Vocabulary dictation for 1st grade

The Russian language is one of the most difficult subjects for a child. In elementary school, special attention is paid to the development of spelling vigilance. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Second Generation Primary General Education, the main goal of work in this area is to develop children's literate writing skills. Among the various types of written work, dictations play a special role. We offer you dictations on the main topics studied in Russian lessons in grade 1, texts and assignments for them correspond to the federal state educational standard second generation for primary school. The proposed sets of words, sentences and texts on the learned rules are recommended for practicing the skill of error-free writing when conducting dictations of various types: visual, warning or explanatory. Depending on the level of preparedness of the class, the teacher of his choice can also use the texts when conducting verification work to determine the level of formation of spelling and punctuation writing skills in children. The texts correspond to the age characteristics of 1st grade students. The text of each dictation includes material both on the studied topic and on those previously covered. Words, the spelling of which is governed by rules still unfamiliar to children, are given under the text of the dictation in the section "Words for Reference" It is recommended to speak these words clearly, by syllables, or write them down on the board. Depending on the degree of study of the material and the level of knowledge of the class, the teacher has the right to additionally define words that are difficult to write, and dictate them orthographically.
After the texts, the number of words in brackets is indicated according to the current standards for dictation in elementary school.
Dictations increased complexity marked with *.
The texts comply with the requirements of Russian language programs for all teaching materials for primary schools included in the federal list for the current academic year... The collection is recommended for both teachers and parents to study with the child at home and prepare him for the upcoming test work.



1. Underline the letters for vowel sounds.
1) School, willow, yard, beetle, children, pine, squirrel, cubes, lesson, newspaper, table, drawing.
2) Mouse, morning, wave, beads, fisherman, toy, paper, book, garden, edge, map, streams.
3) Letter, duck, roof, glasses, mushrooms, friendship, rook, music, hand, cherry, thunder, wardrobe.

2. Divide words into syllables.
1) Iris, bud, bunny, house, flag, will, castle, rose, umbrella, oak, wind, willow.
2) Drum, raspberry, fir forest, alphabet, desk, pencil, pattern, pen, doll, lighthouse, berries, radio.
3) Jackdaw, trousers, dog, feather, globe, sounds, army, pear, fence, eyes, order, woodpecker.

3. Separate the hyphenation words. Underline words that cannot be transferred.
1) Rainbow, oak grove, stork, poems, goodness, footprints, raccoon, clown, baby, leaf, back, anchor.
2) Slide, ball, autumn, mink, stream, ostrich, bush, bouquet, nut, chamomile, brother, shelf.
3) Watering can, tree, bear, forest, song, bandage, key, bumblebee, duck, water, branch, March.
4) Diploma, ball, cake, truck, lake, July, nightingale, disk, country, language, dolphin.

4. Restore the correct order of syllables.
1) Chik-lu, bed-le, bo-no, sa-ro, tik-bra, con-ball, mood, zhik-chi. (Lu-chik, le-bed, not-bo, ro-sa, bra-tick, balcony, build-ka, chi-zhik.)
2) Si-spa-bo, ka-sen-so, cho-ko-nok, let-mo-sa, mok-te-re, sol-pod-nuh, tsa-li-u, fan-ra-sa (Spa-si-bo, so-sen-ka, ko-tё-nok, sa-mo-let, te-re-mok, pod-sol-nuh, u-li-tsa, sa-ra-fan.)
3) Ka-zhin-sleep, sin-a-pel, lo-che-vek, bus-to-av, schi-ro-tsa, ro-va-ko, zyay-ho-ka, shi-dy-lan. (Sne-zhin-ka, a-pel-sin, man-age, av-to-bus, gro-shchi-tsa, ko-ro-va, ho-zyay-ka, lan-dy-shi.)
4) Da-us-man-ri, dil-lo-nik-ho, soch-tsa-ni-pe, kol-ko-chik-lo, ri-to-shchi-va, and-za-mo-ka, doo-chik-wan-o, no-under-ki-snow.
(Man-da-ri-ny, ho-lo-dil-nick, ne-soch-ni-tsa, ko-lo-kol-chik, to-va-ri-shi, mo-za-i-ka, oh -do-wan-chik, under-snow-ni-ki.)

5. Complete the syllables or letters to make words.
1) Lu .., ku .., shu .., li .., pa .., wa .., zi .., go .., ko .., la .., ka .., ra .., be .., le .., ba .., with ...
2) Ro .., mo .., for .., those .., before .., not .., mu .., si .., sm .., mal .., tet .., steam .., one hundred .., chalk .., lam .., cro ...
3) Beech .., vish .., sko .., num .., fl .., bel .., doge .., pla .., zn .., ast .., mor .., st .., zvo .., gri .., seer .., cor ...

6. Remove unnecessary syllables to make words.
1) Rookers, bloomers, zvuvaki, zapadik, zivoma, horselings. (Rooks, flowers, sounds, garden, winter, skates.)
2) Yuvala, chailaka, komatik, snakezhok, zakayats, gormika. (Yula, seagull, cat, snowball, hare, slide.)
3) Big bush, indelteres, rislossunok, livlasitsa, filling, poklasuda. (Rosehip, interest, drawing, fox, exercise, dishes.)
4) Flopromaster, Karmiltinki, Verlintolet, Utanlybka, Solvalnyshko, Skvolokrechnik. (Felt pen, pictures, helicopter, smile, sun, birdhouse.)

7. Make a sentence from the words of each line.
Far away, voice, in, cuckoo, heard, grove
In winter, brown, den, bear, in, sleeps
In, golden, came, autumn, forest
In, fortress, build, snowy, guys, yard
By, white, run, sky, clouds, blue, fast
On, fun, sparrow, branch, tweeted
On, lie, colored, table, pencils
Under, twisted, swallows, houses, nest, roof
For, a pond, there, by a village, large
On, apple trees, flowers, branches, snow-white, opened
Weeping, lakes, low, above, willow, waters, bent
In, a little, murmured, a ravine, a stream, you can hear
In the spring, they sing, in, the birds, loudly, in the forest
We, u, brother, in, visit, with, village, grandfathers, love


A sparrow sat on a bush. Murzik the cat is already here. Jump! The bird flew away. (12 words)

The beginning of spring

Snow is melting. A warm breeze is blowing. Fast streams are ringing. Birds fly from the south. (14 words)

Late fall

Less often the sun shines. Cold wind is blowing. It often rains. A white blizzard will soon swirl. (15 words)

After the rain

The summer rain is over. The sun came out. A wet meadow glistened. A rainbow rose over the distant forest. (15 words)
A word for reference: shone.

The sun descended behind the distant forest. A gray mist billowed over the river. The bittern sang a sad song. (15 words)

A fine rain rustles quietly. There are puddles on the paths. Wet flowers are sad in the flowerbed. Autumn soon. (15 words)

Mom came home from work. She makes soup. Sveta and Pasha teach lessons. Grandpa is reading a book. (16 words)

On a walk

Mothers with babies are walking in the park. Sveta has a doll. Vanya has a ball. Children play together. (17 words)

Winter has come. A cold wind blew. White snow covered houses and cars. Bushes fell asleep under a blanket of snow. (17 words)
Word for reference: blanket.

The sun shines brighter. The snow began to melt. Lambs appeared on the branches of the willow. The gray lumps were fluffy and soft. (18 words)

Winter morning

Morning has come. The sun woke up. The snow was illuminated with bright rays. Merry snow sparks flashed. This is a rosy hello to the new day. (19 words)
Words for information: woke up, sparkled.


Morning has come. The sky became light. The stars went out. The birds woke up. Their sonorous songs awakened the forest. Nature meets a new day. (19 words)



1. Underline the letters for hard consonants.
1) Sleep, color, laughter, soap, newspaper, window, yard, ducklings, sailboat, wing, sable, scarf, seeds, telephone.
2) Rocket, den, hide and seek, dinner, drops, foliage, lark, dragonfly, bouquet, bison, coast, victory, turtle, square.
3) Butterfly, thrush, surf, storyteller, mink, nuthatch, sailor, magpie, taiga, concert, carrot, grain, dictionary, guitar.

2. Underline letters for soft consonants.
1) Forest, ocean, guys, spring, buds, puppy, flight, village, rooster, starling, carpet, cranes, portrait, owl.
2) Fox cub, drop, May, sled, time, lemon, light, matryoshka, chaffinch, clover, earth, honey agarics, key, wind.
3) Hippopotamus, tassel, bench, hay, melon, clothes, calf, cave, evening, earrings, viburnum, meeting, capital, stove.

