Ege in the Russian language of increased complexity. Stress in participles and participles

I believe that it is useful for a Russian language teacher to have at hand some stock of tasks of increased difficulty. They activate the mental activity of students, raise the emotional level of the lesson, bring variety to work, and help in solving the problem of differentiated learning.
Over the years of working as a teacher of the Russian language and literature, I have collected many examples, varying in degree of difficulty, in volume, in subject matter: some are related to phonetics, others are related to morphology or syntax, and others are stylistic. Thus, the proposed tasks can be used throughout the entire school year... I must say that I give only 3-4 minutes to complete the work, no more.

For instance:

Exercise 1. Make the sounds of the words ZERO, FALSE, NEW not in the usual, but in reverse order and write down the resulting words.

The task makes you remember the difference between sounds and letters, about the positional change of vowels and consonants.
This is rarely mentioned in high school, and this determines the usefulness of the assignment for high school students.

Task 2.Find words with three prefixes or three suffixes.

Task 3.Find words with four, five or more roots.

The work on these tasks convinces of the enormous word-formation possibilities of the Russian language. In addition, the graduate does not bother to once again (if necessary) open the Dictionary of word formations of the Russian language.

Task 4.Come up with a non-union, two-word complex sentence.

At first, the fourth task seems impossible to the students. After all, a complex sentence should consist of at least two simple ones, each of which contains several words - this is the usual idea. But one after another, students remember that simple sentences can consist of one word (nominative, impersonal, etc.). This means that the problem is solved using two such sentences.
As practice shows, only a few students complete the task on time. Depending on the composition of the class, you can give a few more minutes to look for an answer, and then ask one of the people who completed the work to write their solution on the board, explain the punctuation and the line of thought that led to the solution. This way the class repeats a number of important syntax information.

Task 5.Come up with a sentence that would include all the punctuation marks that are used when writing in Russian; the best sentences are those with the fewest words.

In principle, this task can be asked at home, as it can cause some difficulties. After all, at first it seems impossible. Those who decided, as a rule, are few. But they are happy to write their proposals on the board and “defend” them. This is understandable: the more difficult the victory, the more joyful it is. Here is the solution to the fifth task by one of the students: “We hear the words of a football report: “Efremov has the ball (I hope you know this player?); feint ... blow - goal! " (There is one subtle flaw here: the point is missing). And here's an example of a complete solution: "It's you?!" - my father exclaimed in surprise (I did not warn him about my arrival: there was no time); but after a minute he spoke calmly, without emotion.

This activity forces students to remember many punctuation rules.

Task 6.(homemade). Come up with (or write out from the text) a sentence in which there would be more than three punctuation marks next to it.

Task 7.Write one of the poems learned by heart from memory.

Many years of experience in using the listed tasks of this type in high school convinces us that working on them is interesting and useful for students.

Single state exam (Unified State Exam) is a modern form of state certification of students graduating from secondary (full) school. The accumulated experience shows that this form of certification makes it possible to objectively assess the preparation of schoolchildren in the Russian language and, on this basis, simultaneously solve two problems: to certify graduates of general educational institutions for a full course high school and select from them the most prepared for training in high school and in secondary specialized educational institutions.

To prepare for the exam, I also use tests that I liked for their originality. The fact is that ordinary tests require one answer out of four answer options. And the graduate can correctly answer by the method of exceptions, assumptions, "typing". With the help of the tests that I propose to use to prepare for the exam, students will be able to control themselves, realistically assess their knowledge, discover weaknesses in their preparation in the Russian language and eliminate them in time. To do this, you need to concentrate and try to find all possible answers to the question, since there may be several answers.

For instance:

