PDP army. Airborne troops

The story of one tragic landing
(to the issue of the exercises of the 106th VDD in Mongolia in early 1979)

In the history of the Soviet Airborns, there was still a lot of
studied issues. And of course, there are reasons. Od-
Noah from poorly lit problems of the historiography of the winned guard
are the facts of the tragic death of Soviet paratroopers during the study
in peacetime.
Such an almost uneasy page in the chronicles of the Soviet desan
Ta is the history of the exercises of the 106th (Tula) airborne division
Ziya on the Mongolian-Chinese border in February 1979, when died and
More than 40 airborne fighters were crushed. This tragedy, housing
The USSR from the Soviet people could, obviously, and not happen,
If the top management of these major teachings abstained
From an ill-conceived order to land the guardsmen on Mongolian
Earth in completely unacceptable for this basis.
Our version of this story is as follows. The beginning of 1979 was marked
New exacerbation of Soviet-Chinese relations. This process,
Claimed by geopolitical and other factors, has become progressive
after the death of the famous Chinese leader Mao Jie Duna in
1976, when China's new political leadership led by Dan Xiao
Pin began to revise some former principles of external
PRC policies. XI Congress PDA proclaimed frankly anti-Soviet
course. Moreover, the Constitution of the PRC was then submitted (according to
decisions of the XI Congress of the CCP) the most important amendment, in accordance with which
Roy USSR proclaimed the first enemy of China. At the same time
Gom China proclaimed and long-suffering Vietnam, recently
Boyed in war with American interventionists. Vietnam, turn
to this point in a single social republic, sought
conduct an independent foreign policy aimed at friendship
With the countries of the Socialist Camp. Guide Vietnam also
Begins to conduct a course on rapprochement with adjacent Laos, small
The country (3.4 million people), which chose socialism.
Envious and malicious leaders of China
Affairs did not give peace, which in the end and led to war. February 17, 1979
China made aggression against Vietnam.

