Exam assignments in the Russian language of increased complexity. I made sure: everything was not done in vain

5 best manuals for preparing for the exam in the Russian language

V.S. Legotskaya,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5", Bryansk

I will pass the exam! Russian language. Workshop and diagnostics. Tsybulko I.P., Vasilievykh I.P., Alexandrov V.N.

1. I will pass the exam! Russian yak. Modular course... Practice and diagnostics. Tutorial for educational organizations. Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. M .: "Education", 2017.-320 p.

2. You can download this manual http://www.alleng.ru/d/rusl/rusl1199.htm

3. The material is presented available

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand, correspond to real CMMs, they can be used in Russian lessons at the stage of generalizing the material and preparing for the exam, as well as independent work students.

2. The level of difficulty of tasks is different - from basic to increased complexity.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the USE.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 7, separate tasks from grade 6.

8. Illustrations and tables, as already noted, are absent, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

9. The allowance is quite expensive, the minimum cost is 320 rubles. We, teachers of the Russian language, know that all the books of I.P. Tsybulkoare more expensive than other authors, and we understand why. I.P. Tsybulko heads federal commission of control developers measuring materials in the Russian language and does not hesitate to successfully and expensively sell his books.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly interesting in the manual is the system of homework from lesson to lesson, the implementation of which ensures both repetition and anticipatory acquaintance with the material.

3. The price of the benefit, as already indicated, is high.

5. All skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and syntactic norms... With wrinkles, benefits can also be arranged effective work over the essay in the USE format. The manual contains a rich selection of modern texts, an algorithm for completing tasks for writing creative work.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. Rely only on self-preparation for this benefit is not worth it.

Unified State Exam. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.

1. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.Egoraeva G.T., Serebryakova O.A.M .: "Exam", 2017.-352 p.


3. The material is presented in an accessible way, I would like to note the richest theoretical material, a dictionary of USE terms.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand, correspond to real CMMs, This guide is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the One state examination, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will help to form the necessary skills, especially speech.

3. All the topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, the undoubted merit of the authors is a serious study of topics in morphology, which largely goes beyond the USE, but is necessary for the formation of general grammatical thinking.

4. Comments to the answers are clear and accessible to students.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher, starting from grade 7, individual tasks, in particular, spelling of roots and prefixes, from grade 5. Spelling material, in particular, the spelling of homonymous parts of speech, can be especially valuable for a practicing teacher. This material can be used by the teacher in the classroom starting from grade 7.

8. Illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material being studied, are appropriate and methodologically competent.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 260 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. The study of topics on morphology is especially valuable in the manual, these materials can be used in the middle level in preparation for olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

2. Parents who are far from the Unified State Exam and the Russian language will most likely find it difficult to check, using this manual, how their child is coping with preparing for the exam.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and orthoepic norms, to study and consolidate topics in vocabulary.

USE 2017. Russian language. 50 variants of typical test items. Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.

1.EGE -2017 . Russian language. 50 options for typical text assignments.Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.,M .: Publishing house "Exam», 2017.-448 p.

2. You can download this manual http://www.alleng.ru/d/rusl/rusl1198.htm

provides readers with information about the structure and content of KIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand, correspond to real CMMs,there are answers to all variants of tests, comments to the answers; samples of forms used on the exam to record answers. The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework assignments that will form the necessary skills. The material with answers to task 24 is especially valuable. The table shows approximate circle problems and the position of the author, which will allow students to correctly orient themselves in the texts, to write an essay correctly, following the algorithm.

4. Comments to the answers are clear and accessible to students.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher from grade 7.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 230 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. The selection of texts is especially valuable in the manual, they are understandable to modern schoolchildren, the problems raised in them are relevant, interesting to high school students.

3. The price of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely only on self-study in this manual, you should not also consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam, because comments on the answers are given only to two options (No. 20 and 31), which, of course, is not enough to prepare for exam.

USE 2017. Russian language. A set of materials for preparing students. Drabkina S.V., Subbotin D.I.