p / p


Answer options


Mark the word numbers where the letter is spelled

1. And 1) strong beat ...
2) stab ... lyse
3) flags are flying
4) s ... neva
5) pl ... ny image
1 2 3 4 5
2.E 1) mit ... ng
2) accompaniment ... cop
3) cases ... gat
4) com ... tet
5) traditional
1 2 3 4 5
3.j 1) picture ...
2) three sh ... fera
3) boiled milk
4) go for luggage ... m
5) w ... rokh trees
1 2 3 4 5
4. About 1) solid ... rhenium
2) learned ...
3) z ... ryanka
4) to ... tight
5) ur ... introduction
1 2 3 4 5
5.S 1) pale-faced ... th
2) mittens ...
3) on c ... kidneys
4) c ... rcea
5) from ... noun adjectives
1 2 3 4 5
6. Voiced consonant 1) ka ... tan
2) re ... ra
3) no ... pillbox
4) cool vira ...
5) high tariff ...
1 2 3 4 5
7. Unpronounceable consonant 1) position ... call
2) spiteful ...
3) participate in the race
4) svers ... nickname
5) bles ... whip
1 2 3 4 5
8. The consonant is missing 1) trol ... eibus
2) caval ... eria
3) discussion ... ia
4) skillful ...
5) res ... rsy
1 2 3 4 5
9.b 1) about ... capacious
2) under ... birch
3) crow ... e nest
4) once ... learn songs
5) once ... unite the wire
1 2 3 4 5
10.b 1) pounded ...
2) get married ...
3) speech ...
4) a few pears ...
5) prickly ...
1 2 3 4 5
11. З 1) in ... sitting
2) and ... cut
3) to ... head
4) be ... like
5) ... burn
1 2 3 4 5
12.E 1) pr ... hail
2) pr ... close
3) pr ... be in the city
4) ap ...
5) pr ... old
1 2 3 4 5
13. And 1) to the dispensary ...
2) to bed ...
3) on the battery ...
4) about Xenia ...
5) from the thickets ...
1 2 3 4 5
14.E 1) he offended ... t
2) we are glue ... m
3) broken ... rule
4) independent
5) you can ...
1 2 3 4 5
15. I (And after hissing) 1) soak the rains ... t
2) bailiff doors ... t
3) attending physician
4) the same doctor
5) they see ... t
1 2 3 4 5
16. NN 1) the floor painted ... by the father
2) ... problem solved
3) gold-woven fabric
4) everything is already weighed ... oh
5) scared ... th child
1 2 3 4 5
17. NN 1) sandy ... th
2) curiosity ... th
3) living room ... itza
4) windy ... th day
5) letters ... th
1 2 3 4 5
18.E 1) n ... the moon, n ... the stars do not interest me
2) n ... one birch stood in the field
3) n ... dewdrops in the mouth
4) in these matters I was n ... then n ... syo
5) where didn ... get it, a light flashed at the cast-iron grate
1 2 3 4 5

Mark the numbers where the spelling

19. Hyphenated 1) gender ... China
2) electric ... device
3) one ... start
4) non-commissioned officer ... officer
5) southeast ...
1 2 3 4 5
20. Separate 1) pick up ... hello
2) in ... our opinion
3) alone
4) go abroad ...
5) with ... blind
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
21. Hyphenate 1) how ... will we survive
2) there ... we arrived
3) our shelter is small, for ... then calm
4) go ... here
5) came ... to me
1 2 3 4 5
22. Solid 1) the story is not ... interesting
2) there was no ... it was E ... it was
3) do not ... interesting
4) no one ... known reasons
5) must not ...
1 2 3 4 5
23. Separate 1) because of ... bad weather
2) at ... conclusion of the transfer
3) work for ... for five years
4) something like ... a kind of boat
5) in ... in connection with the move
1 2 3 4 5
24. Solid 1) and tomorrow is ... the same as yesterday
2) I explained to him why ... why I need it
3) and ... so, I lived then in Odessa
4) we will live in such a way that ... everyone would love us
5) from ... what he left, he came to that
1 2 3 4 5


Mark the numbers of the sentences in which a dash is put in place of the pass

25. 1) An artist ... not a moralist, an artist is the one who creates beauty.
2) Make me look funny and obscene ... the best way to regain control of the investigation.
3) To say goodbye in Russian ... means to ask for forgiveness.
1 2 3

Note the numbers of the sentences in which a comma is put in place of the gap.

26. 1) He took his hands away, and it became clear that his eyes were wet ... shiny.
2) You heed the roar of thunder, and the voice of the storm and the ramparts, and the cry of the rural shepherds ... and you send the answer.
3) We need to plant forests ... not only to restore the fertile forces of the earth, but also for our economy.
1 2 3
27. 1) Surrounding our glade ... the forest looked like giant algae under monthly illumination.
2) The runaway cornet was attracted by curiosity ... the feeling is empty and useless.
3) His face had an expression ... rather pleasant, but roguish.
1 2 3
28. 1) I rushed to the Angara ... in Moscow, leaving late in the evening and seeing Bratsk at dawn.
2) Despite the wind and cold ... we had to go for fuel.
3) And day and night in the snowy desert I hasten to you ... headlong.
1 2 3
29. 1) The sea splashed and rustled ... all in white lace of foam.
2) And now ... in the midnight hour ... the neighboring buildings were drowning in darkness, and the handsome house shone and shimmered, like a fabulous ice palace.
3) It is raining ... as if from a bucket, streams of water rush noisily through the streets and alleys.
1 2 3
30. ... 1) In essence ... in the first years of childhood, a person goes through the most difficult of his universities.
2) Ostap ... it would seem ... the battle path is written in the family.
3) According to him ... it was impossible to guess about his mood.
1 2 3

Mark the number of sentences in which someone else's speech is framed incorrectly.

