Olesya yudaeva - tests in the discipline "introduction to linguistics". Test test for the course "General Linguistics Test for Introduction to Linguistics

Correct answers are marked with "+"

1. Tatar language refers to

a) Indo-European,

B) Turkic,

c) Altai languages.

2. Agglutinative languages \u200b\u200bare characterized by

a) the polysemy of affixes,

b) lack of suffixes,

C) the uniqueness of affixes.

3. Phraseologism reach the handle - this is

a) fusion,

B) unity,

c) combination.

4. Word bastard - this is

A) jargon,

b) professionalism,

c) dialectism.

5. Japanese language uses

a) syllabic,

b) hieroglyphic,

C) syllabic and hieroglyphic writing.

6. Does not apply to the way of expressing grammatical meaning

A) reduction,

b) suppletivism,

c) reduplication.

Test 7. Interfix serves for

a) the connection between the prefix and the root,

B) joining two roots,

c) the connection of the suffix and the ending.

8. The meaning of the word plateaircraft aliens' formed by

A) metaphorical transfer,

b) metonymic transfer

c) or is direct.

9. Highlight the row with the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family only:

a) Greek, Armenian, Basque,

B) Greek, Latin, Sanskrit,

c) Latin, Aramaic, Gothic.

10. One of the theories of the origin of language is called

A) the theory of labor cries,

b) the theory of joint activity,

c) the theory of ritual singing.

11. The unit of grammar is not

a) morpheme,

b) a phrase,

C) phoneme.

12. The Marxist theory of the origin of language is associated with the name

a) Marx,

B) Engels,

c) Lenin.

13. Concept language family typical for

A) genetic,

b) typological,

c) linguo-geographical classification of languages.

14. The idea of \u200b\u200blanguage as a sign system was laid

a) Wilhelm Grimm,

B) Ferdinand de Saussure,

c) Mikhail Lomonosov.

15. The hypothesis of linguistic relativity suggests dependence

a) language from geographical location,

B) thinking from language,

c) language from thinking.

16. The emergence of comparative historical linguistics was influenced by research

A) Sanskrit,

b) Chinese characters,

c) languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Polynesia.

a) text,

B) a proposal,

c) the phrase.

18. He deals with the problems of state languages

a) ethnolinguistics,

b) psycholinguistics,

C) sociolinguistics.

19 - Test. Euphemism is

a) geographically limited vocabulary,

B) a neutral word replacing rude or inappropriate,

c) the antonym of anachronism.

20. The dead are all languages \u200b\u200bin a row

a) Hebrew, Greek, Latin,

b) Sanskrit, Farsi, Hindi,

C) Latin, Gothic, Old Church Slavonic.

21. The main ways of expressing grammatical meaning for analytical languages:

A) word order in a sentence, service words,

b) word order in a sentence, affixation,

c) affixation, suppletivism.

22. English language is among

a) synthetic,

B) analytical,

c) polysynthetic languages.

23. In what row are the representatives of structuralism named?

A) Vilém Matezius, Roman Jacobson,

b) Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Wharf,

c) Nikolai Trubetskoy, Alexander Potebnya.

24. Does not apply to the ways of appearance of homonyms

a) the collapse of polysemy,

b) accidental coincidence as a result of borrowing a word,

C) deliberate replacement of borrowing with the original word.

25. Transliteration is the exact ratio

a) between the sounds of two languages,

a) between the sounds of one language and the letters of another,

B) between the signs of writing of two languages.

Test - 26. Diacritical marks in writing are

a) signs that clarify or change the meanings of other signs, +

b) a synonym for punctuation marks,

c) only accents.

27. Do not belong to outdated vocabulary

a) archaisms,

B) neologisms,

c) historicism.

28. Phraseologism - unit

A) vocabulary,

b) morphology,

c) syntax.

29. Polysemy is

a) polyphonic,

b) polysyllabic,

C) polysemy.

30. Not a recognized language family

a) Turkic,

B) nostratic,

c) Semitic-Hamitic.

The manual is a collection of educational tests in the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics". Test tasks developed taking into account the structure and content of basic textbooks and teaching aids in the studied discipline. Tasks are given in a formalized form, and three answer options are offered to them. Only one is correct.

For students, graduate students and teachers of the philological faculties of universities.

Olesya Vladimirovna Yudaeva
Tests in the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics"


The course "Introduction to Linguistics" is a propaedeutic linguistic discipline designed to provide a starting methodological and general theoretical basis for the formation of a broad philological outlook for future translators. Giving students scientific ideas about the essence of language, its place in the system of culturally significant means of communication, about the method of scientific representation and description of language, about the relationship between the history of society and the history of language, language and thought, language and culture, revealing the applied issues of linguistics, this course contributes to the development of the scientific worldview of students as a result of the assimilation of theoretical knowledge about the language and the development of practical skills in foreign language speech.

Thus, the course "Introduction to Linguistics" is closely related to the study of private linguistics (theoretical phonetics, lexicology and phraseology, theoretical grammar, history and stylistics of the studied language) and practical development foreign languages, and this connection is of a two-way nature. Course "Introduction to Linguistics" on initial stage training creates a theoretical basis for studying the theory and practice of foreign languages \u200b\u200band creates the preconditions for further linguistic development and professional development students.

The modern education system involves constant monitoring of the process of assimilation by students of the theoretical foundations of the studied disciplines. As practice shows, in many educational systems, not only in our country, but also abroad, today such a method of control as a test is actively used. Its undoubted advantages include efficiency in application, relatively low labor costs in processing, the objective nature of the evaluation criteria, etc.

This manual is a collection of educational tests in the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics".

Test assignments are developed taking into account the structure and content of basic textbooks and teaching aids for the discipline being studied.

