What can be written about the resulting autumn. Artistic style description

Works on the topic "Autumn"

A selection of essays on the topic "Autumn":about beautiful autumn pore and changes in nature / all texts of works on a free topic, divided by classes

At this time of the year, the sun is hardly warming as in the summer. It became colder. We rain more often. The days are in short. From the trees fall leaves. Many birds leave their native edges and fly into warm, because it becomes less feed. Indeed, insect insects are hiding, and plants fade. The colder is late autumn, it is the most rainy. Sometimes even wet snow. At this time, the winter approach in everything is felt. 8 Works

Autumn has come and the time of cold weather came. Birds flew into warm edges and stopped pleaseing people with their songs. But there was no quieter on the streets. Pupils returned to school yards. They are fun step on the autumn streets and fill it with their ringing laugh. 8 Works

Autumn Golden - wonderful time. I love walks along the alleys, city parks at this time. You go, considering how nature changes, and everything is preparing for cold pore - winter. Walk and inhale already cool air. The leaflets fall from the trees and quietly fall to me under the legs. The sky is gloomy, the cold approach is felt. A thick golden carpet from the leaves will rip the entire fleet of the park. Beautiful and fresh. 7 Works

Autumn - very beautiful time of year. A little sad, because the foliage is flying, but standing under a multicolored leaffall nice and fun. Nature says goodbye to us to spring, chestnuts and reset their unusually beautiful fruits. Yellow maple leaves in the sun seem gold, they are still lighter and sunny in the park. You can collect all these autumn gifts and make a beautiful handicraft of them, which will remind us all winter about this wonderful time. Autumn smells like apples and rowan. There is nothing more beautiful than a carpet from multicolored leaves. How nice to run on it. I love you, autumn my golden! And I will be very bored for you. 9 Works

Autumn is a farewell time with warmth and the arrival of cold weather. Every day it becomes more noticeable how the days are shortened. The sun gets up because of the horizon all later and goes after all before, and with each subsequent day heats weaker. In the evening it was noticeably colder. More often began to walk, and blow cold winds. But the sun was shining and gotten, as a strong wind suddenly appeared, clouds closed the sky, and fine rain began. Especially beautiful autumn in the forest. Read golden autumn in the forest. I wanted to write an essay on the subject of autumn. 6 Works

The brightest time comes - golden autumn. Trees before immersed in a long dream, weave gold rides from rapid yellowing leaves. Glitters in the sun, overflowing gold, birch. With a light wind drops copper leaves of Clane. Fall Fall, circling dizard, rushes moist from frequent rains. On the black mirror of the pond float multicolored leaves-boats. The trees in the forest die with the paints of the golden autumn, that's just the oak fell completely, and, exposing the dry branches, prepared for the winter before. 4 Works

Writing-description "Autumn Park"

Our favorite park from all sides is obscured by water. It is located on the island that formed the river and man-made channel flowing through the city. To get to the island, you need to go through a small cozy bridge. And you get into the amazing park, or rather, the hydropark. There is a steppe corner. After any shower here you will not see any puddles: sandy soil quickly absorbs moisture.

No wonder they talk about the autumn that she is the best artist. And why? In fact, it is easy to guess. Judge himself: in a matter of weeks, autumn is capable of changing the summer landscape to be unrecognizable so that there will be no trace from three year old months. Where does the inspiration draw this time? I can not say, only the idea that autumn is muse, bright and spectacular comes to mind.

So that the essay does not coincide with the fact that on the Internet. Press 2 times on any word in the text.

Autumn - this is the brightest time, which poets chased, writing prose, the autumn nature of which was portrayed artists in painting. The beauty of autumn nature is the romance of mood with a light "sad" reflections.

Special contrast for bright emotional experiences in essay on autumn The Golden Autumn period occurs in nature, when it particularly wants to emphasize the refinement of the autumn landscape in writing or in brief story. The noise of the autumn forest, leaf fall, walks in the last warm days of the Baby Summer, sad mood and expectation of the first snow and cold weather - all this is an inexhaustible material for an essay on the topic of autumn.

