The capital city health department will be headed by the head physician of a hospital in the Dnieper region. Interview with honorary vice-president of fkku palamar boris Generik genericu strife

You cannot erase words from a song.

(popular wisdom)

It's a pity that help didn't come

No reinforcements were sent

Well, business as usual:

You and me got fucked.

(Boris Grebenshchikov, song)

The capital of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city of Tiraspol, December 17, 1937, first hour of the night. Quietly rumbling, to the open heavy doors of the powder magazine of the fortress bastion Vladimir, a van with a large inscription on the sides "Bread" drove up in reverse.

Powder magazine of the bastion of St. Vladimir fortress,

built under the leadership of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

Along the top of the rampart is a chain of soldiers in caps with blue bands; in his hands - Mosin rifles with bayonets attached. The same soldiers lined up in a living corridor from the cellar doors to the back door of the arriving camper.

“Aftentiev,” the red commander with the collar tabs of the junior lieutenant of state security began to call out, “to the exit. Basul! To the exit. Belinsky! To the exit". Those who were called out jumped to the ground, looked around in confusion, clutching skinny bundles to their chests, and, urged from all sides, walked through the cellar door.

The van, freed from two dozen "passengers", went through the Kherson gates of the fortress to Pushkin Street to the NKVD prison for a new batch of arrested persons. Thirty minutes later: “Dikusar! To the exit. Durbailov! Evstrateichuk! Egorov! ”- another dozen two people, stooping, proceeded to the cellar.

Powder magazine inside now.

The van made four trips, bringing 90 people.

Temporarily acting People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the MASSR Comrade Rivlin Lazar Isaakovich and the interim prosecutor of the MASSR comrade Kolodiy stayed at a meeting of the city party committee, but telephoned that they would soon be. Junior Lieutenants of the State Security Comrade Nagorny Ivan and Dokutsky Leonard, as well as the operational secretary of the NKVD MASSR comrade. Pervukhin, having briefly conferred, assigned responsibilities for the upcoming event.

When "Emka" vreed. The People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, with a smoky sneeze, stopped at the cellar, and Comrade Rivlin and Kolodiy, everything was ready. "Afteniev !, - was heard dully from the cellar, - to the exit." Gr. Afteniev, shivering chilly, climbed the steps. Comrade Nagorny and Dokutsky, firmly taking gr. Afteniev by the shoulders, led him to the edge of an empty hole dug in the morning by civilians a couple of steps from the entrance to the cellar, and at first not noticed by the prisoners behind the backs of the soldiers, lined up in a dense line from the van to the cellar.

K gr. Afteniev, held on the edge of the pit by Comrade Nagorny and Dokutsky, with two quick steps from behind Comrade. Pervukhin and shot him in the back of the head with a Smirnsky revolver - a revolver converted for firing small-caliber cartridges. The shot was as quiet as a clap of hands. Body gr. Aftenyev instantly went limp, and Comrade. Nagorny and Dokutsky gently pushed him towards the pit. Gr. Afteniev fell flat on the bottom of the pit and began to make scraping movements with his feet there (his hands were securely tied behind his back); and only two control shots at the upwardly turned left temple stopped this annoying fuss.

The clerk sitting in the cab of the van looked at his wristwatch and made a note in the copy of the verdict with a red pencil: 17 / XII 1h 56.

"Basul!" - was heard from behind the doors of the cellar. Came out with his hands tied gr. Basul. Everything was repeated. "Belinsky!" - and Belinsky, knocking his feet, calmed down ...

The clerk used to make notes: 17 / XII 1h. 58, 17 / XII 1 h. 59 ... It took from one to three minutes for each executed.

In the fourth ten comrade. Nagorny and Pervukhin switched roles: now Comrade. Nagorny, and comrade. Pervukhin assisted. Then it was the turn of Comrade. Dokutsky. And comrade. Dokutsky's hand did not flinch, comrade did not shame. Dokutsky of the glorious title of the Chekist.

At 4-15, they brought out the last convict for tonight - Tsaran Kirill Kondratyevich, born in 1901, born in the village of Zhura, Rybnitsa region of the MASSR.

The clerk with relief leafed through the last pages of the sentence: the remaining 76 convicts were sentenced to 10 years of labor camps. “That's nice,” the clerk thought.

