In the life of paranormal hunters. American cities with paranormal phenomena or ghost hunters are dedicated

From time to time there are events with fatal outcome, which are not amenable to explain from rational positions. Some of these stories have occurred for a long time, some recent. In any case, people remember them about them, all of them mysterious and frightening so much that invariably attract attention. Do you believe in paranormal phenomena? Or do you think it's all just a hoax? Recall the most famous mystical cases, here are 15 of them.

15. Dancing Plague 1518

Documented in the historical records of the XVI century, the so-called "dance or dancing plague", became the only phenomenon of a kind.
In July 1518 in Strasbourg (at that time, part of the Sacred Roman Empire, now the region of Alsace, France), residents suddenly felt an insurmountable desire to dance. Several people began to dance day long, without rest, without stopping. Many died from heart attacks, strokes and exhaustions.
The outbreak of "epidemic" began when a woman named Frau Trophy (Frau Troffea) began to postpone on the streets of the city. During the week, 34 people joined the dance, and in a month they were already 400. The historical documents indicate that people died from exhaustion caused by incessant dancing. But the reasons why people did not stop are unclear. As the situation became more worse and more and more people began to dance, widespread kneading began to look for reasons. Some of the dancing were delivered to the sanctuary and temples to pour healing from the illness. It all ended with the fact that the dances stopped as suddenly as they began.
Modern theories explaining the dancing plague include a massive mental disorder, ergotism (alkaloid poisoning of ardor), religious ecstasy, chorea or "St. Vita dance". But it should be recognized that none of these theories can fully explain what really happened.

14. Karl Prutet

The history of the curse of the grave of Karl Pruty began in 1938 in Pulaks County, Kentucky (USA). Prutet returned home after a working day and found his wife in the bedroom with another man. Having come into rage, Pripitt grabbed the chain and began to choke her, and the lover disappeared from the scene. After the woman died, the Pripitt committed suicide.
The family of his wife Prutet refused to forgive him, and he was buried separately, on another cemetery (and even in another city). Visitors to the cemetery, who passed by the grave of Prutet, noticed that something strange was happening to her. They saw strange stains that looked like circles, and then started to connect, and the image on the gravestone was becoming a chain. A strange image attracted the attention of boys who drove past bikes. To impress your friends, one boy threw a stone on the tombstone and suddenly split it. On the way home with a boy there was an incredible accident: the bicycle chain jumped up, turned around the neck and strangled him. The boy's mother was killed grief and decided to "recoup" on the gravestone. She took the ax and struck the stove several times. The next day, when, after washing, she hung under her lingerie on the rope, that mystically confused around the neck and killed a woman.

It is only some of the creepy stories around the grave of the stratum of the Prutet ... By the beginning of the 1940s, most people had already held away from that cemetery, in fear of losing their own life. After another death on the grave of the Pruty, his body was exhumated, and the tombstone was destroyed.

13. Horror Amitiville

Perhaps this is the most famous story in our list. The Amitivial case is a lawsuit on charges of 23-year-old Ronald Defea Jr. in the murder of all members of his family. This tragedy caused a large resonance in society, and over time he led to the emergence of a cultural phenomenon called "Horror Amitiville". The story entailed a couple of dozen shields, a book and a lot of parodies. What happened there?

The victims were 6: Ronald's parents of the younger - senior defeo (44 years) and Louise (42 years); And four of his brothers and sisters are Don (18 years old), Ellison (13 years old), Mark (12 years old), and John Matthew (9 years old). All of them were shot from the shotgun "Marlin" thirty-fifth caliber Ronald Defo Jr. According to expertise, Louise and Ellison did not sleep at the time of death.

The lawyer defo tried to bring the case to the insaneness of the murderer, the more Defea argued that he was "heard his votes in a conspiracy against him." Nevertheless, the doctor named Harold Roland said that Defeo is responsible for his actions, although he used heroin and LSD, and suffered as an asocial disorder of personality. Despite this, there remains a lot of incomprehensible. For example, no motive. Also, none of the neighbors heard shots, although not to hear the screenshot of the shotgun is simply impossible. All victims were laid face down, but the investigation showed that the killer did not move the body. Ronald Defea himself argued that he made it forced it a certain Indian leader. The killer is currently serving six parallel sentences - for each of the six murders he received on life.

