Budyonny. Military Academy of Communications named after

Admission to the academy is carried out on a competitive basis. The conditions of the competition ensure the enrollment in the academy for training by cadets of the most capable and prepared for mastering educational programs, as well as candidates meeting the requirements for professional suitability. The categories of citizens who are granted special rights when admitting to study at the Academy are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Professional selection

Professional selection of candidates for admission to the academy by cadets for secondary and higher vocational education programs is carried out from July 1 to July 30 by the selection committee. It includes medical examination, psychological testing, assessment of the level of general education and physical fitness.

Admission procedure

Candidates who have passed the professional selection are entered into the competitive lists for the enrollment of candidates as cadets in the Military Academy of Communications. Competition lists are drawn up according to the levels of military training, military specialties (specializations) in accordance with manning calculations.

Admission procedure

Citizens who have expressed a desire to enter the Military Academy of Communications submit an application to the department of the military commissariat at their place of residence (graduates of the Suvorov military schools submit an application addressed to the head of the Suvorov military school in which they study) until April 1... Servicemen submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit until March 1 years of admission to the academy with the required documents attached.

List of specialties

The minimum number of USE scores required for admission in 2020

p / p

Specialty training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education

The name of the general education subject and
the established value of the minimum number of USE points


Russian language

profile level


Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes


Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

In modern conditions, when it is important to ensure the military security of our country, military service, the profession of defender of the Motherland is becoming increasingly necessary for the state, respected in society, prestigious among our youth. Becoming an officer is a great chance to acquire a significant and demanded profession and fulfill your civic and patriotic duty.

The Military Academy of Communications is one of the oldest military educational institutions in the country, which trains specialists in the field of telecommunications and automation for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other power ministries and departments.

Specialists in information and telecommunication technologies, communications and automation consistently occupy one of the first positions in the market of modern professions. These are exactly the professions that cadets are successfully mastering during their studies at the Military Academy of Communications.

Contact Information

Reception of documents (conditions of admission)

    As candidates for admission to the academy for training cadets in programs higher education We consider citizens of the Russian Federation who have a secondary general education, who are fit for health reasons to study at a university, who have successfully passed the preliminary professional selection, from among:
  • citizens aged 16 to 22 who have not completed military service;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - until they reach the age of 24;
  • servicemen doing military service under contract (except for officers) - until they reach the age of 27 years.

The age of persons applying for study is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission to the academy.

Citizens who have expressed a desire to enter the Military Academy of Communications submit applications to the department of the military commissariat at their place of residence (graduates of the Suvorov military schools submit an application addressed to the head of the Suvorov military school in which they study) until April 1. Servicemen submit a report to the commander of the military unit before March 1 of the year of admission to the academy.

    Attached to the application (report):
  • photocopies of identity and citizenship documents;
  • autobiography;
  • a photocopy of the educational document (certificate of current academic performance for schoolchildren);
  • characteristics from the place of study (work, service);
  • three certified photographs (without a headdress) measuring 4.5x6 cm;
  • service card and a photocopy of a military ID (for military personnel);
  • photocopies of documents giving the right to admission on preferential terms (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).
    In the military registration and enlistment office (military unit) the following is additionally issued:
  • medical examination card;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • admission to information constituting a state secret (in the second form).

The completed personal file of the candidate is sent to the academy. Candidates admitted to the professional selection are summoned to the academy for entrance examinations (through the military commissariat) by July 1 (girls) and by July 8-11 (boys).

Types of training


    Training specialties:
  • Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems.
  • Application and operation of special-purpose automated systems.

Forms of education

Full-time (budget) - 5 years.

University structure

  • faculty of Radio Communication;
  • faculty of Multichannel Telecommunication Systems;
  • faculty of Automated Control Systems.

general information

License No. 1874 dated January 14, 2016, series 90L01 No. 0008898, unlimited
Certificate of state accreditation No. 1815 dated March 30, 2016, series 90A01 No. 0001908, valid until March 13, 2020.

Candidates enrolled in the academy as cadets acquire the status of military personnel and enjoy the benefits, guarantees and compensations established by the 1998 Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

The cadets are fully supported by the state: free tuition, accommodation, meals, provision with all established types of allowance.

Accommodation in new comfortable hostels.

