Monsegur Cathars. Montsegur: the final resting place of the Holy Grail

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The dream book tells us - dreams from Sunday to Monday reflect our inner state of mind and mean everyday worries and chores around the house! This is a dream about our life. Often in it we continue the working day, resolve issues with the authorities, or clean the house. Our brain does not want to stop thinking about everyday activities and therefore continues to play and develop daily situations already in bed.

Most dreams affect real life in one way or another. A dream on Monday night, under the auspices of the Moon and responsible for the fact that in our souls very well illustrate inner, not expressed feelings.

When your dream is replete with bright, positive colors, everything is fine - you are satisfied, happy, you have everything in abundance or even in abundance. Such a dream means that fate finally begins to turn to face you and any past, even if significant, obstacles you overcome quite easily.

When the dream is gloomy, there is gloom all around, hopeless melancholy and it seems that there is no way out, and your mood is at zero, or you suffer while your life is crumbling. Such a dream promises many problems that threaten everyone to fall on your head at the most inopportune moment and destroy what is dear that you have.

Events dreamed on Monday night

Mirror, reflection... Looking in the mirror on a moonlit night means that you will soon be in the spotlight, unfortunately often unpleasant. However, there are also pluses. For example, if at the same time you were dressed in clean, beautiful clothes, then you will receive a profit this week. But clothes that have stains or are torn promises financial difficulties.

Love... The moon is a deceptive planet that does not have its own light, but only reflects it from the sun. Therefore, dreams where you are together with your loved one and everything is fine with you are only a reflection of your thoughts and desires about it and cannot be objective.

A dream of love on this day rarely portends a strong relationship, but it can easily give a short-term romance.

If you don't have a reliable partner now, but in a dream he appears and you have a relationship, then in reality a new man will really enter your life. However, do not rush things - it is not at all necessary that he will become a lover.

Quarrels, discord in family matters often mean the same problems in real life.

Moreover, those emotions that your partner exudes in such a dream, he really carries in his head.

Sea, river... You will be confronted by a strong opponent (possibly at work). And the more the waves are worried, the more difficult it will be to overcome it. If the waters were clean, then you can get out of the water dry. If not, then defeat will entail unpleasant consequences.

Fire, volcano, meteorite... Lots of work that will be taken on you without asking. You have to work hard for a very small reward.

Cry, tears... Always portends tears in real life. Potential loss of energy, lack of interest in life and depression. It's worth distracting yourself.

Bad dream, nightmare... If you want to get rid of what you saw, calm down and also do not want the dream to come true. Please do the following. Stand in the bathroom opposite the sink, turn on the faucet and while looking at how the water leaves, say three times:

Where is the water - there is sleep!

Also, bad dreams should not be told to anyone before lunch - otherwise, they may come true.

Present... It is always pleasant to receive gifts, even in a dream. In reality, it promises to strengthen friendship or relations with the person who made it to you.

Dead people, dead people... On the night from Sunday to Monday, he does not promise anything bad, but only advises not to forget about the dead. Choose a day to look after the gravestones of your loved ones.

Work... If you dreamed of the most ordinary day at work, then this is just a reflection of your daytime experiences and nothing more. But constant quarrels, shouts at you from colleagues or bosses predict that your relationship will soon deteriorate.

Entertainment. Recreation. Travels... It portends an easy solution to minor problems. It is also possible that soon you will have a real trip or a pleasant trip.

Wedding... If you walk down the aisle in a dream from Sunday to Monday, then this means that in real life you really lack the diversity in your relationship. You urgently need to unwind and escape from boredom, preferably with your loved one. However, you should not try to find this variety with someone else - it will not lead to anything good.

Someone else's wedding, where you are walking, has a double meaning. If you are single / unmarried, then this is a very good sign for you. Your soul mate is just now somewhere nearby and it is worth spending more time outside the house as you can find her and start a truly strong, long-term relationship. When you already have a marriage "hanging" at someone else's wedding does not bode well in a dream. This can be a signal of betrayal, the appearance of a rival, or even foreshadow your complete separation.

Fear, doubt... Warns that there are conversations and intrigues behind your back. You should identify who is doing this (as a rule, the one who you dream about) and have a heart-to-heart talk with him.

Cold, ice, iceberg or snowy mountains... Your own outdated concepts and stereotypes are holding you back. It is worth giving up on them and going forward without prejudice, otherwise you can get stuck in the ice for a long time.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday come true or not

Every dream comes true one way or another. It is better to understand on what day the dream will come true, the famous astrological star of magicians will help us on Monday night. This seven-pointed star unites the seven major planets and shows the relationship between them.

Thus, looking at which planet dominates today, you can understand along two lines on which day you should expect your dream to come true. For the Moon, the patroness of Monday, the lines can be seen to point to Mars (Tuesday) and the Sun (Sunday). Thus, a dream that was dreamed on Monday night will come true either the next day, Tuesday, or Sunday.

When you figure out what exactly a dream portends for you on the night from Sunday to Monday, you can easily bypass all the problems in your life and rightfully achieve strong relationships and high status.

Dreams are a gateway to another world. All kinds of sorcerers and soothsayers, spiritual teachers and their students are talking about this. Esoteric teachings, which are based around such an important process as dreaming, believe that this is a way to discover the future, to communicate with the spirits of ancestors and the cosmos in general. There is a whole theory of lucid dreams - a doctrine that helps to model your dreams, through them to receive information about the world and about yourself in the world.

What does sleep from Sunday to Monday mean in terms of this practice? Every day of the week, the teaching of lucid visions bestows its heavenly patron. For Sunday, this is the Sun. A star symbolizing the creative principle, space and its wisdom, creativity and renewal. But Monday is the patronage of the Moon, and she is insidious and changeable, changes her appearance more than once during the month. Therefore, Monday is deservedly considered a difficult day, two-faced, when it is better not to start a new one, not to start complex and difficult cases. On this day, you should not repay debts and lend, talk about your plans, and also mention in the combination that these heavenly bodies give, and the truth is born: what does a dream from Sunday to Monday promise.

If the vision was clear, logical and very colorful, then most likely it means that in the future events from it will be associated with you and your chores around the house. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that there are many household chores and work to improve your nest ahead.