12. Notes McCormika

Ricky McCormick was killed on June 30, 1999, and in his pocket his trousers were found notes, which, apparently, contained a coded message. However, all the attempts of cryptanalytics of the FBI and the American cryptanalytic organization to decipher them did not lead to success. Interestingly, the 1999 news messages did not contain information about encrypted notes. The data was made public only after 12 years, when the FBI found this death by murder.

Both notes contained text consisting of letters and numbers with periodic inclusion of brackets. According to the FBI, notes may contain information about the killer McCormick. According to relatives, McCormick, who died used such equipment coding messages from childhood, but, unfortunately, none of them knew the key to his cipher.

All attempts to decipher the text did not lead to anything, and in 2011 the FBI through his site appealed to all the wishing to help figure out. A huge number of different interpretations and versions were obtained, but there is still no decryption of McCormick's reports, nor an explanation of his mysterious death. Who killed him?

11. Robert Stephen Larsen, ml.

Although Larsen did not die, his injury circumstances were curious enough to add them to our list. History Such: Vilissa, a small quiet town in Iowa. In early June 1912, about 12:45 pm Family Moore was brutally clogged with an ax. The victims were 8 people, of which only two adults: Joseph (aged 43), Sarah (nee Montgomery, 39 years old), Hermann Montgomery (11), Mary Catherine (10), Arthur Boyd (7) and Paul Vernon (5) , And two guests - Ina (8) and Lena Stylinkler (12). The killer who was never found could enter and get out of the house unnoticed because he had a key. Leaving, he signed the door and closed the windows. Although there were several suspects, no man was convicted of this terrible crime.
On November 7, 2014, Larsen (Ghost Hunter) and the group of his comrades remained in the "Vilisa House, where everyone was killed by an ax" to conduct some investigation of paranormal phenomena. Larsen was located in the northwestern bedroom (where the girls were killed with a styller), and suddenly in a panic called to help, using radio communication. When friends found him, he was wounded with a knife in the chest and, apparently, he inflicted himself himself ... This happened at about the same time when the family of Moore was killed.

10. Widow-ghost

In a small village in Thailand, called Tambon Ta Sawang (Tambon Tha Sawang) occurred at least 10 unexpected deaths among men who were reportedly well healthy. Some simply fell dead out on the street, while others died in a dream.

A medium was invited to find out if these strange events with the "wid-ghost" are connected. And the medium told all rural residents to post red shirts in front of the windows to drive the evil spirits. And he also warned the family, where there was the only son that they are in the zone of the greatest risk, the ghost will come to them. Interesting method of struggle! There were also rational assumptions regarding the fact that the cause of the death of these 10 people actually became: most likely, "onboard" disease or infectious disease.

9. Debra and Mark Konstantino

The couple appeared on the TV show, according to some information, they seemed very cohesive. Nevertheless, their lives were tragically broken. The messages said that the pair was in the process of divorce and that there were episodes of domestic violence.

It all started with the murder of the Debra's neighbor, James Anderson, who was found dead, and ended in the apartment daughter of this couple a two-hour police confrontation. Apparently, Mark killed Debra, and then instructed the gun on himself. Was it murder from jealousy or is it one of the most paranormal cases? It looks like a case of domestic violence. Nevertheless, the impact of supernatural force is not excluded. By the time the police took the house with storm, Debra and Mark died.
Just in case, the phone is recorded for such cases (if you are in the US, of course):
National internal hotline: 1-800-799-Safe (7233).

8. Henry Thomas

It turns out that there is a concept as "spontaneous self-burning of a person." Henry Thomas caught fire and completely burned when she quietly sat in the chair and watched TV. It only remained a skull and one leg in the boot. Someone said that the death of Thomas was caused by a lit heater. But why then the House of Thomas did not affect the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame, and the owner of the house did not even move away from the place? Riddle ... 73-year-old Henry Thomas met his death in 1980.
Despite numerous cases of self-burning people, science belongs to this phenomenon very carefully. Indeed, as a person can light up if it consists of 2/3 of water and other non-combustible elements. They argue that a person can burn only if the combustion temperature exceeds 1000 degrees, and this temperature will hold on to several hours. And nothing like this in normal conditions is simply impossible to achieve ... only the paranormal and mystical substantiation of this mysterious phenomenon remains. Decide yourself!

