All historical periods in order. The main periods of the development of world art

What are historical eras, and in what order are they located? By what principle was this chronology built? What signs are characteristic for each of the eras, and why did this or that kind of art, technology develop in a certain period of time? Modern historians are ready to provide answers to all these questions.

What is the historical era

An era in history is a period of time. Its duration is determined by events, characteristic features, features of the development of industry, art, humanity in general.

The very word-definition "era" has Greek, or rather - ancient Greek roots, literally translated as "significant moment." Not all historical periods became eras. For example, at one time or another, no significant events took place, and they remained in the so-called timelessness.

Literary facts can be cited as an example. The appearance in literature of such works as "War and Peace" or "Quiet Don" can be called a kind of epoch-making events.

The criteria for the periodization of historical processes were social formations and formations in art. Based on them, the following were identified:

  • Ancient world,
  • Middle Ages,
  • New time,
  • The newest time.

And if we consider these time periods through the "prism" of events, the peculiarities of the development of art, literature, industry, then we can understand in detail what historical epochs are.

Each of the listed time periods of human development can be divided into additional epochs, which are characterized by certain events. A striking example of this is the era of the ancient world. It was during this period of history that a person made a colossal leap in the development of the bowels of the earth, the introduction of even the simplest innovations into his life.

The ancient world as an era in the development of mankind

The era of the Ancient World is positioned by many historical sources as Prehistoric time, which includes the primitive period of human development and the Ancient World. The time period is divided into several eras:

  • paleolithic,
  • mesolithic,
  • neolithic.

The longest stage of the era of the Ancient World is the Paleolithic. It lasts from 2.5 million years BC to 10,000 years BC. For the Paleolithic, the following signs are characteristic - a person lived thanks to what nature gave, hunted, collected roots, berries, mushrooms. Primitive people did not produce anything on their own, and even food was not subjected to any processing. People simply did not have any tools for this, they did not have the skills. Only at the end of the era did a person have similarities of tools of labor and hunting made of stone.

The Mesolithic era (from 10,000 BC to 6,000 BC) was marked not only by human achievements, but also by a natural phenomenon - the last ice age ended and the sea level rose. People began to form the first communities - clan communities, improved stone tools and expanded the area of \u200b\u200btheir use.

The Neolithic era in the Ancient World has no clear time boundaries. But it was at this stage of his development that man passed from gathering to production, discovered iron, studied its properties and learned to use it in everyday life, hunting and other areas of life.

At the last stages of the era of the Ancient World, writing appeared in man, empires and states were born, where the division into upper and lower class began. Against the background of the development of new lands, wars flared up, which became a kind of impetus for innovations in the development of industry and military affairs.

The Middle Ages and Its Significance in Human History

The Middle Ages became the first bright milestone in the history of human development. This era is characterized by significant events and dramatic changes in art and industry. Historians consider this time period to be the beginning of the emergence of civilization in Europe.

At the beginning of the era, the agrarian sphere developed widely, but on the basis of feudalism. The state system of the countries was already a kind of system, which included

  • feudal estates, satisfying to a greater extent only their own needs and requirements,
  • monasteries, on the basis of which art and literature were born, chronicles were kept of events that had a special influence on the course of history already in those days,
  • the royal court, which does not have a specific "address", constantly changing its location, which facilitated the control of monasteries and estates, the collection of taxes and taxes.

In the second half of the Middle Ages, the accelerated evolution of the human community began, money relations and commodity production, that is, manufactories were formed that produced a certain type of product.

The society was actually ruled by religion. The communities of this plan had a tremendous influence on the state system and on production. The era began in an era when the church sought not only to share the spheres of influence on society with the state, but to take all the reins of government into its own hands. Religion hindered the development of science, fearing that new knowledge would become a cause, a kind of catalyst for its downfall.

New time in history

The era of the New Time (from 1480 to 1790 AD) in the history of mankind is interesting in that not all nationalities and countries entered it at the same time. During this period, Europe and European states exerted a tremendous influence on the whole world as a whole. The era is characterized by the emergence of civil society, the development of laws and legislative framework in general, its acceptance by society.

