The Divine Comedy. Passage from the poem translation to




  1. to introduce students with the biography of Dante Aligiery.
    1. with his model of the world;
    2. with his creation "Divine Comedy".
  2. understand the compositional construction of the "Divine Comedy".
  3. understand the construction of "hell" (whom and for which sins is placed in 9 circles of hell).
  4. show edgey of comedy.
  5. get acquainted with a special form of verse - tercina.
  6. the role of symbols of numerical and color in the "comedy".
  7. the meaning of the "Divine Comedy" in the development of literature.
  8. about Russian Dantienne.
  9. communication with the current life (the relevance of the problems raised in the comedy).

Lesson plan:

1. The introductory word of the teacher. - Slide 2.

2. Biography Dante Aligiery. (Graduate Report) - Slide 3

3. Universe Dante. (report report) - Slide 4

4. Preparation of students for reading. - Slide 5.

5. The word teacher about the Divine Comedy. - Slide 6.

6. Mystic numbers in the life and comedy Dante. -Slide 7.

7. Working with the text. -Slide 8.

8. The structure of the Divine Comedy. - Slide 11.

Terza rima. - Slide 12.

9. Part 1: Hell. (Details) - Slide 13

10. Part2: "Purgatory". (briefly) - Slide 15

11. Part 3: "Paradise". (briefly) - Slide 16, 17

12. Conclusion. -Slide 18.

13. Pages of Russian Dantiennes.

Epigraph (Slide 2)

Reading Dante

What to swim in the sea, then Dante read:
Poems of his hard and full
Like the sea elastic waves!
How sweetly their bold mind smash!
How dally above the speech of deep
You pop up you think high:
What to swim in the sea, then Dante read.

S. P. Shevyrev

I. Teacher's introductory word:

We gathered here to go on a journey. For some, it may not be completely understandable, for some - fascinating, and for others - even terrible. Today in the lesson we will make an extraordinary journey in the 14th century: the Great Italian poet will lead us in his work, let's go down with him to hell and rise to "Paradise", get acquainted with the inhabitants of these kingdoms. And we also have to find out the relevance of the study of this work in the 21st century.

But before you go, you need to stock up with certain knowledge, which will then help us.

Time Run does not separate us from long-gone genys, on the contrary, brings closer to them. Today, the great Italian poet Dante Aligiery (1265 - 1321) is our lively interlocutor. The awareness of Dante as one of the greatest poets of the world came to us only in the Pushkin era. (Slide 3)

Let's get acquainted with the biography of this writer.

This is how his youngest contemporary describes the great poet - the writer Giovanni Boccaccio:

"There was our growth poet below average, and when she reached the mature years, he began to slouch, she always went slowly and smoothly, the clothes wore the most modest, as she liked him. His face had an oblong and dark, eagle's nose, the eyes are quite large, the jaws are large, the lower lip was given away, thick black hair was crushed, as well as a beard, the view was invariably thoughtful and sad. "

II. Dante's biography (student report)

Dante Aligiery was born in Florence, in the second half of May 1265, in the family not very notable and wealthy. Dante's father was a man of a peaceful warehouse: in political struggle, stunning Florence, did not accept participation, took care of the family.

Dante lived in medieval Italy in difficult and hard time for her.

Dante was not an indifferent witness to the acute political struggle. It was also a sword of ignition: as a warrior participated in battles. It tasted the bitterness of exile from his native Florence, when the local government seized his political opponents.

There is reason to believe that he studied at the University of Bologna, famous for the legal and medical faculties. There Dante got acquainted with the Creator of the Poetic School of Guido Guiniecli, who called his father in the "comedy". The most significant part of the life of Dante was the love of Beatric Portinari. For the first time, he met Beatrice on Florence Street, when he was 9 years old, and she was even less.

After the death of Beatrice Dante, he read the early conduction thinker Boeation, "Consolation of philosophy", which speaks of the insignificance of earthly globes in the face of death, and felt craving for knowledge of philosophy. Then he married him and he had 4 children. In 1295, the political activity of Dante began. He occupied various positions in the bodies of urban self-government.

The policy was little interested in Dante, however, what he saw and heard was postponed in his mind and imperceptibly influenced his worldview.

But the city remembered the bloody clashes of two warring parties, one of which, called Gutev, was a supporter of the papal church, the other, called the deaths, supported German emperors. By the end of the XIII century. The Gutev Party was divided into black and white. White Guelphs defended the independence of Florence, and, probably, therefore, the mature Dante rose on their side. He even performed the Embassy mission. But after the French army, headed by Karl, joined Florence and learned the bloody pogrom, White Guelphs suffered a major defeat, and their supporters, including Dante, were sentenced to life exile.

Since 1300, the time of wandering Dante begins, the second half of his life. "And I wandered," he wrote about himself, "in all cities and weighs, where our tongue walked, wandered by a homeless wanderer, almost begging, exposing, against the will, ulcers from the blows of fate, ulcers who were unjustly imputed to me To me in the guilt. And I truly likened the ship without a steering wheel and without a wind, which the dry wind of the painful poverty nails that one, then to another shore. " At this time, it is strongly engaged in self-education, publishes philosophical and political treatises, but its main work has become the famous "Divine Comedy", which brought him a well-deserved glory during his lifetime. He wrapped in Florence and once wrote to citizens: "Oh my people, what did I do to you?" Florentine did not answer Dante, and he was forced to seek the refuge among the rich patrons. For the past seven years he spent in Ravenna, where he died on September 1421.

Giovanni Boccaccio:

"He passionately longed to praise and lush honors - more passionately, perhaps, which is like a person such exceptional virtues. . . . And there is no doubt, his desire would be when fate favorably allowed him to return to Florence, because only in this city, only under the crisple San Giovanni wanted, he wanted to crush Laureli: there, with baptism, he received his first name, was dreamed of getting Second. But circumstances turned against him. . . is he. . . Everything was waiting for him to return to his homeland, and he died, without waiting for a return, nor so the honorable honors. "

This was Dante, who lived violent, full of suffering and sorrow life. Subsequently, the repentant Florentines attempted to return the dust of Dante. But Ravenna fairly believed that, giving him a shelter in the last years of his life, she was obliged to preserve loyalty to the poet forever.

III. What was the poet of the Universe

((Pre-prepared student tells with the use of drawing)

What was the poet of the Universe?

Note the most general contours of this picture, in which the motifs of the biblical myth, the old cosmology and the paint of the fantasy of Dante itself are used. Center of the Universe - Earth, according to the teachings of Ptolemy; Fixed and spherical. Far from her and around it concentric celestial areas; The nearest moon sphere, or the Sky of the Moon, the following - Mercury, then Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. By the way, if the expression "he pa seventh heaven from joy" to understand literally in accordance with Danov cosmology, it turns out that the lucky one was on Saturn and slowly rotates on the appropriate orbit around the Earth, and under it float the above-mentioned celestial bodies. Above the sky of Saturn - the eighth sky is fixed, or rather, almost motionless (after all, barely moved, from the west to the east one degree in a hundred years) stars. Angelsky's ninth sky, this is a driving crystal sphere, and over him empires - in the representation of early Christians the abode of the Divine.

