Problem-based learning. Organization of training sessions, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and active independent

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The concept of problem-based learning Completed by: Mikhailova Inga Rurikovna

In the history of pedagogy, posing questions to an interlocutor that cause difficulty in finding an answer to them is known from the conversations of Socrates, the Pythagorean school, and the sophists. The ideas of intensifying learning, mobilizing the cognitive powers of students by including them in independent research activities are reflected in the works of Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, F.A. Disterweg.

The theory of problem-based learning began to be intensively developed in the USSR in the 60s. XX century in connection with the search for ways to activate, stimulate the cognitive activity of students, and develop the student’s independence, however, I encountered certain difficulties: in traditional didactics, the task of “teaching to think” was not considered as independent, the focus of teachers’ attention was on the issues of accumulating knowledge and developing memory; the traditional system of teaching methods could not “overcome spontaneity in the formation of theoretical thinking in children” (V.V. Davydov); The problem of the development of thinking was studied mainly by psychologists; the pedagogical theory of the development of thinking and abilities was not developed.

The essence of problem-based learning Problem-based learning is usually understood as such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

The goal of the problem-based type of learning is not only to assimilate the results of scientific knowledge, a system of knowledge, but also the very process of obtaining these results, the formation of the student’s cognitive initiative and the development of his creative abilities.

The essence of the concept Proclamation of the thesis about the need to stimulate the student’s creative activity; Assisting him in the process of research activities; Organizing the presentation of educational material in a special way.

The leading idea of ​​the concept: Involving students in creative activities by asking problem-formulated questions and tasks; Activation of their cognitive interest and all cognitive activities. The basis for the implementation of the concept is: modeling a real creative process by creating a problem situation and managing the search for a solution to the problem.

The main and characteristic feature of problem-based learning is a problem situation. Its creation is based on the following provisions of modern psychology: the process of thinking has its source in a problematic situation; problem thinking is carried out, first of all, as a process of solving a problem; conditions for the development of thinking is the acquisition of new knowledge by solving a problem; patterns of thinking and patterns of assimilation of new knowledge largely coincide.

Components of a problem situation: the need to perform an action in which a cognitive need arises for a new unknown relationship, method or condition of action; the unknown that must be revealed in the problem situation that has arisen; students’ capabilities in completing the assigned task, in analyzing conditions and discovering the unknown. Neither a task that is too difficult nor too easy will cause a problem situation

Methodological techniques for creating problem situations: the teacher brings students to a contradiction and invites them to find a way to resolve it themselves; confronts contradictions in practical activities; presents different points of view on the same issue; invites the class to consider the phenomenon from various positions (for example, commander, lawyer, financier, teacher); encourages students to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, and compare facts; poses specific questions (for generalization, justification, specification, logic of reasoning); identifies problematic theoretical and practical tasks (for example, research); poses problematic tasks (for example: with insufficient or redundant initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, with contradictory data, with obviously made mistakes, with limited time for solution, to overcome “psychological inertia”, etc.).

Technological scheme of problem-based learning New knowledge, SUD (methods of mental action) Problem solving Information Help Pedagogical problem situation Problem (awareness of the unknown) search Teacher Psychological problem situation analysis New knowledge, SUD student

Functions of problem-based learning - students’ assimilation of a system of knowledge and methods of mental practical activity; - development of cognitive independence and creative abilities of students; - formation of dialectical-materialistic thinking of schoolchildren (as a basis). - developing skills for creative knowledge acquisition (the use of certain logical techniques and methods of creative activity); - developing skills in creative application of knowledge (application of acquired knowledge in a new situation) and the ability to solve educational problems; - formation and accumulation of experience in creative activity (mastery of scientific research methods, solving practical problems and artistic reflection of reality).

Forms of teaching: problematic presentation of educational material Problematic presentation of educational material at a lecture, when the teacher poses problematic questions, constructs problematic tasks and solves them himself, students only mentally become involved in the process of finding a solution. partial search activity The teacher thinks through a system of problematic questions, the answers to which are based on the existing knowledge base, but are not contained in previous knowledge, i.e. questions should challenge students intellectually and cause focused mental exploration. independent research activity: students independently formulate a problem and solve it, with subsequent supervision by the teacher.

Teaching methods Problem-based learning methods include: research method, heuristic method and problem presentation method.

Interaction between teacher and students Problem-based teaching is the teacher’s activity in creating a system of problem situations, presenting educational material with its explanation and managing students’ activities aimed at mastering new knowledge, both in the traditional way and by independently posing educational problems and solving them. Problem-based learning is an educational and cognitive activity of students to acquire knowledge and methods of action by perceiving the teacher’s explanation in a problem situation, independently analyzing problem situations, formulating problems and solving them by means of putting forward proposals, hypotheses, their justification and evidence, as well as by checking the correctness solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages Advantages of problem-based learning: independent acquisition of knowledge through one’s own creative activity; high interest in learning; development of productive thinking; lasting and impactful learning outcomes. Disadvantages of problem-based learning: poor controllability of students’ cognitive activity; a lot of time is spent on achieving the planned goals.