In this time period, a philosophy is born that makes it possible to explain the chronology and principle of the development of mankind, production and other spheres from the point of view of rationality. In addition, the formation of the capitalist system begins, and on the basis of civil law and legislation, the first world communities appear. And, oddly enough, against this background, alienation appears between some states or their groups, based on the principles

  • nationalism,
  • religiosity,
  • ideology.

In the era of modern times, the world begins to divide into capitalist and socialist camps, military blocs are being formed, destabilizing the world and relations between countries.

Despite all the negative characteristics of the New Age, it is in this era that the development of the economy and industry starts, significant changes take place in art, literature, new technologies are introduced into use.

The era of the Newest time in the history of mankind

The era of Modern times, according to most historical sources and works, begins in 1918. It is the most controversial and the most turning point at the same time. Colonial empires begin to disintegrate, revolutions break out, significant changes take place both in legal and social terms, the integration of religious trends and communities.

Despite the fact that during this historical period a large number of military clashes and economic crises took place and are taking place, industry is rapidly developing, more and more new ones are being introduced. innovative technologiesand many industries are undergoing rapid technological breakthroughs.

Art is also changing, its new directions appear, avant-garde, unusual musical directions come to the fore, new trends appear in literature.

Historians believe that the most interesting epoch for posterity will be precisely the newest time in the history of mankind. How long and significant this era will be will be judged by those who will have to analyze and summarize what has been done.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Department of Culture and Tourism of the Tomsk Region OGOAU SPO "Governor's College of Socio-Cultural Technologies and Innovations" Presentation on the subject "History of choreographic art", specialty NHT; type: "Choreographic creativity". Topic: chronology of historical eras in art Performed by N.A. Maslovskaya. teacher of choreographic disciplines Tomsk 2015

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Purpose: acquaintance with the chronology of historical eras in art Objectives: to consider the eras in chronological order; give a description of each era; indirect acquaintance with historical figures; expanding the cognitive potential of students

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There are certain eras that cover specific time intervals. Their names were invented quite recently, after a person was able to look in retrospect, evaluate and divide past events into stages. Catherine I Peter II Anna Ioanovna Ivan VI Elizaveta Petrovna Peter III Elizaveta Petrovna

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Why is there historical chronology? This technique was developed by researchers for a reason. Firstly, each separate period is characterized by specific cultural trends. Each era has its own worldview, fashion, structure of society and much more. Considering the eras of mankind in order, you can also pay attention to the fact that each of them is characterized by separate types of art. This is music, painting, and literature.

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Antique period. We will omit the history of primitive society, since a single ideology at that time, religion or at least a writing system simply did not exist. Therefore, when the epochs of mankind are considered in order, they begin precisely from the antique period, because at this time the first states, the first laws and morals appeared, as well as the art that we still study. The period began around the end of the 8th century BC. e. and lasted until 456 - the date of the fall of the Roman Empire. At this time, not only a polytheistic religion appeared with a clear fixation of all deities, but also a writing system - Greek and Latin. Also during this period, such a concept as slavery was born in Europe.

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Middle Ages. Special attention is always paid to the study of the Middle Ages. The period began at the end of the 5th century, but the date of its end, even approximate, does not exist. Some believe that it ended in the middle of the 15th century, while others believe that the Middle Ages lasted until the 17th century. The era is characterized by a tremendous rise of Christianity. It was during these years that the great crusades... Along with them, the Inquisition was born, which exterminated all opponents of the church. In the Middle Ages, such a form of slavery as feudalism arose, which existed in the world many centuries later.

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Renaissance. It is customary to distinguish this era as a separate one, but many historians believe that the Renaissance is, so to speak, the secular side of the Middle Ages. The bottom line is that at the end of the 14th century, people began to cry for humanity. Some ancient rules and morals returned, the Inquisition gradually lost ground. This manifested itself in art and in the behavior of society. People began to visit theaters, there was such a thing as a secular ball. The Renaissance, like Antiquity, originated in Italy, and today this is confirmed by numerous monuments of architecture and art.

