Tests with dividing soft sign. What sound scheme is the mistake made

Developer: Drapalyuk Marianna Vladimirovna

Explanatory note.

Subject: Russian language, "School of Russia" educational complex, grade 2.

Test time: 30 min.

Form: individual work.

The test is based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the main general education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. And an exemplary program in the Russian language by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky, M.N. Dementieva, N.A. Stefanenko, M.V. Boykina. "Russian language" ("School of Russia". Collection of working programs for grades 1-4. Moscow, "Education", 2012)

Test. Enter the numbers of correct answers in the table.

I. Does a soft sign mean sound?

II. What work does a soft sign do in words?

1) Separates a consonant from a consonant.

2) Indicates the softness of the preceding consonant.

3) Separates a consonant from a vowel.

4) Indicates the hardness of the preceding consonant sound.

III.When word wrapping from one line to another soft sign:

1) Separated from the consonant.

2) Is not separated from the preceding consonant

IV. Determine which words are hyphenated.

1) Fight 4) Days

2) So-l 5) Perch

3) Small 6) Beast

V. In what words was the mistake made?

1) Bolnoy 4) Song

2) Mowing 5) Letter

3) Hemp 6) Elk

Vi. Which words cannot be transferred from one line to another.

1) Boy 4) Big

2) Mother 5) Furniture

Vii. Find words where all consonants are soft.

1) Anchor 4) Iodine

2) Sorrel 5) Weasel

3) Kissel 6) Laziness

VIII. Find words with a soft sign.

1) Feathers 4) Removal

2) Earrings 5) Drinks

3) Family 6) Bitter

IX. Select the words in which you want to insert b.

1) In ... south 4) Dog ... nya

2) Small ... chick 5) Step ... ki

3) No end ... 6) Blizzards ...

X. Determine which words contain more letters than sounds.

1) Bedroom 4) Chairs

2) Drips 5) Film

3) Winter 6) Volcano

Evaluation criteria:

Job No.

Evaluation criteria

Maximum score

The correct answer is 1b

The correct answer is -1 b

The correct answer is -1b.

For two correct answers - 2b.

For two correct answers - 2b.

For one correct answer - 1 p

For two correct answers - 2b.

For one correct answer - 1 p

For three correct answers - 3b.

For one correct answer - 1 p

For two correct answers - 2b.

For one correct answer - 1 p

For three correct answers - 3b.

For two correct answers - 2 p.

For one correct answer - 1 p

For three correct answers - 3b.

For two correct answers - 2 p.

For one correct answer - 1 p

Percentage completed

Completed in points

Russian language test A soft sign after hissing words at the end. Adjective name, grammatical features of adjectives, adjective endings. Personal pronouns grade 5. The test includes 2 options, each option has 8 tasks (in part A - 5 tasks, in part B - 2 tasks, in part C - 1 task).

Option 1

A1. In what row is b written in all words?

1) brick .., hut ..
2) hush .. baby ..
3) captivate .., vidish ..
4) dugout .., bresh ..

A2. What is the use of the adjective in the instrumental case?

1) on an autumn day
2) spring weather
3) wonderful master
4) in a friendly family


1) get hurt .. in the morning, on the winter road
2) in this ... sea, spring ... drops
3) in the spring ... in the afternoon, at the early ... dawn
4) matins..m light, matins..m light


1) come to us
2) met them
3) brought him
4) approach her

A5. Enter a misspelled word

1) with a younger brother
2) night
3) attract
4) knife

Thrushes sing their songs loudly in the spring forest.

B1. Write out the adjective from the sentence, determine its gender, number and case.

AT 2. Write out the verb and indicate its conjugation.


Option 2

A1. In what row is b not written in all words?

1) speech .., false ..
2) mouse .., eat ..
3) watchman .., print ..
4) finish .., ivy ..

A2. In what word combination is the adjective used in the prepositional case?

1) in the wolf's den
2) fine afternoon
3) famous painting
4) a new sanatorium

A3. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) in thorny ... bush, thorny ... bush
2) rocky ... by the shore, in the rocky ... gorge
3) in winter ... in the afternoon, in a winter hat
4) in bright ... light, in silver ... dew

A4. In what word combination was there a mistake when declining a pronoun?

1) come to them
2) he was awarded
3) gave him
4) saw her

A5. Enter a misspelled word

1) in the spring sky
2) daughter
3) about the younger brother
4) cut

Read the sentence and write down tasks B1, B2.
The evening found me on the bank of a turbulent river.

IN 1. Write down the adjective, determine its gender, number and case.

AT 2. Write out the verb, indicate its conjugation.

C1. Write a description of the spring forest.

Answers to the Russian language test A soft sign after hissing words at the end. Adjective name, grammatical features of adjectives, endings of adjectives. Personal pronouns grade 5
Option 1
IN 1. (in) spring - m.r., s. h., etc. p.
AT 2. chant - I ref.
Option 2
IN 1. stormy - w. r., units h., p. P.
AT 2. found I - ref.


"Spelling the soft mark in the IP on sizzling"

Insert where needed soft sign (s).

Determine the gender of Nouns

Reporting _, drawing_, trumpeter_, rich man_, floor_, win_, dry_, broch_, robbery_, husband_, ray_, luxury_, chush_, massage_, brick_, lie_, ralash_, hut_, barbel_, lavash_, cake_, shiver_, trifle_, garage_, walrus , tornado_, mince_, mouse_, reed_, arena_, landscape_, crew_, Muscovite_, march_, speech_, midnight_, doctor_, ladle_, rook_, ball_, kalach_, circus_, luxury_, broch_, goulash_, siskin_, sush_, tsarevich_, priomysh_, violinist_ , hedgehog_.

Make sentences with phrases.

Explain the spelling of the soft mark in IP after the sibilants.

Warm Shawl Penknife

Minced meat winter landscape

Fragrant Lily of the Valley Ambulance

Soccer Ball Refreshing Shower

Family Doctor Autumn Cloak

Give an answer to the question in one word. Explain the spelling.

Black bird, herald of the coming spring (Rook)

Football competition (Match)

Item that Emelya rode (Stove)

You can't open the lock without it (Key)

It is worn in the rain (Cloak)

Hunter's Drop (Game)

Middle of the night (Midnight)

All items for harnessing horses (Harness)

Quiet calm weather (Quiet)

Little money (Little thing)

Make and write sentences from the given words.

It rustled on the river.

I caught a mouse, a cat, once.

I bought a shawl, mom, warm.

In, small change, in, me, pocket.

Father, luggage, things, in, checked in.

Memo for writing a soft sign (b) in nouns with a sibilant end

  1. I read or pronounce a word.
  2. I define the part of speech.
  3. I listen carefully to the sounds at the end of a word.
  4. If I hear a hissing sound, I determine the gender of the noun.
  5. If the noun is masculine, then I do not write b.

If the noun female, then I write.

  1. If I hear a soft ringing or dull sound, then I remember work b.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Soft-sign spelling for nouns with a hissing end.

Summary of the lesson in Russian. Topic: "Spelling a soft sign for nouns with a hissing end." ...

Cards for spelling orforgamm: 1. Spelling of life in nouns; 2. Spelling the soft mark at the end of words; 3. Spelling of the soft sign in different parts of speech; 4. Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

cards will help children to consolidate the spelling of the learned spelling ...