Stalin's family tree. The Stalins stayed, the Khrushchevs left

These black hard years
All hope was in him
What super powerful breed

Did nature create it?
A. Vertinsky 1945

In his memoirs, which are stored in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and were published in the Kultura newspaper No. 85 on 01.03.2013 as a translation from the 2012 publication to english language under the title "My Dear Son", Ekaterina Geladze - Dzhugashvili, mother of I.V. Stalin writes about how her husband Beso Dzhugashvili told her about the origin of his surname: - “Our ancestors were drovers. Therefore, we were called "Jogans", otherwise we used to have a completely different surname, according to him, their ancestors were from Geri, the serfs Machabeli. But Gehry, it turns out, was very worried about the Ossetians - the mountaineers, there was also a lot of bloodshed. Until the Machabeli heeded their request and settled them in Lilo. Beso greatly revered the icon of St. George Gehry, and considered him his family patron to the end. "
The name of Geri here denotes the village of Jer, Tskhinvali region South Ossetia... Excellent pictures of the area and the sanctuary of Dzhera Zuar, which is located near the village, were published in the Maxim magazinehttp: // m / 28625.html
The icon that Beso greatly revered was from this particular sanctuary.
Further Ekatirina Geladze - Dzhugashvili writes; “Our family happiness was endless. Beso became a master of his craft, separated from Osef Baramov and opened his own workshop. ... A year later, our happiness was marked by the fact that we had a son. Beso almost lost his mind with joy. Celebrated a big christening. Yakov Egnatashvili helped a lot, like a godfather, but joy gave way to grief, since the child died at the age of two months. Beso began to drink from grief. Family happiness has cracked. In the second year our second son was born. He was also baptized by Jacob, but this child did not survive and soon died. Beso nearly lost his mind. He attributed all this to the disgrace of the Gehry icon, my mother agreed with him, like a believer. Mother began to walk on countless fortune-tellers. Once I even went to Karagadzhi to find out the reason for our family grief. The icon was also accused there. We bought an icon of St. George, they began to light candles, go to Gorijvari, where they made a vow, go to Geri to pray and make a donation if our third child survives (I was already pregnant). The third child was also born a boy: Beso said: "Yakov's hand did not justify, we must try the hand of the second best man." Egnatashvili was not offended by this. We accelerated the christening of the third child so that he would not die unbaptized. The mother hung an amulet around the child's neck and reminded Beso that they had made a vow to go to Geri for a donation. Beso replied: "If only the child survived, I will go on my knees and bring the child on my shoulders." These are the stories that happened to us before my Soso was born. Although the child survived, he was very weak in constitution, fragile, and never overgrown with meat. If a contagious disease appeared somewhere, he was the first to catch it. He didn’t like to eat meat, but he liked beans. "
From the above quotation it is clear that Beso is the father of I.V. Stalin believed that his family came from the village of Jer. As a memory of this, he kept and venerated the icon from the sanctuary of Dzhera Dzuar. The Djery Zuar sanctuary is one of the main ones in Ossetia and is dedicated to Uastyrdzhi. By the consonance of the name and partly by the functions, Uastyrdzhi coincides with St. George, therefore the ancient Aryan temple was adapted by Christians to the church of St. George. Not only the holy places of Ossetia, but also of Russia and other countries during the period of Christianization suffered a similar fate. But this is a different topic. And according to the pedigree of I.V. Stalin, I found the same story in Alanka Urtati's story "Stalin's Patron" stalin / publicistic / urtati_pokrovitel.html The same story in the story of Alanka Urtati was recorded according to the presentation of Badil Budata, who learned this story from Wasilla Chertkuata, who took part in it directly. Wasilla Chetkuaty was a priest, folk storyteller and singer, lived for over 113 years. Here is how the story is told in this version: - “But let us return to the family tree of Dzugata, the roots of which grew on both sides of the Ridge, and the branch in question continued in Dzomag, in the southern part of Ossetia. Bes' ancestors moved from Dzomag to Jer. A direct great-grandfather lived there - Ivane Dzugaev. His son's name was Besa. Bes had a son, Zaza. When Zaza grew up, he went to seek his fortune in Jer.
He liked the place and stayed there. Later, he married a girl Side from Tualgom, which is located in the middle between the southern and northern parts of Ossetia.