Next, such a plot, consonant with biblical. Angel (Lucifer, Satan) rising against God, along with his supporters (demons), was overthrown from the ninth sky to Earth and, giving it to her, heaven to the hint-funnel to the center of the center of the Earth, the Universe and the World Health: further to fall no place. Stuck there in eternal ice. The formed funnel of the City Kingdom is the hell, waiting for sinners. I had to wait. The executioners are already in their places (Satan with demons), but the Earth is not enough, the sinners have not only managed to die, but also to be born.

The gaping wound of the land immediately dragged into. Shocked caused by a fall of Lucifer, earth's crust Closed the base of the cone-shaped funnel, extinguished in the middle of this base by the Golgotha. The entrance to the dungeon of Hell remained, according to Dante's ideas, on the side, near the edge of the deepening, in the territory of the future Italy. Hell will wait like their victims! The most guilty is destined to torment below, in Lucifer claws, which from the angel turned into a monster. Someone is higher and easier, in one of the nine circles of hell and, depending on how hard he guessed during life.

But this is not all the consequences of Luciferov's fall. On the opposite of the hemisphere, just opposite the place of his "landing", a huge mountain grew up - from the terrestrial mass. The waves of the ocean fluttered there, displaced and extinguished all the same shakes boiled around it.
Mountain island. This is the future purgatory, where, according to the conviction of Christian Catholics, people will fall, although not sinless, but deserved to get rid of hell. The victims of the hell are tormented forever, and the prisoners of purification temporarily: they will take clean, redemmer flour - and will be able to move to Heavenly Paradise. However, let us remember: at the time of which the land is still uninhabited, and the grill growing the mountain should be not soon.

A wonderful, paradise, so-called earthly paradise appeared on its seplent peak. God (on the same biblical legend) settled there the first people created by him, Adam and Eve. Soon, silencers, perhaps for forbidden temptation, were expelled from there. After death, not taken to heavenly paradise, nor in purm, which, however, was still not open. Both - in hell, in that area (Limb), where the souls are not tormented, but only languages. And the same fate awaited their descendants - all prechristian humanity: in hell! Good people closer to Adam, worse, but everyone in hell. "Originarian Sin" Eve and Adam, the burden of the lighter on their offspring, according to Christian verbation, redeemed only Christ thousands of years later, discovering humanity to heaven; He also liberated Adam's hell with Eve, the son of their ability, some of the pre-Christian righteous and defined them: to whom in the purgatory, to whom to heaven.

Inhabitants of purgatory are placed in seven circles-tiers of this majestic mountain. Helloing the period, ride to the top, in the earthly paradise, rest there, forget about the old sins of their sins and take off in heaven, already in the "real" paradise. The most worthy higher and closer to the Supreme Divine staying in empire. Someone can not climb, let's say above Venus, but it is very bad in the Dante view.

What happened in hell, purgatory and paradise when the living earthlings had spring 1300 g., Dante said allegedly as an eyewitness who visited all three postal kingdoms. Thus, he put himself in an exceptional position, because alive entrance to the otherworldly world is unavailable. "The path of life passing to half", i.e. at 35 years old, it would have been in the dense forest, got lost from the road and would die "in sin," but he was saved by the beloved Canshamander Beatrice. She came from Empleria to the first circle of Hell, in Limb, and asked for a mournful of the ancient Roman poet Vergil to help the lost. Shadow Vergil left the limits of hell, met Dante and led him. Save it - it meant to show him the afterlife: let it makes proper conclusions from what they saw.

IV. Preparation for reading:(appeal to students) from article M. Andreeva

"Dante and his creativity"

Climbing to Dante is not easy. To make it, it is necessary to overcome much and refuse a lot. First of all, forget about reading - rest and reading - fun. Dante reading is a test, a trial of spiritual maturity, an indicator of whether you will be ready to approach the universal issues, issues of life and death, the meaning of human existence, the responsibility of a person in front of the neighbor, before the birthplace, before affairs and, ultimately, before himself. Any work of art brings to these issues, but the feature of the "Divine Comedy" is that it does not allow them to evade them, reset the tension, weaken the work of the spirit, close the eyes into the essence and meaning.

There are brilliant readers: unprecedented depths open along and across them, unwanted depths, intact layers of ideas. There are readers of the media: they will not see anything in the "Brothers Karamazov", except for a detective. The reader of the "Divine Comedy", whatever it is, is not free to choose your way. It is forced to go dank by identifying herself with the flour of the underworld, fire and water purulent to wash off his spiritual laziness and blindness, ascending to the stars, discover good, truth and beauty for themselves. Reading "Divine Comedy" is always confession and redemption.

V. The word teacher about the Divine Comedy.

The Divine Comedy"It is divided into 3 parts: hell, purgatory and paradise. From bad to good. Therefore, the "comedy", which ends well; If on the contrary (from good to bad) - there would be a "tragedy", according to the then understanding of these terms. The epithet "Divine" is not from Dante, but from his enthusiastic fans, readers of the next generation after it. The poet himself called his work simply: "comedy". But there was a robust tradition, refucing the name that is accepted and now. (slide 6)

Teacher: What do you think in which of the parts did people believe?

Datovsky genius accompanied into itself and the hopelessness of suffering, despair, and pathos of cleansing thunderstorms, and the imminency of happiness.

Of the three parts of the "comedy", the greatest fame and love turned "hell". And the smallest - "paradise". In the authenticity of hopeless despair believed. In the authenticity of serene happiness in heaven, they doubted, besides, this dubious bliss with angels admiringly contemplating a deity is boring. And it is difficult to read. At every step you will need to decipher the thought, comprehend the bizarre structure of the phrase, etc.

Lack of everyday, human-generally interesting. Few people, human characters, which makes the heavenly kingdom partly looking at the heavenly desert.

By the way, Dante himself warned most of the "hell" and "purgatory":

Do not read "Paradise"! Disappear, sneak in the endless sea of \u200b\u200bincomprehensible. .

Vi. About mysticism numbers in the life and comedy Dante. (Slide 7)

Dante's prophetic dreams

(Student report)

(Article Margarita Lomunova)

There are strange meetings - those that define fate. There are strange patterns. There are prophetic dreams. And there are people who are given to unravel the mysterious lick of their own destiny.

So was the greatest poet of the revival of Dante Aligiery.

