Environmental problems of the planet the surrounding world. We solve environmental problems together

The scientific and technological revolution and the use of mineral resources of the land have led to the fact that the ecological situation on our planet is deteriorating literally before our eyes. The level of pollution of the subsoil, hydrosphere and air layer of the earth is approaching a critical level. Humanity is on the verge of a global man-made disaster. Fortunately, more and more government and public organizations understand the depth and danger of the problem.

Work to improve the current situation is gaining momentum. Already, modern technologies offer many ways to solve environmental problems, from the creation of ecological fuels, ecological transport to the search for new environmentally friendly energy sources and the rational use of the Earth's resources.

Ways to solve the problem

A comprehensive approach to environmental issues is required. It should include long-term and planned activities aimed at all spheres of society.

To radically improve the ecological situation, both on the ground in general and in a single country, it is necessary to implement measures of this nature:

  1. Legal. These include the creation of environmental laws. International agreements are also important.
  2. Economic. Elimination of the consequences of technogenic impact on nature requires serious financial investments.
  3. Technological. In this area, there is where inventors and innovators disagree. The use of new technologies in the mining, metallurgical and transport industries will reduce environmental pollution to a minimum. The main task is to create environmentally friendly energy sources.
  4. Organizational. They consist in the even distribution of transport along the streams to prevent its prolonged congestion in one place.
  5. Architectural. It is advisable to plant greenery in large and small settlements, to divide their territory into zones using plantations. Planting around enterprises and along roads is also important.

Particular importance should be attached to the protection of flora and fauna. Their representatives simply do not have time to adapt to changes in the environment.

Current measures to preserve the environment

Awareness of the dramatic situation in ecology forced humanity to take urgent and effective measures to correct it.

The most popular are the following areas of activity:

  1. Reducing household and industrial waste. This is especially true for plastic dishes. It is gradually being replaced by paper. Research is underway to eliminate bacteria that feed on plastic.
  2. Cleaning of drains. Billions of cubic meters of water are consumed annually to support various branches of human activity. Modern treatment facilities allow you to purify it to its natural state.
  3. Transition to clean energy sources. This means the phasing out of nuclear energy, engines and furnaces fueled by coal and petroleum products. The use of natural gas, wind, solar and hydroelectric power ensures a clean atmosphere. The use of biofuels can significantly reduce the concentration of harmful substances in exhaust gases.
  4. Protection and restoration of lands and forests. New forests are being planted in the felling areas. Measures are being taken to drain lands, protect them from erosion.

Constant agitation in favor of ecology changes people's views on this problem, incline them to respect the environment.

Prospects for solving environmental problems in the future

In the future, the main efforts will be aimed at eliminating the consequences of man-made human activities and reducing harmful emissions.

For this, there are such prospects:

  1. Construction of special plants for the complete disposal of all types of waste. This will allow not to occupy new territories for landfills. Energy obtained from combustion can be used for the needs of cities.
  2. Construction of thermal power plants operating on the "solar wind" (Helium 3). This substance is found on the moon. Despite the high cost of its extraction, the energy obtained from the "solar wind" is thousands of times higher than the heat transfer from nuclear fuel.
  3. Transfer of all vehicles to power plants operating on gas, electricity, batteries and hydrogen. This solution will help reduce air emissions.
  4. Cold nuclear fusion. This option for obtaining energy from water is already under development.

Despite the serious damage caused to nature, humanity has every chance to return it to its original appearance.

Continuous technological progress, the continuing enslavement of nature by man, industrialization, which has changed the surface of the Earth beyond recognition, have become the causes of the global ecological crisis. At present, the world's population is particularly acutely faced with such environmental problems as air pollution, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil pollution, pollution of the world's oceans and overpopulation.

Global environmental problem # 1: Air pollution

Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Air pollutants are conventionally divided into 2 types: natural and anthropogenic. The latter prevail.

The chemical industry is not doing well. Factories emit harmful substances such as dust, oil ash, various chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides and much more. Air measurements showed the catastrophic position of the atmospheric layer, polluted air is the cause of many chronic diseases.