The use of the collection by teachers and trainees makes it possible to solve specific learning objectives:

- diagnostic, which manifests itself in obtaining primary information about the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, psychological qualities trainees to make the right decisions;

- training, which is implemented when using tasks in a test form to identify gaps in knowledge, consolidate them, acquire the ability to work with tests;

- developing, which manifests itself in additional reflection and motivation for learning based on the results of intermediate testing;

- organizing, which manifests itself in the change of the structure by the teacher educational process based on test methods;

- educational, associated with an increase in educational motivation, the formation of both responsibility for the results of studies and attitudes towards cooperation, self-organization and self-training;

- managerial, which is associated with the analysis of test results and decision-making to improve the level of educational achievements.

Tasks are given in a formalized form, three options for answers are offered to them. Only one is correct.

The manual includes tests on the main sections of the introduction to linguistics and keys.

These tests can be used by both teachers and students.

Topic 1 General information about linguistics and language as a means of communication

1. Linguistics is

1) the science of the vocabulary of the language, its vocabulary

2) the science of human natural language and all languages \u200b\u200bof the world as its specific representatives, the general laws of the structure and functioning of the human language

3) integrative science that studies the mechanisms of generation and perception of speech

2. Interest in language learning arose in

1) Germany in the XIX century.

2) Russia in the 18th century.

3) Ancient India 3 thousand years ago

3. Scientific linguistics originated in

1) the beginning of the XIX century.

2) III century. BC e.

3) Middle Ages

4. The section of linguistics that studies a specific language for the purpose of using it as a means of communication is

1) private linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

5. The section of linguistics that studies the theory of language: the essence of language as a system, linguistic units and relations between them, the rules of combinatorics, etc., are

1) applied linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

6. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of one language or a group of languages \u200b\u200bis

1) private linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

7. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of language in general, its nature, origin, functioning, is

1) private linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

8. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of the state of the language system at a certain point in its development is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

9. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of the development of the language system in time is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

10. Speech is

1) specific speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound or graphic form

2) a sign system that serves as the main means of communication

3) deliberate construction of artistic narration in accordance with the principles of organizing linguistic material and characteristic external speech signs

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 5 pages) [available passage for reading: 1 pages]

Olesya Vladimirovna Yudaeva
Tests in the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics"


The course "Introduction to Linguistics" is a propaedeutic linguistic discipline designed to provide a starting methodological and general theoretical basis for the formation of a broad philological outlook for future translators. Giving students scientific ideas about the essence of language, its place in the system of culturally significant means of communication, about the method of scientific representation and description of language, about the relationship between the history of society and the history of language, language and thought, language and culture, revealing the applied issues of linguistics, this course contributes to the development of the scientific worldview of students as a result of the assimilation of theoretical knowledge about the language and the development of practical skills in foreign language speech.

Thus, the course "Introduction to Linguistics" is closely related to the study of private linguistics (theoretical phonetics, lexicology and phraseology, theoretical grammar, history and stylistics of the language being studied) and the practical development of foreign languages, and this connection is bilateral. The course "Introduction to Linguistics" at the initial stage of training creates a theoretical basis for studying the theory and practice of foreign languages \u200b\u200band creates the preconditions for further linguistic development and professional development of students.

The modern education system involves constant monitoring of the process of assimilation by students of the theoretical foundations of the studied disciplines. As practice shows, in many educational systems, not only in our country, but also abroad, today such a method of control as a test is actively used. Its undoubted advantages include efficiency in application, relatively low labor costs in processing, the objective nature of the evaluation criteria, etc.

This manual is a collection of educational tests in the discipline "Introduction to Linguistics".

Test assignments are developed taking into account the structure and content of basic textbooks and teaching aids for the discipline being studied.

The use of the collection by teachers and students makes it possible to solve specific educational problems:

- diagnostic, which manifests itself in obtaining primary information about the quality of knowledge, abilities and skills, psychological qualities of trainees for making the right decisions;

- training, which is implemented when using tasks in a test form to identify gaps in knowledge, consolidate them, acquire the ability to work with tests;

- developing, which manifests itself in additional reflection and motivation for learning based on the results of intermediate testing;

- organizing, which manifests itself in the teacher's change in the structure of the educational process based on test methods;

- educational, associated with an increase in educational motivation, the formation of both responsibility for the results of studies and attitudes towards cooperation, self-organization and self-training;

- managerial, which is associated with the analysis of test results and decision-making to improve the level of educational achievements.

Tasks are given in a formalized form, three options for answers are offered to them. Only one is correct.

The manual includes tests on the main sections of the introduction to linguistics and keys.

These tests can be used by both teachers and students.

Topic 1 General information about linguistics and language as a means of communication

1. Linguistics is

1) the science of the vocabulary of the language, its vocabulary

2) the science of human natural language and all languages \u200b\u200bof the world as its specific representatives, the general laws of the structure and functioning of the human language

3) integrative science that studies the mechanisms of generation and perception of speech

2. Interest in language learning arose in

1) Germany in the XIX century.

2) Russia in the 18th century.

3) Ancient India 3 thousand years ago

3. Scientific linguistics originated in

1) the beginning of the XIX century.

2) III century. BC e.