He believed Pythagora, who argued that the world was ruled by the world, they were the basis of all the factual, the key to this, past and the future. Exploring the clock and dates of their own life, Dante, after Pythagora, took the formula for his fate and conducted the coming homeland - Florence. Troika is the basis of the foundation, the main number: it is not by chance that Dante poems made tercins, triple consonents, in order to embody the divine intention in the Word. Troika and her mystical "derivative" - \u200b\u200ba master (three times three) I searched and found Dante in any important event, picking up the keys to the secrets of the Mirozdanya.

The first mountain came to Dante at six years (he lived twice for three years): Mother's death. Three tormented years of orphanhood prepared Dante to a meeting, which determined his life: to a meeting with his only love. When Dante was barely nine years old (the first key nine), at the orphanage he saw the eight-year-old daughter neighbors - Beatrice. Little girl in Aloma Drevice Vomig became the "lord of his thoughts." From now on, the whole life of Dante - Song Beatrice:

From those young days, as I saw her
For the first time on earth, is my song
Never interrupted. . .

But exactly three years later, Dante was expecting another fateful event: his father has entered into a written Dante marriage agreement with a neighborhood daughter - Donati's Gemma. However, the twelve-year-old boy seemed that all this had no relation to him: a marriage is something from another, adult lifewhich is so far away. . .

And six years later, she went under the crown of Beatrice: passed exactly nine years from the date of their first meeting. And the world is in the eyes of Dante. He did not seek meetings with his beloved - just wandered around the city, not finding himself places. And once I saw her: "Hour, when I heard the words of her greetings, was exactly the ninth hour of the day," writes the poet's digital magic written by magic. And at night, Beatrice was Dante in a dream: in his hand she squeezed something fire-red. "This is my heart," - Dante. And then the Lord of Love appeared, he forced Beatrice to "taste from the heart of the in love." Dante pierced burning pain - and he woke up.

From this day he lost peace. Love for inaccessible Beatrice horrged his soul, and the body was eager for earthly love. In addition, his amur adventures, gossip about which the city immediately flew out, reliably defended the name Beatrice from Crivotolds. "Ladies-curtains", "shields" - so called Dante his random girlfriends. And again the prophetic dream changes the flow of his life. All the same mysterious Lord of Love came Dante: "It's time to leave games in imaginary love. You are not enough Beatrice. "

Girlfriends at the same moment turned out to be forgotten: Dante openly fogs poems in honor of Beatrice, and soon all Florence learns his heart mystery. He sympathize, it is condemned - but that the poet to empty conversations. The beloved is still far away and unavailable, and he is the same orphan, which was all these years. . . A new dream exposed to him the abyss is even more terrible: the angels asked the creator to take Beatrice to the sky to get rid of terrestrial flour.

Indeed, for Beatrice, the most tragic period of her life began: almost her beloved father and girlfriend died almost at the same time. Lonely in the huge Palace of the elderly husband rushed Beatrice around the rooms, and Dante walked along the streets of Florence, unable to change anything. Wandered until a strange fever deprived of his strength. In the guilty nonsense he heard Dante's voice: "Your Beatrice died."

After a few months, Beatrice did not.

He is looking for signs of fate in the death date of his beloved and finds formidable nines in Arabian, Syrian, Roman calculus. The death of the beloved introduced himself to Dante as the foresight of the upcoming terrible events. And indeed: in Florence, a fratricidal war broke out, in the Sumbura of which Dante himself was expelled from his native city.

"Earth life passed to half, I found himself in a gloomy forest" - so I write Dante about that terrible time when I stayed without a beloved, and without a homeland. With these words, his central poem opens - "Divine Comedy". After passing all the circles of hell, on the threshold of Paradise, he meets his lyrical hero eternal love - Light Beatrice, who introduces the poet to heavenly pags. Alas, in the real world, the life of Dante was connected to Gemma: after the death of Beatrice, his father insisted on this marriage. But, contrary to the aspirations of the relatives, it did not bring rest to the soul of the poet: even children could not bore such an alliance. In the expulsion of Dante went one. . .

He walked around for a long time. And although in recent years, sons and daughter lived with him, although Ravenna, where the poet found last refinery, bowed to his talent - nothing could rescue Dante from the captivity of loneliness.

Dante's wanderings are not over and after death. Florentine have repeatedly tried to return the dust of their great countryman to their homeland, but the authorities of Ravenna forbidden to disturb the grave of the poet. So it lasted for almost 200 years, while the other brilliant Florentica Michelangelo did not ask for Pope Lero X. In 1520, dad's sarcophag permission was opened. I. . It turned out to be empty! Only in 1865, the last Dante mystery was solved: a wooden box was discovered in the Franciscan monastery. The inscription stated that the dust of Dante was resting in it. Monks, not wanting to part with the relic, died the coffin from the sarcophagus. . .

After 600 years, Dante finally gained peace.

VII. Work with text.

1. Read the song first.

2. Conversation:

Tell me how comedy starts?

What do the words "way of life passing up to half" mean?

(up to 35 years; on the presentation of Dante, 35 years not only the middle of the "perfect" age, but also a turning point of the path, analogue of the mid-world history)

Who met Dante in the forest? (Wolf, Lynx, Leo)

Indeed, the book tells about Dante's wanders on the MerBry World! On Good Friday, 1300 Dante "found himself in the gloomy forest."

- The symbolic image of the sin life and the poet itself and all mankind, who entered the road leading to the eternal death.

The hero is trying to rise to the hill, closing the valley. However, the path to salvation is blocking 3 allegorical beasts: Lynx, Leo and Wolf. They embody the vices, the most dangerous for a person: lynx - lie, betrayal and solisure, a lion - pride and violence, wolf. - greed and selfish. (Slide 8)

Vergili comes to his aid. He was sent to the help of Dante who stays in Paradise Beatrice. (Slide 10)

Virgil is a symbol of mind and knowledge (ancient Roman poet). The descent in the underworld took 24 hours. It is so much that goes from the end of a passionate Friday before the onset of Easter Sunday.

VIII. The structure of the Divine Comedy. T.ercine. (slide 11, 12)

Dante believed in the mystics of numbers, and it was imprinted in the structure of the comedy:

3 is a sacred number, the number of Trinity, therefore in each part of 33 songs.

But "hell" contains 34 songs, turning to be as if an incorrect element of the whole. Thanks to this superfluous song, their total number is equal to the 100-scant "perfect number" 10.

Even the time of the disaster in the aftermath world, described by Dante, was regarded as a special point of the world movement. This is 1300 years, which ended the first 6,500 years and the day of a terrible court will come. In the amount of both figures amount to 13,000 years of world history, and this stop in the middle of the way is given to the world to realize your goal to gather with the forces and not to get down from the right road.

Each part in accordance with the mystical philosophy of light ends with a word - star.

The comedy is written by stanza of 3 lines - tercins

(essence -Curned circle). Tercin creates an effect of non-stop tireless movement.

