Stalin's pedigree. Stalin's family tragedy

Four years ago, the unconditional hits of the first exhibition were the previously unseen family trees russian politicians - Lenin, Stalin, Yeltsin and Putin. Visitors to that exhibition could learn that the genealogy of the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, can be traced back to a certain “son of Yeltsin (just like that - without soft sign) Aniki Sergeev ", born in 1726. The family tree of Joseph Stalin, the “father of nations,” is not particularly splendid. Against the background of the trees of other famous politicians, it generally looks like some kind of saxaul. Thus, researchers have established that Stalin had a grandfather, Vano Dzugashvili, and a great-grandfather, a certain Zaza Dzukat-Dzukaev-Dzukashvili. Stalin's great-grandfather, in fact, is the end of his pedigree. The compilers know nothing about either the grandmother or the great-grandmother of Joseph Vissarionovich. And there are objective reasons for this: due to the political situation, the archives of Georgia are closed for Russian researchers. Lenin's genealogical tree is much more magnificent than that of Stalin. Which, however, is also understandable. A whole scientific institute worked on Lenin's genealogy in Soviet times. And information about not all the relatives of the leader was publicly available. For example, the fact that there were Jews in the family of Vladimir Ilyich was carefully hidden from the public for some time.

The genealogy of Vladimir Putin has been most thoroughly traced by researchers. As follows from the genealogy of the current Russian prime minister, all his ancestors were serfs of the Tver province and belonged first to the noble family of the Romanov princes, and then to the Apraksin princes. Since all of the prime minister's ancestors, without exception, were serfs, they did not have surnames - the peasants got surnames only after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Surnames were given to the peasants only if they were engaged in the so-called latrine trades. In this case, the police were forced to issue passports to them. Most a famous person from the family of the prime minister - his own grandfather Spiridon Ivanovich Putin (1879-1965). As you know, he was a cook who cooked, in particular, for Nadezhda Krupskaya and Joseph Stalin.

The genealogy of Vladimir Putin was compiled by employees of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. Researchers have managed to trace 12 generations of this genus, up to the end of the 16th century. Researchers believe that in a global sense, all are relatives and cousins \u200b\u200bof each other. Therefore, every Russian can consider himself a relative (blood relationship) or at least a relative (relationship through a husband or wife) of the president or prime minister.

The tree of the current president of the country, Dmitry Medvedev, promised to become the highlight of the VIII All-Russian Genealogical Exhibition. However, this did not happen. “Firstly, the tree of Dmitry Anatolyevich is not finished yet,” says Tatyana Gracheva, chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Union for the Revival of Pedigree Traditions. "In addition, the researcher of the president's pedigree, who was doing this on the Polish line of relatives of our head of state, did not agree to post his research in public."

"Ancestors are very vindictive"

According to Tatiana Gracheva, people who are interested in genealogy most often get to know each other via the Internet. And they are trying to draw the attention of the authorities to the plight of the Russian archives. For example, a couple of years ago the Union for the Revival of Pedigree Traditions held an exhibition in the State Duma. Of all the deputies, only Vladimir Zhirinovsky showed interest in genealogy, who asked to hang his family tree at the exhibition. However, then he himself took it off - the tree of Vladimir Volfovich was decorated on a simple sheet of Whatman paper and was noticeably inferior in design quality to those that were taken in museum wooden frames.

How to find out your pedigree? You can do this yourself. “I know people who buy a computer on purpose in order to research their ancestry,” says Tatiana Gracheva. Sometimes you have to search for years. Confirm your ancestry in countries Western Europe is very expensive. With us it is a pleasure if you order the search for your roots to specialists, which is also not cheap. “If you are immediately given a clear amount for your family tree, it can unfold and go away, because no self-respecting researcher will ever say a clear amount,” says Ms. Gracheva. For example, a pedigree along only one line, say, on the paternal line, from our days to the first Russian census, which took place in 1710, will cost no less than 100 thousand rubles. The maternal line - at least another 100 thousand. And then this is if you do not delve into the side shoots of your family tree. And "in depth" there is an opportunity to reach the 16th century.

Many people want to change their ancestry, to make it more, so to speak, representative. In principle, it is possible to build a fake genealogical tree "to order", and there are people willing to do this. However, experts advise against falsifying your own history. “Ancestors are very vindictive,” Tatiana Gracheva is convinced. - Distortion of the history of one's own kind will not bring good. People, for example, sometimes try to prove that some of their ancestors was a nobleman. And when they find out that in fact he was, say, a priest, they abandon their idea of \u200b\u200brestoring the family tree. "

There are other nuances of drawing up pedigrees. For example, once in Russia there was a so-called personal and hereditary nobility. The first could be served. But for this it was necessary to submit a special petition to the authorities. However, for example, at the end of the nineteenth century, not all who could apply for the nobility applied for the nobility. Perhaps they had a presentiment that after a while being a nobleman in Russia would be not only not prestigious, but also deadly.

Although today's descendants of such failed nobles in their time think quite the opposite and by hook or by crook are still trying to become an offshoot of a noble family. These are the so-called associate nobles. Or rather, noblewomen, because the absolute majority of those wishing to join the nobility are women. And kinship along the female line was not considered the basis for the granting of nobility. So the suffering ones get out of the situation with the help of all sorts of tricks, among which is the falsification of the family tree.

My own six-cousin

According to Tatyana Gracheva, drawing up a peasant pedigree is much more interesting for her than a noble one. From the point of view of searching for documents, noble roots are more difficult to find - if only because the nobles did not sit in one place. The peasants, as a rule, lived in one place. And if they moved where, then in the revision tales or merchant fortresses it was always reflected where and to whom the landlords sold their peasants.