Two sons were born to Tuayon, as all women from the numerous clan of Tuals are called. One was named after the father of Bes, and the second - after the grandfather Ivane. Besa died as a child, and Ivane grew up and brought Zarina Alborta from Jer to his wife. Subsequently, Ivane and Alboron left Jer and moved to Didi Lilo. Here Besa was born, named after his grandfather.
There were two shoemakers in Didi Lilo - Georgy and Misha. Besa went to them, and both loved the boy like a son, taught their profession. Besa learned shoemaking from them, but there was no work in the village for so many shoemakers, and when he grew up, he moved to Gori. Here Besa met Keke Geladze, a Georgian girl, and married her in 1884. For a long 9 years, Keke did not give birth to children, but finally the first child appeared. Besa named him George after a teacher from Didi Lilo, but he died in infancy. When the second was born, Besa named him after his second teacher from Didi Lilo - Misha, but this baby also died.
Keke greatly grieved, then began to run around fortune-tellers and sorceresses. Finally, God took pity on the husband and wife and gave them a third son, whose fate was also in jeopardy, because he was very weak, and Keke was very afraid that he would die. Keke knew about the shrine to which her husband, as a member of the Dzugata clan, was directly involved. Saint Jeri was the patron saint of several Ossetian families and surnames, so unfortunate Keke hoped that he would help her, Dzugata's daughter-in-law, save her last baby Soso.
An old fortune teller from Gori told Keke to ask her husband to take her son to the sanctuary of his family.
Having heard about Wasilla Chertkuata's participation in such affairs, Keke found him on one of his visits at the Gori bazaar and earnestly asked for help.
In addition to consent, Wasilla needed to acquire a sacrificial lamb, which was to be delivered to the Jera sanctuary.
When they got to Jer, it was approaching noon. The Dzugats, who came from Dzher, eventually parted, but one of the branches of this surname remained in its ancestral nest. Travelers from their long journey headed there. The owners received them cordially, the head of this house went with them to the sanctuary, who was "dzuarlag", that is, the servant of this sanctuary. "
I will not investigate the truth of the two versions of this story. Let's take only what is there and there and it will most likely be true.
1. Rod I.V. Stalin comes from the village. Jer (Geri) Tskhinvali region of South Ossetia.
2. The first two sons of Stalin's mother died in infancy, and his own life was in danger.
3. In childhood, JV Stalin was taken under his patronage by Uastyrdzhi through a perfect ancient ritual, which saved his life.
Some facts not directly related to this story.
1. The Dzugata clan moved to Jer from Dzomag.
2. All Ossetians living in Georgian villages changed their surname endings to -shvili or -dze. And those who adopted Christianity were called former Ossetians, because the ethnonym Ossetians comes from a religious name. Self-designation of the Ossetians Iron (Arius).
It follows from this that I.V. Stalin belonged to the Dzugata Ossetian family.
Most of the current Ossetian surnames are descended from OsBagatar. And OsBagatar, as you know, was from the Akhsartakat clan. From the Nart legends we know that the Akhsartagat clan was founded by twin brothers Uruzmag and Khamyts.
And now we can give the genealogy we are looking for I.V. Stalin in the following form.
The One and Great God, at the request of Barduag of Fire, created the first nart. Barduag of Fire gave him the name Sauassa. The wife of Sauassa was the Daughter of Donbetr (Barduaga Voda). They had three sons, Bor, Bolatbarzai and Dzulau. The elder Bora was married to Arva Chizg (Daughter of Heaven). She gave birth to twin brothers Ouarhag and Ouarkhtanag. Uarhag's wife gave birth to twins Akhsar and Akhsartag. Akhsartag married Dzerasse (daughter of Donbetra), who gave birth to twins Uruzmag and Khamyts. Uruzmag and Khamyts founded the Akhsartagat clan by the name of their father. OsBagatar from the Akhsartagat clan had five sons. One of them was called Sidam. From him comes the Sidamon family. Dzug was from the Sidamon family. His descendants settled in the village. Dzomag and began to call themselves the clan Dzuga - Dzugata. One of them was named Ivane Dzugaev. He had a son, Beso Dzugaev. His son Zaza moved to the village of Dzher. Sida from Tualgom became his wife. They named their son Ivane after his grandfather. Zarina Alborova from Dzher became Ivane's wife. Ivane and Zarina moved to Didi Lilo. They had a son, whom they named Beso, after their grandfather. Beso learned shoemaking and moved to Gori. Here he met Keke Geladze, who became his wife. At Beso and Keke on December 21, 1879. a son was born, who later became J.V. Stalin.