When will the dream from Sunday to Monday come true? If you look at the favorite magic symbol - a seven-pointed star, you can connect its tops together. Then the Moon, patronizing Monday, will be in conjunction with Jupiter and Venus, whose day is Thursday. That is, you should wait for events from sleep no earlier than Thursday.

And sleep from Sunday to Monday is an indicator of what really occupies your thoughts, even if you yourself do not know about it. Therefore, the events from this vision should be given increased attention, think over and understand what exactly they tried to convey to your knowledge with their images that occurred in a dream.

Especially carefully, you should interpret dreams from Sunday to Monday for young unmarried girls. According to many beliefs, if such a young lady performs a certain magic ritual the day before, then on that night she will be able to face her fate and see her betrothed in a dream.

In the event that a dream from Sunday to Monday broadcasts about bad prospects, you need to help it not come true. To do this, unlike weekend dreams, which, on the contrary, need to be told to everyone in order to dispel, after the night of the beginning of a new week, you need to hide the events from the vision in yourself as long as possible. Also, running water will act as an assistant in dispelling such a dream. To do this, you need to hold your palms in it and, while it flows, tell her a dream in a whisper, so that it will be carried away along with the stream.

In June 1209, in Sant Housing, one of the towns of Languedoc, the solemn rite of church repentance of Count Raymond of Toulouse was performed. The powerful sovereign - a relative of the kings of English, Aragonese and French - resigned himself to the unyielding strength of the Pope. Crowds of people surrounded the square in front of the city's cathedral, and among them at this ceremony were the vassals and knights of the Count of Toulouse - involuntary witnesses of the humiliation of their overlord.

Raymond VI informs the city of Toulouse in 1218 about the death of Simon de Montfort and confirms the freedoms granted to the city by his ancestors. Statue by J.-J. Labatue (1894) in the Capitol Hall, Toulouse

Ahead of the papal delegation was the legate Milo, the pope's representative and the executor of the punishment. Count Raimund, naked to the waist, with a candle in his hand, knelt before the legate and begged for mercy. He himself read a long list of his sins before the Catholic Church, pledged to continue to unquestioningly obey all the commands of the Holy See, renounced any freedom in his actions. When sixteen vassals confirmed the oath of their sovereign, the legate Milon raised Count Raymund, threw a rope around his neck and led him to the church, and on the way lashed him with rods. With tears of repentance, or perhaps a bitter insult, Count Raimund prostrated himself on the church pulpit ...

Thus, the church punished those whom it suspected of apostasy or even the slightest neglect of Catholicism. Certain deviations of Count Raymund of Toulouse from the petty rituals of the Catholic Church gave rise to the fact that he and his subjects were called heretics.

Raymond VI se soumet devant le pape

At the beginning of the XIII century, Languedoc was not part of the French kingdom. This land, stretching from Aquitaine to Provence and from the Pyrenees to Crécy, was independent. Moreover, its language, culture and political structure gravitated more towards the Spanish crown than the French one. The Languedoc was ruled by noble dynasties, the most significant of which were the Counts of Toulouse and the powerful Trancavel family.

Coat of arms of the house of Trancavel

A well-known religious tolerance prevailed in the Languedoc, which was very different from the religious fanaticism of other European states, and Roman catholic Church she was not highly respected here. Many priests were not engaged in the execution of their direct duties, but in trade and had huge estates. There were Catholic churches in the county, in which Mass was not celebrated for 30 years. The Archbishop of Narbona, for example, never visited his diocese at all. It is not surprising that with this state of affairs in the Languedoc, heresy began to spread, which, according to some researchers, came from the Balkans. The entire county was embraced by the Albigensian doctrine, which Catholic hierarchs called "the stinking leprosy of the South." This heresy posed such a serious threat to the Catholic Church that by the beginning of the 12th century there was a real possibility of ousting Catholicism from Languedoc. In addition, it spread to other parts of Europe, especially to big cities Germany, Flanders and Champagne.

Catharic cross

Heresies of a different nature developed in the previously described events and had a huge number of followers in different parts of the Catholic world. By the beginning of the 13th century, there were already more than 40 different religious organizations that shied away from orthodoxy. The Languedoc heretics were called differently: the Albigensians - by the name of the city of Albi, where they were condemned at a church council in 1165; kathars - from the Greek word "katharos" (pure). They were also called Waldensians - after the Lyon merchant Pierre Waldo, who, according to legend, proclaimed poverty and asceticism as the ideal of life and distributed all his property to the poor. Thus, the name "Albigensians" did not mean followers of any holistic teaching, while it was the name of all those who did not agree with the Orthodox Church.

Pierre Waldo

Among them, the Cathars stood out sharply with their tradition of Gnosticism and philosophical systems in their application to Christianity. The Cathars claimed to profess true Christianity, not distorted by subsequent speculations. It was communicated to them in revelation through John the Theologian, the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. Some scientists believe that the material world in the Cathars' view was created by the usurper god, the god of evil, which they called "REX MUNDI". Other researchers believe that although the world was, according to the Cathars, created by Satan, but according to the "predestination of the invisible Father," therefore the Antichrist cannot violate this predestination. Thus, the Cathars declared the existence of two gods, relatively equal in strength: one of them is a good god of love, not tainted by matter (pure spirit). But love is incompatible with the principle of power, and material creation is precisely the manifestation of power and might. Therefore, according to the teachings of the Cathars, the material creation ("this world") is originally inherent in evil - a natural property of all matter.

John the Evangelist

In the place of faith, according to the Cathars, there should be direct, personal "knowledge", first of all - religious or mystical experience (gnosis), which for them was above all dogmas and symbols. With such a worldview, when a person comes into personal contact with God, priests and bishops became unnecessary.

John the Evangelist

People, according to the teachings of the Cathars, are weapons in the hands of the spirit, but no one sees the guiding hand. From the beginning of creation, an irreconcilable struggle has been waged between light and darkness, spirit and matter, good and evil.

John the Evangelist

The gravest crime of the Cathars, according to the Catholic Church, was that they considered the material world "evil" and God - a being who illegally seized power. Therefore, they denied that Jesus Christ, being incarnate in human form, remained the Son of God. They saw God as an absolutely incorporeal being who could not be crucified. Jesus Christ was presented to the Cathars as completely different from the Catholics, and this was one of the main points of disagreement between them. For them, the Savior did not atone for human sins with his sacrifice, but only expounded the doctrine of salvation. It was an angel, a heavenly messenger who came to show people the way to salvation, therefore His suffering on the cross is not real, but imaginary, and therefore there is nothing divine in the crucifixion. The Cathars worshiped neither icons nor the cross, considering it an instrument with which, at the instigation of Satan, one of the prophets was killed. They rejected Baptism and Resurrection in the flesh - the foundation of Christianity.