No one succeeds in a huge number of ancestors, the number of which seems to increase as we move into the depths of the centuries. Because somewhere at the fifth generation level, as a rule, relatives marry each other. There is a precedent when a person is his own six-cousin.

The Personal Data Law allows the publication of data on the family ties of certain people who died 100 years before the present moment, that is, before 1909. Data on these people in all archives are freely available. On the other hand, there are no laws concerning genealogy proper in Russia. Before issuing genealogies, it is necessary to conduct a historical examination, since many noblemen falsified their genealogies even in tsarist times.

The Union for the Revival of Pedigree Traditions believes that Russian society is experiencing a genealogical boom. And they cite the following argument as proof: if, for example, four years ago about 3 thousand people talked on a genealogical forum on the Internet, today the number of home-grown genealogical tree researchers just registered on the Internet has exceeded 50 thousand.

“There is no national idea in Russia today, but our country has always been very patriarchal and the family was the main core for Russian society,” says Tatiana Gracheva. - Today the interest in family history is huge. People realized that the family is the main thing, and began to search for their roots. "

Joseph Stalin had two wives at different times. Children were born from these marriages. They did not choose their father, they were born into a family and lived under the total control of the odious ruler of the Soviet empire. Unfortunately, the fate of Stalin's children after his death was mostly tragic ... Some consider this to be a natural phenomenon, and some believe that children should not be responsible for the actions of their parents. How many children Stalin has and their fate - we will tell about all this in the article.


So how many children did Stalin have? It's hard to answer right away. Let's go in order ...

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the future ruler of the Soviet empire married for the first time. He was twenty-nine. The chosen one is 21. Her name was Ekaterina Svanidze. This marriage lasted only sixteen months. The wife has passed away. But one month before her death, she gave her husband the first-born - Jacob.

The relatives of the late wife had to raise an heir. Father and son saw each other after fourteen years, already in the era of the USSR. By this time, the Leader of the Nations already had a second family. Yakov's stepmother, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, treated her stepson with warmth. But his father treated him like a nonentity. He didn't like almost everything about him. He severely punished him for the slightest offenses. Sometimes he would not even let the boy into the apartment, and he spent the night on the stairs.

When Jacob was eighteen, he decided to marry his classmate, which happened. The father was categorically against this marriage. Because of this conflict, Jacob even tried to commit suicide. After unsuccessful attempt suicide relations between Stalin and Jacob have completely deteriorated. The son began to live with relatives in the northern capital. It was then that the newlyweds had their first child - daughter Elena, who, unfortunately, died in infancy. After a while, the couple decided to leave.

Return to the capital

Returning to Moscow, Yakov entered the Institute of Transport Engineers and after graduation he worked at one of the power plants. True, he worked very little in his specialty, since his father persistently recommended that he choose another field. As a result, Yakov became a cadet at the Artillery Academy. During the years of study, he gained fame as one of the best and most talented students.

Meanwhile Dzhugashvili met Olga Golysheva. She was born in Uryupinsk, and in the capital she studied at an aviation technical school. Thus, the acquaintance turned into a love story. However, Stalin was again against this relationship. Olga returned to her homeland, where she gave her beloved heir Eugene. Relatives from the Golyshevs began to raise the child. And the young mother returned to Moscow. But her relationship with Stalin's son did not work out at all. After a while, they decided to leave.

In 1939, Yakov married again. His wife was the ballerina Julia Meltser, who soon gave birth to a daughter, Galina. Surprisingly, the all-powerful Stalin did not put obstacles in the way of the young. But, anticipating the course of events, let's say that during the war, Yakov's wife received a term in the Gulag.


When the war broke out, Yakov was among the first to be at the front. Father, of course, could a priori arrange him for a staff position. But he did not do this.

Dzhugashvili got into the very heat - near Vitebsk. He took part in one of the major tank battles. He was even nominated for an award. However, he did not have time to get it ...

The fact is that his battery twice broke out of the environment. But the third time, Yakov failed to do this. He was captured.

For two years the Germans tried to persuade him to cooperate. But Yakov flatly refused. At the same time, during interrogations, he spoke of deep disappointment associated with unsuccessful actions. soviet troops at the beginning of the war. But he did not give the information necessary for the Nazis. In addition, bad about the homeland and state structure he never spoke.

The Germans offered Stalin to exchange his son for one of the major German officers. But the leader was adamant.

... Jacob died in the middle of 1943. He was shot and killed by a sentry in one of the death camps.

Stalin's children and their fate, photos from the archives - all this interests those people who are not indifferent to our history. Therefore, we will continue.


In the early years of Soviet power, Stalin married again. He was already forty, and his chosen one was 17. Nadezhda Alliluyeva was the daughter of Stalin's associates. At the same time, in his youth, a romance began between Stalin and her mother. Thus, after a while she became the mother-in-law of the Leader of the Nations.

Initially, this marriage was happy, but later it turned out to be simply unbearable. And for both. At the end of autumn 1932, after another skirmish with her husband, the spouse closed the bedroom door and shot herself.

As a result, after the death of his wife, Stalin left their two children in common - a twelve-year-old son Vasily and a six-year-old daughter Svetlana. They were looked after by nannies, housekeepers and guards.

Vasily grew up as a rather mischievous boy. The father repeatedly told the educators to be very strict with him. Probably, it was not for nothing that the leader called his youngest son "barchuk".

