What does a person work for? (essay on a moral and ethical theme). Why do you need to study an essay? Why does a person need to work an essay

Learning accompanies us throughout our lives. From early childhood, we learn something, get to know this world. Many of us, studying this or that subject at school, say that it is unlikely to be useful to him sometime in the future. I think this is a very big mistake. No one will ever know in advance who he is destined to become in the future, what knowledge and skills will be useful in the future.

Life is changing very rapidly. Today some professions and specialties are in demand, tomorrow - others. It is very important to be on the same wavelength with such important changes,

Which will affect our entire future life. There are even cases when people, having worked in one field for a long time, are forced to change their occupation and go to study again in order to master a new specialty.

Studying is not only about learning the school material. During the lesson, the teacher can teach us only a small part of the topic, direct us in the right direction. Self-education, studying additional material at home, in the library, using modern media.

If we become educated, intelligent people, communication will do

With us it will be more interesting, will expand the circle of acquaintances. There are so many unusual things in the world around us! If we properly allocate our time, we will be able to master a lot of valuable information.

Never forget that we are now provided with unique opportunity study the mass of necessary and useful information... A few decades ago, many of our peers could not even dream about it. You need to wisely take advantage of such opportunities and not miss your chance to become an educated person.

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Great joy is work

In the fields, at the machine, at the table!

V. Bryusov

Some of the French classics said that work is pleasure. Bryusov calls him joy. Marxists argue that it was labor that created man. "Working days are holidays for us," was sung in one Soviet song. At all times, the toiler was a respected member of society, and it condemned the lazy, the slacker. Religion affirms the dogma of labor "by the sweat of your brow." But no one publicly said that a person works for the sake of money, for the sake of his material well-being. Everyone understood this, I think, but somehow it was not customary to talk about it out loud, it was considered almost ashamed. This, it seems to me, is a false shame.

Of course, a person should not work all his life just for the sake of money. But in the West (and now often in our country), a student, in his free time, does an unloved job to pay for his studies. Yes, he works for money. But after all, in order to work in the future where his soul called him. Labor in the area to which there is inclination and interest, labor at the call of the heart and mind, will reveal in a person all his abilities, talents, and maybe genius. The assessment of such work is no less important than the recognition of its social significance and usefulness. And you should not hide from yourself and others that you want to receive more money for your work. Each work must be paid at its worth, otherwise a person loses the incentive to do it. It's great when work is more than just a means of earning a livelihood. Favorite work is so much for a person! Favorite - but not free.

Decent wages give a person the opportunity not to think constantly about their daily bread, but to focus on improving their qualifications, on studying the experience of colleagues, in the end - on raising their intellectual level. This is already genuine creativity in work. For the sake of such satisfaction, happiness, joy it is worth working up to the seventh sweat. Material from the site

When we hear that the country is overwhelmed by bribery, we are unanimously indignant. Taking bribes, as well as giving them, is immoral and unworthy. But I recently heard that the resuscitator children's department at the maternity hospital, the salary is 225 hryvnia. And not a beginner, but one who has ten years of work behind him. The most important thing depends on him, his labor - the life of a newborn. I will not condemn this doctor if he does not refuse voluntary payment for labor from infinitely grateful parents. For extortion of money in similar and other situations, the human court is harsh. And not only human.

And yet: for what does man work? In order to support yourself, your family, to hold out, so to speak, "afloat" or in order to realize your abilities, your talents, your ambitions, even your vanity? I believe that, perhaps, the first is the impetus, but every person still dreams of achieving something in this life, revealing his abilities, showing that he is no worse than others, that he is worth something.

Every person needs knowledge in everyday life... You must be able to read, write, count. A modern person is surrounded by a lot of technology, not only in production, but also in everyday life. Knowledge is needed to understand all the diversity of the surrounding world.

It is necessary to study in order to gain good knowledge. Educated person feels confident, he has many friends. Now to get good work, requires deep and versatile knowledge, possession foreign languages... The school helps us get the foundation of knowledge.

It is difficult, necessary and interesting to study!

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An essay on the topic "Why do you need to study?"

It is more likely not correct to ask “why 9raquo;” it is important that everyone knows what for. For what purpose, as a child, do you attend kindergarten, master basic things, then start going to school, then to educational institution more high type etc. Many study for the rest of their lives.