3. Write down the words in which all consonants are solid.
1) Screen, grandfather, alphabet, harvest, cold, March, ver
khushka, badger, morning, bread, thunderstorm, square, clouds, bird.
2) Park, suit, moon, vacation, bridge, cat, glade,
fog, rain, food, aspen, volcano, reeds, light.
3) Caring, party, girl, planet, herd, chandelier, ru
head, vegetables, pocket, summer, beetle, edge, nose, corner.

4. Write down the words in which all consonants are soft.
1) Horizontal bar, beehive, rays, five, garden bed, chanterelles, marten, seals, ruler, aunt, black grouse, greenhouse.
2) Geese, business, nuts, maple, titmouse, cubes, song, frost, apples, nanny, glasses, birch.
3) Rowan, tea, miracles, belt, museum, balls, bucket, beets, fun, day, sword, flower garden.

5. Write out the words with b in the middle, separate them for transfer.
1) Trill, steppe, skates, boy, primer, strong, harbor, fingers, earrings, dove, wattle, mill, letter, downpour.
2) Pipe, ring, chair, joy, fir tree, driver, tenants, caramel, schoolboy, memory, veil, struggle, writer, cornflowers.
3) Kremlin, lynx, porch, greenery, days, watercolor, coat, bitter, bitter, big, dumplings, module, calm, lullaby.

6. Write down the words in which there are more letters than sounds.
1) Thread, blizzard, steel, barley, droplet, lilac, winter, anchor, album, alder, pours, furniture, slice, film.
2) Tulip, family, stranded, crucian carp, camp, dawn, January, rails, waltz, culture, palm, play, medal, root.
3) Conscience, July, fire, boulevard, ash, April, prince, icicle, knee socks, shade, polka, cornflowers, blizzard, shawl.
4) * Tula, Kazan, Yalta, Suzdal, Ufa, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Tyumen, Yakutsk, Perm, Astrakhan, Samara.


Gloomy day

It's cloudy outside. There are dark clouds in the sky. A light rain is falling. Strong wind blows. Coldly. (16 words)

Fine day

Today is wonderful weather. The sun is shining brightly. Dima and Artyom run to the yard for a walk. Children have fun. (17 words)
A word for reference: today.

Rain again

Heavy rain is pouring again. My brother Igor and I stayed at home. You can't walk in this weather. (17 words)
A word for reference: weather.


Dad and I were fishing. I caught two perches. Dad pulled out a big pike. The ear was good! (18 words)
A word for reference: good.

Evening. Little Sasha plays cars. On the wall, the clock struck eight times. Time to collect toys. Time to sleep soon! (18 words)
Words for information: punched, collect.

The beginning of spring

It's March. The bright rays of the sun have become a little warmer. The snow on the roof began to melt. The first drop rang. (19 words)
A word for reference: rang.

Late fall

November has come. The frost covered the puddles with brittle ice. The last leaves fell from the trees. Only near the porch was a little Christmas tree green. (20 words)
A word for reference: late.


Igor caught a cold. He has a bad cough. The boy drinks bitter medicine. School friends call Igor every day. They wish their friend good health. (21 words)
Words for information: wish, friend, support, health.

Children played school. Olga was a teacher. Petya and Sveta are disciples. They read the ABC book. In the notebook, the guys diligently deduced syllables. (21 words)
Word for reference: (in) notebooks.

There is a strong blizzard outside. You can't walk. Little Olga took a brush and watercolors. The girl opened the album. Olya painted a sunny spring. (21 words)
Word for reference: watercolor.

After the rain

The rain has ended. Small puddles remained on the asphalt. Transparent droplets glisten on alder leaves. Sparrows chirped again on the bushes by the porch. (22 words)
Words for information: (on) asphalt, shine, chirped.

I live on Koltsov Street. Our house has ten floors. A large ash tree grows near the porch. The tenants planted tulips on the flower beds. (23 words)
Words for references: grows, ash.


Mom bought the children an album and paints. Dasha drew a cat with a kitten. Kolya has a hero on horseback. The children hung their paintings on the wall. (23 words)
A word for reference: hero.
The dash is pronounced by the teacher.

First grade

Vanya is seven years old. He goes to first grade. Vanya carries a large bouquet of flowers in his hand. The boy has books and a notebook in his knapsack. (25 words)



Take dictation.

1) Kids, summer cottage, siskin, chum, decide, cup, mushroom, hurry, pike, child, pears, seal, fluffy, live.
2) Dinner, steep, silence, knocking, miracle, hedgehog, part, looking for, mode, put, cloud, fresh, gloves, closet.
3) Meeting, pitcher, vat, circling, sorrel, eccentric, case, vest, participation, bug, stockings, runs, task, giraffe.
4) Hands, square, cast iron, beginning, oregano, width, miracles, candle, lilies of the valley, stranger, pea, locust, top, ditties.
5) Berth, teach, spring, luck, dry, Chukchi, sound, make friends, seagull, puddles, screen, hearth, serve, treat.
6) Snowflake, sheepdog, chain mail, bait, promise, silent, embroidery, grove, magician, bumps, sadness, empathetic, smoky, residents.
7) Point, habit, durable, milk, candle, eternity, pen, night light, bull's eye, bump, fishing rod, leaves, heart, precision.
8) Swallow, granddaughter, helper, urgent, cloud, flowers, river, Christmas tree, girl, oncoming, glasses, predator, of course, powerful.
9) Bakery, titmouse, bridle, night, excellent, chanterelle, shop, stove, scientific, ring, toy, vegetable, barrel, twig.


Writing rules

Lay the notebook obliquely.
Hold the handle correctly.
Write cleanly and beautifully.
Think, schoolboy, take your time. (16 words)
Reference word: oblique.

There is lush grass behind the river in the meadow. Grandma Nadya grazes the goat Nochka there. The goat gives tasty and healthy milk. (19 words)

After the rain

The summer rain quickly ended. Gloomy clouds melted in the sky. The sun shone. An ornate rainbow arch rose over the green meadow. (20 words)

Budgerigars lived in the kindergarten. The kids treated their feathered friends to seeds and pieces of vegetables. The birds answered the children with wonderful chirping. (20 words)
A word for reference: parrots.

Spring has begun. Puddles glistened. Rooks have arrived. They build nests. They shout. They bother. Soon rooks will squeak in strong and wide nests. (20 words)
A word for reference: sparkled.


Cubs were born at the zoo in the spring. The rabbits have rabbits. Squirrels grow in the family of fluffy squirrels. Chicks squeak in bird nests. (21 words)
A word for reference: growing.

Mice lived in the closet. Misha's dad brought a cat to the house. They called him Ryzhik. The cat was catching mice. Misha gave Ryzhik milk to drink. (21 words)

Happy Birthday!

Zinochka has a birthday. Parents gave their daughter a dress. Grandmother knitted socks for her granddaughter. Andryusha drew a postcard for his sister. (22 words)
A word for reference: painted.

Evening hunt

In the evening in the forest special life... A prickly hedgehog is in a hurry to hunt. Lynx and badger are looking for prey. Mice will be the owl's supper. (22 words)

For sorrel

A fine May day. The kids came out into the wide meadow. They collected juicy sorrel leaves. For tea, grandmother will bake a sweet cake for the grandchildren. (22 words)
Words for information: collected, baked.

How many sounds in the meadow! Grasshoppers are chirping in the grass. Above, the merry swifts squeak. The sad voice of the cuckoo is heard from the thicket. (22 words)

Grisha has a shepherd puppy. The boy gave him the nickname Brave. Grisha walks with the puppy on the dog playground and teaches him how to serve. (22 words)


Rabbits live in the village of Grisha's grandfather. Grandchildren Anechka and Sasha feed the fluffy animals. Children treat animals with carrots and cabbage leaves. (22 words)

In zoo*

Different animals live in the zoo. Red foxes and spiny hedgehogs live here. Chimpanzees gallop along the branches. Walruses swim in cold water. (23 words)

Time to sleep!

In the evening, forest kids fall asleep in dense thickets. Fluffy rabbits doze lightly. Siskins do not squeak in the nest. Red squirrels settled down in the hollow. (23 words)

After the rain

A rain cloud rushed away. Above, the sun smiled broadly. His mischievous laughs glittered in the transparent puddles. Butterflies swirled over the fragrant rosehip flowers. (23 words)

A gloomy cloud covered the sun. A strong wind rose. Leaves flew from the birches. And at home there is silence. Only frequent drops hit the glass. The clock ticks slightly. (25 words)

Katya woke up early. The girl washed and dressed quickly. For breakfast there was fragrant tea and a bun. The silence of the morning was broken by the striking of the clock. We must hurry to school. (25 words)

On the river the boys were fishing. Misha has perch in a bucket. Little Alyosha has ruffs splashing their tails in a ladle. Barsik will have fresh fish for dinner! (25 words)
Word for reference: (at) small.



