Department of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery m

First Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation since 1994; was born on March 16, 1940 in the town of Klin, Moscow Region; graduated in 1971 from the All-Union Correspondence Machine-Building Institute, in 1976 - from the Moscow Institute of Management. S. Ordzhonikidze; 1990-1992 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; 1992-1994 - Chairman of the Moscow Property Management Committee - Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government; speaks English.

  • - Art critic, artist. Rod. in Ryazan, in the family of a court official. OK. 2nd Ryazan men's gymnasium, 3 courses of the SF MU ...

    Biobibliographic Dictionary of Orientalists - Victims of Political Terror in the Soviet Period

  • - Doctor of Medicine, author of special works. by medical ...
  • - First Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation since 1994; was born on March 16, 1940 in the city of Klin, Moscow region ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - an architect in Moscow in 1825. (Polovtsov). In 1841 he completed the project of rebuilding the Pashkov house under the nobility institute and supervised the work of the joint committee. with I.I.Sviyazev ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - owls. chemist, specialist in the field of radiochemistry, corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Member VKP since 1941. Pupil of V.G. Khlopin ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - MP State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first convocation, was a member of the deputy group "New Regional Policy", a member of the Committee on Education, Culture and Science; born on January 5, 1944 ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Rod. 1894, d. 1977. Shipbuilder, creator of the first Soviet warships. Laureate of the USSR State Prize ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - a modern writer, belongs to the Siberian group of Soviet writers. N.'s first story "The Golden Shuttle" was published in 1925 in the journal. "Siberian Lights". Nikitin is primarily an essayist ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - attack pilot, Hero Soviet Union, captain. Participant of the Great Patriotic War from December 1943 he fought in the 35th chap of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Air Force, was a flight commander. He flew 108 combat missions ...

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  • - Rod. 1846, d. 1921. Representative of the dynasty of Russian circus entrepreneurs and artists. One of the creators of circuses in Penza, Saratov, Kiev, Kazan, Moscow ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Rus. owls. prose writer, also known for his works. other genres ...

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  • - writer and public figure. He graduated from the course at St. Petersburg University in the Faculty of Law ...

    Biographical Dictionary

  • - Soviet radiochemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Member of the CPSU since 1941. Pupil of V. G. Khlopin. Graduated from Leningrad State University in 1927. Worked in Radium Institute Of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.G. Khlopin ...
  • - Soviet historian, specialist in the history of foreign Slavic peoples, the history of Russia in the 19th century, Doctor historical sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. Graduated from the faculty social sciences MSU ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian radiochemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences ...
  • - Russian shipbuilder, chief designer the first Soviet warships. USSR State Prize ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Nikitin, Alexander Alexandrovich" in books

KIZEVETTER Alexander Alexandrovich

the author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

KIZEVETTER Alexander Alexandrovich 10 (22) .8.1866 - 9.1.1933 Historian, publicist, public figure, author of memoirs. Privat-docent at Moscow University (1903-1911). Member of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party. Participant of "Wednesday" N. Teleshov. Publications in the magazines "Russian thought", "Russian wealth",

KONGE Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book silver Age... Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R the author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

CONGE Alexander Alexandrovich 28.5 (9.6). 1891 - 17.7.1916 Poet. Publications in the magazines "Gaudeamus", "Northern Notes", "Free Journal". The collection of poems “Captive Voices. Lyrics by A. Kongé and M. Dolinov ”(St. Petersburg, 1912). Killed at the front. A. Konge, a young student, amazed with elemental force

MIROPOLSKY Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R the author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

MIROPOLSKY Alexander Alexandrovich present. fam. Lang, pseudo. A. Berezin; 1872-1917 Translator, prose writer, poet. Publications in the 2nd collection "Russian Symbolists" (M., 1894), in the almanacs "Northern Flowers", "Grif", in the magazine "Rebus". Poetic books "Lonely Labor" (M., 1899), "Witch.