Ninety still warm former people lay in four layers in a cold pit. Comrade Dokutsky, busily going around the pit along the perimeter and illuminating himself with a pocket flashlight, fired several more shots into the heads of those who were lying, who seemed to him not dead enough. Brass sleeves crunched under the soles of Comrade's cowhide boots. Dokutsky.

In the headlights "emki" comrade. Dokutsky, Nagorny, Pervukhin, Rivlin and Kolodiy signed an act on the execution of the sentence. Like this:

On this, the working day of the Chekists was over. Tomorrow they faced another sleepless night: they should have killed the next party of enemies of the people. For this, another execution pit was already ready nearby.

An outfit of soldiers from the cordon, armed with shovels, quickly and habitually covered the grave with earth.

In total, during 1937-38, about 5,000 people were shot and buried in the Tiraspol fortress. The fortress was demolished in the 60-70s and a residential neighborhood was built in its place. Only the bastion of St. Vladimir remained from the fortress, where the inhabitants of the surrounding houses carried all kinds of rubbish, from construction waste to food waste. Surprisingly, the city authorities turned a blind eye to this: a huge dump grew, drowning even the building of a powder magazine. And only when it was decided to liquidate the trash can in the early 90s, it became clear what they had been trying to hide under it for many decades.

The bulldozer knife, slightly hooked on the top layer of earth lying under the garbage dump, turned out human skulls, crushed bones, phalanges of fingers. They called the police, archaeologists ... A crowd of residents of the neighboring houses gathered, in which individuals with difficult to remember, as if erased, faces darted and whispered, they say, Germans, bitches, damned fascists, how many Soviet people were destroyed ...

Archaeologists knew their business: each skeleton was thoroughly cleaned of the earth with scrapers and brushes, packed in a separate bag and sent to forensic experts. Each find - buttons, coins, half-rotted scraps of newspapers, matchboxes - was described in detail and recorded in the report.

A couple of days later, the then president arrived with security. Moving his eyebrows, he stood at the edge of the pit. I asked archaeologists how else I could help them. Having got into a fight, he asked resignedly: "Maybe it's still Germans?" The archaeologists silently showed him a pair of "protocols to the coward" ( "Coward" (Ukrainian) - search; who forgot, until 1940 the MASSR was part of the Ukrainian SSR), dated 1937.

The excavation continued for three seasons. Eight hundred skeletons were removed from the ground. The end and edge of the work was not visible: only a small part of the bastion's territory was explored. In the midst of the leadership, a deaf discontent was ripening, they say, it's time to end this bodyag. The timid squeak of archaeologists, they say, there are bones sticking out of the walls of the pits, was not taken into account.

The professor in charge of the archaeologists was forced to sign a paper stating that there were no more graves left on the bastion, and the work was stopped. The bones were loaded into large wooden boxes and buried in a huge mass grave fifty meters from the bastion in several stages.

Summer 1993.

“This is how it is, brother,” ...

But this is just a saying. It would seem that it was - and it was, the past has grown. But this story has a continuation. And this continuation reminded me of something vaguely creepy. At night he tossed and turned: somewhere I've already heard something like that, or read it. Remembered!

“Toptygin was a warrior-beast, he knew how to build dens and upturn trees with roots; therefore, to a certain extent he knew the art of engineering. But his most precious quality was that he wished to get on the tablet of History by all means, and for this he preferred the brilliance of bloodshed to everything in the world. So no matter what they talked to him about: whether about trade, about industry, or about sciences he turned everything on one: "Bloodshed ... bloodshed ... that's what you need!" (M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Get on the tablet of History!

Let's step back a little in time. The archaeologists who were involved in the excavations on the bastion, having dully pounded, somehow calmed down. Expeditions, again, all sorts, Scythian burial mounds, romance. Only one restless person was caught, some kind of greyhound: how he would drink, it happened, and well, talk about three seasons at the Tiraspol fortress: bones, skulls, bullet holes, protocols to a coward ... Now, right on the graves, they arrange holidays on the bones (indeed, on the bastion, every year, so on the City Day, everyone strives to present some theatrical performances with dances and songs), and under their feet, literally a meter away, there are piles of bones. I appealed to my conscience. One word is greyhound. So we will continue to call him - Greyhound.