Essay about autumn

Autumn is a positive mood, but at the same time light sadness. Even longing sometimes. The most colored dreams, the most honest conversations, the easiest memories. Rains. Many rains, the best in the world of interlocutors and buddies. Fog. In the head and on the street. And the temperature of the air is needed. Hurry up, autumn rushes, all new and new paints find it for their paintings. Gray clouds covers the sky. Washes a cold leaves with a cold rain. For its work, autumn took the bright colors and began for his picture. Berezes and poplars covered with lemon yellowness. And the sheets of osinkles and klyona littered, as if ripe apples. All trees and even the bushes showered autumn in its own way, in the autumn: whom in the yellow outfit, whom in brightly red. Some pines and she didn't know how to decorate. They have no leaves on branches, but needles, and they are difficult to paint. Let them be green and remain in summer. And suddenly, dramatically changes its paints. Gray plants, coughing. Emission field and meadows. Even wider, more spacious became. And they stretched over them in the autumn sky, shoals of flights of flights: cranes, geese, ducks ... Birds fly in warm edges.

Wonderful turned picture. It just seems to be something in it, something is not completed, as if they are waiting for something sweaty fields and forests are waxed by autumn rain. Waiting, the naked branches of bushes and trees will not wait, when a new artist comes and put them in a fluffy white dress. It seems to me that this is the most beautiful time of year. Especially I love the end of September - the leaves of the trees during this period are simply delightful ... On such days I like to walk through the woods, feeling cool, transparent air; Contempted red-yellow colors, feel pleasant sadness ... Autumn ... again she came to us, changing the suffocate and places too sweet and positive summer. You can again admire the abundance of paints. Pensively view the lead sky and catch the rain face. You can sit in the park on the bench, giving up a cool breeze. Autumn - beautiful. It is crazy with the swirl multicolored leaves, which dance together with developing hair. I like autumn. Because I love…

Essay on autumn for grade 4

Autumn is the most beautiful way to year. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Autumn was the most beloved sometimes of the year. It is impossible not to admire the beauty that autumn gives us. And how beautiful in the fall in the forest! Sometimes it's just not enough words to describe all this magnificence, only the artist can convey the autumn landscape.

Very nice in mid-September, when yellow leaves are yellow. At this time, everything is in gold, and I do not want to leave the park, because there are such picturesque landscapes around. And how cool in a birch grove, it seems that gold coins weigh on young birch trees, and when the wind begins to blow, their ringing is heard. It is thanks to the fall, people are more beginning to pay attention to the world.

In the fall, when good weather, you need to try more often on the street. The surrounding beauty will help you distract, forget about problems, concerns, relax the soul.

Well, if on the weekend is good weather, then in no case should be sitting at home. It is necessary to go to nature. Such weekend will bring a lot of pleasure. Autumn forest is like a fairy tale, he fascinates and fascinates. It does not want to leave it, it seems that the idea will now begin, this is about to appear. fairy-tale heroes. These impressions will remain in memory for a long time, and wanted to return there again. Yes, autumn is the time of fairy tale, miracles, magic.

Council: Do not rewrite an essay as it is. It is given first to help in writing.

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So summer flew away with its warm and sultry days. For many, this is a nostalgic time, because the shoulders remained vacation, beaches, sunny days and everyone understands, it's now ahead of the cold and rain, because the autumn time comes. In our essay today we will write about autumn for 2 and 3 class. Although this topic rises in older classes. So it will be relevant for 5, 6 classes.


Autumn ambiguous time. On the one hand, this sad time of year, because it makes us say goodbye to summer warmth. You have to configure yourself to meet with cold, because the sun though shines, but its warmth is weaker every day, and it comes now before. And if during the day there is still some warmth, then by the evening it becomes very cold. Now the wind and the rain on the street - so here to rejoice?

However, one should not succumb to depression. Remember, many works of poets and writers tell us exactly about the autumn pore and carry us on the autumn fields, in the autumn forests and it is not just like that. For some reason, the autumn inspired writers to create their masterpieces. And to understand why they loved this time of year, just look at her from another angle. Autumn is not only cold and slush, it is also indescribable beauty. No need to fall into sadness, there is no bad weather, as well as bad seasons. You just need to learn to see beauty, notice it and find a positive. And then you will understand that autumn is a beautiful time when you can watch even shoals of birds that fly into the warm edges. This is the time when you enter the birch grove and you can not enjoy the violence of natural paints. This is not an artist painted with gold leaves, this Mother Autumn leads his brush along the crowns of trees.