7. Evelin Hernandez

24-year-old Evelin Hernandez disappeared on May 1, 2002. The girl was on demolitions, and had to be about to give birth. Her five-year-old son Aleksis also disappeared with her. Hernandez met with a man named Herman Aguilera (Father of the Future Child).
On July 24, 2002, Hernandez's body was found in San Francisco Bay near the bridge. Broken legs and torso in a blouse for pregnant women - that's all that was discovered. DNA tests confirmed that these are the remains of Hernandez, however, nor the rest of the body nor her fruit nor Alexis was never discovered. Difficult harm or paranormal phenomenon? There is a version that Satanists are involved in this terrible crime, which every day pray to the devil, and it takes the story to another level.

6. Jamesones

On October 8, 2009, about 14.00 Bobby (44 years old) and Sherlin Jamison (40 years old), together with his 6-year-old daughter, Madison, gathered on a trip. They lived in their own house in the small town of Noodles, Oklahoma. The family looked for the land for the purchase, and the goal of their trip was literally 40 km from the mud, in the mountains of Oklahoma (Latimer District), near the village of Red Oak. Broker, engaged in the sale of land, offered a family to go along with them, but Jamisons refused to help. After downloading things into your pickup on the road, and capturing my little dog, the family went to the neighborhood of Red Oak, where she was seen for the last time.

On October 17, 2009, the hunters found 10 km from the Red Oak, on a dirt road in the forest, an abandoned white pickup. In the car there were things of the owners and semi-dimensional from hunger and dehydration a dog. Where are they going? There were no tracks of the struggle, and the owners disappeared without taking with them the documents, nor mobile phones, nor the outerwear, GPS navigator and even wallets with credit cards and a small cash. But the biggest surprise was under the driver's seat - searching the car, the police found a paper bank package with $ 32,000. A week later, searching events stopped, and awareness came to everyone that something extraordinary happened to the Jamison family.

5. Charles Walton

Charles Walton - a resident of the village of Lower Quinton in the county of Gloucestershire, England. Known as a victim of cruel murder. The case of the murder of Walton has not yet been uncovered. By the time of the murder, he was 74 years old, and he lived in Lower Quinton all his life. He was a widower who delivered his small house with his 34-year-old niece Edith, which he oversalled at the 4th age after the death of her mother. Walton had a reputation of non-short.

On February 14, 1945, early in the morning Walton went to work in the field, grabbing forks and a small ax. The last one who saw him alive was a local farmer who had noticed Walton near Meonsky Hill around noon. Night came, and Charles never appeared at home. Concerned Edith turned to a neighbor and went to search for uncle with him. The body of Walton found lying under the great guise on the top of Meonsky Hill. The villains were gaped in his throat with such a force that their teeth went deep into the ground. In addition, there was a cross-shaped wound on the chest of the dead, the ax was nailed to him right in the rib.

The famous anthropologist Margarita Murray said that Charles Walton was killed as a result of the Celtic rite of sacrifice to the secret sect of Druids. Scotland Yard tried to solve the "Walton case" without mysticism. But on February 14, it was not an ordinary day - on the calendar of Druids this is February 1, the day of the sacrifice of the earth. At the Celts, he was called the day of the holiday of fires - Omeka, when the Druids priests made their bloody sacrifices on the freshly spent field, asking for the gods to send a good harvest.
Despite the fact that no one has ever been officially accused of killing Charles Walton, they say that it was witchcraft, and the murder was occult. In fact, when at home they found a pocket watch of Walton, then a piece of colored glass was discovered inside them. The glass "glass witch" is used to drive out the evil from the owner - Charles never removed these hours, except for the day when he was killed.

4. Christopher Case

35-year-old Christopher Case lived in Seattle, Washington. In April 1991, he was found dead in the bathroom, with a frightened facial expression. Shortly before death, he visited San Francisco, where he met and went to Lunch with a couple of friends. Sammy Sauder, physicist, teacher and long-time Case friend received a message on the answering machine from Case. He called in a panic, and argued that some woman imposed a curse on him, due to the fact that he was not interested and rejected her. According to the Saudera: "He said he was very afraid, the witch attacked him all night (in a dream, not physically), and cut it into pieces. He woke up with small cuts on the tips of the fingers. And asked me to call him back."