And yet our Greyhound waited for his hour! And a quarter of a century has not passed when, after another planned change of the Upper Power, new people came to the leadership of the "cultural industry" of the city, let's call them the collective name Toptygin. Toptygin was in good standing with the previous leadership, knew how to build dens and upturn trees with roots; consequently, to some extent he knew the science of archeology. But his most precious quality was that he, by all means i wanted to get on the tablet of History.

And how can you get on the tablet without bloodshed? Heavy. And here Toptygin remembered our Borzoi-archaeologist. He called to himself: “And what, there was direct bloodshed, bloodshed? And what, the bones lie restless? Ay-ay-ay ... But let's dig them out for TV cameras and paint on TV screens. AND?"

To our greyhound, all these screens are like a hare a brake light, but he realized (in any case, it seemed to him that he realized): here he is - a case to finish a business a quarter-century ago and sleep peacefully, no longer feeling the crunch of bones under his feet ... One word - archaeologist, in empyrean all, in illusions.

Shook hands.

The excavator carefully removed half a meter of soil. They dug with a shovel - nothing. Dug a second time - empty. Toptygin fidgeted. "Right now, right now," - Greyhound stuck a shovel into the bottom of a shallow hole, the shovel rested on something. Lumps of damp earth were shoveled with our hands:

Toptygin cheered up: the tablets - here they are, reach out with your hand. They built an awning from which God sent, Toptygin organized food for the workers, everyone was cheerful.

Came up, as promised, TV men from local TV channels. Toptygin began to glow with a feeling of awareness.

They got the mayor in, the New President himself honored ... "And who is all this?" - "And here, if you please know, Toptygin, Mikhail Ivanovich." - "Well done, Toptygin, I praise."

After that, there was nothing more to wish for Toptygin: he got on the tablet. One irritated, deprived of sleep and appetite: Greyhound. With his "research methodology" he literally got it, if not to say zae @ al: not only had he been clearing the first execution pit (65 skeletons) for two (!) Weeks, he also managed to find the second one! And then the third! Fourth! Fifth! Sixth! But everything has already been filmed by the TV people, the mayor and the president were honored that he, the funeral, needs more ?!

At the second pit, Toptygin announced: “That's it, Borzoi, you've played with your archeology, that's enough. Come on, quickly pull the deceased out of the ground - and the Sabbath. A week is enough? What, don't you want it? Well, no one here forcibly keeps you here. "

Greyhound spat profusely and swore masterly, but there was nowhere to go. And he began to pull out these very dead people like radishes. What artifacts are there? What reports are there? Running, running ...

And the execution pits in the bastion remained immeasurably. And hundreds, thousands were left to lie in them. They lie like this, with their hands tied behind their backs and their mouths stuffed with all kinds of rubbish:


Moskovsky Boris Ivanovich - sniper of the 1095th Infantry Regiment (324th Infantry Division, 50th Army, 2nd Belorussian Front) corporal - at the time of submission to the 1st degree Order of Glory.

Born on March 31, 1924 in the village of Ogaryshevo in the Povodnevskaya volost of the Myshkinsky district of the Yaroslavl province (now the Myshkinsky district of the Yaroslavl region) in a peasant family. Russian. In 1936 he graduated from 4 classes. He worked as a photographer's apprentice in an art artel in the city of Rybinsk.

In July 1943 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Rybinsk regional military enlistment office. From August 1943 he took part in battles with the invaders on the Bryansk, Belorussian 2nd and 3rd Belorussian fronts. The entire combat path passed in the ranks of the 1095th Infantry Regiment of the 324th Infantry Division.

In October 1943 and near Smolensk and in February 1944 near Mogilev he was wounded, he always returned to service. In the spring of 1944, the division fought defensive battles in the upper reaches of the Dnieper River in the Mogilev region of Belarus. Here corporal Moscow, proved to be an excellent sniper.

In a short period from May 7 to June 10, 1944, when the regiment was on the defensive, Lance corporal Moskovsky destroyed 11 enemy soldiers with sniper rifle fire.

By order of units of the 324th Rifle Division of June 12, 1944 (No. 94 / n), corporal Boris Ivanovich of Moscow was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

On June 27, 1944, units of the division went on the offensive during the Belorussian operation. The division successfully crossed the Dnieper, during July-August 1944 it advanced through the territory of Belarus, participated in the destruction of the enemy's Minsk grouping. In these battles, Corporal Moskovsky acted in a mobile detachment of pursuit of the enemy, he destroyed 25 enemy soldiers with sniper fire.