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Innovative technologies in education

Problem-based learning
Presentation by Fine Arts Teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 79 Marina Vladimirovna Perchenko

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Great teachers who introduced ideas to enhance the cognitive activity of students
Jan Amos Kamensky (1592 - 1670) Jean - Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824-1870) Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd (1841-1888) John Dewey (1859-1952) B.E. .Raikov T.V.Kudryavtsev A.M.Matyushin M.I.Makhmutov V.Okon D.V.Vilkeev A.A.Verbitsky L.B.Rylova and many other modern teachers

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Problem-based learning
- this is an organization of educational classes that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of a problem situation and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of educational knowledge, skills and abilities, and the development of thinking abilities occur.

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Functions of problem-based learning
Are common
Students’ assimilation of a system of knowledge and methods of mental and practical activity
Development of cognitive independence and creative abilities of students
Developing creative knowledge acquisition skills
Developing skills for creative application of knowledge
Formation of dialectical-materialistic thinking as the basis of schoolchildren’s worldview
Formation and accumulation of experience in creative activity

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Conditions for implementing problematic technology
Selection of the most relevant, essential tasks
Determining the characteristics of problem-based learning in various types of educational work
Construction of an optimal system of problem-based learning, creation of educational and methodological aids and manuals
Personal approach and skill of the teacher, capable of causing active cognitive activity of the child

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Problem-based learning methods
Problem Statement
Partial search

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Levels of problem-based learning
Level of non-independent activity
Semi-independent activity level
Level of independent activity
Level of creative activity
Students’ perception of the teacher’s explanation, assimilation of a pattern of mental action in a problem situation
Students’ application of previous knowledge in a new situation and participation in finding a way to solve the problem posed by the teacher
Students perform reproductive-search type work, applying previous knowledge in a new situation, the teacher’s help is insignificant
Students performing independent work that requires creative imagination

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Structure of application of the problem method
Problem situation
Formulation of the problem (given and sought)
Problem task (condition and requirement)

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Problem situation:
a means of organizing problem-based learning, this is the initial moment of thinking, causing the cognitive need for learning and creating internal conditions for the active assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.
Contents of problem situations
Target unknown
Unknown mode of operation
Object of activity unknown
Operating conditions unknown

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Problem task:
a form of organizing educational material with predetermined conditions and unknown knowledge.
Student Actions
Active mental activity
Analysis of facts
Finding out the reasons for the origin of objects
Finding out the cause-and-effect relationships of objects

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Classification of problem problems in fine arts
Methods of artistic generalization through design (idea)
Ways to materialize a plan
Artistic and creative tasks (tasks)
Artistic and educational tasks
Educational and cognitive tasks
Methods of creation, organization, construction
Techniques and techniques for depicting an object

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Lesson structure
1.Updating basic knowledge and methods of action
2.Assimilation of new concepts and methods of activity
3.Applying them and developing skills and abilities

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Advantages of problem-based learning technology
Acquisition by students of the necessary system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Helps achieve a high level of mental development. Forms the ability to independently acquire knowledge through one’s own creative activity. Develops interest in creative work. Provides lasting learning outcomes.

A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies in all areas
human activity entailed a sharp increase
society's needs for creative people capable of creating new things
industrial and social life, who are able to formulate and solve new
problems that are relevant both for modern society and for the future.
According to scientists (psychologists, teachers), problem-based learning
plays a leading role in the development of the creative potential of the individual
students (S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Matyushkin, A.V. Brushlinsky, V.
Okon, T.V. Kudryavtsev, M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov, V.T.
Kudryavtsev, E.L. Yakovleva, N.B. Shumakova and others).
“...the emergence of the concept of problem-based learning marks a new
stage in the development of didactics and learning psychology... This concept brought
into the theory and practice of education, the system of formation of creative
abilities of students, and not just individual methods of activation
cognitive interests, thinking, etc.”
V.T. Kudryavtsev.

From the history…
Problem-based learning technology is not new: it has received
spread in the 20-30s in Soviet and foreign
is based
theoretical positions of the American philosopher,
psychologist and teacher J. Dewey (1859-1952), who founded
1894 in Chicago an experimental school in which the curriculum
was replaced by play and work activities.
In 1923, the USSR had “complex projects” based on Dewey. The classroom system was declared an obsolete form and was replaced
laboratory-team method. However, in 1932, by resolution of the Central Committee
The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) declared these methods to be methodological projections and
Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization
training sessions, which involves the creation under the guidance
teachers of problem situations and active independent
activities of students to resolve them, as a result of which
creative mastery of professional knowledge occurs,
skills, abilities and development of thinking abilities.

From the history…
Step-by-step development of the theory and practice of problem-based learning:
The first stage is a period of intensification of the educational process through more
effective use of techniques for varying educational material,
its emotional presentation, strengthening the elements of novelty
the material presented. This stage gave a strong impetus to the development
theory and practice of modern developmental education.
Second stage: further search for ways to enhance learning already from
based on new theoretical principles and taking into account achievements
first stage practices. Here the role of cognitive
tasks, there are attempts to organize the learning process using
systems of cognitive tasks and research teaching methods.
Third stage: theoretical understanding of the role and place takes place
problematic situations in the educational process and theory building
problem-based learning in a modern... school based on
principle of problematic assimilation and research principle
knowledge. This theory organically includes all the achievements
previous stages of searching for ways to intensify the educational process
and development of students' thinking abilities.

