On which course the session is taken. How to pass the session: the most important tips

Studying at the university is strikingly different from studying at school. First of all, the fact that students need knowledge here. And therefore the learning process depends on them, and the teacher plays a lesser role in this. How to pass the session successfully? This question worries not only freshmen.

We build relationships with the teacher

The final grade on the exam depends on your relationship with the instructor. This issue needs special attention. The best path to success is sympathy from your college teacher.

It is necessary that the teacher will remember you from the stream of students. At the same time, you should be characterized in his eyes from the positive side. Then the question "how to pass the session perfectly" will worry you much less. Always greet the teacher and be sure to remember his name. This will already cause him a certain amount of respect.

And of course, first of all, those who work in pairs are remembered - they ask questions, add on the topic. That is, those students who are really interested in the subject. This is almost half of your success on the path to passing the session. And yet - it is better not to be late for the lectures. And if you need to leave early, notify the teacher in advance.

We work during the semester

It will be much easier to pass the exam if you think about studying not only once every six months. The same applies to those who are part-time students. The setup session is just a small part of the knowledge that you must learn on your own. Then you don't have to memorize all the material on the last night before the crucial exam.

How can you develop your memory? Through training, of course. You can reread lectures in your free time. In addition, the ability to take notes correctly is of great importance. The structure of the lecture, highlighting the main points - all this will allow you to quickly remember the necessary material. And in the margins you can write down what seems to be irrelevant to the topic, but the lecturer is happy to voice it. If you remember the example given on a couple by the teacher, then it will definitely please him.

If you also need to find the sources that the teacher spoke about, and maximize his thoughts. Such an approach to business suggests that you are really interested in the subject, and that you come to the university not for grades and a diploma, but for the sake of knowledge.

Another important point in preparing for the session is that you need to understand what you are teaching. Some even advise you to try to explain the material to some acquaintance who studies in another faculty. Don't believe me? Try it, it will surely help.

Want to write cheat sheets for the exam? You are welcome! Even if you cannot peep into precious notes, all the same while you are making them, remember the necessary information. This is especially helpful when the material is structured and its main points are highlighted.

Friend's help

Preparing for a session together is much easier! So do not hesitate to reach out to fellow students. After all, they can rewrite a lecture that you once missed, consult about those tasks that you did not understand. In addition, a friend will always tell you in a few words what has gone out of your head.

These are all the secrets of how to pass the session successfully. And the main thing here, of course, is confidence in your knowledge and strength!

As the exams approach, many feel insecure. Sleepless nights, miles of cribs, stress and anxiety. How to avoid all this and how to find the motive that will really help you prepare for exams.

Here are some tips to help you get through the preparation phase:

Don't put it off until the last minute

Leave enough time to prepare for the exam so that you do not have to read all the material on the last night. This approach will allow you to thoroughly prepare for the delivery and reduce stress, since you will know that you have spent enough time preparing and you know the material well.

Count how many days you have left until the exam, and distribute the lectures so that you have an equal number of tickets for each day. Leave one day before the exam to review the entire material.

Motivate yourself by competing with yourself. Set the task to learn a certain number of tickets, put a tick in front of each read ticket, and if you managed to learn everything that you planned in a day, be sure to reward yourself for it.

Relaxation - yoga, exercise, dancing

To avoid fatigue, remember to rest during your exam preparation. As soon as you notice that you are losing attention and are tired of taking in information, take a short rest. Once you return to class, you will feel refreshed and ready to review the material further.

While resting, try yoga exercises, breathing techniques, or other relaxation techniques. Such exercises can help you release tension, increase concentration and attention, and improve sleep.

Write cheat sheets

Cheat sheets may not come in handy for an exam, but they will certainly give you confidence. And visual memory will help you better assimilate the material. In addition, writing cheat sheets forces you to formulate thoughts more concisely, look for the most important thing, structure your knowledge, and formulate them in a generalized form.

