What the rich read. Books that inspire the world's most successful people

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Reading develops imagination, memory and expands your lexicon... This is also why many successful people tirelessly urge you to read more. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and other richest people on the planet talked about their favorite works, which should definitely be given time.

We are in website decided to compile a selection of books that billionaires advise everyone to read.

Bill Gates, former head of Microsoft

Gates periodically publishes collections of books on his website that inspire him. He explains that reading is a favorite way to indulge the imaginationdespite the large number of meetings with interesting people. And here are 5 recent pieces that Gates recommends not to put on the back burner:

Richard Branson, head of Virgin

Branson compiled a selection of works for several years in a row on World Book Daywhich, in his opinion, should be read throughout life. They include children's books, fiction and non-fiction. Here are 5 books that the billionaire thinks everyone should read:

  • Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
  • Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
  • Matthew Syed "Black Core Thinking"
  • Carl Sagan "Cosmos"
  • Peter Diamandis "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think"

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, chairman of the board of directors of Tesla

When Elon Musk is asked how he learned to build rockets, he simply replies: "I read books." And we think this is the best way to prove the benefits of reading. Musk himself did not compile lists of his favorite books, but in various interviews and personal conversations, he gladly talks about them.

  • John R. R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings"
  • Walter Isaacson "Benjamin Franklin: American Life"
  • Nick Bostrom "Superintelligence: Ways, Dangers, Strategies"
  • Robert Heinlein "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
  • James Barratt "The Last Invention of Humanity"

Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon

At the end of Brad Stone's book, Jeff Bezos and the Amazon Era, is a list of books that Bezos has read and recommended to his employees. And here are 5 of them:

  • Kazuo Ishiguro "The Rest of the Day"
  • Sam Walton Made in America. How I Created Wal-Mart "
  • Jim Collins “Built to Last. Success for companies with a vision "
  • Mark Jeffrey "Data Driven Marketing"
  • Nassim Taleb “Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability "

Of course, successful, powerful, and wealthy people will never say they don't read. On the contrary, they will say that they read voraciously! It is difficult to judge whether it is true or not, but the American Business Guide has found out which 9 books all successful people have read. Nine books are just a few, so why not lay the foundation for future success just by reading at lunchtime?

Great Gatsby

Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Knowledge

This famous book is loved by many of the world's wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and writer John Green. And we understand why. A book about capitalism and the ugly side of wealthy families in the "American Dream" of the 1920s. This book is about how money can seize power over a person, and therefore the novel is a kind of warning.

Yak make friends and drink on people

Dale Carnegie, Land of the World

This famous bestseller talks about how relationship building affects your success. Networking helps a lot when looking for work and clients, all successful people know this.

Purple cow

Seth Godin, "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Are you producing a product that others have been successfully marketing for a long time? This is why Seth Godin recommends never putting “me too” on store shelves. There must be a unique product. If you create an innovative product, you don't even have to do much marketing. An excellent book for anyone looking to implement a brilliant business idea.

A catcher at life

J. D. Salinger, The Folio

There are not many people who have not read this book. All successful people have appreciated this story about youth, in which it is difficult to find yourself and your path, when there are so many people around, telling you what to be and what to do.

How to work 4 hours a week

Tim Ferris, The Good Book

Outsourcing and automation - says Tim Ferris, and you - happily and calmly work for yourself only 4 hours a week, continuing to be successful and rich. You know that the rich and successful don't do it all themselves. Why don't you do the same?

Think and get rich

Napoleon Hill, Potpourri

Thoughts influence what you do and what you achieve, says Napoleon Hill. Therefore, if you think that you will become rich, then you will become rich, no matter how wild it sounds. The main thing is to think correctly.

The innovator's dilemma

Clayton Christensen, Alpina Business Books

This book is highly appreciated by Steve Jobs and Malcolm Gladwell. It changes the business vision once and for all and provides invaluable tips for the development of industrial trends.