The monetary allowance of a cadet is calculated depending on the military rank of a contract serviceman, length of service, academic performance, scientific and sporting achievements and ranges from 15,000 to 22,000 rubles per month, starting from the second year (after the conclusion of the contract). First-year cadets receive 2,000 rubles a month as conscripts.

There is an opportunity to visit concert halls, museums, exhibitions of the city on preferential terms.

A 30-day summer vacation and a 15-day winter vacation are provided annually.

The graduates of the academy are awarded the military rank of "lieutenant" and the qualification "engineer", a state diploma is issued. After graduating from the academy, the graduate is assigned to a military position in the troops, having a military and civilian specialty, high monetary allowance, the possibility of career growth and further training, as well as, in the long term, solving the housing issue with the help of the state mortgage lending system.

Doors open days

Twice a year during the autumn and spring break.

University prestige

During the existence of the academy (since 1919) prepared:

  • over 40 thousand officers for our state;
  • over 4.5 thousand officers for foreign armies;
  • about 7.5 thousand officers were trained in the retraining and professional development system;
  • more than 100 doctors of sciences.

World-renowned academy teachers:

A.F. Ioffe, A.A. Petrovsky, A.I. Berg, A.F. Beletsky, N.M. Izyumov, L.M. Piotrovsky, V.A. Kreichman, L.M. Fink, E.L. Orlovsky.

Over the years of its existence, the Higher School of Military Signalers has become a truly unique military educational institution of the Armed Forces of our Fatherland. Her name is widely known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. The graduates of the academy have performed with honor and dignity and are still doing their military duty in all power structures of the Russian Federation. Many students of the university became prominent military leaders, well-known statesmen, and prominent scientists. More than 4500 envoys from more than 20 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America returned to their homeland from Russia with a diploma from the Military Academy of Communications.

At present, the Military Academy of Communications is training military specialists with two levels of military education: with higher military special and higher military and civilian specialists (with payment of tuition fees). The license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher, postgraduate, additional, professional education was issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2003. Ser. A No. 001457.

History reference

The Military Academy of Communications is one of the oldest military educational institutions in the country that trains specialists in the field of telecommunications and automation for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other ministries and departments. It has been leading its history since 1919. Over the years, the university has trained more than 32 thousand officers for the Armed Forces of our state, over 4.5 thousand officers for the armies of foreign states, about 2000 candidates of science and more than 100 doctors of science. More than 7.5 thousand officers were trained in the retraining and professional development system.

November 8, 1919 electrical department of the Higher Soviet Military Engineering School by order of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the Republic
No. 1872 was transformed into an independent military educational institution - the Higher Military Electrotechnical School of the Commanders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). This date is the day of the creation of the Military Order of Lenin of the Red Banner Academy of Communications.

June 10, 1921 The Higher Military Electrotechnical School of the Command of the Red Army is reorganized into the Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army and the Navy (VETA) with a 4-5 year period of study.

August 28, 1923 The Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army and the Navy was merged with the Military Engineering Academy and the Military Engineering and Electrical Engineering Academy was created.

June 9, 1925 The electrical engineering faculty from the Military Engineering and Electrical Engineering Academy was transferred to the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after Ulyanov-Lenin, forming the Military Electrotechnical Department in it.

August 27, 1929 The military department at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute was reorganized into the electrotechnical faculty of the Military Technical Academy (VTA). F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

August 28, 1932 by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and the directive of the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions (HEE) of the Red Army on the basis of the resolution of the Defense Commission under the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the USSR on the basis of the VTA them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, the Military Electrotechnical Academy of the RKKA was formed in six faculties.

January 21, 1941 By order of the People's Commissar of Defense (NKO) of the USSR, the academy was renamed the Military Electrotechnical Academy of Communications.

November 21, 1944 on the basis of the decision of the State Defense Committee (GKO), the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the academy was evacuated to Tomsk.

April 18, 1944 on the basis of the decree of the USSR State Defense Committee and the directive of the General Staff (GS) of the Red Army, the academy is re-evacuated to Leningrad.

July 5, 1946 on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army, the academy was renamed the S.M. Budyonny Military Red Banner Academy of Communications.

June 26, 1952 in pursuance of the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the order of the Minister of War of the USSR on the basis of the Military Red Banner Academy of Communications. S.M. Budyonny, two military communications academies are being created:

Military Academy of Communications (command); Military Red Banner Engineering Academy of Communications. S.M. Budyonny.

