Open day laboratory diagnostics. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Doctor

Today, medicine is known for a great variety of diseases. Often, pathologies have similar symptoms, and it becomes impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without appropriate tests. In addition, the development of an effective treatment regimen for a patient directly depends on the results of research. "Laboratory diagnostics" is a specialty most in demand in the medical industry. Graduates can work in any laboratory in various fields.

Where to go?

To work in the specialty "laboratory diagnostics" higher education is not required. Future student can apply to any medical college. The duration of study varies depending on the number of classes of secondary education (9 or 11) and the form of study (full-time, part-time, evening).

To master the profession of "doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics" is possible only in medical universities. The difference between the specialties is that in the first case the worker's activity is somewhat limited. In the second, it involves participation in the development of the scientific field and possession of a wider range of knowledge. In any case, after receiving an education in the specialty "laboratory diagnostics", you can apply to the university. As a rule, such students are immediately enrolled in the second year, because they have already listened to the lectures of the first in college.

What to work with?

Graduates who have mastered the specialty "laboratory diagnostics" can work as a "medical technician". This is a responsible position that involves the implementation of important tasks.

A medical laboratory technician must know:

  • the laws of the Russian Federation and the provisions of other regulatory documents governing the activities of any medical institution;
  • internal regulations, labor protection and fire safety;
  • methods of providing emergency care, including the ability to apply them in practice;
  • fundamentals of the profession of a laboratory assistant;
  • principles of collection of the patient's biological material;
  • operating conditions of medical equipment;
  • rules for working with biomaterials containing pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • morphology of opportunistic microorganisms;
  • methods for preparing the required reagents;
  • rules for sterilization of instruments and disinfection of material.

The duties of a person who have received the specialty "laboratory diagnostics" include:

  • examination of the patient's biological material (blood, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.);
  • use of established diagnostic techniques;
  • timely and high-quality implementation of tasks set by the higher management;
  • observance of internal regulations, safety measures, sanitary standards.

The specialist has the right:

  • to voice ideas to higher management, the implementation of which will help optimize and improve the industry;
  • demand assistance for the quality performance of their labor duties;
  • timely receive information from specialists of a medical institution, which helps to establish a workflow;
  • pass certification, upon completion of which he is assigned the appropriate category;
  • symposia, if in the course of them issues affecting his professional activity are raised;
  • to fully enjoy all provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employee is also responsible for the quality and timely fulfillment of his labor obligations.

Where to work?

"Laboratory diagnostics" is a specialty in demand at all times. Medical graduates educational institutions in this profession can work in:

  • polyclinics and hospitals of any level;
  • laboratories at universities;
  • blood transfusion stations;


Today, the medical industry is in great demand for professionals with the specialty of laboratory diagnostics. Reviews of graduates of educational institutions are the most positive - the risk of being unemployed is reduced to almost zero. And this is justified - a medical laboratory technician plays a very important role in the diagnosis of diseases, which further helps the attending physician to accurately diagnose and draw up the most effective treatment regimen for the patient.

The most common admission exams are:

  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

For admission, you must pass an exam in your specialty.

Any specialist with a medical education in his work is guided not by intuition, being engaged in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, but by specific facts confirming the presence of a certain disease or pathology. Sometimes the ailment declares itself publicly, but to confirm the assumption, the responsible doctor will still prescribe tests or use other methods.

Specialty 31.08.05 "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" is the most important branch of medicine. If the physician cannot say for sure which ailment has overcome the patient, then it is necessary to call for help from specialists who will conduct special studies. They use numerous techniques: work with classical microscopes, and search for the root of the problem through biochemical studies, the study of a pathological agent.

Conditions of admission

This course involves an in-depth study of theory and practice. Here, not only a good knowledge of the natural and exact sciences is important, but also the ability to work painstakingly, persistently, with all responsibility in order to eliminate the possibility of a fatal error.

What subjects are usually taken by prospective students when entering Moscow universities for residency depends on the conditions of a particular educational institution. This is mainly a specialty exam and foreign language... Admission takes place on competitive basis, and the exam can take place orally, in the form of a test or an interview.

Future profession

This is a very interesting specialty that suits people with abstract thinking. It is aimed at prevention, prevention of possible ailments, as well as specific assistance in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Such a doctor may choose different profiles of activity. For example, someone prefers to carry out preventive measures among the population. Others are determined to save human lives in emergency situations: during epidemics, after natural Disasters... Such a specialist will certainly educate high degree responsibility that will be needed not only when working in the laboratory, but also provided that he is entrusted with honorary positions of an organizational and managerial nature.