3) Middle Ages

4. The section of linguistics that studies a specific language for the purpose of using it as a means of communication is

1) private linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

5. The section of linguistics that studies the theory of language: the essence of language as a system, linguistic units and relations between them, the rules of combinatorics, etc., are

1) applied linguistics

2) theoretical linguistics

3) practical linguistics

6. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of one language or a group of languages \u200b\u200bis

1) private linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

7. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of language in general, its nature, origin, functioning, is

1) private linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

8. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of the state of the language system at a certain point in its development is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

9. The section of theoretical linguistics dealing with the study of the development of the language system in time is

1) diachronic linguistics

2) general linguistics

3) synchronic linguistics

10. Speech is

11. Language is

1) specific speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound or graphic form

2) a sign system that serves as the main means of communication

3) deliberate construction of artistic narration in accordance with the principles of organizing linguistic material and characteristic external speech signs

1) material, concrete, real, dynamic, individual

2) ideal, abstract, potential, conservative, social

3) dynamic, individual, ideal, abstract, potential

1) material, concrete, real, dynamic, individual

2) ideal, abstract, potential, conservative, social

3) dynamic, individual, ideal, abstract, potential

14. Language is a means of coordinating the activities of people - it is

1) cognitive function

2) metalanguage function

3) communicative function

15. Language is a means of obtaining new knowledge about reality - it is

1) cognitive function

2) metalanguage function

3) communicative function

16. Language is a means of describing the language itself - it is

1) cognitive function

2) metalanguage function

3) communicative function

17. Language - a means of expressing emotions - is

1) expressive function

2) emotive function

3) communicative function

18. Language is a means of regulating the activities of people - it is

1) cognitive function

2) regulatory function

3) communicative function

19. Language is a means of expressing the creative potential of a person, correlated with aesthetic categories beautiful - ugly, -this is

1) cognitive function

2) aesthetic function

3) emotive function

20. Language - a means of establishing contact - is

1) cognitive function

2) communicative function

3) phatic function

21. Language is a means of accumulating and transmitting information from generation to generation - it is

1) accumulative function

2) cognitive function

3) communicative function

22. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which language arose from imitating the sounds of nature, is

1) theistic theory

2) onomatopoietic theory

3) interjection theory

23. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which emotional cries of joy, fear, pain, etc. led to the creation of language, is

1) theistic theory

2) onomatopoietic theory

3) interjection theory

24. The hypothesis of the origin of the language, according to which people agreed on the designation of objects with words, is

1) theistic theory

2) onomatopoietic theory

3) the theory of the employment contract

25. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which language appeared in the course of collective work from rhythmic labor cries, is

1) the theory of labor cries

2) sign theory

3) interjection theory

26. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which labor created a person, and at the same time a language arose, is

1) the theory of labor cries

2) sign theory

3) labor theory

27. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which language arose in a leap, immediately with a rich vocabulary and language system, is

1) the theory of labor cries

2) sign theory

3) hopping theory

28. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which language is a natural organism that arises spontaneously, has a certain life span and dies as an organism, is

1) the theory of labor cries

2) biological theory

3) hopping theory

29. The hypothesis of the origin of language, according to which language is an act of God's creative activity, is

1) theistic theory

2) onomatopoietic theory

3) the theory of the employment contract

30. The adherents of the onomatopoetic hypothesis of the origin of language were

1) Stoics, G. Leibniz

2) E. de Condillac, J.-J. Russo

3) A. Schleicher

31. The adherents of the interjection hypothesis of the origin of the language were

1) Stoics, G. Leibniz

3) A. Schleicher

32. The adherents of the biological hypothesis of the origin of language were

1) Stoics, G. Leibniz

2) C. de Brosse, E. de Condillac, J.-J. Russo

3) A. Schleicher, T. Hobbes

33. Adherents of the gesture hypothesis of the origin of language were

1) Stoics, G. Leibniz

3) A. Schleicher, T. Hobbes

34. The adherents of the hypothesis of labor cries of the origin of the language were

1) L. Noiret, K. Bucher

2) C. de Brosse, E. de Condillac, J.-J. Rousseau, W. Wundt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

35. The adherents of the labor hypothesis of the origin of the language were

1) L. Noiret

2) C. de Brosse, E. de Condillac, J.-J. Rousseau, W. Wundt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

36. The adherents of the hypothesis of a spontaneous jump in the origin of language were

1) L. Noiret

2) W. Humboldt

3) F. Engels, K. Marx

37. One of the main concepts of the nature of language, according to which language is an innate physiological property of a person, due to the presence of specialized nerve centers in the cerebral cortex, as well as organs of speech and hearing, is

3) sociological concept

38. One of the basic concepts of the nature of language, according to which language is a natural phenomenon that does not depend on the will of the speaker, is

1) anatomical and physiological concept

2) naturalistic concept

3) psychological concept

39. One of the basic concepts of the nature of language, according to which language is an individual mental act, a phenomenon of the psychological activity of people, is

1) sociological concept

2) naturalistic concept

3) psychological concept

40. One of the basic concepts of the nature of language, according to which language is a social phenomenon, is

1) sociological concept

2) naturalistic concept

3) psychological concept

41. The form of the existence of a language in the era of the existence of a nation, a complex systemic unity, which includes different forms, is

1) national language

2) literary language

3) vernacular

42. A processed form of the common language, possessing, to a greater or lesser extent, written norms; the language of all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form, is

1) national language

2) literary language

3) vernacular

43. The main features of the literary language are

1) the presence of writing; standardization, codification, stylistic diversity, relative stability; general use and general validity

2) the presence of writing; irregularity, lack of codification, stylistic diversity

3) stylistic diversity, dynamism; uncommon and optional

44. Historically determined set of commonly used linguistic means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as the most suitable for a particular historical period, - this is

1) synchronicity

3) occasionalism

45. A variety of this language used as a means of communication with persons associated with a close territorial community is

1) vernacular

3) dialect

46. \u200b\u200bA social dialect that differs from the general spoken language in specific vocabulary and phraseology, expressiveness of turns and special use of word-formation means, but does not have its own phonetic and grammatical system, is

1) dialect

2) literary language

47. Expressions, grammatical forms and constructions common in non-literary colloquial speech, characteristic of poorly educated native speakers and clearly deviating from existing literary language norms are