I know why the bird sings in a cage

Maya Angelou

Quite unexpectedly, poetry appears among classics or non-fiction. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, and writer Tony Morisson have given this book a very high rating. What does it mean to be a different race, what does it mean to be a woman, but to succeed and be in complete harmony with yourself? Maya Angelou is the recipient of multiple awards and over thirty honorary doctorates. The book “I know why a bird sings in a cage” is a chronicle of her life until the age of 16, and brought her worldwide fame. For lack of a suitable translation, by the editorial staff (trans.Tatiana Gordienko, - ed.), here is the wonderful poem "What every woman should have" by Maya Angelou:

A woman must have

The past is juicy enough to tell about it
in his declining years.
A woman should have
screwdriver set, hand drill and black lace bra.
A woman should have
An irreplaceable friend for laughing and another for crying.
The furniture woman must have something
unused relatives.
A woman should have
A service for eight, wine glasses, a recipe worthy of the guests' admiration.
A woman must have
a sense of ownership of your destiny.
Every woman needs to know
how to fall in love without losing yourself.
Every woman should be able to
quitting work, breaking up with a lover, arguing with a friend without destroying a friendship.
Every woman should be able to define
when to try harder, and when to quit.
Every woman should know that you can't lengthen your legs,
you will not narrow your hips, nor will you change your parents.
Every woman should know
that her childhood might have been difficult, but it's gone.
Every woman should know
what she can and cannot do for love.
Every woman should know
how to live alone, even though she doesn't like it.
Every woman should know
who can you trust,
and to whom - no,
and why all this should not be offended.
Every woman should know
where to go,
to the kitchen of your best friend,
or to a magical hideout in the forest,
to calm the soul.
Every woman should know
what she can and cannot do in a day,
per month and per year.
Every woman should have
a youth she will leave behind without regrets.

Based on materials from: americanbusinessguide.com

- Read also:

🔆 If you want to be successful, act like successful, quit watching TV and read books.

1. "Losing Innocence" Richard Branson.

It is already breathtaking. Sometimes it seems as if you are at your best and experience hypoxia. An amazing book, the only thing I want to say: if you do not have such an unconscious analysis, you do not need to repeat it, as it is financially unsafe. For aspiring entrepreneurs - a good shot of adrenaline.

2. "War for Talent" E. Michaels, H. Handfield-Jones, E. Excelrod.

A good book teaches you to evaluate and appreciate people. This is extremely important for Russia. In principle, for managers of fairly large companies.

3. "Strong State" Francis Fukuyama.

Unfortunately, I haven't read it to the end. I opened my mouth and listened to it at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum last year. I highly recommend reading the first chapter, and if you like it, further.

4. "Matsushita Leadership" by John Kotler.

A serious and at times tragic book. The story that everything can be achieved only with the utmost concentration of moral and physical strength.

5. "Imagine!" Tom Peters.

The correct translation of "Reimagine" is "Re-imagine", not "Imagine". "Imagine" is a 1971 album by John Lennon. An amazing book with the highest emotional charge. A powerful call for change, for open-minded thinking. You need to read like "Introduction to Psychoanalysis" by Z. Freud: 1 chapter a day, for better assimilation.

6. "How I Made Wal-Mart" by Sam Walton.

It is impossible to ask to read 1 chapter a day, it is swallowed by good businessmen and for many people it is a confirmation that they did everything right, that everyone goes through it. For merchants, like sailors, Wal-Mart is the definition of north, south and where to sail.

7. "Motivation in the style of ACTION. Delight is contagious! " K. Cobjell.

It is surprising that it was in Germany that what was created was created. All the same, the propensity for formalism and trade union pressure are quite high. People are perfectly motivated and disciplined and without a dress code, especially job advertisements are just a song.

8. “Uniqueness is now ... or never. "

A book about corporate religion "Jesper Kunde. A good guide to branding, at least you understand by buying the same Danone or Kellogg's that the company wants from you. The book provides an understanding of the peculiarities of marketing in the Scandinavian countries, especially about their thinking.

9. "22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" Al Rice, Jack Trout.

One of the longest written books. The book is simple, understandable, the usual immutable truths are written in understandable language. Trout is good.