Don't drink a lot of coffee

Don't drink too much coffee, tea, or soda. Caffeine will only excite the brain more and make it less receptive to information. Eat more often and in the right way. During intensive mental work, 4-5 meals a day are recommended. It is very important to have fresh plant products in food - vegetables and fruits.

Attend classes throughout the semester

Be active throughout the semester. The main thing that students forget is that regular attendance at lectures eliminates the need to learn the entire course in a few days. Being active in the classroom increases the chances of getting the exam automatically.

Be sure to get some sleep before the exam

Try to go to bed early to help you sleep and feel good. Taking a short walk before bed is helpful. The last night before the exam is best spent resting and reviewing difficult topics rather than cramming new material. Better to come to the exam early. About 15 minutes before the start of the exam, run your eyes through the textbook and remind yourself of terms or difficult words that you are not sure about.

Avoid sedatives

Don't take any medication. During the exam, it is necessary to mobilize all the reserves of the body, and sedatives can interfere with this.

Stay Confident

Stay confident. In order not to stutter and not to swallow words in the exam, use introductory constructions when talking with the teacher. For example: “I believe that…”, “the author apparently wanted to say that…”, “as far as I remember…”, etc. The main thing is not to be silent, but confidently demonstrate your knowledge.

How to prepare for the exam?

Don't put it off until the last day. Distribute the number of tickets for each day.

Don't forget to rest. Take breaks (yoga and exercise, cycling, dancing, swimming, tennis, other games).

Write cheat sheets. They will give you confidence, and visual memory will help you better assimilate the material.

Don't drink a lot of coffee. Caffeine will reduce your sensitivity to information. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Learn basic topics and terms. For them, you can get a satisfactory rating even if you don't know your ticket.

Be active throughout the semester. Attend lectures regularly. This is a chance to get the exam automatically.

Why try to pass an exam?

Successful passing of the session will increase your scholarship, and you can buy yourself a long-awaited gift - a bag, a new phone, etc. In addition, passing the session perfectly gives you a chance to forget about the contract form of training. You will be able to transfer to the budget. Excellent grades are a chance to get a grant and scholarship in prestigious university... In addition to all this, by passing the exam, you can relax and have a good vacation. You will not be expelled for poor academic performance, and you will not have to prepare for retake when everyone is resting.

How to avoid pre-exam stress?

Here are some simple tips to help you avoid stress and its effects. Be sure to get some sleep before the exam, do not take any sedatives, set yourself up for victory. Inspire yourself that nothing terrible will happen. Start your exam preparation early. The sooner you start, the more confident you will feel. Talk to someone the day before the exams. This kind of support will also give you confidence.

If you came here for secret technicians cheating during a test or exam, you will be disappointed. Cribs and bombs are a road to nowhere and a consequence of a much more serious problem.

A person will not be able to take anything seriously and will not succeed until he answers himself to main question: "Why do I need it?"

Having understood the importance and necessity of achieving the goal, you will strive for it with all your might, and you will no longer need any external additional motivation. Ask yourself this question until you get to the bottom of the truth.

Why are you studying? To get a crust? What for? To get a promising high-paying job? The truth will be revealed there instantly, because any normal employer looks not at a diploma, but at real knowledge, skills and experience. So why? Parents decided that the offspring should definitely become a financier, although you are clearly drawn to coding? This is very difficult situation, but there are at least two ways out of it:

  1. Talk to your parents. Explain to them that you are interested in something else, that you are doomed to a life that you do not want. Argument your desires so that your words sound not like a whim, but like a deliberate balanced decision. Changing a faculty and even a university is more than realistic. Yes, you can waste time, but it is better to miss a year than to spend your whole life doing uninteresting work, regretting what was left undone and envious of those who had the courage to realize their dreams.
  2. Combine. This option is the golden mean and is often even better than changing the place of study and specialty. The real world is designed in such a way that a specialist in two areas has more opportunities than a specialist in one. Let's take an example from the social and technical sciences. Being a developer is good, but being a developer with expert knowledge of human behavior is much better, as it opens the way to big data and similar very promising directions. Of course, getting two higher educations at once is difficult, but life, in principle, is not an easy thing. If the task seems impossible, ask yourself again: "Why do I need this?" You will find the answer - you will find a way to achieve the goal.