From the history…
In modern conditions, the theory and practice of problem-based learning
was developed (late 60s - 70s of the XX century) and is being developed,
starting from the 90s, on a qualitatively new basis. This
contributes primarily to the development of psychological and pedagogical
Sci. In experimental psychological studies S.L.
Rubinshteina, L.I. Antsyferova, A.V. Brushlinsky, A.M.
Matyushkina, K.A. Slavskaya, as well as in the works of Yu.N. Kulyutkina, T.V.
Kudryavtseva, V.N. Pushkina, O.K. Tikhomirov and others are contained
prerequisites for solving the important pedagogical task of education
thinking capable of discovering new things.
Modern American theories of “learning through problem solving” (W.
Alexander, P. Halverson, etc.), in contrast to the theory of J. Dewey, have
its features:
- they do not overemphasize meaning
“self-expression” of the student and diminishment of the teacher’s role;
- the principle of collective problem solving is affirmed, in contrast to
extreme individualization observed previously;
-the method of solving problems in teaching is given a supporting role.

Problem-based learning
Classification parameters of technology
By level of application: general pedagogical.
According to the philosophical basis: pragmatic + adaptable.
According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex +
By orientation to personal structures
By nature of content: educational, secular,
general education, humanistic + technocratic,
By type of management: small group system.
By organizational forms: group, academic + club.
According to the approach to the child: free upbringing.

The conditions for successful training are:
- problematization of educational material (knowledge - children of surprise and
-child’s activity (knowledge must be absorbed with appetite);
- connection of learning with the child’s life, play, work.

What's happened
"Problem-based learning"?
By problem-based learning, V. Okon understands “a set of such
actions, such as organizing problem situations, formulating
problems, providing students with the necessary assistance in solving
problems, testing those solutions and finally leading the process
systematization and consolidation of acquired knowledge.”
By problem-based learning, D.V. Vilkeev means this character
learning when it is given some features of scientific knowledge.
I.Ya. Lerner sees the essence of problem-based learning in the fact that
“the student, under the guidance of the teacher, takes part in the decision
new cognitive and practical problems for him in
definitely a system that corresponds to the educational goals of the school.”

The essence of problem-based learning
Education leads to the development of the child, it is focused on
zone of proximal development
Developmental education ensures the development of cognitive
abilities and intelligence and is aimed at the formation of new
personality traits
The didactic principles of developmental education are:
- consistency and integrity of content;
- the leading role of theoretical knowledge;
- training at a high level of difficulty;
- studying at a fast pace;
- inclusion in the learning process of not only rational, but also
emotional sphere;

The essence of problem-based learning
A characteristic feature of problem-based learning is the function
development of creative abilities.
In the process of solving a chain of problem situations in the course of problem-research activities, students master new
knowledge and methods of action, and as a result of this are formed
creativity, productive thinking, imagination,
interest in knowledge.

Activation of thinking
Problem-based learning is one of the most effective
means of activating student thinking. The essence of activity
achieved through problem-based learning is that the student
must analyze factual material and operate with it in such a way that
to get new information from it yourself.
In other words, this is an expansion, deepening of knowledge with the help
previously learned knowledge or new application of previous knowledge.
Neither the teacher nor
book, it is sought and found by a student placed in
corresponding situation. This is the search method of teaching as
antipode to the method of perceiving the teacher’s ready-made conclusions (although the latter
the method also causes a certain activity of the student).

The goal of activating students through problem-based learning
is to raise the level of mental activity
student and teach him not individual operations by chance, spontaneously
emerging order, but a system of mental actions that
typical for solving non-stereotypical problems requiring the use
creative mental activity.
A.M. Matyushkin characterizes the problematic situation as a “special
type of mental interaction between object and subject,
characterized by such a mental state of the subject
(student) when solving problems that require detection
(discovery or assimilation) of new, previously unknown knowledge to the subject or
ways of activity." In other words, a problematic situation is such
a situation in which the subject wants to solve some difficult problems for himself
tasks, but he lacks data and must look for it himself.

Types of problem-based learning
for the relevant types of creativity:
The first type (“scientific” creativity) is theoretical
research, that is, the search and discovery of a new rule for students,
law, theorem, etc. This type of problem-based learning is based on
lies in the formulation and solution of theoretical educational problems.
The second type (practical creativity) is the search for practical
solutions, that is, finding a way to apply known knowledge in
new situation, design, invention. This type is based
problem-based learning lies in the formulation and solution of practical
educational problems.
The third type (artistic creativity) is artistic
display of reality based on creative imagination,
including literary compositions, drawing, writing
piece of music, game, etc.
All types of problem-based learning are characterized by the presence
reproductive, productive and creative activity of the student,
availability of search and solution to the problem.

Problem-based learning methods
Method of monologue presentation.
Reasoning teaching method.
Dialogical method of presentation.
Search activity.
5. Brainstorming method.

Problem requirements:
Accessibility for students to understand (the problem should be
formulated in terms familiar to students);
The strength of the problem being put forward;
Student interest in problem formulation
(verbal design, entertaining form);
The naturalness of the problem statement.
Stages of posing an educational problem:
a) analysis of the problem situation;
b) awareness of the essence of the difficulty - vision of the problem;
c) verbal formulation of the problem.