1) vernacular

3) dialect

48. Special languages, in contrast to natural languages, are purposefully constructed; are used to perform certain functions of a natural language, in information processing systems, etc., are

1) living languages

2) artificial languages

3) sign languages

49. A language that does not exist in living use and, as a rule, is known only from written records or is in artificial regulated use, is

1) sign language

2) dead tongue

3) agglutinative language

50. The language used to express judgments about another language, language-object, is

1) hyperlanguage

2) metalanguage

Topic 2 Phonetic-phonological level of the language

1. The section of linguistics that studies the sounds of speech and the sound structure of the language (syllables, sound combinations, patterns of connecting sounds into a speech chain) is

1) phonology

2) phonetics

3) psychophonetics

2. Sound speech has two main levels.

1) segment and super segment

2) phonetic and phonological

3) general and private

Segment level units are

1) intonation and stress

The units of the super segment level are

1) intonation and stress

5. There are three aspects of phonetic research

1) anatomical and physiological (articulatory), psychological, functional

2) acoustic, cultural, psychological

3) anatomical and physiological (articulatory), acoustic, functional

6. The anatomical and physiological aspect examines the sounds of speech from the point of view

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) functionality

7. The acoustic aspect explores the sounds of speech from the point of view

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) functionality

8. The functional aspect explores the sounds of speech from the point of view

1) their creation

2) physical characteristics

3) functionality

9. The minimum unit of a speech chain, which is the result of a complex articulatory activity of a person and is characterized by certain acoustic and perceptual properties, is

3) morponeme

10. The set of human organs necessary for the production of speech is

1) pronunciation apparatus

2) oral cavity

3) speech apparatus

11. In the speech apparatus, all organs are divided into

1) open, closed

2) active, passive

3) perceiving, generating

12. Active organs of speech include

13. Passive speech organs include

3) teeth, alveoli, hard palate and the entire upper jaw

14. The complex of works of the organs of speech in a certain sequence is

1) phonation

2) acoustics

3) articulation

15. The set of habitual movements and states of the organs of speech necessary for pronouncing the sounds of a given language is

1) articulation base

2) articulatory correlation

3) articulatory paradigm

16. The main phases of articulation of sounds will be as follows

1) inhale, hold the breath, exhale

2) excursion, excerpt, recursion

3) resonance, duration, recursion

17. The correct sequence of phases when articulating sounds is as follows.

1) excursion, excerpt, recursion

2) excursion, recursion, excerpt

3) recursion, excerpt, excursion

18. The position in which the organs of speech pass from the calm state or articulation of the previous sound to the position necessary for pronouncing this sound is

1) excerpt

2) recursion

3) excursion

19. The position in which the organs of speech pass into a calm state or in the onset of articulation of the next sound is

1) excerpt

2) recursion

3) excursion

20. The position in which the preservation of the position necessary for the pronunciation of the sound occurs is

1) excerpt

2) recursion

3) excursion

21. All sounds are divided into

1) vowels and consonants

2) hard and soft

3) voiced and deaf

22. The collection of vowels is

1) consonantism

2) vocalism

3) palatalization

23. A set of consonants is

1) consonantism

2) vocalism

3) palatalization

24. The basis for the classification of vowels is

2) the kind of obstacle that the speech organs form for the air flow coming from the lungs

3) the row and lift of the tongue, as well as the work of the lips

25. According to the position of the lips, vowels are divided into:

1) noisy and sonorous

2) labialized and non-labialized

3) nasal and non-nasal

26. Horizontal displacement of the tongue to the front or back is

3) affricate

27. The following rows of vowels are distinguished

1) front, middle, back

2) top, middle, bottom

3) front, middle, bottom

28. The degree of elevation of the language during the formation of a given vowel is

3) affricate

29. The following vowel rises are distinguished

1) front, middle, back

2) top, middle, bottom

3) front, middle, bottom

30. The vowel forming the top of a syllable is

1) consonant

3) affricate

31. Vowels with complex articulation, pronounced in one syllable and acting as a single sound of speech, are

1) diphthongoid

3) diphthong

32. Stressed vowels that have at the beginning or at the end the overtones of another vowel close to the stressed one are

1) diphthongoid

3) diphthong

33. The following signs serve as the basis for the classification of consonants:

1) the kind of obstacle that the speech organs form for the air flow coming from the lungs, the row and rise of the tongue

2) the row and lift of the tongue, as well as the work of the lips

3) method of articulation, active organ, place of articulation, work of the vocal cords

34. The nature of overcoming an obstacle and the passage of an air stream when creating noise necessary for the formation of a consonant is

1) the way of education

2) place of education

35. The consonants formed by the explosion of an air jet of an obstacle are

1) occlusive

2) sonorous

3) slotted

36. The consonants formed by friction of the air stream against the walls of the passage created by the convergence of the organs of speech in the oral cavity are

1) occlusive

2) sonorous

3) fricatives

37. According to the active organ, the consonants are divided into three genders:

1) labial, lingual, lingual

2) occlusive, labial, lingual

3) cacuminal, apical, dorsal

38. The consonants articulated by the approach of the front back of the tongue with the upper teeth and the front palate are

1) cumminous

2) apical

3) dorsal

39. The consonants articulated by the approach or contact of the tip of the tongue with the upper teeth and alveoli are

1) cumminous

2) apical

3) dorsal

40. The consonants articulated by raising the tip of the tongue bent upwards are

1) cumminous

2) apical

3) dorsal

41. Articulation of speech sounds, which consists in the additional raising of the back of the tongue to the hard palate, is