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Baroque. When we consider directly the epochs of human history in order, the baroque, although it did not last long, occupied an important branch in the development of art. This era was the logical conclusion of the Renaissance. We can say that the craving for secular entertainment and the beautiful has grown to incredible proportions. An architectural style of the same name appeared, which is characterized by pomp and pretentiousness. A similar tendency manifested itself in music, and in drawing, and even in people's behavior. The Baroque era lasted from the 16th to the 17th century.

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Classicism. In the second half of the 17th century, mankind decided to move away from such magnificent idleness. Society, like the art that it created, became canonized and adjusted to clear rules. Theater and music, which were at the peak of their cultural development, were also subject to new reforms. Certain styles appeared that directed authors in one direction or another. Classicism began to manifest itself in the design of buildings and interiors. Right angles, straight lines, severity and asceticism came into fashion.

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Romantic period. The 18th century is the beauty of unearthly fantasy. This period is considered the most mysterious in the history of mankind, ephemeral and original. A tendency has emerged in society according to which each person is a separate spiritual and creative person, with his own inner peace, experiences and joys. Typically, when historians present cultural eras in chronological order, one of the most important places is given to romanticism. During this period, which lasted until the 19th century, unique masterpieces of music appeared - Chopin, Schumann, Schubert of literature - Hoffmann, the Grimm brothers, famous French painting novels - Goya, Turner.

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Education. In parallel with romanticism, society itself was improving in art. When all the eras are listed in order, as a rule, it is the Enlightenment that is put behind classicism. Along with the development of science and art at the end of the 17th century, the level of intelligence in society began to increase at a tremendous speed. A number of astronomical discoveries have taken place that have refuted many religious dogmas. The Age of Enlightenment touched not only Europe, but also Russia, as well as Of the Far East, and even America. During this period, serfdom was abolished in many powers. It is also worth noting that in the 18-19th centuries, for the first time, women began to take part in scientific and state meetings. The Age of Enlightenment was the birthplace of a new philosophy based on mathematics and physics.

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The Age of Enlightenment is one of the key eras in the history of European culture associated with the development of scientific, philosophical and social thought. This intellectual movement was based on rationalism and free-thinking. Scientists of a new type strove to disseminate knowledge and popularize it. Knowledge should no longer be the exclusive possession of some initiated and privileged people, but should be available to all and be of practical use. It becomes the subject of public communication, public discussions.

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The newest time. Briefly listing all historical eras in order, we come to the 20th century. This period is famous for the flourishing of various trends in art, numerous coups d'états and changes in power regimes. Therefore, from a historical point of view, this era is called Newest time... Since the beginning of the 20th century, we can say that society has become completely equal. Slavery was eradicated all over the world, clear boundaries of states were established. Such conditions have become the optimal environment for the development of not only art, but also science. We now live in this era, therefore, in order to examine it in detail, it is enough just to look back.

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In parallel with the formation of laws and state borders, art was formed. But musical periods do not always coincide in time with periods of the same name in literature or, say, in painting. Below we will present the eras in art in order, characterize them and be able to compare a clear picture of how our society was formed from the very beginning of time. To begin with, we will summarize the main "eras", and then divide them into individual industries.

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Art: eras in chronological order Ancient period. From the moment the first cave paintings appeared, ending in the 8th century BC. e. Antiquity - from the 8th century BC e. until the 6th century AD e. Middle Ages: Romanesque - dating from 6-10th centuries, and Gothic - 10-14th centuries Renaissance - famous 14-16th centuries Baroque - 16-18th centuries Rococo - 18th century Classicism - formed against the background other directions from the 16th to the 19th century Romanticism - the first half of the 19th century Eclecticism - the second half of the 19th century Modernism - the beginning of the 20th century It is worth noting that Art Nouveau is the general name for this creative era. In different countries and in different areas of art, their own trends were formed, which will be discussed below.

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Middle Ages Romanesque style - from lat. romanus - Roman - the artistic style that prevailed in Western Europe 6 - 10 centuries - one of the most important stages in the development of medieval European art. Most fully expressed in architecture. The main role in the Romanesque style was assigned to the harsh serf architecture: monastic complexes, churches, castles. The main buildings during this period were a temple-fortress and a castle-fortress, located on high places, dominating the area.