Solution process
educational problem
The solution to any problem begins with its correct and clear
formulation (the process of formulation means that the student has already
understands the task that has arisen before him and, to a certain extent, sees
“gropes” for ways to solve it, that is, draws up a solution plan,
then implements the plan and “looks back” (studying
the obtained solution).
Solving a learning problem is the result of overcoming
contradictions of the educational process in general and the main contradiction
cognitive problem in particular, is the result of active
thought process in which incorrect ones are discarded
hypotheses and correct, justified ones are chosen.

Modern educational technologies
Advantages of the method
Provides a special type of thinking, depth of belief, strength
assimilation of knowledge and its creative application in practical
Promotes the formation of motivation to achieve success, develops
thinking abilities of students (Heckhausen H.).
Is the most promising (develops the ability to adequately
assess the situation, identify the causes of difficulties and
problems in activities, plan and implement special
activities to overcome these difficulties. These abilities
are one of the basic ones for a modern specialist).
Disadvantages of the method
Requires a lot of time to absorb the same volume
knowledge compared to other types of learning.

List of sources
Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (June 12, 2009, Perm).
Khutorskoy A.V. Didactic heuristics. Theory and technology
creative learning. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2003.
Leptina I., Semenova N. Application of effective technologies
training 2003. No. 1.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Problem-based learning Performed by: student of the Faculty of FEMiKN Group BH-17 - 1 Cherepanov S.

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Problem-based learning is a method organized by the teacher for the active interaction of the subject with the problem-based content of learning, during which he becomes familiar with the objective contradictions of scientific knowledge and ways to resolve them, learns to think, and creatively assimilate knowledge (A.M. Matyushkin). This is an organization of educational classes that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs (G. K. Selevko).

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Conceptual aspects of problem-based learning The leading idea of ​​the concept: Involving students in creative activities through posing problem-based questions and tasks. Activation of their cognitive interest and, ultimately, all cognitive activity. The basis for the implementation of the concept is the modeling of a real creative process by creating a problem situation and managing the search for a solution to the problem.

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Features of the method Problem-based learning is based on the ideas of the American psychologist, philosopher and teacher J. Dewey (1859-1952), who in 1894 founded an experimental school in Chicago, in which the basis of learning was not the curriculum, but games and work activities. In the development of the fundamental provisions of the concept of problem-based learning, the following took an active part: T. V. Kudryavtsev, V. T. Kudryavtsev, I. Ya. Lerner, A. M. Matyushkin, M. I. Makhmutov, V. Okon, M. N. Skatkin and others.

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Problem situation Search for solutions (putting forward hypotheses) PROBLEM Research, search activities Presentation of results Protecting the found solution Predicting new problems The essence of problem-based learning

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Functions of problem-based learning Special Assimilation by students of a system of knowledge and methods of mental and practical activity Developing cognitive independence and creative abilities of students Developing skills for creative assimilation of knowledge Developing skills for creative application of knowledge Formation of dialectical-materialistic thinking as the basis of the worldview of schoolchildren Formation and accumulation of experience in creative activity General

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Conditions for the implementation of problem-based technology Selection of the most relevant, essential tasks Determination of the characteristics of problem-based learning in various types of educational work Construction of an optimal system of problem-based learning, creation of educational and methodological aids and manuals Personal approach and skill of the teacher that can cause active cognitive activity of the child

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Types of problem situations that most often arise in the educational process: A problem situation is created when a discrepancy is discovered between students’ existing knowledge systems and new requirements. when it is necessary to make a diverse choice from the systems of existing knowledge, the only necessary system, the use of which alone can provide the correct solution to the proposed problem problem. when they are faced with new practical conditions for using existing knowledge, when there is a search for ways to apply knowledge in practice. if there is a contradiction between a theoretically possible way to solve a problem and the practical impracticability of the chosen method, as well as between the practically achieved result of completing the task and the lack of theoretical justification.

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Methods of problem-based learning According to the method of solving problem problems, there are 4 methods: Problem presentation (the teacher independently poses the problem and independently solves it). Collaborative learning (the teacher independently poses the problem, and the solution is achieved together with the students). Research (the teacher poses a problem, and the solution is achieved by the students independently). Creative learning (students formulate a problem and find its solution).

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Methods of problem-based learning According to the method of presenting problem situations and the degree of activity of students, 6 methods are distinguished (M.I. Makhmutov): Method of monologue presentation (the teacher does not create, but nominally designates problem situations). Reasoning method (the teacher notes the presence of a problem situation, shows how different hypotheses were put forward and collided). Dialogical method (students actively participate in posing the problem, put forward assumptions, and try to prove them independently). Heuristic method (the teacher poses problems to be solved and states the correctness of certain methods). Research method (teacher’s activities are evaluative; students’ activities become independent). Method of programmed actions (the teacher develops an entire system of programmed tasks, in which each task consists of separate elements).

