How a creative person differs from a non-creative person. Creative people - what are they? Modest but proud

Creative people create problems. They are drug addicts. They're a little crazy and they usually dress very funny ... or at least most of us find it funny.

Creative people are very different. Of course, all people are different, although many of us try to fit into certain frameworks.

For many creative people, the very phrase "fit into the box" contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a creative person should be. Most creative people aren't crazy. They are simply misunderstood.

Of course, some of them literally go crazy, but this is only a small part. The vast majority of creative people simply do not like to lie about who a person really is.

1. Creative people see the world differently than others

At the same time, creative people want to share their vision and interpretation with the rest of the world. For them, the world is full of many meanings, shades of meaning and complexity, and it is also filled with opportunities that an ordinary person does not have.

Creative people know that the impossible is possible because they understand that nothing in the world can be sure.

Seeing that the world is filled with limitless possibilities, they want to leave their mark here. They want to add their stroke to the finest of art - life itself.

When you see the world differently than others, you stand out. Many people dislike those who stand out. For some reason they are afraid of "white crows".

Others simply prefer inertia and persistence. They are afraid of what they do not know, do not like the unknown and related misunderstandings.

2. They are often introverted and tend to be alone.

This is not to say that creative people do not like all the people around. They just spend more time alone with themselves, because it allows them to focus on what interests them. They can think, dream, plan and create something.

Creative individuals must constantly be in the creative process. Otherwise, their creative itching will be simply unbearable. Yes, they can be sincerely devoted to their friends, but in the same way they rush with their ideas and products of creativity - sometimes it even develops into an obsession

Who would blame them, on the other hand? When you have a job, you have to get it done, be productive, and meet deadlines. There will always be time for socialization.

The reason creative people are often successful in competition is not because they are smarter than their competitors. It's because they have a higher level of work ethic.

Creative individuals are accustomed to being perfectly oriented in a project, accustomed to the fact that it literally absorbs them. It's hard to compete with that.

3. They do not measure their abilities by the yardsticks by which others do.

They may not always be successful in school or at work (in a job that most people consider normal). It would be better for them to create than to study and work. On the other hand, and for whom not?

The difference is that creative people are literally obsessed with their creativity. Their passion cannot be hidden.

If you are a creative person, it is almost certainly difficult for you to do repetitive work. When you are a creator by nature, you live in joyful anticipation, constantly trying to discover and create something new, trying yourself in various fields.

Creative people go to school and then to work, like the rest, but only because they have to do it. They tend to settle for imperfect work until they find something more interesting for themselves in terms of self-development.

4. They are more emotional

For them, life is louder and brighter than for most people. But this is not because creative people get more information about the world, they just pay more attention to it.

Creative people may be introverted, but they spend as much time “wandering in themselves” as they do in the outside world.

They pay a lot of attention to the little things and allow those little details to give them a lot more attention than the average (not so creative) person.

For them, the world is full of meaning. For many of us, the surrounding reality is blurry. For creative people, the world is everything.

Of course, sometimes such individuals get lost in their travels. In general, being a creative person means sometimes having problems with the surrounding reality.

5. They are dreamers

People do not understand dreamers, because they always dream of change. ABOUT better world, about a better reality, about a better future. They can imagine the unimaginable and often believe they can make the impossible possible.

If you like to keep everything in its place, you will be frightened by the mess that always accompanies a creative person. The life of a creator is determined by change. Especially - the changes that he himself creates.

People have always been afraid and will always be afraid of dreamers. We prefer to stop there and be "average". We don't like white crows and thinkers. We are a nation doing everything we can to create an established middle class.

It will be fun enough to fail this mission.

What is creativity? A landscape painted on canvas, or a verse filled with emotional experiences, a new architectural masterpiece or a delicious dish prepared by a chef? Creativity, inspired by the impulse of the soul, is expressed in different things, it is unique and priceless not only for the author, but sometimes for all mankind.

Creativity - what is it?