1. Drabkina S.V. Unified State Exam.Russian language. A set of activities for preparing students. Tutorial.-M .: Intellect-Center, 2017.-320 p.

2. You can download this manual http://www.alleng.ru/d/rusl/rusl1211.htm

3. The manual sets out theoretical material in the most structured form, which allows you to independently master topics in the Russian language.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. This manual presents a step-by-step system of preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, which provides, firstly, with acquaintance with the content of exam tasks, and secondly, with algorithms and models of reasoning for their correct solution. The manual contains a logical sequence of actions required to choose the correct answer, given in the form of algorithms. Typical mistakes that students make when completing assignments are considered. Contained guidelines on writing an essay-reasoning, examples of essays are provided. A set of typical training tasks with guidelines and answers allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained and prepare for passing the exam In Russian. The manual contains approximate options for the exam 2017 The manual is addressed to high school students who are preparing for the exam, independently or under the guidance of a teacher. Can be used by the teacher in practical work when practicing the necessary skills in the Russian language.

2. The level of difficulty of tasks is different - from basic to increased complexity, work with the manual will ensure both overcoming the minimum threshold and getting a high score on the exam.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, the authors' undoubted merit is a detailed commentary on the solution of such complex topics, as "Revealing the main information contained in the text", "Means of communication of sentences in the text", "Contextual determination of the lexical meaning of polysemantic words."

4. Comments to the answers are clear and accessible to schoolchildren, the algorithm for completing the tasks is presented step by step, a sample of the algorithm is presented, a commentary on the task, there are tasks for independent work.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 8, theoretical material can be presented to students from grade 7, in particular, an algorithm for completing assignments and comments on them.

8. Illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material being studied, are appropriate and methodologically competent. There are tables in the manual that are not available in many other manuals.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 300 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation of students, teachers for the organization of frontal, pair and individual work in the classroom, training with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is theoretical material, algorithms for completing assignments, these materials can be used in the middle level in preparation for olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

2. Parents can use this manual to check how their child copes with the preparation for the exam.

3. The price of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich theoretical material on all topics of the Unified State Exam.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

USE 2017. Russian language. 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. Egoraeva G.T.

1.Egoraeva E.G. Unified State Exam: 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. -M .: Publishing house "Exam», 2017.-415 p.

2. You can download this manual http://www.alleng.ru/d/rusl/rusl1123.htm

3. The material is presented available, will help students not only to summarize and systematize the knowledge gained in all sections of the science of language, but also to assess their level of preparation for the upcoming exam.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The collection contains a large number of tasks corresponding to the demo version of control measuring materials of the exam in the Russian language in 2017, by solving which graduates will be able to acquire practical skills in completing the exam tasks and eliminate existing knowledge gaps in the shortest possible time. The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework assignments that will form the necessary skills.

2. The level of difficulty of the tasks is average, however, working with the manual will ensure not only overcoming the minimum threshold, but also getting a high score on the exam.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language are worked out widely and fully, in strict accordance with the KIMs of the Unified State Exam.

4. Comments to the answers are clear and accessible to students.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher from grade 5.

8. Illustrations, as already noted, are absent, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 200 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation of high school students, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. The selection of tasks for the development of morphological and syntactic norms is especially valuable in the manual.

2. Parents are likely to find it difficult to test how their child is preparing for the exam using this manual.

3. The price of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely only on self-study in this manual, you should also not consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam.

Schoolchildren demand that the president reconsider the criteria for transferring points in profile mathematics.

We demand a revision of the translation criteria primary points in secondary exam in mathematics (profile) due to the incredibly high level of complexity of the tasks of part C and the discrepancy between most of the tasks of part B typical tasksprovided by FIPI in Internet resources and methodological materials to prepare for the exam. Students should be able to enter a university on the basis of school educationwhich level of tasks on the mathematics exam was not provided.

Let's see what kind of tasks we have here, for the solution of which there is not enough school knowledge.