When the body was discovered, the authorities found candles, crucifixes; The house around the perimeter was watered with salt solution. Tony Bert from the King County Police said: "The cause of death is unknown. Initial opening of the corpse does not indicate death from violence. (Detectives) do not believe that this is a murder. There is an investigation into this death. "

3. Newborn from Talisay, Philippines

In this case, a little is known. This happened in December 2011: John Edison Malakey, a child of ten days from the family, died at extremely strange circumstances. Grandmother and grandfather reported red spots splashing on the floor of their daughter's house (they thought there may be rat rats), as well as blood spots in the kitchen.

When the mother of the newborn, Kimberly, called, she rushed home in a panic. This is terrible, get ready ... Her newborn son has blood and nose from her son; His navel was punctured, as if dried. The child died in the hospital. The family claims that he was killed by some otherworldly creature.

People, naturally, are skeptical and suspected of concealing evidence, but it is only until the neighbors noticed blood also on the roof of the house where the crime happened ...

2. Doll Peggy

Peggy's doll, presumably being damned and concluding some terrible forces, belongs to a resident of the United Kingdom of Jane Harris. A woman calls himself a researcher of supernatural phenomena and explains his closer interest in the occult by congenital extrasensory abilities that she got from the grandmother.

Peggy is a very unusual doll. She does not speak and does not move at night, but it has a property, being in the same room with people, cause them strong nausea and chest pain. Jane took off a few records on which she tried to drive out the evil essence from the doll, and posted them on Youtube. Despite the fact that Peggy did not file signs of life, many users who watched these videos reported strong nausea and chest pain. So, if you decide to watch the video below, warn you what you make this at your own risk.

Harris is the head of the Cursed Dolls organization in Shropshire. People from all over the United Kingdom are periodically brought by the British toys who consider evamed evil spirits.

1. Eliza Lam.

On January 26, 2013, a 21-year-old student Eliza Lam left the native British Columbia to California. Having stayed for some time in San Diego, on January 28, she registered at the Cecil Hotel Hotel in Los Angeles. On February 1, she had to leave the hotel. For the last time it was seen alive three days after registering in the hotel lobby.
Being in California, Lam supported contact with his parents every day, and after they could not contact her, they called the police. Police investigated the disappearance of the girl and a few days later found a record of video surveillance cameras from the hotel's elevator, on which it is clear that Lam behaves very strange: presses the buttons and turns his head from the elevator several times, as if someone is looking for someone. It also periodically enters and comes out of the elevator, and it seems, even speaks with himself.

It took 2 weeks, but no traces of LEM were found until the hotel residents did not begin to complain about black water from the cranes and the lack of pressure in the cranes. Rising to the roof, the hotel officer found the naked body of Lam in one of the closed water tanks. An autopsy was held, which showed that the girl drowned. In her blood did not find any drugs or alcohol. Death was defined as an accident.

Fans of ghosts believe that in fact Lam captured some kind of evil spirit or she was under his influence. As evidence that Lam was obsessed, people point out that it was still unclear how she managed to get to the roof. There are two access to it: a fire staircase or a door that was always closed on the castle. In addition, the locked door was in the place where only long-term guests knew about (and probably among them - the ghost) or the hotel staff. Lam was a girl of a fragile physique, but she somehow managed to open a heavy door and close it.

The question of spirits, ghosts and other paranormal phenomena in modern science is usually declared insignificant and passes through the department of prejudice and fighting Lzhenauka. Except here are anthropologists - researchers who are trying to describe the unique features of human cultures (whether the world of cannibals from Amazonian Selva or Chelyabinsk Gopniks). Anthropologists make a question about the reality of the "spirits" for brackets, they are more interested in how supernatural creatures are perceived by a person, how are they embedded in politics and the economy, what do they mean in people's lives?

One of these anthropologists, Michelle Hanks, has been studied for many years among the "Hunters for Ghosts" of North England. She visited numerous sessions in homes, museums and pubs "with ghosts", traces of which hunters tried to catch personally and with the help of devices. However, the scientist was not interested in the spirits, but the "researchers of paranormal" - their doubts, the search for objective criteria, disputes about faith and knowledge and other purely scientific problems that they are forced to decide.