Attitude to the educational process

You won't have to catch up if you keep up. Move according to the curriculum and there will be no problems.

The probability of successfully passing the session is determined from the first day of the semester.

Now it is extremely important for you to understand that you are not studying in order to pass tests and exams. You are studying to become a specialist, expert, professional in your field. A session is generally secondary. It is much more important to assimilate and learn to apply knowledge. In this situation, everything gives up by itself. You won't even notice the session, because, in addition to the university program, you want to absorb a ton of information on the side. This is much more interesting and useful than some tests and exams.

Yes, self-study is an integral part of a student's life. Our education system is imperfect; programs are often outdated, defective or inapplicable in life. Thousands of graduate theoreticians leave universities every year, but they do not know how to work. As a result, the employer has to teach them everything. Why? Because students approach education unconsciously, do not understand what they are doing here and why.

Imagine that you are applying for a job in your specialty right now. Search the internet for examples test items and the requirements for specialists in your field. Will you be able to complete these tasks, do you meet the requirements? No? Well, but now you clearly understand what you should know and be able to do.

If we talk directly about the process of acquiring knowledge within the walls of the university, then there are several universal tips that seem banal, but they always work:

  1. Go to lectures, write and ask. So the information is well absorbed. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them. It is very important not to allow a situation where you stop understanding what the teacher is talking about. If you cannot retell the content of the lecture after its end, then something is wrong. Sit down to take notes and sort it out, otherwise on the next pair everything will get even worse, and then again, again and again. Clear formulas and terms will turn into meaningless icons and words.
  2. Go to practice, complete assignments. This way you will learn to apply what you have learned. Nobody wants theorists.
  3. Study what is happening in your field of study in the real world. Your term papers and other papers should be relevant, useful, solve the problems with which humanity is dealing today. All this will have a good effect on the teaching attitude towards you, and at the same time it will go to the "Achievements" section of your first resume.

Useful tips to follow just before and during a test or exam:

  1. Come to change, even if you're not ready at all. Probability theory works here. If you do not come for a test or an exam, then the chance to pass it is zero. If you come to the test or exam without preparation, then there is a non-zero chance to pass the subject. How? The teacher can take pity and allow admission even without completed curriculum... You may get the only question you know the answer to. Simply put, by showing up for change, you can influence the situation, and not by showing up - no. In the eyes of the teacher, you have given up, abandoned your dream, and there is no point in helping you anymore.
  2. Come out to answer first or last. Usually, the most prepared ones go first, applying for the top five. If you studied correctly, you should be one of them. By answering among the latter, you run the risk of not getting the maximum grade, since the teacher is already tired, hungry and no longer ready to spend additional time on a detailed check of your knowledge. The same state of the accepting subject can play into the hands of those who study incorrectly. The teacher will not dig deep and most likely will not even listen to your answer. It is enough not to screw up at the first words, and the C is almost guaranteed.
  3. Write cheat sheets and bombs, but not to use them. Repetition is the mother of learning. When creating cheat sheets and "bombs", you will inevitably study and repeat what you write. Some of this will be deposited in the head. Roughly speaking, preparing for cheating without its subsequent use is a kind of preparation for surrender, and very effective.
  4. Organize your preparation materials. If the answer to one question is scattered across three lectures and two textbooks, then you will spend more time searching for information than absorbing and repeating it.

Attitude towards teachers and other students

The younger a person is, the less conscious he is. Studying at school is torture for him, and the teacher is a tyrant. Such a distortion of perception passes through the years and does not allow to establish correct relations with university teachers.

