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Painful sensations in the heel bring many inconveniences, since a person needs to walk daily, and the disease negatively affects the quality of life. A similar pathology often appears in people of advanced age, athletes, women while carrying a child. To overcome the disease, you need to figure out what can be if the heel hurts, what are the ways to solve the problem.

The main causes of heel pain

If the heel hurts, this may indicate various factors:

  1. A reason that has no connection with any ailment.
  2. Pathologies with direct damage to the structures of the foot.
  3. Diseases that affect the osteoarticular structure.
  4. Traumatization.

Why the heels of the feet hurt:

  • Wearing improperly selected shoes, the presence of a heel above the norm, a thin sole, a squeezed heel lead to a violation of the natural placement of pressure, which leads to congestion of certain areas of the sole.
  • Increased activity. With the usual sedentary spending of the day, a person who spends the day actively may be faced with the fact that at the end of the day he is on his feet. The reason is that the fat formed under the skin on the surface of the sole is very thin for such onslaught.
  • Working capacity associated with standing work. A large load on the lower extremities leads to their congestion, so the heel begins to hurt a person.
  • The formation of corns and calluses that occur due to improper care or due to the development of plantar psoriasis. What can cause a sore heel? A bladder forms, which can hurt during movement, and thickened skin can burst under pressure, forming.

When heel pains appear, the reasons may indicate atrophy of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Heel pain occurs due to sudden weight loss or increased daily activity along with exercise. In addition, when weight gain occurs suddenly, abruptly, stable obesity is observed in a short time, this leads to heel pain.

If the heel is sick and does not stop hurting, then you need to see a doctor. The physician will determine the possible factor, what it might be and how to get rid of the problem.

Why does the heel on the left foot hurt?

The rhythm of life of a modern person forces a large amount of time to be on their feet. The heel is able to withstand a lot of pressure, and with a long stay on the lower extremities, the pressure increases, and it begins to hurt.

It has been noticed that often people develop pain in the left heel. This is due to the fact that the correspondence of the body, limbs is not absolute. In the course of evolutionary change, the right leg and hand became dominant, control over which was taken over by the dominant left hemisphere of the human brain.

Right-handers have a developed limb on the right. The muscle mass on the right leg is more developed. A rapid decrease in activity is observed on a weak limb, often the limb on the left. The pressure creates an uncomfortable sensation, so the left heel begins to hurt.

What causes soreness in the heel of the left leg and the right heel hurts:

  • When walking for a long time, staying on your feet, the left heel may hurt.
  • Compliance with dietary nutrition, increased physical activity leads to a decrease in subcutaneous adipose tissue, which negatively affects shock absorption and the left heel begins to hurt.
  • A rapid increase in body weight.
  • Walking in only purchased or, with a tight block, as a result of which muscles are strained and squeezed.

When the left heel continues to hurt for a long time, the causes can be much more serious. Some painful process may occur.
It is possible to recognize the pathological manifestation of pain syndrome in the presence of the first symptoms that appear:

  • The pain is aching, the heel can stab, hurt, bake. All feet are also baked, or to the side of the foot.
  • When moving, it is impossible to step on, the pain syndrome increases.
  • The left heel turns red, swells.
  • When burning pains in the legs on one side increase in the evenings and in the morning, this indicates signs of gout.
  • If the heel seems to pulsate, this manifestation of pain is characterized by a symptom of trauma.

Regardless of the fact that when supporting to the left, the leg can withstand strong pressure, the integrity of the bone can be broken. This happens for the following reason:

  • Physical onslaught
  • Wrong diet
  • Injury to the hip joints, feet and surrounding tissue
  • Inflammatory processes

If the heel is deformed, it does not go away without a trace. Painful sensations begin to appear in the spine and other joints. It can hurt in the hip joint in the left leg from the thigh due to damage to tendons, joints, infections, injuries.

In the absence of therapy for pain in the limbs, the heel of the left leg will cause severe discomfort, and there will be limitations in motor employment.

Heel pain in women

Often the heels of women begin to hurt when walking in high heels all day long, long stay on their feet, wrong shoes. In addition, they will hurt during prolonged physical exercise.

Heel pain in women

Such actions indicate the presence of ailments associated with the joints and the spine. The heel can often hurt in the presence of varicose veins.

On impact, there may be small cracks in the bone of the foot. Pain syndrome manifests itself as characteristic. In the lower zone of the foot, there is a long flap that connects the toes. When this area becomes inflamed, girls develop heel pain when bending over by pulling their toes towards themselves.
Women's heels can also hurt during pregnancy. Soreness is such that it is unrealistic to walk. The heel becomes stone, there is severe pain.

When heels hurt during pregnancy, most women experience the syndrome around the evening, towards the end of the working day. Others report soreness. The heel stops hurting when it comes apart a little, but the discomfort may reappear in the evening.

The main reason that heels hurt during pregnancy is a deviation of the center of gravity. In addition, a frequent complaint comes when a woman goes from a high heel to a heel much lower. In this case, the heel will become sore due to the recombination of the weight.

Of course, heels hurt during pregnancy, also due to excess weight. Carrying a heavy load is difficult, and the greatest pressure is actually on this area of \u200b\u200bthe limb. Swelling is also a likely factor in causing the heel to hurt. It is important to control so that fluid does not accumulate in the body.

Why do heels hurt after childbirth:

  1. During the period of childbirth, when the baby comes out through the birth canal,
    there is a stretching of the spine, pelvic floor muscles, pubic ligaments
    joints. As a result, the lower back hurts, after which the heel begins to hurt.
    The woman in labor feels a pulling pain and weakness in the legs.
  2. The heel may hurt, indicating varicose veins. During pregnancy, increased
    the volume of blood and the onslaught of the growing uterus affected the veins. They
    lengthened and expanded. Reverse blood flow valves are not
    coped, it became a factor in her stagnation in the legs.
  3. The heel is overloaded when carrying a baby. Extra 15 kg that a woman
    endured on her feet, manifest in a negative way after the birth of the child.

Possible pathologies associated with heel pain

Heel pain leads to unbearable discomfort. This does not allow the patient to move normally, and rather severe pains immobilize. When the causes of heel disease are identified, a fight is carried out with the symptoms of the syndrome in this area. Since the heel may be sore due to various diseases, the symptoms of the disease will differ.

It is important when the heel hurts for a long period of time, immediately consult a doctor to determine the specific pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What diseases provoke pain:

  • Osteomyelitis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Epiphysitis
  • Others

Injury bruises

The disease proceeds with the following signs:

  • Joints will hurt
  • Conjunctivitis appears
  • There will be a pain symptom in the lower abdomen

The reasons for the development of reactive arthritis include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Salmonellosis
  • Dysentery

The heel can hurt both during the onslaught and in a quiet stay.

Malignant tumors

At the stage of development of pathology, the heel is able to hurt slightly. During the development of the disease, pain discomfort in this area increases, swelling of a soft or dense structure is formed, it depends on the type of tumor formation. Above the swollen area, a network of dilated blood vessels can often be seen.

In addition, there are signs of cancer intoxication:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Anemia
  3. Exhaustion

When the growth of the tumor progresses, it is possible that pathological fractures of the heel bone develop.

More often, rapid growth of tumors on the heel is observed in childhood, a slow increase occurs in adult patients.

Infectious diseases

Certain infections of intestinal origin (salmonellosis, yersiniosis), urogenital (chlamydia, gonorrhea) can have a latent form and can often lead to the formation of reactive arthritis.

Heel pain develops both with pressure and in a calm position, in the middle of the night. It is the heel that hurts the most.

In addition, with a reactive type of arthritis of the heels, inflammation spreads to different joints and eyes. It may start to hurt in the genital area.

How to get rid of heel pain

If heels hurt, this indicates a symptom of a painful condition or an underlying disease. Based on this, a treatment method is selected. However, initially the patient should adhere to a number of general rules.

What to do if your heel hurts:

  1. Leave more time for rest, do not stay long on your feet.
  2. Do not walk in low-quality shoes, on high heels or without a heel at all, otherwise the heel will hurt.
  3. If there is a problem with excess body weight, reduce it.
  4. Apply instep supports, wear shoes with.
  5. Perform for the legs.

How can heel pain be treated if it is not related to injury? Pathology is often eliminated by conservative methods of therapy. When pain syndrome is a consequence of the main pathology, then the emphasis is placed on its cure. However, based on the disease, therapy is different.

How to heal your heels:

  • When the heel begins to hurt with a urogenital infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to eliminate microorganisms.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids.
  • Tuberculosis is treated with antibacterial drugs, synthetic anti-tuberculosis drugs.

If your heel hurts, what to do:

  • Prescribe non-steroidal drugs - Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  • It is performed extra-articular if non-narcotic analgesics are ineffective.
  • Physiotherapy procedures
  • Taping
  • You can do gymnastics
  • Lotion on the heel area, Novocaine, Acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Massaging the legs will help

For certain diseases, orthoses and splints are often prescribed. If there is a fracture of the calcaneus, a plaster splint is applied to the limb for 3-8 weeks.


If for a long time the pain in the heel does not subside, this is the basis to go to an appointment with your doctor.

Sign up for an appointment with the doctor

The therapist, based on the patient's complaints, the examination results, will determine why the heels of the feet hurt and how to treat it, having previously prescribed diagnostic measures to confirm the diagnosis.

If necessary, the patient will be referred for an additional examination to a rheumatologist, traumatologist, phthisiatrician, surgeon, neuropathologist.

Laboratory diagnostics can include:

  • To identify rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, a general, biochemical blood test is prescribed. Microbiologic testing, which may include scraping the urethra for chlamydia if reactive arthritis is suspected.
  • X-rays will show specific abnormalities that are specific to a particular disease.
  • Research for tumor markers, if there is a suspicion of a malignant formation.
  • Puncture biopsy of the heel is indicated in the possible presence of osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis.
  • Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging will help identify neoplasms.

After carrying out diagnostic measures, the doctor will consider possible methods of treating the heel in each specific situation. Heel treatment will be aimed at eliminating the main ailment.

First aid

First aid for heel pain includes a number of activities:

  1. When unbearable aching pains are tormented, it is recommended to apply pieces of ice to the heel. This procedure can be carried out at.
  2. Get rid of pain in the heel.
  3. After walking in heels for a long time, you can help relieve fatigue of the foot with your hands or using massage balls.
  4. After the manipulations, the limb should be at rest.
  5. It is applied to fix the joint and muscles.
  6. If the heel hurts unbearably, you can use drugs with an analgesic effect - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, or non-steroidal drugs.
  7. It is allowed to relieve inflammation - Butadion, Fastum gel.