31. 1) Nikolai bowed his head and quietly asked if she could now go with him to the Krasnovs.
2) "Grandma - said Yegorushka, - I want to sleep."
3) MA Sholokhov emphasized that "a writer must be able to tell the reader the truth directly, no matter how bitter it may be."
1 2 3

Note the numbers of sentences in which there was a punctuation error.

32. 1) When I have a new book in my hands, I feel that something new, speaking, wonderful has entered my life.
2) There is a special gift of humanity in Suzdal, a special warmth that conquers everyone who manages to see the bright smile of Russian builders through the ancient stones.
3) A bright month, almost full, came out from behind the shed and black shadows fell across the yard, and the iron on the roof shone.
1 2 3
33. 1) We went down to the valley and as soon as we found water we stopped immediately.
2) Chichikov did not notice how he drove into the middle of a vast village with many huts and streets.
3) Dasha noticed that when Roshchin appeared in the dining room after the bell, Katya did not immediately turn her head to him, hesitated for a moment.
1 2 3

Note the numbers of the sentences in which a colon is put in place of the gap.

34. 1) She had no expression on her face, absolutely no ... no excitement, no joy, no fear - nothing.
2) Work was going on around in the usual, calm order, namely ... deep below the cars honked, fittings rattled, drumbeats of metal crowbars were heard.
3) Ivan Ivanovich always gives each of the children ... either a donut, or a piece of melon, or an apple.
1 2 3

Note the numbers of the spaces where the comma is placed.

35. Sometimes it seems (1) that the wonderful monuments of Suzdal were created (2) to serve as a support for pure snow with their stone ledges (3) belts, enfilades (4). 1 2 3 4


Note the numbers of the stressed words on the second syllable.

36. 1) agent
2) more convenient
3) busy
4) tool
5) get enough
1 2 3 4 5

Note the numbers of sentences with speech errors.

37. 1) Mother's heart lightened when she saw Paul safe and sound.
2) You have offended me greatly.
3) The State Hermitage is the owner of one of the world's largest first-class collections of art glass.
4) While the students are preparing the answer on the cards at the blackboard, the class checks the homework.
5) These lessons are devoted to the ways of forming a verb.
1 2 3 4 5
38. 1) Everybody eats potato dishes with appetite.
2) After swimming, the pioneers dry themselves with a towel: drying strengthens and hardens the body.
3) Write out verbs from the text that are used in an impersonal meaning.
4) Mother loved all sorts of other games, especially puzzles and cards.
5) He flew to the hospital headlong.
1 2 3 4 5
39. 1) Underline a sentence that helps you understand the main point of the text.
2) He vaguely felt all the distance and the possibility of perishing.
3) I worked very hard to get an education, one might say, I was knocked out of my skin.
4) Here, because of the blue strip of the forest, a crimson sun appeared.
5) Tall, dark-haired, dark-skinned, slim and incredibly flexible, with pale green eyes of a snow leopard, for half a century she tirelessly, over and over again painted, painted with paints, rolled in plaster, marble, photographed.
1 2 3 4 5
The following mistake was made in the above sentence:
A) spelling
B) punctuation
C) speech
D) no errors
Ahead, slightly protruding to the road, stood a medium-sized, knee-bent black piebald birch, all sun-stitched, quivering from the warmth of languor and a light breath taking place in the crown. A B C D

TOTAL points _____________


I have prepared a lot of such tests. Students are happy to work on them, since they themselves understood their usefulness. Many of my graduates entered higher education schoolswith at least 70 points in the Russian language in the USE Certificate.

How to get the maximum score on the exam. Russian language. Solving tasks of increased and high level of complexity. Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P. and etc.

M .: 2015 .-- 160 p.

The proposed manual provides a description of the main types of tasks of an increased and high level of complexity used in the exam, provides the answers of graduates and comments on their assessment. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of tasks that caused the greatest difficulties, as well as typical mistakes made by graduates in different years. The manual is addressed to high school students, teachers and parents. It will help students test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - to assess the degree of achievement of the requirements educational standards individual students and provide them with targeted preparation for the exam.

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Features of the content examination work 3
Analysis of typical errors 5
Trainings 18
Keys 23
Essay-Reasoning Grading System 27
Typical mistakes when completing an assignment with a detailed answer 31
Assessment of the performance of the task with a detailed answer according to the criteria of 43
Graduate Memo 80
How to start an essay-reasoning 81
Arguing Your Position 87
Thematic block 1. Language and society 87
Thematic block 2. Art 91
Thematic block 3. Philosophy 95
Thematic block 4. War and peace 100
Thematic block 5. Society and politics 104
Thematic block 6. Nature and people 108
Thematic block 7. Science 113
Thematic block 8. Literature, books, reading 118
Attachment 1. Psychological preparation for exam 124
Appendix 2. Texts for multidimensional analysis 125
Appendix 3. Orthoepic vocabulary 149
Appendix 4. Dictionary of Paronyms 154
Appendix 5. Glossary of terms and concepts (subject) 156
Appendix 6. Glossary of terms and concepts (testology) 158

Unified State Exam in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be test, to choose one or more answers, open type (write the gap yourself).