In 1938, Vasily became a cadet at the Kachin Aviation School. He enjoyed great prestige, in the team he was listed as an easygoing person. But most importantly, he was very fond of flying. Although he constantly argued with his superiors.

On the eve of the war, Vasily got married. The wife was Galina Burdonskaya. Her great-great-grandfather was a soldier of the Napoleonic army. During the battles of 1812, he was wounded and settled in Russia.

The marriage with Burdonskaya lasted four years. Did Vasily Stalin have children? Their fate (photo in the article) was not the best. The parents broke up. Vasily forbade his wife to communicate with their offspring. She saw her children only eight years later.


In 1941, being a twenty-year-old officer, Vasily went to the front. During the war, he flew twenty-seven missions. In addition, he was awarded prestigious military awards for his participation in military operations.

At the same time, he repeatedly received penalties for hooligan actions. He was also demoted. So, once he was removed from command of the regiment. The fact is that he went fishing with his fellow soldiers. During fishing, he used aircraft shells. As a result, weapons engineer Vasily was killed and one of the pilots was wounded.

In 1944, Vasily got married again. His chosen one was the daughter of Soviet Marshal Timoshenko. In this marriage, two children were born.

In 1947, Vasily was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow military district. By this period, he was already seriously suffering from alcoholism and did not take part in flights.

But he had a completely new hobby. He began to create football and hockey teams of "pilots". He provided these athletes with more than generous financial assistance.

In addition, Vasily began to build a sports center. However, during one of the May Day demonstrations, he ordered several planes to fly over Red Square. Some of them, unfortunately, crashed. After that, Stalin fired his own son from the post of commander ...


When Stalin died, Vasily's life went downhill. At first, they decided to appoint him to a position away from the capital. But he did not obey the order. Then he was fired to the reserve. And just a month and a half after the death of the head of state, he was completely arrested. There was only one reason. During one of the feasts with British citizens, Vasily expounded his version of the death of his father. He believed that he was poisoned.

As a result, the former combat pilot and general spent eight years in prison. In 1961, the ruler Khrushchev returned his awards, rank and pension. But 2.5 months after his release, Vasily got into a minor car accident. After that, he was forbidden to live in the capital. So he ended up in Kazan. In this city, he lived very little, since in the early spring of 1962, Vasily died. He was only forty years old.

Only daughter

The only daughter of the Leader of the Nations Svetlana was born in 1926. Initially, Stalin himself doted on her.

However, as a high school student, she began to have love affairs. So, at the age of sixteen she was in love with the forty-year-old screenwriter A. Kapler. Her lover managed to introduce the girl to good literature and poetry. He was able to educate her artistic taste. But the head of state was outraged. A case was opened against Kapler and sent to the camp.

The new chosen one of Svetlana was a friend of her brother Vasily G. Morozov. The father allowed his daughter to marry. In marriage, they had their first child. Despite this, after a while the couple parted. AND ex-husband immediately removed from the capital. For three years he could not find a job.

In the meantime, Svetlana met the son of the Soviet leader A. Zhdanov, Yuri. Stalin was very fond of the Zhdanov family and sincerely wanted these families to become related. And so it happened. Children appeared. By the way, at one time it was the head of state who helped to appoint Yuri to the post of head of the Central Committee department. But the personal life of Stalin's children did not work out ... And this marriage also fell apart.


Raj Bridge Singh became Svetlana's third husband. This elderly man was a Hindu. Their acquaintance took place in the Kremlin hospital. And after a while Singh died. The inconsolable widow was allowed to take her husband's ashes to India. She then decided to apply for asylum at the British Embassy. Then she moved to the United States. Note that she fled abroad without children. By and large, they did not expect such an act and betrayal then.

There she got married again. Her husband was the architect Peters from the USA. From this marriage, a daughter, Olga, was born.

After a while, this marriage broke up. Svetlana returned to the shores of Foggy Albion. And in the middle of 1984 she was allowed to return to the USSR. Alas, she was not forgiven by her close people or distant relatives. For this reason, she again went abroad.

In recent years, she lived in one of the nursing homes. She died in 2011. She was eighty-five.


But these are not all the children of Joseph Stalin. He also had an adopted son, Artem. His own father, a close friend of the leader, associate Fyodor Sergeev, died at that time, Artem was only three months old. Stalin adopted him and took him to the family.

The boy was the same age as the middle son of the head of state. They become best friends... Stalin almost set him up as an example, in contrast to Vasily. Artyom was actually very interested in studying. Although the Leader of the Nations never did him any favors.

After school, Artem entered one of the artillery schools. He graduated from it in 1940. Just like Vasily, he went to the front. He was captured, but, fortunately, his escape attempt was successful. He ended the war as a brigade commander.

In 1954, Artem studied at the Academy of the General Staff and became a great military leader. Many believe that he is one of the founders of the anti-aircraft missile forces. Soviet Union.

He rose to the rank of major general. Before last days he was a committed communist. He passed away in 2008.

The Chief's Happy Son

In addition to the official stories, Stalin's illegitimate children are known (photo is in the article). By and large, in his youth, Stalin was generally fond of the fairer sex. At one time, he even intended to get engaged to one of the noblewomen from Odessa.

So, the future leader was exiled to Solvychegodsk. He was sheltered by Maria Kuzakova. From this connection, the son of Constantine was born. Stalin practically did not think about his son, but for some reason Kostya was constantly accompanied by good luck in his professional career.

Kuzakov, in fact, was very humble man... He was, in fact, the happiest son of the leader. He grew up without a father and learned about his relationship with Stalin when he grew up.