Understand one simple thing for yourself: the teacher is not an enemy, not a villain, not an enemy who is just looking for a way to overwhelm and expel you. It is his job to give knowledge and check the quality of their assimilation. Your job is to acquire this knowledge, internalize it, and learn to apply it. Why else are you studying?

It turns out that with the right perception, the teacher becomes your friend and you now have common goals. Accordingly, the relationship between you should be as sincere and honest as possible.

Ask the teacher a question: "What should I do to maximize the success of mastering and passing your subject?"

So you will show your consciousness, namely, interest in gaining knowledge, and at the same time you will be aware of the teacher's criteria and views on the learning process. If you have problems, such as not being able to attend all couples, report them and find out how to compensate.

Ask the undergraduates who have already been taught by your instructor. What are the features? What must you do? Is 100% attendance required?

Classmates, classmates, and senior students are your friends. You can help them, and they can help you. It is extremely important to maintain friendly relations with fellow workers. You can do more if you stick together. Do not refuse to help others, but do not let yourself sit on your neck.

Attitude to yourself, your health and money

Students very rarely think about their health. Why? Because the body is young and still works like a clock. He can do almost everything. You can have a carouse until four in the morning, sleep for three hours, come to the first couple and be a cucumber. It is difficult for a person to understand what he has not yet encountered, but then it will be too late.

The wrong way of life now causes enormous damage to your body, often irreparable. So far you do not notice this, but in the next 10-15 years everything will come back to haunt you.

You “live to the fullest” and believe that this does not prevent you from learning effectively. In fact, you just do not realize what you are capable of.

Pay attention to how much better you just get a good night's sleep. How much additional strength and energy appears if you just eat on time. Some students, trying to compensate for their unconscious approach to their studies during the semester, turn to all kinds of doping during the session. This is the stupidest thing to do on the eve of an important test or exam, especially if you have not dealt with this drug before. Do you know what side effects and individual intolerance are? In the best case, nothing will happen, in the not so bad - a hospital and a failed session.

Calling young people for a healthy lifestyle is probably naive. You won't listen anyway. In this case, try to take our word for it and conduct a simple experiment: take control of food, sports and recreation for just a couple of weeks and see what happens.

  1. Follow your diet throughout the day. Learn the basics of dietetics and learn how to cook at least basic healthy meals. Proper nutrition, which, by the way, is not necessarily expensive when prepared on your own, will give you the energy and strength for productive study.
  2. Add to your life daily morning exercises and 2-4 full workouts per week in addition to the physical education program of the university. Choose whatever sport you like. Running, football, tennis, exercise machine, horizontal bars, swimming - no difference. Exercise has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and brain function, endurance, general well-being and improves sleep quality.
  3. Don't sacrifice sleep. Ask yourself the question: “What is more important to me? Another game or an opportunity to relax in order to unlearn well tomorrow and get even closer to your cherished goal? "

On the contrary, students think about finances, and a lot. This is because there is a constant lack of money. Try a part-time job. This will give you not only additional funds, but also work experience, the ability to solve real problems, as well as a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat adulthood is.

The problem of an empty wallet is well solved by a conscious approach to your health. Cutting spending on entertainment frees up a decent amount for more important things:

  1. Good food. Spend money on the highest quality food. Really. Your young and still growing body needs this most of all.
  2. Training laptop. There is no point in chasing trends and capacities. You need a workhorse that is affordable, comfortable, and as functional as possible, but without excess performance. The laptop loses to the tablet in mobility, but it can do much more and is much better suited for typing.
  3. Economical printer. You will have to type a lot. Lots of. Regardless of the specialty. Even techies, who are supposed to have everything in numbers, still print hundreds of pages during each semester. Obviously, printing one, even a very large job, is cheaper than buying a printing device, but if you look at it on the scale of the entire training time, it becomes much more profitable to purchase a printer.

Canon Pixma G are ideal printers for students. The Pixma G series is designed and built with one goal in mind - print a lot and cheap. Inkjet technology is not inferior in quality to laser technology, but the price of printing is much lower. Refillable high-capacity Pixma G ink tanks are located at the front of the printer. You will always know how much ink is left, and if necessary, you can easily, quickly and for minimal money replenish their supply.