On the same day 12 Chinese
Divisions at the front of 1200 km invaded the Vietnamese territory.
The Soviet Union bound by the Allied obligations with friendly
Vietnam, could not indifferently respond to this event.
Already on February 19, the Government newspaper "True" was promul
Vano Statement of the USSR leadership. This statement was alleged
"That China's attack on Vietnam once again testifies to
How many irresponsibly belong to Beijing to the fate of the world, with what
The criminal ease of the Chinese manual will go into the course of the weapon. " The statement also mentioned the assurances of the USSR to perform
obligations taken by the Soviet Party under the Contract for Friendship and
Establishment between the USSR and Vietnam.
What was practically supported by the Soviet demarche?
According to the official version of Soviet historiography, the USSR provided
Additional help friendly Vietnam in the form of supplies,
providing military advisers, etc. In the second volume "Stories
Foreign Policy of the USSR "(M., 1986) on this is said:"
A modern sustained measures were taken to provide
full assistance to Vietnam, delivery to him everything that was required
For unsaturated aggressor.
Already on February 19, 1979, a group of advisers (20 people), headed
General Army G. Obaturovsky arrived in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
Assessing the situation in place and after listening to the reports of the leadership of Vietnam
Skopba, Soviet specialists convinced the Vietnamese leader
Le Zuan to transfer the Army Corps from Kampuchea to Langeson
direction, as well as to replicate in the same direction
Active division BM-21.
A group of different councils participated in the reflection of Chinese aggression
Specialists (pilots, communication officers, rackets, etc.). Unfortunately not
No victims soviet officers. In March 1979 under
Danang (port in South Vietnam) when entering the landing crashed
Vietnamese liner An-24, on board which was the General Air Force General
and five instructors officers. All of them died.
However, the USSR took another campaign for the purpose of pressing
Tai. To boight an aggressive neighbor, it was decided to hold on
Mongol-Chinese border Demonstration of military power, figuratively
Troy, get along with weapons and play muscles. Today there are few people
knows that in Mongolia, vassal from the USSR by the state at that time (with
1967) was a crowded grouping of Soviet troops in
Becoming the 39th combined army deployed on the Mongolian land
le. It included several motorized rifle and tank divisions, on the-
walking in subordination of the Trans-Baikal Military District. At the beginning
1979 In Mongolia, three divisions were transferred from Siberia and Zabe
Calya. The situation has decided to use advanced
Parts of the 39th Army as a political club against the aggressor -
China. In February-March 1979, large general
exercises in cross-border military districts in Mongolia and
Far East. To these unprecedented maneuvers were attracted
About 200 thousand people. From Ukraine and Belarus moved
Combat Aviation. In the demonstration of forces, it was also decided
A whole compound of Soviet Airborns.
According to the logic of things, it was reasonably in this demonstration
Put those parts of the Airborne Forces, which were stationed in the Far East. Od-
Nako the main forces of the Airborne Forces were on the Western borders of the USSR, and
also in the Transcaucasia and in Central Asia. On the Far Eastern borders with
China is only the 11th separate DSHB deployed in moguch, near
Cheats. This one of the first ODSBR was created in 1968 and was
In operational submission of the Trans-Baikal Military District. But this
The brigade decided not to touch.
Choosing the highest military leadership fell on the 106th Guards
Airborne Red Banner Kutuzov 2nd degree
Division. Why was it decided to use this connection of the Airborne Forces?
The 106th (Tula) VDD was considered one of the best connections.
Winged Guard. It is no coincidence that it was this division that participated
repeatedly in responsible and experimental exercises as well
Performed high government assignments. Here are a few
In 1957, Tula paratroopers provided landing first
Cosmic shells with four-legged cosmonauts - dogs
ka, arrow, chernushka. In a few years, Guardsmen 106th VDD
Awarded the honor to celebrate the landing pad of the cosmonaut Yuri
At the end of the 50s. (already at V.F. Margelov) Warriors of the Tula Division
The Airborne Forces participated in extreme climatic landing in
Spacious Polaria. In the height of Margelov Reforms of the Airborne Forces at the beginning of 70
X GG. Tula paratroopers are one of the first to launch a new de
San armored vehicle BMD-1 and BTRD. The reward was the vymprot of the USSR
"For the courage and military valor." Tula Division repeatedly
It was attracted to the extinguishing of forest fires in the Moscow region and
Thrust gentlemannia.
The question arises: why the 106th VDD was decided to
Treatment on the Mongolian-Chinese border? After all, this division was
stationed near Moscow and, obviously, was aimed at the European
Sky Theater of Military Action. Why did not chosen the Airborne Division, the dislocation
Caucasus (104th Kirovobadskaya VDD) and Central Asia
(105th Fergana VDD)? These compounds of the winged guard were
Chen fighting in the conditions of mining and deserted terrain. Obviously
Causes should be sought in the political area. In early1979 in
Iran was restless. Screenshots of Iranians despotism Shahsky
The regime threatened to turn around the revolutionary explosion, which happened
On November 10-11, 1979, the monarchical regime in Iran was overthrown, and
The authorities came Muslim clergy led by Ayatollah R. Ha-
Meni. Was also restless in neighboring Afghanistan, where in April
1978, overthrowing the regime of Daud, the Communists of the NDPA came to power. IN
this, then the civil war flared up a friendly country,
The threat of retracts the Soviet troops in the cross-timer of the DRU.
Therefore, the 105th and 104th VDD were alert.
106th VDD, although it was considered the "forest" division, nevertheless
He had the experience of landing in mining and deserted terrain. Back in 1966.
G. The 137th Guards Parachute Regiment took part in the majority
exercises in the territory of the Transcaucasia and successfully landed on
Highful solid. In 1978, the same 137th regiment under the experiment
Santa to the mining and deserted territory.
So, the choice was made. In Mongolia, the 106th VDD was transferred.
According to the sakery source information, it is difficult to accurately determine in
The full-time Tula division headed for exercises
In the book "The Airborne Forces of Russia" is approved: "In
1979 Division was raised after alarm and after a few days
La participation in the exercises in the territory of Mongolia. "
Armada military transport aircraft with Tula paratroopers
And armored vehicles on board headed east. It was almost a
exemplary airborne hike with a length of several
thousand kilometers. Airborne liners flew at high altitude. For
Reduced airproofing was produced several landings.
The exact location of the exercise researcher is not
succeeded. It is known only that landing took place in the desert
Gobi a few kilometers of the Mongolian-Chinese border. In our
disposal is a valuable memoir source that allows part
Play a dramatic picture of what happened. It is remembered
Officer of the Air Force (helicopter) V.G. Domrachev included in the collection
Nick "Opported by Afghan. They tell the participants of the Afghan war. "
In early1979, this officer served in the squadron of transport vertices
years, providing carriage of goods throughout Mongolia, on the territory
The thorium of which was deployed a lot of Soviet military units.
As applied from the memories V.G. Domrachev and some others
sources, the teachings were led by a group of high-ranking officers
headed by the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR Marsham
Scrap Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov, from which he now depended
The fate of the landing, because it was this person to give a team
For landing in frosty and very windy weather.
V.G. Domrachev recalls: "The blowing wind blew. Blades
Helicopter Mahali, like bird wings. "If the wind does not calm down, then
The landing cages will not be, "I thought.
After forty minutes, a messenger came from the head
Tov and said that we were preparing for a meeting of the main group of the helicopter
Tov with the leadership of the exercises. We had to show chanting
Helicopters sites landing.
Thirdly ten minutes began this crowd -
One after another helicopters with high-speed officers
10 helicopters village, but the main thing was not, and the place near the tribune
It remained free. Officers went to the stands, and immediately appeared
Helicopter with main. When marshal Sokolova appears atmosphere
Revived, the officers ran, they drove. After short reports
There were places on the podium, and one after another with an interval in one
A minute of the North began to appear landing aircraft
I approached the side technician and asked: "The commander, really
Such a wind will throw paratroopers? "
"We should not," I replied, "the murder!"
In the stands began the movement of generals, to Sokolov approached
Commander of the Airborne Forces and reported that strong wind and free
It is impossible (we have allocated - D.S.). He lowered his head, shook her and
Hall: "Let's make a test landing - from one aircraft of people,
Of the two - technique. " No one objected, everyone began to be silently watching
impending tragedy.
On the part of the head of the outcome came the words: "Emmement
I allow! "
So, the order came. Military transport liners one for other
GIm tesled into the sky. In the crimsons of the aircraft there was a personnel of 137-
Guide 106th VDD with regular armored technique. In avant-garde
The division assault was warriors of the regiment. In addition to
Buckets in one aircraft were mechanics-drivers BMD-1, and
also regiment officers. In the second aircraft IL-76 there were three patch
Bathrooms "Beemeshki".
The advanced detachment of Tula paratroopers, as already noted,
It was imposed with technique in a truly extreme
Catching the Mongolian winter. Who served in the Airborne Forces, maybe probably
put that in those moments felt guardsmen, some of which
It was alas, destined to live the last minutes. Angel sorrow already expected
souls of warriors who were prepared by terrible death on Mongolian
Tentization began. At this point, the strength of the wind reached 40
Meters per second - crazy for landing indicator. che
a few minutes after the start of the release of several paratroopers (by
some data more than 10 people) crashed to death
Nevety deserted solid. Several dozen guards from scary
In contact with the earth was injured and injured. Smashed I.
All three BMD. The release of the main forces of the landing regiment immediately
Here's how the death of the landing describes the mentioned eyewitness: "Under one
Two points appeared from the flying aircraft, under the following
Two more, which in a few seconds turned into the dome of the parachute
Comrade with appliances.
The technician thrown with parachutes was rapidly approaching
To the ground, increasing in front of the eyes. Others were fascinated occurring
and did not notice how the troops "fell" from the next aircraft
Kilometers in two from the tribune began landing
ka The brake systems were worked out, and somewhere they did not work. I
For the first time I saw the towers flying with the BMD when hitting the Earth. "Good
Sho that there are no people, "said someone from behind. These words became like
Signal: everyone remembered that paratroopers were thrown out. Again, N.
Conducting, raised their heads and saw how all the sky was grazing
Parachute floors.
Marine paratroopers fought with the wind, trying to land
As close as possible to landing technique, but, touching the earth, somehow
helplessly hung on the straps and, not rising to their feet, dragged for
filled with the domes of their parachutes in the desert.
At the first moment there was silence in the stands. Everyone understood that
It happens, but no one could say words.
Suddenly someone shouted with a yoke voice: "The pilots, urgently run
Helicopters and collect wounded. " We rushed to helicopters, launched
They flew to the victims. Had to fly around the desert
further paratroopers, produce from the cabin of onboard equipment and right
Pilot so that those extinguished parachutes and entered paratroopers in the cab
helicopter. In each helicopter was five to six victims. Pe-
Repened dust, blood, snow. Moans, screams. There were dead.
We transported them to the field hospital and flew away to perform their
tasks. Later found out that out of 108 paratroopers suffered exactly
Wines, but the exercises continued, loss too. "
Of course, the release of the main forces of the landing was canceled, thereby
The life and health of paratroopers from other divisions was saved
shelf. Airplanes with the landing, located in the air, deployed
Sat, began to return.
The exercises were completed, parts and divisions of the 106th VDD on
Transport aircraft returned to "Winter Apartments". Warriors of the 137th
The regiment was returned to Tula on railway communications.