After school, Konstantin became a student at the Financial and Economic Institute in the Northern Capital. After receiving his diploma, he stayed at the university and worked as a teacher. Later he lectured at the regional party committee of Leningrad, and then in Moscow. Since 1939, he became the head of the propaganda and agitation department of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Assistant to the head of state Poskrebyshev treated him well. And sometimes he gave him instructions from Stalin himself.

In 1947, in the wake of another repression, he was removed from all posts and expelled from the party. Beria generally demanded to arrest him. But, as it turns out, the leader himself stood up for Constantine. As a result, membership in the party was restored, and Kuzakov's career was resumed.

In the following years, Konstantin focused on working in television. His last post was that of Deputy Minister of Cinematography of the Soviet Union. It was under him that the editors of the literary and dramatic programs of the Central Television became truly elite. Subordinates sincerely respected, appreciated and loved him. He was actually an intelligent and intelligent leader. At the same time, the origin of Kuzakov was not at all a secret. Apparently, career advancement was primarily associated with his extraordinary abilities.

Kuzakov died in 1996.

Ordinary life of Stalin's son

We continue to talk about Stalin's illegitimate children and their fate. Another illegitimate son of the leader was Alexander Davydov.

Once in another exile, the future head of state cohabited with Lydia Pereprygina. At that time, the girl was only fourteen. The gendarmes intended to punish the lascivious revolutionary. But he vowed to them that he was going to marry Lida. However, this did not happen. Stalin escaped from exile. And the future bride of the revolutionary at that time was expecting a child.

After a while, she gave birth to a son, Sasha. According to several sources, Stalin first corresponded with Pereprygina. Then there was a rumor that Dzhugashvili died at the front. As a result, Lydia did not wait for the groom and married Yakov Davydov, who worked as a fisherman. Pereprygina's new husband adopted Alexander and gave him his last name.

They say that in 1946, Stalin unexpectedly gave an order to find out information about the fate of his son and his mother. The reaction of the leader to the results of this search is unknown.

By and large, the illegitimate son of the leader lived quite simple life... He fought on the fronts of the Korean and Great Patriotic Wars. He rose to the rank of major. AT post-war period he lived with his family in Novokuznetsk. Davydov worked as a foreman, and was also in charge of the canteen of one of the city's enterprises. He passed away in 1987.

Now you know all the children of Stalin and their fate (photo in the article). It's time to analyze some more moments from the life of his descendants.

Children and grandchildren of Stalin. Their fate

You can see a photo of Stalin's huge family in the article. The leader had eight grandchildren. But he saw with his own eyes only three. Their fates are quite different. There are tragic ones, there are also happy ones. Their attitude towards their grandfather was also more than ambiguous.

Stalin's eldest son Yakov had two children. Eugene was born in 1936. He was destined to become a military historian. First, he studied at one of the Suvorov schools, then at the Engineering Academy. For ten years he worked in the system of military representations at various enterprises in the capital and the region. He took part in the preparation and launch of several space objects.

In 1973 he defended his dissertation and began working as a teacher. He passed away in 2016.

Yakov's daughter Galina became a translator and philologist. She specialized in Algerian literature. By the way, her husband is an Algerian. At one time he worked as a UN expert. From this marriage a deaf-mute son was born. Galina died in 2007.

Vasily Dzhugashvili had four children and three foster children.

The eldest son's life was the most successful. He became a famous filmmaker. He served that in the capital. It was he who managed to stage a number of excellent performances. We are talking about such productions as "Vassa Zheleznova", "The Lady with Camellias", "Orpheus Descends to Hell", "The Snows Fell", "The Last Ardently in Love" and many others. The talented director passed away in 2017.

Daughter Nadezhda studied at one of the theater schools, but she could not complete her studies. She moved to Georgia, but then returned to her homeland, to the capital. By this time she met the son of the writer And soon they became husband and wife. They had a daughter, Nastya. In the late 90s, Nadezhda died.

The second son Vasily lived only nineteen years. As a student, he decided to take his own life. On the day of his death, he was in a narcotic state.

Daughter Svetlana died in 1989. She was only forty-three.

Three adopted daughters were adopted by Vasily Dzhugashvili. They say that they kept this surname after their marriage.

Svetlana Alliluyeva had two daughters and a son.

The eldest was Joseph. He was born in a marriage with G. Morozov. But when Svetlana got married, his surname passed to her son Joseph. Joseph became a renowned cardiologist. He is considered a real authority in his field. And his patients still idolize him.

After studying at the university, daughter Ekaterina became a volcanologist. She got married. From this marriage a daughter was born. When her husband passed away, Catherine moved to Kamchatka. They say she still works there.

The youngest daughter Olga was born in 1971 in America. In 1982, his mother, together with Olga, moved to the UK. Olga studied there at Cambridge. Then she returned to her homeland, to the United States. According to some sources, she is in business. She has her own dry goods store in Portland.

, stage director of the theater Russian army Alexander Burdonsky died at the age of 76. “The fate of the tsar's child has passed me,” Burdonsky once said in an interview, hinting at the lack of heightened interest in his person because of the pedigree. But not all descendants soviet leader so lucky. How did kinship with Stalin affect their lives?

Yakov Dzhugashvili

Yakov was born in 1907. He saw his father only in 1921 - Joseph Vissarionovich had a new family. The relationship was tense. The conflict escalated when Yakov announced his intention to marry 16-year-old Zoya Gunina. Stalin did not approve of the marriage, and regarded his son's disobedience as a personal offense. The young man attempted suicide. After that, communication between father and son ceased. Jacob still married Zoya, but family life did not work out from the very beginning. In 1936, he married a second time - to the beautiful ballerina Yulia Melzer. A year later he entered the Red Army Artillery Academy.