But first a little story. Medieval people's ideas about spirits, wets and ghosts by the XIX century gradually died, thanks to the formation and energetic work of the national elites on the "split" of the world. Then, thanks to the new religion - Spiritism - even in the Higher Society, an interest in the cause of the spirits of the dead and allegedly real evidence after death (a prominent spiritist was, for example, Arthur Conan Doyle, preaching in the stories about Sherlock Holmes rationalism, materialism and deductive method). Numerous organizations of spiritists, as well as the formation of parapsychology in the 1930s, brought criticism from skeptics and enlighteners, exposing medium and parapsychologists as fraudsters.

In parallel, in Britain and the United States, the lower, people's movement of researchers of paranormal phenomena were developed - only in 2006 in England, there were 1200 in England. Usually, such researchers themselves experienced a meeting with the "ghost" or seek to enter into contact with the untimely died close. They do not like the position of skeptics that deny the reality of paranormal phenomena, but also the spiritists they consider too naive and lightly. They are no wonder they call themselves researchers: they are looking for objective evidence of the presence or absence of ghosts protested by special devices. Like scientists, they do not want to take eyewitnesses on faith. As among scientists, in their community they boil stormy disputes on research methodology.

For example, only in the city of Sunderland in the north-east of England there are two research groups: "Specter Detectors, SD) and" Eastern Coast "(EST COAST INVESTIGATORS, ECD). In SD, paranormal phenomena "catch" using an automatic writing and divination on the magic crystal - in ECD these methods are criticized as unscientific and unsuitable for verification. The SD members in response to this will scold ECD (where infrasonic traces are considered the main indicator of paranormal phenomena) for bias and dogmatism.

But all the ghost researchers unites the conviction that their phenomena that interests belong to the natural world. "Paranormal need to be called normal ... it does not differ from the strength or electricity," one of the research told the author of the article. And therefore, they make fun of those who are naive "believes" in ghosts: no, researchers of paranormal want to act rationally and obtain scientific evidence of the existence of ghosts - and to prove the same thing that they are not madmen and not charlatans.

It is collecting information that is the main goal of "hunters". Sometimes we are talking about the certificates of mediums and personal experience of meeting ghosts, sometimes about video recording and fixing changes in the environment, carried out using digital thermometers and electromagnetic field sensors. The latter use the greatest prestige: "Hunters for ghosts" with suspicion relate to subjective experience, suspecting those who allegedly met with paranormal phenomena, in the unscrupulous desire of glory. As in classical science, the devices inspire hope for the lack of frauds from human.

In search of objective traces of ghosts, "Energy" plays a special role. The fact is that historically the energy of the electromagnetic field in the XIX century was associated with the phenomena of the spiritual world. And in 1985, the Canadian Neurophysiologist Michael Persinger suggested that changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, affecting the temporal lists of the brain, cause a feeling of the presence of supernatural beings. Parapsychologists grabbed this idea and tied "strange" sounds and images with a high level of magnetic activity and oscillations of an electromagnetic field.

More scientifically-oriented "Hunters for the ghosts" of North England, getting into a castle or pub, the first thing bypassed all the premises, measuring "background electromagnetic energy". Rooms where a relatively high level is recorded, considered more favorable for paranormal experience. Further, when one of the researchers suddenly begins to tell about contact with the "strange force" or directly with the "ghost", others immediately begin to measure the electromagnetic energy around it - so that "objectively" to make sure whether his words are clean fantasy.

At the same time, the concept of "energy" is used in a less accurate sense - as an analogue of the "soul". "We are all of the energy. It is impossible to destroy energy. And when we die, there must be this energy somewhere, isn't it?" - asked the anthropologist one of his interlocutors. Supporters of this point of view use electromagnetic field sensors not in thoughtful experiments, but simply to search for ghosts. "The ghosts communicate with us with the help of electromagnetic energy," said one of the researchers paranormal.