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by a corresponding entry in the form of a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers) written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

The tasks of part 1 check the mastery of the educational material by the graduates both at the basic and at high levels of difficulty (tasks 7, 23-24).

The second part of - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

The task of part 2 (task 25 - composition) can be performed by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

Work is given 210 minutes - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part24 33 Short answer
Part 21 24 Detailed response
Total25 57

Score by assignments

Below I will give the "cost" of each task performed.

For the correct execution of each task first part (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack of it, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can get from 0 to 2 points.

The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

For completing task 7, you can get from 0 to 5 points.

For each correctly indicated number corresponding to the number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no mistakes; 4 points: one mistake was made; 3 points: two mistakes were made; 2 points: two numbers were indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of digits or its absence.

For completing task 24, you can get from 0 to 4 points. The answer is considered correct if it contains all the numbers from the standard and there are no other numbers.

The maximum number of points that an examiner can receive if he correctly completed the task second part , is 24 points.

For the correct execution of all tasks of the examination work, you can get the maximum 57 primary points .

Option 1


ein a word

A. press B. business

V. sweater G. terror

A. eighty-five B. lie down C. several paragraphs D. softest

Approaching the house

A. I felt cold

B. it started to rain.

Q. my bag fell.

G. I noticed that it started to rain.

A. Feedback on the abstract on Russian literature was given on time.

B. Whoever has been here, everyone was amazed at the corner of Russian nature, surrounded by a huge city.

B. In the painting, the morning landscape is illuminated by the first rays of the rising sun.

D. None of the classic writers who turned to the war pages of Russian history have created such a vivid image of a person in war as L. Tolstoy.

6. Indicate the correct description of the offer

Indeed, the range of his interests is enormous and is by no means limited to professional painting and mechanics.

A. complex non-union B. complex composition C. complex subordinate G. simple complicated

7. Which word has a root, one suffix and an ending?

A. Take offense B. Seventy C. Big-eyed D. Stronger

8. Determine the part of speech of the word FIRST in a sentence

The scientist was the first to describe this biological process.

A. adjective

B. adverb

Into a noun

G. numeral

9. In what row is the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root missing in all words?

A. att..stat, manage..stit, od..renny

B. enrichment, transfer..sit, d..movoy

V. och..bed, rare..llegia, welcome

G. help .. to .. compensation, r .. stock

10. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which НН is written?

The dying garden and the failed, even unnoticed (1) love - two inner (2) connections (3) themes - give the play by A.P. Chekhov a sad and poetic character.

A. 1.2 B. 2 C. 1.2.3 D. 1.3

11. In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

A. pr..dress up, pr.. priority, pr..schet

B. wh ... murmuring, no ... overthrow, work ...

V. can ... be, super..interesting, pre..unsky

G., oh..give, on..confirm

A. Sofya Nikolaevna is (not) very old.

B. (Don't) get upset over trifles

V. Victor (not) always called on time.

G. (Despite) the difficulties, we have coped.

13. In which sentence are the two selected words written separately?

A. (ON) PERSONALLY we peered into the distance, (IN) SECRETLY hoping to see the steamer.

B. The forest began (ON) to thin out a LITTLE, and through the trunks in some places peeped (NOT) FAR a plain.

C. (B) CONTINUING all life, one must learn to read AS (SAME) as one learns to understand music.

D. It was not easy for Elena Andreevna to manage the estate, (FOR) THIS elder brother was in charge of it, which (B) FULLY suited her.

The stones lay on the table (__) and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow

A. Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And you need a comma.

B. Compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

D. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND the comma is not needed.


A. And the spear and arrows and the drum were still in the tepee.

B. I go home and on the way once again think about everything from beginning to end.

B. The Byzantine army outnumbered the enemy both in numbers and in armament.

D. The phraseological unit may include obsolete words or words in a figurative sense.

In Japanese gardens (1) stones are often used (2) a bizarre shape (3) of which (4) reminds of eternity.

A. 1, 3, 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 2.4

Katya was preparing very seriously for the first exam in her life (1) and (2) when she was in the audience in front of the sitting teachers (3) she felt happy (4) because she had the opportunity to show off her accumulated knowledge.

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 4 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 3, 4

A. Coats of arms of Russian cities, which clearly and clearly reflect the natural features and lifestyle of the population, have their own history.

B. Of the parks and gardens, the palace and park ensemble of Maryino should be noted, which is an example of landscape gardening art of the early 19th century.