Where to go

Now former schoolchildren have a large choice of where to study in residency in this area:

  • Russian national research honey. Pirogov University (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN);
  • The first state. medical and dental university named after Evdokimov;
  • Research Institute of Emergency Medicine Sklifosovsky;
  • Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Training period

Residency in this specialty involves training for 2 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During his studies, the future specialist gets acquainted with a whole range of important subjects:

  • clinical laboratory diagnostics;
  • hygiene;
  • epidemiology;
  • laboratory equipment and research methods;
  • public health;
  • emergency medicine;
  • pathology.

Acquired skills

It is important for a future professional to acquire valuable practical skills that will be needed in solving the following tasks:

Job prospects by profession

Modern reality opens up ample opportunities for the young specialist in terms of self-realization. After all, today medicine is impossible without laboratory research.

In principle, many ailments cannot be identified without the involvement of such a professional. Therefore, a university graduate will find himself in any clinic - public or private. He will also be able to find vacancies in laboratories that function at sanitary-epidemiological stations, forensic departments.

Who do former students work for:

  • doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • analyst;
  • operator.

For a graduate of residency, the minimum wage starts from 27 thousand in domestic currency. But a young specialist who has proven his worth gets much higher than this mark.

Prospects for professional development of graduates

Postgraduate studies involve obtaining an academic degree.

In Moscow and the region there are about 30 colleges that train nurses - from nurses and midwives to dental technicians and paramedics. Among the advantages of secondary medical education: guaranteed employment, the possibility of simultaneously obtaining related professions, active sports - all colleges promote a healthy lifestyle. The best colleges for doctors - in the review "".

1. Medical College number 1

Specialty:"Nursing"; "General Medicine"; "Laboratory diagnostics"

Reception:on the basis of 9, 11 classes

Training: free and paid (full-time: from 133 thousand rubles / year, part-time: 100 thousand rubles / year)

This is the leading medical college in Moscow, a methodological center for all secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of medicine. As a result of the reorganization, it included medical schools No. 4, No. 5, No. 19 and Medical College them. Botkin. The united complex annually recruits more than 300 freshmen for budget places. MK # 1 was the first to start multilevel training of nurses and laboratory diagnostics specialists. Laboratory technicians who complete the basic training program can take an advanced program and become a medical technologist. College graduates, in addition to the main specialty, have the opportunity to get an additional profession of exercise therapy instructor, cosmetologist, nutritionist, medical statistician. The college also runs medical massage courses.

The admission competition is comparable to medical schools. The most difficult thing is to enter the Nursing specialty after the 9th grade: in 2016, four applicants applied for one budget place here. For enrollment, it was necessary to demonstrate an average score of the certificate of at least 4.5 and pass psychological testing.

The college is actively involved in international projects. Students go on internships to hospitals and university clinics in the USA, China, Germany and the UK to exchange experiences in the field of nursing patient care.

2. Medical College number 2

Specialty:"Nursing"; "General Medicine"

Reception:on the basis of 9, 11 classes

Training: free and paid (from 130 thousand rubles / year)

The college is very popular with university entrants. Here, one of the highest entrance competitions among medical colleges - in 2016, the average mark of the certificate in the specialty "Nursing" was 4.3. This year 225 budget places for future nurses; for future paramedics training is only paid. The college cooperates with the First Moscow Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, where students study at the departments of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, hygiene and pathology.

In the advanced training department of the college, you can undergo additional training in physiotherapy, massage, and also get the specialty of an operating nurse (this is aerobatics in the profession). Students take these programs in parallel with their senior year.

3. Medical College of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation

Specialty:"Nursing"; "General Medicine", "Laboratory Diagnostics"

Reception: on the basis of 9, 11 classes

Training: free

The college prepares nurses, laboratory technicians and paramedics for medical institutions of the healthcare system of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. Graduates are guaranteed one hundred percent employment in this system and social bonuses used by its employees: free treatment, provision of kindergartens, rest in the Moscow region and on the Black Sea coast. In parallel with training in the main specialty, students can take courses and additionally get the profession of a child and adult massage therapist, exercise therapy specialist, cosmetologist.

Graduates of the 9th grade are admitted to the specialty "Nursing", the graduates of the 11th grade are admitted to the specialty "General Medicine" and "Laboratory Diagnostics". The competition is held on the basis of psychological testing and the average score of the certificate. The college is located on the territory of the Moskvoretsky park, which allows you to go in for sports in the fresh air.