At the very beginning of the war, Yakov Dzhugashvili went to the front. In July 1941, he was surrounded near Vitebsk, after which he spent two years in concentration camps. Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva recalled: the Germans offered the Soviet leader to exchange his son for captured German officers, but he refused. “Many have heard that Yasha was in captivity - the Germans used this fact for propaganda purposes. But it was known that he behaved with dignity, not succumbing to any provocations, and, accordingly, experienced cruel treatment ... Maybe too late, when Yasha had already died, his father felt some warmth towards him and realized the injustice of his attitude towards him ", - wrote Alliluyeva in her memoirs.

Yakov Dzhugashvili with his daughter Galina, photo by RIA Novosti

On April 14, 1943, Yakov Dzhugashvili threw himself on the wire barriers of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, through which a high voltage current passed. He died instantly.

Svetlana Alliluyeva

Stalin's daughter from her second marriage became an orphan at the age of 6 - her mother committed suicide. The girl studied well and showed the greatest interest in literature. The father did not approve of the choice of his daughter and recommended that she study natural sciences. Svetlana graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and worked as a translator. After the death of her father, she continued to work at the Institute of World Literature.

Alliluyeva had two divorces behind her back. Indian communist Raja Bradesh Singh became her new chosen one. In the fall of 1966, he died after a serious illness, and Svetlana turned to Brezhnev with a request to allow her a trip to the homeland of her civil husband. Instead of one week, she spent several months in India. On the eve of her alleged return to Russia, Alliluyeva asked for political asylum at the US Embassy in Delhi. She moved to the States, thus leaving her son and daughter behind. In the USA she published her memoir "Twenty Letters to a Friend". This book has brought her huge profits. In 1970, the daughter of the Soviet leader married the American architect William Peters and took a new name - Lana.

In 1984, she returned to Russia, but was unable to establish relations with her son and daughter. Then Stalin's daughter moved to Tbilisi. Two years later, she again asked for permission to travel to the United States. Svetlana Alliluyeva passed away on November 22, 2011 in Wisconsin.

Evgeny Dzhugashvili

The son of Yakov Dzhugashvili and Olga Golysheva graduated from the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, defended his dissertation in 1973. At the Military Academy General Staff Of the Armed Forces of the USSR named after K. E. Voroshilov taught the history of wars. In 1996 he became chairman of the Georgian Society of the Ideological Heirs of Joseph Stalin. The society was founded with funds from one of the local businessmen. Five years later, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili announced the creation of the New Communist Party in Georgia, but did not achieve success in the political field.

Several lawsuits are associated with his name. For example, in 2009, he filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity and compensation for moral damage against Novaya Gazeta and journalist Anatoly Yablokov. The reason for the lawsuit was the following phrase, published in an article by Novaya Gazeta: "Stalin and the Chekists are tied up with a lot of blood, grave crimes, primarily against their own people." In 2010, Dzhugashvili filed a lawsuit against Rosarkhiv; he demanded to admit the fact of falsification of documents confirming Stalin's involvement in the execution of Poles in Katyn.

Yevgeny Dzhugashvili passed away in December 2016. He was 80 years old.

Yakov Evgenievich Dzhugashvili

The great-grandson of the Soviet leader became an artist. He studied at the art school in Glasgow and held his first exhibition in London. “I am proud of my origin and proud of my surname. I cannot say that the surname helps to sell paintings, rather, on the contrary. If I helped, I would probably sell every day for work, and so - two or three a month, "- said Yakov in an interview with the magazine" Snob ".

In 1999, his works were exhibited at the Art Museum in Batumi. Another descendant of Stalin, the grandson of Yakov Dzhugashvili named Selim, also became an artist. Today Selim lives in Ryazan and paints pictures.

Chris Evans

Svetlana Alliluyeva's daughter lives in Portland. She works in a vintage shop and refuses to talk to reporters or discuss her relationship with her mother.

Ekaterina Zhdanova

Stalin's granddaughter lives in Kamchatka and works as a volcanologist. She was born in 1950 from the marriage of Svetlana Alliluyeva and Professor Yuri Zhdanov. As a child, she traveled a lot around Russia with her father. When Svetlana left Russia, she wrote her a farewell letter, in which she advised her daughter to continue her studies in science. Catherine stopped communicating with her, although telegrams from her mother periodically came to Kamchatka. After Alliluyeva's death, Chris Evans contacted her, but Ekaterina Zhdanova left her letter unanswered.

P.S. Well, at least except for Svetlana and her daughter now living in America, no one else fled abroad, unlike the descendants of Khrushchev or Gorbachev. And where are these "patriots" now?

