Seversk regional studies. Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov - an era in the cultural life of Bezhetsk Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov 1959

Kuznetsov Mikhail Ivanovich - shop manager of the chemical and metallurgical plant of the Order of Lenin, Siberian Chemical Combine of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building, Tomsk Region

Born on May 15, 1929 in the village of Vokhma, Vokhomsky District, Kostroma Region, into a family of teachers.

In 1946 he graduated from Vokhomskaya high school and entered the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinin. In 1952, after graduating from the institute, he worked as a foreman, senior foreman, shift supervisor of the smelting shop of the Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant. In 1953, having received the strongest lead poisoning at the factory, he became disabled. He was treated in Leningrad.

In 1954-1957 he was a metallurgical engineer, head of the laboratory of the plant at PO Box 729 of the USSR Ministry of Radio Engineering. Among the Soviet specialists in the period from February to May 1956 he was sent to the Chinese People's Republic for the construction of facility No. 774 to provide practical assistance to the Chinese side in laying the foundations for their own nuclear industry. From November 1957 to February 1959 he worked as an engineer, and then as the head of the facility at Combine No. 815 (p / box 315) in Krasnoyarsk-26.

In February 1959 he moved to work at the Siberian Chemical Combine (SHK) in the city of Tomsk-7 (now Seversk) of the Tomsk Region. In 1959-1971 he was a shift supervisor, department, workshop of a chemical and metallurgical plant (object No. 25) of the Siberian Chemical Combine.

Facility No. 25 of the Siberian Chemical Combine for a number of indicators and technologies for the production of products from uranium-235 of various enrichment and plutonium-239 for nuclear charges has no analogues even in world practice. He was one of the creators and organizers of this production. He is the author of 11 inventions with an economic effect from their implementation of more than 2 million rubles in prices of those years.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 26, 1971 for great services in the implementation of the five-year plan for the production of special products, the introduction of new technology and advanced technology Kuznetsov Mikhail Ivanovich awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal.

1971-1980 - chief Engineer, and in 1980-1984 - director of the chemical and metallurgical plant of the Siberian Chemical Combine.

Since 1984 - retired.

Left for the city of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region. In 1984-1991, he worked as a leading engineer at the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Energy Technology (VNIPIET) in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.

Since 1991 - on a well-deserved rest.

He lived in the town of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region. He died on November 6 (according to other sources 11th) November 1999. He was buried at the cemetery in the village of Sisto-Palkino, Lomonosov District, Leningrad Region.

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1980) - for the creation of a technology that helps to protect products (components of nuclear warheads) from corrosion.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (04/26/1971), "Badge of Honor" (03/07/1962), the medal "For Labor Merit" (07/29/1966), other medals, two orders of the People's Republic of China.

In 2010, for his great personal contribution to the creation and development of the country's atomic energy, the name of M.I. Kuznetsov was included in the Book of Glory of the city of Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region (posthumously). At the entrance to the chemical and metallurgical plant of the Siberian Chemical Combine, a memorial plaque was installed for him.

Head of the Department of Algebra, Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Educational matters

Lectures on general courses "Algebra", " Linear algebra and geometry ”,“ Algebra and number theory ”, special courses“ Basic structures of algebra ”,“ Lie algebras ”,“ Groups and Lie algebras ”,“ Algebraic groups ”,“ Group schemes and quantum groups ”,“ Algebraic geometry ”,“ Number theory ”,“ Homological algebra ”,“ Representation theory of groups ”,“ Modular Lie algebras ”. Was the head of development educational complex "Computer Algebra" for the inter-faculty master's program "Information Technology".

Scientific activity

Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Gorky State University. N.I. Lobachevsky in 1971 with a degree in Mathematics (specialized in differential geometry and mathematical physics) and postgraduate studies at the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov Academy of Sciences of the USSR, specializing in "Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory."

In 1977, in the specialized council of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the USSR V.A. Steklov defended his Ph.D. thesis "Undecidable modular Lie algebras" (scientific supervisor - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor AI Kostrikin).
In March 1993 he defended doctoral dissertation "Modular Lie algebras of differential operators" in the specialized council of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. The academic degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was awarded on April 9, 1993.