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Levels of problem-based learning Level of non-independent activity Level of semi-independent activity Level of independent activity Level of creative activity Students’ perception of the teacher’s explanation, assimilation of a pattern of mental action in a problem situation Students’ application of previous knowledge in a new situation and participation in finding a way to solve the problem posed by the teacher Students’ performance of reproductive-search work type, applying previous knowledge in a new situation, the teacher’s help is insignificant Students perform independent work that requires creative imagination

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The emergence of a problem situation The means of organizing problem-based learning is the initial moment of thinking, which evokes the cognitive need for learning and creates internal conditions for the active assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity. The problem situation is generated by: the logic of the educational subject, the logic of the educational process, the educational or practical situation. The teacher creates problem situations deliberately if he knows the general patterns of their occurrence.

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Stages of problem-based learning Teacher's actions Student's actions Creates a problem situation. Recognizes contradictions in the phenomenon being studied. Organizes thinking about the problem and its formulation. Formulates the problem. Organizes a search for a hypothesis of a presumptive explanation. Puts forward hypotheses that explain phenomena. Organizes hypothesis testing Tests hypotheses in experiments, problem solving, analysis Organizes generalization of results, application of acquired knowledge Analyzes results, draws conclusions, applies acquired knowledge

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Stages of productive cognitive activity Psychological science has established a certain sequence of stages of productive cognitive activity of a person in a problem situation: The deliberate creation of a problem situation is the starting point of problem-based learning, and the problem that arises will be a learning problem.

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Modern educational technologies A qualitative leap in the development of new technologies in all spheres of human activity has entailed a sharp increase in society's needs for creative people who are capable of creating new things in industrial and social life, who are able to pose and solve new problems that are relevant both for modern society and for future. According to scientists (psychologists, teachers), problem-based learning plays a leading role in the development of the creative potential of students’ personalities (S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Matyushkin, A.V. Brushlinsky, V. Okon, T.V. Kudryavtsev, M. N. Skatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, M. I. Makhmutov, V. T. Kudryavtsev, E. L. Yakovleva, N. B. Shumakova, etc.). “...the emergence of the concept of problem-based learning marks a new stage in the development of didactics and the psychology of learning... This concept introduced into the theory and practice of education a system for developing the creative abilities of students, and not just individual techniques for activating cognitive interests, thinking, etc.” V.T. Kudryavtsev. Relevance

Modern educational technologies In 1923, the USSR had “complex projects” based on Dewey. The class-lesson system was declared an obsolete form and was replaced by the laboratory-team method. However, in 1932, by decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, these methods were declared methodological projectism and canceled. Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs. From history... The technology of problem-based learning is not new: it became widespread in the 1920s in Soviet and foreign schools. Problem-based learning is based on the theoretical principles of the American philosopher, psychologist and teacher J. Dewey (), who founded an experimental school in Chicago in 1894, in which the curriculum was replaced by play and work activities.

Modern educational technologies The third stage: there is a theoretical understanding of the role and place of problematic situations in the educational process and the construction of a theory of problem-based learning in the conditions of a modern ... school, based on the principle of problematic learning and the research principle of cognition. This theory organically includes all the achievements of the previous stages of searching for ways to intensify the educational process and develop the thinking abilities of students. The first stage is a period of intensification of the educational process through more effective use of techniques for varying educational material, its emotional presentation, and strengthening the elements of novelty of the material presented. This stage gave a strong impetus to the development of the theory and practice of modern developmental education. Second stage: further search for ways to intensify learning based on new theoretical principles and taking into account the achievements of practice of the first stage. Here the role of cognitive tasks is noticeably strengthened, and attempts are made to organize the learning process using a system of cognitive tasks and research teaching methods. From history... Stage-by-stage development of the theory and practice of problem-based learning:

Modern educational technologies In modern conditions, the theory and practice of problem-based learning was developed (late 60s - 70s of the XX century) and has been developed since the 90s, on a qualitatively new basis. This is facilitated primarily by the development of psychological and pedagogical sciences. In experimental psychological studies S.L. Rubinshteina, L.I. Antsyferova, A.V. Brushlinsky, A.M. Matyushkina, K.A. Slavskaya, as well as in the works of Yu.N. Kulyutkina, T.V. Kudryavtseva, V.N. Pushkina, O.K. Tikhomirov and others contain the prerequisites for solving the important pedagogical task of cultivating thinking that is capable of discovering new things. Modern American theories of “learning by solving problems” (W. Alexander, P. Halverson, etc.), in contrast to the theory of J. Dewey, have their own characteristics: - they do not overemphasize the importance of “self-expression” of the student and belittle the role of the teacher; - the principle of collective problem solving is affirmed, in contrast to the extreme individualization observed previously; -the method of solving problems in teaching is given a supporting role. From the history…

Modern educational technologies Problem-based learning Classification parameters of technology By level of application: general pedagogical. According to the philosophical basis: pragmatic + adaptable. According to the main development factor: biogenic (according to Dewey) + sociogenic + psychogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex + behaviorist. By orientation to personal structures: 1) ZUN + 2) COURT. By the nature of the content: educational, secular, general education, humanistic + technocratic, penetrating. By type of management: small group system. By organizational forms: group, academic + club. According to the approach to the child: free upbringing. By category of students: mass, all categories.