Drug treatment

In order for the consequences to be less severe, and the painful sensations to pass quickly, it is imperative to go to the doctor.

  • In case, it is treated by applying a cold lotion immediately after the blow. This will narrow the blood vessels, prevent strong blood flow in the tissues. A warm compress is carried out for 3-1 days. It accelerates the blood, the heel will hurt less. Dressings are recommended to be done together with the use of ointments that help blood circulation - Heparin, Ibuprofen. Troxevasin is also prescribed to relieve swelling, pain in the heel area. The lesion site should be lubricated up to 2 times a day.
  • If the heel begins to hurt, it may be an existing spur, it is treated in creams and pills - Flexan, Voltaren. In case of obvious pain, 2% is required with Lidocaine, injected at the point of greatest pain.
  • In case of gout, the heel is treated with medications that reduce the concentration of uric acid - Milurite, Thiopurinol. Thanks to these drugs, she will stop hurting.
    The heel will stop hurting with vascular angiopathy if you take medications that regulate the permeability of the walls and help stabilize the metabolism - Nicotinic acid, Actovegin, Vitamin E.
  • Infectious ailments are eliminated with the help of antibacterial drugs, which are aimed at fighting the microorganisms that caused the disease.
    In case of inflammatory diseases, the heel is amenable to therapy with drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process, massage, and therapeutic exercises.
  • Osteochondropathy involves the use of a special splint with stirrups. In addition, physiotherapy, warming compresses, warm baths, ozokerite applications are needed. Can't do without funds, and pain, creams.
  • Therapy for the Achilles tendon, when the heel hurts, begins with the elimination of stress on the affected leg. This will reduce inflammation. Initially, pain relievers are prescribed - Analgin, anti-inflammation agents - Naklofen, Nimesil. If necessary, antibiotics are prescribed, ointments - Voltaren, Solcoseryl. So that the heel stops hurting, at night from Novocaine, Dimexidum and Analgin.
  • If there is dry corn, you can apply, which corrode it, or a solution of lactic acid - Kelomak, and the heel will not hurt much.
    In the case of trophic disorders, so that the heel stops hurting, it is treated with drugs that improve blood rheology and increase blood flow - Tivortin, Actovegin.
  • For the treatment of osteoporosis, so that the heel stops hurting, as well as to ensure an increase in bone mass, drugs containing fluorine are prescribed - Ossin, Coreberon. From the universal funds are isolated - Bivalos, Calcitriol, Alfacalcidol. Monopreparations - lactate chloride, calcium glycerophosphate.
  • For all types of pain, massage, exercise therapy and the use of insoles in orthopedic shoes are necessary.

A preventive treatment procedure is important for almost all pathologies, if the heel begins to hurt - weight loss and the wearing of comfortable shoes.


Application of compresses

If pain occurs on the heel, compresses are used.

  1. Ice lotion helps a lot, it will eliminate inflammation.
  2. Buy badger fat in the pharmacy. The heel is treated with a lotion placed overnight.
  3. Use. For a compress on the heel, dilute the drug with water in equal volumes, moisten a bandage in the product and fix it on a sore spot. From above, the heel is covered with a bag and a woolen sock is put on. Keep the lotion for 30 minutes.
  4. You can relieve discomfort if the heel begins to hurt by using such a compress. Grind 2 aspirin tablets and pour a large spoonful of iodine over them. Stir, put a bandage on the leg, cover the heel with a film and put on a sock. The manipulation should be carried out for several days in a row, 3 times a day.

Preventing heel pain

To minimize the next inflammation of the heel, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Exclusion of prolonged stay on the legs.
  2. Elimination of excess mass, if any.
  3. Sock.
  4. Do leg exercises.
  5. Wear good quality, comfortable shoes.
  6. Do not wear very high heels. The permissible height is up to 4 cm. Shoes without a heel are also unacceptable, otherwise the heel will hurt.
  7. Eliminate long loads on the foot during physical activity.
  8. To carry out massages for the feet so that the heel stops hurting.
  9. Do not admit, do it on time

When the heel starts to hurt, it can bring a lot of discomfort, therefore, in the presence of minor manifestations, there is no need to delay the trip to a specialist. With timely diagnostics and the appointment of the required cure, they will eliminate the problem in a short time. It is important to carry out prevention to prevent the onset of the disease.

Pain in the heel is a fairly common occurrence that can occur in any person for various reasons. The cause that caused pain in the heel area can be both a disease and a negative external mechanical effect on this part of the foot. One of the most unpleasant causes of pain in the heel can be a spur, also known as plantar fasciitis or osteophyte. There are a lot of reasons for the development of this disease, here are the main ones:

  • Flat feet of any category resulting in permanent stress and tendon injury in the foot area.
  • Physical activity that leads to severe stress on the feet.
  • Pregnancy or being overweight.
  • The consequences of life: injuries, fractures, age-related changes in the ligaments and bones.
  • Vascular disease.
  • Rheumatism.
  • The defeat of the nerve endings.

The cause of pain in the heel can be not only plantar fasciitis, but also other diseases: arthritis, swelling, gout, or various injuries. If the heel hurts a lot, and you do not know what it may be, then you should consult a doctor who diagnoses the cause of the discomfort.

Types of pain

Only a doctor can judge what is the cause of pain in the heel. A certain symptomatology is an indicator of what disease is developing, what causes it and how to deal with the disease. There are many types of pain, consider the most common and figure out what this or that type of pain syndrome testifies.

It's a dull pain

The most common cause of aching pain syndrome is fasciitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the ligaments that control the function of the bones in the foot and their position. This disease often occurs in those who are constantly "on their feet": people who have decided to work as a surgeon, salesman, hairdresser, waiter. Representatives of these professions long time stand in one position, which causes inflammation of the ligaments in the foot.

Another cause of aching heel pain is rapid weight gain or pregnancy. This syndrome can also be triggered by uncomfortable shoes, including wearing models with a platform or heel.

Sharp pain

If there is pain and burning in the heel and it is not clear what it might be, you should understand that this is a good reason for visiting a doctor. With constant acute pain, the heel of the foot is deformed, which leads to other diseases of the legs.

In some pathologies, severe pain in the heel at night causes insomnia, which leads to a decline in a person's ability to work. Similar pain sensations can occur on both the left and right sides of the ankle, heel, or center of the foot. In some cases, other symptoms appear, such as itching, burning, redness, or swelling.

It should also be understood that a burning sensation in the heel is possible a symptom of gout, arthritis and fracture - in case of its unexpected occurrence, you should immediately consult a surgeon.

Heel pain when walking

If there is no pain on the foot at rest or at rest, but when walking, it shoots in the heel, like needle pricks, then this is a symptom of tendon inflammation, most often Achilles. In this case, it is necessary to consult a surgeon for advice - a stabbing pain in the inner part of the heel may be a sign of a developing pathology.

Heel pain in the morning

One of the most common diseases in the 21st century is considered to be a "spur", when it occurs in a person, it pricks in the heel like a needle every morning, during the period of awakening or rest, while after starting to walk, the pain syndrome subsides.

Throbbing pain

Usually, this type of pain syndrome is a sign of a bacterial infection. It can also signal the development of plantar fasciitis. The underside of the heel can begin to throb in the event of injury or impact. Then the appearance of a sharp cutting pain when trying to step on the foot is permissible. This indicates a serious injury and the need to see a traumatologist.

Pain during pregnancy

Pain in the heel is considered normal in pregnant women - due to a sharp increase in weight, feet unprepared for stress cannot cope with them, which causes aching pain after starting to walk. You should not be afraid of this type of pain - it disappears after childbirth.

Heel pain after childbirth

It happens that during pregnancy there was no pain syndrome, but immediately after childbirth it arose. The cause of this type of pain is damage to the nerves in the lumbar spine, and if not started on time, it can lead to chronic lameness.

What kind of doctor is needed

The type of pain in the heel on the feet determines which doctor should be consulted. The following doctors are engaged in solving problems associated with pain in the heel:

  1. Therapist. According to the recommendations, it is best to seek help from a therapist first. He will determine what is causing the pain, and which doctor can help solve the problem.
  2. Orthopedist and / or traumatologist. If you experience pain in the heel area, you should contact a medical facility. It is better to immediately come to an orthopedic traumatologist for help, who most often deals with the treatment of ailments associated with pain in the heel region.
  3. Neurologist. It is necessary to visit for consultation and exclusion of diseases of the nerve endings in the foot.
  4. Surgeon. If it is difficult to get to a traumatologist / orthopedist, you can contact a surgeon.
  5. Rheumatologist. It is necessary to visit for consultation and exclusion of joint problems.
  6. Physiotherapist.

During your consultation with your doctor, do not hesitate to talk about any unpleasant sensations: numbness, tingling, throbbing, or other symptoms. There is a risk of developing chronic diseases or diagnosing diabetes mellitus, so there is no need to hide any sign of the disease from the doctor.


In some cases, in addition to examining the patient, doctors in a medical institution may prescribe certain examinations: blood tests, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examinations. Having received an appointment sheet, do not put it on the back burner, but immediately begin to go through research.

Do not think that heel pain is not a serious medical condition. With the wrong and untimely treatment, it can lead to other serious diseases. The process of eliminating pain syndromes can last for several months - therefore, during treatment, you need to be patient and be ready for long and constant procedures. Depending on which disease was diagnosed, the type of treatment is determined.


Depending on the type of pain and the diagnosed disease, the type of pain treatment is also determined.

Drug treatment

The use of medications is possible only after their appointment by a specialist, self-administration can harm health - you should remember this.

In pharmacies, there is a wide range of medical medicines to relieve pain in the heel area of \u200b\u200bthe foot:

  • Anti-inflammatory pills.
  • Analgesic antipyretics.
  • Anesthetic and antimicrobial drugs.

But not every type of pain in the heel can be eliminated with medication, so the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy, ointments and compresses using pharmacy medicines.

Electrophoresis, shock wave therapy and other types of physiotherapy are performed using anesthetic or anti-inflammatory drugs. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Traditional medicine uses anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ointments to treat most types of heel pain. Each drug works differently. Therefore, only medications prescribed by a doctor should be purchased after diagnosis.

Separately, it is worth highlighting compresses, which, despite their attitude to traditional medicine, are recommended by doctors.

They help to effectively cope with painful sensations and normalize blood circulation in the feet, which is best reflected in the condition of the tissues in the heel and helps in the fight against various types of diseases.