These black hard years
All hope was in him
What super powerful breed

Did nature create it?
A. Vertinsky 1945

In his memoirs, which are stored in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and were published in the Kultura newspaper No. 85 on 01.03.2013 as a translation from the 2012 publication to english language under the title "My Dear Son", Ekaterina Geladze - Dzhugashvili, mother of I.V. Stalin writes about how her husband Beso Dzhugashvili told her about the origin of his surname: - “Our ancestors were drovers. Therefore, we were called "Jogans", otherwise we used to have a completely different surname, according to him, their ancestors were from Geri, the serfs Machabeli. But Gehry, it turns out, was very worried about the Ossetians - the mountaineers, there was also a lot of bloodshed. Until the Machabeli heeded their request and settled them in Lilo. Beso greatly revered the icon of St. George Gehry, and considered him his family patron to the end. "
The name of Geri here denotes the village of Jer, Tskhinvali region South Ossetia... Excellent pictures of the area and the sanctuary of Dzhera Zuar, which is located near the village, were published in the Maxim magazinehttp: // m / 28625.html
The icon that Beso greatly revered was from this particular sanctuary.
Further Ekatirina Geladze - Dzhugashvili writes; “Our family happiness was endless. Beso became a master of his craft, separated from Osef Baramov and opened his own workshop. ... A year later, our happiness was marked by the fact that we had a son. Beso almost lost his mind with joy. Celebrated a big christening. Yakov Egnatashvili helped a lot, like a godfather, but joy gave way to grief, since the child died at the age of two months. Beso began to drink from grief. Family happiness has cracked. In the second year our second son was born. He was also baptized by Yakov, but this child did not survive and soon died. Beso nearly lost his mind. He attributed all this to the disgrace of the Gehry icon, my mother agreed with him, like a believer. Mother began to walk on countless fortune-tellers. Once I even went to Karagadzhi to find out the reason for our family grief. The icon was also accused there. We bought an icon of St. George, they began to light candles, go to Gorijvari, where they made a vow, go to Geri to pray and make a donation if our third child survives (I was already pregnant). The third child was also born a boy: Beso said: "Yakov's hand did not justify, we must try the hand of the second best man." Egnatashvili was not offended by this. We accelerated the christening of the third child so that he would not die unbaptized. The mother hung an amulet around the child's neck and reminded Beso that they had made a vow to go to Geri for donation. Beso replied: "If only the child survived, I will go on my knees and bring the child on my shoulders." These are the stories that happened to us before my Soso was born. Although the child survived, he was very weak in constitution, fragile, and never overgrown with meat. If a contagious disease appeared somewhere, he was the first to catch it. He did not like to eat meat, but he loved beans. "
From the above quotation it is clear that Beso is the father of I.V. Stalin believed that his family came from the village of Jer. As a memory of this, he kept and venerated the icon from the sanctuary of Dzhera Dzuar. The Djery Zuar sanctuary is one of the main ones in Ossetia and is dedicated to Uastyrdzhi. By the consonance of the name and partly by the functions, Uastyrdzhi coincides with St. George, therefore the ancient Aryan temple was adapted by Christians to the church of St. George. Not only the holy places of Ossetia, but also of Russia and other countries during the period of Christianization suffered a similar fate. But this is a different topic. And according to the pedigree of I.V. Stalin, I found the same story in Alanka Urtati's story "Stalin's Patroness" stalin / publicistic / urtati_pokrovitel.html The same story in the story of Alanka Urtati was recorded according to the presentation of Badil Budata, who learned this story from Wasilla Chertkuata, who took part in it directly. Wasilla Chetkuaty was a priest, folk storyteller and singer, lived for over 113 years. Here is how the story is told in this version: - “But let us return to the family tree of Dzugata, the roots of which grew on both sides of the Ridge, and the branch in question continued in Dzomag, in the southern part of Ossetia. Bes' ancestors moved from Dzomag to Jer. A direct great-grandfather lived there - Ivane Dzugaev. His son's name was Besa. Bes had a son, Zaza. When Zaza grew up, he went to seek his fortune in Jer.
He liked the place and stayed there. Later, he married a girl Side from Tualgom, which is located in the middle between the southern and northern parts of Ossetia.
Two sons were born to Tuayon, as all women from the numerous clan of Tuals are called. One was named after the father of Bes, and the second - after the grandfather Ivane. Besa died as a child, and Ivane grew up and brought Zarina Alborta from Jer to his wife. Subsequently, Ivane and Alboron left Jer and moved to Didi Lilo. Here Besa was born, named after his grandfather.
There were two shoemakers in Didi Lilo - Georgy and Misha. Besa went to them, and both loved the boy like a son, taught their profession. Besa learned shoemaking from them, but there was no work in the village for so many shoemakers, and when he grew up, he moved to Gori. Here Besa met Keke Geladze, a Georgian girl, and married her in 1884. For a long 9 years, Keke did not give birth to children, but finally the first child appeared. Besa named him George after a teacher from Didi Lilo, but he died in infancy. When the second was born, Besa named him after his second teacher from Didi Lilo - Misha, but this baby also died.
Keke greatly grieved, then began to run around fortune-tellers and healers. Finally, God took pity on the husband and wife and gave them a third son, whose fate was also in jeopardy, because he was very weak, and Keke was very afraid that he would die. Keke knew about the shrine to which her husband, as a member of the Dzugata clan, was directly involved. Saint Jeri was the patron saint of several Ossetian families and surnames, so unfortunate Keke hoped that he would help her, Dzugata's daughter-in-law, to save her last baby Soso.
An old fortune teller from Gori told Keke to ask her husband to take her son to his family's sanctuary.
Having heard about Wasilla Chertkuata's participation in such affairs, Keke found him on one of his visits at the Gori bazaar and earnestly asked for help.
In addition to consent, Wasilla needed to acquire a sacrificial lamb, which was to be delivered to the Djer sanctuary.
When they reached Jer, it was approaching noon. The Dzugats, who came from Jer, eventually parted, but one of the branches of this surname remained in its ancestral nest. Travelers from their long journey headed there. The owners received them cordially, the head of this house went with them to the sanctuary, who was "dzuarlag", that is, the minister of this sanctuary. "
I will not investigate the truth of the two versions of this story. Let's take only what is there and there and it will most likely be true.
1. Rod I.V. Stalin comes from the village. Jer (Geri) Tskhinvali region of South Ossetia.
2. The first two sons of Stalin's mother died in infancy, and his own life was in danger.
3. In childhood, JV Stalin was taken under his patronage by Uastyrdzhi through a perfect ancient ritual, which saved his life.
Some facts not directly related to this story.
1. The Dzugata clan moved to Jer from Dzomag.
2. All Ossetians living in Georgian villages changed their surname endings to -shvili or -dze. And those who adopted Christianity were called former Ossetians, because the ethnonym Ossetians comes from a religious name. Self-designation of the Ossetians Iron (Arius).
It follows from this that I.V. Stalin belonged to the Dzugata Ossetian family.
Most of the current Ossetian surnames are descended from OsBagatar. And OsBagatar, as you know, was from the Akhsartakat clan. From Nart legends, we know that the Akhsartagat clan was founded by twin brothers Uruzmag and Khamyts.
And now we can give the genealogy we are looking for I.V. Stalin in the following form.
The One and Great God, at the request of Barduag of Fire, created the first nart. Barduag of Fire gave him the name Sauassa. The wife of Sauassa was the Daughter of Donbetr (Barduaga of Water). They had three sons, Bor, Bolatbarzai and Dzulau. The elder Bora was married to Arva Chizg (Daughter of Heaven). She gave birth to twin brothers Ouarhag and Ouarkhtanag. Uarhag's wife gave birth to twins Akhsar and Akhsartag. Akhsartag married Dzerasse (daughter of Donbetr), who gave birth to twins Uruzmag and Khamyts. Uruzmag and Khamyts founded the Akhsartagat clan by the name of their father. OsBagatar from the Akhsartagat clan had five sons. One of them was called Sidam. From him comes the Sidamon family. Dzug was from the Sidamon family. His descendants settled in the village. Dzomag and began to call themselves the clan Dzuga - Dzugata. One of them was named Ivane Dzugaev. He had a son, Beso Dzugaev. His son Zaza moved to the village of Jer. Sida from Tualgom became his wife. They named their son Ivane after his grandfather. Zarina Alborova from Dzher became Ivane's wife. Ivane and Zarina moved to Didi Lilo. They had a son, whom they named Beso, after their grandfather. Beso learned shoemaking and moved to Gori. Here he met Keke Geladze, who became his wife. At Beso and Keke on December 21, 1879. a son was born, who later became J.V. Stalin.