For example:

Path life passing to half,
I suddenly come to my left in the forest,
Already with a straight line in it, tropins.

4 There is something to say about the wild forest Tom:
How it is difficult road and dangerous;
Robet spirit with the thoughts of one,
And small than death is more terrible.

(Anxious music sounds)

We approached the entrance to the "hell".

Read the inscription above the "hell" gates:

Sign in me in suffering inevitably;
Sign in me in hail sorrowless;
Sign me to those who died hopelessly.

The poet Mandelstam advised to read the "divine comedy" to stock "a couple of replicated Swiss shoes with nails." So he figuratively described the mental labor, necessary to go along with Dante all his way and comprehend the meaning of the poem.

Here the driven Verge Dante passes the Gate of Hell and approaches the shores of Aheron, on which sinful souls are moving. Many of them are destined to stay forever "at the entrance" in the painful waiting.

That is a hustled utility

Those miserable souls that lived without knowing

Nor glory, nor shame of mortals -podymates Vergilius.

This may be most of all the hated dance of the breed of people, those who prefer to evaporate from the fight. Blood and the wasps are clouded over their naked souls. Even having ceased to be people and turning into something other, they suffer from physical pain.

In the top hell (1-5 more circles), he puts the soul of sinners punishable for intolerance - sweistance, worship, stubbornness, wastefulness, angiveness, i.e., for vices are not so heavy, but in the lower - the souls of those who punish for evil, committed consciously and deliberately: violence, deception and betrayal.

Aristotle himself, along with other people who lived before the coming of Christ, the wise men and the poets of Antiquity Dante places in the first round - Limbe.

Homer's souls, Horace, Ovid, Plato, Democritus do not undergo any torment in the limb, walking along a green meadow. They are sad because they are in the eternal sequel, deprived of the light of true faith. Nizhny hell protect the iron walls of the Devil's city of Dita.

Inside in 6 Circle, heretics are punishable, lying in fiery coffins. Among them, one of the most famous political figures of Florence 18 in the pharyam of Deli willow.

In three belts seventh A circle, which is separated from 6 deep breakdown, Dante places blasphemers and rapists over the neighbors and by them (suicide). Tirana - killers are boiled in Aloma boiling water under the supervision of centaurs; The branches of the trees that have turned the suicides, the birds beolate - Garpii; Blaspholes burns flames of fiery rain.

Another terrible torment of the inhabitants eighth A circle consisting of 10 evil gaps. He is in the abyss where the Hell's Phlegeton River will be overthound. Dante and Vergil are descended here on the back of the planning down Gerion - Dicky Pestro painted dragon with a human face embodying deception and cunning. In the 8th circle, various kinds of deceivers are applied: Summists, seductors, falsely, mongs, Mtzompuits, hypocrites, thieves, fake, lets and slanders.

Overcoming evil slits, travelers are approaching 9 Circle "The most abyss of hell, at the bottom of which lake-swamp cozit froze: on his surface Dante and Vergilia carries the giant Antey in his palm. In the ice of the Kocita are enforced by those who changed their relatives, fatherland, like-minded people. In the center of Adad Dante sees the Lucifer's freeze in ice: he has 3 grazing, and from each sticking out the torque bodies of the greatest in the history of traitors: Judah, Bruta and Cassia. A student of Jesus, who issued him to the authorities, and the killers of the Rome ruler Julia Caesar are almost equalized in their atrocities.

At the time of the appearance of the greatest evil of Dante, it turns out on the border of life and death: "I was not dead, and I was not alive too. . . "

The initiation ritual is to obtain high knowledge - it assumes the passage of the subject through such a temporary death. Vergil leads the ward to feel and orders him to hug himself, and himself, hesitating the moment, joins the wool on the chest of Lucifer and starts the descent-lifting by the body of Goligan.

Having reached the middle of the body of "worm", piercing the land, versagils turn the heads down and find themselves at the foot of the purgatory.

If hell is relative stability, then Purgatory- This is the world of wildlife, the place of constant changes in the souls living there, where their moral development is committed. And the first thing they see the heroes, choosing to the surface, is the light of the planet Venus. Now Dante knows the path of climb, it will pass through love, the light of truth and cleansing.

The pattern of purgatory repeats the structure of hell. Six of his circles are preceded by three circles properisticthat in the amount of all the same number nine. In these circles are the negligence, which are waiting for their hour to find out in front of the gates of purgatory. For them begins the path of redemption.

IN firstcircle bothers the pride, in second - envy in third- Anger, in fourth - despondency, in fifth - misfortune and waste, in sixth - gluttony, and in seventhFasteiting, fascinating sweat.

The spiral of the purgatory mirrorly repeats the helix of hell, and movement along the path of purification goes in the opposite direction.

Two important events occur in purgatory - Vergili cannot accompany the Dante anymore, and the mysterious graceful girl named this role, instead of him, takes this role. It leads to Dante to the region of the earthly paradise, where the magnificent performance is played in heaven, which shows the whole earthly story with all its contradictions and crimes. Dante sees the chariot and a woman in aal dress under a white bedspread. He is experiencing charm of the former love and warms up who will open his breath under it. This happens a new meeting of Dante and Beatrice, meeting on another, summit. Beatrice reproaches the Dante for granting youth ideals, but forgives and promises to no longer leave it.

In the "Divine Comedy" purification takes central place. Next to him adjoin the hell as the eternal past and paradise as an eternal future. In purming, the present, and the souls that Dante meets are its contemporaries. In the hell dominates the night, there is a sensuality. In purmer day and night alternate, this is the kingdom of the soul. Here it begins at first slowly, and then the faster movement towards spiritual liberation.

Events in the earthly paradise prepared Dante to climb the sky. The third part of the "Divine Comedy" - "Paradise" - in which the poet's wanderings are being completed.

Traveling in Rai Dante helps Beatrice. Together with her, he rises higher, from the planet to the planet, from one heavenly sphere to another, in each of which are the souls of different people. Initially, this is the moon, where the righteouss are, violating their vows; For her there is Mercury, where there are ambitious figures; Warriors for faith remain on Mars; on Venus - loving loving; In the sun - - wise men; On Jupiter - - Fair; on Saturn - contemplates; In the Star Sky - the souls of triumpors. In this last sphere, human soul lose all outlines of materiality and become luminous points. The image of Beatrice in the last part of the "Divine Comedy" is central. But the descriptions of its appearance are no longer there, her beauty is all brighten and symbolizes the transfigured divine wisdom. The last song tells about the vision of the Divine Trinity.

Two circles, reflected from each other, like a double rainbow, is the father and son, the third round, who risen over them as a flame language, - the Holy Spirit. Dante tried to comprehend the essence of the Divine Trinity, but he did not have enough strength. Dante's mission entrusted to him and told the world about everything that saw "in the kingdom of celebration, and on the mountain, and in the abyss of tomlliya." He also understood that even where the Light of the Divine Truth reigns, the answers to all the questions are not found. It is impossible to fully know the truth. One can only approach it, getting rid of defects from humanity, as far as possible to improve itself.