Is it possible to raise the question of personal responsibility then
him commander of the Airborne Forces General D. Sukhukova for tragic
In Mongolia in early 1979? Unambiguously answer it, of course
difficult. Probably, the formulation of this issue is valid and historically
relevant. After all, we are talking about a person who commanded our
Winged guard and could influence or otherwise described
My events. But D. Sukhorukov - N.F. Margelov. Will strength and boldly
These historical subjects are unequal. Of course, Sukhorukov and
as a commander, and as a veteran of airborne, and as a person, mentally experienced
The shaft for the happening tragedy on the Mongolian-Chinese border. This is I.
understandably. But it seems that he felt inside his nature
guilt for the death of paratroopers, although he was openly admitted to him
but. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in his memoirs ("entries of the commander
Gu-paratrooper ") About the tragic desant D. Sukhorukov writes casual:
"Targeted was on bare stone, gray, like cement,
Desert. On the day of landing, a strong wind rose. First
She went to the jump reconnaissance company. It was a jump in hell.
The discharge of the main forces was canceled. Airplanes, located
Already in the air, they turned around and began to return to their airfields.
Soon the division was transported by airplanes by military transport
Aviation and partially railway transport in place constant
The teaching showed the real possibility of military transport
Aviation to perform in a short time transfer for large distances
Airborne division in full combat equipment.
Marine paratroopers received experience in preparation for landing on unfamiliar
airfields, but at the same time some issues of the rear
Support and a number of others for which decisions were made "
And that's it. About the tragedy happened on this territory, about the death and
injuries of almost 50 paratroopers from the Tula Division ex-commander
Airborne preferred not to write.
Why? Perhaps because he felt the share of his guilt
what happened? Who knows…
What felt "Iron Man", V.F. Margelov when he
It became known about what happened in Mongolia? It is clear that. New
Inspector-pensioner, of course, the whole soul was pain and internal
Rennes mourned the dead guardsmen. There is no doubt that "landing
Katie "more than once asked the question: who gave, in essence, crime
order about the beginning of the landing?
Indeed, who? Available source materials, allow
We have answered the question at our disposal, alas, no. By logic
things decisive, obviously, was the person who
I was doing then by the teachings. And they were Marshal S.L. Falcons, long-time
Roger V.F. Marghelova. According to the memories mentioned
Eyewitty, officer-helicolet board V.G. Domrachev, the order proceeded from
Marshal himself S.L. Sokolova. Reply exactly to the delivered
Mos Could then the Commander of the 106th VDD E.N. Podkolzin, No.
His soul has long risen to Pro Patria.
Thus, 1979 turned out to be a sign for the Soviet destination
Airborne I left the post of commander of the winged Guard V.F. Margelov,
Gone in the fly and Margelovskaya era. And, probably, it is symbolic that it is
The event was marked by the fact of the tragic Tula De-
Sannikov in Mongolia. According to the ancient philosophical maxim, nothing
Accidental in our life does not happen. Will be held several months and in
The same 1979 in the history of the Airborne Republic will begin the era of the nine-year-old war in
Afghanistan, in which our paratroopers will have to fight
truly with a bold enemy, fighting on Margelovski, keeping reno
The elite of the Soviet Army. 106th VDD until the end of the XX century. To this day
Store the reputation of an excellent Airborne Connection.
In this division, not only the glorious traditions are preserved,
Great V.F. Margelov, but also involved modern
The experience of combat operations received in local wars and conflicts.
It is considered, for example, that in the 80s 70% of officers and ensigns of Tul-
Division fought in Afghanistan.
Third centuries passed since the tragedy occurred in February
1979 in Mongolia. The dust of the victims of the warriors has long thinned in zinc
Marshal S.L. Sokolov, who became after Marshal D.S. Ustinova Mi-
Nistrome of the Defense of the USSR, lived a long worthy life. He died
Recently, in 2012 for 102 years of life. He recalled before leaving
into the world of others about paratroopers who died and crumpled on those ill-own
exercises? God is a judge to him. Undoubtedly, future residential historians are more than once
Return to the coverage of the events under consideration in Mongolia. Let it go
They will be able to restore and publish the names and titles of those soldiers.
Winged guard, which heroically performed the order in peace
Time has ever made some of them for perfection.
Tragic landing
(Light memory of the Guards 137th Airborne Regiment,
killed on the exercises in Mongolia in February 1979)

In the mouth of death, the landing
And the fate of warriors accomplished;
Follows a karmic guarantor
So that the gate for warriors opened.
* * *
Beats the wind over the desert,
Crack and dome
And Marshal is said pride,
Someoneless, he, and God of his judge.
* * *
Hard as a stone frowning land
About this firming case is beating.
For the 10th fighters, death came;
Oh, how much tears of relatives will go.
* * *
Blood sprouled the field of the landing
Peredhed fighters drag dome.
And many in that nightmare is waiting for salvation;
From death Luta, their fate saved.
* * *
In the tragedy of the landing who is guilty?
That proud marshal that he gave an order
To death to do worry people? He is not worthy
Be understandable, justified by the range of us?

The deployment site of the 217th Guards Parachute-landing Order of Kutuzov Regiment, or V / h 62295 is the city of Ivanovo, Ivanovo region. The connection is part of the 98th Guards Airborne Division. The regiment, in turn, consists of three battalions: the 1st battalion - the battalion, the 2nd battalion is a rapid response, staffing under the contract, the 3rd battalion is a construction.

Chevron 217th PDP Airborne


The regiment was formed in October 1948, at that that time was part of the 37th building of the 13th Division of the Airborne Forces. Martial banner He received in February 1948. The Order of Kutuzov was awarded at the end of February 1986. He took part in many military-tactical exercises, for which he was awarded thanks. Among them: landing on Sakhalin Island (1965), "South-7" and "Desna-7" (1969), "Shield-82".
Also, the connection was carried out by a number of government problems in the territory of Azerbaijan. After the collapse of the USSR, part of the connection was departed by the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the rest were departed in Ivanovo.

Territory of military unit

Evan's impressions

The first 3 months recruits pass the course of a young fighter. During the KMB mobile phones can only be used on weekends. Parcels are taken not in the city post office, but in the mail part, the fighters also do not go to the store. After graduating from the course of a young fighter, serving such a unit as the military unit 62295 take oath.
The event is carried out on the places of part on Saturday. The date and time of the solemn taking oath servicemen report. After the oath is allowed to be allowed secured by the passport of parents or wife. Dismissal is provided with overnight, but in the morning of Sunday (at 6.00), the soldier should be celebrated on the CAT.
The rest of the service is to see with a fighter in / h 62295 you can on the checkpoint (on Saturday - 1 hour 30 minutes after lunch), or he will be released on Sunday.
Mass personnel live in comfortable cubic barracks. There is a shower and a bathroom for two kubrick. The barracks have a living room, a room for ironing and drying linen, as well as a sports magicol. Bath day, like Parco-Economic - on Saturdays. Bath is located in the part of the part.