1. Write down the words, select test words for them.
1) Wall, window, pancakes, wave, runs, stable, heat, rock, bee, shore, burrow, face, throw, flower garden.
2) Breeze, Protect, Fin, Marine, Straight, Islet, Glass, Back, Meet, Trap, Squirrel, Silence, Starlings, Home.
3) Shakes, singer, hurry, gardener, live, sitting, fox, lies, good, eaglet, whistle, top, carries, cleanliness.
4) Feeder, sculpted, builder, water, grassy, \u200b\u200bwinter, shady, bursting, leaves, look, dew, watchmaker, flies, snowman.
5) * Maria, Vasily, Polina, Alexey, Ekaterina, Stepan, Tatiana, Grigory, Svetlana, Leonid, Nadezhda, Georgy, Anastasia, Mikhail.

2. Change the words so that they mean many things.
Word, row, forest, ball, rain, trunk, mushroom, fruit, snow, rook, case, place, thrush, floor, umbrella.

3. Change the words so that they represent one thing.
Nests, thunderstorms, lakes, owls, countries, legs, villages, slabs, springs, grasses, sisters, stars, trails, boards, rivers, pines.

4. Match each word with two test words. Turns green, stripe, golden, babbling, furrow, head, side, beard, spikelet, refrigerator, voices, guard, bothering, starving, helping, evening, young, having fun.


Spring. The sun warms up warmer. The drops are ringing. The darkened snow is melting. Streams murmur merrily. Young green grass will appear soon. (18 words)
A word for reference: will appear.

It became cold in the forest thicket. The bear has made a den under the roots of the tree. The clubfoot went into hibernation until spring. (18 words)
A word for reference: den.

Native open spaces

The vastness of Russia is great! There are wide fields, green meadows, pine forests, deep seas. We are proud of our country. (19 words)
Words for information: here, Russia.
The teacher says the commas.

Spring worries

The sparrows had a nest in the attic. In the spring, chicks squeaked there. Sparrows carried flies and mosquitoes to their children. (19 words)


The snow melted in a forest clearing. Green needles of grass appeared. The flowers of the lungwort were in full swing. The first bee flew in for sweet nectar. (19 words)
Words for information: melted, with nectar.

Spring again *

Spring. The trees are green in the park. The cheerful starlings returned to their native birdhouses. Their melodious voices rang out. The old park came to life. (20 words)

Spring chores

Spring came. Rooks appeared in the yard near the nest. They fuss merrily. The chicks will have a large and durable home. (20 words)


Frost painted wonderful patterns on the window. Here are the trees in the snow. There is a bouquet of flowers. And this is a fabulous bird. Very beautiful! (20 words)


A young apple tree is growing in my grandfather's garden. In spring, it blooms with fragrant pinkish stars. In the fall, the tree treats us with ruddy apples. (20 words)
A word for reference: growing.

Early summer. Swifts fly with a cheerful squeak over the city. Above, they catch midges and mosquitoes. Time to feed the chicks! (20 words)

Autumn sadness

Fall. It rains more and more often. Starlings and rooks flew away long ago. There is silence in the fields and forests. It's a sad time. (21 words)

Gifts of autumn

A harvest of vegetables is ripe in the garden. On the beds grew ka-empty and carrots. It's time to harvest the potatoes too. We are delighted with a generous harvest. (21 words)
A word for reference: grown.

At the top of the spruce, the siskin made a nest. There are five motley testicles lying on the soft feather bed. Soon little chicks will squeak in the nest. (21 words)

Linden blossoms

Linden blossoms in summer. Her flowers are small but fragrant. Bees fly to the tree for the sweet smell. Linden honey is tasty and healthy. (22 words)

The first snowflakes

Coldly. The foliage has flown. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. How they look like wonderful flowers! The first snowball covers the ground with a shiny carpet. (22 words)

Spring danger

In winter, the river slept under a thick ice blanket. In the spring the ice darkened and became fragile. Now it is very dangerous to go out on thin ice. (22 words)

Grandma has many flowers in the garden. They delight us with their wonderful outfits. Graceful butterflies fly over bright flower beds. Very beautiful! (22 words)
A word for reference: delight.

Spring Heralds

March. There is still snow on the ground. But the rooks are already flying to their native places. They are the first to carry the news of the approaching spring. (22 words)
Word for reference: messengers.

By the seashore

Wave after wave runs into the seashore. Small stones are visible in the water at the bottom. A light surf shakes the green algae slightly. (23 words)

Girlfriends paint on the asphalt with crayons. Polina has a naughty kitten in the picture. Katyusha has a hedgehog running along a forest path. The drawings turned out beautiful! (23 words)
Reference words: (on) asphalt, naughty.

First lesson

In the spring ducklings hatched. Soon she took the kids to the lake. Fluffy babies rowed diligently with their paws and followed their mother in a slender chain. (24 words)

In the spring in the yard

The days are warm. Puddles glisten on the roads. Merry streams run in the yard. The boys are launching boats. Girls are jumping rope. How good spring is! (25 words)

Autumn chores

Winter is coming soon. Forest animals are in a hurry to hide from the frost. The bear is looking for a den. The spiny hedgehog will sleep in a deep burrow. The squirrel will hide in the hollow. (25 words)
Words for information: hide, hide.

Caring parents

There is a nest in the tree. Rooks live there. In the spring they have a lot of worries. Rooks need to feed the chicks. Parents fly to the nest all day. They carry food for children. (27 words)



1. Write down words with paired consonants at the end.

b - p: bread, oak, forehead, soup, post, dove, box, tooth, ladder, mushroom, crab, log house, shot, sheaf, thorn, ice hole, dill, lumberjack, hawk, sickle, club, snowdrift, bruise, headquarters, gallop, baobab, sheepskin coat, trench, ledge, rhombus, skyscraper, chain, coat of arms, cube, steppe; Gleb, Osip, Arkhip, Ob.

in - f: wardrobe, lion, giraffe, shoes, carrot, branch, beak, island, sleeve, appeal, eyebrow, pilaf, scarf, bay, worm, composition, breakthrough, love, hum, roar, body, temper, sowing, motive, reserve, call, charter, myth, boa constrictor, black grouse; Lev, Yakov, Yaroslav, Saratov, Rostov, Kirov, Pskov.

g-k: step, iron, magician, pie, ravine, flag, lodging, feat, coast, boot, run, stack, crackle, south, snow, lighthouse, meadow, octopus, tongue, beetle, horn, glare, chest, enemy, threshold, circle, bank, bow,
thursday, friend, varnish, sound, sign, duty, pearl, delight, hose, source, century, preposition, eraser, flow, poppy, start, syllable, cottage cheese, meeting, hearth, moment, man, heather; Mark, Oleg, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Bryansk, Kursk, Veliky Ustyug.

d - t: leaf, horse, honey, cold, transition, fruit, rain, people, pond, city, outfit, pilot, grapes, square, ice, salad,
arch, swan, plant, bear, warehouse, thrush, shell, notebook, fireworks, raft, trail, vegetable garden, light, artist, hail, brushwood, seine, leopard, fleet, binding, lunch, glad, bush, labor, year, detachment, poster, view, nail, robe, port, charge, train, bouquet, sunset, ice drift, west, wire, ford, take, record, vest, grandfather, mole, Swede, ticket, pirate, tablecloth, cake, advice, stomp, brush, parade, plaid, brother, copper, neighbor, handful, stingray, alphabet, secret, sight, guest, internet, turn, fund, hunger, fruit, comfort, network, bridge, gymnast, fort, round dance, camel, garden, crossbill, portrait, row, march, tail, shield, square; Vlad, Leonid, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod.

w - w: walrus, garage, swift, bend, pencil, floor, already, bucket, crew, hut, drawing, watchman, beach, hedgehog, reed, march, knife, stained glass, kid, ruff, luggage, arena, siskin, landscape, border lily of the valley, mirage; Voronezh, Irtysh.

s-s: elk, belt, story, wagon train, cargo, knight, service, diamond, elm, order, ear, watermelon, eye, space, bus, nose, mowing, compass, frost, forest, pump, brought, prince, question, cone, pineapple, frozen, interest, coconut, climbed, sailor, incision, mustache, dirt, overweight, surprise, virus, mandate, office, globe, course, saved, taste, address, voice, gas, cactus, communication, slope, basin, height, focus, pier, image, pile, atlas, ointment, competition, union, whim, cliff, apricot, lynx, pole, oats; Boris, Taras, Denis, Elbrus, Mars.