XII. Output

In the "Divine Comedy" Dante collected the entire amount of medieval ideas about the Hierarchy of World Being. He outlined in it not only theological knowledge, but also the state of science about nature, astronomy, human history. "Divine Comedy" was truly the encyclopedia of the natural philosophical knowledge of the Middle Ages, outlined in the language of traditional Latin, but in the language that was used in everyday life And where it was possible for the first time to talk about humanity at all, for the first time in one product, antiquity and the Middle Ages are connected in one product, and for the first time the author turns into a literary hero, painting all the events described by a personal attitude. For the first time, the human "I" with all its contradictions becomes in the center of the work, as if to the presentation of the future turn to a new type of culture, whose sprouts have already begun to break through through medieval scholasticism.

Dante travel is an allegorical image. ways to salvation all mankind, which, despite the fall, for all evil and on all the abominations that were going on and worked on earth, also saved - by the power of divine love.

Poet - Translator M. L. Lozinsky said that comedy: (in Art. "Dante Ampiery"),

"And in general, and in parts of their own, not on the plan, and on the implementation of the" divine comedy "- the work is completely peculiar, the only thing in the literature.

"Divine Comedy" is solid, one and finished in his magnificent harmony. And at the same time it is unusually complex. But the fact and wonderful art of Dante, that he knows how the heterogeneous jets can merge into a solid stream, steadily rushing to the mouth. The internal complexity of the poem is associated with the complexity of creative motivations, who called on the poet to his great work and gave him the strength to bother him. When we turn his book, she, as his mysterious Griffon, appears to us "then suddenly in one, then suddenly in another kind of" ("clean.", XXXI, 123). So the faceted diamond, if you rotate it, it lights up with blue, then aloe, then yellow fire. What is in his innermost essence, this brilliant poem? Praise the one, "Who drives the Universe"? A brutal song in the glory Beatrice? Saving sermon lost mankind? Calling a dreamer to the reorganization of the world? Horrible sentence enemies? All this is combined in it, and at the same time it remains the story of the Great Pride about himself. And when we rotate the mysterious diamond, then this flame, there is no deeply slanting pride of the pride, there is no, and it will turn into a moment, and even brighter the rest of the lights.

Dante created a book about the universe. But in the same extent it is a book about himself. Among the world monuments of poetry is unlikely to have another, in which the image of his Creator would have impropered. No wonder the first readers of the "Divine Comedy" called it simply "I1 Dante" - "Dante".

XIII. Pages of Russian Dantiennes.

(Graduate Report)

The spiritual power of the Creation of Dante attracted the readers to him over the centuries.

The phenomenon of the "Divine Comedy" responded in Russian culture of the XIX -XX century. in. : Poems and prose, imitation translations. Feels the living Dante presence in our literature. Among them, naturally, readers are allocated. Pushkin The first of the Russian poets began to write verses of Datovskin terstanis: Introduces Danov's motives in their works ("peak lady").

No less deep creative connections from Gogol with Dante. He built the plan of the "dead souls" with a loaf to the composition of the "Divine Comedy".

"Notes from the Dead House" Dostoevsky, who Herzen also associate with the creation of Dante.

For Kyhelbecker Dante- "Divine exile", repeatedly commemorated in the poet verses - Decembrist. It is also necessary to say at least 3 of the largest writers: Lermontov, Block and Turgenev, who gave a generous tribute to romanticism and not remaining indifferent to the Danov tradition.

Many Russian writers XX VIV pre-revolutionary and in the Soviet period referred to the name Dante and to his verses. This tradition continues and today.

XIV. Conclusion:

Today we met with the beautiful Italian writer Dante Aligiery and his "Divine Comedy".

What did you remember most and liked you in the lesson?

Total lesson:

What do you think, is it relevant to study the work written in the 14th century now?

Used Books:

1. Dante Aligiery. "The Divine Comedy". Moscow, Enlightenment, 1988.

2. Dante Aligiery. "The Divine Comedy". Moscow, Hood. Literature, 1986.

3. "Man in world artistic culture", Moscow, Hood. Liter., 1997

"The last poet of the Middle Ages, or about how the Great Dante melted love, space and man. "(From 151-164)