OSMERKIN Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R the author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

OSMERKIN Alexander Alexandrovich November 26 (December 8). 1892 - June 25, 1953 Painter, theater artist, teacher. Member of the group of artists "Jack of Diamonds", participant of exhibitions of the association "World of Art" (1916-1917). "He was a young, impetuous man, who was always in motion ... Always,

ROSTISLAVOV Alexander Alexandrovich

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R the author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

ROSTISLAVOV Alexander Alexandrovich 1860-1920 Artist, art critic. Employee of the magazine "Theater and Art". Publications in the magazines and newspapers "World of Art", "Rech", etc. "Now, after a long time, I can honestly confess that Rostislavov

Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer

From the book Memories the author Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich

Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer In the spring of 1929, Alexander Alexandrovich Meyer and Ksenia Anatolievna Polovtseva appeared on Solovki. A. A. Meyer had a ten-year term - the highest for those times, but which "mercifully" replaced his death sentence, taking into account it

Alexander Alexandrovich Bedryaga

From the book Memories the author Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bedryaga After the release of Aleksandr Nikolaevich Kolosov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bedryaga became the head of the Krimkab, as I remember him now. He had a narrow balding head tapering upwards, a mustache, beautiful sly eyes, a small mouth and

Alexander Alexandrovich Morozov

From the book Memoirs of the Chief Designer of Tanks the author Kartsev Leonid Nikolaevich

Alexander Aleksandrovich Morozov My relationship with Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Morozov developed ambiguously. The reader may get the impression that we were mainly in an antagonistic relationship. No doubt, I have always strived to ensure that

Alexander Alexandrovich Polovtsov

From the book Notes. From the history of the Russian foreign policy department, 1914-1920. Book 1. the author Mikhailovsky Georgy Nikolaevich

Alexander Alexandrovich Polovtsov A.A. Polovtsov was not a stranger either to our department or to Petrograd society. The son of a famous dignitary, a personal friend of Alexander II and Alexander III, he, as a young officer of the Horse Guards regiment, became famous in his time

"February wind of freedom", the first revolution, 1917 Alexander Kutepov, Boris Nikitin, Anton Denikin

From the book St. Petersburg. Autobiography the author Kirill Mikhailovich Korolev

"February wind of freedom", the first revolution, 1917 Alexander Kutepov, Boris Nikitin, Anton Denikin Human losses at the front forced the authorities to announce an additional recruitment to the army, which caused discontent in a society that had time to get tired of the war. This discontent


From the book Rus and its autocrats the author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

ALEXANDER III ALEXANDROVICH (b. 1845 - d. 1894) Russian Emperor from 1881 to 1894 Second son of Alexander II. After the death of his elder brother Nikolai (1865), he became the heir to the throne. Married in 1866 to the daughter of the Danish king Christian IX Louise Sophia Frederica Dagmara, who took the name

Alexander III Alexandrovich

From the book Russian Tsar and Imperial House the author Vladimir Vladimirovich Butromeev

Alexander III Alexandrovich Emperor of All Russia, the second son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Alexander III was born on February 26, 1845, ascended the ancestral throne on March 2, 1881.

Nikitin Boris Alexandrovich


Nikitin Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (NO) of the author TSB

NIKITIN Yuri Alexandrovich (Born in 1939)

From the book World through the eyes of science fiction writers. Recommended bibliographic reference the author Gorbunov Arnold Matveevich

NIKITIN Yuri Aleksandrovich (Born in 1939) Yuri Nikitin traveled a lot around our country, worked in the Arctic, Primorye, was a timber rafter, a member of geological exploration expeditions in the Far North, a foundry worker at a plant in Kharkov, where he was born. Works by Yuri Nikitin

Was born in 1961 in Moscow.

Education and degrees.
Higher education received at the Faculty of Technical Physics of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, from which he graduated in 1984.

Personal life.

She is officially married and has three children.