1) labialization

2) palatalization

3) velarization

42. Such pronunciation of a consonant, in which it is accompanied by a lip noise, is

1) labialization

2) palatalization

3) velarization

43. Articulation of speech sounds, consisting in the movement of the back wall of the tongue towards the soft palate, is

1) labialization

2) palatalization

3) velarization

44. The articulation of speech sounds, which consists in lowering the palatine curtain and simultaneously exiting the air stream through the mouth and nose, is

1) labialization

2) nasalization

3) velarization

45. The unit of language by which morphemes and thus words are distinguished and identified is

3) morponeme

46. \u200b\u200bPhonemes perform the following functions:

1) semantic, morphological, syntactic

2) delimitation, perceptual, significative

47. The term "phoneme" was introduced into scientific use

1) I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay

2) A. Schleicher

3) W. von Humboldt

48. An individual, single representative of a phoneme in speech is

1) option

2) syntagma

49. Opposition of phonemes to each other in the phonological system of language is

1) opposition

2) position

3) transcription

50. Isolation in speech of a certain unit in a series of homogeneous units using the intensity (energy) of sound is

1) intonation

2) phonation

3) stress

51. Isolation of one of the syllables in a word and the subordination of all other unstressed syllables to it is

1) phrasal stress

2) logical stress

3) verbal stress

52. Stress, which plays a phonetic and semapic-syntactic role, combining words into measures and phrases, is

1) phrasal stress

2) logical stress

3) verbal stress

53. The stress that emphasizes words and measures in the actual division of a sentence is

1) phrasal stress

2) logical stress

3) verbal stress

54. The type of stress, characterized by the unity of the pitch, but a change in the strength and duration of the sound, is

1) polytonic stress

2) dynamic stress

3) monotonic stress

55. The type of stress, characterized by a change in pitch, its musicality, is

1) polytonic stress

2) dynamic stress

3) monotonic stress

56. The type of monotonic stress, in which the syllable is highlighted by the force of the air stream, is

1) polytonic stress

2) dynamic stress

3) quantitative stress

57. The type of monotonic stress, in which the syllable is distinguished by its duration, is

1) polytonic stress

2) dynamic stress

3) quantitative stress

58. According to the place of stress in the word, they distinguish

59. According to the degree of fixation in the word, distinguish

1) misplaced and movable stress

2) fixed and free stress

3) phrasal and logical stress

60. A set of sound means of language, which, superimposed on a number of pronounced and audible syllables and words, phonetically organize speech, dismembering it according to meaning into phrases and significant segments - syntagmas; establish semantic relations between parts of the phrase; give the phrase, and sometimes significant segments, declarative, interrogative, imperative, and other meanings; express various emotions, is

2) intonation

3) stress

61. The elements of intonation are

1) melody of speech, pauses, stress, rate of speech, timbre of voice

2) noise, volume, velarization

3) beat, sound, phonetic word

62. In writing, intonation is usually expressed

1) punctuation marks, dividing the text into paragraphs, varying fonts

2) spelling

3) lexically

63. Functions of intonation:

1) integrating, segmenting, emotive, differentiating, communicative

2) semantic, morphological, syntactic

3) communicative, perceptual, cognitive, meta-linguistic

64. Sound dropout in a complex combination of sounds is

1) diuresis

2) epenthesis

3) metathesis

65. Partial change in the articulation of adjacent sounds - vowels and consonants - is

1) assimilation

2) reduction

3) accommodation

66. Replacement of one of two identical or similar (at the place of formation) sounds with another, less similar in articulation with the one that remained unchanged, is

1) assimilation

2) dissimilation

3) accommodation

67. The appearance of an additional sound in a word is

1) metathesis

2) epenthesis

3) prosthesis

68. The appearance at the absolute beginning of a word of a consonant sound (in other languages \u200b\u200balso a vowel), not justified etymologically, but caused by phonetic reasons, is

1) metathesis

2) epenthesis

3) prosthesis

69. Permutation of sounds or syllables in a word on the basis of assimilation or dissimilation is

1) metathesis

2) haplology

3) prosthesis

70. The loss in a word of one of two syllables standing next to the same or similar in meaning is

1) metathesis

2) haplology

3) prosthesis

71. Unstressed words adjacent to the next word are

1) enclitics

2) interclitics

3) proclitics

72. Unstressed words adjacent to the previous word are

1) enclitics

2) interclitics

3) proclitics

73. Weakening and changing the sound quality of a vowel sound is

1) harmony

2) reduction

3) alliteration

74. Reduction is of two types:

1) qualitative and quantitative

2) complete and incomplete

3) normative and conventional

75. The order of phonetic division of sounding speech:

1) phrase, speech tact, phonetic word, sound, syllable

2) phrase, phonetic word, speech tact, syllable, sound

3) phrase, speech tact, phonetic word, syllable, sound

76. A segment of speech that is relatively complete in terms of meaning and intonation is

2) speech beat

3) phonetic word

77. Parts of a sentence, more or less complete in meaning, are

2) speech beat

3) phonetic word

78. A segment of a sounding speech, united by one verbal stress, is

2) speech beat

3) phonetic word

79. Various superscript, subscript, less often inline characters used in alphabetic types of writing to change or clarify the meaning of individual characters are

1) diacritics

2) descriptive signs

3) derivation signs

80. The superscript comma used in letter writing in different functions is

1) apocrypha

2) assonance

3) apostrophe

81. The translation of one graphic system of the alphabet into another (that is, the transfer of letters from one writing to the letters of another) is

1) transcription

2) transliteration

3) transposition

82. Conditional transmission of the sound of a word using specially adopted characters is

1) transcription

2) transliteration

3) transposition

83. The totality of the norms of the national language, ensuring the unity of its sound design, is

1) spelling

2) orthoepy

3) orthology

84. The set of features of the articulation of sounds in each specific language is

1) spelling

2) orthoepy

Option I

1. Studying the general problems associated with the structure and functioning of any language in society, is engaged

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

2. The cognitive function of language is the ability

B) express internal state speaker

C) serve as a means of communication

3. The relations that link language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

4. The elementary minimum part of the value, its component is

D) archiseme

5. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasimorphisms

D) free phrases

6. Panini's grammar expounds

A) Sanskrit grammatical system

B) Sanskrit lexical system

C) phonetic system sanskrit

D) stylistic features of Sanskrit

7. The first centers of Arabic linguistics emerged in Basra and Kufa in

B) VII - VIII c.