The collision of these positions leads to unresolved conflicts. For example, in the summer of 2009, two groups were gathered for a joint study of paranormal phenomena - "Science of Dark Night" (Dark Night Research, DNR) and "Ghost Seekers, GS). Joe from DNR wanted to conduct an experiment and find out if people feel paranormal phenomena due to the energy of the electromagnetic field. He asked for members of both groups half an hour to sit in one of the castle rooms. Joe included radio frequency transmitters (to create an increased electromagnetic background) and asked the participants of the experiment to record everything that happens to them.

At the same time, the "hunters" from GS showed incomprehensible to Joe enthusiasm and dubbed his device "Machine of Ghosts". One of the participants GS, Mary, said after the experiment: "It was cool! The device actually helped. I picked up this warm, playful, friendly energy. I felt it on my face." Then she turned to another researcher: "Joe's True Machine allows you to grab things. It passes through the machine, and this allows energy to express itself." It can be seen that in the perception of Mary "Technical" electromagnetic energy of the device was mixed with anthropomorphic energy - playful and friendly.

Joe listened to these outpounded with a stone face. The experiment was clearly not set: instead of checking (an objective instrument) of the influence of factor A to factor B, there were some ecstasy from the "Machines". That's what he told the anthropologist: "Well, it was interesting. Honestly, I don't know. I'm still learning the results, but I'm sure about everything. All [participants] felt the presence of something friendly, happy energy. Chest, I was happy When this [experiment] was conducted. I sent streams of electromagnetic energy on them - and they experienced something. I don't know what I proved or did not prove. So the results are interesting, but I do not know what to do with them ... Was there it was there Something paranormal? Or all this in our heads? Chest knows him. "

However, a few days later, Mary enthusiasm Ugas. "Honestly, I don't know what to think. Yes, in the castle I felt something. The truth is very sweet something. But I don't know what I felt and what it means. Is this a car? Was it there? Ghost? It seems I want the best evidence, at least for myself. " Joe and Mary, with initially different attitude towards the "presence of the Spirit", unites one thing - deep doubt. Even Joe, a supporter of strict experiments, did not exclude the likelihood that the feeling of paranormal phenomena spawned the electromagnetic energy of its device, but the spirits themselves. "How can I for sure Prove that this is not a ghost?! "He complained to the anthropologist.

Elusive ghost of science

It is important that with all the delight and enthusiasm during "contacts" with paranormal phenomena, the main emotion and the driving force of the activities of British "ghost hunters" was doubt. It frustrate researchers and makes it manicly to revise and repeat the experiments, criticize your experience, to question its qualifications, actions of friends and associates and generally meaningful of their activities.

But doubt, with all the accompanying frustration, strengthens in the "researchers of paranormal" loyalty to scientific, rational thinking. It allows you to accumulate personal experience of contacts with "perfumes", highlighting "hunters" from among the usual gourmet ordinary people who "believe in ghosts". But, unlike normal science (in understanding the philosopher of Thomas Kun), where the community of scientists reaches a consensus on controversial issues, among the researchers of supernatural do not stop discussions.

Achieving consent in the main thing (whether paranormal phenomena is real and what causes them) requires that people trust each other's experiments and the methodology of their holding. The paradox is that "ghost hunters", imitating "correct" science, got into a vicious circle: they put an experiment behind the experiment, hypotheses and counterplothesis are put forward, but the final proof of the reality of the ghosts is infinitely moved into the future. It remains to enjoy the process - what they do.

WikiHow works on the principle of wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. When creating this article above its editing and improving, including anonymous, 22 people (a) worked.

Have you ever been heard of strange sounds in the basement or seemed like the door, creaking, opens by itself? You felt goosebumps unexpectedly on the back? If so, then this article is for you.


    Find information about the various methods and details that are used by the "professional" spirit hunters. Also familiarize yourself with the general about the spirits and demons.

    Determine the territory where you will investigate. Ask about areas where local residents faced with paranormal phenomena. Perhaps some of your friends have some experience in this.

    Contact owners of a place or house you want to explore. This item is not suitable for all situations. For example, there is no need to ask permission if the suspicious house belongs to your friends. But in any case, it is better to take care of it in advance than apologize. Talking with the owners of a suspicious house, be polite and professional (you do not want you to be accepted for crazy!)

    Check out the history of the place where weird phenomena occur. You can explore a strange house how much you want, but remember that the abnormal phenomena is necessarily associated with the history of this place.