4. M. Andreev "Dante and his creativity", m, Hood. Literature, 1986 (p. 5-19)

5. A. A. Ilyushin "Poet and his creation", m, enlightenment, 1988 (5-20)

6. Encyclopedia "Avanta +", M, Avanta, 246-255 (t. 15h. 1)

7. M. L. Lozinsky "Dante Aligiery", m, enlightenment, 1988, 248-251

8. O. E. Mandelshtam "Talk about Dante", m, enlightenment, 1988, 245-248

9. P. A. Katrenin "On the Italian poetry", m, enlightenment, 1988, 235-237

10. Yu. K. Oleshi "No day without a line", m, enlightenment, 1988, 251-253

11. A. A. Ilyushin. Notes to "Divine Comedy", m, enlightenment, 1988, p. 254-285

12. Internet


1. Computer

2. Tape recorder

3. The book "Divine Comedy" Dante -15 pcs.

4. Multimedia projector

Lesson 49. Dante. "Divine Comedy" (fragments).
Today at the lesson you will learn the topic: "Dante. "Divine Comedy" (fragments). "
1. Life and creativity Dante Aligiery.
2. The plurality of the meanings of the poem "Divine Comedy".
3. The structure of the poem "Divine Comedy".
For successful learning and subsequent preparation for summary certification It is necessary to master all the elements of the content, as well, to think and try to answer the question: for successful training and subsequent preparation for the final certification, it is necessary to master all the elements of the content, as well as to recall: what is an allegory? What works did you meet with this artistic reception? What function did he perform?
In this lesson
You have to find out about the life of Dante Aligiery and his poem "Divine Comedy".
You will learn how to use theoretical literary terms and concepts as a tool for analyzing and interpreting artistic text.
You can improve the skills of the semantic and aesthetic analysis of text.
Allegory is an allegorical image of an object, a phenomena used to demonstrate its most essential features.
Tercine is a threestrate stanza.
The main content of the lesson
Dante Aligiery was born in 1265 in Florence in the knightly family. It was not an easy time - a fierce political struggle was in the city. The party of Guelfov advocated the papal authorities, their opponents, damage, supported the German emperor. The relatives of Dante belonged to the Gweelfam, who won this confrontation. The damnities were forced to leave Florence. However, the struggle for power did not subside. The party of Guelfov was divided into white and black, which began to be enjoyed among themselves. White lost the struggle for power, and Dante, being one of them, was in exile. Over time, his views changed, he began to believe that only in the imperial power it is possible to unite italy.
Now the poet supported Henry VII, but it was not destined to join Florence. The tense political situation of that time was reflected in the Don Dante Poem "Divine Comedy", in which you can find images of many poet contemporaries. He wanted to return to Florence, but it was possible only with a public repentance, since local authority Saw in him a strong enemy. All the remaining Dante years spent away from their homeland and died in Ravenna in 1321. He was as often spoken by the latest poet of the Middle Ages and the first rebirth poet.
Divine Comedy was created by Dante for many years, he worked on her until the very death. The initial name of the poem is "comedy". Then it was called the works that had a sad beginning and a happy ending. The epithet "Divine" work has already received significantly later for their artistic advantages.
The symbolic meaning in the "comedy" has a number 3 and multiple to it 9 and 33, the poem is divided into 3 parts, cilt, in which 3 components of the afterlime world are described - blood pressure, purgatory and paradise. Each of them includes 33 songs that form in the amount of 99. In the Cantic "hell", the song is adjacent to the first - Prologue to the poem. So the total number of songs becomes equal to 100 - also a symbolic number.
Hell includes 9 circles; Purgatory - 2 premiests and 7 circular steps of the mountain; Paradise - 9 heavens.
Hell purgatory paradise
Circle 1.
Circle 2.
Circle 3.
Circle 4.
Circle 5.
Circle 6.
Circle 7.
Circle 8.
Circle 9.
1 leaf of precedence
2 ledger ledger
Circle 1.
Circle 2.
Circle 3.
Circle 4.
Circle 5.
Circle 6.
Circle 7.

Sky 1.
Sky 2.
Sky 3.
Sky 4.
Sky 5.
Heaven 6.
Sky 7.
Heaven 8.
Sky 9.

The poem is written by three strokes (tercins): the average rift is rhymes with the first and third rows of the following stanza. The symbols of the numbers penetrated all the product of the Italian poet.
Earth life passing to half,
I found myself in a gloomy forest,
Lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.
What was he, oh, as I said,
That wild forest, dense and threatening,
Whose long-time horror in memory is carried!
So he is that the death is hardly not sweeter.
But, the benefit of it has been acquired forever,
I will tell about everything that I saw in this more often.

"The Divine Comedy" has several meanings: literal, allegorical, moral and mystical. Literal meaning - image of the afterlife; Allegoric - an image of a punishment or a reward of a man for his affairs, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe elevation of the soul; moral sense - direction of man to good, instructing it on the right path; Mystical - comprehending Divine Love through poetry, chanting love as the incarnation of higher wisdom and beauty.
Dante, the ancient Roman poet Virgil and Beatrice - the three main images of the poem. Dante himself in this work is an allegorical incarnation of lost mankind. The hero was allowed to see the afterlife, this motive connects the poem with the genre of "visions", popular in the Middle Ages.
Vergilius - ancient Roman poet, the embodiment of the earthly reason, Dante satellite in the poem. Together they will be held on hell and purgatory. The entrance to the paradise of Vergilia is prohibited, so that Dante has a new conductor. They will be his beloved - allegory of love and heavenly wisdom - Beatrice.
"Earth life passed to half, I got lost in the gloomy forest ..." - Dante's poem begins with these words. The gloomy forest here is an allegory of earthly existence. The hero wants to leave the thicket and climb the hill, which is the personification of the justice of society. However, the lion, wolf and panther impede the climbing of Dante. In a symbolic sense, it is cruelty and pride, selfishness and greed, lies and sweet bypass. Dante meets the spirit of Vergil to help him, and they are in a different way ...
"Inbox, leave hopeful" - warns the inscription above the gates of hell, where our travelers and destinion are destined. Hell of "Divine Comedy" is a funnel-shaped abyss that consists of tapering circles with sinners tormenting there. Their flour is terrible, the lower the circle is located relative to the surface of the Earth.
In the first round of hell are the great minds of the Doharistian era: Socrates, Empedocl, Democritus, Avicenna, Homer, Ovid, Horace, Lucian and Vergil, accompanying Dante. The rest of the circles inhabit the deseprints, worstics, borrowers and waste, angry, envious, heretics, killers, blaspheres, i.S.
In the second round of Adad Dante found out the story of Franni da Rimini and Paolo. She was rapidly married, while her heart belonged to another person - Paolo. For this feeling, she and her lover paid life. Now they are forever inefficient - they are destined to torment together in the hellish swirl. This sinful, but associated with the present love Passion entrained Dante in deep grief.
The sympathy of the hero of the poem was caused not only to this story. For example, in the sixth round of hell, he met the former leader of the death of the Farinat, who with contempt on the hell out of his fiery grave. The dedication of the pharynas of their beliefs caused Dante's respect, although he did not share the views of this sinner.
The last, ninth circle of hell, is a kingdom eternal Merzlota - The habit of traitors. There Dante learned about the fate of Count Ugolino and his sons, who, together with his father, were concluded in the tower, where they were destined to die due to lack of food. The children did not become, and grieot, looking at their dead bodies, could not defeat the feeling of hunger ... This is one of the most scary storiesHeard Dante from Hell's inhabitants.
After hell in the afterlime world is purification. This is a place where the defects are correct, there are souls, the sins of which are not so black, like sinners of hell. They can escape from eternal suffering through temporary flour. Purgatory is a mountain on the island, which consists of seven-wheel circles with the preceding two leases of the primordial. In each circle, the souls are cleaned from one of the mortal sins. Here are predominates, envious, angry, dull, korestolyubtsy, worstopics and destructors.
Passing through the tests of purgatory, the soul can get to the paradise, which consists of 9 heavenly spheres: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and still stars. In the ninth sky there are a leader and angelic ranks. In this part of the poem Dante talks with Beatrice. They talk about the freedom, values \u200b\u200bof the human person, divine wisdom. The hero is found with the Holy Apostles, Adam, the Blessed Virgin Mary ...
End the great poem of the Italian poet by the image of the empire and paradise rose. In the last rows refers to the illuminating of the All Universe of Divine Love: "Here is the High Spirit of Takeoff; / But the passion and will have already sank to me, / as if the wheel is given a smooth move, / love that drives the sun and shining. "
Main conclusions:
Dante Aligiery summed up their lives and creativity of Dante Aligiery and became the prostatever of the Renaissance literature.
"Divine Comedy" - the top of the creativity of Dante Aligiery.
"The Divine Comedy" has several meanings: literal, allegorical, moral and mystical.
1. Belyaeva N. V. Literature lessons in grade 9. Pounding development: studies. Manual for general education. organizations. - M.: Enlightenment, 2017.
2. Korovina V. Ya. We read, Think, we argue ... Didactic materials on literature. Grade 9: studies. Manual for general education. organizations / V. Ya. Korovina, I. S. Zbarsky, V. I. Korovin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2017.
3. Literature. Grade 9. Studies. For general education. organizations. In 2 tsp 2 / V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev, V. I. Korovin, I. S. Zbarsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 2017.
Analysis of the sample training task
Multiple choice
Choose the right statements about the poem Dante "Divine Comedy".
1. Hell in the "Divine Comedy" is a funnel-shaped abyss, which consists of tapering circles with sinners tormenting there.
2. In the poem "Divine Comedy", Francesca da Rimini and Paolo are located in the ninth circle of hell.
3. The last circle of hell in the "Divine Comedy" poem is a fiery whirlwind.
4. In the poem "Divine Comedy" in purgatory sinners, who are not doomed to eternal flour and can still be saved.
It is necessary to choose a few correct statements.
Task Strategy:
1. Carefully read the question, catch its total content, semantic load, logic, sequence.
2. Recall the total content of the poem "Divine Comedy".
3. Read all the approval submitted, comment on each of them.
4. Select true statements, check yourself.
Parsing of the standard reference job
Single selection
Which batch belonged to Dante?
1. White Guelfov
2. Black Guelfov
3. Gellalins
4. Communists
Need to choose the right answer
Task Strategy:
1. Carefully read the question, catch its overall content, semantic load, logic, sequence.
2. Recall the basic information about the biography of Dante.
3. View all answer options, comment on every position.
4. Select a sure answer, check yourself.