The academic title of professor was awarded in 1994.

Main directions scientific research: structural theory, representations and cohomology of Lie algebras.

Main publications:

  1. Kuznetsov M.I., Burlankov D.E., Dolgov G.A., Chirkov A.Yu., Yakovlev V.A. Computer Algebra. - N. Novgorod. Publishing house of the Nizhny Novgorod state. University, 2002 - 223 p.
  2. Modular simple Lie algebras with a solvable maximal subalgebra // Mat. Collection. - 1976.- T.101, No. 1. - S. 77-86.
  3. Lie algebras with a subalgebra of codimension p // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser. mat. - 1976. -Т.140, No. 6. - 1223-1247.
  4. Witt algebra and Linear groups // Commun. Algebra. - 1983.- V.11, No. 19. - P. 2151-2185.
  5. Graded Lie algebras with null component containing sum of commuting ideals // Commun. Algebra. - 1984. - V.12, No. 15. - P.1917-1927.
  6. Distributions over the algebra of truncated polynomials // Mat. Collection. - 1988. - T.136, No. 2. - S. 187-205.
  7. Truncated induced modules over transitive Lie algebras of characteristic p // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser. mat. - 1989. - T.53, No. 3. –S. 557-589.
  8. Classification of simple graded Lie algebras with non-semisimple zero component // Mat. Collection. - 1989. - T.180, No. 2. - S. 147-158.
  9. On Lie algebras of contact type // Commun. Algebra. - 1990. - V.18. - P.2943-3013.
  10. The Melikyan algebras as Lie algebras of the type G2 // Commun. Algebra. - 1991. - V.19. –P. 1281-1312.
  11. Differential operators in the classification of simple modular Lie algebras // Uspekhi Mat. - 1992. - T.47, No. 4. –S.195-196.
  12. On the structure of modular Lie algebras associated with analytic pro-p-groups // Dokl. RAS. - 1994. - T.339, No. 5. - P.591-593 (with A.I.Kostrikin).
  13. Classification of simple 1-graded Lie algebras of characteristic p // Contemp. Math. -1995.- V. 184.- P.255-265.
  14. On deformations of classical Lie algebras of characteristic three // Dokl. RAS. - 1995. - T. 343, No. 3. - P.299-301 (jointly with A.I.Kostrikin).
  15. Finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras with a non-singular derivation // J. Algebra. - 1995.- V.171. - P.894-916 (with G. Benkart and A.I. Kostrikin).
  16. Two remarks on Lie algebras with non-degenerate differentiation // Trudy Mat. V.A. Steklov Institute of RAS. - 1995. - T.208. - pp. 186-192 (jointly with A.I.Kostrikin).
  17. The simple graded Lie algebras of characteristic three with classical reductive component L_0 // Commun. Algebra. - 1996. - V.24.No. 1. - P.223-234 (with G. Benkart and A.I. Kostrikin).
  18. Finite dimentional Lie algebras with a non-singular derivation // In: “Algebra and Analysis” Eds .: Arslanov / Parshin / Shafarevich. Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin - New York, 1996 (with A.I. Kostrikin).
  19. Maximal tori of a general Lie algebra of Cartan type // Matem. Collection. - 1997. T. 188, No. 9. - S. 55-82.
  20. On graded Lie algebras of characteristic three with classical reductive null component // In: “Monster and Lie algebras”. Eds. J. Ferrar, K. Harada (Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute publications, 7). Walter de Druyter & Co. Berlin-New York, 1998 (with G. Benkart and T. Gregory).
  21. Graded Lie algebras with an almost simple component L_0 // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki VINITI. Modern mat. and app. - 1999. - T.69. - S.107-148.
  22. Deformations of classical Lie algebras // Matem. Collection. - 2000. - T.191, No. 8. - P. 69-88 (with N.G. Chebochko).
  23. Automorphisms of exceptional simple Lie algebras // Commun. Algebra. - 2001. - V.29 (9). - P.3919-3934 (with O.A. Mulyar).
  24. On depth-three graded Lie algebras of characteristic three with classical reductive null component // Commun. Algebra. - 2004. - V.32. (9). - P. 3339-3371 (with T. Gregory).
  25. Automorphisms of Frank algebras // Vestnik NNSU. Series Mathematics. - 2005. - Issue. 1 (3). - P.64-75 (with OA Mulyar).