If there are slight cramps on the side of the heel, and goose bumps appear on the skin of the leg, this may indicate an overworked leg. As a first aid, it is worth smearing the heel (including the bottom) with a warming ointment or cream with an analgesic effect. Warm baths or compresses can also help. In case of injury, it is worth resorting to a compress with ice or anti-inflammatory ointments. However, it is urgent to see a doctor.


With minor pain in case of fatigue of the foot, you can get rid of the ailment that has arisen using folk remedies. Alternative medicine involves the treatment of pain syndromes in the heel area of \u200b\u200bthe foot by means of baths, compresses, tinctures, ointments, herbs and powders.

There are a lot of folk remedies that soothe discomfort in the ligaments and muscles of the heel. The following natural remedies work great:

  1. Compress of ice and lemon juice.
  2. Tincture of marsh cinquefoil.
  3. Walnut tincture.
  4. Black radish compress.
  5. Lilac tincture.
  6. Highlander bird or knotweed.

Traditional methods of treating pain syndrome should be used only to relieve fatigue and a little pain. If the pain syndrome does not go away after a few days, consult a doctor to rule out the development of a serious illness. It is possible to use folk remedies in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment, but only after receiving approval from the attending physician.

Other types of treatment

In addition to classical traditional and alternative medicine, there are various ways to relieve pain through baths and massages. But in any case, it should be understood that there is no better treatment than treatment in a medical institution - at the same time, it is free and will not lead to complications, as can happen with other methods of getting rid of the pain syndrome.

The heel bone is subjected to daily stress when standing on your feet, walking, running, doing hard work. This is the largest bone of the foot, which, due to its shape, strength and adipose tissue located on it, acts as a shock absorber. However, under significant stress, it is vulnerable to injury, which, as a rule, leads to pain in the heel.

Let's list the main possible reasons due to which pain often occurs in this part of the foot. These are injuries; overgrowth of the calcaneal bone tissue; excess weight; thinning of adipose tissue on the heel; overstrain of the heel bone (prolonged standing or walking in high heels); some systemic diseases; inflammatory processes in the joints and soft tissues of the foot; penetration of infection into the joints.

The most common cause of intense heel pain is bone growth in the sole. This disease is called plantar fasciitis, or in the common people - heel spur. As a rule, flat feet, excess weight, diseases of the joints and spine lead to it.

For pain in the heel, depending on the diagnosis, it is prescribed: massages, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory and pain relievers, compresses, nutritional supplements and medicines that restore bones. Along with therapeutic treatment, folk remedies can also be used. Let's take a look at the most effective home remedies for heel pain relief.

Foot baths

  1. Contrast foot baths will help relieve pain in the soles. To do this, take two bowls, fill them with hot and cold water... You can add chamomile decoction to hot water. They alternate between staying with the feet in the water. Repeat up to 16 times for 30 seconds. Then the soles are greased and massaged.
  2. This recipe will help relieve pain and improve circulation. Dissolve 300 g of salt in one liter of hot water. The solution is poured into a basin and the feet are lowered into it for 20 minutes. The course of treatment for inflammation of the heel tissue or spur takes about two weeks.

Mix lemon juice with water and freeze. Ready ice massage the diseased sole until slight numbness of the skin (8-10 minutes).


1. This remedy will help to get rid of pain and heel spurs. A spoonful of school chalk crushed into powder is mixed with the same amount of garlic mass. The soles are steamed in hot water and the mixture is applied to the heel. The compress is fixed with a bandage.
2. With heel spurs and severe pain before bedtime, make such a compress. Black radish is rubbed on a fine grater along with the peel. The gruel is spread on cheesecloth and applied to the sore spot. Next, cover the sole with plastic wrap and fix it. Put on socks. In the morning, the mixture is washed off.

3. A compress from grated horseradish root helps quickly.

4. People have been treating heel pain like this for a long time. Chopped onions (200 g). Tied the pulp to the problem area in the form of a compress for the whole night. The procedures were carried out until complete recovery. (Usually enough: 5-7 times).

5. Potatoes are boiled in their uniforms, kneaded and 2-3 drops of lugol are added. The mass is spread on plastic wrap and bandaged to the sore leg. Warm the compress (or put on a woolen sock). Leave it until morning. The procedures are carried out until the pain in the heel stops.

6. There is also such a folk remedy with potatoes, which will relieve inflammation in the heel bone and relieve spurs. Just like in the previous recipe, potatoes are boiled in their skins. Knead along with the peel and pour in a little pure kerosene. The mass is spread on cheesecloth and tied to the heel. Cellophane is applied on top. After 7-10 procedures, you can forget about the spur and discomfort.

7. Several pods of hot pepper are crushed into a mushy mass, add a little honey and tied to the heel in the form of a compress. The bandage is kept for no more than 6 hours. Then the mixture is washed off, and the sole is generously greased with a fat cream or oil.
8. This recipe will get rid of the heel spur. A crust of rye bread is smeared with birch tar and applied to a sore spot. Tie the sole with a bandage and cellophane wrap. Leave until morning. The procedure is carried out within 5 days. (It is possible every other day).

9. As in the previous recipe, use tar. The onion is chopped and mixed with a small amount of this birch product. A mixture is applied to the sore spot, the sole is wrapped with cellophane film and insulated. Keep the compress for at least 5-6 hours. The procedures are carried out daily for 5 days.

10. Such a folk remedy will help to relieve inflammation. Mix: one teaspoon of fine salt, one tablespoon of honey and a pharmacy bottle of alcoholic 5% iodine solution (50 ml). the mixture is applied to gauze or napkin and applied to the heel. Tie the leg with plastic wrap or put on bags and bandage. Warm socks are put on top.

11. Nice results animal bile has shown in the treatment of heel pain. It can be applied to the sole in its pure form, but it is better to prepare the product as follows: mix 30 g of bile, 1 tablespoon of medical alcohol and 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of laundry soap crushed into shavings. The prepared mass is applied in the form of a compress on the soles pre-steamed in hot water.

Knotweed heel treatment

Relieve pain, inflammation and normalize blood circulation in the tissues with a heel spur, a compress from fresh crushed leaves of a knotweed (knotweed). The grass of the plant can be placed in shoes and walked with it all day. In the morning it should be replaced with a new one.

Tincture for internal use

The pain will help relieve the tincture of Potentilla (cinquefoil). The stems of the plant are finely chopped, filled with them into a half-liter jar and poured with high-quality vodka. The container is closed and placed in a dark and warm enough place for three weeks. The remedy is drunk one tablespoon three times a day, pre-diluting it with a small amount of water. Also, this tincture is applied or rubbed into the sore heel joint.

Effective folk remedies

  1. An old method will help. Take half a glass of strong homemade moonshine. They set it on fire. They put the heel over the flame and warm it up well. After that, the sole is lubricated with rosehip oil and massage is done. You can also roll a dried corn cob with your feet after warming up or walk on small pebbles.
  2. An effective and proven folk remedy for heel spurs and pain. Take 80 ml of vinegar essence and place a whole fresh egg in it. Send the composition for 25 days in a cool, dark place. The shell will completely dissolve during this time. Add 80 ml of vegetable oil to the mixture and mix well. The legs are steamed in hot water and the mass is applied in a thin layer on the sore heel. After that, the sole is wrapped in plastic wrap. Remove the bandage in the morning or if there is a strong burning sensation. After 4-5 procedures, the discomfort will go away completely and for a long time.

It should be remembered that heel pain can sometimes occur due to serious problems in the body. Therefore, if, after a sufficiently long use of folk recipes, the painful sensations have not diminished, you must definitely visit a traumatologist or rheumatologist.

Pain in the heel area can appear as a result of various reasons. It can be both a disease of the joints and bones, and the development of problems with the skin. Often, specialists have to deal with complaints from patients that the heel hurts badly and it hurts to step on. How to treat the disease with folk remedies in this case, and what are the ways to eliminate the problem? To overcome the disease, you should initially find out the cause of the pain, and then eliminate its consequences.

The main causes of heel pain

The main factors of pain symptoms while walking are joint diseases and the presence of a heel spur. In rare cases, there are consequences after injuries, the presence of fungus, cracked heels. The resulting calluses often lead to the occurrence of this syndrome and discomfort when moving, but it is possible to quickly get rid of such signs. You just need to change your shoes and undergo a treatment course.

Heel pain

In the presence of a heel spur, bone growth occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sole surface of the heel bones. Spurs are able to squeeze the soft tissue of the foot, causing pain in the heel when moving.

The factors for the occurrence of spurs are related:

  • Wearing shoes that restrict your foot
  • Joint diseases (with arthritis or arthrosis)
  • In addition, the heel can hurt due to the development of an ailment of the calcaneus, the surrounding ligaments, fascia. So, why and why does plantar fasciitis occur? Soreness with an ailment occurs in the morning, getting out of bed. The whole foot begins to ache. To eliminate discomfort, you have to walk on tiptoes. This disease is associated with stretching and inflammation of the fascia.

    Fasciitis can occur after:

    • Wearing high heels
    • Being overweight
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Flat feet

    Also, athletes face these diseases with heavy loads in training, after a long run. Due to the presence of chronic diseases of bones and joints, the patient often complains that it is very difficult to stand on the heel when moving.

    Often the cause of pain in the heel with arthrosis, arthritis, in addition to destruction of the joint, can be the deposition of uric acid salts, which are difficult to treat. The presence of rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the disorder of the group of joints, because heel pain is combined with other symptoms.

    In addition to systemic pathologies of cracks, pain in the heel can occur for the reason:

    • Heel fracture
    • Bone contusion
    • Stretching
    • Tendon injury
    • Calcaneal apophysitis
    • Bursitis
    • Tendinitis

    If in case of diseases the heel hurts badly and it hurts to step on, you can use folk remedies, but only after consulting a doctor and his approval for such therapy.

    At the stage of development of the disease, in order to get rid of painful sensations in the heel, they initially resort to traditional methods of treatment.

    Thanks to treatment with folk remedies for the heels, you can achieve the following result:

    • Suspend bone growth
    • Eliminate inflammation
    • Relieve heel soreness

    Treating heel pain while walking at home

    The use of trays. Contrasting baths with alternating cold and heat will help to cure the heels. 2 basins are filled with water and feet are dipped in turn. You can pour a decoction of chamomile into a bowl of hot water. Do the procedure for up to 30 repetitions, for half a minute. After the procedure, the soles of the feet should be lubricated with cream and a light massage should be done.


    To increase blood flow in the limbs and heel spurs, for pain in the heels, use such a folk recipe for a bath. You need to take a liter of hot water and add 300 grams of salt to it. Pour the prepared solution into the basin. Treatment time for heels is 2 weeks. On the 5th day, the patient will feel relief. It is forbidden to interrupt the course of therapy.

    If the strongest pains during the onset are caused by the heel spur, then as an alternative treatment, you can use the marsh saber. This herb is quite popular and widespread and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Such a procedure relieves pain, helps to normalize the immune system and accelerate the process of removing salts from the body. To make a folk remedy you need 1 tbsp. Dissolve the infusion of cinquefoil in 1/3 cup of water. Apply orally 3 times a day before meals. The treatment takes 20 days. Then there is a break.

    When the patient's walking is difficult or painful to press on the joint, the doctor may recommend taking apple cider vinegar, garlic infused with vodka, a decoction of birch leaves as a folk remedy.

    An infusion of dried lilac flowers will help to quickly relieve pain in the heel. It is necessary to insist the plant on vodka in a ratio of 1:10 for 10 days. Then strain and drink a teaspoon per 50 ml of water up to 3 times a day. Also, in parallel, rubbing of the heel should be carried out at night.

    The use of fresh knotweed grass is also included in the elimination of heel pain by folk methods. It is put into the shoes. You need to walk with her all day. In the morning, the plant is replaced with a new one.

    Apple cider vinegar and garlic

    If the heel hurts, folk herbal tea made from lingonberry leaves will help get rid of the problem. Take a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and steamed with boiling water for 20 minutes.

    It is important to understand that when such symptoms appear, the advice of alternative treatment may be different. You should choose a more suitable method and try to eliminate the problem of heel discomfort.

    If, nevertheless, heels hurt and folk remedies did not help in treatment, you need the help of a specialist to carry out drug therapy.

    As an alternative treatment, you can use recipes for making an ointment at home.

    An effective remedy for relieving heel pain is a mixture of liquid honey and mummy. Dissolve 5 grams of resin in 2 tablespoons. honey. The ointment is applied to the heels every evening until the painful sensations disappear completely.
    You can prepare an ointment, the base will be wild rosemary with lanolin. A folk remedy will relieve heel pain and make them healthy. It is necessary to wash the collected grass and grind it in a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice. Next, stir until homogeneous mass 20 ml of juice with 40 gr. lanolin. Enrich the medicine with 40 g. petroleum jelly, mixing all the components well. Treatment with ointment must be carried out after steaming the legs, rubbing lightly until completely absorbed.

    Application and manufacture of ointments

    You can also buy drugs at the pharmacy. The preparations are made on the basis of natural ingredients that can eliminate inflammation and dissolve salts.

    Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointment is easily applied to the affected area, it quickly eliminates inflammation and pain symptom. The drug has a minimal list of side effects, because it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Used for muscle pain and joint pathologies. The affected area should be smeared 3 times a day.

    Ointments based on phenylbutazone are used for arthritis, gout, bursitis and piroxicam after surgery, with a closed fracture of the heel, and healing of a spur.

    It is important to understand that the doctor prescribes medicines. Self-application can cause adverse effects.

    Compresses for pain in the heels

    There are a sufficient number of recipes for compresses that will help stop the inflammation process, relieve heel pain, and alleviate the condition.

    Application of compresses

    Popular folk compresses include:

    • Using garlic - the product is crushed into gruel. Then you need to put the mixture on the damaged heel and insulate. In order not to burn too much, the area is treated with oil.
    • A proven folk remedy is tar, which is spread over the bread and applied to the heel. Secure with a cloth folded in half. To treat a sore spot, leave the product for 7 hours.

    It is recommended to use compresses, like other folk remedies, after the approval of a doctor.

    Fracture baths play an important role in recovery. One of the folk remedies is salt. To make a bath, you need to pour salt into a basin of warm water. The pores on the skin will expand and the salt will penetrate inside. The substance then passes through the bloodstream to the affected area.


    In case of injury, prevention of the heel consists in the removal of sports - walking and running.

    Bicycle and pool as an alternative

    Better to ride a bike and go to the pool. It is important to regulate your weight by reducing excess body weight.

    • With flat feet, get orthopedic insoles. They will help to hold the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the heel.
    • It is recommended to wear low-heeled shoes. This will relieve the heel and not overextend the foot.
    • In order not to face pathologies of the legs, one should engage in therapeutic gymnastics.

    If you constantly feel discomfort in the heel area, this is a serious reason to think about your health, because such a symptom often signals the presence of any diseases. In order to regain good health, it is important not only to eliminate painful sensations, but also to find out the cause of their occurrence.

    Causes of heel pain

    The feeling of discomfort can be caused by a wide variety of factors:

    1. Sports activities. Pain in the heel area sometimes occurs after jogging or other strenuous exercise.
    2. Injuries. Bruises, sprains, fractures, or any other type of injury can result in severe pain. In this case, you must immediately contact a traumatologist. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better not to step on the sore leg.
    3. Inappropriate footwear. If you only walked in heels before, and then began to wear flat shoes, this can adversely affect the health of your feet.
    4. Excess weight. Overweight increases the load on the feet, resulting in severe pain while walking.
    5. Arthritis. Inflammation of the tissue that connects the heel to the toes can lead to discomfort, which will gradually worsen. With this disease, pain is especially intense in the morning.
    6. Fasciitis of the sole. Tight uncomfortable shoes or daily long standing on their feet can provoke pathology. As a result, a build-up forms on them, which puts pressure on the tissues and causes a feeling of discomfort, which is most strongly felt after sleep.
    7. Heel spur. If fasciitis is not treated in time, bone formation may appear on the surface of the heel, which will lead to severe painful sensations, which will especially occur in the morning.
    8. Inflammation or rupture of the Achilles tendon. Injury can result from intense physical exertion, or, for example, from a failed jump.
    9. Infections. Inflammation of the tendon can be caused by infectious diseases such as chlamydia. The disease is accompanied by constant pain, which becomes even stronger towards evening.
    10. Malignant tumors. In the presence of neoplasms on the feet, the vessels and nerve endings are compressed, which in turn causes chronic pain.
    11. Cracks in the heels resulting from dermatitis, athlete's foot or any other disease.

    folk remedies for getting rid of cracked heels

    How to get rid of heel pain

    In order to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you first need to determine the cause of their occurrence by contacting a rheumatologist, traumatologist or dermatologist. Treatment can be carried out different ways, it is prescribed only after a complete diagnostic examination, including a blood test, X-ray and ultrasound.

    If there are cracks in the heels, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist, if it turns out that they are affected by a fungus, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. This problem can also be caused by increased dry skin. To get rid of cracks, it is recommended to lubricate your feet with cream daily and remove keratinized areas with pedicure tools.

    If uncomfortable shoes become the cause of discomfort, it is recommended to purchase products with a comfortable last that do not put a lot of stress on the heel. From time to time, you need to take off your shoes so that your feet can rest.

    To treat a heel spur, complex measures must be taken:

    • getting rid of excess body weight;
    • physiotherapy (mineral baths, ultrasound treatment, mud applications);
    • use of orthopedic insoles;
    • reducing the load on the foot;
    • drug treatment;
    • removal of bone growth by surgery (in especially serious cases).

    In the presence of inflammatory processes caused by infectious diseases or diseases of the joints, apply medications, which the doctor prescribes to the patient.

    Plantar fasciitis can be alleviated by reducing physical activity, such as avoiding sports such as walking or running. In addition, it is recommended to do special exercises every morning:

    • Place a rolling pin under your feet, take a sitting position and roll it using the steps for several minutes. In order to achieve the desired effect, repeat the procedure several times daily.

    The cause of the discomfort is often associated with the low mobility of the calf muscles. You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom using the following exercise:

    • Stand near the wall, put your palms on it, straighten your right leg, and step forward with your left. Then bend over to the wall, remaining in this position for half a minute. After that, repeat all steps, changing legs.

    How to get rid of heel pain quickly

    The following methods will help alleviate the condition:

    1. If there is no medical contraindication, take ice, apply it to your feet, and then rub them. This procedure is recommended to be performed once daily, for twenty minutes.
    2. You can get rid of painful sensations by steaming your legs in a basin of warm water.
    3. Pain relievers containing ibuprofen have a quick effect. However, before you start taking them, you should consult with your doctor.
    4. Pain in the heel area is well relieved by anti-inflammatory ointments (butadiene, indomethacin).

    Treating heel pain at home

    You can get rid of the problem using proven folk remedies:

    1. Grate raw potatoes, place them over your leg and wrap the top with plastic wrap. This recipe allows you to quickly relieve pain.
    2. Plantain helps to get rid of heel spurs. Apply the sheet to the sore spot, and as soon as it dries, replace it with a new one. After this procedure, strong painful sensations may appear, but in the future, you can forget about the existence of bone growths.
    3. A black radish is well suited for treatment; it must be rubbed finely, applied to the heel and wrapped in plastic. In the morning, wash off the puree with warm water.
    4. If you have a Triple Cologne at home, you can heat it up in an enamelled container and then steam your feet in it.
    5. Garlic has an excellent healing effect, make mashed potatoes from it and apply to the heel for four hours. Making such compresses daily, you can soon get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
    6. Crush two aspirin tablets, mix them with a spoon of 3% iodine, apply the composition to cotton wool, and then attach it to the sore spot, wrap it with plastic wrap and a warm towel. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day.

    Using folk recipes, you can independently get rid of painful sensations at home, however, before starting treatment, you must first consult with a specialist.

    how to get rid of heel spurs at home

    How to avoid heel pain

    1. Excess weight often causes increased stress on the feet, so it needs to be maintained normal by monitoring your diet. It is recommended to give particular preference to protein and plant foods, since pain in the heel often provokes inflammatory processes resulting from metabolic disorders.
    2. You can avoid overstraining your feet by buying comfortable shoes with low heels, which will evenly distribute the load.
    3. Orthopedic insoles will help provide protection for the heel, thanks to which the ligaments of the feet and muscles are supported.
    4. As a preventive measure, special exercises can be performed daily to prevent leg diseases.

    In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to apply complex measures. Treatment can take several months, however, taking care of your health and following all the recommendations of the doctors, you will eventually be able to completely get rid of the sensations that bother you.

    Video: why there is pain in the heel, and is it always a heel spur

    Heel pain - one of the common problems that most often worries pregnant women, elderly people, athletes, schoolchildren. Sometimes you can easily cope with such pain, for this they make baths, compresses, lubricate with ointments. True, if the malaise is provoked by some serious illness, you can get rid of the unpleasant sensations only after a full examination and establishment of the root cause.

    In young years, when, as usual, the legs are not disturbed, this is taken for granted, and they do not pay much attention to them. But as soon as any problem with the legs is discovered, we immediately begin to realize how much our life and our mood can depend on it. Extremely unpleasant heel pain, which are so painful at the same time, can practically knock them out of their usual rut for a long time. After all, even a short walk becomes a real test of endurance.

    • Causes
    • Types of pain
    • Treatment:
    • Medicines
    • Folk remedies
    • Compresses
    • Baths
    • Prevention

    The main causes of heel pain

    There can be a lot of causes of pain syndrome. And not necessarily a serious and intractable disease can be its source. Among the reasons due to which there is unpleasant pain in the heels, there may be external negative factors or various diseases.

    The most famous reasons are:

    • A sharp transition from high heels to a completely flat sole is not at all shock-absorbing - this can provoke the appearance of sharp pain in the foot and heels.
    • Often a factor that provokes painful sensations in the legs, especially for women, can be wearing uncomfortable shoes with high heels - with “stilettos”. In this case, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly. Part of the foot is "overloaded" - the toe and heel area are constantly in tension, and part is inactive. As a result, intense painful sensations of a shooting character appear in the heel.
    • Heavy loads during sports training - if pain occurs after jogging, then you need to temporarily switch to another type of muscle load.
    • Injuries or bruises in the heel can be one of the causes of burning pain. Inflammation may optionally appear when the heel is injured. Usually pain occurs when the ankle ligaments are damaged. When moving, there may be a sensation as if a needle is digging into the leg, which with each step pierces the body deeper and deeper. In this case, you should try not to step on the injured leg and see a doctor as soon as possible.
    • In the second half of pregnancy, a woman's body weight increases from 6 to 18 kg. As a result, due to weight gain and poor circulation, pain can occur, which is usually felt when walking and in the evening. Thin girls are more prone to gain weight.
    • Obesity and hormonal changes can trigger dramatic weight gain.
    • Calcaneal spurs - inflammation of the ligaments and a kind of bone growths on the plantar surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe calcaneus. The main symptom of a heel spur is acute pain, which is felt especially when walking, in the morning, as soon as a person gets out of bed, on palpation, deformation and swelling of soft tissues is visually observed. You can establish the presence of a heel spur on an ultrasound scan, or by making an X-ray of the foot.
    • Ankylosing spondylitis is a rare chronic disease that causes the immune system to attack the joints of the spine and soft cartilage tissue. Inflammation of the joints and bone tissue.
    • Gout is characterized by inflammation of the joint tissues. The disease occurs due to metabolic disorders and causes the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. Excessive use of salty and acidic foods often leads to illness. Prolonged unpleasant paroxysmal pains that pass over time.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disorder that usually affects the lower limbs. The pain is felt when walking, and in case of neglect of the disease - and at rest.
    • Intestinal infection and pathogens in the genitourinary system - these diseases often cause reactive arthritis, which progresses rather quickly. Infection from the genitals moves lower.
    • A malignant tumor often develops in the heel area. Initially, a small tubercle forms, around which many dilated blood vessels appear. The neoplasm increases and hardens over time.
    • Tibial nerve paralysis, paralyzing the muscles, makes it difficult to flex the foot and toes.
    • Bone tuberculosis - the disease is caused by the death of a part of the skin. Subsequently, the disease affects the bone tissue, and the cartilaginous tissue seems to melt.
    • Cracked heels when walking cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Deep cracks formed in the layer of rough skin during inflammation cause acute pain and bleed, causing severe discomfort and making any walk painful and unbearable.
    • Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation that develops in the fascia, a rigid connective tissue membrane that is located in a wide strip along the surface of the sole of the foot. A common heel pain symptom is usually caused by inflammation of the fascia where it attaches to the calcaneal tuberosity. In case of untimely treatment of fasciitis, calcium salts can be deposited at the site of chronic inflammation, leading to the formation of a heel spur.
    • Reactive arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints, which can develop after the transfer of certain infections, most often after infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, intestinal infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Some pathogens entering the body can cause pain in the feet and heels. In most cases, these are genital infectious diseases. Latent microorganisms are the source of reactive acute inflammation in the heel tendon. With this disease, painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heels are felt constantly, and especially strongly felt at night.
    • Achilles tendon injury and inflammation are common causes of severe heel pain. This type of injury usually occurs in professional athletes, however, it can also occur in ordinary people in case of strong physical exertion, an unsuccessful jump.

    These diseases cannot be cured on their own, so you need to contact different specialists:

    • rheumatologist;
    • traumatologist;
    • surgeon;
    • phthisiatrician;
    • oncologist;
    • neuropathologist;
    • orthopedist,

    so that the doctor, during a medical examination and by the nature of the pain sensations, find out the cause of the disease. This makes it easier to diagnose the condition and helps the doctor prescribe effective treatment for pain relief.

    Types of heel pain

    Pain in the heel is divided into the following types:
    1. Aching pains. In most cases, they arise due to the rapid increase in body weight. It occurs in women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Very often, aching pains are caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes. Often the cause of such pain is fasciitis - a chronic inflammation of the ligamentous tissues that hold the bones in a certain position. Usually this disease is experienced by people who have to be on their feet for a long time and stand in one position - hairdressers, salespeople and surgeons.

    2. Acute stabbing pain. Such pains are experienced by people suffering from gout, suffering from reactive arthritis, with fractures. With fractures, the heel is deformed and can slope to the right or left.

    3. Heel pain when walking... If nothing disturbs at rest, and sharp pains occur during movement, then it most likely may be an inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
    4. Heel pain in the morning... If after waking up it hurts to get to your feet, then most likely it is a heel spur. The pain can calm down after a short walk. Sometimes a heel spur can be disturbing at night and cause a sleepless night.
    5. Heel pain during pregnancy... As usual, they are aching by nature, and, moreover, they can occur at the end of the day. It is enough to walk for one hour, and pain occurs when the heels are loaded. After childbirth and weight loss, the pain disappears.
    6. Painful sensations at rest. As a rule, discomfort manifests itself at the end of the working day and constant stay on your feet. Legs start to hurt very much in the evening. If a labor activity is not associated with constant stay on the legs, then pain at rest can be triggered by infectious diseases of the genital organs or infectious diseases of the intestines. Usually can occur after exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    7. Postpartum heel pain. If during pregnancy there was no pain, and after the resolution of childbirth began to appear unpleasant painful sensations in the heels, then, most likely, it may be damage to the lumbar nerve in the spine. Sometimes the abnormal course of labor can be the cause of the appearance of lameness in a woman in labor. This usually happens with women who have a very narrow pelvis or when a large baby is born.
    8. Throbbing pain. With the appearance of throbbing pain and swelling in the heel, one can judge the presence of a bacterial infection, which often occurs against the background of fasciitis or fungus.
    9. Syndrome of burning pain in the heels, which develops with various forms of polyneuropathy. It is characterized by pulling pains in the muscles, burning sensations, muscle cramps, a feeling of numbness, tingling or "creeping" in the lower extremities while walking, sometimes in the upper body - in the shoulder and pelvic girdle. At rest, these symptoms diminish markedly.

    Treating heel pain

    When heel pain occurs, the most the right decision - do not hesitate and do not try to treat yourself, but urgently consult a doctor for qualified advice to determine the cause of the disease, and prevent the occurrence of various complications of this condition.
    There are many medicines, pharmacy ointments, and time-tested traditional treatments that are used to relieve pain in the heel. It is important only in accordance with the doctor's recommendations to choose the most effective and correct means, and to start complex treatment in a timely manner.

    Medicines to treat heel pain

    Appropriate medications are prescribed by a doctor, and if the drug has relieved someone from pain in the heels, this does not mean that it needs to be purchased by everyone who suffers from a similar ailment. This is especially true for tablets. Gels, solutions and ointments also need to be handled with care.

    Characteristics of medicines:

    • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Taking anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs relieves pain, however, they cannot be used for a long time due to the great variety of side effects. Such drugs are produced in the form of a gel, they can quickly relieve pain, however, the therapeutic effect of such a drug is absent, it cannot eliminate the cause of pain, and it is often prescribed by orthopedists to relieve pain. Preparations of this pharmacology, produced in ampoules, are intended for intramuscular injections and are used to treat chronic arthritis in the acute stage and with fasciitis.
    • Anti-inflammatory analgesic antipyretic drugs. Available in ampoules for injection, as well as in the form of ointments, suppositories and tablets. It is most effective to use rectal suppositories, because they are quickly absorbed by the intestines and they have a minimum number of contraindications. The medicine does not eliminate the very cause of pain, but only blocks pain, reducing pain syndrome, relieves inflammation, fever. Used to treat symptomatic heel pain caused by arthritis, fasciitis, heel spur.
    • Anti-inflammatory anesthetic and local antimicrobial drugs. Produced in the form of a liquid in vials. It is used mainly in the form of a warming aqueous solution, which, by means of heat, reduces pain symptoms; it also relieves inflammation and swelling.

    Folk remedies for heel pain

    For treatment to a qualified specialist, as a rule, they do not turn immediately, but use the recommendations of traditional healers and try to get rid of pain using traditional methods. In alternative medicine, there are many simple and fairly effective recipes for relieving heel pain and reducing inflammation. Most often, compresses, ointments, baths using medicinal herbs are used.

    Folk remedies:

    • Painful sensations in the heels can be removed with contrasting baths, alternating between heat and cold. This is done with the help of two basins of the same volume with cold and hot water, alternately dipping the feet into cold and then warm water. Instead of plain water, you can also use a chamomile decoction. After this procedure, you can massage the heels.
    • Using an ice cushion with lemon juice. A small plastic bag filled with ice cubes made from diluted lemon juice, wrapped in a towel, is applied to the sore heels. The duration of the procedure is up to fifteen minutes. This "pillow" is used after heavy loads on the foot and sports training.
    • To localize heel pain caused by a spur, you can use the marsh cinquefoil - a common and popular plant that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this plant, immunity is normalized and the process of removing salts from the body is accelerated. For the preparation of the medicine: one tbsp. l. tincture of marsh cinquefoil dilute 1/3 tbsp. water, taken orally 3 times a day before eating. The duration of the course is 20 days, then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.
    • A tincture of walnuts, which is used internally, helps to relieve pain in the heel. The tool is prepared from 20 gr. chopped walnuts, pour 200 ml of vodka and insist for 10 days. The medicine is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before eating food. Treatment with such a folk remedy effectively relieves heel pain.
    • Well help soothe pain in the heels, especially in the treatment of arthritis and heel spurs, compresses with black radish. To do this, grate the washed root vegetable along with the skin on a fine grater. After that, the gruel is spread on a gauze and applied to the sore heel, then fix the compress with a plastic bag and over it with an elastic bandage. The procedure can be done every day and left overnight. Rinse your feet with warm water in the morning. Treatment is carried out until complete healing.
    • A tincture of dried lilac flowers also helps to get rid of painful sensations in the heels. The plant needs to be insisted on vodka for ten days in a ratio of 1/10. After that, strain and use a teaspoon per 50 ml of boiled water 2-3 times a day. In parallel, you need to perform rubbing of the sore spot at night.
    • For pain in the heels, they also use fresh knotweed grass (knotweed), put it in shoes, and walk with it throughout the day. In the morning, the grass is changed to fresh.

    Applying ointments for heel pain

    In traditional medicine, ointments are mainly used, prepared on the basis of:

    • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. They are easy to apply to the affected area, they quickly relieve inflammation and pain. Among other things, they have minimal side effects, because they are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. It is used for muscle pain and joint diseases, the affected area must be lubricated with ointment three times during the day and lie down for a while until it is completely absorbed.
    • Ointments based on anti-inflammatory substances are often used after joint surgery, relieve pain after injuries.
    • Phenylbutazone-based drugs are effectively used for arthritis, gout, bursitis, and heel spurs. Medicines are applied to the skin with a thin film up to three times a day.
    • The drug based on piroxicam relieves pain and is quickly absorbed into the skin. An ointment is used after surgery, with closed fractures of the heel, as well as in the treatment of heel spurs, the medicine is applied three times during the day.

    Compresses for pain in the heels

    For heel pains, compresses are often used, using ready-made pharmaceutical solutions or prepared independently. As a rule, hot peppers, vodka, garlic, cinnamon, rubbing alcohol and other warming products are used.

    Compress recipes:

    • A popular recipe from a grated onion and a spoonful of pharmacy birch tar can cure heel pain. Apply a homogeneous onion mass with a thick layer on the heel. Cover the top with a cloth folded in three layers and fix it with a bandage, leave the applique for five hours. Wash off with warm water. The procedure should be carried out for five consecutive days.
    • Red hot peppers are used to create a warming effect. The pod of red pepper, together with the seeds, are crushed in a meat grinder. Add 30 ml of bee nectar to the gruel. All work must be done with gloves and eye protection. Put the mixture on a cloth and, fixing with a bandage, leave on the heel for at least 4, maximum 6 hours. After the compress, lubricate the skin with a fat cream. Hot pepper should not be used for wounds on the feet, cracks, watery calluses.
    • To make a garlic-based compress: grate five cloves on a grater and mix with white crushed school chalk. Apply the gruel to gauze and apply to the sore spot, leaving for three to five hours. The product should not be used for open wounds and cracked heels.
    • An effective remedy for heel pain is a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, 50 ml of iodine, and a teaspoon of fine salt. Apply the mixture to gauze and put it on the affected area before going to bed, cover it with polyethylene on top and fix it well with bandages, leave the bandage overnight. This amount of the mixture is enough for five procedures, during which it is just possible to get rid of heel spurs if this disease is diagnosed. For preventive purposes, repeat the treatment after six months.

    Potato compresses can also help with heel pain:
    1) Knead potatoes boiled in a peel well, add 10 ml of lugol and mix thoroughly. Apply the still hot mixture to the sore spot and, securing it with a gauze bandage, leave the compress until it cools completely. This compress can be used every day for a week.
    2) Pour 30 ml of purified kerosene into mashed potatoes cooked in "uniform". Apply the mass to the sore spot and wrap it with cellophane. Put on socks on top and walk for three hours. The course of treatment is 8-12 procedures.
    - To prepare a medicine from pharmacy bile, you need to mix 30 ml of the product and 20 ml of medical alcohol with a spoonful of household soap crushed on a grater. Put the mass on the sore spot and wrap it with a cloth. Hold the compress for three to five hours. After the compress, wash your feet with warm water and massage. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
    - Traditional methods also recommend a special cake for pain relief, which is made from honey and oat flour. A cake is applied to the steamed affected leg and wiped dry and fixed with a bandage. It is recommended to keep such a compress on the leg for as long as possible. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

    Treatment of pain in the heel with baths

    Healing baths effectively help relieve discomfort in the foot, inflammation, and pain. Usually, sea salt, herbal decoctions, as well as vegetables and fruits are used for baths.

    Bath recipes:

    • Pour a tablespoon of baking soda into a basin with 2.5 liters of warm water and add 20 ml of iodine. Lowering your feet into the liquid, keep until the solution cools completely. It is not recommended to use the bath for fractures or bruises of the heel.
    • Pour 20 g of dried nettle leaves with a liter of boiling water and cook for two minutes. Leave to cool completely, and then reheat. Keep the heels in the strained broth until they cool completely. The procedure is carried out every day before bedtime.
    • Grate cabbage stump, pour boiling water over and boil for five minutes, then strain. Pour the broth into a basin and add a small amount of hot water. Immerse your legs in a basin with a solution and hold for at least 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out on the eve of sleep.

    Preventing heel problems

    First of all, you need to refrain from walking or jogging, because these sports do not really take care of your legs, for the sake of walking a bike or swimming in the pool. It is important to bring your weight back to normal. After all, each additional kilogram harms not only the whole body, but also the heels, which need to withstand these extra pounds.

    If there are even the slightest symptoms of flat feet, you need to buy special orthopedic insoles. They help keep the muscles and ligaments of the foot in good shape while protecting the heel.

    Give preference to comfortable shoes with low heels, up to five centimeters. A heel of this height allows you to slightly relieve the heel and not overextend the foot.

    In order to prevent diseases of the legs, it is very useful to regularly engage in special therapeutic exercises.

    Self-medication for heel pain is not recommended. But if the causes of pain are not serious, they resort to alternative methods, in agreement with the recommendations of the attending physician. Consider a doctor-supported folk remedy for heel pain.

    An effective method of treating heel pain is walking barefoot on the grass and sand. Morning walking on wet grass with dew is useful for sick and healthy people. Remedy walking has a beneficial effect on nervous system person, relaxing, improving well-being and mood. It is advisable to walk every morning for at least 1 hour.

    Heel pain

    Pain in the foot is treated with warm sand by dipping the foot on the seashore. When walking on the sand, active points located on the heels are stimulated, and a healing effect on the body is obtained. You can heat the sand at home, pour it into a basin, submerge sore legs. The effect is the same. It is recommended to do it at night - the pain will be less, the sleep will be better.

    Metals and natural stones have healing powers and are often used for medicinal purposes. Copper works well for heel pain. Aluminum has similar properties to copper. Copper (aluminum) utensils are used as a remedy. Heat a copper container, dip your feet, placing your foot on a warm copper surface. There are no time limits for application.

    Treatment with improvised means and objects

    1. A method that is convenient at home is the contrasting effect of water on the heel. The patient alternately dips his feet into cold water, into hot water. These manipulations relieve pain in the heel and discomfort in the legs.

      Contrast baths

    2. Magnets - relieve pain, inflammation in the heel area. Place a heel on a large magnet. It is worth using this method of treatment every evening for two months.
    3. Rubbing alcohol reduces inflammation, disinfects, heals pain in the heel. Heat the alcohol to body temperature, dip your feet, hold until the alcohol cools down. Do the procedure every other day.
    4. When walking for a long time, the heels are stressed, hurt. Regular foot massage relieves fatigue and tension, pain in the heels of the feet. You can massage your feet with a rolling pin. A 20 minute massage is sufficient. After that, apply an application on the foot and go to bed.

    Treatment with medicinal plants

    Folk medicines that quickly relieve pain are in everyone's kitchen, in the refrigerator. Onions, garlic relieve pain, relieve inflammation, if applied to a sore spot. Make a medicinal gruel by rubbing garlic and onions, mix the resulting mixture. The gruel is applied to the sore spot. Relieves pain in a short time, disinfects, removing the causes of pain in the legs.

    Horseradish is used to relieve pain and inflammation. Boil the leaves and roots, cool the broth, dip the heels of the feet. Do the procedure once a week. Medicinal herbs used in the treatment of leg pain are coltsfoot, burdock leaves, plantain. The principle of preparation is like with horseradish decoction.

    Lingonberry infusion, taken internally, removes salts - pain in the heels decreases, with constant walking, the legs hurt less. A tablespoon of lingonberry herb is poured with a liter of boiling water. Drink several times during the day instead of tea. Infusion for internal consumption makes the treatment effective.

    Relieves pain, reduces inflammation of the elderberry broth. Fill ¾ of a liter jar with fresh elderberries. Pour alcohol, leave for a week. Use the ready-made infusion once a week, moisten a towel, wipe the sore spot several times. Treat heel pain with a compress, leaving it overnight.

    Make an elderberry decoction

    Special healing baths for the treatment of leg pain

    They are simply treated with hot salt baths. Dissolve 4 teaspoons of salt in hot water. Take salt baths up to 30 minutes. There are contraindications. You can not treat people with a diagnosis of osteoporosis, with bruises, acute injuries of the feet.

    A hot bath with iodine and baking soda is a budget option. Add two teaspoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of iodine to 2.5 liters of water. Dip your feet in warm water, leave in water until it cools down.

    A mixture of turpentine and vinegar is used to treat heel pain. To prepare the mixture, take 250 ml of turpentine, 100 ml of vinegar essence. For 30 minutes, the foot is placed in a container with a solution. Doctors advise taking such a bath daily for three weeks. Take a week break, if necessary repeat the treatment.

    Healing foot bath

    There are many healing baths. For example, baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Decoctions are made from herbs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties (wormwood, burdock, coltsfoot, nettle). The broth is made by adding herbs in equal parts, or using one type of plant. Two teaspoons of the herb are poured into water (1 liter). When the water boils, make the fire less, leave to cook. Leave the sore heel in the water until the water cools. These folk methods and means, the most popular, were used by our grandmothers.

    Compresses and applications by various means

    A mixture of eggs, vinegar, baby cream is used as a compress. 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 egg, mix a little cream thoroughly. You will get a healing ointment. After a warm evening bath, rub into the sore spot. Put on a warm sock for a warming effect, leave overnight. After three to four treatments, heel pain stops.

    Laundry soap can help treat heel pain. Rub the soap on a grater, warm it up. Apply the resulting liquid to the foot, bandage, put on cellophane, leave overnight. It is recommended to apply compresses on the heel daily.

    A commonly used remedy for relieving foot pain is propolis. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory functions. Warm up propolis in a water bath, mold a wide flat cake, put it on a sore spot, leave it overnight. It is recommended to treat a sore leg with propolis every evening, using it as a compress.

    Treatment with alternative methods quickly leads to the desired result. If you do not want to prepare decoctions, solutions, ointments, purchase a medicinal patch. It contains safflower, gentian, magnet powder, infrared powder, aconite root, borneol, Chinese angelica. The plaster is glued to the dry skin of the heel for a day. It is removed, a new one is glued. When walking, the plaster is not felt. The patch treatment takes about two weeks. The method has contraindications. Consult a physician before use.

    Heel pain, the causes and treatment of which we will consider below, can be of a different nature and indicate different diseases. Today we will tell you about why such unpleasant sensations arise in certain people, as well as how you can get rid of them.

    How to identify the causes?

    "Heels hurt in the morning" - this is a complaint that patients often turn to their doctors with. It should be noted that in the absence of a proper medical examination, it is rather difficult to name the true cause of this deviation. After all, unpleasant sensations in the legs can cause completely different diseases, as well as banal fatigue after a long walk.

    So how do you know why a person regularly feels severe heel pain? The causes and treatment of this deviation should be determined and prescribed only by a doctor. First, you should contact a therapist, who can later refer the patient to a narrower specialist.

    Why does heel pain occur? Causes

    Treatment of such a deviation should only be performed by an experienced physician. But before proceeding with the treatment of an existing disease, it should be identified. As a rule, an X-ray of the diseased limb is done to make an accurate diagnosis, and standard tests are also taken.

    If in the near future you will not be able to visit the clinic, then we will help you understand why you are worried about pain in the heels. The causes and methods of treatment of this ailment will also be presented in the materials of this article.


    If you are actively involved in sports or, for example, just jogging in the morning, then this can easily provoke some kind of injury. So, pain in the heel is often caused by a sprain of the ligaments of the joint (ankle). In this case, a person may complain of very strong discomfort, which is difficult to tolerate without pain medication.

    It should be noted that this pain usually manifests itself in different ways:

    • stitching;
    • burning;
    • with a lumbago.

    The location of the pain depends on the part of the leg where the injury occurred. For example, discomfort can occur from behind, from the side, etc.

    The wrong shoes

    Why else can there be? The reasons (treatment of such a deviation should be carried out only after visiting a doctor) of such sensations are often hidden in the selection of the wrong shoes. This is especially true for the fairer sex. After all, the most dangerous enemy of a woman's foot is a very high heel.

    Thus, wearing such shoes leads to an overload of the lower limbs, which can easily contribute to the appearance of intense "shooting" pain in the heel area.

    Problems with the musculoskeletal system

    Surely every person has ever been bothered by heel pain. The causes and treatment of these deviations can be identified and carried out independently at home. But this is only if the discomfort does not arise due to a serious illness.

    So what diseases can cause heel pain? The causes of pain, diagnosis and treatment of a person with a disease are presented to your attention below.


    Heel pain with arthritis is very common. Indeed, with such a deviation, the inflammatory process spreads along the foot through the tissues that connect the phalanges with.Usually, with arthritis, the unpleasant sensations increase gradually. In this case, the maximum pain occurs in the morning.

    To get rid of such a pathology, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment. If you need to relieve pain quickly, we recommend doing a foot massage. Although after physical exertion, she can return again.

    Heel spur

    The spur very often causes severe heel pain. The causes and treatment of this ailment should be determined and carried out only by a doctor and only after receiving an X-ray.

    As a rule, a spur is formed due to the accumulation of salts under the skin. As they grow, they can cause very strong pain in the foot, or rather in the heel. This is especially felt when walking, when a hard build-up presses on soft tissues. As with arthritis, pain is most felt in the morning.

    Plantar fasciitis

    This deviation is a compacted formation that runs along the entire length of the foot. If a person wears too tight and uncomfortable shoes, then fasciitis can become inflamed very quickly. Namely, such a state is fraught with gradual Over time, it can easily lead to the appearance of such a pathology as

    Other reasons

    What else can cause heel pain? "Heel hurts" (the causes, symptoms and treatment are discussed in this article) is a very common complaint not only of women, but also of men. This pathological condition may indicate inflammation of the Achilles tendon, as well as the presence of reactive arthritis. In addition, discomfort in the heels is noted in some infectious processes. For example, with chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases, infection can easily contribute to the development of inflammation in the heel tendon. Ultimately, this will lead to severe pain, especially at night.

    Who to contact?

    Impossible to feel confident personwhen every now and then you are worried about the pain in the heel when walking. We have described the causes and treatment of this ailment above. However, I would like to pay a little more attention to the therapy process.

    As you know, heel pain is only a symptom of some abnormality in the human body. That is why the choice of the method of its treatment depends on the specific cause. To identify it, you should visit a therapist, traumatologist or orthopedist. Also, the patient may need to consult with doctors such as a surgeon, neurologist and oncologist.

    After consulting a doctor, the latter must conduct a complete medical examination, and then diagnose and prescribe treatment.

    Disease prevention

    So that discomfort in the heels does not bother you, it is recommended to regularly carry out preventive measures that will prevent their appearance.

    Thus, regardless of why a person's feet hurt, the following recommendations must be followed:

    1. Struggle (and intensified) with excess body weight. After all, excess weight significantly increases the load on the muscle tissue of the foot.
    2. Purchase and wearing of special orthopedic insoles. This is especially true for those people who have flat feet.
    3. Wearing comfortable and loose shoes with a heel of no more than 5 centimeters. By the way, it is not recommended to wear shoes without heels.
    4. Daily therapeutic exercises for the lower extremities.

    Evaluation of a Patient for Heel Pain

    When examining such patients, their complaints are very important. In addition to pain in the heels, a person may be disturbed by similar sensations in the joints. Moreover, their localization can be completely different.

    It should also be noted that along with the described pain in the feet, the patient may complain about the impossibility of full movements in the back. When examining a patient, doctors often observe swelling and even redness of the heels.

    After interviewing a patient, doctors are required to pay special attention to his medical history. Only in this way will they find out whether the person had a previous foot injury, whether he suffered a chlamydial infection, whether he complained of morning stiffness, and so on. These and other data, taken together, will certainly lead the doctor to identify the true cause of the unpleasant sensations in the heel.

    If the study of the medical history, as well as the examination and questioning, did not contribute to the correct diagnosis, then a laboratory and instrumental examination is required. Typically, it includes the following:

    • A general blood test (possible leukocytosis, anemia, or an increase in ESR with such a deviation as rheumatoid arthritis).
    • A biochemical blood test (for example, an increase in uric acid with developing gout).
    • Microbiological research. It may include tests such as scraping from the urethra to identify chlamydia. This study is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the development of reactive arthritis.
    • X-ray examination. It is one of the most popular tests for heel pain. As a rule, all the specific changes that are characteristic of a particular pathology are very clearly visible on the image.
    • Research on cancer markers. Such an analysis is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the presence of a malignant neoplasm.
    • Serological analysis (for rheumatoid arthritis).
    • Puncture biopsy of bones. This study is carried out if osteomyelitis or bone tuberculosis is suspected. The culture material is taken by aspiration of pus from soft tissue or bone, or a biopsy of the bone itself is performed.

    As for further actions, they depend on the patient's age and clinical manifestations. If pain in the heel region bothers a person for a long time, then a medical examination should be more thorough.

    Folk remedies

    To quickly relieve heel pain, you can apply a piece of ice to the aching area or hold your foot in cold water for 20 minutes. In the future, it must be rubbed with any anti-inflammatory cream, put on a sock and lie at rest for about two hours.

    Complaints of heel pain are not uncommon. Sometimes this part of the foot does not hurt for long, and sometimes the painful discomfort persists and interferes with walking. There are many reasons why the heel hurts and the pain syndrome should not be ignored if it persists for a long time - this indicates a pathological process. Let's see what often provokes the appearance of soreness in the heel area.

    Sections of the article

    1. Fascitis

    The fascial membrane of the muscle responsible for the distribution of the load on the foot becomes inflamed.


    The development of the disease is provoked by:

  • flat feet;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • obesity;
  • frequent microtrauma (rubbing with uncomfortable shoes, minor bruises);
  • diabetes.
  • Fascitis often occurs on 2 limbs at once, but there is also a unilateral lesion of the heel.


    If the cause of the heel pain is fasciitis, then characteristic symptoms will appear in the heel area:

    • hyperemia of the skin;
    • local temperature rise (heel becomes hot);
    • there is a slight swelling (in advanced cases).

    The heels of the feet hurt more in the morning and the first steps are painful for the patient. As you walk around, the pain decreases and the person experiences moderate discomfort while walking.


    To reduce the load on the heel, the foot is fixed with the help of orthoses, and patients are prescribed complex therapy:

    • muscle relaxants;
    • NSAIDs;
    • anti-inflammatory ointments.

    Severe pain occurs only after prolonged immobility, so taking analgesics is not needed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a moderate analgesic effect.

    Treatment may take several weeks.

    If the disease is not treated, then the pathological process becomes chronic. At the same time, signs of inflammation decrease or completely disappear, lameness and moderate aching pain appear, which intensifies after a night's sleep or long immobility.

    Who to contact

    In case of morning heel pain, you should visit an orthopedist or podiatrist (the doctor deals only with foot and lower leg problems).

    2. Heel spur

    Another problem familiar to many, arising from the appearance of a pathological growth on the heel bone.


    The growth of the spur is due to the deposition of calcium salts in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe bone. Provoke disease:

    • complications of fasciitis;
    • compression of the heel by "fashionable" shoes;
    • heavy weight;
    • metabolic disorders in diabetes or atherosclerosis;
    • flat feet.

    The disease is common in women who wear high-heeled shoes all the time.


    The disease develops slowly. It immediately hurts to step on the heel only if the pathological growth is localized on the lower part of the bone, with a different location of calcium deposits, people do not immediately feel painful discomfort.

    The characteristic symptoms of the disease are:

    • the appearance of a swelling that is hard to the touch;
    • pain, aggravated by walking (there is an increase in the pressure of calcium formation on the adjacent soft tissues);
    • the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe swelling is red and hot to the touch.

    Often, patients note that heel spurs hurt only when walking, and at rest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe build-up it does not hurt.

    The nature of the pain can be aching or sharp. Doctors note that the intensity and nature of pain manifestations are not related to the size of the spur: small formations can hurt more than large growths.

    With advanced forms of the disease, when the spurs reach large sizes, it hurts in the heel area all the time and people complain that only soft slippers can be worn from shoes.

    Features of therapy

    Treatment tactics depend on the size and location of the pathological bone formation.

    With small deposits that do not cause severe discomfort, patients are given complex conservative therapy:

    • select orthopedic shoes to reduce pressure on the affected area;
    • eliminate the cause of calcium metabolism disorders;
    • nSAIDs are prescribed to eliminate inflammation in the tissues.

    Surgical removal of a calcium spike is indicated in the following cases:

    • education is large;
    • the spur is localized on the lower part of the calcaneus and when walking there is a sharp pain in the heel;
    • there is a nerve process next to the calcium build-up, and irritation of the nervous tissue is accompanied by constant pain.

    During surgery, the formed thorn is removed, and then standard restorative therapy is carried out.

    Who heals

    Spurs should be consulted with a podiatrist or podiatrist. If an operation is necessary, the help of a surgeon will be required.

    3. Tendenitis

    Inflammation of the Achilles tendon causes the heel to hurt.


    They provoke an inflammatory process in the calcaneal ligament:

    • trauma (a common complication of ruptures and strains of the tendon);
    • heavy loads on the legs;
    • microtrauma of the calcaneus.

    Tandenitis develops more often in people involved in active sports and in women who like to walk on "stiletto heels" (because of the thin heel, the leg is often tucked).


    Main symptom: pain when resting on the heel, localized in the sole area.

    Additional signs by which one can assume the development of tannite will be:

    • the appearance of acute painful sensations when trying to stand "on tiptoes";
    • pain in the heel in the morning;
    • the skin over the calcaneal ligament is hyperemic and slightly swollen.

    Patients note that the pain decreases if they walk a little.


    When the Achilles tendon is inflamed, the heel joint is restricted with an elastic bandage or splint.

    To eliminate inflammation, medications with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory effect are used, which additionally have an analgesic effect.

    Who will help

    If the cause was a complication after an injury, then the help of a traumatologist is needed. In other cases, you should visit a podiatrist.

    4. Bursitis

    With the disease, the synovial membrane of the heel joint becomes inflamed and serous or purulent exudate accumulates in the articular bag.


    Bursitis can occur both due to the influence of external unfavorable factors, and due to internal diseases.

    They provoke the development of pathology:

    • trauma (bruises and fractures of the calcaneus);
    • wound of the heel (an infection gets into the wound);
    • hypothermia;
    • rheumatic diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, SLE);
    • getting an infection with a blood flow from a focus of chronic inflammation.

    The risk of developing bursitis increases in people with osteoarticular diseases and in those who have to stay in the cold for a long time.


    The pathological process develops sharply and the person complains that it suddenly hurts to step on the heel. The patient develops:

    • acute pain, aggravated when trying to move the limb;
    • swelling;
    • hyperemia;
    • hyperthermia.

    With a pronounced pathological process, a general increase in body temperature and the appearance of signs of intoxication (weakness, headache) are possible.

    The affected heel hurts more when touched.


    Patients are prescribed bed rest to restrict the mobility of the joint, and for movement it is recommended to use crutches so as not to step on the leg. To eliminate pain and inflammation, the following are prescribed:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • analgesics;
    • antibiotics (if the cause is pathogenic bacteria);
    • anti-inflammatory ointments;
    • corticosteroids (hormone injections are necessary into the affected joint);
    • puncture for pumping out excess fluid from the synovial bag.

    With severe pain manifestations, when painkillers help weakly, Lidocaine or Novocaine blockade is indicated.

    In the subacute stage, when the inflammatory process has decreased, physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, laser) and exercise therapy are shown to accelerate the restoration of limb function.

    Where to go

    In case of sudden acute soreness in the heel and signs of inflammation (redness, swelling), the examination should begin with a visit to the surgeon.

    5. Osteoporosis

    A pathological decrease in bone density in certain areas can cause pain in the legs in the heels.

    Provoking factors

    The following reasons will cause the development of osteoporosis:

    • metabolic abnormalities;
    • poor nutrition;
    • hormonal disruptions;
    • early menopause;
    • bad habits (alcohol abuse, tobacco smoking);
    • long breastfeeding (more often observed in women who gave birth to their first child late).

    Osteoporosis of the heel will not come on suddenly. Usually, the patient has a history of osteoporotic lesions of the spine or other large bony joints.


    There are no characteristic signs of the disease. Usually, a person notes that the heel or the entire foot hurts. Pain manifestations are moderate and intensify with active movements.


    Patients are prescribed vitamins and mineral complexes to replenish the missing substances in the body.

    Additionally, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused metabolic disorders or hormonal abnormalities and get rid of bad habits. If the provoking factor is not eliminated, then taking medications will bring temporary relief..

    Who will help

    Osteoporosis is almost impossible to diagnose on your own. If the heel hurts or the foot hurts moderately for no apparent reason, you should consult an orthopedist. If necessary, after the examination, the doctor will refer you to another specialist.

    6. Arthritis

    Acute inflammation of the joint tissues is accompanied by severe pain.


    Depending on the provoking factors, several types of arthritis are distinguished:

    • infectious (caused by pathogenic microorganisms entering the articular cartilage);
    • autoimmune, which occurs when the body develops antibodies to cartilage tissue (usually a history of rheumatism or SLE);
    • psoriatic (it is a complication of psoriasis and develops on the heel joint only with advanced forms of the disease).

    Infections and autoimmune processes are more common causes of arthritis.


    The main complaint of the sick is that there is an acute or aching pain in the heel (the nature of the pain depends on the severity of the pathological process).

    In addition to painful discomfort, patients develop:

    • swelling of the joint;
    • limitation of foot mobility;
    • hyperthermia and redness of the skin.

    Patients note that the heel begins to hurt more in the evening and the painful manifestations do not always subside during rest, disrupting the night's sleep.


    For arthritis, appoint:

    • chondroprotectors;
    • NSAIDs;
    • corticosteoids.

    Additionally, they restrict the mobility of the heel with the help of orthoses.

    If arthritis was not treated or the patient did not follow medical recommendations, the disease becomes chronic and arthrosis develops, which is accompanied by severe deformation of the articular tissues and pathological limitation of foot mobility.

    Who to contact

    Rheumatologists are involved in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.

    7. Apophysitis of the calcaneus (Sever's disease)

    Painful sensations in the heel occur due to pathological overstretching of muscles and ligaments.


    The development of the disease can be provoked by:

    • rapid skeletal growth (a common reason why a child has heel pain);
    • anatomical features of the structure of muscles and tendons;
    • active sports.

    The disease is more commonly diagnosed in rapidly growing children and in professional athletes.


    A hallmark of the disease - the heel hurts only when running, after a long walk and when trying to stand on tiptoes.

    With frequent muscle overexertion, discomfort may appear during minor physical efforts. Additionally, there is swelling and hyperemia of the heel area.


    A rapidly growing child does not need special therapy - gradually the tendons and muscles "catch up" with the rapidly growing bone. To reduce painful manifestations in the heel, children are advised to limit physical activity on their legs and take care of good nutrition.

    With congenital features of the tendon apparatus and muscles, you will need to wear orthopedic shoes that reduce the load on the heel. You will also have to give up active sports such as basketball or running.

    For successful healing of sprains, athletes need to use orthopedic insoles during treatment from physical exertion.

    Taking medications for Sever's disease is not required.

    Who heals

    Regarding therapy for Sever's disease, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist.

    8. Fracture of the calcaneus

    Due to the anatomical features of the structure, this bone breaks relatively rarely.


    Most often, the bone cracks or splits if a jump from a height ended with a landing immediately on the heels, and not by rolling gently from toe to heel.

    Less commonly, a fracture of the heel appears with a pathological twist of the leg (accompanied by an ankle injury).

    May break bone and severe direct blow to the heel.


    A fracture of the calcaneus is characterized by:

    • severe pain;
    • limitation of joint mobility;
    • swelling;
    • the appearance of a hematoma;
    • the inability to step on the foot.

    The insidiousness of calcaneal fractures is that small bone cracks hurt moderately and almost do not cause difficulty in walking. This leads to the fact that the victim does not seek help and bone fragments do not always grow together correctly, and this causes heel pain after a long walk or other physical exertion.

    9. Therapeutic measures

    To limit mobility, a plaster cast is applied to the ankle joint.

    If the heel is crushed, then an operation is performed to restore the integrity of the bone, and then the joint is fixed in the anatomical state using plaster cast or orthoses.

    For uncomplicated fractures, analgesics and NSAIDs are prescribed to eliminate pain.

    After surgery, in addition to the means for eliminating pain, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

    Who will help

    How to treat heel pain after a fracture is decided by a traumatologist.

    Non-pathological causes of heel pain

    Heels do not always hurt due to diseases, more often external, relatively safe factors cause painful discomfort. Consider the main causes of heel pain:

    • Change of heel. If a woman constantly wore a high heel, and then put on shoes or sneakers with a flat sole, then pain in the heels after a few hours will arise due to the unusual position of the foot.
    • Dramatic weight loss. The pain causes the subcutaneous fat pad to disappear, which causes pressure on the muscle tissue and irritation of the nerve processes.
    • Constant walking or standing still. Often, heels can hurt in professions such as movers, salesmen or postmen.
    • Inconvenient shoe last. Uncomfortable shoes ordered on the website or bought on sale are worn by most of them because of their beautiful appearance, ignoring the discomfort that occurs. But this leads to the fact that heels hurt and other unpleasant sensations appear in the feet.
    • Great weight. People who are prone to obesity, after a long walk, suffer from aching pain in the heels, calf muscles and knees.

    Despite the fact that the heels hurt not because of diseases, but under the influence of external causes, the condition that has arisen cannot be ignored. Often, obesity or the constant wearing of fashionable, but uncomfortable shoes lead to the development of a pathological process.

    Pathology or external factors

    It is not always possible to immediately understand: the heel is sore due to the onset of the disease or the pain is caused by external factors. The cause of discomfort in the heels is not always possible to determine by the nature of the pain. But it's still worth taking a closer look at your condition:

    • Unilateral process or both heels are affected. For non-pathological reasons, both joints hurt, but this also happens with the development of certain diseases.
    • For unilateral pain, compare the limbs. When the left heel hurts, the condition of the right one should also be assessed. The presence of scuffs of the skin and traces of compression in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heel or a sore joint will indicate an external factor.
    • When the pain appears. If the heels hurt in the morning and the soreness decreases with "pacing", then it is almost always an inflammation of the muscle fascia or the Achilles tendon.

    If the heel hurts rarely and for a short time, then you should not worry, but frequent or prolonged pains should be a reason for visiting a doctor. When there are doubts about which specialist you need to visit, you should contact a podologist or orthopedist, and the doctor, if necessary, will send you to other specialists.