Hell Song First
Earth life passing to half,
I found myself in a gloomy forest,
Lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.
What was he, oh, as I said,
That wild forest, dense and threatening,
Whose long-time horror in memory is carried!
So he is that the death is hardly not sweeter.
But, the benefit of it has been acquired forever,
I will tell about everything that I saw in this more often.
I do not remember myself, as I entered there,
So sleep entered me with a lie,
When I got lost from the right track.
But to the holkem closer to the foot, *
Who closed this dol
I compressed my heart horror and trembling,
I saw, barely erected,
That the light of the planet, * everywhere traveling,
Already on the shoulders of the mountains.
Then sighed more free
And a long fear overlooked the soul,
Exhausted at night hopeless.
And as if the one who, heavily breathe,
On the coast coming out of the puchin of the foam,
Looks back where the waves beat, the passion,
So my spirit, running and confused,
Reversed turned around, seeing the way,
All those who lead to death predict.
When I gave the body to stay,
I went up, and I was support
In the foot, which drank on earthly chest.
And here, at the bottom of the steep Kosoyra,
Agile and curly lynx
All in the bright spots of the motley pattern.
She, circle, I blocked it,
And I'm more than once on the steepness of dangerous
Returnal followed, it was difficult to escape.
There was an early hour and the sun in a solid clear
Accompanied the same stars again, *
That for the first time they are beautiful
Divine moved love.
Trusting the hour and pray happy
No longer so squeezed in the heart of blood
At the sight of the beast with wool whims
But, with horror, again his stain
There was a lion with a lifting mane.
He came as if on me,
From hunger drunk
And the air fear of chain.
And with him a wolf, whose thin body,
It seemed that all Alcbies carries;
A lot of souls because of her mourn.
I was sowned by such a heavy oppression,
Before her seeking horror with a look
That I lost the tea heights.
And as a meager, copied treasure for a kester,
When it's time to lift,
Grieves and crying for the pastry
So it was and I crumble,
By step a step with a stupid
There is a close, where the rays are silent. *
So far, I was born to the valley dark,
Some husband * appeared before me
From long silence as if Tomny.
His nurses among the desert of that:
"Save, - I called the voice of dull, -
Be the ghost you, whether a person is alive! "
He answered: "Not a man; I was him;
I bring my genus from Lombard
And mantua * was their edge cute.
Born Sub Julio, * at least in the late year,
I lived in Rome under August Senya, *
When the idols are even honored.
I was a poet and hen sight,
As the son of Anchisa * sailed to the sunset
From proud three, devotees burner.
But what about the flour do you hurry back?
What you do not go to messenger if
The beginning and reason for all the appearance? "
"So you Vergiliy, you're a bottomhole,
Where did the songs flow from the world? -
I replied, declining the face embarrassed. -
About the honor and light of all singers of land,
Respect the love and work tireless
What your scroll helped me helped!
You are my teacher, my beloved example;
Only you alone in her hetero
Lovely syllable, everywhere exalted.
Look how this beast shone me!
About the prophetic husband come to me on the mind
I tremble to hidden live! "
"You must choose a new road, * -
He answered me, seeing my fear -
And to the wilderness not to return the log;
Wolf, from which you are in tears,
All ascending drives, rocking,
And kills on their ways;
She is such a little and evil,
That it is insatiable will be hungry,
Following the meal still stronger Alka.
With the whole creature is happening
She is tempted to tempt, but glorious
Heaves dog. * And she will end.
Not dust earth and not metal double, *
And honor, love and wisdom he tastes,
Between felt and felt * Holding.
Italy he will be a faithful shield
The one for which Camilla died,
And Eurial, and Turn, and NIS killed. *
WHERE HAVE RAY Whether neither
Her, narrow, he will sharpen in hell,
Where the predator frightened from the predator.
And I will tell you in my twread:
Go after me and in eternal villages
From these places I will give you
And you will hear the screams of across
And ancient spirits who are distinguished there
About the new death vain messengers; *
Then see those who are alien to sorrow
Among the fire, hoping to join
Someday to blissful tribes.
But if you want to go up above,
You have a decent soul * waiting:
With her you will go, and we must say goodbye;
King of the Almost, Rebuilding
To my city, the enemy of his statute,
Those do not let someone who goes with me.
He is everywhere king, but there is his power;
There is His hail, and there is his throne;
Blessed, who is open to this glory! "
"Oh my poet, - I was talking about, -
I pray the Creator, whose truth you did not lead:
So I left from evil and death,
Ivi me the way, about you told
Give the gate of Petrov * I see the light
And those who have betrayed the soul of eternal flour. "
He moved, and I wasna for him.

Literature lesson. Grade 9.
Dante Aligiery. Word about the poet. "The Divine Comedy"
(Fragments). The plurality of the meanings of the poem and its universally
philosophical character.
The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with a figurative system "Divine
comedy »Dante, reveal the effect of Dante's creation on the art of different eras,
contribute to the development of reader interest and aesthetic feeling
Equipment lesson:
Portrait of Dante Aligierei Brush Botticelli,
illustrations for "Divine Comedy" of the work of Dore, W. Blake,
Rossetti, E. Delacroix, Musical Fragments from Symphony Fantasy
P. I. Tchaikovsky "Francesca da Rimini".
Type of lesson: Combined.
During the classes
I. Orgmant.
II. Motivation of educational activities.
Teacher's word: Guys, today we get in touch with world famous
the work of the "Divine Comedy" of the Great Italian Poet
Dante Aligiery. You had a task to learn a sonnet dedicated to Dante,
who wrote his younger fellow by Peru Bokcchcho. But at the beginning let's
recall what Sonnet is.
Student responses: sonnet - poem of the so-called solid form, in
it must be 14 lines.
The student reads by heart the sonnet "I Dante name, Dante Aligiery ..."
I dance name, Dante Aligiery,
I am new minerva, whose language
Harlor is great,
Her mind is fully fully.
I was in the Underworld in the third sphere
Where imagination penetrated -
With the last book
Entertain the descendants and instruct in faith.