Air pollution is an environmental problem that is familiar to residents of absolutely all corners of the earth. It is especially acutely felt by representatives of cities in which enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries operate. In some cities, the atmosphere is also severely poisoned by vehicles and boiler houses. These are all examples of anthropogenic air pollution.

As for the natural sources of chemical elements that pollute the atmosphere, they include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (dispersal of soil and rock particles), the spread of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

Consequences of air pollution

Atmospheric air pollution adversely affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases (in particular, bronchitis). In addition, atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, destroying plants and causing the death of living things (in particular, river fish).

The global environmental problem of air pollution, according to scientists and government officials, can be solved in the following ways:

  • limiting population growth;
  • reduction in energy use;
  • improving energy efficiency;
  • reduction of waste;
  • transition to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;
  • air purification in highly polluted areas.

Global Environmental Issue # 2: Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer is a thin strip of the stratosphere that protects all life on Earth from the destructive ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

Causes of the environmental problem

Back in the 1970s. ecologists have discovered that the ozone layer is destroyed by the influence of chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals are found in refrigeration and air conditioner coolants, as well as solvents, aerosols / sprays, and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, the thinning of the ozone layer is also facilitated by other anthropogenic influences: the launch of space rockets, flights of jet aircraft in the high layers of the atmosphere, testing of nuclear weapons, and the reduction of the world's forests. There is also a theory according to which global warming contributes to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Effects of ozone depletion

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes through the atmosphere unhindered and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays is detrimental to human health by weakening the immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts.

Global Environmental Issue # 3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitric oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All of these gases are responsible for maintaining temperatures acceptable for life on earth. However, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming

During the 20th century, the average temperature on earth rose by 0.5 - 1 ° C. The main cause of global warming is considered to be an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels (coal, oil and their derivatives) burned by humans. However, according to the statement Alexey Kokorin, Head of Climate Programs WWF (WWF) Russia, "The largest amount of greenhouse gases is generated by power plants and methane emissions during the extraction and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or the flaring of associated petroleum gas cause relatively little environmental damage".

Overpopulation, deforestation, ozone depletion and littering are other prerequisites for global warming. However, not all ecologists blame anthropogenic activities for the rise in average annual temperatures. Some believe that the natural increase in the abundance of oceanic plankton, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the same carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, also contributes to global warming.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

If the temperature during the 21st century increases by another 1 ° C - 3.5 ° C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

  • the level of the world ocean will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of desertification will intensify,
  • many species of plants and animals, adapted to exist in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity, will disappear,
  • hurricanes will become more frequent.

Solving an environmental problem

According to ecologists, the following measures will help to slow down the process of global warming:

  • higher prices for fossil fuels,
  • replacement of fossil fuels with environmentally friendly (solar energy, wind and sea currents),
  • development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies,
  • taxation of emissions into the environment,
  • minimization of methane losses during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages, and use at heat supply and power plants,
  • introduction of technologies for absorption and binding of carbon dioxide,
  • tree planting,
  • decrease in family size,
  • environmental education,
  • the use of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global Environmental Issue # 4: Acid Rain

Acid rain containing fuel combustion products also pose a threat to the environment, human health and even the integrity of architectural monuments.

The effects of acid rain

The solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids, aluminum and cobalt compounds contained in polluted sediments and fog pollute the soil and water bodies, adversely affect vegetation, causing the dry tops of deciduous trees and oppressing conifers. Due to acid rain, crop yields are falling, people are drinking water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments turn into gypsum and erode.

Solving an environmental problem

In the name of saving nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global environmental problem # 5: Soil pollution

Every year people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid waste from industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household waste and atmospheric deposition of harmful substances.

The main role in soil pollution is played by such components of industrial waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and oil products. From the soil, they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. Along the chain, toxic metals enter the human body and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them tend to accumulate over the years, provoking the development of serious diseases.

Global Environmental Issue # 6: Water Pollution

Pollution of the world's oceans, groundwater and surface waters of the land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with humans.

Causes of the environmental problem

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and oil products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the world's oceans as a result of the wreck of tankers and the regular discharges of wastewater by industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic oil products, industrial and domestic facilities pollute the hydrosphere with heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Agriculture and the food industry are recognized as leaders in the poisoning of the world's oceans with minerals and biogenic elements.