The first session for the student was marked by all kinds of discoveries. This is both experience and practice. But at the same time, every student is haunted by an incredible fear of the first session. Let in the future you will have to pass exams many more times and pass all kinds of tests. BUT it is the first session that can become special for the student.

Typically, the first session starts at the end of November. The terrible autumn weather adds to the tragedy of what is happening. a constant sleepy state does not allow one to concentrate, and student life still prevents one from sitting down at textbooks. But it's worth overpowering yourself and starting to “be a student” in the full sense of the word. It would seem that the session is so terrible? However, many freshmen are terribly afraid of the very first session, because do not clearly imagine what it is and what it is eaten with. Below we will tell you in detail about the tricks that will help you become a real student.

The first secret is study

The first secret is that you need to study in order to gain knowledge, not for assessment. If from the very beginning of your studies at the university you take it as a rule that at the university you need to gain knowledge and only occasionally play the fool (you can't do without it, because student years - this is best years in a person's life, well, or some of the most unforgettable ones), then you will never have problems with passing the sessions. Here you can also give one more piece of advice, which is based on the fact that the student should perceive his education as a platform for his future, which will be directly related to his professional career. You can certainly become a successful personwithout having higher education... But since we are talking about students, then we will vary the information from this point of view.

Second secret - preparation

You need to prepare for exams in advance. We have consecrated this rule hundreds of times. But once again returning to it, it is worth thinking about the fact that if you decide to become successful, then make it a rule for yourself that you need to prepare for exams on time. NEVER put it off for later. Even if your time is as limited as possible, try to take a few breaks for practice. Advance preparation does not imply daily sitting at books and cramming incessant in time. Perhaps someone is interested, but this is not for us, not for pragmatic people. The result is important to us, because as we have repeatedly written in our previous articles, now everyone needs the result. How it was obtained is another matter. You will be graded based on the results of your work. Nobody will ask you at the age of 21, what was your grade in the third quarter in Russian. BUT if you gain knowledge simply by memorizing information, without completely delving into its meaning, then this may be an occasion to think about whether you have chosen the right branch of knowledge at all.

To pass the first session, you need to be disciplined and responsible. If you do all your homework that you are asked, and, on top of that, you still go to almost all classes, then you are guaranteed a bonus in the form of indulgence during the session. Teachers also notice all these little things. They immediately identify a group of students who behave more responsibly than others. The student who studies conscientiously, and does not just pretend to study, always looks higher in the eyes of the teacher than the rest of the student body.

That is, you have to become someone who is different from the rest, but only for the better. Responsibility and discipline allows you to smooth out the difficulties of the upcoming session up to 50%. To put it more simply, if you follow this rule, then the session should not be afraid at all. You can even count on the coveted appraisal automatically. If someone else does not know what it is, then we are ready to explain. Grade "automatic" is when the grade for the exam is given to you without any answer to the exam ticket

Summing up

WE have told you what rules and secrets will help you pass the first session. We also told you what you need to do so that the first session does not seem so scary. This is a kind of formula and dogma that can be the key to your success at the university. So, the secrets of passing the first session:

learn for knowledge, not grades.
prepare in advance for the upcoming disciplines.
attend classes and do whatever you are asked.

These three simple rules will allow you to gain a foothold in your university and become, finally, a real student. If you apply these principles from the very beginning of your studies at the university, then you can rest assured of successful graduation from the institute, even, perhaps, with a red diploma.

At the initial stage, the student will work for his record book, and only then will she work for him. So do your best in the first years. This will only help you in the future. Do not think that if you are a first year student, there will be some concessions for you. Just the opposite. In the first year there will be a tough screening of suitable and unsuitable for training children. It is at this time that most of the students are expelled. Someone leaves on their own, unable to withstand the onslaught of exams and study material, and someone simply cannot pass all the necessary exams. So a first year session is your survival rate at university.