4. Medical College number 5

Specialty: "Nursing"; "Orthopedic Dentistry", "General Medicine", "Obstetrics"

Reception: on the basis of 9, 11 classes

Training: free and paid (from 100 thousand rubles / year)

it educational complex, which includes six structural units... Under the new name, schools # 3, # 9, # 13, college # 4, as well as Moscow's oldest medical school # 1, which has existed for more than 200 years, were united. Since the college has several educational buildings, almost all specialties of secondary medical education are represented there. Graduates of the 9th grade can get here the profession of a nurse, and graduates of the 11th grade - the profession of a dental technician, midwife and paramedic.

In addition to a diploma in the specialty, nurses after graduation from college receive certificates in anesthesiology, resuscitation and radiology, and paramedics - a certificate in emergency and emergency medical care. The college has a distribution system at the request of the Moscow Department of Health. Graduates are placed in city hospitals and clinics for children and adults. About a quarter of graduates continue their studies at medical universities.

5. Pharmaceutical College "New Knowledge"

Specialty: "Pharmacy"

Reception: on the basis of 11 classes

Training:free and paid (49 thousand rubles / year)

One of three Moscow colleges that graduate "pharmacy" specialists - pharmacists. In 2017, 300 paid places were opened for applicants here. Also, the college operates educational project “New personnel. Pharmacy ", within which 25 freshmen can study for free. To participate in this program, you must apply by May 15 and get tested.

The college accepts all comers to the paid department, regardless of age, according to the results of the certificate competition. To participate in the competition, you must have an education of at least 11 classes. The flexible schedule of classes, which take place in the evening, allows you to combine study with work. For applicants who want to restore school knowledge in chemistry, on May 20, the college will begin training courses... Classes will be held once a week, on Saturdays, tuition is free.

The Center for Assistance in Employment works at the college in conjunction with the recruitment agency "Farmrabota" and offers graduates vacancies. Pharmacists can also continue their education in medical university and get the profession of an accelerated pharmacist.

Doctor-laboratory assistant performs laboratory analysis of biological fluids and human waste products. The profession suits those who are interested in chemistry and biology (cm. choice of profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

In modern medicine, without accurate laboratory tests, a reliable and final diagnosis is impossible, on which the correctness of the prescribed treatment depends.

Depending on the place of work, the profession of a laboratory doctor differs in types:

  • laboratory assistant geneticist conducts genetic research;
  • in veterinary hospitals they are called laboratory veterinarians.

The specifics of the profession

The KLD doctor is engaged not only in laboratory analyzes and registration of their results, but also takes part in medical and scientific activities department of a clinic or hospital. Analysis and systematization of the data obtained is also the responsibility of a laboratory doctor.

The work of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics also includes approbation and implementation of new methods and reagents for laboratory diagnostics.

As a rule, junior medical personnel are subordinate to the KLD doctor: laboratory assistants, nurses. To train them to work with devices and reagents, observing safety precautions at the workplace, is part of the work of a laboratory doctor.

Pros and cons of the profession


The work of a KLD doctor is calm, risk-free. Typically, work shifts are part-time. It is not difficult to find a job in your specialty. Clinical lobby diagnostics doctor jobs are often offered.


There are unpleasant moments when working with analyzes of substances from human excretory organs (urine and feces). Working in a laboratory with radioactive sources (X-ray, fluorography) is considered risky if the safety rules for radioactive substances are not carefully followed. There is also a risk of contracting tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS. One common disadvantage for all types of work is low wages.

Place of work

  • polyclinics, hospitals of all levels from district to republican;
  • laboratories medical universities and schools;
  • blood transfusion stations;
  • centers for standardization and metrology;
  • sanitary and epidemiological service.


Salary for 08/08/2019

Russia 30,000-64,000 ₽

Moscow 60000-85000 ₽

Personal qualities

  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • ability to concentrate attention;
  • good coordination of fine motor skills of the hands;
  • organization;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • a responsibility;
  • discipline.


KLD doctor career if available higher education and participation in research and experiments can reach the heights of a doctor of science or an academician. The salary of laboratory doctors is about 20 thousand rubles a month. When working in tuberculosis dispensaries and similar clinics, there is a 15% increase in wages for harm.

Training for the Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

The Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUID) conducts professional retraining and organizes refresher courses (certification cycles) for doctors on the basis of completed higher education. Specialists are offered part-time courses using distance technologies. Based on the results of the training, the MUIR issues documents: a certificate, a diploma, a certificate.

The Academy of Medical Education conducts courses professional retraining by specialty. After training, a diploma is issued, as well as a state-recognized certificate. The training program is designed in accordance with the relevant educational and professional standards.