2. Write down words with paired consonants in the middle.
1) Birch, pointer, mouse, duck, cover, bandage, crumb, pillow, riddle, carving, gatehouse, legs, hat, boat, bookmark, boots, nails. 2) Carriage, box, chamomile, book, spoon, gazebo, team, girlfriend, cup, toy, matryoshka, mesh, accordion, brood hen, path, cage, habits.
3) Shop, skirt, upholstery, trip, folder, cap, toffee, mittens, fish, find, garrison cap, curtain, foot, trail, sheep, purchase, dispatch.
4) Shell, cork, error, exploration, fur coat, fairy tale, booth, beds, exercise, paints, hazel grouse, masonry, ancestors, basket, buckle, blouse, socks, cap, smile.

3. Write down words with paired consonants at the end and in the middle.
1) Younger brother, bitter frost, ready to hike, rare forest, songbird, rye bread, hoofbeats, slippery ice, sharp sound, eyes shine, big snowdrift, neat look, deep ravine, juicy watermelon, frozen pond.
2) Short sleeve, high post, close friend, narrow belt, ripe ear, low threshold, mighty oak, light luggage, winter cold, rocky coast, sweet cake, detachment of soldiers, beautiful landscape, brought to the warehouse, hard diamond.
3) An outfit of birches, good catch, already crawled away, climbed over the hedge, bookcase, access to the arena, town square, strong beak, saved the flag, flight over the pole, brought it on Thursday, bruised forehead, timid voice, overgrown garden, light stars, space flight, folder for papers, stack of newspapers, elevation difference.

4. Insert missing paired consonants. Explain the meanings of the words.

1) le .. - le .. (c - h)
lu .. - lu .. (g - k)
ro .. - ro .. (t - d)
to .. - to .. (t - d)

before .. - before .. (y - k)
ser .. - ser .. (p - b)
boo .. - boo .. (k - g)

2) flat .. - flat .. (d - t)
blo .. - blo .. (k - g)
pru .. - pru .. (d - t)
ma .. - ma .. (g - k)

Molo .. - young .. (d - t)
gru .. - gru .. (gree - st)
gri .. gri .. (b - pp)


My grandmother gave me a hat, mittens and socks. I knitted the scarf myself. Now the frost is not terrible! (17 words)

Heather grew among the rare pines. The bright color of the small flowers fascinated the eye. Bees hummed all day over the low bushes. (19 words)
Words for information: fascinated, bees.

A sharp wind blew. Young oaks swayed and sticky. An old elm creaked at the edge. A yellow leaf fell on the russula's hat. (20 words)
Reference word: yellow.

My brother built a hut for us. My father gave me a compass. My friend Vlad and I played scouts. Our headquarters was in the hut. (21 words)


Nadia sewed an outfit for Masha's doll. Masha is wearing a blouse with short sleeves and a skirt with a narrow belt. The head is decorated with a beret. (21 words)
A word for reference: takes.

Oleg and Denis go to the forest. Watchdog runs nearby. Suddenly a hazel grouse flew out of the bushes. The dog barked sharply. A faithful watchman guards the guys. (22 words)

A sparrow was jumping along the path. He found a crumb of bread. The sparrow took her in his beak and flew into the attic. There the chicks were waiting for him. (22 words)
Words for information: found it.

A narrow path led us to a quiet lake. Its shore is overgrown with soft grass. the blue water reflected light clouds and a distant forest. (23 words)
A word for reference: reflected.

Mushroom time

It's time for mushroom in the forest. Here is a strong mushroom under the spruce. A lump hid under a birch leaf. The russula ran to the path. Fungi are good! (23 words)

First grader

Boris goes to first grade. The boy has a textbook and a notebook in his briefcase. Pen and pencil in the pencil case. Boris keeps things in order. (23 words)

Spring. Gleb and Denis went to the river bank. They looked at the ice drift. There are many puddles on the shore. Gleb's boots are wet. Time to go home. (24 words)

Vlad went to the forest. He brought a basket of blueberries. Mom poured sugar into the bowl. She dipped the berries into the sweet syrup. Delicious jam turned out! (24 words)
Words for information: poured, sugar.

The coming of spring

Spring has come to our city. Snow is melting. There is ice on the river. The frost is not terrible. Birches and oaks will soon be wearing a green outfit. (24 words)
A word for reference: not scary.

Grandma's worries

Grandma Dasha has a vegetable garden. Onions, carrots, radishes grow in the beds. Vegetables need watering and good maintenance. Growing a rich harvest is a lot of work, (24 words)
Words for references: grow, grow.
The teacher says the commas and dashes.

March has come. Ice cracked on the rivers. Ice drift began. We went ashore along the path. The snow has already melted. The ice carried the winter cold with it. (24 words)
A word for reference: melted.

On Thursday, Vita's friend Oleg came to see him. Mom made dinner. Fresh bread, salad and soup are on the table. Then there will be sweet cake and tea. (24 words)
Words for information: came, prepared.

Winter fun

Frost hit. The pond is frozen. Vlad and Gleb took their skates and ran to the pond. There were a lot of guys there. Skates jingle merrily on slippery ice. (25 words)

A narrow path ran through the meadow. We went along it to the river. A willow bush grew on the shore. Grandfather Oleg was sitting on the sand. He was fishing. (25 words)

After snowfall

Snow. A large snowdrift has grown near the house. Oak put on a white hat. Birches dressed up in fluffy fur coats. The cat Barsik left the first trace on the snow carpet. (26 words)



1. Take dictation.
The city of Semyonov, the Yenisei River, poems by Fedor Tyutchev, Sergei Yesenin Street, Lake Baikal, the tales of Korney Chukovsky, the Laptev Sea, Sakhalin Island, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, teacher Sergei Borisovich, Victory Avenue, Planet Earth, stories by Nikolai Sladkov, Mount Elbrus, poet Ivan Surikov, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.

2. Continue the sentences.
I know five girls' names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five boy names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five cat names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five dog names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five city names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five river names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of the seas: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five country names: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five names of the planets: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....
I know five heroes of fairy tales: ..., ..., ..., ..., ....

3. Write down the words to be capitalized (proper names), along with the words to which they refer.
My brother Seryozha Koltsov is in the third grade.
Zhukova Street goes to Victory Square.
The town of Tchaikovsky stands on the left bank of the Kama River.
Nanny Nadezhda Ivanovna read Sergei Kozlov's fairy tales to the kids.
Moscow is the capital of Russia.
Our school is located on Michurin Street.
Artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born in the city of Elabuga.
The highest mountain on the globe is called Everest.
Cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov is the first man on the planet to go into outer space.
The Lena River flows into the Laptev Sea.
Grandfather Ignat has a horse Buyan and a puppy Jim.


Little Yura Gagarin wanted to fly. Soon the dream came true. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth. (17 words)
Word for reference: astronaut.

Fluffy babies

Kittens were born to Murka. The children gave them nicknames. The kittens were named Fluff and Barsik. Murka took care of her kids. (20 words)

Kuzma Minin *

Many years ago, Moscow was captured by enemies. Kuzma Minin gathered an army in Nizhny Novgorod. It drove the Poles out of
Moscow. (20 words)
Word for reference: drove away.

Small homeland

My name is Seryozha Smirnov. I live in the village of Okskoye on Lesnaya Street. Behind the village there is a lake Svetloye. It is very beautiful in here! (22 words)

Solar family

The sun is a hot star. Eight planets revolve around the Sun. Our Earth is among them. Sun and planets
form Solar system... (22 words)
A word for reference: revolve.
The dash is pronounced by the teacher.

Sasha Troshin and Kolya Shishkin are friends. They live on Minin Street. The guys study in the first grade. Their teacher is named Vera Ivanovna. (22 words)
The dash is pronounced by the teacher.

The Volga River is wide and majestic. On its banks are the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. (22 words)
Reference word: Volgograd.
The teacher says the commas.


Girlfriends Katya Shilova and Alena Luzhina draw. Andrei Grishin and Seryozha Molchanov solve the puzzle. Artyom Chugunov and Gena Kruzhilin play checkers. (23 words)

Little Aibolit

Mom read a fairy tale about Aibolit to Kolya. It was written by Korney Chukovsky. The boy also wanted to heal the animals. Kolya bandaged the cat's paw. Don't be ill, Murka! (24 words)

our planet

We live on the Earth. She has a moon moon. The earth revolves around the sun. This star gives light and warmth to our planet. (24 words)
A word for reference: revolves.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great poet. All children know his tales. Tsar Saltan, prince Elisey, Balda live in them. We love to read Pushkin's fairy tales. (24 words)
Reference word: Alexander.
The teacher says the dash and commas.

In zoo

In Nizhny Novgorod there is the Limpopo Zoo. The Irtysh deer, the bison Murat, the tiger Emir, and the bear Balu live here. Children love to visit animals. (25 words)
The teacher pronounces the quotation marks and commas.