, stage director of the theater Russian army Alexander Burdonsky died at the age of 76. “I have passed the fate of the royal child,” Burdonsky once said in an interview, hinting at the lack of heightened interest in his person because of the pedigree. But not all descendants of the Soviet leader were so lucky. How did kinship with Stalin affect their lives?

Yakov Dzhugashvili

Yakov was born in 1907. He saw his father only in 1921 - Joseph Vissarionovich had a new family. The relationship was tense. The conflict escalated when Yakov announced his intention to marry 16-year-old Zoya Gunina. Stalin did not approve of the marriage, and regarded his son's disobedience as a personal insult. The young man attempted suicide. After that, communication between father and son ceased. Jacob still married Zoya, but family life did not work out from the very beginning. In 1936, he married a second time - to the beautiful ballerina Yulia Melzer. A year later he entered the Red Army Artillery Academy.

At the very beginning of the war, Yakov Dzhugashvili went to the front. In July 1941, he was surrounded near Vitebsk, after which he spent two years in concentration camps. Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva recalled: the Germans offered the Soviet leader to exchange his son for captured German officers, but he refused. “Many have heard that Yasha was in captivity - the Germans used this fact for propaganda purposes. But it was known that he behaved with dignity, not succumbing to any provocations, and, accordingly, experienced cruel treatment ... Maybe too late, when Yasha had already died, his father felt a kind of warmth towards him and realized the injustice of his attitude towards him ", - wrote Alliluyeva in her memoirs.

Yakov Dzhugashvili with his daughter Galina, photo by RIA Novosti

On April 14, 1943, Yakov Dzhugashvili threw himself on the wire barriers of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, through which a high-voltage current passed. He died instantly.

Svetlana Alliluyeva

Stalin's daughter from her second marriage became an orphan at the age of 6 - her mother committed suicide. The girl studied well and showed the greatest interest in literature. The father did not approve of the choice of his daughter and recommended that she study natural sciences. Svetlana graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and worked as a translator. After the death of her father, she continued to work at the Institute of World Literature.

Alliluyeva had two divorces behind her back. Indian communist Raja Bradesh Singh became her new chosen one. In the fall of 1966, he died after a serious illness, and Svetlana turned to Brezhnev with a request to allow her a trip to the homeland of her civil husband. Instead of one week, she spent several months in India. On the eve of her alleged return to Russia, Alliluyeva asked for political asylum at the US Embassy in Delhi. She moved to the States, thus leaving her son and daughter behind. In the United States, she published her memoir Twenty Letters to a Friend. This book has brought her huge profits. In 1970, the daughter of the Soviet leader married the American architect William Peters and took a new name - Lana.

In 1984, she returned to Russia, but was unable to establish relations with her son and daughter. Then Stalin's daughter moved to Tbilisi. Two years later, she again asked for permission to travel to the United States. Svetlana Alliluyeva passed away on November 22, 2011 in Wisconsin.

Evgeny Dzhugashvili

The son of Yakov Dzhugashvili and Olga Golysheva graduated from the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy, defended his dissertation in 1973. At the Military Academy General Staff Of the Armed Forces of the USSR named after K. E. Voroshilov taught the history of wars. In 1996, he became the chairman of the Georgian Society of the Ideological Heirs of Joseph Stalin. The society was founded with funds from one of the local businessmen. Five years later, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili announced the creation of the New Communist Party in Georgia, but did not achieve success in the political arena.

Several lawsuits are associated with his name. For example, in 2009, he filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity and compensation for moral damage against Novaya Gazeta and journalist Anatoly Yablokov. The reason for the lawsuit was the following phrase, published in an article by Novaya Gazeta: "Stalin and the Chekists are tied up with a lot of blood, grave crimes, primarily against their own people." In 2010, Dzhugashvili filed a lawsuit against Rosarkhiv; he demanded to admit the fact of falsification of documents confirming Stalin's involvement in the execution of Poles in Katyn.

Yevgeny Dzhugashvili passed away in December 2016. He was 80 years old.

Yakov Evgenievich Dzhugashvili

The great-grandson of the Soviet leader became an artist. He studied at the art school in Glasgow and held his first exhibition in London. “I am proud of my origin and proud of my surname. I can't say that the surname helps to sell paintings, rather, on the contrary. If I helped, I would probably sell every day for work, and so - two or three a month, "- said Yakov in an interview with the magazine" Snob ".

In 1999, his works were exhibited at the Art Museum in Batumi. Another descendant of Stalin, the grandson of Yakov Dzhugashvili, named Selim, also became an artist. Today Selim lives in Ryazan and paints pictures.

Chris Evans

Svetlana Alliluyeva's daughter lives in Portland. She works in a vintage shop and refuses to talk to reporters or discuss her relationship with her mother.

Ekaterina Zhdanova

Stalin's granddaughter lives in Kamchatka and works as a volcanologist. She was born in 1950 from the marriage of Svetlana Alliluyeva and Professor Yuri Zhdanov. As a child, she traveled a lot around Russia with her father. When Svetlana left Russia, she wrote her a farewell letter in which she advised her daughter to continue her studies in science. Catherine stopped communicating with her, although telegrams from her mother periodically came to Kamchatka. After Alliluyeva's death, Chris Evans contacted her, but Ekaterina Zhdanova left her letter unanswered.

P.S. Well, at least except for Svetlana and her daughter now living in America, no one else fled abroad, unlike the descendants of Khrushchev or Gorbachev. And where are these "patriots" now?