Exercise 1: on arithmetic operations "subtract and multiply." 3rd grade of the school curriculum of the parish school.
Assignment 2: available to a student of grade 2-3 who understands what "numbers" and "comparison relation" are.
Assignment 3: increased complexity, it already requires knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem. 5-6 grade.
Assignment 4: on probability, and not even on formulas, but simply on the everyday understanding of probability. An intelligent student in grades 5-6 will solve this problem without problems. Foolish 11th grade student - after reading one chapter of the textbook.
Assignment 5: Grade 7, on the ability to substitute in equations and degrees. In the 8th grade in computer science, we already use the degrees to solve coding problems, which are an order of magnitude more difficult than task number 5.
Assignment 6: elementary geometry, grade 7.
Assignment 7: on the definition of the derivative and its geometric meaning. Even if the student does not know this, the task is 100% typical and was dealt with 100,500 times, which even I, a teacher of computer science, and not mathematics, know about.
Assignment 8: Grade 10-11, stereometry. Simple taskbut can be difficult for people with a lack of spatial thinking. Although for its solution it is not very necessary.

Total: of the first 8 problems, only the last one, for stereometry, should cause minimal difficulties for an 11-grader. In general, with most of these tasks (and a set of minimum passing score) must be handled not by the 11th grader, but by the 7th grader.

The second part of the exam has gone, to which, in fact, they roll the barrel in the petition.

Quest 9:on understanding the definition of the logarithm (grade 10). Honestly, I don't remember a single formula for the logarithm, but I can solve the problem practically in my head, just using the definition.
Quest 10:just substitute the numbers. 7-8 grade.
Quest 11:for interest. 5-6 grade. In special cases, if the intellectual does not work - to draw up an equation, then the class is raised to 7th.
Quest 12: here you need to be able to take a derivative! Grade 11. Although, to be honest, you can stupidly build by points and see. Again: the derivative is a tabular one, which in the 11th grade children solve a hundred times. An absolutely typical assignment.
Quest 13: substitution task and the ability to solve a quadratic equation + correctly write ODZ. Grade 9!
Quest 14: stereometry. Traditionally, I skip it, because who cares about it.
Quest 15: substitution task and quadratic equations. Grade 9.
Quest 16: the simplest geometry of grade 8-9 for proof. If a person at least a little bit "cuts" into geometry, the problem will not be difficult, since it is solved almost immediately after drawing a figure on paper.
Quest 17:task to compose and solve a quadratic equation. 8th grade.
Quest 18: a little more difficult, requires reflection at the level of 10-11 grades. Typical, previously solved geometrically. Potentially unsolvable for a person who cannot think (score 5 from the list above).
Quest 19: an absolutely typical task, even simpler than in the demo version. At the level of reasoning in grades 7-8. Requires absolutely nothing, except the ability to think logically, which is necessary for studying mathematics.

Total: you can potentially not solve stereometry, which is traditionally given little time at school (task 14) and an equation with a parameter (task 18), since in this version it is geometrically solved much more difficult than in the demo versions.

Question: well, where are the tasks that are not included in the school curriculum? To be honest, I am even disappointed with the level of these tasks, since, in my subjective opinion, many of them (especially the last one) have become even easier than the demo. Changes in the tasks in comparison with the demo version (compare yourself -) are minimal and mainly concern the numbers and sometimes the wording.


I don't know which uSE results will be this year, although I am sure that officials will do everything possible so that even those who come to the exam receive minimum score (as was done repeatedly before, when the level of the primary points required for this dropped significantly), but a tendency is beginning to be seen: children are forced to take not just a learned set of tasks, as we do at school, but - oh my God! - make you solve problems with slightly modified conditions (although the changes do not concern all tasks and not even most of them, compare the demo version and this one yourself).

And the children are indignant: how is it, is it that we now have to study in order to pass the exam?