The hydrosphere is not spared by such a global environmental problem as radioactive pollution. The precondition for its formation was the burial of radioactive waste in the waters of the world's oceans. Many powers with a developed nuclear industry and a nuclear fleet, from 49 to 70 years of the XX century, purposefully stored hazardous radioactive substances in the seas and oceans. In places where radioactive containers are buried, the level of cesium is often off-scale today. But “underwater test sites” are not the only radioactive source of pollution of the hydrosphere. The waters of the seas and oceans are also enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

An environmental problem is a certain change in the state of the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic impact, leading to a failure of the structure and functioning of the natural system (landscape) and leading to negative economic, social or other consequences. This concept is anthropocentric, since negative transformations in nature are assessed in relation to the conditions of human existence.


Lands associated with disturbances in landscape components are conventionally divided into six categories:

Atmospheric (thermal, radiological, mechanical or chemical pollution of the atmosphere);

Aquatic (contamination of oceans and seas, depletion of both groundwater and surface water);

Geological and geomorphological (activation of negative geological and geomorphological processes, deformation of the relief and geological structure);

Soil (soil contamination, secondary salinization, erosion, deflation, waterlogging, etc.);

Biotic (degradation of vegetation and forests, species, digression of pastures, etc.);

Landscape (complex) - deterioration of biodiversity, desertification, failure of the established regime of nature protection zones, etc.

According to the main environmental changes, the following problems and situations are distinguished:

- Landscape genetic. They arise as a result of the loss of the gene pool and unique natural objects, violation of the integrity of the landscape system.

- Anthropoecological. Considered in relation to changes in living conditions and health of people.

- Natural resources. Associated with the loss or depletion of natural resources, worsen the process of doing business in the affected area.

Additional division

Environmental problems of nature, in addition to the options presented above, can be classified as follows:

For the main reason of occurrence - ecological transport, industrial, hydraulic engineering.

In terms of severity - mild, moderately acute, acute, extremely acute.

In terms of complexity, they are simple, complex, complex.

In terms of solvability - solvable, difficult to solve, almost insoluble.

In terms of coverage of the affected areas - local, regional, planetary.

By time - short-term, long-term, practically not disappearing.

In terms of the scope of the region - the problems of the north of Russia, the Ural mountains, tundra, etc.

Consequence of active urbanization

It is customary to call a city a socio-demographic and economic system that has a territorial complex of means of production, a permanent population, an artificially created habitat and an established form of organization of society.

The modern stage of human development is characterized by a rapid rate of growth in the number and size of settlements. Large cities with a population of one hundred thousand or more are growing especially intensively. They occupy about one percent of the entire land area of \u200b\u200bthe planet, but their impact on the world economy and natural conditions is truly great. It is in their activities that the main causes of environmental problems lie. These limited areas are home to more than 45% of the world's population, producing about 80% of all emissions that pollute the hydrosphere and atmospheric air.

Environmental especially large, it is much more difficult to solve. The larger the settlement, the more significantly the natural conditions are transformed. If we compare it with the countryside, then in most megacities, the environmental conditions of people are much worse.

According to ecologist Reimer, an ecological problem is any phenomenon associated with the impact of people on nature and with the reversible impact of nature on people and their vital processes.

Natural and landscape problems of the city

Most of these negative changes are associated with the degradation of the landscape of megacities. All components change under large settlements - groundwater and surface water, relief and geological structure, flora and fauna, soil cover, climatic features. The ecological problems of cities also consist in the fact that all living components of the system begin to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, which leads to a reduction in species diversity and a decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bland plantations.

Resource and economic problems

They are associated with the huge scale of the use of natural resources, with their processing and the formation of toxic waste. The causes of environmental problems are in human interference in the natural landscape in the process of urban development and in thoughtless waste disposal.

Anthropological problems

An environmental problem is not only about negative changes in natural systems. It can also consist of deteriorating urban health. The decline in the quality of the urban environment leads to the emergence of a variety of diseases. The nature and biological properties of people, which have been formed over more than one millennium, cannot change as quickly as the world around them. Inconsistencies between these processes often lead to a conflict between the environment and human nature.