Training base of fighters

Feed, according to reviews, tasty. Soldiers and officers feed in the dining room. Also on the territory of the part there are chip, attending his soldiers may accompanied by contractors.
Field teachings are held twice a year, not far from Kostroma. In addition to this settlement, soldiers of the military unit 62295 can be sent to meadow, Yeisk or under Yaroslavl. The least of all the time field exercises will last from the servants of the 3rd battalion (about 1-2 weeks of field exercises).
Mobile phones can be used daily, in the evening. In the hospital and in the Sunchast, it is prohibited by telephones, they are issued on weekends. They report that the MTS numbers problematicly reach the number when a soldier in the hospital.
The monetary content of the military unit 62295 pays the servicemen to the VTB-24 card. There are no ATMs of this bank in the territory of the territory, the PPC hosts an ATM of the Moscow Industrial Bank. The commission of 100 rubles is charged for removing money from the card. For each leap, paratroopers receive cash surcharges, if there is a factor of complication, the payout jump increases.

Parachute classes in the shelf

Controuting the amount of monetary satisfaction and payments for jumping are slightly higher than that of employees. In order to serve in the 217th parachute shelf, the applicant must:

  • Have age from 18 to 35 years;
  • Have a medical certificate of health status forms not lower than A-1;
  • Have an appropriate education (not lower than full average);
  • Complete physical and psychological testing.

Not accepted on the contractual service candidates whose relatives were tried. The list of necessary documents should be clarified in the local military commissar.

Information for mom

Telephone address

The village of Bear Lake is not only a good option for health and outdoor activities in the Moscow region, and the location of the 38th separate Guards Communication Regiment of Air amusement forces Russia, or in / h 54164. At the moment it consists of a battalion of control and several communication battalions. Among the tasks that currently performs the military unit 54164 - establishing a connection in military field conditions, on the exercises, planting aircraft with groups of paratroopers and the establishment of navigation of aviation technology.

Other parts of Moscow and area, you can see on our list.


38th separate regiment The Links of the Airborne Forces began to form in August 1947 in Polotsk (Belarusian SSR). True, at that time he consisted of a division of the communications of the Nemny Corps of the Airborne Forces (8th Guards Regiment) and the 13th Guards separate company Communications (103rd Guards airborne Division). In September 1947, two units began to be called the 191st individual battalion of communication and became part of the 8th Guards Airborne Corps.
In June 1956, the division was reorganized in the 691st Battalion of the Airborne Communication, and in December 1972 several mouths of the 879th communications node were joined. New formation received the name of the 196th Air Communications Regiment.
In December 1992, the 196th regiment became the 171st separate brigade Connection of the Airborne Forces. After 5 years, in 1997, the brigade was subjected to re-formation - it became the 38th individual Airborne Communications.

Learning a new generation, warriors 38 communication regiment

The shelf fighters were as part of peacekeeping troops in resolving armed conflicts in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also participated in the fight against criminal groups in Chechnya. Today, employees in / h 54164 lead in international exercises and contribute to the organization of the work of adolescent military clubs in Moscow. For example, since 1996, the officer composition of the Regiment of the Communications works with the clubs "Search", "paratrooper" and "courage".

Evan's impressions

Most of those whose place was military unit 54164, noted that material and consumer conditions are good. Soldiers live in barracks, and some employees of the contractual composition take off her housing in the village of Bear or in Balashikha. In the dining room there are civilians, in the medical center - too. There are showers, a living room and training classes in the barracks.
The entire infrastructure is concentrated in the village of Bear Lake. These are shops, and the house of culture, and cafe, and even a sanatorium.
A sufficient amount of time is paid to physical preparation of paratroopers. Claims on shooting, jumping with parachute and shooting, but the main time is given to the preparation of communication. Employees in / h 54164 learn to recognize and send messages both by alphabet of Morse and by modern systems Communication or navigation. Field exercises are conducted.

Festive building

The oath, that is, its official part, begins at 10 in the morning, on the part are allowed from 9.40. It is noteworthy that the Gate simply open on the PPC and do not limit the number of those present. It is only necessary to find the oath and platoon of the fighter in the lists on the PPC wall. During the adoption of the oath, the parents of the soldier are allowed video and photography. After this event, the employees are allowed to be allowed to 21.00 Sundays - relatives write statements addressed to the commander of the military unit 54164 and leave a passport in pledge. The rest of the time the dismissal is permitted once every two weeks, but you can visit the soldiers on the CAT on Sundays from 15.00 to 19.00, except for those days when they are on the exercises.
Calls to relatives are allowed only on Sundays, from 19.00 to 21.00. Phones with Internet support, photo and video messages are prohibited. In bear lakes work all domestic telecom operators with tariffs for Moscow and the Moscow region.
Cash subsidies Employees receive once a month. After taking the oath, they are issued by Sberbank of Russia. Parents can make translations to the same card. In the bear lakes only one Sberbank ATM. It is located at ul. Jubilee, 13 and works around the clock.

Instructions for mom

Parcels and letters:

The address of the part: 141143, Moscow region, Schelkovsky district, the village of Medvezhy Lake, V / h 54164, FULL NAME, His platoon (clarify the number or Literature from a soldier).
Parcels can be sent to the address of the post office: 141143, Moscow region, Schelkovsky district, the village of Medvezhy Lake, ul. Jubilee, D.8. The branch works from 8.00 to 20.00, except Sunday. Break from 13.00 to 14.00.

Letters are delivered to the part, and the parcel takes the duty officer once a week. Policians are prohibited among the gear, but allowed:

  • Sweets and fruits;
  • Gloves and warm hat;
  • Cream for shoes (black) and mannelters;
  • Felt insoles for shoes;
  • Personal hygiene items;
  • Stationery.

Contact phone numbers:

Telephone headquarters in / h 54164: 8 (496-56) 9-31-82;
Phone duty officer: 8-496-671-64-58
Phone of the post office: 8 (496-56) 9-32-49
Bear-lake ambulatory: 8 (496-56) 9-32-84 (hospital); 8 (496-56) 9-32-57 (registry).

Your visit

You can get to the bear lakes in several ways:

  1. From the metro station Schelkovskaya in Moscow: on buses 349, 360, 321 and route taxi 506.
  2. From Monino Metro Station: By bus 362;
  3. From the metro station Chkalovskaya: by bus 378K, 320, 321, 360, 371, 380, 429.
  4. From the stop, a new town can be reached by taxi or travelers.
  5. By car from Balashikha to drive on Schelkovskoye highway, and then roll up to Schelkovo. After the new town, collapse left and navigate the road sign.

Where to stay

Since the bear lakes are recreational and sanatorium village, there is a sufficient choice of housing. Cutting houses, hotels, the private sector should book in advance and not forget that the price of accommodation depends on the time of year.

Military troops are one of the strong components of the army. Russian Federation. IN last years, in connection with a tense international situation, the DVD value increases. The size of the territory of the Russian Federation, its landscape variety, as well as the borders, practically with all conflict states, suggests that it is necessary to have a large supply of special groups of troops, which will be able to provide the necessary protection in all areas what are the air force.