Hello dear freshmen!

You have the first and perhaps the most important test in your student life - first session. And it is very important to prepare for this test correctly.

We asked the teachers russian universities give some tips and tricks on how a freshman student can successfully survive and pass the first session.

Check out their tips and a successful session in your pocket! Good luck with exams!

The company "Garant" and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared their advice and recommendations with the freshmen.

d. y. Sci., Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Public Law and Management

University named after Kutafina (Moscow State Law Academy)

I proceed from my own student experience and the experience of the director of the institute:

  • attend all lectures
  • do not miss practical lessons
  • try to participate as much as possible in practical exercises in the analysis of situations, which gives bonuses at the session, including getting an exam / credit "automatically"
  • do not hesitate to ask questions if something is not clear
  • participate in the life of the university (scientific, extracurricular) - additional bonuses for settling in a hostel, for transferring from commerce to a budget

BOGATYR Taras Vasilievich
to. e. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management

Vologda state University

Above all, try not to miss classes during the semester. Attending all lectures and practical classes in many disciplines, in addition to gaining knowledge and skills, also gives advantages when passing a test or an exam, sometimes it is even formalized officially, and in most cases it works as a psychological technique that allows you to establish full-fledged interaction with the teacher (including . and on the exam).

Do not hesitate to ask the teacher exactly how the exam will take place, how many questions there will be on the ticket, what the tasks and assessment criteria will be (usually such questions are asked by experienced students, but you can start in the first year).

Use the consultations that are usually scheduled the day before the exam; prepare a short list of questions that caused difficulties beforehand.

And most importantly, you need to carefully prepare for each exam: plan this work taking into account the fact that there is a period of at least three days in the schedule between exams, divide the amount of preparation into these three days, including the last day it is advisable to leave for repetition and comprehending the material of the discipline.

VDOVKINA Elena Gennadevna
to. e. D., Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics, Mathematical Methods and Business Informatics

Altai State University

Regularly attend classes, do not hesitate to ask if something is not clear, do the assigned work independently, actively participate in the scientific and social life of the university.

In addition, it is important to understand that studying at a university is new level independence and self-organization, and the knowledge gained is the basis for future professional relevance.

VINOGRADOVA Natalia Alekseevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Finance

Tver State Agricultural Academy

The first session of a freshman student is one of the most important and difficult tests.

Of course, this is stress, fear of something new, not experienced yet. But you need to remember two things: firstly, you are not the first, you are not the last, and secondly, the mark obtained on the exam is just a convention. There are still more sessions ahead, and everything can change.

The main thing is not to stop, not to relax, not to give up and confidently go towards the goal.

GODLEVSKAYA Elena Vladimirovna
ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty continuing education training specialists for judicial system

Ural Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

One of the most effective methods of preparing for the exam is writing mini-notes reflecting the logic of the presentation of the question material.

As a rule, any exam question is disclosed in the following sequence:
1. Name (in the form of a concept, rule) of an object (process);
2. List of attributes of the object (process);
3. Actions with the object or justification of the sequence of operations of the process.

This structured mini-synopsis makes it easy to construct an oral answer.

GORYACHEVA Oksana Pavlovna
c. e. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing

Trade and Economic Institute of the Siberian federal university

A freshman who has missed a certain number of classes and is worried that he will not cope with the session and will not meet the hopes of his personal and his parents must overcome fear.

To do this, you must definitely try to pass tests and exams. Seasoned students know: 80% of passing the exam is to come to it. If it doesn't work out right away, then you will have to get to know the subject better, learn and pass it. I know from experience that almost any subject is mastered in a week.

All the correct answers must be sought in primary sources, although this is not obvious for those who have passed the exam in social studies. But now you have a GUARANTEE in which the sources are reliable. He always helps me and you can handle it.

EVSIKOV Kirill Sergeevich
ph.D. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Law

Tula State University

"From session to session, students live happily," and during session they usually "survive."