In library

Our school has a library. Elena Alekseevna works there. We love to listen to her. She reads about Dunno and Mowgli, about Gerda and Cinderella. (25 words)
The comma is pronounced by the teacher.

In kindergarten

Lena, Vanya, Slava, Galya go to kindergarten. The teacher Nina Andreevna plays with the kids. Nanny Vera Ivanovna reads fairy tales to children. It's good here for the kids. (26 words)
Words for information: teacher, here.
The teacher says the commas.

On a rainy day

It rains all day. Children play at home. Slava and Kolya are painting. Little Olga's mother reads poetry by Sergei Mikhalkov. Grandmother knits socks for granddaughter Sveta. (26 words)



1. Write down the words answering the question who ?, in the left column, answering the question what ?, in the right column.
1) Frequent, sound, flies, evening, pine, cow, lemon, rustles, school, Ivan, free, sail, squirrel, tall, boy.
2) Student, blue, mountain, rush, ball, sparrow, bright, rook, oak, hears, forest, ostrich, grass, notebook, distant, dog.
3) Word, strong, bush, Olga, found, colored, hedgehog, grove, grandmother, cold, giraffe, pencil, autumn, junior, seagull.

2. Write the words-answers. Ask them who? or what?
1) Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (Cock)
2) Was born in the forest, lives in the water. (A boat)
3) Not a tailor, but walks with needles all his life. (Lzh)
4) He comes without legs, he talks without language. (Letter)
5) An eagle flies across the blue sky,
She spread her wings, covered the sun. (Cloud)
6) I swam in the water, but remained dry. (Goose)

3. Complete each sentence with three words, ask them who? or what?
..., ..., ... are trees,
..., ..., ... are pets.
..., ..., ... - this is flowers.
..., ..., ... are birds.
..., ..., ... are the seasons.

4*. Write proverbs, insert missing words. Underline words that answer the questions who? or what?
See the tree in fruit, and the man in ... (deeds).
Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart ... (in the winter).
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).
The world is illuminated by the sun, and a person ... (knowledge).
Do not rush with your tongue, hurry ... (with deed).



July. Sweet cherries ripened in the garden. Grandmother treated her grandchildren with delicious berries. Berries are good! (14 words)

There was a gatehouse at the edge. Forester Pavel Vasilyevich lived there. He protected the forest from fires and felling. (17 words)
Word for reference: (from) fires.

Signs of autumn

The days are getting shorter. A light rain often falls. The leaves on the trees turn yellow. Birds fly south. It's sad. (18 words)
A word for reference: sad.

The fox lives in the forest. Everyone knows her cunning disposition. The fox is an intelligent and careful predator. Her prey is mice, hares.
(19 words)
The teacher says the comma and dash.


The days are colder. Birches and poplars turned yellow. Birds fly to the south. The starling sang a farewell song. It is sad to leave the native nest. (20 words)
A word for reference. sad.

Baikal is the deepest lake on our planet. The water in it is clean and transparent, the shores of Lake Baikal are surrounded by mountains and hills. (20 words)
Word for reference: (on) planet.
The dash is pronounced by the teacher.

Sister Olya is embroidering with a cross. The picture shows a meadow and a river. Fluffy clouds float in the sky. Olya will present the embroidery to her beloved mother. (20 words)
A word for reference: will give.

Children are playing in the meadow. Lena weaves a wreath of daisies. Little Igor catches a butterfly. Nadia is collecting a bouquet of flowers for her mother. (21 words)
Words for references: wreath, collects.

Mushroom pickers

Slavik and Vasya went to the forest. They have baskets full of mushrooms. There are mushrooms and milk mushrooms. Grandma will pickle mushrooms for the winter. (21 words)

On a walk

On the weekend, my whole family was on a river walk. Seagulls flew behind our ship. Sister Katya fed the birds with slices of bread. (22 words)

Poplar fluff

June. The days are fine. A warm breeze carries poplar fluff through the city streets. Light clouds of white fluffs enveloped the lawns and paths. (22 words)


My grandfather and I made a birdhouse. The grandfather tied the house for feathered guests tightly to the trunk of the apple tree. In the spring, starlings settled in the new dwelling. (23 words)

Night Hunter

Evening comes to the forest. A hedgehog crawls out of the hole. He goes hunting. The hedgehog is looking for food in the dense grass. The hunter catches insects. (23 words)
Word for reference: insects.

My room

My room is big. There is a sofa against the wall. Nearby is a bookcase. There is a table near the window. There is a notebook on it. Around cleanliness and comfort. (23 words)

Poultry dining room

Hungry for the birds in winter. Dima and Vitya made a feeding trough. The boys carried her out into the garden, poured the grains. The children took care of the birds throughout the winter. (23 words)
The comma is pronounced by the teacher.

Fall. Birds gathered on a long journey. Swifts and starlings flew away in flocks. The swallows and cuckoos said goodbye to us. A wedge stretched to the south of the cranes. (24 words)

Mushroom time

There are many mushrooms in the forest in autumn. Here at the hemp mushrooms were crowded. Chanterelles have gathered at the edge of the forest. Oil caps glisten under a pine tree. Mushrooms are good! (24 words)

For grandchildren

Plums are ripe in the garden. Gera's grandfather picked up a large basket of sweet fruits. Grandma Nina made jam. Grandchildren love this fragrant delicacy for tea. (24 words)
Words for information: ripe, delicacy.


Autumn has come. From the cold flies and butterflies climbed into the cracks. Snakes hid under the roots of trees. The hedgehog disappeared into the hole. Everyone is hiding from the winter cold. (after V. Bianchi) (24 words)
The comma is pronounced by the teacher.

A kitten was walking in the yard. He was thin and dirty. Misha took him home. The boy gave the kitten the nickname Barsik. The cat began to live with Misha. (24 words)

Who lives where?

Fox and bear live in the forest. Breams and catfish swim in the river. The bee and the bumblebee are good in the meadow. Everyone has their own houses. (25 words)

Forest houses

There are different dwellings in the forest. The squirrel lives in a hollow. Birds build their nests. Beavers are building huts. Hedgehogs hide in holes. Forest dwellers are good builders. (25 words)
A word for reference: hiding.
The dash is pronounced by the teacher.

Sunny summer morning. Children play on the seashore. Little Dima is building a castle. Sveta and Dasha make cakes out of sand. Good for children on the beach. (25 words)

Winter is coming soon!

Forest dwellers are ready to meet winter. The bunny put on a white fur coat. The hedgehog and the badger fell asleep in their burrows. The squirrel has a supply of dry mushrooms in the hollow. (26 words)
A word for reference: stored.

Class. Vocabulary dictations on spelling topics

Vocabulary dictation number 1. Unpronounceable and doubtful consonants

Agency, assistant, silent, disinterested, impartial, insensitive, shine, cobbled, sad, sorrowful, long live, conscientious, official, boardwalk, cheerful, provincial, intellectual, skillful, fiber, commandant, large scale, lazy , confidant, fury, buster, neighborhood, danger, parliamentary, transmitter, defector, cross.

Vocabulary dictation number 2. Unpronounceable and doubtful consonants (continued)

Scribe, overlap, gritty, superficial, subscriber, by the bridle, late, still, fellow traveler, lean, regale, handwriting, festive, harbinger, premonition, adorable, scout, send out (from send), spread (from lay), rare , x-ray, eyelash, peer, fisherman, peer, secular, verbal, conscientious, joint, passionate, crazy, edible, reed, tourist, painful, ponderous, county, abolish, participate, crunch, private, march (go), patronize ( be a chef), furious, delicious.

Vocabulary dictation number 3. Words with double consonants

Accompaniment, accompany, accordion, battery, neat, allegory, alligator, abstract, antenna, apparatus, appetite, application, artillery, assistant, assortment, certificate, attraction, affect, ballast, ballast, balloon, barricade, bacillus, insomnia, diamond, non-accessory, villa, reins, scorched, gamma, gibbon, hippo, gorilla, gram, flu, diagram, discussion, trained, yeast, burnt, buzz, illusion, illumination, illustration, immunity, intelligence, intelligent, art, calligraphy, cassette, classic, colleague, team, collection, colossus (giant).

Vocabulary dictation number 4. Words with double consonants (continued)

Commission, commentary, compress, compromise, congress, coral, correct, correspondent, corrosion, cottage, crystal, cross, crossword puzzle, massage, massif, metal, mission, narcissus, short story, occupation, Odessa (Odessa), parallel, passenger, passive , apron, pessimism, press, progress, propeller, profession, process, calculate, director, savannah, rack, telegram, tennis, terrace, territory, ton, track, trolleybus, troupe, tunnel, hockey, hockey player, hall, cellophane, chassis , highway, express, effect.