Considering the causes of environmental problems, we note that the most important of them is the impossibility of rapid adaptation of organisms to the conditions of their environment, and in fact adaptation is one of the main qualities of all living things. Attempts to influence the speed of this process do not lead to anything good.


An environmental problem is the result of the interaction of nature and society, which can lead to a global catastrophe. Currently, the following extremely negative changes are observed on our planet:

A huge volume of waste - 81% - is released into the atmosphere.

More than ten million square kilometers of land has been eroded and deserted.

The composition of the atmosphere is changing.

The density of the ozone layer is disrupted (for example, a hole appeared over Antarctica).

Over the past ten years, 180 million hectares of forest have disappeared from the face of the earth.

As a result, the height of its waters increases by two millimeters annually.

There is a constant growth in the consumption of natural resources.

Scientists have calculated that the biosphere has the ability to fully compensate for anthropogenic disturbances of natural natural processes if the consumption of primary biological products does not exceed one percent of the total, but at present this figure is approaching ten percent. The compensatory capabilities of the biosphere are hopelessly undermined, as a result, the planet's ecology is constantly deteriorating.

The environmentally acceptable threshold for energy consumption is called an indicator of 1 TWh / year. However, it is significantly exceeded, therefore, the favorable properties of the environment are destroyed. In fact, we can talk about the beginning of the third world war, which humanity is waging against nature. Everyone understands that there can be no winners in this confrontation.

Disappointing prospects

Global development is associated with a rapid growth in numbers To meet the ever-increasing needs, it is necessary to three times reduce the consumption of natural resources in countries with a high level of development and contribute to the improvement of the welfare of individual states. The upper limit is twelve billion people. If there are more people on the planet, then from three to five billion will simply be doomed to die of thirst and hunger every year.

Examples of environmental problems on a planetary scale

The development of the "greenhouse effect" has recently become an increasingly threatening process for the Earth. As a result, the heat balance of the planet changes and the average annual temperatures increase. The culprits of the problem are "greenhouse" gases, in particular, the consequence of global warming is the gradual melting of snow and glaciers, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the water level of the World Ocean.

Acidic precipitation

Sulfur dioxide was recognized as the main culprit for this negative phenomenon. The area of \u200b\u200bnegative impact of acidic precipitation is wide enough. Many ecosystems have already been seriously affected by them, but the most damage is done to plants. As a result, humanity may face the mass death of phytocenoses.

Not enough fresh water

A shortage of fresh water in some regions is observed due to the active development of agriculture and utilities, as well as industry. It is not the quantity but the quality of the natural resource that plays a significant role here.

Deterioration of the "lungs" of the planet

Thoughtless destruction, felling and irrational use of forest resources have led to the emergence of another serious environmental problem. Forests are known to absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and produce oxygen. For example, one ton of vegetation releases 1.1 to 1.3 tons of oxygen into the atmosphere.

The ozone layer is under attack

The destruction of the ozone layer of our planet is primarily associated with the use of freons. These gases are used in the assembly of refrigeration units and a variety of cartridges. Scientists have found that in the upper atmosphere, the thickness of the ozone layer decreases. A striking example of the problem is over Antarctica, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is constantly increasing and has already gone beyond the boundaries of the mainland.

Solving global environmental problems

Does humanity have the ability to escape scale? Yes. But this requires taking concrete steps.

Establish clear standards for the use of natural resources at the legislative level.

Actively apply centralized environmental protection measures. This can be, for example, uniform international rules and norms for the protection of climate, forests, the World Ocean, atmosphere, etc.

Centrally plan complex restoration work in order to solve the environmental problems of the region, city, village and other specific objects.

To foster ecological awareness and stimulate the moral development of the individual.


Technological progress is gaining more and more speed, there is a constant improvement of production processes, modernization of devices, the introduction of innovative technologies in a variety of areas. However, only a tiny fraction of the innovation concerns environmental protection.

It is very important to understand that only the complex interaction of representatives of all social groups and the state will help to improve the ecological situation on the planet. Now is the time to look back to realize what the future holds.

Ecology is a science that studies the interactions and effects of living organisms on each other and on the environment. The ecology of nature and man are inextricably linked. In an effort to improve life on Earth, people consume more than they return, and this damages the environment.