Labor activity started in 1986 at the Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering as a design engineer. Four years later he became a leading designer at the Institute high temperatures... And since 1991, he moved to a more promising direction and organized his activities in the field of logistics services, headed an organization that was engaged in the supply of consumer goods, that is, food, household goods, household chemicals, etc. So until 1993 he was the deputy general director of the company "Alcohol", and then for three more years director general of the Krona company. In 1997 he began cooperation with the agro-industrial holding Miratorg, and three years later he took over as CEO. And seven years later he was promoted to vice president of the company.

Alexander Alexandrovich Nikitin is a leading specialist in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In 1967. graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Volgograd Medical Institute. 1967-1968 worked as a dental surgeon at the Central Dental Clinic in Volgograd. 1968-1971 studied in graduate school at the Department of Reconstructive and Reconstructive Facial Surgery TSOLIUV. In 1971 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Autoplasty of the articular process of the lower jaw with an osteochondral rib graft."

He has been working in the health care system of the Moscow Region since November 1971, at the beginning as a dental surgeon at the Moscow Regional Dental Clinic, since 1972 as a staff resident, junior research assistant, and from 1975 to 1989. - Senior Researcher, Department of Surgical Dentistry, MONIKI. In 1981, he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize for the development and introduction into clinical practice of the method of orthotopic allotransplantation for defects and deformities of the mandible and temporomandibular joint. In 1987 he defended doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Temporomandibular joint alloplasty". 1972-89 - Chief Scientific Secretary of the All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Dentists, member of the Council of Scientific Medical Societies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

1989 to 1991 A.A. Nikitin worked as Chief Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the National Hospital of the Republic of Niger, taught at the University of West Africa in Niamey, where he was a member of the Academic Council. In 1991 he was elected to the position of the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery of MONIKI. Since 1994, he has been the head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Doctors organized on the basis of MONIKI. During this period, about 1950 dentists and maxillofacial surgeons were trained at the department.

Professor A.A. Nikitin performed more than 12 thousand complex, and sometimes unique operations, together with scientists from the Research Center of Laser Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he conducts research on computer modeling and the manufacture of implants using laser stereolithography (complete restoration of the skull from bone fragments: first on a computer monitor , then in reality). Author and co-author of over 500 scientific works, 43 copyright techniques (many of which have no analogues in world practice), 26 copyright certificates, 10 patents, 20 rationalization proposals.

Under the leadership of A.A. Nikitin, 3 doctoral and 17 master's theses were defended, currently 8 master's theses are being carried out. Full member of the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons, member of the Council of the Russian Dental Association (StAR), President of the Moscow Regional College of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons, member of the Presidium of the Regional Committee for Licensing and Accreditation of Medical Institutions in the Moscow Region. Awarded with silver and bronze medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, the honorary badge "Inventor of the USSR", the medal of the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, the medal "Honored Doctor Russian Federation", The Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree.

On October 11, 2017, after a long illness, the head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Ministry of Defense, Chief Freelance Maxillofacial Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health, Honorary President RPO "Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons", Member of the Council of the Dental Association of Russia, Honorary Professor of MONIKI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Nikitin

Nikitin Alexander Alexandrovich, was born on August 21, 1939 in the city of Stalingrad. In 1967 he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Volgograd Medical Institute and worked as a dental surgeon at the Central Dental Clinic in the city of Volgograd.

In 1971 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Autoplasty of the articular process of the lower jaw with an osteochondral rib graft." In 1987 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic "Alloplasty of the temporomandibular joint". In 1999 he was awarded the academic title of professor.

In 1971 he worked as a dentist surgeon at the Moscow Regional Dental Clinic.

From 1972 to 1989, he worked as a doctor, junior scientific and senior scientific employee of the Department of Surgical Dentistry of the Moscow State Research Institute of Clinics named after V.I. M.F. Vladimirsky.

In the period from 1989 to 1991, in the direction of M3 of the USSR, he was on a foreign business trip in the Republic of Niger, where he worked as the chief maxillofacial surgeon at the National Hospital of the country.