Resurrection of christ
Philippe de Champaigne

This is what was taught in the villages and towns of Languedoc by people dressed in black and belted with a rope. They lived in simplicity and humility, and since they did not recognize Catholic churches, they prayed in the open air or in ordinary houses (sometimes even sheds). They moved in pairs and carried the Gospel of John in leather cases, which they revered more than other Gospels. Cathars lived on the alms of believers, did not eat meat at all, since this food could awaken carnal passions. In addition, they believed in reincarnation, and therefore any killing, even animals, was prohibited with them, but the use of fish was allowed. When the Cathars were engaged in missionary work, they lived in men's and women's houses, similar to monasteries.

Ruins of the castle of Aguilar, one of the Qatari fortresses.

The Cathars lived in complete chastity, abandoned childbirth, since it does not come from the principle of love, but serves only the purposes of the evil god. They condemned carnal sin in all circumstances, even in legal marriage. Everything material comes from Satan, and human souls come from a good God, but they are enclosed in their bodily shells, like in a prison, and therefore new souls can get into the dungeons of human bodies.

Ark Castle, another Cathar fortress

These stern and at the same time kind people were highly respected, since their life was in complete contrast to the life of most of the Catholic clergy. The Catholic Church of the Cathars was considered the Church of the Antichrist: it turned off the right path since the time of Pope Sylvester, when it turned from a persecuted church into an official one.


Their teaching was simple and quite accessible even for an illiterate people, but the Cathar movement was not popular, since it mostly embraced educated people. Many of them were astronomers, philosophers, mathematicians, builders, doctors, they talked about Plato and Aristotle, the history and philosophy of Ancient Egypt, Palestine and Persia. The poor children of the Cathars were taught to read and write in the schools they established. Even the feudal lords liked some of the provisions of this doctrine, who, for example, wanted to put an end to church tithes, since a significant part of these incomes settled in the papal treasury.

Ruins of Castle Lastour

Unsurprisingly, all this incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church and the Holy Inquisition, and Rome was seriously concerned about this turn of events in the Languedoc. In addition, on the basis of their teachings, the Cathars also came into conflict with the secular authorities: their assertion of the dominance of the evil world fundamentally rejected both the secular court, and in general all secular power.

Peyrepertuse Castle Ruins

However, in Rome they perfectly understood how enviously the barons of Northern Europe looked at the rich southern lands and cities. All that was lacking was an excuse to take advantage of this situation and make up a kind of "assault squads" of the church from the northern nobles. Such a case presented itself in January 1208, when in Languedoc one of the courtiers of Count Raymund of Toulouse killed Pierre de Castelnau, one of the legates of the Pope. Perhaps this crime had nothing to do with the Cathars at all, but the occasion was so seductive and so long-awaited ... And Pope Innocent III immediately announced a crusade against the Cathars.

Innocent (tomb)

A year after the completion of the ceremony of repentance of the Count of Toulouse, the army of the crusaders moved towards the Pyrenees, led by Abbot Arnold, the abbot of the largest Catholic monastery of Sito. And Simon de Montfort was appointed "secular chief": the French king Philip II Augustus himself could not lead the campaign, as he was preparing for decisive actions against the English king John Lackland.

Philip II August. Portrait of the XIX century. works of Louis-Felix Amiel.

During the hostilities, the entire Languedoc was devastated: the knights and their horses trampled down the peasant harvest, wiped out cities and villages, and killed most of the population. In a letter to Pope Innocent III, Abbot Arnold proudly reported that "neither age, nor gender, nor position was taken into account." After such a religious "admonition", the Languedoc could not be recognized: it turned into a devastated, plundered, crucified land.

Le massacre des Albigeois , par Paul Lehugeur, XIX ° siècle.

Not resigned, Languedoc rebelled again and again was defeated, but conquered, he does not leave the thought of fighting. It should be noted that after the conquest of Jerusalem by Sultan Salah ad-Din, when many knightly orders had to leave Palestine, a large number of Templar Knights settled in the Languedoc. Wealthy landowners who sympathized with the Cathars donated large plots of land, castles and fortresses to the Order.

Ruins of Puiloran castle

The Albigensian Wars lasted 20 years intermittently. At the end of them, the Cathars had only the last center of resistance - the well-fortified castle of Montsegur, which challenged the huge army of the crusaders. The castle stood on a steep cliff surrounded by a ring of mountains, and towered over the surrounding valleys like a heavenly arch. It was almost always illuminated by the sun, and a rare person, even today, will not marvel at the stubbornness of those who erected its cyclopean walls on a wild and impregnable peak. An attack on the move was impossible, as was the complete encirclement of such a large mountain, so in 1234 the royal army did not dare to siege it.


The castle of Montsegur belonged to Raymond de Perayer and his famous sister Exlarmonde, who was herself a heretic and therefore provided it to the Cathars for refuge. Returning from their dangerous and exhausting journeys through the Languedoc, trampled by the servants of the Inquisition, they found a calm and quiet refuge in Monsegur. The Cathars considered the castle their sanctuary: while Montsegur held on, their cause was not completely lost. This was their spiritual realm, where in moments of the most inexpressible melancholy and grievous despair the gaze of the southerners turned.

In May 1243, the Seneschal Hugh de Arcy began the siege of Montsegur: he approached the castle and surrounded it in order to take the Cathars by hunger. However, the rains that began allowed the besieged to stock up on water for a sufficiently long period, they were not afraid to be left without food, as they always expected a siege and saved food in advance. And the connection with outside world was never interrupted, since the sympathy of the entire local population was on the side of the besieged. In addition, many of the crusaders themselves were from Languedoc and secretly sympathized with the Cathars, remaining from this point of view unreliable warriors. Therefore, in some places the Cathars easily overcame enemy lines, delivering provisions and reinforcements to the fortress. After all, one could get to the fortress only along the steep eastern slope, to which the mountain paths, known to the locals, led.