Hope so. Hope in future options USE new years will be radically different from the demo versions. I hope that there will be no more typical tasks that test not knowledge of a subject, but the ability to memorize a certain layer of knowledge. I hope that more and more tasks will test understanding of the subject, and not dull knowledge of formulas. This will inevitably affect the results of the Unified Exam, but Selyavi. Society is obliged to understand that the level of knowledge is falling and falling catastrophically. Good or bad - it's not for me to decide.

It is time to stop playing education, when all parties pretend that they are teaching, children pretend that they are learning, but in fact we have what we have: complaints and petitions against “someone”. Although you need to start first of all with yourself. And instead of memorizing for the exam, explain to children at school simple truths:

→ life is unfair - this time;
→ if you are not studying, then this is your problem, not the problem of the school or the state, these are two;
→ only you are responsible for your life - these are three;
→ stop complaining about other people and circumstances, and start with yourself - that's four.

Perhaps then education will change for the better.

Unified State Exam in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be test, to choose one or more answers, open type (write the gap yourself).

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by a corresponding entry in the form of a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers) written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

The tasks of part 1 check the mastery of the educational material by the graduates both at the basic and at high levels of difficulty (tasks 7, 23-24).

The second part of - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

The task of part 2 (task 25 - composition) can be performed by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

Work is given 210 minutes - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks in parts examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part24 33 Short answer
Part 21 24 Detailed response
Total25 57

Score by assignments

Below I will give the "cost" of each task performed.

For the correct execution of each task first part (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack of it, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can get from 0 to 2 points.

The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

For completing task 7, you can get from 0 to 5 points.

For each correctly indicated number corresponding to the number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no mistakes; 4 points: one mistake was made; 3 points: two mistakes were made; 2 points: two numbers were indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of digits or its absence.

For completing task 24, you can get from 0 to 4 points. The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

The maximum number of points that an examiner can receive if he correctly completed the task second part , is 24 points.

For the correct execution of all tasks of the examination work, you can get the maximum 57 primary points .

The Russian language exam is compulsory for all graduates. Admittedly, for those who need to overcome the minimum barrier, it is not difficult. But if you expect to get a high score, then you need to seriously prepare. Expert Elena Buzina, the leader of the popular group for preparing for the exam in Russian, "I Write One Hundred", told Uchebe.ru about how to do it better.


uSE expert, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

host of the group "VKontakte" "I am writing a hundred"

What, in your opinion, is the biggest difficulty of the Russian language exam?

There are no difficulties in the Russian language exam in the USE format, and this is true. If they do occur, they are easy to overcome. To do this, first, you need to carefully study demo version test, specification and codifier. The day before school year all these documents are published on the official website Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). After analyzing them, you need to determine what tasks are causing you difficulties, and start preparing, taking this into account.

The Russian language is the only exam that can serve as a "lifesaver" for those who enroll in prestigious universities... To pass more than 90 points, mathematics is very difficult. Physics, chemistry or biology - even more so. And to pass the Russian language by more than 90 points is quite within the power of everyone who sets such a goal.

But, of course, if you plan to get a high score (from 80 and above), then without systematic repetition, you will hardly be able to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, like any other exam.

What topics do you find to be the most challenging?

The most difficult topics are generally known: in the three years since new model Unified State Exam in the Russian language, several tasks are stable "champions" in the lowest percentage of completion.

First of all, this is task number 14 from the "Spelling" block, in which knowledge of the rules for writing one or two "n" is tested, and task number 19 in the "Punctuation" block. In this task, you need to choose the correct answer by analyzing a complex sentence with different kinds communication.

Graduates show a consistently low result when performing tasks based on the source text that is offered for work. These are tasks No. 21, No. 22 and No. 23. Their difficulty lies in the fact that the correct answer must be found in the text that the graduate reads on the exam for the first time.

What to do? For the "Spelling" block, you need to repeat the rule - not to memorize, but to learn to work on the basis of the algorithm and perform all actions sequentially in order to find the correct answer to the question posed. However, this approach applies to absolutely all tasks of the block.