B. At the end of the twentieth century, several discussions took place on the problem of totalitarianism, during which approaches were found to solve this problem.

D. Several generations of the princes Baryatinsky collected rare art and historical values, which subsequently made up various collections of the palace in Maryino.

19. The branch of the science of language that studies parts of speech and their properties is

A. Morphology

B. Phonetics

B. Syntax

D. Spelling

20. Name the type of one-part sentences that denote the action or state of an indefinite person.

A. impersonal

B. denomination

B. definitely personal

D. Vaguely personal

21. State a non-declining noun

22. Mark the sentence in which there are no violations of speech norms.

A. The director is holding shots from a new motion picture, filmed at the Mosfilm studio.

B. The one who was inflamed was a thirst for revenge, the guest behaved more than quietly.

Q. It seems that you yourself become a participant in the described events.

G. Daredevils who try to climb the top of this mountain in winter conditions will pay with their lives.

23. Mark the sentence in which there are no violations of speech norms.

A. Having received recognition of the broad masses, it was decided to republish the book.

B. Not walking even a kilometer, he found that the path was overgrown with grass.

Q. Approaching the house, I felt scared at the thought that something might have happened there.

D. Idleness is a relative concept, and, sitting at home, it does not exist.

24. Mark the option where the norms of lexical combination of words are not violated.

A. The conversation that we had has come to its final end.

B. The external appearance of the heroine is quite attractive.

C. Air pollution is a burning and urgent problem of our century.

D. The name of Andrei Rublev is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

25. Mark the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used correctly.

A. The master talked heart to heart with his subordinates more than once.

B. The path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which they had just removed their legs.

C. The desire to study well he has, but not enough ability - that's where the dog is hidden

G. He did everything so as to run around his finger.

Option 2

1. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

A. beautiful B. Expert C. Alcohol 4) cheer up

2. A soft consonant is pronounced before e in a word

A. Shinel B. Asteroid

B. Dispensary G. Mayonnaise

3. Give an example with a misspelled word form.

A. is based on the truth B. from the bowels of the earth

B. Greatest success of G. out of twenty-two students

4. Specify grammatically correct continuation offers.

After reading the book,

A. I felt sad

B. I really liked her

V. it was decided to award the writer a prize

G. we decided to write an article about the writer

5. Specify an offer with grammatical error (in violation syntactic norm).

A. Thanks to books, the accumulated knowledge acquires the power of an avalanche, capable of overcoming any obstacle.

B. I dreamed of how everything would be beautiful in this world.

Q. We went to the friends who invited us to visit.

D. Those who read a lot do not make mistakes in written speech.

6. Indicate in which word the mistake was made

A. carving B. precedent C. splash D. patronize subordinates

Today in Russia there are already many audit firms and a system of independent audit control is being created, as well as the issues of training qualified auditors and licensing their activities.

A. compound, consisting of 3 parts

B. complex, consisting of three parts

B. simple with homogeneous members

G. complex with non-allied and allied communication between parts

8. Determine the part of speech of the word ACCEPTED in the sentence

A law has been passed that regulates the duties, rights and responsibilities of auditors.

AND . Verb

B. adjective

B. participle

D. gerunds

At the name of (1) dinner, taking place in the Rostovs' house, Natasha decides to be impudent: she loudly in front of all the guests asks her mother what will be the present (2) about ice (3).

A. 1 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 3 D. 1, 2, 3

10. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

A. Father ordered, (not) staying at the hotel, to go to the pier.

B. The house stood in the middle of the steppe, (not) fenced in.

Q. I had to explain once again the (not) understandable rule for the students.

D. But fear (not) gripped my soul.

A. ra ... follow, be ... promising, and ... languish

B. abate,, succeed

V. to .. talk, to .. break, oh .. give

G. post .. industrial, once..skat, super..exquisite

12. In which row is the same vowel missing in all words?

A. dist..pill, equivalent..valent,

B., juice..small,

V., different..mother, cr..terium

G. pr .. wise, unapproachable, extorted

A. (AND) SO I wanted to know this story to the end, that I sat down closer, THAT (WOULD) hear the narrator better.

B. In front of me was the SAME apartment, YES (SAME) small objects were in the same places.

Q. (NOT) LOOKING at all the attempts of city planners to develop this area, it was (SAME) deserted here, as several years ago.

D The blueberries (SAME) were in bloom, (FOR) WHAT some flowers had not yet opened.

14. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

Visitors to the gallery had already seen all the exhibits and were heading for the exit.

A. Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

B. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And the comma is not needed.

15. Indicate the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

A. Once upon a time, itinerant performers took bears and monkeys with them and performed tricks and acrobatic acts performed small plays and sang.