But it was from there that Montsegur's death came. Perhaps, one of the inhabitants of the region betrayed their own and opened the most difficult road to the enemy, which led to the immediate approaches to the fortress? The Basque mountaineers managed to climb to the very top of the mountain and capture the barbican, built on this side to protect the castle. This happened shortly before Christmas 1243, but even after that the besieged managed to hold out for several more weeks.

Only on the last day of February 1244 horns were sounded on the walls of Montsegur, announcing that the besieged agreed to negotiations. They themselves asked for a truce and even offered hostages in exchange for it. Approximately 400 Cathars who remained in the fortress were offered unusually "soft" terms of surrender: all soldiers were granted forgiveness for their crimes, they were even allowed free exit from the fortress with all their property and valuables. Many were declared freedom if they renounce their convictions and heretical delusions and repent of their sins before the Inquisition. To discuss these conditions, the Cathars were even allowed to retain Montsegur for another two weeks.

The truce expired on 15 March. At dawn the next day, more than 200 Cathars were roughly dragged out of the fortress and dragged down the mountainside. None of them renounced their faith, and then they were locked up in a large wooden warehouse located at the foot of the mountain and set on fire. And those who remained in the fortress were ordered to look at the blazing fire ...

However, the surviving defenders hid in the fortress four more Parthites (preachers and teachers), who on the night of March 16, accompanied by a guide, made a daring escape, descending the steep western slope. What prompted them to make this desperate and dangerous escape, putting so many people at mortal risk? According to an old legend, these four took with them the legendary treasures of the Cathars. But after all, the treasures were taken out three months before the fall of the castle, and how much could four people carry on their backs, jumping on ropes along a steep cliff?

Many researchers, in particular the English writers M. Baigent, R. Lay and G. Lincoln (authors of the book "Holy Blood and the Holy Grail"), suggest that on the last night of the castle were taken away from the castle archives of the Cathars and religious objects. And there was “something” among them that could not be taken out in advance and remained in the fortress until the very last and dangerous moment. Therefore, the defenders of Montsegur took time, and not just time, but a certain date. It was the day of the vernal equinox, apparently coinciding with some kind of religious rite of the Cathars. For Christians, the vernal equinox is associated with Easter, but the Cathars hardly attached great importance to this holiday, since they considered Jesus Christ just one of the prophets and did not believe in the Crucifixion, and therefore in the Resurrection.

However, on March 14, the day before the end of the armistice, a holiday was held in Montsegur, which made a strong impression on even the besiegers. Many knights, despising their inevitable death, accepted the Cathars' faith, asked for and received consolation, thereby dooming themselves to the stake. This means that this mysterious "something" was necessary for the celebration and could not be taken out in advance. Just as it should not have fallen into the hands of enemies later ... After a while, the commandant of Montsegur, under torture, confessed that the names of those who fled were Hugo, Am'el, Eckar and Clamen. "I myself arranged for their escape so that they would take away our treasures and the bundle, which contained all the secrets of the Cathars."

Monsegur was turned into ruins, and the crusaders triumphantly declared that none of the heretics "defile the world with his breath anymore." The castle fell, but the knights did not find anything of interest there. But, in any case, what was taken out of Montsegur had to be delivered somewhere. Traditionally, it is believed that the treasures of the Cathars were hidden in the fortified caves of Ornolak in Ariege, where one of the last troops of the Cathars was soon destroyed. But even here, apart from skeletons, they did not find anything else, but legends about treasures - either material or spiritual, which were hidden in the mountain caves surrounding the village ...

Text by Nadezhda Ionina

The Mystery of Montsegur Castle

Then I'll tell you, - said the hermit. - The one who is appointed to sit in this place has not yet been conceived and born, but even a year will not pass before the one who will occupy the Perilous Sitting will be conceived, and he will also obtain the Holy Grail.

Thomas Malory. "Death of Arthur"

"A cursed place on a holy mountain" - this is what folk legends say about the pentagonal castle of Montsegur. The southwest of France, where it is located, is generally a wonderland, teeming with majestic ruins, legends and tales about the "knight of honor" Parsifal, the Holy Grail cup and, of course, the magical Monsegur. In terms of their mysticism and mystery, these places are comparable only to the German Brocken. What is tragic events owes Montsegur his fame?

In 1944, in the course of stubborn and bloody battles, the Allies occupied positions recaptured from the Germans. Especially many French and British soldiers were killed at the strategically important height of Monte Cassino, trying to take possession of the castle of Montsegur, where the remnants of the 10th german army... The siege of the castle lasted 4 months. Finally, after massive bombing and landing, the Allies launched a decisive assault. The castle was destroyed almost to the ground. However, the Germans continued to resist, although their fate had already been decided. When the Allied soldiers came close to the walls of Montsegur, something inexplicable happened. On one of the towers a large flag with an ancient pagan symbol - the Celtic cross - was hoisted. This ancient Germanic ritual was usually resorted to only when the help of higher powers was needed. But everything was in vain, and nothing could help the invaders.

This incident was far from the only one in the castle's long history full of mystical mysteries. And it began in the 6th century, when a monastery was founded by Saint Benedict in 1529 on Mount Cassino, considered a sacred place since pre-Christian times. Cassino was not very high and rather resembled a hill, but its slopes were distinguished by steepness - it was on such mountains that in the old days impregnable castles were laid. It is not for nothing that in the classical French dialect, Montsegur sounds like Mont-sur - Reliable Mountain.

850 years ago, one of the most dramatic episodes of European history took place in the castle of Montsegur. Inquisition of the Holy See and the army french king Louis IX was besieging the castle for almost a year. But they did not manage to cope with the two hundred heretic Cathars who settled in it. The defenders of the castle could repent and leave in peace, but instead chose to voluntarily go to the fire, thus they kept their mysterious faith pure.

And to this day there is no unequivocal answer to the question: where did the Qatari heresy get into southern France? The first traces of it appeared in these parts in the XI century. In those days, the southern part of the country, part of the Languedoc county, stretching from Aquitaine to Provence and from the Pyrenees to Crécy, was practically independent. This vast territory was ruled by Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse. Nominally, he was considered a vassal of the French and Aragonese kings, as well as the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but in nobility, wealth and power he was not inferior to any of his overlords.