Here are some “life hacks” that can help you survive the first session.
First, don't skip class. It is more difficult for an “unfamiliar” person to pass the exam.
Secondly, you can get an additional question that will decide whether you will go home with a “tail” or without. Often questions are repeated to form a list of them, take advantage of the knowledge of senior students.
Third, read more. A colleague of mine said that he gave a positive assessment to a weak student after he began to quote Machiavelli.

The main "life hack" for the first session - LEARN the subject!

YELGINA Ekaterina Alexandrovna
to. e. D., CAP, Associate Professor of the Department of Human Resources Management

Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport (branch) of Irkutsk State University of Railways

1. Start preparing in advance. Work through the material covered, prepare information on the list of questions for the exams.
2. Be sure to write (exactly write) cheat sheets for all exam questions
3. Re-read the cheat sheets
4. On the eve of the exam, do not sit until morning for textbooks, go to bed no later than 24-05.
5. If you are not sure of the effectiveness of the previous recommendations, at exactly 24–00 on the eve of the exam, catch a "freebie", for which, in the open window, extend your hand from the open grade book, shout “Freebie catch” into the window, quickly close the gradebook and do not open it otherwise "Freebie will fly away."
6. Go to sleep.
7. Go to the exam in the morning with a fresh mind

Good luck on your exam!

ZAZHIVNOVA Oksana Arkadyevna
c. e. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics

Ulyanovsk State agrarian university named after P. A. Stolypin

Tune yourself to the "right wave".

First, you should initially understand that training is not for the sake of assessment, but the accumulated knowledge, skills and abilities.
Secondly, focusing on those disciplines that are more difficult for you will save time that can be used within the framework of your interests and capabilities.
It should be noted that the active position of the student during the academic semester, the timely implementation of individual and control works, abstracts, etc., will have an affirmative effect on the objective assessment and opinion of the teacher himself and will positively affect the passing of the exam or test.

And in conclusion, I would like to recall the words of the great commander Alexander Suvorov: "It's hard in training - easy in battle!" Remember this and then you will not be afraid of any difficulties of the sessions.

ZAKHAROV Georgy Nikolaevich
K. y. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Law

Tver State University

At first, first-year students find it difficult to integrate not only into the new team, but also into the electronic educational environment of the university, since the requirements high school significantly differ from the school curriculum.

The optimal variant of student behavior should be considered the ability to use electronic library resources, mastering information technology search for information on the Internet, as well as the ability to use the leading legal reference system GARANT.

In my opinion, it is this approach that will reduce the time for conscientious preparation for exams and pass the first session without any problems.

IVANOVA Elena Yurievna
to. and. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management

Institute of Economics, Management and Service, Tambov State University named after G.R.Derzhavin

Be confident in yourself (not to be confused with impudence!) And say what you know in the exam. There is such a wonderful anecdote that I always tell students: “A student-biologist learned only one question for the exam - about fleas, and he got a question about fish. So he began: "Fish are such creatures that have no fleas, but fleas! ..." and then - it's all about fleas. "

Therefore, you should never be silent during an exam or say, "I don't know." Something you do know, that's what you are talking about!

KOZYR Natalia Sergeevna
to. e. n. Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy and Management
deputy. dean for scientific work faculty of Economics

Kuban State University

The first session determines the success of further studies.

It is important to immediately learn to unite efforts and distribute tasks within the group - together everything is easier and more interesting.

It is necessary to assess the strength and plan self-preparation, since each subject has a different labor intensity. Best preparation - active work during the semester with the receipt of "self-tests" and "self-exams", then the session turns into a pleasant vacation.

LUKASHEVICH Svetlana Vladimirovna
ph.D. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Law

Ulyanovsk State pedagogical University them. I. N. Ulyanova

In order for the first session to be successful, I recommend that the children strive for the entire semester to study only at "good" and "excellent". And for this, first of all, find your own comfortable learning style: determine when it is better to do your homework, how to record lectures, how to prepare for exams.