After completing a business trip abroad in 1991, A.A. Nikitin was elected the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery of MONIKI, in this position he has worked to the present.

In 1981 for the development and introduction into clinical practice of the method of orthotopic allotransplantation for defects and deformities of the mandible and temporomandibular joint A.A. Nikitin, as part of the team of authors, was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize, awarded with silver and bronze medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, the honorary badge ‘‘ Inventor of the USSR ’.

In 1994, on the initiative of Professor A.A. Nikitin, the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry was organized at the FUV Institute.

He is the author and co-author of more than 600 scientific papers, 53 copyright techniques (many of which have no analogues in world practice), 11 copyright certificates, 42 patents, 20 rationalization proposals. 4 doctoral and 21 master's theses were defended under his supervision.

From 1994 to 2016 he was the President of the Regional public organization Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

For many years of fruitful work, high professionalism in work, a great personal contribution to the development of healthcare in the Moscow region, A.A. Nikitin was awarded the title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”, “Honorary Professor of MONIKI”, awarded the sign of the Governor of the Moscow Region “For Useful”, and the prize “For Achievements in the Field of Health Care”.

13 building MONIKI (Shchepkina st. 61/2).

At 12.00 - funeral service in the Temple of the Sign of the Icon of the Mother of God in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda, 2nd Krestovsky lane, 17

Today we are meeting with the long-promised and long-awaited guest Alexander Alexandrovich Nikitin - a highly qualified surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, member of the International Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, President of the Moscow Regional College of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the head of the clinic, the head of the department of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry of MONIKI, laureate of the USSR State Prize, author of more than 300 scientific papers, holder of many copyright certificates and patents, a real dental guru. August 21 is Alexander Alexandrovich's birthday, we sincerely congratulate him and wish him a lot, a lot of the very, the most, everything, and still it will not be enough, because he is so ... And what? Let's try to find out from him.

? Please tell us about yourself, how did you come to dentistry, because it did not happen right away? Life and fate could have developed in a completely different way, but according to the laws of genetics, it is clear that genetic code brought the rebellious back on track?

I was born in Stalingrad in 1939, in 1942 our family was evacuated from a courageous military town to the working village of the Stalingrad province of Elan, in the north of the region, where they lived for almost 20 years. Our family is medical: dad Alexander Georgievich was an orthopedic dentist, a very famous specialist in Yelan. He gave our specialty 50 years. Maybe this ultimately played a certain role in my life, in the choice of my profession, since I became a dentist, and my older brother - a doctor. He studied well at school, was fond of sports (kettlebells, dumbbells, barbell). After high school graduated from the oil school, then worked in Stalingradneftegazrazvedka, was engaged in the search for deposits in the steppes. Since childhood, my dad taught me to cast dies, polish and grind crowns. So I managed to work in the Elanskiy dental laboratory, which was led by my father, as a grinder. And, to be honest, during this time I was tired of orthopedics, it seemed like a craft, my soul asked for something else. In 1958 he was drafted into Soviet Army, I was sent to the school of aircraft engine mechanics. After graduation, he entered flight school, flew on piston planes, jumped with a parachute. But the country reduced its Armed Forces, and our flight school was disbanded. He returned home and entered the Stalingrad Civil Engineering Institute, successfully studied for two years, but unexpectedly for everyone took the documents ... The younger brother decided to enter the Volgograd Medical Institute. The soul could not calm down. I realized that the profession of a doctor for the Nikitins is hereditary. We must continue the dynasty. We entered together with my brother, and both entered. So I became a medical student.

I graduated from the Volgograd Medical Institute in 1967, this was his first graduation of dentists. This year, on May 14-15, all graduates gathered, because the faculty turned 40 and our graduation is 35 years old. (Using the information received - it is a pity that it is late! - our team congratulates the faculty and its graduates on these festive dates.)? How was your student life?