B. French revolution was not the result of a coincidence or the action of aggressive individuals.

B. Wooden and bronze sculptures and masks are striking in their expressiveness.

D. The shadows from the clouds glide now and then spread over narrow strips of black plowed fields.

16. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

The fashion for German resorts (1) was explained by the desire for Eden (2) the outlines (3) of which (4) appeared in the landscapes of the Rhine valley.

A. 1.2 B. 2 C. 3 D. 3.4

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

The territorial structure of the population and economy of foreign Europe took shape in the 19th century (1) when almost the main factor of location (2) was the natural resource (3) and (4) when the coal and metallurgical regions of Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland , Czech Republic, other countries.

A. 1 B. 1,2,3,4 C. 2, 3.4 D. 1, 4

18. In which sentence are the signs placed correctly?

A. Many ancient works that were rewritten in the eighth and ninth centuries have survived to our time.

B. In the summer of 1947, all the students of our workshop worked in Leningrad with G.M. Kozintsev, who shot the film "Pirogov" about the famous surgeon.

V. Biologist Malyshev conducted interesting observations, the results of which he presented a few years later in his first article "Topographic ability of insects."

G. Andryushin, who was constantly deafened by the thunderclaps, remained for a long time on the terrace admiring the dazzling flashes of lightning over the garden.

19. The section of the science of language that studies words and their meanings is called

A. morphology

B. vocabulary

B. punctuation

G. phonetics

20. Name the type of one-piece sentences in which the agent is not named, but is thought of as a certain person (the speaker or his interlocutors).

A. impersonal

B. denomination

B. definitely personal

D. Vaguely personal

21. Mark the sentence in which a comma is put in place of the gap:

A. Girls and boys (...) and their young teacher got lost in the forest.

B. The wind blew from a black cloud, carrying with it clouds of dust and the smell of rain (...) and wet earth.
B. Large white birds circle above the water (...) or sit down to rest on stones.
D. Good-looking face (...) but bad temper.

22. Mark the sentence where there are no violations of speech norms.

A. Birches are beautiful in spring in their wedding shroud.

B. The beauty of Russian nature has always inspired landscape painters.

Q. I decided to become an officer, because my father and grandfather are officers, and I want to continue the family dynasty.

D. At the last exhibition we were presented with a whole galaxy of new computers.

23. Mark the option where the norms of lexical combination of words are not violated.

A. Unrelenting Help B. Improve Skills

B. does not matter D. hidden threat

24. Mark phrases where there are no mistakes in the use of word forms.

A. clarification of mistakes

B. operate with accurate data

B. emphasize the need for construction

D. submit a book review

25. Mark the sentence where there is no mistake in the use of homogeneous terms.

A. The poet has no doubts and believes in victory over the autocracy.

B. The head of administration has the right to distribute and manage finances.

B. All research conducted in accordance with and based on the approved plan.

G. The scientist himself was organizing the scientific laboratory and directed it for all subsequent years.

Option 3

1. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

A. RINGS B. Cakes B. PulOver D. Means A

put on - put on

A. homonyms

B. paronyms

B. antonyms

G. synonyms

3. Give an example with a misspelled word form.

A. go home B. two hundred meters away C.) villagers D. a pair of shoes

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having told my story

A. it became dark outside the window

B. a smile appeared on his lips

V. Ivan significantly fell silent.

G. we liked her.

5. Indicate a sentence with a grammatical error (with a violation of the syntactic norm).

A. Those who know how to use a computer have access to a wide information field.

B. Most of the high school students who passed the tests were admitted to the exams.

Q. It was not reconnaissance in force, but a real battle.

G. Open letter cultural figures to the Russian Government was published in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets".

We have learned to work

A. compound nominal

B. compound verb

B. simple verb

7. Indicate the correct description of the proposal

Later, when they learned how to make glass and grind mirrors from it, they noticed that the same color system is often visible at the edges of the mirror as in the rainbow.

A. complex

B. compound

B. complex non-union

G. simple complicated

8. Indicate the part of speech of the word SUPPLY in the sentence

Placing a triangular glass prism in the path of the beam, Newton found that the beam was deflected towards the base of the prism, and thus the white light was decomposed into different colors.

AND . Verb

B. adjective

B. participle

D. gerunds

9. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which one letter H is written?

This picture, gifted to (1) her father a few years ago by the (2) tribe (3) ik, was inserted (4) into a simple frame.

A. 2, 3, 4 B. 1,2,3 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 2, 3

10. When is the synonym chosen incorrectly?

A. Rider - rider B. natural - natural

B. Hot - sultry D. Responsive - observant

11. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

A. be..taste, cut, throw

B. ave .. calmly, ave .. city, ave .. educate

V. po..kop,,

G. without..skinny, from..granny, super..famous

12. In which sentence NOT with a word is written together?

A. Be controversial in business, and (not) fast.

Q. People who (have not) seen our winter are unlikely to understand the Russian character.

G. (Not) everyone is capable of behaving so naturally.

13. In what sentence are both selected words written together?

A. (IN) BEGINNING literary work each success reduces the exactingness of oneself, but one must ask fate that (WOULD) it be stricter.