07.25.57 Directive of the General Staff of the Land Forces (Land Forces) of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the directive of the Chief of Communications of the Land Forces of the Military Academy of Communications (command) and the Military Red Banner Engineering Academy
them. SM Budyonny are united into one - the Red Banner Military Academy of Communications named after SM Budyonny.

August 29, 1998 By decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1009, the Military Academy of Communications was transformed into the Military University of Communications with branches in Ryazan, Kemerovo, Ulyanovsk.

July 9, 2004 By the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937-r, the Military University of Communications was reorganized into the Military Academy of Communications named after SM Budyonny.

Directions of training and specialties

Directions and specialties of training

At present, the Military Academy of Communications is training officers with the highest military operational-tactical and full military-special training, as well as civilian specialists (with payment of training costs). The license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher, postgraduate, additional, professional education was issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on September 28, 2005. Ser. A No. 169624.

Training of officers with the highest military operational and tactical training

The Academy conducts full-time (for 2 years) and part-time (for 3) years training of officers with higher military operational-tactical training in the following specialties:

management of military units and formations;

control of combat support of troops (forces);

management of the operation of weapons, military equipment and technical support of troops (forces).

During 5 years of service, officers of the signal troops undergo retraining at the academy at the faculty of retraining and advanced training.

Officers with higher professional education are admitted to the postgraduate course of the full-time academy on a competitive basis. Officers with a Ph.D. degree are admitted to doctoral studies at the Academy on a competitive basis.

The Academy trains specialists not only for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but also for other ministries and departments: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, and the Federal Agency for Special Construction.

Training of officers with full military special training

Specialties of training cadets:

210401 Physics and technology of optical communication;

210404 Multichannel telecommunication systems;

210405 Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television;

210406 \u200b\u200bCommunication networks and switching systems;

230101 Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks;

230102 Automated information processing and control systems;

230105 Software for computer technology and automated systems.

The term of study is 5 years. The form of study is daytime.

The faculty trains officers with higher military special education. The graduates of the faculty are awarded the military rank of LIEUTENANT and the qualification "engineer", a diploma of the civilian standard is issued and a badge on graduation from the academy is presented.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who graduated from educational institutions of secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, who are fit for health reasons to study at a university, who have successfully passed the preliminary professional selection, from among: citizens who have not completed the course, can be considered as candidates for admission to the academy. military service, aged 16 to 22; citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - until they reach the age of 24; servicemen doing military service under a contract (except for officers) - after half of the military service specified in the first contract, until they reach the age of 24 years.

The age of persons applying for study is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission to the academy.

Servicemen wishing to enter the academy submit a report on command to the unit commander before April 1 of the year of admission.

Pre-selected military personnel for admission to military educational institutions by June 1 are sent to the academy for professional selection. With them, twenty-five-day training camps are held to prepare for the entrance exams.

Persons from among citizens who have passed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the academy, submit applications to the military commissariat of the region at their place of residence before April 1 of the year of admission.

Persons from among citizens who have not completed military service, studying in the Suvorov military schools (cadet corps), before May 15 of the year preceding the year of admission to the academy, submit an application to the head of the Suvorov school (cadet corps).

Attached to the application (report): a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; a copy of the birth certificate; autobiography; copy of a document (certificate, certificate, certificate, diploma) about secondary education (students submit a certificate of current progress); three certified photographs (without a headdress) measuring 4.5x6 cm; characteristics from the place of study (work, service); service card (for military personnel); medical examination card; professional psychological selection card.

Passport of the Russian Federation, military ID (certificate of registration) or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and original documents of secondary education are presented by candidates upon arrival at the academy.

Professional selection of candidates for admission to the academy by cadets is carried out from 10 to 30 July by the selection committee and includes:

a) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to the academy for health reasons;

b) entrance examinations, consisting of: determining the category of professional suitability of candidates (socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination); assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates; assessing the level of general education of candidates. Exams are held: in mathematics (in writing); physics (in writing); Russian language (presentation).

The results of the unified state exam are recognized by the academy as the results of entrance examinations in the relevant general education subjects.

The physical fitness of candidates is determined according to the following standards:

Exercise name,


Citizen candidates youth

Military candidates

Pull-up on the crossbar, number of times

100 m run (high start), sec.