Florence, my native mother,
Me a stepmother made me
By giving my son to slander.
The exile was equal to the exile,
She is a body, spirit - God's grace,
And the envy of pre agreement retreated.
III. Check your homework.
1. Teacher's word: from this sonnet Boccaccio, the first Dante biographer, we
much learning about the life and work of the Great Italian. You also read
home Materials about him, preparing for a lesson. What can you say about
"The last poet of the Middle Ages and the first poet of the new time", as
called Dante?
2. Responses of students.
3. Addition of the teacher.
IV. Work on the lesson.
The study of the poems fragments is organized in groups.
Group 1. Path to hell.
1. How and when Dante found himself "in the gloomy forest"? What
Conditional meaning is concluded in the form of the forest? (Song 1, verses 1-27)
(A dense forest is a man's earthly life where everyone can get bored with
2. What are the main human defects symbolize three beasts: lynx, lion and
wolf? (Song 1, poems 28-60)
(Lynx symbolizes creature, lion - pride, a wolf - greed.)
3. What sense of Dante turns to versgil? Why Dante is ready
follow him in the hell? (Song 1, verses 61-136)
(To leave "from evil and death.")
Group 2. "Hell".
1. How did the hell presented the device?

Dante depicted blood pressure as a funnel-shaped abyss under
the edge of the Earth and consisting of tapering circles ending with
well, where Lucifer torments. The lower the circle that terrible crime
and the flour of sinners.
Graphically you can depict the scheme of hell in this way:
What a human vice Dante considered the greatest? (Betrayal.)
What is the appearance of Lucifer, located at the bottom of hell (song 30, poems
Group 3. "Purgatory".
1. How did Dante imagine a purulent device?
Message of a student about a device of purgatory. Passing hell, Dante with
Vergilees fall into purgatory, it is placed on the opposite
earth hemisphere covered by the Great Ocean. It represents
the island, which houses a very high mountain. It is divided into seven
ledges (circles), in any of which is cleansing from one from
mortal sins: pride, envy, anger, despondency, korestolubia,
czech and fornication. In the pussy are, according to the teachings of Catholic
churches, those sinners who are not condemned to endless flour and can
still cleanse from the sins perfect. The inner meaning of this
cleansing symbolize seven letters P (initial beak of a Latin word
peccatum - sin) applied by the Angel's sword on the poet's man and denoting
seven mortal sins. As the circles passing these beaks
one is erased. First, Dante with versgil falls into the primordial
where there are new souls of the dead, excommunicated from the church,
recently, and fall into the valley of earthly rulers. After that through the gates
Dante and Vergili fall into purgatory and attend its circles:
Circle 1 - Pride.
Circle 2 - envious.
Circle 3 - angry.
Circle 4 - sad.
Circle 5 - Korestolyubtsy (Powers and Drabs).
Circle 6 - Greenshots.

Circle 7 - Sweatsens.
It may be noted that hell and purgatory are as it were in the mirror
schloblock: Circles of the abyss - Mountal ledges. Clean the sins have all
chances are only those who stay in 2-5m circles of hell. Thereafter
travelers rise to the earthly paradise located on the top
the mountains. Here Dante is found with Beatrice, which will accompany him
according to paradise, where Vergilia cannot be logged, since he is a pagan.)
2. Why does Beatrice meet Dante Solovo? What does Beatrice know him? how
she tried to "return it" "from the wrong track"? (Song 30, verses 70-115).
Group 4. "Paradise".
1. What Dante represented the device of paradise?
Message of a student about the device of paradise. Reconciling with Dante and ascended with
him through the sphere of fire, Beatrice leads him through nine celestial spheres in
empires - "Rose of Light" of the High Heaven, - Location of the Divine. They are
The first sky is the moon - violators of the hobby.
2th sky - Mercury - ambitions.
The third sky is Venus - loving.
4 Sky - Sun - Wise men.
Fifth Sky - Mars - Warriors for Faith.
Sixth Sky - Jupiter - Fair.
Seventh Sky - Saturn - contemplates.
Dante and Beatrice are ascended in the eighth, the starry sky, where they reign
triumphing and then fall into the ninth, crystal sky, where
there are angels. Only after that they fall into empires. Beatrice
symbolizes the religious wisdom - theology, since for
contemplation of paradise given to the righteous for their awards, earthly wisdom already
not enough. Dante, fascinated by the power of love, flies behind her.)
2. What is depicted in empire poem? (Song 33, poems 115-145).

Dante gives empires in the form of three "equidal circles", three rainbows,
symbolizing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe derivities of the Divine. In the finals of the poem he sees
himself and Beatrice in Paradise. Dante's commitment on the path by paradise is cleaned by
all earthly, sinful. It is made by the symbol of virtue and religion, and
its ultimate goal is to see God, who himself is love, "what
drives the sun and shining. " Together with the fact that separated from the crowd and aware
a person in which can be facing "shine from heights", Dante appeared
the forerunner of the Humanists of Renaissance.
V. The result of the lesson.
1. The plurality of the meanings of the poem and its universalophilosophical
In a letter to the ruler of the city of Verona, Dante reports about those tasks,
which he put in front of himself in the "Divine Comedy". He reports that
any literary work has several contents: literal,
allegorical, moral and anagogic, that is, injected upwards
owning the inner spirit of the work. In the "Divine Comedy" her
the exact meaning is the image of the fate of the people after death; Allegoric -
the idea of \u200b\u200bretaliation, that is, punishment or awards of a person for his life
actions; moral sense - to keep a person from evil and send it to
good; Anagogic - to pick up the power of love for Beatrice, clarified him
consciousness and inspired to create the poem.
Almost all the features of the medieval poem Dante, and in particular her
moral content, Gogol laid the morality
the content of the "dead souls".
Vi. Homework:
1) Write an essay "What gives you an acquaintance with Dante's poetry modern
reader ";
2) once again listen to the musical fragment of symphonic fancy P. I.
Tchaikovsky "Francesca da Rimini" and write about your impressions.
Individual task
Think about how lines from the poem Dante with the "dead souls" of Gogol.
Compare that in the structure and content of the "dead souls" is similar to
the composition of the "Divine Comedy" and that they distinguish them.