10. Ayn Rend "Atlas Shrugged."

I would like to speak about this book especially. This is the true Bible of entrepreneurship. I think this is the most powerful work, both in essence and in meaning, written in the 20th century.

we offer you a selection of favorite business books of foreign and Russian businessmen. The wisdom and knowledge of these lines have inspired hundreds of successful people, who knows, maybe they will help you too? Think like a millionaire, do like a millionaire, read what the millionaire chooses!

Once Sergei Mikhailovich told reporters about two books that inspired him to accomplishments. This is the autobiographical book of the Nobel laureate in quantum electrodynamics Richard Feynman"You're kidding, of course, Mr. Feynman!" and sci-finovel "Avalanche" (Neil Stevenson), based on which was createdvirtual universe Second Life.

One of the tycoon's favorite business books is The Rise of Money (Niall Ferguson), which tells the story of money from antiquity to the present day.

Bill Gates reads a book a week. Among his favorites are the story of Peter Buffett, a talented child from a wealthy family, "Send Money to ..." Shock Therapy for The American Dream (Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum) and others. But the best book on business, he says. remain "Business Adventures" (John Brooks). These are 12 stories about the financial life of the United States.

Notes biography president of the United States "American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House" (John Macham), Guide to working with creative individuals “Corporation of Geniuses. How to manage a team creative people"(Ed Catmull), biography" Einstein: His Life and the Universe "(Walter Isaacson) and others.

In a place of honor in the Trump library is the book The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Peel). According to the president, he believes in this power and does not succumb to depression even in the most difficult times.

Like many successful businessmen, Fedor respects the success stories of great companies. These are Made in America: How I Made Wal-Mart (Sam Walton), McDonald's: How an Empire Created (Ray Kroc), (Pour your heart into it. "(Howard Schultz)

Among business books, Oleg Yurievich especially singles out "Fundamentals of Marketing" (Philip Kotler) - a book that shocked many residents of the post-USSR in the 90s. Further on the list - ancient Chinese treatise on military strategy and politics, relevant at all times "The Art of War ”(Sun Tzu),the story of the creator of Wal-Mart“Made in America” (Sam Walton), a book with the telling title “Think and Grow Rich” (Napoleon Hill), the history of “Sony. Made in Japan ”(Akio Morita),“ Losing Your Innocence ”and“ Naked Business ”(Richard Branson), the success and failure story of“ Rich Dad Poor Dad ”(Robert Kiyosaki).

A list of books recommended by Roman Abramovich is circulating on the Web. Alas, we could not verify its authenticity personally with Roman Arkadievich - so take his word for it! But the list is good, it's a fact. Here is the prophecy about new technologies “The time of recklessness” (Charles Handy), and the handbook of managers of all stripes “Competitive strategy. Methods for analyzing industries and competitors ”(Michael Porter), and the philosophical work of Viktor Vasiliev“ White Book ”, and interviews with top managers“ Break all the rules first ”(Markus Buckingham, Kurt Coffman), and the book by the creator of management theory Peter Drucker“ Encyclopedia management ”.

German Oskarovich is very sensitive to business literature. All top managers of Sberbank are required to read 12 books by foreign authors per year. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey), stories about long-lived companies Good to Great (Jim Collins), and the bible of customer-centric companies are among the chosen ones. (Janelle Barlow, Klaus Möller), The Toyota Tao (Jeffrey Liker), The Art of Good Management (Larry Bossidy, Ram Charan), an indispensable book on the art of simplification. Clear. Just ”(Alan Siegel, Irene Etzkorn) and others.

Have you read the favorite books of millionaires? Rather share the article with your friends!

George R.R. Martin once wrote: “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads lives only one. "

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is convinced that reading is the fastest way to learn. The Chromeo duo spend most of their time in the library, as do business tycoons Warren Buffett and Charles Munger, who can spend whole days doing this.

Reading alone cannot guarantee success, but most successful people share a love of words.

But the most interesting thing is how they read. They don't just absorb words, but try to turn new knowledge into action. This is why they need to retain information in their memory, which is not easy even for the brightest minds.

Ask yourself if you can retell the content of an article that you read literally 10 minutes ago. What about the biography you barely finished reading last month? How many novels disappeared from your memory as soon as you put the books aside?