While Catholicism prevailed in the north of France, the dangerous Qatari heresy was spreading more and more in the domain of the Counts of Toulouse. According to some historians, she got there from Italy, which, in turn, borrowed this religious teaching from the Bulgarian Bogomils, and those from the Manichaeans of Asia Minor and Syria. The number of those who were later called Cathars (in Greek - "clean"), multiplied like mushrooms after rain. “There is not one god, there are two who dispute the dominion over the world. This is the god of good and the god of evil. The immortal spirit of mankind strives to the god of good, but its mortal shell is drawn to the dark god - so the Cathars taught. At the same time, they considered our earthly world to be the kingdom of Evil, and the heavenly world, where the souls of people dwell, as a space in which Good triumphs. Therefore, the Cathars easily parted with their lives, rejoicing in the transition of their souls into the domain of Good and Light.

On the dusty roads of France, strange people roamed about in the pointed caps of Chaldean astrologers, in robes belted with a rope - the Cathars preached their teachings everywhere. The so-called "perfect" - ascetics of the faith who took a vow of asceticism took on such an honorable mission. They completely broke with their former life, refused property, adhered to food and ritual prohibitions. But all the secrets of the teaching were revealed to them.

Another group of Cathars included the so-called "profane", that is, ordinary followers. They lived an ordinary life, cheerful and noisy, sinning, like all people, but at the same time reverently observed the few commandments that the "perfect" had taught them.

The knights and nobles were especially eager to accept the new faith. Most of the noble families in Toulouse, Languedoc, Gascony, Roussillon became its adherents. They did not recognize the Catholic Church, considering it a product of the devil. Such a confrontation could only end in bloodshed ...

The first clash between Catholics and heretics took place on January 14, 1208, on the banks of the Rhone, when, during the crossing, one of the squires of Raymund VI mortally wounded the papal nuncio with a spear blow. While dying, the priest whispered to his murderer: "May the Lord forgive you as I forgive." But the Catholic Church has not forgiven anything. In addition, French monarchs have long had views of the rich Toulouse county: both Philip II and Louis VIII dreamed of annexing the richest lands to their possessions. The Count of Toulouse was declared a heretic and follower of Satan. The Catholic bishops shouted: “Cathars are vile heretics! We need to burn them out with fire, so that there is no seed left ... "For this, the Holy Inquisition was created, which the Pope subordinated to the Dominican order - these" dogs of the Lord "(Dominicanus - domini canus - Lord's dogs). So a crusade was declared, which for the first time was directed not so much against the Gentiles as against the Christian lands. Interestingly, when the soldier asked how to distinguish Cathars from good Catholics, the papal legate Arnold da Sato replied: "Kill everyone: God will recognize his own!"

The crusaders laid waste to the flourishing southern region. In the city of Béziers alone, having driven the inhabitants to the church of Saint Nazarius, they killed 20 thousand people. Cathars were massacred by entire cities. The lands of Raymund VI of Toulouse were taken from him.

In 1243, the only stronghold of the Cathars was only the old Montsegur - their sanctuary, turned into a military citadel. Almost all the surviving “perfect” ones gathered here. They did not have the right to carry weapons, since in accordance with their teachings it was considered a direct symbol of evil. Nevertheless, this small (two hundred people) unarmed garrison repulsed the attacks of the 10-thousandth crusader army for almost 11 months! What happened on a tiny patch on the top of the mountain became known thanks to the preserved records of interrogations of the surviving defenders of the castle. They are fraught with an amazing story of courage and resilience of the Cathars, which still boggles the imagination of historians. And there is enough mysticism in it.

Bishop Bertrand Marty, who organized the defense of the castle, was well aware that his surrender was inevitable. Therefore, even before Christmas 1243, he sent two faithful servants from the fortress, who carried on themselves a certain treasure of the Cathars. It is said to be still hidden in one of the many grottoes in Phua County.

On March 2, 1244, when the situation of the besieged became unbearable, the bishop began to negotiate with the crusaders. He was not going to surrender the fortress, but he really needed a respite. And he got it. For two weeks of respite, the besieged manage to drag a heavy catapult onto a tiny rocky platform. And the day before the delivery of the castle, an almost incredible event takes place. At night, four "perfect" descend on a rope from a mountain 1200 meters high and take with them a bundle. The crusaders hastily equipped a pursuit, but the fugitives seemed to vanish into thin air. Soon two of them showed up in Cremona. They proudly talked about the successful outcome of their mission, but what they managed to save is still unknown. Only the doomed to death Cathars - fanatics and mystics - would risk their lives for gold and silver. And what kind of burden could the four desperate "perfect" ones carry? This means that the Cathars' "treasure" was of a different nature.

Montsegur has always been a holy place for the "perfect". It was they who built a pentagonal castle on the top of the mountain, asking the former owner, their co-religionist Ramon de Pirella, for permission to rebuild the fortress according to their drawings. Here, in deep secrecy, the Cathars performed their rituals, kept sacred relics. The walls and embrasures of Montsegur were strictly oriented to the cardinal points like Stonehenge, so the "perfect" could calculate the solstice days. The architecture of the castle makes a strange impression. Inside the fortress, you get the feeling that you are on a ship: a low square tower at one end, long walls blocking the narrow space in the middle, and a blunt nose reminiscent of the stem of a caravel.

In August 1964, cavers on one of the walls found some kind of badges, notches and a drawing. It turned out to be a plan of an underground passage going from the foot of the wall to the gorge. Then the passage itself was opened, in which skeletons with halberds were found. A new mystery: who were these people who died in the dungeon? Under the foundation of the wall, the researchers discovered several interesting objects with Qatari symbols inscribed on them. A bee was depicted on the buckles and buttons. For the "perfect", it symbolized the secret of fertilization without physical contact. A strange 40 centimeter long lead plate was also found, folded into a pentagon, which was considered the hallmark of the "perfect" apostles. The Cathars did not recognize the Latin cross and deified the pentagon - a symbol of dispersion, dispersion of matter, the human body (this, apparently, where the strange architecture of Monsegur comes from). Analyzing it, a prominent expert on Cathars Fernand Niel emphasized that it was in the castle itself that "the key to the rituals was laid - a secret that the" perfect "took with them to the grave."