After graduating from the institute, I began to work as a surgeon at the Volgograd Central Dental Clinic. Later he became the head of the department, the chief surgeon of the city of Volgograd. But ... he firmly decided, having learned to masterly remove teeth, that this is not the limit of possibilities and we must move on. I came to Moscow and entered postgraduate study with Professor Dmitrieva at the Department of Reconstructive and Reconstructive Face Surgery of the Central Order of Lenin Institute for Advanced Medical Education - now it is RMAPO.? And in the future, how did your development as a surgeon go?

The topic of my Ph.D. was "The use of bone-cartilaginous costal autograft in the replacement of defects of the condylar process." It was an experimental and clinical topic, but I collected so much material, both experimental and clinical (I had 75 dogs operated on) that Professor Khitrov told me: “Sasha (he called me that), this is already the material for the doctoral dissertation. It is not necessary to use the "clinic", do it only according to the "experiment", and leave the "clinic" for the doctor's. " Therefore, I defended my Ph.D. in the experimental part of the work, and my doctoral (in 1987) was already "Alloplasty of the TMJ". Having defended and completed his postgraduate studies, he began to work at the Moscow Regional Dental Clinic, and in 1972 he moved to work at the Clinic of Surgical Dentistry MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky. It was here that a meeting took place with the future teacher and mentor Professor Nikolai Alekseevich Plotnikov. With him, for the first time in the world practice, we carried out a collection of a donor (from a "special donor") full TMJ and for the first time in the world made it a transplant, after which it successfully took root. For the development of methods of reconstructive and restorative surgery of the mandible and temporomandibular joint in 1981, we were awarded the State Prize of the USSR. I demonstrated these operations in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, we traveled with them all over the world (The foreign medical press praised the work of Soviet scientists as “an outstanding discovery, comparable to the first heart transplant.” Alexander Alexandrovich was then about 40 years old, he was the youngest laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in the entire history of this specialty, the only laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in the entire history of the Volgograd Medical Academy and Maxillofacial Surgery. A little later there were silver and bronze medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements, the honorary badge "Inventor of the USSR."

? Please tell us a little about your recent work.

This is software 3D computer modeling, which is surgery of the XXI century, this is endoscopic surgery, these are small invasive methods of maxillary sinus surgery, when there is no need to make large incisions. These are endoscopic operations on the joint, on the maxillary sinus, operations on the alveolar ridge, jaws, etc. The further direction, I think, is biocomposites - bone substitutes. We are now together with scientists from the Russian Chemical University named after DI. Mendeleev developed very interesting material. It is called “bioactive apatite-silicate composite based on hydroxylapatite and sittal BAK 1000”. In the body, the sittal glass matrix (quartz glass) remains, but the hydroxylapatite leaves, this is practically an artificial bone. There is no need to look for a "special donor", to carry out complex operations to "withdraw" the TMJ.

? You worked a lot in Africa ...

I worked in Africa in 1989-1991. It was in the Republic of Niger - a small country north of Nigeria in Western, "blackest" Africa, the French colony. I knew english languageand taught French in a three-month course. After that, upon arrival, I knew only three words: "bonjour" - hello, "orevoir" - goodbye and "merci boku" - thank you very much. I was the chief h / l surgeon at the National Hospital of the country and at the same time led the teaching work, was a member of the academic council of the University of West Africa in Niamey. I had to transplant a joint from a white man to Africans. I took 20 donor TMJs with me there and transplanted them to Africans. And after the operation, they asked me: "Alexander, will I soon be a white man?" And I answered: “Yes, you turn white before our eyes. Look at yourself in the mirror". During the operations, the blood group did not matter: we developed a method for special biological treatment and preparation of the taken cadaveric (special donor) material for allotransplantation. Therefore, almost no reactions were observed, the result was positive in 92% of cases. Until now, in Africa they are waiting for me and calling me, and I have a dream to go there. When he returned to MONIKI in 1992, he was elected to the post of head of the department of ChLH.