8. Paradigmatics is

9.The origins of Russian psycholinguistics were

A) I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, S. Kartsevsky

B) V. V. Vinogradov, L. V. Shcherba

C) F.F.Fortunatov, F.I.Buslaev

D) L. S. Vygotsky, A. M. Leontiev

10. Linguistic signs represent the following kind of semiotic units

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) character signs

D) proper signs

11. The complex essence of the language was represented in a number of antinomies (dialectical contradictions)

A) W. von Humboldt

D) G. Steinthal

12. Representatives of the behavioral direction in psychology

C) have nothing to do with the formation of psycholinguistics

13. "General rational grammar", developed by the learned monks of "Por-Royal" was based on

B) philosophy

C) psychology

D) natural science

14. National bilingualism is typical for such a linguistic situation when

A) the citizens of the country use the spoken and literary language

B) citizens of the country know their native dialect and national language

C) people of different nationalities live in the country

D) the country uses two languages \u200b\u200bas official

15. The merit of young grammarians is

A) their discovery of language law

D) empiricism and inductivism

16. Among the founders of the sociological direction in linguistics were

B) A. Meye, L. Bloomfield, A. Bergson

C) F. de Saussure, W. von Humboldt, L. Elmslev

17. The thesis "Language considered in itself and for itself is the only and true object of linguistics" belongs to the famous linguist

A) S. Bally

C) F. de Saussure

D) J. Vandries

18. The theory of psychological communication put forward

A) A. Kh. Vostokov

B) A. A. Shakhmatov

C) A.A. Potebnya

D) F.I.Buslaev

19.Moscow Linguistic School is a representative

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) the formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

20. Linguodidactics is

Option II

1. Diachronic universals are

A) grammatical universals represented in ancient languages

B) general trends in development different languages

C) the history of the formation and development of one of the syntactic categories

D) semantic universals that have lost their meaning

2. Understanding the phoneme as the minimum unit of psychophonetics is associated with the name

A) Baudouin de Courtenay

B) E. D. Polivanova

C) N. V. Krushevsky

D) V. A. Bogoroditsky

3. What is the essence of N. Chomsky's concept?

A) The transition of language from the subject form to the form of activity

B) Overindividualization of speech activity

C) The concept of the universality of innate rules for operating with language

D) Speech activity as one of the types of human activity

4. Pidgin results from

B) the disappearance of a language to replace it

D) massive interethnic contacts

5. "New teaching about language" developed

A) V.V. Vinogradov

B) I. And Meshchaninov

C) N. Ya. Marr

D) L. V. Shcherba

A) modality, time, face

B) time, face

C) modality, face

D) modality, time

7. Linguodidactics is

A) pedagogical discipline dealing with the development of the child's speech

B) a scientific discipline dealing with the description of the language system and its units for educational purposes

C) linguistic discipline concerned with the development of language ability

D) discipline developing problems higher education

8. The emergence of nationalities is associated with

A) the development of the productive forces of society

B) replacement of the previous tribal ties with territorial ties

C) the emergence of private property and the collapse of primitive communal relations

D) the development of the productive forces of society, the emergence of private property, the disintegration of primitive communal relations and the replacement of the former tribal ties with territorial ties

9. The division of humanity into races is completely related to the division of the population.

A) territorial

B) ethnic

C) social

D) religious

10. The relations that link language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

A) A Leontiev

B) J. Miller

C) L. V. Shcherba

D) L. S. Vygotsky

12. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasimorphisms

D) free phrases

13. Moscow Linguistic School presents

14. The elementary, minimal part of the meaning, its component is

D) archiseme

15. The activities of the Prague Linguistic Circle are associated with

A) descriptive linguistics

B) glossmatics

C) sociolinguistics

D) functional linguistics

16. The theory of psycholinguistic communication was put forward by

A) A. Kh. Vostokov

B) A.A. Potebnya

C) A. A. Shakhmatov

D) F.I.Buslaev

17. The languages \u200b\u200bused for international communication are

A) Afrikaans, Swahili

B) English, Russian

C) Lithuanian, Armenian

D) Chinese, Mongolian

18. The complex essence of the language was represented in a number of antinomies (dialectical contradictions)

A) W. von Humboldt

D) G. Steinthal

19. The cognitive function of language is the ability

A) express the inner state of the speaker

B) serve as a means of communication

C) influence the addressee of speech

D) serve as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

20. The study of general problems associated with the structure and functioning of any language in society is engaged

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) general linguistics

D) philology

III option

1. The merit of young grammarians is

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism, emphasized historicism

D) empiricism and inductivism

2. The doctrine of language as a category of living organisms belongs

A) G. Steinthal

B) A. Schleicher

C) W. von Humboldt

D) Mr. Curtius

3. The origin of any language must be viewed from

A) the culture of the native speaker of this language

B) the mentality of the people themselves

C) the socio-economic development of the people

D) the history of the people themselves - the native speaker of the given language

4. Most Russian researchers of synchrony and diachrony proceeded from the thesis

A) synchrony and dachrony are in sharp opposition to each other and therefore retain their specificity