Chances are, like most people, your memorization ability is much lower than you would like. It doesn't matter how much you read compared to how little you memorize. And in that respect, you have more in common with Guy Pearce in Remember than with Bradley Cooper in Fields of Darkness.

Therefore, we suggest that you radically change the approach to reading in order to learn how to memorize as much as possible and apply the knowledge gained in life.

1. Set goals

In order to learn something, you must first understand why you are reading. Your goal, your the main task should be your guiding star. She will protect you from the devil useful informationsuch as articles with tempting headlines or trivial "interesting facts".

olly18 / Depositphotos.com

The goal will guide you to useful information and help develop reading preferences. By understanding the underlying purpose, you will stop reading mindlessly (although sometimes you want to). We have already written about the need, and defining your goal is the first step on this path.

Which books to choose? In a nutshell, everything that suits your goal and interests. The main thing is to prioritize and manage your time wisely.

For example, your goal is to get a promotion in the sales department. This means that you must be able to sell and manage people. First you read best books on sales techniques and management, and in addition - books on psychology, self-development and motivation. This will help you avoid clickable articles with outdated sales theories and popular business books that have little or no useful information.

Your goal of getting a job will help you route through the different books. When you finish reading about sales and psychology, your goal leads you to study the biographies of the best salespeople: you want to understand how they succeeded. Or you might want to learn how to manage office policies or work for your brand. Your guiding star will keep you on track.

What about learning for the sake of learning? Curiosity is also a great reason to read, as long as it doesn't go against your primary goals. For example, if you are going to improve your marketing knowledge in the next three months, and 100% of your free time is reading about diving, this is hardly an effective waste of time. But if you read about marketing 75% of the time and diving 25% of the time, it is not only safe for your interests, but sometimes even useful.

But whatever your goals, continually review your informational diet menu as if you were on a real diet to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need.

2. Get involved in reading

Reading is more of a conversation than a lecture. Reading someone's words, you enter into a silent dialogue with the author. You can maintain a conversation and memorize information for many years, or you can let the author "finish" to the end of the book, and then let the words disappear from memory. The best way to learn is to maintain a conversation.

So when you read, don't let your eyes just slide over the pages. about the material. Highlight or mark portions of text that seem important or controversial. Connect with books and articles you have already read. Write down your questions, your ideas, your impressions. If you are having difficulty with something, take notes. Learn more about working with notes.

By interacting with the material, and not just passively absorbing information, you are conducting an internal dialogue, thanks to which you will be able to remember much more.

3. Don't read quickly

In an age of efficiency, we try to grasp information as quickly as possible. But reading takes time. All the benefits of it do not appear immediately, usually after reading a significant part of the book.

Reading speed is a skill that can and should be improved to perfection. But the ability to quickly absorb words by processing basic information comes with experience, by itself. Your brain will process language and ideas the faster the more often you interact with them. So, first, remember your main goal: do you want to add a book to your checklist, or do you really want to learn something new?

Another benefit of reading is that you enjoy the process itself. No hackneyed philosophy ultimate goal life is joy. Some ideas are too important, too much invested in them to go over them with my eyes. Remember, your goal is to learn, not read as many books as possible.

4. Choose the format that's right for you

Choose the format that suits you best and best suits your goals: paper book, electronic or audio.

shandrus / Depositphotos.com

For some people, the main way of obtaining information about the world around them is by listening, they are called audials. And for them the most preferred format is audiobook... While some fall asleep under an audiobook, as in a lecture, others, on the contrary, find it more convenient to perceive information by ear. The audio format gives more opportunities for reading on the move (while traveling by train or in a car or exercising in the gym) and is indispensable for people who are too mobile and cannot sit in one place for a long time with a book in their hands.

EBook has a number of advantages over the paper counterpart. A reader or smartphone with a reading app smaller than a bookcase. The electronic version is several times cheaper, because the lion's share of the cost of a printed book is the cost of paper, printing and transportation. The long publishing process is shortened, and the book reaches the reader earlier. It also made it easier to get hold of any book. Hardly residents major cities faced a similar problem, but in regions where not everything is smooth with the book infrastructure, this is relevant.