In contact with

As the structure of air forces Extensive, often the question of the Airborne Forces and the LCB of the same troops arise? The article disassembles the differences between them, history, goals and military training of both organizations, the composition.

Differences between the troops

Differences are lurking in the names themselves. DSHB is a landing assault brigade, organized and specializing in the attacks of the enemy's near rear in case of deploying large-scale hostilities. Rangered assault brigades The Airborne Forces are subject to airborne troops, as one of their divisions and specialize only on assault grip.

Airborne Airborne Forces, whose tasks are capturing the enemy, as well as the capture and destruction of enemy weapons and other air operations. The functional of the Airborne Forces is much wider - intelligence, sabotage, assault. For greater understanding of differences, consider the history of the creation of the Airborne Forces and DSHB separately.

History of the Airborne Forces

The Airborne Forces begins his story since 1930, when the city was operated under the city of Voronezh on August 2, where 12 people on parachutes were landed from the air in the part of the special unit. This operation then opened his eyes to leadership for new opportunities for parachute troops. Next year, based on Leningrad Military District, a detachment is formed, which received a long name - aircraft and accounted for about 150 people.

The effectiveness of paratroopers was obvious and reviable makes the decision to expand it by creating airborne troops. The order saw the light at the end of 1932. In parallel, in Leningrad, the instructors training was conducted, in the future they were distributed to the county on special purpose battalions in aviation.

In 1935, the Military District of Kiev demonstrated to foreign delegations all the power of the Airborne Forces, having arranged an impressive disembarking of 1200 paratroopers, which quickly captured the airfield. Later, similar teachings are held in Belarus, as a result of which the German delegation is already impressive than the disembarkation of 1800 people, I decided to organize my airborne detachment, and then the regiment. In this wayThe Soviet Union is rightfully home to the Airborne Forces.

In 1939, our landing troops There is an opportunity to show yourself in practice. In Japan, the 212nd Brigade was planted on the Khalkin-goal river, and after a year 201, 204 and 214 brigades will be involved in the war with Finland. Knowing that we are no longer affordable for us, 5 air buildings were formed at 10 thousand people and the Airborne Forces acquires a new status - Guards troops.

In 1942, he was marked by the largest airborne operation during the war years, which took place near Moscow, where about 10 thousand paratroopers were reset in the German rear. After the war, the Airborne Forces was decided to attach to the VGC and appoint the commander of the Airborne Forces of the USSR, this honor drops the Colonel-General V.V. Glagolev.

Big innovations in airborne The troops came with "Uncle Vasya." In 1954, V.V. Glagolova replaces V.F. Margelov and holds the position of commander of the Airborne Forces until 1979. For Margelov VPV It is supplied with novelties of military equipment, including artillery installations, combat vehicles, special attention is paid to working under the conditions of a sudden attack by nuclear weapons.

Armenian troops took part in all the most significant conflicts - the events of Czechoslovakia, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, in Nagorno-Karabakh, North and South Ossetia. Several of our battalions performed UN peacekeeping tasks in Yugoslavia.

In our time, about 40 thousand fighters are included in the ranks of the Airborne Forces, when conducting special operations - paratroopers make it the basis, since the Airborne Forces is a highly qualified component of our army.

The history of the formation of DSB.

Rangered assault brigades Started their history after it was decided to rewind the Tactics of the Airborne Forces in the conditions of unleashing large-scale hostilities. The goal of such LCBs was to disorganize opponents by mass fallows close to the enemy, such operations were most often performed from helicopters with small groups.

Closer to the end of the 60s in the Far East, it was decided to form 11 and 13 brigades at the helicopter shelves. These shelves were involved primarily in hard-to-reach areas, the first attempts of landings took place in the northern cities of Magdachi and Zavitinsky. Therefore, in order to become a paratrooper of this brigade, the strength and special endurance was needed, since the weather conditions were practically unpredictable, for example, in the winter the temperature reached up to -40 degrees, and in the summer an abnormal heat was present.

The location of the deployment of the first dshb It was not just that the Far East was chosen. It was the time of complex relationship with China, which were even more aggravated after the collision of interests on the island of Damascus. The brigades were given an order to prepare for the reflection of the attack by China, which could attack themselves.

High level and significance of DSHB It was demonstrated on the exercises in the late 1980s on the island of ITUPU, where 2 battalions and artillery were planned at the MI-6 and Mi-8 helicopters. The garrison, due to weather conditions, was not warned about the teachings, as a result of which the fire was opened, but due to the highly qualified preparation of paratroopers, none of the participants suffered.

At the same year, LCHP numbered 2 regiments, 14 brigades, about 20 battalions. On one brigade They were attached to one military district, but only to those who had a way out to the border on land. Kiev also had his brigade, another 2 brigades were given to our parts that were abroad. Each brigade had an artillery division, subdivisions of the rear and combat destination.

After the termination of the USSR of its existenceThe budget of the country did not allow the mass content of the army, so there was nothing else to disaglace some parts of the DSHB and the Airborne Forces. The beginning of the 90s is marked with the removal of DSHB from submission Far East and transformation to complete submission to Moscow. Team assault brigades are converted into separate airborne brigades - 13 OTDBR. In the mid-90s, the ADV reduction plan disbanded the composition of 13 OTDBR.

Thus, from the above, it can be seen that DSB was created as one of structural units Airborne


The composition of the Airborne Forces includes the following divisions:

  • airborne;
  • ardent assault;
  • mountains (which act exclusively on mountain hills).

These are the three main components of the Airborne Forces. In addition, they consist of a division (76.98, 7, 106 Guards archery), brigades and shelves (45, 56, 31, 11, 83, 38 Guards airborne). In Voronezh, a brigade in 2013, obtained number 345.

Personnel composition of theun prepared B. educational institutions Military reserve Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Kamenets-Podolsk, in Kolomensky. Training was conducted in the directions of the parachute-landing (ardent assault) platoon, commanders of reconnaissance platforms.

The school produced annually about three hundred graduates - it was not enough to satisfy the personnel demands of the military-airborne troops. Consequently, the airborne faculties in the military servicemen could get into military servicemen in special areas of schools such as general and military departments.


The Commander's composition of DSHB was chosen most often from the Airborne Forces, and Kombatov, Deputy Combatov, Roth Commander from the nearest military districts. In the 70s, due to the fact that the leadership decided to repeat his experience - create and equip LCB, expands planned set in educational institutionswho trained future airborne officers. The mid-80s was noted by the fact that the officers were issued to the service in the DSH, being prepared by the educational program for the Airborne Forces. Also during these years, the complete permutation of officers is being conducted, it was almost all decided to replace in the DSH. At the same time, excellent students went to the service mainly in the Airborne Forces.