B) synchrony and diachrony, constantly interacting, lose their specificity

C) synchrony and diachrony constantly interact, keeping their specificity

D) the juxtaposition of synchronic and diachronic viewpoints is absolutely absolute and uncompromising

5. Among the founders of the sociological direction were

A) F. de Saussure, A. Meillet, J. Vandries, E. Benveniste

B) R. Rusk, F. Bopp, W. von Humboldt

C) G. Steinthal, A. Schleicher

D) A. A. Shakhmatov, F. F. Fortunatov

6. The study of general problems associated with the structure and functioning of any language in society, with the functions of language, is engaged

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

7. Foreign psycholinguistics originated in

A) early XX century

B) 70s of XX century

C) 50s of XX century

D) late 19th century

8. Consciousness is

A) the manifestation of language ability

B) the highest form of mental reflection of reality

C) one of the sides of the relationship between language and thinking

D) self-realization of the linguistic personality

9. What is the essence of thinking?

A) Thinking is the essence of the human brain

B) The quality of any natural language

C) The system of expressing the meaning of words

D) Property of an artificial language

10. Elementary, minimal part of the meaning, its component is

D) archiseme

11. Understanding the phoneme as the minimum unit of psychophonetics is associated with the name

A) N. V. Krushevsky

B) V. A. Bogoroditsky

C) E. D. Polivanova

D) Baudouin de Courtenay

12. Pidgin results from

A) conscious human activity

B) massive interethnic contacts

C) constant contact of two languages

D) the disappearance of a language to replace it

13. The division of humanity into races is associated with the division of the population

A) ethnic

B) territorial

C) religious

D) social

A) time, face

B) modality, face

C) modality, time, face

D) modality, time

15. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasimorphisms

D) free phrases

16.Moscow Linguistic School presents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

17. The founder of American structuralism (descriptive linguistics) is

B) E. Sapir

C) L. Bloomfield

D) G. Gleason

18. The relations that link language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

19. Semantic classifiers (keys) indicated

A) what vowels are included in the word

B) how many syllables are in the word

C) what semantic sphere, sphere of reality the given word belongs to

D) what consonants are part of the word

20.W. von Humboldt interpreted language as

A) a set of cultural, figurative and verbal signs

B) sign system

IV option

1. An analogy is

A) grammatical changes in the language

B) establishing an associative relationship between language units

C) assimilation of some elements of the language to other elements of the same level, more widespread and productive, or the convergence of such elements

D) changing the semantics of a word by metaphorical type

2. The founder of Copenhagen structuralism (glossmatics) is

A) H. I. Uldall

B) K. Togebu

C) K. Werner

D) L. Elmslev

2. The doctrine of the morphological structure of the word was developed in the works of a representative of the Kazan linguistic school

A) V. A. Bogoroditsky

B) N. V. Krushevsky

C) I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay

D) A. I. Alexandrova

4. The first centers of Arabic linguistics emerged in Basra and Kufa in

A) VII - VIII centuries.

5. The theory of psychological communication put forward

A) A. A. Shakhmatov

B) A. Kh. Vostokov

C) A.A. Potebnya

D) F.I.Buslaev

6. The communicative function of language is the ability

A) serve as a means of cognition of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

B) serve as a means of communication

C) express the inner state of the speaker

D) influence the addressee of speech

7. The study of general problems associated with the structure and functioning of any language in society is engaged

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

8.Moscow Linguistic School presents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

9. Relationships that link language units of the same level in the system are called

A) paradigmatic

B) linguistic

C) syntagmatic

D) stylistic

10. The thesis "Language, considered in itself and for itself, is the only and true object of linguistics" belongs to

A) S. Bally

C) J. Vandries

D) F. de Saussure

11. The elementary minimum part of the value, its component is

D) archiseme

12.W. von Humboldt interpreted language as

A) sign system

B) a set of cultural, figurative, verbal signs

C) semiotic system of verbal and non-verbal signs

D) an exponent of the spirit and character of the people

13. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasimorphisms

D) free phrases

14. Representatives of the behavioral direction in psychology

A) are the main critics of psycholinguistic theories

B) made a great contribution to the formation of psycholinguistics

C) have nothing to do with psycholinguistics

D) deny the very possibility of the existence of psycholinguistics

15. Historical and cultural area is

A) same as language union

B) combining several language unions

C) the unification of peoples and their languages \u200b\u200bbased on the common cultural and historical traditions, the nature of writing, the cultural layer of vocabulary, etc.

D) unification of peoples on the basis of ethnic kinship

16. The merit of young grammarians is

A) their discovery of the sound law

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism and emphasized historicism

D) empiricism and inductivism

17. Among the founders of the sociological direction in linguistics were

A) A. Meye, L. Bloomfield, L. Elmslev

B) F. de Saussure, W. von Humboldt, A. Bergson

C) F. de Saussure, A. Meillet, J. Vandries, E. Benveniste

D) J. Vandries, A. A. Shakhmatov

18. The primary types of speech activity include

A) speaking and reading

B) reading, writing

C) writing and listening

D) speaking and listening

19. Linguistic signs represent the following kind of semiotic units.

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) character signs

D) proper signs

20. Pragmatics is

A) a special area that studies the feasibility of using certain speech structures

B) a section of linguistics, which studies the functioning of language signs in speech

C) a direction that studies ways of applying in practice the achievements of sociolinguistics

D) a discipline that studies the rules of behavior of an individual in society

Control tests

1. General linguistics studies:

A) the laws of origin, development, structure and functioning of a particular language;

B) general laws of origin, development, structure and functioning of languages.

2. The internal organization of the language is studied by sciences:

A) cognitive linguistics, contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics;

B) phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology.