On July 3, 1944, in a battle near the village of Zorka (Minsk region, Belarus), while repelling an enemy counterattack, he hit 12 Nazis and 6 horses with sniper fire.

By order of the troops of the 50th Army dated August 4, 1944 (No. 439), corporal Boris Ivanovich of Moscow was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

On July 26, near the city of Bialystok, he was seriously wounded in his left arm. After recovering, he returned to his regiment. From January 1945 he took part in the East Prussian operation, the destruction of the enemy's Heilsberg grouping. FROM

During the period of offensive battles in East Prussia from January 21 to March 5, 1945, Lance corporal Moscow, following in the combat offensive units, moved forward in front of the infantry battle formations and suppressed enemy firing points with sniper fire and destroyed snipers. During the indicated period of fighting in East Prussia, he exterminated 29 enemy soldiers and officers from a sniper rifle. In total, by that time, on his personal sniper account, there were already 76 killed enemy soldiers and officers. He was nominated for the 1st degree Order of Glory.

In April 1945 he took part in the assault on Koenigsberg and ended the war on the coast of Frischess-Huff Bay.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 29, 1945, the corporal was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree. Became a full Knight of the Order of Glory.

In December 1945, Sergeant Major Moskovsky was demobilized.

Lived in the city of Saratov. He worked as a concrete worker in SMU No. 1. Died on October 8, 1990. Buried at the Elshanskoye cemetery in the city of Saratov.

He was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Glory 1st (06/29/1945), 2nd (08/04/1944) and 3rd (06/12/1944) degrees, medals.

A street in the Volzhsky district of the city of Saratov is named after him.

Working on bugs
- in the biographical reference books of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2000 and 2010 is still listed as alive.

Recently, a seminar was held in Kiev on the introduction of a formulary system of drug provision for medical institutions. This topic was devoted to, published in № 28 (249) "Weekly APTEKA".

Among the medical institutions in Kiev, which have already introduced some elements of the formulary system, there is the Kiev City Clinical Hospital No. 3 (KGKB No. 3). The correspondent of "Weekly Apteka" asked the chief physician of this hospital Boris Palamar to tell about the accumulated experience of using the formulary system for the purchase and use of drugs.


We learned about the formulary system after attending a seminar that was organized in the summer of 1999 within the framework of the Rational Pharmaceutical Management project, says B. Palamari. - By the way, the clinic's management intuitively came to understand even earlier that such a system is necessary. After all, the hospital has to work in conditions of constant insufficient funding, so it is necessary to approach the procurement of drugs for the treatment of patients with particular care.

First of all, we analyzed the list of drugs used in the hospital and divided them into two categories - the so-called general ones (which are used in all departments) and special ones, used mainly by narrow specialists (drugs for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.) ... From this list were selected groups of priority (correspond to the "group of vital drugs" according to the project "Rational pharmaceutical management"), necessary and those, the presence of which would be desirable ("minor"). The knowledge gained at the seminar helped to systematize our independent developments and turn them into a full-fledged form.


The first version of the formulary, created in 1999 at KGKB No. 3, included 67 names of drugs in the form of a solution for injection and 32 drugs in the form of tablets. The priority (“vital”) drugs on this list were 12 essential drugs. These are such drugs that the patient, even with a strong desire, will not be able to buy at the pharmacy: oxygen, nitrous oxide, necessary for anesthesia, narcotic analgesics, as well as sterile material used in surgical operations. The necessary drugs included antibiotics, including 1–2 modern antibacterial agents, in particular carbapenems. The hospital maintains a small supply of such drugs at all times. This is due to the fact that the Republican Center for Intensive Care of Sepsis was opened on the basis of Clinical Hospital No. 3. Seriously ill patients from all over Ukraine come here, and modern medicines are required for their treatment. In addition to antibiotics, this group of important includes such drugs that are widely used in all departments of the hospital (analgesics, antispasmodics), and used in specialized departments (heart attack, cardiology, pulmonary, hemodialysis). Of course, the availability of only these drugs does not allow for the full treatment of a patient admitted to the clinic in a planned manner, - B. Palamar notes, - but they allow providing the necessary assistance to patients admitted to the hospital urgently.