B. The seller is given the right to early delivery of the goods, WHEN (WHAT) the buyer is obliged to accept the goods, and ALSO pay its cost on the terms of the concluded contract.

Q. The river was still noisy (SAME) evenly, wide, and (ON) STILL golden sharp sparks flickered on its stretch.

D. Stained glass art evolved (NOT) IMMEDIATELY, (AT) IN THE BEGINNING it was a transparent mosaic of colored glass.

14. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

The day was coming to an end (...) and it was possible to return to the village

B. Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

B. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

D. Compound sentence, before the union And you need a comma.

15. Indicate the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

A. The oldest herbarium was collected at the beginning of the sixteenth century and is still kept in Rome.

B. In the winter I went hunting or fishing or skiing.

B. For an observant person in the taiga, there are many interesting things both in summer and in winter.

G. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren dispersed along the whole river.

16. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

That girl (1) whose smile (2) seemed to him the most charming (3) and cute (4) he never met again

A 1.3 B. 1 C. 4 D. 2, 4

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Peter sensitively listened to the sounds (1) of music pouring out of the window (2) and he became extremely bitter and hurt for the misunderstanding (3) that exists in relations between people.

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3 C. 3 D. 2, 3

18. In which sentence are the signs placed correctly?

A. B Kievan Rus a special eloquence was born, which pursued the goals of moral instruction and education.

B. The symbols used by the artist K. Vasiliev in the painting "Invasion" can be interpreted in different ways.

C. The scientific text reflects the author's complex thought processes, which are implemented in the form of judgments and inferences.

G. Freedom, about which the hero A.I. Solzhenitsyn Bobynin is by no means external, but internal.

19. The branch of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech is

A. morphology

B. vocabulary

B. punctuation

G. phonetics

20. Name the type of one-piece sentences in which the existence, existence of objects or phenomena is affirmed.

A. impersonal

B. denomination

B. definitely personal

D. Vaguely personal

21. In which sentence should you put a colon (no punctuation marks)?

A. My bonfire shines in the fog, sparks go out on the fly.
B. Do not promise a crane in the sky, give a titmouse in your hands.
B. Sea port city mountain everything turned into a dull darkness, gusty from the wind.
D. People behaved differently, some looked around restlessly, others seemed to have frozen.

22. In which sentence should you put a colon (no punctuation marks)?

A. The whole city there is such a swindler sitting on a swindler and chasing a swindler.

B. A light rain sows in the morning it is impossible to go out.

V. I will conceive big rivers for a long time, I will hide them under oppression.

D. To the right was a swampy, impenetrable forest on the left, reddish pillars of cliffs.

23. In which sentence is a comma in place of the gap?

A. The sun spots were on the floor, then poured onto the counter, onto the wall and completely disappeared; then the sun had already bowed at noon.

B. The main thing in poetry is not the richness of sounds and colors, but the captivating power and beauty of the poet's winged soul.

Q. I talked about everything, and about sports_ in particular.

D. The long separation did not cool their feelings at all, but on the contrary, they became even more attached to each other.

24. The text below refers to the following style of speech:

1) official business;

2) scientific;

3) journalistic;

4) artistic.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy of interaction. The specificity of communication is determined by the fact that in its process the subjective world of one person is revealed to another. In communication, a person self-determines and self-presents, revealing his individual characteristics.

25. Mark the sentence in which speech norms are not violated

A. Gracefully and simply, the skaters solved this difficult problem and put an end to it.

B. Escorted our tourist group to last way cheerfully and believed in her early return.

Q. And this time my friend did not hit his face in the mud and came out the winner in the most difficult boxing match.

D. The graduates, joyful and happy, sang their swan song at parting.

Option 4

1. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

A. Percent B. Shoe C. Position D. Deepen

2. Determine the lexical category of a pair of words rich - poor

A. homonyms

B. paronyms

B. antonyms

G. synonyms

3. Give an example with a misspelled word form.

A. no two hundred rubles B. is longer C. the most important D. their work

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Accepting the serve of the opponents

A. The ball must not fall on your court.

B. your task is to pick up the ball and hit it on the "alien" half of the court.

V. is always more difficult.

D. Consider the trajectory of the ball.

5. Determine the way of word formation of the word forest-steppe

A. Suffixal

B. Addition

B. Prefixed

6. Determine the type of predicate in the sentence

The house was built for several years

A. compound nominal

B. compound verb

B. simple verb

7. Indicate the correct description of the proposal

I was convinced that everything was not done in vain.