Uniqueness is the main criterion for this concept. The very same concept "creativity" implies the process of human activity, which creates certain values, both material and spiritual. Such a result can only be obtained by the author of this work. This fact gives value the end result... At the same time, in the process of producing creativity, the author expresses his personal aspects.

Psychology of creativity

Science, technology, arts, a typical day in everyday life - all this can be areas in which a person manifests his uniqueness. A whole section of psychology studies the creative activity of a person. Psychology actively explores creativity and, inspiration, imagination, individuality and intuition. For many years, studying these areas have not given clear answers to the questions of what creativity is and how to implement it. ordinary people... The psychology of creativity is based on the relationship that develops between the author and the product.

Philosophy of creativity

A person has no limit in the world of desires and fantasies. An egoist desires everything that other people do not have, a person who is obsessed with a dream, desires something that does not exist in nature, in a rational person the thirst for creativity pours into. The whole philosophy of creativity is aimed at creating harmony and beauty, and the created masterpieces served for the benefit of civilization.

Types of creativity

A creative person can seek the realization of his ideas, intentions, flights of fantasy in different types activities:

  1. Scientific creativity - various kinds of discoveries, the final product is knowledge.
  2. Technical creativity - practical or technological development, the end product is a mechanism or structure.
  3. Artistic creation - the aesthetic basis of the world, striving for beauty. Final product - artistic image (poem, painting, sculpture).
  4. Co-creation Is the perception of works of art, their interpretation.
  5. Children's creativity - the process of the child's imagination, his fantasy.
  6. Pedagogical creativity - a special approach to teaching knowledge, its goal is to teach something new.

What develops creativity in a person?

No one can give a clear, definite answer to this question. In order to discover and develop a person must answer to himself the question, what is creativity specifically for him? Harmony can contribute to the development of a person's abilities in creativity, it is worth trying to look at the familiar world with different eyes, from a new angle. Having cleared your consciousness, it is much easier to scoop up the new that the world will offer. A real creator lives in every person.

What drives creativity?

Tolerance to the outside world and inner peace are the basis of the creative process. It is easier for a person open to the world, devoid of stereotypes and prejudices to feel the subtlest matter of creativity, to feel the light breath of the muse behind him:

  1. It is worth finding a melody that has a positive impact on the creative process.
  2. Writing by hand rather than using a computer fosters creativity.
  3. Meditation is the best way to relax and put your thoughts in order.
  4. Free association practice will awaken the imagination.
  5. Do not get hung up, you should sometimes think about something distant. For example, how to meet New Year in 2030.
  6. Blues and greens affect creativity.
  7. A change of scenery can foster creativity.
  8. Laugh, even with force. This will have a positive effect on the brain.
  9. Do something with your hands.
  10. Exercise. During sports, not only the body is strengthened, but also the brain is largely liberated.
  11. Try something new. Life and creativity are closely linked, new emotions can bring, for example, a trip abroad, conquering the mountains, diving to the depths of the sea.
  12. Sleep, that very "morning is wiser than evening" really works.

Where does any creativity begin?

A concept or idea is the beginning of any work of an artist, composer, writer, inventor, fashion designer. The creative process begins with a figurative sketch, the concept of the entire work. For each individual, this process takes place in its own way, but it is always divided into three stages. Without adherence to such a plan of action, the plan will be born spontaneously and not always be realized.

  • cognition and creative processing of impressions;
  • the emergence of artistic design;
  • implementation of the plan.

Creativity and imagination

New images are created based on the reality of the surrounding world. But spiced with imagination, they make creativity truly unique. allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething at the same time, without coming into contact with him. Creativity in human life is always associated with imagination, its examples can be seen when studying the process of creation. For example, when creating fabulous creatures and various subjects special techniques are used.

  • moving - the subjective transfer of an object to new, unusual situations;
  • typing - assignment of an object to a certain type;
  • analogy - creating an image by analogy with another;
  • exaggeration or understatement;
  • addition - new functions and properties are assigned to the object;
  • agglutination - creating an image from two different ideas.