To get to the service in the AirborneAs in DSB, it is necessary to comply with specific criteria:

  • growth 173 and higher;
  • secondary physical development;
  • secondary education;
  • without medical restrictions.

If everything corresponds, then the future fighter begins to prepare.

Particular attention is paid to, of course, physical training of air packers, which is carried out constantly, begins with a daily lift at 6 am, hand-to-hand combat (special training program) and ends with long marchs of 30-50 km. So every fighter has a huge excerpt And endurance, besides, the guys who engaged in any sport, which develops the most endurance is selected in their ranks. To check it out, the endurance test is passed - in 12 minutes the fighter must run 2.4-2.8 km., Otherwise, there is no point in the Airborne Service.

It is worth noting that not in vain they are called universal fighters. These people can act at various locations into any weather conditions absolutely silently, can be masked, own all types of weapons both their own and enemy, manage any kind of transport, communications. In addition to different physical trainingThe psychological is required, since the fighters have to overcome not only long distances, but also "work your head" to get ahead of the enemy throughout the operation.

Intellectual suitability is founded with the help of tests compiled by specialists. Communicably taken into account psychological compatibility in the team, the guys include in a certain detachment for 2-3 days after which the old-workers give an assessment of behavior.

Psychophysical training is carried outwhich implies a task with an increased risk where physical and mental tension goes. Such tasks are aimed at overcoming fear. At the same time, if it turns out that the future paratrooper does not feel, in general, feelings of fear, then he does not take on further training, since this feeling is quite naturally taught to control it, and not eradicate at all. The preparation of the Airborne Forces gives our country a huge advantage in the face of fighters in front of any enemy. Most doubles already have a familiar lifestyle even after retirement.

Armament of aircraft

As for technical equipment, combined exercise equipment and specially designed for the nature of this kind of troops are involved in the Airborne Forces. Some of the samples were created in the USSRBut the bulk was developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Soviet periods include:

  • a landing combat machine - 1 (the number reaches - 100 units);
  • BMD-2M (approximately 1 thousand units), they are used both in ground and in parachute methods of disembarkation.

These technicians have been tested over the years and participated in multiple armed conflicts, held in our country and abroad. Nowadays, in the conditions of rapid progress, these models are outdated and morally, and physically. A little later, the BMD-3 model came out and today the number of such equipment is only 10 units, as the production is discontinued, it is planned to gradually replace the BMD-4.

The Airborne Forces also owns armored personnel transporters of the BTR-82A, BTR-82AM and BTR-80 and the most numerous caterpillar armored personnel carrier - 700 units, and it is the most outdated (mid-70s), it gradually replaces the armored personnel carrier - MDM "Shell". There are also anti-tank guns 2C25 "Sprut-SD", armored personnel carrier - RD "Robot", and PTRK: "Competition", "Metis", "Fagot", and "Cornet". Fortune defense represented by rocket complexes, but a special place is given to a novelty, which not so long ago appeared in arms of the Airborne Forces - Verba PZRK.

Not so long ago, new techniques appeared:

  • armored car "Tiger";
  • Snowmobile a-1;
  • cargo car KAMAZ - 43501.

As for communication systems, they are represented by local developed complexes of radio electronic struggle "Leer-2 and 3", Infaun, system administration is represented by air defense "Barnaul", "Andromeda" and "Flight-K" - automation of control of troops.

Weapon Presented by samples, for example, Yarygin's gun, PMM and a silent PSS pistol. The Soviet AK-74 automatic machine is still a personal arms of paratroopers, but gradually replaced with the latest AK-74M, and a silent machine "Shaft" is used on special operations. Parachute systems are also of the Soviet and post-Soviet type, which can landing large parties of soldiers and all the above described military technique. A hard technique includes automatic prescription grenadents AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9.

Armament of LMS

DSB has places with transport and helicopterswhich numbered:

  • about twenty Mi-24, forty Mi-8 and forty Mi-6;
  • the anti-tank battery was in service with a machine anti-tank grenade launcher 9 md;
  • mortar battery included eight 82-millimeter BM-37;
  • in the anti-aircraft platoon, there were nine PZRK Strela-2M;
  • also included several BMD-1, infantry combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers for each landing assault battalion.

The armament of the brigade-artillery group consisted of Hubitz GD-30, PM-38 mortars, GP 2A2 guns, Maltka anti-tank missile complex, SPG-9MD, anti-aircraft installation ZU-23.

More severe technique Includes automatic prescription grenades AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9 "Spear". Air exploration is carried out with the help of the domestic nonsense "Orlan-10".

One interesting fact took place in the history of the Airborne University, quite a long time, thanks to the erroneous information of the media, the special competition fighters (SPN) were not rightly called paratroopers. The thing is, that in the air forces of our country In the Soviet Union, as in the post-Soviet did not exist, there were no SPN troops, but there are divisions and part of the SPN of the General Staff of the General Staff, which arose in the 50s. Until the 80s, the command was forced to completely deny their existence in our country. Therefore, those who were appointed in these troops learned about them only after putting the service. For the media they were masked under motorized rifle battalions.

Day of the Airborne Forces

Marine parathers celebrate Airborne Birthdaylike LSHB from August 2, 2006. This is a kind of gratitude for the effectiveness of air units, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation was signed by the same year. Despite the fact that the holiday is declared our government, the birthday is noteworthy not only in our country, but also in Belarus, Ukraine and most CIS countries.

Every year, the veterans of the Airborne Forces and the active fighters are found in the so-called "place of meetings", in each city it is its own, for example, in the Astrakhan "Bratsk Sadik", in Kazan "Victory Square", in Kiev "Hydropark", in Moscow " Poklonnaya Mount", Novosibirsk" Central Park ". In major cities, they arrange demonstration performances, concerts and fairs.

The airborne troops of Russia are designed to perform various combat missions in the rear of the enemy, the destruction of combat dots, covers of various parts and many other tasks. The Airborne Division in peacetime often play the role of rapid response for the emergence of freelancers requiring military intervention. The airborne troops of Russia perform their tasks immediately after landing, for which helicopters or aircraft are used.

The history of the emergence of airborne troops of Russia

The Airborne History began at the end of 1930. It was then on the basis of 11 rifle DivisionA detachment of fundamentally new type was created - aircraft modeling. This detachment was the prototype of the first Soviet landing part. In 1932, this squad began to be called an aviation brigade of special purpose. With this name, the partitions of the Airborne Forces were existed to 1938, in which they were renamed in the 201st airborne brigade.

The first in the USSR, the use of the landing in combat operations passed in 1929 (after which it was decided to create such parts). Then the Soviet Red Army teams were packed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tajik city of Garm, who seized the gang of Banditov-Basmachi, who came to the territory of Tajikistan because of the border. Despite the superior number of the enemy, acting decisively and boldly, the Red Armenians completely broke the gang.

Many argue whether it is worth considering this operation with a full-fledged landing, as the squad of the Red Army team was planted after landing the aircraft, and not landing with parachutes. One way or another, the day of the Airborne Forces is not timed to this date, but noted in honor of the first full-fledged landing of the group near the Klochekovo farmhouse under Voronezh, which was held in military exercises.

In 1931, a special order at number 18, an experienced landing squad was created, whose task was to find out the scope of application and purpose of airborne troops. This freelance detachment consisted of 164 personnel members and included:

  • One rifle company;
  • Several separate platforms (communication, sapper and suspension of light cars);
  • Squadrils of heavy bombers;
  • One corpure aviation squad.

Already in 1932, all similar detachments were deployed in special battalions, and by the end of 1933 there were 29 pieces of such battalions and the team. The task of preparing aircraft integers and the development of special standards was assigned to the Leningrad Military District.

In the pre-war time, landing troops were used by the highest command for strikes on the enemy's reasons, to help the fighters that fell into the environment and so on. In the 1930s, the Red Army was very serious about practical preparation of paratroopers. In 1935, a landing of a total number of 2,500 people were planted on maneuvers together with military equipment. Already next year, the number of landproof was increased more than three times, which made a huge impression on military delegations of foreign states that were invited to maneuvers.

The first real battle with the participation of Soviet paratroopers occurred in 1939. Although this incident with Soviet historians is described as an ordinary military conflict, Japanese historians consider it a real local war. In the battles for Chalchin-goal 212 brigade of the Airborne Forces participated. Since the use of fundamentally new paratroopers tactics turned out to be a complete surprise for the Japanese, the Airborne Forces brilliantly proved that they were capable of.

Participation of the Airborne Forces in the Great Patriotic War

Before the beginning of World War II, all brigades of airborne troops were deployed in the corps. In each case there were more than 10,000 people whose armament was the most advanced at that time. On September 4, 1941, all parts of the Airborne Forces were transferred to the direct submission to the commander of airborne airborne troops (the first commander of the Airborne Forces was Lieutenant Glazunov, who stayed in this position until 1943). After that, were formed:

  • 10 airborne buildings;
  • 5 maneuverable airborne airborne brigades;
  • Spare shelves of airborne
  • Airborne School.

Before the start of the BBA, military landing troops were independent native troops that were able to solve a wide range of tasks.

The airborne regiments widely involved in the counteroffensive, as well as various combat operations, including help and support for other types of troops. For all years of the Great Patriotic War, the Airborne Forces has proven its effectiveness.

In 1944, the Airborne Forces were reorganized into the Guards Airborne Army. It entered the aviation of long-range action. On December 18 of the same year, this army was renamed the 9th Guards Army, all the brigades, divisions and the airborne regimep entered it. At the same time, a separate Airborne Department was created, which was subordinate to the commander of the Air Force.

Military troops in the post-war period

In 1946, all the Brigades and Divisions of the Airborne Forces were transferred to the land forces. They obeyed the Ministry of Defense, being the reserve type of troops of the Supreme Commander.

In 1956. the year aircraft Again I had to take part in an armed skirmish. Together with other types of troops, paratroopers were thrown on the suppression of the Hungarian uprising against the Soviet regime.

In 1968, two airborne divisions participated in the events in Czechoslovakia, where they provided full support to all connections and parts of this operation.

After the war, all parts and brigades of airborne troops received the newest samples of firearms and many units of military equipment made specifically for the Airborne Forces. Over the years, samples of airborne technique were created:

  • Crawler armored vehicles BTR-D and BMD;
  • Cars TPK and GAZ-66;
  • Self-propelled guns ACSU-57, ACSU-85.

In addition, the most complex systems for parachute landing of the entire listed technique were created. Since the new technique needed large transport aircraft for landing, new models of large fuselage aircraft were created, which could carry out parachute arrangements of armored vehicles and cars.

The airborne troops of the USSR first in the world received their own armored vehicles, which was designed specifically for them. In all major teachings, troops were landing along with armored vehicles, which constantly led to the amazement of representatives of foreign countries present on the exercises. The number of specialized transport aircraft capable of making landing was so great that in just one combat departure, it was possible to land all the equipment and 75 percent of the personnel of the whole division.

In the fall of 1979 105 division of the Airborne Forces It was disbanded. This division was trained to fight in the mountains and deserts, and stationed in the Uzbek and Kyrgyz SSR. This year soviet troops were introduced to the territory of Afghanistan. Since the 105 division was disbanded, 103 divisions were sent instead of her, the personnel of which did not have the slightest concept and preparation for conducting hostilities in mountain and desert areas. Numerous losses among paratroopers showed what a huge mistake committed a command, increasing the decision to disband the 105 division of the Airborne Forces.

Airborne Forces during the Afghan War

The Afghan War passed the following divisions and airborne brigades and ardent assault formations:

  • Division of airborne troops number 103 (which was sent to Afghanistan instead of a 103 division loosen);
  • 56 OGRDSHBR (separate landing assault brigade);
  • Parachute-land regiment;
  • 2 DSB battalion, which were part of motorized rifle brigades.

Total B. Afghan war About 20 percent of paratroopers participated. In connection with the peculiarity of the relief of Afghanistan, the use of parachute landing in the mountainous area was unreasonable, so the delivery of paratroopers was carried out by means of landing method. Deaf mountain areas were often unavailable for armored vehicles, so the entire blow of Afghan militants had to take on the personal composition of the airborne parts.

Despite the separation of parts of the Airborne Forces to the landing-assault and airborne-landing, all parts had to act in the same scheme, and to fight it was necessary in an unfamiliar area, with an opponent for whom these mountains were their home.

About half of the composition of the airborne troops was dispersed on various foundations and control points of the country than other parts of the army were to be engaged. Although this was the movement of the enemy, but it was unreasonable to use elite troops, trained in a completely different battle manner. The paratroopers had to perform the functions of ordinary motorized rifle parts.

The largest operation with the participation of the Soviet landing parts (after the operation of the Second World War) is considered to be 5 Panjshera surgery, which was held in the period from May to June 1982. During this operation, about 4,000 paratroopers of 103 Guards Vds were planted from helicopters. For three days, Soviet troops (which was about 12,000, including paratroopers), almost completely established control over the Panzhecher gorge, although the losses were huge.

Realizing that the special armored vehicle of the Airborne Forces is inffective in Afghanistan, since most of the operations had to be performed together with motorized rifle battalions, BMD-1 and BTR-D began to be systematically replaced by the standard technique of motorized rifle units. Light armor and a low resource of lightweight technology did not bring any advantages in the Afghan war. This replacement took place from 1982 to 1986. At the same time, the landing units were strengthened with artillery and tank units.

Assault assault formations, their differences from parachute

Along with the parachute units, in the aircraft troops there were arranged assault parts that were in direct subordination to the commander of military districts. Their difference was the performance of various tasks, subordination and organizational structure. The form, weapons, the preparation of personnel did not differ from the parachute-landing compounds.

The main reason for the creation of landing and assault compounds in the second half of the 60s of the 20th century was the development of a new strategy and tactics of conducting a full-scale war with an alleged opponent.

This strategy was built on the use of massive landing towards the opponent's rear, in order to disorganize defense and making panic in the opponent's ranks. Since the army fleet was staffed by this time with a sufficient number of transport helicopters, it became possible to carry out large-scale operations using large groups of paratroopers.

In the 80s, 14 brigades, 2 shelf and 20 battalions of landing battalions were placed throughout the USSR. One DSH brigade accounted for one military district. The main difference between parachute and landing and assault-assistant parts was as follows:

  • Parachute, landing formations were provided with a specialized airborne technique by 100 percent, and the landing assault formations had only 25 percent of the staffing of similar armored vehicles. You can explain this by various combat tasks that should have been performed by these formations;
  • Parts of the parachute troops obeyed only directly by the Airborne Committee, unlike the landing assault parts, which were subordinate to the command of military districts. This was done for greater mobility and efficiency in case of the need for a sudden release of the landing;
  • The tasks of these formations also differed significantly from each other. The array assault parts were to be used for operations in the nearest enemy rear or on the territory engaged in the frontal parts of the enemy, so that their actions make a panic and violate the opponent's plans, while the main parts of the army had to hit it. Parachute, landing units were intended for disembarking in the deep rear of the enemy, and their landing should be made a non-alert. In this case, the military training of both formations was practically no difference, although the intended tasks parachute were much more difficult;
  • Parachute the airborne parts of the Airborne Forces have always been deployed in full staff and equipped cars and armored vehicles by 100 percent. Many landing assault brigades were incomplete and did not wear the title "Guards". The exception was only three brigades that were formed on the basis of parachute-land regiments and wore the name "Guards".

The difference between the shelves from the brigade consisted in the shelf of only two battalions. In addition, the composition of the regimental set in the shelves was often reduced.

Still do not defeat the disputes about whether soviet army Parts of special purpose, or this function performed the airborne troops. The fact is that in the USSR (as in modern Russia) There have never been separate special forces of special purpose. Instead, there were part of the special purpose of the GRU General Staff.

Although these parts existed since 1950, their existence remained secret to the end of the 80s. Since the shape of the parts of the special purpose did not differ from the form of other parts of the Airborne Parts, then often not only the inaders did not know about their existence, but even the urgent service soldiers learned about it only at the time of adoption in the personnel.

Since the main tasks of special purpose parts was intelligence and sabotage activities, only the form, airborne preparation of personnel and the ability to use parts of special purpose for operations in the enemy's rear, were combined.

Vasily Filippovich Margelov - "Father" of the Airborne Forces

A huge role in the development of airborne troops, the development of the theory of their application and the development of weapons belongs to the Airborne Commander from 1954 to 1979 - Vasilia Filippovich Margelov. It was in his honor that the Airborne Forces is jokingly called "Uncle Vasi's troops." Margelov laid the foundation for the positioning of airborne troops as highly mobile units with high firing power and covered reliable armor. It was this kind of troops that had to apply fast and unexpected strikes on the enemy in conditions nuclear war. At the same time, in no case should the Airborne Constitution of the captured objects or positions should not be included in the task of the Airborne Forces in any way, since in this case the landing will certainly be destroyed by regular parts of the opponent's army.

Under the influence of Marghelov, special samples of small arms were developed for the airborne divisions, allowing to effectively fire even at the time of landing, special models of auto and armored vehicles, the creation of new transport aircraft intended for the landing and armored vehicles.

It was on the initiative of Marghelov that a special symbolism of the Airborne Forces was created, familiar to all modern Russians - Telnyashka and Blue takes, which are pride of each paratrooper.

There are several airborne troops in the history of airborne troops. interesting factswho know a few:

  • Specialized landing parts, which were the predecessors of the Airborne Forces, appeared during World War II. Such parts at that time did not have a single army in the world. The airborne army was supposed to perform operations in the German rear. Seeing that the Soviet command created a fundamentally new genus of troops, the Anglo-American command also created his airborne army in 1944. However, this army could not participate in hostilities during World War II;
  • During the world, several tens of thousands of people who served in airborne parts received many orders and medals of various degrees, and 12 people were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • After completion of the Second World War, the airborne troops of the USSR were the most numerous among these parts around the world. Moreover, according to the official version, the airborne troops of the Russian Federation are the most numerous worldwide, and to this day;
  • Soviet paratroopers are the only one who managed to land in full combat equipment on the North Pole, and this operation was carried out at the end of the 40s;
  • Only in the practice of Soviet paratroopers was landing from multi-kilometer heights in combat vehicles.

Airborne Day - the main holiday of the airborne troops of Russia

On August 2, the Day of the Airborne Forces of Russia is celebrated, or as it is also called - the day of the Airborne Forces. This holiday is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and is of great popularity among all paratroopers who served or serve in airborne troops. On the day of the Airborne Forces, demonstrations, processions, concerts, sporting events and festive walking are held.

Unfortunately, the Day of the Airborne Forces is considered the most unpredictable and scandalous holiday of Russia. Often paratroopers arrange mass riots, pogroms and fights. As a rule, these are the people who have long been served in the army, but they want to diversify their civilian life, so on the day of airborne troops traditionally passes the strengthening of the patrol outfits of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which are followed by order in in public places cities of Russia. In recent years, there has been a steady tendency to reduce the number of fights and pogroms on the day of airborne. Marine paratroopers learn to celebrate their holiday civilized, after all, riots and pogroms will disgrace the name of the defender of the Motherland.

Flag and emblem of airborne troops

The flag of airborne troops, along with the emblem, is a symbol of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation. The emblem of the Airborne Forces is three species:

  • Small Airborne emblem is a gold flame Grenadue with wings;
  • The average airborne emblem is a double-headed eagle with revealed wings. In one paw he has a sword, and in the other - Grenada with wings. Eagle's chest closes the shield, depicting George a victoriousness, affecting the dragon;
  • The large emblem of the Airbornema is a copy of the Grenada on a small emblem, only it is in a heraldic shield, which is bordered by a round wreath of oak leaves, while the top of the wreath decorates the emblem Armed Forces RF.

The flag of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation was established on June 14, 2004 by order of the Ministry of Defense. The flag of airborne troops is a rectangular blue cloth. In its lower part is a green strip. The center of the airborne troops flag decorates the image of a golden parachute with a parachute. On both sides of the parachute - aircraft.

Despite all the difficulties that experienced russian army In the 90s, she managed to preserve the glorious traditions of the Airborne Forces, the structure of which at the moment is an example for many world armies.