Running for 3 km, min., Sec.

Persons liable for military service, civilian youth and Suvorovites are checked for physical fitness in sports uniform, and military personnel in military uniform.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection from among:

orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children left without parental care;
citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;
citizens dismissed from military service and entering the academy on the recommendations of the commanders of military units;
participants in hostilities;
military personnel who are undergoing military service under contract (with the exception of officers), the continuous duration of military service under the contract is at least three years;
citizens who, in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR dated May 15, 1991, No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster," are granted the right to out-of-competition admission to institutions of higher professional education;
other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted the right of out-of-competition admission to institutions of higher professional education.

When enrolling in the academy, cadets have the preferential right to candidates who have shown equal results during the entrance examinations, from among:

citizens who have a preferential right when entering higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster";
citizens dismissed from military service;
children of military personnel under contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;
children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
children of military personnel who died in the performance of their military service duties or died as a result of injury (injury, trauma, contusion) or illness received by them in the performance of military service;
citizens who, in accordance with the established procedure, have been assigned the sports category of a candidate for master of sports, the first sports category or a sports title in a military applied sport;
citizens trained in military-patriotic youth and children's associations; other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are granted a preemptive right when entering institutions of higher professional education.

Candidates from the following are exempted from testing knowledge in general education subjects:

military personnel who served on conscription and at the same time performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict of a non-international character in the Chechen Republic and in the territories of the North Caucasus immediately adjacent to it, classified as a zone of armed conflict;
graduates of Suvorov military schools or cadet corps, awarded with a medal (gold or silver) "For special achievements in teaching";
persons who graduated with medals (gold or silver) "For special success in learning" educational institutions of secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive results of the interview (in physics, mathematics and Russian). Candidates who have not passed the interview take entrance exams on a general basis;
graduates of 11 (12) grades of educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, the preparation of which is assessed based on the results of the unified state examination;
winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympics in general subjects and formed in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad;
other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exempted from testing their knowledge of general education subjects when entering institutions of higher professional education.
Candidates are given the right to free travel to the place of entrance examinations, and upon arrival at the academy they are provided with free meals and accommodation.

The Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Budyonny is one of the oldest military educational institutions in the country, which trains specialists in the field of telecommunications and automation for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments. Over the years of its existence, the university has trained more than 35 thousand officers for the Armed Forces of our country, over 4.5 thousand officers for the armies of foreign states, more than 2 thousand candidates and more than 100 doctors of sciences. 8 thousand officers were trained in the system of additional professional education.

The Academy was founded on November 8, 1919, when the electrotechnical department of the Higher Soviet Military Engineering School, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, was transformed into the Higher Military Electrotechnical School of the commanders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. In 1921, it was reorganized into the Military Electrotechnical Academy of the Red Army and the Navy with a 4-5 year training period. On August 28, 1923, the Military Electrical Engineering Academy of the Red Army and the Navy was merged with the Military Engineering Academy and the Military Engineering and Electrical Engineering Academy was created.

In the period from 1925 to 1946, the academy was repeatedly reorganized in order to find the most optimal form of training for communications officers.

In 1946, the academy was renamed the S.M.Budyonny Military Red Banner Communication Academy.

In 1952, two academies were created on the basis of the communications academy: the Military Academy of Communications (command) and the Military Engineering Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budyonny. In 1957, they again merged into one - the Military Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budyonny.

In 1998, the academy was transformed into the Military University of Communications with branches in the cities of Ryazan, Kemerovo, Ulyanovsk.

In 2004, the Military University of Communications was reorganized into the Military Academy of Communications named after S.M.Budyonny.

In 2008, the Academy became known as the Military Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Budyonny.

For merits in the training of officers, the Academy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of Lenin, as well as awards from foreign countries.

The Academy carries out full-time (for 2 years) training of officers with the highest military operational and tactical training.

During military service, officers of the signal troops undergo retraining at the academy at the faculty of retraining and advanced training.

The Academy has doctorate and postgraduate studies. Officers with higher education are admitted to the postgraduate course of the full-time academy on a competitive basis. Officers with a Ph.D. degree are admitted to doctoral studies at the Academy on a competitive basis.

The high scientific potential of the Academy contributes to the high-quality training of masters and specialists. The Academy has 10 scientific schools ... 73% of the teaching staff have an academic degree and academic title.