    Tighten the hypotheses. What do you think it may be? Spend a collective discussion by collecting several knowledgeable guys. It is much better to explore one or the Internet. Use the case file in your investigation.

    Create a team from your friends or from local hunters for paranormal phenomena. Collect from two to eight people, such a number of people is suitable for most such cases. Never lead to an investigation alone. Perfume attack vulnerable and weak.

    Prepare equipment. The checklist is below.

    Intelligence service. Connect the video surveillance chamber (if you have it) in places where weird things happen. You can leave in such places a pair of friend friends from your team. They can also trace the spirits.

  1. Collect all your materials in this case and ask the local group engaged in the study of paranormal phenomena, view your evidence. Many professionals are happy to help, in addition, they will add information to your materials.

    • Do not hurt ghosts.
    • Be a skeptic with common sense. People see what they want to see. If you think about what you can find a ghost, then distort all the facts to such an extent that you think that they found it. Think about other possible causes of incomprehensible phenomena, choose the most likely.
    • In the presence of incomprehensible phenomena, check the household appliances at home and other equipment. After reading the information on appliances, you make more clarity in the situation.
    • Never go beyond the sound alone. Easy to be frightened by any rustle, if you are alone. Also, one should not send someone to explore the territory of the house. Any information without a witness becomes suspicious.
    • In parapsychology, there are three types of phenomena that people associate with ghosts:
      • Ghosts are traces of events that have already happened. However, what you have already survived will not happen again.
      • Strange phenomena, such as moving objects, strange sounds and visions, were considered a sign of an attack of evil spirits. Later theories indicate the subconscious reasons associated with the fact that a person suffered a strong stress.
      • Ghosts are real - these are the souls of the dead. However, it is very rare to see them. Your presence is also strange to affect the ghost. If you keep yourself in your hands, the conversation can even start between you. Remember, perhaps the ghost is afraid of you as well as you (like "What are you doing in my house?")
    • Do not forget about the human factor! Here feelings are no less important than information!


    • For obvious reasons, be extremely careful, walking next to the old buildings. Nice-noined spirits do not need anyone except for ghosts.
    • Do not go alone. Take with you at least one person.

    What you need

    • Basic things:
      • NotebookTo record time, place and character of what happened.
      • Dictaphone. Initially, the dictaphones used professionals to record notes during the sinking of the territory. However, recently dictaphones found another application - recording the sounds of anomalous phenomena.
      • Camera. If you are photographed in complete darkness, use an analog camera, as there may be broken pixels on the pictures made by digital cameras that are distorted by photography and will lead to false conclusions.
      • Compass. According to many theories, spirits create an unstable electromagnetic field around them. If the ghost is near, then the compass arrow will fluctuate. It will not perform full speed, it just can donate 30 degrees to any of the parties.
      • Infrared thermometer. Standard thermometers are too slow to specify a sharp leap temperature, which often happens if a ghost is present.
      • Aid kitJust just in case.
      • Depending on how much time you will look for a ghost, take meals, drinks and sleeping bags.
    • Additionally:
      • Video camera. It can be used to document its studies. It will also come in handy as an extra eye and ears.
      • Meter of electromagnetic fields. It can be bought in a shopping store or on the Internet. Instructions for use can also be found on the Internet. Such a device will only replace the compass.
      • Infrared motion sensors. If you want to leave a video surveillance camera so that it records everything that will happen, you may need infrared motion sensors. Install them at the entrance doors so that what happens has been clearly visible.
      • Geiger counter. Some paranormal phenomena were marked by a geiger counter. If you are going to purchase it, postpone this purchase, as this is the most expensive piece of equipment (and not the most reliable).

Not only the old good Europe can boast of towns, where full of other forces, where ghosts and spirits are found in castles and palaces. In the US, there are many cities in which attractions can rip your nerves. Specifically for fans of sharp sensations we made up dozen frightening places in America, full of mysteries and mystical secrets, those in which scary, and maybe even cute ghosts. Well, hunters for ghosts are ready?

This city is on the spot in the list. Even the American Institute of Parapsychology believes that Savannah The greatest number of ghosts in the country. He is a favorite place of Americans who go out in order to celebrate Halloween and meet with the spirits of the Heroes of the Civil War for Independence, and with the General Sherman himself.