To learn how to perform tasks from the "Punctuation" block, you need to repeat the basic rules that are given in grade 8. It is necessary to repeat very well the theme “Simple sentence”: to understand the laws of such a sentence, how it can be arranged, how it can be complicated. After that, it will be easy to complete tasks and complex sentences, after all, in fact, these are several simple sentences combined in different ways.

What is the best way to prepare for the exam? Are there any secrets?

The first secret: distribute the tasks of the first part (tasks from number 1 to number 24) into thematic blocks. There are several of them: tasks number 8-14 make up the Spelling block, tasks number 15-19 - the "Punctuation" block, tasks number 4-7 - the "Culture of speech" block. Tasks No. 1-3 and No. 20-24 are two blocks that test the skills of semantic and speech analysis, including the large text that is given in the test.

Secret two: in each block, select the easiest and most difficult tasks for you personally. Repeat the rules. Any rule is easier to work with if it is given in the form of a diagram, table or algorithm. When you train, you can and should look there as much as necessary in order to remember the rule and the order of its application.

The third secret: consolidation. To do this, you can refer to the popular website "I will solve the exam". Having worked out the rule, you need to immediately complete at least five, and preferably 15 tasks. Be sure to complete 10-15 tasks of this type in the paper version. You can use the manuals with which your teachers recommend preparing for the exam.

What type of questions is considered the most difficult? What is the best way to train on them? What questions give the most points and is it worth "pushing" on them?

There are four tasks in the Russian language test, for which more than one point is given. These are tasks number 1 and number 15, for which you can get 2 points. They are defined as “ a basic level of difficulties ”, that is, absolutely everyone can do them.

But the tasks that are of a high level of difficulty in the first part of the USE in the Russian language are only three: No. 7, No. 23 and No. 24. Task No. 7 and task No. 24 are the most "expensive": 5 and 4 points, respectively. And this assessment is quite fair - how many correct answers there are, so many points will be counted. If, for example, in task number 7 you correctly match two sentences, you will get 2 points, and so on.

Task number 24 is a list of means of expression that are used to create figurative speech. In this task, nine terms are given, of which four must be selected and put in the correct place in the reviews. In order to complete this task, you need a serious study of the theory and very good training. But the percentage of its successful completion is much higher than that of task number 14 (one or two "n" in different parts of speech), although children learn to apply these rules starting from grade 5.

Pay special attention to the fact that in tasks number 7 and number 24, the order of entering answers to the form is fundamentally important. If it is violated, it turns out that you made a mistake while completing tasks. You will lose points this way.

It is very important to learn how to read the question correctly. Everything that requires the assignment is clearly formulated, and if you read it carefully, it is very difficult to make a mistake with how to enter the answers into the form. For example, the task: “Which of the following statements are true? Indicate the number of answers. " The very formulation of the question prepares you to choose more than one answer. And here is a fragment of another assignment: "From sentence 33-34, write out a word with the meaning (...)". Singular in the question says that you need to choose only one word for the correct answer.

When performing task number 23 (this is a task of increased complexity, although it gives only 1 point), you need to be very attentive to the wording and analyze exactly the sentence that is indicated in the task. This is how it sounds: “Among the sentences (numbers are indicated below), find one (or those) that (which) are (are) connected (connected) with the previous one using the same root words. Write the number (numbers) of this (these) offer (s) ". Only the ability and willingness to analyze will allow you to find the correct answer to this question.

It is worth paying attention to tasks number 8-14 in the "Spelling" block. Here you need to write down a word that meets the condition and enter it into the answer form. The word you have chosen should be entered correctly on the answer sheet. If it is allowed spelling mistake, the answer will not be valid. The same will happen if you introduce a word, but forget to write the correct letter in place of the gap indicated in the test.

All these and other details are described in the most detailed way by the specification of control and measuring materials, and it is useful to refer to it.


How should you write an essay-reasoning to get the maximum number of points for it?