Kuznetsov Mikhail Ivanovich

was born on October 29, 1904 in the village of Tolstokosovo, Bezhetsk district, not far from Dorokhovo, in the family of a middle peasant Ivan Vasilyevich Boltushkin. In 1910, the family moved to Bezhetsk at 54 Kashinskaya Street.

At the age of 12, Misha first heard the guitar. A carpenter who came to see his father was playing on it. The carpenter played superbly and left an impression for a lifetime. Misha decided to learn to play the guitar. I got a self-study book, mastered the digital system of notes, studied the frets. Love for the guitar has been preserved for life. A painting school was organized in Bezhetsk. Misha began to study and showed himself to be a capable student. I decided to go to Moscow. He was denied admission to VKHUTEMAS due to his minority. Grieved, Misha went to the rector and showed his drawings. The rector allowed him to be accepted. After studying before winter break in very difficult conditions of hunger and cold, Misha returned to Bezhetsk.

Drawing teacher N.N. Chistyakov invited him to enter the Academy of Arts in Leningrad. On the very first day of his arrival, Misha fell ill with typhus and was in the hospital for a month. The admission to the Academy was over. After studying as a volunteer in the studio of the artist Nathan Altman, he returned home in the summer. Receiving his first passport, Mikhail decided to take his mother's surname- became Kuznetsov.

In 1923 he entered the Leningrad Academy of Arts, in 1929 he graduated. Received the specialty of a painter-painter of easel painting. While studying in Leningrad, he entered the guitar art courses of the famous guitarist P. Isakov. Has achieved great success in the game. And after the strongest impression from the concert of the Spanish guitarist Andre Segovia around 1925, Mikhail switched from the Russian seven-string to the six-string guitar. At the competition "Domracheev, balalaika players, guitarists and accordion players" on April 23, 1928. in Leningrad he received a diploma of the 2nd degree, signed by Niemann, V. Andreev's closest associate.

After graduating from the Academy, he returned to Bezhetsk. For two years he worked as a teacher of drawing and methodology at the Pedagogical College. The desire to improve himself as an artist and musician makes Mikhail go to Leningrad again. He worked as an artist at the Naval Club and at the Institute of Agitation. Volodarsky.

In 1932. he was invited to the Research Institute of the Music Industry, where he worked to improve the visual and sonic qualities of musical instruments. In the evenings, he often visited the artist's house, where sketch contests were held famous people our country. Babochkin, Chukovsky, Shostakovich and others came to pose. Many of Mikhail's works were awarded. A copy of the portrait of the artist Simonov as Peter has survived! Simonov took the portrait, he really liked it.

In the 30s, Mikhail met the artist and guitarist Svarog, who organized a quartet of guitarists and invited Mikhail to join it. We rehearsed 2 times a week, sometimes performed on the radio.

In 1935. met his future wife, artist Dubrovina Militsa Nikolaevna and moved to her in Moscow.

He worked at the Tretyakov Gallery and was the art director of the portrait-copy shop of the Moscow Association of Artists, was a member of the artistic director. advice. In the family of Mikhail and Militsa, sons were born: Vitaly in 1938. and Vladimir in 1941. Both graduated from Moscow State University. Both played the guitar well and drew well. Masters of sports in gymnastics.

In 1946. Mikhail Ivanovich was arrested on a denunciation. November 1946 to December 1949 served a sentence on a political article near Astrakhan. Mikhail Ivanovich had no right to live in Moscow, and he went home to Bezhetsk. His stepmother lived in a house on Kashinskaya Street.

These were difficult years: Mikhail Ivanovich was not hired, they were afraid to say hello. To survive, he wrote posters, banners for the holidays, paintings, restored icons in the church. Mikhail Ivanovich was rehabilitated in 1962. after the third request to reconsider his case.