Andrey Brezhnev, grandson The Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Chebotarev

On July 10, 2018, a 57-year-old died suddenly due to heart problems in Sevastopol Andrey Brezhnev - the grandson of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev.

Andrei Brezhnev was perhaps the most prominent figure in the Brezhnev clan since the beginning of the 21st century. His father, Yuri Brezhnev, served as First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR and was retired after Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. "Pensioner", by the way, at that time was only 53 years old.

Andrey Yuryevich graduated from MGIMO and at the end of the Soviet era worked as deputy head of the Foreign Relations Department of the USSR Ministry of Trade. In the 1990s, Brezhnev was engaged in commerce, and at the turn of the century he decided to try himself in politics, using the nostalgia for the days of his grandfather that was emerging in society. This was also facilitated by his appearance - Andrei Yuryevich really looked like the young Leonid Ilyich.

In 1998 he headed the All-Russian Communist Social Movement (OKOD). Later, Andrei Brezhnev was a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, headed the "New Communist Party", and in 2012 became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Social Justice (CPSU). He repeatedly participated in elections at various levels, but he did not succeed in getting elected anywhere. The last attempt to achieve success was participation in the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation from the party "Rodina". But Andrei Brezhnev also failed to become a deputy.

Brezhnev's grandson, who tried to build a political career in the name of his grandfather, is rather an exception to the rule. Most descendants statesmen of the Soviet era, either shun publicity altogether, or operate under a different name.

Political scientist and deputy: Molotov's grandson succeeded

Vyacheslav Nikonov at the plenary session. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

Grandson of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov Vyacheslav Nikonovhe does not hide his family connection with his grandfather, but he never pressed on her in his activities.

62-year-old Nikonov is one of the most famous Russian political scientists, doctor historical sciences, Dean of the Faculty government controlled Moscow State University.

Nikonov is a member of the governing structures of "United Russia", is a deputy State Duma from this party and holds the post of Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Education. Among the hundreds of works by Nikonov as a scientist, there are also those devoted to the biography of Vyacheslav Molotov.

Stas - Anastas: Mikoyan's grandson became a legend of Russian music

Stas Namin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresensky

The founder and leader of the "Flowers" group Stas Naminknown as one of the first domestic music producers. From his country's first independent production center SNC came such groups as Kalinov Most, Brigade S, Moral Code, Spleen and many others. Namin also created and produced the most successful domestic group aimed at Western audiences - Gorky Park. Namin is such a successful and self-sufficient person that his ancestors are not often remembered.

Meanwhile, Stas Namin is the grandson of Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, who for many years held the post of People's Commissar of Trade of the USSR, whose folk art career described as “From Ilyich to Ilyich without a heart attack and paralysis.

Stas Namin's father - Alexey Mikoyan, the third son of the Stalinist People's Commissar. Alexey Anastasovich was a military pilot, participated in the Great Patriotic War, one of the first in the country to master jet aircraft. Alexey Mikoyan rose to the rank of Lieutenant General of Aviation, and was also awarded the honorary title "Honored Military Pilot of the USSR". Stas Namin himself (whose real name is the same as that of his grandfather - Anastas Mikoyan) graduated from the Suvorov Military School, but preferred military career creation. AT last years The 66-year-old Mikoyan is involved in painting, photography and directing a lot. In July 2018, Namin took part in the Golden Apricot Film Festival in Armenia, where he presented his films Ancient Temple of Armenia and Real Cuba.