Ecology and nature

Translated from Greek, the word "ecology" means "the science of home." The planet is home to all living things, the actions of ecologists are aimed at protecting it. The concept "nature" defines the natural habitat of living organisms. It covers:

  • animal, plant worlds;
  • geological structures;
  • water resources;
  • people.

The components of the environment include the weather and climate, which differ from region to region.

Many sciences study aspects that relate to nature: biology, physics, chemistry, geography. Recently, ecology has occupied a special place among the disciplines that study these issues. The reason for this is the increased influence of man on nature. It causes irreparable damage to the environment.

For many years, scientific thought was dominated by the idea that man is the master of nature and can take whatever he needs. But it is precisely the belief that everything is permissible that has led to the fact that the ecological situation in nature is deteriorating. The construction of factories, gas and oil pipelines, power plants is the progress of mankind, but a regression of the ecological state of nature. Forests are dying, reservoirs, the air is polluted, the population of plants and animals is declining.

Ecology and nature are two concepts that go hand in hand in the world community, where a global movement to protect the environment has developed. The main goal of his followers is to reduce the harmful influence of people, to preserve natural landscapes, flora and fauna.

The importance of ecology

Ecology as a subject is part of the curriculum in schools, colleges and universities. Regardless of the direction, it is studied in almost all faculties. Each person must be environmentally literate, understand how actions or inactions affect the state of nature

Almost all industrial enterprises have environmental departments responsible for reducing harmful emissions. Each city has an environmental service that solves local problems. Scientists and researchers work on a national and global scale, trying to achieve one goal - the ecological safety of nature.

Contemporary environmental problems

The ecological situation in the world is deteriorating every day. Many scientists believe that society's activities have led to an environmental disaster.

The biggest problem is the rapid decline in flora and fauna. Over the past two hundred years, the planet has lost about 900 thousand species. Depletion occurs due to human interference in their natural habitat:

  • use of land for agriculture;
  • deforestation;
  • drainage of swamps;
  • acid rain due to harmful emissions from factories and machines, etc.

The decrease in the amount of minerals is a worrying fact for many. Oil, gas, coal, peat, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rocks were formed thousands, millions of years ago. However, only in the last decade has man half depleted natural resources, many of which are non-renewable. The very process of mining is detrimental to the ecological situation, but this area is profitable, so few people care about the preservation of nature.

Recently, scientists began to worry about the pollution of the world's oceans, which occupies 66% of the globe. The ocean is the main source of oxygen, food for animals and humans. The accelerated pace of industrial development in the 20th century has caused severe pollution of the world's oceans. Subsequently, the state of the environment deteriorated, the amount of acid rain increased, and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere decreased.

The destruction of the ozone layer is an environmental problem due to which the number of human cancers and vision problems are increasing. The ozone layer protects living organisms from the damaging effects of UV rays. The holes that have recently formed in this barrier are allowing more dangerous radiation to enter the planet. The destruction of the ozone layer is associated with the operation of the engines of spaceships, aircraft, satellites.

Even in the age of high technologies, agriculture continues to be a key, albeit not such a large industry, since it is it that is the source of raw materials and food. However, the activities of society lead to pollution, destruction of fertile soils, they become unsuitable for cultivation. Microorganisms that inhabit the upper soil layers are dying out, which also upsets the balance in nature.

Ways to solve environmental problems

The problems of ecology and nature are solved at the international as well as state levels. Legislative acts, sanitary and hygienic standards are being introduced, organizational, technical and other measures are being taken in order to influence society, manufacturers, and make them environmentally responsible.

Specific actions taken by individual enterprises, organizations include:

  • correct processing;
  • garbage disposal;
  • installation of treatment facilities in factories;
  • ecological use of natural raw materials.

The deplorable situation in nature at enterprises is introducing a separate environmental policy that regulates issues related to environmental protection.

To protect natural landscapes, unique animals, plants, reserves and national parks are being opened. People are planting forest parks, shrubs to prevent further soil erosion. Environmentally friendly farming methods are being developed, using natural fertilizers. The problem of renewable natural resources is solved by using alternative energy sources: sun, wind, water.