Childhood and pedigree

The words "a native of Gori" for those who are familiar with history Russian Empire and Soviet Union, are a self-explanatory idiom. And they can denote only one person - Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili-Stalin, who was born in this city on December 9 (21), 1879. There is, however, a version that in fact this event took place on December 6 (18), 1878.

However, the natives of the city of Gori, founded by the legendary king David the Builder, who united Georgia, were both the composer Vano Muradeli and the philosopher Merab Mamardashvili. But everyone is overshadowed by Stalin - a revolutionary, dictator, "father of peoples" - heated debates about whom are still raging both among professional historians and in various strata of society.

His great-grandfather was a shepherd, and his grandfather was a winegrower in the village of Didi-Lilo. The father of the future leader, Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili, first worked as a shoemaker-handicraftsman, and then entered a worker at Adelkhanov's shoe factory in Tiflis (future Tbilisi). Then he moved to Gori and became the owner of a workshop.

I. Stalin's father, Vissarion Dzhugashvili

Joseph was a long-awaited son, moreover - last hope parents, especially the mother of Ekaterina Georgievna. She was the daughter of a peasant gardener Georgy Geladze from the village of Gambareuli, worked day jobs, and by the time Joseph was born, she had managed to bury her two sons who had died in infancy.

But, alas, soon after the appearance of the heir, his father's affairs went very badly. Vissarion Dzhugashvili's workshop withered, and he drank from grief. It ended up with little Soso's parents actually breaking up. The father tried to keep the boy with him, but ran into the categorical resistance of his wife.

Joseph was five years old when he became seriously ill with smallpox. Thanks to the care of his mother and his own happy fate, the boy recovered, but his face was forever speckled with pockmarks. A year after that, he fell under the wheels of a racing carriage, but, despite serious injuries, survived. After that case left hand he had difficulty bending.

Another year passed, and Ekaterina Georgievna, who with all her heart wanted her son to break out into the people, was going to send him to study at the Gori Orthodox Theological School. But Soso practically did not know the Russian language in which the training was conducted. Therefore, Ekaterina Georgievna turned to the local priest Christopher Charkviani with a request that his children help Joseph learn Russian. And this study turned out to be so successful that two years later, in 1888, young Dzhugashvili demonstrated excellent knowledge at the entrance tests and was immediately admitted to the second preparatory class.

And starting in 1889, Joseph studied at a theological school. In July 1894 he graduated from the Gori Theological School and was marked as the best student.

Stalin, whose real name was Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was officially born on December 21, 1879 in the Caucasus in Georgia in the city of Gori. In fact, he was born a month earlier than November 22, 1879, which is calculated from his date of death. His mother tongue was Georgian. Stalin learned Russian later, but always spoke with a noticeable Georgian accent. He grew up in poverty, in the family of a shoemaker and the daughter of a serf. His father, who drank very hard and beat his son brutally, died when Joseph was eleven years old. As a teenager, Joseph entered the parish school in Gori, and then the theological seminary in Tiflis, but in 1899 he was expelled from it for spreading Marxist ideas. In 1901-1902. - Member of the Tiflis, Batumi committees of the RSDLP. After the 2nd Congress of the RSDLP (1903), he was a Bolshevik. He was repeatedly arrested, exiled, and fled from exile. Member of the Revolution of 1905-1907. In December 1905 he was a delegate to the 1st conference of the RSDLP (Tammerfors). In 1906-1907. supervised the conduct of expropriations in Transcaucasia. Delegate to the 4-5th Congresses of the RSDLP (1906-07). In 1907 - 1908. - Member of the Baku Committee of the RSDLP. At the plenum of the Central Committee after the 6th (Prague) All-Russian Conference of the RSDLP (1912), he was co-opted in absentia in the Central Committee and the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. After the February Revolution of 1917. returned to Petrograd. Before Lenin's arrival from emigration, he directed the activities of the Central Committee and the Petersburg Committee of the Bolsheviks. In 1917. - Member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Pravda", the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks, the Military Revolutionary Center. In view of the forced departure of Lenin underground, Stalin spoke at the 6th Party Congress with a report of the Central Committee. Participated in the October armed uprising as a member of the party center under his leadership. After the victory of the October Revolution, he entered the Council of People's Commissars as People's Commissar for National Affairs. In relation to the Provisional Government and its policies, he proceeded from the fact that the democratic revolution is not yet complete, and the overthrow of the government is not an immediate practical task. After the start civil war Stalin was sent to the south of Russia as an extraordinary commissioner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for the procurement and export of grain from the North Caucasus to industrial centers. Arriving on June 6, 1918 in Tsaritsyn, Stalin brought order to the city, ensured the delivery of food to Moscow and took up the defense of Tsaritsyn from the troops of Ataman Krasnov. Together with K.E. Voroshilov, he managed to defend the city and prevent the combination of the armies of Krasnov and Dutov. In December 1918, the offensive of Admiral Kolchak began in Siberia. He planned to link up with the British and White Guards advancing from the north. A catastrophic situation arose, which Lenin instructed Stalin to correct. Stalin, together with Dzerzhinsky, quickly and decisively restored the situation near Perm. In April 1922, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) elected Stalin as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the party. In this position, he had a difficult and responsible duty - to head the political and economic leadership of the country during the illness and after the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Lenin highly appreciated Stalin's organizational skills, his knowledge and experience in solving national and other acute political problems. There were personal clashes and fundamental disputes between them. However, these differences did not take on the character of irreconcilable political contradictions. However, Lenin sharply condemned Stalin's rudeness, considering this shortcoming intolerable precisely in the post The Secretary Generalbecause it is fraught with a split in the party leadership. In his political testament, he declared that Stalin was too rude and should be removed from his post as general secretary.