Creativity and creativity

Often, most people perceive these concepts as one whole. But this comparison is wrong. The word “creativity” came to the business community at the end of the 1980s, and after that it began to be used in wide circles. Creativity is the ability that a person can show in a non-standard, creative thinking, his ability to come up with unique ideas. Creativity implies the activity of creation, the ability to overcome stereotypes, it is the motivation for new things. Creativity and creativity are closely related, it is increasingly difficult to separate them from each other.

How to develop creativity?

Striving for more is normal development person in any field. a person is limitless, and with his correct training, he can surprise the owner who doubted the presence of at least some creative beginnings in his personality:

  1. Morning ritual.When we wake up, we immediately take a pen, notebook and write. About what? About everything! The main thing is to write, you don't have to think too much. A minimum of 750 words should be written.
  2. We ask a question to any object or action: "What if?"For example, what if dogs could talk? What if all the people in the world were silent? This method is called.
  3. Splitting and combining different words.This method will surely force the brain to turn off habitual thinking and turn on fantasy. Take two different words crush them to combine. For example, pillow + blanket \u003d blown, curtains + tulle \u003d tunnels.
  4. Torrance's method is based on the same type of scribbles, which are also called doodles.On a sheet of paper, it is worth drawing the same symbols (several circles or squares, crosses, rhombuses, and so on). We turn on imagination and draw using the drawn shapes.
  5. Focal Object Method.We "take" a random object, for example a pencil, a hairbrush, the sky and open a book (newspaper, magazine) on any page. We "grab" random 5 words, link them to the subject in the story.

Creative crisis

Fantasy does not turn on, inspiration does not come, everything around is gray and gloomy and clearly does not contribute to the birth of a new idea or masterpiece. can affect any person whose activity or life is in one way or another connected with creativity. What is the problem of creativity? You should not look for answers in the world around you without understanding yourself. Search for answers to the questions “What is creativity? How to start creating again? Where to find creative inspiration? " will be ineffectual if a person does not find the strength to gain peace.

  1. It is necessary to create (write, draw, design, and so on) in the same place.
  2. It is worth taking the same time for creative activities.
  3. Before starting work, it is worth listening to the same song.
  4. Use the same things for work, for example, for writing the same text editor, for drawing familiar brushes and an easel.
  5. You have to work every day, the weekend destroys order the most.

Books about creativity

Drawing inspiration from books, many are inspired by the lives of heroes, examples of their lives. The world of creativity is unusual, bright and passionate is presented in many works of famous authors:

  1. "Steal Like an Artist" Austin Cleon... The author tells readers about how to discover creativity in yourself.
  2. "Muse, where are your wings?" Yana Frank filled with inspiration and written for people who have decided to devote their entire life to creativity.
  3. The Realization of Ideas by Scott Belxi will tell you how to overcome doubts, set priorities and achieve results.
  4. Custom Genius by Mark Levy offers an unusual way to find a solution to a problem - freewriting.
  5. "Create and Sell" S. Voinskaya... The book tells you how to sell your creation.

We often write that a dude should follow his heart, realize his ambitions and generally try to go his own way. Especially if his path is to be a creative person. Create professionally original texts, drawing, doing art and what is commonly called a hobby is the dream of many, many people. Unfortunately, not everyone can do it. Having lived the life of an artist or indie programmer, our hypothetical creative person realizes that it is not as attractive as it seemed earlier: there is not so much money, deadlines are running out, the customer is a fool, no other customers are foreseen, the port is over, and recognition is something is not coming. Was it really necessary to choose a more mundane profession? And my mother said!

The life of a creative person is unique. A creative person, truly creative, and not someone who considers himself to be such, deserves respect. Unfortunately, the very term "creative person" is spoiled by second-rate literary men, bad artists, and other pretentious dudes. A truly creative person is close to an archetype in the sense that his values \u200b\u200bare very different from generally accepted ones. There are few such people, because not every person is seriously ready to walk this path. It has a lot of advantages, but it will be painful for you to be different from others. Most often, society is not pressing on us, but ourselves.