There are still many enthusiasts who are looking for buried treasures, gold and Cathar jewels in the vicinity and on Mount Cassino itself. But most of all, researchers are interested in the shrine that four brave souls saved from desecration. Some suggest that the "perfect" possessed the famous Grail. It is not without reason that even now in the Pyrenees one can hear the following legend: “When the walls of Montsegur were still standing, the Cathars guarded the Holy Grail. But Montsegur was in danger. Rati Lucifer is located under its walls. They needed the Grail to re-enclose it in the crown of their master, from which it fell when the fallen angel was cast down from heaven to earth. At the moment of the greatest danger for Montsegur, a dove appeared from the sky and split Mount Tabor with its beak. The Guardian of the Grail threw a valuable relic into the bowels of the mountain. The mountain closed and the Grail was saved. "

For some, the Grail is a vessel into which Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of Christ, for others - a dish of the Last Supper, for others - something like a cornucopia. And in the legend of Monsegur, he appears in the form of a golden image of Noah's ark. According to legend, the Grail possessed magical properties: it could heal people from serious ailments, reveal secret knowledge to them. The Holy Grail could be seen only by the pure in soul and heart, and it brought down great troubles on the wicked. Those who became its owners acquired holiness - some in heaven, some on earth.

Some scholars believe that the secret of the Cathars was the knowledge of hidden facts from the earthly life of Jesus Christ. They allegedly possessed information about his earthly wife and children, who, after the crucifixion of the Savior, were secretly transported to the south of Gaul. According to legend, the blood of Jesus was collected in the Holy Grail. The evangelical Magdalene, a mysterious person who, probably, was his wife, took part in this. It is known that she reached Europe, from which it follows that the descendants of the Savior gave birth to the Merovingian dynasty, that is, the family of the Holy Grail.

According to legend, after Montsegur, the Holy Grail was taken to the castle of Montreal de Sau. From there he migrated to one of the cathedrals of Aragon. Then he was allegedly taken to the Vatican. But there is no documentary evidence of this. Or maybe the sacred relic has returned to its sanctuary - Montsegur? After all, it was not for nothing that Hitler, who dreamed of world domination, so persistently and purposefully organized the search for the Holy Grail in the Pyrenees. German agents investigated all the abandoned castles, monasteries and temples there, as well as mountain caves. But it was all to no avail ...

Hitler hoped to use this sacred relic to turn the tide of the war. But even if the Fuhrer managed to take possession of it, it would hardly have saved him from defeat, as well as those German soldiers who tried to defend themselves within the walls of Montsegur with the help of the ancient Celtic cross. Indeed, according to legend, the unrighteous keepers of the Holy Grail and those who sow Evil and death on earth are overtaken by God's wrath.

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The puzzle of the pentagonal castle


In the XII-XIII centuries - Languedoc, an independent state stretching from Aquitaine to Provence, from Quercy to the Pyrenees, with possessions in the east to Tripoli. The rulers of the Languedoc - the dynasty of the Counts of Raimund - are so powerful that they are sometimes called the "kings of the South", in contrast to the "kings of the North", the Plantagenet dynasty reigning in France. In all respects the Languedoc civilization differs from the north, and the north pales before it. In the capital of Languedoc, Toulouse, ideas, philosophies, teachings and religions, which have come from all over the Mediterranean, cross.

The "South French" - in other words, the Provencal - nation not only underwent "valuable development" during the Middle Ages, but even stood at the head of European development. She developed, the first of all modern nations, a literary language. Her poetry for all Romance peoples, and even for the Germans and the British, served then as an unattainable model ... in industry and trade, she was in no way inferior to the Italians. She not only developed "one phase of medieval life" in its most "brilliant form", but resurrected even among the deepest Middle Ages a reflection of ancient Hellenism, "Engels wrote in his time, assessing the significance of Provencal culture.

But the South differs most from the North in the field of religion - all the inhabitants of Languedoc have joined the new faith. Her followers are called cathars (in Greek "pure", "perfect") or albigensians (in the center of traffic, the city of Albi) *

“There is not one god, there are two who dispute the dominion over the world. God of Good and God of Evil. In spirit, which constitutes his greatness, man belongs to the first, in his mortal body he obeys the second ... "

This philosophy, strange at that time, by mysterious ways penetrated from the Far East to France, but it is similar to the South, where, as in the arena, sun and shadow are clearly opposed ...

Social barriers in the Languedoc are less impenetrable. In the bustling and flourishing cities of the South, trading with the Arab East, the lords share power with the townspeople elected to the municipalities. Women are free and respected, ballads and songs are composed in their honor, the famous troubadour poetry flourishes. High development of school and university education, flourishing of medicine, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, spread of the Arabic language and acquaintance with Greek and Roman authors, poetry of troubadours and literature in the national Provencal language " oK"- all this contributes to the emergence of a unique and high culture in the south of France, which cannot be found anywhere else in Europe.

Researchers of Albigensian scientific thought claim that the legendary Persian named Mani was the master of their thoughts. “This Persian prophet,” explains the French historian Carmen Enesh, “tried to fuse Christian doctrines, the religion of Zoroaster and Buddhism into one whole. Raising dualism into a principle, he recognized the eternal existence of two principles: Good, symbolized by light, and Evil, embodied in darkness and inert matter. This religious trend - Manicheism - became widespread in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the 3rd century AD, it was severely persecuted by the early Christian church and existed until the 10th century. "

And in X-XII centuries almost all of Europe is seized by dozens of new heresies: Cathars, Waldensians, Bogomils appeared. The greatest influence on them was the doctrine of Manicheism. Cathars appear in southern France in the 10th century.

At present, historians have only three sources on the Albigensian heresy that eluded both the watchful eye of the Holy Inquisition and the archives of the Vatican. These few surviving sources sparsely and sparingly tell about the history of the Cathars, their worldview, organization, and mysterious rituals.

“The world exists eternally, it has no beginning or end ... The earth could not have been created by God, for that would mean that God created the wicked ... Christ was never born, did not live and did not die on earth, since the gospel story about Christ is an invention of Catholic priests ... Baptism is useless, because it is performed on babies who have no reason, and does not protect a person from future sins ... The cross is not a symbol of faith, but an instrument of torture, in Rome people were crucified on it ... "

This is what people are taught, belted with a rope, dressed in black, in high eastern conical caps, tirelessly plowing the roads of Languedoc. The Cathars were divided into two categories: Perfect and Believers. The perfect led an ascetic life, full of hardships and hardships, spent time in prayer and fasting. As for the Believers, they lived an ordinary life, got married, gave birth to children, ate any food, but listened and kept the commandments that the Perfect ones taught them.