After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin began to prepare ( see the section of the GRP line parallel to the ordinate) to fulfill the historical role intended for him and with the help of the Higher Spiritual Forces controlling the territory of Russia. The balance of power was far from in his favor. By the twentieth century, Belial's forces were well prepared. The country of the ancestors of the Hyperboreans (see section 9.2) Russia was captured by the antichrists: Lenin (see section 6.1) with his guards; in Europe, another antichrist, Hitler, was preparing to strike at the last stronghold of Orthodoxy on Earth. In the future, a second echelon of Belial forces was created: Churchill, George Catlett Marshall (see section 6.1) and others. In these conditions, it was necessary to possess the genius of Stalin in order to preserve the country for 70-80 years as a counterbalance to the advancing peace of Belial to the lulling sounds of M. Gorbachev: "The process has begun." First of all, it was necessary to destroy the forces of darkness within the country and, in the future, prevent them from uniting with similar external forces. Stalin was able to team up with Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Grigory Zinoviev (Apfelbaum-Radomislsky), two of the most influential members of the Politburo, to form a troika, or triumvirate. Together they defeated Leiba Bronstein Trotsky (see section 6.1) and his supporters. Then Stalin, the genius of political struggle, destroyed Zinoviev and Kamenev. Soon, Stalin took on the right wing of the Communist Party - his former associates - and defeated them too. By the early 1930s, he had become the sole dictator of the Soviet Union. From this position of power in 1934, Stalin began to carry out a series of brutal political purges. On Stalin's instructions, a deep restructuring of the entire system of social sciences was undertaken, their vulgar sociological distortions were overcome, teaching was resumed. national history in middle and high school... In May 1941, Stalin assumed the duties of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. Since the beginning of the war, he has been Chairman of the State Defense Committee, People's Commissar of Defense and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the USSR.

M. Nostradamus. Century 5, quatrain 94

Michel Nostradamus called I. Stalin only (Stalin lived in Armenia for a long time). In the struggle against external forces of darkness, J. Stalin used the experience he had already accumulated. First, in August 1939, he concludes a "non-aggression pact" with Germany (), then methodically achieves the opening of a second front and does everything possible to strike the first atomic bomb did not fall on the territory of Russia. Russia's victory over Germany was predetermined by the size of their GRP (see section 1.2). M. Nostradamus also speaks about this: i.e. the war could have ended with a victory for Russia without the help of the allied forces (landing in Normandy).

The Soviet state highly appreciated Stalin's personal contribution to the Victory. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded two Orders of Victory and the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree. On June 27, 1945, Stalin was awarded the highest military rank Generalissimo of the Soviet Union. Stalin's personal life was not very successful. He married in 1904, but three years later his wife died of tuberculosis (see section Their only son Jacob ostensibly was captured by the Germans during the Second World War. The German side instigated to exchange him, but Stalin rejected this offer. In fact, Yakov died as an ordinary soldier on 03/31/1942. (see section In 1919, Stalin married a second time. His second wife died in 1932 from genetic causes (see section Stalin had two children from his second marriage. His son, an officer in the Soviet Air Force, became an alcoholic and died in 1962. Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, inheriting her mother's genetics, fled the Soviet Union, and moved to the United States in 1967. JV Stalin's departure from life on March 5, 1953 was perceived as a grievous loss not only by the working people of the USSR, but by the whole world. The spiritual level of J. Stalin was marked by the Higher Forces, he reached the size of the Tree of Life: Logos 7 / Logos 0 (see section 30.3). Not a single leader of the country in the middle of the 20th century had such a level from the Divine Land of the Heavenly Creator. Stalin's soul will incarnate on Earth twice more (2133 and 6709) in order to effectively resist the armies of the Antichrist again.