In 1952. Mikhail Ivanovich married Vera Sergeevna Bryzgalova, a teacher at school No. 2. In 1954, their daughter Lida was born. In the House of Culture, Mikhail Ivanovich organized an art studio. It was attended by schoolchildren, amateur artists known to Bezha residents: V.I.Smirnov, A.M. Arseniev, M. Lastochkin, V. Chernysh, N. Mishurov, V. Devochkin, V. Nikitin, N. Ivanov, V. Lugovskoy , G. Govorova, V. Rakitin. Participated in regional exhibitions, received certificates.

His love for music and folk instruments prompted Mikhail Ivanovich to create an orchestra of folk instruments in V. Andreev's homeland. At first there was a circle of 8 people in a boarding school in 1952. Then there were ensembles at school №2 and honey. school. And in 1958. there was already an orchestra of folk instruments. Mikhail Ivanovich had no muses. education. He said: "I myself studied and taught others." The orchestra's repertoire consisted of about 100 pieces. In 1964-65. The orchestra took part in the All-Russian show of rural amateur performances: in Tver, Leningrad and Moscow in the Kremlin Palace.

In the summer, Mikhail Ivanovich strove for sketches in the beautiful places of the Upper Volga region. He was very fond of Lake Moldinskoye, most of the paintings were written there. I took my sons and my daughter with me. Painters, teachers Pereslegin, violin teacher MV Semyonov traveled with him. We went to Udomlya, Eremkovo, and from there another 10 km. on foot or by cart, if you're lucky, to the villages of Poddubye, Pokrovskoe, Mountains. He painted two pictures a day: one before lunch, the second after lunch, so that the rays of the sun would equally illuminate the picture he had begun.

Mikhail Ivanovich was the soul of his collectives. He helped in difficult times with advice, moral support, and money.

A person of great culture and knowledge, affable and benevolent. And he managed to convey his love for art, music and his favorite guitar to everyone who closely communicated with Mikhail Ivanovich. Life path Mikhail Ivanovich ended in hot August on the 5th of 1985. He was almost 81 years old. He was buried in the cemetery at the end of Kashinskaya Street.

July 17, 2015 at the Bezhetsk Central Library named after V. Ya. Shishkov, the opening of the exhibition of the bezhetsk artist Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov took place.

At the exhibition

The artist's daughter Lidia Mikhailovna

Opening of the exhibition.
The head of the Bezhetsk region Gorbanev A.V. is speaking.

Paintings of the artist Kuznetsov M.I.

Korneeva S.M., Acting Deputy Head of Administration of the Bezhetsk District

Director of the central library I.E. Novikova

Exhibition of paintings by the bezhetsk artist M.I. Kuznetsov took place in the central library. V. Ya. Shishkov from July 17 to November 6, 2015. During this period, 21 excursions were conducted, the exhibition was attended by more than 500 people: members of the Bezhetsk branch of the VOS, pupils kindergarten №3, students of BPEC, BPU, students of secondary school №5 and boarding school. Members of the Tver Public Chamber also got acquainted with the exhibition during their business visit to Bezhetsk. The excursions were conducted by G.A. Voronina, Ch. librarian. A booklet dedicated to M.I. Kuznetsov.

Feedback on the exhibition:

An extraordinary impression from the paintings of Mikhail Ivanovich. He was very talented, picturesque, vital and informative ... And it is so wonderful that he lived and worked in our city and passed on his experience and skills to the citizens of Bezhe. A wonderful person, teacher, artist and musician ... Eternal memory to him! And many thanks to the family of Mikhail Ivanovich and the staff of the library for organizing this exhibition!

M. Elmanova

N. Mizinova

Great exhibition!

Mikhail Kuznetsov is a talented person in everything.

Thanks to Lydia Kuznetsova for introducing the citizens of Bege to the artistic work of her father.

Very warm, peaceful, kind pictures.

Good luck in your creativity and endeavors.


Lida, we sincerely congratulate you on the realization of your old dream - the opening of an exhibition of your father's paintings! For us, he also opened up as a great artist! We were delighted with his landscapes and portraits, the ability to convey the character and mood of a person ... Thank you very much to all the organizers of the exhibition!

Duet "ReshAr"

Thank you very much for the exhibition! I rested my soul. Such grace! Faces, trees, landscapes -

everything is alive! Thanks!