The training of cadets for higher education programs with full military special training is carried out in the following specialties:

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

Specialization: special purpose radio communication systems;

Specialization: special satellite communication systems;

Specialization: multichannel telecommunication systems; Specialization: optical communication systems;

Specialization: switching systems and communication networks for special purposes;

Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

Specialization: operation of computers, complexes, systems and networks for special purposes;

Specialization: automated information processing and control systems;

Specialization: mathematical, software and information support for computer technology and automated systems. Form of study - full-time, 5 years.

Graduates are awarded a military rank LIEUTENANT and qualifications "engineer", a state diploma is issued.

Training of cadets in programs of secondary vocational education with secondary military special training is carried out in the following specialties:

multichannel telecommunication systems;

radio communication, radio broadcasting and television;

communication networks and switching systems.

The term of study is 2 years 10 months. Full-time form of education. Graduates are awarded a military rank ENSIGN and qualifications "technician", a state diploma is issued. Graduates serve in units, formations, communications establishments of all types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in primary positions: technician, chief of staff and other positions corresponding to their qualifications.

The cadets are fully supported by the state: free tuition, accommodation, meals, provision with all established types of allowance.

All the necessary conditions have been created to train highly qualified specialists in demand both in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and in other law enforcement agencies: modern classrooms equipped with the latest technical means, interactive learning and knowledge control systems, electronic simulators; library information and resource center with access to library funds and Internet resources. Improvement of field training and practical skills of students is carried out on the basis of the educational process, located 25 km from the city of St. Petersburg.

Cadets take an active part in the Olympiads held in various academic disciplines at the all-army, regional and all-Russian levels.

In addition to high-quality, serious education, the cadets of the academy have opportunities for recreation and sports. The facilities of the educational and sports base are equipped with modern training complexes and sports equipment, there is a swimming pool and a stadium with a football field. The sports complex of the Academy is one of the best among the universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The cadets of the academy participate in competitions in many kinds of sports, take part in the championships of Russia, Europe and the World. Among the cadets there are candidates and masters of sports, European and World champions.

Cadets live in new comfortable hostels. Meals are organized in the cafeteria of the academy for 2500 seats. There is a buffet and a tea room.

The monetary allowance of a cadet is calculated depending on the military rank of a soldier under the contract, length of service, academic performance, scientific and sports achievements and ranges from 15,000 to 22,000 rubles per month, starting from the second year (after the conclusion of the contract). First-year cadets receive 2,000 rubles a month as conscripts.

The academic year for first-year cadets begins on August 1 with general military training.

A 30-day summer vacation and a 15-day winter vacation are provided annually.

There is an opportunity to visit concert halls, museums, exhibitions of the city of St. Petersburg on preferential terms.

    Military Academy of Communications. S.M.Budyonny (YOU named after Budyonny) ... Wikipedia

    Named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Budyonny (Tikhoretsky Prospekt, 3), trains the commanding staff of the signal troops; center for research work on communication problems. Traces its history from the Higher Military Electrical Engineering School ... ... Saint Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Them. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M.Budyonny, founded in 1932 in Leningrad. Since 1998 Military University of Communications. Prepares commanders and military communications engineers. * * * MILITARY ACADEMY OF COMMUNICATION MILITARY ACADEMY OF COMMUNICATION them. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Military Academy: Military Academy (Odessa) Military Academy "Louis" Military Academy GS Rakovski Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Military Academy of the Imperial Japanese Navy Military Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    Military Electrotechnical Academy of Communications - WAR ELECTRICAL ACADEMY OF COMMUNICATION them. S.M.Budyonny, traces its history from the Higher. military. electrical engineering school of command staff, created. in 1919 and in 1921 transformed into the War. electrical engineering acad. (in 1933 it was named after S.M.Budyonny), from 1941 ... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: an encyclopedia

    Budyonny, Semyon Mikhailovich Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny April 13 (April 25) 1883 (18830425) October 26, 1973 ... Wikipedia

    Request "Budyonny" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny S. M. Budyonny in the club of the Moscow Aviation School, 1937 ... Wikipedia

    Former name GVVKUS, LVVIUS, SPbVVIUS, 4th faculty of YOU named after Budyonny Year of foundation 1941 Type State, military ... Wikipedia