Chris Evans: Granddaughter of the "Father of Nations" from Oregon


In mid-March 2016, the world media exploded with the news "Stalin's granddaughter starred in a shocking photo shoot!"

In the photos that users found in in social networks, an extravagant lady with bright makeup, in torn tights, short shorts, “armed” with a toy machine gun was captured.

Chris Evans, aka Olga Peters, is indeed a granddaughter Joseph Stalin... She was born in 1973 to the family stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyevaand American William Peters.

Ms. Evans lives in Oregon, owns an antiques store, does not speak Russian, and does not like to talk about her grandfather. Actually, Olga-Chris rarely spoke with her mother, who died in 2011, as an adult.

From granddaughter to great-great-grandchildren: three generations of Stalin's descendants live in Kamchatka

In the small Kamchatka village of Klyuchi lives half sister Chris Evans Ekaterina Zhdanova... Ekaterina is 23 years older than Olga-Chris. The relatives have never communicated with each other, and the only thing that unites them is their unwillingness to discuss either Joseph's grandfather or Svetlana's mother with anyone. Catherine is not only the granddaughter of Joseph Stalin, but also his close associate, member of the Politburo Andrey Zhdanov.

When Svetlana Alliluyeva fled to the USA, Ekaterina was not yet 17 years old. She did not forgive her mother for this act. When the journalists did get to her, the woman answered briefly: "Alliluyeva is not my mother, you are confusing something." In the early 1970s, Yekaterina Zhdanova graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in geophysics, after which she went to work in Kamchatka. Here in 1982 she had a daughter, who was named Anna.

All her life Ekaterina Zhdanova has worked at the Kamchatka Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Daughter Anna married a military man who also serves in Kamchatka, they had a daughter and a son - respectively, the great-great-granddaughter and great-great-grandson of Stalin and Zhdanov. Ekaterina Zhdanova always rejected repeated offers to move closer to civilization, preferring a modest life in the Klyuchi.

Khrushchev's great-granddaughter threatens from New York

Nina Khrushcheva. A photo: Frame

Many descendants of Soviet leaders fled to the West. Among them great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushcheva Nina Lvovna Khrushcheva.

Nina Lvovna - daughter Yulia Khrushcheva, who was the Soviet leader at the same time a granddaughter and adopted daughter. Khrushchev's eldest son Leonid, a military pilot, did not return from a combat sortie on March 11, 1943. His wife, Love Sizykh, was imprisoned on charges of espionage, and then sent into exile. Nikita Khrushchev adopted a 3-year-old granddaughter without parents.

Yulia Khrushcheva worked as a journalist at the Novosti Press Agency, then as the head of the literary department at the Ermolova Moscow Drama Theater, actively fought against falsification of her family history. In 2017, she died tragically - she was hit by a train.

Nina Lvovna Khrushcheva graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University in the late 1980s, after which she left for the United States, where she continued her studies at Princeton University. After that, the great-granddaughter of the Soviet leader decided to stay in America, where she now teaches international relationships at New School University in New York. When asked about her nationality, Nina Khrushcheva answers as follows: "Citizen of the world and resident of New York." Despite this, the great-granddaughter writes a lot and speaks about the situation in Russia.

In March 2014, in an interview with CNN, Nina Khrushcheva strongly condemned the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Gorbachev's granddaughter did not become a ballerina and settled in Germany

Ksenia Gorbacheva. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Abroad, but only in Germany, the eldest granddaughter of the first and last president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev spends most of her time Ksenia.

As a child, the presidential granddaughter was assigned to the Moscow Academic Choreographic School, but Ksenia did not become a ballerina - in one of her interviews she said that the cause was health problems. After graduating from the language lyceum, Ksenia Gorbacheva entered the MGIMO Faculty of Journalism. After receiving her diploma in 2003, Ksenia married Kirill Soloda, but after a couple of years this marriage fell apart.

For some time, Gorbachev's granddaughter worked in the production company of the National Music Corporation Victor Drobysh... She met the former concert director of the singer Abraham Russo Dmitry Pyrchenkov, whom she married in 2009.

Soon Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, who was named Alexandra... The birth took place in Germany, which in 2014, in an interview with Daughters and Mothers, Gorbachev's granddaughter commented: “It was safer for me to give birth here. I did not choose a specific maternity hospital, I went to a specific doctor who was recommended to me, and I was very pleased with the birth. Anyway, the second time I would give birth again here. When my mother told me about her experience of pregnancy and childbirth, naturally, in the Soviet maternity hospital, I understood that if I were in her place, I would die without giving birth, right at the very beginning of the process (laughs).

In 2013, Ksenia Gorbacheva became the editor-in-chief of the L'Officiel Russia magazine. But two years later, she was replaced as editor-in-chief by another Ksenia - Sobchak, which heads the magazine to this day. But, standing at the head of L'Officiel Russia, the granddaughter of the USSR president managed to give a vivid interview to Die Welt, in which she criticized the situation in Russia: “Many foreigners tell me how good it is in Moscow. They say there are such wonderful nightclubs and restaurants that you can buy such wonderful things here, even if they cost ten times as much. They don't notice the problem ... Imagine that you have lost your passport and go to the police. But there really isn't much help there. And this is the most insignificant problem ... ".

In recent years, Ksenia Gorbacheva, who celebrated her 38th birthday in 2018, leads a rather closed lifestyle, and appears mainly at events organized by the Mikhail Gorbachev funds.