3. The processes of speech generation and perception are studied by:

A) sociolinguistics;

B) syntax;

C) psycholinguistics.

4. Cognitive linguistics studies ...

A) the processes of generation and perception of speech;

B) the interaction of language and culture;

C) the processes of structuring human knowledge in the language.

5. Comparative study of languages \u200b\u200bis carried out by sciences included in the section

A) Intralinguistics;

B) comparative studies;

C) extralinguistics.

6. Linguistics is one of ...

A) humanities, social sciences;

B) natural sciences.

7. The basis for the development of the general theory of linguistics was ...

A) comparative linguistics;

B) comparative historical linguistics;

C) cognitive linguistics.

1. Language in its essence is a phenomenon ...

A) biological;

B) social;

C) mental.

2. Provide an incorrect statement:

A) the physical characteristics of a person are not related to language;

B) the existence and development of language is subject to the laws of nature;

C) language arises and develops only in a collective of people.

3. The essence of the language is manifested in its properties:

A) express feelings and emotions, influence the psyche of people, establish contact with the interlocutor, create literary texts;

B) carry out the expression of thought, name objects and phenomena of reality, accumulate knowledge in verbal form, be a means of knowing the world, a means of obtaining new knowledge.

4. The main function of the language:

A) regulatory;

B) contact;

C) communicative.

5. The function of using language as a means of influencing the psyche

another person is called ...

A) symbolic;

B) regulatory;

B) suggestive.

1. The proposition that language as a system exists in the mind of a person, and it functions in speech, was substantiated ...

A) I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay;

B) F. de Saussure;

C) W. von Humboldt.

2. The system of signs, which is stored in the human brain, is called ...

C) text.

3. L.V. Shcherba proposed to distinguish between the following aspects of the language:

AND) speech activity, language system, language material;

B) language system, speech activity, language ability.

4. Indicate the wrong version of the characteristics of the features of the language in comparison with speech:

A) a means of communication, a social phenomenon, a relatively stable system of symbolic units, independent of the situation and environment of communication;

B) the process of communication, a physical and physiological phenomenon, variant, contextually and situationally conditioned.

5. The set of psychological and physiological conditions that provide speaking and understanding is called ...

A) speech activity;

B) language ability;

C) linguistic competence.

6. What are the main aspects of language activity?

A) ... in the language system and speech;

B) ... in speaking and understanding;

C) ... in the language system, speech and text.

1. The language of animals ...

A) is inherited, has a limited set of meanings, one-pointedness of communication, closeness;

B) not inherited, assimilated as a result of training, conveys any information.

2. Artificial languages \u200b\u200bare created to ...

A) ensure adaptation to the environment;

B) transmit limited information under certain conditions;

C) provide people with a simple, easily learned means of international communication.

3. In artificial languages Volapuk, Interlingua, Esperanto ...

A) the grammar is constructed, and the vocabulary is borrowed from natural languages, partially modified;

B) grammar and vocabulary are constructed according to their own rules.

4. Mark those languages \u200b\u200b/ alphabets that perform a compensatory function:

A) dactylology;

B) sign speech;

C) Morse code;

D) Braille alphabet.

5. The system of conditioned signals includes:

A) traffic light, chemical formulas, flares, language of flowers;

B) gestures, facial expressions, physical contact, pauses.

1. State the wrong statement: Thinking is ...

A) the highest form of reflection of reality;

B) subjective reality;

C) objective reality.

2. According to the theory of verbality of thinking ...

A) language is the material support of thinking;

B) thinking is not associated with a speech motor code.

3. Provide an incorrect statement:

A) the CPC has a sensory nature;

B) the CPC contains signs of verbal language.

4. Who first expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe influence of language on thinking?

A) F. de Saussure;

B) W. von Humboldt;

C) E. Sapir.

5. According to the theory of linguistic relativity ...

A) each language has its own logic of thinking;

B) the development of language is determined by society.

6. What is the term for the set of fixed

units of the language of the people's ideas about reality at a certain stage of development of this people - a) the cognitive picture of the world;

B) linguistic picture of the world.

1. According to the linguistic theory of F. de Saussure, a linguistic sign is ...

A) bilateral psychic essence;

B) one-sided entity.

2. Semiotics is a science ...

A) about sign systems in nature and society;

B) the specifics of linguistic signs.

3. Indicate which of the signs of the sign is indicated incorrectly:

A) has an ideal character;

B) is not associated with the designated subject by a causal relationship

C) denotes something outside of it.

4. According to the unilateral concept of the mark

A) the meaning is not part of the sound shell of the word;

B) the meaning is included in the sign.

5. Between the plane of expression of the language system and the plane of content there is

A) full compliance;

B) asymmetric ratio.

6. Provide the correct statement:

A) semiotics reveals one of the aspects of language - sign;

B) the linguistic sign does not differ from many other signs.

1. Indicate an incorrect statement: The system is ...

A) a complex whole, consisting of interdependent and interdependent elements and performing a single function;

B) a set of connections and relationships between elements.

2. In the language system:

1) hierarchical relationships reflect ...

A) opposition of units;

B) the entry of simple units into more complex ones, the dependence of some units on others;

2) in the language system, paradigmatic relations are

A) the relationship of units located linearly in a statement;

B) relations in a group formed from units that have similarities and


3) the relationship of motivation reflects ...

A) the connection between the expression plan and the content plan;

B) the connection of the new, derived unit of the language with the original unit.

3. Why is a language a heterogeneous system? Eliminate unnecessary things.

A) it is formed by homogeneous elements;

B) it is formed by heterogeneous elements;

C) there are irregular items in it.

4. The system pressure is manifested in the fact that ...

A) there are unrealized opportunities in the system;
































A) I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay;
















































































































































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