Vocabulary dictation number 5. Words with double consonants. Words with no double consonants

Aluminum, actress, Belarusian, Belarusian (but: Belarus, Belarusian), grumble, volleyball, gallery, living room, hotel, humanism, landing, dessert, dilettante, drama, imitation, caricature, column, corridor, crystal, midget, semolina, operetta , official, officer, privilege, producer, race, calculation, calculating, settlement, resource, abstract, three-ton, worker, Finnish, elite.

Vocabulary dictation number 6. PRESETS PRE- and PRI-

Stay somewhere, arrive somewhere, despise a traitor, despise an orphan, stop, transform, overcome, an obstacle, a claim, pretend, close a door, fulfill a dream, plans; get used to, cook, order, adventure, try on clothes, reconcile enemies, acquire, adapt, be present, pretend to be sick, oppose, stumbling block, bride's dowry, dowry, privilege, priority.

Vocabulary dictation number 7. O-E-E after hissing

Jockey, juggler, heartburn, major, burn (n.), Arson (n.), Burned (verb), gluttonous, undershirt, ratchet, slum, thicket, prim, ramrod, saddler, rustle, twine, lit, chewed, gutter , purse, not counting, defect, worthless, liver, hairstyle, millet, lattice, clear, whisper, dandy, alkali, roaming, rooting, tension, spending the night, standing apart, baked, condensed milk, dried, crushed, stewed, stewed , vershok, sexton, redhead, beginner, hacksaw, brocade, little hand, little river, conductor, trainee.

Vocabulary dictation No. 8. N and NN in different parts speeches

Chewed, forged, windy (person, day), windmill (engine, smallpox, mill), silver, wood, glass, pewter, dowry (bride), attached value, imprisoned, planted father, desired, cutesy, given, unintentional , desperate, sacred, unprecedented, unheard of, mad, outlandish, ancient, bottomless, insomnia, abandoned, clever, frozen, nephew, birthday boy, wounded, woven.

Vocabulary dictation No. 9. N and NN in different parts of speech (continued)

Hobbled, woolen, coming of age, admirer, confused, punctual, zealous, calculated, groomed, runny, enameled, artificial, dime, debatable, qualified, classified, unexpectedly, swindler, worker, the above, spoiled, intruder, intruder, occupied length, long, gifted, notorious, unwritten, uninvited.

Vocabulary dictation number 10. Complex nouns

Flight attendant, vice president, military leader, unfortunate man, woodworkers, ivan da marya (plant), stationery, kilowatt hour, false prophet, camouflage cloak, mother and stepmother (plant), miniskirt, apartment museum, nord- west, vegetable store, bridgehead, press conference, prima ballerina, half-notebook, turnover, fourth-year, South American.

Vocabulary dictation number 11. Compound adjectives

Mutually perpendicular, vitamin-containing, highly intellectual, interesting, vital, ideological and political, green-blue, sweet and sour, tongue-tied, monetary, left-handed, literary-critical, as close as possible, lightning-fast, scientifically grounded, popular science, mutual benefits socially useful, social and political, official business, slavishly submissive, widely available.

Class. Words with unverifiable spellings (alphabetically)

Vocabulary dictation number 12. A

Subscription, entrant, gamble, unit, lawyer, adjutant, academy, accompaniment, allegory, amphitheater, analogy, anomaly, anonymous, applause, armature, artillery, rearguard, astronomy, attraction, application, appeal.

Vocabulary dictation number 13. B

Crimson, grocery, beat the thumbs up, balance, ballerina, ballast, balloon, barometer, velvet, battalion, battery, fringe, concrete, twine, can, binoculars, bisector, blockade, hero, boycott, swamp, burgundy, bracelet, tarpaulin, diamond , brochure, sandwich, newsletter.

Vocabulary dictation number 14. В

Wagon, vacancy, vacuum, vaccine, mitten, cheesecake, bicycle, fan, camel, string, spindle, vermicelli, lobby, veteran, ham, visit, vinaigrette, cello, virtuoso, stained glass window, showcase, station, volleyball, red tape, fiber, magic.

Vocabulary dictation number 15. Г

Envelope, harbor, lawn, haberdashery, gallery, garage, wardrobe, harmony, garrison, general, genius, geology, dahlia, herbarium, hybrid, hygiene, gymnastics, hyperbole, hypothesis, garland, fee, horizon, ready-room, graduation, grammar, letter, grimace, humanism.

Vocabulary dictation number 16. D

Motto, deserter, disinfection, recitation, declaration, delegation, delicacy, demi-season, demobilization, democracy, landing, dessert, defect, hyphen, diagnosis, diagonal, dialect, diameter, range, saboteur, division, diet, dilettante, diplomat, director, conductor, dispatcher, discipline, donor, thoroughly.

Vocabulary dictation number 17. E-I

Huntsman, raccoon, jacket, jargon, jasmine, coveted, pearl, token, vest, juggler, marshmallow, ignore, hierarchy, hieroglyph, illumination, imitation, inventory, frost, engineer, initial, intelligence, intelligent, interval, interior, incident, true.

Vocabulary dictation number 18. K

Cable, cockpit, cavalry, quotes, pun, kalancha, kalach, kaleidoscope, calendar, calligraphy, calorie, tuning fork, closet, campaign (event), ditch, channel, cannonade, chancery, loaf, caravan, quarantine, guard, caricature, frame , carnival, cornice, cardboard, pan, catalog, disaster, hard labor, muffler, chestnut, cabin, receipt.

Vocabulary dictation number 19. К

Kangaroo, ceramics, cybernetics, cypress, muslin, clarinet, holster, gingerbread, feather grass, colleague, collective, column, color, ear (for cereals), colossus (giant), cap, collective farm, combine, combine, comedy, comet, commission , chest of drawers, company (society, associations, enterprise), compass, compensation, compliment, composer, component, compress, compromise, comfort, conveyor belt, conservatory, conspiracy, contingent, continent.

Vocabulary dictation number 20. К

Smuggling, contract, entertainer, confetti, confiscate, burner, concentrate, coral, basket, corridor, rocker, trough, astronaut, pit, head of cabbage, numb, poker, wallet, coefficient, nettle, credit, crystal, criterion, painstaking, cult walk.

Vocabulary dictation number 21. L-M

Labyrinth, laboratory, infirmary, laconic, laureate, hovel, legend, liquidation, limit, linoleum, ankle, hollow, locomotive, shovel, flap, lottery, rags, hollow, mausoleum, highway, pasta, waste paper, margarine, manifesto, manifesto, puppet, median, medicines, medicine, mezzanine, melancholy, melody, memorial, meridian.

Vocabulary dictation number 23. P

Pavilion, tent, front garden, panorama, pantomime, paragraph, paradox, parachute, parquet, parliament, parody, partisan, perfumery, brocade, pastille, patriot, patient, shroud, dumplings, parchment, railings, perimeter, periscope, periphery, mother of pearl, perspective, infantry, pyramid.

Vocabulary dictation number 24. P

Plantation, plasticine, plafond, polemic, polygon, purse, curtain, pedestal, president, contradict, premiere, drug, claim, precedent, fastidious, privilege, priority, food, province, provocation, forecast, project, proclamation, propaganda, propeller, pseudonym, pedestal.

Vocabulary dictation number 25. Р-С

Diet, revolution, regulations, director, reservoir, residence, resonance, record, relic, cost-effective, repertoire, rehearsal, reportage, restoration, recipe, relapse, rhetoric, saxophone, napkin, locust, flute, semaphore, sensation, service, sergeant, certificate, silhouette, pretty, synonym, syntax, lilac, situation, spacesuit, shell, solidarity, sonata, rival, sports day, specialist, standard, chisel, rack, scholarship, turmoil.

Vocabulary dictation number 26. T-U

Customs, plate, television, temperament, trend, ax, brake, torpedo, tragedy, trajectory, springboard, ram, tram, transformer, trench, stencil, coach, training, tribune, sidewalk, trophy, ultimatum, rapture, hurricane, institution.

Vocabulary dictation number 27. F-X

Faculty, fanatic, plywood, pharmacist, porcelain, façade, faience, federation ( Russian Federation), extravaganza, fireworks, phenomenon, festival, philharmonic, branch, bottle, flannel, folio, phonetics, fountain, format, force, piano, pediment, chameleon, chaotic, choreography, anthology.

class. Vocabulary dictations on spelling topics


Vocabulary dictation number 1

Entrant, advance, agent, agony, outpatient clinic, amortization, appeal, arbiter, artel, artery, assembly, certificate, ballast, bankrupt, bonapartism, budget, petroleum jelly, vaccine, mutual, domineering, influence, attention, enthusiastic, burns out, key, heavenly, bakes, sneaks, jump, grows, whispers.