But reading is a strain on the eyes. And even the most modern electronic displays tire your eyes faster than traditional books. The night mode and the ability to adjust the backlight do not help. In this regard, electronic ink is good, but even they are far from perfect.

With reading e-books certain psychological barriers are also associated. We are accustomed to reading fluently from the screen - the gaze jumps from line to line, looks for the most important thing, skips entire paragraphs. Therefore, when you open the reading room, it is difficult to quickly rebuild, attention is scattered. Reading printed book always more thoughtful and measured.

5. Write down and revise

Reading comprehension is key and shouldn't stop once you've finished reading the book.

Referring to your favorite passages from time to time is the best way to remember the most important parts of the book. This will help to put the lessons into practice when a suitable opportunity or idea arises.

So when you finish reading the book, go back to the passages that piqued your interest and take notes. To organize your notes, you can use Evernote - a simple and convenient tool in which you can add tags, which means you can easily find the desired note. Or just start a notebook or journal.

lofilolo / Depositphotos.com

Whichever tool you use, keep in mind that you will need to return to your notes later, so be sure to consider a tagging and heading system. A simple system is suitable: who said what the quote, article or book is about, the topic, and so on. It will be easier to find the desired passage later.

6. Process and analyze

Magnificent photographic memory possess units. If you can't brag about it, over time you will forget most of what you read. Therefore, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

Re-learning is a natural and necessary part of any learning.

Writer and business coach Ramit Sethi recommends an interesting technique: every 4-6 weeks he sets aside 40 minutes to revise his notes and annotations for books and articles. It doesn't matter when the note was made: a month, a year, or three years ago, Ramit selects notes that fit the topic of what he is currently working on.

Books cannot remind of themselves. Therefore, you have to remind yourself what knowledge you need to refresh, plunging into a new topic.

Develop a system for checking your records. For example, do a monthly review of recent notes, or select by tags the ones that you need for work, for self-development, or for building relationships with other people. You can analyze notes sequentially or randomly.

7. Use new knowledge in practice

You follow our advice and you have accumulated a wealth of knowledge. A logical question arises: what to do with all this material? Of course, put it into practice!

And you need to start with the right questions. Ask yourself: do you agree with what you read or do you think the author is mistaken? What makes the text you read so special? Why is the author raising this issue? How does his argument relate to your personal beliefs? Do you have any questions? Did the book interest you? By honestly answering such questions, already in the process you yourself will understand how you can use new knowledge to your advantage.

minervastock / Depositphotos.com

You can send the findings of an extraordinary study in a psychology book to colleagues to make meetings more productive. A sales strategy that you disagree with can be a topic of discussion at work the next day. A well-written text about friendship will inspire you to reconnect with an old friend. Or maybe you can't figure out what you think about what you read - this is the beginning of a fruitful discussion with friends.

The key question guiding this process is "Why?" Why does the book propel you to action? Why do you agree or disagree? The answer to all these "why" will help you get closer to the answer to the question "How to use the material in life?"

If you find out about a new marketing concept, take five minutes and think why she works for someone and as it can be used in the work of your company. If new questions arise or you notice gaps in your knowledge, keep looking for new sources and repeat this process over and over.

And further. When you use knowledge in your life, write down the results and conclusions.

8. Collect and share books and articles

With the right approach, reading can change your life. And sometimes the life of people around you. So many great ideas are gathering dust on the shelves!

Post your blog posts. Valuable ideas can be helpful to others in their work and life. In this case, your goal is not to look smart, but to extend the life of the ideas that helped you.

Work is the right place to share your ideas. You can establish cooperation with colleagues, tell them about research results, share excerpts from books, expert opinions. Most do not do this at work, which makes any exchange of knowledge an exceptional event.

Despite the apparent simplicity, each of these tips can seriously change the way you read and the amount of material you absorb. Follow your curiosity, solve problems, read purposefully. Conduct a mental dialogue with a book or article. Take notes and come back to them constantly. Think about how you can use the lessons learned in life. Share your findings with friends, family, and colleagues. And then you will see how much you get from every book, blog post, and article.

Remember, knowledge is potential. But in order to realize it, you need to remember and use knowledge. So read it with pleasure!