And the Perfect ones - the apostles of the Cathars - were real erudites: they are astronomers and astrologers, philosophers and doctors, mathematicians and builders. They told seigneurs striving for knowledge about Plato and Aristotle, about the philosophy and history of Ancient Egypt, Persia, Palestine; they taught the children of the poor to read and write in their own schools; they helped peasants in field work, and after that they lectured at the University of Toulouse. Under the auspices of the enlightened counts of Toulouse, a city more ancient than Rome, these people dreamed of creating a island of civilization amid the sea of \u200b\u200bbarbarism and the Middle Ages.

The perfect are full of zeal, but stingy with frankness. What are their rites? Where do they perform their services and do they perform them? Nobody knows this ... Their rule is: "Jura, perjura, secretum prodere noli!" "Swear and testify perjury, but don't reveal the secret!"

“The Cathars are vile heretics,” the Catholic bishops thundered. The voices sound so loud because sermons are heard in almost half-empty churches.

- Not at all! - the Perfect ones object. - We are genuine Christians. We remain faithful to the law of love and goodness, while the Roman church is mired in luxury and debauchery!


The law of love reigns throughout the South, and the cathars who preach holy love are echoed by troubadours singing worldly love. From the Count of Toulouse to the common villager, everyone is devoted to a new faith. But in Languedoc appears the spy of the pope - the Spanish monk Dominic, who later became "Saint Dominic". He tries to defeat the Perfect ones with their own weapons - the purity of morals and the power of arguments. Alas, the word of God is no longer believed in the Languedoc! Unable to achieve success, he left convinced that the Perfect ones would yield only to strength. This is how - on the personal order of the Pope - the Dominican Order, which led the new brainchild of the Roman Church - the Holy Inquisition.

Pope Innocent III and King of France Philip II Augustus are two iron characters, they decide to act together: one needs to root out the dangerous heresy that has engulfed half of Europe, the other - to join the rich Languedoc to the royal domain. A crusade against heretics has been declared! In July 1209, a "robber band of scoundrels" rushes to Languedoc - an army of approximately 50,000 believers.

This is one of the most terrible and desperately brutal wars in French history. Two popes and three kings, succeeding each other, take turns losing their powers. Showered with curses on the accursed heretics, they almost declare a "total mobilization" of the entire Christian army, as it was in the campaigns to the East. The Languedoc, conquered, rises again and again, he is defeated again, but he again raises the banner of rebellion. Finally, after 60 years of struggle, the country is supposedly brought to its knees. Led by the cruel Simon de Montfort and the equally cruel papal legate Arnold of Sito, the Crusader army plunders and rapes, burns and kills. The Chronicle says that after the capture of one of the Qatari fortresses, one of the leaders of the crusaders, horrified by the bloody massacre perpetrated by the soldiers of Montfort, turned to the pope's envoy with a question:

Father, how to distinguish Cathars from good Catholics?

The papal legate's answer went down in history:

Kill everyone: God will recognize his own!

700 residents, including women and children, were killed in the streets. The city burned for three days. At night, the famous walls of ancient Carcassonne, where the second battle took place, were lit by fires.

Cathars ... Cathars retreat into the mountains. Here they decide to give last fight, in their hands there was only one nest of resistance, the eagle's nest, which challenged the entire huge army of invaders. Monsegur!


Montsegur has always been a holy place for the Perfect ...

It was they who built a pentagonal castle on the top of the mountain, asking its former owner, co-religionist Ramon Pirella, to rebuild the fortress according to their plans. Here, in deep secrecy, the Cathars performed their rituals (at least at one time scientists believed so). Now they clung hopelessly to him.

In May 1243, the crusaders laid siege to Montsegur, where the last Perfect ones took refuge, led by the old Qatari bishop Bertrand d'An Marty. There were only 100 professional soldiers among the defenders of the fortress. The rest - philosophers, philologists, doctors and astronomers - could not even wield a weapon properly. Moreover, the perfect apostles had no right to carry it, since the Cathars believed that weapons were a direct symbol of evil ... And nevertheless, 10 thousand crusaders are trampling on the plain, and, despite their numerical superiority, all their attacks are successfully repulsed ... Montsegur holds on for a whole year ...

Once, under cover of night, the crusaders manage to install a heavy catapult captured in the battle near Carcassonne on a small ledge of rock. Huge stones fill the fortress ... In March 1244, Montsegur fell. The remaining defenders of the fortress were promised life if they renounced their faith. And so that the Cathars could not deceive the Crusaders, who are true to their principle "Swear and testify, but do not reveal the secret!", They invited the Cathars to go through the test. Each of them had to cut the dog's throat in order to violate the basic principle of the Qatari faith - non-shedding the blood of an innocent creature. The prisoners unanimously refused: it is better to be burned than to renounce!

On the evening of 16 Matra 1244, a long procession descended into a small valley at the foot of the mountain, where a huge bonfire was prepared for the heretics. Two hundred and fifty-seven people, men and women, old people and children who survived the siege, calmly and solemnly ascended the fire. This place is still called the Field of the Burned.

Crackling, a huge fire burns out in the night - an auto-da-fe for apostates. There is a huge punishment of "Christ's soldiers" in silence. They have won: the last stronghold of the heretics has fallen!

Behind them, unnoticed by anyone, four silent shadows slid down the rope from the cliffs of Montsegur. They fled from the castle, taking with them a heavy bundle. This is a true historical fact. The commandant of the fortress Arnaud-Roger de Mirpois reported this to the Most Holy Tribunal under torture. There are records ... He said: “The names of those who fled were Hugo, Amiel, Eckar and Clamen. These were the four Perfect ones. I arranged their escape myself, and they took our treasures with them. All the secrets of the Cathars were in this bundle. "


Since 1956, says Fernand Costa, head of the Ariege Speleological Society, we began to explore Montsegur. We extracted nails, clay products, various utensils, and fragments of weapons from the excavations. But this is not what we needed. We were not looking for treasures, although the local peasants considered us to be treasure hunters.