With its paints, autumn decorates parks, forests and shrubs. First, slowly, and then faster and faster, everything begins to transform. And even in the street it was cold and not so hot as in the summer, but autumn continues to bloom autumn flowers. In the autumn, we continue to collect our crop, enjoying apples, pears, vegetables and grapes. And let the winter comes soon, but here and now we can fully enjoy the autumn sometimes, where there is a poor summer and warm, dumb days.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov

For a long time flew to the south of Twitched swallows, and even earlier, as a team, quick haircuts disappeared.

IN autumn days They heard the guys, as, say goodbye to a cute homeland, span cranes in the sky. With some particular feeling, they watched them for a long time, as if the cranes were carried with them the summer.

Quietly talking, flew to the warm south geese ...

Prepare for cold winter people. I have long squeeed rye and wheat. Povered feed cattle. Remove the latest apples in the gardens. Dropped potatoes, coarse, carrots and remove them for the winter.

Preparing and animals for winter. A coarse protein has accumulated in the walnut of nuts, he kept selected mushrooms. Little mice-pools were in the mink grain, prepared a fragrant soft hay.

Late in the fall is building his winter lair a hardworking hedgehog. A whole chamber of dry leaves ran under the old stump. All winter will calmly sleep under a warm blanket.

More and less, everything is wasting with autumn sunshine.

Soon the first frosts will begin soon.

Until the spring, the Earth-Mother will freeze. All of her took everything she could give.


Fly summer flew. So autumn came. It's time to remove the harvest. Vanya and Fedya dig potatoes. Vasya collects beets and carrots, and the phenya beans. In the garden a lot of plums. Faith and Felix collect fruits and send them to the school canteen. They all treat ripe and delicious fruits.

In the woods

Grisha and Kolya went to the forest. They collected mushrooms and berries. Mushrooms they put in Lukoshko, and berries in a basket. Suddenly thunder hit. The sun hid. There were clouds around. The wind brought the trees to the ground. Went big rain. Boys went to the forester's house. Soon in the forest it became quiet. Rain stopped. Sunshine looked out. Grisha and Kohl with mushrooms and berries went home.


The guys went to the forest for mushrooms. Roma found a beautiful boletus under the birch. Valya saw under the pine small butterm. Seryozha saw a huge Borovik in the grass. In the grove, they scored full baskets of different mushrooms. Guys have fun and satisfied returned home.

Forest in autumn

I. Sokolov-Mikitov

Beautiful and searched Russian forest in early autumn days. On the golden background of yellowed foliage, bright stains of red-yellow kleov and Osin are distinguished. Slowly circling in the air, fall and fall with birch light, weightless yellow leaves. From the tree to the tree stretched thin silvery threads with lightweight web. Late autumn flowers bloom.

Transparent and clean air. Water is transparent in forest duties and streams. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in the autumn forest. Only sovest under his feet of foliage. Sometimes it will give a tipper thin. And from this silence is still heard.

Easy breathing in the autumn forest. And for a long time I do not want to leave it. Well in the autumnal flowery forest ... But something sad, farewell hears and seemed in it.

Nature in autumn

The mysterious Princess Autumn will take the tired nature in his hands, causing gold outfits and wets long rains. Autumn, calm the bolded land, blows the wind of the last leaves and put in the cradle of a long winter sleep.

Autumn day in a birch grove

I sat in a birch grove in the fall, about half of September. From the morning, a small rain came out, replaced by time of warm solar shine; There was a non-permanent weather. The sky was all clouded with friable white clouds, then suddenly the places were cleared for a moment, and then the azure, clear and affectionate, was shown because of the broken clouds ...

I sat and looked around, and listened. Leaves slightly noisy over my head; According to one, their noise could be found, what time was the time of year. That was not a cheerful, laughing spring trembling, not soft shushuking, not a long spectacle of summer, not a timid and cold leptaning of late autumn, and barely audible, dormant chatter. The weak wind pulled a little bit along the tops. The inside of the grove, wet from the rain, constantly changed, depending on that, whether the sun shines or clouded clouds; She was stuck everything, as if suddenly, everything was smiled in her ... then suddenly, again, everything around a slightly bluish: bright paints were instantly Gasley ... and the sneaking, sly, I started to sneeze and whisper the smallest rain on the forest.

The foliage on the birch was almost all of the Green, although markedly pale; Only in some places one young, all red or all the golden ...