For comparison, the GRP diagram of Joseph Stalin shows the GRP of Lenin, Trotsky, Churchill and Hitler. It is clearly seen who is who of the personalities of a certain historical moment in time. From the world of Belial came Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, then Churchill consciously came to him. Lenin has the lowest vibration (Saturnist level BUL, GK -10.5.666.666, see section 6.3.1), and he is the invisible ancestor of the antiworld since the XX century. The negative influence of his mummy in the Mausoleum was compensated by the mummy of I. Stalin, but when the latter was gone, Russia more confidently went to its next Apocalypse.

For the students of Our school.

Let us consider the transition of some parameters of the GRP to the FRP (see Section in the last days his life:

Logos 6 - 11/01/1952 - 12/31/1952: LDG 1-5 720/160; GTF 220/106; Tr 80/100; physiological / passport age 79/73

Logos 7 - 1.01.1953 - 1.03.1953: LDG 1-5 760/160; GTF 230/106; Tr 35/100; physiological / passport age 90/74

Logos 7 - March 2, 1953 - March 4, 1953: LDG 1-5 770/160; GTF 250/106; Tr 30/100; physiological / passport age 105/74

Logos 0 - 03/05/1953 21h50min: LDH 1-5 pericardium 780/160; pentane 280/100; GTF 250/106; Tr 25/100; physiological / passport age 120/74.

The death took place according to the program of the holy hypereborrhea or those who are "This of our kind": LDG 1-5 780/160, which categorically testifies - there was no poisoning! The secret of the leader's family

Father and mother of Joseph Stalin - Vissarion Ivanovich (Tree of Life: 33.14.999.999.999) and Katerina Dzhugashvili (Tree of Life: 33.14.999.999.999)

Yakov's mother - Kato (Tree of Life: 30.27.999.999.999), the first wife of Joseph

Yakov Dzhugashvili (Tree of Life: 31.31.999.999.999)

Vasily Stalin (Tree of Life: 19.9.999.999.999)

Galina Dzhugashvili-Stalin (Tree of Life: 31.31.999.999) and Svetlana Iosifovna Alliluyeva (Tree of Life:


Russia XX-XXI centuries cannot boast of a greater leader than I.V. Stalin, with his humility as a person and as the leader of global thinking. They say what the seed is, so is the fruit. As the fiber is, so is the canvas. I. Stalin was born into a family with the Tree of Life of parents going to the World of Law (25.999-33.999). The first wife of I. Stalin was also from the spiritual hypostasis of the Tree of Life, therefore, the likes of Yakov Dzhugashvili and then Galina Dzhugashvili-Stalin were born. Therefore, the books of the latter bear the imprint of seriousness and truth, which cannot be said about the works of Svetlana Alliluyeva, since those born in the flesh are partakers of sin.

Yakov Dzhugashvili was at the front as an ordinary soldier and died in unequal battle March 31, 1942, almost a day, bleeding. Therefore, all attempts on the part of the enemy (ABVER, GESTAPO) to denigrate the name of Yakov Dzhugashvili are sewn with white thread, and the yellow media that spread this lie is worthy of its Nuremberg International Tribunal (this is especially true of the media of democratic states). Look at the current leaders of states: where are their children? - at best, in high-ranking offices or abroad, but, as a rule, in the show porn business.

From the newspaper "Life" (No. 43, dated 28.02.2003): "You know what the young men who are evading the service say. I would go, they say, to the army, but on one condition, if I serve in the same platoon with Yeltsin's grandson and Chubais's son (or Dyachenko, Yumashev ...) You can imagine in a clear mind that at one time Boris Nikolaevich personally escorted his grandson Boria into the army (not the English one - ours!). He would take him by the hand to the military registration and enlistment office and say partingly: "Take care of Russia!"

P.S. We ask the editorial office of Zebra E Publishing House to transfer specified text Galina Dzhugashvili-Stalina, as well as other details we will give her personally.