A. Lukyanova

Thank you for the exhibition. We saw our city through the eyes of an artist. How recently and long ago everything was. I liked the landscapes!

The Makarov family

In the hall of the central regional library. V. Ya. Shishkov another exhibition has opened. The exhibition is regular, but not ordinary - special. Although this is far from a presentation of a new author and not even an exposition of new works by some artist who has already exhibited here before, but the opposite is true. The paintings of MIKHAIL IVANOVICH KUZNETSOV during the life of the author were exhibited many times in Bezhetsk and in the regional capital, the current exhibition is the first in thirty years. And the return of the artist's work turned out to be in demand, bright, and impressive.

"Return" - this is how the organizers called the exhibition. The author's daughter brought more than six dozen works to Bezhetsk. July 17 took place grand opening Exhibitions. In the hall, filled with beautiful paintings, they remembered a talented countryman, his services in the development of the culture of the region.

Biography of M.I. Kuznetsova recalled acting Deputy Head of Administration of the Bezhetsk District S.M. Korneeva. It sounded that the opening of the exhibition is a real gift to the residents of Bezhets, one of a series of dedications to the City Day. Words of gratitude to the daughter of Mikhail Kuznetsov - Lidia Mikhailovna were addressed by the head of the district A.V. Gorbanev. “There is nothing more beautiful than a small homeland,” he shared his impressions of the subjects of the paintings.

Lydia Mikhailovna admitted that she had long dreamed of presenting her father's work to her fellow countrymen for a long time. During this time, a new generation of Bezhechan people has grown up. Perhaps not everyone will easily answer, in honor of whom one of the streets of the city was renamed in 1994, and in 1999 the name of the orchestra of folk instruments was given.

Meanwhile, for the older generation, the assertion of Gennady Ivanov, the author of the series of books "Famous and Famous Bezheskans," that "there was certainly the era of Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov, was undeniable for the older generation." , organizer and leader of a provincial orchestra - skill of such a level that he sounded from the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and even represented the country's musical traditions abroad ...

There were many people in the hall who were personally acquainted with Mikhail Kuznetsov and his family, there were also those from whom the author painted or pencil portraits. Their stories revive the old intelligent Bezhetsk, an amazing creative environment, wonderful - although not particularly remarkable by the standards of their time - people.

Looking at the artist's paintings, the bygone "era of Kuznetsov" is not only seen, but also felt. This, however, is easier to understand yourself than to explain. Just look at the faces: the collective farm watchman, the diver, I.V. Stalin, a field grower, a collective farm chairman, an actor in the role of Peter the Great, a policeman ... And even landscape canvases, the subject of which has not changed much, in principle, since that time, sometimes "let slip" about time in some detail.

The exhibition will run until October.

From the book by Gennady Ivanov "Famous and well-known residents of Bezhechan": “Bezhetsk, of course, was the era of Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov. In the sixties-seventies of the last century, he was in the region a well-known, original, attractive and significant figure. "

Watching the video of Bezhetsk Independent Television “Exhibition of paintings by M.I.Kuznetsov”, I looked sadly at the footage where the residents of Bezhetsk, who had lived in the city for more than a dozen years, said they didn’t know after whom the Kuznetsov street was named. I cannot agree with this, undoubtedly, the era of Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov was. Unfortunately, sometimes you realize the importance of a person at a "distance", when the person is no longer with us, and at the time when you communicated with him, everything was mundane, prosaic, natural. For their daily worries, someone at that time was not interested in the cultural side of Bezhetsk's life, but they were in a clear minority.

Not a single significant event of that time was complete without the participation of the orchestra of folk instruments, the creator and leader of which was Mikhail Ivanovich. The performances of the orchestra collective were bright, with invariable success and were always warmly received by the audience. I had a chance to take part in collective concerts with the participation of an orchestra of folk instruments and, being behind the scenes of the stage, I paid attention to the responsibility and professionalism with which Mikhail Ivanovich treated the performance of the collective, his creative energy, his excitement and feelings for the collective.