If we talk about studying, as about gaining knowledge in subjects, then it is worth noting that it is these very unloved school subjects that will become our main allies in the struggle for survival in the cruel world of adults. It's sitting at home, it seems to us adulthood something extraordinarily interesting and exciting, but this is completely wrong. Anyone who is too lazy to learn the simplest at school will become an outcast and ignorant in adult life. Nobody will take him seriously, and sometimes it is even worse, they just “peck 9raquo; their egocentrism and desire to find someone who is weaker.

We should never forget that during our studies we gain not only knowledge in certain subjects, but also become closer to each other, find common interests and shape our consciousness. We often hear banal things about the fact that it is necessary to study to make it easier in life, so that it would be easier to find a job, etc. However, many people forget that we learn not so much for the sake of our future as for the sake of our parents' faith in change. Because they always hope that we will live better than they do. But, often, parents demand from us more than they themselves could give us.

Despite all this, it is worth studying, because we live in a civilized world in which there is simply a sorely lack of smart and competent specialists, where even in elementary social networks, which the whole world uses, allow themselves to make gross mistakes, showing their ignorance and narrowness of consciousness.

No matter how difficult it is to get out of bed in the morning and go to class, no matter how much you want to jump out into the street and forget about the lessons and homework, remember, you yourself put an end to your future, your recognition of your personality in society.

Attention, only TODAY!

Free topic - "Z". Free essays - Why study? (essay-reasoning)

Why study? (essay-reasoning)

And who is interested in a fool, a narrow-minded, dark, stupid subhuman? And why is our only one given short life? Not learning is not living.

zachem-nuzhno-uchitsyawhy study? (essay-reasoning)

This question is both very easy and very difficult. As if it is clear to everyone: you need to study in order to know a lot, be able to, get a profession, become who you want, and then work well, earn a lot, help parents, start a family, etc., etc.

These are not really answers. Of course, if you don't know how to read, count and write at all, life is almost impossible. This is also clear to everyone. But here's how to learn? How much to study? study? These are not easy questions. And you can answer each of them in different ways, write a lot.

I think, in short, you need to learn in order to become necessary for many. After all, with a smart, that is, with a truly literate person, everyone wants to communicate, make friends, spend interesting time. And I think that it is happiness when next to you people with different characters and habits, different life experience and skills.

Great joy is work, In the fields, at the machine, at the table! V. Bryusoi.
Some of the French classics said that work is satisfaction. Bruceau calls her joy. Marxists argue that it was work that created man. "Working days are holidays for us," was sung in one Soviet song. At all times, the toiler was an honored member of society, and the slacker, the idler, it condemned. Religion affirms the dogma of working "in the sweat of your brow." But no one publicly said that he was working for the sake of money, for the sake of his material well-being. Everyone understood this, I think, but somehow it was not customary to talk about it out loud, it was considered almost ashamed. This, it seems to me, is a mistaken shame.

Of course, a person doesn't have to work everything just for the sake of money. But in the West (and now often in our country) a student, in his spare time, does work, to which the soul does not lie in order to pay for his studies. Yes, he works for money. But also in order to work in the future where his heart called him. Work in the area to which there is inclination and interest, work at the behest of the heart and mind will reveal in a person all his abilities, talents, and maybe genius. The evaluation of such work is no less important than the recognition of its social significance and usefulness. And you should not hide from yourself and the environment that you want to receive more money for your work. Each job must be paid accordingly, otherwise the person loses the incentive to do it. It's great when work is not only a way of earning a livelihood.

Favorite work is so much for a person! Favorite - but not free.
Decent wages give a person the opportunity not to constantly think about their daily bread, but to focus on improving their qualifications, on studying the experience of colleagues, in the end - on raising their intellectual level. This is already at work. For the sake of such satisfaction, joy, one should work up to a sweat.

When we hear that the country is overwhelmed by bribery, we all come together in indignation. Taking bribes, as well as giving them, is immoral and unworthy. But I recently heard that the resuscitator of the children's department at the maternity home has a low salary. And not for a beginner, but for someone who has ten years of work behind him. The most important thing depends on him, his work - the life of an infant. I will not condemn this doctor if he does not refuse a voluntary salary for work from infinitely grateful parents. For demanding money in similar and other situations, the human court is harsh. And not only human.

And yet: for what does a person work? For the sake of keeping yourself, your family, to hold out, so to speak, "afloat", or in order to realize your abilities, your talents, your ambitions, even your ambition? I believe that the push, perhaps, is the first, but any person still strives to achieve something in this life, to reveal his abilities, to show that he is no worse than others, that he is worthy of something.