In August 1964, Ariezh speleologists discovered six natural faults at the foot of the fortress walls. In one of them, located 80 meters from the fortress, the remains of a throwing machine and a pile of stones brought up the mountain from the valley were found. Clearing the blockage, the researchers were amazed to find badges, notches and some kind of drawing on the outside of the wall. It turned out to be a rough plan ... of an underground passage leading from the foot of the wall to the gorge. Apparently the builders were guided by this drawing during the reconstruction of the castle. And then the opening of an underground passage followed, skeletons with halberds and a new riddle: who were these people who died when leaving the dungeon? ..

One of the fortress explorers, digging under the foundation of the wall, brought out a number of interesting objects with Qatari symbols inscribed on them. So, a bee was engraved on buckles and buttons; for the Perfect ones, it symbolized fertilization without physical contact. Among the finds was a lead plate 40 centimeters long, folded into a pentagon. The pentagon - the main symbol of Manicheism - was the hallmark of the Perfect Apostles. It is known that the Cathars denied the Latin cross and deified the five-pointed, which was for them a symbol of eternal diffusion - dispersion, dispersion of matter, the human body. These findings once again confirmed the continuity of the Cathars' ideas and philosophy of Manicheism and pointed to the now understandable oddity in the construction of the pentagonal castle.

But the ruins of Montsegur found their true Schliemann in the person of Fernand Niel, a retired French engineer-mathematician. Niel knew the history of the region, was familiar with sources on the Qatari problem, with special literature (Now Fernand Niel is considered one of the most knowledgeable historians of Catharism in France.)

The unusual layout of the castle caught Niel's attention. Why did the Perfect ones ask the owner of the castle to rebuild it according to their own quadruples? Is it just to express in the construction of the fortress the symbol of your strange faith - the pentagon?

In Montsegur, says Fernand Niel, there is a mystery everywhere, first of all it is in the very structure of the castle - this is the strangest structure that has ever existed. Undoubtedly, in himself was laid the key to the rituals - a secret that the Perfect ones took with them to the grave.

However, - agrees Niel, - let's climb the peak of Montsegur on June 21 or 22, on the day of the summer solstice. What do we notice when we climb to the top? First of all, the pentagon of the castle is very elongated: diagonally - 54 meters, in width - 13 meters. It seems that its builders deliberately did not care about strengthening the castle, since the site on which the fortress is located is worthy of a better citadel. Judging by the construction technique and construction, these were experienced architects, and they could not fail to notice the miscalculation in the defensive qualities of the fortress. So something else came to the fore here ...

Now let's go down to the citadel, cross the courtyard and go up to the tower. Don't forget that today is the summer solstice! Here is one of the archer stands - you can sit on any of them. Whichever embrasure we choose, it exactly corresponds to the same one in the opposite wall. The sun rises ... In the narrow opening of the embrasure, the edge of a fiery body appears. One might think that it comes here on a date at a strictly defined hour ... The same can be observed through the embrasure of the northern facade of the tower; for this, it is enough to sit on the supports of the opposite stands for the shooters ...

Thus, while studying the tower, continues Fernand Niel, I discovered an ensemble of four points for observing the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice. Naturally, this can happen only once a year ... It is known that for the Cathars the sun was a symbol of Good, and I affirm: Montsegur is a solar temple! Otherwise, why are its walls, doors, windows and embrasures oriented towards the sunrise?

On the northeastern wall of the castle, Niel noticed a curious detail. The 53 meter long wall forms an angle of 176 degrees, although nothing prevents it from being perfectly straight. On the outside of the corner, on the stonework, the scientist saw a deep vertical notch. A clear straight line descended from the top to a third of the wall and ended. What for? What role did she fulfill? And here the researcher was helped by his former specialty - an engineer-mathematician. He was interested in architectural proportions, numerical values, dimensions, degrees contained in the structure of the castle. The calculations carried out by Fernand Niel allowed him to draw a sensational conclusion: the castle of Montsegur concealed curious properties in its design - by just observing the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice, it was possible to set the month and day of any season here. In a word, it was a kind of calendar and astronomical device, unique in its kind. For seven and a half centuries, it has not lost its enormous scientific value, opened for researchers unknown pages in the history of human knowledge and thought.


As for the mysterious guardians of the land, whose halberds blocked the path of cavers, the following can be said about them. Most likely, it was one of the Perfect Ones who fled from the castle on the night of March 1244. Fernand Niel comments on the Chronicle's message:

I think that the treasure saved on that tragic night cannot be either gold or precious stones, that is, treasure in the usual sense of the word. It is known from the chronicles that all the values \u200b\u200bof the besieged before the arrival of the Crusader troops were transferred to the castle of Yusson near the Spanish border. This was undoubtedly the religious treasure of the Perfect ones. Sacred books? Precious relics? Symbols? Unknown. Only one thing is known: IT was hidden in one of the grottoes of the mountain, and there are thousands of grottoes in this area ...

According to other scientists, the Qatar treasure is nothing more than a fabulous “unearthly relic” that was dreamed of in the Middle Ages. This is the Holy Grail.

The legendary Holy Grail! Medieval chroniclers claimed that this relic was supposedly endowed with many magical properties. Carved from a solid emerald, it emitted magical light and endowed its guardians with immortality and eternal youth. It was allegedly hidden in the Monsalvat fortress under the protection of the most impeccable and pure knight - Parsifal, Lohengrin's father. Allegedly after the death of Parsifal, the "unearthly relic" ascended to heaven ...

Specialists in medieval literature have established what true facts could give rise to this legend. As a result of a thorough analysis of the materials of the chronicles, they came to the conclusion that the legend of the magic Grail arose, most likely, from a mixture of Eastern and Christian elements somewhere in Spain or in the south of France at the beginning of the XII century (in the language "ok" a bowl, a vessel sounds like a "grail"). And it is quite possible that the magical castle Monsalvat (which means "sunny", "immersed in the rays of light") and Monsegur are one and the same. By the way, the composer Wagner came to Montsegur at one time when he wrote music for his "Parsifal" ...

Perhaps, in an ancient dungeon, French cavers really met the remains of the guards of the legendary Grail, who were covering the retreat of their comrades. And perhaps the “unearthly relic” did not “ascend” to heaven, but still lies somewhere on the northern slopes of the Pyrenees, reliably hidden from the greedy hands of the crusaders? Without being absolutely sure of this, we cannot but admit. that these are exciting coincidences. As the poet said, here “the legend is woven into history ...” But in today's Languedoc, no one is surprised at any secrets or coincidences anymore, and this is perhaps one of the greatest victories of the Perfect ones.