In fact, almost all the funds allocated to the hospital are spent on the purchase of so-called emergency drugs.


In the first half of 2000, the hospital's formulary was expanded to 112 drugs (37 in the form of tablets, the rest in the form of a solution for injection).

However, in the second half of the year, the funding of KGKB No. 3 was reduced by about one third compared to the first half of the year, and the formulary of drugs had to be reduced. “Today we buy 59 types of medicines,” says B. Palamar. This amount of drugs is clearly not enough, but thanks to the purchase form, the most necessary drugs have been selected.


The formulary committee created at the hospital, which included the deputy chief physician for economics, the chief accountant, the chief nurse of the hospital, senior nurses of the departments, studied the proposals of more than 150 firms that supply drugs. The main criterion for selecting suppliers was the price of the drugs they offered. As a result, about 30 companies were selected to offer the medicines entered in the form at the lowest prices. It should be noted that the hospital management tries to purchase all drugs on a prepayment basis, but in cases where it is impossible to calculate in advance the exact amount of drugs for the provision of urgent care, payment is made upon delivery.

The hospital has developed a good partnership with the Kiev JSC "Pharmacy", which always "enters" into the position of the hospital and in case of urgent need supplies the necessary drugs on a deferred payment basis.

For us, even a seemingly insignificant difference in price is important, since with large volumes of purchases, this allows us to save significant funds, - notes the chief physician of KGKB No. 3, - and use them to purchase additional drugs. Some wholesale companies offer us drugs at prices 10-15% lower than those of manufacturing plants. This is very beneficial for the hospital.


Most of the modest hospital budget is spent on the purchase of domestically produced drugs and medical products, although the quality of cheaper Ukrainian products sometimes leaves much to be desired. For example, the hospital was forced to stop purchasing X-ray films from the Svema plant after several batches were found to be of poor quality.


It is difficult to say how many drugs should be in an “ideal” formulation to fully meet the clinic's drug needs, ”says B. Palamari. - Probably, such a form will never be, because already by definition it is restrictive. The main task of the form today is to help you choose the drugs that are really the most necessary for the purchase and use, and at the lowest price.


Clinical Hospital No. 3 has already begun implementing a system for assessing the effectiveness of drugs used. Under the guidance of prof. A. Treshchinsky waspthe effectiveness of antibiotics is monitored. This makes it possible not only to select the drugs necessary for the patient strictly individually, significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy, but also reduce the cost of treatment.

The case, which the head physician of the hospital No. 3 told about, fully confirms this. A patient was admitted to the Republican Center for Intensive Care of Sepsis, who had previously been prescribed 12 antibacterial drugs with a total cost of UAH 20,000, but his condition did not improve.

An antibiotic correctly selected by the doctors of the clinic (in the required dose and exposure) allowed this patient, as they say, to get on his feet, and the cost of the course of antibiotic therapy was 1800 UAH. For rational treatment, it is necessary to rationally approach the issue of providing a medical institution with medicines. The way to this, according to B. Palamar, lies only through monitoring the effectiveness of drugs.


Hospital specialists note that the same generic drug from different manufacturers often differs significantly in its effectiveness. For example, it was noticed that the therapeutic effect and the severity of side effects of each of the 4 gentamicin preparations from different manufacturers are not the same.

Unfortunately, due to insufficient funding, the hospital has to buy the cheapest drugs, including gentamicin, but in the future it is planned to make purchases based mainly on the efficiency / price indicator. This is the next step in the introduction of the formulary system in the clinical hospital No. 3 in Kiev. For this, we need data obtained from monitoring the effectiveness of drugs.

Sergey Pavlovich
Photo by Evgeny Krivsha

The chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Volodymyr Bondarenko has found a replacement for the director of the health department of the Kyiv City State Administration Vitaly Mokhorev. An experienced physician, head physician of the capital's hospital No. 3, Boris Palamar, is already training in his position. The medical trade union seems to be satisfied with the appointment.

The corresponding order of the Kyiv City State Administration No. 552 was signed by the head of the state administration Vladimir Bondarenko on May 5.

According to the document, from May 7 to May 13, the assistant-consultant of the people's deputy Boris Ivanovich Palamar will undergo an internship at the Kyiv City State Administration for the position of head of the health department. Bondarenko appointed his deputy Oksana Dolinskaya to “look after” the new intern.