A. complex

B. compound

B. complex non-union

G. simple complicated

8. Indicate the part of speech of the word IMPACT in the sentence

By influencing the opinions of others, he easily achieved success.

AND . Verb

B. adjective

B. participle

D. gerunds

9. Select the line of words with -НН-.

A. Potatoes baked ... in ash, dried ... mushrooms boiled in the sun.

B. Seyan ... th, veyan ... th.

V. Scarecrow ... th, beautiful ... th.

G. Smoked ... th, stewed ... th.

10. In which row is the same vowel missing in all words?

A. subtitle .. third, b .. arty, touch .. touch

B. ed .. drug, mind .. eat (meaning), incarnation.

V. otr ... sl, z..rya, ell..gat

G. x..meleon, op..edit, g..ryuchy

11. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

A. and .. spoiled, indisputable, damaged

B. pr .. to bring, pr .. to screw, pr .. garden

V. po..assembly, pre..signed, about..loading

G. no..similarity,, inter..institutional

12. In which sentence NOT with a word is written separately?

A. There was still rainwater (not) absorbed by the soil along the tracks.

B. The almost (in) audible murmur of water attracted Lisa.

B. The next year I.S. Turgenev writes a story about (un) held love.

D. The sun beats down - to breathe already (not) with anything.

13. In what sentence are both selected words written together?

A. (B) OVERALL LIFE S. Richter toured a lot in different countries of the world, (WHEN) WHAT he considered the most interesting of his tour was a concert trip across Russia.

B. The poem "Mountain Road" is perceived in a completely (OTHERWISE) DIFFERENT, (OWNED) THAT the feelings of anxiety, sadness, sadness come to the fore in it.

V. (IN) TIMES A.S. Pushkin on the St. Petersburg stage, the ballerina A.I. Istomina. She shines the SAME and in "Eugene Onegin".

G. (V) VISU of the refractoriness and high chemical resistance of platinum from it laboratory glassware, and SO (SAME) corrosion-resistant parts of the apparatus.

14. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

The sun shines especially brightly today and blinds the eyes.

A. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And the comma is not needed.

B. Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed.

B. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

D. Compound sentence, before the union And you need a comma.

15. Indicate the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

A. You cannot educate or re-educate a person in one word.

B. He looked first at the wet mossy ground, then at the cautious Caress, then at the dim sky.

Q. On long evenings I listened to fairy tales and countless stories of coachmen and postmen.

D. Shamrock can be found both in swampy meadows and along the shores of overgrown lakes.

16. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

Grinev sets out in detail (1) only those events (2) witnessed (3) of which (4) he himself (5) and briefly retells the rest from the words of other characters.

A. 1.4 B. 2, 4 C. 2, 5 D. 3, 5

17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

The park (1) which was next to the house (2) was never empty (3) and we often met there (4) and walked all evening.

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. 2, 4 D. 1, 3

18. In which sentence are the signs placed correctly?

A. For half a century, there was no such artist who could adequately embody the mighty and mysterious image of Lermontov's Demon.

B. The purpose of the abstract is to convey the basic information that is contained in the refereed document.

V. Central characters in F.M. Dostoevsky's are always heroes-ideologists captured by some philosophical problem or idea.

D. A scientific text reflects the author's complex thought processes, which are realized in the form of judgments and inferences.

19. The branch of the science of language that studies the composition of the word is ...

A. morphemics

B. vocabulary

B. punctuation

G. phonetics

20. Name the type of one-piece sentences that speak of an action or state that occurs and exists regardless of the manufacturer.

A. impersonal

B. denomination

B. definitely personal

D. Vaguely personal

21. Indicate which of the listed signs is not related to the verb.

A. Conjugation B. Face. B. Declination. E. Inclination.

22. Mark the sentence in which the speech norms are not violated

A. Everyone believed in the victory of our hockey players, but they were defeated.

B. Special attention at the congress was given to the problems of youth.

B. The overwhelming majority of team meetings took place in a bitter struggle.

D. It's time to take stock of the meeting: our team is ahead

23. Mark the sentence where there are no errors in construction complex sentences.

A. Many believed that this plant could not fulfill the plan.

B. The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work.

V. Than easier word, the more accurate it is, the more correctly it is put, the more it gives the phrase convincing.

D. The books of writers that reflect our modernity enjoy an invariable success.

24. Mark the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used correctly.

A. He took the lion's share of the inheritance

B. He is not a bad artist, but the technique of drawing is poor.

V. They searched, looked for them, but never found them, they seemed to have sunk through the ground.

D. He did not want to say this, but an unexpected word burst from his tongue.

25. Which sentence does not contain speech errors?

A. Our compatriot was the first in the race.

B. We are not always able to prevent danger

B. You must pay for your studies before the end of this month.

G. The writer was accurate and economical in artistic means.