It is useful to immediately start participating in conferences, business games and competitions.

The very first professional skill that future lawyers should master is the use of legal reference systems.

MANUKOVSKY Roman Igorevich
Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing

Voronezh branch of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanova

Stress resistance, general attitude is important. Experiences can interfere with concentration, thinking.

Consider planning your work day carefully. Sleep should not be less than 7-8 hours. Don't waste your time social networks, watching videos about cats, photos, music.

Consistency is important - indicate in the calendar the dates for the tests and exams, write down your preparation plan for each day in the calendar.

Try to keep your exam preparation area warm, bright, and quiet.

PALCHIKOVA Maria Valerievna
K. y. D., Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines

The most important advice - firstly, you should calm down. Do not relax and stop worrying (especially before the first session it is almost impossible), but just calm down.

The teacher does not have the task of not admitting to the exam or not setting the test. The teachers, as well as the students, tried the whole semester, tried to help yesterday's schoolchildren learn to perceive and understand already adult information, which will certainly become the foundation of further knowledge and profession. And very important feedback, which we get at control points - tests, tests, exams.

Therefore, the student should carefully read the lectures again, refresh the memory of the topics discussed at the seminars, look again at the legislation (just in the GARANT system) and honestly answer the question - what topic did I not understand or could not master? Disassemble it and at the same time are not afraid to approach teachers with additional questions. We will gladly tell you and explain, help you find additional sources.

Calmness is based on knowledge and confidence in the chosen path.

POTAPKIN Sergey Nikolaevich
ph.D. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

In order to pass the first session without worries and with positive marks, you need to try during the entire first semester to form a positive image of yourself among the leading teachers, by working in seminars.

SALNIKOVA Olga Evgenievna
excellent student of public education, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of secondary vocational education

Tula branch of the International legal institute

To survive the first session, you must:

  • First, to get rid of the psychology of a schoolchild and do not hope that they will not be asked. They will ask !!!
  • Secondly, there is no need to hope for "maybe". Learn !!!
  • Third, believe in yourself! You can do everything !!!
SOTNIKOVA Lilia Vladimirovna
and. about. Head of the Department of Theory, History and Branches of Law
South Ural Institute of Management and Economics

senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Chelyabinsk State University

To successfully pass the session, you can advise:

  • prepare for passing the exam (test) in advance in writing: the result will be a summary of all questions, respectively, you read them, understood and wrote them down in an abbreviated form - which means you know the answers to all questions; in short - write cheat sheets, but YOURSELF;
  • the night before the exam (test) you need to sleep: not getting enough sleep, an ignorant student is a strong irritant for the teacher;
  • appearance a student who comes to the exam (test) must correspond to the situation: a business style creates a positive image for the teacher and give a “bad mark” to such a “dunno”, believe me, I don’t want to;
  • and the last: believe in yourself and in YOUR LUCK, then you will definitely get a lucky ticket.

Those who are lucky are lucky, but there are no freebies for exams (tests), so there is no point in calling her ...

TARASOV Ivan Semyonovich
ph.D. D., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky

For a freshman student, a competent approach to exam preparation is important.

I propose a proven methodology: you should distribute the number of questions for the exam by the number of days of preparation so that one day is left to review the entire material. For example, 90 questions for the exam for 4 days: 20–25 questions per day and 1 day for review.

At the same time, it is important to observe the daily regimen, that is, it is advisable to prepare for the exam during the day. After 18–00 a \u200b\u200bday, you need to rest before the exam.

TEREKHOV Alexey Vasilievich
associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Applied Informatics in Jurisprudence

Tambov State Technical University

How to pass the first session?
1. "Study, study and study again!"
2. Remember that the teacher was once a student too (if you use cheat sheets)!
3. Evaluation is not the main thing, but don't underestimate your bar!
4. This session is not your last. Everything is ahead of you!

The company "Garant" and the student portal site thanks all the teachers who shared advice and recommendations with the freshmen.