Since childhood, when we studied the "stable" and "respectable" areas of human activity, such as biology, mathematics, chemistry, law, languages, business, programming and economics, we have imbibed the belief that any art as a profession is a risk. Most dudes still believe that recognition comes ONLY after death. It seems that society has a dislike for a person who wants to realize himself more in creativity than to get a stable prestigious profession.

This is partly true: life is unstable, there are many risks in it. This guide will help you choose your path. Who are you: a creative person or an ordinary worker who creates in his spare time?

Can you stand all the hardships?

The life of a person who wants to make money on creativity is more difficult than that of everyone else. Creativity must be sold, inspiration disappears, there is no customer. Of course, in the life of "ordinary people" there may also be no work and the salary may not suit them, but this happens much less often for them. The big problem with many people in traditional creative work is that they don't know how to advertise themselves. You look at some of them and understand: a person is talented and really draws, sews and does something with his hands in an original way. But you look at the other and you see that he does not know how to do anything, that his paintings are the second year of a hudgraf, the horizon in the photographs is skewed, and the articles are complete crap, but his main difference from the first: he knows how to interest his abilities and praise them. Therefore, he is more successful than the first.

Can you try again and again?

A person of a creative profession is related to the need to take risks. This means that he needs to try to make his project over and over again. Has one case burned out? Start doing something else. Has the case failed? Start over. The modern dude loves to give up halfway too much. Make sure you are not one of them.

Can you do without luxury?

Since you will receive little and fickle, luxury will not be your companion. Of course, if you are lucky and you learn to make money on art, you will swim in luxury like Nikas Safronov, but this is rare. If there is barely enough money to pay for the rent of the room to the hostess, what to say about buying a new iPhone or dinner at good location? You won't even be allowed to spend on such. Sometimes a creative person has nothing to eat, but he drinks tea, dipping a weekly bag in boiling water. This is also not uncommon.

Can you be lonely?

We have written more than once that. Let's face it, being alone is difficult and scary. In order not to be afraid, you need to be able to be alone. Can you? Even benevolent people can distance themselves from you if they see how you do not fit into generally accepted norms. Be prepared to lose most of your comrades. You shouldn't even blame them!

Can you stand the criticism?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to a young talent is criticism. Somewhere deep down, many creative dudes consider themselves to be exceptional, creative and true innovators who believe that all the rules of painting, photography and text building are outdated dull crap. They do not understand that their drawings are not successful, they are that the critic wants to push them on the right path, and not offend. If you do not know how to adequately respond to criticism, accept proposals for improving work and seriously think about them, it is better for you not to go into creativity. Why breed unprofessionalism?

Can you learn constantly?

Will you be able to constantly learn new techniques, practice relentlessly and improve? Without progress, you will not be able to attract new customers and move forward. You yourself will soon cease to be satisfied with your successes, but in order to develop something new, you often need to learn something old. Not everyone succeeds in coming up with something from scratch.

Can you do this without a reward?

If you plan to do something for the sake of recognition, you will fail. Recognition will pass if you, of course, achieve it, and you will again be left with nothing. You need to do this only in order to realize your creative potential and out of love for this topic. In this case, your creative career will be many times more tolerant and more enjoyable. Because of the love for your work, you can endure the lack of a woman, life prospects and money. And let success be something of a collateral.

Interesting .... Creative people are talented individuals who like to be useful and do good to others. They like freedom, so any restrictions will be perceived by them as an infringement of rights. Many people think that creative people are lonely, unhappy, and don't live long. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Talent is given to a person by God, you just need to not miss the moment and start developing your abilities in time.