Modern educational technologies Problem-based learning According to the predominant method: problem-based. In the direction of modernization: activation and intensification of student activities. Target orientations Acquisition of knowledge. Mastering methods of independent activity. Development of cognitive and creative abilities. Conceptual provisions (according to D. Dewey) A child in ontogenesis repeats the path of humanity in knowledge. The assimilation of knowledge is a spontaneous, uncontrolled process. A child learns material not just by listening or perceiving with his senses, but as a result of satisfying his need for knowledge, being an active subject of his learning. The conditions for successful learning are: - problematization of educational material (knowledge - children's surprise and curiosity); -child’s activity (knowledge must be absorbed with appetite); - connection of learning with the child’s life, play, work.

Modern educational technologies What is “Problem-based learning”? By problem-based learning, V. Okon understands “a set of actions such as organizing problem situations, formulating problems, providing students with the necessary help in solving problems, checking these solutions and, finally, leading the process of systematizing and consolidating acquired knowledge.” By problem-based learning, D.V. Vilkeev means the nature of learning when it is given some features of scientific knowledge. I.Ya. Lerner sees the essence of problem-based learning in the fact that “the student, under the guidance of the teacher, takes part in solving new cognitive and practical problems for him in a specific system that corresponds to the educational goals of the school.”

Modern educational technologies What is “Problem-based learning”? T.V. Kudryavtsev sees the essence of the process of problem-based learning in putting forward didactic problems to students, in solving them and in students mastering generalized knowledge and principles of problem tasks. This understanding is also found in the works of Yu.K. Babansky. Based on a generalization of practice and analysis of the results of theoretical research, M.I. Makhmutov gives the following definition of the concept of “problem-based learning”: “Problem-based learning is a type of developmental education that combines systematic independent search activity of students with the assimilation or ready-made conclusions of science, and a system of methods built taking into account goal setting and the principle of problematic nature; the process of interaction between teaching and learning is focused on the formation of students’ cognitive independence, stability of learning motives and mental (including creative) abilities in the course of their assimilation of scientific concepts and methods of activity, determined by a system of problem situations.”

Modern educational technologies The essence of problem-based learning Learning leads to the development of the child, it is focused on the zone of proximal development Developmental education ensures the development of cognitive abilities and intelligence and is aimed at the formation of new personality qualities The didactic principles of developmental education are: - consistency and integrity of content; - the leading role of theoretical knowledge; - training at a high level of difficulty; - studying at a fast pace; - awareness of the learning process (reflection); - inclusion in the learning process not only of the rational, but also of the emotional sphere; - differentiation of the learning process, its individualization

Modern educational technologies The principles of developmental education are most fully implemented in problem-based learning technology, which necessarily includes a system of problematic tasks of varying levels of complexity. A characteristic feature of problem-based learning is the function of developing creative abilities. In the process of solving a chain of problem situations in the course of problem-based research activities, students acquire new knowledge and methods of action, and as a result of this, creative abilities, productive thinking, imagination, and interest in knowledge are formed. The essence of problem-based learning

Modern educational technologies Activating thinking Problem-based learning is one of the most effective means of activating student thinking. The essence of activity achieved through problem-based learning is that the student must analyze factual material and operate with it in such a way as to obtain new information from it. In other words, this is an expansion, deepening of knowledge with the help of previously acquired knowledge or a new application of previous knowledge. Neither a teacher nor a book can give a new application of previous knowledge; it is sought and found by the student, placed in the appropriate situation. This is the search method of teaching as the antipode to the method of perceiving the teacher’s ready-made conclusions (although the latter method also causes a certain activity in the student).

Modern educational technologies Activation of thinking The goal of activating students through problem-based learning is to raise the level of the student’s mental activity and teach him not individual operations in a random, spontaneously developing order, but a system of mental actions that is characteristic of solving non-stereotypical problems that require the use of creative thinking activities. The essence of activating a student’s learning through problem-based learning is to activate his thinking by creating problem situations, creating cognitive interest and modeling mental processes. A.M. Matyushkin characterizes a problem situation as “a special type of mental interaction between an object and a subject, characterized by a mental state of the subject (student) when solving problems that requires the discovery (discovery or assimilation) of new, previously unknown knowledge or methods of activity to the subject” . In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which a subject wants to solve some difficult problems for himself, but he lacks data and must look for it himself.

Modern educational technologies Activation of thinking Problem-based teaching is defined as the teacher’s activity in creating a system of problem situations, presenting educational material with its (full or partial) explanation and managing students’ activities aimed at mastering new knowledge - both in the traditional way and through independent preparation of educational problems and their decisions. Problem-based learning is an educational and cognitive activity of students to acquire knowledge and methods of action by perceiving the teacher’s explanations in a problem situation, independently (or with the help of a teacher) analyzing problem situations, formulating problems and solving them by putting forward proposals, hypotheses, their justification and evidence , as well as by checking the correctness of the solution. A task is an objective phenomenon; for the student it exists from the very beginning in material form, and the task turns into a subjective phenomenon only after its perception and awareness.

Modern educational technologies Types of problem-based learning according to the corresponding types of creativity: The first type (“scientific” creativity) is theoretical research, that is, the search and discovery of a new rule, law, theorem, etc. for students. This type of problem-based learning is based on the formulation and solution of theoretical educational problems. The second type (practical creativity) is the search for a practical solution, that is, the search for a way to apply known knowledge in a new situation, design, invention. This type of problem-based learning is based on the formulation and solution of practical educational problems. The third type (artistic creativity) is an artistic representation of reality based on creative imagination, including literary writings, drawing, writing a piece of music, playing, etc. All types of problem-based learning are characterized by the presence of reproductive, productive and creative activity of the student, the presence of search and solution to the problem.