With the name of I.V. Stalin has many legends. His birth is also surrounded by legends.
The story of A. Adamovich "The Punishers" (chapter "Understudy") describes how the facts are unexpectedly lined up in the inflamed brain of the leader: the arrival of Alexander III in Tiflis, his stay in the palace of the governor in the Caucasus, a young servant who was "suddenly floated into the deaf Gori" , rushing her to marry an inconspicuous Ossetian shoemaker, the appearance of the newlyweds' first-born, named Joseph; and involuntarily a guess flashes: was he, the son of a shoemaker, a "poor prince"?
The version is spectacular, but it crumbles to dust at the first contact with the facts. Suffice it to say that Joseph was born four and a half years after the wedding of his parents, and they had their third son.
However, it turns out Alexander III not the only "claimant" for the paternity of the leader of the peoples. In the line of “applicants” we see the famous researcher of Central Asia N. Przhevalsky, Gori wine merchant Yakov Egnatoshvili, "an influential official under the tsar", a certain "prosperous prince" and even a "Jewish merchant".
No evidence is provided to this effect. And they can hardly be given. Therefore, we must proceed from the available documents. And they testify that the father of I.V. Stalin was the peasant Vissarion (Beso) Ivanovich Dzhugashvili, who was born in 1850 in the village of Didi Lilo.
The surname "Dzhugashvili" literally means "son of Dzhuga", but in Georgia there is no name Dzhuga, and in the Georgian language there is no word with a similar root. This means: either this surname is not of Georgian origin, or it was originally spelled differently.
For the first time, the question of its origin was raised in 1939 by academician I. Javakhishvili in his article, which is called: "Where did the surname of the leader of the peoples come from?" In his opinion, the ancestors of I.V. Dzhugashvili were called "Beroshvili". Then they settled in the Kakhetian village of Dzhugaani and already by its name received the surname Dzhugashvili.
Unfortunately, the named article by I. Javakhishvili has not yet been published. It is kept in the archives of the former Georgian branch of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism (GF IML), remaining almost inaccessible to researchers. In any case, in 1995 I was not given such an opportunity. In such a situation, it seems difficult to judge both the validity and groundlessness of the above version.
In this regard, the manuscript of an article by an unknown author entitled "Childhood and School Years of Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin)", kept in the archives of the former GF IML, deserves attention. Written during the life of the leader, it contains a completely different explanation of the origin of his surname: "According to the story of Olga Kasradze (who knew Dzhugashvili closely) and the peasants from the village of Lilo, - we read here, - the surname" Dzhugashvili ", as they heard from Vissarion himself, occurred as follows way: their great-grandfather lived in the Mtiuleti mountains (modern South Ossetia - A.O.) and served as a shepherd. He was very fond of animals, zealously guarded the herd from any adversity and sorrow, and therefore he was given the nickname “Jogisshvili” (which means “son of the herd”) ”. This nickname was later transformed into the surname "Dzhugashvili".
The convincingness of this version is given by the fact that it was reflected in the memoirs of I.V. Stalin - Ekaterina Dzhugashvili, on the basis of which, apparently, I. Dzhavakhishvili argued that initially "Dzhugashvili" was called "Beroshvili".
If the first Jogisshvili was Beso's great-grandfather, he could have lived in the 18th century, when a struggle was still going on in the Mtiuleti mountains between the Georgian ethnic group Mokheve and the Ossetians invading their territory from the north. As you know, by the end of the 18th - early 19th centuries. this struggle ended with the victory of the Ossetians, who not only subjugated, but also populated the territory of Mokheve, which later formed the northern part of the Gori district, and now it is called South Ossetia. To which of the two ethnic groups, between which there was a struggle, Beso Dzhugashvili's great-grandfather belonged, we do not know.
The first Dzhugashvili, whose name we know, was called Zaza.
“There is information,” G.I. Elisabedashvili - that Visarion's grandfather lived in Ananur (Dusheti district) and his name was Zaza. Having organized an uprising and escaping from Prince Eristavi, he fled to the Gori district. Here the same thing was repeated, and he was hiding in the mountains, where there is the Geris-tavi church (that is, the peak of Geri - A.O.). When he was tracked there, he moved from there to Didi Lilo and lived there until his death.
“Stalin's great-grandfather on the line of his father Zaza Dzhugashvili,” wrote A.M. Tsikhitatrishvili, - participated in the peasant uprising in Ananur (Dusheti district of the Tiflis province), was arrested, fled to the Gori district and here became a serf of the princes of Eristavi. He again took part in the peasant unrest and fled again. He was a shepherd in Geris-tavi, and then settled in Didi Lilo, a village near Tiflis. "
The question arises: did he appear in the testimony of priest Joseph Purtseladze from the village of Mereti? This testimony was given by him on December 8, 1805 to Major Reich and concerned the participants in one of the first anti-Russian uprisings in Georgia, led by Prince Elizbar Eristavi. “I know and saw,” said I. Purtseladze, “that Ossetians, who lived on both sides, used to visit the son of the kular agasi Elizbar; not even a night passed, so that some of them did not come, others did not leave, the people sent by Elizbar were Zaza Dzhuka-shvili and Tauri-khata, but Zaza often walked around during the day and brought Ossetians at night. "