But the root of the problem lies in the minds of people, and changing it is more difficult than introducing cleaning technologies in factories or recycling waste. Raising a person as part of nature - a complex system where all components are interconnected and interdependent - is a complex task that the world faces today. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children the basics of everyday ecology. Kindergarten, school, university play an important role in this process. It is in the classroom that children and adolescents gain knowledge about how nature is destroyed and how this can be avoided.

You must always remember that nature is the home of man, and you need to try in every way to protect it from destruction.

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State budgetary professional educational institution

Stavropol Territory "Kislovodsk Medical College"

on the topic: "Global environmental problems and ways to solve them"

discipline "Ecology"

Performed by D.K. Saidova

checked by the teacher Kodzhakova S.Z.

mr. Kislovodsk 2016


Global Environmental Issue # 2: Ozone Depletion

Global Environmental Issue # 4: Acid Rain

Environmental problem # 5: Soil pollution



Continuous technological progress, the continuing enslavement of nature by man, industrialization, which has changed the surface of the Earth beyond recognition, have become the causes of the global ecological crisis. At present, the world's population is particularly acutely faced with such environmental problems as air pollution, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil pollution, pollution of the world's oceans and overpopulation.

Global environmental problem # 1: Air pollution

Every day, the average person breathes in about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Air pollutants, polluted air are the cause of many chronic diseases.

Air pollution is an environmental problem that is familiar to residents of absolutely all corners of the earth.

It is especially acutely felt by representatives of cities in which enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries operate. In some cities, the atmosphere is also severely poisoned by vehicles and boiler houses. These are all examples of anthropogenic air pollution. As for the natural sources of chemical elements that pollute the atmosphere, they include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (dispersal of soil and rock particles), the spread of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

The consequences of air pollution. Atmospheric air pollution adversely affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases (in particular, bronchitis).

In addition, atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, destroying plants and causing the death of living things (in particular, river fish).

The solution to the environmental problem. The global environmental problem of air pollution, according to scientists and government officials, can be solved in the following ways:

Limiting population growth;

Reducing energy use;

Improving energy efficiency;

Reducing waste;

Switching to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;

Air purification in highly polluted areas.

Global Environmental Issue # 2: Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer is a thin strip of the stratosphere that protects all life on Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

Causes of the environmental problem. Back in the 1970s. ecologists have discovered that the ozone layer is destroyed by the influence of chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals are found in refrigeration and air conditioner coolants, as well as solvents, aerosols / sprays, and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, the thinning of the ozone layer is also facilitated by other anthropogenic influences: the launch of space rockets, flights of jet aircraft in the high layers of the atmosphere, testing of nuclear weapons, and the reduction of the world's forest lands. There is also a theory that global warming contributes to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Consequences of ozone depletion. As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes through the atmosphere unhindered and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays is detrimental to human health by weakening the immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts. Solutions to the problem of ozone depletion

Awareness of the danger leads to the fact that the international community is taking more and more new steps to protect the ozone layer. Let's consider some of them.

1) Creation of various organizations for the protection of the ozone layer (UNEP, COSPAR, MAGA)

2Conducting conferences.

a) Vienna Conference (September 1987). The Montreal Protocol was discussed and signed there:

The need for constant control over the manufacture, sale, and use of substances most dangerous for ozone (freons, bromine-containing compounds, etc.)

The use of chlorofluorocarbons in comparison with the 1986 level should be reduced by 20% by 1993 and by half by 1998.

b) At the beginning of 1990. scientists came to the conclusion that the restrictions of the Montreal Protocol are insufficient and proposals were made to completely stop production and emissions into the atmosphere already in 1991-1992. those freons that are limited by the Montreal Protocol.

The problem of preserving the ozone layer is one of the global problems of mankind. Therefore, it is discussed at many forums of all levels up to Russian-American summit meetings.

It remains only to believe that a deep awareness of the danger threatening humanity will prompt the governments of all countries to take the necessary measures to reduce emissions of substances harmful to ozone.

Global Environmental Issue # 3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitric oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All of these gases are responsible for maintaining temperatures acceptable for life on earth. However, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming. During the 20th century, the average temperature on earth rose by 0.5 - 1 ° C. The main cause of global warming is considered to be an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels (coal, oil and their derivatives) burned by humans.