From the book of Gennady Ivanov: “What was it for the district town against the backdrop of a huge Soviet Union have an amateur orchestra of folk instruments, which appears on Central TV (then it was written with a capital letter), on the All-Union radio (also, it seems, with a capital letter, so that they respect and understand the importance), performs in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, becomes a laureate of the All-Russian art show amateur performances, travels abroad! For the district town, but at a time when there was no such flood of pop music as now, when people still understood the beauty of classical music, folk songs, for Bezhetsk the creator and leader of this orchestra was like a god. Everyone knew him, his surname in the area was no less famous than, for example, now the surname of Pugacheva in Russia. May the students of Mikhail Ivanovich forgive me for this comparison. "

Mikhail Ivanovich, in addition to working with the orchestra, devoted a lot of time to classes with numerous students; not only children, but also adults were drawn to him, as a recognized master, able to share his knowledge and skills. I was lucky to be in the ranks of Mikhail Ivanovich's students. Mikhail Ivanovich, as a teacher, was distinguished at the same time by severity and kindness, patiently explaining the basics of playing the instrument, he never raised his voice to the student.

From the book of Gennady Ivanov: “But in Bezhetsk he did a great job. And above all, he attracted hundreds and hundreds of children in his generous artistic gift, he distracted many from the street, in the sense of hooliganism, helped many, very many to find themselves in this life. Vera Sergeevna read out excerpts from letters that Kuznetsov's pupils wrote from the army or from other cities. Some grateful words. Sasha Yakovlev writes: “Mikhail Ivanovich! I don't even know how to thank you. After all, you did so much for me, you tried to make a real musician out of the boy-bully, and because of this you made all the concessions to me. And now, in a difficult moment for me, you again came to my aid - you gave me a balalaika ... "Or here is a letter from Udmurtia from Valentina Medvedeva:" ... Recently I listened to the program "The Secret of Music". This is about you, Mikhail Ivanovich! .. I am very glad that the right of the most noble person and sensitive musician-educator has been recognized for you. I join your pupils and say: thank you, but I knew you, for the musical communication with you ... "

Mikhail Ivanovich, as a talented painter, I learned by playing the guitar with him in his creative workshop on the veranda of his house on Kashinskaya Street. Classes were held against the background of his paintings. I admired the creative atmosphere of his workshop, I wanted to imitate Mikhail Ivanovich in everything, but alas, creative person I didn’t work out and in my professional life I became a “techie”. The site contains a copy of Mikhail Ivanovich's painting "View of Mologa from the veranda of a house on Kashinskaya", written by him just in those years and reminding me of the guitar lessons with Mikhail Ivanovich in his studio on the veranda of the house on Kashinskaya Street.

In the City House of Culture, Mikhail Ivanovich organized an art studio, and in this field he had many students and followers who left a noticeable mark on the cultural life of Bezhetsk.

From the book of Gennady Ivanov: “Kuznetsov made several of his exhibitions in Bezhetsk and Kalinin. The exhibitions were a success with the audience. There are many kind words in the reviews. Such, for example: “Dear artist Mikhail Ivanovich! I am very glad to have the opportunity to learn about your work. Beautiful portraits, amazing landscapes. I would even say that your landscapes resemble the best examples of great masters ... "Another tip:" In each canvas one can feel a great love and understanding of Russian nature. Landscapes are filled with air, full of life and spontaneity. Kuznetsov's portraits draw attention to themselves ... His portraits are a whole gallery of inimitable images. Each of them reveals inner world the one the artist depicted. I especially like the portrait of A.P. Lomakin. In this portrait, in my opinion, the artist wanted to reveal the image of a man in love with music. G. Govorov ".

“Pictures, music ... Music, pictures ... This is how this man lived on earth. He strove for perfection as much as he could ”- these words from Gennady Ivanov's book“ Famous and well-known Bezhetsk citizens ”, in my opinion, best characterize the era of Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov, the era of the most worthy man of the Bezhetsk land.

Sergey Briver, site "Bezhetskiy Kray" 2015.

Biography of Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov, kindly provided by Lydia Mikhailovna Kuznetsova.

Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov was born on October 29, 1904 in the village of Tolstokosovo, Bezhetsk district, not far from Dorokhovo, in the family of a middle peasant Ivan Vasilyevich Boltushkin. In 1910, the family moved to Bezhetsk at 54 Kashinskaya Street.