It is worth noting that there are indeed many unhappy people among geeks, since their work is not always clear to others. As a rule, the average person's brain activity takes place within a certain framework, and everything that goes beyond this framework is perceived as something unnatural and abnormal. For this reason, it is very difficult for creative people to survive in this cruel world in which there are so many stable stereotypes. and unwillingness to evolve. Neuroscience confirms that talented individuals think and act differently.The thinking of creative people is literally created to think uniquely, not like most. However, such a gift from nature can significantly complicate life and strain relationships with others. If you are familiar with a creative person, you probably have more than once had the idea that he lives in some completely different world. In most cases, trying to understand such a person is as futile as trying to change it. In order to be able to adapt to such a person, one must learn to look at the world through his eyes.

Liar talent

It should be noted that creative people are great liars. A number of experiments have shown that such individuals are prone to more intricate and complex lies. In addition, they themselves can easily figure out the deceiver. One of the manifestations of creativity is the unacceptability of existing patterns and the breaking of established stereotypes. Talented people quite easily perceive the unethicalness of their own behavior, and also calmly relate to similar actions of others.

High degree of distrust

A gifted person is inclined not to trust even close people. Despite the fact that he quickly recognizes lies, suspicion of others is also hallmark talent. And this is not surprising, because in order to make a new discovery, you need to learn to look at elementary things from a different angle. That is why a talented person questions everything, because it is much easier to create something new from scratch.


In the course of various experiments, it has been established that modesty is not the lot of talented people. Many of them, as a rule, take pride in their abilities and skillfully use them, which allows them to fill themselves with an exorbitant price. In addition, a gifted person is very eager to show how impressionable he is and how much he knows how to worry.


Often, talented people get depressed. Many of these geniuses have various phobias: some are afraid of getting sick with an incurable disease, others are afraid to die young, and still others faint at the sight of a spider or a cockroach. Psychologists in many countries have tried to find out if depression is really talent. After examining the data obtained from psychiatric clinics, they found that creative individuals are more likely to develop severe forms mental illness... In addition, it has been proven that not only talent, but also such disorders can be inherited.

It's hard to believe in yourself

Even if a person is confident in his abilities, over time he begins to ask questions: “Am I good enough? Am I doing everything right? " Creative people constantly compare their work with the creations of other artists and do not notice their own brilliance, which may be obvious to everyone else. In this regard, creative stagnation is often observed, when a person simply gives up, thinking that all his previous ideas were in vain and meaningless. At such a moment, it is very important that a faithful friend is nearby who would help the master to survive this difficult period.

Time to dream

Creative people are dreamers, it helps them in their work. Many of us have noticed that the best ideas come to us when we are mentally transported far from reality. Neuroscientists have proven that imagination turns on brain processes that are closely related to creativity and fantasy.

Time dependency

Most of the great masters admit that they created their best work either at night or at dawn. For example, V. Nabokov took up his pen at 6 am, as soon as he woke up, and Frank Lloyd Wright had the habit of getting to work at 3 am and going back to bed a few hours later. Typically, people with a lot of creativity rarely adhere to a standard daily routine.


To be as open to creativity as possible, you must learn to use solitude constructively. To do this, many talents overcome their fear of loneliness. Often, creatives and artists are perceived by those around them as loners, although in reality they are not. This pursuit of privacy can be an important factor in creating the best work.

Overcoming life barriers

Many cult works were published as a result of the experience of their creator of heartbreaking pain and strong emotions... Often, various problems become a catalyst that helps to create unique and outstanding masterpieces. Psychology gave this phenomenon a scientific name - post-traumatic growth. Researchers have found that often a strong shock helps a person succeed in a particular business, as well as open up new opportunities.

Search for new experiences

Many creative people are constantly looking for new emotions and impressions. Unfortunately, some of them use alcohol and drugs to achieve this effect. It should be noted that a talented person is always open to new knowledge, she is quite intellectual and curious. The transition from one emotional state to another is a kind of engine for exploration and knowledge of two worlds, internal and external.

Beauty will save the world!