According to information KVBefore joining the Kyiv City State Administration, Palamar was an assistant-consultant to Vladimir Bondarenko, at the same time being the head physician of the Kiev City Clinical Hospital No. 3. Hospital Palamar was in charge of the hospital since 1999, and his brother worked for a long time as the deputy head of the Desnyanskaya Regional State Administration. It is also known that Boris Palamar was a member of the Kyiv City Council from 2002 to 2006, being a member of the City Council Commission on Legal Security and Deputy Ethics.

Larisa Konarovskaya, the chairman of the Kyiv City Health Workers' Union, speaks very highly of Palamar. She is clearly waiting for his appointment to the post of Director of the Department of Health of the Kyiv City State Administration and believes that he can do a lot for the capital's medicine.

“Boris Ivanovich is a very talented manager who can successfully lead this complex industry. His hospital, by the way, is also very difficult, there are seriously ill patients. Palamar knows how to find sponsors so that patients always have medicines, in his hospital, unlike many other medical institutions, a calm, harmonious atmosphere reigns. And in general, he has many good human qualities ”, - said KV Konarovskaya.

She also noted that the former director of the health department Vitaly Mokhorev did not know the work of doctors from the inside, which made the problems in metropolitan medicine not solved in recent years, but only worsened.

“Boris Palamar is another matter, he knows what needs to be done firsthand,” Konarovskaya said.

The secretary of the humanitarian commission of the Kyiv City Council Aleksey Davidenko commented on the arrival of Boris Palamar in the Kyiv City State Administration more restrained.

“I don't know if this is a good appointment or a bad one. But looking at the fact that the head of the Kyiv City State Administration Volodymyr Bondarenko is actively returning the people of the ex-mayor of Kiev Omelchenko to their posts in the city state administration, one can assume that he simply does not know others, ”said KV Davidenko


In 1982. graduated from a medical school in Novoselitsa, Chernihiv region.

In 1988. - Graduated from the Zaporizhzhya Medical Institute, after which he worked as an intern at the Vasilkovsky central regional hospital.

Since 1990 - worked as a surgeon at the Department of Vascular Surgery at the Kiev Regional Clinical Hospital.

Since 1994 - Worked as Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery at the Kiev City Clinical Hospital №22.

In 1999. - was appointed chief physician of the Kiev City Clinical Hospital No. 3.

Q. Where is sport in your life?

P. As far as I can remember, I have always been involved in sports. As a child, when I lived in the regional center, there were no specialized sections, and I was engaged in various sports of a general physical direction. Later I began to seriously engage in boxing (over 6 years), and now I am happy to go to Sportlife. I am constantly engaged in sports is a way of life.

Q. Were there any interesting situations related to sports?

P. I want to tell a story that has, from my point of view, a certain background, when I entered the Kirov Military Medical Academy in Leningrad, I knew that courses are formed in 3 types of armed forces - missile, flight and submarine. The commission decided that I, as a good athlete - a boxer, would take a worthy place on the submarine and I was unanimously sent to the submariners. I categorically objected, and not finding understanding, I packed my things and left "in English" through the fence. So much for sports, although this is not a positive example. But, this is of course a joke.

Q. How did you get to know Kyokushin karate?

P. Perfectly mastered the technique of working with the hands, I always wanted to attack and defend myself with my feet. My friend Grisha Shishkovsky, introduced me to Sasha Guseinov 10 years ago, and I began to go to the gym to train. Thanks to these workouts, I put on the footwork technique and got a good hand-foot mix. While working as the chief doctor of the hospital, I somehow met a guy whom I didn’t recognize at first, but after he reminded me how I worked with him in sparring, I realized that my efforts were wasted.

Q. Which section of the National Kyokushin Karate Federation do you lead?

P. For more than ten years I have been helping to provide medical support for competitions of various levels, from city to European Championships. In addition to this, I communicate very closely with the leaders of the Kyokushin Federation, Stanislav Bliznyuk. I believe that this is a real athlete who, with his perseverance and work, went to the goal and now is rightfully the first in Kyokushin in Ukraine.

Thank you so much Boris Ivanovich for your contribution to the development of Kyokushin in Ukraine.