At the age of 12, Misha first heard the guitar. A carpenter who came to see his father played on it. The carpenter played superbly and left an impression for a lifetime. Misha decided to learn to play the guitar. I got a self-study book, mastered the digital system of notes, learned the frets. Love for the guitar has been preserved for life.

A painting school was organized in Bezhetsk. Misha began to study and showed himself to be a capable student. I decided to go to Moscow. He was denied admission to VKHUTEMAS due to his minority. Frustrated, Misha went to the rector's apartment and showed his drawings. The rector allowed him to be accepted. After studying before the winter holidays in very difficult conditions of hunger and cold, Misha returned to Bezhetsk. Drawing teacher N.N. Chistyakov invited him to enter the Academy of Arts in Leningrad. On the very first day of his arrival, Misha fell ill with typhus and was in the hospital for a month. The admission to the Academy was over. After studying as a volunteer in the studio of the artist Nathan Altman, he returned home in the summer.

Receiving his first passport, Mikhail decided to take his mother's surname - he became Kuznetsov.

In 1923 he entered the Leningrad Academy of Arts, in 1929 he graduated. Received the specialty of a painter-painter of easel painting.

While studying in Leningrad, he entered the guitar art courses of the famous guitarist P. Isakov. Achieves great success in the game. And after the strongest impression from the concert of the Spanish guitarist Andre Segovia around 1925, Mikhail switched from the Russian seven-string to a six-string guitar.

At the competition "Domracheev, balalaika players, guitarists and accordion players" on April 23, 1928. In Leningrad he received a 2nd degree diploma signed by Niemann, V. Andreev's closest associate.

After graduating from the Academy, he returned to Bezhetsk. For 2 years he worked as a teacher of drawing and methodology at the pedagogical college.

The desire to improve himself as an artist and musician makes Mikhail go to Leningrad again. He worked as an artist at the Naval Club and at the Institute of Agitation. Volodarsky. In 1932. he was invited to the Research Institute of the Music Industry, where he worked to improve the visual and sonic qualities of musical instruments.

In the evenings, he often visited the artist's house, where competitions of sketches of famous people of our country were held. Babochkin, Chukovsky, Shostakovich and others came to pose. Many of Mikhail's works were awarded. A copy of the portrait of the artist Simonov in the role of Peter 1. The portrait was taken by Simonov, he really liked it.

At the age of 30, Mikhail met the artist and guitarist Svarog, who organized a quartet of guitarists and invited Mikhail to join it. We rehearsed 2 times a week, sometimes performed on the radio.

In 1935. met his future wife, artist Militsa Nikolaevna Dubrovina, and moved to her in Moscow. He worked at the Tretyakov Gallery and was the art director of the portrait-copy shop of the Moscow Association of Artists, was a member of the Art Council.

The sons were born in the family: Vitaly in 1938. and Vladimir in 1941. Both graduated from Moscow State University. They played the guitar decently, painted well. Masters of sports in gymnastics.

In 1946. on a denunciation Mikhail Ivanovich was arrested. November 1946 to December 1949 served a sentence on a political article near Astrakhan.

Mikhail Ivanovich had no right to live in Moscow, and he went home to Bezhetsk. His stepmother lived in the house on Kashinskaya Street.

These were difficult years: Mikhail Ivanovich was not hired, they were afraid to say hello. To survive, he wrote posters, banners for the holidays, paintings, restored icons in the church. Mikhail Ivanovich was rehabilitated in 1962. after the third request to reconsider his case.

In 1952. Mikhail Ivanovich married Vera Sergeevna Bryzgalova, a teacher at school # 2. In 1954. their daughter Lida was born.

In the House of Culture, Mikhail Ivanovich organized an art studio. It was attended by schoolchildren, amateur artists known to the Bezha residents: V.I. Smirnov, A.M. Arseniev, M. Lastochkin, V. Chernysh, N. Mishurov, V. Devochkin, V. Nikitin, N. Ivanov, V. Lugovskoy, G. Govorova, V. Rakitin. Participated in regional exhibitions, received certificates.