Not a single bird was heard: everyone was sheltered and slaughtered; Only occasionally ranked with a steel bell mocked voice of the tit.

Autumn, clear, slightly cold, in the morning frosty day, when birch, like a fabulous tree, the whole golden, beautifully draws on the pale blue sky, when the low sun is no longer heats, but glitters a brighter summer, a small aspen grove throat all shocks like her fun and easy to stand naked, hoarflash still on the bottom of the valleys, and the fresh wind is quietly moving and drives the fallen swapping leaves, - when the blue waves are happily rushing, quietly raised scattered geese and ducks; In the distance, the mill knocks, half a closed by the willows, and, the pesting in the bright air, the pigeons quickly circle over her ...

By the beginning of September, the weather suddenly sharply and completely surrendered. It immediately stepped in quiet and cloudless days, such clear, solar and warm, which was not even in July. On the squeezed squeezed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle there is a saliva glitter autumn tatten. Soothing trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves.

Late fall

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich

Becoming late autumn. The fruit is refined; He breaks down and falls to the ground. He dies, but seed lives in it, and in this seed lives in the "opportunity" and all the future plant, with his future luxurious foliage and with his new fruit. Seed falls to the ground; And the cold sun climbs low above the ground, the cold wind runs, cold clouds are rummaged ... not just a passion, but the lifetime fits quietly, imperceptibly ... The earth increasing more from the green of her black, cold tones dominate in the sky ... And now the day comes when there are millions of snowflakes falling on this and crumbling, which falls millions of snowflakes and all of it becomes smooth, monochrome and white ... White color - This is the color of cold snow, the color of the highest clouds, which are floating in an inadequate cold of the cold heights, - the color of the magnifier and fruitless mountain peaks ...

Antonovskaya apples

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

I remember early wake-up autumn. August was with warm rains at the very time in the middle of the month. I remember early, fresh, quiet morning ... I remember the big, the whole golden, snapped and drunkard, I remember the maple alleys, a thin fragrance of false foliage and the smell of Antonovsky apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. The air is so clean, just not at all. Everywhere it smells like apples.

By night, it becomes very cold and Rosisto. Having hurt on the gum by the rye aroma of the new straw and pokykina, cheerfully go home to the dinner past the garden shaft. Votes on the village or scrolling gate are distributed over the student dawn unusually clear. Darmest. And here's another smell: in the garden - a fire and firmly pulls the fragrant smoke of cherry burs. In the dark, in the depths of the garden - a fabulous picture: accurately in the corner of hell, burns near the chaolash, the crimson flame surrounded by darkness ...

"The poorest Antonovka is the fun year." Rustic affairs are good if Antonovka was groaning: it means that the bread was crushed ... I remember the yield year.

At the early dawn, when the roosters are still screaming, open, it happened, a window in a cool garden, filled with a scornful fog, through which brightly glitters something in the morning sun ... Fly wash on the pond. Small foliage almost all shuffled from the coastal Lozin, and the bumps are swaying on the turquoise sky. Water under slosices has become transparent, ice and as if heavy. She instantly drives the night laziness.

Enjoy the house and first hear the smell of apples, and then others.

From the end of September, our gardens and gum are emptied, the weather, as usual, changed cool. The wind on the whole days drenched and tremble trees, rains walked them from morning to night.

Cold and brightly shone in the north over heavy lead clouds liquid blue sky, because of these clouds slowly floated the ridges of snow mountains, closed the window into the blue sky, and it became deserted and bored in the garden, and again began to sow rain ... first quietly, carefully, then all the thicker and finally turned into a shower With storm and darkness. There was a long, anxious night ...

From such a sticky, the garden went out completely naked, filled with wet leaves and some kind of sweetering, who was humbled. But how beautiful it was, when clear weather was coming again, transparent and cold days of early October, the farewell holiday of autumn! The preserved foliage will now hang on the trees before the first frosts. The black garden will be through the cold turquoise sky and submractive waiting for the winter, bearing in the sunlight. And the fields are already sharply drawn with arable land and brightly greasy frowning frills ...

You wake up and have been lying in bed for a long time. In the whole house - silence. Ahead is a whole day of rest in a silent already in the winter manor. In no hurry, we will catch the garden, you will find a randomly forgotten cold and wet apple in wet foliage, and for some reason it will seem unusually tasty, not at all like others.