Task number 25 - essay-reasoning - is very important. The maximum for it you can get 24 points, this is more than 42% of the total points for the correct execution of the entire test. It must be said right away that today this part of the work is performed by almost all graduates: even those who have just crossed the lower threshold receive at least 3-5 points for this task.

The composition is checked by two independent experts based on 12 criteria. They can be conditionally divided into blocks:

  • criteria 1-4 are responsible for the content: for how the text of the essay itself was created, how the problem is formulated, how the commentary on it is given, how the author's position is formulated and his own point of view is reasoned;
  • criteria 5-6 evaluate the quality, structure and completeness of speech;
  • criteria 7-10 assess literacy, and according to criteria 7 ("Spelling assessment") and 8 ("Punctuation assessment"), you can get a maximum of three points, and this is a lot;
  • the so-called "Ethical Criterion" and "Factual Accuracy" allow you to evaluate the background material with which the graduate worked, and how the text turned out to be correct according to estimates, with accurate facts.

These criteria are quite clear and transparent. But approaching each of these steps is formally impossible to get high scores. In order to earn at least 20 points, it is important to learn how to carefully edit the already written text: work with a draft and check the final copy. IN

Program elective course

"Essay - reasoning as a genre and a type of task of increased complexity on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language"

The program was compiled by a teacher of Russian language and literature

the highest qualification category GBOU SOSH s. Kashpir M.R. Privolzhsky

Samara region

Koryukina Sh.I.

from. Kashpir, 2013

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Calendar-thematic plan.
  3. Content of the program.
  4. Methodological support educational process.
  5. List of references.

Explanatory note.

Modern educational standards put forward new requirements for teaching Russian at school. The focus is not only on the acquisition of knowledge of spelling and punctuation rules by students, but also on the formation of communication skills.

Practice shows that students who are well versed in Russian spelling and punctuation often turn out to be uninteresting interlocutors, cannot demonstrate the ability to maintain a conversation, and are afraid of upcoming business telephone conversations. The issue of the formation of communicative competence should be given special attention in the senior classes. Very soon they will have to organize their speech activity in the most different situationsvery different from those offered at the school.

As part of the unified state examination in the Russian language, the graduate performs the task with a detailed answer ( high level complexity), which is the writing of an essay-reasoning on a given text of popular science, journalistic, artistic style.

In the process of preparing for part C of the USE, we must teach the following communication skills and abilities:

  • reading (understanding, maturity of judgments when interpreting the text);
  • composing your own statement based on the proposed text;
  • consistent, logical expression of thought;
  • free conscious use of expressive means of language.

The ancient philosopher Skylef once remarked, "Success is the production of interesting ideas on the ability to convey them."

I would like to hope that this program will be useful for my graduates, and not only for passing the exam.

Justification of the relevance, novelty and significance of the program.

Relevance of the program on the present stage The development of the school is primarily determined by the fact that the knowledge gained forms the ability to competently express their thoughts and create their own statements.

The significance of this program - in deepening linguistic knowledge, mastering the culture of oral and written speech and the art of verbal communication, the formation of the skills to apply the knowledge gained in practice, ensuring the conscious assimilation of the material, the development of skills of active speech actions and rhetorical abilities, the logic of thinking, the preparation of a competitive student.

The selection of literary material for the development of philological analysis skills is correlated with the requirements state standard general education.

The practical orientation of the course is manifested in the fact that the theoretical material is comprehended by students through the experience of text analysis, with special attention paid to the development of oral and written monologue speech.

The material is structured in such a way that the unity of the program is observed, the relationship between an individual lesson and the entire course as a whole is felt. In order to prevent overload, the teaching material is distributed in such a way that practically no home preparation is required.

From the first lesson, students clearly understand the end result.

The objectives of this program:

Teach students to create an oral and written speech statement in the form of reasoning based on the text read;

Prepare students for the Russian language exam;

To assist the graduate in the formation of a moral position;

Contribute to the intellectual development of the student;

To cultivate business qualities in a person preparing to enter an independent life.