Vocabulary dictation number 2

Airfield, airport, battalion, security, guarantee, hygiene, hypnosis, fee, disorganization, discrimination, contract, dependent, image, import, inversion, election campaign, group of friends, metro, ease, image, optimist, nature, taxi.

Vocabulary dictation number 3

Division, authority, office, cassation, quarter, collectivism, committee, communiqué, competent, compromise, competition, ascertain, consultation, confiscation, cooperative, credit, bill, palm, landscape, museum, propeller.

Vocabulary dictation number 4

Committee, persecution, carnival, commission, congress, privilege, majority, illumination, theater, conference, rehearsal, minority, biography, president, route, skillful, legendary, director, art, amaze, peer, carnival, rally, bibliographer, delegate, vacations, candidate, legend, peer, devotee, tradition, ideology, dedication, scholarship, deputy, ideal, diploma, true, certificate, testimony, talented, secretary, fellow, genuine, obelisk, heroism, genius, director, profession, pursue, specialty, priority, regulate, presidium, courage.

Vocabulary dictation number 5

Genuine art, striking changes, skilled craftsman, inaccessible mountains, rustles of the forest, certificate of maturity, biography of the president, impress those present, surprise at the carnival, bring to life, dedication to ideals, talented director, give meaning, unfounded privileges, exceed powers, delightful illumination, dry drops of dew, uncovered head, no one to tell, lack of patience.

Vocabulary dictation number 6

Discussion, debate, experiment, transform, restoration, worker, motto, ensemble, composer, illustrated, play, trolleybus, tramway, ideal, resolution, landscape, conference, majority, landscape, embody, embodiment, commission, rehearsal, congress, amaze, vacation, squadron, delegate, candidate, dedication, banner, poster, tradition, certificate, genuine, profession, composition, fellow, talented.

Vocabulary dictation number 7

I saw nothing; I didn't want to depend on anyone for my whole life; nothing surprised; did not find it anywhere; as if nothing had happened; could not be heard from anywhere; never turned to anyone for anything; nobody believes in this project; it is nothing but a quagmire; she needs nothing else; fancy golden orange color; purchase fifty books; turn half of the island into an oasis; think about something.

Vocabulary dictation number 8

Wooden blockhouse, painted floor, windy day, tree felled, unpainted walls, painted wall, ice house, lights off, loaded carriage, cooked borscht, connected together, fictional story, true friend, hidden in a house, flat terrain, decorated with a drawing, built house, the book is read, the letter is written and sent, the old house, the problem solved, the problem solved, the silver cup, the story heard, the stone thrown.

Vocabulary dictation number 9Designate the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain the conditions for choosing a vowel in them.

Progressive director legendary hero, biography of a worker, select a successor, close-knit team, ship crew, be late for a meeting, peaceful landscape, illumination at the carnival, automatic apparatus, reception center, teacher in aviation Institute, overcome the force of gravity, arrive at the port water area, land on the road.

Vocabulary dictation No. 10 Designate the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain the conditions for choosing a vowel in them. Explain the difference in the meaning of the same-sounding words in the 2nd and 3rd phrases.

At a congress of peace supporters, harvest campaign, friendly company, take revenge, unite people, break off negotiations, disregard danger, reflect on the proposal, respond to temperature changes, refresh the atmosphere, reflect in the report, greatly exaggerate, privilege for large families, honorable duty, ideals youth.

Vocabulary dictation number 11.Designate the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain the conditions for choosing a vowel in them. Explain the choice of letters E and I in the case endings of nouns.

Meet at the station square, talk in private, rally on a small platform, appoint attendants, develop speed, land in the steppe, interrupt negotiations, kind old man, refusal of privileges, greatly exaggerate, get angry with a friend, pursue your interests, future profession, on a metal fastener, to get up early, duties of a secretary, to fasten with sealing wax.

Vocabulary dictation number 12 Designate the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain the conditions for choosing a vowel in them. Indicate separators b and b, explain their spelling.

Unpleasant news, autumn season, team building, climatic conditions, residential areas, climatic conditions, residential areas, design of the Palace of Culture, interrupt information, precipitation, regulate temperatures, signal lights, driving instructions, virgin land development, ponder over a proposal, intersecting roads , with telephone communication, astronaut's cabin, brake motor, manual control, containers with equipment, dashboard.

Vocabulary dictation number 13.Designate prefixes ending in З-С, explain the conditions for choosing letters. Designate suffixes with one or two letters H, explain the spelling.

Collecting artwork, television camera, circus rides, grand opening, a monument to a theater figure, a famous sculptor, an architect's debut, to recreate a pedestal, to mount a pedestal, a landmark of a microdistrict, a laureate of a pianist competition, to build a metal fence, traditional festivities, to rehearse a play, broadcast a hockey match, a concert of symphonic music.

Vocabulary dictation number 14. The use of quotes and hyphens in the application.

1) Friends-birch trees stood on the outskirts of the fishing line in a tight heap. 2) A shaggy tree-tent beckoned to hide from the rain. 3) An oiler mushroom is snug under the leaf. 4) Gogol, who opened Russia to the reader of The Inspector General and Dead Souls, admired Bryullov. 5) The author of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" put in Yaroslavna's mouth spells to the wind, river and sun. 6) V. Surikov - author of the famous painting "Suvorov's Crossing the Alps".

Vocabulary dictation No. 15. Punctuation for homogeneous members offers.

1) He worked for almost fifty years in the newspapers, passionately loved his work and knew it perfectly. 2) Pulling back the curtain, he saw a garden in the semi-darkness, bare trees, a sad lake. 3) Thick, lush flakes flew from the dark sky, stuck to bare branches, hammered into spruce needles, turned trees into white statues. 4) In the "Word" there are rivers and steppes, the sun and the moon, foxes and wolves, steppe people and Russians, Venetians and Germans, Greeks and Czechs. 5) Buran twists, throws snow, and whistles, and is filled with a terrible howl. 6) It was sleepy, and stuffy, and hot, as on the eve of a thunderstorm.

Vocabulary dictation № 16. Punctuation with homogeneous members of the sentence.

1) The floor is paved with red, in places faded carpet. 2) The transition from the semi-dark, damp and dirty street to the brightly lit, well-heated building was pleasant. 3) Before him were gray-haired fields, darkened towards the horizon, merging with the white sky. 4) There was a pot-bellied shiny on the table by the window electric kettle... 5) Large shaggy flakes slowly settle on trees, hedges, houses. 6) Bright red and yellow inserts on a lilac, green or blue background of fabrics burned like signal flares. 7) A huge luminary, tired during the day, was falling asleep.

Vocabulary dictation № 17. Punctuation with homogeneous members of a sentence.

1) Everywhere: both around and overhead - there was water. 2) Everything is boiling, everything is raging: water, shrubs, pines, birches, mountain ash. 3) From the house, from the trees, and from the dovecote, and from the gallery - from everything, long shadows ran far away. 4) Bright spots of light lie everywhere: on the branches, on the trunks of trees, on packed dense snowdrifts. 5) Everything: face, gait, look, voice - everything suddenly changed in her. 6) Always: in winter and summer, in autumn and spring - the Russian forest is good.

Vocabulary dictation number 18. Punctuation when addressing.

1) Sorceress! How sweetly you sang about the wondrous land of enchantment. (D.Venevitinov) 2) My friends, our union is wonderful. (A. Pushkin) 3) God help you, my friends, both in storms and in everyday grief, in a foreign land, in a deserted sea and in the gloomy abysses of the earth. (A. Pushkin) 4) Tell me, good fellow, what kind of tribe are you, what name are you called? (M.Lermontov) 5) My Russia, I love your birches! (N. Rubtsov) 6) Thank you, humble Russian flame, for the fact that you are burning in anticipation of anxious for those who are desperately far from all roads in the roadless field. (N. Rubtsov)
Dash between subject and predicate. Dash in an incomplete sentence

1) The most touching bird is the lark. 2) White night - a combination of the silence of the night with the light of the day. 3) Red mountain ash as the queen of the autumn forest. 4) Taiga is an endless forest, interrupted only by a river or swamps. 5) An undersized is a synonym for Mitrofan, and Mitrofan is a synonym for a stupid ignoramus and a mama's darling. 6) The trail was drowning in the gloomy blackness of the spruce forest, the legs of the horses in the soft moss carpet. 7) Large stars twinkle with sapphires, smaller stars twinkle with ice. 8) The proverb is not a blade, but stabs in the side. 9) The spoken word is silver, and the unsaid is golden.

Vocabulary dictation for grade 8 on the topic: "Word combination"

Expressive, dialect, situation, irritation, enjoyment, attraction, millennium, future, fringe, communication, initiative, veteran, aroma, peer, peer, worker, swindler, ideology, candidate, worldview.