Creative people tend to have excellent taste, so they constantly try to surround themselves with beautiful things. It can be not only clothing details, but also interior elements, paintings, books, jewelry. Several studies have found that singers and musicians exhibit increased sensitivity and sensitivity to artistic beauty.

Connecting points

Creative individuals are able to find opportunities where others simply do not notice. Many famous writers and artists believe that creativity is the ability to connect the dots that a common person would not have guessed to combine in such a sequence. If you ask a genius how he put these things together, he will feel embarrassed, since he will not have an answer to this question. What is difficult for others is not difficult for a creative person.

According to Michael Gelb, everyone can be creative and, without reinventing the wheel, create something new and interesting.

Today we will talk about the nature of creative people. Psychology professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is studying this question. He is one of the most respected experts in business psychology, best known for his theory of flow. Csikszentmihalyi is the author of several bestsellers, including Creativity: Life and Work 91 famous person"(Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People, 1996). In it, he describes 10 paradoxical features inherent in creative individuals, which he managed to identify over 30 years of his work.

Do you want to know what distinguishes the creator from the layman? Then welcome to cat.

1. Strong, but not trained

A creative person has a lot of physical energy, but, unfortunately, it is not used much. After all, the work of a creator is, first of all, the work of his brain. Concentration solely on intellectual work leads to the fact that a healthy body looks weak. This is why it is important to maintain a balance of mind and body.

2. Smart but naive

Mihai Csikszentmihalyi recognizes that creative people are smart, they are distinguished by flexibility and originality of thinking, the ability to hear different points of view. But almost everyone naively believes that creativity can be measured by creative tests and developed in specialized seminars.

3. Playful but selfless

Creative people love to relax. As they say, nothing hedonistic is alien to them. But when it comes to the "birth" of a new project, they are able to work like obsessed. For example, the Italian artist Paolo Uccello, when developing his famous "theory of perspective", did not sleep all night and walked from corner to corner.

Csikszentmihalyi notes that most creators work late into the night and nothing can stop them.

4. Dreamers, but realists

This is the mystery of creative people. They are great inventors, they can come up with anything, but at the same time most of them look at life quite realistically. Apparently, William Ward was right when he said that a pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist hopes for a change in the weather, and a realist sets sail.

5. Extroverts, but withdrawn

We are used to dividing people into extroverts and introverts. It is believed that the former are sociable, easily converge with people, have charisma, etc. And the latter, on the contrary, live in their own the inner worldwhere only the “chosen ones” are allowed.

But, according to the observations of Csikszentmihalyi, truly creative people combine both of these traits. In public they are the soul of the company, and in the circle of loved ones they are quiet and laconic.

6. Modest but proud

Creative people tend to be very humble. They do not expect praise - the very process of creating something new is important to them. However, at the same time, they will not give anyone a descent and will not allow them to humiliate their own dignity.

7. Courageous yet feminine

Mihai Csikszentmihalyi argues that creative people often do not match their gender roles. So, creator girls are often distinguished by a tough disposition, and men, on the contrary, are sensual and sentimental.

8. Rebels, but conservatives

What is creativity? That's right - creating something new. In this regard, creative people are very often reputed to be rebels, since their ideas go beyond the usual. But at the same time, many of them find it difficult to part with their ossified habits, change roles, and so on.

9. Passionate but objective

All creative people are passionate about their work. It would seem that passion should be dazzling, but truly creative people always objectively look at what they do.

Csikszentmihalyi emphasizes that a creative person must adequately perceive criticism, and also separate his "I" from his work.

10. Open but happy

One of the creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci was the "acuity of the senses." Creators are always open to new events, even if they hurt them. At the same time, internally they are harmonious happy people, since they know how to enjoy the creative process itself.

As you can see, creative people are really full of contradictions. But as Mihai Chikszentmihalyi says, it is these paradoxes that help them adapt to almost any situation, adapting everything around them to achieve their goals.

What paradoxical features of creative people do you know?