Modern educational technologies Problem-based learning methods 1. Monologue presentation method. 2. Reasoning method of teaching. 3. Dialogical method of presentation. 4.Heuristic method of presentation, heuristic conversations, method of heuristic tasks. 5. Research method. 6.Method of programmed tasks. 7. Problem presentation, problematic issues. 8.Search activity. 9. Brainstorming method.

Modern educational technologies Educational problem An educational problem is a form of implementation of the principle of problem-solving in learning, a manifestation of the logical-psychological contradiction of the assimilation process, determining the direction of mental search, awakening interest in studying the essence of the unknown and leading to the assimilation of a new concept or a new method of action. This phenomenon is subjective and exists in the student’s mind in an ideal form until it becomes logically complete. The main elements of the educational problem are “known” and “unknown” (you need to find a “connection”, “relationship” between the known and the unknown). The conditions of the task necessarily contain elements such as “given” and “requirements.” The main functions of the educational problem: Determining the direction of mental search, that is, the student’s activity in finding a way to solve the problem Formation of cognitive abilities, interest, and motives for the student’s activity in acquiring new knowledge

Modern educational technologies Educational problem Requirements for the problem: Accessibility to students' understanding (the problem must be formulated in terms known to students); The strength of the problem being put forward; Students’ interest in the formulation of the problem (verbal format, entertaining form); The naturalness of the problem statement. Stages of posing an educational problem: a) analysis of the problem situation; b) awareness of the essence of the difficulty - vision of the problem; c) verbal formulation of the problem. The process of posing an educational problem should be carried out taking into account the basic logical and didactic rules: separation (limitation) of the known from the unknown, localization (limitation) of the unknown, determination of possible conditions for a successful solution, the presence of uncertainty in the formulation of the problem.

Modern educational technologies Stages of implementation of the problem-based approach Stage 1. Preparing to perceive the problem, stage 2. Creating a problem situation stage 3. Problem formulation stage 4. Problem solving process stage 5. Proof of the correctness of the solution

Modern educational technologies Educational and cognitive activity in a problem situation Statement of a problem situation Relevance of a problem situation Finding ways to solve it Solution of the problem and its proof Reflection and evaluation of results

Modern educational technologies Scheme of problem-based learning Updating Mastering new concepts and methods Formation of skills Creating problem situations and posing problems Proposing and justifying hypotheses Proving hypotheses Checking the correctness of solving problems Guess Known methods

Modern educational technologies The process of solving an educational problem The solution to any problem begins with its correct and clear formulation (the formulation process means that the student already understands the problem that has arisen before him and, to a certain extent, sees, “gropes” for ways to solve it, that is, draws up a solution plan, then implements the plan and “looks back" (studying the resulting solution). The solution to an educational problem is the result of overcoming the contradictions of the educational process in general and the main contradiction of the cognitive problem in particular, it is the result of an active thought process in which incorrect hypotheses are discarded and correct, well-founded ones are selected.

Modern educational technologies The process of solving an educational problem Three types of problem solving: 1. Cases of solving problems in which the solver has no previous experience. In these cases, the subject proceeds through trial and error until one of the trials, more or less by chance, leads to a solution to the problem. 2. Situations regarding which a person has some formulas, diagrams and other types of experience. The solution occurs here in the form of recognition in the proposed situation of one of the available schemes. 3. A person has some experience, but this experience in its entirety does not allow a person to solve this problem. The solution here is that, based on an analysis of the conditions of the problem, a new, previously unavailable scheme of actions is created specifically for this case.

Modern educational technologies The process of solving an educational problem The logic of solving an educational problem: a) drawing up a plan for solving the problem (the plan must include a choice of solution options); b) putting forward an assumption and substantiating a hypothesis (arises as a result of “mentally running ahead”); c) proof of the hypothesis (carried out by deriving consequences from the hypothesis that are verified); d) checking the solution to the problem (comparison of the goal, the requirements of the task and the result obtained, compliance of theoretical conclusions with practice); e) repetition and analysis of the solution process. Polish didactician V. Okon spoke about the enormous advantage of students solving a problem over simply memorizing ready-made information: when solving a problem, the student thinks actively. This leads to the strength and depth of knowledge acquired independently, to the most valuable quality of the mind - the ability to navigate in any situation and independently find ways to solve any problem.

Modern educational technologies Factors that hinder the successful solution of the problem 1. It is necessary to find out whether functional fixation is an obstacle. Once it is discovered, the student will see new solution possibilities. 2. It is important to avoid overestimating a certain way of solving a problem as an obstacle to the development of search, i.e. It is advisable to ask the question: “Isn’t there another, more rational way of action?” 3. Often the same rule, the same technique or method of solution becomes part of a skill and is mechanically applied by the student when solving different types of tasks and problems. (Sometimes remembering a previous decision means going down the wrong path.) 4. The teacher must also reveal to the students a method in which the students must be able to discard individual signs and neglect certain conditions of the problem (anaxiomatization mechanism). It is important to highlight the essential by discarding the unimportant. 5. Abuse of leading questions. A hint is effective not before solving a problem, but after attempts to solve it. These are the main obstacles that stand in the way of solving problems.