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The Gothic style is a period of development of Western and Central European architecture, corresponding to the mature and late Middle Ages - 10-14 centuries. Gothic architecture replaced Romanesque architecture and in turn gave way to Renaissance architecture. The very term "Gothic" arose in modern times as a contemptuous designation of everything brought into European art by the barbarians-Goths. Middle Ages The term emphasized the radical difference between medieval architecture and stylistics Ancient Rome... St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague Notre Dame de Paris

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Renaissance or Renaissance - fr. Renaissance, it. Rinascimento; from "re / ri" - "again" or "anew" and "nasci" - "born" of the 14th - 17th centuries. An era that has world significance in the history of European culture, which replaced the Middle Ages and preceded the Enlightenment Distinctive feature the Renaissance - the secular nature of culture and its humanism, interest in man and his activities. "The Lady with the Ermine" "Madonna Litta" by Leonardo da Vinci "Pieta" "Moses" "David" Michelangelo Buonarotti "The Birth of Venus" Botticelli "School of Athens" Raphael term. Church of the Holy Spirit in Florence F. Brunelleschi

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Baroque from Italian. barocco - "quirky", "strange", "prone to frills", port. perola barroca - "pearl of irregular shape", literally "pearl with vice" - the era of the Late Renaissance - 17-18 centuries, appeared in Italy. The Baroque era is considered to be the beginning of the triumphal march of "Western civilization". Baroque opposed classicism and rationalism. portrait of James Stewart Van Dyck "Coronation of Mary de Medici" "Garden of Love" Rubens Petersburg. Hermitage Peterhof "Samson"

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Rococo from fr. rocaille - crushed stone, decorative shell, shell, rocaille - a style in art, mainly in interior design, which arose in France in the 18th century as a development of the Baroque style. Interiors of the Gatchina Castle "Dancing Comargo" N. Lancre "Breakfast" F. Boucher "Cupid" Falcone Church of Francis in Portugal Rococo is characterized by sophistication, great decorative load of interiors and compositions, graceful ornamental rhythm, great attention to mythology, personal comfort.

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Classicism from fr. classicisme, from lat. classicus - exemplary - artistic style and aesthetic direction in European culture of the 17th-19th centuries. Classicism is based on the ideas of rationalism. A work of art is built according to strict canons. Classicism establishes a strict hierarchy of genres, which are divided into high - ode, tragedy, epic and low - comedy, satire, fable. Each genre has strictly defined features, the mixing of which is not allowed. Interest for classicism is only eternal, unchanging - in each phenomenon, he seeks to recognize only essential, typological features, discarding random individual features. The aesthetics of classicism attaches great importance to the social and educational function of art. Bolshoi Theater in Warsaw

Historical periods are usually distinguished from the point of view of general ideas and directions. The names of the eras are given retrospectively, after assessments of past events. This periodization greatly affects the accuracy of subsequent studies, so you should be extremely careful here. What historical eras are currently represented?

Chronology of historical eras


There are several more main periods in this era:

  • Early antiquity;
  • Classical antiquity;
  • Late Antiquity.

This period of history lasted from the beginning of the VIII century BC. e., until the end of the 6th century A.D. e. the cultural heritage of ancient times has been preserved in the way of life, language, culture and traditions of many Romanesque peoples. Elements of classical antiquity remained for a long time in the core of the Eastern Roman Empire until the 9th century AD. e.

Middle Ages

Middle Ages. Came after the end of the ancient era. The collapse of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century is considered the beginning of this branch of history. But about when the end of the era came, there is still a lot of controversy. There are several options for what became the end of the Middle Ages:

  • Fall of Constantinople in 1453;
  • Discovery of America in 1492;
  • The beginning of the Reformation in 1517;
  • The beginning of the English Revolution in 1640;
  • End of the Thirty Years' War in 1648.

IN recent times the end of the era dates back to the 15th-16th centuries. It is most correct to consider this great epoch a worldwide process, as well as a special period in the development of each country. What are the eras in the further perspective of history?


Then came the Renaissance. What century belongs to its beginning? The beginning of the XІV century is considered to be an approximate count of the beginning of this era, and the approximate end came in the XVI century. The most distinctive and characteristic feature of the revival is considered to be that it bore the secular side of culture and an interest in human activities, as well as in the personality itself. There is a revival of ancient culture. This paradigm arose after changes in European society took place. Secular centers of art and science appeared in the cities, the activities of which were uncontrolled by the church. Italy became the country of origin of this era.


Baroque. Great Italy is also considered the center of this culture. In Italian cities, the era originated in the XVI-XIVI centuries, namely in Rome, Venice, Florence and Mantua. This turn of history is considered to be the beginning of the triumph of the formation of "Western civilization". What era begins after the unexpected Baroque?


  • Classicism. This direction artistic style in European art followed the Baroque in the XVII century, and ended in the XIX. This trend was based on rationalism. For example, works of art the era of classicism should be built on strict canons. For classicism, only the eternal and unchanging was of interest. Classicism established a strict hierarchy of all genres that could not be mixed in any way:
    • Epic;
    • Tragedy;
    • Comedy;
    • Satire;
    • Fable.


Romanticism, which came in the XVIII century, affirms the spiritual and creative life of each person, depicts strong and combative characters. The spread went to all spheres of human activity. Everything strange, unknown, fantastic, original that exists only in books and not in real life began to be called romantic. What eras exist after the romantic perception of reality swept over?


Impressionism originated in France in the 19th century and then spread throughout the world. All representatives of this trend tried to depict everything around in real outlines, but from the perspective of mobility and with the introduction of their impressions. The most important thing was to be able to correctly convey your impressions in a painting, in literature and music.


Expressionism is that trend in European art that began to develop in the twentieth century during the formation of modernism. Most of the recognition and growth has been achieved in Germany and Austria. Expressionism seeks not only to portray and convey reality, but also to most clearly convey all the emotions of the author. It was realized in many directions: painting, theater, literature, music, dance and architecture. And this is the first trend that has found its realization in cinema.

Why did this era arise? It was a painful reaction to the ugliness of capitalist civilization. Many emotions were transmitted: fear, anxiety, disappointment and despair. Every expressionist is characterized by the subjectivity of everything creative processbecause the expression must prevail over the image. Here you can often catch the motive of screaming and pain.

Radical constructivism

Radical constructivism is not a reflection of reality, but a reflection by each individual of how he subjectively sees every real thing. After all, this happens after a person knows everything around him. Every person in this era is seen as a closed system.


Neoclassicism. The creation, which was created in such a period, is characterized by the manifestation of antiquity, revival, classicism. Neoclassicism is characteristic of the amazing architectural art and the fine art movement.

What is the era of development now? At this historical stage, the New Time has come. In this segment of history, a new civilization is being formed, a system of relations in the European world and spread to other parts of the world. What epochs are, surprises many, leaves various riddles that will be solved by the next generations of the whole world!



THE HISTORICAL EPOCH - a unit of periodization historical process, qualitatively highlighting the period of human development. There is no unambiguous periodization of history by eras. The division of the past, the present and the future can, with some reason, be presented as a division into historical epochs. During the Renaissance in science, such periods of history as Antiquity (Antiquity and the Ancient East) and the Middle Ages were distinguished. Later, the concepts of modern and recent history appeared. The Middle Ages ended with the fall of Constantinople, from that moment the countdown began new history... The enlighteners called the Middle Ages the time of the dominance of religion and theology. For Marxists, the Middle Ages is feudalism. In modernization theories, this is characterized as the era of traditional societies.

Modern times are subdivided into stages based on specific events, for example: from the English Revolution of 1640 to the French Revolution of 1789, from 1789 to the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, from the Congress of Vienna to the defeat of the 1848 revolution, from 1849 to the Paris Commune of 1871, from 1871 to the October Revolution 1917. In the theories of modernization, the periodization of the New Age looks differently: 1) the era of mercantilism, seizure of trade routes, world trade, colonization of other peoples; 2) era bourgeois revolutions, the rise and flowering of capitalism; 3) the era of early industrialism (after the 1st industrial revolution); 4) the era after the 2nd industrial revolution (the use of electricity, a conveyor belt in the early 20th century, the discovery of radioactivity, etc.); 5) the era of the scientific and technological revolution, which began in the mid-50s. 20th century

The criteria for distinguishing eras in Marxism were formations (see Social Formations) and periods of class struggle. Therefore, within the formation, he distinguished certain stages (the era of pre-monopoly capitalism, the era of imperialism).

Lit .: Lenin V.I. Imperialism as the highest capitalism.- Complete. collection cit., vol. 27; K. Marx to criticism of political economy.- K. Marx, F. Engels Soch., V. 13; Spengdero Decline of Europe, vol. 1, Image of I. Novosibirsk, 1993; Savelieva I. M; Poletaev A.V. History and time. In search of the lost. M., 1997; NeisbittJ. Megatrends. Ten New Direction Transforming Our Lives. N. Y 1983; Eisenstadt S. N. Introduction: Historical Traditions, Modernization and Developement. - Pattern of Modernity, vol. 1, The West. L., 1988; Toffler A., \u200b\u200bToffler H. Greating of New Civilization. The Politic of the Third \\\\ ave. Atlanta, 1995.

V.G. Fedotova

New Encyclopedia of Philosophy: In 4 vols. M .: Thought. Edited by V.S.Stepin. 2001 .

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    EPOCH (from the Greek epoche, literally stop), a period of time in the development of nature, society, science, etc., which has any characteristic features ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Noun, f., Uptr. often Morphology: (no) what? era, what? era, (see) what? era, what? era, about what? about the era; pl. what? era, (no) what? eras, what? eras, (see) what? era, what? eras, about what? about epochs 1. The epoch is long ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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Historical periodization is an irreplaceable thing both in science and in There are certain eras that cover specific time intervals. Their names were invented quite recently, after a person was able to look in retrospect, evaluate and divide past events into stages. Now we will consider all the eras in order, find out why they were named exactly that way and how they are characterized.

Why is there historical chronology?

This technique was developed by researchers for a reason. First, each separate period is characterized by specific cultural trends. Each era has its own worldview, fashion, structure of society, type of business building and much more. Considering the eras of mankind in order, you can also pay attention to the fact that each of them is characterized by separate types of art. This is music, painting, and literature. Secondly, in the history of mankind there really were so-called turning points, when morality was radically changed, new laws were established. This, of course, entailed a change in the passions that manifested themselves in art. Such changes could be influenced by revolutions, wars, scientific discoveries, teachings of the great philosophers and church leaders. And now, before we consider all historical epochs in order, we note that our society has experienced such a cardinal change quite recently. Scientific and technological progress has completely turned our understanding of communication, sources of information and even work. And the reason for this is the Internet, without which everyone did without ten years ago, and today it is a part of everyone's life.

Antique period

We will omit the history of primitive society, since there was no single ideology at that time, religion, or at least a writing system. Therefore, when the epochs of mankind are considered in order, they begin precisely from the ancient period, because at this time the first states, the first laws and morals appeared, as well as the art that we still study. The period began around the end of the 8th century BC. e. and lasted until 476 - the date of the fall. At this time, not only a polytheistic religion appeared with a clear fixation of all deities, but also a writing system - Greek and Latin. Also during this period, such a concept as slavery was born in Europe.

Middle Ages

Even when the school considers the eras in order, special attention is paid to the study of the Middle Ages. The period began at the end of the 5th century, but the date of its end, even approximate, does not exist. Some believe that it ended in the middle of the 15th century, others believe that the Middle Ages lasted until the 17th century. The era is characterized by a tremendous rise of Christianity. It was during these years that the great crusades took place. Along with them, the Inquisition was born, which exterminated all opponents of the church. In the Middle Ages, such a form of slavery as feudalism arose, which existed in the world many centuries later.


It is customary to distinguish this era as a separate one, but many historians believe that the Renaissance is, so to speak, the secular side of the Middle Ages. The bottom line is that in the end, people began to cry out for humanity. Some ancient rules and morals returned, the Inquisition gradually lost ground. This manifested itself in art and in the behavior of society. People began to visit theaters, there was such a thing as a secular ball. The Renaissance, like Antiquity, originated in Italy, and today this is confirmed by numerous monuments of architecture and art.


When we consider directly the epochs of human history in order, the baroque, although it did not last long, occupied an important branch in the development of art. Below we will look at it in more detail, but for now, note the following. This era was the logical conclusion of the Renaissance. We can say that the craving for secular entertainment and the beautiful has grown to incredible proportions. An architectural style of the same name appeared, which is characterized by pomp and pretentiousness. A similar tendency manifested itself in music, in drawing, and even in people's behavior. lasted from the 16th to the 17th century.


In the second half of the 17th century, mankind decided to move away from such magnificent idleness. Society, like the art that it created, became canonized and adjusted to clear rules. Classicism began to manifest itself in the design of buildings and interiors. Right angles, straight lines, severity and asceticism came into fashion. Theater and music, which were at the peak of their cultural development, were also subject to new reforms. Certain styles appeared that directed the authors in one direction or another. Below we will consider the eras in art in order and learn in more detail what classicism was.

Romantic period

In the 18th century, people seemed to be infected with a mania for beauty and unearthly fantasies. This period is considered the most mysterious in the history of mankind, ephemeral and original. A tendency has emerged in society according to which each person is a separate spiritual and creative person, with his own inner world, experiences and joys. As a rule, when historians present cultural eras in chronological order, one of the most important places is given to romanticism. During this period, which lasted until the 19th century, unique masterpieces of music (Chopin, Schubert, etc.), literature (famous French novels) and painting appeared.


In parallel with romanticism, society itself was improving in art. When all the eras are listed in order, as a rule, it is the Enlightenment that is put behind classicism. Along with the development of science and art at the end of the 17th century, the level of intelligence in society began to increase at a tremendous speed. This was expressed in the rejection of orthodox religious norms. Instead of sacred knowledge, logic and a bright mind came. This greatly undermined the authority of the aristocracy and ruling dynasties, which largely referred to the help of the church. The Age of Enlightenment was the birthplace of a new philosophy based on mathematics and physics. A number of astronomical discoveries have taken place that have refuted many religious dogmas. The Age of Enlightenment touched not only Europe, but also Russia, as well as the Far East, and even America. During this period, serfdom was abolished in many powers. It is also worth noting that in the 18-19th centuries, for the first time, women began to take part in scientific and state meetings.

Newest time

We have briefly listed all historical eras in order and come to the 20th century. This period is famous for the flourishing of various numerous coups and regime changes. Therefore, from a historical point of view, this era is called From the beginning of the 20th century, one might say, society has become completely equal. Slavery was eradicated all over the world, clear boundaries of states were established. Such conditions have become the optimal environment for the development of not only art, but also science. We now live in this era, therefore, in order to examine it in detail, it is enough just to look back.

Brief summary

After we presented all the epochs of world history in order, described them, having learned what our society was like in this or that century, we proceed to the study of the beautiful. After all, in parallel with the formation of the laws and borders of states, art was formed, which for many is the main determining factor for dividing the history of mankind into separate periods. Below we will present the eras in art in order, characterize them and be able to compare a clear picture of how our society was formed from the very beginning of time. To begin with, we will summarize the main "eras", and then divide them into individual industries. After all, musical periods do not always coincide in time frame with periods of the same name in literature or, say, in painting.

Art: eras in chronological order

  • Ancient period. From the moment the first cave paintings appeared, ending in the 8th century BC. e.
  • Antiquity - from the 8th century BC e. until the 6th century AD e.
  • Middle Ages: and Gothic. The first dates from the 6-10th centuries, and the second - 10-14th centuries.
  • Renaissance - famous 14-16th century.
  • Baroque - 16-18th century.
  • Rococo - 18th century.
  • Classicism. It was formed against the background of other directions from the 16th to the 19th century.
  • Romanticism - first half of the 19th century.
  • Eclecticism - second half of the 19th century.
  • Modernism - early 20th century. It should be noted that Art Nouveau is the general name for this creative era. In different countries and in different areas of art, their own trends were formed, which we will discuss below.

What will the pen tell about ... At the origins of writing

Now let's consider the literary eras in chronological order: the ancient stage (Antiquity and the East), the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Classicism, Sentimentalism, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism and modernity. For the first time, literary creations began to appear in Greece, Rome, and also in these powers the first writing arose. In the ancient world, myths began to appear - about Hercules, about Zeus and other gods, about titans and giant birds. Later, the first philosophers, thinkers and writers appeared. This is Homer, Sappho, Aeschylus, Horace. This genre is now called lyrics, but often such stories are referred to as a historical reliable source. The world of the Ancient East is famous only for its instructive poems. However, let's not forget that it was in this part of the world in ancient times that the most important book of mankind - the Bible - appeared.

Middle Ages and Renaissance

There is no clear boundary between these periods, and it is not needed either. Indeed, in the years when Europe was just beginning to form as state system, people had no time for art. The first manifestations of creativity in the Middle Ages were stifled by the church. Therefore, the literary heritage that we have inherited since those years is only a knightly epic. Here you can name "Song of my Side", "Song of Roland" and "Song of the Nibelungs". Several centuries later, the Renaissance comes, and the world becomes known such surnames as Shakespeare, Dante, Boccaccio, Cervantes. Their stories can be called free, since there is no clear structure, and in the center of events is the person and his feelings. This is the main characteristic of the Renaissance.

Formation of strict canons

When we list the eras in order, century after century, everything falls into place, except for Classicism. He seems to exist outside of time, space, against the background of other currents. Since the moment when the classics became the basis for the work of European authors, a number of patterns have emerged in the writing of literary works. They were clearly divided into satire, tragedy, comedy, epic, fable. We can say that since then the boundaries of creativity have been established, which we still use today (pay attention at least to the cinema).

Sentimentalism and Romanticism

These two trends seem to complement each other. They are famous for their novels, which describe the experiences of the characters, their state of mind, tastes and interests. Among the authors of romanticism such names as Balzac, Dickens, Hoffmann, Victor Hugo, the Bronte sisters, Mark Twain, W. Scott and many others are spelled out in red letters. In the later years of Romanticism, authors such as Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe worked. Their stories are already devoid of sentimentality, but filled with deep philosophy.

Realism and modernism, as well as contemporary literature

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, many trends appeared in literature. In our country, they got the name Silver Age, in others they were simply named in accordance with the style of a particular work. The most popular became symbolism and decadence. Authors such as Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Blok became representatives of these trends. Acmeism was very popular in Russia. Its main representative was Anna Akhmatova. Since then, literature has become as realistic as possible. People have abandoned inner experiences and illusions. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, the authors describe any events from the most realistic point of view, taking into account all the innovations of progress.


Now it's time to consider all the eras in painting in order. We note right away that there are much more of them here than in the literature, therefore we will turn to each of them briefly and succinctly.

  • Cave painting.
  • Art Ancient egypt and the countries of the Middle East.
  • Cretan-Mycenaean culture.
  • Antique drawings and writing.
  • Middle Ages: Iconography and Gothic illustrations on religious themes.
  • Revival. Outstanding representatives are Michelangelo, da Vinci, and others.
  • Since the 18th century, the Baroque style appears in painting. Vividly expressed in the paintings of Caravaggio.
  • Classicism, which in fine arts formed from the 16th century, embodied in the works of Poussin and Rubens.
  • Romanticism manifested itself in the canvases of Delacour and Goya.
  • At the end of the 19th century, Impressionism appeared. Van Gogh is considered a striking representative of it, and along with him are Gauguin, Lautrec Munch and others.
  • In the 20th century, painting was divided into socialist realistic and surreal. The first trend developed exclusively in Russia. The second conquered the whole world. It can be clearly seen in the paintings of S. Dali, P. Picasso and other artists of this time.