Dictionary of native nature

It is impossible to list the signs of all seasons. Therefore, I miss the summer and turn to the autumn, to the first of her days when "September" is already starting.

He fades the earth, but still ahead of "India Summer" with his last bright, but already cold, like a gluscle mica, the radiance of the Sun. With thick blue skies, washed with cool air. With a volatile web ("Yiges of the Virgin", how to call it so far, the horseship of the old women) and become a taper sheet falling asleep waters. Birch groves are standing like crowds of beauties girls, in the coated with a golden shelter. "Sad time - eyes charming."

Then - bad weather, covered rains, icy north wind "Siverko", furrowing lead waters, smearing, screaming, pitch night, ice dew, dark dawns.

So everything goes until the first frost grabbing, does not bore the earth, the first powder will not fall and the first fees will not be established. And there is already winter with blizzards, blizzards, gym, snowfall, gray frosts, viscos on the fields, crippled suts on sledge, gray, snow sky ...

Often, I closely watched the fallen leaves in the fall, to catch the wrong share of a second, when the leaf is separated from the branch and begins to fall on the ground, but it did not succeed for me for a long time. I read in old books about how to rustle falling leaves, but I never heard this sound. If the leaves and rustled, then only on the ground, under the legs of man. The rustling of leaves in the air seemed to me as implausible as the stories that in the spring heard how the grass grows.

I was certainly wrong. It was necessary that the rumor, coupled of urban streets, could relax and catch the very clean and accurate sounds of autumn earth.

Somehow late in the evening I went out to the garden to the well. I put a dull kerosene lantern "bat" and pulled out water. The leaves swam in the bucket. They were everywhere. From them it was impossible to get rid of them. Black bakery bread brought with wet leaves sticking to it. The wind threw the handful of the leaves on the table, on the bed, on the floor. On books, and on the tracks Sala was difficult to holy: I had to go on the leaves as in deep snow. The leaves we found in the pockets of our rainfast, in the caps, in the hair - everywhere. We slept on them and pursuant to their smell.

There are autumn nights, the lights and dumb, when the windless stands above the black wooded edge and only the beater of the guard comes from the village of Rustic.

There was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, old maple under the fence and disheveled by the wind bush of a nasturtium at the yellowed flower bed.

I looked at Maple and saw the red leaf gently and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, for an instant I stopped in the air and Koso began to fall to my legs, a little riser and swinging. For the first time he heard the rustling of the falling sheet - an unclear sound similar to a children's whisper.

My house

Paust Konstantin Georgievich

Especially good in a gazebo in a quiet autumn night, when there is no rain rain in Salu.

Cool air barely shakes candle tongue. Corner shadows from grape leaves lie on the ceiling of the arbor. The night butterfly, similar to a lump of gray silk-raw, sits on the revealed book and leaves the finest shiny dust on the page. It smells like rain - gentle and with the sharp smell of moisture, raw garden tracks.

At dawn, I wake up. Fog fucked in the garden. The leaves fall in the fog. I pull out a bucket of water from the well. Frog pops out from the bucket. I dreamed by well water and listen to the head of the shepherd - he sings still far away, at the Okolitsa itself.

Light. I take oars and go to the river. I sail in the fog. East pose. There is no longer a smell of smoke rural furnaces. It remains only to silence water, thickets of centuries-old Yves.

Ahead is a deserted September day. Ahead is a losingity in this huge world of smell foliage, herbs, autumn wiping, plicy waters, clouds, low sky. And I always feel this losingity like happiness.

What are the rains

Paust Konstantin Georgievich

(Passage from the story "Golden Rose")

The sun sits in the clouds, smoke falls to the ground, swallows fly low, they vote in the yards of the roosters, the clouds are pulled in the sky with long foggy strands - all these rain signs. And shortly before the rain, although she also did not pull the clouds, the tender breathing of moisture is heard. It must be brings from there where the rains were already shed.

But begins to scold the first drops. The folk word "stick * the appearance of rain is well transmitted when it is rare drops of dark specks on dusty paths and roofs.

Then the rain is diverged. Then the wonderful cool smell of the Earth arises, for the first time, chosen by everyone. It keeps long. It displaces the smell of wet grass, especially nettle.

It is characteristic that, no matter what rain, it will be, as soon as it begins, is always called very affectionately - rain. "The rain gathered", "the rain spaced", "the rain of the grass is sheer" ...