Love for music and folk instruments made Mikhail Ivanovich want to create an orchestra of folk instruments in V. Andreev's homeland. First there was a circle of 8 people in a boarding school in 1952. Then there were ensembles at school №2 and honey. school. And in 1958. there was already an orchestra of folk instruments.

Mikhail Ivanovich had no musical education. He said: "I myself studied and taught others." The orchestra's repertoire consisted of about 100 pieces. In 1964-65. the orchestra took part in the All-Russian show of rural amateur performances: in Tver, Leningrad and Moscow in the Kremlin Palace.

In the summer, Mikhail Ivanovich strove for sketches in the beautiful places of the Upper Volga region. He was very fond of Moldinskoye Lake, most of the paintings were painted there. I took my sons and my daughter with me. The artists, teachers Pereslegin, the violin teacher M.V. Semyonov. We went to Udomlya, Eremkovo, and from there another 10 km. on foot or by cart, if you're lucky - to the villages of Poddubye, Pokrovskoe, Mountains. He painted two pictures a day: one before lunch, the second after lunch, so that the rays of the sun would equally illuminate the picture he had begun.

Mikhail Ivanovich was the soul of his collectives. He helped in difficult times with advice and moral support and money.

A person of great culture and knowledge, affable and benevolent. And he managed to convey his love for art, music and his favorite guitar to everyone who closely communicated with Mikhail Ivanovich.

The life of Mikhail Ivanovich ended in hot August on the 5th of 1985. He was almost 81 years old. He was buried in the cemetery at the end of Kashinskaya Street.

In the 8th edition of the anthology "Bezhetskiy Kray", entitled with a quote from the poem of the remarkable Bezhetsk poet Gennady Ershov "When a man is glorious in deeds", there are published letters from Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov, written by him in the fifties of the last century to his wife Vera Sergeevna, and submitted for publication. daughter Lydia Mikhailovna.

Kuznetsov M.I. was born in the village. Vokhme, Vokhomsky district, Kostroma region in a teacher's family. In 1946 he graduated from school in his village and entered the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. MI Kalinin to the metallurgical faculty, which he graduated with a degree in non-ferrous metals in 1952. After the institute he worked in Ust-Kamenogorsk at the lead-zinc plant as a senior foreman of the smelting shop. In December 1953, due to health reasons (lead poisoning), he returned to Leningrad, where he worked at the plant No. 729 as a metal engineer, then as the head of the laboratory. In February 1956, he was sent to the People's Republic of China for the construction of facility No. 774 as part of the chief assembly team of the Ministry. Then he worked again in Leningrad at the same place. In October 1957, MI Kuznetsov was transferred to Krasnoyarsk-26 to the enterprise at PO Box 135 (Combine No. 815), where he worked first as an engineer, then as a shift supervisor. From 1959 to 1983, his labor activity was associated with facility No. 25 (chemical and metallurgical plant) of the Siberian Chemical Combine. Here he was a shop shift supervisor, deputy head and shop manager, chief engineer and plant director. Facility No. 25 is a unique enterprise. In terms of a number of indicators and technologies for the production of items from uranium-235 of various enrichment degrees and plutonium-239 for nuclear charges, it has no analogues even in world practice. Mikhail Ivanovich was among the creators and organizers of this production. Excellent business qualities, combined with great personal charm, allowed him to get along with people and in acute situations successfully solve complex production problems. In the casting and mechanical production during these years there was probably not a single direction where M.I.Kuznetsov did not participate. He is the author of 11 inventions. The economic effect of their implementation amounted to more than two million rubles. For exceptional services in the development of the nuclear industry, MI Kuznetsov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 26, 1971, and was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal. is he awarded the order "Badge of Honor" (1962) and the medal "For Labor Merit" (1966). One of the first at the plant to be awarded the USSR State Prize. His name is entered in the Book of Honor of the plant. A memorial plaque with the name of its former director Mikhail Ivanovich Kuznetsov is installed at the entrance of the plant.

// Heroes of the atomic project / [auth.-comp. N. N. Bogunenko; A. D. Pelipenko; G. A. Sosnin] .- M .: Rosatom; Sarov: RFNC-VNIIEF, 2005.- P. 204-205.

About Kuznetsov M.I. in the media: