Mark Levy: touching quotes about love. Mark Levy: touching quotes about love I'm ready to write you all sorts of nonsense

For many years, on New Year's Eve, you and I exchanged gifts - this time I spent it among people deprived of everything. The local kids would have fought among themselves for nothing but wrappers, for a piece of string. However, you cannot even imagine the festive atmosphere that prevailed in the village. The men fired into the air, praising the hope that helps them survive. The women danced, drawing the children into the joyful frenzy of their round dances, and I - I was stunned. I remember the melancholy that usually plunged us into the approach of the New Year, I remember how I shared my fears and sorrows with you, because not everything turned out the way I wanted. And here everyone is in mourning, widows, widowers, orphans, but with what tremendous dignity they hold on to life. God, how wonderful this people is in the time of disaster! Juan gave me a Christmas present, what a gift! This is my first home and it will be very beautiful; in a few weeks I will be able to enter it. Juan is waiting for the end of the month: the rains will stop, and then he will paint it. Until then, I will try to describe this house to you. Juan made the foundation out of earth, mixing it with straw and stones, and lined the walls with bricks. With the help of the villagers, he dug out window frames somewhere among the rubble and inserted them on either side of the beautiful blue door. The floor of my only room is still earthen. On the left there will be a chimney and a hearth made of stones - here's your kitchen. And for a shower, he will install a cistern on a flat roof, and I can, pulling the chain, wash myself with cold or warm water, depending on the time of day. In such a description, my shower room may seem awful to you, and the house - spartan, but I know it will be very cozy. I'll set up a study for myself in the corner of the living room, where Juan promised to lay the floors as soon as he found something to bungle them. There is also a small ladder that leads to the bed, where I will put my mattress. Well, okay, enough bragging, now it's your turn to write. Tell us how you spent the holidays, how you generally do. I still miss you. Showered with kisses.

Your Susan

I have not received your congratulations! For now, anyway. Hopefully the drawing I am sending will not suffer too much in transit. You will probably be puzzled by this view of the street in the early morning. Well, I have great news for you: it happened, I am sitting in a workshop on Broome Street and writing to you, looking out the window at the deserted Soho street - this is the very view that I painted for you. You cannot even imagine how much everything changed for me with the move from Montclair: I seemed to have lost my usual landmarks, but at the same time I know that this move will bring me a lot of good.

I get up early and usually have breakfast at the Red Gio cafe. It is a little off to the side, but I am pleased to walk in the morning light along these streets with uneven cobblestones and broken sidewalks with dark spots of var, inlaid with pieces of glass, past houses decorated with carved metal stairs. You adore these places too. You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, so long as you remember me from time to time, answer me and tell me about yourself. I never thought I'd miss you so much. I cling to my studies and every day I tell myself that time is unbearably slow without you and that I should jump into the nearest plane and fly to you, even if I know (you yourself have told me this more than once) that this is not my way that this is not my life.

Mark Levy Born October 16, 1961 in the city of Boulogne into a Jewish family. French writer, author of the novel “Only if it was true”, based on which the famous film “Between Heaven and Earth” was shot in 2005. During World War II, the writer's father was a member of the Resistance movement in France as part of the 35th International Communist Brigade formed by Marcel Langer in Toulouse.

Losing a loved one is scary, but it’s even worse to never meet him.

Love at first sight only happens in books. IN real life feelings are born gradually, as a house is built, stone by stone.

In friendship, some things are not said, they are guessed about.

It's a dangerous thing to get attached to someone. Go crazy, what it hurts. It hurts from just the fear of losing.

We do terrible things when love and hate are mixed, things for which we then reproach ourselves.

Love also has autumn, and one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one knows it.

A tiny grain of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness.

One of the biggest challenges in our life is figuring out who is really your friend.

I have always been amazed at how unexpected coincidences sometimes radically change our life.

Sometimes it is impossible to explain how you feel for someone ...
you just know that this person takes you to a place where you have never been ...

Just love is not enough, you still need to be compatible. You need to love the life that you have to lead with another, share his desires, aspirations, have common goals, common dreams.

"No years erase pages written together."

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, so long as you remember me from time to time.

Anything is possible, and as long as there is life, there is hope.

Sometimes the presence of another person, even the silent one, can help to cope with despair.

To advertise everything you do means to prove to others that your life is better than theirs. My life is just different, this is my life, not someone else's, so I will save it for myself.

Every time I told her that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. Every time she asked me: "But what about you and me?" ... Each time I lowered my eyes and muttered in embarrassment: "Oh, well, yes, exactly ..."

Only when you give what you yourself have little, you give in real.

There are people who see things as they are and wonder why? And now I see them as they could be, and I say to myself: "Why not?"

Humor is a great way to cope with reality when it hits your head.

And here everyone is in mourning, widows, widowers, orphans, but with what tremendous dignity they hold on to life. God, how wonderful this people is in the time of disaster! Juan gave me a Christmas present, what a gift! This is my first home and it will be very beautiful; in a few weeks I will be able to enter it. Juan is waiting for the end of the month: the rains will stop, and then he will paint it. Until then, I will try to describe this house to you. Juan made the foundation out of earth, mixing it with straw and stones, and lined the walls with bricks. With the help of the villagers, he dug out window frames somewhere among the rubble and inserted them on either side of the beautiful blue door. The floor of my only room is still earthen. On the left there will be a chimney and a hearth made of stones - here's your kitchen. And for a shower, he will install a cistern on a flat roof, and I can, pulling the chain, wash myself with cold or warm water, depending on the time of day. In such a description, my shower room may seem ugly to you, and the house - spartan, but I know it will be very cozy. I'll set up a study for myself in the corner of the living room, where Juan promised to lay the floors as soon as he found something to bungle them. There is also a small ladder that leads to the bed, where I will put my mattress. Well, okay, enough bragging, now it's your turn to write. Tell us how you spent the holidays, how you generally do. I still miss you. Showered with kisses.

Your Susan

i have not received your congratulations! For now, anyway. Hopefully the drawing I am sending will not suffer too much in transit. You will probably be puzzled by this view of the street in the early morning. Well, I have great news for you: it happened, I am sitting in a studio on Broome Street and writing to you, looking out the window at the deserted Soho street - this is the very view that I painted for you. You cannot even imagine how much everything changed for me with the move from Montclair: I seemed to have lost my usual landmarks, but at the same time I know that this move will bring me a lot of good.

I get up early and usually have breakfast at the Red Gio cafe. It is a little off to the side, but I am pleased to walk in the morning light along these streets with uneven cobblestones and broken sidewalks with dark spots of var, inlaid with pieces of glass, past houses decorated with carved metal stairs. You adore these places too. You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, so long as you remember me from time to time, answer me and tell me about yourself. I never thought I'd miss you so much. I cling to my studies and every day I tell myself that time is unbearably slow without you and that I should jump into the nearest plane and fly to you, even if I know (you yourself have told me this more than once) that this is not my way that this is not my life. But far from you, I wonder: what is my life?

Well, if this letter was not in the trash can, it means that the bourbon that I just finished, worked and I forbade myself to reread the letter in the morning or even fed it to the mailbox on the corner at night. When I leave the house early in the morning, every time I cross the road, I glance at this box, as if it were he who would give me your letter a little later, which I will find when I return from class. Sometimes it seems to me that he smiles at me, and sometimes - that he mocks me. The cold is doggy.

Kisses, Philip

the letter is short. Forgive me for not writing to you more often, but there are a lot of things to do, and when I come home, I don't have the strength to write, I can barely get to my bed to sleep at least a few hours. February is coming to an end, three weeks of no rain, and it looks like a miracle. The first dust appeared instead of dirt. Finally, we were able to really get to work, and it seems to me that our efforts were not in vain: life begins to revive.

French novelist (born October 16, 1961, Boulogne), author of the novel "Only if it was true", based on which the 2005 film Between Heaven and Earth was filmed.

To the nigi

What if it's true? - year 2000

Seven days of creation - 2003

Those words that we did not say to each other - 2008

Next time - 2004

Leave to return - 2012

She and He - 2015

Everyone wants to love - 2006

Quotes and aphorisms

  1. He dreamed of perfect love, and she ... just loved him.
  2. When dealing with strong feelings, powerlessness kills.
  3. You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time.
  4. You should never compare people, because every person is not like anyone else, the main thing is to find the dissimilarity that best suits you.
  5. I am drowning alone, and for the first time in my life it seems to me that I cannot swim out.
  6. There is no loneliness worse than being alone.
  7. Every morning, when we wake up, we receive a credit of 86,400 seconds of life per day, and when we fall asleep in the evening, the stock disappears, and what was not lived in the day is gone.
  8. It's a dangerous thing to get attached to someone. Go crazy, what it hurts. It hurts from just the fear of losing.
  9. The risk of love is that you love shortcomings as well as advantages, they are inseparable.
  10. A good acquaintance is the right people in a good location.
  11. There is nothing more perfect in the world than two beings who love each other.
  12. Love is addiction, even for the most rebellious ...
  13. Chase unnecessary thoughts, so you will avoid many disappointments!
  14. Loneliness! You have no idea how I lived without you for the first years! The worst thing for me was to forget your scent. When it rained, I stealthily ran out into the street, took a handful of damp earth and smelled to remember "those" smells, so much I was afraid to forget the scent of your skin.
  15. We do not lose our parents, even after death they continue to live in us. Those who gave us life, who gave us all their love so that we can experience them, cannot leave without a trace.
  16. Sometimes I forget that you love me so much, and I am ashamed that I do not know how to love you the same way.
  17. A friend knows how to guess what is in a person's soul, even if he says the opposite.
  18. I will never be able to calmly look at the credits: "A year later ...", which are sometimes found in the movies. I didn’t understand before what is hidden behind this modest ellipsis, the meaning of which is obvious only to those who know how lonely a person who lives in anticipation is.
  19. Do not forget your dreams, they will become the engine of your existence, the taste and smell of your every morning will depend on them
  20. To love does not mean giving up your freedom, it means giving it meaning.
  21. I was afraid of losing myself by becoming attached to someone. And so it happened.
  22. Just knowing that you are somewhere on this earth will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven.

His novels have been translated into over 40 languages \u200b\u200band sold around 20 million copies each. Even 15 years ago, Mark Levy could not have imagined that he would become a world famous writer. Then he was just composing fairy tales for his sons, and later Levi's talent made him a multimillionaire. Touching and sensual works, loved by readers from all over the world. We bring to your attention the most touching quotes and sayings about love from the works of Mark Levy.

Without printing a word in 40 years of his life, he bursts into literature with his debut novel Between Heaven and Earth (And if this is true?). Are newbies lucky? Hardly! Since then, each of his novels has become a bestseller. And, although by the age of 54, Mark Levy has no literary award, he is considered the most widely read French author in the world.

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, so long as you remember me from time to time (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001).

Just knowing that you are somewhere on this earth will become for me, in my hell, a corner of paradise (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Seven Days of Creation”, 2003).

Love also has autumn, and one who has forgotten the taste of kisses of a loved one knows it (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those Words That We Didn't Say to Each Other”, 2008).

It is enough to stop believing for one second - and the dream will break into a thousand pieces (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Meet Again", 2005).

Time passed so quickly, but it passed so slowly (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Those Words We Didn't Say to Each Other", 2008).

Sometimes I forget that you love me so much, and I am ashamed that I do not know how to love you the same way (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001).

It's easy to love someone you can't reach, because you don't risk anything (quote from Mark Levy's Meet Again, 2005).

... “Forget what I said”, “erase from memory what I did” - are you sure that life is a pencil sketch? (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Everyone wants to love”, 2006, words by Valentina).

There is no worse loneliness than loneliness together (quote from Mark Levy's novel "Where are you?", 2001).

Did you miss me a lot? - Sixty-four cars drove along your street, nineteen of them are green (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Seven Days of Creation”, 2003, words of Sophia).

Be honest with yourself and even more so with her; if your feelings for her are not love, do not give her hope in vain, she is a good girl (quote from Mark Levy's novel "The Shadow Thief", 2010).

Only when you give what you yourself have little, you really give (quote from Mark Levy's novel Between Heaven and Earth, 2000).

True love is disinterested and reckless - we love simply because we love ... (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Those words that we did not say to each other", 2008).

How strange they are, these days in which one should rejoice according to the calendar (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001).

I will never again be able to calmly look at the credits: "A year later ...", which are sometimes found in the movies. I didn’t understand before what hides behind this modest ellipsis, the meaning of which is obvious only to those who know how lonely a person who lives with expectation is (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001).

There are days when nothing special happens, but a wave of melancholy and such a feeling of loneliness suddenly rolls over you that then you cannot forget it for a long time (quote from Mark Levy's novel “The First Day”, 2009).

Once again, learn to restrain a suddenly beating heart when a familiar silhouette appears on the street around the bend. Do not lower your eyes when a couple is kissing on the bench in front of you. And never again, never wait for the phone to ring (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Everyone wants to love”, 2006).

The worst lie is a lie to oneself (quote from Mark Levy's novel Between Heaven and Earth, 2000).

If you want to understand what a year of life is, ask a question to the student who failed the annual exam. If you want to understand what a month is, ask the mother who gave birth to a premature baby and is waiting for it to be removed from the incubation chamber. If it's a week, ask a person who works on an assembly line or in a mine to feed a family. If it's day - ask the lovers who are looking forward to meeting. If it's an hour, ask a claustrophobic person who is stuck in an elevator. A second - look at the expression of someone who escaped death in a thousandth of a moment, or ask an athlete who just won a silver medal at the Olympic Games instead of the gold medal for which he trained all his life (quote from Mark Levy's novel Between Heaven and Earth, year 2000).

I love you, I cannot stop loving you, I don’t know how and why. This is how I love you, because I know no other way. Where you are not, I am also not (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Next Time", 2004).

This love is a strange thing: you clearly understand that it is better to get away from it for fear of suffering, for fear of being abandoned one day. However, we love life, although we know that it will also leave us one day (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Those Words We Didn't Say to Each Other”, 2008, words by Anthony).

You know? To let someone into your life means to destroy the walls that you have erected for your own protection, and not to wait for another to break these walls! (Quote from Mark Levy's novel "Everyone Wants to Love", 2006).

People are free, and attachment is stupidity, it is a thirst for pain (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001).

Expectation that awakens hopes, little things that remind you of a person you don't know at all, a phone call that turned the day into a holiday, and again silence, and thoughts, thoughts, thoughts that you drive away ... (quote from Mark Levy's novel "Where are you?" , year 2001).

I am drowning alone, and for the first time in my life it seems to me that I cannot swim out (quote from Mark Levy's novel “Where are you?”, 2001, words by Susan).

It is impossible to survive everything, it is important to experience the main thing, and this is the main thing for everyone his own (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Between Heaven and Earth", 2000).

. <...> a person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves (quote from Mark Levy's novel Children of Freedom, 2007).

Love is an addiction, even for the most rebellious ... (quote from Mark Levy's novel "Where are you?", 2001).

I will fall in love with you tomorrow, because today I am not yet familiar with you (quote from Mark Levy's novel Children of Freedom, 2007).

Do not renounce! She came back, she is near. She is waiting for you, looking for you. The time for both of you is now numbered. If you give up each other, it will be even worse than passing by your own life, it will be a loss of your soul. The end of both your journeys will be an incredible disaster, and the goal was so close! When you meet, try not to miss (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Next Time", 2004).

One moment is worth eternity (quote from Mark Levy's novel "Seven Days of Creation", 2003).

It seems that we could pass side by side without recognizing each other (quote from the novel by Mark Levy "Next Time", 2004).