What, for example, is there a dispute rain from mushroom?

The word "dispute" means - fast, fast. The dispute rain pours steeply, strongly. It is always approaching the incoming noise.

Especially good dispute rain on the river. Each of his drop knocks in water a round deepening, a small water bowl, jumps, again falls and a few moments, before disappearing, is still visible at the bottom of this water bowl. The drop glitters and looks like pearls.

At the same time, the whole river is glass ringing. In the height of this ring you guess, whether the rain is gaining strength or pohes.

And the small mushroom rain sleeps sleeping from low clouds. The puddles from this rain are always warm. He does not ring, and whispering his own, poppy, and slightly marked in the bushes, as if he touches the soft paw to one sheet, then another.

Forest humid and moss absorb this rain does not hurry, thoroughly. Therefore, after it, the mushrooms are started to climb, yellow chanterelles, boring, ruddy grims, opensions and countless grinding.

During mushroom rains in the air, it smokes with a smoke and takes the tricky and cautious fish well - roach.

About the blind rain, coming with the sun, the people say: "Tsarevna cries." Sparkling solar drops of this rain look like large tears. And to whom to cry with such shining tears of grief or joy, as not a fabulous beauty of the princess!

You can make a long time to follow the game of light during the rain, behind the variety of sounds - from the measuring knock on the seal roof and liquid stall in the drain pipe to a solid, tense roe, when the rain pours, as they say, the wall.

All this is only an insignificant part of what can be said about the rain ...

The subject of the essay is "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come. The sun warms almost in a summer, seeking to give the last unearned heat. There are also no clouds on the blue and clean sky. Only the wind became colder and sharp, reminding that the court is already September. Among the bright greenery are notable for the first forerunners of autumn: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover themselves all the roads and tracks.

Essay on the topic "Autumn"

Autumn - goodbye time with warmth and arrival of cold weather. The days are in short, the night is longer, and it is increasingly noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later, but it comes earlier, and the day warms everything weaker. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly lowers down, the evenings becomes noticeably colder.

That came golden autumn. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Fall Loves yellow, red, orange paints, and how she loves to sneak everything with gold. You come to the birch grove, and you can't take your eyes, everything is in gold. On birchings instead of leaflets hang gold coins, and it seems that from one dungement the breeze they will start to ring immediately.

Essay on the topic "Autumn time"

Fall - The most beautiful time of year. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Autumn was the most beloved sometimes of the year. It is impossible not to admire that beauty that autumn nature gives us. And how beautiful in the fall in the forest! Sometimes just words are missing to describe all this magnificence, only the artist can pass the autumn landscape.

Essay on the topic "Golden Autumn"

Ended the cheerful summer. Full owner in became September. In the morning and at night it becomes unusual cold. Only during the day, still hesitates the sun, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long work, the fields rest. Golden gardens have already gave their harvests to the owners. Everywhere felt the coolness of autumn. On the gray sky, low clouds began to appear. There is a small rain.

The subject of the essay is "Why do I like autumn"

Autumn, soon autumn... wondrny and wonderful time. The sun is no longer fright from the morning to the evening, as in the summer and not yet hiding behind the dense gray clouds, as it will be in winter. It generously and gently warms, caressing every cell, it rings in the sky with a million calls and scatters his tenderness and heat. Go, people and animals, blades and flowers, birds and trees, catch his adorable rays, swim in them, rejoice, smile.

The subject of the essay is "Autumn" for 2, 3, 4 classes

1 option. Autumn has come. On the trees wished leafs. Soon they will start falling to the ground.
Yesterday we walked with my mother in the autumn park. There is sunny and quiet. Birds no longer sing. They are preparing to fly into the warm edges.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn We went to school. Stop calf days. Every day I return from school and rejoice in the autumn sun.
Soon the autumn rains will go. It will become cold. Now on the trees of foliage is golden. But soon she will come off and fall.

The subject of the essay is "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa. This is a very cozy and cute city. So I got to us fall. Trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Autumn we have very warm, but this year is still warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. Sun shines not so intense, but quite often. It was always surprised that in the fall, we can sometimes not wear jackets and a coat, while in all other cities that are north, everyone is wondering, feeling the approach of winter. Very good now walking among the trees when everything around is so colorfully and bright. I love my city, he is for me as the whole worldwhere you can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa Even more grace and beauty. It can be said that autumn goes to my city.

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