The task:

Underline 5 - 7 words that can be used in journalistic-style texts.

Lexicon, guarantee, strategy, reform, resources, architect, general, harmony, object, lawn, diplomat, gorgeous, comment, patterned, lilac, showcase, purple, panorama, lilac, landscape.

The task:

Make up phrases with the given words, underline verb phrases;

Underline words that can be used in texts with descriptive elements.

Charm, artillery, echelon, ensemble, encyclopedia, philosophical, melancholy, showcase, cannonade, congress, highway, navigation, occupy, architecture, computer, associate, predecessor, garrison, candidacy, communique.

The task:

Make up phrases with the given words, underline verb phrases;

Underline words that can be used in military texts.

Tradition, illumination, closet, mass, caftan, ornament, reflect, restoration, spindle, talent, terrace, hurricane, fantasy, cyclone, boots, effect, graceful, skillful, intonation, usurer.

The task:

Make up phrases with these words, determine the type of subordinate relationship (coordination, management, adhesion);

Underline obsolete words.

Side by side, maze, agitate, receipt, railings, rally, abstract, breeder, champion, shines, anniversary, fair, sports day, reddens, distance, kilometer, springboard, prototype, patriotism, silhouette.

The task:

Make up phrases with the given words, mark the main words, underline verb phrases;

Underline words that can be used in sports texts.

Communicative, summary, Blazer, phlegmatic person, contemporary, literary critic, composer, Olympiad, couturier, debate, kerosene, corrector, genuine, generation, prototype, territory, epigram, squadron, junior, companion.

The task:

Determine the lexical meaning of the underlined words, make up phrases or sentences with them;

Write down words that indicate a profession.

Shelving, recommendation, corduroy, pedestal, delicate, chase, corridor, improvise, gallery, ornament, devotion, decoration, as if, interior, composition, napkin, color, authentic, calories, adjust, plafond.

The task:

Make up phrases with these words, determine the type of subordinate relationship (coordination, adjoining, management);

Underline words that can be used in texts to describe a room.

Experiment, impression, fiction, efficiency, prototype, intelligence, epilogue, future, realize, symphony, conservatory, personify, declaration, architecture, bibliography, attraction, composition, remarks, restore, audience, ambition, comfort.

The task:

Make up phrases with the given words, mark the main word, underline verb phrases;

Underline words that can be used in literature class when analyzing works.

Reservoir, migration, relic, civilization, imitate, poster, film library, equivalent, exposure, quarantine, pessimist, propagandist, periphery, banner, tribune, rank, priority, program, pedestal, presidium.

The task:

Make phrases with the given words, determine the method of subordinate communication;

Underline 5 - 6 words typical of journalistic style.

Cavalier, microelement, variety, molecule, allegory, high relief, encyclopedia, congress, million, multimedia, charm, combination, microorganism, accompaniment, province, chronometer, enthusiasm, laureate, evangelism, array.

The task:

Determine the lexical meaning of the underlined words, make phrases with them, determine the type of subordinate relationship

Write down words that can be used in scientific style texts.

Vocabulary dictation no. 1. Adverbs and adverbial expressions

Without asking, to no avail, incessantly, side by side, near, far, wade, above, in plenty, in the distance, doubly, to smithereens, after, locked up, in the end, briefly, at random, to the left, in moderation, in a mockery , below, in a draw, again, in exchange, in general, forever, in time, at all, truly, personally, in revenge, for the first time, in front, in an undertone, subsequently, jumping.
Vocabulary dictation no. 2. Adverbs and adverbial expressions

Suddenly, scattered, hardly, seriously, gallop, to their best, in the old days, secretly, three of us, until now, to failure, until now, to their fill, to ashes, until I fall, long, again, at the same time, often, for a long time, from afar, from within, occasionally, sullenly, surreptitiously, just, up, down, by the way, whitened, sideways, forever, supine, in plain sight, for a while, forever, towards, by sight, tightly.

Vocabulary dictation number 3. Adverbs and adverbial expressions

The other day, for a long time, alone, back, in spite, by heart, on the eve, tightly, lightly, on the fly, for a moment, at random, backhand, flatly, to the touch, vying with each other, racing, in spite of, for show, on the contrary, on a par, chanting, conscientiously , on an empty stomach, at random, on the go, on tiptoe, unbeknownst, out of place, inappropriately, not on the shoulder, not averse, not without reason, from here, because, from there.
Vocabulary dictation number 4. Adverbs and adverbial expressions

Partly, nearby, everywhere, at the end, longer, in a row, sometimes, the day before yesterday, besides, involuntarily, by hearsay, in the middle, therefore, therefore, from the side, seemingly, from behind, outside, early in the morning, sleepily, in a big way, immediately, exactly - too much.
Vocabulary dictation number 5. Spelling of prepositions and conjunctions

During, in continuation, due to, in view, due to, in spite of, in spite of, that would, also, also, the same, but, for that, for purposes, according to, for a reason, like, unlike , as if.
Vocabulary dictation No. 6. N and NN in different parts of speech

Clever, ice cream, given, unexpected, unexpected, desired, unseen, unheard of, silver, windy, windy, wooden, glass, pewter, dowry (of the bride), chewed, forged, true, insomnia, toiler, crook, sacred, mad, outlandish , antique, hotel, living room.
Vocabulary dictation № 7. Spelling of verbs and participles.

They fight, struggling, taped, glued, hated, holding, breathing, inexhaustible, they hesitate, they heal, they hope, audible, visible, cherished, they cherish, they melt, melt, shave, lay, creep, dependent, they depend ...
Vocabulary dictation № 8. Spelling of adverbs and particles.

As before, exactly, side by side, apparently, in my opinion, in English, in a comradely manner, for a long time, at first, again, unintentionally, there is no need, once, nowhere, nowhere, apparently invisible, out of the blue, a little bit, hardly, hardly, perhaps.
Vocabulary dictation number 9. A-B

Accompaniment, accompany, gibberish, applique, artillery, attraction, appeal, appeal, bacillus, pressure chamber, run, alliteration, assortment, allegory, adjutant, applause, bulletin, brochure, twine, fiction, admiral.
Vocabulary dictation number 10. C-G-D

Vacancy, vacuum, fan, lobby, haberdashery, gallery, diagram, dilettante, airship, hypothesis, garland, graduation, garrison, tapestry, virtuoso, cello, boardwalk, fee, humanism, banknotes, porcupine, diagonal, range, conductor.
Vocabulary dictation number 11. D-E-Z-Z-I

Desert, disorganization, disorientation, disinfection, disintegration, disqualify, gentleman, overhead, like-minded, jargon, blinds, juggler, dependent, illumination, intelligent, intellectual, art, skillful, incident.
Vocabulary dictation number 12. К

Cavalry, cavalcade, commandant, cannonade, kaleidoscope, pun, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, campaign, company, disaster, cacophony, quarantine, caricature, carnival, stump, kohlrabi, hummingbird, component, colonnade, cosmonaut, rocker, boast, coefficient, conservatory sweet and sour, crystal, painstaking, pit.
Vocabulary dictation number 13. L-M

Labyrinth, pasta, median, mission, laboratory, laconic, locomotive, meridian, mezzanine, manifesto, manicure, mannequin, highway, memorial, monogram, monograph, mobilization, fraud, margarine, mausoleum, hollow, shack, lacquered.
Vocabulary dictation number 14. N-O

Narcissus, obsession, eve, resent, rampage, neologism, short story, occupation, oasis, charm, smell, obelisk, observatory, overpower, greenhouse, orchestra, navigate, original, order bearer, band, stun.
Vocabulary dictation number 15. P

Brocade, styrofoam, provisions, pharmacist, press, press, postulate, periphery, periscope, panacea, patient, positive, railings, paradox, pessimism, programmer, drug, prestige, prevail, obstacle, challenger, priority, pedestal.
Vocabulary dictation number 16. Р-С

Regulations, reservoir, director, rarity, residence, resonance, relic, repertoire, rehearsal, sundress, semaphore, symphony, secretary, silhouette, saxophone, certificate, sentimental, space suit, spartakiad, sovereignty, signal, madman.
Vocabulary dictation number 17. T-U

Temperament, banner, territory, terrarium, terrace, trench, stencil, tragedy, trajectory, television, coach, train, skullcap, ultimatum, university, institution, founder, satisfactory.
Vocabulary dictation number 18. F-Z

Extravaganza, fireworks, faculty, lantern, fantasy, philharmonic, cistern, rustle, hockey player, pharmacist, champignon, ankle, heck, encyclopedia, equivalent, evacuation, escalator, excavator, echelon, expedition, experiment, scrambled eggs.