In the town Gottisberg And now there is an increased paranormal activity. The fact is that during the Civil War, the very bloody battle in the history of war took place. During the battle, more than fifty thousand soldiers died. Their perfume and the shadow of the battle itself still twists in the air above the city. In addition, many facts of the appearance of ghosts in different places were recorded, among which, both soldiers who died in the battle and General Robert Lee, the battle commander and who was killed on the battlefield.

This city has gained the fame of the "Cities of Witch". Back in 1692 in Salemthere was a loud lawsuit over women suspected of witchcraft and magic. 19 The leading was sentenced to the death penalty. It is said that after the execution of their souls did not leave this world, but wandered through the streets, catching and punishing their judges. They are flying to the Shabash today for holidays, scaring guests in public places. Apparently, looking for justice.

City New Orleans Another American is familiar with the city of Voodoo religion. Here and today they worship this religion, and the old quarters are so generally shrouded in the train of mysticism. Who does not know Queen Voodoo Marie Lavavo, the legendary person, who brought into the coffin not one governor and who became on her way. There are rumors that she did not die at all. Many argue that they saw the Queen and Procession of the Deads in Cemetery and the Night Streets of the city. And the Saint Louis Cemetery itself is generally visited by ghosts in New Orleans.

In Texas, the most "ghostly" city is San Antonio. Many years ago, 10 children were killed on the railway railway in the accident. It is said that this place is simply inhabited by their spirits. And some argue that their cars pushes something to a safe distance, as if warning about danger. And many other other spirits live in the old fort, where the famous battle occurred at Alamo.

It was one of the first, one of the oldest cities in the United States. It is famous for his ghosts and related places. One of them is the old fortress Gastillo San Marcos, which has a star shape. In this fort and in thick walls of centuries, the true soul lies Saint-Oghastina. Once in the walls of the fort, a couple of adulterers was closed alive. Fort visitors have seen their ghosts who held the handles. A lot of restless ghosts roam the Cemetery of Huguenots, who scare tourists, and in the hotel of St. Francis. But the main thing is that most of their ghosts are women.

Say, B. Charlestone Ghosts are more than living locals. The city is ancient, with ancient architecture. Many who have visited him come across a number of inexplicable phenomena. Especially many of them in old hotels. So, in the room of 203 of the Hotel Battery Carriage House Inn, guests met with the ghost of a young girl. And others noticed that they disappear. Experts that are engaged in paranormal phenomena more than once recorded the presence of otherworldly forces with special detectors of ghosts.

IN Chicago There are also a lot of places where you can meet ghosts. Here, for example, the Chicago Water Tower, in which in the evenings on the top of the tip, you can watch the ghost of hanged men. Or with a bad reputation of Hall Hawuz mansion, in which, as affirmed, a child-devil lived. Many ghosts wanders on the historical Museum of Chicago, which many years ago served as a temporary morgue. In the nightclub "Excalibur Nightclub" there were strange paranormal phenomena visitors: then the stains on the walls appeared with no one with this, then the ghosts in red clothes wandered. Famous by ghosts and the "Iroquais" theater, in which 600 people burned alive. But employees of hotels "Metropol" and "Lexington" said that the ghost of the main Gangster America was often seen - Al Kapone. After all, he did not even arrange meetings with his "colleagues" in the elite hotels of Chicago.

IN San Francisco Not once recorded paranormal phenomena. So, the owner of one of the nightclubs fell on the ghost of a little girl in a white dress. When the club's guests diverge, it runs and sports in it. It is strange that no other ghosts were observed in this club. After all, according to its owner, there was a morgue at the club before, there should be more morgue. Frequently frighten the ghosts of the ghosts of the prison Alcatras. Many years ago it contained especially dangerous criminals, Al Kapone himself was serving the term. Now here is the museum. But his visitors saw ghosts here and even heard someone's voices in the chambers that are now empty.

IN Portland At the beginning of the XIX century, there was one of the largest seaports. There is a famous Shanghai tunnel there, according to which, allegedly, sent abducted people as slaves and prostitutes to the east. Many claim that in this tunnel roam the spirits without a trace disappeared. Oweyan mysticism and historical mansion of Pittok, Baghdad theater, Tavern "White Eagle" and many other ancient city institutions.

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