Modern educational technologies Approximate diagram of organizing a lesson in the form of problem-based learning Creation of an educational problem situation. Setting a cognitive task (or tasks), its clear formulation. Study of various conditions characterizing the task. The process of solving a given problem. Research of the obtained solution to the problem, discussion of its results, identification of new knowledge. Application of new knowledge by solving specially selected educational tasks for its assimilation. Discussion of possible extensions and generalizations of the results of solving the problem within the framework of the original problem situation. Studying the resulting solution to a problem and searching for other more economical or more elegant ways to solve it. Summing up the work done.

Modern educational technologies Conditions for using problem-based learning The content of the educational material contains cause-and-effect relationships and dependencies, aimed at the formation of concepts, laws, theories. Students are prepared for a problem-based study of the topic. Students solve problems to develop independent thinking, develop research skills, and a creative approach to business. The teacher has time to explore the topic in a problem-based manner. The teacher is well versed in appropriate teaching methods.

Modern educational technologies Main ways of creating problem situations 1. Encouraging students to theoretically explain phenomena, facts, and external inconsistencies between them. This causes students to search and leads to the active acquisition of new knowledge. 2. Use of educational and life situations that arise when students perform practical tasks at school, at home or at work, during observations of nature, etc. Problematic situations in this case arise when trying to independently achieve the practical goal set before them. Usually, as a result of analyzing the situation, students themselves formulate the problem. 3. Making assumptions (hypotheses), formulating conclusions and testing them experimentally.

Modern educational technologies Basic ways of creating problem situations 4. Setting educational problem tasks to explain a phenomenon or find ways of its practical application. An example would be any research work done by students at a training and experimental site, in a workshop, laboratory or classroom, as well as in lessons in humanities subjects. 5. Encouraging the student to analyze facts and phenomena of reality, which generate contradictions between everyday ideas and scientific concepts about these facts. 6. Encouraging students to preliminary generalize new facts. Students are given the task to consider some facts and phenomena contained in material that is new to them, compare them with known ones and make an independent generalization. In this case, comparison reveals the special properties of new facts, their inexplicable features.

Modern educational technologies Basic ways of creating problem situations 7. Encouraging students to compare and contrast facts, phenomena, rules, actions, as a result of which a problem situation arises. 8. Familiarize students with facts that seem to be of an inexplicable nature and have led to the formulation of a scientific problem in the history of science. Usually these facts and phenomena seem to contradict the ideas and concepts that students have developed, which is explained by the incompleteness and insufficiency of their previous knowledge. 9.Organization of interdisciplinary connections. Often, the material of an academic subject does not provide the creation of a problem situation (when practicing skills, repeating what has been learned, etc.). In this case, you should use facts and data from sciences (school subjects) that are related to the materials being studied. 10. Varying the task, reformulating the question.

Modern educational technologies Rules for creating problem situations 1. To create a problem situation, students should be given a practical or theoretical task, the implementation of which requires the discovery of new knowledge and the mastery of new skills; here we can talk about a general pattern, a general method of activity or general conditions for the implementation of activity. 2.The task must correspond to the intellectual capabilities of the student. The degree of difficulty of a problem task depends on the level of novelty of the teaching material and the degree of its generalization. 3. The problem task is given before the material being learned is explained.

Modern educational technologies Rules for creating problem situations 4. Problem tasks can be: assimilation; wording of the question; practical buildings. A problematic task can lead to a problematic situation only if the above rules are taken into account. 5. The same problem situation can be caused by different types of tasks. 6. The teacher guides a very difficult problem situation by indicating to the student the reasons for not completing the practical task given to him or the impossibility of explaining certain facts to him. For example: “You couldn’t construct a triangle with 3 known angles because... This assignment broke one of the important rules regarding triangles.”

Modern educational technologies Advantages of the method Provides a special type of thinking, depth of beliefs, strength of knowledge acquisition and its creative application in practical activities. Contributes to the formation of motivation to achieve success, develops the thinking abilities of students (Heckhausen H.). It is the most promising (develops the ability to adequately assess the situation, identify the causes of difficulties and problems in activities, plan and implement special activities to overcome these difficulties. These abilities are one of the basic ones for a modern specialist). Disadvantages of the method It requires a lot of time to master the same amount of knowledge compared to other types of training.

Modern educational technologies Recommendations for the teacher The teacher is recommended to consider: Accurate determination of the volume and content of educational material intended for study in the lesson. Systematization of educational material in accordance with the logic of the subject, its structure, as well as in accordance with the principles of didactics. Dividing educational material into easily digestible and closely related parts. Assimilation of parts accompanied by control and correction of the results of assimilation. Taking into account the individual pace of learning material by schoolchildren and the pace of group work.

Modern educational technologies Materials of the international scientific and practical conference (June 1-2, 2009, Perm). Khutorskoy A.V. Didactic heuristics. Theory and technology of creative learning. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, Leptina I., Semenova N. Application of effective teaching technologies // Teacher Internet Materials. Publications