However, according to Alexei Kokorin, head of climate programs for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, “the largest amount of greenhouse gases is formed as a result of the operation of power plants and methane emissions during the extraction and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or the burning of associated petroleum gas in torches do relatively little harm to the environment.

Overpopulation, deforestation, ozone depletion and littering are other prerequisites for global warming.

However, not all ecologists blame anthropogenic activities for the increase in average annual temperatures.

Some believe that the natural increase in the abundance of oceanic plankton, which leads to an increase in the concentration of the same carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, also contributes to global warming.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect. If the temperature during the 21st century increases by another 1 ° C - 3.5 ° C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

The level of the world ocean will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of desertification will intensify,

Many species of plants and animals adapted to exist in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity will disappear,

Hurricanes will become more frequent.

The solution to the environmental problem. According to ecologists, the following measures will help slow down the process of global warming:

Rising prices for fossil fuels,

Replacing fossil fuels with environmentally friendly (solar, wind and sea currents),

Development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies,

Taxation of emissions into the environment,

Minimization of methane losses during its extraction, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages, and application at heat supply and power plants,

Introduction of technologies for absorption and binding of carbon dioxide,

Tree planting,

Reducing the size of families

Environmental education,

Application of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global Environmental Issue # 4: Acid Rain

Acid rain containing fuel combustion products also pose a threat to the environment, human health and even the integrity of architectural monuments.

The effects of acid rain. The solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids, aluminum and cobalt compounds contained in polluted sediments and fog pollute the soil and water bodies, adversely affect vegetation, causing the dry tops of deciduous trees and oppressing conifers. Due to acid rain, crop yields are falling, people are drinking water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments turn into gypsum and erode.

The solution to the environmental problem. In the name of saving nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global environmental problem # 5: Soil pollution

Every year people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid waste from industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household waste and atmospheric deposition of harmful substances.

The main role in soil pollution is played by such components of industrial waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and oil products. From the soil, they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. Along the chain, toxic metals enter the human body and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them tend to accumulate over the years, provoking the development of serious diseases.

Solution ways:

Development of environmental technologies or waste-free production.

Disinfection of hazardous waste, waste water.

Fight against toxic emissions from various types of equipment.

Waste disposal or recycling.

Disinfection of contaminated soil, water and air.

Global Environmental Issue # 6: Water Pollution

pollution atmosphere water greenhouse

Pollution of the world's oceans, groundwater and surface waters of the land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with humans.

Causes of the environmental problem. The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and oil products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the world's oceans as a result of the wreck of tankers and the regular discharges of wastewater by industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic oil products, industrial and domestic facilities pollute the hydrosphere with heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Agriculture and the food industry are recognized as leaders in the poisoning of the world's oceans with minerals and biogenic elements.

The hydrosphere is not spared by such a global environmental problem as radioactive pollution. The precondition for its formation was the burial of radioactive waste in the waters of the world's oceans. Many powers with a developed nuclear industry and a nuclear fleet, from 49 to 70 years of the XX century, purposefully stored hazardous radioactive substances in the seas and oceans. In places where radioactive containers are buried, the level of cesium is often off-scale today. But “underwater test sites” are not the only radioactive source of pollution of the hydrosphere. The waters of the seas and oceans are also enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

Consequences of radioactive contamination of water. Oil pollution of the hydrosphere leads to the destruction of the natural habitat of hundreds of representatives of oceanic flora and fauna, the death of plankton, seabirds and mammals. Poisoning of the world's oceans also poses a serious danger to human health: fish and other seafood "contaminated" with radiation can easily get on the table.

Humanity, realizing that as a result of its vital activity, sometimes causes irreparable damage to the aquatic biosphere, tries to find effective ways to purify natural waters from various kinds of pollution. Events of this kind include the following types of actions:

Treatment of industrial and domestic waste water;

Disinfection of natural waters using chemical reagents;

Pumping contaminated water into special reservoirs or aquifers;

Development in the production of recycling water supply technologies that do not require additional water intake and water flow.


Global problems are a challenge to the human mind. It is impossible to get away from them. They can only be overcome. To overcome through the efforts of each person and each country in close cooperation for the great goal of preserving the opportunity to live on Earth.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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