Goals and objectives educational area and training course:


- mastering knowledge of language and speech: literary norms, types speech activity, functional styles of Russian speech, stylistic resources of the Russian language, communicative qualities of speech, moral aspect of speech activity, speech etiquette;


Development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities, logic of thinking;

Development of speech culture, careful and conscientious attitude to the language;


Improving communication skills;

Mastering the ability to carry out linguistic, stylistic analysis of the text; adequately convey the content of the text, determine the author's position, express their own opinion on the stated problem, select convincing evidence of their point of view; it is logical and figurative to express your thoughts, make a coherent statement, create your own written statement according to a given model; improve and edit the text; apply the knowledge gained in work on a variety of oral and written information;


Fostering a conscious attitude towards language as a cultural phenomenon, the main means of communication and obtaining knowledge in various spheres of human activity;

Fostering interest and love for the Russian language;

Education of a person who owns the art of verbal communication, the culture of oral and written speech;

Fostering the desire for independent work to acquire knowledge and skills in various areas of life;

Fostering self-exactingness, objectivity in self-esteem.

In addition, this course helps to solve the problems of literary education: to educate an attentive reader, teach him to reflect on what he has read, drawing moral lessons.

The lessons of this course are based on the knowledge gained at the lessons of literature and Russian in grades 5-9.

Theoretical basis of this course are:

Linguistic, stylistic analysis of the text;

System of linguistic concepts and functioning;

Various types of exercises and tasks that stimulate active speech actions and tasks.

The principles on which the program is based:

Accounting individual characteristics and student opportunities;

Respect for the results of their activities, combined with reasonable exactingness;

An integrated approach to the development of classes;

Variability of content and forms of conducting classes;

- scientific character, connection with theory and practice;



Systematic and consistent;

The strength of the knowledge gained;

Activity and awareness of learning.

Applied technologies:

Research technology for students;

Problem learning technologies.

The role of the program in the educational route of the student is that in the process of learning under this program, the student:

  • masters deep and systematic knowledge;
  • develops the ability to work on a variety of information;
  • learns to correctly express his opinion on various issues;
  • develops the ability to reasonably prove their own point of view.

The proposed program teaches graduates to analyze texts with complex theoretical questions in other subjects.

Calendar-thematic planning of an elective course

the date

Lesson number

Number of lessons

Lesson topic

Lesson type



The main goals and objectives of the course. Basic requirements for creative work.

Criteria and standards for evaluating creative work

The main aspects of text analysis.

Composition composition

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities Workshop


Identifying the problem. Formulation of the problem.

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities Workshop


Commentary on the problem. Types of comments.

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities


Lecture with elements of practical and research activities


Argumentation of their own position.

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities


Types of conclusions. Construction types. Speech design

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities


Educational essay on the text of the artistic style.

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities

Review of creative work.

Lecture with elements of practical and research activities


Independent creative work on texts.


The course is designed for 34 hours, 1 hour per week.

Topic 1 ... The main goals and objectives of the course. Basic requirements for creative work (2 hours).

Acquaintance with the main goals and objectives of the course. Linguistic analysis of the text.

Criteria and standards for the assessment of creative work (see Appendix 1)

Topic 2 ... Basic aspects of text analysis (2 hours)

Topic 3. Essay composition (2 hours)

Composition of the composition. Entry and its types and forms. Main part. Conclusion and its types. Paragraphic division. Speech cliches.

Topic 4. Identifying the problem. Types of problems (philosophical, social, political, moral, environmental, aesthetic). Choosing one problem from several. Formulation of the problem. Typical constructions for formulating a problem. Typical mistakes when formulating a problem. (4 hours)

Topic 5 ... Commentary on the problem. Types of comments (textual, conceptual). Types of information in the text (factual, conceptual, hidden). Introducing quotes in comments. Typical mistakes when commenting a problem. (4 hours)

Topic 6. Author's position. What is the author's position manifested in? Lexical and syntactic means of expressing the author's position (marker words, evaluative vocabulary, means of expression, introductory words, incentive offers). The author's position in the literary text. Author and storyteller. Typical mistakes when forming the author's position. (6 o'clock)