In this regard, attention is drawn to the article by E. Sturua "Stalin during his studies in Gori", published in 1939 on the pages of the Leningrad newspaper "Smena". It said: “His (ie Stalin's - AO) ancestors at the beginning of the last century lived in the Aragvin Gorge. In 1802-1804. they took part in peasant uprisings against the tsarist colonialists and the nobility. After the suppression of the uprising, they moved to the village of Didi Lilo. "
Where exactly Zaza Dzhugashvili lived, we do not know. It can only be argued that one of such places could be the village of Geri, located in the northern part of the Gori district, not far from the above-mentioned village of Mereti and the future capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali. Apparently, it was here that the Geris-tavi church mentioned by G.I. Elisabedashvili.
The village of Geri is located on the bank of the Big Liakhva and is about 30 km away from Gori. In 1869 it was a mountain village, in which there were 52 "smoke" and 341 people. Moreover, they were all Ossetians.
The fact that Stalin's ancestors once really lived in Geri is evidenced by the recollections of the wife of his second cousin Nina Ivanovna Dzhugashvili (née Tsiklauri). “My father-in-law, Giorgi Dzhugashvili,” she recalled, “said that their ancestors, who came from Geri, moved to Didi Lilo. He added with surprise that he did not understand this resettlement. Because seven villages fled from the vicinity of Didi Lilo due to strong winds. "
And further: “I can’t say for sure who moved from Geri - Ivan (Vissarion's father) or Nikolai (my father-in-law George’s father) or their father, but George and Vissarion were born in the village of Didi Lilo and lived on the eastern outskirts of the village (near the present village council) (written in 1949 - A.O.). Here they lived in the same dugout (now a house is built on this place, the house of George's sons - Sandro and Nikola). "
A.M. wrote about the same. Tsikhitatrishvili: “Dzhugashvili's ancestors were not born in Gori. They lived in the village of Geri (Gori district, Liakhvin gorge). Like all the peasants of this gorge, they were serfs of the Machabeli princes ... I heard that those living in Lilo Dzhugashvili came from Geri both from my father and from Aunt Keke herself (I.V. Stalin's mother - A.O.) ... In addition, it has not been erased from my memory that Beso and Keke often remembered Geri and went there to pray as to the chapel of their ancestors. "
A.M. Tsikhitatrishvili's memoirs also contain a description of the circumstances under which Dzhugashvili moved from Geri to Didi Lilo. “Dzhugashvili,” he noted, “had an old grandfather, either Zura or Zaza (if I am not mistaken), who was in relations with Prince Machabeli. After his death, his children and grandchildren with a part of the village gathered their belongings and asked the new ruler Machabeli, who had escaped from Persian captivity and known for his kindness, to settle them somewhere in the direction of Kakheti. This Machabeli, as an escaped from captivity, was awarded by the government of that time with large estates and a diandegree in York Gorge to Tiflis. He respected the request of the mountaineers and settled them in Lilo. "
It was possible to establish that in this case we are talking about the great-grandson of Prince Baadur Machabeli - Hussein (Mikhail Vasilyevich), who fled from Turkey, converted to Christianity and switched to Russian service. Having received the rank of lieutenant colonel, in 1812 he was appointed governor of the villages of Lilo, Martkopi and Nori. And since, as established, the Georgian historian A.G. Matiashvili, for the first time the surname of Dzhugashvili was mentioned in the documents of the village of Didi Lilo in 1819, it can be argued that Dzhugashvili moved here no earlier than 1812 and no later than 1819.
The village of Lilo was located northeast of Tiflis at a distance of about 15 km from it. In the 1802 statement on the division of Georgia into districts, it is listed as state-owned, and about its inhabitants it says: “baptized from the Ossetians”. Over time, this village was upset, and part of its inhabitants moved to a new place, forming two new villages Didi Lilo, which means Big Lilo, and Patara Lilo, i.e. Small Lilo. Apparently, it was here that M.V. Machabeli and received a land grant.
According to A.G. Matiashvili, the first Dzhugashvili mentioned in the documents was named Joseph. In 1819, his son was born, who became famous under the name Vano or Ivan, but who had several names, including the name Miliy. According to N.I. Dzhugashvili, Vano had a brother Nikolo (died in 1927, was married to Marta Pukhashvili).
Nicolo had a son, George, and two grandchildren: Sandro (1884-1923) and Nicolo (1888-1945). Nikolo was married to Masho Karkusadze and died childless, his grave was preserved in the village of Didi Lilo. From his marriage to Nina Ivanovna, nee Tsiklauri, from the village of Shvindadze (b. C. 1902), Sandro had only one daughter, Elena (1918-1961), who became the wife of Georgy Arsoshvili (did not return with Velikaya Patriotic War). After him were the daughter Venus (1937-1961), who died unmarried, and the son Nukzar (b. 1940). Thus, this branch of Dzhugashvili was stopped. Now in Didi Lilo the descendants of Dzhugashvili live only along the female line - Arsoshvili: Nukzar Georgievich, his wife Makvelina Vakhtangovna Kvelashvili (b. 1941) and their children: Georgy (1964) and Manana (1965), son of Koba (1973) in 1996. served at the border.