comes the root of the message, that is, to know, to know. He points out that conscience lets us know about the correctness or incorrectness of an act committed by us in relation to other people, because we are a community, we live together.

Classroom teacher: Thanks guys. And now I would like to invite you to the Museum of hurtful memories. I invite you, my dear interlocutors, to recall and briefly (in 2-3 sentences) describing, "hand over to the museum" the memory of your own dishonest deed. By doing this, you can vocalize what you are still ashamed of, or you can simply say who you hurt. Some of you may want to apologize, which will be great, as it will be a stepping stone to decency. (The stage of children's revelations follows, it is always met with great understanding by children).

Classroom teacher: So our conversation has come to an end. But I don't want to end it on an empty note. Therefore, I take this "chamomile" in my hands and ask you, tearing off the petal, to tell you about how a kind, decent person helped you in a difficult situation. And, if I may, I'll start with myself.

Long ago, 20 years ago, I came to a large unfamiliar city to go to college. In my pocket I had the address of a relative with whom I was supposed to stay. It was evening when I finally found the coveted home. However, no one answered my persistent calls. All of a sudden, the table is very scary and lonely: I don't know the city, there are no more acquaintances, and there is “not much money,” and I began to cry. But then I saw an elderly woman who was returning to one of the apartments. She looked at me sympathetically and asked what was the matter. And then she sheltered me, a complete stranger, for a whole week, as it turned out that a relative was on a business trip. She was worried about my exams, fed me delicious pies and did not take any money from me. We were friends with this nice woman for a long time, I helped her when she was sick, FACT IT IS KIND "INACTIVE", IT DOES OTHER PEOPLE KINDER.

Homeroom teacher: Thank you all for your participation. I hope our conversation was not in vain. Think about what was said today. I want to believe that you will all become decent people and will multiply good in this wonderful world... Love people, remember your high destiny. This is precisely what Yuri Drunina's wonderful poems are about:

Faces and dates are erased

But still before last day,

I remember those who once

They warmed me at least with something.

Warmed with your raincoat,

Or in a quiet, playful word,

Or tea at a shaky table,

Or simply a kind face.

Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle

Kindness goes on earth.

And I won't forget about her,

How I forget about evil.

“Once I became a witness (and then a participant) of an unusual incident on the street. The elderly man, leaning against the wall, slowly sank to the sidewalk. He was not dressed very well, so the people passing by decided: drunk or homeless - and looked away indifferently. An intelligent man of about forty stopped and asked sympathetically: "What's the matter with you?" The old man could not answer: only a suffering glance begged for help. The man, and later two women who came up, began to call the ambulance, someone wiped the patient's sweat, gave him a drink. None of the three left until the doctors arrived. Then I thought: "What if in the place of this old man there would be someone very close to me, and no one would help?" I felt scared, and I was imbued with great respect for these completely strangers who could not cross someone's life. What a blessing that such decent people still exist on earth! May God send them something good: after all, it is known that good returns. "

Polina Dashkova - writer

What will be discussed in today's lesson?

Dictionary V. Dahl

ORALITY - honesty, inability to low, immoral, antisocial acts.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl


Model of a decent person

Yielding place

in transport

Able to come

for help


keep the word






personal interests

Respecting others




rules of etiquette


Mercy - kindness, sympathy, willingness to do good to everyone, love in practice.

(V. Dahl)

think about the question: is it possible to call the situation described in the poem by Irina Kuleshova as a manifestation of mercy:

In the fairgrounds, amid the noisy crowd of people,

The stray dog \u200b\u200bwandered, driven by hunger anguish.

And from the stalls it smelled so delicious of pizza, hot dogs, boiled sausage.

Well, how can you not stop when your stomach aches with emptiness.

Oh, how she looked at everyone, who chewed a sandwich at the counter.

Then she approached the boy timidly: it seemed to her that he called her.

- Get out of here! - he wanted to launch crumpled paper into it.

The old woman here stood up for the poor fellow, trying to convince the boy.

Then she slowly counted the money in her wrinkled hand,

And, going up to the open window, I bought two ruddy whites.

- Eat, darling, but excuse me that it’s not enough, well, come bolder, don’t stop!

And life began to play in the eyes of the dogs! This is how happiness and kindness met here.

Compassion is Mercy Mercy is Good Good is LoveChristian commandment: « Love so close as yourself "

What influences the development of decency traits in a person?

family education (parents are able to bring up basic moral and moral qualities in a person)

reading and broadening one's horizons (through books, theater, music, cinema)

faith (helps to gain a spiritual core)

Etiquette (in ethics there is even a term "presumption of decency", according to which a person remains decent until he proves otherwise)

traditions (adherence to the traditions of their people forms a person as a citizen)

reputation (very often the desire to save one's face takes a person away from bad deeds)

communication with people (free from insincerity and lies fosters high morality in a person)

2) During the Titanic disaster, first-class passengers were first put into boats, but Baron Guggenheim gave up his place in the boat to a woman with a child, and he himself carefully shaved and accepted death with dignity.


  • Winter. You walk down the street and see the following picture: a man lies motionless in the snow, his eyes are closed. He is dressed casually. maybe , bum or drunk. Passers-by pass by indifferently. Do you also pass by indifferently or ...?

2. You check your grocery receipt. The change was more than expected. What do you do when you find an error.

3. At night, someone’s alarm went off under the window. You went out to the balcony to look and after a while you realized that the door of the screaming car was open. Then the door closed and a guy ran away from the car. The alarm stopped shouting. Do you calmly go to bed or ...?

4. At McDonald's, you went into a toilet stall and found that someone had forgotten a bag on the hook (it contains a wallet with money, documents). There is no one in the toilet except you. Your actions?

Highlight actions that you feel are dishonest. Number them in sequence from the most dishonest to the least dishonest. Please comment on your choice.

  • Drug use
  • Poor parenting
  • Animal abuse
  • Drunkenness
  • Rudeness, rudeness, obscene language
  • Enrichment at the expense of others
  • Business non-binding
  • Tax avoidance
  • Dodging military service
  • Appropriation of found things and money
  • Ticket-free travel