Topic 7 ... Argumentation of their own position. Argument alignment rules (thesis -\u003e argument 1 -\u003e argument 2 -\u003e output). Argument types. Methods for entering arguments. Types of arguments (logical, illustrated, links to authority). Argument structure. Typical errors of argumentation. (4 hours)

Topic 8. Types of conclusions. Construction types. Speech design (4 hours)

Topic 9 ... Instructional essay on art style text (2 hours)

Topic 10 ... Review of creative work (1 hour)

Criteria and standards for assessing the assignment. Types of errors. Correction of bugs.

Topic 11. Independent creative work on texts (2 hours)

Methodical part

Predicted result

The program of the elective course provides for teaching the construction of a text such as reasoning based on the source text, developing the ability to understand and interpret the read text, create your own statement, clarifying the topic and the main idea, form a problem, build a composition, select language means taking into account the style and type of speech. The skills and abilities acquired in the course of this course are aimed at completing an assignment of an increased difficulty level.

By the end of the course, studentsshould be able to:

  • understand and interpret the content of the source text;
  • form the problem posed by the author of the source text, and comment on it;
  • determine the position of the author;
  • express your point of view, convincingly prove it (give at least two arguments, based on life or reading experience);
  • be able to express your thoughts competently, consistently and coherently;
  • analyze creative samples of essays and review them.

Forms of the final control for the development of EC and the criteria for their assessment.

The control of the level of formation for the development of ZUN is carried out at three levels:

  1. current (coefficient of success in completing assignments at each lesson);
  2. intermediate (carried out in the form of creative works);
  3. the final (at the end of the course) is carried out in the form of a presentation of creative work in accordance with uSE requirements and assessment criteria.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the implementation of the program: as a result of studying the course, the maximum number of points for the content of the essay is 18.

Feature of the program: EC is assessed "pass" / "fail" (determined as a percentage: more than 50% (7 points) - "pass", less than 50% (less than 7) - "fail".

Technology of organizing the educational process for an elective course

The program is based on teaching materials in the Russian language and analysis of the results of the task C USE of the past years.

The implementation of this program provides for the use of student-centered learning, which recognizes the student as the main figure in the educational process.

Learning objectives are realized through active cognitive activities each student as he interacts with the teacher and other students. Teaching is built on the basis of a theoretical and practical form of work with students. Forms of conducting classes: a lesson-lecture with elements of research activities, a lesson in the application of knowledge in practice, lessons in skills (training), lessons in the complex application of knowledge.

The main organizational formsinvolving students in educational activities:

  • work under the guidance of a teacher (assimilation and consolidation of theoretical material, compilation of texts such as reasoning);
  • independent work;
  • work in groups, pairs;
  • individual work.

The organization of the lesson provides for the creation of favorable emotional and business relationships, the organization of independent cognitive activities of students, aimed at developing independence as a personality trait.

List of used literature

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  2. Lvov V.V., Gosteva Yu.N., Vasilievykh I.P., Puchkova L.I., Egorova G.T. Unified State Exam 2013. Russian language. 30 options for typical test items and preparation for the implementation of part 3 (C), M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2013.
  3. Mamay O.M. Russian language. Unified State Exam. Preparation for the implementation of the part S. M .: Publishing house "Examination", 2013.
  4. Ogay O. N. How to write an essay. Unified state exam in the Russian language: Study guide for preparation for the unified state exam in the Russian language. Samara: GOU SIPKRO, 2006.
  5. Pavlova T.I., Belousova T.V. Argumentation own opinion on the basis of the reader's experience in writing-reasoning on the exam in the Russian language: teaching aid. Rostov n / a: Legion, 2011.
  6. Pavlova T.I., Ranneva N.A. Writing-reasoning on the exam. Rostov n / a: Legion, 2011.
  7. Russian language. Composition for the exam. Intensive training courses .. Rostov n / a: Legion, 2011